Notes The

1792- Monarchy is abolished (no more king & queen)

1793-(January) King Louis XVI is executed (October) Queen executed

WHY were the King & Queen executed? • In 1792 the royal family attempted to escape . • They were caught two miles from the border. • Tried & convicted of

Second Phase (RADICAL)  The Reign of Terror • 300,000 arrested • 17,000+ killed

WHY? They were seen as a threat to the revolution. • Go against ideas of the revolution • Wanting to reinstate monarchy

WHO was in charge of carrying out Reign of Terror? • Committee of Public Safety created to deal with threats o France . Internal Threats- changing of new government . External Threats- European countries like Great Britain, Spain, Russia, and attacked France

• Committee of Public Safety o Made up of12 member committee o Force all people to pay taxes in order to pay for war o Robespierre becomes leader o In charge & carry out the trials and executions

1794 (July 28)- Robespierre is killed

Third Phase Directory 1795-1799 • Moved away from radicalism • Moderate bourgeoisie take control of the Directory o Executive Branch (5 man) o Two House Legislature o Both were weak and non-influential

1 Notes The French Revolution

Fourth and Final Phase  Age of 1799-1815 • Napoleon overthrows the directory in 1799 and crowns himself emperor of France in 1804. He rose through the ranks of the military and become well known as a war hero. • Created a national banking system, an efficient tax-collection system, and the Napoleonic Code of Law. • Lost to the slaves in Saint Domingue • Sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States in 1803 • Waged the Battle of Trafalgar but was unsuccessful and was forced to live with the idea that he could not physically beat the British Navy

Napoleon’s 3 Main Mistakes

1. Continental System- • Napoleon’s issues a blockade but some countries continue to trade • British create their blockade to hurt the British economy but instead it hurts the French economy.

2. Peninsular War- (Iberian Peninsula) • Spain & Portugal • French army enters Spain to get to Portugal • Napoleon overthrows the Spanish King, which upsets many people. • They were fearful that the would be taken away. • Guarrila warfare- hit & run raids by militia’s o 300,000 French solders dies o Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena & dies

3. Napoleon invades Russia • French army gets to Russia in the winter • Scorched-Earth-Policy (burned, destroy, killed all crops, cattle & houses • Starts with 500,000 returns with 10,000 • Napoleon & his army are very weak • British conquer & exile Napoleon to Elba Island • Returns from exile • 100 days of power • Fights the British at the Battle of Water Lou (last battle)