Retiring Sale
? '! 7 V . 10 TBtiE VASmtfGlW TIMES,! VBDNteSrAY MAT 24; 1016. , 5 . 'y Newark Releases Billy Martin---fr)rqn-k Baker Is Suffering From Weak Lees BUMP HIM, HE MIGHT STREW TACKS ON THE ROAD MARTIN IS DROPPED TWELVE SMUT IS 1 w V ' I BY MANAGER TENNEY GIANTS NEW IRK w IV ft. McGraw Says That Ho Expects a ? OF NEWARK OUTFIT -- J& IL fcrvBHeNMt?l to Run Away From All Na- linr XT" tional League Teams. r - , By LOUIS A. DOUGHER, "V fr Billy Martin, the "Washington boy and former star shortstop of the George- ar.-- The Line-Up- CINCINNATI, May Olant town varsity nine, Is onco more out In Probable s havo now won twelve consecutive tho wide, wldo world. Ho has been games, and today hope to pass the un- given his unconditional release by Man White Sox. GrifTmen. lucky thirteenth by handing tho Reds ager Fred Tenney, of tho Newark InJ McMullin, 8b. Morgan, 2b. another defeat Judging by the way - ternatlonals. McGnWa team Is going now, no West-ter-n ISF- Schalk, c Foster, 8b. Martin Jolnod tho Braves on grada E. Collins;, 2b. Milan, cf. club has a chanco to stop the boy ntlng Trom Georgetown, but a broken Ness, lb. Rondeau, rf.' from tho Polo Grounds. Tho twelfth leg, lost htm a chance to becomo the Jackson, rf. Judge, lb. victory came after a rally In regular third baseman. "Red" Smith tho seventh, 4. to 3. Fclech, cf. Shanks, If. "My team has found Itself and I am rot tho job.
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