The Condor86:220 seems to function as an alarm call. Although uttered by 0 The Cooper Ornithological Society 1984 both sexes,the males have a more elaborate and audible sequence:“prrrxxxzzz . . . cmaaauuu . crrraaauuu. . ,” THE OCELLATED CRAKE uttered as the stands upright with tail vertical. (MICROPYGIA SCHOMBURGKII) On 15 March 1979, we found a pair nestingin the dense wet grasslandnear a palm (Muuritiuflexuosa)grove. Com- OF CENTRAL pletelyconcealed in the vegetation50 cm above the ground, the nest was oriented upwards, forming an angle of 45”, perhapsto facilitate evaporation. When we discoveredthe ALVARO NEGRET nest, the female was incubating, but immediately noticed our approachand ran off uttering the alarm call. The nest, AND built wholly of dry grass, was of a laterally compressed DANTE MARTINS TEIXEIRA spherical shape, 200 x 140 x 170 mm, and resembled the nests of some Laterullus. A large entrance (80 x 45 mm) led to an eggchamber (110 x 70 x 90 mm) without The OcellatedCrake (Micropygiuschomburgkiz] is a small, any specialcovering. Female featherswere discoveredun- sexuallydimorphic , only 165 mm in total length and der the clutch, mixed into the thick nest wall. The nest 40 g (males) or 24 g (females) in weight. Patchily distrib- contained two dull white eggswith thin and plain shells, uted from Central America to South America east of the 24.6 x 19.3 mm in size. Andes in , , and southeastern Ocellated Crakes seem to be difficult to locate rather Brazil, it is sparselycollected and rarely seen. Little has than scarce. At least in our study area, they are rather been reported about its biology (summarized in Ripley, common, although easier to hear than see. The Parecis D., Rails of the World. Feheley Arts Co., Boston, 1977). Indians capture many of these (called “maxalaga”) We present here some observations we have accumu- for food by setting fire to the (Rondon, C. M. lated during the past four years on the behavior, vocal- S., Historia natural, Etnografia.Conselho de Protege aos izations and nestingof this crake at the Reserva Biol6gica Indios, Rio de Janeiro, 1947). Birds that we observed do Roncador, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatis- leaving burning areas appeared so dizzy and intoxicated tica, (approx. 15”55’S, 47”52’W), Federal District, in cen- by the smoke that we could capture them bare-handed. tral Brazil. At suchtimes Aplomado Falcons(Fulcofemorulis), which At the study area, the Ocellated Crake inhabits dense frequently hurry to grassfires, often prey on these crakes. dry grasslands,adjacent to palm groves or gallery forests, Ripley (1977) includedMicropygiu and other small quail- in which Tristachvaleiostachvu (Graminae) is the domi- like rails in Coturnicops,based on similarities in their nant species.These grasslandsbecome wetter near palm shape, and nesting.There are, however, significant grovesor gallery forestsfound near streams.In the wettest differences between Micropygiu and the single represen- portions, the ground is muddy, but there is no open water. tative of Coturnicopsin S&h America, thelittlelknown Five other rails occurredon the study area, but only the Speckled Crake (C. notata). The vocalizations of both RussetcrownedCrake (Laterallus viridis) could be found speciesare distinct in pattern, that of Micropygiu being in all . BlackishRails (RaNusn&icons) and Grav- similar to the sequencesof some species of Laterullus. necked Wood Rails (Eulubebrnis caj&eus) were found Also, the domed nest of Micropygia resembles the con- mainly in palm grovesor forest.Although Horqueta Crakes structionsof L. melunophuiusand L. viridis,while differ- (Laterallusxenopterus) could be seenoccasionally in palm ing from the more open nest of Coturnicops. groves, we found them most often in wet grasslands,the Finally, Micropygia differs from Coturnicops(sensu preferred habitat of Whitenecked Crakes (Porzuna albi- stricto) in certain anatomical details: the non-perforate collis).Unlike these species,the Ocellated Crake inhabits nostrils and the extremely soft remiges;these featuresalso both wet and dry grasslands. reflect the bird’s terrestrialhabits. Among SouthAmerican OcellatedC&es are difficult to watch becausethey move speciesof crakes,it seemsreasonable to supposethat Lat- through dense vegetation, frequently using the tunnels eral& Micropygiu, and Coturnicopsare closely related, opened by rats and other rodents such as Cavia sp. Like but so little is known about their anatomy and biology rails, Ocellated Crakes appear to show excitement by that the relationshipsbetween them are still uncertain. movements of the erectile tail. They can burst into flight underfoot, flying close to the vegetation for a few meters We thank Edwin 0. Willis, A. Rosemberger, and A. and dropping into the grass.Their most frequent evasive Muskin, who revised our original, and M. Monnt, who tactic, however, is to run throughthe vegetation.The birds identified the stomachcontents of our specimens.We also occasionallyfly into lighted open windows at night. thank IBGE, Conselho National de Desenvolvimento These crakes forage by pecking on the ground, in the Cientifico e Tecnologico(CNPq) and Financiadora de Es- low scrub,or occasionally,in the open. Their diet includes tudos e Projetos (FINIP), which partially supported our beetles(Carabidae, Scarabaeidae), stoneflies, grasshoppers researchin central Brazil. (Acrididoidea), cockroachesand many ants. In this area,Ocellated Crakes breed from Octoberthrough March. A nonmolting pair collectedin October had gonads Institute Brasileiro de Geografa e Estattstica (IBGE), startingdevelopment (male: 7 and 5 mm; female: 8 mm). Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil. Addressof secondau- Although we never observed copulation, we frequently thor: Se@0 de Ornitologia, Museu National, Quinta da heard vocalizations at this time. One distinctive call, Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro, CEP 20942, Brazil. Received “prrrxxxzzz,” soundslike oil sizzling in a frying pan and 23 March 1983. Final acceptance17 January 1984.