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The BG News September 18, 1997

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'Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75 years n & U.S. refuses to sign treaty The Shed owner

□ U.S. objects to a draft Shortly after the endorsement, reproach if it does not sign the ing mines to be used on the convicted of selling treaty proposing a ban the United States announced it treaty. Korean peninsula for at least would not sign the accord. On Tuesday, the chief U.S. nine years. on land mines. The United States had sought delegate, Eric Washington also wanted a pro- drug paraphernalia The Associated Press several concessions on the pro- Newsom, won a vision allowing it to withdraw posed treaty, including allowing 24-hour delay from the treaty if the United □ David Glowacki charged the correct business, OSLO, Norway - Over U.S. ob- land mines on the Korean pen- in the talks States comes under attack. waits for the Bowling Glow Industries, Inc. jections, more than 100 nations insula. while Washing- Although the treaty does not No sentencing date was set today endorsed a draft treaty President Clinton has said the ton intensively include a program for checking Green Municipal yesterday. that proposes an immediate and United States wants to be sure lobbied other compliance, it says countries can Court to set his sen- The offense Is a second- total ban on anti-personnel 37,000 U.S. soldiers in South governments to enforce the ban with "appro- tencing date. degree misdemeanor, puni- mines. Korea can be protected from accept the priate procedures in conformity shable by a mandatory fine of The delegates are to reconvene possible attack by the North. U.S.-pushed with international law." The BG News $750, up to 90 days in jail, and Thursday to formally accept the Like Russia and China, which compromises. Clinton The move to ban land mines a mandatory driver's liscence draft. The actual signing Is not are not part of the treaty process, The United David Glowacki was con- suspension. If drug parapher- expected until December. Washington risks international States wanted exemptions allow- • See LAND MINES, page five. victed Tuesday in Bowling nalia is sold to juveniles, the Green Municipal Court of one fine goes up to $1,000. count of knowingly selling, The decision came over five possessing or manufacturing weeks after a two-hour court Tiresome Teetering paraphernalia for drug use. trial and nearly 10 months Glowacki is the owner of The after police raided The Shed, Shed on East Wooster Street. taking hundreds of pipes, The Waterville resident was bongs, papers, and other smo- orginally charged with four king-related materials. counts of the crime, but they According to the judge, tes- were merged Into one count at timony from two witnesses for the request of Adrian Cimer- the defense was not credible. man, Glowacki's attorney. Tesimony from police In- The Shed itself was charged vestigators was determined to with four counts of the crime, be credible. but was found not guilty. Cimerman said that he had Bowling Green Municipal not seen Judge Reddin's rul- Court Judge Mark Reddin ing, but that he would appeal It ruled The Shed not guilty be- to the Sixth District Court of cause prosecutors had not Appeals in Toledo. University hosts 4 ext r aordinis t' which is a very popular program, □ UAO sponsors a per- according to Kenny. If students formance by a mind like the hypnotist, they will enjoy reader. the mind reader, she said. In addition to performing at By MAUREEN BARRY colleges and universities, Karges The BG News has appeared on television shows, such as "The Tonight A mind reader who has trav- Show with Jay Leno" and "Larry eled all over the country to per- King Live." form at colleges and universities will make his first appearance at Amanda Allen, UAO special Bowling Green State University events director, said several BG Ncwi Photo by CIna Fleming tonight at 7 p.m. in the Lenhart UAO directors saw Karges at a Delta Sigma Pi members, David (.ilium and Melissa Herms teeter- diabetes. Delta Sigma Pi began teeter-tottering at 12:30 pm on Grand Ballroom. conference in Philadelphia in loiter outside Eppler and Ihe B.A. for a fundraiser benefiting Wednesday and will keep going for forty-eight hours. Craig Karges, "extraordinist" February. and mind reader, was named the "He's an interesting guy," she 1995 National Association for said. Campus Activities Entertainer of the Year. At the conference in Philadel- Storyteller talks at program premiere The event, sponsored by the phia, Allen said the audience University Activities Organiza- wrote personal data on a piece of □ Clarence Hyde do- ryteller Clarence Hyde spoke on one of the first computer system mic books and has collected tion, is made up paper upon entering, then Kar- the topic: "Edgar Rice Bur- engineers at U.S. Steel, but has every Tarzan comic strip since of 100 percent ges read their minds based on nates his Tarzan collec- roughs, Master Storyteller." made a career out of studying au- 1929. audience parti- what was written on the paper. tion to the Jerome Li- "Books, Books, Books" is a new thor Edgar Rice Burroughs - the Hyde has donated his entire cipation, ac- "There is no way to explain program that will sponsor au- creator of Tarzan. Tarzan collection to the Jerome cording to how he does the stuff he does," brary as part of the pro- thors and collectors. He first became interested in Library and much of is currently Jacki Kenny, Kenny said. gram, "Books, Books, Alison Scott, the head of the Tarzan when he read "Tarzan of displayed on the first floor. entertainment Books." Popular Cultural Library, hopes the Apes." He began his collec- In 1960, he established The director for According to Allen, comedians to use this program as a way for tion with sweatshirts, Big Little Burroughs Bibliophiles and has UAO. and speakers have made up the By BRANDI BARHITE professors and students alike to Books and comic books. When a been president every since. He Kenny said majority of the programs TheBG News relate to other creative ways friend handed him a hard cover also is the chairman of the board students should planned at the University. Kar- beyond school. She also sees it as Tarzan book a few years later, he of electors and a member of the take a study KARCES ges is scheduled to appear to add Edgar Rice Burroughs died in a way of sharing information. knew he was hooked. British fan club for Edgar Rice break to attend the program. some variety to the list of events 1950, but Tarzan is still swinging. The first guest speaker of the "My hobby has become a com- Burroughs. "It's amazing to see this guy in this year. The library sponsored its pre- series was Clarence Hyde, a pulsive obsession," says Hyde. This organization publishes a action," she said. "We were looking for some- miere of "Books, Books, Books" native of Ohio who was educated Hyde has over 1,200 Tarzan UAO also sponsors the hypno- thing new for people to go to," Al- on Tuesday, when master sto- at Yale University. He became books from 26 countries, 600 co- • See TARZAN, page four. tist that comes to the University, len said. Professor discusses history of salsa music for lecture series mance Languages. "It's a mix." American and a Italian-Jewish Ameri- 1950s," Cabanillas said York." Q Francisco Cabanillas Cabanillas spoke on campus Wednes- can affair," he said. As the music became a capitalist in- The music has also been influenced spoke about the development day as part of a lecture series, La Mesa A variety of musical instruments are dustry, it was able to reach more people by religion and Includes references to of a multinational music Oblicua, hosted by the Office of Multi- represented in salsa, including the but at the same time lost much of its the gods as part of an Afro-Caribbean cultural Affairs and Student Support trombone, conga drums, bongos, tim- "creative energy," he said. religion, Santeria. form. Services. bales, bass and the piano. Instead of The more traditional salsa, classical, Cabanillas also described some of the By ROCHELLE CONVERSE In his presentation, not only did he having one musical style, salsa has continued to exist, but another form mistaken identities of the music as part The BG News describe the historical development of many styles but all with a Caribbean was created. Light or erotic salsa was a of his present—ion. salsa but also the cultural and musical beat. music of the 1980s and 1990s but lacked Nathan Button, junior jewelry de'dgr. Salsa is a music with many identities influences that give the music it's iden- During Its development there was many of the elements of the more tra- major, said the event helped him to bet- and influences that primarily developed tity. some confusion among teen-agers in the ditional form. ter understand what salsa music is. in New York's Latin American commu- Although strongly influenced by 1970s who thought salsa was a new and "Erotic salsa is full of romantic cli- "I didn't know much about salsa and nity during the 1970s. Puerto Rico and Cuba, salsa is a multi- trendy music. ches, it has no meat and it sounds all the this opened it up more," he said "It "Salsa is a result of U.S. and Latin national music form. "Many, many salsa songs during the same," he said. "It also lacks the com- struck me as a lot of it came from New American relations," said Francisco "It was also a Dominican, Panaman- late 1960s and during the 1970s were i..unity experience of the barrio, or York City and the American influence Cabanillas, associate professor in Ro- ian, Venezuelan, Colombian, Afro- reinvented songs from the 1940s and Spanish Harlem community of New had an effect."

I page two The BG News Thursday, September 18, 1997

Tony Cavallario Opinion Editor Opinion 372-2604

Copyright © 1997. The BG Ntws. Bowling Green. Ohio. Reprinting of any material from this publication H without the permission of Tb* BG Newa is strictly prohibited.

The BG News is an independent publication founded in 1920 and is published daily during the academic year and weekly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in columns and letters lo ihe editor are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty. "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75 years' University administration or The BG Ntws. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the Fall 1997 BG Newt staff. SCOTT BROWN TONY CAVALLARIO DARLA WARNOCK BRANDON WRAY Editor-in-Chief Opinion Editor Campus Editor City Editor The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any errors in stories or photograph descriptions. PENNY BROWN JEREMY MARTIN SARAH BEDNARSKI JIM TOCCO TOD McCLOSKEY Decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief NEWS Copy Chief Photo Editor Chief Reporter Sports Editor Entertainment Editor and the Editorial Board are final.

210 West Hall • Bowling Green State University • Bowling Green, Ohio • 43403 • (419) 372-2601 • [email protected] Read a book, celebrate freedom of speech "FlrstAmendment: Congress few individuals. In 1997. In 1.000 book* lhal merely reflect denial and a failure to educate American population is blatantly shall make no law respecting JENNIFER SPAHN America. what you already believe. people about the true nature of unconstitutional. an establishment of religion, or I will admit that at times I get Oscar Wilde is quoted as societal problems. The argument against book prohibiting the free excercise Somehow. In sick of reading and hearing saying. "The books that the A book cannot make people censorship is not new nor Is It thereof: or abridging the free- the back of my about things that go against world calls Immoral are the go out and do "bad" things. A unreasonable. Americans need dom of speech, or of the press: mind. I believed what I believe. I have struggled books that show the world its book in which a character drinks to be presented with and con- or the right of the people that censorship with my desire to read things own shame." does not result in those who read sider thoughts from all arenas peacably to assemble, and to was not such a that coincide with what I think Indeed all Ihe books listed as It becoming alcoholics. and viewpoints. This is what the petition the Government for a big Issue these while at the same lime believing challenged or banned were Perhaps if we better educated Constitution states and what we redress of grievances." days. With all thej strongly in the right to free Justified as such because they ourselves and members of this arc supposed to be guaranteed. It seems quite fitting that this talk about speech. contain a character or a scene society, books could come to be As James William Fulbright year's motto for Banned Books multlculturalism I think I have finally come to in which drinking, drugs, sex. thought of as what they really said. "We must learn to welcome Week (Sept. 20-27) Is. -Cel- and the necessity some kind of balance. Yes. there or some such Incident was are. That is. tools that can make and not to fear the voices of ebrate the Freedom to Read." lo listen to the voices of all people are those with more liberal views Included as part of the book. you think. dissent. We must dare to think This year marks the 16th I Just thought that banning books who are fed up with conservative Al one point, the book Little Everyone has a right to agree about 'unthinkable things' annual celebration of the could not even happen. views. At the same time, there Red Riding Hood was chal- or disagree with the contents, because when things become freedom to read. The week Is But when I looked at a report are conservatives sick of hearing lenged because on the front of but everyone must also have the unthinkable, thinking stops and set aside to encourage all from the Newsletter on Intellectual liberal views. the book there was a picture of right to think about those action becomes mindless." people to "exercise your right to Freedom from March 1996 to Regardless of Individual the girl with a picnic basket full contents nonetheless. Let's ponder the depth of read by focusing on attempts to March 1997 I was dismayed. A agendas, the balance comes of food and a bottle of wine. Ideas of any nature or caliber these words as we both "cel- abridge that right." total of 101 books were on the list when accepting that even Some parents were afraid this are ideas worthy of thought. ebrate the freedom to read" this The concept of censorship Is as either challenged or banned. through the reading of Ideas one picture would promote drinking Republican or Democrat, liberal coming week and as we stand by no means a new arena for One hundred and one collections despises, these ideas too can and alcoholism in their grade or conservative and anything In up for the upholding of this debate In America. Regardless of Ideas and experiences written make you think. Plain and school children. As ludicrous as between is the reality of Ameri- freedom. of when and how censorship for the American public to read simple. this idea Is. It signifies some- can society. Jennifer Spahn is a colwnnist Incidents occur, the conflict and think about had been As painful as It can be to look thing much larger than not To blame a book for causing for the News. Comments can be between the First Amendment deemed too dangerous for consid- at viewpoints totally contradic- wanting your child to be the problems our country faces sent [email protected] and the pracUce of censorship eration. One hundred and one tory to your own. they can make exposed to a picture of a bottle and to use that notion In Justify- or to 210 West Hall. and book banning Is blatant. books were denied validity by a you think more than reading of wine. It signifies both a ing the banning of books for the

-LETTERS TO THE EDITOR- Ban cars from Bowling Green ...ONl^CoMPTWOJfiHTr This town is too small for the way we live. We do not need cars! Ideally, we should have a perimeter byway in which hoicking would service peddlers and manu- facturers of goods. Along this byway our citizenry would have access to motor vehicles for their own personal travel between towns. Car lanes would be eliminated from the interior of our town and re- placed with community space heavy with foliage. Our small community would be navigated with communal bicycles. Sidewalks would be extended to accommodate the increased bicycle traffic. Sadly, this idea seems untenable. To eliminate autos on this scale would have fairly dire economic consequences. But, that does not imply that a fight against our current city plan would be fruitless. I believe that any, even repressed or ridiculed, expres- sion of one's opinions has the possibility of creating new and varied life. Every voice creates the future. And I am not interested in a future in which our corporate parents control and define the terms of our reality. Bicycle activism seems to me a way in which to define our own terms of existence. This would create a strong, progressive community, that would breed and attract intriguing and creative people. It is this progressive attitude that makes our urban centers hotbeds of invention. Infinite possibilities lie ahead of us. Do we want to choose .mediocrity?

Z Reynolds B owlirig Green Do you want to talk about diversity? "Culture is the sum of all the Band. We have to spend a long time "black tables" at the Union and Do you want to talk about forms of art. of love, and of When the Ark Band came to asking and answering questions start talking, you might start to DERRICK JONES diversity? Do you want to meet thought, which, in the course of campus last week I got excited before we can see any real become a little more culturally someone of another race and centuries, have enabled man to because I love reggae. I also got change. aware. When you take to time When we're honestly exchange feelings and be less enslaved." excited because I knew that It The moment people became to stop saying, That Latino guy long gone, our experiences? Andre Matraux wasn't going to be an all black, all divided up into racial groups, in class," and start to talk to great-great- Do you realize that if you are Cultural Diversity. What's white, all straight, all gay. all there was discrimination. That's him. you might get rid of some great grandchil- rich or poor, freshman or senior, the big deal? Is this school whatever kind of event. why It was done. In my opinion. of the stereotypes in your head dren probably on or off campus, from a suburb committed to It? Why do I have Even though event advertise- Centuries later we can't expect that you didn't even know were won't know or ghetto, white or non-white, to work at It? When will It all be ments don't say, "For Latinos to be a nation undivided over there. hate. "Hate - a diversity Is everybody's busi- over? Will we ever get It to- Only," the events on campus night. Discrimination didn't start We share more than our term of the past ness. Including yours? gether? always seem to appeal to mostly all over the world at one mo- racial cultures. Cultural no longer If you don't know where to These are some of the one group. It was refreshing to ment. diversity calls for the coming needed today." start, talk to me. I have no questions asked when diversity walk Into Eppler South and see It began In a small area and together of male culture, female Someone at the Ark Band degree, but do I really need one? or multlculturalism Is brought people of all shapes, sizes, spread throughout the centuries; culture, homosexual culture, performance commented that the My e-mail address Is listed up. Are you committed to nationalities and colors. the great fungus on the family heterosexual culture, student event was only a step, not a below. I'll make the time to talk making this campus more When the Ark Band sang, we tree. It may take Just as long to culture, faculty and staff solution. I couldn't agree more. to anyone. HI. My name Is diverse or at least learning danced. When the Ark Band destroy discrimination, but we culture and many others We stepped closer to the solution. Derrick Jones. I am a Junior about other cultures from talked, we listened. When It was have to do our part. besides race. As we walk along, hopefully we film major. And you are....? someone besides your family our turn to talk, we froze. Communicate. Get Involved in We all belong to more than can grab the arm of someone on and friends? When It comes to true dialogue your class discussions. Better one culture, many of which the side and bring them along Derrick /wire is a columnist for the If you look In the paper and about Issues like diversity, we get yet. take It outside the class- cross the color lines. with us. News. He would like to thank Loma go. "Cool another column about quiet. We wonder If we will offend room. No class Is long enough, When we communicate Then, as they are walking, they Gonsalves-Pinto, Anjanette Robertson, diversity." you might be com- anyone or make this uncomfort- no class has enough credit hours without fear, our family trees can grab another and another. and countless others. "Bless'd be the tie mitted. However, If you say, able. to be all you need to feel cultur- will become more healthy as we We can continue stepping across that binds." Send email to "Jeez, not another one." you The sad fact Is that we'll never ally aware. pass better Information on to differences until we only need the dajonesmbgnet.bgsu and letters to 210 probably didn't go see the Ark know what offends until we ask. When you go and sit at the our children. Ark Band for entertainment. West Hall. i I Thursday, September 18, 1997 The BG News page 3

FACT: French and English are both official languages of Canada.

FICTION: Howard Stern speaks French fluently now THREE that he is on the air in Canada.

PEOPLE ON THE STREET A look at what some members of the community think about the issue of the day: UPCOMING EVENTS Today's Question: r/*- "How long did it take you to find a parking spot?" Thursday, 9/18/97

College Democrats Voter Registration Table (9 a.m.) Education Building Steps. BGSU College Democrats and the Shawn Luedde for City Council Campaign will sponsor a Voter Registration table. All students can register to vote here on campus or can update their address if they have moved within Connie Schorling Erin Wilhelm Angie Rooker Melissa Martinez Tom Kehres BG (through Friday, Sept. 19). Freshman Sophomore Freshman junior Freshman Apparel Merchandising Secondary Science Ed. Nursing Sports Management Finance Jewelry Sale (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) "It didn't take a long "I was here at 8:oo a.m. "Probably 10 minutes. "I think Wednesdays "I came at about 8:10 Education Steps. Sponsored by time. I parked out by so I didn't have a I usually have to dri • are th. worst. It a.m. If you get here UAO. the cemetery." problem." around for a while and usually takes me 10 to really early, you'll find Senior Portraits (10 a.m. - 6 wait till they're 15 minutes. It's bad." a parking spot." p.m.) leaving." Key Yearbook Office, 28 West Hall. Any senior graduating in Decem- berl997. May 1998 or August 1998 should schedule an appointment. Senior portraits will be taken from OHIO Weather QUOTE OF lOKX) a.m. thru 6:00 p.m. daily September 15 thru 26. The cost is only $6, and can be bursaied. It takes only AccuWeathcr* forecast for daytime conditions and high temperatures THE DAY 15 minutes and lasts a lifetime. Don't be left out of the 1998 Key Yearbook. MICH ^r "If you dismissed it as such, you're For more information or to schedule a sitting call 372-8086. Cleveland | 81°~ doing the film a disservice because Toledo 83' | Jewelry Sale (10:30 a.m. - this is certainly a representation of 3:30 p.m.) an aspect of American culture. If it's Math Science. Sponsored by University Activities Organization. Youngstown | 81 ° g^K Mansfield 82° not the most mainstream, my apolo- Reflecting on the INO gies." Holocaust and Its Survivors (Noon) Noah Wyle Towers Inn. McDonald West. Responding to criticism that his new movie, "The Myth of Doron Rabinovici will speak on the Dayton | 82~ problems of second generation Columbus 83 Fingerprints" is a limited representation of American culture. Holocaust survivors. Lunch is at noon; the free talk is at 12:30. Lunch must be reserved (call 2-2340) and is THUMBS UP $5. An Arts and Sciences forum. Cincinnati 83° ] ■ To the upcoming show "Pensacola: Wings of Gold" for College Republicans putting Pensacola on the map again literature distribution (1 W. VA. p.m. - 4 p.m.) ±2- ■ To Tetris. There is nothing like a good hour-long game of Union Foyer Tetris after a rough ten minutes of studying. £1 Portsmouth 83 ] frrx International Travel Grant ■ To the mint chocolate brownies occassionally offered in Proposal Workshop (2 p.m. the Union. - 3 p.m.) 1103 Offenhauer West. Workshop ■ To the Mary Tyler Moore show. Great theme song. Very to learn how to write a proposal to Showers Tstorms Rain Flumes Snow Ice Sunny Pt. Cloudy Cloudy catchy. receive a travel grant to study abroad ■ ToRosieO'Donnell. Why? Why not. during the 1998 spring semester. Call Vm Associated Press GrapfticsNel 372-0309/372-0479 with questions. THUMBS DOWN Spatial Navigation in Rats: Relationship between hippocampus and path ■ To preachy bumper stickers. The worst part is that integration (4 p.m.) evr-yone seems to have the same one. And really, how 112 Life Sciences Building. Sofyan many people think that mean people are great? Alyan. Ph.D., University of Arizona. TODAY'S ■ To parking lot drivers — pedestrians really do have the Sponsored by the Psychology Department. WEATHER right of way. ■ To Professors who run classes overtime, causing students Mind Reader Craig Karges (7 p.m.) Thursday , to be late for their next class. Ballroom. Sponsored by UAO. Sunny and warm. High: 84. Low: 51. ■ To bees maliciously attacking innocent pedestrians. It makes one long for a cold frost.

Friday . The calendar of events is i service of The BG News/or the community. A more Some sun, still warm. High: 85. Low: 56. PACE THR EE is intended as an irreoenml look at the Uniirrsity. We al The BG News consider it an offbeat page where we complete listing of these events can be try to offer something for everybody. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of our staff. Have a nice day. found on the University web page.

Learn Valuable Skills? CONVENIENCE MART Greenwood Centre • 1602 E. Wooster • 352-3443 Build Your Resume? HUMAN SOCIETY North • 1091 N. Main • 352-2430 South » 996 S. Main » 352-0534 | Make F - „ . FUNDRAISER PARTY! (BARNEY'S FEATURES:) ri 9:00p.m.-2:00a.m. • Super Lotto • The Number • Instant Lottery • Charge All Purchases -including Gas • Money Orders Gain Experience in Your Field Buy 1 Footlong Sub &\ *Buy 1 Ice-Cream Cone . I Then be the ISLTDS) Campus 4 BANDS: Get A Second One For Get One Sales and Publicity Director Crab Grass Boys If you have at least one semester of college experience and you are interested in being a Paper Plate 990 FREE part of a Great Team, then we would love to End Over IAI f-1'H"l;lV> I have you join us! Applications are now \ Limit I • Expires 9-30-97 / \ Limit 4 • Expires 9-30-97 y available in 330 University Union and are due Tuesday September 24, by 5pm. Sign-up for $5 Charge- Towards a great cause!! an interview when you drop off your Inside Greenwood Centre... application! ???Call 372-2343 19 and Over Every Night Check out the Monday Feature every week in The BG News page 4 The BG News Thursday, September 18, 1997 CAMPUS Gilts emphasizes physical fitness Conduct code □ The Perrysburg ad- versity with many positive would show this by setting an ex- gested they eat in the halls to al- changes within the public safety ample." low students to see tnem and be- ministrative lieutenant is department. Gilts said Perrysburg is ser- come more familiar with the prohibits booze the fourth candidate for "One change is a new building. vice-oriented, a lot like the Uni- officers presence in the halls. The Associated Press cy earlier this week. the position of Director They've outgrown their facility," versity is. He said he does not "It's Important for officers to "It is, in fact, a roundabout Gilts said. foresee a problem adjusting to know what's going on," Gilts attack on the alcohol policy," of Public Safety. Other goals for the depart- the University position. said. CARBONDALE, III. - More said Tim Hoerman, president By SARAH BEDNARSKI ment, Gilts said, would include "I want to be actively involved community service? No prob- of the Graduate and Profes- The BG News hiring more officers, better pay in the students' lives and have an Gilts received his Bachelor of lem. Better grades? Hey, we'll sional Student Council. "We and physical conditioning of the open door policy," Gilts said. Science in Criminal Justice de- try. But no alcohol in the don't have standing to attack The fourth candidate for Uni- officers. Gilts emphasized a good work- gree from the University and has fraternities? Forget it! the substance of Select 2000, versity Director of Public Safety "They're quality people doing a ing relationship with his officers been in law enforcement for 21 A conduct code being tested but we do have standing to at- was on campus yesterday to talk good job," Gilts said. and said, if given the position, the years. by the National Interfrater- tack the university foisting with campus and community Gilts said physical fitness is department would continue to nlty Conference with the any policy upon the students officials. important in order for officers to make the "campus a place to live A member of the Ohio Associa- possibility of adding it to col- without first letting them have Richard Gilts, currently ad- perform their duties. "Physical and grow." tion of Chiefs of Police since leges across the country has an opportunity to vote on it." ministrative lieutenant for the fitness Is not only a requirement Gilts said he would also en- 1992, Gilts is also a member of been rejected by leaders of Fraternity leaders said they Perrysburg Police Department, but also a need for law enforce- courage officers to visit resi- the Wood County Domestic Vio- the 13 fraternities at Southern already do much of what's re- said he hopes to provide the Uni- ment officers," Gilts said. "I dence halls frequently. He sug- lence Advisory Board. Illinois University. quired under Select 2000. The battle is over booze. Hoerman said it unfairly puni- TARZAN University administrators shes fraternity members who when Chris Woodward talks said the Select 2000 program are of legal drinking age. Continued from page one. Hyde has spoken in front of him ten cents a word compared Club Scouts, Little League teams to the average half cent a word. about his book "Haunted Ohio." being tested here could help "Who's to say they can't have and on television. During his pre- Burroughs wrote 26 Tarzan sto- Later this year Scott Regan, a decrease reckless partying a beer?" he said. quarterly magazine and a month- professor in the theatre depart- and binge drinking, as well as The vote startled Jonathan ly newsletter. They also have the sentation he spoke of Burrough's ries and was writing his 27th when he died in 1950. He loved ment, will give a dramatic pre- boost the public's Image of so- Brant, director of the inter- annual Dum Dum Convention, life, aspirations, literary career and of Burrough's exceptional nature and was admired for his sentation, and Jane Turner, edi- called "party schools." It calls fraternity conference. which involves a guest of honor, tor of "Director of Art" will on students to become better "It's baffling," said Brant, dinner, dealers rooms and actors ability to tell a story. He also morality and heroic portrayal of urges students to get a hobby. Tarzan. speak at an event that art stu- citizens by nurturing good va- who listened last week as the for the organization. Last year dents, professors and collectors lues, improving their grades student leader of SIU fraterni- Gordon Scott, a former Tarzan, During his time he was in such The next speaker for "Books, from all over Ohio and Michigan and doing community service. ties, Nick Dodd, extolled the spoke at the convention. demand that editors would pay Books, Books" will be on Oct. 24 are invited. But it also prohibits frater- policy's virtues. "I think this is nities and sororities from a poor decision on their part." throwing parties that feature Brant said students at SIU alcohol. Those of legal age can and at other pilot schools Sheppard Looking for England's Rose drink booze in their rooms this Northern Colorado, Florida year, though that will be ban- Southern and Villanova had ned next fall. the chance to craft the stan- DNAtobe The SIU Interfraternity dards in a series of meetings examined Council voted against the poli- in the past year. The Associated Press USG elections held yesterday

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Dr. Undergraduate Student Government held elections for both Sam Sheppard may have died district and off- campus senators Wednesday. Newly elected district senators include Clint Gault, district 1; broken and penniless. If his son Amy Simonovski, district 2; Kevin Hussey, district 4; Rickie gets his way, he will at least be Waugh, district 5; and Peter Jamison, district six. declared innocent. The winners of the off-campus elections for senator include The body of the man whose life Kristopher Kelley, Matt Rusiewicsz, John Dreyer, Steve inspired the television series Springer, Jonathon Macy and Dan Slauty. "The Fugitive" was to be ex- Tara Gore, USG president, said that there was a good turnout humed today at Forest Lawn in the residence halls and Union. Cemetery as part of the civil law- "There was a lot of competition in the races," Gore said. "In suit his son, Sam Reese Shep- most races there were several people running." pard, filed against the state ot Ohio. "Coming to Columbus means to me a dark and damp dungeon where I visited my dad for 10 years," Sheppard said at a news Student files suit conference Tuesday. "My dad died in despair. My dad was cru- shed. ... His heart was broken." against school ■ Sheppard, SO, of Oakland, Ca- Photo by the AawxrUttd Preu The Associated Press with his arm around the lif., also announced that he will shoulder of a black student." make a trek on foot across Ohio Vince DeLeon, manager at this Harmony House in Berkety, Michigan, yells out numbers in the raffle "Pettus further stated that '.to protest the death penalty. The for eight copies of Elton John's new version of "Candle in the Wind." The single is available only as a ATHENS, Ala. (AP) A 'he was sick of the way Curt j 220-mile walk -- from Cleveland Canadian import. It will be released in the United States in late September. 17-year-old white student sued acted and that everywhere to Cincinnati - was to begin the top two officials at his they went Curt was hanging Thursday at the grave of his former high school, claiming out with blacks' and that 'we . mother, Marilyn. he was ridiculed for having are not going to put up with C It will take Sheppard to the Burgers loved despite recalls friendships with blacks and this behavior up here,'" the ■Cleveland suburb of Bay Village, accused of "acting like some- suit claims. ;past the site of the family home, The Associated Press about 300 burgers a day. Hamh'irg steak evolved into the thing that he was not." The lawsuit against both ;in which his pregnant mother He said business did not slow present-day hamburger. Some Curt Bentley said he was so school officials also names the :was beaten to death in 1954. His LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - So a even with the E. coli contamina- credit Charlie Nagreen of Sey- distressed and humiliated by Limestone County school t father - who was convicted then hamburger can kill you. So what? tion scare that led to the recall of mour, Wis., with inventing it in the actions of the principal system. Elkmont is about 25 -acquitted in the slaying, said a This, fellow Americans, is One 25 million pounds of ground beef 1885 and selling it at the Outa- and vice principal at Elkmont miles northwest of Huntsville, ;bushy-haired intruder killed her. Nation, Under God, Indivisible, from a Columbus, Neb., plant - gamie County Fair. Others say High School that he failed 1 lth in northern Alabama. • Sheppard said he was terror- with burgers and ketchup for all. the largest meat recall in the Louis Lassen of New Haven, grade last year. His lawsuit The county school superin- :ized at the prospect that only And if you think that some itty nation's history. Conn., created the hamburger Tiled last week in U.S. District tendent, Les Bivens, said such months after his mother's death bitty bacteria are going to No lag in beef sales was re- steak in 1900 as a means for us- Court in Huntsville seeks uns- lawsuits usually project "the his father was charged with a change all that, well, you're a ported across the country, even ing the trimmings from the steak pecified damages. worst-case scenario." crime that could be punished by Quarter Pounder short of a full though the contaminated ham- sandwich he featured at his lunch Vice Principal Stan Davis "When I talked to Mr. Pettus .execution. load. burger sickened more than a do- wagon. told the student that he acted by phone, he said he Is confi- "There's something about eat- zen people in Colorado. The hamburger as we know it "liked a 'n—,"' and called the dent the truth will cune out," "That scarred my soul," said ing a big bite of hamburger," said Many years of warnings about today gained widespread atten- boy's mother to tell her Bent- Bivens said. Sheppard, who was 7 when his Sam Ross, former manager of cholesterol haven't pushed tion at the 1904 World's Fair in ley had danced with a black Bentley's attorney, Kimber- mother died. "We shouldn't do King's Drive In, a Lincoln, Neb., McDonald's or Burger King out St. Louis, Mo., where it was said girl at the homecoming dance, lyn Malone, said school offi- that to a child in this country." fast food restaurant dating back of business, either. to be all the rage. the suit alleges. cials violated equal protection The doctor was sentenced to to the 1960s. "It's something you "All Americans grew up with In 1921, White Castle became Davis allegedly told Martha and civil rights laws. Reached life in prison but was acquitted in can chow down on." hamburgers," said Alisa Harr- the world's first hamburger Bentley that her son was "act- at his home Tuesday, the elder a second trial. He served 10 There's the "Sunshine Burger" ison with the National Cattle- chain, and eventually billions and ing like something that he was Bentley declined to comment. years in prison and died of liver in San Francisco, served with men's Beef Association - a group billions and billions were served. not." Bentley's parents moved to disease in 1970 at age 46. sprouts, seal lions and avocado; that, admittedly, has a steak in "Everyone has a favorite bur- According to the lawsuit, Athens so he could enroll in the "Jiffy Burger" in Lincoln, the burger's popularity. "Espe- ger place," said Marlys Bielun- Principal Steve Pettus also Athens High School, said Sheppard's body was to be dri- Neb., with peanut butter and ba- cially when you're a teen-ager. ski, director of food communica- told Steven Bentley that "his Dwight Posey, the family's • ven to Cleveland where DNA con; the five-pound "Family Bur- What do you do when you get tions for the cattlemen's associa- son was walking down the hall private investigator. . samples will be taken to compare ger" in Sault St. Marie, Mich., de- your driver's license? You get a tion. his genetic makeup to blood signed to serve 10 to 12 people. burger." And every part of the United found in the family home. The Since the 1940s, hamburgers The hamburger's roots can be States has a different take on .remains will be cremated, and have been America's favorite traced back to the tribes of Tar- what makes a good burger. In the Tired of ■his son plans to place them in the food, according to Nation's Res- tary living in the Baltic prov- Southwest it might be a little American Heart crypt where his mother is en- taurant News There were 5.4 bil- inces in the Middle Ages. Ger- spicy, in the West sprouts are a Association lion hamburgers/cheeseburgers throwing » j tombed. man trading partners developed likely addition and in the fighting HMit D-OMM served in commercial restau- the Hamburg steak - fried beef Midwest it's straightforward j The lawsuit seeks to have his rants in 1996, that is up 3.8 per- seasoned with onions -- and pickles and onions. your weight father declared innocent and in- cent from the previous year. brought it to America in the The newest thing in the world dicate that he was wrongfully Ross said burger sales make up 1700s and 1800s. of burgers seems to be the trendy Exercise. ; imprisoned. 75 percent of King's business - Stories vary on just how the burgers with exotic toppings. around? AOII AOII AOII AOII AOIIAOIl AOII AOII AOll AOII CRAIG KARGES Alpha Omicron Pi Congratulates its DIXIE Spring 1997 Dean's List Members!!

DRIVING RANGE Sponsored Molly Bourquin Paula Latta Thursday, o* 19001 North Dixie Hwy. ~~» Tonya Bier* Traci Sandwisch by (2 miles North of B.G.) Sept. 18,1997 Bowling Green, OH Monica Cline Cynthia Schramm % Melissa Hann Jennifer Seyer Lenhart Ballroom Questions ' Chipping Green - Putting Green - Sand Trap (/ j Bethany Oxer Melinda Thompson| Deana PaponettiM Sandy Stern 7:00pm call Open 7 days a week - 8 a.m. *til Dark \] | 2-7164 Lessons - Club Repair & Fitting * Denotes a 4.0 Call Rusty Kieffer at 419- 353-1420 AOII AOII AOII AOII AOIIAOIl AOII AOII AOII AOII Mind Reader Extraordinaire Thursday. September 18. 1997 The BG News page 5

ii NATION Sen. Goldwater battles Natural defense agent of with Alzheimer's disease body could stop AIDS virus The Associated Press The Associated Press Gringeri said. protection and confirms what PARADISE VALLEY, Ariz. 'Tor this reason, we are has been seen in monkeys and (AP) ~ Doctors have diagnosed BALTIMORE -- The body's quite sure chemokines inhi- in the laboratory," said Lusso, former Sen. Barry Goldwater as own self-defenses may hold the bited the infections," said who was not involved In Gring- being in the early stages of Alz- key to stopping the AIDS virus, Gringeri of the Maggiore Hos- eri's research. heimer's disease, his family con- researchers say. pital and University of Milan. "These data are starting to firmed Tuesday. Fourteen of 128 hemophi- The 128 hemophiliacs, all put all the pieces of the puzzle But aside from some short- liacs who were repeatedly ex- from Italy, received the tainted together," Lusso said. "It's term memory loss and occasional posed to blood products tainted blood products between 1980 starting to emerge that chemo- bouts of confusion, the 88-year- with the AIDS virus did not be- and 1985. All but 14 became kines are probably the key cor- old conservative Icon remains as come infected with HIV, more progressively ill between 1981 relate for protection that we ornery as ever, his son said. proof that an an t i - and 1986. have been hunting for." "He looks you straight in the Inflammatory agent naturally If scientists can find a way to In August, scientists at the eye. His handshake is just as produced by the body can ward mimic chemokines' effects, it National Cancer Institute re- firm as it's always been," Barry off the fatal illness, research- may be possible to find a way ported that people with mu- Goldwater Jr. said at a Tuesday ers said. to block pathways of HIV's tated chemokine receptors did news conference. Those 14 people shared one docking sites in the body, not become infected despite A year ago, Goldwater, the thing in common - naturally called receptors. repeated HIV exposure. 1964 Republican nominee for occurring substances called "We cannot induce our body Gringeri said all 14 hemophi- president, had a stroke which Pholo by the Associated Prcif chemokines that appear at a to produce more chemokines, liacs he studied had normal re- caused damage to the frontal Barry Goldwater Jr. speaks to the press about his father, the 1964 Re- level at least twice as high as and as far as I know we cannot ceptors, but twice the average lobe of his brain, which controls publican Presidential candidate, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's most people have, researcher administer chemokines, but we amount of chemokines in their memory and personality, his wife Disease. Goldwater is flanked by Susan Goldwater, Barry Sr.'s wife, Allessandro Gringeri said can find out if there are agents blood. Gringeri said he plans to Susan said. and his brother Michael Goldwater. Tuesday at a conference spon- we can use to block the re- present the research, which After the stroke, some doctors sored by the University of ceptors," Gringeri said. has been submitted to the jour- said Goldwater had symptoms of agreed, saying Goldwater's robbing brain disorder that most- Maryland's Institute for Hu- Dr. Paolo Lusso, head of the nal Natural Medicine, at the what Mrs. Goldwater described symptoms probably were caused ly strikes people over age 65. man Virology. human virology department at weeklong conference Friday. as the early stages of Alz- by the stroke alone, Mrs. Gold- About 4 million Americans are As further evidence that the San Rafael Institute in Mi- Dr. Robert Gallo, co- heimer's disease. water said. estimated to suffer from the chemokines may offer built-in lan, agreed that chemokines discoverer of the AIDS virus Other doctors, however, dis- Alzheimer's disease is a mind- disease. protection against AIDS, blood are emerging as a key to fight- and director of the Institute for cells taken from the 14 hemo- ing AIDS. Human Virology, also partici- Man receives philiacs became infected in "It's one of the first lines of pated in Gringeri's research. laboratory tests after the che- evidence in a human that che- Gallo said chemokines may be Communist music jail time for mokines' action was blocked, mokines are associated with the body's first line of defense. animal cruelty tops Hungary charts The Associated Press LANDMINES Narcotic lollipop gets Continued from pape one. The Associated Press Lenin's speech, "but the word BEREA, Ohio - A man has has proceeded with unusual 'capitalism' he repeated been sentenced to one month In speed, with pressure to conclude BUDAPEST, Hungary several times, so we assumed jail for cutting off the front paws approvaljrom FDA a treaty growing after the death Ah, the golden oldies. he blamed it." of a kitten before offering it to a of Britain's Princess Diana, who The Soviet national anthem, Rethly, 34, a Hungarian pet boa constrictor. The Associated Press candy far outweighed the risk of had campaigned for a ban. World War Il-era songs prais- teacher by profession, is also The snake refused to eat it, so young children being harmed. More than 100 nations are in- ing Stalinism, the marches of the director of Budapest's the man cut the kitten's head off volved in the Oslo talks, which the workers movement - communist statue park, where to relieve its pain. GAITHERSBURG, Md. "Some kid, somewhere, some- began in Canada 11 months ago they're back in Hungary, on renderings of members of the He also was lined $750, A raspberry-flavored lollipop how is going to do this (eat the ordered to 10 days of community with just a few countries partici- compact disc, and they're top- Soviet regime were taken loaded with narcotic pain-killer lollipop)," said Suzanna Brown, a pating. ping the charts. after communism's fall. service and three years of proba for treatment of cancer patients Portland, Ore., nurse and a mem- Titled "The Best of Commu- tion. Bower is required to get was recommended for federal ber of the panel. "But do we deny The United States reluctantly nism," one of the anthology's The statue park is visited by psychiatric counsel and cannot approval Wednesday, despite this benefit to cancer patients for signed on to the talks last month, more curious offerings is a some 25,000 people a year, but own a pet. concerns about accidental Police said Bower cut off his that reason?" demanding exceptions that acti- Lenin diatribe on the evils of the CD has sold over 20,000 poisoning of children. vists say are contrary to the kitten's front paws before trying capitalism. copies in the first three weeks. FDA approval is required be- spirit of the proceedings. They "We couldn't figure out The 24-track CD is No. 1 in to feed it to his pet snake on July 21 because he didn't want it to A Food and Drug Administra- fore the lollipop can be sold, but said the idea is to ban the mines what he was talking about," Hungary, the only place it is tion advisory panel voted unani- the agency generally follows the for humanitarian reasons, with publisher Akos Rethly said of available. scratch the snake. But the snake Ignored the cat. Bower then cut mously that the benefit to cancer recommendations of advisory no exceptions, because most vic- the kitten's head off. patients from the pain-killing committees. tims are civilians.

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\ \ page 6 The BG News Thursday, September 18. 1997

Tod McCloskey Entertainment Editor Entertainment 372-2603 MTV launches first original sitcom Family genre film The Associated Press draws W star AUSTIN, Texas (AP) The three main actors In MTV's The Associated Press ing Saab stories ... people who "Austin Stories" aren't the first confuse neuroses for real comics to trade the stages of NEW YORK (AP) The se- problems. stand-up for the sets of sitcoms. cret to Noah Wyle can be "If you dismissed it as such, But unlike Jerry Seinfeld, El- found in his eyes. you're doing the film a disser- len Degeneres or Roseanne, the Amid the lashy luxury of his vice because this is certainly young actors of MTV's first fully penetrating brown stare, representational of an aspect scripted situation comedy aren't there's an earnestness tinged of American culture," Wyle household words... yet. with nervousness, a sincerity says. "If it's not the most Laura House, Brad "Chip" that borders on self- mainstream, my apologies." Pope and Howard Kroner saw effacement. His earnestness is practical- the first of their 13 planned in- Those sweet, puppy-dog ly palpable. In person, Wyle is stallments of "Austin Stories" peepers served him well as the more attractive than on either premiere earlier this month. three-time Emmy- nominated the large or small screen the The 30-minute sitcom is the Dr. John Carter on the popular hair floppier, the face fresher first nationwide exposure for the television drama, "ER" and, of course, the eyes more three comics turned writer- But they take on a distinct endearingly peering. actors. sad sack cast in his first star- In his slouchy Hugo Boss The show focuses on the lives ring movie role as the heart- suit, he seems at ease in a posh of three young Austin residents. broken Warren in "The Myth hotel room where he's con- Roles, the actors say, that aren't of Fingerprints." The ensem- ducted interviews all day. And too hard since each has lived in ble cast features Roy Scheider despite all the poking and Austin for some time. and Blythe Danner as his par- prodding, he remains thought- "It's not a complete factual ents, Julianne Moore, Michael ful and often trails off with a event of our lives, but this is us if Vartan and Laurel Holloman philosophical "perhaps." we weren't comics," Ms. House as his very attractive siblings. "I don't think coming from said. Pholo by the AtiocUlcd Prcit Together they form a brittle privilege makes a difference," Ms. House, a 20-something, had New England family, repres- says Wyle, a Los Angeles just started gaining attention as a MTV's first fully scripted situation comedy "Austin Stories" stars, from left to right, Howard Kremer, sed and anxious in their own native who grew up in a simi- comic when MTV approached the Laura House, and Brad 'Chip' Pope. skin, and eager to avoid any- lar socioeconomic stratum, trio for a project originally envi- "when you're talking about getting my certification, I got up "Austin Stories" project three engine that drives everything." thing that even slightly sioned as short sketches leading "One really helps the other," resembles blunt confronta- neglect or abuse or miscom- to videos. the courage to get up for 'open years ago. A New Jersey native, Kremer began stand-up in his Pope added. tion. • munication." The three began writing what mike night.'" When they gather for the turned out to be enough material That experience led to regular home state. He made appearan- ces in New York and other states Pope, also of Texas, describes Thanksgiving holiday, they Neglect. Abuse. Miscom- to fill a 30-minute format, which appearances at Austin comedy munication. These are ingre- clubs for Ms. House and an invi- before becoming a regular in himself as in his 20s. He's wrestle quietly and coldly, of MTV was persuaded to air. Film- worked in comedy for about four course with their accu- dients that directors are ing is done in Austin; much of it tation from HBO to an interna- Austin. Like Ms. House and Pope, years. mulated slights, real or per- reaching for in large measure on the city's streets. tional comedy festival. this fall in a spate of films Before taking the stand-up "My comedy was making fun Kremer, 26, says he hopes to ceived. Pope says it's somewhat A cynic might sav that this about dysfunctional families, stage, Ms. House, a Texas native, of teachers we all had," Ms. maintain a stand-up career while working on the sitcom. strange to be part of a big pro- is a movie about little more including "The Ice Storm," said her mother insisted she get a House said. "People who said, 'I duction about three young people than a family of privileged "The Hanging Garden" and teaching certificate as a fallback. hate kids.' Nice career choice." searching for direction and try- white kids sitting around tell- "The Sweet Hereafter." "I knew I didnt want to teach Kremer had the longest career "That's where the comedy ing to get by. all my life, so as I got closer to in comedy before beginning the comes from," he said. "That's the WEDNESDAYS & THURSDAYS •J^gj^f 1 18 & OVER ALL NITE BOWUNGGfiSJtCHO BCWUNGGREBiCHO I $1.00 COVER UNDER 21 $1.50 PITCHERS

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i ! Thursday, September 18, 1997 The BG News page 7

Jim Tocco- Sports Editor Sports 372-2602 BG opens MAC play with win

□ The Falcons get off to a good start by easily llevball defeating Central Michi- gan. [ 1 11-8. After a Lewis kill and a Kel- sha Wilkins block, the Falcons By RYAN JOHNSON drew to 11-10. The BC News That's when Heather Murphy took over. The sophomore con- The difference between win- nected on a pair of kills and a ning or losing the first league service ace to take a 13-11 BG game may only be one game in lead. Central never recovered as the standings, but it means so the Falcons took complete con- much more when looking at the trol of the game and eventually big picture. the match. The Bowling Green volleyball "That first game was basically team notched its first Mid- nerves, since it was the first American Conference win last MAC game," said Kemerer, who night by cruising past Central had six kills and four block Michigan 15-11, 1S-8, 15-7 in against the Chippewas. "Luckily front of almost 600 fans at An- we got it together and were able derson Arena. to bounce back." "Winning the first MAC game The Falcons were never chal- is big in terms of momentum," lenged In the final two games, as middle hitter Lori Kemerer said. they continued to outplay Central "It shows the rest of the league at the net. BG committed only 10 that Bowling Green belongs at errors on kill attempts for the BG Newi Photo by Tod McCUikcy the top and not at the bottom." match, while forcing the Chip- The Falcons (8-4, 1-0 MAC) pewas into 24 errors. BG cornerback Tom Cabram (left) congratulates teammate Chioke dominated nearly every facet Wilkins and Pesorda were able Bradley after a play during Saturday's game at Ohio State. against Central, especially at the to neutralize the Chippewas' big net, where BG scored on over 30 hitters, Wendy Feldman and Ro- percent of its kill attempts. The bin 111. Feldman, who entered the Gabram rises to top Chippewas (4-7, 0-1 MAC) were game as one of the nation's top never able to stop the Falcons di- hitters, connected on only 11 versified attack. percent of her attempts, includ- thanks to hard work "It was a solid team ing nine errors. By TOD McCLOSKEY effort,"coach Denise Van De "We knew coming in that they The BG News similar story. But for Tom Ga- Walle said. "We were able to put could give us problems," Van De bram, former walk-on, how he pressure on them offensively and Walle said. "We were able to Someone once said, "Never got there is a tale of guts and de- it seemed to really rattle them. In block and serve tough enough give up on what you really want termination. the second and third games, we that they couldn't always use her to do. The person with big Redshirted his freshman year had complete confidence." in their offense." dreams is more powerful than at Bowling Green, Gabram was Outside hitters Melissa Lewis The third game was probably the one with all the facts." The amongst many athletes that and Kris Pesorda led the team one of the best for Bowling person who spoke those words wanted to play for the Falcons. with 14 and 10 kills, respectively. Green this season. The Falcons must know Tom Gabram. Walking on to a team is one of the Pesorda was solid on the right had 17 kills with no errors on the Entering this football season, most difficult things to do in side, where she connected on half way to jumping out to a 13-3 lead. Gabram had started zero games sports, especially with a Division of her kill attempts for the sec- "In the last game, we played for the Falcons. That's right, I-A football team. ond straight game. together and everybody did their zero. That didn't stop Gabram. "Kris really took some big job," Kemerer said. "We didn't Now, after starting three "It was always a goal of mine swings tonight," Van De Walle have to worry about people not games at the cornerback posi- to play Division I football," Ga- said. "Anytime you can hit a .240 doing their job, and that makes it tion, Gabram leads the team in bram said. "I had offers at Divi- percentage, you're doing good, so much easier." fumble recoveries with three and sion II and I-AA, but I chose to and she's been able to hit on half Senior Wendy Watkins once has been a consistent defensive take the chance to see what I of her attempts." again showed why she is one of BGNcwi Photo by Jeremy Martin stopper for Bowling Green. could do because deep down I Bowling Green struggled early the top setters in the MAC. She For many BG gridiron athletes, in the first game, finding them- led the team with 13 digs, while Sophomore Heather Murphy spikes the ball against CMV last night, the path to being a starter is a • See GABRAM, page nine. selves trailing the Chippewas chipping in with seven kills. The Falcons downed the Chippewas in three sets. BG rugby laden with tradition, dedication □ The Falcon ruggers Another possible reason for the is still not well known in the Falcons' success has to do with United States. Here are the ba- are part of a storied club participation. Enough players sics of the game: program. turned out this year to make up ■ The game is played in two By WILLIAM SANDERSON four sides: A, B, C and D. halves of 40 minutes each. TheBC News "By having such a great turn- ■ The object in rugby, like out, you learn on the lower football, is to take the ball into If some day you should happen sides," Ward said. "By the time the end zone, or try zone as it is to find yourself on the corner of you get up to B side and A side known. Five points are scored Poe and North College, and see a you know what's going on In the when the team touches the ball to group of young men playing game." the ground in the end zone. This some strange, violent- looking Like all club sports, rugby does is called a try. As long as the ball game, know that they are playing not offer scholarships to its is off the ground it is still alive, rugby. players. The rugby team is given and the ball can be taken away. To the unknowing innocents, a certain amount of money by the ■ After a try is scored, the ball rugby looks a lot like football University, but it can't even Is brought out to a spot corre- without the pads. Oh yeah, one come close to covering expenses. sponding with where the ball other thing -- they never stop. "Ninety percent of the money touched the ground. From there a Those youths on the field com- comes from the players them- kick is attempted on football-like prise the Bowling Green State selves," Mazzarella said. "Either goal posts. A successful conver- Club Rugby team. They happen through a direct contribution on sion is worth two points. to be one of the best rugby teams their part, or for an example we'- ■ At any time during play, a in the Midwest. The Falcons have re selling T-shirts and sweat- player can drop-kick the ball won 16 straight MAC champion- shirts. The alumni has been won- through the posts for three ships and three Midwest cham- derful." points. Occasionally, a referee pionships. Coach Roger Mazzare- Rugby also puts a demand on a may award a team with a penalty Ha has directed the past 12. player's time. Although the kick that would also be worth "I'll be the first to admit that players don't practice as many three points. some of that has been luck," hours as the varsity sports ath- ■ Aside from the scoring, rug- letes must, they do practice three by has few rules. The chief rule Mazzarella said. "They haven't photo by Roger Muurcllo all been easy. We had to kick an days a week - on top of playing is that a player may not be past extra point in the last second and most of Saturday. the ball. This infraction is called Center Tony Tyson cuts through a pair of defenders in BG's 68-19 victory over Michigan last fall. then we had to win the game in For Mazzarella, though, it's offsides. As a result, players may the second sudden-death over- like a second job. Besides the not complete a forward pass. ball through the middle, while sions are not softened by any sort tackles in order to pass the ball backward and make the ball time. practices and games, Mazzarella Backward passes are usually the forwards attempt to kick the of padding, yet according to stud- "Some of that is luck. Some of takes care of the administrative used. ball back to their teammates. ies, rugby has only 10 percent the available to teammates. That way players are not as open to the an- it is working on all pistons." end as well. In the real world, ■ Like soccer, a ball is thrown ■ A rugby team or side is number of serious injuries that Either way the Falcon rugby Mazzarella is a sixth-grade in by the team that did not touch made up of 15 players. There are football has. kle and knee injuries that plague team has had a phenomenal re- teacher. it last. This is called a lineout. very few substitutions - most are "The reason for that is because football players. cord of success, and there is no "I work over at Bowling Green The thrower tosses the ball in be- made due to injury. we have two major rule differ- "If you play hard, you wont get reason to believe tliat is going to Junior High to pay for this job," tween two parallel lines of for- ences from football," Mazzarella hurt," Ward said. "If you go into change this year. Mazzarella said. "That's what it wards. A Rough Game said. "Number one, I have to a tackle softly, you'll get smoked. "I think a lot of it has to do with really amounts to." ■ Should play be halted oth- tackle you with my arms, so I Everyone has the intensity out our coach Roger Mazzarella," erwise, play is resumed with a can't take your ankles out. The there so half the time people senior fly back Corey Ward said. The Rules of the Game scrum. Both team's forwards Rugby is one of the most phys- other thing is there is no block- don't know they hurt until after "He's a great coach. He teaches come into a clinch. A player from ically demanding sports in the ing." the game because the adrenaline everyone well." Rugby is an English sport, and the non-penalized side rolls the world. The frequent hard colli- As a result, players turn into is pumping." DID YOU KNOW? There are an estimated 5.8 Howard's Club H billion people in the world and Mon-Sat'■ C->t 12-2:301 1 1 ID am FREE Sun 5-2:30 am 352-9951 growing at a rate of about 210 N, Main CELL PHONE 11,000 people per hour. If this Thursday FREE Accessory rate continues, the population DINK 1 Friday 4 Saturday 60 min.* - $10/month Anytime will double in 47 years. CE 'LANGE Sponsored by the Center tor Environmental Programs and your -7/ ^fl Bands Slart at 10p.m. Call Jamie Local 356-1126 Campus Recycling Program Ultimate Cellular - Airtouch 1 Zero Populallonn Growth, Inc. Pool • Video Games • Electronic Darts • Pinball • -

. * , page 8 The BG News Thursday, September 18, 1997

/r-* /e^ BG News sportswriters tackle two sides of the sports issues on every fanatic's mind

Jason G. Michael MAC is only McMAHON GRAHAM Expansion is BG News BG News Assistant 9 Sportswriter kidding itself Sports Editor good for MAC Give credit to the Mid- Northern Illinois was named Today's Topic Expansion is a big step for members only once in sports American Conference. The by some pundits as the worst Mid-American Conference expansion the Mid-American Confer- such as volleyball and basket- league tried. Division I football team in the ence. It should benefit the con- ball. But it just ain't gonna work. country. The Huskies won't be Is it good for the league or is the MAC getting too big? ference in the future by bring- Take Marshall from MAC Bringing Marshall and bringing much credibility to ing the respect this conference East and Western Michigan Northern Illinois into the fold the league. The bustling mecca has deserved for so long. from MAC West, for instance. this year, along with Buffalo of DeKalb, 111. doesn't have Next Week's Topic With the addition of Mar- Since Western would only next year, was a bold move by much to offer either -- and it's WIw is the most dominant athlete in sports today? shall and Northern Illinois, the have to play Marshall once in a conference desperately just a little too close to that MAC is now 12 teams strong basketball one year, Marshall seeking respect. But the ex- cesspool that is Rockford. and can make the claim of be- would travel to Western. The pansion won't reap the desired And Buffalo - how many We want to know what you think about next weeks topic. Call ing one of the largest confer- next year, Western would rewards. people even know its nick- us to voice your opinion: on campus at 372-2602 and off campus ences in NCAA Division I. travel to Marshall. By having to face various interdivisional Adding three teams -- one of name? at 353-9315. Speak to a reporter or leave a voice mail. Only the SEC and Big 12 which, Marshall, is in its first By adding the Huskies, have as many teams in Divi- members once, travel and gas year of Division I - will not be Thundering Herd and the sion I-A football. The WAC, mileage would be saved and it able to make the MAC more what-is-its from Buffalo, the with 16, Is the only Division wouldn't be so hard on the viable in the collegiate sports MAC expanded not only in size WHAT YOU SAID I-A football conference to have coaches, players and fans. machine that is the NCAA. but also in borders. The league more teams than the MAC. Teams can also focus more on Splitting into divisions, al- is entering three new states - In other sports, only the Big teams in their division. though it seems to be the rage Illinois, West Virginia and No responses received. East and WAC conferences One of the biggest problems among major college confer- New York. have more teams than the BG people have with the ex- ences these days, won't get an- MAC. pansion is that it has led to other MAC basketball team While this will allow the When Buffalo enters the Toledo and BG being put in into the NCAA Tournament. MAC to encroach upon new league in 1998-99 or the follow- two separate divisions despite Why not? Because the MAC markets, it will also add an ing year, the MAC will grow to being 20 miles apart. is a mid-major conference. extra travel burden for its 13 - making it the second- The key word there is "mid." teams. largest conference in Division If these people take a look at Average enrollment at a MAC This wouldn't be such a big I-A football and be tied for a map, they would see that the school is around 22,000. Com- deal if the teams were jet- second with the Big East in divisions are geographically pare that to the some 150,000 hopping from arena to arena, nearly all sports. correct. students matriculating at Ohio but they're not. The student- This number alone might With future expansion, BG State, Wisconsin and Minne- athletes - remember they are bring more good recruits to could end up in the MAC West. sota combined, and you have students - jump in buses and the league. As a result, the Until that happens, don't be an idea of why the MAC is al- vans to make the road trips. MAC teams could be more upset. ways looked upon as the Big competitive with members of The Falcons still meet the Ten's little brother. The longest drive time from the so-called "bigger" confer- Rockets in football and will As it should be. Rather than Bowling Green, a fairly cen- ences in the future, especially still meet twice in volleyball, comparing itself to conferen- trally located MAC school, was in football and men's basket- and men's and women's bas- ces like the Big Ten, SEC and three and a half hours. Add a ball. ketball. Big 12, the MAC should be in couple more now for the treks Also, due to the expansion, For those who still don't the same breath as the Big to DeKalb and Buffalo - that's the MAC has now split into two agree that expansion is good West, the Big Sky, Atlantic 10 more time lost for a golfer divisions. In football, the re- for the MAC, take a look at the and Conference USA. with a paper due the next day spective divisional winners long-term effects as well as Stacked up against those or a hockey player who needs will meet in the MAC cham- the points mentioned above. leagues, the MAC looks pretty to prepare for a speech. pionship game in December. The more competition, the good. There were other options. The winner will then get to better MAC teams will be- But the conference wants to Youngstown State had been face a team from either the come. Thus, tney should be be big time. So it went out and mentioned as a possible addi- Big Ten or SEC in the Ford better prepared to face the brought in ... Northern Illinois, tion, but the MAC overlooked Motor City Bowl in Detroit. better opponents. Marshall and Buffalo? the Penguins. The MAC will get its shot at Expansion is what this con- Given time, Marshall may proving it can hang with this ference needs to become bet- develop into a perennial Divi- The conference did have kind of competition. ter recognized around the na- sion I power. But for now, the noble if not misguided inten- Another good thing about a tion. Thundering Herd is just trying tions - intentions that should two-division conference is that National exposure is what to prove it can compete with be re-evaluated along with its teams in MAC East would only this conference needs now, the big boys. priorities. have to play certain MAC West Isn't it? Female kicker sues Duke football team The Associated Press Washington Redskins kicker his mind during summer presea- Mark Moseley, who ran summer son training that year. "I was RALEIGH, N.C. ~ Duke coach kicking camps that Mercer at- carried away at the time." Fred Goldsmith has a new prob- tended in 1995 and 1996. Mercer said then she was lem to go with the longest losing "I know Heather Sue has neither the best nor the strongest ^streak in major college football: a worked extremely hard," said kicker but still deserved a spot sex-discrimination suit filed by a Moseley, the NFL's Most Valua- on the team. kicker who wanted to be the first ble Player in 1982. "From 40 A third-team all-state kicker in woman to play in Division I. yards in she was pretty deadly." high school, Mercer was allowed to practice with Duke's other five ; "I have no response," Golds- Mercer could not be reached kickers. But she was never is- mitli said Wednesday. "At the for comment. The senior eco- sued protective padding or a uni- proper time any response will nomics major's telephone num- form, her lawsuit said. As late as come from the attorneys at Duke ber is not listed. She did not re- this year, Mercer participated in University. That's it. I'm a foot- spond to interview requests the team's endurance training in ball coach, I'm going to stick to made through her lawyer. her effort to win a roster spot. answering questions about foot- In February, Goldsmith told ball." Duke attorneys referred in- her to leave a training session Heather Sue Mercer filed a quiries to a university vice and that she had no right to be lawsuit in federal court in president, who did not imme- there, her lawsuit said. Greensboro on Tuesday. She con- diately return a call. The lawsuit seeks unspecified tends she wasn't treated fairly by Mercer, a freshman walk-on compensatory and punitive dam- Duke coaches after Goldsmith in- from Yorktown Heights, N.Y., ages. It contends Duke violated itially welcomed her to try out as made the winning 28-yard field Title IX of the Education a kicker in 1995. goal in the team's spring scrim- Amendments of 1972, which pro- mage in 1995. Goldsmith said hibits sexual discrimination in Since denying Mercer a place after that scrimmage that Mer- educational programs that on the team, Goldsmith has kept cer had made the team. But she receive federal money. kickers whose skills were no bet- was left off the team once The suit charges breach of con- ter than Mercer's, the lawsuit Goldsmith trimmed his roster tract, saying Duke denied Mer- said. that summer. cer the opportunity to "develop AiiKialed Prra ph«« "I've seen a lot worse on a lot "I shouldn't have said it," her fullest potential as a student- Heather Sue Mercer talks to Duke coach Fred Goldsmith at an August 1995 practice. of Division I teams," said former Goldsmith said after changing athlete."


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k ! Thursday, September 18, 1997 The BG News page 9

WANT TO BUHD A HOME PAGE FOR YOUR JBASEBALL STANDINGS ORGANIZATION? Come to the worksmp on Sports Briefs Tuesday. September 30 in the Alumni Room of The BG News the Student Union at / 00pm The University's Webmaster. Deb McLaughlin will be on hand to Classified help student organizations to get started in American League creating a webpage For more information can McGwire hits 53rd home run Ads 3722843 All Times EOT CHICAGO - Mark McGwire hit his 53rd home run of the By The Associated Proa SERVICES OFFERED bet Division CAMPUS EVENTS season Wednesday - the most since Roger Maris set the record W L Pet. OB of 61 in 1961 -- as the St. Louis Cardinals defeated the Chicago y-Baltlmore .609 92 59 - t CASH FOR COLLEGE $ New York 88 63 .583 4 Cubs 12-9. ARE YOU TRYING TO PLAN A PROGRAM GRANTS a SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE McGwire connected leading off the third inning for his second Detroit 74 77 .490 18 ON CAMPUS? w» have me workshop tor you FROM PRIVATE $ PUBLIC SECTORS homer since signing a three-year, $28.5 million contract with the Boston 74 78 .487 18.5 Wednesday. September 24 at 7:00pm in Room GREAT OPPORTUNITY. CALL NOW. Toronto 71 80 .470 21 1011 of the Business Administration Building, 1-800-532-5953. Cardinals Tuesday night. The 53 homers tops his previous best of Crnlral Division Sudani Aciviuet stall wli be on hand to help 52, which he hit last season with Oakland, and put McGwire one W L Pet. CB you plan programs on campus and cut through ART apeak ahead of Seattle's Ken Griffey Jr., who was to play Wednesday Cleveland 81 68 544 — all the 'red tape*. For more information contact Eager, culling edge, art Arm night at Texas. Milwaukee 74 75 .497 7 the Student Lile Office at 372-2843. seeking projects. Specializing Chicago 74 77 .490 8 111 Attention Seniors m custom graphics, advertisements Kansas City 61 88 .409 20 Are you interested m becoming the 1997 and web site design. Minnesota Compiled from wire reports 61 89 .407 20.5 Homecoming King or Queen? Applications For more information & quotes Wol Division now avail in the Student Activities Office. 330 contact 352 3724 or W L Pet. GB Sudani Union and are due by: Sept 19. 1997 [email protected] bgsu edu Seattle 84 68 .553 — al12noon. Anaheim 78 73 .517 55 BG LACROSSE. New players meeting Mon HLLEL Texas 72 80 .474 12 GABRAM Sept 22. 9pm. 110 BA. Ouestions can Geofl BGSU'S Jewish Student Association Oakland 225 61 90 .404 Hazolwoodal 352-7095 Concerned about where to go lor Rosh Continued from page seven. task head on. y-clinched postseason berth EUCHRE TOURNAMENT HaShanah and Yom Kippur? Transportation "He's like one of those little Sunday. September 21 si 2pm to ALI area synagogues A home hospitality knew I could play and now that dogs that all they ever do is bark Wednesday's Games PRIZESIII PRI2ESIIIPRIZESMI available through Fillet and the Slyvania I'm a senior, I've earned my and bite at your ankles and they Late Games Not Included J50 lor 1st place, $20 lor 2nd. HO tor 3rd JCC Contact Rachel at 372-1966 or Herb Boston 4, Toronto 3 Low entry lee- Only $5 per learn Cohenai4!9 8854485 scholarship the hard way." N.Y. Yankees 6. Detroit 2 never go away. That was Tommy Sign up in the UAO office by Sepi. 19 Pregnant?? After spending three years as Gabram," BG coach Gary Black- Milwaukee 8, Baltimore 3 Sponsored by UAO FREE Pregnancy Tests. an occasional special teams Cleveland 7, Minnesota 6 CONFIDENTIAL and CARING ney said. Chicago White Sox 8, Kansas City 4 player and as a "reserve" wide His confidence in his ability to HILEL 354 4673 BG Pregnancy Center Texas 5, Seattle 4 BGSU'S Jewish Student Assooanon receiver, Gabram worked hard, Oakland at Anaheim, (n) SKYDIVE NOW" 10 minutes Irom BGSU play and work hard carried him Concerned about where to go lor Rosh 1st Jump courses every Sal. or Sun. Student & hoping his time would come. Thursday's Gsmes KaShanah and Yom Kippur? Transporation through the BG program and Oakland (Telgheder 3-5) at Anaheim group discounts. VISA & MC accepted to ALL area synagogues and home hospitality SKYDIVE BG ■ 352-5200 While paying for school on his Blackney rewarded him with his (Dickaon 137), 60S p.m. available through Hllel and the Slyvania own, Gabram worked hard on effort. Toronto (Clemens 21-6) at Boston (Wake- JCC. Contact Rachel al 372-1966 or Herb and off the practice field until it "I gave him a scholarship just field 11-15), 7:05 p.m. Cohen at 419 MS-4485 Detroit (Keagle 2-4) at N.Y. Yankees finally paid off. Still penciled in for the heck of it. Just because (Rogers 6-7), 7:35 p.m. How much of your brain do you use? PERSONALS at the bottom of the depth charts, he's been a great kid in the pro- Milwaukee (Karl 10-12) at Baltimore Craig Karges. a renowned mind reader, wants he was given his chance to play gram," Blackney said. "We tried (Mussina 14-7), 7:35 p.m. you to lap into your mind with his help. Sept. in a game. to put freshmen in front of him, Cleveland (Hershiser 1*6) at Minnesota 18. from 7-8.i5pm in the Ballroom (Union) (Tewksbury 6-12), 8:05 p. m. Questions call 2-7164 RUSH PHI MU "As a walk-on, you may not be we tried to put transfers in front Chicago White Sox (Drabek 10-ll)at Kan- RUSH PHI MU Jewelry Sale 10-4pm sas City (Pittsley 4-7), 8:05 pm. RUSH PHI MU given as many opportunities as a of him and like the cream in the 9T16 • 9/18 Education Bldg Slops Seattle (Johnson 17-4) at Texas (Oliver RUSH PHI MU scholarship athlete coming in on milk, he just kept rising." Silver Jewerlyranilacts etc. 12-11). 8:35 p.m. "Delta Zeta Delta Zeta" full ride," Gabram said. "You After a great spring practice, Individually Unique. have to take advantage of the op- Gabram earned the starting nod Let's go to Cedar Point Together Complete' portunities you are given and at cornerback. 9/20/97 Leave BG at 9am Delta Zeta Open Rush National League $23 w/o transportation $25 w/ transp. 9:15 Wed Sept. 17 @ the 8 O'Oock dinning prove yourself to the coaches." "He's playing as good as any Son up in UAO oil ice starting 9/2 center in Kreisher All Tunes EDI In a 1995 game, Tom dropped a This is bursarable. 9:l5Thurs Sept. I8@the DeltaZeta House corner we've had here in the past By The Associated Pr«s Dress is casual. Refreshments will be served. pass that was thrown to him. couple years," Blackney said. East Division Men's Club VolieybaN. Open gyms Sept. Bnng a friend. For more information, or a ride W L Pet. And as Gabram saw his oppor- "He's so competitive and a per- OB 15-18: tryouls Sept 22-25. M a W @ fast y-Atlanta 94 57 623 _ tunity open up, he watched it end fectionist and wants to prove he 9:30-11:15pm. T 4 Th 9-11pm in Eppler Gym Theresa @ 2-5100 or Nikki ©354-6176 I SC Florida 88 63 383 6 just as quickly as it had started. can do it. It's a great quality." (2nd Floor), kilo meeting lor tryouts on Sept. "Delta Zeta Delia Zeta" New York 82 70 .539 125 18th @ Eppler Gym at 10 45pm Questions? By ignoring the negative, Ga- What does Gabram, an educa- Montreal 75 76 .497 19 Call Dan ® 352-7560 or Mine @ 372-1531 "SENIOR PICTURES- Philadelphia 62 90 .408 325 bram didn't let that event inter- tion major, credit his success to? TODAY Central Division Minority Career Association will have its first rupt his dream. He remained meeting TODAY & 7 00pm 2nd B. Lounge "' SENIOR PICTURES "By not giving up. It's the hard W L Pet. OB confident and optimistic about Student Service Bldg f roe notres'-menls" TODAY work and great effort you give Houston 77 74 .510 - Call 1-800-969-1338 to schedule a sitting football and continued to work every day and it's the want you Pittsburgh 73 79 .480 4.5 Pre Homecoming Comoey Show Call the yearbook al 372-8086 harder than ever to become a have inside, the desire to keep St. Louis 70 81 .463 7 Power 88 FM Presents For more informatxm Cincinnati 69 82 .457 8 -5 on S All The Way Live- starter. going and to make it through the Chicago 64 88 .421 US Thursday September 25 @ 8pm BG LACROSSE New players meeting Mon. "I wouldn't say that the drop adversity," Gabram said. "A lot West Divislor Lenharl Grand Ballroom Sept. 22. 9pm. no BA. Ouestions can Geoff Flazelwood al 352-7095 was the turning point," Gabram of people, when they experience W L Pet. GB Ticket Information. $6 caslvbursarable Los Angeles 84 67 556 - For more inlormalion please call 372 8657 BG LACROSSE said. "I hate to use that as an ex- adversity, want to give in and San Francisco 82 69 .543 2 Casual Attire Requested/Mature Audience ample." just move on, but you can't do Colorado 78 73 .517 6 At this point, Tom was seeing that, especially on the playing San Diego 71 80 .470 13 Print/Poster Sale 9/15 - 9/16 m Ballroom 10-5pm some playing time on special field." Wednesday's Games 9/17 - 9/19 m Community Suite 10-5pm teams, but his major goal had Gabram has committed him- I air Games Not Included St. Louis 12, Chicago Cubs 9 still averted him - a starting role. self to constant improvement, as STUDY ABHOAD.TINANCIAL AID MEET- Still determined as ever to an athlete and as a student, by Philadelphia 5. Florida 2,1st game ING Florida 5, Philadelphia 2, 2nd game Come learn how your financial aid applies to make a difference for the Fal- compiling a 3.3 GPA. Houston S, Pittsburgh 4 study abroadl Tha session is at 10:00am on cons, Gabram was moved to de- "I believe in the formula that Montreal 4, Cincinnati 1 Wednesday. September 24 in 1103 Oflen- fense and the cornerback posi- Atlanta 10, N.Y. Mets 2 hauer West. Call 20309 wilh questions. hard work and great effort will Colorado at San Diego (n) tion. eventually get you success," Ga- Los Angeles at San Francisco (n) TREASURERS TAKE NOTE I A treasurer's Thursday's Games "When I made the change to bram said. workship wtl be held on Tuesday. September St. Louis (Lowe 0-1) at Chicago Cubs defensive back, with the (lack of) A team leader by example, Ga- 23 at 7 00pm in Room 1007 ol the Business (Trachsel 7-11), 2:20 p.m. depth I was able to get more reps bram brings heart to a defense Administration Building. Tnis workshop wi' Los Angeles (Candiotti 106) at San Fran- help you gel all ol the appropnate mformatxin in and to prove myself that I that looks for one thing ~ getting cisco (Mulholland 6-13), 3:35 p.m. to maintain your organizations financial re- could play," Gabram said. the job done. Philadelphia (Grace 3-1) at Honda (Brown cords. For more information call the Student "It's our togetherness as a 1+8). 4:35 p.m. LileOfticeat372-2843. "That's when things started to Colorado (Bailey 9-9) at San Diego (Men- turn around and I was proving team that's really been the dif- hart 1-2X5:05 p.m. myself to the coaches." ference," Gabram said. "You Houston (Kile 18-6) at Pittsburgh (Cordova Switching positions in football have to be (a perfectionist) at my 10-8), 7:05 p.m. Montreal (Hermanson 8-5) at Cincinnati is a difficult task. Changing sides position and keep focus, have (Schourek S-8), 7:35 p.m. of the ball is extremely rare, but good technique to get the job N.Y. Mets (Isringhausen 2-1) at Atlanta Gabram was ready to tackle the done." (Byrd 3-3), 7:40 p.m.

T ®QJI or GFO© mm LTD tt 3 September 21 ,1997 2:00 p.m. start time Off- Campus Student Center $5.00 per team- Bursarable !! V w 0 PRIZES !!! $ 50 first place $10 Couch Dances. Topless or Nude, M-F. Noon-7pm. $ 20 second place Toniuht • Share a Showgirls Fantasy. $10 third place Friday - Frisky Frilly Prize Giveaways. Saturday • Brine your lady & get in FREE. Sun - Get in FREE with college I.D. or Deia Vu apparel. Sign-up In the UAO office September 11-19,1997 Mon - Shower Shows at 5-9-12 Wed - Amateur Night Sponsored by: Otf-Campus Student Center and UAO o'ae © ^jXsXLGfcj® aswu®s%) Questions??? Call 372 - 7614 KA KA KA KA KA KA KA KA 1 , . .. Thursday. September 18. 1997 [>age 10 The BG News

Spring Braak '98 ' Cancun From S389 - - Traval Grant Honey Is Available BuJd your resume. PR. marketing, communi- 1 00 BMC on Weekends PHI MU" PHIXUP PHI MU Phi Mu-Phil Up Pin Mu Re ps wanted I Sell 15 and go Iree I Io Study Abroad cations skills. Hiring telephone interviewers io Bojangles Nymphius. Nymphius, Hot our man Oh Titlany. put your trust in me Undergraduate students who wish to study gather market research information For var- IS Fraa Meals, Lowest Pncas Guarantaadl Ha can dean our house ska noone else can I Cva sal you up with a ZBT abroad dunng fie 1W8 spring semester may ious clients Will work around your schedule 1 ^00 448-8355 ' Onwi at Bojangles Tha apron you waar is really vary easy Meat rum at tha bam and shake your stuff puck up proposal forms in the Center lor Inter- Apply at A2G Research, 13330 Bishop Rd or Wail staff positions avail, al Historic Banquet Every Thursday tight I wouldn't waar it to Phis Up though. Show him what Phi Mu's are made of national Programs (1106 Orfenhauer West). call 352 8i15e«l2l2 Faciliry. Musi be energemc, aalf motivated md . much to massy. -Lindsay The deadline is September 30 Call 20300 who enjoys working w/ people. Please call Phis Up Is coming, fual two more days ZBT • Phu Up • ZBT Dancers • Now hiring for the Free 1-600/888 loll ItH number Mtup w/long with questions. Pamal(4igi 632-2900. You'ra my data, wouldn't want •1 Gentlemen's Club m Toledo. rjstance service Flat rate 9 0 «nti/minult. itanyotherway. Travel & magazine modeling available Youth workers, pan time youth instructors CallHI I668-333-8353 K» DH22027 HartsooX Pre Homecoming Comedy Show DejaVu4i9-531-007fl needed with trie coordination, supervision, and J college cost is dosing your door Dopportuni KA • PHIX UP • KA Power 88 FMPresenls WANTED organization of youth recreational, crafts, ath- -5 on 5 Al The Way live" letics and educational programs. Work % and education The Ohio Air National Guard Dmmg Room 8 Dishwasher Help needed. Must hai tha Kay IO unlock college grania up 10 Thursday September 25 @8pm wryourh between the ages ol 7 a 17 yrs. old. Phi Mu ' Phis Up- Phi Mu be aval. 2 lunches a week and 1 or 2 evenings $27,000. Pan-time member* earn benefits like Lenhart Grand Ballroom Collage background prel. 23-28 hrs/wH Call 2-3 sublease*! needed immediately tor 2 bed- aweek.ApptyalBGCouniryClub 352-3100 travel, tachmcal training, and great pay Don t B- Ticket In formation- $6 cash/bursarabie room apt. Reasonable rent Call 353 3315 874-4529 alter 1pm Phi Mu Phis Up is here at last ba last in bne to gat your key. CALL For more information please call 372-8657 Evening office cleaning 10-15 hrs. per week 1-800-708-40880 419-868-4068 With you and I as tha cast. Casual Attire Requested/Mature Audience CLUB BASEBALL MEETING THUHS 730 Own transportation required Call 352 5822 Soon it wil ba in tha pan. LSC 112. IF YOU CANT MAKE IT PLEASE FOR SALE Jewelry Sie 10-4pm So let's make aura to have a blastl CONTACT JAKE 354-1286 9/16 - grit Education Building Steps Oody Pnnt/Posiar Sale Female sublsr. 1998 Spr. Semester Apt. on Silver Jewelry/artifacts ate. SigEp"PhiiUp"SigEp 9/15 9/18 in Ballroom 10-5pm Graphic Design Majors 9/17 - 9/19 in Community Suite 10-5pm Court St. very dose to campus. $187.50 mo. Gateway Graphics Inc has an opening tor pt 84 Toyota Ceiica. 5 speed manual trans- plus mil Call 353-4226. Enn time-full time position in silk screening A sign mission, new brakes, new shocks. $600 obo. 1 Let's go to Cedar Pomt Phi Mu" Phis Up Phi Mu dept. Accepting app's 9V22-9/26. from 3-5pm. Call 686-8501. 9/20/97 leave BG at 9am Your last one ever. Ruah Sigma Kappa Senior hockey leagues forming m Findlay (15 min. S of BG) 1 1/2 hr games. 3 leagues be- No phone calls please. 133 E. Wooster. Suite FREE. Beautiful, 'designer' kittens - aged 41 S23 w/o transporabon $25 «*/ tramp. don't ba sad. girvvng, intermediate A Mvanced Contact A 1/2 mos One cream and one red Dger. one Sign up in UAO olios starting 9/2 You'l mil Phis- up. that's too bad. Tha eletera ol Sigma Kappa would Ilka to Gary 425-2028 lor registration lorm due Oct 1 black and while, one peach and cream (long Tra* IS Bursar able Five ladies we will miss you so Invite you to an Informal ruah party on If you have a 3.0 GPA or higher, and It you nan). All males. Call 352-6353 or 2-2623 Whan on tha 20th you'ra oil to Chicago. Tuea. Sept 18 from 8-8:45pm and 9-9:45pm Sublease/ wanted lor Spring Semesler, house are a customer oriented person, the Office Happy 21atErinl and also on Thura. Sept. 18 from 8-t:4Spm. ol Graduate Studies In Business might Must sell1 Chevy Camaro (V-8 spon engine). Mr. Boiangles available lor leas 4 parties. close to campus $190 plus utilities 353 6366_ Phi Mu'Phil Up-Phi Mu Any questions call 2-2385. have a position available tor you. Interested Runs perfecfly. 6 speaker stereo with 190 w' 1/2 pnea what your paying now. Sublessors needed ASAP for 2 bdrm. apt. m Ruah Sigma Kappa persons should call 372-2488. amp. Asking $2300 ooo Call C7 372-1062 352-9780. house. $320 mo 1 btk from campus. 352-5063 PARKING MY NAME IS KAREN Phi Mu • Phix Up • Phi Mu Lawn maintenance part and full time hrs. Andy- SENIOR PORTRAITS 'Always a spot 5 mm. from Life/Math Science rM A REAL STITCH SENIOR PORTRAITS available at Knickerbocker Lawns. AT PHIXUP THIS SATURDAY Andy, Andy,what can Isay HELPWANTED Bldgs. $50/year. Call Mecca Mgmt. SENIOR PORTRAITS Call 352-5822 rM GOING TO GET WOT Lets take a tumble in the hay (353-5800) to pick upyour pass. You have put up with ma tor a yaar Carl Wolf studios win ba on campus this weak POLISH YOUR BOOTS taking senior portraits from loam-6pm. Any- Looking for environmentally conoous students Power Book 170. Active Matrix screen. AT THE BARN WE'LL BE That surely deserves an ice cold 'cheer' $$ TASTE-TESTING GUM, research company senior graduating in Dec. May, or Aug. should to work appro«imately 12 hrs. per week. 8/200/14 4 $660 plus tax. Runs and looks COME PARTY THIS WEEKEND I am so exened to relive our Bret dale seeking gum taste-testers Eam $i0/sample. schedule an appointment by calling 330pm lo 7 30pm. Withrng walking distance great. Call Paul @ 353 7285 AND SEE HOW MUCH FUN THIS PHI MU This yaar Phis Up will ba great! $1000 max/week. Send S A S.E. to: 3010 Wii- 1-800-969-1338. Portraits are taken in 28 West from campus Apply in person 441 Pike Si Sleeper Sofa $75. Redmer $15, Dresser and CAN BE I Love-Mssa shire Blvd . Suite 1439. LA. CA 90010. Include Phi Mu • Phis Up • Phi Mu hall (basement) and tha $6 sitting lee can be Reference Number 3077 Nightstand $50, Microwave $40, Kitchen Table charged through tha bursar. A sitting only takes Nurse Aides $15. Desk $25 Ask for Maria or Bob New on campus? Want a way to meat new 10-15 minutes, there is no commitment to buy Wood County Nursing Home has part-time and 669-3393 Phi Mu-Phis Up-Phi Mu people? Than call (900) - 289-1077 E«t. pictures, and your parents would love a picture ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE full-time 3-11 and 11-7 positions open. Willing TOYOTA COROLLA 1991. Aulo. A/C. stereo, 7964. Muat ba It . »2 vftmlnut.. Serv-u Dan. Dan. My dream man ofyoul Wood County Hospital has an opening for a to work around class schedules power steering. Exec. cond. $3950 call («Hr, 645-8414 He's tha finest in tha land. Hurry - session ends soon! part bme Admissions Representative, 8-12 Apply to: Wood County Nursing Home Dresses graat. acts so smooth. 3525595 hours per week on the afternoon shift. AppJi- 11080 E. Gypsy Lane Rd OK PETE HERE'S THE DEAL Always loves to shake and groove. cani will input admissions into CRT, interview BG, OH 43402 I'LL MEET YOU AFTER PHIXUP AT THE With a Cornell hat and a lurry chin paDents and learn switchboard Good people Take A Brie (419)353-8411 FOR RENT SEAL He walks »ie walk and girls' head spin skills and clerical skills a must. Benefits include BUDOHA WILL COME OUT TO PLAY and on the move for Health & Joy Wait H tha twentieth, it's coming near weekend differentials, pharmacy benefits, Register today AFTER ALL IS SAID AND DONE See you at Phi Mu Phu-Up my dear I scheduled mem increases and other benefits. Part-time Student Employment 1 bdrm large turn, apt all uW ind except elec- YOU'LL ALWAYS BE MY it I Call 372-9355 (WELL) Are you looking for part-time employment of 15 Love -Lindsay Send resume to; trc lights 352 74S4 FOREVER YOURS. Contemporary weight management program houra plus per week within walking distance to ZBT-PhiiUp-ZBT Wood County Hospital 2 bdrm. apt. avail, immediately. Furnished or LOVE MUFFINS nutrition and exercise awareness c/o Human Resources BGSU campus? Interested in working various Wednesday afternoon sessions unfurnished All util. includ. Call 352-1520 950 W Wooster unskilled jobs in assembly, packaging, etc? Begins October 1.1997 Bowling Green, OH 43402 Rate of pay is $5.15 per hour. Apply in person 2 bedioom 2 bath apartments for rent Call E.O.E. between the hours of 9am 5pm. Mon-Fn at: Winthrop Terrace lor details 352-9135 Advanced Specially Products. Inc. 428 Cough THE BIGGEST POSTER SALE. Biggest and 3-4 bedroom. 3 bath executive home short St BG 43402. bast eelecton. Choose from over 2000 term lease avail. $925 a month Call Ed Sitter CAMPUSQUARJERS different images. FINE ART. MUSIC. Asst. High School Wrestling Coach at Eas- twood High School. Contact Ath. Dir. John Part- time weekday custodial help needed 353 1977 MODELS, MOVIE POSTERS. HUMOR, ANI- in the Student Union between 5-8 a.m. Qb'OCk (419) 833-3611 317 N Summit-Available immediately. Large 4 Billiards & Sports Bar F-^ MALS, BLACK LIGHT. SCIENCE FICTION, Contact Carol at 372-2598 PERSONALITIES. LANDSCAPES. KIDS, Auto Datallers BR. 2 bath house w' basement. Must have (across from Harshman) ejj J PHOTOGRAPHY, MOT NATIONALS BG Lincoln Mercury is looking tor auto da- min ol 4 unrelated people Rent coiiecieo HOST IMAGES ONLY $6, $7, AND $8 each tallers. We need a motivated person w/strong Part-time person for lawn care and miscel- quarterly. Sec dep 8 parent, guarantee Ten- See us atTHE UNIVERSITY UNION - 2N0 work ethic. Vaild driver's license is required. laneous jobs at rentals. Flexible hours. ants pay all util. Mn. 12 mo lease only Local 'AAi'^VJ'Ai ■ Every Thursday FLOOR GRAND BALLROOM on MONDAY Full A pt. time positions avail. Please stop by & Call 353 0325 Owners Can 354-2854 SEPT. 15TH THROUGH WED. SEPT. 17TH fill out an application. 1079 N Mam. Avail, tmmed -1 bdrm apt $300/mo. 957 1/2 DJ & Dancing - Every Frl. and Sat. See ua al THE UNIVERSITY UNION - 3RD Pizza Hut now accepting applications tor Pruspocl Call 3530325 FL COMMUNITY SUfTE ON THURSDAY Bar Help. Evenings 5pm- lam Mon-Fn CaJIJeff 288 9465 cooks, chef managers, delivery drivers SEPT. 18TH AND FRIDAY SEPT. 19TH. Sublease needed @ Summit Terrace apts 1 or 288-2971 'Flexible Hours bdrm, A/C, carpeied. transportation to and Happy Hour Tha houra are 10am - 6pm. Thra asks is 'Medical Available Happy Hour JWM>MWBMjMHs|M Happy Hour aponaarad by UAO. from campus Laundry fadstjee. and kvmr, Specials Everyday "10 mm. from BG rm.lurn avail 6> a 1 time add cost. Ca» Sear M--F Bidl*iiUliili*±a±J*i£M Sat--Sun 3G Alumni needs mature student lor occa- 'Competitive Wages @ 352-6408 4—9 18 S Over Welcome wv proper ID. 12—9 WE WANT YOU TO sional babysitting m our Perrysburg home Call Apply at 1131 Louisiana Dr. Perrysburg. CaH 41987? 04956-9pm RUSH PHI MUI 874 7935 STOP BY THE HOUSE BIG BROTHERS'BIG SISTERS VOL- TUES.SEPT 16© 915 Restaurant positions available at the Brandy- UNTEERS wine Country Club m Maumee. 20 mmutes or ORTHURS SEPT 18@915 Are you interested in becoming a Big Brother leu in travel time Part time and full time *or all TO SEE WHAT SISTE RHOOO v Big Sister? Big Brothers/Big Sisters of IS ALL ABOUTI positions We will gladly work around school PURE OUE STKDNS77? CALL 2-2750 Northwestern Ohio will be having a volunteer schedules. CaH (419) 865-2393 and ask lor orientation session on Wednesday, Sept em Dan or Phyiis. H you kka to play golf, this is re bar 24th from 9 i5pm-i0 i 5pm at 112 BA perfect place to work. You can sun m California Building on campus This n a general mtor SPRING BREAKl Earn FREE Travel. Highest or ski in Colorado mation meeting about the agency and pro- AND Commissions. Jamaica. Cancun. Bahamas, and still earn BGSU credit! gram. If you have any questions, please fee Barbados. Panama City. Dayiona. Puerto Through the NATIONAL STUDENT free to call the office at 354-2113. See yoc Rico, Padre & morel FREE Parties, Drinks and EXCHANGE PROGRAM therel Pick from over 120 schools 8 Eats. FREE Info Packet SunSplash Tours 1-800 426-7710. SIMPLE pay no 'out-ol- state' rales Coma 10 the Bowling Green Superwash is accepting appli- STUDENTS NSE into session cations to attend their local facility. Hours are Earn extra money while receiving personal PREMIUM Friday variable Team attitude & a pleasing personali- satisfaction assisting individuals with mental ty are important. Apply m person 8-5 daily si BOTTLED WATER United Parcel Service September^. 1997 disabilities. Part-time and substitute positions 1003 N. Prospect. BG. No phone call please at 1:30pm in the avalaDe Taft Room - Union If interested, please come to re Anne Grady LOOKING FOR EXTRA CA$H Call the Co-op office 2-2451 for more into Center to complete an application ; A 2- liter of pop & ANNE GRADY CENTER UPS has immediate part-time openings available in our 1525 EBER ROAD 9 e HOLLAND, OHIO 43528 Maumee, OH facility. These positions offer 3-5 hours WE USE.ONLY EOE each day Monday through Friday. Earn an excellent 'on e $Q75 starting wage ($8.00/hr) and go up from there. Included PUP *IED in this excellent opportunity are unbeatable benefits, paid Item expires M 9-30-97™Q7 , vacations and holidays, student loans, and the valuable WlfLlR ' Open 4 p m. wookflays • Lunch weekends i 9QnAQ8 experience of working for an industry leader. Tie • Sodium Free • Chemical Free For more information, or to schedule an appointment kfs' • Natural Hydratlon with UPS representatives, please contact the BGSU Alternative Clothins • Serviced and Sanitized Daily A BG Tradition" • Beaded/Hemp Jewelry Career Services Center at Room 360 of the • N AMA Approved | Add Breadslicks For Only $2.25~|^ • Imported Cigars • Clove Saddlemire Bldg. Appts. will be made for Tuesday, Cigarettes • Incense • Unique Opart 24 Hours • Sail Serve B.Y.O.B. Sept. 16 and Friday, Sept. 19. See you there FREE DELIVERY Candles • Glass Cunos •Tapestries • Ovar 300 Locations • Stickers • Posters UPS is an Equal Opportunity Employer 146 North Main Bowling Green 352-5166 • 200* Tees Waiermill 445 E. Wooster Express , (At the railroad tracks) Mon-Sat 11-9 Sunday 12-6 Look lot the litHe Watetmillr. all over lown. 352-3306 i\\VSWt%% WUVA CALL 1-400417*43 FOR THE LOCATION NEAREST >0J K&G Marathon ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS, DUPLEXES, AND HOUSES 405 E. WOOSTER 109 N. Main St. #H $300.00 Across From Taco Bell 117 N. Main St. #4.5 $295.00 134 N. Main St. #4 $295.00 13180 Maple St. Weston #5 $265.00 (flPm 221 S. Summit $300.00 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS, ~ SPECIALS ~ DUPLEXES AND HOUSES 843 Sixth St. #7 $450.00 • Free Vehicle Inspections 326 N. Findley, Portage, Brand New!! $550.00 7am - I Opm Mon.-Thurs. 7am - 12pm Fri. &. Sat. - 8am - 4pm Sun. • 99

352-1688 or 348-3148 sTdt'AI, HoiniiNa Expires 9-30- Oe*t*OM IHNil » 328 S. Main St. ; (our only office) WWWWWWWW 352-5620 f ■ i 1