Міністерство освітиi науки України


Навчально-науковий інститут переробних і харчових виробництв

Кафедра мовної підготовки

Т. В. Герасимчук, Т. Л. Полякова


Навчально-методичний посібник

Харків 2020

Міністерство освітиi науки України


Навчально-науковий інститут переробних і харчових виробництв

Кафедра мовної підготовки

Т. В. Герасимчук, Т. Л. Полякова


Англійська мова професійного спрямування для студентів денної та заочної форм навчання першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти спеціальності 192 Будівництво та цивільна інженерія

Навчально-методичний посібник

Затверджено рішенням Науково-методичної ради ННІ ПХВ ХНТУСГ Протокол № 9 від 25.05.2020

Харків 2020 УДК 72.023=111

Схвалено на засіданні кафедри мовної підготовки Протокол № 10 від 20.05.2020 р.

Professional English for building and architecture: навч.-метод. посіб.для студентів денної та заочної форм навчання першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освітиспеціальності 192 Будівництво та цивільна інженерія/ Харків. нац. техн. у-н сільс. госп-ва ім. П. Василенка; уклад. Т. В. Герасимчук, Т. Л. Полякова. – Харків : ХНТУСГ, 2020. – 211 с.

Мета навчально-методичного посібника – формування і розвиток навичок професійно-орієнтованої комунікації, швидкого і точного розуміння автентичної літератури з будівництва. Навчальний посібник складається з трьох розділів, в яких детально розглянуті історичний контекст архітектури, сучасні будівельні матеріали і конструкції цивільних будівель. Видання призначене студентам першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти, другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти, аспірантам денної та заочної форм навчання спеціальності 192 Будівництво та цивільна інженерія.


В. В. Самаріна, канд. філол. наук, доцент кафедри ділової іноземної мови та перекладу Харківського національного університету «Харківський політехнічний інститут»;

О. В. Мокроменко, канд. пед.. наук, доцент кафедри мовної підготовки Харківського національного технічного університету сільського господарства імені П. Василенка.

Відповідальний за випуск: Т. Л. Полякова, канд. філол. наук, доцент

© Герасимчук Т.В.,ПоляковаТ.Л.,2020 © ХНТУСГ, 2020



Навчальний посібник розроблено для студентів денної та заочної форм навчання спеціальності 192 Будівництво та цивільна інженерія. Навчальний посібник складено згідно з програмою дисципліни. Навчальний посібниксприяє активному розвитку професійно орієнтованої іншомовної міжкультурної комунікативної, соціокультурної, фахової, навчальної та методичної компетенцій. Однією з цілей методичних вказівок є розвиток навичок читання, перекладу, письма та реферування аутентичних текстів за темою будівництво та цивільна інженерія. Інша ціль – це навчання як професійному, так і побутовому спілкуванню англійською мовою, чого вимагає програма з англійської мови для немовних вузів. Приділяється увага розвитку мислення студентів на основі виконання різноманітних лексико-граматичних вправ, які спрямовані на оволодіння професійною лексикою з зазначеної тематики. Значний наголос робиться на розвиток та поширення лінгвокраїнознавчих знань, що пов’язано з розвитком співробітництва між європейськими вищими навчальними закладами та мобільністю студентів. Навчальний посібник містить завдання для аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів. У розділах вміщено творчі завдання з розвитку монологічного і діалогічного мовлення в іншомовному професійному середовищі. Структура навчального посібника. Навчальний посібник складається з чотирьох розділів (Sections), додатка (Appendix)і списку використаної літератури (References). Перший розділ включає шість уроків (Units), які орієнтують студентів на знання історії архітектури. У другому розділі (шість уроків) розглянуті основні будівельні матеріали (глина, гірські породи, камінь, метал, деревина, залізобетон). Третій розділ (чотири уроки) знайомить студентів з архітектурою цивільних будівель (фундаменти, підлоги,стіни, стелі). Кожен урок, в свою чергу, складається з трьох частин (Parts): основна частина (Part 1), яка містить основний текст і вправи, підібрані за принципом наростання професійної інформації на основі ретельно відібраної термінології; друга частина (Part 2), яка містить текст для додаткового читання, який є матеріалом для самостійної роботи студентів та який присвячений практичним питанням процесу будівництва (форма, базова математика, масштаб, ескіз і т.д.); третя частина (Part 3)включає в себе відеоролик по тематиці текста основної частини, а також завдання


комунікативної спрямованості. Четвертий розділ складається з 12 уроків (Units), які містять основні теоретичні відомості з граматики англійської мови та систему вправ на закріплення вивчених граматичних структур. Тексти до всіх розділів навчального посібника добиралися відповідно до задач навчання та виховання, які стоять перед дисципліною «іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням», а також із урахуванням вікових особливостей та інтелектуального рівня студентів. Всі тексти несуть лінгвокраїнознавчу інформацію за спеціальністю Будівництво та цивільна інженерія. Основними критеріями відбору матеріалів посібника є інформативність, пізнавальність, науковий інтерес. Мовні моделі, що існують, сприяють розвитку навичок діалогічного, полілогічного та монологічного мовлення. Додаток представляє собою таблицю неправильних дієслів. Даний навчальний посібник призначений для студентів будівельних спеціальностей технічних вузів, рекомендовано слухачам курсу «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням», а також адресоване широкому колу професіоналів, чия діяльність пов'язана з міжнародним співробітництвом.



History of Architecture (Part 1)

Task I. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: ancient ['eɪn(t)ʃ(ə)nt] древній; старовинний, старий; античний (adj) architecture ['ɑːkɪtekʧə] архітектура; зодчество; архітектурний стиль; (n) структура, будова area (n) ['eərɪə] площа, майданчик, ділянка; простір; територія, обгороджена ділянка (спеціального призначення); область, сфера діяльності awakening [ə'weɪk(ə)nɪŋ] пробудження; звільнення (від ілюзій) (n) brick (n) [brɪk] цегла; клінкер building (n) ['bɪldɪŋ] будівля, будова; зведення, споруда, будівництво (процес) castle (n) ['kɑːsl] замок; палац cathedral [kə'θiːdr(ə)l] кафедральний собор (n) church (n) [ʧɜːʧ] Церква circle (n) ['sɜːkl] коло; сфера, область; група, коло (людей); гурток (співтовариство осіб за інтересами); окружність construct [kən'strʌkt] будувати, споруджувати; конструювати (v) cover (v) ['kʌvə] накривати, закривати; захищати, вкривати; ховати; охоплювати, покривати; висвітлювати в змі; поширюватися; долати, проходити (к-л. відстань) design (v) [dɪ'zaɪn] розробляти; призначати; проектувати; конструювати


dwelling ['dwelɪŋ] житло, (житловий) будинок, житлове (n) приміщення; місце проживання; проживання emerge (v) [ɪ'mɜːʤ] з'являтися; спливати; виходити; з'ясовуватися empire (n) ['empaɪə] Імперія evolve (v) [ɪ'vɔlv] еволюціонувати, розвиватися feat (n) [fiːt] подвиг; мистецтво, майстерність include (v) [ɪn'kluːd] укладати, включати в себе; включати, приєднувати influence ['ɪnfluən(t)s] Впливати (v) inspiration [ˌɪnsp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n] натхнення, наснага; вплив (n) major (adj) ['meɪʤə] більш важливий, значний; більший, що становить більшу частину; старший; головний, великий megalith ['megəlɪθ] Мегаліт (n) mound (n) [maund] насип; пагорб; курган; могильний пагорб perceive (v) [pə'siːv] сприймати, розуміти, усвідомлювати; осягати; відчувати plan (v) [plæn] запланувати; проектувати, розробляти; планувати; робити проект recent (adj) ['riːs(ə)nt] недавній, останній; новітній, свіжий, сучасний ruler (n) ['ruːlə] володар, правитель; лінійка shrine (n) [ʃraɪn] гробниця, усипальниця; склеп; храм, церква structure ['strʌkʧə] будова, структура; конструкція, пристрій; (n) будівля, споруда temple (n) ['templ] храм; церква thatch (n) [θæʧ] солома, очерет (як матеріал для покрівлі) trace (v) [treɪs] стежити за; переслідувати; слідувати (ч-н.), виявити, встановити; розшукати, знайти; trace to / back to – простежуватися; сходити до (певного джерела або періоду минулого); знаходити; відновлювати розташування або розміри (древніх споруд, пам'ятників за збереженими руїнами) trend (n) [trend] курс, напрям; загальний напрямок, тенденція

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What is architecture? What do you associate with architecture?


2. When did appear? 3. What architectural styles do you know? Can you give some examples of the buildings or other structures belonging to these styles? 4. What famous architects do you know? 5. What famous architectural samples can you name?

Task III. Readand translate the text History of Architecture (Part 1):

History of Architecture (Part 1)

Architecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. The history of architecture traces the changes in architecture through various traditions, regions, stylistic trends, and dates. It starts with Ancient Egyptian, Near Eastern, Greek and Roman architecture, does not forget the middle with the Gothic, Renaissance, , and Rococo, and goes right up to Post-Modernist and High-Tech architecture. Besides, do not forget other areas, such as China, India, Japan, Mesoamerica and others. So, it covers all the historical periods from the oldest to the most recent and all the major regions of the world. 11,600 BC to 3,500 BC – Prehistoric Times. Before recorded history, humans constructed earthen mounds, stone circles, megaliths, and structures. Prehistoric architecture includes monumental structures such as Stonehenge, cliff dwellings in the Americas, and thatch and mud structures lost to time. 3,050 BC to 900 BC – Ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, powerful rulers constructed monumental pyramids, temples, and shrines. Far from primitive, enormous structures such as the Pyramids of Giza were feats of engineering capable of reaching great heights. 850 BC to 476 AD – Classical. From the rise of ancient Greece until the fall of the Roman empire, great buildings were constructed according to precise rules. The Classical Orders, which defined column styles and entablature designs, continue to influence building design in modern times. 527 to 565 AD – Byzantine. After Constantine moved the capital of the Roman empire to Byzantium (now called Istanbul) in 330 AD, Roman architecture evolved into a graceful, classically-inspired style that used brick instead of stone, domed roofs, elaborate mosaics, and classical forms. 8

800 to 1200 AD – Romanesque. As Rome spread across Europe, heavier, stocky with rounded arches emerged. Churches and castles of the early Medieval period were constructed with thick walls and heavy piers. 1100 to 1450 AD – Gothic. Pointed arches, ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses, and other innovations led to taller, more graceful architecture. Gothic ideas gave rise to magnificent cathedrals like Chartres and Notre Dame. 1400 to 1600 AD – Renaissance. A return to classical ideas ushered an "age of awakening" in Italy, France, and England. Andrea Palladio and other builders looked the classical orders of ancient Greece and Rome. Long after the Renaissance era ended, architects in the Western world found inspiration in the beautifully proportioned architecture of the period.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is architecture? 2. How many periods can you define in the history of architecture? 3. What are the time limits and the examples of prehistoric architecture? 4. What are the peculiarities of architecture in Ancient Egypt? 5. How did architecture styles change from the time of Ancient Egypt and up to the 1500s?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. Architecture is only the process of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures. 2. Architecture starts with Ancient Egyptian, Near Eastern, Greek and Roman architecture. 3. Architecture covers all the historical periods from the oldest to the most recent and all the major regions of the world. 4. In prehistoric times people constructed buildings characterized by graceful, classically-inspired style that used brick instead of stone, domed roofs, elaborate mosaics, and classical forms. 5. In ancient Egypt, powerful rulers constructed monumental pyramids, temples, and shrines. 6. The Classical style is known for precise rules of building. It continues to influence building design in modern times. 7. Romanesque is characterized by taller, more graceful architecture.


8. Renaissance is known for returning to classical ideas and is characterized by beautifully proportioned architecture.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. планування, проектування та будівництво споруд 2. твори мистецтва 3. основні регіони світу 4. земляні кургани 5. доісторична архітектура 6. могутні правителі 7. за точними правилами 8. складні мозаїки 9. витончена архітектура 10. породити розкішні собори

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. recorded history 2. stone circles 3. cliff dwellings in the Americas 4. thatch and mud structures 5. monumental pyramids, temples, and shrines 6. feats of engineering 7. entablature designs 8. to evolve into a graceful, classically-inspired style 9. flying buttresses 10. "age of awakening" 11. to find inspiration

Task VIII. Match the words and their definitions: 1 architecture A to decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), by making a detailed drawing of it 2 todesign B a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, glass, etc. 3 pyramid C a large building with thick, high walls. Castles were built by important people, such as kings, in former times, especially for protection during wars and battles


4 temple D a monumental structure with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top, especially one built of stone as a royal tomb in ancient Egypt 5 brick E a building used for public Christian worship 6 mosaics F the principal church of a diocese, with which the bishop is officially associated [in names] 7 church G a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building 8 castle H the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings 9 cathedral I a building devoted to the worship of a god or gods

Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 Various A Strong 2 Ancient B up-to-date 3 Powerful C Huge 4 Enormous D Old 5 Precise E Excellent 6 Modern F Different 7 Magnificent G Exact

TaskX. Match the opposites: 1 to start A Thin 2 Near B Ugly 3 to lose C Far 4 Heavy D to find 5 Thick E Low 6 Tall F Light 7 Beautiful G to finish

Task XI. Translate the following attributive chains: High-Tech architecture, recorded history, stone circles, prehistoric architecture, cliff dwellings, mud structures, column styles, building design

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: architect, architectural, architecturally, architectonic, architectonics, architecture;


to produce, producer, product, production, productive, productiveness, productivity; to design, design, designer, designing, designingly, designless; to construct, constructing, construction, constructional, constructionism, constructionist, constructive, constructively, constructiveness, constructivism, constructor; to build, builder, building; structure, structural, structurally, structuration, structuralism, structuralist, structuralistic, structured, structuring, structurization; culture, cultural, culturally; history, historian, historic, historical, historically, , historicity, historicize, prehistoric; various, variously; to record, recordable, recorded, recorder, recording; power, powerful, powerfully, powered, powering, powerless; to rule, rule, ruled, ruler, ruling; engine, engineer, engineering, enginery; to define, definition, definability, definable, defined; innovation, to innovate, innovative, innovator, innovatory; inspiration, inspirational, inspiratory, to inspire.

Task XIII.Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals: Facts About Roman Pantheon The Pantheon of Rome is a marvelous example of ARCHITECT ancient Roman 1) _____. This 2) _____ has been in use for BUILD over 2000 years. The Roman Pantheon is famous for its 3) DESIGNER _____, size and its huge dome. The Roman Pantheon is a massive circular4) _____ made with bricks. Corinthian-style STRUCTURAL columns support the gabled roof in the front. The most 5) AMAZE _____ feature of this monument is its huge concrete dome. The Pantheon dome was thought to be largest, until the recent times. The doors are made of bronze and are over 26 feet high. The doorway of the Pantheon is about 40 feet high and 20 feet wide.

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations:


major advances, great builders, Antiquity, architectural styles and theories, arch, civilization, architects, rectangular building design, a unique style, magnificent churches, Pyramids

1. Ever since _____, architecture – the art of designing and constructing buildings – has always been closely intertwined with the history of art. 2. The neolithic people in the Levant, Anatolia, Syria, northern Mesopotamia and Central Asia were _____, utilizing mud-brick to construct houses and villages. 3. The first great _____ to emerge around the Mediterranean basin was that of Egypt (3100-2040 BC). 4. In addition to its own written language, religion and dynastic ruling class, it developed _____ ofEgyptian architecture, largely consisting of massive burial chambers in the form of _____ (at Giza) and underground tombs (in the desolate Valley of the Kings, Luxor). 5. It wasn't until the Roman era that the _____ was developed in order to span greater distances. 6. The typical _____ was often surrounded by columns on all four sides (eg. the Parthenon) or more rarely at the front and rear only (eg. the Temple of Athena Nike). 7. Roman architecture was assisted by _____ advances in both design and new materials. 8. Byzantine architects – including numerous Italians who had moved to the new capital from Italy – continued the free-flowing tradition of Roman architecture, constructing a number of _____ churches and religious buildings, during the era of early Christian art. 9. Although they relied on several design features from Greek and Roman Antiquity, Romanesque _____ had neither the imagination of the Greeks, nor the engineering ability of the Romans. 10. was catalyzed by the rediscovery of _____ of Ancient Rome.

Task XV. Fill in the gaps with the given words: inspiration, features, architecture, structures, historical, incorporate, architects, fashion, styles, built


More and more contemporary architects are turning to 1)_____ designs for2) _____. Early building _____ add both elegance and history to new3)_____. Many new designs 4)_____ elements of Gothic 5)_____. The ribbed vault on the ceiling of the famous Gracetown Theater is one example. It was6) ____ five years ago, but it feels like a structure from another century. It even has the classic buttresses along its outer walls. Some 7)_____ are also reviving the strong, bold styles of . Some8)_____, like the classical dome, have never gone out of9) _____. Many Renaissance buildings also have classical elements.

Task XVI. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 1.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:

Shapes (1)

Every house needs windows, so why not get creative? Make your windows special with custom designs from Living Portals! Most window designs are shaped like squares or rectangles. Do you prefer something more interesting? We'll tilt it to the side to make a diamond, or we'll curve it into an elegant arch. Do you want something really bold? Let us know at least a week in advance and we can create a custom polygon - like a triangle - to fit your design needs. And who says that windows must have straight sides? Check out our selection of circles and ovals. These smooth, round designs are beautiful and practical. You 'll have no more difficult corners to clean and the prices are the same as for our square windows!

Task II. Mark the following statements as true or false: 1. Custom shapes like polygons take longer to create than other windows. 2. Circles are more expensive than other window shapes. 3. Triangle-shaped windows are easier to clean than circle-shaped windows.

Task III. Place the words from the word bank under the correct headings: side, oval, corner, polygon, diamond, rectangle, circle

Parts of a shape Shapes with Shapes with curved edges straight edges


Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6rW4OPceFU

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


Unit 2 History of Architecture Part 2

Task I. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: apply (v) [ə'plaɪ] звертатися з проханням, (письмовою) заявою; застосовувати до; використовувати; стосуватися, ставитися; застосовуватися; поширюватися borrow (v) ['bɔrəu] займати, брати на час; запозичувати, переймати, засвоювати coin (v) [kɔɪn] карбувати; штампувати; вигадувати; замишляти curve (n) [kɜːv] крива (лінія); дуга; графік функції; крива (діаграма); (curves) дужки diversity (n) [daɪ'vɜːsɪtɪ] різноманітність; різноманіття; несхожість; відмінність elaborate [ɪ'læb(ə)rɪt] ретельно, детально розроблений; продуманий (adj) express (v) [ɪk'spres] зображати; виражати; висловлювати; відображати, символізувати extravagant [ɪkˌstrævəgənt] неощадливий, марнотратний; непомірний; (adj) безглуздий; екстравагантний fabric (n) ['fæbrɪk] тканинa, матеріал, матерія; виріб; будова, структура; споруда, будівля; остов furniture (n) ['fɜːnɪʧə] меблі, обстановка; приналежності, аксесуари incorporate [ɪn'kɔːp(ə)reɪt] з'єднуватися, об'єднуватися; змішуватися; (v) включати в (склад ч-н.); містити в собі inspire (v) [ɪn'spaɪə] вселяти (почуття); наповнити (почуттями); примушувати, спонукати keen (adj) [kiːn] гострий; проникливий, кмітливий; глибокий, сильний medieval [ˌmedɪ'iːv(ə)l] середньовічний, що відноситься до (adj) Середньовіччя opulent (adj) ['ɔpjulənt] багатий, заможний; процвітаючий; прибутковий reflect (v) [rɪ'flekt] відображати; давати відображення; 17

відтворювати, свідчити restraint (n) [rɪ'streɪnt] строгість (літературного стилю); обмеження; стримування shape (n) [ʃeɪp] форма, обрис; вид; образ; необхідна форма; порядок; становище, стан ['skaɪˌskreɪpə] хмарочос, багатоповерховий будинок, висотна (n) будівля stunning ['stʌnɪŋ] приголомшуючий, приголомшливий; чудовий (adj) surface (n) ['sɜːfɪs] Поверхня up for grabs [græb] бери, хто хоче; доступний, наявний

Task ІI. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What architectural styles do you like most of all? 2. How does architecture differ in different countries, continents and why? 3. What do you think of the future of architecture in different countries? How will it change? 4. How do technological innovations influence the development and changes in architecture? 5. How do climate and geographical position influence the development of architecture?

Task ІII. Readand translate the text History of Architecture (Part 2):

History of Architecture (Part 2)

1600 to 1830 AD – Baroque. In Italy, the Baroque style is reflected in opulent and dramatic churches with irregular shapes and extravagant ornamentation. In France, the highly ornamented Baroque style combines with Classical restraint. Russian aristocrats were impressed by Versailles in France, and incorporated Baroque ideas in the building of St. Petersburg. 1650 to 1790 AD – Rococo. During the last phase of the Baroque period, builders constructed graceful white buildings with sweeping curves. These Rococo buildings are elegantly decorated with scrolls, vines, shell-shapes, and delicate geometric patterns. 1730 to 1925 AD – Neoclassicism. A keen interest in ideas of Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio inspired a return of classical shapes in Europe, Great 18

Britain and the United States. These buildings were proportioned according to the classical orders with details borrowed from ancient Greece and Rome. 1890 to 1914 AD – . Known as the New Style, Art Nouveau was first expressed in fabrics and graphic design. The style spread to architecture and furniture in the 1890s. Art Nouveau buildings often have asymmetrical shapes, arches and decorative surfaces with curved, plant-like designs. 1895 to 1925 AD – Beaux Arts. Also known as Beaux Arts , Academic Classicism, or Classical Revival, Beaux Arts architecture is characterized by order, symmetry, formal design, grandiosity, and elaborate ornamentation. 1905 to 1930 AD – Neo-Gothic. In the early twentieth century, Gothic ideas were applied to modern buildings. Gargoyles, arched windows, and other medieval details ornamented soaring in this Gothic Revival style. 1925 to 1937 AD – . Zigzag patterns and vertical lines create dramatic effect on jazz-age, Art Deco buildings. Interestingly, many Art Deco motifs were inspired by the architecture of ancient Egypt. 1900 to Present – Modernist Styles. The 20th and 21st centuries have seen dramatic changes and astonishing diversity. Modernist styles have come and gone – and continue to evolve. Modern day trends include Art Moderne and the school coined by Walter Gropius, , Formalism, Brutalism, and Structuralism. 1972 to Present – Postmodernism. A reaction against the Modernist approaches gave rise to new buildings that re-invented historical details and familiar motifs. If you look closely at these architectural movements, you are likely to find ideas that date back to classical and ancient times. 21st Century – Neo-Modernism and Parametricism. The name for computer-driven design is up for grabs. Perhaps it began with Frank Gehry's sculpted designs or maybe others who experimented with Binary Large Objects – BLOB architecture. No matter who started it, everyone's doing it now, and the possibilities are stunning.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What are the most widespread styles of the 1600s-1900s? 2. What are the most peculiar features of the Baroque style? 3. What are the most peculiar features of the Rococo style? 4. What are the most widespread styles of the 1900s-2000s? 5. What can you say about Art Nouveau and its features? 19

6. What are peculiar features of Beaux Arts? 7. What is Art Deco architecture characterized by? 8. What can you sat about Modernist Styles? 9. Why did Postmodernism appear? 10. What are the examples of styles in the 21st century?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. In Italy, the highly ornamented Baroque style combines with Classical restraint. 2. During the last phase of the Baroque period, builders constructed graceful white buildings with sweeping curves. 3. The buildings of the Neoclassicism style were proportioned according to the classical orders with details borrowed from ancient Egypt. 4. Being first expressed in fabrics and graphic design, Art Nouveau style spread to architecture and furniture in the 1690s. 5. Beaux Arts architecture is characterized by order, symmetry, formal design, grandiosity, and elaborate ornamentation. 6. In 1905 to 1930 AD Rococo ideas were applied to modern buildings. 7. Many Art Deco motifs were inspired by the architecture of ancient Egypt. 8. Modern day trends include Art Moderne and the Bauhaus school coined by Walter Gropius, Deconstructivism, Formalism, Brutalism, and Structuralism. 9. Postmodernism appeared in 1850.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. неправильні форми 2. Класична стриманість 3. великий інтерес 4. асиметричні форми 5. симетричний (правильний) дизайн 6. арочні вікна 7. дивовижне різноманіття 8. архітектурні рухи

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. to be proportioned according to the classical orders 20

2. sweeping curves 3. scrolls, vines, shell-shapes, and delicate geometric patterns 4. curved, plant-like designs 5. soaring skyscrapers 6. zigzag patterns 7. to be up for grabs 8. stunning possibilities 9. extravagant ornamentation

Task VIII. Match the words and their definitions: 1 ornamentation A decorative elements added to something to enhance its appearance 2 aristocrat B a very tall building of many storeys 3 graceful C a line or outline which gradually deviates from being straight for some or all of its length 4 curve D the movable articles that are used to make a room or building suitable for living or working in, such as tables, chairs, or desks 5 ancient E the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis 6 fabric F someone whose family has a high social rank, especially someone who has a title 7 furniture G belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence 8 symmetry H cloth produced by weaving or knitting textile fibres 9 skyscraper I having or showing grace or elegance

Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 Extravagant A Intense 2 Graceful B Careful 3 Keen C to develop 4 Elaborate D Variety 5 Diversity E Wasteful 6 to evolve F Pleasant

Task X. Match the opposites:


1 Irregular A Late 2 Asymmetrical B Regular 3 Order C Horizontal 4 Formal D Disorder 5 Early E Symmetrical 6 Vertical F Informal

Task XI. Translate the following attributive chains: sweeping curves, graphic design, curved plant-like designs, Beaux Arts architecture, zigzag patterns, Art Deco motifs, Modernist Styles, computer-driven design, modern day trends

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: style, styling, stylized, stylish, stylishly, stylishness, stylist, stylistic, stylistically, stylistics; reflect, reflectance, reflected, reflecting, reflection, reflective, reflectivity, reflector; dramatic, drama, dramatically, dramatics, dramatize, dramatist, dramatization; irregular, regular, regularity, regularly, regularization, regularize, regulate, regulated, regulating, regulation, regulative, regulator, regulatory; combine, combined, combination, combinative, combinatorial; impress, impressibility, impressible, impression, impressionability, impressionable, impressionism, impressive; express, expressed, expressible, expressing, expression, expressionism, expressionist, expressionless, expressive, expressive, expressiveness, expressivity; decorative, decoration, decorator, decorate, decorated, decorating; apply, applied, application, applicant, applicable, applicability; create, creation, creative, creativity, creator, creature; diversity, diverse, diversely; invent, invented, invention, inventive, inventively, inventiveness, inventor.

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals: Roman Architecture build The Romans were great 1) _____ and 2) _____ famous for their engine factories, roads, aqueducts and bridges, theatres and temples. The greatest surviving circular temple of antiquity, and in many 22

respects the most important Roman 3) _____, is the Pantheon in build Rome. It consists of rotunda about 142 feet in diameter 4) _____ by surround concrete walls 20 feet thick, in which are alternate circular and rectangular niches. Light is admitted through a central opening, or oculus, about 28 feet across, at the crown of the dome. The largest and most important amphitheatre of Rome was the Coliseum, built by the emperors Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian in about AD 75 – 85. Covering six acres (2.4. hectares), it had seating for about 50.000 spectators, and its 80 5) _____ were so arranged that enter the 6) _____ could be cleared quickly. The whole is built of concrete, build the exterior faced with travertine and the interior with precious marbles.

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: arched windows, to evolve, extravagant ornamentation, Zigzag patterns, sweeping curves, medieval, combines, architectural movements asymmetrical shapes, keen, inspired

1. In Italy, the Baroque style is reflected in opulent and dramatic churches with irregular shapes and …... 2. In France, the highly ornamented Baroque style ….. with Classical restraint. 3. During the last phase of the Baroque period, builders constructed graceful white buildings with …... 4. A ….. interest in ideas of Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio….. a return of classical shapes in Europe, Great Britain and the United States. 5. Art Nouveau buildings often have ….., arches and decorative surfaces with curved, plant-like designs. 6. Gargoyles, ….., and other ….. details ornamented soaring skyscrapers in this Gothic Revival style. 7. ….. and vertical lines create dramatic effect on jazz-age, Art Deco buildings. 8. The 20th and 21st centuries have seen dramatic changes and astonishing diversity. 9. Modernist styles have come and gone – and continue …... 10. If you look closely at these ….., you are likely to find ideas that date back to classical and ancient times.


Task XV. Fill in the gaps with the given words: function, appearance, designs, technology, architectural, Architects, principle, inspired

In the early twentieth century, functionalism swept the 1)_____ world. Architects adopted the phrase "form follows function" as a 2)_____ design. They favored stark, efficient 3)_____. These ideas fueled Modernism. Architects like Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier embraced simplicity and function in their designs. Le Corbusier famously said, "A house is a machine for living in." In other words, a building's primary 4)_____ is to be useful, much like a car or telephone. Indeed, the new 5)_____ of the day 6)_____ modern designs. Materials were very industrial. 7)_____ used iron, steel, concrete, sheet glass, and monolithic stone. They believed in the principle of truth to materials. They didn't try to hide the natural 8)_____ of their materials. As such, many modern structures are gray, white, or black.

Task XVI. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 2.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:

Shapes (2)

A cuboid is the most popular building shape. Flat, simple faces make them easy to design and build. The interior space is easily divided into numerous cubes. However, great architects create buildings with virtually any 3Dshape. Architects have used creative shapes for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptian pyramidsare an excellent example. Another example is the cones atop early European churches. Today, unusual shapes make urban environments more exciting. "The Gherkin" in London is a cylinder. Its rounded surface adds visual interest to the cityscape. Spheres and sphere-like shapes have a similar effect. Many sports stadiums are topped with domes, which are breathtaking from the interior and the exterior.

Task II. Mark the following statements as true or false: 1. According to the section, cuboids are usually easy to build. 2. The section uses the cylinder as an example of historical architecture. 3. "The Gherkin" features a sphere.

Task III. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F):

1 a shape that is similar to half of a ball A 3D 2 a shape with straight sides and a circular base B Face 3 having the dimensions of length, width, and depth C Cube 4 a flat surface on something D Dome 5 a shape with six equal square sides E Cylinder 6 a shape with triangular sides F Pyramid

Task IV. Read the sentences and choose the correct words: 1. Typical houses are built in the shape of a pyramid / cuboid. 2. A cone /cylinder is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. 3. The dome /surface of the wall is flat. 4. A basketball is shaped like a cube /sphere.



Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SzigQy2SWU

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.



Part 1

History of Architecture in Great Britain

Task I. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: cannon (n) ['kænən] артилерійська гармата, гармата; пістолет, револьвер consist (v) [kən'sɪst] полягати в ч-н. (in); складатися, бути складеним з (of) contemporary [kən'temp(ə)r(ə)rɪ] сучасний, одночасний (adj) court (n) [kɔːt] суд; суддя; судді; судове засідання decree (v) [dɪ'kriː] визначати, встановлювати dominion (n) [də'mɪnjən] панування, влада; суверенне право, суверенна влада eclectic (adj) [ek'lektɪk] Еклектичний enact (v) [ɪ'nækt] наказувати, визначати, встановлювати; вводити закон; ухвалювати facilitate (v) [fə'sɪlɪteɪt] полегшувати; сприяти; допомагати, просувати flourish (v) ['flʌrɪʃ] цвісти, розквітати; процвітати, процвітати, бути в розквіті (сил), бути на вершині foster (v) ['fɔstə] виховувати, навчати; заохочувати, спонукати, стимулювати; схвалювати gunpowder (n) ['gʌnˌpaudə] порох impose (v) [ɪm'pəuz] класти, поміщати, фіксувати в певному положенні; оподатковувати; накладати (обмеження); всучити, підсунути (on) influential [ˌɪnflu'enʃ(ə)l] впливовий, важливий, що володіє (adj) владою, впливом redundant [rɪ'dʌndənt] зайвий, надмірний (adj) resistance (n) [rɪ'zɪst(ə)n(t)s] опір; відсіч, протидія secular (adj) ['sekjələ] мирський; світський, нецерковний; віковий, що відбувається раз в сто років, 28

що триває століття significance [sɪg'nɪfɪkən(t)s] значення, смисл; важливість, значущість; (n) значимість Though [ðəu] хоча, незважаючи на

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What do you know about the history of architecture in Great Britain? 2. Do you know any famous British architects? 3. What periods can we trace in the history of architecture in Great Britain? 4. How does architecture differ in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland? 5. What architectural styles can be found in Great Britain?

Task III. Read the text History of Architecture in Great Britain:

History of Architecture in Great Britain

The architecture of the United Kingdom, or British architecture, consists of an eclectic combination of architectural styles, ranging from those that predate the creation of the United Kingdom, such as Roman, to 21st century contemporary. England has seen the most influential developments, though Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have each fostered unique styles and played leading roles in the international history of architecture. Although there are prehistoric and classical structures in the United Kingdom, British architectural history effectively begins with the first Anglo-Saxon Christian churches, built soon after Augustine of Canterbury arrived in Great Britain in 597. was built on a vast scale throughout Great Britain and Ireland from the 11th century onwards in the form of castles and churches to help impose Norman authority upon their dominions. English , which flourished between 1180 until around 1520, was initially imported from France, but quickly developed its own unique qualities. Throughout the United Kingdom, secular medieval architecture has left a legacy of large stone castles, with a concentration being found lining both sides of the Anglo-Scottish border, dating from the Wars of Scottish Independence of the 14th century. The invention of gunpowder and cannons made castles redundant, and the English Renaissance that followed facilitated development of new artistic styles for domestic architecture: Tudor style, , Queen Anne Style, and Palladian. Georgian, Scots Baronial and Neoclassical architecture advanced after the Scottish Enlightenment, and since the 1930s various modernist forms appeared, though traditionalist resistance movements continue with support from Charles, Prince of Wales. 29

Beyond the United Kingdom, the influence of British architecture is particularly strong in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan the result of British rule in India in the 19th century. The cities of Lahore, Mumbai, Kolkata, Dhaka and Chittagong have courts, administrative buildings and railway stations designed in British architectural styles. In the United Kingdom, a scheduled monument is a "nationally important" archaeological site or historic building, given protection against unauthorized change. A listed building is a building or other structure decreed as being of special architectural, historical or cultural significance; it is a widely used status, applied to around half a million buildings in the UK, enacted by provisions in the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 and the Town and Country Planning Act (Scotland) 1947.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What combination does British architecture consists of? 2. What parts does Great Britain consists of? 3. What does British architectural history effectively begin with? 4. What are the peculiarities of Norman architecture in Great Britain? 5. When did English Gothic architecture appear? 6. What are the characteristic features of medieval architecture in Great Britain? 7. In what other countries can we find the influence of British architecture and why? 8. What is the attitude towards historic building in Great Britain nowadays?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. The architecture of the United Kingdom, or British architecture, consists of an eclectic combination of architectural styles, ranging from those that predate the creation of the United Kingdom, such as Roman, to 21st century contemporary. 2. Wales has seen the most influential developments. 3. British architectural history effectively begins with the first Egyptian pyramids. 4. Norman architecture was built on a vast scale throughout Great Britain and Ireland from the 11th century onwards in the form of castles and churches to help impose Norman authority upon their dominions. 5. English Gothic architecture, which flourished between 1180 until around 1520, was initially imported from India, but quickly developed its own unique qualities. 6. Throughout the United Kingdom, secular medieval architecture has left a legacy of large stone castles, with a concentration being found lining both


sides of the Anglo-Scottish border, dating from the Wars of Scottish Independence of the 14th century. 7. The invention of gunpowder and cannons did not make castles redundant, and the English Renaissance that followed did not facilitate development of new artistic styles for domestic architecture. 8. Georgian, Scots Baronial and Neoclassical architecture advanced after the Scottish Enlightenment, and since the 1930s various modernist forms appeared. 9. There are no traces of British architecture in other countries. 10. In the United Kingdom, a scheduled monument is a "nationally important" archaeological site or historic building, given protection against unauthorized change.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following:

1. еклектичне поєднання архітектурних стилів 2. до створення Сполученого Королівства 3. впливові події 4. середньовічна архітектура 5. винахід пороху і гармат 6. вітчизняна, місцева архітектура 7. культурне значення

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. to foster unique styles 2. on a vast scale 3. to impose Norman authority upon their dominions 4. British rule 5. administrative buildings 6. unauthorized change

Task VІІІ. Match the words and their definitions: 1 to predate A develop rapidly and successfully 2 contemporary B being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else 3 unique C a line separating two countries, administrative divisions, or other areas 4 dominion D a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event; an enduring and memorable example of something 5 to flourish E exist or occur at a date earlier than (something) 6 medieval F an explosive consisting of a powdered mixture of saltpeter, sulphur, and charcoal, now chiefly used for 31

quarry blasting and in fuses and fireworks 7 border G sovereignty or control 8 gunpowder H relating to the Middle Ages 9 court I living or occurring at the same time; belonging to or occurring in the present 10 monument J the place where a court meets

Task ІХ. Match the synonyms: 1 to range A Special 2 contemporary B Property 3 unique C present-day 4 effectively D to differ 5 dominions E Efficiently

Task Х. Match the opposites: 1 after A to export 2 to arrive B to fall into decay 3 to flourish C to depart 4 to import D to precede 5 to follow E Before

Task ХI. Translate the following attributive chains: Anglo-Saxon Christian churches, secular medieval architecture, large stone castles, modernist forms, traditionalist resistance movements, "nationally important" archaeological site

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: influence, influential, influencing; lead, leader, leading; effect, effectively, effective, effecting, effectiveness, effectless; impose, imposed, imposing; concentrate, concentration, concentrated, concentrator; facilitate, facilitated, facilitating, facilitation, facilitator; artistic, art, artist, artless, artlessly; administer, administrate, administration, administrative, administrator; archaeological, archaeologist, archaeology; protect, protectability, protected, protecting, protection, protectionism, protectionist, protective, protector, protectorate, protectorship, protector, protectress; significance, significant, significantly. 32

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals: EGYPTIAN ARCHITECTURE During the Old Kingdom, the period when Egypt was ruled by the Kings of the 3d to 6th Dynasties, 1) _____ and ART craftsmen were drawn to the court to work under the patronage of the king and his great nobles. Techniques of working in stone, wood, and metal made tremendous progress, 2) _____ by surviving large scale monuments. DEMONSTRATE During the prosperousperiod known as the middle kingdom fortresses were built to defend the southern and eastern borders, and new areas of land were brought under CULTIVATE CRAFT 3) _____. 4) _____ achieved new levels of 5) _____. Very EXCELLENT little 6) _____ remains – many royal monuments were ARCHITECT robbed for their stone in later periods - but what has survived shows great 7) _____ and refinement. SIMPLE

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: railway stations, archaeological site, cultural significance, predate, domestic architecture, modernist forms, protection, contemporary, authority, administrative buildings, unique styles, flourished, gunpowder and cannons, castles and churches

1. The architecture of the United Kingdom consists of an eclectic combination of architectural styles, ranging from those that ….. the creation of the United Kingdom, such as Roman, to 21st century …... 2. England has seen the most influential developments, though Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have each fostered …... 3. Norman architecture was built on a vast scale throughout Great Britain and Ireland from the 11th century onwards in the form of ….. to help impose Norman ….. upon their dominions. 4. English Gothic architecture, which ….. between 1180 until around 1520, was initially imported from France, but quickly developed its own unique qualities. 5. The invention of …..made castles redundant, and the English Renaissance that followed facilitated development of new artistic styles for …... 6. Georgian, Scots Baronial and Neoclassical architecture advanced after the Scottish Enlightenment, and since the 1930s various ….. appeared.


7. The cities of Lahore, Mumbai, Kolkata, Dhaka and Chittagong have courts, …..and .....designed in British architectural styles. 8. In the United Kingdom, a scheduled monument is a "nationally important" ….. or historic building, given ….. against unauthorized change. 9. A listed building is a building or other structure decreed as being of special architectural, historical or …...

Task XV. Fill in the gaps with the given words: ornaments, features, countermovement, dramatic, designs, structure, visual

Postmodernism is a direct 1)_____ to early twentieth-century Modernism. While Modernism featured stark, bland 2)_____, Postmodernism embraces color and 3)_____. Its followers believe that architecture should be dual purpose, having both function and 4)_____ appeal. Unexpected images and bold shapes characterize . Monumentalism is also apparent in the featured model of the Fadner Building. The building's primary design is based on Modernism, and from the ground to the fifteenth floor, it 5)_____ simple lines and boxes. However, the top is a 6) _____ example of double coding. Neoclassical columns support a grand, asymmetrical 7) _____ that overhangs the street.

Task XVI. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 3.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:

Describing Shapes and Structures

Gertrude Willis is one of today`s most interesting architects. Visit Finn City and see for yourself. Willis designed the city hall twenty-five years ago. The building`s round dome is made of bronze. Copper snakes climb the symmetrical pillars on each side. Willis became known for her curvy style. You rarely see straight lines in her early work. Today, Willis is trying new approaches. Her most recent project was the Finn Museum. Its sharp edges are part of her new angular style. The flat roof slants upwards. Then it bends sharply toward the sidewalk. The asymmetrical effect is both amazing and unsettling.

Task II. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F): 1. The architect's early work was very curvy. 2. The city hall features mostly straight lines. 3. The designs of the city hall and the museum are similar.

Task III. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F): 1 not having identical sides that mirror each other A Flat 2 having a smooth, even surface B Round 3 continuing in one direction without bending C Angular 4 having curves instead of angles D Straight 5 having identical sides that mirror each other E symmetrical 6 having angles instead of curves F asymmetrical

Task IV. Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank: 1. sharp /curvy A. The _____lines soften the building`s appearance. B. _____ lines and angles give thebuilding well-defined edges. 2. climbs /bends 35

A. The pillar looks like a snake that _____up to the top of the building. B. The roof _____ down graduallytowards the sidewalk. Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_J-X2WqN5I

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


Unit 4

History of Architecture in

Task I.Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: basilica(s) (n) [bə'sɪlɪkə] Базиліки brick plakhta (n) [brɪk plahta] цегляна плахта destroy (v) [dɪs'trɔɪ] Руйнувати defensive structure(s) [dɪ'fensɪv'strʌkʧə] оборонні споруди (phr) excavation(s) (n) ['ekskə'veɪʃ(ə)n] Розкопки flourish(ed) (v) ['flʌrɪʃ] Процвітати fortification(s) (n) ['fɔ:tɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] Укріплення fortresse(s) (n) ['fɔ:trɪs] Фортеці glimpse (n) [glɪmps] Oглянути influence (v) ['ɪnfluəns] Впливати local condition(s) (phr) ['ləuk(ə)l kən'dɪʃ(ə)n] локальні умови Modern (n) [mɔdn] Модерн monastery (n) ['mɔnəstrɪ] Монастир Moorish (adj) ['mu(ə)rɪʃ] Мавританський Neo-classicism (n) ['ni:ə(u) 'klæsɪsɪz(ə)m] Неокласицизм Neo-gothic (n) ['ni:əu'gɔθɪk] Неоготика palace(s) (n) ['pælɪs] Палаци plastering (n) ['plɑ:st(ə)rɪŋ] Оштукатурювання public building(s) (phr) ['pʌblɪk'bɪldɪŋ] громадські будівлі take root (phr v) [teɪkə ru:t] Укорінюватися timber (n) ['tɪmbə] Лісоматеріал tribe(s) (n) [traɪb] Племена a variety of style(s) (phr) [ə və'raɪətɪ ɔv staɪl] різноманітність стилів wooden folk ['wudnfəuk'ɑ:kɪtekʧə] дерев’яна народна architecture(phr) архітектура

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What do you know about the history of architecture in Ukraine? 2. What famous Ukrainian architects do you know? 3. When did the first information about architectural structures on the territory of Ukraine first appear? 37

4. What architectural styles can we find in Ukraine? 5. How did architecture change in Ukraine as time passed?

Task III. Read the text History of Architecture in Ukraine:

History of Architecture in Ukraine

Most of Ukraine's cities will give you a glimpse into the country's grand architectural history. Architecture in Ukraine ranges from buildings dating back hundreds of years to massive contemporary high-rise structures. An outstanding sample of Ukrainian architecture can be seen in the Cathedral of Saint-Sophia in Kiev, which dates back to the 11th century. Visit Lviv if you are interested in medieval architecture or stop in to view its stunning buildings of long ago. Architectural constructions in Ukraine date back to the Paleolithic Period. By the end of the Neolithic Period (5000–2500 BC) the Trypilian culture had developed among the tribes inhabiting Right-Bank Ukraine. In the 1st millenium BC Greek appeared on the coast of the Black Sea. As Christian religious architecture evolved, stone building, based on the Greek-cross form, the principal form of Byzantine church architecture, developed on the ruins of the Greek colonies. Excavations have also uncovered ground plans of rotundas and Roman- type basilicas, fortifications such as the Kharaks fort, and other structures. Byzantine culture flourished under the Macedonian dynasty (867–1057). During this period the Kyivan state adopted Byzantine Christianity and its rich architectural traditions. Drawing on their own tradition of wooden folk architecture and on certain Western influences, the architects of Kyivan Rus’ adapted the Old Christian and Byzantine styles to local conditions and created their own synthesis. This original and creative interpretation permits one to speak of a Ukrainian style. Ukraine's architecture began developing during the 9 th century during the Kievan Rus era. Buildings from this time period were constructed out of wood and included churches, fortifications and palaces. Timber was placed in horizontal sections with a hipped roof, providing a base for further construction. An example of a residential home in this style is seen in Chernihiv. At around the same time the Byzantine style began to take root in Kievan Rus. Both architectural styles had an influence on each other. Byzantine domes were reformed and colors used in decorating became more Rus. From the 12th to the 15th century defensive structures such as castles, fortresses and protected monasteries were constructed in populated areas. Decorative patterns can be seen on the massive walls of these buildings in the form of red brick plakhta. Fortified monasteries closely resembled castles as they were carefully adapted to guard against attack. 38

Between the 16th and 17th centuries a new form of architecture arose in Ukraine – Renaissance. This is clearly seen in the architecture of Ukraine's Lviv. Renaissance style greatly developed Ukraine's Baroque style. Soon a completely Ukrainian form of was born. During the 18th century Ukraine's architecture began to feature plastering. Classicism came to the fore at that time and more public buildings and palaces were built. Ukraine's architecture of the late 1800s and early 1900s took on a variety of styles such as modern, Neo- classicism, Neo-Gothic and Moorish. Sadly, numerous stunning buildings were destroyed. Despite this many exquisite examples of Ukrainian architecture can be viewed throughout the country.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What are the samples of Ukrainian architecture? 2. When do architectural constructions first appear on the territory of Ukraine? 3. What can you say about the Trypilian culture? 4. How did Byzantine church architecture influence on Ukrainian architecture? 5. What are the peculiarities of architecture in Ukraineduring the 9th century? 6. How did Ukrainian architecturediffer from the 12th to the 15th century? 7. What happened between the 16th and 17th centuries in the history of Ukrainian architecture? 8. What are the peculiar features of architecture in Ukraine in the 18th century?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. Architecture in Ukraine is peculiar only with contemporary structures. 2. Architectural constructions in Ukraine date back to the theKievanRus era. 3. Byzantine culture flourished under the Macedonian dynasty (867– 1057). 4. The Kyivan state adopted Byzantine Christianity and its rich architectural traditions (867–1057). 5. Drawing on their own tradition of wooden folk architecture and on certain Western influences, the architects of KyivanRus’ adapted the Old Christian and Byzantine styles to local conditions and created their own synthesis. 6. In the 9th century buildings were constructed out of stone.


7. From the 12th to the 15th century defensive structures such as castles, fortresses and protected monasteries were constructed in populated areas. 8. Between the 16th and 17th centuries a new form of architecture arose in Ukraine – Romanesque. 9. During the 18th century Ukraine's architecture began to feature plastering. 10. Ukraine's architecture of the late 1800s and early 1900s was characterized only by Neo-classicism.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. Місто дасть тобі огляд 2. архітектурні споруди 3. кам'яна споруда 4. розкопки також виявлені 5. багаті архітектурні традиції 6. Візантійський стиль почав приживатися 7. оборонні споруди, такі як замки 8. В архітектурі України почали проявлятися штукатурки 9. витончена архітектура 10. укріплені монастирі дуже нагадували замки

Task VII.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. Architecture in Ukraine ranges from 2. massive contemporary high-rise structures 3. if you are interested in medieval architecture 4. among the tribes 5. church architecture, developed on the ruins 6. a Ukrainian style 7. Timber was placed in horizontal sections 8. a new form of architecture 9. Decorative patterns 10. Classicism came to the fore

Task VIII. Match the words and their definitions: 1 sample A a building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows 2 tribe B a defensive wall or other reinforcement built to strengthen a place against attack 3 excavations C develop rapidly and successfully 4 fortification D wood prepared for use in building and carpentry 5 to flourish E a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like 40

6 palace F a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town 7 timber G the action of excavating something, especially an archaeological site 8 fortress H a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader 9 monastery I a large and impressive building forming the official residence of a ruler, pope, archbishop, etc.

Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 glimpse glimpse A to see 2 Grand B Structure 3 Buildings C quick look 4 Sample D Great 5 to view E Pattern

Task X. Match the opposites: 1 to appear A Carelessly 2 Principal B to forbid 3 to permit C Minor 4 Carefully D to create 5 to destroy E to disappear

Task XI. Translate the following attributive chains: grand architectural history, massive contemporary high-rise structures, Christian religious architecture, Byzantine church architecture, wooden folk architecture

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: To build, building, built, builder, athletic build constructible, constructororconstructer, construction, structure, construction, constructional, constructionally, preconstruction adopt, adopt out, adoption flourish, flourishing, flourisher, out·flourish plastering, plaster, plasteriness, plaster·like, plastery, replaster,plasterer, plastery, public, nonpublic, publicly, in public; in the public eye

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: support, figure out, withstand, adopt, update, keep up, solve 41

Many construction structures in our lives including bridges, airports, dams and buildings that we take for granted are the products of construction engineering. Technologists provide technical _____ and services to engineers and help design and build different types of structures. Architects may design building we see around us, but construction technologists help _____ how to build them safely and economically so they can _____ all expected loads. A construction technologist serves as a link between civil engineer and skilled craftsmen. They _____ scientific, mathematical and engineering theories in order to _____ various technical problems in the areas of research and development, manufacturing, construction, inspection and maintenance. While assisting the development and research, they often work in laboratories. They must find the most cost-effective solution to problems within safety and environmental standards. They are required to constantly _____ their skills and knowledge in order to _____ with technological advancements in this quickly changing field.

Task XIV. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. New technologies are used in construction only. 2. Construction technologist should be good at chemistry. 3. Construction technologists control all the processes on the site. 4. Construction can go without technologies.

Task XV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: wooden folk architecture, Renaissance, excavations, high-rise structures, protected monasteries, destroyed, the PaleolithicPeriod, outstanding sample, flourished, populated areas, fortifications, timber, palaces

1. Architecture in Ukraine ranges from buildings dating back hundreds of years to massive contemporary _____. 2. An _____ ofUkrainian architecture can be seen in the Cathedral of Saint-Sophia in Kiev, which dates back to the 11th century. 3. Architectural constructions in Ukraine date back to _____. 4. _____ have also uncovered ground plans of rotundas and Roman- type basilicas, _____ such as the Kharaks fort, and other structures. 5. Byzantine culture _____ under the Macedonian dynasty (867–1057). 6. Drawing on their own tradition of _____ and on certain Western influences, the architects of KyivanRus’ adapted the Old Christian and Byzantine styles to local conditions and created their own synthesis. 7. During the 9th century buildings were constructed out of wood and included churches, fortifications and _____. 8. _____ was placed in horizontal sections with a hipped roof, providing a base for further construction. 42

9. From the 12th to the 15th century defensive structures such as castles, fortresses and _____ were constructed in _____. 10. Between the 16th and 17th centuries a new form of architecture arose in Ukraine – _____. 11. Classicism came to the fore at that time and more public buildings and palaces were built. 12. Sadly, numerous stunning buildings were _____.

Task XVI. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 4.


Part 2

Describing Landscapes

Task I. Before you read the passage, answer these questions: 1. What are some common landscape problems that architects encounter? 2. What land features are best for building? 3. Task II. Read the passage, paying attention to the underlined words: To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Sites for Residential Development Hi John, I surveyed your proposed building sites. The topography at Green Acres isn't suitable. The terrain is too hilly. Some slopes have very steep grades. Making them level will take a lot of work, which will be expensive. Plus, you need to clear the vegetation and that can make the slopes unstable. Prairie Grove has a better landscape for residential development. It's mostly flat. The area does rise on the north end, however, the grade is minor so I don't expect it to be a problem. This area also has some vegetation but we can clear it to create an open space. If you need anything else, let me know. Sharon Johnson

Task III. Read the email. Then, choose the correct answers: 1. What is the purpose of the email? A.to describe landscape preparations in progress B.to compare two areas of land C.to give pros and cons of building on hills D.to suggest two new building sites 2. What can you infer about vegetation? A.It is very expensive to clear it. B.It is more common on level land than hilly land. C.It makes building easier. D.It stabilizes land on a slope. 3. What is true about the Prairie Grove site? A.It is a bad place for houses. B.It has a small slope. C.It is an open area of land. D.It is probably unstable. 44

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVWlyCsyISI

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


Unit 5

Part 1

Famous Personalities in Architecture of Ukraine

Task I.Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: architect (n) ['ɑ:kɪtekt] архітектор art (n) [ɑ:t] мистецтво bell towers (n phr) [bel 'tauə] дзвіниці builder (n) ['bɪldə] будівельник by origin [baɪ 'ɔrɪʤɪn] за походженням classicism (n) ['klæsɪsɪz(ə)m] класицизм create(d) (v), (adj) [krɪ'eɪt] створювати, створений designe(d) (v), (adj) [dɪ'zaɪnd] розробляти, розроблений exterior(n) [ɪk'stɪ(ə)rɪə] зовнішній вигляд found (v) [faund] основувати foundation(n) [faun'deɪʃ(ə)n] база, заснування founder (n) ['faundə] засновник heritage (n) ['herɪtɪʤ] спадщина interior (n) [ɪn'tɪ(ə)rɪə] інтер’єр legacy (n) ['legəsɪ] спадок move(d) to (v) [mu:v tu:] переїхати до numerous (adj) ['nju:m(ə)rəs] численні observatory (n) [əb'zɜ:vət(ə)rɪ] oбсерваторія persecutions (n) ['pɜ:sɪ'kju:ʃ(ə)n] переслідування philanthropist (n) [fi'lænarəpist] меценат political (adj) [pə'lɪtɪk(ə)l] політичні project (n) [prɔ'ʤəkt] проект science(s)(n) ['saɪəns] науки significant(adj) [sɪg'nɪfɪkənt] вагомий studio(n) ['stju:dɪəu] студія style (n) [staɪl] стиль workshop (n) ['wɜ:kʃɔp] майстерня

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below:


1. What famous historical and outstanding buildings in Ukraine do you know? 2. What world famous architects who worked in Ukraine do you know? 3. What famous architect do you know? 4. What architectural styles can we find in Ukraine? 5. How did architecture change in Ukraine as time passed?

Task III. Read the text Famous Personalities in Architecture of Ukraine:

Famous Personalities in Architecture of Ukraine

1. Fellner & Helmer was an architecture studio founded in 1873 by Austrian architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer. They designed over 200 buildings (mainly opera houses and apartment buildings) across Europe in the late 19th century and early 20th century, which helped bind the Austro-Hungarian Empire together and cement Vienna as its cultural center. While most of the work stood in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, others can be found from Switzerland to present-day Ukraine. Frequent collaborators for integrated exterior and interior art work include Gustav Klimt, Hans Makart, Theodor Friedl, and other significant artists. "Felner & Helmer", in cooperation with many other architects, they built the Opera theatre, theatre named after Kobylianskaya in Chernivtsi, the House of Scientists and the hotel "Georges" in Lviv. 2. Johann Gottfried Schaedel (German: Johann Gottfried Schädel) is an architect of Holy Roman Empire who moved to Muscovy in 1710s. Schaedel was born in 1680 in Wandesbek, Duchy of Holstein. In 1713, Schaedel along with his family was invited by the Muscovite Prince Alexander Menshikov to Saint Petersburg after signing a contract for 400 Reichsthaler (384 rubles). After the political persecutions against Menshikov, Schaedel moved to Moscow where he worked along with the French architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. In 1731, on invitation of the Kiev Archbishop Rafail Zaborovsky, Schaedel moved to Kiev where he created the great bell towers of Kiev Pechersk Lavra and Sophia Cathedral, the Klov Palace and others creations. Since 1744, Schaedel was not receiving his salary and died very poor in Kiev. 3. Vikenti Beretti, Kiev. Italian by origin, Vincenzo Beretti entered the history of Ukrainian architecture of the 19th century, primarily as the author of the project of the Kiev University (the modern Red Corps of National University named after T. Shevchenko - its main and oldest building, one of the most beautiful universities in Ukraine). He created in his style of classicism a project of the Institute of Noble Maidens (International Center for Culture and Arts, the former October Palace) in Kyiv, the Astronomical Observatory, etc. 47

4. Francis Xavier Kulchitsky, Lviv. Francis Kulchitsky could be a student of Bernard Meretyn. He became an architect of the Rococo era, as well as an early version of classicism. The history has kept the ambiguous facts about this artist: in particular, in the court Kulchitsky had to be responsible for the excess work. Later, Frantsisk Kulchitsky left the Lviv workshop of builders, that was quite a scandal. Having built a lot in Lviv (in particular, houses No. 20 and 29 on Market Square, as well as a Roman Catholic seminary), master worked on other projects. For example, over the project of the Pochaev Lavra. 5. Josef Hlávka (15 February 1831 – 11 March 1908) was a Czech architect, builder, philanthropist and founder of the oldest Czech foundation for sciences and arts. Hlavka studied architecture at the Technical University in Prague and later at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Shortly after he had finished his studies, the Czech architect František Šebek retired and left him his well-established company in Vienna. In 1861-1869 Hlávka built the Vienna State Opera in the Ringstrasse. He also built the regional maternal hospital in Prague, the Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans in Czernowitz (now Chernivtsi, Ukraine) (which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and now the seat of the university there), and numerous apartment buildings in Vienna. 6. Hubert Gessner, Chernovtsy. Among the outstanding Austrian architects is the name of Hubert Johann Hessner. His legacy is still an adornment not only of and the Czech Republic, but also of Ukrainian Chernivtsi. The Art Nouveau style or the Viennese secession the architect used. It is vividly evident in the architecture of the Chernivtsi Art Museum which was built in 1900 as a building for the management of banks. Today, the building of the Art Museum is one of the best examples of the European architectural heritage in Ukraine.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. Who built the Opera Theatre in Odessa? 2. What architect built more than 40 buildings in Kharkiv? 3. What Ukrainian city did Francis Xavier Kulchitsky work in? 4. What century did Vikenti Beretti create his famous projects of architecture in Kyiv? 5. Who designed the Church of the Three Saints in Lemeshi? 6. Who invited Johann Schaedel to Kyiv in 1731? 7. What famous architects lived and worked in Western Ukraine? 8. Who built famous Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. "Felner & Helmer", in cooperation with many other architects, they built the Odessa Opera theatre 48

2. They designed mainly opera houses and apartment buildings across Europe in the late 20th century and early 21st century, which helped bind the Austro-Hungarian Empire together and cement Vienna as its cultural center. 3. In 1813 Schaedel moved to Moscow where he worked along with the French architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. 4. In 1831, on invitation of the Kyiv Archbishop Rafail Zaborovsky, Schaedel moved to Kyiv where he created the great belltowers of and Sophia Cathedral 5. Vikenti Beretti is the author of the project of Kyiv University (the modern Red Corps of Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko - its main and oldest building, one of the most beautiful universities in Ukraine). 6. German by origin, Vincenzo Beretti entered the history of Ukrainian architecture of the 19th century, 7. Chernivtsi Art Museum was built in 1900 as a building for the management of banks. 8. Francis Xavier Kulchitsky became an architect of the Late Cossack Baroque style. 9. Josef Hlávka was a Czech architect. 10. Among the outstanding Italian architects is the name of Hubert Johann Hessner.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. засновані в 1873 році австрійськими архітекторами 2. по всій Європі 3. культурний центр 4. інші значні художники 5. Будинок вчених 6. який переїхав до 7. де він працював разом із французьким архітектором 8. дзвіниці 9. як автор проекту Київського університету 10. Історія зберегла неоднозначні факти

Task VII.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. they designed 2. can be found 3. exterior and interior 4. in cooperation with 5. others creations. 6. Italian by origin 7. in his style of classicism 8. philanthropist and founder 49

9. European architectural heritage 10. the best examples

Task VIII. Match the words and their definitions: 1 Architecture A a person who is very skilled in a particularjob or activity studio 2 heritage B a piece of plannedwork or an activity that is finished over a periodof time and intended to achieve a particularpurpose 3 emblem C where a person was born or where an object was made 4 design D a way of doing something, especially one that is typical of aperson, group of people, place, or period: 5 style E to make or drawplans for something, for exampleclothes orbuildings: 6 origin F a picture of an object that is used to represent a particularperson,group, or idea: 7 project G featuresbelonging to the culture of a particularsociety, such astraditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historicalimportance: 8 master H a room in which an architectworks

Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 Design A outer side 2 Exterior B Legacy 3 Heritage C Constructor 4 Significant D Manner 5 Style E Substantial 6 Builder F Project

Task X. Match the opposites: 1 Irregular A Worst 2 Best B Regular 3 Order C Disadvantage 4 Exterior D Disorder 5 Admire E Interior 6 Advantage F Detest

Task XI. Translate the following word combinations: They designed, architecture studio, cultural center, can be found, present- day, other significant artists, creative heritage, best examples


Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: design, designable; significant, significantly, nonsignificant, nonsignificantly, supersignificant; create, creatable, selfcreated, selfcreating, creations; project, projectable, projectingly, nonprojecting; numerous, numerously, numerousness.

Task XIII.Enter the following words into the text below. Make sure to use the correct verb form: as a result of, to lead to, to be attributable to, to bring about, owing to, due to, not to give rise to, since In addition to the extra window in the dining room, the client also requested a second washbasin in the family bathroom. A visit to a friends house _____ this idea. _____ the already spacious layout of the bathroom, this request was fairly easy to fulfil. _____ the variation, the architect had to draw a new plan showing the modification. _____ the sanitary appliances had not yet been ordered, the additional washbasin caused no delays. A mistake in the doorschedule _____ a slight delay. The mistake _____ the architect, who noted a wrong number in the contract documents. _____ the speedy reaction of the joiner on site, the correct door was delivered quickly and the mistake _____ any delays.

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: Heritage, style of classicism, designed, bell towers, Nouveau style, built, classicism, state emblem, famous works

1. Among his _____ are the National Law Academy named after Yaroslav the Wise in Kharkiv, the Kharkiv House of Scientists and the Puppet Theater. 2. Vasily Krichevsky is a unique Ukrainian artist, architect and graphic artist who in 1918 created the project of the Ukrainian _____. 3. He became an architect of the Rococo era, as well as an early version of _____. 4. He also _____ the regional maternal hospital in Prague, the Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans in Czernowitz 5. The Art _____ or the Viennese secession the architect used. 6. Schaedel moved to Kyiv where he created the great _____ of Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and Sophia Cathedral, the Klov Palace and others creations. 7. He was a graduate of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, and _____ many buildings and churches in Kyiv and elsewhere. 8. He created in his _____ a project of the Institute of Noble Maidens.


9. The building of the Art Museum is one of the best examples of the European architectural _____ in Ukraine.

Task XV. Match the pictures with the names:





a) Bell tower of Kyiv Pechersk Lavra b) Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko c) St. George's cathedral in Lviv d) Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Task XVI. Be ready to tell about some famous architects who worked in Ukraine.


Part 2

Measurements (1)

Task I. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions: 1. What are some common units of measurement in your country? 2. What is important when converting different units of measurement?

Task II. Read the textbook chapter:

Imperial Units: the Basics

Knowing your units is invaluable. For instance, you can determine how much concrete a foundation needs by multiplying length, width, and height in feet. That gives you cubic feet. One cubic foot of concrete weighs about 145 pounds. So multiply your cubic feet by 145. Then divide that by the weight of each bag of cement. The answer tells you how many bags you need. 53

Length:12 inches = 1 foot; 3 feet = 1 yard Area:1 acre= 43,560 square feet Volume:1, 728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot Weight:16 ounces = 1 pound; 2,000 pounds = 1 ton

Task III.Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F): 1. Three inches equal one yard. 2. One ton is equal to 2,000 cubic feet. 3. To determine cubic feet, multiply length,width, and height in feet.

Task IV. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F):

1 Inch A a unit of length that equals 1/12 of a foot 2 Foot B a unit of weight that equals 2,000 pounds 3 Yard C system that uses the ounce and the inch 4 Ton D a unit of length that equals 36 inches 5 Pound E a unit of length that equals 1/3 of a yard 6 imperial F a unit of weight that equals 16 ounces

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnmA-m1TfqU

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


Unit 6

Alexey Beketov

Task I.Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: a construction boom (n [ə kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n bu:m] будівельний бум phr) academician (n) [ə'kædə'mɪʃ(ə)n] Академік attract (v) [ə'trækt] Приваблюють award (v) [ə'wɔ:d] Нагороджувати century (n) ['senʧərɪ] Століття chemist (n) ['kemɪst] Хімік Chemistry (n) ['kemɪstrɪ] Хімія childhood (n) ['ʧaɪldhud] Дитинство classical proportions (n ['klæsɪk(ə)l prə'pɔ:ʃ(ə)n] класичні пропорції phr) Commercial College (n [kə'mɜ:ʃ(ə)l'kɔlɪʤ] Комерційний коледж phr) construction (n) [kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n] Будівництво convenient layout (n phr) [kən'vi:nɪənt 'leɪaut] зручне розташування creative success (n phr) [krɪ'eɪtɪv sək'ses] творчий успіх drawing (n) ['drɔ:ɪŋ] Малювання great opportunities (n [greɪt 'ɔpə'tju:nɪtɪ] чудові можливості phr) Merchants' Society (n ['mɜ:ʧ(ə)nt sə'saɪətɪ] Товариство торговців phr) Noticeable (adj) ['nəutɪsəb(ə)l] Помітний outstanding scientist (n [aut'stændɪŋ 'saɪəntɪst] видатний учений phr) prominent master(n phr) ['prɔmɪnənt 'mɑ:stə] видатний майстер Strictness(n) ['strɪktnəs] Суворість the architectural [θi: 'ɑ:kɪ'tekʧ(ə)rəl архітектурне environment(n phr) ɪn'vaɪ(ə)rənmənt] середовище the creator(s) (n) [θi: krɪ'eɪtə] Творці the image (n) [θi: 'ɪmɪʤ] Зображення the provincial town (n [θi: prə'vɪnʃ(ə)l taun] провінційне містечко phr) 55

Task II. Pre-reading discussion.Answer the questions below: 1. What famous architects do you know? 2. Who is Alexey Beketov? 3. What is he famous for? 4. What city did he live and work in? 5. How many buildings did he design? 6. Can you name some of the buildings designed by him? 7. What famous architectural samples can you name?

Task III. Read the text Alexey Beketov:

Alexey Beketov (1862 -1941) – Academician of Architecture

Aleksey Beketov was born on March 3 in 1862 in Kharkiv. He was born in the family of outstanding scientist - chemist Academician Nikolay Beketov (1827-1911), one of the creators of modern physical chemistry. Alexey spent his childhood In Kharkiv. Here he went to school where drawing and painting was taught by Dmitry Besperchy the pupil of K. Bryulov. A. Beketov studied Architecture in St. Petersburg in Imperial Academy of Arts (1882-1888), where his teachers were such prominent St. Petersburg masters of the late XIX - early XX century, as D. Grimm, A. Krakau and M. Mesmaher.After Alexey Beketov graduated from Imperial Academy of Arts, he returned to Kharkiv in 1889. The first noticeable creative success of the young architect was the victory in a closed competition for the projects of a new building of the Commercial School (1889-1901), organized by the Merchants' Society. The project was notable for rationality, convenient layout, classical proportions, and strictness of elegantly drawn details. Commercial College (now the main building of Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise) was the first construction of Alexey Beketov in Kharkiv. In 1891, A. Beketov was elected as Full Member of the Kharkiv Branch of the Imperial Russian Technical Society. In 1894, A. Beketov performed a project for the title of academician of architecture on the theme "Library for 1.5 million volumes with a gallery of great people and a numismatic museum." For the excellent knowledge of architecture, proven by the program project, St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts awarded


A. Beketov with the title of Academician of Architecture and elected him as Full Member of the Academy of Arts. The rapidly growing Kharkiv experienced a construction boom at that time and attracted both business people and architects, who opened up great opportunities. During the 1890s-1910s. the image of Kharkiv changed beyond recognition: from the provincial town it turned into the largest educational, commercial and industrial center. An important role in the formation of the architectural environment of the city belonged to A. Beketov. According to his projects about 50 buildings were built in Kharkiv, most of them are located on central squares and streets. Performed in various styles and differ in scale, representativeness, these structures to this day determine the nature of the development of the city's central buildings.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. When and where was A. Beketov Born? 2. Where did he study architecture at? 3. What was his first project? 4. How many buildings did he create in Kharkiv? 5. Did he influence on Kharkiv city architecture?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. Aleksey Nikolayevich Beketov was born on March 3 in 1962 in Kharkiv. 2. He was born in the family of outstanding scientist – chemist. 3. Here he went to school, where drawing and painting was taught by I. Repin. 4. Architectural education A. Beketov received in St. Petersburg in the Imperial Academy of Arts. 5. The project was notable for rationality, convenient layout, classical proportions, strictness of elegantly drawn details. Commercial College (now the main building of Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise) was the first construction of Alexey Beketov in Kharkiv. 6. The slowly growing city of Kharkiv didn’t experience at that time a construction boom. 7. An important role in the formation of the architectural environment of the city belonged to A.N. Beketov. 8. According to his projects in Kharkov was built about 100 buildings, most of which are located on central squares and streets.


9. Performed in various styles and differ in scale, representativeness, these structures to this day determine the nature of the development of the city's central ensembles.

Task VI. Match the words and their definitions: 1 architecture A to build something or put together different parts to form something whole 2 to design B If you are given recognition, people show admiration and respect for yourachievements 3 outstanding C the number or amount of a group or part of something when compared to the whole 4 to graduate D the achieving of the resultswanted or hoped for 5 project E a piece of plannedwork or an activity that is finished over a period of time and intended toachieve a particularpurpose 6 success F a person who has a first degree from a university or college 7 proportion G clearly very much better than what is usual: 8 recognition H to make or drawplans for something, for exampleclothes or buildings 9 To I the art and practice of designing and making buildings construct

Task VII. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. родина видатного вченого 2. сучасна фізична хімія 3. малюванню та живопису навчав 4. в Імператорській академії мистецтв 5. Перший помітний творчий успіх 6. молодий архітектор 7. закритий конкурс 8. проекти новобудов 9. організована Товариством Купеців 10. зручна компоновка

Task VIII.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. classical proportions 2. the first construction 3. The rapidly growing Kharkiv 4. a construction boom 5. great opportunities 6. the provincial town 7. it turned into educational center 8. the architectural environment 58

9. located on central squares and streets 10. the nature of the development

Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 Origin A Painting 2 Create B Source 3 Drawing C Construct 4 Grow D Make 5 Success E Triumph 6 Build F Turn

Task X. Match the opposites: 1 Create A Fail 2 Achieve B Rear 3 Fast C Wide 4 Narrow D Public 5 Private E Slow 6 Common F Destroy

Task XI. Translate the following attributive chains: outstanding scientist, noticeable success, closed competition, Merchants' Society, classical proportions, buildings were built,Kharkiv experienced a boom, the rapidly growing city

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: outstanding, outstandingly, outstandingness; modern, modernly, modernness, antimodern; draw, drawable, misdraw,misdrawn,misdrawing, redraw, redrew,redrawn; success, successless, successlessly, successlessness, nonsuccess; construction, constructional, constructionally, preconstruction; technical,·technically, technicalness, hypertechnical, hypertechnically; excellent, excellently, superexcellent, superexcellently, unexcellent; award, awardability, awardable, awarder, misaward.

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: Projects, notable, graduated, architectural environment, construction, educational, construction

1. According to his _____ in Kharkiv about 50 buildings were built, most of them are located on central squares and streets.


2. An important role in the formation of the _____ of the city belonged to A. Beketov. 3. The image of Kharkiv changed beyond recognition: from the provincial town it turned into the _____, commercial and industrial center of the south of the . 4. The rapidly growing city of Kharkiv experienced a _____ boom at that time and attracted both business people and architects, who opened up great opportunities. 5. The first noticeable creative success of the young architect was the victory in a closed competition for the _____ of a new building of the Commercial School (1889-1901), organized by the Merchants' Society. 6. After Alexey Beketov _____ from Imperial Academy of Arts, he returned to Kharkiv in 1889. 7. The project was _____ for rationality, convenient layout, classical proportions, and strictness of elegantly drawn details. 8. Commercial College (now the main building of Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise) was the first _____ of Alexey Beketov in Kharkiv.

Task XIV. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 6.

Task XV. Name the buildings created by Alexey Beketov:

1 2

3 4


Part 2 Task I. Read the text:

Careers in Architecture

Are you planning on a career in architecture? If so, you probably want to be an architect, but some students don't understand the diversity of this field. Whether self-employed or with a firm , architects depend on relationships with other professionals. They interact daily with clients, surveyors, contractors, and consultants. Before any construction can begin, architects work with surveyors. For new construction, land surveyors and geotechnical surveyors usually assess the site first. Building surveyors are often called in to assess existing structures. Many engineers contribute to the project before and during construction. Structural engineers work with the architect to ensure the building's structural integrity. Electricalengineers and mechanical engineers design the building's utilities. Acoustic engineers handle noise reduction. This is especially important in apartmentbuildings. Specialists allow architects to focus on what they do best. Some architects have specialties of their own, likelandscape architects. No single person can become an expert in every field. Architectural teams work together to make building designs a reality.

Task II. Read the text and answer these questions. 1.What are some of the different careers in architecture? 2. What other building professionals do architects work with?

Task III. Choose the correct answers. 1. What is the purpose of the article? A. to review the benefits of internship at architectural firms B. to explain how technology has changed architectural careers C. to describe different kinds of people that architects work with D. to compare modern architectural careers with those of the past 2. Which job is NOT completed by an engineer? A. assessing the construction site B. designing the building 's utilities C. ensuring the building 's structural integrity D. handling noise reduction 3. Which professional 's work is especially important when building apartments? 61

A. building surveyor B. structural engineer C. acoustic engineer D. landscape architect

Task IV. Match the words and phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1 Firm A working for oneself rather than an employer 2 Client B a business involving the partnership of two or more people a business involving the partnership of two or more people 3 contractor C a person who designs a building 's heating and ventilation systems 4 consultant D a person or company responsible for the physical construction of a building 5 self-employed E a person who measures and draws the existing landscape and buildings 6 building F a person responsible for making sure the building is safe surveyor 7 structural G a person or entity for whom a job is performed engineer 8 mechanical H an expert who provides professional advice engineer

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Gm3dI0X_s

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.



Brief History of Building Materials

Task I. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: acceleration [əkˌselə'reɪʃ(ə)n] прискорення, акселерація, розгін (n) array (n) [ə'reɪ] маса, сукупність; набір, комплект available [ə'veɪləbl] доступний; наявний; придатний, відповідний (adj) bituminous [bɪ'tjuːmɪnəs] бітумінозний, бітумний (adj) cave (n) [keɪv] Печера cease (v) [siːs] переставати (робити щ-н), припиняти; припинятися ceramics (n) [sə'ræmɪks] кераміка; керамічні вироби cement (n) [sə'ment] цемент; зв'язуюча речовина clay (n) [kleɪ] Глина composite ['kɔmpəzɪt] суміш, композиція; композит, композитний (n) матеріал, композиційний матеріал concrete (n) ['kɔŋkriːt] бетон; дорожнє покриття з бетону consumer [kən'sjuːmə] Споживач (n) copper (n) ['kɔpə] мідь (метал) density (n) ['den(t)sɪtɪ] густота; концентрація elastomer [ɪˈlastəmə] пружний полімер (n) explosion [ɪk'spləuʒ(ə)n] вибух; підривання; спалах (люті); спалах, (n) бурхливе зростання ferrous (adj) ['ferəs] залозистий; залізний imperative [ɪm'perətɪv] терміновий; обов'язковий; безапеляційний, (adj) який не допускає заперечення; беззаперечний, категоричний inorganic [ˌɪnɔː'gænɪk] Неорганічний 63

(adj) mankind (n) [ˌmæn'kaɪnd] людство; людський рід nomadic [nəu'mædɪk] кочовий, мандрівний; бродячий (adj) non-ferrous [ˌnɔn'ferəs] кольоровий (про метал); що не містить заліза (adj) pace (n) [peɪs] швидкість, темп permanent ['pɜːm(ə)nənt] постійний, незмінний; довготривалий; (adj) перманентний plaster (n) ['plɑːstə] штукатурка; пластир polymer (n) ['pɔlɪmə] Полімер provision (n) [prə'vɪʒ(ə)n] забезпечення, надання; постачання redress (v) [rɪ'dres] виправляти, поправляти; відновлювати (рівновагу), усувати (невідповідність, розбіжність); відшкодовувати, компенсувати (збитки, збиток) reinforce (v) [ˌriːɪn'fɔːs] зміцнювати, посилювати settle (v) ['setl] врегулювати; покласти край (розбіжностей); оселитися, влаштуватися; організувати поселення; влаштуватися на новому місці shelter (n) ['ʃeltə] притулок, кров; прикриття; захист steel (n) [stiːl] Сталь straw (n) [strɔː] солома; соломка sustainable [sə'steɪnəbl] стійкий; життєздатний; (екологічно) стійкий (adj) (не завдає шкоди навколишньому середовищу) timber (n) ['tɪmbə] лісоматеріали; будівельний ліс; деревина utilize (v) ['juːtɪlaɪz] утилізувати, використовувати, витрачати, вживати

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What building materials can you mention? 2. What are the most popular construction materials in the world nowadays and why? 3. What are the most popular construction materials in Ukraine? 4. What do you know about the history of the development of building materials in Ukraine? 5. What influences the development of building materials? 6. What influences the choice of materials when building?


7. What do you know about the stages in the development of construction materials?

Task ІII. Read the text Brief History of Building Materials:

Brief History of Building Materials

The finding and provision of shelter is one of the most basic human needs. When homo sapiens first appeared on Earth, they existed as hunter-gatherers, and would find shelter in caves and other convenient natural features. Around 8000 BC, however, mankind began to make the transition from hunter-gatherer to farmer, and men ceased to be nomadic and settled on their farmland. The need to build permanent settlements on their land became a major concern, and this step initiated the development of man as a building constructor. At this time, the population of the Earth would be perhaps 20,000,000 people in all. Once the human population density reached more than two people per square mile, the hunter-gatherer lifestyle was no longer sustainable, and more intensive methods for providing food becameimperative. In building his shelter man would utilise the materials that came to hand locally, such as timber, stone,animal skins and bone, etc. The mastery and use of fire led to the discoveries of ceramics, including firedclay, glass and also the smelting of metals. As millennium followed millennium, men discovered how toutilise a gradually increasing array of materials. So important were the materials used by men that theages of mankind’s development were named after the materials used, i.e. Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age,and so on. The Industrial Revolution, beginning at the start of the eighteenth century, initiated an acceleration inthe pace of discovery and technological development, so that by the end of the nineteenth century, manhad perhaps 100 or so materials at his disposal to meet all of his needs. The twentieth century saw theacceleration become an explosion in the number of available materials. We can suggest that wenow have between 40,000 and 80,000 different materials from which to choose. The balance between types of materials has changed dramatically over time. In early historical times(10000 BC onwards) ceramics and glasses were important, together with the use of natural polymers andelastomers, and early composites such as straw-reinforced bricks and paper. The use of metals was known,but only a few metals had been identified – gold and copper being two of 65

the earliest. By the middle ofthe twentieth century, metals had become the single most important class of materials. Since that timediscoveries in the fields of polymer and ceramics have redressed that balance, and developments ofengineering composites have also had a major impact. However, the need for shelter is just as important as it ever was; this is true for all peoples in all countries. The construction industry has grown and developed to meet this need, and as a result it is the largestindustry in the UK and in the rest of the world. This industry is the largest consumer of materials by far,as well as using a much wider range of material types than any other. This range includes steel and certain other non-ferrous metals, cement, concrete, plaster, clay bricks and tiles, timber, glass, polymers, bituminous materials, natural stone, etc. For convenience, these materials can be classified in three groupings: - metals, ferrous and non-ferrous; - ceramics and other inorganic materials; - polymersand natural organic materials.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is one of the most basic human needs? 2. Where did hunter-gatherers find shelter? 3. What changed around 8000 BC? 4. What was a major concern in 8000 BC? 5. Why was hunter-gatherer lifestyle no longer sustainable? 6. What did the mastery and use of fire lead to? 7. Why were the ages of mankind’s development named Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, and so on? 8. What is the period of the Industrial Revolution marked by? 9. How many materials do we have nowadays? 10. What materials were important in early historical times (10000 BC onwards)? 11. What can you say about the developments of engineering composites? 12. What materials does the construction industry use? 13. Into which three groupings can building materials be classified?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false:


1. The finding and provision of shelter is one of the most basic human needs. 2. When homo sapiens first appeared on Earth, they existed as hunter- gatherers, and would find shelter on their farmland. 3. Around 8000 BC the population of the Earth would be perhaps 100,000,000 people in all. 4. Once the human population density reached more than two people per square mile, the hunter-gatherer lifestyle was no longer sustainable. 5. In building his shelter man would utilise the materials that came to hand locally, such as timber, stone, animal skins and bone, etc. 6. The ages of mankind’s development were named after the food cooked. 7. The Industrial Revolution, beginning at the start of the eighteenth century, slowed down the discovery and technological development. 8. In early historical times (10000 BC onwards) ceramics and glasses were important. 9. The construction industry is the least developed industry in the UK and in the rest of the world. 10. The construction industry is the largest consumer of materials by far.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. знаходження та надання притулку 2. основні потреби людини 3. мисливці-збирачі 4. оселитися на землі, що використовується для землеробства 5. ініціювати розвиток 6. використовувати матеріали 7. випалена глина 8. у своєму розпорядженні 9. задовольнити всі свої потреби 10. будівельна галузь 11. найбільший споживач матеріалів

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. to build permanent settlements 2. a major concern 3. a building constructor 67

4. per square mile 5. to come to hand locally 6. the mastery and use of fire 7. a gradually increasing array of materials 8. available materials 9. straw-reinforced bricks 10. to redress the balance 11. non-ferrous metals 12. clay bricks and tiles

Task VIІІ. Match the words and their definitions: 1 Shelter A wood prepared for use in building and carpentry 2 Cave B a place, typically one which has previously been uninhabited, where people establish a community 3 Nomadic C a substance which has a molecular structure built up chiefly or completely from a large number of similar units bonded together, e.g. many synthetic organic materials used as plastics and resins 4 Settlement D remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation) 5 acceleration E a natural underground chamber in a hillside or cliff 6 Timber F increase in speed or rate 7 Polymer G a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger 8 Composite H a person who purchases goods and services for personal use 9 to redress I (of a constructional material) made up of recognizable constituents 10 Consumer J living the life of a nomad; wandering

Task ІХ. Match the synonyms: 1 Shelter A Humanity 2 Convenient B to correct 3 Feature C Main 4 Mankind D Cover 5 Transition E to use 6 Need F Urgent 7 Major G Characteristic


8 Imperative H Passage 9 Toutilize I Comfortable 10 to redress J Necessity

Task Х. Match the opposites: 1 to appear A Unsustainable 2 to cease B Deceleration 3 Sustainable C Absent 4 to increase D to disappear 5 Acceleration E Producer 6 Available F to start 7 Consumer G to decrease

Task ХІ. Translate the following attributive chains: human population density, hunter-gatherer lifestyle, animal skins and bone, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, construction industry

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: provide, provider, provision; exist, existence, existent, existing; convenient, convenience, conveniently; natural, nature, naturalize, naturalism, naturalist, naturalistic, naturalization, naturally; farm, farmer, farmerage, farmer; develop, developable, developed, developing, development; intensive, intensively, intensification, intensifier, intensify; discover, discoverability, discoverable, discovered, discoverer, discovery; accelerate, acceleration, accelerated, accelerating, accelerator; identify, identification, identified, identifier, identifying, identity, identifiable.

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals: Asian Architecture The 1) _____ of 2) _____ parts of Asia developed ARCHITECT along different lines from that of Europe; Buddhist, Hindu DIFFER and Sikh architecture each having different 3) _____. CHARECTERIZE Buddhist architecture, in particular, showed great 4) _____ REGION


diversity. Hindu temple architecture, which developed around the 3rd century BCE, is governed by concepts laid down in the Shastras, and is concerned with expressing the macrocosm and the microcosm. In many Asian countries, pantheistic religion led to 5) _____ forms that were ARCHITECT designed 6) _____ to enhance the natural landscape. SPECIFY

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: caves,the Earth, to settle,a major concern, to initiate,to utilize,construction industry,to redress,timber, consumer

1. We must protect _____ atmosphere by reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. 2. We must _____ all the tools at our disposal. 3. Accelerated road damage is _____ in East Africa. 4. Speleology is the science of exploration and study of all aspects of _____. 5. We will need decisive actions _____ this situation. 6. He said his only business was _____. 7. _____ is a sector of national economy engaged in preparation of land and construction, alteration, and repair of buildings, structures, and other real property. 8. These changes will not affect the average_____. 9. The opportunity _____aconstructive dialogue with the State party is particularly welcome. 10. After they got married, they _____ in Brooklyn.

Task XV. Fill in the gaps with the given words: design, floors, desert, observation deck, silhouette, the tallest, supertower


Buri Khalifa Rising a dizzying 2,717 feet above the 1)_____, this spectacular 2)_____ reigns as 3)_____ structure in the world. Its 162 4)_____ contain offices, residences, restaurants, an Armani hotel, and an 5)_____, 124 stories up. The strength of its 6)_____ stems not only from its awe-inspiring verticality but also from its sleek 7)_____. Wrapped in a glass curtain wall with steel mullions that catch the Arabian sun, the building tapers gradually from its Y-shaped base, with setbacks culminating in a 700-foot spire.

Task XVI. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 1.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:

Basic Math

Hello James, I surveyed the development land. The plot is eleven hundred acres. You can fit four hundred houses, as planned. They will have an average of 1.5 acres each. This breakdown includes the number of houses multiplied by the acres per house: •400 times 1.5 comes to 600 acres. •The available space is 1,100 acres. The houses require 600 acres. 1,100 minus 600 equals 500 acres. You can use that for roads and parks. Also, the neighboring plot is for sale. It is four hundred acres (less one hundred for roads): •400 minus 100 equals 300 acres for houses. 300 divided by 1.5 equals 200 houses. That's 200 houses plus your original 400 houses. It comes to 600 houses total. Think about it and let me know. Rachel Graves, Surveyor.

Task II. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F): 1. The plot cannot hold as many houses as planned. 2. The parks and roads on the original plot will occupy 500 acres. 3. The neighboring plot can hold more houses than the original plot.

Task III. Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank: 1. hundred / average A. The surveyor calculated the _____ size of all plots. B. The architect is planning a development on a fifteen-_____ acre plot. 2. multiplied by / divided by A. Six _____ two equals three. B. Two _____ three equals six.

Task IV. Put the words from the word bank under the correct headings: equals, plus, and, less, comes to, minus 72

Adding numbers Subtracting numbers Expressing results

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVv_i0LRxaI&t=22s

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.



Part 1

Clay and Its Classifications

Task I. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: acid (n) ['æsɪd] Кислота admixture (n) [əd'mɪksʧə] домішка, суміш advance (v) [əd'vɑːn(t)s] просуватися; просувати; рухати вперед alkalis (n) ['ælk(ə)laɪ] Луг alumina (n) [ə'luːmɪnə] окис алюмінію; глинозем appearance [ə'pɪər(ə)n(t)s] поява; зовнішній вигляд, зовнішність (n) blend (v) [blend] змішувати; виготовляти суміш; змішуватися; зливатися; поєднуватися; гармоніювати; поєднувати, (вдало) комбінувати, підбирати brick (n) [brɪk] цегла; клінкер bulk (n) [bʌlk] купа; маса; величина, обсяг, маса conduit (n) ['kɔnd(j)uɪt] трубопровід; акведук; канал, засіб передачі, комунікації; інформаційний канал; ізоляційна трубка calcite (n) [ˈkalsʌɪt] Кальцит composition [ˌkɔmpə'zɪʃ(ə)n] структура, склад; суміш, з'єднання, сплав (n) disperse (adj) [dɪ'spɜːs] розсіювати, розвіювати; розганяти; розріджений drain (n) [dreɪn] дренаж, осушення; система осушення; дренажна канава; водостік, труба; каналізація durability (n) [ˌdjuərə'bɪlətɪ] тривалість; довговічність; строк служби; міцність; стійкість; зносостійкість; ресурс міцності earthenware ['ɜːθ(ə)nweə] глиняний посуд, гончарні вироби; кераміка, (n) фаянс; глина (з якої роблять посуд) feldspar (n) ['feldspɑː] польовий шпат fragmentary ['frægmənt(ə)rɪ] що складається з фрагментів, уривків, 74

(adj) уламків; фрагментарний, уривчастий; уламковий (що складається з уламків скель і т.п.) kaolin (n) ['keɪəlɪn] каолін (біла вогнетривка глина, керамічна сировина) Kaolinite [ˈkeɪəlɪnʌɪt] Каолинит lean(adj) [liːn] убогий, скромний, невеликий; худий (про бетонну суміш) magnesite (n) [ˈmagnɪsʌɪt] Магнезит majolica (n) [mə'ʤɔlɪkə] майоліка (вид кераміки) mica (n) ['maɪkə] Слюда mould (v) [məuld] формувати, ліпити; відливати форму, формувати; робити за шаблоном, зразком (ч-н) ore (n) [ɔː] Руда partition (n) [pɑː'tɪʃ(ə)n] розчленовування; поділ, розділ; лінія розділу, межа; перегородка porcelain (n) ['pɔːs(ə)lɪn] фарфор; фарфоровий виріб porosity (n) [pɔː'rɔsətɪ] пористість; пориста структура pottery (n) ['pɔt(ə)rɪ] гончарні вироби; кераміка, керамічні вироби pure (adj) [pjuə] чистий; без домішки quartz (n) [kwɔːts] Кварц raw (adj) [rɔː] Сира (їжа); необроблений refractory [rɪ'frækt(ə)rɪ] вогнетривкий, жаростійкий, тугоплавкий (adj) refractoriness [rɪ'frækt(ə)rɪnəs] тугоплавкість; вогнестійкість, (n) вогнетривкість residual (adj) [rɪ'zɪdjuəl] Залишковий resistance (n) [rɪ'zɪst(ə)n(t)s] опір; відсіч, протидія; опірність (організму); стійкість sawdust (n) ['sɔːdʌst] Тирса sedimentary [ˌsedɪ'ment(ə)rɪ] Осадовий (adj) sewer (n) ['s(j)uə] стічна труба; колектор, каналізаційна труба shrinkage (n) ['ʃrɪŋkɪʤ] скорочення; стиснення, зменшення; усадка, усушка slag (n) [slæg] вигарки, окалина, шлак specific ['grævɪtɪ] густина; питома вага gravity stoneware (n) ['stəunweə] кераміка, глиняний посуд


surfactant (n) [səˈfakt(ə)nt] Сурфактант terracotta (n) [ˌterə'kɔtə] теракота, жовта або червона обпалена глина; виріб з теракоти tile (n) [taɪl] черепиця; кахель, плитка viscous (adj) ['vɪskəs] в'язкий, липкий, клейкий; густий, тягучий vitrify (v) ['vɪtrɪfaɪ] перетворювати (ся) в скло або в склоподібну речовину water-glass ['wɔːtə] [glɑːs] водомірне скло, рідке скло

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What is clay? 2. Is clay widely used in your country? 3. What spheres of clay use do you know? 4. What can you say about the history of clay use?

Task III. Read the text Clay and Its Classifications:

Clay and Its Classifications

Clay products are one of the most important classes of structural materials. The raw materialsused in their manufacture are clay blended with quartz, sand, chamatte (refractory clay burnedat 1000–1400°C and crushed), slag, sawdust and pulverized coal. Structural clay products orbuilding ceramics are basically fabricated by moulding, drying and burninga clay mass. The higher the bulk specific gravity, the stronger is the clay product. This rule does not hold goodfor vitrified products since the specific gravity of clay decreases as vitrification advances. Bulk specific gravity of clay brick ranges from 1.6 to 2.5. According to the method of manufacture and structure, bricks, tiles, pipes, terracotta,earthenwares, stonewares, porcelain, and majolica are well recognized and employed in buildingconstruction. Clay bricks have pleasing appearance, strength and durability whereas clay tilesused for light-weight partition walls and floors possess high strength and resistance to fire. Clay pipes on account of their durability, strength, lightness and cheapness are successfullyused in sewers, drains and conduits. Clay is the most important raw material used for making bricks. It is an earthen mineral massor fragmentary rock capable of mixing with water and forming a plastic viscous mass whichhas a property of retaining its shape when moulded and dried. When such masses are heatedto redness, they acquire hardness and strength. This is a result of micro-structural changes inclay and as such is a chemical property. Purest clays consist mainly of kaolinitewith small quantities of minerals such as quartz, mica, felspar, calcite,magnesite, etc. By 76

their origin, clays are subdivided as residual and transported clays. Residualclays, known as Kaolin or China clay, are formed from the decay of underlying rocks and areused for making pottery. The transported or sedimentary clays result from the action ofweathering agencies. These are more disperse, contain impurities, and free from large particlesof mother rocks. On the basis of resistance to high temperatures (more than 1580°C), clays are classified asrefractory, high melting and low melting clays. The refractory clays are highly disperse andvery plastic. These have high content of alumina and low content of impurities, such as Fe2O3,tending to lower the refractoriness. High melting clays have high refractoriness (1350–1580°C)and contain small amount of impurities such as quartz, felspar, mica, calcium carbonate andmagnesium carbonate. These are used for manufacturing facing bricks, floor tiles, sewer pipes,etc. Low melting clays have refractoriness less than 1350°C and have varying compositions.These are used to manufacture bricks, blocks, tiles, etc. Admixtures are added to clay to improve its properties, if desired. Highly plastic clayswhich require mixing water up to 28 per cent, give high drying and burning shrinkage, call foraddition of lean admixtures or non-plastic substances such as quartz sand, chamatte, ash, etc. Items of lower bulk density and high porosity are obtained by addition of admixture that burnout. The examples of burning out admixtures are sawdust, coal fines, pulverized coal, etc. Acidresistance items and facing tiles are manufactured from clay by addition of water-glass or alkalis. Burning temperature of clay items can be reduced by blending clay with fluxes such asfelspar, iron bearing ores, etc. Plasticity of moulding mass may be increased by adding surfactantssuch as sulphite-sodium vinasse (0.1–0.3%).

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What raw materials are used in clay products manufacture? 2. How are structural clay products fabricated? 3. What clay products do you know? 4. What are the main characteristics of clay bricks? 5. What are the main characteristics of clay tiles? 6. Why is clay the most important raw material used for making bricks? 7. What do the purest clays consist of? 8. How are clays subdivided by their origin and what can you say about these types? 9. How are clays classified on the basis of resistance to high temperatures and what can you say about these types? 10. Why do we add admixtures to clay and what admixtures do you know?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 77

1. The raw materials used in the manufacture of clay products are clay blended with quartz, chamatteand pulverized coal. 2. Structural clay products or building ceramics are basically fabricated by moulding, drying and burning a clay mass. 3. The higher the bulk specific gravity, the stronger is the clay product. 4. The specific gravity of clay increases as vitrification advances. 5. Clay bricks have pleasing appearance, strength and durability. 6. Clay tiles used for light-weight partition walls and floors possess low strength and resistance to fire. 7. Clay pipes are characterized by durability, strength, lightness and cheapness. 8. Clayis an earthen mineral mass or fragmentary rock capable of mixing with water and forming a plastic viscous mass which has a property of retaining its shape when moulded and dried. 9. Purest clays consist of small quantities of minerals such as quartz, mica, felspar, calcite, magnesite, etc. 10. By their origin, there is only one type of clays – transported clays. 11. The refractory clays are not disperse and plastic. 12. High melting clays have high refractoriness (1350–1580°C) and contain small amount of impurities such as quartz, felspar, mica, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. 13. Burning temperature of clay items can be reduced by blending clay with fluxes such as felspar, iron bearing ores, etc.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. конструкційні матеріали 2. сировина 3. вогнетривка глина 4. приємний зовнішній вигляд 5. стійкість до вогню 6. за рахунокч-н 7. земляна мінеральна маса 8. зберегти свою форму 9. хімічна властивість 10. виготовляти гончарні вироби 11. містити домішки 12. стійкість до високих температур 13. висока вогнетривкість 14. поліпшувати властивості 15. температура горіння

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 78

1. strength and durability 2. to acquire hardness and strength 3. residual and transported clays 4. decay of underlying rocks 5. sedimentary clays 6. the action ofweathering agencies 7. high melting and low melting clays 8. low content of impurities 9. facing bricks 10. acid resistance items 11. lean admixtures

Task VІІІ. Match the words and their definitions: 1 Clay A powdery particles of wood produced by sawing 2 Sand B a thin rectangular slab of baked clay or other material, used in overlapping rows for covering roofs; a thin square slab of glazed pottery or other material for covering floors, walls, or other surfaces 3 quartz C a white vitrified translucent ceramic; china 4 sawdust D a stiff, sticky fine-grained earth that can be moulded when wet, and is dried and baked to make bricks, pottery, and ceramics 5 Brick E substances that are present in small quantities in another substance and make it dirty or of an unacceptable quality 6 Tile F a hard mineral consisting of silica, found widely in igneous and metamorphic rocks and typically occurring as colourless or white hexagonal prisms. It is often coloured by impurities (as in amethyst, citrine, and cairngorm) 7 porcelain G pots, dishes, and other articles made of fired clay;can be broadly divided into earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware 8 pottery H a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building 9 impurity I a loose granular substance, typically pale yellowish brown, resulting from the erosion of siliceous and other rocks and forming a major constituent of beaches, river beds, the seabed, and deserts

Task ІХ. Match the synonyms: 1 raw materials A to use 2 Manufacture B to comprise 3 to advance C natural resources 4 to range D to own 5 to employ E to get 79

6 to possess F to demand 7 to acquire G to progress 8 Quantity H to vary 9 to contain I Amount 10 to call for J Production

Task Х. Match the opposites: 1 Strong A to cool down 2 to decrease B to lose 3 Important C to worsen 4 to retain D to increase 5 to heat E Inflexible 6 Plastic F Weak 7 to improve G Insignificant

Task VIII. Translate the following attributive chains: clay products, clay mass, bulk specific gravity, clay bricks, light-weight partition walls and floors, China clay, mother rocks, sewer pipes, iron bearing ores

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: pulverize, pulverization, pulverizer, pulverized (coal); fabricate, fabricated, fabrication; vitrify, vitrification; resist, resistance, resistant; fragment, fragmentary, fragmentation, fragmented; impurities, pure, impure; compose, composed, compositions, compositional.

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals: The term “architect” has been in 1)_____ for many EXIST centuries, however the architect as its own recognised profession is a 2)_____modernconcept dating back to the mid RELATIVE

16th century, from the French architecte and Italian architetto(3) _____ from the Greek arkhitektn, where arkhi ORIGIN means “chief” and tektn “builder”). The term and what it represents has evolved through history to its current form in QUALITY which architects are seen as highly 4)_____ and educated PROFESSION 5)_____.


Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: floor tiles, resistance to fire, clay, porcelain, burning, admixtures, pottery, raw materials, sand, burning temperature

1. _____ is the most important raw material used for making bricks. 2. High prices for _____ and energy are increasing the importance of eco-efficiency, waste reduction and recycling. 3. The _____ of wood in private stoves represents the oldest and still the most common form of biomass use. 4. Therefore, such _____ do not pose any health and safety risks to the staff, delegates and visitors to the complex. 5. _____ in cement kilts is about 1,450 ºC with the flame temperature up to 2,000 ºC. 6. The _____ of building components and constructions is classified in different fire resistance classes or combinations of those. 7. _____ has usually been regarded as the most prestigious type of pottery for its delicacy, strength, and its white color. 8. _____ is made by forming a ceramic (often clay) body into objects of a desired shape and heating them to high temperatures (1000-1600°C) in a kiln. 9. _____and gravel are perhaps the most important such offshore mineral resources currently exploited. 10. In many countries there is a problem related to the pollution of food products with heavy metals and other _____.

Task XV. Fill in the gaps with the given words: resist, stone, sand, appearance, deliver, concrete, floors, iron, contemporary

Builder's Choice is the №1 source for materials including ... Cements and Aggregates. Mix your own concretewith our 1)_____, gravel, and cement, or choose our ready-mixed 2) _____. We'll even 3)_____ it to your site! Bricks and mortar. Low- maintenance bricks 4)_____ weather and fire. Unlike many 5)_____ styles, traditional bricks have a timeless, classic 6)_____. Natural and manufactured stone. Granite, marble, slate – we have it all! Construct durable 7)_____ and walls. Enhance your architectural features with decorative 8)_____. Metal beams and bars. Our steel I-beams are 98% 9)_____ and 2% carbon. They're built to last! Our rods of rebar come in 20, 40, and 60 feet. We also provide custom cuts.


Task XVI. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 2.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:


Drawing to scale is an essential part of architectural plans. Appropriate scale helps us understand the dimensions of a space. When architects design buildings, they must take scale into account. Note: casual viewers often need visual references to understand the scale system. Features like people and furniture provide a sense of proportion. Architects express designs in different scales depending on the size. Sometimes they create detailed models of small areas at full-size scale. For drawings, a one-to-one(1:1) ratiois far too large. Even at fifty percent, this is usually a problem. The sizes of buildings, rooms, and construction sites vary greatly, but all the drawings need to be about the same size. That's why different areas require different ratios. Details typically appear on a 1:8 scale. For a large building , a one-hundredth scale drawing might be appropriate. Architects draw whole sites at a fraction of the size. For these, ratios of 1:1000 or 1:1250 are common.

Task II.Choose the correct answers: 1. What is the passage mainly about? A. how technology has changed scale drawing B. why architects draw building plans to scale C. who architects draw scale renderings for D. when to do particular types of scale drawings 2. According to the chapter, what is wrong with afifty percent scale? A. It is usually much too large. B. It can only be used for detail models. C. It is inconsistent with the rest of the scalesystem. D. It does not account for variations in buildingsize. 3. Which is NOT an idea mentioned in the passage? A. Scale helps people understand thedimensions of a space. B. A one-to-one ratio is too large to bepractical for drawings. C. Different scales are appropriate for differentdrawings. D. Architects use different scale ratios thanother professionals.


Task III. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H): A an area within an architectural plan, such as a room 1 Ratio B a numerical representation of part of a whole 2 Design C done proportionately to the size of the real object 3 fraction D a relationship between two quantities 4 express E to represent something in a certain way 5 Space F a method of expressing relationships between dimensions or 6 to scale quantities G one of one hundred equal parts of a whole 7 - hundredth H to conceive of and render plans for something 8 scale system

Task IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases: One-to-, proportion, -hundredth, percent, full-size scale

1. For the client renderings, we reduced the size by twenty _____. 2. Bridgette constructed a model at _____. 3. The student's drawing was slightly out of _____. 4. A _____ five ratio is common for construction details. 5. The architect drew the plans using a one _____ scale.

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5GiQ-3Nawc

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


UNIT 3 Part 1

Rocks and Stones

Task I. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: advent (n) ['ædvənt] наступ (епохи, події), прибуття, прихід aggregation [ˌægrɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n] скупчення; маса; конгломерат; (n) агрегація, з'єднання частин; об'єднання; зосередження apatite (n) ['æpətaɪt] Апатит Basal ['beɪsl] що лежить в основі, основний; базальний basalt (n) ['bæsɔːlt] Базальт calcite (n) [ˈkalsʌɪt] Кальцит cleavage (n) ['kliːvɪʤ] розщеплення, розколювання; відшарування (гірських порід) composition [ˌkɔmpə'zɪʃ(ə)n] складання, побудова; твір; написання; (n) структура, склад; суміш, з'єднання, сплав constituent (n) [kən'stɪtjuənt] компонент, складова частина crystal (n) ['krɪst(ə)l] кристал; кришталь (високоякісне скло) crust (n) [krʌst] кора, кірка; твердий поверхневий шар; земна кора; поверхневі відкладення Cubic ['kjuːbɪk] кубічний (має форму куба) definite (adj) ['def(ə)nət] ясний, точний; призначений, встановлений; чітко виражений; певний diamond (n) ['daɪəmənd] алмаз; діамант dolomite (n) ['dɔləmaɪt] Доломіт dress (n) [dres] прикрашати; шліфувати (камінь); обтісувати, стругати (дошки) Dull [dʌl] незаточений, тупий; притуплений, приглушений; тьмяний, неяскравий, слабкий


durability (n) [ˌdjuərə'bɪlətɪ] тривалість; довговічність; строк служби; міцність; стійкість elegance (n) ['elɪg(ə)n(t)s] елегантність; витонченість enhance (n) [ɪn'hɑːn(t)s] збільшувати, посилювати, покращувати fluorite (n) [ˈflʊərʌɪt] плавиковий шпат; андродамант; флюорит granite (n) ['grænɪt] Граніт Greasy ['griːsɪ] масляний (про блиск) gypsum (n) ['ʤɪpsəm] Гіпс hardness (n) ['hɑːdnəs] твердість, міцність; опірність (механічних впливів) implements ['ɪmplɪmənt] інструмент, прилад; знаряддя, засіб; (n) implements приналежності, начиння; інвентар impose (v) [ɪm'pəuz] класти, поміщати, фіксувати в певному положенні; оподатковувати); накладати (обмеження, штраф) limestone (n) ['laɪm stəun] вапняковий камінь / вапняк lustre (n) ['lʌstə] глянець, блиск; відбите світло; лиск, блиск, пишність marble (n) ['mɑːbl] Мармур mica (n) ['maɪkə] Слюда Metallic [mə'tælɪk] металевий, що містить метал Octahedral [ˌɔktə'hiːdr(ə)l] восьмигранний, октаедральний orthoclase (n) [ˈɔːθəkleɪz] Ортоклаз overshadow [ˌəuvə'ʃædəu] затемнювати; затінювати, відкидати (v) тінь; затьмарювати, залишати в тіні; бути більш впливовим, важливим Pearly ['pɜːlɪ] перловий; перламутровий portion (n) ['pɔːʃ(ə)n] доза, порція, частина prior to (prep) ['praɪəˌtə] до, до моменту, перед Prismatic [prɪz'mætɪk] призматичний, в формі призми quartz(n) [kwɔːts] Кварц Resinous ['rezɪnəs] Смолистий Rhombohedral [ˌrɒmbə(ʊ)ˈhiːdr(ə)l] Ромбоедричний rock (n) [rɔk] скеля; гірська порода; багата руда; камінь, кругляк sandstone (n) ['sæn(d)stəun] Пісковик sapphire (n) ['sæfaɪə] Сапфір scratch (v) [skræʧ] дряпати, скребти, подряпати,


роздряпати Silky ['sɪlkɪ] шовковистий; блискучий (нагадує блиск шовку) soak (v) [səuk] вбирати, поглинативбирати, поглинати split (v) [splɪt] розколювати; розщеплювати, розбивати на частини; розколюватися; розщеплюватися, розбиватися на частини; тріскатися streak (n) [striːk] колір риси; смужка; прожилка substance (n) ['sʌbst(ə)n(t)s] речовина; зміст, суть, сутність; матерія, субстанція talc (n) [tælk] тальк, жировик, стеатит topaz (n) ['təupæz] Топаз Vitreous ['vɪtrɪəs] склоподібний; скляний; прозорий weapons (n) ['wepən] знаряддя, зброя; засіб боротьби (проти ч-н/з ч-н)

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What characters of rocks properties are depend on? 2. What do minerals feature? 3. What are important properties of minerals? 4. What is the most important property of minerals? 5. What mineral has poor strength in water?

Task III. Read the text Rocks and Stones:

Rocks and Stones

The history of mankind is supposed to have begun with the stone age marked by the use of implements and weapons made of stone. Prior to that, the difference between animals and homosapiens was largely physical. But once human beings started using stones, the world of both changed entirely. Stone has been defined as the natural, hard substance formed from minerals and earth material which are present in rocks. Rock may be defined as the portion of the earth’s crust having no definite shape and structure. Almost all rocks have a definite chemical composition and are made up of minerals and organic matter. Some of the rock-forming minerals are quartz, felspar, mica, dolomite, etc. The


various types of rocks from which building stones are usually derived are granite, basalt, trap, marble, slate, sandstone and limestone. Use of stone in building construction is traditional in the places where it is produced, although even there its high cost imposes limitations on its use. The conditions which govern the selection of stone for structural purposes are cost, fashion, ornamental value and durability. Stone has been used in the construction of most of the important structures since prehistoric age. Most of the forts world over, the TajMahal of India, the famous pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China are but a few examples. Stone has also been extensively used in almost all the elements of building structures, as load carrying units as well as for enhancing the beauty and elegance of the structure. As building material stone has gradually lost importance with the advent of cement and steel. Secondly, the strength of the structural elements built with stones cannot be rationally analysed. Other major factors in overshadowing its use are the difficulties in its transportation and dressing which consume a lot of time resulting in slow pace of construction. Being aggregations of minerals, the properties of rocks are dependent upon the character of these constituents, identified by their physical properties such as hardness,cleavage, streak, colour, lustre, specific gravity and shape of crystals. Some minerals feature great strength, hardness and resistance to chemical attack (quartz); others have poor strength and readily soak in water (gypsum); some minerals display a great tendency to cleavage and split readily along one or several directions (mica), thus decreasing the strength of the rock they make up. Some of the important properties of minerals are as follows: Hardness is probably the most important property for rapid determination of minerals. It is measured by scratching the mineral with a series of substances of known variation in hardness using the following scale of Mohs: Talc, easily scratched with the thumb-nail: 1 Gypsum, scratched by the thumb-nail: 2 Calcite, not scratched by thumb-nail but easily cut by knife: 3 Fluorite, can be cut by knife with greater difficulty than calcite: 4 Apatite, can be cut only with difficulty by knife: 5 Orthoclase, can be cut with knife with great difficulty on thin edges: 6 Quartz, not scratched by steel, scratches glass: 7 Topaz: 8 Sapphire: 9 Diamond: 10


If, for example, a given substance is scratched by fluorite and not by calcite its hardness is between 3 and 4. Cleavage is the measure of the capability of some minerals to split along certain planes parallel to the crystal faces. The various types of cleavage seen in the minerals are Basal, Prismatic, Cubic, Rhombohedral and Octahedral. Streak is the colour of the mineral in powder-form. For some minerals, their colour is seen to be entirely different from that of their powder, which makes streak a useful property in the identification of ore-minerals. Streak can be readily observed by scratching it on a streak plate made of unglazed porcelain or roughened glass. Colouris a valuable characteristic of metallic minerals, but less reliable for non-metallic minerals. Lustreis shine on the surface of a mineral and its appearance under reflected light is classified as vitreous (glassy), greasy, pearly, resinous, dull, silky and metallic. Crystal: The crystal form is of importance when a mineral has had the opportunity to develop its natural shape. This is not the normal condition in rock structure.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is a mineral? What are their physical properties? 2. What is meant by ‘hardness of a mineral’? How can it be determined? What is Mohs scaleof hardness? 3. Give the physical properties of the following minerals: quartz, mica and gypsum. 4. Write short notes on the following: (a) Lustre, (b) Cleavage, (c) Hardness, (d) Streak 5. Discuss the three important types of rocks and their formations

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. All minerals feature great strength, hardness and resistance to chemical attack. 2. Hardness is probably the most important property for rapid determination of minerals. 3. Streak is the measure of the capability of some minerals to split along certain planes parallel to the crystal faces.


4. Colouris a valuable characteristic of metallic minerals, but less reliable for non-metallic minerals. 5. Streak can be readily observed by scratching it on a streak plate made of unglazed porcelain or roughened glass. 6. Lustre form is of importance when a mineral has had the opportunity to develop its natural shape.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. кам'яний вік 2. використання знарядь та зброї 3. натуральна, тверда речовина 4. хімічний склад 5. накладати обмеження на 6. поява цементу та сталі 7. зосередженнямінералів 8. рудні мінерали 9. грубе (шорсткувате скло)

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. portion of the earth’s crust 2. rock-forming minerals 3. to govern the selection of stone for structural purposes 4. to enhance the beauty and elegance 5. the character of the constituents 6. to feature strength, hardness and resistance to chemical attack 7. to split readily along one or several directions 8. the colour of the mineral in powder-form 9. unglazed porcelain 10. metallic and non-metallic minerals

Task VІІІ. Match the words and their definitions: 1 hardness A the brightness that a shinysurface has 2 cleavage B a valuable or usefulchemicalsubstance that is formednaturally in the ground 3 Streak C to have long, thinnoticeablelines of a different colour 4 colour D a quality in a substance or material, especially one that means


that it can be used in a particular way 5 Lustre E the degree to which something is strong or powerful 6 crystal F transparentglass of very high quality, usually with itssurfacecut into delicatepatterns 7 mineral G to become a particularcolour, or to make something a particularcolour 8 property H the quality of being difficult to bend, cut, or break 9 strength I the tendency of a mineral

Task ІХ. Match the synonyms: 1 Feature A Prepared 2 Rock B Show 3 Form C Power 4 Strength D Shape 5 Variation E Stone 6 Display F Characteristic 7 Readily G Change

Task Х. Match the opposites: 1 Identify A Awful 2 Great B Destroy 3 Split C Unite 4 Make D Smooth 5 Scratch E Shape 6 Substance F Hide 7 Appear G Withdraw

Task ХI. Translate the following attributive chains: stone age, earth material, thumb-nail, streak plate

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: Implement, implementation differ, difference, different, differentia, differential, differentiate, differentiation, differentiating, differentiated, differentiator; chemical, chemically, chemicals, chemicalize, chemicalization, chemistry;


limit, limitary, limitation, limitative, limited, limitedly, limitedness, limiter, limiting; govern, governable, governance, governing, government, governmental, governor; select, selected, selection, selective, selectively, selectivity; beauty, beautiful, beautifully, beautify; analyze, analysis, analyzer, analyst; transport, transportability, transportable, transportation, transporter, transporting.

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals: The most important and widely used building materials The designer must be able to select and adapt such materials of construction that will give the most 1) _____ EFFECT result by the most 2) _____ means. In this choice of ECONOMY materials for any work of 3) _____, the civil engineer must CONSTRUCT consider many factors. They include availability, cost, physical properties of materials and others. Timber, steel and concrete vary in the properties desired by the engineer. Even steel, uniform as it appears, varies 4) _____ in its microstructure. CONSIDERABLE Lime, gypsum and cement are the three materials most widely used in 5) _____ construction for the purpose BUILD of binding together masonry units, such as stone, brick and as constituents of wall plaster.

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: the most, minerals, Cleavage, colour, shine, crystal, soak, feature, strength display

1. Hardness is probably ______important property for rapid determination of ______. 2. ______is the measure of the capability of some minerals to split along certain planes parallel to the crystal faces.


3. Streak is the ______of the mineral in powder-form. For some minerals, their colour is seen to be entirely different from that of their powder, which makes streak a useful property in the identification of ore-minerals. 4. Colouris a valuable characteristic of metallic minerals, but less reliable for non-metallic minerals. 5. Lustreis ______on the surface of a mineral and its appearance under reflected light is classified as vitreous (glassy), greasy, pearly, resinous, dull, silky and metallic. 6. The ______form is of importance when a mineral has had the opportunity to develop its natural shape. This is not the normal condition in rock structure. 7. Some minerals ______great strength, hardness and resistance to chemical attack (quartz); 8. others have poor strength and readily ______in water (gypsum) 9. some minerals ______a great tendency to cleavage and split readily along one or several directions (mica). 10. thus decreasing the _____ of the rock they make up

Task XV. Fill in the gaps with the given words: Controversy, tower, design, structures, weight, to lean

The Leaning Tower of Pisa The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most remarkable architectural 1)_____ in Europe. Most famous for its tilt, the tower began 2)_____ during construction after soft ground on one side was unable to properly support the structure's 3) _____. Building work on the 4)_____ began in 1173 and went on for over a whopping 199 years. There has been much 5)_____ surrounding the true identity of the architect behind the tower – the 6) _____ was originally attributed to artist Bonnano Pisano but studies have also implicated architect Diotisalvi.

Task XVI. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 3.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:

Sketches. About the design process

When you build a home, you want to learn and trust yourarchitect's process. Every architect is different, so many peopledon't know what to expect. My design process begins with aseries of simple sketches. As we discuss your ideas, I generally draw a conceptualsketch. These are rough renditions of your new home inpencil. I usually do several preliminary sketches to exploredifferent possibilities. These abstract drawings give me ageneral sense of the space. If you are planning a remodel,please bring some photos. They will show me what we arestarting with. When I first visit a site, I start with observational sketches. Ineed to know what the existing space looks like. Next, I willdraw the analytical sketches. These are more formal drawingsin pen and ink. They show the designs in detail. Multipleanalytical sketches will highlight different design components.From here, we will move into the planning stages.

Task II. Choose the correct answers: 1. What is the purpose of the webpage? A. to offer advice on drawing effective sketches B. to compare the architect's sketches to someone else's C. to describe examples of the architect's past sketches D. to explain how sketches are used in building design 2. Why does the architect draw conceptual sketches? A. to highlight the design components of the space B. to provide a reference to the existing building C. to get a general idea of what the space will be like D. to explore the new design in greater detail 3. Which is NOT part of the design process described in the webpage? A. detailed pen and ink drawings B. abstract conceptual sketches C. rough pencil sketches of design components D. observational sketches for remodeling

Task III. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H): A a writing implement that uses ink to make marks 1 pen 94

B a formal drawing that explores a specific design element 2 draw C to create a two-dimensional representation of something 3 rough D a drawing of an existing building or landscape 4 sketch E an abstract drawing done at the moment an idea is 5 in detail conceived F imprecise or unfinished 6 conceptual sketch G a drawing done by hand 7 analytical sketch H including small elements of the design 8 observational sketch

Task IV. Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank: 1. preliminary /abstract A. _____ sketches come before any other kind of sketches. B. _____sketches are not literal representations of the design. 2. component / pencil A. An analytical sketch highlights a design _____. B. Many architects prefer to draw in _____.

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-mKAGJF_KQ&t=142s

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


Unit IV

Part 1

Wood and Wood Products

Task I.Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: Absorber [əb'zɔ:bə] Поглинач Absorption [əb'zɔ:pʃ(ə)n] Поглинання Adaptable [ə'dæptəb(ə)l] Пристосований Advances [əd'vɑ:ns] Заздалегідь Advantages [əd'vɑ:ntɪʤ] Переваги Branches [brɑ:nʧ] Гілки building materials ['bɪldɪŋ mə'tɪ(ə)rɪəl] будівельні матеріали Ceilings ['si:lɪŋ] Стелі composite wood ['kɔmpəzɪtwud] композитна деревина compressed wood [kəm'prest wud] стиснута деревина Concrete ['kɔŋkri:t] Бетонний Conifers ['kəʊnifə] Хвойні construction work [kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n wɜ:k] будівельні роботи Deciduous [dɪ'sɪdjuəs] Листяні Earthquakes ['ɜ:θkweɪk] Землетруси electrical resistance [ɪ'lektrɪk(ə)lrɪ'zɪstəns] електричний опір Evaporated [ɪ'væpəreɪt] Випаровувались fibresboards ['faɪbəbɔ:d] волокнисті дошки fibrous substance ['faɪbrəs'sʌbstəns] волокниста речовина impregnated wood ['ɪmpregneɪtɪdwud] просочена деревина Laminate ['læmɪn(e)ɪt] Ламінат Lumber ['lʌmbə] Пиломатеріали man-made ['mæn'meɪd] Рукотворний Matrix ['meɪtrɪks] Матриця Moisture ['mɔɪsʧə] Вологи natural polymeric ['næʧ(ə)rəl 'pɔlɪ'merɪk натуральний material mə'tɪ(ə)rɪəl] полімерний матеріал Plywood ['plaɪwud] Фанера Prone [prəun] Схильний roof trusses [ru:ftrʌs] ферми на даху Steel [sti:l] Сталь 96

structural elements ['strʌkʧ(ə)rəl'elɪmənt] конструктивні елементи Suitable ['s(j)u:təb(ə)l] Підходить Technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ] Технології the bark [θi:bɑ:k] Кора the roots [θi:ru:t] Коріння thermal insulation ['θɜ:m(ə)l 'ɪnsju'leɪʃ(ə)n] Теплоізоляція Timber ['tɪmbə] Брус Trunk [trʌŋk] Стовбур Wood [wud] Деревина

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. Consider the following statements: Conifers (a) are endogenous trees (b) grow outwards (c) have pointed needle like leaves 2. The age of trees can be predicted by (a) length of medulary rays, (b) counting number of rings, (c) by measuring the diameter of pith, (d) by the thickness of bark 3. Lumber (a) implies a living tree, (b) is a part of felled tree, (c) is log of timber sawn into pieces of desired shape, (d) is used to denote standing timber.

Task III. Read the text Wood and Wood Products:

Wood and Wood Products

Wood is a hard and fibrous substance which forms a major part of the trunk and branches of a tree. It can also be defined as a natural polymeric material which practically does not age. Wood as a building material falls in two major classes—natural and man-made. With the advances in science and technology, wood in its natural form as timber, lumber, etc. is being rapidly replaced by composite wood materials in which natural wood is just a basic ingredient of a matrix or a laminate. The latter are found to be more useful and adaptable as they may be treated chemically, thermally or otherwise as per requirements. Some examples are plywood, fibresboards, chipboards, compressed wood, impregnated wood, etc. 97

Wood has many advantages due to which it is preferred over many other building materials. It is easily available (this won’t be true after some years) and easy to transport and handle, has more thermal insulation, sound absorption and electrical resistance as compared to steel and concrete. It is the ideal material to be used in sea water. Wood is a good absorber of shocks and so is suitable for construction work in hilly areas which are more prone to earthquakes. Finally, since wood can be easily worked, repairs and alterations to wood work can also be done easily. Owing to the above mentioned advantages, wood is very widely used in buildings as doors, windows, frames, temporary partition walls, etc. and in roof trusses and ceilings apart from formwork. Classification of Trees Trees are classified as endogenous and exogenous according to the mode of growth. Endogenousn Trees Trees grow endwards, e.g. palm, bamboo, etc. Exogenousn Trees Trees grow outwards and are used for making structural elements. They are further subdivided as conifers and deciduous. Conifers are evergreen trees having pointed needle like leaves, e.g. deodar, chir, fir, kail, pine and larch. They show distinct annual rings, have straight fibres and are soft with pine as an exception, light in colour, resinous and light weight. Deciduous trees have flat board leaves, e.g. oak, teak, shishum, poplar and maple. The annual rings are indistinct with exception of poplar and bass wood, they yield hard wood and are nonresinous, dark in colour and heavy weight. Growth of Trees In spring the roots of the tree suck sap as food from the soil which reaches the branches and the leaves. Sap contains moisture which gets evaporated. It absorbs carbon from air in presence of sunlight and becomes denser. In autumn, the sap descends and deposits in the form of a layer below the bark. This layer, referred to as the cambium layer, hardens and adds a layer of wood to the outside of tree every year in the form of concentric rings. These annual rings furnish valuable information regarding the age of the log, the rapidity and the uniformity of its growth.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is a hard and fibrous substance which forms a major part of the trunk and branches of a tree? 2. What two major classes does wood as a building material fall in? 3. Why is wood preferred over many other building materials? 4. Is wood the ideal material to be used in sea water. 5. Why is wood suitable for construction work in hilly areas? 98

6. What are trees classified as endogenous and exogenous according to? 7. What does suck sap as food from the soil which reaches the branches and the leaves in spring? 8. What are the trees used for?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. With the advances in science and technology, wood in its natural form as timber, lumber, etc. is being rapidly replaced by composite wood materials in which natural wood is just a basic ingredient of a matrix or a laminate. 2. Wood has many advantages due to which it is preferred over many other building materials. 3. Wood isn't the ideal material to be used in sea water. 4. Wood is a good absorber of shocks. 5. Since wood can be easily worked, repairs and alterations to wood work can also be done easily. 6. Metal is very widely used in buildings as doors, windows, frames, temporary partition walls, etc. 7. Deciduous treesare evergreen trees having pointed needle like leaves 8. In spring the leaves of the tree suck sap as food from the soil which reaches the branches and the leaves.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. тверда і волокниста речовина 2. стовбур і гілки 3. будівельний матеріал 4. композитні деревні матеріали 5. основний інгредієнт 6. можуть лікуватися хімічним шляхом 7. стиснута деревина 8. просочена деревина 9. легко доступний 10. електричний опір

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. suitable for construction work 2. roof trusses 3. endogenous and exogenous 4. as conifers and deciduous 5. are evergreen trees 6. distinct annual rings 7. bass wood 99

8. a layer below the bark 9. the cambium layer 10. the form of concentric rings

Task VIII. Match the words and their definitions: 1 Wood A wood that has been prepared for building 2 B a suddenviolentmovement of the earth's surface, sometimes Trunk causinggreatdamage 3 C a chemicalsubstance consisting of largemolecules made from polymer many smaller and simplermolecules 4 D likely to suffer from an illness or show a man-made particularnegativecharacteristic 5 timber E a thing or person that soaks up or absorbs something 6 F a longpiece of wood used for building, especiallyhouses and lumber ships 7 absorber G artificialratherthannatural 8 Prone H the thickmainstem of a tree, from which itsbranchesgrow 9 I a hard substance that forms the branches and trunks of trees earthquake and can be used as a buildingmaterial, for making things, or as a fuel

Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 Hard A Attractions 2 Major B Artificial 3 Falls C come down 4 man-made D Level 5 Flat E Build 6 Advantages F Difficult 7 Construction G Important

Task X. Match the opposites: 1 Repair A Cut 2 Wide B Permanent 3 Temporary C deciduous plant 4 Grow D Destroy 5 Evergreen E Dryness 6 Evaporate F Narrow 7 Moisture G Drench

Task XI. Translate the following attributive chains:


Fibrous substance, useful and adaptable, building materials, easy to transport and handle, in hilly areas, annual rings, valuable information

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: hard, half-hard,over-hard,over-hardness,semi-hard; define, definable, definability,definably,refinement; replace, replaceable,replace ability,replacer,non-replaceable, adapt,adaptability,adaptableness,non-adaptability,non-adaptable,non- adaptableness; transport, transportable,transportability,transportive; wide, wideness,over-wide,over-widely,over-wideness; grow, grow able,regrow,regrew, regrown,regrowing.

Task XIII.Match the words with pictures

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: Hardens and adds, outwards, conifers, endogenous, materials, leaves, advantages, wood, suck.

1. Trees grow _____ and are used for making structural elements. They are further subdivided as _____ and deciduous. 2. Wood has many _____ due to which it is preferred over many other building materials. 3. Owing to the above mentioned advantages, _____ is very widely used in buildings as doors, windows, frames, temporary partition walls, etc. 4. Trees are classified as _____ and exogenous according to the mode of growth. 5. Deciduous trees have flat board _____, e.g. oak, teak, shishum, poplar and maple. 6. In spring the roots of the tree _____ sap as food from the soil which reaches the branches and the leaves. Sap contains moisture which gets evaporated.


7. This layer, referred to as the cambium layer, ______a layer of wood to the outside of tree every year in the form of concentric rings. 8. Wood has many advantages due to which it is preferred over many other building _____.

Task XV. Be ready to retell the text from Unit IV.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:

Materials 1

Builder's Choice is the #1 source for materials. including ... Cements &Aggregates O Cements & Aggregates Mix your own concrete with our sand, gravel, and cement, or choose our ready-mixed concrete. We'll even deliver it to your site! Bricks & Mortar Low-maintenance bricks resist weather and fire. Unlike many contemporary styles, traditional bricks have a timeless, classic appearance. Natural & Manufactured Stone Stone O Granite, marble, slate - we have it all! Construct durable floors and walls. Enhance your architectural features with decorative stone. Metal Beams & Bars Our steel I-beams are 98% iron and 2% carbon. They're built to last! Our rods of rebar come in 20, 40, and 60 feet. We also provide custom cuts.

Task II. Talk about these questions: 1. What are some common building materials? 2. How are different materials commonly used in structures?

Task III. Choose the correct answers: 1. What is the purpose of the webpage? A. to list available building materials from a company. B. to recommend building materials for particular projects. C. to advertise sale prices for building materials. D. to describe manufacturing processes for building materials. 2. According to the webpage, which of thefollowing is NOT true of bricks? A. They are fire resistant. B. They have a contemporary appearance. C. They require little maintenance. D. They withstand bad weather. 3. What service does the webpage offer? 103

A. delivering I-beams to construction sites. B. constructing brick buildings. C. installing stone floors and walls. D. making custom-length rebar.

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoYQVHgEDXA

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


Unit V

Part 1

Concrete-I Cement

Task I.Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: adhesive and cohesive [əd'hi:sɪv ænd kəu'hi:sɪv клейкі та згуртовані materials (phr) mə'tɪ(ə)rɪəl] матеріали aggregate (n) ['ægrɪgeɪt] сукупність artificial stones(phr) ['ɑ:tɪ'fɪʃ(ə)l stəun] штучні камені artificially (adj) [ˌɑːtɪ'fɪʃǝlɪ] штучно binder (n) ['baɪndə] сполучна bridge piers(phr) [brɪʤ pɪə] мостові пірси calcareous cements(phr) [kæl'ke(ə)rɪəs sɪ'ment] вапняний цемент carbonic acid gas(phr) [kɑːˌbɒnɪk'æsɪd gæs] вуглекислий газ сement mortar(phr) [sɪ'ment 'mɔ:tə] цементний розчин cementing material(phr) [sə'mεntɪŋ mə'tɪ(ə)rɪəl] цементуючий матеріал chief constituent(phr) [ʧi:f kən'stɪʧuənt] головний засновник chimney (n) ['ʧɪmnɪ] димохід civil engineering(phr) ['sɪv(ə)l 'enʤɪ'nɪ(ə)rɪŋ] цивільна інженерія clay (n) [kleɪ] глиняний clinker (n) ['klɪŋkə] клінкер coarse (adj) [kɔ:s] грубий grit (n) [grɪt] гранула compact durable ['kɔmpækt 'dju(ə)rəbl компактна міцна маса mass(phr) mæs] compound (n) ['kɔmpaund] сполука dam(s) (n) [dæm] дамби defence structures(phr) [dɪ'fens 'strʌkʧəz] оборонні споруди dock yards(n) [dɔk jɑ:d] судоверфі dome(n) [dəum] купол extensive use(phr) [ɪk'stensɪv ju:s] широке використання forts(n) [fɔ:t s] форти furnace(n) ['fɜ:nɪs] піч gypsum(n) ['ʤɪps(ə)m] гіпс high strength(phr) [haɪ streŋθ] велика сила


invariably (adg) [ɪn've(ə)rɪəblɪ] незмінно light house (n) [laɪt haus] маяк lime (n) [laɪm] вапно lofty towers(phr) ['lɔftɪ 'tauə] піднесені вежі may be defined (v phr) [meɪ bi: dɪ'faɪnd] може бути визначено Medina cement (n) [mə'diːnə sɪ'ment] Медінацемент Pantheon (n) ['pænθɪən] Пантеон partition walls (n) [pɑ:'tɪʃ(ə)n wɔ:lz] перегородки plaster (n) ['plɑ:stə] штукатурка Portland cement (n) ['pɔ:tləndsɪ'ment] Портландцемент pulverizing clinker (phr) ['pʌlvəraɪzɪzɪŋ 'klɪŋkə] порошкоподібний клінкер quarrid V ['kwɔrɪd] видобувався raw materials (phr) [rɔ: mə'tɪ(ə)rɪəl] сирі матеріали reinforced brick (phr) [ri:ɪn'fɔ:st brɪk] армована цегла resembling (adj) [rɪ'zεmblɪŋ] схожий на reservoirs (n) ['rezəvwɑ:] резервуари,водойми restricted (adj) [rɪ'strɪktɪd] обмежений silos (n) ['saɪləus] бункери, закрома span(n) [spæn] проліт tuff(n) [tʌf] (вулканічний) туф Vitruvius(n) [vəˈtro͞ ovēəs] Вітрувій volcanic ash(phr) [vɔl'kænɪk æʃ] вулканічний попіл

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What are the ingredients of Portland cement? State the function and limits of each of them. 2. What tests would you specify to ensure if the cement supplied at the site is of good quality? 3. Describe with flow diagrams the dry and wet process of manufacture of cement. 4. Describe how the compounds of clinker affect the properties of cement. 5. Describe the properties of blast furnace slag cement and sulphate resisting cement.

Task III. Read the text Concrete-I Cement:

Concrete-I Cement


Assyrians and Babylonians were perhaps the first to use clay as cementing material. In ancient monuments, e.g. forts, places of worship and defence structures, stones have been invariably used as a construction material with lime as the binder. Records show that Egyptians have used lime and gypsum as cementing materials in the famous pyramids. Vitruvius, a Roman scientist, is believed to be the first to have the know how about the chemistry of the cementitious lime. One of the most notable examples of Roman work is the Pantheon. It consists of a concrete dome 43.43m in span. The calcareous cements used by the Romans were either composed of suitable limestones burned in kilns or were mixtures of lime and puzzolanic materials (volcanicash, tuff) combining into a hard concrete. Vitruvius’s work was followed by the researches made by M. Vicat of France. Joseph Aspedin of Yorkshire (U.K.) was the first to introduce Portland cement in 1824 formed by heating a mixture of limestone and finely divided clay in a furnace to a temperature high enough to drive off the carbonic acid gas. In 1845, Issac C. Johnson invented the cement by increasing the temperature at which the mixture of limestone and clay were burned to form clinker. This cement was the prototype of the modern Portland cement. From then onwards, a gradual improvement in the properties and qualities of cement has been made possible by researchers in U.S.A., U.K., France and Germany. Cements in a general sense are adhesive and cohesive materials which are capable of bonding together particles of solid matter into a compact durable mass. For civil engineering works, they are restricted to calcareous cements containing compounds of lime as their chief constituent, its primary function being to bind the fine (sand) and coarse (grits) aggregate particles together. Cements used in construction industry may be classified as hydraulic and non hydraulic. The latter does not set and harden in water such as non-hydraulic lime or which are unstable in water, e g. Plaster of Paris. The hydraulic cement set and harden in water and give a product which is stable. Portland cement is one such. Cement can be manufactured either from natural cement stones or artificially by using calcareous and argillaceous materials. The examples of natural cements are Roman cement, Puzzolana cement and Medina cement and those of artificial cement are Portland cement and special cements. Today cement finds extensive use in all types of construction works; in structures where high strength is required e.g. bridge piers, light houses, lofty towers, and large structures such as bridges, silos, chimneys. And also in structures exposed to the action of water, e.g. reservoirs, dams, dock yards etc. Cement mortar, concrete, reinforced brick work, artificial stones, plastering, pointing and partition walls are routinely used in buildings. It is a cementing material resembling a natural stone quarried from Portland in U.K. Portland cement may be defined as a product obtained by finely 107

pulverizing clinker produced by calcining to incipient fusion, an intimate and properly proportioned mixture of argillaceous and calcareous materials. Care must be exercised in proportioning the raw materials so that the clinker of proper constitution may be obtained after burning. The three constituents of hydraulic cements are lime, silica and alumina. In addition, most cements contain small proportions of iron oxide, magnesia, sulphur trioxide and alkalis. There has been a change in the composition of Portland cement over the years, mainly reflected in the increase in lime content and in a slight decrease in silica content. An increase in lime content beyond a certain value makes it difficult to combine completely with other compounds. Consequently, free lime will exist in the clinker and will result in an unsound cement. An increase in silica content at the expense of alumina and ferric oxide makes the cement difficult to fuse and form clinker.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is rapid hardening cement? 2. What is responsible for its high early strength? 3. How does it differ from ordinary Portland cement? 4. What are the initial and final setting times of cement? 5. What is their importance? 6. What do you mean by normal consistency? 7. What is its significance? 8. How is it tested?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. Cements in a general sense are adhesive and cohesive materials which are capable of bonding together particles of only soft matter into a compact durable mass. 2. Minerals used in construction industry may be classified as hydraulic and non hydraulic. 3. Cement can’t be manufactured either from natural cement stones or artificially by using calcareous and argillaceous materials. 4. It is a cementing material resembling a man-made stone quarried from Portland in U.K. 5. Care must be exercised in proportioning the raw materials so that the clinker of proper constitution may not be obtained after burning. 6. There has been a change in the composition of Portland cement over the years, mainly reflected in the decrease in lime content and in a slight decrease in silica content. 7. Records show that Russians have used lime and gypsum as cementing materials in the famous pyramids.


Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. спочатку вживали глину 2. старовинні пам’ятники 3. записи показують, що 4. вважається 5. один з найпомітніших прикладів 6. слідом за роботою Вітрувія 7. Іссак К. Джонсон винайшов цемент 8. цей цемент був прототипом 9. матеріали, які здатні 10. цемент можна виготовити

TaskVII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. defence structures 2. construction material with lime 3. puzzolanic materials combining into a hard concrete 4. work was followed by the researches 5. was the first to introduce Portland cement in 1824 6. a gradual improvement in the properties and qualities of cement 7. The examples of natural cements are 8. in all types of construction works 9. large structures such as bridges, silos, chimneys 10. Portland cement may be defined

Task VIII. Match the words and their definitions: 1 defence A glue 2 ancient B of or from a longtime ago, havinglasted for a very longtime 3 Lime C protection or support againstattack, criticism, or infection 4 gypsum D a hard, whitesubstance that is used in making plaster of paris 5 pyramids E united and working together effectively 6 F a solidobject with a squarebaseand four triangularsides that chemistry form apoint at the top 7 limestones G of or from a longtime ago, having lasted for a very longtime 8 H a white or lightgreyrock that is used as a buildingmaterial and cohesive in the making of cement 9 I quick limea whitesubstance that is used especially to spread adhesive on the land to improve the quality of earth so that cropsgrowbetter


Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 Ancient A Produce 2 Defence B to make 3 to bind C to stick 4 Manufacture D Build 5 Reinforce T Old 6 Find F Protect 7 Construction G Discover

Task X. Match the opposites: 1 Repair A Cut 2 Wide B Permanent 3 Temporary C non hydraulic 4 Grow D Destroy 5 Hydraulic T Dryness 6 Evaporate F Narrow 7 Moisture G Drench

Task XI. Translate the following attributive chains: defence structures, as hydraulic and non hydraulic, adhesive and cohesive materials, bonding together, particles of solid matter, a compact durable mass, notable examples, volcanic ash, cementing material

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: use, multiuse, nonuse, using, nonusing, reuse, used; cement,cementable,cementer,cementless,recement; record,·recordable, recordless, unrecordable, well-recorded; concrete, concretely,concreteness,concretive,concretively; burn,burnable, half-burned,nonburnable,unburnable; heat, heatable,heatful,heatless,heatlike; increase, increasable,increasedly,increasable,nonincrease; prototype, prototypal,prototypical,prototypic,prototypically; bonding,bondable,bondability,bonder,bondless.

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: Portland, hydraulic cements, cementing material, construction works, large structures, reservoirs, cement, Pantheon.

1. This ______was the prototype of the modern Portland cement. 2. One of the most notable examples of Roman work is the _____. 3. This cement was the prototype of the modern _____ cement. 110

4. The hydraulic cement set and _____ harden in water and give a product which is stable. Portland cement is one such. 5. Today cement finds extensive use in all types of _____; in structures where high strength is required e.g. bridge piers, light houses, lofty towers, and _____ such as bridges, silos, chimneys. 6. And also in structures exposed to the action of water, e.g. _____, dams, dock yards etc 7. It is a _____ resembling a natural stone quarried from Portland in U.K. 8. The three constituents of ______are lime, silica and alumina.

Task XIV. Be ready to retell the text from Unit V.


Part 2

Task I. Read the emailpaying attention to the underlined words:

Materials II

Hello Ms. Nolan, Thank you for your interest in our service. Here is some information about the materials we use. Wall surfaces. We offer the best drywall available. We create a variety of textures with our versatile plaster. Wall interiors. Behind your walls, you will find a frame of sturdy timber. Also, we use stromg fiberglass for plumbing and ducts. Thick rubber hoses and gaskets keep you safe from leaks. Windows. We recommend traditional glass to most homeowners, but we also offer transparent plastics that are less expensive. Floors. We have a wide selection of floor tiles. Do you want something fancy? Go with marble for your entryway or staircase. Fixtures. We install beautiful kitchen and bathroom fixtures made from fine porcelain.

Task II. Talk about these questions: 1. What materials are typically found behind the walls in a house? 2. What materials are used to make fancy or decorative floors?

Task III. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E): 1 Glass A a delicate building material made from clay 2 marble B a polished stone that is used as a building material 3 drywall C a flexible material made from natural substances and chemicals 4 rubber D a material made with paper and plaster 5 porcelain E a transparent substance used in windows

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nt9vmrj_8k

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


Unit VI

Part 1


Task I.Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: allotropic structures ['ælə'trɔpɪk 'strʌkʧə] алотропні структури (phr) alloy(s) (n) ['ælɔɪ] сплави aluminium (n) ['ælju'mɪnɪəm] алюміній alpha iron (phr) ['ælfə'aɪən] альфа залізо carbonates (n) ['kɑ:bən(e)ɪt] карбонати cast iron (phr) ['kɑːstˌaɪǝn] чавун compound(s) (n) ['kɔmpaund] сполуки copper (n) ['kɔpə] мідь dissolve carbon (phr) [dɪ'zɔlv 'kɑ:bən] розчиняють вуглець exist (v) [ɪg'zɪst] існують ferritic (n) [fə'rɪtɪk] ферит ferrous metals (phr) ['ferəs metl] чорні метали mpurity (n) [ɪm'pju(ə)rɪtɪ] домішки interstitial (adj) ['ɪntə'stɪʃ(ə)l] інтерстиціальний lead and tin (n) [li:d ænd tɪn] свинець та олово manganese metals (phr) ['mæŋgəniːz metl] марганцеві метали ore (n) [ɔ:] руда oxide(s) (n) ['ɔksaɪd] оксиди phosphate(s) (n) ['fɔsfeɪt] фосфати property (n) ['prɔpətɪ] властивості solubility (n) ['sɔlju'bɪlɪtɪ] розчинність steel (n) [sti:l] сталь sulphides (n) ['sʌlfaɪd] сульфіди the main constituent [θi: meɪn kən'stɪʧuənt] основна складова (phr) useful (adj) ['ju:sf(ə)l] корисний V-iron (n) [vi: 'aɪən] V-залізо wrought iron (n) ['rɔ:t'aɪən] коване залізо


Zinc (n) [zɪŋk] цинк Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. Name the ores required for making steel. 2. What is pig iron? 3. Describe how it is manufactured from iron ore. 4. State the differences between mild steel, wrought iron, cast iron and cast steel. 5. Give the properties and uses of stainless steel and high carbon steel.

Task III. Read the text Metals:


Metals are aiming the most useful building materials. They exist in nature as compounds like oxides, carbonates, sulphides and phosphates and are known as ores. Metals are derived from ores by removing the impurities. Those used for engineering purposes are classified as ferrous metals, with iron as the main constituent, e.g. cast iron, wrought iron and steel and others like aluminium, copper, zinc, lead and tin in which the main constituent is not iron as non ferrous. Iron is a pure element occurring in four different allotropic structures as alpha, beta, delta, and gamma iron. Iron is weak and ductile, possesses magnetic properties and is unable to dissolve carbon. -iron is hard, brittle, non-magnetic and dissolves carbon. V-iron has properties similar to -iron. -iron absorbs negligible carbon and is non-magnetic. Of these the common commercial forms are gamma iron with its fcc (face-centered cubic) structure formed at temperatures from 1394°C to 912°C, and alpha iron which has bcc (body-centered cubic) structure formed at temperatures from 912°C to 273°C. The delta form is commercially unimportant. Gamma iron containing carbon, is called austenitic and alpha iron containing carbon, is called ferritic. The other steel alloys having same gamma structures are also called austenitic. Similarly alloys having alpha structure are called ferritic. Even the closed-packed metallic structures contain empty spaces (holes), assume atoms to be spherical. About 26 per cent of the volume is empty in the fcc metallic structures and about 29 per cent of the bcc volume is empty. The holes in the gamma iron are nearly half the diameter of the carbon atom, causing the solubility of carbon to be practically zero in austenite iron. However, in alpha iron the holes are comparable to the size of carbon atom, allowing an interstitial solubility of about 2 per cent carbon austenite iron. Thus the number of available spaces and the relative size of carbon atom limits the amount of latter to dissolve in the solid solutions and form the useful kinds of carbon alloys. Athough the production of individual non-ferrous metals is small in comparison to the iron, the former play an important part in many engineering structure and industrial processes. The non-ferrous metals and their alloys are 114

used despite their high cost because they provide a wide variety of properties. Some of the more commonly used non-ferrous metals are aluminium, copper, tin, zinc, lead and manganese metals.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What are metals aiming? 2. What exists in nature as compounds like oxides, carbonates, sulphides and phosphates? 3. What is known as ores? 4. What is used for engineering? 5. What purposes are classified as ferrous metals, with iron as the main constituent? 6. What is a pure element occurring in four different allotropic structures as alpha, beta, delta, and gamma iron? 7. What is used despite their high cost because they provide a wide variety of properties? 8. What are the more commonly used non-ferrous metals?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. Сement is a pure element occurring in four different allotropic structures as alpha, beta, delta, and gamma iron. 2. Iron is weak and ductile, possesses magnetic properties and is unable to dissolve carbon. -iron is hard, brittle, non-magnetic and dissolves carbon. 3. V-iron has properties similar to -iron. -iron absorbs negligible carbon and is non-magnetic. 4. The common commercial forms are gamma iron with its fcc (face- centered cubic) structure formed at temperatures from 1394°C to 912°C. 5. The betta form is commercially unimportant. 6. Gamma iron containing carbon, it is called ferritic and alpha iron containing carbon, it is called austenitic. 7. The other steel alloys having same gamma structures are also called austenitic. Similarly alloys having alpha structure are called ferritic. 8. Thus the number of available spaces and the relative size of carbon atom limits the amount of latter to solve in the solid solutions and form the useful kinds of carbon alloys.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. корисні будівельні матеріали 2. такі сполуки, як оксиди 3. сульфіди та фосфати відомі як руди 4. Метали отримують з руд


5. інженерні цілі 6. чистий елемент 7. різні алотропні структури 8. властивості, подібні до 9. загальні комерційні форми 10. будова

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. commercially unimportant 2. empty spaces 3. 26 per cent of the volume 4. comparable to the size 5. the number of available spaces 6. the solid solutions 7. the former play 8. engineering structure 9. and industrial processes 10. alloys are used despite their high cost

Task VIII. Match the words and their definitions: 1 property A the amount of space that is contained within an object or solidshape 2 B used to describe a record, film, book, etc. that has been volume produced with the aim of making money and as a result has little artisticvalue 3 Alloys C a chemical that combines two or more elements 4 commercial D apartof something 5 structure E to be, or to be real 6 F the way in which the parts of a system or object are arranged compounds or organized, or a systemarranged in this way 7 G a metal that is made by mixing two or more metals, or a element metal and another substance 8 Exist H a quality that something has

Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 Element A Unit 2 Structure B to make 3 Alloy C construction 4 Volume D base metal 116

5 Reinforce E Amount 6 Find F Strengthen 7 Construction G Discover

Task X. Match the opposites: 1 Useful A Deny 2 Wide B Emit 3 Weak C Constancy 4 Variety D Strong 5 Absorb E Dryness 6 Allow F Narrow 7 Moisture G Harmful

Task XI. Translate the following attributive chains: Useful building materials, engineering purposes, the other steel alloys, the non-ferrous metals, their high cost, non-ferrous metals, wide variety of properties

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: aim, aimer, aimful, aimfully, misaim; laminate, laminator, multilaminate, nonlaminating; chemical, chemically, nonchemical, chemical, pseudochemical; solve, solver, presolve, presolved,presolving, unsolved, well-solved; similar, similarly, nonsimilar, nonsimilarly; hard, half-hard, overhard, overhardness, semihard; form, formable, formably, half-formed, misform.

Task XIII. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F): 1 Rigid A having a great weight 2 heavy B not able to be seen through 3 elastic C maintaining a form and not stretching easily 4 opaque D not easily broken 5 durable E the quality of how fi rm or solid something is 6 hardness F able to stretch easily

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: aluminium, copper, tin, zinc, lead and manganese; non-ferrous metals; exist; Metals; non-magnetic and dissolves; derived from; V-iron; element

1. ______are aiming the most useful building materials.


2. They _____ in nature as compounds like oxides, carbonates, sulphides and phosphates and are known as ores. Metals are _____ ores by removing the impurities. 3. Iron is a pure _____ occurring in four different allotropic structures as alpha, beta, delta, and gamma iron. 4. Iron is hard, brittle, ______carbon. 5. ______has properties similar to -iron. -iron absorbs negligible carbon and is non-magnetic. 6. Although the production of individual ______is small in comparison to the iron, the former play an important part in many engineering structure and industrial processes. 7. Some of the more commonly used non-ferrous metals are ______metals. Task XV. Be ready to retell the text from Unit VI.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:

Describing Materials. National foundations

Many designers prefer traditional building materials. They choose wood and metal instead of plastics. This was once reasonable, since early plastics were often brittle. However, today's technology makes plastics both durable and flexible. A wise architect understands the benefits of building with plastics. Some plastics are opaque and others are transparent. That means some can be used to construct walls and others can be used to make windows. Plastics also vary in hardness.Rigid plastics create strong, solid structures. More elastic products make excellent insulators and sealants. Plastics are also easy to work with because they are often lightweight. However, they are often stronger than many other heavy materials.

Task II. Talk about these questions: 1. What are some benefits of building with plastics instead of traditional materials? 2. How do different surfaces affect the way light enters a building?

Task III. Read the article. Then, choose the correct answers: 1. What is the article mainly about? A. advantages of building with new types of building materials. B. methods of building with traditional building materials. C. processes for manufacturing different building materials. D. available building materials from a company. 2. Which of the following is NOT a feature of plastics? A. They come in different degrees of hardness. B. They are made into flexible sealants. C. They can be used to create windows. D. They are usually heavier than other building materials. 3. According to the article, what is true about older plastics? A. They were sometimes brittle. B. They were more flexible than today's plastics. C. They were usually transparent.


D. They were more popular than wood and metal.

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6sSbazsyLw

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.



Foundation in Construction

Task I. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: avoid (v) [ə'vɔɪd] уникати, остерігатися, цуратися, ухилятися bar (n) [bɑː] брусок, шматок; планка, рейка, перекладина; (bars) решітка; прути (решітки); (bars) бруси basement (n) ['beɪsmənt] базис, основа, фундамент, цоколь; підвал; (полу) підвальний поверх; цокольний поверх beam(n) [biːm] балка; брус, перекладина bearing ['beərɪŋ][kə'pæsətɪ] вантажопідйомність; допустиме capacity навантаження; несуча здатність beneath [bɪ'niːθ] нижче; під (prep) buoyancy ['bɔɪən(t)sɪ] суцільний плаваючий фундамент rafts buoyant (adj) ['bɔɪənt] плавучий; здатний триматися на поверхні caisson (n) ['keɪsɔn] залізобетонна кесонна конструкція, кесонна паля, понтон, плавучий затор, кесон cantilever or ['kæntɪliːvə] консольний фундамент; консольний strap footing фундамент із блоків, які з’єднані за допомогою рандбалки; комбінований фундамент з декількох окремих фундаментів cast (v) [kɑːst] лити, відливати cell (n) [sel] секція, відсік; камера drill (v) [drɪl] свердлити; бурити, добувати (нафту, газ) excavation [ˌekskə'veɪʃ(ə)n] яма, котлован


(n) excessive [ɪk'sesɪv, ek-] непомірний, надмірний (adj) foundation [faun'deɪʃ(ə)n] фундамент, підстава; основа; ази, базис (n) hollow (adj) ['hɔləu] Порожній invert (v) [ɪn'vɜːt] інвертувати; перекидати, перевертати; піддаватися інверсії isolate (v) ['aɪsəleɪt] ізолювати, відділяти, відокремлювати lateral (adj) ['læt(ə)r(ə)l] бічний; поперечний; спрямований в бік load (n) [ləud] вантаж; тяжкість, ноша; тягар; навантаження objective (n) [əb'ʤektɪv] мета; прагнення pile [paɪl] фундамент на палях foundation profile (n) ['prəufaɪl] профіль; вид збоку; контур, лінія, обрис; коротка характеристика; профіль, сукупність параметрів; вертикальний розріз, розтин raft or mat [rɑːft] суцільний фундамент, фундамент у foundation вигляді ростверку, фундамент у вигляді суцільної плити requirement [rɪ'kwaɪəmənt] вимога; необхідна умова (n) retrofit (adj) ['retrəufɪt] модифікувати (модель) seismic (adj) ['saɪzmɪk] сейсмічний; подібний землетрусу settlement (n) ['setlmənt] колонія, поселення; осад (грунту); осідання shaft [ʃɑːft] фундамент шахти, фундамент на foundation опускних кільцях, основа шахти shallow (adj) ['ʃæləu] невеликий, мілководний; неглибокий sink, sank, [sɪŋk] тонути (про корабель, морське судно); sunk (v) занурюватися (під воду); топити; опускатися, знижуватися, падати slab (n) [slæb] плита; лист, пластина; панель (зазвичай для будівництва багатоповерхових панельних будинків) solid (adj) ['sɔlɪd] твердий (а не рідкий або газоподібний); цілісний, без порожнини; суцільний; цілісний, без пробілів; безперервний; міцний


storage (n) ['stɔːrɪʤ] збереження, зберігання; база, склад, сховище strap (n) [stræp] ремінь, ремінець; зав'язка, штрипки; стропа; обхват на підвісній системі; смужка матерії або металу; кріпильна планка; скоба spread [spred] стрічковий фундамент, окремий footing фундамент, фундамент з розширеною основою tailor (v) ['teɪlə] пристосовувати для tie beam [taɪ] перекладина, решітчаста ферма, розподільна фундаментна балка, балка перекриття, поперечний зв'язок tolerable ['tɔl(ə)rəbl] терпимий, що виноситься; задовільний, (adj) стерпний, пристойний, прийнятний transfer (v) [træn(t)s'fɜː] переносити, переміщати; перевозити, транспортувати, переправляти; пересідати (на інший трамвай, автобус).; робити пересадку; переходити, переводитися (з однієї роботи на іншу ultimate (adj) ['ʌltɪmət] останній, кінцевий; завершальний, остаточний; максимальний; граничний, крайній unequal (adj) [ʌn'iːkw(ə)l] нерівний, неоднаковий; нерівний, що варіюється, мінливий, непостійний utilize (v) ['juːtɪlaɪz] утилізувати, використовувати, витрачати, вживати wall footing [wɔːl] стрічковий фундамент під стіну

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What is a foundation? 2. Why do we need foundations? 3. What do you know about the first foundations? 4. What are the most popular types of foundations?

Task III. Readand translate the text Foundation in Construction:

Foundation in Construction


Foundation is one of the most important parts of the structure. Foundation is defined as that part of the structure that transfers the load from the structure as well as its own weight over a large area of soil in such a way that the load does not exceed the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil and the settlement of the total structure remains within a tolerable limit. Foundation is the part of a structure on which the building stands. The solid ground on which the foundation rests is called the foundation bed. Foundation should fulfill the following objectives:  distribute the weight of the structure over a large area of soil;  avoid unequal settlement;  prevent the lateral movement of the structure;  increase structural stability. There are different types of soil and bearing capacity of the soil is different for each individual type of soil. So depending on the soil profile, size and load of the structure, engineers chose different types of foundation. Very broadly, foundations can be categorised as shallow foundations or deep foundations. Shallow foundations are typically used where the loads imposed by a structure are low relative to the bearing capacity of the surface soils. Deep foundations are necessary where the bearing capacity of the surface soils is not adequate to support the loads imposed by a structure and so they need to be transferred to deeper layers with higher bearing capacity. Shallow Foundations. 1. Isolated Spread Footing. Isolated footing (also known as Pad or Spread footings) is defined as the footing, which is provided beneath the column to distribute the loads safely to the bed soil. This kind of footing is used to support single-columns and when the columns are arranged relatively at long distance. This is the most inexpensive kind of footing. It is generally used for ordinary buildings (generally up to five stories). 2. Wall Footing or Strip Footing. A wall footing or strip footing is a continuous strip of concrete that serves to spread the weight of a load-bearing wall across an area of soil. It is the component of a shallow foundation. Stone, brick, reinforced concrete etc. are used for the construction of wall foundations.


3. Combined Footing. The combined footing is very similar to the isolated footing. Combined footing is basically a combination of various footings, which utilizes the properties of different footing in a single footing based on the requirement of the structure. It carries two or more columns along a straight line. 4. Cantilever or Strap Footing. A strap footing also known as cantilever footing, is a special case of combined foundation in which two separate footings are tied together by a beam called tie beam or strap beam.

5. Raft or Mat Foundation. Raft or mat foundations consist of thick reinforced concrete slab covering the entire area of the bottom of the structure like a floor. The slab is reinforced with bars running at right angles to each other both near bottom and top face of the slab. Sometimes it is necessary to carry the excessive column load by an arrangement of inverted main beams and secondary beams, cast monolithically with the raft slab. It is used where other shallow foundations are not suitable. It is also recommended in situations where the bearing capacity of the soil is poor.

Deep Foundations. 1. Pile Foundation.Pile foundations are constructed through driving preformed units into the required founding level or by drilling in, driving tubes filled with concrete to the desired depth.


2. Caissons. These are hollow substructures that can be constructed near or on the ground surface and are sunk to the desired level as a single unit. They have an enormous load-carrying capacity and are commonly used for bridges. 3. Cylinders.These are small caissons with only a single cell. 4. Basement Foundations.These hollow substructures provide storage or working space below the ground level. They’re constructed in open excavations. The functional requirements govern their structural design.

5. Buoyancy Rafts.Buoyancy rafts, also known as hollow box foundations, are designed to create a semi-buoyant or buoyant substructure below which the loading on the soil is decreased to the required low intensity. They can be constructed in open excavations or sunk like caissons. 6. Shaft Foundations.These foundations are constructed by drilling a cylindrical hole within a deep excavation and subsequently placing concrete or another prefabricated load-bearing unit in it. Their length and size can be easily tailored. Drilled shafts can be constructed near existing structures and under low overhead conditions, making them suitable for use in numerous seismic retrofit projects.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is foundation according to the text? 2. What is the foundation bed? 3. What are the objectives if the foundation? 4. What do types of foundations depend on? 126

5. What are two main types of foundations? 6. When are shallow foundations used? 7. When are deep foundations used? 8. What are the examples of shallow foundations? 9. What are the examples of deep foundations?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. Foundation is defined as that part of the structure that transfers the load from the structure as well as its own weight over a large area of soil in such a way that the load exceeds the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil and the settlement of the total structure remains within a tolerable limit. 2. One of the objectives of the foundation is to decrease structural stability. 3. Depending on the soil profile, size and load of the structure, engineers chose different types of foundation. 4. Shallow foundations are typically used where the loads imposed by a structure are low relative to the bearing capacity of the surface soils. 5. Deep foundations are necessary where the bearing capacity of the surface soils is not adequate to support the loads imposed by a structure and so they need to be transferred to higherlayers with higher bearing capacity. 6. Isolated footing is the most inexpensive kind of footing. 7. Wall Footing or Strip Footing is the component of a deep foundation. 8. Combined Footing is basically a combination of various footings, which utilizes the properties of different footing in a single footing based on the requirement of the structure. 9. A strap footing is a special case of combined foundation in which two separate footings are tied together by a beam called tie beam or strap beam. 10. Cylinders are small caissons with several cells. 11. Basement Foundations provide storage or working space below the ground level.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. перевищувати максимально допустиме навантаження 2. залишатися в допустимих межах 3. твердий грунт 4. досягати цілі 5. неглибокі фундаменти 127

6. глибокі фундаменти 7. на великій відстані 8. суцільна смуга бетону 9. залізобетон 10. бажана глибина 11. забезпечити сховище або робочий простір 12. нижче рівня землі 13. бути зв’язаним за допомогою балки

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. foundation bed 2. lateral movement of the structure 3. to increase structural stability 4. the loads imposed by a structure 5. a load-bearing wall 6. to avoid unequal settlement 7. to be reinforced with bars 8. to run at right angles 9. poor bearing capacity 10. hollow substructures 11. to be sunk to the desired level 12. open excavations 13. a semi-buoyant or buoyant substructure 14. prefabricated load-bearing unit

Task VIII. Match the words and their definitions: 1 Soil A the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level 2 building B a body's relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing 3 concrete C a structure with a roof and walls, such as a house or factory 4 Tube D the upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles 5 Slab E a vertical, roughly cylindrical thing


6 stone F a building material made from a mixture of broken stone or gravel, sand, cement, and water, which can be spread or poured into moulds and forms a stone-like mass on hardening 7 foundation G hard solid non-metallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially as a building material 8 column H a long, sturdy piece of squared timber or metal used to support the roof or floor of a building 9 weight I a large, thick, flat piece of stone or concrete, typically square or rectangular in shape 10 beam J a long, hollow cylinder of metal, plastic, glass, etc. for holding or transporting something, chiefly liquids or gases

Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 important A Properly 2 to stand B to adapt 3 foundation C to rest 4 safely D Essential 5 inexpensive E Cheap 6 to tailor F Footing

Task X. Match the opposites: 1 equal A Secondary 2 Deep B Unequal 3 Low C Accompanied 4 isolated D Full 5 Main E High 6 hollow F Shallow

Task XI. Translate the following attributive chains: ultimate bearing capacity, foundation bed, surface soils, isolated spread footing, wall footing, load-bearing wall, beam or strap beam, raft or mat foundations, thick reinforced concrete slab, required founding level, ground level, buoyancy rafts, hollow box foundations, prefabricated load-bearing unit

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives:


found, foundation, founded, founder; tolerable, tolerably, tolerance, tolerant, tolerate; distribute, distributable, distributed, distributing, distribution, distributional, distributive, distributor; suit, suitability, suitable, suitably; recommend, recommendation, recommendatory; drill, drilled, driller, drilling; excavation, excavate, excavator, excavations.

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals: Foundation – a tailored suit for the building Foundation is not just a base that supports the superstructure. It is more than that. It is the barrier which protects your 1) _____ from the internal 2) _____ of the earth BUILD MOVE beneath, keeps the moisture out and also 3) _____ insulates COMPLETE against the cold and heat. 4) _____ or the sub-structure in FOUND general is thus the most important part of the building which withholds the integrity, 5) _____ and 6) _____ of the structure. STABLE The walls of the foundation and the footings are usually DURABLE built using reinforced concrete. But, just digging a pit, placing the bars and pouring the concrete will not deliver a good CONSTRUCT foundation. The 7) _____ of the foundation requires a thorough, PROFESSION 8) _____ and 9) _____ engineer monitoring it. Every small EXPERIENCE aspect like the level of water table, the soil used for backfill, the depth of solid strata, etc. must be clearly understood and considered while planning. Only when the planning and execution is right, the foundation perfectly fits the building, like a tailored suit.

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: deep foundations, tubes, storage, weight, combination, reinforced concrete, hollow, foundation bed, slab, inexpensive

1. Foundation is defined as that part of the structure that transfers the load from the structure as well as its own _____ over a large area of soil in such a way that the load does not exceed the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil and the settlement of the total structure remains within a tolerable limit. 2. The solid ground on which the foundation rests is called the _____. 130

3. Very broadly, foundations can be categorised as shallow foundations or _____. 4. Isolated footing is the most _____ kind of footing. 5. Stone, brick, _____ etc. are used for the construction of wall foundations. 6. Combined footing is basically a _____ of various footings, which utilizes the properties of different footing in a single footing based on the requirement of the structure. 7. Raft or mat foundations consist of thick reinforced concrete _____ covering the entire area of the bottom of the structure like a floor. 8. Pile foundations are constructed by drilling in, driving _____ filled with concrete to the desired depth. 9. Caissons are _____ substructures that can be constructed near or on the ground surface and are sunk to the desired level as a single unit. 10. Basement foundations provide _____ or working space below the ground level.

Task XV. Fill in the gaps with the given words: balconies, exception, Heritage, architecture, sculpture, buildings

La Pedrera, Barcelona Nested among the urban streets of Barcelona are some unusual and beautiful 1)_____ by infamous architect Antoni Gaudí. His unique approach to the Art Nouveau movement generated some of the most creative buildings the world have ever seen. And La Pedrera is no 2)_____. One of the most imaginative houses in the history of 3)_____, this is more 4) _____ than building. The façade is a The United Nations Educational, varied and harmonious mass of undulating Scientific and Cultural Organization stone that, along with its forged iron (UNESCO) recognised this building 5) _____, explores the irregularities of the as World 6)_____ in 1984. natural world.

Task XVI. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 1.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:

Perspective. Guide to Perspective Drawing

For architects, drawing in perspective is an extremely useful skill. Some people, including clients, are not trained to read plans. In essence, perspective drawing is like taking a photograph – but the subject of this “photograph” might not exist yet. The first step in perspective drawing is establishing the viewpoint. Decide what view of the space you want to show. Then you can begin to sketch the different components. Establish the boundaries of the horizontal planes and vertical planes. It is usually helpful to find the vanishing point. Sketch the horizon and lines of view to see where they converge. In two-point perspective, there are two distinct vanishing points. When drawing constructed perspective, you will use actual scale measurements. Once you establish the lines of view, fill in the details. Remember, there are many different types of sketch perspective. Each type has its own rules to follow. Make sure you understand the perspective you choose.

Task II. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F): 1. An architect must identify the vanishing point before finding the viewpoint. 2. The vanishing point is where two vertical planes converge. 3. Constructed perspective is done with scale measurements.

Task III. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H): A the way a two-dimensional image displaysdepth or distance 1 viewpoint B an imaginary line made up of objects or planesin the drawing 2 perspective C to meet or touch at a specific place 3 Converge D an angle from which a drawing is done 4 line of view E a surface like a floor that divides a drawing into 5 vertical segments from top to bottom plane F a type of perspective that has two distinctvanishing points 6 horizontal plane G the type of perspective used in a sketch or drawing 7 sketch 132

perspective H a surface like a wall that divides a drawing intosegments from 8 two-point side to side perspective

Task IV. Write a word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part: 1. Architects usually draw in a kind of perspective that relies on actual dimensions._ _n s _ _ u _ _ e_ p _ r _ _ e _ t i _ _ 2. Dr. Green asked his students to find the point where the lines of view converge. _ a _ _ _ h _ n __ _ i n _ 3. Jenny sketched the imaginary line where the ground meets thesky into her drawing.h _ _ i _ o _

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLfALCdfnZ8

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


UNIT 2 Part 1

Floors in Construction

Task I. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: air vent [eə] повітряний канал, віддушина; природне [vent] відведення повітря; витяжка; вентиляційна витяжна свердловина; вентиляційний отвір assembly (n) [ə'semblɪ] вузол; агрегат; зібрана система; механізм beam (n) [biːm] балка; брус, перекладина blind (v) [blaɪnd] затемнювати; ховати; заглушити; перекривати damp (n) [dæmp] вогкість, вологість, мокрота; волога, випаровування damp proof [dæmp][pruːf] гідроізоляційний шар; гідроізоляційний course [kɔːs] прошарок ducting (n) ['dʌktɪŋ] система каналів; система труб; трубопровід; каналізація finish (т) ['fɪnɪʃ] кінець, закінчення; завершеність, закінченість; завершення, завершальна деталь; обробка, полірування; покриття fixtures (т) ['fɪksʧə] (fixtures) пристосування, прилад; закріплення, прикріплення, фіксування; прикріпленість, фіксованість; рухоме майно, поєднане з нерухомим frame (n) [freɪm] скелет, кістяк, каркас, остов; рама, ферма, несуча конструкція; рама, рамка gauge (n) [geɪʤ] міра, масштаб, розмір, калібр; шаблон, лекало, еталон; номер, товщина (дроту); ширина колії; вимірювальний пристрій; пристосування для обмеження глибини проникнення ріжучого приладу


hardcore (n) [ˌhɑːd'kɔː] тверда основа; кам'яна засипка; твердий кусковий матеріал; твердий зернистий матеріал; підстава з крупного дробленого каменю; підстава з крупного колотого каменю insulation (n) [ˌɪnsjə'leɪʃ(ə)n] відокремлення, ізоляція; відособленість; ізоляційний матеріал intermediate [ˌɪntə'miːdɪət] проміжний, перехідний; середній, що займає (adj) проміжне положення, що знаходиться між; допоміжний joist (n) [ʤɔɪst] брус, балка; перекладина lap (v) [læp] полірувати, шліфувати, наводити блиск; притирати; доводити; перекривати; перекривати внапуск; накладати (ізоляцію) level (adj) ['lev(ə)l] плоский, рівний; що знаходиться на одному рівні (з ч-н); горизонтальний; твердий, непохитний membrane ['membreɪn] оболонка; перетинка; плівка; мембрана (n) panel (n) ['pæn(ə)l] панель, фільонка; плитка на тротуарі або бруківці; приладова панель, пульт управління plank (n) [plæŋk] товста і широка гладко остругана дошка, планка (від 20-ти см в ширину і від 5-ти до 10- ти см в товщину) pre-cast [kɑːst] готовий; блочного типу; виготовлений на заводі rigid (adj) ['rɪʤɪd] жорсткий; той, що не гнеться; негнучкий; незламний, твердий, неподатливий; нерухомий, нерухомо закріплений sag (v) [sæg] провисати, обвисати; прогинатися; покоситися, осісти screed (n) [skriːd] брус, що розрівнює; штукатурний маяк solid (adj) ['sɔlɪd] твердий; цілісний, без порожнини; суцільний; цілісний, без пробілів; безперервний; міцний span (n) [spæn] невеликий предмет (довжиною в одну п'ядь); невелика ділянка (землі, простору); обсяг, розмах, діапазон; відстань між опорами (арки,


склепіння) story (n) ['stɔːrɪ] Поверх suspended [sə'spend] перекриття без проміжних опор в прольоті floor timber (n) ['tɪmbə] лісоматеріали; будівельний ліс; деревина; дерев'яний брус, колода; балка (в будівництві) underside (n) ['ʌndəsaɪd] нижня частина (предмета); дно, низ; днище; зворотній бік void (n) [vɔɪd] порожнеча; вакуум; пробіл, пропуск, порожнє місце; порожнеча, кишеня (в породі) weeds (n) [wiːd] бур'ян; водорості

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. What is a floor? 2. What types of floor do you know? 3. What materials are floors made of? 4. What finishes do you know? 5. What finishes are the most popular?

Task III. Read the text Floors in Construction:

Floors in Construction

Flooris a rigid building assembly that divides space horizontally into stories. It forms the bottom of a room. It may consist of joist-supported wood planks or panels, decking or panels supported by wood or steel beams, a slab of stone or concrete on the ground, or a reinforced-concrete slab carried by concrete beams and columns. The floor assembly must support its own dead load plus furnishings and the live load of occupants engaged in any variety of activities. The horizontal supports beneath its top surfaceand the vertical supports with which they intersect to form a framemust be sufficiently large and spaced closely enough to prevent sagging of the assembly. A floor will need to provide for one or more of the following: - structural support of the room’s contents and users and the weight of the floor itself; - if the floor is a ground floor, provide resistance to ground moisture and heat loss (thermal insulation)


Floors are normally classified as: ground floors and upper floors. Ground floors are either concrete slabs laid directly on the ground on hardcore beds or suspended timber structures supported on honeycomb sleeper walls that stand on concrete slabs. Upper floors are either reinforced concrete slabs or suspended timber structures that are supported on load-bearing walls. There are three general types of ground floor construction. Solid floor A typical way of constructing a solid floor would be to provide a base of hardcore with sand blinding, with a layer of concrete over that. To ensure a level finish to the floor, a layer of screed is added over the top of the concrete, which consists of sand and cement. A suitable gauge damp proof membrane (DPM) and thermal insulation must be provided. These can be laid over the sand blinding or on top of the concrete. The DPM should be lapped on to the damp proof course in the external walls and, if relevant, internal walls around the floor. Thicknesses of the various parts of the floor will depend on ground conditions and the order in which they are laid. If the existing house has air bricks, ventilating existing floor voids for example, then ducting should be provided to allow air through the solid floor and into the void under the existing house. Air bricks are then placed in the new wall. Suspended timber floor As a requirement of the Building Regulations the structure should be protected against the growth of weeds and other plant-life. The ground should have a layer of concrete poured across and there should be a ventilated gap of at least 150mm between the underside of the timbers and the concrete, to prevent moisture gathering and affecting the condition of the joists. The timber floor joists should be sized correctly depending on their span (length between supports) and are normally laid across the shortest span from wall to wall with a gap underneath. An intermediate wall with a small foundation may be needed to reduce the span and keep the thickness of the floor joists to a minimum. A damp proof course (DPC) should be placed between the timber and the wall. Insulation is then placed between the joists (thickness depends on the product used). Air vents should be placed underneath to provide ventilation to the void and the air should be able to travel from one side of the building to the other. Suspended concrete floor This construction is similar to the timber floor above, but uses either pre- cast concrete planks or small pre-cast concrete beams with concrete blocks laid between the beams. They can normally span greater distances than timber joists. Ventilation is required in the same way as a suspended timber floor. The manufacturers may well work out the size of the concrete beams and provide the structural calculations. 137

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. Give definition of a floor. 2. What does a floor provide? 3. How are floors normally classified? 4. What can you say about ground floors? 5. What can you say about upper floors? 6. What is a solid floor? 7. What is a suspended timber floor? 8. What is a suspended concrete floor?

Task V. Choose whether these sentences are true or false: 1. Flooris arigid building assembly that divides space vertically into stories. 2. The floor assembly must support only its own dead load. 3. Floors are normally classified as: ground floors and upper floors. 4. Upper floors are only suspended timber structures that are supported on load-bearing walls. 5. A typical way of constructing a solid floor would be to provide a base of hardcore with sand blinding, with a layer of concrete over that. 6. To ensure a level finish to the solid floor, a layer of screed is added over the top of the concrete, which consists of sand. 7. In case with a suspended timber floor, the ground should have a layer of concrete poured across and there should be a ventilated gap of at least 150mm between the underside of the timbers and the concrete, to prevent moisture gathering and affecting the condition of the joists. 8. Air vents should be placed underneath to provide ventilation to the void and the air should be able to travel from one side of the building to the other. 9. Suspended concrete flooris similar to the timber floor above, but uses either pre-cast concrete planks or small pre-cast concrete beams with concrete blocks laid between the beams. 10. Ventilation is not required in suspended concrete floors in the same way as in a suspended timber floor.

Task VI. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. ділити простір по горизонталі на поверхи 2. плита з каменю або бетону 3. залізобетонна плита 4. вертикальні опори 5. теплоізоляція 138

6. верхні поверхи 7. несучі стіни 8. шар стяжки 9. зовнішні стіни 10. внутрішні стіни 11. проміжна стінка 12. звести до мінімуму 13. повітряний канал, витяжка

Task VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. dead load 2. live load of occupants 3. to prevent sagging of the assembly 4. to provide resistance to ground moisture and heat loss 5. suspended timber structures 6. reinforced concrete slabs 7. solid floor 8. gauge damp proof membrane 9. air bricks 10. floor voids 11. suspended timber floor 12. a damp proof course 13. suspended concrete floor

Task VIII. Match the words and their definitions: 1 Floor A the lower surface of a room, on which one may walk 2 support B a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright 3 to C [with obj.] divide (something) by passing or lying across it the intersect area is intersected only by minor roads; [no obj.] (of two or more things) pass or lie across each other 4 Frame D a rigid structure that surrounds something such as a picture, door, or windowpane 5 concrete E a building material made from a mixture of broken stone or gravel, sand, cement, and water, which can be spread or poured into moulds and forms a stone-like mass on hardening 6 level F having a flat, horizontal surface (adj)


7 Void G an unfilled space in a wall, building, or other structure 8 Timber H a wooden beam or board used in building a house or ship

Task IX. Match the synonyms: 1 Rigid A Hard 2 Floor B Story 3 Slab C Plank 4 User D Consumer 5 Level E Even

Task X. Match the opposites: 1 to divide A to connect 2 ground floor B upper floor 3 horizontal C Vertical 4 bottom D Top 5 internal E External

Task XI. Translate the following attributive chains: a rigid building assembly, joist-supported wood planks, steel beams, a floor assembly, ground moisture, heat loss, hardcore beds, suspended timber structures, honeycomb sleeper walls, a suitable gauge damp proof membrane, air bricks, a damp proof course, air vents

Task XII. Translate the following derivatives: assemble, assembled, assembler, assembling, assembly; support, supportable, supported, supporter, support supporting, supportive, supportively, supportiveness; occupant, occupation, occupancy, occupational, occupied, occupy; intersect, intersection, intersecting; classify, classification, classified, classifier, classifying; ventilating, ventilate, ventilation, ventilator.

Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals: Mosaic Flooring It consists of a finishing coat of small pieces of 1) _____ BROKEN tiles of China glazed or of marble arranged in different patterns


set in lime-surkhi or cement mortar. The base coarse is concrete flooring and on it 30 to 40 mm mortar layer is provided. On this mortar 2) _____ broken pieces of China LAYER glazed or marble are set to get different 3) _____ patterns. ATTRACTIVE After 20 to 24 hours of 4) _____ the top is rubbed with DRYING carborundum stone to get smooth and 5) _____ surface. POLISHED

Task XIV. Fill in the gaps with the given words and word combinations: constructing, intermediate, weeds, horizontally, ground, layer, load, thicknesses, upper, air vents, insulation

1. Flooris a rigid building assembly that divides space _____ into stories. 2. The floor assembly must support its own dead _____ plus furnishings and the live load of occupants engaged in any variety of activities. 3. Floors are normally classified as _____ floors and _____ floors. 4. A typical way of _____ a solid floor would be to provide a base of hardcore with sand blinding, with a layer of concrete over that. 5. A suitable gauge damp proof membrane (DPM) and thermal _____ must be provided. 6. _____ of the various parts of the floor will depend on ground conditions and the order in which they are laid. 7. As a requirement of the Building Regulations the structure should be protected against the growth of _____ and other plant-life. 8. The ground should have a _____ of concrete poured across. 9. An _____ wall with a small foundation may be needed to reduce the span and keep the thickness of the floor joists to a minimum. 10. _____ should be placed underneath to provide ventilation to the void and the air should be able to travel from one side of the building to the other.

Task XV. Fill in the gaps with the given words: center, constructed, structures, emperors, visitors, building, collection, palace


Forbidden City, Beijing Less a famous 1) _____ and more a series of famous buildings – 980, to be precise, 2) _____ between 1406AD to 1420AD – the Forbidden City was home to 3) _____ from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty, making it the political 4) _____ of China for half a millennium. The Forbidden City is listed by UNESCO as the The former imperial largest 6) _____ of preserved ancient wooden 5) _____ is now home to the 7) _____ in the world, and has seen an average of Palace Museum, and was 16 million visitors every year since 2016 – that's declared a World Heritage an average of 40,000 8) _____ per day. Site in 1987.

Task XVI. Be ready to retell the text from Unit 2.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:


Hello Natasha, I just got back from the building site. Based on the terrain, the house should face south. This orientation will let us take advantage of natural light. Since the climate is cold, solar heat gain is good. Maximizing heat gain is a big issue, especially in winter. We may have to adjust the position slightly to avoid shadows. We don't have to worry about other buildings, but some of the surrounding trees are fairly tall. However, the trees will actually be useful as they will act as a buffer against the prevailing wind. Based on the current room placement, the bedrooms will face east. They will get plenty of light when the sun rises. As the sun sets, the kitchen will get the most light. If you like, we can go over the plans together, and I can answer any questions you might have. Ted Pearson.

Task II. Choose the correct answers: 1. What is the email mainly about? A. increasing the amount of natural light a building will get B. changes to bedroom placement in a building plan C. tree removal at a construction site D. reducing solar heat gain in a new house 2. What is true about the trees at the site? A. they provide necessary shade B. they help maximize heat gain C. they will protect against the wind D. they prevent solar heat gain 3. What does NOT affect the orientation of the house? A. maximizing use of natural light B. position of surrounding buildings C. avoiding the shadows of trees D. improving heat gain in winter


Task III. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H): A to have the front pointed in a certain direction 1 Set B illumination from the sun 2 Site C the location where a building will be constructed 3 Face D to go below the horizon 4 Rise E increase in thermal energy from direct sunlight 5 orientation F the relative direction an object is pointed 6 placement G the chosen location for an object 7 natural light H to come up above the horizon 8 solar heat gain

Task IV. Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank: 1. position /prevailing wind A. The architect had to adjust the building 's _____. B. A row of thick bushes can protect againstthe _____. 2. heat gain /shadow A. The tree casts a _____over theparking lot. B. Thick insulation can improve a building's _____.

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM5Oqvd-678

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


Unit 3

Part 1


Task I.Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: acoustic performance [ə'ku:stɪk pə'fɔ:məns допустиме значення rating 'reɪtɪŋ] характеристики бути знесеним (про to be torn down [tə'bi: 'teə'daun] стіну) boundary wall ['baund(ə)rɪ wɔ:l] стіна, огорожа to delineate [tə dɪ'lɪnɪeɪt] окреслювати Dike [daɪk] дамба Fibre ['faɪbə] волокно Fence [fens] огорожа, паркан insulation ['ɪnsju'leɪʃ(ə)n] ізоляція levee ['levɪ] річковий причал to mount [tə maunt] монтувати, кріпити кам'яна або цегляна masonry ['meɪs(ə)nrɪ] кладка mural ['mju(ə)rəl] фреска, стіна непроникний, opaque [ə'peɪk] непрозорий outlet ['autlet] штепсельна розетка розділова перегородка, partition wall [pɑ:'tɪʃ(ə)n wɔ:l] перебирання мати відношення до relevant ['reləvənt] чого-небудь retaining wall [rɪˌteɪnɪŋ'wɔːl] подпорная стенка sea wall [si: wɔ:l] набережна sheeting ['ʃi:tɪŋ] листовий матеріал structural wall ['strʌkʧ(ə)rəl wɔ:l] несуща стіна несучий елемент, structuralelement ['strʌkʧ(ə)rəl 'elɪmənt] частина будівлі tiling ['taɪlɪŋ] облицювання плиткою

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 145

1. What is awall? 2. What principal types of structural walls do youknow? 3. What is a buildingwall?

Task III. Read the text Types of Walls:

Types of Walls

A wall is usually a solid structure that defines and sometimes protects an area. Most commonly, a wall delineates a building and supports its superstructure, separates space in buildings into rooms, or protects or delineates a space in the open air. There are three principal types of structural walls: building walls, exterior boundary walls, and retaining walls. Let’s characterize some types of walls. Building walls have one main purpose: to support roofs and ceilings. Such walls most often have three or more separate components. In today’s construction, a building wall usually has the structural elements, insulation, and finish elements or surface. In addition, the wall may house various types of electrical wiring or plumbing. Electrical outlets are usually mounted in walls. Building walls frequently become works of art externally and internally, when mosaic work or when murals are painted on them. A partition wall is a wall for the purpose of separating rooms, or dividing a room. Partition walls are usually not load-bearing. Partition walls may be structed with bricks or blocks from clay, terra-cotta or concrete. Glass blocks may also be used. Timber may be used too. This type of partition consists of a wooden framework either supported on the floor below or by side walls. Partition walls constructed from fibre cement sheeting are popular as bases for tiling in kitchens or in wet areas like bathrooms. Reinforced partition walls may also be constructed from concrete, including precast concrete blocks. There are variations of wall partitions which include the level of fire resistance, and their acoustic performancerating. Boundary walls include privacy walls and town walls. Privacy walls can be called fences. The conventional differentiation is that a fence is of minimal thickness and often is open in nature, while a wall is usually more than a nominal thickness and is completely closed, or opaque. More to the point, if an exterior structure is made of wood or wire, it is generally referred to as a fence while if it is made of masonry, it is considered a wall. Before the invention of artillery, many of the world’s cities and towns, particularly in Europe and Asia, had protective walls (also called town walls or city walls). In fact, the English word “wall” is derived from Latin “vallum”, which was a type of fortification wall. Since they are no longer relevant for defense, such cities have grown beyond their walls, and many of the walls, or 146

portions thereof, have been torn down, for example in Rome, Italy and in Beijing. Examples of protective walls on a much larger scale include the Great Wall of China. Retaining walls are a special type of walls that may be either external to a building or part of a building that serves to provide a barrier to the movement of earth, stone or water. The ground surface or water on one side of a retaining wall will be noticeably higher than on the other side. A dike is one type of retaining wall, as is a levee, a load-bearing foundation wall, and a sea wall.

A brick building wall: An old Italian boundary Dry-stone retainingwall: wall surrounded by flowers:

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. When do building walls become works ofart? 2. When is a partition wallused? 3. What materials can be utilized for partitionwalls? 4. What is the difference between a fence and awall? 5. Why do people build retainingwalls?

Task V.Fill in the table:

Type of a wall Characteristics of a wall


Task VI.Complete the sentences using the information from the text: 1. One of the main purposes of erecting building walls is …. 2. A building wall usually has the following components: …. 3. Partition walls don’t usually bear …. 4. A partition wall consists of a …. 5. Partition walls constructed from fibre cement sheeting are usually used in .... 6. Partition walls can be built from…. 7. Many cities of Europe and Asia have…. 8. The English word “wall” is derived from Latin “vallum”, which meant… 9. The Great Wall of China is an example of …. 10. Retaining walls are a part of a building that ….

Task VII. Give English equivalents of the following:

1. розмежовувати простір будівлі на кімнати 2. електричні розетки; мозаїчна робота 3. традиційне відмінність 4. підтримувати даху і стелі 5. три основних типи 6. збірні бетонні блоки 7. рівень вогнестійкості 8. номінальна товщина, захисні стіни 9. дерев'яний каркас 10. тверда структура

Task VIII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. buildingwalls 2. three separate components 3. electrical outlets 4. boundarywalls 5. privacy walls and town walls 6. minimal thickness 7. retainingwalls 8. external to a building 9. a barrier to the movement 10. noticeably higher

Task IX.Match the words and their definitions: 1 seawall A Stonework 148

2 mural B the action of insulatingsomething 3 dike C a wall or embankment erected to prevent the sea from en- croaching on an area ofland 4 fence D a painting or other work of art executed directly on awall 5 insulation E a low wall or earthwork serving as a boundary ordefense 6 masonry F a barrier or other upright structure, typical of wood or wire, enclosing an area ofground 7 opaque G a point in an electrical circuit from which current may be drawn 8 sheeting H describe orportray 9 delineate I nottransparent 10 outlet G material formed into or used as asheet

Task X. Find the synonyms among given words: to draw; fresco; to delineate; filament; structural wall; fibre; partition wall; mural; to mount; lightproof; opaque; to install.

Task XI. Match the opposites: 1 ceiling A to destroy 2 cellar B Rear 3 to connect C Floor 4 construction D Attic 5 deep E to separate 6 front F Destruction 7 to form G Shallow

Task XII. Choose the right variant: 1. These are basic tools you will need for putting up _____ on yourfarm. a)pile b)wall c)fencing 2. More than 40 artists created the statues, sculptures, and_____. a)fibre b)murals c)insulation 3. In its glory Babylon was surrounded by thick _____ walls ornamented with images of the ancient god ofMarduk. a)masonry b) seawall c) fence

Task XIII. The table below contains words from your active vocabulary that have been chopped in half. Find the pieces that fit together and write them down: super relev Let Ce ant fan insula Struc Ture sheet


ing mason Out Tion ry

Task XIV. Read and translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the derivativesbelow: 1. In order to mount the telephone jack, remove the cover and expose the inner plate and make screwholes. 2. Panel is a wall mountable but keep in mind that it requires external power, meaning it plugs into thewall. 3. Sony products, such as liquid crystal televisions, digital cameras, Walkman, and others keep on evolving because Sony Manufacturing Systems support these products with its latest mountertechnology. 4. Whether mounted in a window or a wall, this type of air conditioner plugs into a standard electrical outlet and doesn’t need specialwiring. 5. A window-mounted air conditioner is the most popular and economi- cal, but a wall-mounted unit requires some renovationwork. 6. In order to attach the element to the oven, install the mounting screws through the mounting brackets to the back of theoven. 7. The original two levels of the Tower of Pisa didn’t lean, but the struc- ture began to lean when construction moved to the third level and beyond in1178. 8. I did the structural engineering calculation of the foundation for the wind turbine andsubstation. 9. The doctoral program is structured so that students can pursue a cur- riculum matched to their individualinterests. 10. It can happen to any fine-grained, structureless rock that is gently at- tacked bygroundwater.

Task XV. Make up a project. Choose any type of wall you like and prepare the presentation about it.


Part 2

Task I. Read the text paying attention to the underlined words:


In most projects we are not simply dealing with a single cube, but with a complex arrangement of elements. The organisation of horizontal and vertical members creates a form meeting the demands of the functions within. The relations between the elements are fundamental factors, which play a vital role in characterising the design. In every building, there is a relationship between the exterior and the interior.Depending on the type of building, the climate, the surroundings and its purpose, the shellseparating interior and exterior fulfils different functions. Glass enables the architect to create a visual link, a view from the interior to the exterior and vis a versa. Solid materials, such as brick or concrete, create a visual barrier between inside and out. Some surfaces can have a repellentcharacter, are intended to emphasize a certain feature or add contrast to a complex arrangement of structures. Others are more inviting and blend inwith the surroundings. Some buildings appear to be embeddedin their environment and harmonise, while others are made to stand out. The wide spectrum of materials available gives the architect the opportunity to define the relationships between the various elements.

Task II. Talk about these questions: 1. What does the organisation of horizontal and vertical members create? 2. What functions does the shell separating interior and exterior fulfil? 3. What materials create a visual barrier between inside and out? 4. What characters have surfaces? 5. What gives the architect the opportunity to define the relationships between the various elements?

Task III. Are these statements true (T) or (F)? Correct the false statements.

1. Solid wall insulation is used to provide thermal insulation. (T/F) 2. Felt tape is used as cavity wall insulation. (T/F) 3. Cavity wall insulation goes between the inner and outer walls. (T/F) 4. Foam tubing is used to insulate pipes. (T/F) 5. Polystyrene beads are used to insulate pipes. (T/F)


Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow0CnGK-Og8

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.


Unit 4

Part 1


Task I.Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with each of them: сирець, цегла повітряної adobe (n) [ə'dəubɪ] сушки cast iron (n) ['kɑːstˌaɪǝn] чавун covering (n) ['kʌv(ə)rɪŋ] покриття dome(n) [dəum] купол, звід drain(n) [dreɪn] дренажна труба flat(adj) [flæt] плоский, рівний gabled (adj) ['geɪbld] гостроконечний вальмовий hipped roof (phr) [hɪpt ru:f] чотирьохскатний дах inclination (n) [ˌɪnklɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] ухил, скат leak (n) [li:k] витік, теча membrane surface (phr) ['membreɪn 'sɜ:fɪs] покрівельна поверхня precipitation (phr) [prɪˌsɪpɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] атмосферні опади прокол, дірка, puncture (n) ['pʌŋkʧə] пробивання проникати всередину, to penetrate (v) ['penɪtreɪt] просочуватися reinforced concrete beam (phr) [ˌriːɪnfɔːst'kɒŋkriːt bi:m] залізобетонна балка rigid (adj) ['rɪʤɪd] твердий ridge (n) [rɪʤ] коник даху shedroof(phr) ['ʃedru:f] односхилий дах slope(n) [sləup] скат, ухил shingle (n) ['ʃɪŋg(ə)l] покрівельна черепиця slate (n) [sleɪt] шифер steel girder (phr) [sti:l 'gɜ:də] сталева балка to trap (v) [tu: træp] поглинати to tend (v) [tu: tend] мати тенденцію,


схилятися до чого- небудь верхній, головний, uppermost(adj) ['ʌpəməust] панівний

Task II. Pre-reading discussion. Answer the questions below: 1. When did people begin to buildhouses? 2. What was the purpose of housesconstruction? 3. What materials did ancient people use for roofing in ancienttimes? 4. What materials do people use for roofing atpresent?

Task III. Read the text Roofs: Types and Parts:

Roofs: Types and Parts

One of the most important elements of your house is the roof. A roof is the covering on the uppermost part of a building. It protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather: rain, heat, sunlight, cold, snow and wind. The characteristics of a roof are dependent upon the climate of an area, the purpose of the building that it covers, the available roofing materials and the local traditions of construction and wider concepts of architectural design and practice. Roofs can be sloped, flat or domed. Within these three broad catego- ries, many variations are possible, for example mansard, hipped, gabled, conical etc. Sloped Roofs A sloped or pitched roof is a roof with two slopes that meet at a central ridge. Sloped roofs prevent buildings from heavy rains and snowfalls. Water can run down sloped roofs and go down to the drain. A sloped roof can be a simple or a complex roof form using a combination of different shapes mentioned above. Flat Roofs Flat roofs are completely different from sloped roofs. These are used in regions with a low precipitation and dry climate. The traditional materials used are concrete, brick or adobe. In contrast to the sloped form of a roof, a flat roof is horizontal or nearly horizontal. Materials that cover flat roofs typically allow the water to run off freely from a very slightinclination. Flat roofs tend to be attractive to human traffic. Anything which produces a crack or puncture in the surface can quite readily lead to leaks. One of the more interesting emerging methods of protecting the roofing membrane is to use a layer of topsoil and grasses. Care should be taken not to plant anything the roots of which will penetrate the membrane surface. The green roof traps moisture on the roof and keeps it up in the soil and plants, but not on the membrane surface. Parts of a roof There are two parts of a roof, its supporting structure and its 154

uppermost weatherproof layer. The supporting structure of a roof usually comprises beams that are long and of strong, fairly rigid material such as timber, and since the middle of 19th century, cast iron or steel. Timber lends itself to a great variety of roof shapes. The timber structure can fulfill an aesthetic as well as practical function. With continual improvements in steel girders, these became the major structural sup- port for large roofs, and eventually for ordinary houses as well. Another form of girder is the reinforced concrete beam, in which metal rods are encased in con- crete, giving it greater strength under tension. Uppermost layer shows great variation depending upon availability of ma- terial. In simple architecture, roofing material is often vegetation, such as thatches, sea grass and bamboo with a life of perhaps 40 years. In areas with an abundance of timber, wooden shingles are used. The slate roof is often considered the best type of roofing because slate is an ideal and durable material. A slate roof may last 75 to 150 years, and even longer. In the 20th century a large number of roofing materials were developed, including roofs based on bitumen, on rubber and on a range of synthetics such as thermoplastic and on fiberglass. Since then, many types of metal roofing have been developed. Steel shingle roofs last about 50 years or more depending on both the method of installation and the moisture barrier (underlayment) used. Examples of roofs:

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Flat roof, WesternAustralia. 2. Mansard roof on a county jail,Ohio. 3. Temple roof Chang Mai, Thailand with a decorated gable end and ce- ramic tilecovering. 4. Conical Chinese roof at the Nanhai Academy inTaipei.

Task IV. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is aroof? 2. What are the functions of theroof? 3. What do the roof characteristics dependon? 4. What types of roofs do youknow? 5. What the main characteristics of sloped roofs do youknow? 6. What is a flatroof? 7. What materials are used to build a flatroof?


8. How many parts of a roof arethere? 9. What does the supporting structure of a roof consistof? 10. What are the functions of timber structure in supportingsystem? 11. What materials can be used for makingbeams? 12. What uppermost material can be used forroofing?

Task V. Complete the sentences according to the information from the text: 1. Sloped roofs prevent buildings from…. 2. Flat roofs are used in regions with…. 3. Any flat roof is nearly…. 4. Using a layer of topsoil and grasses on the roof can protect…. 5. A roof consists of two parts:…. 6. The timber structure can fulfill two functions:…. 7. The supporting beams can be made of…. 8. One of the best types of roofing material is….

Task VI. Complete the scheme using the information from the text:

Parts of roof

Task VII. Give English equivalents of the following: 1. вплив погоди 2. доступні покрівельні матеріали 3. архітектурне проектування 4. поєднання різних форм 5. низький рівень атмосферних опадів 6. постійні поліпшення 7. залізобетонна балка 8. покрівельна поверхня 9. достаток лісоматеріалу 10. дерев'яна черепиця

Task VIII. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following: 1. an uppermost layer 2. a covering of the roof 3. a slope of the roof 4. a gabled roof 5. a roof ridge; a house drain 6. an inclination of the roof


7. to tend to the same conclusion 8. an air leak 9. a moisture trap 10. wooden shingles

Task IX. Guess the cross-word:

Down: 1. Highest in place, rank, or im- portance. 4. A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level thananother. 5. A thing used to cover some- thing else, typically in order toprotect. 8. A rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure, typical- ly with a circular base. Across: 2. Rain, snow,sleet. 3. A flat piece of rock used as roofingmaterial. 6. The line or edge formed where the two sloping sides of a roof meet at thetop. 7. A rectangular tile of asphalt composite, wood, metal, or slate used on walls orroofs.

1 4 5 2

6 8

3 7 Task X. Find the synonyms: predominant; perforation; uppermost; trickle; to permeate; roof ridge; dome; puncture; cupola; covering; ridgepole; to penetrate; rigid; leak; roof; hard.

Task XI. Match the opposites: 1 abundance A heat 2 to build B lack 157

3 dry C dawn 4 dusk D humid, wet 5 cold E narrow 6 broad F top 7 bottom G to destroy

Task XII.Translate the following derivatives: effect, effectible,preeffect,uneffected,uneffectible; cover, coverable,coverer,coverless,half-covered; slope, slopingly, slopingness, unsloped, unsloping; down, downless,downlike; different, differently,differentness,undifferent,undifferently; dome, domelike, domical; dry, dryable,dryly,dryness,overdry; wide,wideness,overwide,overwidely,overwideness.

Task XIII. Choose the rightvariant: 1. Materials like _____, cob and straw are economical, energy-saving, envi- ronmentally-friendly, andsustainable. a)sand b)adobe c)clay 2. I recommend replacing the _____ on your roof with Spanish rooftile. a)straw b)stones c)shingles 3. A _____ sloping in just one direction is the leastexpensive. a)shedroof b)hippedroof c) castiron

Task XIV. Complete the sentences using the given words: Cathedral dome, shingles, dome, steel girders, concrete, ridge, leak- ing, covering, hipped, paint

1. The ______could not be raised more than 30 stories at a time, so sever- al large cranes were used to pass the girders up to the higherfloors. 2. Leonardo produced designs for several types of construction equip- ment, and his ideas for cranes were particularly useful for this _____project. 3. _____ are installed starting from the bottom of the roof; they are nailed in place with large headed nails andoverlapped. 4. Underground homes are typically made of reinforced _____ because it does not degrade and exhibits high compressivestrength. 5. A ventilation runs along the _____ of the roof to expel trapped vapor and heat, so that the roofing does not buckle and deteriorate overtime. 6. If water is coming through the ceiling material, it usually means the roof is _____ , and it should be considered anemergency. 158

7. The _____ is made from cut branches and leaves, placed loosely atop, leaving open space for the stars to be viewed and rain toenter. 8. A sharp, putty knife or a blade designed just for _____ scraping is your best bet. You’ll minimize the dust, and you’ll have better control than if you used asander. 9. The roof can reveal a lot about any house. This roof has a low, gradual slope. It’s what we call a _____roof. 10. During the early 1400s, the painter and architect Filippo Brunelleschi designed the great ______.

Task XV. Give a short summary of the text Roofs: Types and Parts in English.


Part 2

Task I. Skim the text Green Roofs and try to understand what it is about and what information is new to you.


A green roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation planted over a waterproofing membrane. It may also include ad- ditional layers such as a root barrier and drainage and irrigation systems. (The use of “green” refers to the growing trend of environmentalism and does not re- fer to roofs which are colored green, as with green roof tiles or roof shingles). Container gardens on roofs, where plants are maintained in pots, are not generally considered to be true green roofs, although this is an area of debate. Rooftop ponds are another form of green roofs. Also known as “living roofs”, green roofs serve several purposes for a building, such as absorbing rainwater, providing insulation, creating a habitat for wildlife, and helping to lower urban air temperatures and combat the heat island effect. There are two types of green roofs: intensive roofs, which are thickerand can support a wider variety of plants but are heavier and require more mainte- nance, and extensive roofs, which are covered in a light layer of vegetation and are lighter than an intensive green roof. Traditional roof gardens, which require a reasonable depth of soil to grow large plants or conventional lawns, are considered intensive because they are la- bour-intensive, requiring irrigation, feeding, and other maintenance. Intensive roofs are more park-like with easy access and may include anything from kitch- en herbs to shrubs and small trees. Extensive green roofs, by contrast, are de- signed to be virtually self-sustaining and should require only a minimum of maintenance, perhaps a once-yearly weeding. The term green roof may also be used to indicate roofs that use some form of green technology, such as a roof with solar thermal collectors or photovoltaic panels. Green roofs are also referred to as eco-roofs, vegetated roofs, living roofs.


Examples of green roofs: Traditional sod roofs in the Faroe Islands Green roof of City Hall in Chicago

The main disadvantage of green roofs is the higher initial cost. Some types of green roofs do have more demanding structural standards especially in seismic regions of the world. Some existing buildings cannot be retrofitted with certain kinds of green roof because of the weight load of the substrate and vege- tation exceeds permitted static loading. Depending on what kind of green roof it is, the maintenance costs could be higher, but some types of green roof have lit- tle cost. Some kinds of green roofs also place higher demands on the water- proofing system of the structure both because water is retained on the roof and due to the possibility of roots penetrating the waterproof membrane. However, a green covering doesn’t need water to be retained on the roof as these plants can tolerate long periods without rainfall, so a drainage layer will combat this par- ticular problem. Moreover, properly-designed and -installed systems include root barriers. It is true that installing adequate waterproofing systems and root barriers can increase the initial cost of the roof; however, due to the fact that a green roof protects the waterproofing membrane from the elements, particularly UV light, the life expectancy of the membranes is doubled or eventripled. Another important distinction is between pitched green roofs and flat green roofs. Pitched sod roofs, a traditional feature of many Scandinavian build- ings, tend to be of a simpler design than flat green roofs. This is because the pitch of the roof reduces the risk of water penetrating through the roof structure, allowing the use of fewer waterproofing and drainagelayers.

Task II. Find the passage describing the ad- vantages and disadvantages of green roofs in the text «Green Roofs» and complete thetable: 161

The advantages of green roofs The disadvantages of green roofs

Task II. Find the passage describing the types of green roofs in the text «Green Roofs» and complete thetable:

The types of green roofs The characteristics of green roofs types

Part 3

Task I. Watch this video and be ready to discuss it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT9MP104iXY

Task II. Make up dialogues based on the information in the video.




Дієслово to beв Present, Pastи Future Simple

Відмінювання дієслова to be Число Особа Простий Минулий Майбутній теперішній теперішній теперішній Однина 1 I am I was I 3 You are You were You 4 He, she, it is He, she, it was He, she, it will be Множина 1 We are We were We 2 You are You were You 3 They are They were They

Заперечна форма дієслова tobe Підмет BE NOT Інші члени речення He is Not a student any more. They were Not busy yesterday. We will not be busy tomorrow.

Запитальна форма дієслова tobe Запитальне BE Підмет Інші члени слово (якщо речення воно є) Is She a doctor? Where were You yesterday? Will you be busy tomorrow?

Task I.Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbto be: 1. English _____ a Germanic language. 2. Our planet _____ a unique phenomenon in the Universe. 3. _____ there many scientific books in this library? 4. Language _____ a perfect means of expression and communication. 5. Who _____ the creator of the material and spiritual treasures of mankind? 163

6. Our students _____ in the workshop now. 7. The delegation _____ at the plant tomorrow. 8. What _____ the greatest achievements in science and technology in the XXth century? 9. An automobile _____ a wheeled vehicle that carries its own motor and transports passengers. 10. New England _____ the birthplace of many of the early auto companies.

Task II. Read and translate the following sentences. Form a negative sentence, a general question and one special question to each sentence: 1. Today science is an instrument in planning and promoting scientific, technological and social progress. 2. D.I. Mendeleyev was the founder of modern chemistry. 3. They were in the chemical laboratory a week ago. 4. Heat is a form of energy. 5. Technical college is a college specializing in technical subjects. 6. Chemistry will be very useful in your future profession. 7. A tram is a rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets. 8. The 1912 Cadillac was the first vehicle to have an effective self-starting engine. 9. A double-decker tram is a tram that has two levels. 10. The early steam powered vehicles were so heavy that they were only practical on a perfectly flat surface as strong as iron.


Unit 2

Теперішній, минулий, майбутній простий час (Present, Past, FutureSimple)

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple I I I You play You You We He He They She played She will play He It It She plays We We It They They I I I You do not You You We (don`t) He did not He will not They play She (didn`t) play She (won`t) play He does not It It She (doesn`t) We We It They They

I I I Do you you you we he he they play? Did she play? Will she play? He it it Does she we we it they they

Вживання: Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple 1. Постійна, звичайна дія або дія, яка 1. Опис 1. Рішення, які властива особі чи предмету, який минулих прийняті вмомент позначає підмет. подій, мовлення. e.g. She works in a bank. вираження e.g. Since it is getting Загальніположеннябезвідноснодочас повторювани dark, I will turn on the у х дій у light.


e.g. Copper conducts electricity. минулому, часто вживається зі словами yesterday, last week, the other dayта ін. e.g. They went camping by the lake last month. 2. Дії, якіпостійноповторюються 2. Дії, які 2. Надії,страхи, (особливозприслівникаминеозначено відбулися погрози, пропозиції, гочасу: always, often, usually, негайноодна обіцянки, прохання, sometimes, seldom). за іншою у коментарі та ін., минулому. особливозісловамиex e.g. He always goes to bed at 11 e.g. First she pect, hope, believe, I o’clock. paid the am sure, I am afraid, driver, then probablyта ін. she got out of e.g. I am afraid I will the taxi. be a little late. 3. Розкладрухупоїздів, програм. 3. Вираження 3. Дії або e.g. The train leaves at 8.00. дії або припущення, які властивості, можуть (не) статися у що майбутньому. характеризув e.g.She will probably ала підмет у buy the dress. минулому. e.g.Kitchens were very different a hundred years ago. 4. Спортивні коментарі, огляд, опис. 4. Дія або 4. Дії, які ми не e.g. Peterson overtakes Williams and подія, яка можемо wins the race. відбулася у контролювати та які e.g.Mike Dalton plays the part of певний час у неминуче стануться у Macbeth. минулому. майбутньому. e.g. Then the prince gets on his horse e.g.She called e.g.He will be ten next and quickly rides away. an hour ago. year. 5. Інструкції, вказівки (замість 5. Дія, яка 5. Речі, в якихми не 166

наказових речень). відбулася у впевненіабо ще e.g.You sprinkle some cheese on the певний час у невирішили робити. pizza and then you bake it. Замість: минулому, e.g.She will be Sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and хоча цій час probably be promoted. then bake it. не згадується, (not sure yet) ця дія не пов’язана з теперішнім часом. e.g.Shakespea re wrote a lot of plays. 6. Для вираження майбутньої дії в підрядних реченнях умови й часу, які вводяться сполучниками when, if, after, till, until, before. e.g. He will do the test if he has all the necessary equipment. Task I. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple: 1. I _____(play) football with my friends on Sundays. 2. Tina _____ (walk) to school every day. 3. We _____ (go) to bed at 10 o`clock every night. 4. Penguins _____ (live) in the Antarctic. 5. Tony _____ (study) maths at university. 6. Jo and Peter _____ (visit) their grandparents every wee. 7. Sally _____ (speak) Spanish. 8. Mike _____ (do) his homework every evening. 9. Susan _____ (wash) her hair every day. 10. Water _____ (boil) at 100 degrees centigrate.

Task II. Expend the following sentences in order to make true statements with doesn`t or don`t where necessary: 1. water / boil / at 100 C. 2. rice / grow / on trees. 3. vegetarians / eat / meat. 4. plants / need / water / to grow. 5. rain / fall / from clouds. 6. astronauts / travel / in submarines. 7. the Moon / turn / around the earth. 8. fish / walk / on land. 9. the sun / set / in the east. 10. pandas / live / in Italy. 167

Task III. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple: 1. “_____ to school yesterday (you / go)?” “No, it was Sunday”. 2. He _____ an interesting book last month. (read) 3. I looked for my keys but I _____ them. (not / find) 4. I wasn`t hungry so I _____ anything. (not / eat) 5. “_____ to Fred yesterday?” “Yes, I phoned him.” (you / speak) 6. “_____ the bell?” “Yes, but nobody answered.” (you / ring) 7. “What was that noise?” “I _____ anything.” (not / hear) 8. “What _____ for breakfast?” “Bacon and eggs.” (they / have) 9. “How many books _____?” “Only one.” (you / buy) 10. He _____ his presents on Christmas morning. (open)

Task IV. Put the verbs in brackets into Future Simple: 1. As soon as the train crosses bridge, (it / go) faster. 2. Excuse my disturbing you, when (we / land) in Paris? 3. I think (Tom / not / get) this job as he has very little experience. 4. (who / take) John to the airport? 5. Do you think (you / walk) there or (go) by car? 6. Perhaps (Tom / start) looking for a better job. 7. Put on your coat or (you / get) cold. 8. I expect (I / see) Barbara at the party the day after tomorrow. 9. “We haven`t got any milk.” “(I / buy) some. 10. (I / not / be able) to help you tomorrow because I am busy.

Task V. Make the following sentences negative and make a general and one special question to each sentence: 1. His friend speaks two foreign languages. 2. We have a car and we use it very often. 3. The police stopped him on his way home last night. 4. She passed her examination because she studied very hard. 5. We all left the party at 11 pm. 6. They needed money so they sold their car. 7. I think I will stay at home this evening. 8. He will start a computer programming course in a month.


Unit 3

Теперішній, минулий, майбутній тривалий час (Present, Past, FutureContinuous)

Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous to be + doing I am I I He He was He She is She She It playing It playing It will be playing We We We You are You were You They They They I am not I I He is not He was not He She (isn`t) She (wasn`t) She will not be playing It playing It playing It (won`t be playing) We are not We were not We You (aren`t) You (weren`t) You They They They Am I I I Was he he He she she be Is She playing? it playing? Will it playing? It we we Are We Were you you You they they They

Вживання: Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous 1. Дія, яка збігається з 1. Дія, яка відбувалася у 1. Дія, яка буде моментом мовлення. визначений момент у відбуватися у e.g.He is washing the car at минулому. визначений момент у the moment. e.g. At seven o`clock майбутньому.


yesterday evening they e.g. This time next were having dinner. week, we will be cruising round the islands. 2. Тимчасові дії, тобто дії, 2. Дія, яка відбувалася, 2. діюяке які відбуваються навколо коли її перервала інша обов'язковостанеться моменту мовлення. дія. в e.g. e.g. He was walking down майбутньомуврезуль Iamlookingforanewjobthese the street when he ran into таті домовленості days. an old friend. 3. Дії, які часто 3. Дві чи більше повторюються із словами одночасні дії у always, constantly, минулому. continually, які виражають e.g. She was talking on роздратування, грів або her mobile phone while критику. she was driving to work. e.g. You areconstantly interrupting me when I am talking. 4. Заплановані дії у 4. Описатмосфери, близькому майбутньому. ситуації у вступідо e.g.They are moving into оповіданняперш ніжми their new house next week. починаємоописуватиосн овні події. e.g. One beautiful autumn afternoon, Ben was strolling down a quiet country lane. The birds were singing and the leaves were rustling in the breeze. 5. Ситуації, що змінюються чи розвиваються. e.g.She is getting more and more impatient.


Task I. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Continuous: 1. (his dad and brother / cycle) to the shops. 2. (that machine / not / work). 3. Look! (that man / try) to open the door of your car. 4. The government is worried because (the number of people without jobs / increase). 5. Hurry! (the bus / come). I don`t want to miss it. 6. Can you drive? – No, but (I / learn). (my father / teach) me. 7. (who / watch) TV? 8. (we / not/ have) fun today. 9. I´m on a bus and (it /not / move). 10. (you / watch) TV? – No, (we / study).

Task IІ. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Continuous: 1. This time last year (I / live) in Brazil. 2. What (you / do) at 10 o`clock last night? 3. The phone rang when (he / make) a shower. 4. We saw an accident when (we / wait for) a bus. 5. Last night (I / read) in bed when suddenly I heard a scream. 6. She broke a plate last night. (she / do) the washing-up when it slipped out of her hand. 7. (Tom / take) a photograph of me while (I / not / look). 8. (I / not / drive) very fast when the accident happened. 9. (we / not / cycle) all day. 10. I tried to tell them the truth but (they / not / listen).

Task ІІI. Put the verbs in brackets into Future Continuous: 1. (I / watch) the match on television at 8.30. 2. You`ll recognize her when you see her. (she / wear) a yellow hat. 3. This time next year I`ll probably (lie) on a beautiful beach. 4. (I / go) to the city center later. Can I get you anything? 5. (you / use) your bicycle this evening? – No, you can take it. 6. Jim is going to study from 7 o`clock until 10 o`clock this evening. So at 8.30 this evening (he / study). 7. (you / pass) the post office when you are in town? I need some stamps. 8. We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 until 11 o`clock. So at 10 o`clock tomorrow morning (we / clean) the flat. 9. (you / see) Tom this afternoon? I want to give him a message. 10. (she / fly) to Morocco this time tomorrow.


Unit 4

Теперішній, минулий, майбутній доконаний час (Present, Past, Future Perfect)

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect to have + done I have I I He He He She has She She It played/left It had played/left It will have played/ We We We left You have You You They They They I have not I I He has not He He She (hasn`t) She She will not be playing It played/ It hadnot played/ It (won`t be playing) We have not left We left We You (haven`t) You (hadn`t) You They They They Have I I I He he He She played/ she have Has She played/ Had It left? Will it played/ It left ? We we left? We You you Have You They they They

Вживання: Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect 11. Дія, яка трапилась у 1. Дія, яка трапилась у 1. Дія, яка буде невизначений час у минулому раніше завершеною до минулому. Час не іншої дії у минулому. певного моменту в називається, тому що це не e.g. They had done майбутньому або до важливо. Важлива сама дія. their homework before того як почнеться


e.g.Kim has bought a new they went out to play інша дія. Часто mobile phone. yesterday afternoon. можуть вживатися таки вирази часу, як: by the time…, by that time, by then, before, after, until. e.g.They will have finished their meeting by 5 o`clock this afternoon. 12. Дія, яка почалася у 2.Дія, яка трапилась в минулому і все ще минулому до певного продовжується у моменту у минулому. теперішньому. e.g. She had watered e.g. all the flowers by 5 Hehasbeenacarsalesmansince o`clock in the 2005. afternoon. 13. Дія, яка нещодавно закінчилась і її результат ми бачимо у теперішньому. e.g.They have done their shopping. 14. Зі словами today, thismorning/afternoon та ін., коли цей період часу ще не закінчився в момент говоріння. e.g.He has made ten pots this morning.

Вирази часу, які використовуються в PresentPerfect Affirmative For I have known them for six years. Since She has been ill since Monday. Already We have already eaten our lunch. Just I have just posted the letter. Always She has always wanted to travel abroad. Recently He has recently published a book. Questions Ever Have you ever met anybody famous? How long How long have you lived here?


Yet Has Paul left yet? Lately Have you seen any good films lately? Negations For I have not talked to him since days. Since They have not been abroad since 2002. Yet She has not answered my letter yet. Lately I have not seen John lately. Never They have never worked abroad.

Task I. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect: 1. Have you ever given an interview? – No, I (never/do) that. 2. What time does the train leave? – It (just/leave)! 3. Is the new restaurant good? – I (not/eat) there yet. 4. Shall I do the shopping now? – No, I (already/do) it. 5. Julia, are you ready? – No, I (not/dry) my hair yet. 6. Would you like to have lunch with me? – No, thanks. I (already/eat).

Task II. Complete the sentences with Present Perfect using just, already, yet: 1. Would you like something to eat? – No, thanks. (I/just/have/lunch). 2. Do you know where Julia is? – Yes, (I/just/see/her). 3. What time is David leaving? – (he/already/leave). 4. What`s in the newspaper today? – I don`t know. (I/not/read/it/yet). 5. Is Sue coming to the cinema with us? – No, (she/already/see/the film). 6. Are your friends here yet? – Yes, (they/just/arrive). 7. What does Tim think about your plan? – (we/not/tell/him/yet).

Task IІІ. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect: 1. (Jason/return) home before the storm broke out. 2. (Lucy/pack) her suitcase by the time you called her? 3. (the children/finish) doing their homework by nine o`clock. 4. (Julie/type) the letters by the time her boss came to the office? 5. (I/not/finish) my lunch when uncle Tom came. 6. After (Sarah/do the shopping), she had coffee with her friends at a café. 7. When I got to the garage, (the mechanic/not/repair) my cat. 8. The boys were frightened because (they/not/be) on a plane before.

Task ІV. Put the verbs in brackets into Future Perfect: 1. (I/do) my homework by six o`clock tomorrow. 2. (he/do) his homework by the time you come. 3. (you/do) this work by next Sunday?


4. How many pages (you/read) by five o`clock tomorrow? 5. He says (he/finish) writing a composition by twelve.


Unit 5

Теперішній, минулий, майбутній доконаний тривалий час (Present, Past, Future Perfect-Continuous)

Present Past Future Perfect-Continuous Perfect-Continuous Perfect-Continuous to have been doing I have I I He He He She has been She She It playing It hadbeenplaying It will have been We We We playing You have You You They They They I have not I I He has not He He will not have She (hasn`t) been She had not been She been playing It playing It playing It (won`t have We have not We (hadn`t) We been playing) You (haven`t) You You They They They Have I I I He he He been She been she have been Has She playing? Had It playing? Will it playing? It We we We You you Have You They they They

Вживання: Present Past Future Perfect-Continuous Perfect-Continuous Perfect-Continuous 1. Дія, яка почалася у 1. Дія, яка почалася і 1. Дія, яка триватиме до минулому і закінчилась у минулому певного моменту у продовжується по до іншої дії або певного майбутньому.


теперішній час, моменту у минулому, Підкреслюється особливо зі словами for, звичайно зі словами for, тривалість дії. since, since. Підкреслюється Використовується by … allmorning/day/weeketc. тривалість дії. for. e.g.Kim has reading a e.g. They had been e.g.By 3 o`clock, she will book for two hours. playing tennis for an have been studying for hour when it started four hours. raining. 2. Дія, яка почалася і 2.Дія, яка тривала нещодавно закінчилась протягом якогось та її результат ми періоду у минулому і бачимо у теперішньому. результат якої ми e.g. He is tired.Hehasbeen бачила у минулому. painting the fence all e.g. I was very tired when morning. I got home. I had been working hard all day.

Task I. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect-Continuous: 1. Sam (work) for this company for two years. 2. It (rain) for hours. I wish it would stop. 3. Ann (teach) German since 2005. 4. My aunt (be) the manager of this firm for ten years. 5. John (make) model planes since his childhood. 6. I (be) much happier since I moved to Paris. 7. Julie (play) the guitar for three years. 8. Why are your clothes so dirty? What you (do)? 9. Where have you been? I (look) for you everywhere. 10. The children (watch) TV for two hours.

Task II. Fill in the gaps with since or for: 1. My friend has been learning Spanish _____ two years. 2. Ann has been by best friend _____ ages. 3. I have known Jane _____ 2008. 4. Sarah is very tired. She has been working _____ all night. 5. I have been looking for you _____ half an hour. 6. Mrs Peters has been sunbathing _____ 10 o`clock. 7. Sandra and Jenny have been talking _____ twenty minutes already. 8. He has been working for this company _____ eight years. 9. Tim and Alan have playing chess _____ 10 o`clock. 10. Linda has been teaching Physics _____ all her life.


Task III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Perfect-Continuous: 1. Sophie (paint) the walls all day before she finished them. 2. You (wait) long when the boss announces he could not see you? 3. When I got home, Tom was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off. He (watch) a film. 4. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were very tired. They (play) football. 5. It was not raining when we went out. The sun was shining. But it (rain), so the ground was wet.

Task V. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect-Continuous: 1. By 3 o`clock, she (study) for six hours. 2. By the end of next month, Tom (finish) the project. 3. He (not/start) painting the kitchen before Friday. 4. By Saturday, Linda (diet) for two weeks. 5. Hopefully, they (learn) everything by the time they sit the exam. 6. By next weekend, Brian (move) house. 7. By the end of next week, Rick (travel) for three weeks. 8. By tomorrow morning, she (sleep) for twelve hours.


Unit 6

Пасивний стан дієслова (PassiveVoice)

Якщо підмет означає особу або предмет, на які спрямовано дію іншої особи або предмета, то дієслово-присудок вживається в Пасивному стані. Зазвичай Пасивний стан використовується у випадках, коли суб’єкт, що виконує дію, невідомий або не є важливим чи актуальним. Якщо суб’єкт дії відомий, то перед ним ставиться частка by. Наприклад: Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom. – РазнатижденьТомприбираєбудинок. Tense Active Voice Passive Voice to be + done Present Peter writes letters Letters are written by Simple every day. Peter every day. Past Peter wrote a letter to be + A letter was written by yesterday. done Peter yesterday. Future Peter will write a A letter will be written letter tomorrow by peter tomorrow. Present Peter is writing a A letter is being written Continuous letter now. by Peter now. Past Peter was writing a to be A letter was being letter at 5 o`clock. being + written by Peter at 5 done o`clock. Future Peter will be Не вживається writing a letter at 6 o`clock. Present Peter has just A letter has just been Perfect written a letter. written by Peter. Past Peter had already to have A letter had already been written a letter by been + written by Peter by 6 6 o`clock. done o`clock. Future Peter will have A letter will have been written a letter by written by Peter letter by 7 o`clock. 7 o`clock.

Task I. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past or Future Simple passive: 179

1. The office (clean) every day. 2. This house is quite old. It (build) 100 years ago. 3. These (send) to me yesterday. 4. This work (do) tomorrow. 5. Hockey (play) in winter. 6. From the railway station they (take) to the hotel. 7. When the telephone (invent)? 8. One hundred people (employ) by this company. 9. This room (not/use) very often. 10. We (wake up) by a loud noise last night.

Task II. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past or Future Continuous passive: 1. The office (clean) when the boss arrived. 2. His car is at the garage. It (repair). 3. The windows were very dirty. They (clean) at 6 o`clock yesterday. 4. The computer (use) at the moment? 5. The test (check) from 10 to 11 a.m. tomorrow. 6. Who is looking after your child now? – He (look) after by my mother. 7. I couldn`t talk to you yesterday. I (wait) for. 8. When I come home, the dinner (cook). 9. This film (show) on TV at 3 o`clock the day before yesterday. 10. She (meet) at the station at the moment.

Tasl III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past or Future Perfect passive: 1. They (invite) to the party. 2. The boxes (move) away by the time I returned home. 3. Ann (ask) to take part in a TV show recently. 4. My keys (steal). 5. Your shirt (iron) by the time you come back. 6. The problem (solve) already. 7. The room looked nice. It (clean). 8. The new road (build) by the end of next year. 9. We heard that the game (cancel). 10. My car (service) by 5 o`clock.

Task IV. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive: 1. Nobody told me about the meeting. 2. How much will they pay you for your work? 3. The workers are cutting the trees down. 4. The washing machine was repaired yesterday. 180

5. Someone was using my computer all evening. 6. When I got to work, the secretary had already made coffee. 7. Has anybody shown you what to do? 8. Her father taught her to drive. 9. I will leave the car near the office. 10. The gardener had cut down all the trees by winter.


Unit 7

Модальні дієслова (ModalVerbs)

Домодальнихналежатьдієслова: can, could, must, may, might, will, would, shall, should, need, ought to. Вони вживаються у сполученні з інфінітивом іншого дієслова і означають не саму дію, а лише ставлення до неї того, хто говорить. Модальні дієслова мають наступні особливості: - не змінюються за особами та числами; - не мають часових форм; - після модальних дієслів інфінітив вживається без частки to (за винятком дієслова ought); - питальна та заперечна форми утворюються без допоміжного дієслова; - не мають форма інфінітива, герундія, дієприкметника.

Модальні слова та їх еквіваленти Модальне Значення Приклад дієслово Can 1. Можу, умію. 1. He can speak English. Could 2. Можеш, можна (дозвіл) (у 2. Can I take your phone? стверджувальних і питальних 3. She can have taken the реченнях). money. 3. Можливо (з PerfectInfinitive) у 4. Can they do (have done) стверджувальних реченнях. it? 4. Невже (у питальних 5. They can`t do (have done) реченнях). it. 5. Не може бути (в заперечних реченнях). To be able to 1. Бути в змозі 1. He will be able to meet us. Must 1. Повинен. 1. You must do your 2. Напевно. homework. 3. Не можна (у заперечних 2. He must have left. реченнях) 3. You mustn`t take my phone. To have to 1. Повинен (із-за обставин). 1. Despite the fact that it was my day off yesterday, I had to go to work. 182

To be to 1. Повинен (план, домовленість) 1. He was to meet the delegation at the airport. May 1. Можна (прохання у 1. May I come in? Might питальних реченнях), 2. She may be at home now. дозвіл (у стверджувальних реченнях). 2. Можливо. To be 1. Можна, мати дозвіл. 1. She was allowed to go allowed to there. To be permitted to Need 1. Потрібно. 1. The plants need watering. Shall 1. Повинен, слід 1. Shall I meet you? / You Should should do this work tomorrow. Will 1. Прохання, пропозиція. 1. Will you help me? / Would Would you mind joining me? Ought to 1. Обов`язок. 1. People ought to live in peace.

Task I. Fill in the gaps with can, can`t, could, couldn`t, was/were able to: 1. Ann is two years old. She _____ write. 2. _____ he dance when he was a small child? 3. I _____ hear her question because the music was very loud. 4. John is twenty. He _____ drive a car. 5. _____ I take your pen, please? 6. After saving their money for five years, they _____ buy a car. 7. His grandma is 76 years old. She _____ see very old so she wears glasses. 8. I _____ walk when I broke my leg. 9. At the age of five she _____ only count only to ten. 10. It was cold at the week-end so we _____ go out. 11. It was a very difficult question but Peter _____ answer it. 12. When Suzy was two three years old, she _____ read a newspaper. 13. _____ you answer the phone, please?

Task II. Fill in the gaps with must, mustn`t, need, needn`t: 1. The window is not very dirty. You _____ clean it. 2. I haven`t got any money. I _____ go to the bank. 3. You _____ do that again. It was very naughty. 4. You _____ go. You can stay here if you want. 183

5. The road is busy. You _____ look carefully before crossing it. 6. We _____ decide now. We can decide later. 7. You _____ do the washing-up. I`ll do it. 8. You _____ play football in the house. 9. If you _____, you can take my phone. 10. My hands are dirty. I _____ wash them.

Task III. Fill in the gaps with must, to have to in the necessary tense: 1. Tomorrow is Sunday, so I _____ go to work. 2. Peter is a really nice person. You _____ meet him. 3. Why _____ leave the party early yesterday? 4. You _____ talk to your father about it. 5. He works far from his house so he _____ wake up early every day. 6. You _____ read these documents. They are confidential. 7. Steve passed his driving test so he _____ take it again. 8. You _____ keep it a secret. You _____ tell anyone. 9. Why _____ you _____ go to work today? 10. It is late already. I _____ go.

Task IV. Fill in the gaps with must, can`t for logical assumptions: 1. You have been travelling all day. You _____ be tired. 2. Jason is at home. He _____ be at work. 3. They haven`t lived here for long. They _____ know a lot of people here. 4. Where are your gloves? – I _____ (drop) them. 5. Ann knows a lot about films. She _____ watch them a lot. 6. It rained every day during their holiday. They _____ (have) a very nice time. 7. I have already done my homework. – You _____ (do) it so quickly!

Task V. Fill in the gaps with can or may: 1. Mr Smith, _____ I use the phone in your office? 2. Dad, _____ we play in the garden? 3. _____ your friend speak Italian? 4. _____ you explain this word to me, please? 5. Mum, _____ I invite some of my friends to dinner? 6. Mr Brown, _____ we speak to you?


Unit 8

Інфінітив (TheInfinitive)

Інфінітив в англійській мові являє собою не особисту форму дієслова, яка позначає тільки дію, не вказуючи ні на особу, ні на число. Інфінітив відповідає на питання: що робити?що зробити?. Інколи його називають неозначеною формою дієслова.

Форми інфінітива та їх переклад Форма Активний стан Пасивний стан інфінітива Simple to help to be helped e.g.I am glad to help him. e.g.I am glad to be helped. Continuous to be helping e.g.I am glad to be helping him. Perfect to have helped to have been helped e.g.I am glad to have helped e.g.I am glad to have been him. helped. Perfect- to have been helping Continuous I am glad to have been helping him.

Ознакоюінфінітиваванглійськіймовієчасткаto, алевбагатьохвипадкахінфінітиввживаєтьсябезчасткиto (наприклад, післямодальнихдієслів). Часткаnot передінфінітивомвказуєназаперечнуформу (I am glad not to help him).

Звороти з інфінітивами Назва Роль у реченні Після дієслів Об`єктний відмінок Складний 1. to want, to wish, to like, to hate, з інфінітивом додаток to expect, etc. (Complex Object) e.g.I want my friend to help me. 2. to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, etc. e.g.I saw him cross the street. 3. to think, to consider, to believe, 185

to know, to understand, to find, etc. e.g.I consider her to be quite a good specialist in this sphere. 4. to let, to make, etc. e.g.He let us join them. Називний відмінок з Складний підмет 1. to say, to report, to consider, to інфінітивом (Complex Subject) know, to suppose, etc. (the Passive Voice – to be + done). e.g.He is said to be the best student in the group. 2. to seem, to appear, to happen, to prove, to turn out, etc. (the Active Voice). e.g.He seems to know English well. 3. is sure, is likely, is unlikely, is certain, etc. e.g.He is sure to come on Sunday. Інфінітив з Різні члени 1. It is important, it is necessary, прийменником for речення etc. e.g. It is important for you to read this book. Here is a book for to read.

Task I. Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from the list in the correct form: help, go, open, marry, post, stay, take, wash, ask 1. Bill asked Mary _____ him. 2. Peter went to the post office _____ some letters. 3. Dad makes me _____ the car every Friday. 4. Let me _____ you with your homework. 5. I hope _____ study English at university. 6. He is too young _____ in the house alone. 7. I don`t know how _____ the windows in this room. 8. She couldn`t on holiday last summer. 9. Can I _____ you a question? 10. They made her _____ the money out of the safe.

Task II. Write the sentences in another way beginning as in the example: 1. It is expected that the strike will end soon. – The strike is expected to end soon. 2. It is believed that the thieves got in through a window. 186

3. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow. 4. It is reported that many people are homeless after the flood. 5. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall. 6. It is reported that the man was driving at 110 miles an hour. 7. It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by the fire. 8. It is said that the company is losing a lot of money. 9. It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year. 10. It is expected that the company will make a loss this year.

Task III. Paraphrase the sentences as in the example using Complex Object: 1. You must help me. – I want you to help me. 2. They mustn`t leave now. 3. She must eat her dinner. 4. He must visit his aunt. 5. You mustn`t talk to strangers. 6. Ann mustn`t go on holiday by herself. 7. They must do their homework now. 8. You must go to bed now.

Task IV. Paraphrase the sentences as in the example: 1. I have no books which I can read. – I have no books to read. 2. Have you got nothing that you want to say on this subject? 3. I have an examination which I must take soon. 4. Here is something which will warm you up. 5. Here are some more facts which will prove that your theory is correct. 6. Here are some articles which must be translated for tomorrow. 7. Who has a pen or a pencil to share?

Task V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: 1. He seems (to read) a lot. 2. He seems (to read) now. 3. He seems (to read) since morning. 4. He seems (to read) all the books in the library. 5. I want (to take) you to the concert. 6. I want (to take) to the concert by my father. 7. He expected (to help) by the teacher. 8. The children seem (to play) since morning. 9. I am sorry (to break) your pen. 10. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday.


Unit 9

Дієприкметник (TheParticiple)

Дієприкметник – ценеособоваформадієслова , якапоєднуєвсобівластивостідієслова, прикметникаіприслівника. Форма Активний Пасивний Функції у реченні дієприкмет стан стан ника Participle I writing being written 1. Дія, одночасна с дією, що Simple виражена присудком. (Present e.g.Travelling in Africa , he saw Participle) a lot of wild animals. (-ing) (дія 2. Означення. одночасна) e.g. I saw a man standing at the window. 3. Обставина часу, причини, способу дії. e.g. Walking in the park, I met my friends there. Not knowing English well, she couldn`t pass the exam. 4. ParticipleI разом з іменником або займенником, які вживаються перед ним та позначають діяча, утворює зворот, що перекладається як підрядне або незалежне речення. e.g. We saw him coming. He was seen coming. Participle I having having been 1. Дія, що трапилася перед Perfect written written дією, позначеною основним (Perfect дієсловом. Participle) e.g. Having finished the (-ing) (дія experiment, he compared the попередня) results. Participle II written 1. Означення. (Past e.g. a written test, a translated 188

Participle) letter. The results obtained were (-ed) promising.

Task I. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian: 1. Everybody was looking at the dancing girl. 2. My brother likes boiled eggs. 3. The suit bought last year is too small for him now. 4. Entering the room, we switched on the light. 5. We stopped before a shut door. 6. Looking out of the window, she saw her mother watering the flowers. 7. After finishing her work, she went home. 8. Be careful when crossing the road. 9. Peter hurt his leg playing football. 10. Having already seen the film twice, I didn`t want to go to the cinema.

Task II. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian: 1. A fish taken out of the water cannot live. 2. A person taking a sun-bath must be very careful. 3. Taking a dictionary, he began to translate the text. 4. Some of the questions put to the lecturer were very important. 5. The girl putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian. 6. While putting the eggs into the basket, she broke one of them.

Task IІІ. Choose the correct word: 1. I am frightening / frightened of the dark. 2. The wall surrounding / surrounded the garden is very high. 3. This book is very boring / bored. 4. Translate the word writing / written on the blackboard. 5. She is very tiring / tired today. 6. Do you know the boy playing / played in the yard. 7. The floor washing / washed by Ann is very clean. 8. I enjoyed my holiday very much. It was so relaxing / relaxed.


Unit 10 Герундій (TheGerund)

Герундій – неособова форма дієслова з закінченням -ing, яка поєднує властивості дієслова та іменника. Усіформигерундіязбігаютьсязформамидієприкметника. Форми герундія Активний стан Пасивний стан Indefinite Gerund Studying being studied Perfect Gerund having studied having been studied

Функції герундія у реченні

1. Підмет – Walking is useful. 2. Додаток – She likes reading. 3. Іменна частина складного присудка – OuraimisstudyingEnglish. 4. Обставина – He left the room without saying good-bye. 5. Означення – I don`t like his way of speaking. Уреченнігерундійзавждивживаєтьсяпісляпевнихслів (to admit – припускати, визнавати, to avoid – уникати, to deny – заперечувати, to forgive – пробачати, to enjoy – насолоджуватися, to excuse – вибачати, to postpone – відкладати, to suggest – пропонуватитаін.). E.g.He avoided looking at her. Герундійвикористовуєтьсяусталихсловосполученнях (to go shopping – ходитизапокупками, to go swimming – займатисяплаванням, to go dancing – танцюватитаін.). E.g. She goes swimming twice a week. Частішегерундійвживаєтьсяпіслядієслівприкметниківтадієприкметник ів, щопотребуютьспеціальнихприйменників (to be disappointed at – бутирозчарованимучомусь, to be surprised at – бутиздивованимчимось, to be responsible for – бутивідповідальнимза, to insist on – наполягатина, to be engaged in – займатисячимосьтаін.). E.g. He insisted on our joining them.

Task I. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian: 190

1. Peter likes studying English. 2. Walking is his favorite way of spending free time. 3. The place is worth visiting. 4. You can learn what the words mean by looking them up in the dictionary. 5. Before going to meet her friends she went shopping. 6. He is proud of having been spoken to. 7. Please forgive my interfering. 8. Returning home after a long holiday is always pleasant for me. 9. The boys continued playing football. 10. It is no use going there now. 11. Just imagine his coming first in the race! 12. She always helps her mother by washing the dishes. 13. Instead of phoning his friends, he went to see them. 14. She thought of going to the country for the week-end. 15. She likes being told fairy-tales. 16. The police accused him of having robbed the house. 17. She couldn`t help smiling. 18. We are looking forward to seeing them again. 19. The child insisted on being sent home at once. 20. The parents insisted on sending the child home at once.

Task II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct -ing-form and translate the sentences: 1. My sister enjoys (to swim). 2. She finish (to cook) an hour ago. 3. I am thinking of (to go) to France. 4. They usually go (to run) every Friday. 5. She doesn`t mind (to go) to the theatre tonight. 6. He has given up (to smoke). 7. (to exercise) is good for your health. 8. How about (spend) the evening at my place? 9. He started (to learn) Spanish two years ago. 10. Ann was very upset and started (to cry).

Task III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct -ing-form and translate the sentences: 1. They admitted (to steal) the money. 2. After (to graduate) from the university, she left Kharkiv. 3. He is proud of (to speak) to this well-known person. 4. After (to correct) by the teacher, the students` tests were returned to them. 191

5. I am sorry for (to lose) your pen. 6. I don`t deny (to see) him that evening. 7. She can`t forgive him for (to lose) her phone. 8. Do you mind (examine) by a heart specialist? 9. The results of the experiment must be checked before (to publish). 10. The problem is not worth (to discuss).

Task IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing-form: 1. I like (to take) photographs when I am on holiday. 2. What have you decided (to do). 3. Would you mind (to close) the door? 4. She agreed (to visit) us on Sunday. 5. Have you ever considered (to go) to live in another country. 6. He is busy (to read) the article. 7. She wanted (to take) her dog to the park yesterday. 8. He was too late (to catch) the bus. 9. I enjoy (to visit) foreign countries. 10. The cold weather prevented them from (to go) to the country.


Unit 11

Пряма і непряма мова (DirectandReportedSpeech)

Пряма мова Непряма мова Прямою мовою називається Непрямою мовою називається передача чийогось висловлювання. передача змісту прямої мови у вигляді переказу. «It is nice to be home,» Tom said. Tom said (that) it was nice to be home. «Where are you from?» the man asked The man asked me where I was from. me.

Дієслова to say /to tell Пряма мова Непряма мова He said, «I am Ted.» He said (that) he was Ted. He said to me, «I am Ted.» He said to me (that) he was Ted. He told me, «I am Ted.» He told me (that) he was Ted.

Say / tell також використовуються у наступних висловлюваннях: say good morning/afternoon, etc., something/nothing, etc., one`s prayers, so, a few words tell the truth, a lie, a secret, a story, the time the difference, sb one`s name, sb the way, one from another, one`s fortune

Task I. Fill in the gaps with say or tell in the correct tense: 1. Katie _____ Dave that she had met a set of twins at a party. «They looked exactly the same,» she _____. «I couldn`t _____ the difference between them.» «I`ve got a twin brother, too,» _____ Dave. «Are you _____ me the truth?» asked Katie. «_____ me his name.» «His name is Stephen,» Dave _____ her. «I`ll take you to meet him tomorrow.» 2. «You never listen to me,» Tara _____ Jim. «I _____ good morning to you three times today and you didn`t answer,» she _____. «To _____ you the truth, it makes me really angry. Why don`t you listen to me?» «Oh, hello Tara,» _____ Jim. «Did you just _____ something?»

Узгодження часів в англійській мові 193

Пряма мова Непряма мова present simple past simple «I want to go to bed early,» he said. He said (that) he wanted to go to bed early. present continuous past continuous «She is feeding the baby,» he said. He said that she was feeding the baby. present perfect past perfect «I have bought a new dress,» she said. She said (that) she had bought a new dress. past simple past simple or past perfect «I finished work early,» Alex said. Alex said (that) he (had) finished work early. past continuous past continuous or past perfect «I was planning to call you later,» she continuous said. She said (that) she was planning / had been planning to call me later. future (will) conditional (would) «I will talk to you tomorrow,» she said. She said (that) she would talk to me the next day.

Деякі слова та обставини часу змінюються згідно зі змістом речення. now then, at that time, immediately today, tonight that day that night yesterday the day before, the previous day tomorrow the next day, the following day this week that week last week the week before, the previous week next week the week after, the following week two days ago two days before here there come go

Task II. Turn the following sentences into reported speech: 1. James said, «My boss wants me to go to London tomorrow.» 2. Mary said, «I am waiting for my son to come out of school.» 3. George said, «I gave bought a new car for my mum.»


4. Julie said to me, «I need you to help me with the shopping.» 5. John said, «I would like to take you out to dinner.» 6. Helen said to Jane, «I think your new haircut is lovely.»

Task III. Turn the following sentences into reported speech: 1. He said, «I am going to the station.» 2. Tina said, «You should exercise regularly.» 3. They said, «We had booked the room before we left.» 4. Tom said, «This meal is delicious.» 5. «I have written you a letter,» she said to her friend. 6. «We have decided to spend our holidays in Jordan,» they told us. 7. Jill said, «I will go to the bank tomorrow.» 8. She said to him, «We have been invited to a wedding.» 9. She told me, «You must leave early tomorrow.» 10. They said, «We may visit Joe tonight.» 11. She said, «I can meet you on Tuesday.» 12. «They delivered the letters this morning,» she said.

Способи передачі непрямої мови Типи речень Пряма мова Непряма мова Стверджувальне «I am typing the report,» The secretary says (that) the secretary says. she is typing the report. «I am typing the report,» The secretary said (that) the secretary said. she was typing the report. Наказове «Put the gun down!» he He ordered him to put the said to him. gun down. «Don`t look down!» he He told us not to look said to us. down. Загальне питання «Have you had any The manager asks Tom experience?» the if/whether he has had manager asks Tom. any experience. «Have you had any The manager asked Tom experience?» the if/whether he had had manager asked Tom. any experience. Спеціальне питання «What do you want to She asks me what I want know?» she asks me. to know


«What do you want to She asked me what I know?» she asked me. wanted to know.

Task IV. Turn the following sentences into reported speech: 1. «He broke the window,» they said. 2. Mum says, «Dinner is ready.» 3. «Fish live in water,» he said. 4. «I`ll start cooking at 6 o`clock,» she said. 5. «They are working hard today,» he said. 6. «The sun rises in the east,» she said. 7. «Where is your umbrella?» she asked her daughter. 8. «Will you take the children to school today?» he asked. 9. «Please visit me in hospital,» Joan said to Colin. 10. «Don`t go near the fire,» dad said to us. 11. «Be quiet!» the commander said to the troops. 12. «Do you like playing football?» John asked us. 13. «Where is the tourist information center?» we asked. 14. «Can you speak English?» they asked her. 15. He said, «Shall we go for a walk?»


Unit 12

Умовні речення (Conditional Sentences)

Умовні речення – це речення, в яких виконання/завершення дії залежить від певної/певних умов. Це речення, в яких ми використовуємо такі слова, як: «якщо», «якби», «коли», «за умови». Наприклад: «Якщо я буду мати достатню суму грошей, я куплю автомобіль». Умовні речення складаються з двох частин: the if – clause (гіпотеза) і головне речення (результат). Коли if – clause стоїть перед головним реченням, між ними ставиться кома. Якщо головне речення стоїть перед if – clause, кома не потрібна. В англійській мові підрядні речення умови найчастіше вводяться сполучником if, але також зустрічаються incase, provided, unless, suppose. Основні види умовних речень це – Тип 0, Тип 1, Тип 2, Тип 3.  Тип 0 (загальна правда) (Type 0 Conditionals) – тип умовних речень, в яких описуються події, явища, речі, які є істиною, фактом (науковим, загальновідомим). Вони реальні. If-clause (гіпотеза) Головне речення (результат) if + present simple present simple If/when the sun shines, snow melts.

 Тип 1 (реальнийтеперішнійчас) (Type 1 Conditionals) – типумовнихречень, вякихописуютьсяподіїтеперішньогоабомайбутньогочасу, водиреальнііможливі. If-clause (гіпотеза) Головне речення (результат) if + present simple, future/imperative/can/may/might/must/should/could present continuous, + bare infinitive present perfect, present perfect continuous If he does not pay the fine, he will go to prison. If you need help, come and see me. 197

If you have finished your work, you can have a break. If you are ever in the area, you should come and visit us.

 Тип 2 (нереальний, в теперішньому часі) (Type 2 Conditionals) – тип умовних речень, в яких описуються події, що відносяться до теперішнього або майбутнього часу, але вони нереальні. Уявна ситуація, яка протирічить фактам в теперішньому часі, вживається для порад. If-clause (гіпотеза) Головне речення (результат) if + past simple or past continuous would/could/might + bare infinitive If I had time, I would take up a sport. If I were you, I would talk to my parents about it.

 Тип 3 (нереальний, в минулому часі) (Type 3 Conditionals) – тип умовних речень, в яких події відносяться до минулого часу. Вони могли статися, але не відбулися. Уявна ситуація, яка протирічить фактам в минулому. Також використовується, щоб виразити співчуття або критику. If-clause (гіпотеза) Головне речення (результат) if + past perfect or past perfect would/could/might + have + past continuous participle

If she had studied harder, she would have passed the test. If he had not been acting so foolishly, he would not have been punished.

Всітипиумовнихреченьможутьбутизмішаними (Mixed Conditionals), ілюбийчасможевживатись, якщодозволяєконтекст. If nobody paid the bill (Type 2), the electricity will be cut off (Type 1). If he had money (Type 2), he would have bought her a gift (Type 3). If he had won the lottery (Type 3), he would not be asking for money now (Type 2).

Task I. Match column A with column B in order to make correct type 1 conditional sentences, as in the example:


Column A Column B 1 tired A make a sandwich 2 Hungry B get something to drink 3 Bored C go to bed 4 Thirsty D take one of these pills 5 Seasick E read a good book

Task II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: 1. If you _____ (have) toothache, go to the dentist. 2. If Peter _____ (do) lots of exercises, he will be fit and healthy. 3. Please call me if you _____ (need) any help. 4. _____ Sarah _____ (be) angry if we don`t go to her party? 5. Cathy will be able to go on holiday if she _____ (save) enough money. 6. If you _____ (work) hard, you will be promoted. 7. _____ (give) me a call if you have time tomorrow? 8. If don`t do your homework, I _____ (not/let) you watch TV. 9. If he _____ (arrive) on time, we`ll have dinner before we go out.

Task III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: 1. I`d like a cup of coffee. – Well, if you _____ (hold) the baby for five minutes, I _____ (make) it for you. 2. I must go to the bank. – If you _____ (leave) now, you _____ (get) there before it closes. 3. I can`t do everything myself! – Well, if you _____ (wash) the dishes, I _____ (cook) the meal. 4. Are you going on holiday this year? – Yes, I _____ (go) to Spain for two weeks if I _____ (have) some time off work. 5. I want to cook something special tonight. – Great, if I _____ (finish) work early, I _____ (give) you a hand.

Task IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to make type 2 conditional sentences: 1. If I _____ (be) you, I _____ (study) for the exams. 2. If we _____ (have) a car, we _____ (go) for a drive in the country. 3. Kim _____ (buy) some new clothes if she (have) enough money. 4. If cameras _____ (not/cost) so much, we _____ (buy) one. 5. John _____ (lend) you some money if you _____ (ask) him. 6. He _____ (open) the door if he _____ (have) the key. 199

7. We _____ (paint) the house if we _____ (have) the time. 8. If she _____ (get) good grades, she _____ (go) to university. 9. Helen _____ (post) the letters if she _____ (have) some stamps. 10. If I _____ (be) rich, I _____ (never/work) again.

Task V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to make type 3 conditional sentences: 1. If you _____ (not/be) in a hurry, you _____ (not/forget) your keys. 2. If he _____ (remember) earlier, he _____ (send) her a birthday card. 3. If you _____ (not/be) ill, you (go) to the party. 4. Jason _____ (not/break) his arm if he _____ (be) more careful. 5. Helen _____ (get) wet if she _____ (not/take) her umbrella. 6. If I _____ (do) my homework, my teacher _____ (not/shout) at me. 7. You _____ (pass) the test if you _____ (study) more. 8. If she _____ (close) the gate, the rabbit _____ (not/run away). 9. She _____ (lose) her keys if I _____ (not/pick) them up. 10. If he _____ (save) some money, he _____ (be able) to go on holiday.

Task VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: 1. Mum, Dad shouted at me. – Well, if you _____ (not/be) naughty, he _____ (not/shout) at you. 2. I don`t know what to do about my problem. – If I _____ (be) you, I _____ (talk) to my boss. 3. If I _____ (win) lots of money, I _____ (buy) a new house. 4. I failed my exam today. – Well, if you _____ (study) harder, you _____ (not/fail). 5. I`ve got terrible toothache. – If I _____ (be) you, I _____ (go) to the dentist`s. 6. I am sorry. – What for? – If I _____ (leave) the door open, the puppy _____ (not/escape). 7. Why are you upset? – Because it`s all my fault. If I _____ (not/be) late, we _____ (not/miss) the bus. 8. Where _____ you _____ (travel) if you _____ (can) travel anywhere in the world? – If I _____ (can), I _____ (go) to America. 9. I`ve lost my bag with my purse and my keys inside. – Well, if I _____ (be) you, I _____ (report) it to the police. 10. I dropped a glass and cut my finger. – Well, if you _____ (be) careful, you _____ (not/cut) yourself.

Конструкції з дієсловом wish (хотіти, бажати)


Конструкція з дієсловом wishвикористовується для висловлення жалю з приводу дії, яка не здійснилася, а також для вираження нереальних або нездійснених бажань. В українській мові конструкція перекладається: «Я хотів би, щоб…», «Шкода, що…». Типи Граматична форма Використання 1. Жаль про сьогодення I wish + past Висловлення жалю з simple/could приводу подій, що відбуваються в теперішньому часі. Те, що ми бажаємо змінити зараз. I wish I had a lot of money. (But I don`t have a lot of money.) 2. Жаль про минуле I wish + past perfect Висловлення жалю з приводу того, що трапилося або не трапилося в минулому. I wish I had come to your party last night. (But I didn`t come to your party.) 3. Малоймовірне I wish + would Бажання змінити щось в бажання змінити щось в майбутньому, майбутньому висловлення крайнього незадоволення або невпевненості. I wish it would stop raining. (wish for a change in a situation)

Task VII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: 1. It`s still raining. – Yes, I wish it _____ (stop). I want to go out for a walk. 2. Have you seen that film? – No, I wish _____ (see) it when it was on at the cinema. 3. You look tired today. – I`ve been busy. I wish I _____ (do) my Christmas shopping earlier. 4. Lisa, I wish you _____ (remember) to take the dog for a walk. – Sorry. I`ll go now. 5. Do you like your job, Doris? – Yes, but I wish I _____ (not/have) to travel so far every day. 6. Did you have a good holiday? – Yes, but I wish I _____ (be) still on holiday now. 7. Do you like your new car? – Yes, but I wish it (not/cost) so much. 8. I hate travelling by bus. – So do I. I wish I _____ (can) drive. 201

Task VIII. Paraphrase the following sentences using I wish: 1. It`s a pity are not with us these days. 2. My friend regrets not having entered the university. 3. He was sorry not to have had enough time to finish his test-paper. 4. I am sorry I made you upset by telling you this news. 5. What a pity you don`t know enough physics. 6. The student was sorry he had not studied the material better and had shown such poor knowledge at the examination. 7. It`s a pity that you did not send for us last night.


Appendix I. Common Irregular Verbs Неправильнідієслова, щовживаютьсянайчастіше PAST PAST VERB TRANSLATION SIMPLE PARTICIPLE be was, were been бути beat beat beaten бити become became become ставати begin began begun починати bend bent bent гнути bet bet bet тримати парі bite bit bitten кусати blow blew blown дути, видихати break broke broken ламати, розбивати, руйнувати bring brought brought приносити, доставляти build built built будувати, споруджувати buy bought bought купувати catch caught caught ловити, зловити, схопити choose chose chosen вибирати, обирати come came come приходити, підходити cost cost cost коштувати, обходитися cut cut cut різати, розрізати deal dealt dealt мати справу dig dug dug копати, рити do did done робити, виконувати draw drew drawn малювати, креслити drink drank drunk пити drive drove driven їздити, підвозити eat ate eaten їсти, поїдати fall fell fallen падати feed fed fed годувати feel felt felt відчувати fight fought fought битися, боротися, воювати find found found знаходити, виявляти fly flew flown літати forget forgot forgotten забувати про (що-небудь) grow grew grown рости hang hung hung вішати, розвішувати, висіти have had had мати, володіти


hear heard heard чути, почути hide hid hidden ховати, приховувати hit hit hit ударяти, вражати hold held held тримати, утримувати, затримувати hurt hurt hurt поранити, заподіювати біль keep kept kept зберігати, підтримувати know knew known знати, мати уявлення lay laid laid класти, покласти, покривати lead led led вести за собою, супроводжувати, керувати mean meant meant значити, мати на увазі meet met met зустрічати, знайомитися pay paid paid платити, оплачувати, розраховуватися put put put ставити, поміщати, класти read read read читати, прочитати ride rode ridden їхати верхи, кататися ring rang rung дзвеніти, дзвонити rise rose risen сходити, вставати, підніматися run ran run бігти, бігати say said said говорити, сказати, вимовляти see saw seen бачити seek sought sought шукати, розшукувати sell sold sold продавати, торгувати send sent sent посилати, відправляти, відсилати set set set встановлювати, ставити, призначати shake shook shaken трясти, струшувати shine shone shone світити, сяяти, опромінювати shoot shot shot стріляти show showed shown, показувати showed shut shut shut закривати, замикати, зачиняти sing sang sung співати, наспівувати sink sank sunk тонути, занурюватися sit sat sat сидіти, сідати sleep slept slept спати speak spoke spoken говорити, розмовляти, висловлюватися 204

spend spent spent витрачати, проводити (час) stand stood stood стояти steal stole stolen красти stick stuck stuck встромляти, приклеювати strike struck struck, ударяти, бити, вражати stricken swear swore sworn клястися, присягати sweep swept swept підмітати swim swam swum плавати swing swung swung крутитися take took taken брати, хапати, взяти teach taught taught вчити, навчати tear tore torn рвати, відривати tell told told розповідати think thought thought думати, мислити, міркувати throw threw thrown кидати, метати understand understood understood розуміти, осягати wake woke woken прокидатися, будити wear wore worn носити (одяг) win won won перемогти, виграти write wrote written писати, записувати


References 1. Быкадорова Е.С., Веселова С.А. Английский язык для строителей и архитекторов. English for Builders and Architects. Учеб. пособие. Новосибирск: Изд-воСГУПСа, 2013. 117 с. 2. Evans V., Dooley J., Cook D. Career path. Architecture. Express Publishing, 2013. 3. Evans V., Dooley J., Revels J. Career path. Construction. Express Publishing, 2012. 4. Studfiles. URL: https://studfile.net/preview/2629461/page:2/ 5. 10 Best designed buildings in the world from top architects. URL: https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/best-architectural-projects-article 6. Civil engineering. URL: https://civiltoday.com/geotechnical- engineering/foundation-engineering/161-types-of-foundation 7. Designing buildings wiki. URL: https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Strip_foundation 8. Chegg study. shapes of isilated footing. URL: https://www.chegg.com/homework-help/definitions/shapes-of-isolated-footing-8 9. Wall footing. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_footing 10. Chegg study. combined footing. URL: https://www.chegg.com/homework-help/definitions/combined-footing-8 11. Civil engineering. https://www.iamcivilengineer.com/cantilever- footing-definition/ 12. Drilling and excavation blog. URL: http://lassiterexcavating.com/blog/deep-foundations-types-and-uses/ 13. Foundation structures. URL: https://www.foundationstructures.com/5-amazing-facts-didnt-know-building- foundations/ 14. Creative blog. Art and design inspiration. 35 incredible famous buildings to inspire you. URL: https://www.creativebloq.com/architecture/famous-buildings-around-world- 10121105 15. Encyclopedia Britannica. Floor construction. URL: https://www.britannica.com/technology/floor 16. Planning portal. Building regulations. Flooring. URL: https://www.planningportal.co.uk/info/200130/common_projects/17/extensions/4 17. Engineering basic. Different types of flooring in construction. URL: https://engineeringbasic.com/different-types-of-flooring-in-construction/ 18. GrammarWay. Preffixes. URL: https://grammarway.com/ua/prefixes 19. Ahmed A., Sturges J. Materials Science in construction. New York: Routledge, 2015. 387 p. URL: http://the-


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Preface p. 4 Section I HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE p. 6 Unit 1 History of Architecture (Part 1) p. 6 Unit 2 History of Architecture (Part 2) p. 17 Unit 3 History of Architecture in Great Britain p. 27 Unit 4 History of Architecture in Ukraine p. 36 Unit 5 Famous Personalities in Architecture of Ukraine p. 45 Unit 6 Alexey Beketov p. 54 Section I BUILDING MATERIALS p. 62 Unit 1 Brief History of Building Materials p. 62 Unit 2 Clay and Its Classifications p. 73 Unit 3 Rocks and Stones p. 84 Unit 4 Wood and Wood Products p. 95 Unit 5 Concrete-I Cement p. 104 Unit 6 Metals p. 112 Section III ARCHITECTURE OF CIVIL BUILDINGS p.120 Unit 1 Foundation in Construction p. 120 Unit 2 Floors in Construction p.133 Unit 3 Walls p. 144 Unit 4 Roofs p. 152 Section IV GRAMMAR REVIEW p. 162 Appendix I Common Irregular Verbs p. 202 Contents p. 208 References p. 205



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