Hey You Guys! As a member of a military family, you’re a real hero. SPECIAL EDITION

You may think we’ve Chorus: Chorus: got a superpower You gotta let it out! We’ve gotta let it out! But guess what— Let it out! Let it out! you’ve got it, too! Get it off of your chest. Get it off of our chests. Let it out! Let it out! You’ve got the power Let it out! Let it out! to choose the words You’ve got the words to express. We’ve got the words to express. To say what you’re Let it out! Let it out! For goin’ through. Let it out! Let it out! You can’t keep it inside. We can’t keep it inside. Let it out! Let’s say you’re feeling mad. Let it out! Let it out! I mean really, really mad. Let it out! Military We’ve got nothing to hide. Like there’s smoke pouring out of your ears. You’ve got nothing to hide. We can feel: And your fists are clenched You could be feeling sad— You miss your mom or your dad. Happy! Elated! Kids! And your face is scrunched And you feel like you could shout for years. Well here are some words you could try: Annoyed! Frustrated! Frightened or filled You could say: I’m sad. with love. I’m mad. I’m bummed out. Grumpy! Confused! I’m angry. I feel crummy, upset, and alone. Silly! Amused! Annoyed, frustrated, and furious. Sometimes I just count the days And sometimes all ‘Til you get to come home. the above! Our you could say, “I’m infuriated!” That also means mad if you’re curious. But if you’re feeling happy Chorus: And your mood is sort of snappy We’ve gotta let it out! Here are some words that could fly: Let it out! Get it off of our chests. I’m happy Let it out! Delighted. Let it out! Overjoyed and filled with glee. We’ve got the words to express. I’m feeling really proud. Let it out! ’Cause you’re a hero to me. Let it out! Let It We can’t keep it inside. All you military kids Let it out! say yeah! Let it out! Out! All you military kids We’ve got nothing to hide. say hey! We’re proud to serve And we’ve gotta be heard Love the Let it Out Song lyrics?— ’Cause we’ve all got something to say! check out the video at familiesnearandfar.org Open It Up For more electric fun, visit pbskidsgo.org/electriccompany Turn It ON!

Create your own song

Get interviewed by Little Mean Robot

Lewis Bernstein, Ph.D Written by Rebecca Honing, Two Kazoos Executive Vice President Edited by Kama Einhorn Make your own Education, Research and Outreach Designed by Stephanie Nass Siegel Electric Family Tree Jeanette Betancourt, Ed.D. and Oona Stern SVP, Outreach and Educational Practices Copy Edited by Diane Feldman Lynn Chwatsky EVP, Educational Outreach Find hidden clues Randell M Bynum L.M.S.W. Director, The Electric Company Outreach 1

How Are YOU Hey You Guys! Feeling TODAY?

We, the members of The Electric Company, are heroes in our community. But so are you. As a member of a military family, you’re a real hero. You’re strong and brave (even if you don’t feel that way all the time)! Calm Startled Cheerful Disappointed

Us Electric Company kids all have special word powers. And so do you. Words have power, and finding the right word makes a big difference when you face all kinds of challenges.

Content Sad Concerned Silly In this magazine, you’ll hang out with us heroes and play with words. Look for important and useful words bolded throughout.

Hope you love it—how could you not?

Worried Jubilant Tense Confident 2 3 MOUNTAIN Maze Jessica SAYS Every few weeks, Lisa sends us a maze of the places she’s been. Draw a line leading her The Electric Company is really close. We depend to where she’s doing a science experiment all about wind. on each other and we hang out every day. A few months ago, Lisa left to travel around the world to do amazing science experiments. It’s super sad. We really miss Lisa. So we Web chat with her once a week, send her photos, and e-mail jokes back and forth. And every Monday, we order her favorite lunch at the diner and tell our best Lisa stories.

“My mom travels so far away for her job. YOU Say But e-mail gets to her so fast! I write her e-mails almost every day. Once, I scanned a test that I got an A+ on, and I sent it to her in an e-mail. ”

Your Story Ping-Pong JOURNAL it One person writes one sentence (the How did you feel when someone close went TURN! beginning to a story) and e-mails it to Bridge the distance far away? Use these story starters to tell about it. someone else in the family. That person with far-away family members by playing adds a sentence and sends it back. Go some of these games: back and forth until you have an ending! When left, I felt . Camera Twenty Questions For a while it was hard to Games . The next time you Web chat, play 20 questions. Have one person think of a It helps me feel close to Give each member in your family a picture challenge, favorite memory that you’ve shared such as “Take a picture of your together and keep it to themselves. Then when I . feet,” or “Take a picture of the the rest of the family can ask “yes” or “no” moon out your window,” or questions (Was it this year? Was it last year? “Take a picture of your favorite Was it a holiday? Was it in our home state? Even when we are far apart, I know we will thing.” Then share your photos and so on) until they name the memory. in e-mails or letters. always . 4 5

Marcus SAYS What’s the funniest thing you have ever seen? I know what you’re thinking:    ASK “That Marcus is so cool!” But when I first moved  If you were an animal, what Away to Electric City, I didn’t feel very cool. It was a  animal would you be? totally new place. I didn’t know anyone. I was so  nervous about meeting people that I kept   If you could make the best ice

tripping and bumping into things. When I met  cream sundae ever, what flavors Asking questions is a great Jessica for the first time and she asked me my  and toppings would you use? way to get to know someone or find name, I accidentally said, “My name’s moo moo  out new things about an old friend. blah blah.” Seriously, I was a mess. What smell makes you happy? Try asking someone these questions. Then your friend can ask you. If you were going to a deserted YOU Say island, what would you bring? If you could have magical “When my dad got his new assignment  powers, what would they be? and we moved to a new base, I had to make  new friends in school. I told myself that I had   to be courageous, just like he had to be brave  Story doing his job.” Your FIND: STARTER Help Marcus meet Jessica. Give him some things The tallest thing to say by filling in the speech bubbles. He might introduce himself and tell her his favorite sport TURN! Four nice places to just sit and talk or his favorite food. Or he can ask her a to your neighbor- The quietest place question like, “Where do you go to school?” Are you new hood? Even if you’ve lived there The loudest place

awhile, how well do you really A place where an animal lives know it? Go on this neighbor-

hood scavenger hunt and find A place where you can see the sun set the following things: The best place to toss a ball Your favorite tree  (if you don’t have one, find one!) A building with lots of windows A street sign with at least one of the letters in your name 6 7 Keith SAYS This will really test your tongue. Beat box each of these sounds below (chant Sometimes music can be the best way to say what Beat Box it to a beat). As you do, try to find the sounds you’re feeling. Last year, I wanted to tell my dad how that can combine together to make a word. amazing I thought he was, but I just couldn’t come out Write all the words you make on the lines. and say it. I felt shy and uncomfortable. I could CHALLENGE never seem to find the right words. So, I tried saying it in a song, and it worked. Now I have a way to let people know what’s on my mind: I sing!

He’s not the only one! Shock SAYS I get out all my feelings ill ring through music. For me, sk beat boxing isn’t just fun, ate in it’s how I express myself. sp unk and “When my mom was deployed, YOU Say her birthday was like the next week! st eech rong I sent her an e-card with a song in it. I wish I could’ve sung it to her in person, but it was the next best thing. And we made a cake for her at home anyway and sent her pictures of us eating it.”

Fill in the blank Ask everyone in your family to choose a spaces to make DJ song that tells how they are feeling and WRITE a Song your own music— play it for everyone on the phone or in person. then sing it to As you listen, talk together about the music any tune or beat each person chose and why. I felt yesterday. you want. Your I had something to say. I wanted to know how I feel. TURN! Play a favorite song Music is a great way So I at home. Frozen Words and get everyone to express feelings and have dancing. Every minute or so, stop the song and

And I on the phone. fun. The next time you’re tell everyone to “freeze.” As people stand with family or friends, try And let everyone know I was for real. frozen, they take turns calling out the first word one of these games. that comes to mind. Then start the music and I said is what I’m thinking about. dance again. Dance, freeze, share a word! And are the words I want to shout. And is what I really know. And is where I want to go. 8 9 Hang with Hector. Color in the stars with Hector SAYS st- (you know…as in stress!) until you get HECTOR’S all the way to the hoop. Lisa and I have a lot going on. I work at the diner, go to Sure Shot college, help out with my little sister, and keep the neighbor- hood safe from the Pranksters. I’m happy I get to do so many different kinds of things, but it can be really stressful!

And I’m traveling all over the world studying Lisa SAYS and working harder than I’ve ever worked before. With all this responsibility, it can be hard to remember to have fun and take care of ourselves. So we keep calendars that remind us to relax and enjoy something every day.

“I know my dad’s job is stressful. But I feel kinda stressed out myself sometimes! YOU Say I tell myself he is doing his service to his country, and I am doing my service to my family by helping out at home.”

HECTOR’S WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY shoot drink a read my call a hang just listen hoops smoothie favortie friend with relax to Make breakfast together comic Shock music Create a family collage using pictures LISA’S WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Your you find online or in magazines dance go for play the read my visit write a just a hike guitar favorite friends letter relax Take a walk together book TURN! Make up a song about the moon Wear your pajamas all day long Your family can take time to enjoy each other in the Build a fort Make a PLAN following ways: Give an extra long hug What will you do to relax this week? Will you eat something special, play a game, Pick a time every day that each go for a walk? Make a plan to do something you enjoy every day, and write it below. member in your family will say a silly phrase or look at a silly family photo. You’ll all have fun together no matter where you are. 10 11 Danny Rebus SAYS WHAT’S I have something to tell you. I know it’s not nice, but... when I feel left out, I make trouble. One time I thought Danny Rebus +e feeling out Hector didn’t want me on his ping-pong team, so I tried to ruin the whole game. It turned out that I had it all wrong. THINKING? Hector did like playing with me. When we finally got around to talking about it, I felt a lot better. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s really on Danny’s mind. Solve th+ +s R cute these rebus puzzles, and you’ll see “My dad sends us photos and I look at them closely. what he’s really thinking. He’s all dressed up in his uniform. I always wonder what

YOU Say nice] really is Company Electric The friends,

he is thinking. We send him photos of us, too. Even if we my love I cute, are kittens think I out, left feeling hate I [answers: are smiling, I think he knows we are a little sad because we miss him.” –g my friends

What do you think Danny is feeling in each of these pictures? Write his feelings on the lines. What are some The Electric Com +y is really n+ THE Many Faces ways he might try to express his feelings? Then fill in the blank space with a picture of how you feel. Here are Do you know what OF some feelings you might choose from, but you can think a mood-dude or Danny mood-o-sphere is? of your own, too: nervous, angry, sad, happy, • With a grown-up Rebus scared, worried, excited check out our FREE Feel Electric app at Keep a stack of index cards and a pen next to iTunes.com or a basket or box. Once in a while, pick up a card and market.android.com! write or draw how you feel. Every few days, look through the cards together as a family and talk about the different things that have been on your mind.

Read stories about characters who might be experiencing the same things you are. Talk about the characters and how you are the same or different.

Your Enjoy art projects together and use markers, clay, and other supplies to show your feelings. TURN! Make up a play or puppet show about something that may be difficult to talk about. Investigate the emotion

behind the action. Play emotional charades. Give everyone our Try talking about y the chance to act out different emotions and feelings with some of the experiences that may cause those feelings. these activities: The group tries to guess the situation and the feelings. 12 13 Manny SAYS Help Manny discover the words to express Finding the himself. Find and circle I know you think I’m tough. I know you might even these eight feeling think I’m mean. Guess what? I’m actually kind of a nice RIGHT WORDS words below. guy. I just don’t like people to know it. But just ask the Little Mean Robot. I always tell him what I’m feeling.

“Manny is really very sweet.” lonely confused “When I video chat with my dad, goofy I always tell him every single detail of glad what happened that day, even if I had YOU Say a bad day. My mom told me it’s okay hurt to share that stuff, even if we want concerned assure him everything’s fine at home without him.” surprised shy

Manny’s robot always asks him INTERVIEW WITH how he’s feeling. Now it’s your turn. Write your answers to the Little Mean Robot robot’s questions in the spaces below. Camera: Take pictures of family members making all How was your day? types of faces (see page 1). Look at the faces together, Your and try to name the feeling. Which one shows how you feel right now? What is one good thing TURN! that happened today? Music player: Make a playlist of songs that in some Gadgets can be great for getting way describe your week, and play it for a family member. conversations What is one bad thing OR…Make Your Own Low-Tech Fun! that happened today? going. Go to pbs.org/teachers/electriccompany/#guide and click “Popsicle Stick Puppets.” Print out the photos, cut out the character photos, and glue a craft stick to each. Make up a puppet show about something that happened this week. What is one surprising thing that happened today?

What do you hope will happen tomorrow? 14 Test your persistence. Stare at this 15 INTERVIEW WITH the Pranksters picture of the kitchen of The Electric Diner T R Y, for a minute. Then close the magazine and, Gilda: Is being a Prankster the most amazing thing in the world? TryAGAIN on a separate piece of paper, try to list 10 Francine: It’s totally fabulous! items in the picture. If you can’t name 10, don’t worry; give the picture another look, and then try again. Try until you get 10. Annie: Yeah, it’s really great. Except for when our pranks don’t work.

Francine: When our pranks don’t work, it’s really hard.

Annie: And our pranks don’t work a lot of the time.

Francine: We have to be very persistent.

Annie: We have to try, and then try again, and again, and again.... That’s a lot of trying! Francine: It can be frustrating.

Annie: But we keep going.

“Sometimes if I had a bad day, I try to remember I’m a hero. My mom is serving our YOU Say country so she’s a hero, but I’m a hero, too, for supporting her and helping take care of my little sister at home.”

Draw a picture of a time that you felt frustrated, like Anne Frustration and Francine. What helped you STATION feel better? Take a few deep breaths Count to 10 Yo u r Step away from the thing that is frustrating and then return in a few minutes TURN! Ask yourself, “Is there another way The next time you to do this?” feel frustrated, here Shake it off with a wiggle are some thing you Scream or yell into a pillow could try: Ask for help Talk it out 16 TEAM Crossword 17 We’re a TEAM No matter what happens, we’re a team. It takes friendship to power The Electric Company. We each have special skills, but we’d never get anywhere without each other.

Use the clues to fill in the names for each friend in the picture puzzle below.

“My dad works with the rest of his team to serve his country, and my family and all his friends are part of his team, too. And YOU Say here at home, we rely on each other the same way he relies on his team over there.” Your 1. Gather white paper, cotton swabs, and one TURN! of the following: lemon juice, grapefruit juice, or milk. Electric Thank You: Thank people who have 2. Use a cotton swab to write “THANK YOU” on the paper Who’s on your team? been there for your family with the lemon juice, grapefruit juice, or milk. Keep writing;

ElectricIn the spaces below, draw FAMILY pictures of friends Treeand family on whom you rely. with a super-secret sign your names, and then decorate the page any way you invisible message. like. (You won’t be able to see you wrote.) Let dry. 3. Give the secret message to its recipient (make sure there is a grown-up there to do the next part). Tell the recipient to hold up the “invisible” message to a light bulb, lightly rub

Did you know you can against the bulb, and watch the message appear! (For faster feel the power of words results, the recipient can sandwich the paper between a with a mobile app? folded paper grocery bag and rub with a medium-hot iron.) • With a grown-up check out our FREE Feel Electric app at iTunes.com or market.android.com! Hey You Guys! As a member of a military family, you’re a real hero. SPECIAL EDITION

You may think we’ve Chorus: Chorus: got a superpower You gotta let it out! We’ve gotta let it out! But guess what— Let it out! Let it out! you’ve got it, too! Get it off of your chest. Get it off of our chests. Let it out! Let it out! You’ve got the power Let it out! Let it out! to choose the words You’ve got the words to express. We’ve got the words to express. To say what you’re Let it out! Let it out! For goin’ through. Let it out! Let it out! You can’t keep it inside. We can’t keep it inside. Let it out! Let’s say you’re feeling mad. Let it out! Let it out! I mean really, really mad. Let it out! Military We’ve got nothing to hide. Like there’s smoke pouring out of your ears. You’ve got nothing to hide. We can feel: And your fists are clenched You could be feeling sad— You miss your mom or your dad. Happy! Elated! Kids! And your face is scrunched And you feel like you could shout for years. Well here are some words you could try: Annoyed! Frustrated! Frightened or filled You could say: I’m sad. with love. I’m mad. I’m bummed out. Grumpy! Confused! I’m angry. I feel crummy, upset, and alone. Silly! Amused! Annoyed, frustrated, and furious. Sometimes I just count the days And sometimes all ‘Til you get to come home. the above! Our you could say, “I’m infuriated!” That also means mad if you’re curious. But if you’re feeling happy Chorus: And your mood is sort of snappy We’ve gotta let it out! Here are some words that could fly: Let it out! Get it off of our chests. I’m happy Let it out! Delighted. Let it out! Overjoyed and filled with glee. We’ve got the words to express. I’m feeling really proud. Let it out! ’Cause you’re a hero to me. Let it out! Let It We can’t keep it inside. All you military kids Let it out! say yeah! Let it out! Out! All you military kids We’ve got nothing to hide. say hey! We’re proud to serve And we’ve gotta be heard Love the Let it Out Song lyrics?— ’Cause we’ve all got something to say! check out the video at familiesnearandfar.org Open It Up For more electric fun, visit pbskidsgo.org/electriccompany Turn It ON!

Create your own song

Get interviewed by Little Mean Robot

Lewis Bernstein, Ph.D Written by Rebecca Honing, Two Kazoos Executive Vice President Edited by Kama Einhorn Make your own Education, Research and Outreach Designed by Stephanie Nass Siegel Electric Family Tree Jeanette Betancourt, Ed.D. and Oona Stern SVP, Outreach and Educational Practices Copy Edited by Diane Feldman Lynn Chwatsky EVP, Educational Outreach Find hidden clues Randell M Bynum L.M.S.W. Director, The Electric Company Outreach