January 23, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H87 Schneider National, ran one of the Na- CULTURAL AND NATURAL Northern , as a unit of the tion’s largest trucking companies with RESOURCES STUDY ACT National Park System; and (2) consider management alternatives for over 12,500 tractors, 35,000 trailers, and Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I thousands and thousands of employees. the island of Rota, Commonwealth of the move to suspend the rules and pass the . Some of you may recognize those bill (H.R. 1141) to authorize the Sec- (b) STUDY PROCESS AND COMPLETION.—Ex- trucks painted in a distinct shade of retary of the Interior to study the suit- cept as provided by subsection (c) of this sec- orange that travel the highways and ability and feasibility of designating tion, section 8(c) of Public Law 91–383 (16 byways of America. prehistoric, historic, and limestone for- U.S.C. 1a–5(c)) shall apply to the conduct and Mr. Schneider was a hardworking est sites on Rota, Commonwealth of completion of the study required by this sec- tion. man who began his career driving a the Northern Mariana Islands, as a truck and as a mechanic’s assistant at (c) SUBMISSION OF STUDY RESULTS.—Not unit of the National Park System. later than 3 years after the date that funds age 18 in his family’s business. He The Clerk read the title of the bill. are made available for this section, the Sec- served in Korea, went to the Wharton The text of the bill is as follows: retary shall submit to the Committee on School of Business in Philadelphia, and H.R. 1141 Natural Resources of the House of Rep- began working in the family business Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives and the Committee on Energy in 1961. resentatives of the United States of America in and Natural Resources of the Senate a report Over three decades, Mr. Schneider ex- Congress assembled, describing the results of the study. panded his fleet substantially, using SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- modern management techniques and (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as ant to the rule, the gentleman from acquisition of regional companies to the ‘‘Rota Cultural and Natural Resources Virginia (Mr. WITTMAN) and the gen- grow his business. Again, his leadership Study Act’’. tleman from Northern Mariana Islands pushed Schneider National to one of (b) FINDINGS.—Congress finds as follows: (Mr. SABLAN) each will control 20 min- the largest trucking companies in (1) The island of Rota was the only major utes. island in the Mariana Islands to be spared The Chair recognizes the gentleman America and, of course, one of the most the destruction and large scale land use successful, especially after the deregu- changes brought about by World War II. from Virginia. lation which occurred in 1980. (2) The island of Rota has been described GENERAL LEAVE Donald Schneider was a great man by professional archeologists as having the Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I who never lost his common touch. He most numerous, most intact, and generally yield myself as much time as I may insisted on being called by his first the most unique prehistoric sites of any of consume, and I ask unanimous consent name and, in a 1970 interview, was the islands of the Mariana Archipelago. that all Members may have 5 legisla- quoted as saying: My job is important, (3) The island of Rota contains remaining tive days to revise and extend their re- examples of what is known as the Latte but not as important as the driver or Phase of the cultural tradition of the indige- marks and include extraneous mate- the people in the service center. nous Chamorro people of the Mariana Is- rials on the bill under consideration. That’s how he grew his business—car- lands. Latte stone houses are remnants of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ing about the common man, caring the ancient Chamorro culture. objection to the request of the gen- about the customer, and growing his (4) Four prehistoric sites are listed on the tleman from Virginia? business into one of the great busi- National Register of Historic Places: There was no objection. nesses in America. Monchon Archeological District (also known Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, Mr. Schneider was a man who served locally as Monchon Latte Stone Village), H.R. 1141 authorizes the Secretary of Taga Latte Stone Quarry, the Dugi Archeo- the Interior to study the suitability with a true servant’s heart, and Amer- logical Site that contains, latte stone struc- ica has been enriched by his service to tures, and the Chugai Pictograph Cave that and feasibility of designating pre- this country. I invite all Americans to contains examples of ancient Chamorro rock historic, historic, and limestone forest join me in celebrating his life. art. Alaguan Bay Ancient Village is another sites on Rota, Commonwealth of the latte stone prehistoric site that is sur- Northern Mariana Islands, as a unit of f rounded by tall-canopy limestone forest. the National Park System. (5) In addition to prehistoric sites, the is- The island of Rota contains cultural RECESS land of Rota boasts historic sites remaining and natural resources, including caves The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- from the Japanese period (1914–1945). Several with pictographs and several other pre- of these sites are on the National Register of ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Historic Places: Nanyo Kohatsu Kabushiki historic relics as well as sites from the declares the House in recess until ap- Kaisha Sugar Mill, Japanese Coastal Defense 20th century Japanese occupation. Ad- proximately 4 p.m. today. Gun, and the Japanese Hospital. ditionally, Rota has a natural lime- Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 14 min- (6) The island of Rota’s natural resources stone forest that is habitat for endan- utes p.m.), the House stood in recess are significant because of the extent and in- gered species native to the island. until approximately 4 p.m. today. tact condition of its native limestone forest With that, Madam Speaker, I reserve that provides habitat for several federally the balance of my time. f endangered listed species, the Mariana crow, Mr. SABLAN. I yield myself as much and the Rota bridled white-eye birds, that time as I may consume. b 1600 are also native to the island of Rota. Three endangered plant species are also found on (Mr. SABLAN asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- AFTER RECESS Rota and two are endemic to the island. (7) Because of the significant cultural and marks.) The recess having expired, the House natural resources listed above, on September Mr. SABLAN. Madam Speaker, I rise was called to order by the Speaker pro 2005, the , Pacific West in support of H.R. 1141, the Rota Cul- tempore (Ms. FOXX) at 4 p.m. Region, completed a preliminary resource tural and Natural Resources Study assessment on the island of Rota, Common- Act. The bill authorizes the Secretary f wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, of the Interior to determine whether it which determined that the ‘‘establishment of is suitable and feasible to add certain a unit of the national park system ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER cultural, archeological, historical, and PRO TEMPORE appear[ed] to be the best way to ensure the long term protection of Rota’s most impor- natural resources of the island of Rota The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tant cultural resources and its best examples in the Northern Marianas to the Na- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair of its native limestone forest.’’. tional Park System. will postpone further proceedings SEC. 2. NPS STUDY OF SITES ON THE ISLAND OF This same measure was approved by today on motions to suspend the rules ROTA, COMMONWEALTH OF THE the House in 2010 without dissent, and on which a recorded vote or the yeas NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. I hope my colleagues will approve its and nays are ordered, or on which the (a) STUDY.—The Secretary of the Interior shall— passage again today. vote incurs objection under clause 6 of (1) carry out a study regarding the suit- I want to thank Chairman HASTINGS rule XX. ability and feasibility of designating pre- and Ranking Member MARKEY of the Record votes on postponed questions historic, historic, and limestone forest sites Natural Resources Committee for their will be taken after 6:30 p.m. today. on the island of Rota, Commonwealth of the support of H.R. 1141. I also want to

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