TE THE TOR ECHO September 5th, 2011

gazebo that had been relocated to the garden space because of construction on By Greg Sammons campus. They also helped restore the tranquility of the secret garden space.‖ The emergency drill was a success! It is important to note that the rooms selected ‖The garden is a gift to the students and and the outcome were not scripted or the community to help people stay known. The Red-Man ―attacker‖ entered connected to the natural world,‖ the Student Development Center according to Dr. Brian Baker, executive approximately one minute after the drill director, Institute for Sustainability. began. Encountering seemingly abandoned hallways in the main lobby ―Civic engagement is a tradition at and second floor, the threat descended Alfred State College that the Orientation the main stairs to the first floor. The first Team is proud to carry on. We were not door – a computer lab - was open but only proud of the work we accomplished, unoccupied. Turning right into the next but so thankful for the opportunity to hallway, the threat found three locked become further involved with our doors and then made a terrible mistake community. When Barbara Pierce by approaching 112. The students, (keyboard specialist, Student Activities) organized and led by faculty member ALFRED, NY, July 2011 –The Alfred civic engagement is all about: coming first brought up the idea, none of us Calista McBride, surprised the threat, State College orientation leaders found a together around a shared cause or passion knew what the Alfred Community overwhelmed him, and subdued him on new passion for gardening recently when and making something positive happen Garden was. Now, the team not only the ground in less than 3 they spent the day helping to kick-off the as a result. Our student leaders wanted to knows what the Community Garden is, seconds. Calista and her class are College‘s new Alfred Community be part of the process of making this but is eager to return and continue our commended for the preparedness, their Garden. garden a reality, and to experience what involvement. We are so lucky to have ability to commit to action, and their community gardening means, socially, such a wonderful opportunity available ability to stick together. The organic garden space, carved out of economically, and environmentally. This to us,‖ said Lisa Reynolds, junior nursing a fallow field that was formerly part of was a powerful experience for the major from Almond. Thank you so much for participating and the landscape development program at students, and I believe many of them will contributing to the ongoing level of the College, is dedicated to helping the continue to support, advocate for, and Twenty-five community gardeners are safety we all enjoy. Please congratulate community become more sustainable. make use of the space in the future,‖ currently involved in the project. Calista McBride when you see her – her The Green Team, sponsored by the explained Ashley Kehoe, director of Additional spaces are available to class was proof positive that knowledge Institute for Sustainability at Alfred Civic Engagement and Student interested parties. Contact the Alfred is power. State, is the sponsor of the garden. Leadership programs at the college. ―The Community Garden on Facebook at students made a big impact on the garden space by installing a slate patio around a www.facebook.com/AlfredGarden. ―The Alfred Community Garden is what

IN THIS ISSUE By Kathy McCarthy

We sit in class after class watching tons Again, bright and early the next day, we Batilo in Barcelona and enjoyed some PAGE 2 EDITORIAL of power point presentations and fantastic seafood paella. The following left Pamplona for our next stop in Bilbao. ~ BUSY AS A BEE reading about buildings that are historic, day we continued in Barcelona with The amazing Guggenheim was our main ~ ASC.EDU but we have no interest because we tours of the unrealistic La Sagrada attraction for the day. Books and Power

think, ―Why do I care… I‘m never Familia, also a work by Gaudi, and the Points do not do this building justice. PAGE 3 - ENTERTAINMENT going to see these.‖ Many of us were Barcelona Museum of Contemporary San Sebastian was our last stop the next ~ HOROSCOPES given the opportunity to travel to Spain day. This city was on the Atlantic Ocean Art by Richard Meier. ~ ILLUSTRATED HUMOR during spring break to visit some of the and we climbed to the top of a steep hill ~ POETRY CORNER most architecturally amazing buildings. Bright and early the next day, we took a to find the best views of the city. Imagine: roaming the busy streets of bus to Pamplona with a stop in Barcelona and looking up at a church Zaragoza. In Pamplona, we walked the I have been to Italy, Greece, and now that has been under construction since route of the infamous Bull Run. On day Spain. This trip soared to the top of my 1850 or strolling along a street in Bilbao five of our journey, Santillana Del Mar list. Throughout the duration of the trip, with restaurants and chic shops and, was our next city to visit. This was a we studied buildings that we have while turning the corner, you‘ll see the medieval town with cobble-stone streets learned about at Alfred, and it was a CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL REVIEW

Guggenheim. completely different experience in and is best known for the church that

has a piece of the cross that Jesus was person. We developed bonds that only Throughout this nine day trip, we were crucified on. Day six took us to El those who have traveled can understand. PAGE 4 - ANOUNCEMENTS escorted throughout Northern Spain by Picos de Europa National Park where My advice to anyone who has even the our tour guide, Julia, who became part we took a cable car to the top of the slightest interest in traveling is to do it.

of our traveling family. We started our snow covered mountain. The sights Whether it is a trip for spring break or

journey in Barcelona with a stop by were incredible. it‘s a study abroad program. Antonio Gaudi‘s Casa Mila and Casa

TE THE TOR ECHO September 5th, 2011 2

Enjoying the content of the By Paul Vincent Editor-In-Chief Tor Echo?

Well, the school year is off to a start of the toughest yet, and I'm going to have campus has enough clubs to entertain whether I like it or not. And now that everyone's interests, whether it be to take less time for myself and do the Have ideas that you want to the first week is over that means all the work assigned me. I have never excelled drawing (Visual Impact Club), singing clubs are starting up. This means lots of at this, but I am also not one to back (chorus), sports (intramurals), self see implemented into the defense (Tae Kwon Doe, Karate, and activities starting up around campus, down from a challenge or let people paper? but it also means that meeting times are down when they depend on me to get Kendo) or camping (Outdoor Recreation being arranged and schedules are being things done. I intend to rise to the Club). settled. Having to juggle 16 credit hours occasion and adapt, achieve, and over As you can see there are plenty of clubs with 16 hours of work a week and then come whatever problems are presented to to keep you occupied, and most of them Let us know! five different clubs, is already starting me. advertise their upcoming events and open to prove a challenge. them to the public so, even if you don't As a side note, I do suggest you go out want to join the club but wish to, I don't Send comments and ideas to: Not that I'm complaining, I brought this and join a club. You don't have to join all know, go white water rafting, Outdoor [email protected] upon myself. I'm just saying it's just of them, as anything over two is quite Recreation Club (ORC) allows just about going to be an interesting semester, one extreme. However, I will say that this anyone to join them on their trip, provid- ed they have enough room.

By Dr. Mike Deville

I‘d like to talk about greenhouse gases, But once I switch majors, I‘m all in! For to clean up this campus. He wasn‘t too boom, ―You‘ve Got Methane!‖ So the but I have an ‗anger issue‘ to clear up me, a starting a new major is like opening specific about my duties; for example, college is ordering ‗reverse‘ gas masks first. I got an email from one of you this a bottle of fine wine! I hold the bottle, he pointed me toward Siberia and said, for the cows. Strap them on the south end week. It went like, ―Deville, how‘d you caressing its graceful contours, ―Deville, I want that parking lot to be of a cow facing north and all the methane ever get a Ph.D. when you can‘t even examining the artwork on the label (Go the showplace of this campus. And will be captured BEFORE it gets outside graduate from Alfred State? What‘d you Bully Hill!), and letting my anticipation you‘re the man to make it happen! to the air. Problem solved. do, Deville, buy your Ph.D.?― swell to the bursting point. And only then Make it happen!‖ I remember telling do I grasp the cork in my teeth and tear it him ―make it happen‖ was a great I had to laugh when I learned that the Comments like that really burn my out. I pour the wine, pausing only catchphrase and urged him to make it other big greenhouse gas is nitrous oxide. assets. Just to be clear, I could have picoseconds to savor its ambiance or the theme of this summer‘s orientation. Nitrous oxide has been around for many graduated from Camp Alfred at least four nose or whatever before chugging glass I guess he was listening. years. It‘s more common name is times in the years I‘ve been here. The after glass till the bottle is empty. OK, ‗laughing gas.‘ But the college wants to problem is every time I change my maybe I‘m not a true wine aficionado, So in addition to majoring in history reduce the amount of nitrous oxide on major, I lose about a year‘s worth of but I do know a good screw top wine here at Camp Alfred, I‘m the chair of campus, so the president has asked me to credit. I‘ve ‗started over‘ in a new major when I taste one. the Campus CleanUp Committee, and track down anyone I hear laughing and more times than O‘bama has tried to this fall my focus will be greenhouse check them for nitrous oxide. I‘ve been revive the sagging US economy. So I change majors a lot. Tough Sushi! gases. I‘m a little rusty on exactly what listening for ‗excessive‘ laughter on The way I see it, it‘s a win-win-win deal. ‗greenhouse gases‘ are, but I can campus for only a week now, but I‘ve Hey, so I change majors about every I get a new major to sample and enjoy, Google and I can Wikipedia as well as already narrowed my search to SDC and year. What can I say? I‘ve got a restless Camp Alfred gets another semester of my the average bear, so I‘m good. one floor of Brown Hall. There‘s just and inquiring mind, UNLIKE some bucks, and I avoid entering the ‗jobless TOO MUCH laughing going on in those students at this college who pick a major recovery‘ economy for another semester Alright, what the heck are greenhouse two places. But it will take me a little and never think about it again, boring or maybe another whole year. If I play gases? Well, the three biggies are longer to find the specific rooms with all students who decided to be accountants this right, there might actually BE a job carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous the laughter. Still, I‘m betting I find high or engineers or whatever back in eighth waiting for me when I graduate. oxide. Let‘s deal with them one at a levels of nitrous oxide when I locate grade because their favorite teacher said time. Carbon dioxide is what makes those rooms. they‘d be good accountants or whatever. And one last comment to the people so your soda fizz and your beer bubbly. (My favorite teacher told me to drop out bothered by my Ph.D. OPEN your wallet, How bad can that be? Pretty bad, I Hey, I know I‘ve dumped a lot on you of school and get a job waxing cars….) FIND $59.95 (plus shipping and guess, because the college is going to this week. I mean, your head is probably handling), and get your own Ph.D.! Face ban all carbonated drinks by the end of still stuck back in summer, right? But some of us like to think outside the it: If you aren‘t smart enough to find this semester. Sure, life will seem a little Unfortunately, I‘ve got more heavy stuff box, sorta take a walk on the wild side, www.instantdegrees.com and write a flat till we get used to it, but in biblical for you next week. Remember the word roll the dice, up the ante, all those check, you don‘t deserve to have a Ph.D. days, exactly NO ONE had fizzy drinks, ‗sustainable‘ that the president keeps clichés. Seriously, for me, a new major is and their lives went on. We‘ll survive using? Well, let‘s just say Camp Alfred like a new girlfriend. At first I‘m curious, But what I really want to talk about is without carbonated drinks. will have some new, surprising rules maybe a little shy. I must have watched greenhouse gases on campus. Quick pretty soon to make the college more engineering majors and their profs for a history: last spring the college president Methane gas is causing a real stink, but sustainable. I‘ll give you a hint: you month before I pulled the trigger and called me in to his office. I figured he the problem is most of it comes from should enjoy taking showers now switched my major to Robotics, a few would give me some sort of Camp Alfred the college‘s organic cows. Take lots of because taking a shower alone will be years ago. Excellent Student award BUT NO! He grains and veggies, let them ferment just a memory before long here at Camp put me in charge of a one-man committee inside a cow, and badda bing, badda Alfred.

The Tor Echo The Tor Echo is a student publication at Alfred State College funded by Sandra Kinnerney Advisor the Student Senate and advertising revenues, published every other Orvis Activities Center Stephanie Stewart Reporter Alfred State College Paul Vincent Editor-in-Chief Wednesday. Submissions made to the Tor Echo do not necessarily 10 Upper College Drive Caitlyn Redden Ad Design reflect the opinions of the Editorial Board, the Student Senate, or Alfred Michael Pezzulo Layout Editor State College, and are those of the writer. Submissions for publication, Alfred, 14802 Randy Friday Reporter including letters to the editor, must be signed, though upon request the Kyle Bowman Movie Reviews name of the author shall be held. We encourage letters to the editor 1.607.587.3505 Johnny Ayala Reporter Shane Schaber Comic Artist and story ideas. Remember, submission does not guarantee publication. [email protected] Alfred, New York © 2010

TE THE TOR ECHO September 5th, 2011 3

By Kyle J. Bowman

I feel like I can‘t possibly review this Therefore the serious scenes are few and make a musical and they actually sing documentary and more of a movie. One film without giving a bit of background far between despite the implied tone of decently. That is the case for this movie, notable addition is giving Alferd a horse on it first. For starters, it is a student film any plot summary. though. The actors manage to save that he truly loves. Seeing him love his otherwise lame songs and make them horse so much allows us to learn more created by and , very enjoyable. about his character and makes us the creators of , before they When looking at a musical, the first thing question whether or not he really is even graduated college, effectively you pretty much have to look at is the capable of cannibalism. making it a student film. Given that fact, songs. The lyrics are fairly random and One tough subject with this film is the the movie is absolutely spectacular. It is occasionally lame, however, the actual subject matter. In the beginning of the fairly low quality in terms of general songs as a whole are extremely catchy. movie, it proclaims that it is ―based on a To conclude, Cannibal! The Musical is a production, and some of the dialogue is Most of them have that ―so stupid it‘s true story‖, right before showing the great movie if you know a bit of what to corny, but knowing that it‘s a student funny‖ feel to them. Honorable mention goriest scene of the whole film. I expect going into it. It is a slightly film makes me more inclined to be okay in this aspect goes to ―Let‘s Build a assumed that this was a joke, given the corny, quirky, and random comedy with that. It is a movie about Alferd Snowman‖, a song that takes place in the people behind the film. Upon further made on a small budget with little to no Packer, a man who gathered up a team of second half of the film, which is a very research, though, it turns out that it special effects. Given all that, the songs miners to travel into territory catchy tune sung by one character about actually is. Alferd Packer was a real man are catchy, it‘s clear the actors are and pursue the new opportunities for his desire to build a snowman, much to who followed a very similar journey to having fun with it, and the fact that it‘s a gold in that area. When they find the dismay of the other characters. the one portrayed in the film. That little grounded in reality all manage to themselves terribly lost and without Overall, the songs are fairly well-written, doesn‘t necessarily mean that it‘s make it very fun to watch. Trey Parker resources, they begin to explore the idea and surprisingly well-sung in addition to accurate, though. Obviously the movie and Matt Stone deliver what we are used of sacrificing various members of the that. Very rarely is there a story where a takes liberties to make it more comedic, to them delivering, a comedy made from team to eat them. I have to note at this college guy rounds up his friends to along with changing and adding things serious subject matter, to keep the world point that the film is, in fact, a comedy. here and there just to make it less of a lighthearted.

Aries: You‘ve begun dreaming about Libra: Everything is such a big deal for new ambitions and wanting to make What Dreams May Come you! You hate pettiness for a reason, it‘s something of yourself! Good for you! so infinite. To make sure you don‘t do it Construction Though you‘re such a hopeless yourself, you blow everything out of What will it come to when all is dreamer, there‘s nothing secure or even proportion so you feel better. You‘re tons said and done? realistic about those aspirations. Stick Construction makes me go around of drama-none of it interesting. with entry level. What can we see now that we can't

later see? Scorpio: Slow down; get a grip on your Up and down Taurus: It‘s time to start making life. Everything‘s been moving at such a decisions about everything, though you What things can life bring to one fast pace that you‘ve missed out on a lot probably won‘t get far in that endeavor. who does not see? Crossing where? Crossing there lately, including spilling hot coffee down You‘ll actually end up more confused your white shirt and snagging your socks. and disorganized than you were earlier. When will we be able to see with Once again in the way Better luck next time! eyes of the future? Sagittarius: People are really interested

in what you‘re doing lately, aren‘t they? When will we be free from the Gemini: You‘re really not as smart as I‘ll be back again today. Find a way to be polite about it and chains of an inflexible mind? you think, so don‘t pretend to be a request they leave you alone, screaming highly intellectual person. You‘ll look obscenities and throwing punches isn‘t When will we see with eyes of the By Shane Schaber stupid instead, especially when you get really an acceptable way of future? called out on what you don‘t know. communicating how you feel. Stop pretending and embrace it. By Afro Punk

Capricorn: If you‘ve got something to Cancer: Well aren‘t we just the most whine about, and trust me you always disorganized being under the sun these find something, stop. Spare everyone the days? Get yourself together, lest you tears and annoyance of listening to you start tripping over more than cry about everything. People will laugh mismatched socks and dirty underwear. at you, and they still won‘t care about

what you‘ve got to say. Leo: Maybe you need to become a

psychiatrist so you can start charging Aquarius: Weird, strange people are for everyone and their mothers coming everywhere. Since you‘re such a square, to you for advice. You really don‘t have stay inside. If you‘re feeling up to the any interest in it though, that much is challenge, you can ironically expect the apparent. You‘re just really good about usual, being the odd one out! Nothing nodding your head and thinking about ever changes, does it? what you‘ll eat later.

Pisces: So everyone found out you watch Virgo: You‘re even more confused than My Little Pony? Cool. Prepare for a few usual. Don‘t attempt to pay attention to weird looks, and possibly being the details or you‘ll really get thrown ostracized. Don‘t worry, they‘re all just off. It‘s not that you‘re stupid — jealous, you‘ll get them soon enough. although your intellectual capacity is sometimes questionable — you‘re just easily distracted by bright lights and silly noises.

TE THE TOR ECHO September 5th, 2011 4

Outdoor Recreation Club O offers U T D Mountain Biking O O Rides R Monday

R Dates: E Aug. 29; Sept. 12, 19, 26

C Time: Meet at 4 p.m. – ride till ? R Gather at: E Gazebo across from Orvis and MacKenzie Complex

A Cost: $1/night to help with gas for shuttle drivers T I Must have: Suspension mt. bike (good working condition), spare inner tubes, tools, water bottle O N Who: ASC students - AU students welcome

Contact with questions: Andy Bayus at 4329

Welcome back…or Welcome if you are ticipated in the Annual Alfred State a new student here at ASC! Student College Alumni Chorus weekend concert Activities has an amazingly large list of in addition to our own concert 2 nights groups you can join so I would like to before. introduce you to one of the Music Groups---Alfred State Voices! We This is a marvelous group of students to began about a year ago and have had be with---they are very funny, sometimes success in making ourselves into a viable to detriment of getting things done, but, vocal ensemble. Last year included a oh how we laugh!! Hopefully you will Latvian song with the girls, an Irish song have attended the Interest Meeting for with bagpipes and the guys in addition to Band and Chorus on September 1st and ―Don‘t Stop Believin‘‖, ‗Jai Ho‘ and signed up with us. If not, there is still many others. We did a joint concert with time---just contact Nicole Binns at the Jazz Band at the Howe Library [email protected] or Mrs. Linda Auditorium in Wellsville, and we were Staiger at [email protected]. If you part of the Annual Cultural Showcase. In have been a part of a chorus in high December we sang for the local AAUW school and want to continue try us meeting, our own concert and the out. This group relies on student input President‘s Annual Holiday Dinner regarding all music decisions so give us Dance. As is the case each year, we par- try.

Famous Quote "In three words I can sum up everything I‘ve learned about life: it goes on." -Robert Frost