Fulbright Scholar Program

1998-99 D irectory o f Visiting Fulbright Scholars and Occasional Lecturers

FULBRIGHT Fulbright Scholar Program

1998-99 D irectory o f V isitin g Fulbright Scholars and Occasional Lecturers

Fu lb rigT h t USIA FULBRIGHT SENIOR SCHOLAR PROGRAM Visiting Fulbright Scholars and Occasional Lecturers

Each year some 700 scholars from abroad hold grants toResponsibilities of host institutions lecture and conduct research in American colleges and Institutions wishing to invite a visiting Fulbright scholar universities under the Fulbright Scholar Program. While the should develop a comprehensive plan for the visit and m ajority of the scholars apply fo r grants through Fulbright inform the lecturer of arrangements well in advance. The commissions o r U.S. embassies in their home countries, length of the lecturer’s stay at each institution w ill depend approximately 30 are invited by colleges and universities in upon the particular interests o f the academic community the United States to lecture in their specific fields under the and the facilities available, but the period should be Scholar-in-Residence Program. sufficient to provide an opportunity for the visitor to To acquaint the Am erican academic com m unity w ith becomethe acquainted with the educational program and visiting scholars and their fields of specialization, theacademic Council life of the host institution. A program of tw o to for International Exchange o f Scholars (CIES), which three days’ duration is suggested, or a longer period if visits cooperates w ith the U nited States Inform ation Agencyto several in member institutions of a consortium are planned. administering the Fulbright Scholar Program, annually Host institutions are asked to provide local transportation, publishes Directory the o f Visiting Fulbright Scholars and accommodations, and meals fo r the lecturers. The lecturer Occasional Lecturers. The directory, through its listing of should be advised in advance o f what the host institution grantees’ lecturing and research topics, assists institutions w ill provide that wish to invite scholars to campus via the Occasional Lecturer Program (see below). A visiting scholar who wishes to accept a lecturing invitation under this program must submit a formal letter of invitation Available in late September, the directory contains a from the host institution, along with dates of travel and comprehensive listing by academic discipline, which approximate cost of round-trip economy airfare, one month includes scholar names, home geographic areas, lecturing or before the visit is to take place. W ithin two weeks after research project titles, American universities w ith which they receiving this information, CIES w ill inform the scholar are affiliated, and dates o f stay in the U nited States. Scholars whether or not the travel request has been granted. The are also listed alphabetically, by home geographic area, and scholar is responsible for purchasing his/her airline ticket, by host state. and is reimbursed up to a maximum of $650 after the travel Note: Grants for some visiting scholars currently in thetakes place. Due to lim ited funding, each scholar is eligible United States were not confirmed until after this directoryfo r only one trip, although requests to visit more than one went to press. Names o f scholars not included in institutionthe 1998- on a single trip w ill be considered. An exception 99 directory w ill appear in the next edition and willto bethe one-trip rule may be made if the scholar guest posted on the CIES webwww.cies.org site: . lectures at colleges and universities serving predominantly m inority student populations or programs serving the The Occasional Lecturer Program physically challenged.

Colleges and universities are encouraged to contactSuggested visiting activities for the visiting lecturer may scholars directly (using the faculty associate names andin c lu d e : addresses in this directory) to arrange visits by the scholars. The Occasional Lecturer Program provides limited funds• Department- for or school-wide lectures to students and/or round-trip transportation o f scholars w ho accept lecturingfaculty; invitations. Special attention is given to the needs• of Lectures in classrooms where the scholar can make a institutions w ith little opportunity for international lecturers.contribution to the discipline; • Faculty meetings that allow fo r an exchange of ideas; Professional organizations wishing to invite scholars• to Inform be al gatherings of students and faculty; presenters o r discussants at meetings may also utilize• Homethe hospitality offered by the faculty; Occasional Lecturer Program. Meeting organizers are• Meetings w ith comm unity organizations or religious encouraged to contact visiting scholars directly. groups that have a special interest in international relations; • Panel participation at professional conferences.

For more information on the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program, write to the Council for International Exchange o f Scholars, 3007 T ilden Street, N W , Suite 5L, W ashington, D C 20008-3009; call 202.686.8664; e-mail [email protected]; or visit the CIES Web sitewww.cies.org at .

3 Geographical listings in this publication are a matter of administrative convenience and are not intended to im ply a United States government position on the legal status of the areas listed.


CHRISTINA BORGEEST PATTY GARVIN Saudi Arabia 202.686.8661 202.686.6250 Sudan [email protected] [email protected] Tunisia Austria France United Arab Emirates Canada Greece Yemen Germany Italy Ireland Portugal Bangladesh Spain Nepal LAURIE CALHOUN United Kingdom Pakistan 202.686.6246 Sri Lanka [email protected] Australia Belarus N e w Zealand Albania Czech Republic Bosnia Estonia Israel Bulgaria Latvia Croatia Lithuania Southeast Asian Studies Summer InstituteHungary Poland U.S.-Japan International EducationMacedonia Russia Administrators Program Romania Turkey Slovenia Ukraine MICHELLE GRANT Slovakia Uzbekistan 202.686.4029 [email protected] MARILEE MUCHOW Organization for Security & CooperationBelgium/Luxembourg 202.686.4013 in Europe Regional Research ProgramNetherlands [email protected] Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence ANITA CAPLAN European U nion Researchers Program 202.686.6238 [email protected] MARGUERITE HULBERT RICHARD PETTIT India 202.686.4026 202.686.6240 [email protected] [email protected] U.S.-Germany International Education Argentina China Bolivia H ong Kong Administrators Program Chile Indonesia Colombia Japan KATIE TREMPER Ecuador Korea 202.686.4016 [email protected] Mexico Malaysia Paraguay Philippines Armenia Peru Singapore Azerbaijan Uruguay Taiwan Georgia Venezuela Thailand Kazakhstan Vietnam Kyrgyzstan Gaza Moldova Iraqi Expatriates Sub-Saharan Africa Jordan SHARON VIRES Lebanon SONE LO H 202.686.6248 Syria 202.686.4011 [email protected] West Bank [email protected] Denmark Brazil Finland Mexico Border Program Iceland European U nion Scholar-in-Residences u z a n n e M cLa u g h l in Norway Program 202.686.4008 Sweden Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence [email protected] Program Algeria BARBARA WOLLISON Bahrain 202.686.4004 Kuwait [email protected] Morocco Egypt Oman Qatar Occasional Lecturer Program 5 Visiting Scholars by Academic Field AGRICULTURE

Al-Ghamdi, Abdullah Hamadeh, Shadi Head, Department o f H o rticulture, King Faisal University,Associate Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, American Hofuf, Saudi Arabia University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon Research: Early Determination of Genetic Variation Research:Among Date Indicators of Environmental Adaption in Livestock Palm Plantlets Produced Through Tissue C ulture UsingMontana D N A State University, College of Agriculture, Department of Markers Anim al and Range Sciences, Bozeman, M T 59717 Colorado State University, Department of Horticulturec/o and D r. Bok Sowell Landscape Architecture, F o rt Collins, C O 80523-1173 A p ril 1999 - October 1999 c/o Dr. Harrison Hughes August 1998 - A p ril 1999 Ivancovich, Antonio Researcher, Department of Plant Pathology, National Institute of Berkat, Omar Agronomy Technology, Pergamino, Argentina Professor, Department o f Plant Ecology, Hassan II AgricultureResearch: Two Important Soybean Diseases in Argentina and the and Veterinary Institute, Rabat, Morocco United States: Sudden Death Syndrome and Stem Canker Research: Rangeland Vegetation Analysis University of Arkansas, Department of Plant Pathology, Utah State University, Departm ent o f Rangeland Resources,Fayetteville, A R 72701-1201 Logan, U T 84322 c/o Dr. John Rupe c/o Mr. Ben Norton January 1999 - March 1999 August 1998 - July 1999 Karimov, Akmal Da Fonseca, Dilermando Miranda Head, Water Conservation Technology, Laboratory of Water Professor, Department o f Zoology, Federal U niversityProblems of Vicosa, Institute, Academy of Science, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Vicosa, Brazil Research: Sustainable U tilization and Management o f Water and Research: Forages and Sugar Cane Agronom y Land Resources in A rid Zones University of Florida, Institute of Food and AgriculturalU.S. DepartmentSciences, of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Immokalee, FL 34142-9515 U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, C A 92507 c/o Dr. Rosa M. Muchovej c/o Dr. Dennis L. Corwin October 1998 - October 1999 University of California-Riverside, Department of Environmental Sciences, Riverside, C A 92521-0102 Dedej, Selim c/o Dr. Lanny Lund Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Anim al Production,September 1998 - June 1999 Agriculture University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania Research: Establishing Methods and Criteria for SelectionKiss, Levente of Tolerance to Varroatosis and Resistance to ChalkbroodJunior Research Scientist, Department of Plant Pathology, Plant Disease in Albanian Honeybee Stocks Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Georgia, Department of Entomology, Athens,Budapest, GA Hungary 30602-2603 Research: Herbarium Specimens as Sources for Molecular c/o Dr. Keith S. Delaplane Indentification and Phylogeny of Ampelomyces spp., August 1999 - February 1900 Hyperparasites, and Biocontrol Agents of Powdery Mildew Fungi Guennadiev, Alexandre U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Professor, Faculty o f Geography, Moscow State University,U.S. National Fungus Collection, Beltsville, M D 20705 Moscow, Russia c /o D r. A m y Y. Rossman Research: The Development of U.S. Soil ConservationJanuary Policy 1999 - July 1999 During the 20th C entury: Lessons fo r Russia University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of AgriculturalMahhou, and Ahmed Life Sciences, Department of Soil Science, Madison,Professor, W I Department o f Horticulture, Institute of Agronom y and 53706-1380 Veterinary Medicine Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco c/o Dr. James Bockheim Research: Water Stress Effects on Fruit Fresh and D ry Weights in August 1998 - A p ril 1999 Peach (Prunus Persica L.) University of California-Davis, College of Agricultural and Habib, Leila Environmental Sciences, Department of Pomology, Davis, CA Assistant Professor, Departm ent of Agriculture, Faculty of95616 Agriculture, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria c/o Mr. Theodore M. Dejong Research: The Dissolution of Phosphate Rocks by RootM ay 1998Exudates - August 1998 University of California-Riverside, Department of Soil and Environmental Science, Riverside, C A 92521-0102 c/o Dr. Andrew Chang August 1998 - November 1998


Majewska-Sawka, Anna Perica, Slavko Associate Professor, Department o f Plant Genetics andResearcher, Breeding, Institute fo r Adriatic Crops, Split, Croatia Institute for Plant Breeding and Acclimatization, Research: Im proving the Diagnosis o f Nutritional Status and Bydgoszcz, Poland Optim izing Fertilizer Use in Orchards Research: Biological and Molecular CharacterizationU no ive f rsity o f California-D avis, Departm ent of Pomology, Arabinogalactan Proteins (AGP’s) Involved in DifferentDavis, C A 95616 Developmental Pathways o f Sugar Beet Cells c/o Dr. Patrick Brown University of California-Riverside, College of Natural Mand arch 1999 - N ovem ber 1999 Agricultural Sciences, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, Riverside, C A 92521-0124 Puddhanon, Prawit c/o D r. Eugene A. Nothnagel Lecturer, Departm ent o f Agronom y, Faculty of Agricultural September 1998 - June 1999 Production, Maejo University, C hiang Mai, Thailand Research: Classification and U tiliza tio n o f Maize Biodiversity for Matichenkov, Vladimir Development of Elite Varieties Researcher, Laboratory of Genesis and Evolution ofU Soil, n ive rsity o f Kentucky, College o f Agriculture, Department of Institute o f Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences,Agronomy, Lexington, KY 40506-0032 Pushchino, Russia c/o Dr. Tim Phillips Research: Using Silicon-Rich By-Products for ReducingJuly 1998 - O ctober 1998 Phosphate Fertilizer Use and Minimizing of Phosphate Contamination Punchihewa, Ranjith U niversity of Florida, Everglades Research and EducationResearcher, Center, Beekeeping Division, Honeybee Research, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Gainesville,H o rticFL u ltu re Station, Kananwila, Sri Lanka Department of 32611-8140 Agriculture, Horana, Sri Lanka c/o Dr. George H. Snyder Lecturing: In-D epth Studies on Swarming and Cleaning August 1998 - A p ril 1999 Behaviors of Honeybees U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Mbassa, Gabriel (Mid-South), Honeybee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary AnatomResearch y, U nit, Baton Rouge, LA 70820 Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzaniac/o Dr. Thomas Rinderer Research: Efficacy of Vaccines Against Hemoparasitic FebruaryDiseases 1999 - September 1999 in Wildlife Washington State University, Department of VeterinaryRefstie, Stale M icrobiology and Pathology, Pullman, W A 99164 Research Associate and Doctoral Student, Agricultural c/o Dr. Wendy C. Brown U niversity o f Norw ay, Aas, N o rw a y January 1999 - September 1999 Research: Com paring Fish N u tritio n o f White Sturgeon and Atlantic Salmon Mbeche, Isaac U niversity o f California-D avis, Davis, C A 95616 Senior Lecturer and Chair, Department of Managementc/o D r. Silas H ung Science, Faculty of Commerce, University of Nairobi, Nairobi,September 1998 - M ay 1999 Kenya Research: Food Security in Kenya: Developing a M oSenkoylu, n ito rin g Nizameddin System for Grain Production Professor, Departm ent o f Anim al Science, Tekirdag Agricultural Western Michigan University, African Studies Program, Faculty, Trakya University, Tekirdag, Turkey Department of Economics, Kalamazoo, M I 49008 Research: Evaluation o f the N u tritiv e Value o f a Special Product c/o D r. Sisay Asefa of Sunflower Meal as Feed for Poultry January 1999 - July 1999 University of Georgia, Department o f Poultry Science, Athens, G A 30602 Nigro, Franco c/o D r. N ic k Dale Research Scientist, Department o f Plant Protection, UJuly niversity 1998 - January 1999 of Bari, Bari, Italy Research: Detection and Enumeration o f PopulationsSuleiman, o f Sawsan Aureobasidium Pullulans on Apple Leaves and FruitAssociate Professor, Departm ent o f H orticulture, Faculty of University of Wisconsin-Madison, Russell Laboratories, Agriculture, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria Department o f Plant Biology, Madison, WT 53706-1598Research: The Effects o f Polyamines on Potato Growth and c/o Dr. John H. Andrews Production U nder Several Levels o f Salinity February 1999 - November 1999 U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, C A 92507 c/o D r. Michael C. Shannon August 1998 - October 1998


Van Laar, Harmen Yunusov, Temur Researcher, Departm ent o f A nim al Sciences, A nim al M utationChief Research Manager, Problem Laboratory, M ikrel Joint Group, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen,Venture, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Netherlands Research: The Fundamentals of Glanded Cottonseed Gossypol Research: Relationship Between Soybean Cell Wall CompositionFree Protein Products and Degradability by Gastrointestinal Microbes Texas A & M University, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,Food Protein Research and Development Center, College Midwest Area Plant Science Research, St. Paul, M N 55108 Station, T X 77843-1244 c/o Dr. Hans-Joachim G. Jung c/o D r. Khee C. Rhee September 1998 - February 1999 August 1998 - May 1999

Wolde-Amanuel, Yalemshet Mengesha Lecturer, Department o f A nim al Science, Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center, Alemaya U niversity of Agriculture, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia Research: N u tritive Value o f Some M ultipurpose Trees University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Animal Sciences, Madison, W I 53706-1380 c/o Dr. Jess D. Reed September 1998 - February 1999


Kotov, Igor Liang, Mao-xin Instructor and Chair, Department of History and TheoryProfessor, of Department of History, Northeast Normal University, Cooperation, Gom el Cooperative Institute, Gomel, Belarus Changchun, People’s Republic of China Research: History of the U.S. Cooperative Movement and the Research: U.S. Im migration and Government Policy Since 1965 Present Situation University of Cincinnati, Department of History, Cincinnati, O H North Dakota State University, Center for Cooperatives, 45221 College of Agriculture, Fargo, N D 58105 c /o D r. Roger Daniels c/o Dr. Bill Nelson August 1998 - May 1999 January 1999 - M ay 1999 Nakano, Kotaro Kouropiatnik, Guennadi Lecturer, Department of History, Osaka C ity University, Osaka, Researcher, Center o f N o rth American Studies, Institute o f Japan General H istory, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Research: National Identity o f American Workers During W W I Russia Northwestern University, Department of History, Evanston, IL Research: Problems of the Preservation of the U nion During the 60208-2200 Civil War c/o D r. Robert Wiebe Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship and PublicJuly 1998 - March 1999 Affairs, Global A ffairs Institute, Syracuse, N Y 13244 c/o Dr. Stuart Thorson Pelipas, Mikhail January 1998 - September 1998 Chair, Department of Contemporary History and International Relations, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia Levai, Csaba Research: The United States, N A T O , and Russia in Historical Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f H istory, Lajos Kossuth Perspective University, Debrecen, H ungary Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick, Research: Political Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson Department of History, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 University of Virginia, Clinch Valley College, Department of c/o D r. Lloyd C. Gardner History, Wise, V A 24293-4400 January 1999 - June 1999 c/o Dr. Peter S. O n u f University of Virginia, Clinch Valley College, Department of Political Science, Wise, V A 24293-4400 c/o Dr. Garrett Ward Sheldon January 1999 - June 1999


Revauger, Marie-Cecile Yamamoto, Eriko Professor, Department of English, University of Provence,Associate Professor, Department of Literature, Sugiyama Aix-en-Provence, France Jogakuen U niversity, Nagoya, Japan Research: The H istory of Prince H all Freemasonry Research: W omen and N ationalism in Japanese-American History New York Public Library, Schomburg Center for ResearchU niversity in o f C alifornia-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Black Culture, New York, N Y 10037-1801 c /o D r. D o n T . N akanishi c/o Ms. Diana Lachatanere July 1998 - March 1999 M arch 1999 - A p ril 1999

Souproun, Mikhail Associate Professor, Department of H istory, Pomor State University, Archangelsk, Russia Research: Lend-Lease and Russia George Washington University, Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, Washington, D C 20052 c /o D r. James M illa r September 1998 - March 1999


Adamczyk-Garbowska, Monika El-Hadary, Amal Adjunct, Department of English, Maria Curie-SklodowskaLecturer, Departm ent o f English, Faculty of Al-Alsun (Languages), U n ive rsity, L u b lin , Poland A in Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Research: Victim s, Witnesses, and Observers: ResponsesResearch: to the Comparative American Studies: The Postcolonial Holocaust in Polish and American Literature Q uestion Brandeis University, Department of Near Eastern andA ffiliation Judaic to be determined Studies, Waltham, M A 02254 c/o Barbara W ollison, CIES c/o Dr. Anthony Polonsky October 1998 - A pril 1999 September 1998 - June 1999 Goh, Robbie Boon Hua Bonnet, Michele Assistant D irector and Lecturer, Department of English Language Associate Professor, Department of English, University ofand Literature, Center fo r Advanced Studies, National Paris IV (Sorbonne), Paris, France University o f Singapore, Singapore Research: The Scarlet Letter: Figures of the Law Research: Coleridge and Romantic Commercialism Wellesley College, Department of English, Wellesley,U niversityM A 02181 o f Washington, Department of English, Seattle, WA c/o Dr. W illiam Cain 98195-4330 December 1997 - May 1998 c/o Dr. Lauren Goodlad A pril 1998 - July 1998 Chandran, K. Narayana Reader, Department of English, U niversity of Hyderabad,Hongo, Akira Hyderabad, India Associate Professor, Department of Language and Literature, Research: Poetry and Propriety: The Compositions ofHumanities Language and Social Sciences D ivision, Shizuoka University, in the U n ite d States Shizuoka, Japan , Department of English, Stanford,Research: CA Hidden Homosexuality in the W ritings of Charles 94305-9991 B rockden B ro w n c/o Dr. Marjorie Perloff CUNY-Graduate School and University Center, Center for Gay January 1999 - September 1999 and Lesbian Studies, New York, N Y 10036-8099 c /o D r. J ill D o la n Dasgupta, Sanjukta September 1998 - May 1999 Reader, Department of English, Calcutta University, Calcutta, India Research: Global Sisterhood: Fam ily Values in the Novels of Anne Tyler and Ashapurna Devi University of N orth Carolina-Chapel H ill, Department of English, Chapel H ill, NC 27599 c/o Dr. L. Wagner-Martin October 1998 - June 1999


Imam-Muhni, Djuhertati Mihaila, Rodica Head, American Studies Graduate Program, FacultyProfessor of Letters, and Director, Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Gadjah Mada U niversity, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, IndonesiaLanguages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Lecturing: Comparative Introduction to Folk C ulture Romaniaand Folklore Murray State College, Department of Arts and Sciences,Research: Postmodern Versions of America: American Studies at Tishomingo, O K 73460-3130 the Century’s End c/o Mr. Greg Gardner Georgetown University, American Studies Program, Washington, Scholar-in-Residence Program D C 20057 August 1998 - June 1999 c/o Dr. Ronald M. Johnson August 1998 - February 1999 Imran, Mamdouh Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f English, Faculty o fQuinn, Letters Justin and Humanities, University of Tishreen, Lattakia, SyriaJunior Lecturer, Department o f English, Charles University, Research: The Nature of Violence in Contemporary Prague,American Czech Republic Drama Research: Twentieth-Century American Poetry Affiliation to be determined Boston University, College of Liberal Arts, Department of English, c/o Anita Caplan, CIES Boston, M A 02215 September 1998 - December 1998 c/o D r. Bonnie Costello August 1998 - January 1999 Ishihata, Naoki Associate Professor, Faculty o f Language and Culture,Serdyukova, Ludmila Graduate School o f International Cultural Studies,Assistant Tohoku Professor, Department of English Philology, G orlivka University, Sendai, Japan State Pedagogical Institute o f Foreign Languages, Gorlivka, Research: Lost and Regained Identity in InternmentUkraine Camp Literature Research: A n Introduction to American Children’s Literature University of Georgia, Department of Comparative Literature,Kent State University, Department of Teaching Leadership and Athens, G A 30602 C urriculum Studies, Kent, O H 44242-0001 c/o Dr. Masaki Mori c/o D r. Wendy C. Kasten August 1998 - January 1999 August 1998 - February 1999

Koreneva, Maya Tocchini, Delia Researcher, Department of Literatures of Europe andResearcher, America Department o f American Studies, of the 20th Century, G orky Institute of W orld Literature,University of Rome III, Rome, Italy Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russia Research: Home Is Where the Text Is: Intertextuality and Research: Henry James and Eugene O ’Neill: Aspects ofText-Centeredness in American Jewish Culture Modernism Indiana University-Bloomington, Department of Comparative Yale University, Department of English, New Haven, CTLiterature, 06520 Bloomington, IN 47405-6601 c/o Dr. Thomas Otten c/o Dr. Gilbert D. Chaitin January 1999 - M ay 1999 N ew Yo rk University, Department of English, New York, N Y 10003-4556 Li, Yang c/o D r. Perry Meisel Associate Professor, D epartm ent of English, ShandongOctober 1998 - A p ril 1999 University, Jinan, People’s Republic of China Research: Southern Literature Tossa, Wajuppa University of Florida, Department of English, Gainesville,Assistant FL Professor, Department of Western Languages and 32611-8140 Linguistics, Faculty o f Humanities and Social Sciences, c/o Dr. Ira Clark Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand August 1998 - M ay 1999 Lecturing and Research: Language Teaching Using Stories and Storytelling Li, Yi U niversity of Oregon, Center fo r Asian and Pacific Studies, Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Foreign Languages,Southeast Asian Studies, Eugene, OR 97403 Sichuan U nion U niversity-East, Chengdu, People’sc/o Republic D r. Gerald of Fry China July 1998 - January 1999 Research: Emerson’s Thought University o f Kansas, Departm ent of English, Lawrence, KS 66045 c/o Dr. Richard Hardin September 1998 - June 1999


Voronchenko, Tatyana Washizu, H iroko Professor and Chair, Department of Russian and W orldAssociate Literature, Professor, Departm ent o f Literature and Linguistics, Zabaikalsky State Pedagogical University, Zabaikalsky,University Russia of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan Research: Facing the Phenomenon of Multiculturalism:Research: Im pact o f Technology on Early 19th-Century American Establishing Bridges Fiction University of California-San Diego, Department of Literature,University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of English, La Jolla, C A 92093-0410 Milwaukee, W I 53201-0413 c/o D r. Rosaura Sanchez c/o D r. James A . Sappenfield August 1998 - February 1999 August 1998 - December 1998


Blondel, Cecile Cohen, Vadim Researcher, Department of Paleontology, InstituteSenior of Staff Fellow, Institute of Archaeology, Ukrainian Academy Evolutionary Science, University of Montpellier II, Montpellier,o f Sciences, Kiev, U kraine France Research: The N o rth e rn Black Sea Coast in East Mediterranean Research: T ooth Microwear Analysis o f Some PaleogenePrehistory (16,000-10,000 Years BP) (55-23.5 Ma) Artiodactyls (Mammalia, Ungulate) University of Pennsylvania, Department of Anthropology, New York Institute of Technology, New York College ofPhiladelphia, P A 19104 Osteopathic Medicine, Department of Anatomy, c/o D r. H arold L. Dibble O ld Westbury, N Y 11568-8000 September 1998 - June 1999 c/o Dr. Nikos Solounias September 1998 - November 1998 Damasceno, Caetana Maria Associate Professor, Department of Social Anthropology and Borrman, Helene Inger Maria Sociology, Humanities Division, Federal Rural University of Rio Associate Professor, Faculty of Odontology, Goteborg deUniversity, Janeiro, R io de Janeiro, Seropedica, Brazil Goteborg, Sweden Lecturing: Slavery and the Roots of Afro-Brazilian Culture Research: Age Determination by Use of Teeth DePaul University, Department of Political Science, Chicago, IL Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History,60604-2287 Department of Anthropology, Washington, D C 20560c/o D r. Rose J. Spalding c/o Dr. D.H. Ubelaker Scholar-in-Residence Program March 1998 - June 1998 August 1998 - M ay 1999

Breton, Stephane De Almeida, Katia Maria Pereira Associate Member, Center for A nthropology of the Postdoctoral Researcher, N ational Museum, Federal University of Contemporary World, School for Advanced Study inR the io de Janeiro, R io de Janeiro, Brazil Social Sciences, Paris, France Research: The Contem poranian Shipodo Graphic Research: Monetary Systems and Symbolic Exchange inSystem-Esthetics and A rt, History, and Cosmology in the Melanesia: A Comparative Approach Peruvian Amazonian University of California--San Diego, Department of University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Department of Anthropology, La Jolla, C A 92093-0532 A nthropology, Urbana, IL 61801 c/o Dr. Thomas E. Levy c/o D r. Janete D ix o n Keller University of Pittsburgh, Department of Anthropology,Novem ber 1998 - O ctober 1999 Pittsburgh, PA 15260 c/o Dr. Andrew Strathern Fulemine, Agnes January 1999 - March 1999 Research Assistant, Institute o f Ethnology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Cavalcanti, Maria Lecturing: Rural Society, Peasant Culture, and Folk A rt in Hungary Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Anthropology,Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick, Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Institute fo r Hungarian Studies, N e w Brunswick, NJ 08903 Federal U niversity of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,c/o Brazil D r. Jozsef Borocz Research: Anthropology and Folklore: A ComparativeJanuary Study 1999of - June 1999 Contemporaneous Urban Rites Columbia University, Institute of Latin American and Iberian Studies, N ew Y ork, N Y 10027 c/o D r. Douglas Chalmer August 1998 - August 1999


Garcia Heras, Manuel Kumar, Nita Researcher, Department of Prehistory, School of HistoryFellow, and Center for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, India Geography, Complutense U niversity o f Madrid, Madrid,Research: Spain Learning Culture: Rituals of Empowerment at Home Research: Normalization of the New TXR T Techniqueand for in School Studying the Provenance of Archaeology CeramicsYale University, Department of Anthropology, New Haven, CT Smithsonian Institution, Conservation Analytical Laboratory,06520 Washington, D C 20560 c/o Dr. William Kelly c/o Dr. Ronald Bishop August 1998 - A p ril 1999 January 1999 - December 1999 Magyari, Eniko Ginat, Joseph Lecturer, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Professor, Department o f Land o f Israel Studies, U niversityCluj, Romaniaof Haifa, Haifa, Israel Research: Making Identity Politics at Universities Research: Methods and Suggested Model of ConflictUniversity Resolution o f California-Los Angeles, Department of Sociology, Between Israel and the A rab Countries Los Angeles, CA 90095 University of Oklahom a, Judaic H is to ry and Judaic Studiesc/o Dr. Rogers Brubaker Program, Department o f H isto ry, N orm an, O K 73019-2004September 1998 - May 1999 c/o Dr. Norman A. Stillman August 1998 - August 1999 Miniaev, Serguei Senior Researcher, Department of Archaeology of Central Asia, Karega-Munene Institute of History of Material Culture, Head and Principal Research Scientist, Departm entRussian of Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Archaeology, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi,Research: Kenya Analysis of Xiongnu Period Artifacts Lecturing: African Archaeology University of California-Berkeley, Center for Slavic and East University of Pennsylvania, University Museum, MASCA European Studies, Berkeley, C A 94720 Research Center, Department of Anthropology, Philadelphia,c/o D r. Barbara Voytek PA 19104 November 1998 - February 1999 c/o Dr. Kathleen Ryan Bryn Mawr College, Department of Anthropology, BrynMustafina, Mawr, Raushan PA 19010-2899 Senior Researcher, Institute o f Ethnology and Anthropology, c/ o Dr. Phil Kilbride Kazakh Academy of Science, Alm aty, Kazakhstan Scholar-in-Residence Program Research: American Studies o f Muslim Societies September 1998 - December 1998 Indiana University-Bloomington, Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Bloomington, IN 47405 Knudsen, Are c /o D r. Nazif Shahrani Research Associate, The C hristian Michelsen Institute,January Bergen, 1999 - July 1999 Norway Research: Natural Resources Management Santos, Ieda Machado Ribeiro dos University of Hawaii-Manoa, East-West Center, Honolulu,Associate H I Researcher, Center for African Studies, Federal 96822 University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil c/o Dr. Jefferson Fox Lecturing: The African Presence in Latin America January 1999 - August 1999 Savannah State College, College of Liberal Arts, Savannah, G A 31404 Kononenko, N ina c/o D r. Kenoye Eke Senior Researcher, Laboratory o f Stone Age and Paleometal,Scholar-in-Residence Program Institute of History, Archaeology, and EthnographySeptember of People 1997 - June 1998 of the Far East, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia Vaz de Silva, Francisco Research: The Application of High-Magnification Use-WearAssistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Higher Institute Analysis Techniques fo r the L ith ic Tool Industries offor the Management and Labor Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal Russian Far East at the Pleistocene-Holocene BoundaryResearch: Interpreting Folklores University of California-Santa Barbara, DepartmentUniversity of of California-Berkeley, Department of Spanish and Anthropology, Santa Barbara, C A 93106 Portuguese, Berkeley, C A 94720 c/o Dr. Michael A . Glassow c/o D r. Candace Slater January 1999 - June 1999 March 1999 - August 1999


Williams Martinez, Eduardo Yu, Guang-hong Professor, Center for Anthropological Studies, CollegeAssociate o f Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Nankang, Michoacan, Zamora, Mexico Taipei, Taiwan Research: The Ethnoarchaeology o f Salt ProductionResearch: at Lake A n Anthropological Study o f the Yami People Cuitzeo, Michoacan Stanford U niversity, Center fo r East Asian Studies, Stanford, CA Tulane University, Department of Anthropology, New94305-9991 Orleans, L A 70118 c/o Dr. Arthur P. W olf c/o D r. Dan M . Healan September 1998 - June 1999 July 1998 - January 1999


Salukvadze, Ioseb Bahammam, Omar Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Hum an Geography, Tbilisi Assistant Professor, Department o f Planning, College ofState U niversity, Tbilisi, Georgia Architecture and Planning, King Saud University, Riyadh,Research: U rban Land-Use Management in the Market Economy Saudi Arabia Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Special Program for Urban Research: Visual Analysis o f Desert Landscape and Regional Studies, Department of Urban Studies, University o f Arizona, School o f Renewable Natural Resources,Cambridge, M A 02139 College o f Agriculture, Tucson, A Z 85721-0043 c/o Ms. N im fa de Leon c/o Mr. C.P. Patrick Reid August 1998 - M ay 1999 September 1998 - May 1999 Yin, Zhi Lo Piccolo, Francesco Institution o f Architecture and Urban Studies, School of Researcher, Department o f C ity and Regional Planning,Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, People’s Republic University o f Palermo, Palermo, Italy o f China Research: The Role of Planning in M ultiethnic CitiesResearch: U rban Planning Management: Focus on Land-Use University o f New Orleans, College o f Urban and PublicPlanning Affairs, and Design Division o f Urban Research and Policy Studies, N ewUniversity Orleans, of California-Berkeley, Department of City and L A 70148 Regional Planning, Berkeley, CA 94720 c/o Dr. Mickey Lauria c/o D r. A llan B. Jacobs December 1997 - M ay 1998 September 1998 - June 1999

Mac-Clure, Oscar Ziegler, Volker Chief, Department of Economic Studies and Planning,Assistant M in istry Lecturer, School of Architecture o f Paris-La Villette, Paris, o f Planning and Cooperation, Santiago, Chile France Research: Employment and Productive Policies TowardsResearch: Regional Planning and H ighw ay Construction: Mutual Poverty and Social Exclusion Influences, Europe-United States, 1920-1950 Pratt Institute, School of Planning and the Environment,U niversity o f Maryland-College Park, School of Architecture, Brooklyn, N Y 11205 College Park, M D 20742-1411 c/o Dr. Ronald Shiffman c/o D r. Isabelle Gournay August 1998 - October 1998 Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture and Preservation, N e w Y o rk, N Y 10027 Mitrojorgji, Linda c/o Dr. Mary McLeod Architect, Kisi Studio of Architecture and Urban Planning,August Tirana, 1998 - October 1998 Albania Research: Urbanism of a C ity Under Pressure of Abrupt Political Changes University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Champaign, I L 61820-5711 c/o D r. Christopher Silver September 1998 - April 1999


Belghazi, Taieb Omar, Ariffin Associate Professor, Departm ent o f English, Faculty oAssociate f Letters, Professor, School o f Humanities, Universiti Sains Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia Research: C ultural Development in Morocco Lecturing: Modem Asia Duke University, Departm ent o f Asian and A frican LanguagesUniversity of Utah, Department of Asian Studies and History, and Literature, D urham , N C 27708-0586 Salt Lake C ity, U T 84112 c/o Dr. Miriam Cooke c/o Dr. Anand A. Yang June 1998 - September 1998 Scholar-in-Residence Program March 1998 - October 1998 Declich, Francesca Postdoctoral Researcher, Departm ent o f Studies onTothne A frica and Litovkina, Anna the Arab Countries, O riental U niversity Institute, Naples,Professor, Italy Department of Foreign Languages, Illyes Gyula Research: History Among the Zigula and Bantu GroupsTeacher of Training College, Szekszard, Hungary Somalia and Tanzania: M atrillineal N e tw o rk and ForcedResearch: A Comparative Analysis of the Use and Functions of Migrations Proverbs in Contemporary American and Hungarian Society: A Northwestern University, Program o f African Studies, Evanston,Study o f American and Hungarian Identity Through Proverbs IL 60208-4110 University of California-Berkeley, Department of Anthropology, c/o Dr. Akbar M. Virmani Berkeley, CA 94720 University of Pennsylvania, Department of History, c/o D r. Alan Dundes Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228 September 1998 - February 1999 c/o Dr. Lee V. Cassanelli July 1998 - October 1998 Zanamwe, Lazarus Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Zimbabwe, Kalkanova, Tatyana Harare, Zimbabwe Teacher, Department o f Bulgarian Language andLecturing: Literature, African Literature and Folklore American College o f Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria University of Vermont, Department of Geography and African Lecturing and Research: Bulgarian Language andStudies, C ivilization Burlington, V T 05405-0160 Boston College, Department o f History, Chestnut H ill,c/o M AD r. Glen Elder 02167-9991 Scholar-in-Residence Program c/o Dr. Raymond McNally August 1998 - February 1999 September 1998 - June 1999

Lucero, Maria Rosario Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Filip in o and Philippine Literature, U niversity o f the Philippines, Quezon C ity, Philippines Lecturing: A Survey o f the Philippines University of Hawaii-Leeward C om m unity College, Pearl City, H I 96782 c/o Mrs. Elena Bumanglag Scholar-in-Residence Program August 1998 - M ay 1999


Carrasco, Victoria Jahnke, Robert Associate Dean, School for the Arts, Central UniversitySenior of Ecuador, Lecturer and Coordinator, Department of Maori Studies, Quito, Ecuador Massey University, Palmerston N orth, New Zealand Lecturing: Latin American A rt Tradition Lecturing: Theory and Criticism of Art Oklahoma City Community College, School of Arts andUniversity of Hawaii-Manoa, Department of Art, Honolulu, H I Humanities, Oklahom a C ity , O K 73159-4419 96822 c/o Dr. Manuel Prestamo c/o D r. Anne Bush Scholar-in-Residence Program Scholar-in-Residence Program August 1998 - December 1998 August 1998 - May 1999

17 ART

Kambli, Hanuman Marshall-Alleyne, Hartley Head, Department of Painting, Printmaking Studio,Senior Goa College T u to r, Departm ent of Fine Arts, Barbados Community of Art-A ltin h o , Panaji-Goa, India College, St. Michael, Barbados Lecturing: Printmaking, Painting, and Drawing Lecturing: The Visual A rts in the A frican Diaspora: The Caribbean Western Michigan University, College of Fine Art, DepartmentConnection o f A rt, Kalamazoo, M I 49008 University o f Central Florida, College of Arts and Sciences, c/o D r. Charles Stroh African-American Studies Program, Orlando, FL 32816 February 1999 - May 1999 c/ o Dr. Gladstone Yearwood Scholar-in-Residence Program Kirumira, Rose January 1999 - M ay 1999 Faculty, School of Industrial and Fine Arts, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda Rui, Wang Lecturing: African Art Senior Researcher and Professor, Research Section, China Film De Anza College, School o f Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences,Archive, C hina F ilm A rts Research Center, Beijing, People’s Cupertino, C A 95014-5793 Republic of China c/o Dr. Sharon Miller Lecturing: International Film Scholar-in-Residence Program Ohio University, School of Film, Athens, O H 45701-2979 September 1998 - December 1998 c/o Dr. George S. Semsel Scholar-in-Residence Program Mahoux-Pauzin, Philippe September 1998 - June 1999 Instructor, Department of English Studies, Faculty o f Letters, University of Nancy II, Nancy, France Svensson, Jorgen Research: The Hudson River School o r the EmergenceProfessor, o f a Departm ent o f Free A rt, Valand School of Fine Arts, National School of Painting in the United States University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden University of Pennsylvania, Department of the HistoryResearch: of A rt, A rt in a Social Context Philadelphia, PA 19104-6208 San Francisco A rt Institute, New Genres Department, San c/o D r. Elizabeth Johns Francisco, C A 94133 July 1998 - October 1998 c/o Dr. Tony Labat October 1997 - August 1998


Carneci, Magda Liu, S-Lain Senior Researcher, Department o f Modern and ContemporaryPresident, National Institute of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan A rt, Institute of Art History, Bucharest, Romania Research: Creative Ideas o f Several Artists Research: Reinventing Postmodernism Cross-CulturalU niversityDialogue o f Michigan-A nn A rbor, Center for Chinese Studies, in Eastern Europe Department of Art H istory, Ann Arbor, M I 48109 New York University, Department of English, New York,c/o N Y Dr. Martin Powers 10012-1019 July 1998 - A p ril 1999 c/o Dr. Philip Brian Harper January 1999 - A p ril 1999 Zhuk, Igor Editor-in-Chief, Atlas of Architectural History of Lviv, Tsentr Dembo, Aleksandrs Yevropy Publishing House, Lviv, Ukraine Head, Department of Graphic Design, Latvian AcademyResearch: of A rt, The Development o f a M odel Database of the Most Riga, Latvia Im portant Pieces o f A rt o f Ukraine: The Lviv Index Research: W riting an Interpretive H isto ry of AmericanHarvard A rt from University, U krainian Research Institute, Cambridge, MA a Latvian Perspective 02138 New York University, College of Arts and Science, Departmentc/o Dr. Roman Szporluk o f Fine Arts, N ew Y ork, N Y 10012-1019 September 1998 - June 1999 c/o Dr. Robert Rosenblum January 1999 - May 1999

Jancar, Ivan Director, C ity Gallery o f Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Research: Index o f the Works of Kolom an Sokol University of Arizona, Museum of Art, Tucson, A Z 85721 c/o Dr. Peter Bermingham September 1998 - November 1998


Almouslem, Abdel Baset Dahl-Sandell, Maria Lecturer, Department o f Botany, Faculty o f Sciences,Department University of Animal Ecology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden of Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Research: Hormonal Basis of Female Aggression and the Research: Genetic Enrichment o f Bread Wheat by AlienLife-History Gene Trade-Offs Associated w ith Hormones and Transfer from Triticeae Reproduction North Dakota State University, Northern Crop ScienceSUNY-Binghamton, Department of Biological Sciences, Laboratory, Department o f Plant Science, Fargo, N DBinghamton, 58105 N Y 13902-6000 c/o Dr. Prem Jauhar c/o Dr. Anna Clark June 1998 - August 1998 Cornell University, Department of Psychology, Ithaca, N Y 14853-0001 Arshad, Mohammad c / o D r. Elizabeth Adkins-Rogan Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, U niversitySeptember of 1998 - September 1999 Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Research: Comparative Effects of Neem and PyrethroidsDahlberg, on Cecilia P450 and Ultrastructure of Spodoptera Litra Lecturer, General and Marine Microbiology Department, University of Illinois-Chicago, Department of BiologicalGoteborg University, Goteborg, Sweden Sciences, Chicago, IL 60607 Research: Evolution of Incom patibility in Bacterial Plasmids: The c/o Dr. M. A.Q. Khan Role of Intracellular Selection October 1998 - July 1999 University of Maryland-College Park, Department of Zoology, College Park, M D 20742-4414 Bano, Asghari c/o Dr. Lin Chao Assistant Professor, Department o f Biology, Quaid-i-AzamSeptember 1998 - September 1999 University, Islamabad, Pakistan Research: Shoot-to-Root Signal Involved in SoybeanDiaz Nodulation Castro, Sara University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Plant PhysiologyAcademic and Technician, Department of Terrestrial Biology, Genetics Research U n it, Champaign, IL 61801 Biological Research Center of the Northwest, La Paz, Mexico c/o Mr. J.E. Harper Research: Dendroclimatic Study of Northwestern Mexico August 1998 - A p ril 1999 University of Arizona, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Tucson, A Z 85721 Braby, Michael Fergus c/o D r. Malcolm K. Hughes Research Scientist, Division o f Entomology, CSIRO, Canberra,July 1998 - December 1998 Australia Research: The Origin and Evolution of Australian Butterflies:Drummond, Hugh Phylogeny and Biogeography o f Delias (Lepidoptera:Researcher, Department of Evolutionary Ecology, Institute of Pieridea) and A llied Genera Ecology, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico Harvard University, Agassiz Museum, Museum o f ComparativeCity, Mexico Zoology, Cambridge, M A 02138 Research: Settlement and Territorial Behavior of the Blue-Footed c/o Dr. Naomi Pierce Booby June 1999 - May 2000 University of California-Davis, Center of Animal Behavior, Section o f Evolution and Ecology, Davis, CA 95616 Chariot, Alain c/o D r. Judy Stamps Research Assistant, Department o f Clinical Biology, UniversitySeptember 1998 - June 1999 of Liege, Liege, Belgium Research: Functional Characterization of the NF-kB El-Hazmi,Proteins Mohsen Using the Gene Targeting Approach Professor, Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of National Institutes of Health, National Institute o f AllergyMedicine, and K ing Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Infectious Diseases, Laboratory o f Immunoregulation,Research: Applications of Human Genome Project: Diversity in Bethesda, M D 20892 Health and Disease States c/o Dr. U. Siebenlist National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes, October 1998 - September 1999 Digestive, and Kidney Diseases, Laboratory of Chemical Biology, Bethesda, M D 20892 c/o D r. Alan N . Schechter August 1998 - November 1998


El-Helow, Ehab Fuster Soler, Maria Dolores Assistant Professor, Department o f Botany, Faculty o fResearcher, Science, Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt U niversity o f Murcia, Murcia, Spain Research: Molecular Cloning, Characterization, andResearch: Amplification A n tioxidative Activities o f Arom a Chemicals Formed in of Heavy Metal Resistance Operons o f a Novel MarineBrewed Coffee Bacillus sp University of California-Davis, Department of Environmental University of California-Berkeley, Department of MolecularToxicology, and Davis, C A 95616-8588 Cell Biology, Berkeley, C A 94720 c/ o Dr. Takayuki Shibamoto c/o Dr. Terrance Leighton O ctober 1998 - September 1999 October 1998 - May 1999 Gestblom, Carolina Fares, Nagui Postdoctoral Researcher, Departm ent o f Laboratory Medicine, Associate Professor, Department o f Zoology, Faculty oLund f Science, U niversity, M alm o, Sweden Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Research: Characterization o f the Developing Sympathetic and Research: Identification and C loning o f the BindingEnteric Sites o Nervous f the Systems in Mice w ith Neuroblastomas and/or A ntioxidant Melatonin and Assessment of Its Role inH irschsprung’sthe Disease Male Reproductive Function University of Washington, Department of Pathology, Seattle, WA University of Virginia, Department of Biology, Charlottesville,98195 V A 22903 c/o D r. Raj P. Kapur c/o Dr. John Herr Novem ber 1997 - Novem ber 1998 January 1999 - June 1999 Gonzalez Pedrajo, Bertha Fomina, Irina Researcher, D epartm ent o f Molecular Genetics, Institute of Senior Researcher, Laboratory o f Ecology and PhysiologyCellular o fPhysiology, Mexico City, Mexico Phototrophic Organisms, Institute of Soil Sciences andResearch: Overexpression, Purification, and Characterization of Photosynthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino,the F liK P rotein o f Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Russia Yale University, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Research: The Mechanism of Foliar Sprays that IncreaseBiochemistry, Plant New Haven, CT 06520 Productivity and Water-Use Efficiency: Activities o f Keyc/o Dr. Robert M. Macnab Enzymes in C3 and C4 Plants August 1998 - N ovem ber 1998 University of Wyoming, Department of Botany, Laramie, W Y 82071 Haddad, Luciana Amaral c/o Dr. John Nishio Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biochemistry and August 1998 - A p ril 1999 Im m unology, Federal U niversity of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Franqueza Garcia, Laura Research: M olecular Analysis o f TSC1 and TSC2: The Tuberous Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Pharmacology,Sclerosis School Genes of Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid,Harvard Spain U niversity, Massachusetts General Hospital, Molecular Research: Molecular Bases of Cardiac Arrhythm ias Neurogenetics U n it, Cambridge, M A 02138 University of Utah, School of Medicine, Salt Lake C ity, c/oU T 84112Dr. Vijaya Ramesh c / o Dr. Michael Sanguinetti Novem ber 1997 - Novem ber 1998 January 1998 - December 1998 Hameed, Khalid Frilingos, Efstathios Professor, Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Jordan Research Associate, Department o f Chemistry, U niversityU niversityo f fo r Science and Technology, Amman, Jordan Loannina, Loannina, Greece Research: B iology and C ontrol of Orobanche: A Parasitic Research: Engineering Transport Proteins of ModifiedFlowering Specificity Plant University of California-Los Angeles, Department of VirginiaPhysiology, Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of M icrobiology, and Molecular Genetics, H oward HughesPlant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science, Blacksburg, VA Medical Institute, Los Angeles, C A 90089 24061-0202 c/o Patty Garvin, CIES c/o Dr. Chester L. Foy September 1998 - December 1998 Fulbright Program for Iraqi Expatriates January 1999 - July 1999


Helguera, Marcelo Leite, Romulo Researcher, Biotechnology Institute, National InstituteAssociate of Professor, Department o f Pharmacology, Biological Agronomic Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina Science Institute, Minas Gerais Federal University, Belo Research: Molecular Breeding for Resistance to Rust DiseasesHorizonte, in Brazil Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Research: Arterial Inflam matory Responses: A Manifestation of University of California-Davis, Department of Agronomy andHypertension Range Science, Davis, C A 95616 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Medical School, Department c/o Dr. Jorge Dubcovksy o f Physiology, Ann A rbor, M I 48109-0622 October 1998 - January 1999 c/o Dr. R. Clinton Webb November 1997 - November 1998 Jordan Valles, Albert Assistant Professor, D epartm ent o f Genetics and M icrobiology,Manktelow, Mariette Sciences Division, Autonomous University of Barcelona,Temporary University Lecturer, Department of Systematic Barcelona, Spain Botany, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Research: Role of Histone Acetilation on TranscriptionalResearch: The Evolution o f Pollination Systems Traced in the Regulation o f the H um an Im m unodeficiency Virus Phylogeny of Acanthaceae Genera University of California--San Francisco, Gladstone Institute ofUniversity of Arizona, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Virology and Immunology, Department of MicrobiologyBiology, and Tucson, AZ 85721 Immunology, San Francisco, C A 94143 c/o Dr. Lucinda A. McDade c/o Dr. Eric Verdin M ay 1998 - May 1999 January 1999 - December 1999 Navarro, Alexei Fedorovish Licea Kan’aan, Moien Professor, Department of Chemical Science, University of Baja Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Life Science, California, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico Bethlehem U niversity, Bethlehem, West Bank Research: Anti-Idiotypic A ntibody as a Vaccine Against Scorpion Research: The M olecular Basis o f Deafness in the PalestinianSting Non-Syndromic Deaf Population Scripps Research Institute, Department of Molecular Biology and University of Washington, Department of Health Sciences,Chemistry, La Jolla, C A 92037 Seattle, W A 98195 c/o D r. Carlos Barbas, III c/o Dr. Mary Clair King September 1998 - May 1999 January 1999 - O ctober 1999 Navarro Garcia, Federico Kivaisi, Amelia Assistant Professor, Department o f Microbiology, School of Associate Professor, D epartm ent o f Botany, A pplied Pharmacy, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain Microbiology U n it, U niversity o f D a r es Salaam, Research: Isolating Substrates of the N-End Rule Pathway of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Protein Degradation to Understand Its Physiological Function in Research: Use o f Constructed Wetlands in Wastewater Saccharomyces Corevisiea Treatment California Institute of Technology, Department of Biology, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences,Pasadena, C A 91125-0001 Department of Wetland Biogeochemistry, Soil, and Waterc/o D r. Alexander Varshavsky Science, Gainesville, FL 32611-8140 January 1999 - December 1999 c/o Dr.K.R. Reddy September 1998 - January 1999 Njolstad, Pal Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Haukeland University Koltai, Hinanit Hospital, Bergen, Norway Research Assistant, Departm ent o f Nematology, A .R .O . VolcaniResearch: Molecular Genetic Analyses of M O D Y Type Diabetes Center, Bet-Dagan, Israel Mellitus Research: Functional Analysis of a Serine/Threonine ReceptorUniversity of Chicago, H oward Hughes Medical Institute Kinese Expressed at the R oot-K not Nematode FeedingResearch Site Laboratories, Chicago, IL 60637-1513 North Carolina State University, Department of Plant Pathology,c/o D r. Graeme I. Bell Raleigh, N C 27695 August 1998 - August 1999 c/o Dr. David Bird September 1998 - September 1999 Novotny, Vojtech Research Scientist, Institute o f Entomology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic Research: Species Richness and Host Specificity of Herbivorous Insects on Rainforest Trees University of Hawaii-Manoa, Department of Natural Sciences, H onolulu, H I 96822 c/o Dr. Scott E. M iller October 1998 - March 1999


Pinar Garcia, Susana Termignoni, Carlos Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f H isto ry o f Science,Professor, D epartm ent o f Biochem istry, Federal University of Rio Center fo r Historical Studies, H igher Council fo r ScientificGrande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Research, Madrid, Spain Research: Biochem istry Research: Reception, Introduction, and N ew PolemicsN ational o f Institutes o f Health, Laboratory o f Parasitic Diseases, Neodarwinism in Latin America Department of Medical Entomology, Bethesda, MD 20892 University of California-Irvine, Department of Ecologyc / o and D r. Jose M.C . Ribeiro Evolutionary Biology, Irvine, C A 92717 October 1998 - September 1999 c/o Dr. Francisco J. Ayala March 1998 - December 1998 Toien, Oivind Research Associate, D epartm ent o f A rctic Biology, University of Sotiropoulou, Georgia Tromso, Tromso, Norway Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, School ofResearch: Health N europhysiology o f Hibernation in Bears Sciences, U niversity o f Patras, Patras, Greece U niversity o f Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Arctic Biology, Research: In V ivo and In V itro Assays fo r Drug DiscoveryFairbanks, A K 99775-0180 Harvard University, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Departmentc/o D r. Brian M . Barnes of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology,September Boston, 1997 - August 1998 M A 02115 c/o D r. A rth u r B. Pardee Voznessenskaia, Elena July 1998 - October 1998 Senior Researcher, Department of Anatomy and Morphology, Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Svobodova, Milena Petersburg, Russia Department of Parasitology and Hydrobiology, CharlesResearch: Ecological Bases o f Development of U niversity, Prague, Czech Republic Structural-Biochemical Features o f Representatives of the Research: Characterization of Sandfly Midgut Lectin Family Chenopodiaceae University of Kentucky, College of Medicine, DepartmentWashington of State University, Department of Botany, Pullman, Biochemistry, Lexington, K Y 40536-0084 W A 99164-4238 c/o D r. Sam Turco c/o Dr. Gerald Edwards November 1998 - March 1999 September 1998 - December 1998

Tausz, Michael Yusof, Rohana Research Assistant, Institute o f Plant Physiology, U niversityLecturer, o f D epartm ent o f Biochem istry, Faculty of Medicine, Graz, Graz, Austria University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Research: Patterns of Physiological Stress-Markers in NeedlesResearch: o Biochemical f Characterization o f Dengue Virus Type 2 Field-Grown Pines in the San Bernardino MountainsProtease U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pacific Southwest ResearchUniversity of Kansas Medical Center, School of Medicine, Station, Forest Service, Berkeley, C A 94701-0245 Department o f Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Kansas c/o D r. Andrzej Bytherowicz C ity, KS 66160-7421 June 1999 - September 1999 c/o D r. R. Padmanabhan Novem ber 1998 - June 1999


Abrahams, Jeremy Al Etreby, Amr Group Product Manager, Glaxo Wellcome, Selangor,Assistant Malaysia Professor, Departm ent o f Statistics, Faculty of Research: Im proving Health-Care Systems in Malaysia Commerce, A in Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of HealthResearch: A p p ly in g Total Q u a lity Management on Higher Administration, Richmond, V A 23284-9005 Education in Egypt c/o Dr. Thomas T.H. Wan Affiliation to be determined University of California-Berkeley, School of Business, c/o Barbara Wollison, CIES Berkeley, C A 94720 April 1999 - September 1999 c/o Dr. Peter C. W ilton June 1998 - August 1998


Arabov, Yurij Elkjaer, Bente Assistant Manager, Department of New Products Development,Associate Professor, Department of Informatics and Management Soyuzkontrakt-Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia Accounting, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Lecturing: Business and Economics D enm ark Johnson State College, Department of Education,Research: Johnson, From VT Design of Learning Organizations to 05656-9405 Development of Learning Communities of Practice c/o Dr. Robert C. D iG iulio University o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Graduate School of Scholar-in-Residence Program L ib ra ry and In fo rm atio n Science, Champaign, IL 61820-6211 August 1998 - January 1999 c/o Dr. Leigh Estabrook June 1998 - January 1999 Bahlous, Mejda Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, InstituteFahy, of H igher Martin Commercial Studies, Carthage, Tunisia Lecturer, Department of Accountancy and Finance, National Research: Firm Restructuring, Liberalization, Privatization,University and of Ireland, Galway, Ireland State Disengagement Research: The Role of Management Accountants in Northeastern University, Department of Political Science,Organizations: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Small and Medium Boston, M A 02115-5096 Enterprises c/o Dr. Denis J. Sullivan A ffiliation to be determined September 1998 - M a y 1999 c/o Christina Borgeest, CIES September 1998 - August 1999 Bauer, Andras Professor, D epartm ent o f M a rke tin g , Budapest U n ivGioscia, e rs ity o f Rossanna Economic Sciences, Budapest, H ungary Director, Maximusica, Montevideo, Uruguay Research: Sectors for G row th in the Next Phase o f HungarianResearch: Music Business: Strategies for Development of National Transformation Product University of California-Berkeley, Haas School o f Business,New York University, Department of Arts and Humanities, New Berkeley, C A 94720 Y o rk , N Y 10012-1019 c/o Dr. David A. Aaker c/o D r. Lisa Koenigsberg July 1998 - December 1998 M arch 1999 - June 1999

Cerit, Ayse Hashem, Abul Acting Director, School o f M aritim e Business and Management,Professor and Dean, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Dokuz Eylul University, Izm ir, Turkey Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh Research: Market O rientation in the Shipbuilding Industry:Research: The Corporate C ultu re o f the U nited States: Some Turkey and the U nited States Lessons for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh University of M ichigan-Ann Arbor, Department of NavalSuffolk University, Department of Accounting, Boston, MA Architecture and Marine Engineering, Ann A rbor, 02108-2770M I 48109 c/o Dr. Anastassios N . Perakis c/o Dr. Mawdudur Rahman November 1998 - M a y 1999 September 1998 - February 1999

Dogan, Muammer Khan, M. Ameeruz Chair, Department o f Business, Faculty of EconomicsProfessor, and Department o f Management, Rajshahi University, Administrative Sciences, Dokuz Eylul University, Izm ir, TurkeyRajshahi, Bangladesh Research: The Establishment and Management oResearch: f the Cotton Female Entrepreneurship in the U nited States: Futures M arket in Iz m ir, T u rk e y U tilization of Microcredit and Its Role in Free Market Economy University of Florida, Graduate School of Business, DepartmentUniversity of Maryland-College Park, Office of International of Decision and Inform ation Sciences, Gainesville, FLPrograms, College Park, M D 20742 32611-8140 c/o D r. Marcus Franda c/o Dr. S. Selcuk Erenguc A p ril 1998 - O ctober 1998 August 1998 - Decem ber 1998 Lai, Tsung-chyan Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Scheduling and Planning Under Uncertain Numerical Data Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Operations Research Center, Cambridge, M A 02139-4307 c /o D r. James O rlin September 1998 - Ju ly 1999


Lamarque Arilez, Lucia Guadalupe Shepetukha, Yuriy Professor, School of Accountancy and Administration, Senior Research Scientist, Department o f Man-Machine Systems, Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexicali, MexicoInternational Center fo r Inform ation Technologies and Systems, Lecturing: Training Future U.S. Business People for W orkingUkrainian in Academy o f Sciences and M inistry of Education, M exico Kiev, Ukraine San Diego State University, Department of Management,Research: Elaboration of O ption Generation Methods for Calexico, C A 92231 Managerial Decision-Making c/o Dr. Steve Lovett Texas A & M University, Department of Information and September 1998 - M ay 1999 Operations Management, College Station, TX 77843-1244 c /o D r. D avid O lso n Mitra, Reshmi January 1999 - June 1999 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Xavier Labor Relations Institute, Jamshedpur, India Shiah-Hou, Shin-rong Research: The Growth Pattern of Women-Run Enterprises:Associate A Professor, Department of Finance, Yuan-Ze University, Comparative Study C hung-Li, Taiw an Babson College, Center for Entrepreneurial Studies,Research: Babson The Debt M aturity Structure w ith Neural Networks Park, M A 02157-0310 U niversity o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Department of Finance, c/o Dr. W illiam Bygrave Champaign, IL 61820-5711 Harvard University, School of Business, Cambridge, M A 02138c /o D r. N arasim ham Jegadeesh c /o D r. Louis Barnes August 1998 - June 1999 February 1999 - September 1999 Siengthai, Sununta Moon, Hee-Cheol Associate Professor, Faculty o f Commerce and Accountancy, Associate Professor, Department of International Management,Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea Research: Productivity Improvement in U.S.-Thai Joint Ventures Research: Use of Internet and W orld Wide Web in SmallU n Firms iv e rs ity o f M ic h ig a n -A n n A rb o r, School o f Business, Southeast Ohio State University-Columbus, Fisher College of Business,Asia Business Program, Ann Arbor, M I 48109 Department of Marketing and Logistics, Columbus, Oc H /o 43210 D r. Linda L im c/o Dr. Martha Cooper J u ly 1998 - January 1999 August 1998 - January 1999 Van Donselaar, Karel Moore, Rickie Assistant Professor, D epartm ent o f Technology Management, Professor, Department of Academic Administration, LyonE indhoven U n iv e rs ity o f T echnology, Eindhoven, Netherlands Graduate School of Business, Ecully, France Research: The Value o f Advance Demand Information in Supply Research: Evaluation and Development of the EconomicChains Performance of Companies Stanford U niversity, Graduate School o f Business, Department of University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business,Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Stanford, Department of Management and Organization, Los Angeles,CA 94305-4024 CA 90089-1421 c /o D r. H au L . Lee c/o Dr. Thomas E. Cummings A ugust 1998 - N ove m b e r 1998 September 1998 - August 1999 Yao, Changhui Myung, Young-Soo Professor, Department of Finance, Guanghua School of Professor, Department of Business Adm inistration, DankookManagement, Peking University, Beijing, People’s Republic of University, Cheonan, Korea China Research: Designing Survivable Communication NetworksResearch: The U.S. Government and Its Financial Institutions Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Operations ResearchU n iv e rs ity o f Pennsylvania, W h a rto n School, G lobal Chinese Center, Cambridge, M A 02139-4307 Business Initiative, Philadelphia, PA 19104 c/o Dr. Thomas Magnanti c /o D r. M ing-Jer Chen August 1998 - January 1999 September 1998 - June 1999

Sakr, Hoda Professor, Department of Personnel Management and Behavioral Sciences, Sadat Academ y fo r Management Sciences, C airo, Egypt Research: Career Centers and the Process o f Human Resources Q uality Management Affiliation to be determined c/o Barbara Wollison, CIES January 1999 - M ay 1999


Young, Stephen Zhaparbekova, Saule Professor, D epartm ent o f M a rk e tin g , U n iv e rs ity o f Strathclyde,Head, Department of Language Training, Zhambyl Technological Glasgow, Scotland, U nited Kingdom In s titu te o f L ig ht Industry and Food Science, Taraz, Kazakhstan Lecturing and Research: Investment Issues at the WResearch: orld Trade Effective Usage of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows Organization by American Companies Georgetown University, School of Business, Washington,Syracuse DC University, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public 20057 A ffa irs, Departm ent o f Economics, Syracuse, N Y 13244-0003 c/o Dr. Thomas L. Brewer c /o D r. M ary Lovely European U n io n Scholar-in-Residence Program August 1998 - A p ril 1999 August 1998 - December 1998

Zefirov, Vladimir Associate Professor, D e p a rtm e n t o f Econom ics and Finance, University of Hum anities and Social Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Research: Comparative Analysis o f the U.S. and Russian Stock Trading Systems Georgetown University, School o f Business, Washington, DC 20057 c/o D r. James Angel January 1999 - June 1999


Abreu, Heber Dos Santos Brinchi, Lucia Associate Professor, Federal Rural U niversity of R io deResearcher, Janeiro, Department of Chemistry, University of Perugia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Perugia, Italy Research: Biosynthetic Mechanism and Lignin StructureResearch: Studies Micellar Effects Upon Phosphate Ester Hydrolysys: The (In Vivo) Role of Substrate and Surfactant Hydrophobic Character Washington State University, Institute of Biological Chemistry,University of California-Santa Barbara, Department of Chemistry, Pullman, W A 22154-6340 Santa Barbara, CA 93106 c/o Dr. Norman G. Lew is c/o Dr. Clifford A. Bunton December 1997 - D ecem ber 1998 January 1999 - M arch 1999

Al-Mutairi, Eiman Broekaert, Jose Assistant Professor, D e p a rtm e n t o f O rga nic C h e m istry,Professor, K in g Department of Chemistry, University of Dortmund, Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia Dortmund, Germany Research: Proposed Synthesis o f M ycinoic Acids I andResearch: II Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry w ith Plasma Sources Harvard School of Public Health, Physiology Program,Indiana Boston, University-Bloomington, Department of Chemistry, M A 02115 Bloomington, IN 47405-1201 c/o Dr. Joseph D. Paulauskis c/o D r. Gary Hieftje June 1998 - M arch 1999 J u ly 1998 - O ctober 1998

Barakat, Assem Brow n, Rebecca Professor and Head, D e p a rtm e n t o f E n viro n m e n taResearcher, l Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Girton College, University Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria,of Egypt Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Research: Application o f M olecular Markers in TrackingResearch: Asymmetric Transition-Metal Catalyzed A llylic Environmental Contamination Substitution Affiliation to be determined Stanford University, Department of Chemistry, Stanford, CA c o Barbara W ollison, CIES 94305-5080 April 1999 - October 1999 c/o Dr. Barry M. Trost February 1999 - January 2000


Caballero Suarez, Jose Antonio Karadsheh, Naif Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering,Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Physiology, Faculty School of Sciences, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spainof Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan Research: Mixed-Integer O ptim ization Techniques forResearch: Red Cell Enzymopathies in Jordan: Biochemical Algorithm ic Process Synthesis Molecular Characterization of G6PD and PK Variants Carnegie M ellon University, Department of Chemical Virginia Commonwealth University, Division of Molecular Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891 Diagnostics, Department of Pathology, Richmond, VA c/o Dr. Ignacio Grossman 23284-9005 January 1998 - December 1998 c/o Dr. Carleton T. Garrett September 1998 - June 1999 El-Sharkawy, Mahmoud Lecturer, Department of Occupational Health, High InstituteKarbowiak, Miroslaw of Public Health, Alexandria, Egypt Lecturer, F a cu lty o f C hem istry, U n iv e rs ity o f Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Research: Assessment of Carcinogenic Hydrocarbons in Poland Ambient A ir Research: Studies in Spectroscopic and Laser Properties of the A ffiliation to be determined U ra n iu m (3t) Io n in B rom ide, C h lo rid e , and Fluoride Hosts c/o Barbara W ollison, CEES University o f California-Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National February 1999 - J u ly 1999 Laboratory, Chemical Sciences D ivision, Berkeley, CA 94720 c/o Dr. Norman Edelstein Espinosa Merina, Juan January 1999 - October 1999 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Institute, Higher Scientific ResearchLopez Pelegrin, Jose Angel Council, Madrid, Spain Researcher, Department o f Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Research: Design and Conformational Studies of PeptidesOrganic and Chemistry Division, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Poli-Beta-Amino Acids as Beta-Sheet Models Spain University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Chemistry,Research: Development of New Soluble Polymers and Madison, W I 53706-1380 Application to the Combinatorial Synthesis of Prostanoids c/o Dr. Samuel H. Gellman Scripps Research In s titu te , D ep artm en t o f C hem istry, La Jolla, CA October 1998 - September 1999 92037 c /o D r. K im D . Janda Gaemers, Sander September 1998 - August 1999 Researcher, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, J.H. Van’t H off Research Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands Martin Alvarez, Jose Miguel Research: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on Proteins inAssistant Professor, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Supercritical Media University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes,Research: Fluorocarbon Immobilized Catalysts Digestive, and Kidney Diseases, Department of BiophysicalUniversity of Utah, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Salt and N M R Spectroscopy, Bethesda, M D 20892 Lake C ity, U T 84112 c /o D r. A d Bax c/o Dr. John Gladysz August 1998 - December 1998 January 1998 - December 1998

Jakobsson, Sigurdur Martinez de La Cruz, Luis Alfonso Research Scientist, Science Institute, U niversity o f Iceland,Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Crystallography, Higher Reykjavik, Iceland Council fo r Scientific Research Institute of Physical Chemistry, Research: Solubility of C 02 and H 2 0 in Basalts at High Rosasolano Institute, Madrid, Spain Pressures and Temperatures Research: Proteins Im plied in the Signal Transduction in Plants Arizona State University, Department of Geology, Tempe,University AZ o f California-Berkeley, Department of Chemistry, 85287 Berkeley, CA 94720 c/o Dr. John R. Holloway c /o D r. Sung H o K im August 1998 - June 1999 January 1998 - December 1998

Jongen, Nathalie Mohamed, Magdy Research Assistant, Department of Materials Sciences, SwissLecturer, D epartm ent o f B io che m istry, A in Shams University, Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, SwitzerlandCairo, Egypt Research: Effects of Additives on Nucleation and CrystallizationResearch: Strategy Towards the Development of Vaccine University of Utah, Department of Chemical and Fuels Candidate Against Schistosomiasis Engineering, Salt Lake C ity, U T 84112 SUNY-Buffalo, School o f Medicine and Biochemical Science, c/o Dr. Terry Ring D epartm ent o f B io che m istry, B u ffa lo , N Y 14214 October 1998 - September 1999 c /o D r. E dw ard G. N iles October 1998 - March 1999


Orosz, Gyorgy Spring, David Researcher, Department of Organic Chemistry, Dyson Perrins Research Associate Professor, Research Group o f Peptide Laboratory, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom Chemistry, Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary Research: A Chemical Approach Towards the Understanding and Research: Phototriggers in Peptides C o n tro l o f Protein Function University of Kansas, Department of Chemistry, Lawrence, KS Harvard University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical 66045 B iology, Cambridge, M A 02138 c/o Dr. Richard S. Givens c/o D r. Stuart L. Schreider May 1998 - August 1998 January 1999 - December 1999 Pradeep, Thalappil Assistant Professor, D ep artm en t o f C he m istry, RegionalSuvanto, Petro Sophisticated In stru m e n ta tio n C enter, In d ia n InResearcher, s titu te o f Program of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Technology, Madras, India Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Research: Fundamental Aspects o f Ion/Surface C ollisionResearch: Characterization of Intracellular Proteins Interacting w ith p75 LANR Phenomena Purdue University, Department o f Chemistry, West Lafayette,Columbia University, Department of Otolaryngology, New York, IN 47907-1968 N Y 10032 c /o D r. Takaaki Sato c/o Dr. R. Graham C ooks M ay 1998 - M ay 1999 May 1998 - August 1998

Rodriguez Sarmiento, Rosa Maria Troev, Kolio Researcher, Department o f Organic Chemistry, UniversityProfessor, of La Department of Chemistry, Institute of Polymers, Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, SpainBulgarian Academy o f Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Research: Synthesis o f Anticancer A ntibiotics Research: Thermolysis of Poly (Urethane Phosphonate): A New Scripps Research In s titu te , D ep artm en t o f C he m istry, LaRoute Jolla, to Am inoalkylphosphonic Acids CA 92037 Marquette University, Department of Chemistry, Milwaukee, W I c/o Dr. K.C. Nicolau 53201-1881 March 1997 - December 1998 c /o D r. Sheldon E. Cremer J u ly 1998 - December 1998 Saleem, Rubeena Senior Research Associate, H a fiz M oham m ad Ilyas InWendt, stitu te o Lars f Pharmacology and Herbal Sciences, U niversity o f Ph.D.Karachi, Student, Department of Inorganic Chemistry 1, Chemical Center, Lund U niversity, Lund, Sweden Karachi, Pakistan Research: Metallocene Catalyzed Olefin Polymerization: A Research: Isolation and Characterization o f Polysaccharides Mechanistic Investigation of the Origin of Stereospecificity (Glucomannans) from Aloe Barbadensis and Evaluation of California Institute of Technology, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Their Biological Activities Laboratories o f Chemical Synthesis, Pasadena, C A 91125-0001 Cornell University, Baker Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, c /o D r. John E. Bercaw Ithaca, N Y 14853-6 January 1998 - January 1999 c/o Dr. Jerrold Meinwald September 1998 - M ay 1999 Youssef, Diaa Lecturer, Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Sikorski, Marek Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt Adjunct, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Adam Mickiewicz, Research: Bioactive Constituents of Marine Organisms Poznan, Poland University of Hawaii-Manoa, Department of Chemistry, Research: The Photophysics and Photochemistry o f Thioketones Honolulu, H I 96822-2275 and Alloxazines on Solid Support c/o D r. Paul J. Scheuer University of Notre Dame, Department of Chemistry and June 1998 - February 1999 Biochemistry, Notre Dame, IN 46556 c/o Dr. J. Kerry Thomas October 1998 - Ju ly 1999


Al-Hail, Ali Inokuma, Ritsuko Consultant, Television and Radio Corporation, Doha, Qatar Journalist, Lifestyle and Culture Section,The Yom iuri Shimbun, Research: Designing a Curriculum to Teach Media Education in T o k y o , Japan Q atari Schools Research: Support for the Elderly University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, School of Mass Stanford U niversity, Department o f Communication, John S. Communication and Journalism, Department of Knight Fellowships, Stanford, CA 94305-9991 Speech-Communications, Minneapolis, M N 55455-0213 c /o D r. James V . Risser c/o Dr. Don Browne July 1998 - March 1999 O ctober 1998 - M arch 1999 Juraev, Saifiddin Alemdar, Korkmaz Chief, Institute fo r Strategic and Interregional Studies, Tashkent, Faculty Member, Department of Journalism, School of U zbekistan Communication, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Research: T h e R ole o f the M edia and P ublic O pinion in the Research: The Technology-Driven Transformation of the Media Process o f Dem ocratization and the Strengthening of Stability Structure in Turkey and Its Consequences on the Media George Washington U niversity, Institute for European, Russian, Professions and Eurasian Studies, Washington, DC 20052 American University, School of Communication, Washington, c /o D r. James M illa r DC 20016-8017 O rg a n iza tio n fo r S ecurity & C ooperation in Europe Regional c/o M r. Sanford Ungar Research Program August 1998 - N ovem ber 1998 September 1998 - February 1999 Cruz, Duke Marcia Kabisov, Albert Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Regional Director, Center for Journalists for Conflict Resolution, University of Blumenau, Blumenau-Santa Catarina, Brazil Tskhinval, Georgia Research: Building a Methodology of Creation, Production, and Research: M inorities in the New W orld Order Assessment for Distance Learning Based on Videoconferencing George Mason U niversity, Institute of Conflict Analysis and University of Texas-Austin, College of Communication, Radio Resolution, Fairfax, V A 22030-4444 and Television-Film Department, Austin, TX 78712-1094 c/o Dr. Kevin Clements c /o D r. Frederick W illiam s August 1998 - A pril 1999 O ctober 1997 - O ctober 1998 Kume, Teruyuki Cunningham, Francine Professor and Associate D irector, Department of General European Correspondent, BrusselsThe Office,Scotman, Education, Intercultural Communication Institute, Edinburgh EHL, Scotland, United Kingdom Kanda U niversity of International Studies, Chiba, Japan Research: The Political Economy of the European U nion and Its Research: Persuasive Com m unication in Small Groups Impact on the Transatlantic Relationship East-West Center, Program on Education and Training, Honolulu, Harvard University, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European H I 96848-1601 Studies, Cambridge, M A 02138 c/o D r. Larry E. Smith c/o D r. Charles S. Maier August 1998 - December 1998 European Union Affairs Research Program August 1998 - M ay 1999 Lo, Ven-Hwei Professor and Chair, Department of Journalism, National Gorodetskaya, Ludmila Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan Associate Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Moscow State Research: Effects of Pornography on Adolescents in the United U n ive rsity, Moscow, Russia States and T aiw an Research: Preparing a Course on U.S. M ulticulturalism for Russian Stanford University, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA U n ive rsity Students 94305-9991 University of Colorado-Denver, College of Liberal Arts, Denver, c/o Dr. Ramon Myers CO 80217-3364 August 1998 - January 1999 c/o Dr. Marvin D. Loflin January 1999 - Ju ly 1999 Lu, Ye Associate Professor, School o f Journalism, Fudan University, Hernandez, Maria Shanghai, People’s Republic of China Assistant Professor, Communications Career Department, Catholic Research: Management of American Broadcast Media University of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay University of Southern California, School of Journalism, Los Research: Arts Administration-Production, Budgeting, and Angeles, C A 90089-0281 Marketing for Film, Video, and Television c/o Dr. M urray Fromson New York University, Department of Arts and Humanities, New September 1998 - June 1999 Y o rk , N Y 10012-1019 c/o D r. Lisa Koenigsberg January 1999 - A p ril 1999 28 COMMUNICATIONS AND JOURNALISM

Matsunami, Nobuharu Poplavskaia, Tatiana Reporter and Producer, N ew s D epartm ent, C h u b uChair, -N ip p oDepartment n of Speechology and Theory of Broadcasting C om pany, Nagoya, Japan Communication, Minsk State Linguistic University, Minsk, Research: Understanding the Role of Local GovernmentBelarus University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, School o f JournalismResearch: and Analysis of Present-Day American Public Speech in Mass Communication, Minneapolis, M N 55455-0213 the Context of Teaching Rhetoric c/o Dr. Donald G illm o r University of Washington, Department of Speech August 1998 - A p ril 1999 Communication, Seattle, W A 98195 c/o Dr. Barbara Warnick Mikolajczyk, Antoni January 1999 - M ay 1999 Professor, Studio of Video and Installation, Academy o f Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland Pospisil, Tomas Lecturing: Experimental V ideo Assistant Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Florida Atlantic U n ive rsity, D epartm ent o f C om m un ica tionMasaryk , University, Brno, Czech Republic Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991 Research: American Independent Filmmaking: Its Roots, Internal c/o Dr. Voncile Smith Strains, and Most Recent Developments Scholar-in-Residence Program University of Southern California, School of Cinema and January 1999 - M ay 1999 Television, Department of Cinema and Television, Los Angeles, CA 90089 Moran, Antonio c /o D r. D avid E. James Associate Professor, Institute o f Development Com m unication,January 1999 - June 1999 University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines Research: Applications of Personal Construct TheoryPrzylipiak, and C ritical Miroslaw Policy Analysis in F a m ily Planning Senior Lecturer, Department of Theater and Film Studies, University at A lbany, State U n iv e rs ity o f N e w Y o rk , D epartmUniversity ent of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland of Psychology, Albany, N Y 12222-0001 Research: Rhetorical Strategies of Direct Cinema c/o Dr. James Jackart, D r. James C. Mancuso Harvard University, Carpenter Center for Visual Arts, Cambridge, November 1998 - M ay 1999 M A 02138 c/o Dr. Alfred Guzzatti Nain, Zaharom September 1998 - June 1999 Lecturer, School o f C om m unication, U n iv e rs iti Sains M alaysia, Penang, Malaysia Salama, Atef Research: New Communication Technologies in theChair, United Department of Journalism, An-Najah N. University, Nablus, States and the T h ird W o rld W est Bank University of California-San Diego, School of Communication,Research: The Image of the Arab in the American Media La Jolla, CA 92093-5003 California State University-Fresno, Department of Mass c/o Dr. Dan Schiller Communication and Journalism, Fresno, CA 93740 November 1998 - Ju ly 1999 c /o D r. D .G . Lewis September 1998 - June 1999 Oukhvanova, Irina Professor, Department of English for H umanities andSalo, Social Merja Sciences, Belarusian State U niversity, M insk, BelarusAssociate Professor, Department of Photography, University of Research: Current Technologies o f Mass Media Text Aand rt and Design, Helsinki, Finland Discourse Research: Q u alita tive, In te rd is c ip lin a ry ApproachesResearch: Photography, New Media, and Photojournalism Today University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Department of EducationalUniversity of California-Santa Barbara, Department of History, Policy and A d m in istra tio n, M inneapolis, M N 55455-0213A rt, and Architecture, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7080 c/o Dr. Josef A. Mestenhauser c /o D r. E. Bruce Robertson August 1998 - December 1998 O cto b e r 1998 - M ay 1999

Petev, Todor Seimiya, Katsuyoshi Chair, Faculty of Journalism, Sofia University, Sofia, BulgariaStaff W riter, Political News Department, Mainichi Newspapers, Research: Mass Media and Social Change in the Post-TotalitarianTokyo, Japan Societies Research: The U.S. Congress’s Stance Toward Japan University of Maryland-College Park, College o f Journalism,Johns Hopkins University-School of Advanced International College Park, M D 20742 Studies, Asian Studies Program, Washington, DC 20036 c/o Dr. Ray E. H iebert c/o Dr. Nathaniel Thayer September 1998 - M arch 1999 J u ly 1998 - A p ril 1999


Silva, Janice Caiafa Pereira E. Uyo, A d id i U ’kebve Professor, Department of Communication, Federal UniversitySenior of L e ctu re r, D epartm ent o f Mass Com m unication, University Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil of Lagos, Akoka-Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria Research: Public Urban Transportation and Social ExclusionLecturing: Mass Media and African Studies CUNY-Hunter College, Department of Communication,Central New Connecticut State U niversity, School of Arts and Sciences, York, N Y 10021-5085 Department of Communication, New Britain, CT 06050-4010 c/o D r. Louise D. Lennihan c /o D r. A n d re w M oem eka October 1998 - September 1999 Scholar-in-Residence Program August 1998 - May 1999 Sugaya, M inoru Professor, Institute for Media and Communications Research,Zatusevski, Irina Keio University, Tokyo, Japan Associate Professor, Department o f Journalism, Moldova State Research: Local Media Policy in the United States University, Chisinau, Moldova University of Hawaii-Manoa, Department of Communication,Research: Media and Public Relations H o n o lu lu , H I 96822 University of N orth Carolina-Chapel H ill, Department of c /o D r. Elizabeth N . K u n im o to Journalism and Mass Communication, Chapel H ill, NC J u ly 1998 - September 1998 27599-3365 c/o D r. Robert L. Stevenson Tsuda, Yukio September 1998 - June 1999 Professor, Department of International Communication, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan Research: Global Language Policy East-West Center, Program on Education and Training, H onolulu, H I 96848-1601 c/o D r. Larry E. Smith O cto b er 1998 - February 1999


Boegl, Karl Farkas, Igor Professor, Department of Medical Informatics, University ofResearcher, Institute o f Measurement Science, Slovak Academy Vienna, Vienna, A ustria of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Research: An Approach Towards the Intelligent RadiologicalResearch: Temporal Sequence Processing w ith Self-Organizing Workstation N eural N etw o rks Harvard University, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard U niversity of Texas-Austin, Department of Computer Science, Medical School, Boston, M A 02115 Austin, T X 78712 c/o D r. Ron Kikinis, M.D. c /o D r. R isto M ikku la in e n O cto b e r 1998 - December 1998 October 1998 - January 1999

Craw, Susan Friedrich, Luis Fernando Reader, School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, RobertProfessor, D ep artm en t o f In fo rm a tio n and Statistics, Federal Gordon University, Aberdeen, United Kingdom U niversity o f Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil Research: Knowledge Acquisition and Management Research: Real Time Operational Systems University of California-Irvine, Department of InformationU and n iv e rs ity o f V irg in ia , D ep a rtm e n t o f C om puter Science, Computer Science, Irvine, CA 92697-3425 Charlottesville, V A 22903-2442 c/o D r. Michael Pazzani c /o D r. John A . Stankovic January 1999 - Ju ly 1999 December 1998 - December 1999

C sirik, Janos Gang, Dan Head, Department of Informatics, Jozsef A ttila University, Research Scholar, Institute for Com puter Science, Hebrew Szeged, H ungary U niversity o f Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel Research: Bin Packing Problems Research: Neural N etw ork Models o f Cognition and Prediction of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-Piscataway, RutgersTime-Ordered Musical Events Center for Operations Research, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8003Stanford U niversity, Center fo r Com puter Research in Music and c /o D r. Endre Boros Acoustics, Department of Music, A T& T Laboratory Research, Department of Algorithms andStanford, C A 94305-9991 Optim ization, Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971 c /o D r. Jonathan Berger c/o D r. David S. Johnson September 1998 - September 1999 June 1998 - September 1998


Nestares Garda, Oscar Tessem, Bjornar Postdoctoral Researcher, D epartm ent o f Images andAssociate V ision, Professor, Department of Information Science, Institute of Optics, Higher Scientific Council, Madrid, SpainUniversity of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Research: New Methods fo r FM R I Brain Images ProcessingResearch: and Reuse by A nalogy in Development o f Analysis Computer-Based Inform ation Systems Stanford University, Department of Psychology, Stanford,Brigham CA Young University, Department of Computer Science, 94305-9991 Provo, U T 84602-6576 c/o Dr. David J. Heeger c/o Dr. Alan Whitehurst October 1998 - September 1999 January 1998 - Ju ly 1998

O’Mahony, Donal Edward Tvrdik, Pavel Lecturer, Department o f C om puter Science, T r in ity College,Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Dublin, Ireland Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Research: Internet M obile Telephony Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic Affiliation to be determ ined Lecturing: Distance Learning c/o Christina Borgeest, CIES University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Computer August 1998 - September 1999 Sciences, Madison, W I 53706-1685 c /o D r. Barton P. M ille r January 1999 - June 1999


Al-Anssi, Yahia Boughanmi, Houcine Assistant Professor, Department o f Economics, Sana’aAssociate University, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sana’a, Yemen Mograne School of Agriculture, Mograne, Zaghouan, Tunisia Research: Evaluation of the Economic Reform ProgramResearch: in Yemen Applied General Equilibrium Model for Economic and University of Colorado-Boulder, Department o f Economics,Agricultural Policy Analysis Boulder, CO 80309 Oregon State University, Department of Agricultural and c/o Dr. Robert M cN ow n Resource Economics, C orvallis, O R 97331 September 1998 - M ay 1999 c/o D r. Steve Buccola M arch 1999 - June 1999 Al-Najar, Hamoud Assistant Professor, Department o f Economics, Sana’aChen, U niversity, Hsin-Ping Sana’a, Yemen Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Research: Disequilibrium in Money Markets: The CaseChengchi of Yemen University, Taipei, Taiwan University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, W I 53201-0413Research: Urban Economics c/o Dr. Magda Kandil H arvard U nive rsity, Fairbank Center fo r East Asian Research, January 1999 - O ctober 1999 Cambridge, M A 02138 c/o D r. Ezra F. Vogel Andreassen, Leif J u ly 1998 - A p ril 1999 Associate Professor, Department o f Mathematics, U niversity of Oslo, Oslo, N orw ay Choi, Jung-Sup Research: Future Developments in Education, LaborDirector, Supply, Agricultural and Policy Analysis Division, Korea Rural Pension Payments: A Search fo r N ew Approaches Economic Institute, Seoul, Korea New York University, Department of Economics, New York,Research: N Y The Realignment of Korean Rice Policy for Future 10012-1019 W orld Trade Organization Negotiations c/o Dr. Christopher F lin n University of California-Davis, Department of Agricultural and September 1998 - J u ly 1999 Resource Economics, Davis, CA 95616 c/o Dr. Daniel A. Sumner Andriouchtchenko, Sergei A ugust 1998 - January 1999 Head, Laboratory o f Economical Ecology o f Regional Agrosystems, In s titu te o f Social-Econom ic P roblem s oCordoneanu, f Natalia Petru Agro-Industrial Complex, Russian Academy o f Sciences,Research Adviser, M inistry of Economics, Chisinau, Moldova Saratov, Russia Research: Assessment of Tax Evasion and Development of Research: Ecological Factors in M aintaining the CompetitivenessRecommendations Towards Improving the Current Fiscal Code of Regional P roduction U niversity of Nebraska-Omaha, College of Business Tufts University, Global Development and Environm entAdm Institute, inistration, Department of Professional Accounting, Medford, M A 02155 Omaha, NE 68182 c/o Dr. Jonathan M . H arris c /o D r. Larry Trussell January 1999 - M ay 1999 September 1998 - M ay 1999 31 ECONOMICS

De Souza, Mario Duayer Galishnikov, Yuri Titular Professor, Department of Economics, Federal UniversityProfessor and Head, Department o f Electrical Power Stations, of Fluminense, N iteroi, Brazil N etworks, and Systems, Chelyabinsk State Technical Research: Epistemological Adventures and MisadventuresUniversity, of Chelyabinsk, Russia Economics Research: Problems o f Technological Innovation Duke University, Program in Latin American Studies, Durham,Pennsylvania State U niversity-U niversity Park, School of NC 27708-0586 Engineering, Leonhard Center fo r Innovation and Enhancement c/o Dr. Alberto Moreiras of Engineering Education, U niversity Park, PA 16802 January 1998 - January 1999 c /o D r. J.V . Matson Pennsylvania State U n iv e rs ity -U n iv e rs ity Park, Leadership Minor De Vroey, Michel Program, University Park, PA 16802-1503 Professor, Department of Economics, Catholic Universityc/o of D r. Jeffrey Soper Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium September 1998 - May 1999 Research: Controversies Over Involuntary Unemployment in Macroeconomic Theory Harnay, Sophie Duke University, Department of Economics, Durham, N CResearcher, Department of Economics, University of Paris I 27708-0097 (Pantheon-Sorbonne), France c/o Dr. Marjorie B. McElroy Research: Comparison o f Rule-Making Powers Between August 1998 - J u ly 1999 Legislators and Judges in France and the United States S U N Y -S to n y B ro o k, D ep artm en t o f P o litica l Science, Stony Diaz, Reynol Brook, N Y 11794-4392 Researcher, Department of Industrial Engineering, Graduatec /o D r. H e lm u t N o rp o th Division, Technological Institute of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, MexicoOctober 1998 - January 1999 Research: Trends and Lim its o f Structural Problems or the Primary Sector in Sinaloa: The Case of Commercial AgricultureHenry de Frahan, Bruno University of Massachusetts-Lowell, Department of RegionalProfessor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Catholic Economic and Social Development, Lowell, M A 01854-2881University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium c /o D r. John W ooding Research: Comparative A gricultural Policy: The Experience of the August 1998 - M ay 1999 United States and the European Union University of California-Davis, Department of Agricultural and Djaparkulova, Zamira Resource Economics, Davis, C A 95616-8512 Professor, Department of Business and Economics, Internationalc /o D r. R ichard H o w itt University of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan August 1998 - July 1999 Research: A Framework for the Basic Concepts of Economic Development: Peculiarities of Economic Development,Holanda, Marcos Costa Kyrgyzstan in Transition Professor, Department o f Economics, Federal University of Ceara, University of Nebraska-Omaha, College of Business Fortaleza, Brazil Administration, Department of Professional Accounting,Research: Balance o f Payment Models in a Scenario of Economics Omaha, NE 68182 Integration c/o Dr. Larry Trussell A ffiliation to be determined September 1998 - M arch 1999 c/o Sone Loh, CI ES October 1998 - September 1999 Feng, Ching Professor and Director, International Trade Program, SchoolJones, of Robert Economics, Peking University, Beijing, People’s RepublicSenior of L e ctu re r, School o f Business and Management, Sheffield China Hallam U niversity-C ity, Sheffield, United Kingdom Research: Deregulation of American Government andLecturing Its Impact and Research: European U nion Affairs on Banking In du stry Jamestown Com m unity College, D ivision of Political Science, Babson College, Marketing Division, Babson Park, M A Jamestown, N Y 14702-0020 02157-0310 c /o M r. G reg Rabb c/o Dr. Robert Eng, Dr. Kathleen Doren European U nion Scholar-in-Residence Program September 1998 - June 1999 January 1999 - June 1999

Franzoni, Luigi Kan, Steven Shei-Ping Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, UniversityProfessor, of Department of Economics, National Tsing Hua Bologna, Bologna, Italy University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan Research: Economic Analysis o f Judicial Discretion Research: Transformation of Constitutional Mechanisms University of California-San Diego, Department of Economics,Stanford University, Hoover Institution, Office of Program La Jolla, CA 92093-0508 Development, Stanford, CA 94305-9991 c /o D r. Joel Sobel c/o Dr. Thomas H. Henriksen September 1998 - Decem ber 1998 August 1998 - May 1999


Kaneko, Y oshihiro Longva, Pal Senior Research F e llo w , D e p a rtm e n t o f E m p iric a l S ocial S eResearch cu rity Fellow, Department of Economics, University of Oslo, Research, Institute o f Population and Social Security Research,Oslo, Norway Ministry of Health and W elfare, Tokyo, Japan Research: Wage Determinants Research: Social Policy and Econom ic G row th U niversity of California-Berkeley, Haas School of Business, Visits to various in s titu tio n s Institute of Industrial Relations, Berkeley, CA 94720 c/o Marguerite H u lb e rt, C IE S c / o D r. Trond Petersen August 1998 - M arch 1999 A u g u s t 1998 - J u ly 1999

Kamik, A jit Machado, Giovani Vitoria Professor, Department o f Economics, U niversity o f Mumbai,Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Economics, Federal Mumbai, India U niversity o f Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Research: Role of the State in Transitional/R eform ing Economies,Research: Energy, Environment, and Brazil: Energy Environment w ith Special Reference to In d ia and Foreign Trade University of California-Berkeley, Haas School o f Business,U niversity of California-Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Berkeley, C A 94720 Laboratory, Department o f Economics Engineering, Berkeley, do Dr. Oliver W illiamson C A 94720 October 1998 - June 1999 c / o D r. Ernest Worrel October 1998 - September 1999 Khan, Asmatullah Professor, Department o f Economics, Gomal U niversity, DM .I. arin Vigueras, Jose M. Khan, Pakistan Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business Research: The Dilemna o f U rbanization and the Problem Admof inistration, University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain Environmental H azards Research: Welfare Effects of Financial Innovation and Contract University of Illinois-Urbana-Cham paign, Departm ent o f UrbanDesign in the Presence o f Inform ational Asymmetries and Regional Planning, Champaign, IL 61820-5711 U niversity of Pennsylvania, W harton School, Department of c/o Dr. Rob Olshansky Finance, Philadelphia, PA 19104 September 1998 - M a y 1999 c/o D r. Franklin Allen January 1998 - December 1998 Kongsted, Hans Assistant Professor, Institute o f Economics, U niversity o f Nagaraj, N. Copenhagen, C openhagen, D e n m a rk Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Research: Economic and Econom etric Aspects o f Dynam ic U niversity o f Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India Models w ith M u ltip le U n it R o o ts Research: Groundwater Institutions for Sustainable and Equitable University of California-San Diego, Departm ent o f Economics,Resource Use in Peninsular India La Jolla, C A 92093-5003 Colorado State University, Department of Agricultural and c/o Dr. Olive W.J. Granger Resource Economics, Fort Collins, CO 80523-2067 October 1998 - January 1999 c/o D r. R.K. Sampath October 1998 - June 1999 Levendorksi, Serguei Professor, Department o f Management and Inform ationPatibandla, Systems, Murali Rostov State A cadem y o f E co n o m ics, R o s to v -o n -D o n , RussiaAssociate Professor, Department of Economics, Indian Institute of Research: Money-Search and Barter Models o f Financial Management, Ahmedabad, India Stabilization Research: Establishing Com petition Policy and Environmental University of Pennsylvania, Departm ent o f Economics, Regulatory Institutions: Lessons for India from the American Philadelphia, P A 19104 E xp e rie n ce c/o Dr. Randy W rig h t U niversity o f California-Berkeley, Haas School of Business, September 1998 - M a y 1999 Institute o f Management, Innovation, and Organization, Berkeley, CA 94720-1930 Li, Xin-Chun c /o Dr. Oliver Williamson Professor, Department o f Management, School o f Management,September 1998 - May 1999 Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China Piskina, Tatiana Vladimirovna Research: Strategic Alliance Between Firm s from the U nitedAssistant Professor, Department of Economics, Academy of States and from China Since 1978 Economics, Kishnev, Moldova Babson College, M arketing D ivision, Babson Park, M A Research: Efficiency Investments and Economic Growth in Moldova 02157-0310 U niversity o f Nebraska-Omaha, College of Business c/oDr. Robert Eng, D r. Kathleen Doren Adm inistration, Omaha, NE 68182 September 1998 - June 1999 c/o D r. Larry Trussell August 1998 - December 1998


Roljic, Lazo Tong, Jia-Dong Associate Professor, Faculty o f Economics, U niversity o f BanjaProfessor and Chair, Department o f International Economics, Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina Nankai U niversity, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China Research: Creation and Development of Small and Middle-LevelResearch: T h e C o o p e ra tio n M o d e l o f A P E C and the U.S. Role in Businesses and Entrepreneurial and Management/ Regional and Global Trade Liberalization Development U niversity o f N orth C arolina-C harlotte, Belk College of Business Georgia Institute of Technology, Entrepreneurship Center,Adm inistration, Department of Economics, Charlotte, NC Atlanta, G A 30332-0001 28223-0001 c /o D r. T e rry B lum c/o D r. Gaines H. Liner October 1998 - March 1999 September 1998 - June 1999

Rossello Villalonga, Juan Carlos Van Der Duyn Schouten, Frank Assistant Professor, Department o f Economics and Business,Professor, Departm ent of Econometrics, Faculty of Economics Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain and Business Adm inistration, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Research: Decentralization and Indebtedness Netherlands Harvard University, Department of Economics, Cambridge,Research: M A Performance Analysis o f Unreliable Production 02138 N e tw o rk s c/o D r. Alberto Alesina U niversity o f California-Berkeley, Department of Electrical October 1998 - September 1999 Engineering and Com puter Science, Berkeley, CA 94720-1770 c / o D r. Jean Walrand Stojanov, Dragoljub September 1998 - December 1998 Professor, Department of Economics, Economic Faculty, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina Van D ijk, Dick Research: Bosnia and Hercegovina in the W orld EconomyResearcher, Departm ent of Econometrics, Tinbergen Institute, Boston College, Department of Economics, Chestnut H ill,Erasmus M A U niversity o f Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands 02167-9991 Research: Use o f N onlinear V o la tility Models in Value at Risk c/o D r. Richard Tresch U niversity o f Chicago, Graduate School of Business, Chicago, IL October 1998 - June 1999 60637-1513 c / o D r. R u e y T say Sunje, Aziz February 1999 - May 1999 Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Economics, U niversity o f Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina Wu, Jyh-Lin Research: Contemporary Management in Bosnian Conditions:Head and Professor, Departm ent o f Economics, National Chung Cross-Cultural Approach Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan Michigan State U niversity, College of Business, InternationalResearch: N om inal Exchange-Rate Prediction: Evidence from Business Center, East Lansing, M I 48824-1020 Small, Open Economies c/ o D r. Tamer Cavusgil U niversity of California-Berkeley, Department of Economics, January 1999 - September 1999 Berkeley, CA 94720 c/o D r. Maurice Obstfeld Titilola, S. Oguntunji August 1998 - May 1999 Professor, Department of Social and Economic Research, Nigerian Institute o f Social and Economic Research, Ibadan,Zeng, Xiangquan N ig e ria Professor and D eputy Dean, Departm ent of Labor Economics, Lecturing: African Studies C o lle g e o f L a b o r, R e n m in U n iv e rs ity , B e ijin g , People’s Republic Kalamazoo College, African Studies Program, Kalamazoo, M I o f C h in a 49006-3295 Research: Contemporary Labor Economics c/o M r. Valentine Udoh James Cleveland State U niversity, Departm ent of Economic Relations, Scholar-in-Residence Program Cleveland, O H 44115 September 1998 - May 1999 c/o D r. Vijay K. Mathur September 1998 - June 1999 Tomanbay, Mehmet Professor, Department of Economics, Gazi University, Ankara, T u rk e y Research: Management of Transboundary W ater Resources University of Michigan-Ann A rbor, Center for Middle Eastern and N orth African Studies, A nn A rbor, M I 48109 c/o D r. Michael Bonner August 1998 - February 1999


Abdullayev, Afgan A li Gavrilova, Tatiana Assistant to the Chancellor, U niversity of Azerbaijan, Baku,Professor, Department of Intelligent Computer Technologies, Azerbaijan St. Petersburg State Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia Research: The Academic Adm inistration Functions inResearch: Higher Distance Education in the Communications Age: A Education Human-Centered Approach University of M innesota-Twin Cities, Department of EducationalPennsylvania State U niversity-University Park, College of Policy and Adm inistration, Minneapolis, M N 55455-0213Education, Adult Education Program, University Park, PA c/o Dr. Darrell R. Lewis 16802-1503 September 1998 - January 1999 c/o D r. Eunice N . Askov August 1998 - November 1998 Berkaliev, Zaur Director, Soros Foundation Kazakhstan, Karaganda,Haje, Kazakhstan Salomao A. M. Research: Language P olicy and Language Access Assistantto Education: Professor, Department of Education, U niversity of the American and Kazakhstani Experience State—Para, Telegrafo, Belem, Para, Brazil Indiana University-Bloom ington, Department of CentralResearch: Eurasian Schools’ Challenges and Possibilities in Brazil in the Studies, Bloom ington, IN 47401 Context of Globalization c/o Dr. W illiam Fierman University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Curriculum and August 1998 - A p r il 1999 Instruction, Madison, W I 53706-1795 c /o D r. M ichael W . A p p le B illett, Stephen January 1998 - January 1999 Director, Center fo r Learning and W ork Research, Faculty of Education, G riffith University, Nathan, Queensland,Hizhnyak, Australia Vladimir Research: Vocational Knowledge Required fo r PerformanceVice-Chairman, in Faculty of Naval Training, Admiral Makarov Contemporary and Emerging Workplaces: ConsequencesM aritim e Statefor Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia Curriculum and Instructional Practice in VocationalResearch: Education The U.S. A rm y Specialist Training System in C ivil Visits to various institutions Higher Education Establishments and Its Efficiency c/o Patty Garvin, CIES Virginia M ilitary Institute, International Studies Program, August 1998 - D ecem ber 1998 L e x in g to n , V A 24450 c/o D r. Wayne Thompson Budrikis, Stasys August 1998 - November 1998 Head, Department o f Social Sciences, Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania Hyun, On-Kang Research: Detailed Study o f American Experience andProfessor, Practice Department o f Consumer, Child, and Fam ily Studies, in Distance Education at the U niversity Level Inha University, Inchon, Korea North Carolina State U niversity, Department o f Economics,Research: C hild Rearing o f Korean and American Families Raleigh, N C 27695-8110 Pennsylvania State University-University Park, College of c/o Dr. Thomas Grennes Education, Department o f Curriculum and Instruction, October 1998 - January 1999 U niversity Park, PA 16802-1503 c/o D r. Thomas Yawkey Csefalvay, Zsolt September 1998 - February 1999 Assistant Professor, Department o f Com m unication Disorders, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Johnson, Linda A. Research: Model fo r the First Slovak Aphasia CenterLecturer, Department of Teacher Education, Bodo College, Bodo, University of Arizona, Speech and Hearing Science Department,N o rw a y Tucson, A Z 85721 Research: Evaluation of Student Achievement: The Formative c/o Dr. Audrey L. Holland and Summative Aspects October 1998 - March 1999 U niversity o f California-Santa Barbara, School of Education, Santa B arbara, C A 93106 Djanaeva, N u rg u l c /o D r. Jon Snyder Vice-President, Department of Planning and InternationalNovember 1998 - July 1999 Relations, International University of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Karing, Tiia Research: Q uality Assessment in American H igher EducationD irector, Department of Research and Development, Estonian University of M ichigan-Ann Arbor, Center fo r the StudyBusiness of School, Tallinn, Estonia Higher and Post-Secondary Education, DepartmentResearch: of The Development of Meaningful Q uality Accreditation Education, Ann A rbor, M I 48109 Standards for Higher Education in Transitional Societies c/o Dr. Richard A lfred Bentley College, School o f Business, Waltham, M A 02154-4705 September 1998 - June 1999 c/o D r. Peter A. Manning Bentley College, School o f Business, Department of Finance, W altham, M A 02154-4705 c /o Dr. G. Hachey August 1998 - December 1998


Khalifa, Amna Savova, Joulieta D irector, Tutorial External Studies Center, United ArabAssociate Emirates Professor, Departm ent o f Didactics, Sofia University, University, Alain, United Arab Emirates Sofia, Bulgaria Research: Education and Cultural D iversity Research: C urriculum Evaluation: Teachers as Curriculum University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, International EducationE v a lu a to rs and T h e ir T ra in in g Programs, Minneapolis, M N 55455-0213 O hio State U niversity-Colum bus, School o f Educational Policy c/o D r. Josef Mestenhauser and Leadership, Columbus, O H 43210 September 1998 - March 1999 c / o D r. G a il M c C u tc h e o n October 1998 - March 1999 Kwesiga, Joy Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Makerere U niversity,Singh, Kampala, Prakash U ganda Associate Professor, Departm ent o f School Subject Education, Research: Documentation of the African Version o f theVista Feminist U niversity, Port Elizabeth, South Africa M o v e m e n t Research: C urriculum Planning University of Wisconsin-Madison, African Studies Program,U niversity o f Missouri-Kansas C ity, Center for Academic Madison, W I 53706-1380 Development, Kansas C ity, M O 64110-2499 c/o Dr. A ili Tripp c / o D r. Deanna C. M artin January 1999 - September 1999 U niversity o f Missouri-Kansas C ity, School of Education, Kansas C ity, M O 64110-2499 Lindblad, Sverker c/o D r. Linda Edwards Professor, Department of Education, Uppsala U niversity,August 1998 - December 1998 Uppsala, Sweden Research: Education Governance and Social IntegrationSorocoumova, and Gulnara E xclusion Senior Researcher and Research Secretary, Council on University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of CurriculumCom parative Education, Center o f Comparative Education, and Instruction, Madison, W I 53706-1380 Russian Academy o f Education, Institute for Theory of c/o D r. Thomas Popkewitz Education, Moscow, Russia March 1999 - July 1999 Research: A Diversified Model of A dult Education Kent State U niversity, College of Education, Center for Ng, Wai-Kong International and lntercultural Education, Associate Professor, Center fo r Educational TechnologyKent, and O H 44242-0001 Media, U niversiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia c/ o D r. Kenneth Cushner Research: Management of M ultim edia Projects in TertiaryAugust 1998 - A p ril 1999 Institutions University of Georgia, Department of Instructional Technology,Stromsheim, Jan Peter Athens, G A 30602 Consultant, Compulsory School D ivision, Royal Norwegian c/o D r. Kent Gustafson M inistry o f Education, Oslo, Norway Indiana University-Bloomington, W. W. W right EducationResearch: Measurement and Evaluation of Student Achievement Building, Department of Instructional Systems Technology,Boston College, Graduate School o f Education, Chestnut Hill, MA Bloomington, IN 47405 02167-9991 c/o D r. Thomas Schwen c/o D r. A lbert Beaton October 1998 - March 1999 September 1998 - June 1999

Opp, Gunther Suh, Chung-Wha Professor, Department of Special Education, M artin LutherD ean and D ire c to r, G raduate S chool o f E ducational Management, University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany Education Reform Im plem entation Office, Hong-Ik University, Lecturing and Research: Mainstreaming Behavior DisordersSeoul, Korea Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Education,Research: Teachers Compensation System Richmond, VA 23284-2020 U niversity o f W isconsin-Madison, Department of Educational c/o D r. Paul Gerber Adm inistration, Madison, W I 53706-1380 September 1998 - March 1999 c / o D r. Allen Odden January 1999 - July 1999 Reddy, Jairam Independent Consultant, Durban, South Africa Research: Higher Education in South Africa Michigan State University, College o f Education, International Studies in Education Department, East Lansing, M I 48824-1020 c /o D r. Jack S chw ille December 1998 - June 1999


Vedenskaya, Tatyana Zafeirakou, Aglaia Associate Professor, Departm ent of Educational PsychologyLecturer, andFaculty of Pre-Primary Education, Democritus University English, Dniepropetrovsk University, Dniepropetrovsk,o f Thrace, Thrace, Greece Ukraine Research: Policy Issues on the Q uality of Early Childhood Research: Bridging Literature and Psychology as an EducationInnovative in the United States Strategy for Reconceptualizing TEFL U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research University at Albany, State U niversity of New York, Departmentand Improvement, National Institute on Early Childhood of Educational Theory and Practice, Albany, N Y 12222-0001Development and Education, Washington, DC 20208 c/o Dr. Judith Langer c/o Ms. Naomi Karp September 1998 - February 1999 September 1998 - November 1998

Viljoen, Charles Zhang, Bin-xian Senior Lecturer, School fo r Teacher Training, FacultyAssociate of Education, Professor, Department of Education, Beijing Norm al Potchefstroom U niversity, Potchefstroom, South AfricaU niversity, Beijing, People’s Republic of China Research: M ulticultural Education and Training fo rResearch: Pre- and Civic Education in Elementary and M iddle Schools Inservice Teachers Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, University of Oklahoma, Department of Human Relations,M A 02138 Norman, O K 93019-0315 c/o D r. Vito Perrone c/o Dr. Virginia Milhouse December 1998 - September 1999 September 1998 - February 1999


Abu-Eisheh, Sameer Al-Fares, A li Associate Professor, Department of C ivil Engineering,Vice-Dean, An-Najah Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, U niversity of National University, Nablus, West Bank Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Research: Modeling Autom obile Demand and ForecastingResearch: Vibration and Dynamics Behavior of Composite Plates Future Needs in Palestine New Jersey Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical University of Washington, Department of C ivil Engineering,Engineering, Newark, NJ 07102-1982 Seattle, W A 98195 c /o D r. Jim m y Ji c/o D r. Fred L. Mannering January 1999 - A pril 1999 January 1999 - October 1999 Al-Naamany, Ahmed Abul-Azm, Ahmed Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Associate Professor, Department o f Irrigation and Hydraulics,College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Om an Research: Wave Spectrum D iffraction by Detached OffshoreResearch: Neural-Fuzzy C ontrol of Nonlinear Process Plant Breakwaters U niversity of Washington, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Houston, Cullen College of Engineering,Seattle, Houston, W A 98195-2500 T X 77204-4791 c /o D r. Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi c/o Dr. Dennis A. C lifford October 1998 - May 1999 June 1999 - August 1999 Allen, James John Akil, Mohammed Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Chair, Department of Autom atic Control and Electronics,Engineering, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UniversityResearch: of An Experimental Study of the Interaction of Counter Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Rotating and Co-Rotating Vortex Pairs, the Behavior of Vortex Research: A C D rive s fo r S yrian In d u s tria l A p p lic a tio n Pairs in the Wake of an A ircraft, and the Rate of A ir Traffic at University of West Florida, Department of Electrical A irp o rts Engineering, Pensacola, FL 32514-5750 Cornell University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace c/o D r. Muhammad H . Rashid Engineering, Ithaca, N Y 14853-0001 October 1998 - December 1998 c/o D r. Charles H.K. Williamson June 1999 - June 2000


Arnon, Shlomi Chikho, Abdul Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and ComAssistant puter Professor, Faculty o f C ivil Engineering, Aleppo Engineering, Ben-Gurion U niversity of the Negev, University,Beer-Sheva, Aleppo, Syria Israel Research: The Behavior and Design o f Building Under the Effect Research: C olor and Code M ulti-Dim ensional Optical of Earthquake Communication Networks New Jersey Institute o f Technology, Department of Civil and University of California-Berkeley, Department of ElectricalEnvironm ental Engineering, Newark, NJ 07102-1982 Engineering and Computer Sciences, Berkeley, Cc/o A D r. Saadeghvaziri 94720-1770 September 1998 - December 1998 c/o D r. Joseph M. Kahn October 1998 - October 1999 Craciunescu, Corneliu L e c tu re r, D e p a rtm e n t o f M a te ria ls Science and Heat Treatments, Badaker, Victor Technical U niversity of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania Senior Researcher, Department of New, Clean TechnologicalResearch: T hin Film Shape M em ory A llo y Micro-Actuators Processes, Kazakh Research Institute of Power Engineering,U n iv e rs ity o f M a ry la n d -C o lle g e P a rk , D epartm ent o f Materials Alm aty, Kazakhstan and Nuclear Engineering, College Park, M D 20742 Research: Reclamation and Waste Management in c/oCoal D r. M Manfred ining W uttig as an Integral Part o f Environmental Protection October 1998 - May 1999 University of Kentucky, Department of M ining Engineering, Lexington, KY 40506-0032 De Souza, Raimundo Oliveira c/o D r. Richard J. Sweigard Professor, Department o f H ydraulic and Environmental November 1998 - July 1999 Engineering, Federal U niversity o f Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil Research: Hydrodynam ics o f Lakes and Reservoirs and Their Bagchi, Arunabha Impacts on Water Q uality Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, U niversityRensselaer of Polytechnic Institute, Department of Environmental Twente, Enschede, Netherlands and Energy Engineering, Troy, N Y 12180-3590 Research: The Continuum Model Approach to Stabilizationc/o D r. John of Russell Manson A irc ra ft U n d e r W in d G ust October 1998 - September 1999 University of California-Los Angeles, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Department of Electrical Engineering,Dzierzek, Los Slawomir Angeles, CA 90095-1594 A d ju n c t, In s titu te o f R oad V e h icle s and IC Engines, Mechanical c/o D r. A . V. Balakrishnan Engineering Faculty, Krakow U niversity of Technology, January 1999 - June 1999 Krakow, Poland Research: Testing the Influence o f Passive Car Suspension, Campos, Tarcisio P.R. Spatial Stiffness, and Damping on the Wheel and Road Associate Professor, Department o f Nuclear Engineering,Interaction Under Extreme Conditions Federal U niversity of Minas Gerais, Belo H orizonte, OBrazil hio State U niversity-Colum bus, Department of Mechanical Research: Theoretical and Experimental Studies in BoronEngineering, Columbus, O H 43210-1107 Neutron Capture Therapy c / o D r. Donald R. Houser Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Reactor ResearchSeptember 1998 - June 1999 Laboratory, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Cambridge, M A 021394307 Eyal, Avishay c/ o D r. O tto K. Harling Postdoctoral Researcher, Departm ent o f Interdisciplinary Studies, May 1998 - May 1999 F a c u lty o f E n g in e e rin g , T e l A v iv U n iv e rs ity , T el A v iv , Israel Research: Transparent O ptical N etw orks: Supporting Technology Carolus, Thomas Helmut and Physical Lim itations Professor, Department of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics,Princeton U niversity, School o f Engineering and Applied Science U niversity of Siegen, Siegen, Germany Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton, NJ Research: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation08544-5263 of Aero-Acoustic Noise Sources in Fans c/o D r. Keren Bergman Pennsylvania State U niversity-U niversity Park, DepartmentSeptember of 1998 - September 1999 Aerospace Engineering, U niversity Park, PA 16802-1503 c/o D r. Dennis K. McLaughlin July 1998 - December 1998


Ghafoor, Abdul Hommeida, Abdul Kader Associate P rofessor, C o llege o f E le c tric a l and M echanicalProfessor, Department of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, N ational U niversity o f Sciences and Technology,Mechanical Engineering, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria Rawalpindi, Pakistan Research: Analysis of Stress Field Between Two Elastic Bodies in Research: Design o f a G ene ra lize d In s tru m e n t G rasperIm p a c t University of Florida, Center fo r Intelligent MachinesU and niversity of Dayton, Research Institute, Department of Impact Robotics, Department o f Mechanical Engineering,Physics, Gainesville, Dayton, O H 45469-0182 FL 32611-8140 c/o D r. Nachhatter S. Brar c/o Dr. Joseph D u ffy February 1998 - May 1998 August 1998 - May 1999 Kasomekera, Zachary Gonzalez Jimenez, Jose Luis Professor, Department o f Agricultural Engineering, Bunda College Assistant Professor, Departm ent of Electronic Engineering,o f Agriculture, Lilongwe, Malawi Polytechnic U niversity o f Catalonia, Barcelona, SpainResearch: Characterization o f Groundwater Q uality and Quantity Research: Low Noise D igital and Mixed Signal Designin of Three Agroecological Zones of Malawi Integrated C irc u its Oregon State University, Geography Program, Department of University of Arizona, Department of Electrical and ComputerGeosciences, Corvallis, O R 97331 Engineering, Tucson, A Z 85721 c/o D r. Gordon Matzke c/o Dr. Olgierd Palusinski August 1998 - December 1998 January 1999 - December 1999 Kozine, Igor Gulluoglu, A rif Associate Professor, Department of Automated C ontrol Systems, Faculty, Department o f Materials Science and Engineering,Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, Obninsk, Kaluga Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey Region, Russia Research: Crystallographic Modeling of DislocationResearch: Dynamics Risk-Related Decision Making Based on and Twin Form ation in GaAs and InP Crystals Grown Nonprobabilistic Methods from M e lt SUNY-Binghamton, Thomas Watson School, Department of Florida Atlantic U niversity, College of Engineering, DepartmentSystems Science, Binghamton, N Y 13902-6000 of Mechanical Engineering, Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991c/o D r. GeorgeJ. K lir c/o D r. C.T. Tsai September 1998 - May 1999 August 1998 - March 1999 Lopez, Oscar Habiballah, Ibrahim Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Central University of Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Electrical Engineering,Venezuela, King Caracas, Venezuela Fahd University o f Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran,Research: Saudi Sim plified Methods to Mitigate Seismic Risks Arabia U niversity of California-Berkeley, Department of C ivil and Research: Efficiency o f Power-Injection Meters in T.L. PSSEEnvironmental Engineering, Berkeley, CA 94720 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity, Departmentc/o D r. A nil K. Chopra of Electrical Engineering, Blacksburg, V A 24061-0202September 1998 - March 1999 c/o Dr.L.M ili June 1998 - September 1998 Mendonca, Antonio Sergio Ferreira Associate Professor, Hydraulics and Sanitary Department, Hallouda, Mohab Technological Center, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Power andEspirito Santo, Brazil Machines, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University,Research: Stochastic Modeling Applied to Water Resources G iza, E g yp t Supply Risk Analysis Research: Sensorless Induction M otor Drives Using IntelligentCornell University, Department of C ivil and Environmental C o n tro l Techniques Engineering, Ithaca, N Y 14853-0001 University of Akron, Akron, O H 44325-0001 c/o D r. J ery Stedinger c/o D r. Malik Elbuluk January 1998 - January 1999 March 1999 - July 1999 Moctezuma-Velazquez, Edgar Hasirci, Vasif Professor, Department of Chemical Sciences, Autonomous Professor, D epartm ent o f Biological Sciences, M id d le EastU niversityTechnical of San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico University, Ankara, Turkey Research: Photocatalytic Degradation of Paraquat and Parathion Research: Development of a Controlled-Release PainUniversity of California-Los Angeles, Department of Chemistry Management System and Biochemistry, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Northeastern University, Biotechnology Engineeringc/o Center, D r. Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay Department o f Chemical Engineering, Boston, M A August02115-5096 1998 - May 1999 c/o D r. Donald L. Wise August 1998 - F ebruary 1999 39 ENGINEERING

Pampanin, Stefano Rikards, Rolands Researcher, Department of Structural Engineering, Professor,Polytechnic Faculty o f C ivil Engineering, Riga Technical University, Institute of M ilan, M ilan, Italy Riga, Latvia Research: Seismic Assessment o f Existing Buildings Research: Developing a M ethod o f Property Identification of U niversity of California-San Diego, School of Engineering,Composite Materials D ivision of Structural Engineering, La Jolla, C A 92093-5003Georgia Institute o f Technology, School of Aerospace c/o D r. M.J. Nigel Priestley Engineering, Atlanta, G A 30332-0150 September 1998 - August 1999 c/o D r. Ramesh Talreja January 1999 - A p ril 1999 Papagiannakos, Nikolaos Associate Professor, Department o f Chemical Engineering,Roberts, Anthony Peter National Technical U niversity o f Athens, Zografos,Lecturer, Greece Faculty of Environm ental Sciences, G riffith University, Research: Simulation and Scale-Up of Three Phase ReactorsNathan, Queensland, Australia Washington University, School of Engineering andResearch: Applied M orphology and Properties o f Aerogels and New Science, Department of Chemical Engineering, St. Louis,Methods M O o f Characterizing Disordered Solids 63130-4899 Princeton U niversity, School o f Engineering and Applied Science, c/o Dr. M.P. Dudukovic Departm ent o f C ivil Engineering and Operations Research, February 1999 - A pril 1999 Princeton, NJ 08544 c /o D r. Salvatore Torquato Pereira, Jose Tomaz Vieira A pril 1998 - A pril 1999 Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Department of Energy, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, State U niversitySalman, of Hana Campinas, Campinas, Brazil Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Environmental Engineering, Research: Evaluation of Energy Systems Using EnergyFaculty Balance o f C iv il Engineering, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria U niversity of Florida, College of Engineering, DepartmentResearch: of Developing an Expert System for Wastewater Environmental Engineering Sciences, Gainesville, FLTreatment Plant Design 32611-8140 Cleveland State U niversity, Department of C ivil Engineering, c/o Dr. Mark T. Brown Cleveland, O H 44115 January 1998 - January 1999 c /o D r. Y u n g -T se H u n g August 1998 - November 1998 Piestun, Rafael Iser Assistant Professor, Department o f Electrical Engineering,Semenski, Damir Technion-Israel Institute o f Technology, Haifa, IsraelAssistant Professor, Departm ent o f Engineering Mechanics, Research: Transformation of Light Pulses, FundamentalsFaculty and o f Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Applications U niversity o f Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Stanford University, Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, DepartmentResearch: Dynam ic Experimental O ptical Methods of Fracture of Electrical Engineering, Stanford, CA 94305-4085 M echanics c/o Dr. David A.B. M iller California Institute of Technology, Graduate Aeronautical September 1998 - September 1999 Laboratories, Firestone Flight Sciences, Pasadena, CA 91125-0001 Prljaca, Naser c/o D r. A.J. Rosakis Assistant Professor, Department o f Computer Systems Septemberand 1998 - May 1999 Autom ation, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, U niversity of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Hercegovina Silva, Paulo Research: Inform ation Technology Policy DevelopmentResearcher, Departm ent o f M etallurgy,University Federalo f Rio Rochester Institute of Technology, Department of InformGrande ation do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Technology Management, Rochester, N Y 14623-5604Research: Analysis o f the Threshold Fatigue Behavior of c/oM r. Tim othy Wells High-Hardness Steels September 1998 - June 1999 Colorado School o f Mines, Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center, Golden, CO 80401-1887 Riehl, Roger Ribeiro c/o Dr. David K. Matlock Researcher, Department of Engineering, U niversityAugust of Sao 1997 - August 1998 Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil Research: Convective Condensation in Small DiameterTahboub, Channels Karim w ith/w ithout a Porous Boundary Assistant Professor, Department o f Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, Department o f Mechanical Engineering,Palestine Polytechnic Institute, H ebron, West Bank Clemson, SC 29634-0921 Research: Sensor-Based Intelligent C ontrol of Mechatronic c/o D r. Jay M . Ochterbeck Systems and Robots November 1997 - November 1998 Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department, Cambridge, M A 021394307 c /o D r. H . Asada September 1998 - June 1999 40 ENGINEERING

Tantekin-Ersolmaz, Serife Wei, Chien-hung Associate Professor, Departm ent of Chemical Engineering,Associate Professor, Department of Transportation and Faculty of Chemical and M etallurgical Engineering, IstanbulCommunication Management, National Cheng Kung Technical U niversity, Maslak-Istanbul, Turkey University, Taiwan, Taiwan Research: M ixe d M a trix C o m p o site M em branes fo r Gas Research: Intelligent Management Systems for Highway Separation and Vapor Permeation Applications N e tw o rk s University of Texas-Austin, Department of Chemical New Jersey Institute of Technology, Institute for Transportation, Engineering, Austin, T X 78712 Newark, NJ 07102-1982 c/o Dr. W illiam J. Koros c / o D r. Louis J. Pignataro September 1998 - M a rc h 1999 September 1998 - June 1999

Trushliakov, Eugeniy Zaimovic-Uzunovic, Nermina Associate Dean and Associate Professor, Department ofAssistant Professor and Vice-Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Refrigeration and A ir Conditioning, Faculty o f MechanicalEngineering, University o f Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Engineering, U krainian State M aritim e Technical University,Hercegovina Nikolaev, U kra in e Research: Curricula for Courses in Measuring Techniques and Research: M e th o d o lo g ic a l A spects o f M u lti-L e v e l SystemsProcess o f Parameter Measuring Higher Maritime Technical Education in Ukraine U niversity of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, Department of University of M ichigan-Ann Arbor, Department of Naval Mechanical Engineering, South Dartmouth, M A 02748 Architecture and M arine Engineering, Ann A rbor, cM / o I 48109 D r. Sherif El W akil c/o Dr. Michael M . Bernitsas August 1998 - May 1999 August 1998 - May 1999 Zarnic, Roko Varma, Rajiv Assistant Professor, Faculty o f C ivil and Geodetic Engineering, Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Electrical Engineering,U niversity of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur, Kanpur, IndiaResearch: Triaxial Testing o f Modified Cementitious Grouts and Research: Annotated Bioliography o f High-Voltage, M ortars Direct-Current, and Flexible AC Transmission Systems University of Colorado-Boulder, Department of C ivil, U.S. Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Adm inistration,Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, Boulder, CO Portland, OR 97208-3621 80309 c/o Mr. Wayne Litzenberger c/o D r. P. Benson Shing May 1998 - A ugust 1998 February 1999 - July 1999


Klik, Andreas Monaci, Fabrizio Professor, Institute of Hydraulics and Rural W ater Management,Research Technician, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Agriculture of Vienna, Vienna, Austria U niversity o f Siena, Siena, Italy Research: Improvement of the Functional QuantitativeResearch: Trace Element A vailability to Grapevines: A Study of Description of Agricultural Soils Plant-Soil Relationships Purdue University, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory,California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo, U.S. Department of Agriculture, West Lafayette, IN Department of Soil Science, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 47907-1968 c/o D r. James J. Rice c/o Dr. L. Darrell N orton A pril 1999 - December 1999 June 1999 - A ugust 1999 Mounsif, Mohamed Leygraf, Christofer Professor, Department of Plant Ecology, National School of Professor, Department o f Materials Science and Engineering,A g ric u ltu re , M eknes, M o ro cco Royal Institute o f Technology, Stockholm, SwedenResearch: Effects of Particulates Pollutants on Plant Productivity Research: C o m p le tio n o f a T eAtmospheric x tb o o k , Corrosion and Food Chain Contamination Yale University, Yale School of Forestry and EnvironmentalTexas Tech University, College of Agricultural Sciences and Studies, New Haven, CT 06511 Natural Resources, Department of Range, W ildlife, and c/ o D r. T o m Graedel Fisheries Management, Lubbock, TX 79409 July 1998 - March 1999 c/o M r. Ronald E. Sosebee June 1998 - September 1998


Paniouchkina, Irina Szwagrzyk, Jerzy Researcher, Laboratory of Dendrochronology, InstituteAssistant of Professor, Departm ent o f Forest Botany and Nature Forestry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberia Branch,Conservation, Agricultural University, Krakow, Poland Krasnoyarsk, Russia Research: A M odel o f N atural Forest Regeneration in Mixed Research: The Long-Term Reconstruction o f Summer Conifer-Hardwood Stands of Complex Structure Temperature Regime w ith H igh Temporal ResolutionO re g in o n East S tate U n iv e rs ity , D e p a rtm e n t o f Forest Resources, Siberia Subarctic Corvallis, O R 97331 U niversity of Arizona, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research,c/o D r. Douglas A. Maguire Tucson, A Z 85721 January 1999 - October 1999 c/o D r. Malcolm Hughes August 1998 - February 1999 Tysiachniouk, Maria Chair, Departm ent of Environm ental Sociology, Center for Quaye, Eric Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg, Russia Senior Lecturer, Department of Botany, University of Research:Cape B uilding Sustainable Com m unities in the United States Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana and R ussia Research: Establishing a Center fo r Environmental StudiesRamapo at College the o f N ew Jersey, Institute for Environmental U niversity of Cape Coast Studies, Mahwah, NJ 07430-1681 University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Departmentc/o D r.of Michael Edelstein Soil, W ater, and Environm ental Sciences, Tucson, AJanuary Z 85721 1999 - September 1999 c/o D r. James J. Riley A pril 1999 - September 1999

Saraiva, M aria de Graca Amaral Neto Associate Professor, Department o f Landscape Architecture, Higher Institute of Agronomy, Technical U niversity o f Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Research: Environm ental Sciences and Landscape Planning Colorado State University, International School for W ater Resources and Associated Programs, Center fo r W ater Resources Engineering and Sciences, Fort C ollins, C O 80523-2034 c/o D r. Evan Vlachos February 1999 - June 1999


Barnes, Trevor Kazmi, Syed Professor, Department of Geography, University of BritishLecturer, Department of Geography, U niversity of Karachi, Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Karachi, Pakistan Research: National and Continental Scientific NetworksResearch: Use o f Remote Sensing and GIS fo r the Identification University of M innesota-Twin Cities, College of Liberal Arts,and M onitoring of Malarial Vector In and Around Karachi Department of Geography, Minneapolis, M N 55455U niversity o f Georgia, Department of Geography, Athens, GA c/o D r. Eric Sheppard 30602 September 1997 - July 1998 c/o D r. E. Lynn Usery September 1998 - May 1999 Ferhi, Salah Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning,Kong, L ily University of Oran Es-Senia, Oran, Algeria Senior Lecturer, Department o f Geography, National University Research: The Algerian in the U nited States: A Recentof M Singapore, igration Singapore of Technocrats Research: Landscapes and the C onstruction of a Nation Clemson University, College of Architecture, Arts, andUniversity o f California-Berkeley, Department of Geography, Humanities, Department of H istory, Clemson, SC 29634Berkeley, CA 94720 c/o D r. James M iller c/o Dr. Richard W alker October 1998 - A pril 1999 October 1998 - December 1998


Konovalov, V ladim ir Pepin, Nicholas Chief, Department o f Regional Projects, Central Asian ResearchLecturer, Department of Geography, University of Portsmouth, Hydrometeorological Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Portsmouth, United Kingdom Research: The V ariability o f Glacier R unoff and Mass BalanceResearch: in Changing A ltitudinal Gradients of Weather Elements in the Closed D rainage Basins o f C e n tra l A sia the Colorado Rockies and Consequences for Climate Change: University of Colorado-Boulder, Institute of A rctic and AlpineA Maritime/Continental Mid-Latitude Comparison Research, B o u ld e r, C O 80309 University of Colorado-Boulder, Institute of Arctic and Alpine c/o Dr. M a rk F. M eier Research, Boulder, CO 80309-0450 August 1998 - M a y 1999 c/oD r. Nel Caine July 1998 - December 1998 Kulu, H ill Researcher, Institute o f Geography, U niversity o f Tartu,Ruddick, Tartu, Susan M. Estonia Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Research: The Internal M igration of Ethnic Return M igrantsToronto, in Toronto, Canada Estonia Lecturing and Research: Conflicts Over Public Space in the Los University of W isconsin-Madison, Department o f Geography,Angeles Urban Region, 1975-Present Madison, W I 53706-1380 U niversity of Southern California, Department of Geography, c/o D r. R obert O ste rg re n Los Angeles, C A 90089 January 1999 - O c to b e r 1999 c/o D r. Michael Dear January 1998 - September 1998


Al-Samahiji, Despina Jarrar, Ghaleb Assistant Professor, Departm ent of C ivil and ArchitecturalAssociate Professor, Department of Geology, University of Engineering, U niversity o f Bahrain-Isa Town, State of Bahrain,Jordan, Amman, Jordan Bahrain Research: Anorogenic R ift Zone Magmatism During the Research: The C a p illa ry F rin g e A b o v e Soils in B a h ra in : H oUppermost w to Proterozoic W ithin Southwest Jordan w ith Special Interrupt I t b y U s in g a M ix tu re o f G ra n u la r M a te ria ls W ith oEmphasis u t on the Genesis of A Type Granite Compromising Its Strength U niversity o f Texas-Dallas, Center for Lithospheric Studies, Arizona State University, Department of C ivil and EnvironmentalDepartment of Geoscience, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 Engineering, Tempe, A Z 85287 c/o D r. Robert J. Stern c/o D r. Sandra H o u sto n October 1998 - July 1999 October 1998 - June 1999 Kleiven, Helga F. Blundy, Jonathan Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Geology, Research F e llo w , D e p a rtm e n t o f G e o lo g y, U n iv e rs ity o fU B niversityris to l, of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Bristol, United Kingdom Research: Deep Ocean C irculation and Ventilation Rates Research: O rig in o f S ilic ic Magm as at M o u n t S aint H elens,U niversity of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-8140 Washington, and O ther Volcanic Arcs c/o D r. David A. Nodell University of Oregon, Department of Geological Science,November 1998 - March 1999 Eugene, OR 97403-1275 c/oDr. A. Dana Johnston Lupulescu, Marian December 1998 - May 1999 Reader, Department of Mineralogy, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, U niversity of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Georgescu, M arius Research: The Geochemical and Petrogenetic Study of the Mafic Biostratigrapher, Laboratory of Paleontology, Constanta, RomaniaRock Suit from South Apuseni Mountains (Romania): Tectonic Research: U p p e r Jurassic-Pliocene M ic ro fa u n a l A bundanceSignificance Fluctuations: Case Study of the Western Black Sea (RomanianCalifornia Institute of Technology, Division of Planetary Sciences, Offshore) and Adjacent Inland Romanian Zones Pasadena, CA 91125-0001 Rutgers, The State U niversity of New Jersey, Departmentc/o of D r. Jason Saleeby Geological Sciences, Piscataway, NJ 08854-3066 September 1998 - May 1999 c/o D r. R ichard O lsson September 1998 - M ay 1999


Nyambe, Imasiku Salem, Hanaa Head, Department of Geology, School of Mines, U niversityAssistant of Professor, Departm ent o f Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Research: Remote Sensing and Geographic Inform ationResearch: Systems G old Exploration in Southeastern Sinai, Egypt Application in Geology, Land Use, and the EnvironmU niversity ent o f Arizona, Departm ent o f Geosciences, Tucson, AZ U niversity of Kansas, Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program,85721 Department of Geography, Lawrence, KS 66045 c/o D r. Spencer R. Titley c/o D r. Kevin P. Price October 1998 - February 1999 September 1998 - January 1999 Walaszczyk, Ireneusz Onac, Petroniu Adjunct, Departm ent of Geology, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Lecturer, Department of Mineralogy, Babes-Bolyai U niversity,P oland C luj-N apoca, R om ania Research: Campanian-Maastrichtian Inoceramid Bivalves of the Research: Extreme Clim atic Events Recorded in Cave DepositsN orth American Province: Taxonomy, Evolution, Pennsylvania State U niversity-U niversity Park, Materials Biogeography, and Biostratigraphy Potential Research Laboratory, U niversity Park, PA 16802 U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Interior, Denver, CO c/o Dr. W illiam White 80225-0046 August 1998 - January 1999 c /o D r. W .A . C obban U n iv e rs ity o f S o u th F lo rid a , D e p a rtm e n t o f Geology, Tampa, FL 33620-9951 c/o D r. Peter J. Harries September 1998 - June 1999


Baptiste, Fitzroy Andre Degoev, Vladim ir Senior Lecturer, Department of H istory, African and AsianProfessor, Department o f H istory, N orth Ossetian State Studies, University of West Indies, St. Augustine, T rinidad/University, Vladikavkaz, Russia Tobago Lecturing: The Caucasus in the International and Geopolitical Lecturing: African and Caribbean H istory System o f the 16th to 20th Centuries: The Origins of the Oberlin College, Department of African-American Studies,Regional Threats to Global Security Oberlin, O H 44074-1090 U niversity of California-Berkeley, Department of History, c/o D r. Yakuba Saaka Berkeley, CA 94720 Scholar-in-Residence Program c/o D r. Reginald Zelnik August 1998 - June 1999 September 1998 - February 1999

Bergsson, Snorri El Mansour, Mohamed Independent Researcher, Reykjavik, Iceland Professor, Departm ent of H istory, Faculty of Letters and Human Research: Iceland and the Refugee Problem, 1933-1951Sciences, Mohammed V U niversity, Rabat, Morocco United States Holocaust M em orial Museum, Research Institute,Research: U rban Society in Fez, 16th to Early 20th Century Washington, DC 20024 Harvard University, Center for M iddle Eastern Studies, c/o M r. Paul Shapiro Cambridge, M A 02138 September 1998 - November 1998 c/o D r. Susan G. M iller August 1998 - November 1998

Boyko, Vladimir Faraguna, Michele Associate Professor, Department o f H istory, Barnaul StateResearcher, Science of Antiquities Department, University of Pedagogical U niversity, Barnaul, Russia Trieste, Trieste, Italy Research: C onflict and Cooperation in N orthern Afghanistan:Research: The Land Registers and Archives in the Greek Polis Central Asian and International Context Institute fo r Advanced Study, School o f Historical Studies, Harvard University, Center for M iddle Eastern Studies, CentralPrinceton, NJ 08540 Asia Forum, Cambridge, M A 02138 c/o Dr. Christian Habicht c/o D r. John Schoeberlein-Engel September 1998 - August 1999 September 1998 - March 1999


Golding, Brian Konovets, Olexander Reader, Department o f H istory, University of Southampton,Head, Department of H istory and Theory of National Culture, Southampton, U nited Kingdom Institute for Ukrainian Studies, Taras Shevchenko University, Research: E d itioSpeculum n o f Ecclesie, w ith Introduction, Kiev, Ukraine Translation, and Notes o f Giraldus Cambrensis Research: Ukrainian Emigrants’ Contribution to the Intellectual Institute for Advanced Study, School o f H istorical Studies,Potential of the United States Princeton, N J 08540 Columbia University, Harriman Institute, New York, N Y 10027 c/o D r. P h illip A . G riffith s c /o D r. A lexander J. M o ty l September 1998 - M a y 1999 September 1998 - February 1999

Grenby, M atthew O rv ille Maiorova, Olga Lecturer, American School o f Liberal Arts, Regent’s College,Senior Researcher, Institute of W orld Literature, Moscow, Russia London, U n ite d K in g d o m Research: Russian Conservation of the Late 19th Century from a Lecturing and Research: Fulbright-Robertson V isitingH istorical Perspective Professorship in B ritish H istory C o lu m b ia U n iv e rs ity , D epartm ent o f H is to ry , N ew Y o rk , N Y Westminster College, Department of British H istory, Fulton,10027 M O 65251-1299 c/o D r. Richard Wortman c/ o Patty G arvin, C I ES January 1999 - August 1999 August 1998 - A u g u st 1999 Marshall, Francisco Halenko, Oleksander Associate Professor, Department of H istory, Federal University of Assistant Director, Institute o f O riental Studies, Kiev, UkraineRio Grande do Sol, Porto Alegre, Brazil Research: O tto m a n R u le in th e C rim e a : A S tu d y o f T wResearch: o Survey The Defense of Paganism; Scientific Museology; and Registers from the First H alf o f the 16th Century Classical Studies c/o Laurie Calhoun, CIES , Department of History, Princeton, NJ January 1999 - June 1999 08544-1017 c/o D r. Peter R.L. Brown Jeanpierre, Laurent November 1997 - November 1998 Researcher, Department of Sociology, College o f Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Marseille, France Mesner, Maria Research: Exchange or Indifference: The InteractionProfessor, of French Renner Institute, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Emigres and American Intellectuals in the U nited Research:States Engineering a People: Discourses, Policies, and During W orld W ar II Agencies Towards Reproduction in the United States and New York University, Department of History, New York, NAustria, Y 1920-1970 10003-6667 New School for Social Research, Department of Political Science, c/o D r. Thomas Bender New York, N Y 10011-8603 January 1999 - A p r il 1999 c/o D r. David Plotke February 1999 - May 1999 Kamalov, Ablet Chair, Department of H istory, Institute of O riental Studies,Panaite, Viorel Center for Higher Studies, Kazakh Academy o f Science,Associate Professor, Faculty o f H istory, University o f Bucharest, Almaty, Kazakhstan Bucharest, Romania Research: American Sino-Soviet Diplom acy and the Research:Eastern The Relationships Between Muslims and Non-Muslims Turkestan Republic, 1944-1949 in Southeastern Europe to the Ottoman Law of Peace and War University of Washington, Department of Near EasternPrinceton U niversity, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Languages and C ivilization, Seattle, W A 98195-3120 Princeton, NJ 08544-1019 c/o Dr. Use Cirtautas c/o D r. Andras Hamori September 1998 - June 1999 September 1998 - June 1999

Khabibullaev, Akram Pozniakov, Vladimir Senior Researcher, Manuscripts Department, Al-BeruniSenior Institute Researcher, Department of U.S. Studies, Institute of for Oriental Studies, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent,General H istory, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Uzbekistan Lecturing: H istory of the U nion of Soviet Socialist Republics Research: The C ultural and Scientific Life of KhorezmSpalding in the University, Office of Student Affairs, Louisville, KY 11th-13th C enturies 40203-2188 University of Pennsylvania, Department of Asian andc/o Middle D r. Debbie Ford Eastern Studies, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Harris-Stowe State College, St. Louis, M O 63103-2136 c/o D r. Roger A lle n c/o D r. James Gorham September 1998 - February 1999 Scholar-in-Residence Program August 1998 - A pril 1999


Roos, Helene Valera, Gabriella Researcher, Department of Slavonic Studies, U niversityAssociate of Professor, Departm ent o f H istory, University of Trieste, Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV ), Paris, France Trieste, Italy Research: O fficial H istory and Popular Memory in RussiaResearch: Public Sphere and P ublicity in Modern Thought: Stanford University, Department of History, Stanford, CAEuropean and Anglo-American Tradition Compared 94305-2021 C U N Y -H u n te r C ollege, D epartm ent o f H isto ry, New York, NY c /o D r. A m ir W einer 10021-5085 October 1998 - July 1999 c/o D r. Marta Petrusewicz March 1998 - June 1998 Straede, Therkel Professor, Department of H istory and Western C ivilization,Wang, Ming-Ke University of Odense, Odense, Denmark Associate Researcher, Institute o f H istory and Philology, Taipei, Research: The Volkswagen Jews T aiw an Georgetown University, Center for German and EuropeanResearch: Ethnographic and H istorical Background of the Ch’iang Studies, Washington, DC 20057 U niversity o f C alifornia-Los Angeles, Department of Art History, c/o D r. Samuel H . Barnes Los Angeles, CA 90095-1417 August 1998 - August 1999 c/o D r. Lothar von Falkenhausen September 1998 - August 1999


Al-Ghul, Omar Bulaila, Abdul Assistant Professor, Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology,Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f English Literature, College of Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan Arts, U niversity of Bahrain, State o f Bahrain, Bahrain Research: The Carbonized Petra Papyri Research: Marriage and Social Change in the Novels of Theodore University of Michigan-Ann A rbor, Department of NearDreiser Eastern and Thomas Hardy Studies, A n n A rb o r, M I 48109 Yale U niversity, Department of English, New Haven, CT c /o D r. L . Koenen 0 6 5 2 0 -8 3 0 2 September 1998 - June 1999 c /o D r. R osem ary M organ January 1999 - September 1999 Arnason, Kristjan Professor, Department of Icelandic, U niversity of Iceland,Cheng, Yu-yu Reykjavik, Iceland P rofessor, D e p a rtm e n t o f Chinese L ite ra tu re , N ational Taiwan Research: O ld and New Icelandic Metrics: Theory andUniversity, Taipei, Taiwan Description Research: N e w A p p ro a ch to S tudy o f Classical Chinese Literature Stanford University, Department o f Linguistics, Stanford,U n CA iv e rs ity o f W a sh in g to n , D e p a rtm e n t o f A sian Language and 94305-9991 Literature, Seattle, W A 98195 c /o D r. Paul K ip a rsky c/o D r. David R. Knechtges September 1998 - August 1999 September 1998 - June 1999

Banerjee, Laksmisree Choi, Jong-Chan Head, Department of English, Jamshedpur Women’sAssociate College, Professor, Department of H indi, Hankuk University of Jamshedpur, India Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea Lecturing: Modern Indian English Poetry by WomenResearch: in the Linguistic Analysis of H in d i and Korean Languages Context o f Feminism, Post-Modernism, Post-Colonialism,U niversity and of California-Berkeley, Department of Linguistics, In d ia n E nglish L ite ra tu re Berkeley, CA 94720 University of Florida, Department o f English, Gainesville,c /o D FL r. Paul K a y 32611-8140 August 1998 - January 1999 c /o D r. Ira C la rk January 1999 - A pril 1999


Dewanto, Nirwan Chowsilpa, Songkram Editor-in-Chief,Kalam Journal o f Culture, Jakarta, Indonesia Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Research: The M yth and the Novel Humanities, Chiang Mai University, ChiangMai, Thailand U niversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of South Asian Lecturing: Thai Language Studies, Madison, W I 53706-1380 University of Oregon, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, c/o D r. Ellen Rafferty Eugene, OR 97403-1246 U niversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Southeast Asian c/o D r. Stephen Durrant Studies, Madison, W I 53706-1380 Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute c /o D r. Thongchai W in ich a ku l June 1998 - September 1998 July 1998 - December 1998 Coronato, Rocco Dobronravine, Nikolai Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Language and Literature, Florence, Italy Assistant Professor, Department of African Studies, St. Petersburg Research: Laughter in Renaissance Drama U niversity, St. Petersburg, Russia Harvard University, Department of English, American LiteratureResearch: Language Use and Code-Switching in the Hausa-Arabic and Language, Cambridge, M A 02138 W ritings c/o D r. Stephen Greenblatt Northwestern University, Department of History, Evanston, EL September 1998 - November 1998 60208-2220 c /o D r. John H u n w ick C ruz, Reynaldo de Jesus November 1997 - A pril 1998 Chair, Filipino Department, Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines Due, Reidar Lecturing: Filipino Language Doctoral Student, Department of French, University of Oslo, University of Oregon, Center fo r Asian and Pacific Studies,Oslo, Norway Eugene, OR 97403-1246 Research: Allegory in Dante’sDivine Comedy c/o D r. Stephen Durrant Columbia University, Department of Italian, New York, N Y Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute 10027 June 1998 - August 1998 c /o D r. Teodolinda B a ro lin i, D r. Joan Ferrante February 1998 - July 1998 Davies, M artin Lecturer, School o f Modern Languages, U niversity o f Egebak,Leicester, Jorgen Leicester, United Kingdom Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, Research: Enlightening Performances: Self-ManagementUniversity in the of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark German-Jewish Enlightenment Lecturing and Research: The Uses and Misuses of Nietzsche in University of Pennsylvania, Center for Judaic Studies, M o d e rn P hilosophy and L ite ra ry T heory Philadelphia, PA 19106 U niversity of Oregon, Department of Germanic Languages and c /o D r. D a vid B. R uderm an Literatures, Eugene, OR 97403 c /o D r. V irp i Z uck September 1998 - May 1999 October 1998 - June 1999 Demata, Massimiliano En-Nehas, Jamal Tutor, Department o f English, Pembroke College, Oxford Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Letters, University of University, Oxford, United Kingdom Moulay Ismail, Meknes, Morocco Research: British Romanticism and the Ottom an Empire Research: Beyond the Territorialized Self: Cross-Cultural M otifs in Yale University, Department of English, New Haven, CT 06520 Travel W riting c /o D r. R u th B ernard Y eazell Yale University, Department of English, New Haven, CT 06520 March 1999 - June 1999 c/o D r. Alexander Welsh July 1998 - September 1998 Denkabe, Aloysius Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of English, University of Geerts, Walter Ghana, A ccra, G hana Professor, Department of Romance Languages, U niversity of Research: In s titu tio n a liz in g the C u ltu ra l T u rn in L ite ra ry Studies Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium in Ghana Lecturing and Research: Fiction as Feint and Concealment Harvard University, Department of Afro-Am erican Studies and U niversity o f Texas--Arlington, Department of English, Arlington, Philosophy, Cambridge, M A 02138 TX 76019-0035 c/o Dr. Kwame Anthony Appiah c/o Dr. Philip Cohen November 1998 - A p ril 1999 January 1999 - August 1999


Grah Mel, Frederic Luchuk, Olha Maitre Assistant, Department of Literature, Teacher TrainingA ssistant P rofessor, D e p a rtm e n t o f F o re ig n Languages, Ukrainian College of Abidjan, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire State U niversity o f Forestry and W ood Technology, Lviv, Research: Biography of Archbishop Bernard Yago of CoteU kra in e d ’Iv o ire Research: The Reception of U krainian Literature in America Library of Congress, African and Middle Eastern Division, AfricanPennsylvania State U niversity-U niversity Park, Center for Russian Section, Washington, DC 20540-4821 and East European Studies, U niversity Park, PA 16802 c/o Ms. Marieta Harper c/o Dr. Michael Naydan August 1998 - December 1998 January 1999 - September 1999

Hedling, Erik Mac Giolla Leith, Caoimhin Associate Professor, Department o f Comparative Literature,Lecturer, Department of Modern Irish, University College Dublin, Lund University, Lund, Sweden Dublin, Ireland Research: Ingmar Bergman and the Modern BreakthroughLecturing in and Research: The Poetry of Nuala N i Dhomhnaill Sweden A ffiliation to be determined University of Colorado-Boulder, Department of Germanicc/o and Christina Borgeest, CIES Slavic Languages and Literatures, Boulder, CO 80309-0276 September 1998 - August 1999 c/o Dr. D.C. Maxwell Olmstead January 1999 - May 1999 Manhire, W illiam P rofessor, D e p a rtm e n t o f C reative W ritin g and English Literature, Hollender, Elisabeth School o f English, Film , and Theatre, Victoria University, Research Assistant, Martin-Buber Institute, University of Cologne,W e llin g to n , N e w Zealand Cologne, Germany Lecturing: Life A fter Mansfield Research: Poetry and Culture in Medieval and RenaissanceGeorgetown Jewry U niversity, Center fo r Australian and New Zealand U niversity o f Pennsylvania, Center fo r Judaic Studies, Studies, W ashington, DC 20057 Philadelphia, PA 10106 c/o D r. Jeffrey Von Arx c/o D r. David B. Ruderman January 1999 - July 1999 September 1998 - December 1998 Manlapaz, Edna Krasnoperova, Marina Professor, Departm ent o f English, Ateneo de Manila University, Leading Scientific Researcher, Department of MathematicsQuezon and C ity, Philippines Mechanics, St. Petersburg U niversity, St. Petersburg, RussiaResearch: Literature of F ilipino Women for Foreign Readers Research: Comparative Study o f Russian Folk and Literary Wellesley College, Center fo r Research on Women, Wellesley, Versification by Means of Reconstructive Simulation M A 02181 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Slavic Department, Madison,c /o D r. S um ru E rk u t W I 53706-1380 September 1998 - October 1998 October 1998 - June 1999 Matei Chesnoiu, Monica Krus, Patricia L e c tu re r, D e p a rtm e n t o f E n g lish , U n iv e rs ity O vidius, Constanta, Researcher, Department of English, Leiden University, Leiden,R om ania Netherlands Research: Shakespeare Bibliography Research: New W orld Cultural Indentities and Literature Texas A & M U n iv e rs ity , D e p a rtm e n t o f E nglish, College Station, University of Virginia, Department of English, Charlottesville,TX V 77843-1244 A 22903 c/o D r. James Hamer c/o Dr. John Ramazani September 1998 - May 1999 January 1999 - July 1999 Morales, Helen Lamming, George Lecturer, Departm ent o f Classics, U niversity of Reading, Reading, A uthor, Bathsheba, St. Joseph, Barbados United Kingdom Lecturing: African Diaspora Literature Research: The Poetics and Politics of Musaeus’sHero and C U N Y -C ity College, Institute for Research on the AfricanL e a n d e r Diaspora in the Americas, New Y ork, N Y 10031-6977 H arvard U niversity, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC c/o D r. James Dejongh 20008 Scholar-in-Residence Program c/o D r. Deborah Boedeker September 1998 - June 1999 October 1998 - September 1999


Morenets, V olodym yr Sarinyan, Mane Senior Researcher, Institute o f Literature, Armenian National Professor and Head, Department of Philology, Kiev Mohyla Academy of Science, Yerevan, Armenia Academy, Kiev, U kraine Research: The Theories and Methods of New Criticism and Research: The N e w Y o rk G ro u p in th e C o n te x t o f U k ra in ia n Myth-Ritual Criticism and W o rld L ite ra tu re o f th e 20th C e n tu ry University of N orth Carolina-Chapel H ill, Department of English, Columbia University, Harrim an Institute, New Y ork, N Y 10027 Chapel H ill, NC 27599 c/o Dr. Alexander M otyl c /o D r. Townsend Lu d ing to n May 1999 - O c to b e r 1999 September 1998 - May 1999 Nelwan, Grace Lecturer, Language Training and Development Center,Som, Somuny Lecturer, Department of Literature, Royal University of Phnom University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Indonesia Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Lecturing: Indonesian Language Lecturing: Khmer Language University of Oregon, Center fo r Asian and Pacific Studies, U niversity o f Oregon, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Eugene, OR 97403-1246 Eugene, OR 97403-1246 c/o D r. Stephen D u rra n t c/o D r. Stephen Durrant Southeast Asian Studies S um m er In s titu te Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute June 1998 - A ugust 1998 June 1998 - August 1998 Paphaphanh, Bualy Sougou, Omar Head, Lao Language U n it, Department o f Lao Language and Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Gaston Literature, Faculty o f Social Sciences and Humanities, Berger, Saint-Louis, Senegal National U niversity o f Laos, Vientiane, Laos Research: New C ritical Perspectives on African Literature Lecturing: Lao Language University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of African University of Oregon, Center fo r Asian and Pacific Studies, Languages and Literature, Madison, W I 53706-1380 Eugene, OR 97403-1246 c /o D r. Edris M akw ard c/o Dr. Stephen D urrant January 1999 - October 1999 Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute May 1998 - Septem ber 1998 Stary, Martin Perera, Senath Assistant Professor, Department of Languages, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of English, U niversity of Lecturing and Research: Czech Language and Society Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Princeton University, Department of Slavic Language and Research: Towards an International Culture: A Comparative Literature, Princeton, NJ 08544-1019 Study of Selected Novelists from Three Continents c/o D r. Charles Townsend Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity, Department September 1998 - February 1999 of English, Blacksburg, V A 24061-0202 c/o Dr. Robert Siegle Sutojo September 1998 - March 1999 Lecturer, English Education Program, Faculty of Education, Sanata Polian, Pavel Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Lecturing: Indonesian Language Vice-President, The Mandelstam Society, Moscow, Russia U niversity of Oregon, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Research: American Sources of Biography and Bibliography of Eugene, OR 97403-1246 Osip Mandelstam c/o D r. Stephen Durrant Princeton University, Department o f Slavic Languages and Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute Literature, Princeton, NJ 08544-1019 June 1998 - A ugust 1998 c/o D r. M ichael W achtel A p ril 1999 - Decem ber 1999 Tassoni, Luigi Professor, Department of Italian Studies, University of Florence, Russotto, M argherita Florence, Italy Titular Professor, Department of Literary Theory, Central Lecturing: Problems of Text Interpretation University o f Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela U niversity of Notre Dame, Department of Romance Languages Research: W om en, S ociety, and W ritin g in A u to b io g ra p h ic a l and Literatures, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Texts by Female Authors c /o D r. John W elle University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Department of Spanish January 1998 - M ay 1998 and Portuguese, Amherst, M A 01003-001 c/o Dr. Francesco D ’Introno September 1998 - March 1999


Verstraete, Ginette Yuping, Zhang Assistant Professor, Faculty of A rts and Culture, U niversity Professor, Departm ent o f Foreign Languages, Tianjin Normal Maastricht, Maastricht, Belgium U niversity, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China Research: On the Cultural Borders of M obility: The A rrivalLecturing: of the Introduction to Cultural Anthropology T ra in in C a lifo rn ia Bridgewater State College, Departm ent of Earth Sciences and U niversity of California-Berkeley, Beatrice M. Bain ResearchGeography, Bridgewater, M A 02325-0001 Group, Berkeley, CA 94720-2050 c/o Dr. Vernon Domingo c/o D r. Caren Kaplan Scholar-in-Residence Program August 1998 - November 1998 August 1998 - December 1998

Williams, Per Zahra, Abeer Associate Professor, Department of Scandinavian Languages,Associate Professor, Departm ent o f English, University of Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Tishreen, Lattakia, Syria Research: The 15th-Century Accounts of a Dominican Nunnery:Research: Violence and Gender in Post-War Novels by African Edition and Commentary American and Arab Women W riters U niversity of California-Berkeley, Department of Scandinavian,U niversity o f California-Riverside, Department of English, Berkeley, CA 94720 Riverside, CA 92521-0102 c /o D r. John Lin d o w c/o D r. Parama Roy August 1997 - July 1998 September 1998 - March 1999

Wong, Soak Lecturer and Associate Professor, School of Humanities, U niversiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia Research: American M inority and Malaysian Sectional W riters U niversity of California-Santa Barbara, Department of Women’s Studies, Santa Barbara, C A 93106 c /o D r. S h irle y G e o k-lin L im August 1998 - October 1998


Aberra, Getachew Benvenisti, Eyal Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Law, Addis Ababa University, AddisP rofessor, F a c u lty o f L a w , H e b re w U n iv e rs ity o f Jerusalem, Ababa, Ethiopia Jerusalem, Israel Research: The Law Relating to the Apportionm ent ofLecturing the Waters and Research: Sharing International Freshwater of the N ile Harvard U niversity, School of Law, Human Rights Program, University of Texas-Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs, Austin,Cambridge, M A 02138 T X 78705 c/o D r. H enry J. Steiner c/o D r. David Eaton August 1998 - August 1999 September 1998 - May 1999 Bowal, Peter Akerova, Anarkan Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Associate Professor, American U niversity of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek,Calgary, Calgary, Canada K yrg yzsta n Lecturing and Research: American Influence in Canadian Research: G ATT and W TO Issues and the Kyrgyz RepublicConstitutional Interpretation American University, Washington College of Law, Washington,Arizona State U niversity, College of Business, Department of DC 20016-8001 Business Adm inistration, Tempe, A Z 85287-8706 c/o D r. Kenneth Anderson c/o D r. Larry R. Smeltzer October 1998 - August 1999 January 1998 - June 1998

Bellivier, Florence Bugaric, Bojan Researcher, Department of Science and Law, Center forAssistant Legal Professor, School o f Law, U niversity of Ljubljana, Obligations, University o f Paris I, Paris, France Ljubljana, Slovenia Research: Analysis of the Rights and Duties of the ParticipantsResearch: From Plan to Market: One Way or Many? Involved in the Process of Research on the HumanU nGenome iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia -L o s A ngeles, S chool o f Law , Los Angeles, Fordham University, School of Law, Bronx, N Y 10023-7485 CA 90095-1476 c/o M r. Joel R. Reidenberg c /o D r. Joel H a n d le r Tulane University, School of Law, New Orleans, LA 78011September 1998 - January 1999 c/o M r. Herman June 1998 - May 1999

50 LAW

Eilmansberger, Thomas Jethwani, Thakurdas N. Associate Professor, Institute fo r European Law, U niversityAttorney, of Thakurdas Jethwani and Company, Kuala Lumpur, Salzburg, Salzburg, A u s tria M alaysia Lecturing and Research: Law Research: International Offshore Financial Centers Southwestern U n iv e rs ity S choolL os o Angeles, f L a w , CA Harvard University, Harvard Law School, International Tax 90005-3905 Program, Cambridge, M A 02138 c/o Dr. Warren Grimes c/o D r. Glenn P. Jenkins European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program May 1998 - August 1998 January 1999 - M a y 1999 Khan, Md. Maimul Gillespie, A lexander Chair, Department of Law, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Lecturer, School of Law, Waikato University, H am ilton, New Bangladesh Zealand Research: Role of the U.S. in N AFTA: Protection of Human Research: Bottom Lines in International Environm ental LawRights and and Democracy Policy University o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, College of Law, Columbia University, School of Law, New Y ork, N Y 10027 Champaign, IL 61820 c/o Dr. Brad Karkkainen, D r. Michael Young c /o D r. P h il M cC onnaughay August 1998 - January 1999 August 1998 - January 1999

Govaere, Inge Khazova, Olga Lecturer, Department o f Law, College o f Europe, Bruges,Senior Researcher, Center o f C ivil and Comparative Law, Institute Belgium o f State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Lecturing: Current European U nion Challenges: In Particular,Russia Enlargement Towards the East Research: The Legal Framework of A rtificial Reproduction Cornell University, Mario Einaudi Center fo r InternationalQuinnipiac College, School of Law, Center for Children and the Studies, Department of Government, Institute for EuropeanFam ily, Hamden, CT 06518-1947 Studies, Ithaca, N Y 14853-0001 c/o D r. David Rosettenstein c/o Dr. Jonas Pontusson August 1998 - February 1999 European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program Four and one-half months: August 1998 - December 1998Kover, Agnes Lecturer, Department of Legal Studies, Human Rights Program, Hadjiev, Valentin Central European University, Budapest, Hungary Senior Assistant Professor, Department of InternationalLecturing: Law Legal Regulations and the Implementation of Human and International Relations, Faculty of Law, Sofia University,Rights in the East-Central European Crim inal Justice Systems: Sofia, Bulgaria Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia Research: The Law of the Sea A fter the E ntry Into ForceNew of UY .Nork . University, School of Law, New York, N Y 10012-1019 Convention on Law of the Sea c/o D r. Stephen Holmes University of Virginia, Center for Oceans Law and Policy,September 1998 - June 1999 Charlottesville, V A 22903 c/o Dr. John N orton Moore Mamedov, Bakhtiyar September 1998 - March 1999 Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, Tefekkur University, Baku, A zerbaijan Hayashi, Hiroko Research: International Law, Private International Law (Conflict Professor, Faculty o f Law, Fukuoka U niversity, Fukuoka, Japanof Laws), Investment Law, and Financial Law Research: W orker’s Compensation and Occupational SafetyU niversity of Iowa, School of Law, Iowa C ity, IA 52242 and H ealth c /o D r. John R eitz New York University, Law School, Global Law School Program,October 1998 - January 1999 New York, N Y 10012-1019 c /o D r. F rank K . U p h a m Okani, Rachel-Claire Columbia University, School of Law, New Y ork, N Y 10027 Lecturer, Faculty of Law and Economics, U niversity of Yaounde, c/o Dr. Lance Liebman Yaounde, Cameroon August 1998 - O c to b e r 1998 Lecturing: Gender Issues in Africa Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, University Honors Program, Tallahassee, FL 32307 c/o D r. Ivy A. Mitchell Scholar-in-Residence Program August 1998 - A pril 1999

51 LAW

Redissi, Mohamed Treppoz, Edouard Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty o f Law,Researcher, International Institute fo r the Unification of Private Tunis, Tunisia Law, Rome, Italy Research: Exploring the Linkage Between Political Philosophy,Research: Software in Private International Law Historical Approach, and Comparative Politics in M iddleColum East bia University, School of Law, New York, NY 10027 Studies c/o D r. Jane C. Ginsberg Fordham University, Middle East Studies Program, Bronx,August N Y 1998 - November 1998 10458 c /o D r. John E ntelis Umbach, Dieter September 1998 - December 1998 P rofessor, D e p a rtm e n t o f L a w , U n iv e rs ity o f Potsdam, Potsdam, G e rm a n y Sarie El Din, Hani Lecturing and Research: German Studies Lecturer, Department of Commercial and Maritim e Law, FacultyVanderbilt University, Department of History, Nashville, TN of Law, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt 37240-1001 Research: Legal Aspects of Infrastructure Projects Privatelyc /o D r. H u g h D avis Financed (BOT/BOOT Projects) September 1998 - July 1999 International Law Institute, Washington, DC 20009 c/o D r. Don Wallace, Jr. Vazquez Albert, Daniel A pril 1999 - October 1999 Assistant Professor, School o f Law, U niversity of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Saxena, Poonam Research: The Reorganization o f Firms in Crisis Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of D elhi, Delhi,Yale U niversity, School of Law, Department of Bankruptcy Law, India New Haven, CT 06520 Lecturing: Family Law c /o D r. A n th o n y K ro n m a n University of Baltimore, John and Frances Angelos LawJanuary Center, 1997 - December 1998 Center for International and Comparative Law, Baltimore, M D 21201-5779 Wang, Liming c /o D r. Jane C. M u rp h y V ice-D ean and P rofessor, L a w S chool, U n iv e rs ity o f China, Beijing, September 1998 - December 1998 People’s Republic of China Research: Proposals fo r China’s Judicial Reform Stojanovski, Trpe Harvard U niversity, East Asian Legal Studies, Cambridge, MA Head and Docent, Department of Analysis and Research,02138 M inistry of Internal Affairs, Faculty of Security, Skopje, c /o D r. W illia m P. A lfo rd Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia September 1998 - June 1999 Research: The Role of the Police in a Democracy Temple University, Center for Public Policy, Philadelphia,Zhilinkova, PA Irina 19122 Associate Professor, Department of C ivil Law, National Law c/o D r. Jack R. Greene Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine September 1998 - June 1999 Research: M arital Property Law U niversity of Connecticut-Hartford, School of Law, West Streltsov, Evgeniy H artford, CT 06117 Professor and Chair, Department o f Crim inal Law and c /o D r. A n n e D a ile y Crim inology, Law Institute, Odessa State University, Odessa,September 1998 - January 1999 U kraine Research: Economic Crime in Ukraine: The Name Is O ld, The C o n te n t N e w University of Illinois-Chicago, Office of International Crim inal Justice, Chicago, IL 60607-2919 c /o D r. R ichard W ard September 1998 - June 1999

Sun, Xinqiang Professor and Associate D irector, Department of Law, Shandong University, Jinan, People’s Republic o f China Research: Commercial Law in M arket Economies Western Michigan University, Department of Economics, Kalamazoo, M I 49008 c/o Dr. Wei-Chiao Huang September 1998 - June 1999


Banhegyi, Z s o lt Muravyova, Natalya Systems Librarian, Department of Autom ation, HungarianC hief Librarian, International Exchange and Loan Department, Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Library for N atural Sciences, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Research: The Buildup of a “V irtual Library” : Integrating M oscow , Russia Web-Based T e c h n o lo g y In to C o n v e n tio n a l F o rm s oResearch: f New Technological Environment: Im plication for Serial Inform ation Service Collection Developers University of California-Los Angeles, Department o f LibraryUniversity at Albany, State University of New York, School of and Information Science, Los Angeles, C A 90095 Inform ation Science and Policy, Albany, N Y 12222-0001 c/o Dr. Christie L. Borgman c/o D r. Philip B. Eppard September 1998 - June 1999 January 1999 - July 1999

Gorbachenko, Tetiana Professor, D e p a rtm e nt o f L ib ra ry and D o c u m e n t Science, K ie v Institute of Culture, Kiev, Ukraine Research: L ib ra ry M anagem ent University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, M ortenson Center for International Library Programs, Champaign, IL 61820-5711 c/o Dr. Marianna T a x C h o ld in August 1998 - January 1999


Abd-el-Jawad, Hassan Costa Lima, Paula Lenz Associate Professor, Departm ent o f English, Yarm ouk University,Researcher, Department o f Linguistics, State U niversity of Irbid, Jordan Campinas, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Research: The Im p a ct o f th e Peace Process o n LanguageResearch: W orking M em ory and the Processing of Metaphor University of Pennsylvania, Department o f Linguistics, University of California-Santa Cruz, Department of Psychology, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Santa Cruz, CA 95064 c/o Dr. Gillian Sankoff c/o D r. Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. June 1998 - D ecem ber 1998 January 1998 - August 1998

Cetnarowska, Bozena Cyran, Eugeniusz Adjunct Professor, Institute o f English, U niversity o f Silesia,Assistant Professor, Department of Celtic, Catholic U niversity of Sosnowiec, P oland Lublin, Lublin, Poland Research: O bject P ro n o u n s and O b je c t Possessives in NResearch: o m in a ls Linguistics University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Departm ent of University of California-Los Angeles, Department of Linguistics, Linguistics, Amherst, M A 01003-7130 Los Angeles, CA 90024 c/o Dr. Kyle Johnson c/o Dr. Victoria Fromkin September 1998 - June 1999 September 1998 - June 1999

Chamonikolasova, Jana El Gemei, Dalai Assistant Professor, Department of English and AmericanLecturer, Department o f English Language and Literature, Faculty Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk U niversity, Brno, Czech o f Humanities, A l Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Republic Research: Corpus-Based Study of Collocation in American English Research: A m e rica n and N o n -A m e ric a n A p p ro a ch e s to A ffiliation to be determined Information Structure c /o Barbara W ollison, CIES Harvard University, Department of Linguistics, Cambridge,October M A 1998 - January 1999 02138 c/ o Dr. Susumu Kuno Eriksson, Mats January 1999 - June 1999 Research Associate, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Research: The Construction o f Identity in Elderly Conversations Chumbow, Beban U niversity of California-Santa Barbara, Department of Sociology, Professor, Department of Linguistics, U niversity of Buea, Buea,Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Cameroon c/ o D r. Don H. Zimmerman Research: Language P la n n in g : P rin cip le s, Issues, and TechniquesAugust 1998 - June 1999 University of South Carolina, Department o f Government and International Studies, Colum bia, SC 29208 c/o D r. M a rk D elancey September 1998 - June 1999 53 LINGUISTICS

Gallego Garcia, Maria Angeles Perekhvalskaya, Elena Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Arabic andSenior Islamic Researcher, Institute fo r N ew Technologies in Education, Studies, Complutense U niversity of Madrid, M adrid, SpainMoscow, Russia Research: Dialectological Levels in Medieval Judeo-ArabicResearch: Preservation and Teaching of Ethnic Minority Em ory University, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Atlanta,Languages and C ulture G A 30322-1100 U n iv e rs ity o f A riz o n a , D e p a rtm e n t o f A n th ro p o lo g y, Tucson, AZ c/o D r. Benjamin Mary 85721 January 1998 - December 1998 c /o D r. Jane H ill December 1998 - July 1999 Jerad, Nabiha Assistant Professor, Department of French, Faculty o f HumanPupovac, Milorad and Social Sciences, Tunis, Tunisia Associate Professor, Departm ent o f General Linguistics, Faculty Research: The Feminine Voice of M odernity o f Philosophy, U niversity o f Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Duke University, Department of Asian and African LanguagesResearch: Linguistics and Its Dialects and Literature, Durham, N C 27708-0586 C ornell U niversity, Department o f Linguistics, Ithaca, NY c /o D r. M iria m C ooke 14853-0001 October 1998 - December 1998 c/ o D r. Wayles Brown August 1998 - May 1999 Kikuchi, Shigeo Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka InternationalRomero Morales, Juan U n iv e rs ity fo r W om en, O saka, Japan Assistant Professor, Ortega y Gasset University Institute, Madrid, Research: Roman Jakobson’s Stylistics Spain Harvard University, Department of Linguistics, Cambridge,Research: M A Semantic Selection and Subcategorization Constraints in 02138 Phrase Structure Form ation c/ o D r. Mary Violette M assachusetts In s titu te o f T e c h n o lo g y , D epartm ent o f Linguistics September 1998 - February 1999 and Philosophy, Cambridge, M A 021394307 c/o D r. Kenneth Hale Laczko, Tibor September 1998 - August 1999 Chair and Associate Professor, Department o f English Linguistics, L. Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary Santos, Raquel Santana Research: Morphosyntax and Typology of DerivedResearcher, Nominals State U niversity o f Campinas, Campinas, Brazil and Participles Research: The A cquisition o f Brazilian Portuguese Rhythm: The Stanford University, Center fo r the Study of LanguageW ordand Stress Inform ation, Stanford, C A 94305-9991 U niversity o f Southern C alifornia, Department of Linguistics, Los c/o D r. Joan Bresnan Angeles, C A 90089-1693 September 1998 - February 1999 c/o D r. Jean-Roger Vergnaud March 1998 - March 1999 Lodrup, Helge Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Oslo,Tchernigovskaja, Oslo, Tatiana N o rw a y Professor, Departm ent o f General Linguistics, Sechenov Institute Research: O ptim ality Theory and Argument Structure o f Russian Academy o f Sciences, St. Petersburg University, St. Stanford University, Department of Linguistics, Stanford,Petersburg, CA Russia 94305-2150 Research: Cerebral Assym etry fo r Cognitive and Linguistic c/o D r. Joan Bresnan Functions: Cross-Cultural and Psycholinguistic Dimensions August 1998 - July 1999 U niversity o f M aryland-College Park, Department of Asian and East European Languages and Cultures, College Park, MD Markus, Dace 20742 Professor, Methodology of Latvian Language andc/o Literature D r. Maria Lekic Department, University o f Latvia, Riga, Latvia August 1998 - November 1998 Research: Phonetic Investigation of Second Language Acquisition by M inorities: Computer-Assisted Analysis of Pronunciation and Assessment of Teaching Methods Ohio University, Department o f Linguistics, Institute for Em pirical Study of Language, Athens, O H 45701-2979 c /o D r. D z in tra Bond September 1998 - June 1999


Benes, Viktor Dannan, Fozi Professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of MechanicalProfessor and Chair, Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Czech Technical U niversity, Prague, CzechC ivil Engineering, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria Republic Research: Stability of N onlinear Difference Systems and Its Research: S tereological E s tim a tio n o f G e o m e try o f A n is oApplications tro p ic Structures T rin ity University, Department of Mathematics, San Antonio, TX Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Materials Science78212-7200 and Engineering, Atlanta, G A 30332-0245 c/o D r. Saber N . Elaydi c/o Dr. Arun M. Gokhale September 1998 - December 1998 September 1998 - December 1998 Ethiraju, Thandapani Blocki, Zbigniew Reader, Department of Mathematics, P.G. Center, Madras Adjunct, Institute o f Mathematics, Jagiellonian University, University, Salem, Tam il Nadu, India Krakow, Poland Research: Some Qualitative Properties of Solutions of Difference Research: The C o m p le x M o n g e -A m pe re O p e ra to r andEquations Its Applications in Pluri-Potential Theory Mississippi State University, Department of Mathematics and Indiana University-Bloom ington, Department of Mathematics,Statistics, Mississippi State, MS 39762 Bloomington, IN 47405 c/o D r. John R. Graef c/o Dr. Eric Bedford July 1998 - October 1998 University of M ichigan-Ann A rbor, Department of Mathematics, Ann Arbor, ME 48109 Garay, Barnabas c/o Dr. B.A. Taylor Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of January 1999 - O ctober 1999 Technology, Budapest, Hungary Research: Numerical Dynamics Bosch Giral, Carlos University of California-Berkeley, Department of Mathematics, Professor, Department o f Mathematics, Autonomous TechnicalBerkeley, CA 94720 Institute of Mexico, Mexico, Mexico c/o D r. David Eisenbud Research: Locally Complete Spaces Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Department of Washington State U niversity, Department o f Pure and AppliedComputational Mathematics, Berkeley, CA 94720-5070 Mathematics, Pullman, W A 99164 c/o D r. Felipe Cucker c/o D r. Jan Kucera September 1998 - December 1998 August 1998 - M ay 1999 Habre, Samer Calugareanu, Grigore Assistant Professor, N atural Science Division, Lebanese American Associate Professor and Chair, Faculty o f Mathematics University, Beirut, Lebanon Information, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaResearch: Differential Equations Research: Characterization of the Class M3 of N onsplittingCornell Mixed University, Department of Mathematics, Ithaca, N Y A belian G roups 14853-0001 Tulane University, Department of Mathematics, New Orleans,c/o Ms. Beverly H . West LA 70118-5669 July 1998 - January 1999 c/o D r. Laszlo Fuchs March 1999 - July 1999 Hempel, Rainer Rolf Professor, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Chiao, Chih-hua Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany Associate Professor, Department o f Business Mathematics,Research: Mathematical Problems in Quantum Mechanics Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan California Institute of Technology, Alfred P. Sloan Laboratory of Research: Q uality and R eliability Management Based on Mathematics and Physics, Pasadena, CA 91125-0001 Degradation Data c/o D r. Barry Simon University of M ichigan-Ann Arbor, Department of Statistics,August 1998 - December 1998 A n n A rb o r, M I 48109 c/o D r. Michael Hamada Ivanov, Nikolai January 1998 - August 1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Control, Grodno State University, Grodno, Belarus Research: Development o f a Curriculum of Mathematical Economics Courses Columbia University, Harriman Institute, Department of Economics, New York, N Y 10027 c/o D r. Richard Ericson August 1998 - December 1998


Janker, Minka Sirola, Boris Researcher, Department of Mathematics, Free U niversitySenior o f Assistant, Departm ent o f Mathematics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Research: Semi-Parametic Models in Mathematical Statistics,Research: Torsion Modules and Applications to Representation Especially Likelihood Methods Theory of Semisimple Lie Groups University of M ichigan-Ann Arbor, Department of Statistics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of A n n A rb o r, M I 48109 Mathematics, Cambridge, M A 02139-4307 c /o D r. Susan A . M u rp h y c/o D r. David A. Vogan September 1998 - January 1999 September 1998 - May 1999

Kvasz, Ladislav Trlifaj, Jan Lecturer, Department of Humanities, Comenius University,Head, Departm ent o f Algebra, Faculty of Mathematics and Bratislava, Slovak Republic Physics, Charles U niversity, Prague, Czech Republic Research: Geometry and the Foundations of Mathematics,Research: C ofinal Decreasing Chains o f Modules 1850-1930 U niversity o f C alifornia-Irvine, Department of Mathematics, University of California-Berkeley, Department of Philosophy,Irvine, C A 92697-3875 Berkeley, CA 94720 c/o D r. Paul Eklof c/o D r. Paolo Mancosu September 1998 - December 1998 January 1999 - May 1999

Plaskota, Leszek Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland Research: Complexity and Noise in Neural N etwork Theory Boston University, Department of Mathematics, Boston, M A 02215 c/o D r. Mark Kon October 1998 - July 1999


Bernard, Claude Charles Bottomley, Martyn Professor, Neuroim munology Laboratory, Faculty ofResearch Science, Assistant, Departm ent o f Medicine, Saint Mary’s Technology, and Engineering, La Trobe University,H ospital, U niversity o f Manchester, Manchester, United Bundoora/Melbourne, Victoria, Australia K in g d o m Research: The Immunogenetics of M ultiple SclerosisResearch: Across T h e R e g u la tio n o f S M A D P ro te in s M ediating Cross-Talk Ethnic and Geographic Boundaries Between Profibrotic TGF-B Fam ily and University of California-San Francisco, School of Medicine,Regeneratiive HG F Signaling Pathways Department of Neurology, San Francisco, CA 94143-0114N a tio n a l In s titu te s o f H e a lth , N a tio n a l Cancer Institute, Laboratory c/o D r. Stephen L. Hauser, D r. Jorge R. Oskenberg o f Cell Regulation and Carcinogenesis, July 1998 - January 1999 Bethesda, M D 20892-5055 c/o D r. Anita Roberts Bocek, Pavel November 1998 - October 1999 Physician, C linic of Pediatric Oncology, 2nd Faculty o f Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Corne, Jonathan Research: Pediatric Oncology S pecialist R e g istra r, S chool o f M e d ic in e , S outham pton General University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Medical School, DivisionHospital, University of Southampton, Southampton, United of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, and Bone M arrowK in g d o m Transplantation, Minneapolis, M N 55455-0213 Research: Use o f an Externally Regulatable Overexpression c/o D r. Norma K. Ramsay T ra nsgenic M ouse M o d e l to D e te rm in e th e Possible Protective October 1998 - July 1999 Effects o f Early Life TH1 Response on the Subsequent Development of Atopy Yale U niversity, School o f Medicine, Pulm onary and Critical Care Section, New Haven, CT 06520-8057 c /o D r. Jack E lias October 1999 - October 2000


Dahlin, Christer Haddad, Asmaban Associate Professor, D e p a rtm e n t o f O ra l and M a x illo faAssistant c ia l Professor, School o f Science and Engineering, Surgery, Center fo r Postgraduate Education, MedicalAl-Akhawayn Center University, Ifrane, Morocco Hospital, Orebro, Sweden Research: Screening and Identification of Taxol-Producing Research: Guided Bone Regeneration in Com binationMicroorganisms w ith Growth Factors in the Treatment of Cranial DefectsMontana State University, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida, Department of O ral and M axillofacialBozeman, M T 59717 Surgery, Gainesville, FL 32610-0416 c/o M r. Gary Strobel c/o D r. James R u skin June 1998 - August 1998 August 1998 - F e b ru a ry 1999 Hamilton, Andrew Ekelund, U lf Lecturer, Dermatology U nit, Guys Hospital, London, United Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Physiology and Neuroscience,K in g d o m University of Lund, Lund, Sweden Research: Cloning, Characterization, and Disruption o f Cu,Zn Research: The R o le o f N it r ic O x id e in th e R e g u la tio nSuperoxide o f H e a rt Dismutase Gene of Cryptoloccus Neoformans Function Under Physiological and Pathological ConditionsVariety Gattii Johns H opkins U n iv e rs ity , C la y to n H e a rt C e n te r, D epartmDavid ent Axelrod Institute, Laboratories for Mycology, Albany, N Y of Medicine, Baltim ore, M D 21287 12201-0509 c/o Dr. Joshua M . Hare c/o D r. Vishnu Chaturvedi August 1997 - August 1998 August 1998 - January 1999

Fassa, Anaclaudia Gastal Hermans, Guy Assistant Professor, Departm ent of Social Medicine, FederalResearch Assistant, Autoim m une Diseases Research U nit, D r. L. University o f Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil W illems Institute-University, Diepenbeek, Belgium Research: C h ild L a b o r and H e a lth Research: Efficiency and W orking Mechanism of T-Cell Receptor/ Harvard University, Takemi Program in International Health,Cytokine Hybrids to Prevent or Cure Relapsing Experimental Boston, M A 02115 Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis c/o Dr. Michael R. Reich Stanford University, Medical Center, Department of Neurology, October 1998 - September 1999 Stanford, CA 94305-5429 c/o Dr. Lawrence Steinman Fazan, Valeria Paula Sassoli January 1999 - December 1999 Researcher, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil Illidge, Timothy Research: Anatom ic Pathways Involved in the BaroreC linical Flex Research Fellow, Wessex Cancer Center, Royal South Control of the Parasympathetic Innervation o f theHants Cerebral Hospital, Southampton University, Southampton, United Vessels K in g d o m University of Iowa, Department of Neurology, Iowa Research:C ity, IA Radioimmunotheraphy of B-Cell Lymphomas 52242 Stanford University, School of Medicine, Division o f Oncology, c/o Dr. W illiam T. Talman Stanford, CA 94305-5306 November 1997 - November 1998 c/o D r. Ron Levy August 1998 - December 1998 Figueiredo, Fatima Aparecida Ferreira Assistant Professor, Department of GastroenterologyJacobsen, and Eva Endoscopy, Federal U niversity of Rio de Janeiro, ConsultantRio de and Associate Professor, Department o f Radiology, Janeiro, B razil University Hospital of Tromso, Tromso, Norway Research: Body Composition in Liver Cirrhosis Research: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Contrast Mayo C linic, Department of Gastroenterology and LiverMedia for MRI Transplantation, Rochester, M N 55905 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Department of Radiology, c/o D r. Michael R. Charlton A n n A rb o r, M I 48109-0030 October 1998 - September 1999 c/o D r. Peter Eldevik August 1998 - July 1999 Gerber, Bernhard Assistant, Department of Cardiology, Saint-Luc UniversityKaya, Clinic, Sidika Medical School, University of Louvain, Brussels, BelgiumAssistant Professor, School of Health Adm inistration, Hacettepe Research: Q uantification of Regions of MicrovascularUniversity, Ankara, Turkey Obstruction by Magnetic Resonance Imaging andResearch: Contrast Developing a U tilization Management Program for the Echocardiography Following Acute Myocardial InfarctionM in is try o f H ealth H ospitals in T u rke y Johns Hopkins University, Department of Internal Medicine,Boston University, School o f Management, Boston, M A 02215 Division o f Cardiology, Baltimore, M D 21287 c/o D r. Joseph D. Restuccia c /o D r. J. A. Lim a October 1998 - A pril 1999 September 1998 - August 1999 57 MEDICAL SCIENCES

K itin ya , James Moraes Junior, Haroldo Vieira Professor, Department of Histopathology, M uhim biliProfessor, University Department of Ophthalm ology, Federal University of College, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania R io de Janeiro, R io de Janeiro, Brazil Research: Morphological Features of Placenta in VerticalResearch: HIV /H T LV -I Clinical Trials Training Transmission of H IV and Effect of Vitam in SupplementationN a tio n a l In s titu te s o f H e a lth , N a tio n a l Eye In stitu te , Bethesda, Harvard School of Public Health, Department of N utrition,M D 20892-1858 B oston, M A 02115 c/o D r. Scott M. W hitcup c/o D r. Wafaie W. Fawzi January 1998 - January 1999 September 1998 - June 1999 Morales Munoz, Albert Kolstad, Arne Researcher, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Consultant, Department of Oncology, University HospitalD i I Sunyer of Institute, Barcelona, Spain T rom so, Trom so, N o rw a y Research: M odulation of the A poptotic Response After Cell Research: Immunotheraphy in Treatment of CancerR a d ia tio n : R o le o f C eram ide University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Comprehensive CancerM e m o ria l S lo a n -K e tte rin g C ancer C enter, Laboratory o f Signal Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Ann Arbor,Transduction, M I Department o f Radiation Oncology, New York, 48109-0724 N Y 10021 c/o Dr. Mack Kaminski c /o D r. Z v i Fuks August 1998 - July 1999 January 1999 - December 1999

Machiels, Jean-Pascal H e n ry M uftuo glu , Sevda Research Fellow, Laboratory of Experimental OncologyAssociate and Professor, Department o f Histology and Embryology, Hematology, Catholic U niversity of Louvain, Brussels,Medical Belgium Faculty, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Research: Genetic-Based Cancer Vaccine for the TreatmentResearch: of Expression and Function o f Endothelial Cell Antigens: Breast Cancer CD 105 and CD146 Johns Hopkins University, Laboratory o f ExperimentalU niversity o f Washington, School o f Medicine, Division of Therapeutics, Oncology U nit, Baltimore, M D 21205-2196Hematology, Seattle, W A 98195 c/o D r. Jaffee c/o D r. John M. Harlan September 1998 - August 1999 September 1998 - March 1999

McKinley, Sharon Maree Ozenci, Hatice Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Technology,Head, Department o f M icrobiology and Clinical Microbiology, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia School o f Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Research: Reducing Delay in Responding to SymptomsResearch: of Vaginal Epithelial Cell Interactions w ith C. Albicans Acute Myocardial Infarction Louisiana State University Medical Center-New Orleans, University of California-Los Angeles, School of Nursing,Department Los of M icrobiology, Immunology, and Parasitology, Angeles, CA 90095 New Orleans, LA 70112-2223 c/o D r. Kathy Dracup c/o D r. Paul L. Fidel O hio State University-Columbus, College of Nursing,August 1998 - February 1999 Department of Adult Health and Illness, Columbus, O H 43210 Paemeleire, Koen Frank c/o D r. Bonnie J. Garvin Research Assistant, Department o f General Physiology, Human August 1998 - February 1999 Physiology, and Physiopathology, University of Gent, Gent, B e lg iu m Mohamed, A.R. Research: Intercellular Calcium Signaling in Nonexcitable Brain Senior Lecturer, Department o f Veterinary Preclinical Studies,Cells Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Anim al Science,U niversity o f Massachusetts Medical Center-Worcester, U niversity of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Department of Physiology, Worcester, M A 01655-0127 Research: Factors Affecting Ovarian Follicular Formationc/o Din r. M.J. Sanderson C attle September 1998 - June 1999 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Department of Anim al Science, Pertl,Lincoln, Barbara N E 68588 Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, c/o D r. James E. Kinder Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Graz, Austria February 1999 - August 1999 Research: Fetal/Maternal Cell Trafficking in Pregnancy Complications Tufts U niversity, School of Medicine, New England Medical Center, D ivision of Genetics, Medford, M A 02155 c/o D r. Diana W . Bianchi August 1998 - November 1998


Pillar, Giora Sharma, Pankaj Physician and Researcher, Sleep Laboratory, Technion-IsraelC linical Scientist, Department of Clinical Neurology, National Institute o f T e ch n o lo g y, H a ifa , Israel Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, United Research: Phathophysiology o f U pper A irw ay O cclusionK in in g d o m Obstructive Sleep A p n e a Research: Positional Cloning of the Gene for Hallervorden-Spatz Harvard University, M edical School, Sleep D isorders Section,D isease Boston, M A 02115 Harvard University, School of Medicine, Department of Genetics, c/o Dr. David P olard W h ite Cambridge, M A 02138 July 1998 -J u ly 1999 c/o D r. Jonathan Seidman May 1998 - A pril 1999 Pohar, Bojan Assistant Professor, Center fo r Intensive Internal M edicine,Shehnaz, Darakhshanda University Medical C e n te r, L ju b lja n a , S lovenia Assistant Professor, H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, Research: Autonomic Pathophysiology o f O rthostatic U niversity of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Intolerance Research: Signal Transduction Mechanisms Involved in Vanderbilt University, School o f Medicine, C linical ResearchInflam m ation: Role of G Proteins Center, Nashville, T N 37240-1001 U niversity of California-San Diego, School of Medicine, c/o Dr. David R obertson Department of Pharmacology, La Jolla, CA 92093-5003 September 1998 - M a y 1999 c/o D r. Paul A. Insel September 1998 - May 1999 Radi, Rafael Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Biochem istry, FacultySteinsvoll, o f Svein Medicine, University of the Republic, M ontevideo,Research Uruguay Fellow and Doctoral Student, Department of Dentistry, Research: Molecular F ootprinting o f Vascular O xidativeUniversity of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Reactions Research: Mucosal Im munology University o f A la b a m a -B irm in g h a m , S chool o f M e d ic inU eniversity , of Alabama-Birmingham, School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Birm ingham , A L 35294Department of Dentistry, Birmingham, AL 35294 c/o Dr. Bruce A . Freem an c /o D r. J e rry R . M cG hee January 1998 - N o v e m b e r 1998 October 1998 - July 1999

Rajnavolgyi-Laczkovich, Eva Subuh, Ahmad Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Im m unology, U niversityLecturer, of Department of Physiology and N utrition, Faculty of L.Eotvos, God, H u n g a ry Veterinary Medicine, Hama, Syria Research: Identification o f IL-7-Induced Genes in ThymResearch: ocytes The Use of Full Fat Soybean Produced in Syria in Using Differential D isplay Broilers’ Diets National Institutes o f H e a lth , D iv is io n o f Basic Sciences,U niversity of Arkansas, Department of Poultry Science, National Cancer Institute, Section o f Cytokines and ImFayetteville, m unity, AR 72701-1201 Frederick, M D 21701 c/o D r. Park Waldroup c/o Dr. Scott K. D urum August 1998 - November 1998 July 1998 - A p ril 1999 Sumainah, Ghiath Rivadulla Fernandez, Juan Casto Professor, Department of Agriculture, Damascus University, Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Physiology, School oDamascus, f Syria Medicine, U n iv e rs ity o f La C o ru n a , L a C o ru n a , G a lic iaResearch: , Spain Halawa Tehineh: The Traditional Food in Middle Research: Role of Glutam atergic Receptors and IntracorticalEastern Countries Connectivity U niversity of Florida, Department of Food Science and Human Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Departm ent oN f utrition,Brain and Gainesville, FL 32611 Cognitive Sciences, C a m b rid g e , M A 02139-4307 c /o D r. R .P . Bates c/o Dr. Mriganka Sur January 1999 - A pril 1999 July 1998 - June 1999 Szopinski, Kazimierz Savarirayan, R a v i Assistant Professor, Department of Imaging Diagnostics, Medical Senior Fellow, V ictorian C linical Genetics Service, Royal Faculty, Warsaw Academy of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland Children’s Hospital, Parkville, Victoria, Australia Research: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Visual Research: Skeletal Dysplasias System University of C alifornia-Los Angeles, School of Medicine,Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Department of Department of Pediatrics and Medicine, Los Angeles,Radiology and Radiological Science, Baltimore, M D CA 90095 21218-2699 c/o Dr. David L . R im o in c/o D r. R. N ick Bryan July 1998 - Ju ly 1999 October 1998 - July 1999


Talieri, Maroulio Visweswaraiah, Naveen K. Department of Virology, G. Papanikolaou ResearchResearch Center of A ssista n t, V ive ka n a n d a K e ndra Yoga Research Oncology and Experimental Surgery, Saint Savas Hospital,Foundation, Bangalore, India Athens, Greece Research: Response to External A uditory Stimuli During Research: Analysis of Various Transcripts of Cathepsin-BM editation:in A Record o f fM R I and Auditory- Evoked Responses Matched Pairs of Norm al/Cancer Colon Tissues U niversity o f Florida, H ealth Science Center, Department of Wayne State University, School of Medicine, DepartmentRadiology, of Gainesville, FL 32610 Pharmacology, D etroit, M I 48202 c/o D r. Richard W. Briggs c/o D r. Bonnie F. Sloan September 1998 - March 1999 September 1998 - December 1998 Zaman, Azfar Teles, Shirley Senior Registrar, Departm ent o f Cardiology, University Hospital Assistant Director, Vivekananda Kendra Yoga Researchof Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom Foundation, Bangalore, India Research: Continuous and External Dynamic Monitoring In Vivo Research: Response to External A uditory Stim uli D uringof Acute Thrombosis A fter Arterial Injury Meditation: A Record of fM R I and Auditory- EvokedC U N Y -M ount Sinai School o f Medicine, Cardiovascular Institute, Responses Cardiovascular Biology Research Laboratory, New York, NY University of Florida, J.H. M iller Health Center, Department1 0 0 of 2 9 -6 5 0 4 Radiology, Gainesville, FL 32610 c/o D r. Juan Jose Badimon c/o D r. Richard W. Briggs Dates to be determined September 1998 - March 1999


Bohadlo, Stanislav Levko, Oxana Professor, Department of Music, Pedagogical U niversityChair, of Interdisciplinary Studies o f Musicology, Moscow State Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic Conservatory, Moscow, Russia Lecturing: Music Appreciation Research: A rts A d m in is tra tio n in Russia McCook Community College, Department of Fine ArtsA mand e ric a n U n iv e rs ity , A rts M anagem ent Program , Washington, DC Humanities, McCook, N E 69001-2631 20016-8001 c /o M s. Sue W atts c/o D r. Karen Chandler Scholar-in-Residence Program October 1998 - June 1999 August 1998 - May 1999 Looten, Christophe Estrada Zamorano, Ricardo Composer, Paris, France Tenor and General Manager, Philharmonic Society,Research: La Paz, Puccini in America B o liv ia Round Top International Festival Institute, Round Top, TX Lecturing: Latin American Music and Culture 78954-0089 University of Central Arkansas, Department of Music, Conway,c/o M r. Alain G. Declert AR 72035-0001 January 1999 - March 1999 c/o D r. Kay Kraeft Scholar-in-Residence Program Vicar, Jan January 1999 - June 1999 Head, Department o f M usicology, Faculty of Philosophy, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic Koivisto, Tuija Lecturing: Music of 20th-Century Europe Lecturer, Department of Musicology, University of Helsinki,St. C loud State U niversity, College o f Fine Arts and Humanities, Helsinki, Finland Department of Music, St. Cloud, M N 563014498 Research: Non-Tonal Music c/o D r. Bruce Wood University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, School of Music, DepartmentScholar-in-Residence Program of Music Theory, Ann A rbor, M I 48109-2085 November 1998 - June 1999 c /o D r. A n d re w Mead November 1998 - November 1999


Adam,Askiah Nagy, Andras Free-Lance W riter and Broadcaster, SIS Forum MalaysiaFree-Lance Berhad, W riter, Budapest, Hungary Kuala Lum pur, M alaysia Research: Kierkegaard’s Influence on the H istory of Central Research: W om en in Isla m Europe: Philosophical Paradoxes in Action Emory University, School of Law, Atlanta, G A 30322-1100St. O laf College, Hong Kierkegaard Library, Department of c/o Dr. Abdulahi A n -N a ’im Philosophy, Northfield, M N 55057-1098 October 1998 - D ece m b e r 1998 c/o D r. Gordon Marino September 1998 - December 1998 Alieva,Cholpon Lecturer, Kyrgyz Technical U niversity, Bishkek, KyrgyzstanRodine, Andrei Research: Modern Western Philosophy in H igher EducationalAdviser, Department of Philosophy of Science, Institute of Establishments o f N IS Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia University of M innesota-Tw in Cities, Department of SpeechResearch: Event and M ilieu Communication, Minneapolis, M N 55455-0221 Columbia University, Department of Philosophy, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Josef Mestenhauser 10027 September 1998 - June 1999 c/o D r. Archille C. Varzi September 1998 - May 1999 Asatryan, M am ikon Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, andStadler, Friedrich Psychology, Yerevan State U niversity, Yerevan, ArmeniaAssociate Professor, Center fo r International and Interdisciplinary Research: M a rx is m -L e n in is m in th e P erspective o f Studies, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Methodology o f Science: A C ritical Analysis Research: Austro-American Relations in Science and Philosophy Bowling Green State U niversity, Institutional TheoryUniversity and of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minnesota Center for the History Program, Bowling Green, O H 43403 Philosophy of Science, Minneapolis, M N 55455-0213 c/ o Dr. Edward F. McClennen c/o D r. C. Kenneth Waters September 1998 - June 1999 September 1998 - December 1998

Gangov, Alexander Stuhlman-Laeisz, Rainer Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sofia Professor,University, Department of Philosophy, Seminar for Logic and Sofia, Bulgaria Foundation Research, U niversity of Bonn, Bonn, Germany Research: C ivil Society and C ivil Wisdom Research: Problems of Universalization Emory University, Institute for Vico Studies, Atlanta, GA University of Pittsburgh, Department of Philosophy, Pittsburgh, 30322-1100 P A 15260 c/o Dr. Donald P hillip Verene c/o D r. James Conant January 1999 - July 1999 February 1999 - July 1999

Gueye, Semou Volkogonova, Olga Professor, Department o f Philosophy, Cheikh Anta DiopAssociate University, Professor, Department of Philosophy and Methodology D akar, Senegal o f Science, Moscow State University, Research: Philosophical Interpretations of ContemporaryMoscow, Changes Russia Catholic University of America, Department of Philosophy,Research: The Image of Russia in the Philosophy o f Russian Washington, D C 20064 Emigre Thinkers c/o D r. George F. McLean George Washington University, Institute for European, Russian, December 1998 - September 1999 and Eurasian Studies, Washington, DC 20052 c/o D r. James M illar Kadowaki, Shunsuke November 1998 - June 1999 Associate Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, U niversity o f Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Wolff, Jonathan Research: The Reception of Heidegger’s PhilosophyReader in the and Head, Department of Philosophy, U niversity College United States London, London, United Kingdom University o f California-Berkeley, Department of Philosophy,Research: A Society of Equals Berkeley, CA 94720 Columbia University, Department of Philosophy, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Hubert L. Dreyfus 10027 September 1998 - May 1999 c/o D r. Akeel Bilgrami September 1998 - December 1998 Kishani, Bongasu Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, U niversity of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon Research: African and African American Oral Traditions Dickinson College, Department of Philosophy, Carlisle, PA 17013-2824 c/o Dr. George Allen August 1998 - May 1999 61 PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY

Citro, Roberto Gaber, Abdel-Fattah Contract Professor, Department of Physical Sciences, U niversityAssociate Professor, Departm ent of Physics, Faculty of Science, o f Salerno, Salerno, Italy Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt Research: Quantum Phase Transitions in Strongly CorrelatedResearch: Precipitation Hardening of Some Developed Al-Li E lectron M odel Alloys Used in Aircraft Industry Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-Piscataway, U niversity of Virginia, School o f Engineering and Applied Science Department of Physics, Condensed M atter Group, Charlottesville, V A 22903-2442 Piscataway, NJ 08854 c/o D r. Edgar A . Starke, Jr. c /o D r. N athan A ndrei October 1998 - June 1999 October 1998 - A pril 1999 Garcia de Abajo, Francisco Javier Cohen, Doron Associate Professor, Departm ent of Computer Science and Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics of Complex Systems A rtificia l Intelligence, U niversity o f the Basque Country, San Department, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,Sebastian, Israel Guipuzcoa, Spain Research: Quantum Chaos, Brownian M otion, and LocalizationResearch: Sim ulation of Spin Effects During Photoelectron Harvard University, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for D iffraction in Solids Astrophysics, Institute for Theoretical Atom ic and MolecularU niversity o f California-Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Astrophysics, Cambridge, M A 02138 M aterial Sciences D ivision, Berkeley, CA 94720 c/o D r. Eric Heller c /o D r. M ic h e l A . V a n H o v e July 1998 - July 1999 July 1998 - June 1999

Coussaert, Tamara Georgiev, Mladenov Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Free U niversityResearch of Professor, Institute o f Solid-State Physics, Bulgarian Brussels, Brussels, Belgium Academy o f Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Research: Phase Transitions in Physics Research: Theoretical Research o f Polarons and Bipolarons in Stanford University, Department of Chemical Engineering,C rystals Stanford, CA 94305-3145 U niversity o f California-San Diego, Department of Chemistry c /o D r. A lic e Gast and Biochem istry, La Jolla, C A 92093-5003 September 1998 - June 1999 c /o D r. K a tja L in d e n b e rg July 1998 - March 1999 De M oor, Piet Research Fellow, Institute fo r Radiation and Nuclear Physics,Holmes, Ian Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Ph.D. Student, The Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust-Genome, Research: Advanced Development of Low-TemperatureHinxton, United Kingdom Calorimetric Detectors Research: M ultiple Alignm ent o f Protein Sequences Using NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Laboratory for Statistical Modeling Techniques High-Energy Astrophysics, Department of X-Ray Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Biology and Astrophysics, Greenbelt, M D 20771 Biophysics Group, Los Alamos, N M 87574 c/o D r. C. Stahle c/o D r. W illiam J. Bruno August 1998 - July 1999 January 1999 - December 1999

Demokan, Ordal Kamuntavicius, Gintautas Professor, Department of Physics, M iddle East TechnicalProfessor and Head, Departm ent o f Physics, Vytautas Magnus University, Ankara, Turkey University, Kaunas, Lithuania Research: Plasma-Aided Manufacturing Research: The Construction o f H igh Q uality Wave Functions of University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Engineering,Light Atom ic Nuclei Department of Nuclear Engineering, Madison, W I U niversity o f Arizona, Department of Physics, Tucson, AZ 85721 53706-1380 c/o D r. Bruce Barrett c/o D r. John R. Conrad September 1998 - July 1999 October 1998 - A pril 1999 Klapwijk, Teunis Fernandez Ramos, Juan Pablo Professor, Department of Applied Physics, University of Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Theoretical Physics,Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain Research: Superconducting Quantized Electronic Structures Research: Top Quark Production in P A nti P Collisions atU niversity o f California-Santa Barbara, Center for Quantized T e va tro n Electrical Structures, Department o f Electrical and Computer Fermi National Laboratory, Collider Detector, Batavia, IL 60510Engineering, Santa Barbara, C A 93106 c /o D r. Robert Kephart c/o D r. Evelyn L. H u November 1998 - November 1999 August 1998 - July 1999


Lopez-Mariscal, Ju a n M a n u e l Rignanese, Gian-Marco Research Scientist, Department o f Physical Oceanography,Research Assistant, Department of Materials Science, Catholic Center for Scientific Research and H igher EducationUniversity o f of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Ensenada, Ensenada, Mexico Research: Development o f the G W Method and Application to Research: Numerical Modeling o f Oceanographic ProcessesReal Materials in the Northern Gulf of California U n ive rsity o f California-Berkeley, Department of Physics, Woods Hole Oceanographic In stitu tio n , D epartm entBerkeley, o f Physical C A 94720 Oceanography, Woods H ole, M A 02543 c /o D r. Steven G. Louie c/oDr. David C. Chapman O ctober 1998 - September 1999 September 1998 - June 1999 Zapata Olson-Lunde, Ivar Mazo Torres, Juan Jose Assistant Professor, Department o f Condensed-Matter Physics, Assistant Professor, Department o f Condensed-Matter SchoolPhysics, o f Science, Autonom ous University of Madrid, Madrid, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain Spain Research: Some Dynamical Aspects o f Josephson-JunctionResearch: Bose-Einstein Condensation of Atomic Gases Arrays Driven by External Currents U n ive rsity o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Departm ent oChampaign, f IL 61820-5711 Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Cambridge,c/o D r. A n th o n y V. Leggett MA 02139-4307 January 1998 - December 1998 c/oDr. Terry Phillip Orlando January 1998 - December 1998 Vazquez Ramallo, Manuel Researcher, Departm ent o f Condensed-Matter Physics, Low- Nicoara, Irin a Temperature and Superconductivity Laboratory, University of Professor, Faculty of Physics, West U niversity o f Timisoara, Santiago de Compostela, La Coruna, Galicia, Spain Timisoara, Romania Research: Electrodynamics and Other Properties of High- Research: Optimization o f Crystalline and Chemical PerfectionTemperature Superconductors of Single Crystals of Antimonide-Based SemiconductorUniversity A lloys of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Loomis Laboratory of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Departm ent o f MechanicalPhysics, Departm ent o f Physics, Champaign, EL 61820-5711 Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, and Mechanics,c /o D r. A n T th roy, o n y J. Leggett NY 12180-3590 January 1999 - December 1999 c/oDr. Aleksander G. Ostrogorsky August 1998 - April 1999 Yassin, Samir Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Physics, Islamic University of Odblom, Anders C .E . Gaza, Gaza Strip, Gaza Postdoctoral Researcher, Departm ent o f ElectromagneticResearch: Field Preliminary Survey of the Natural Radiation Throughout Theory, Chalmers U niversity o f Technology, Goteborg,the Gaza Strip Sweden Iow a State U niversity o f Science and Technology, Department of Research: Physics Modeling o f Edge Plasmas and DivertersC ivil and Construction Engineering, Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Plasma FusionAmes, Center, LA 50011 Cambridge, M A 02139-4307 c/o D r. Bruce Kjartanson c/oDr. Dieter Sigmar September 1998 - March 1999 February 1998 - February 1999


Arhiliuc, Victoria Cesari, Jocelyne Professor, Department o f International Law, M oldovaSenior State Research Fellow, Departm ent o f Political Science, Institute University, Chisinau, Moldova fo r Research and Study o f the Arab and Muslim World, Research: Preventive Diplom acy Aix-en-Provence, France American University, School o f International Service, Research: Islam in the West: The Issue of Pluralism Washington, D C 20016-8071 New Y ork University, Center for European Studies, New York, c/o D r. W illiam Kincade N Y 10012-1019 Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europec/o Regional D r. M artin A. Schain Research Program H arvard University, Center fo r the Study of World Religions, September 1998 - February 1999 Cambridge, M A 02138 c/o D r. Lawrence E. Sullivan Astudillo Riz, Javier September 1998 - August 1999 Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Advanced Social Sciences, Higher Scientific Research Council, Madrid, Spain Coman, Mihai Research: The Politics o f Inter-U nion Cooperation andProfessor, Department o f Communication, Faculty of Journalism Competition and Media Studies, U niversity o f Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Harvard University, Minda de Gunzburg Center for EuropeanResearch: Political Rituals and Media Discourse in the Studies, Cambridge, M A 02138 Post-Communist Era c/o D r. Charles S. Maier C alifornia State U niversity-C hico, College of Communication, October 1998 - September 1999 Department of Journalism, Chico, CA 95929-0150 c/o D r. Peter Gross Back, Jong Gook Organization fo r Security & Cooperation in Europe Regional Professor, Department of International Relations, GyeongsangResearch Program National University, Chinju, Korea M ay 1999 - O ctober 1999 Lecturing: China and Korea in the Modern W orld Pittsburg State University, Office of Academic Affairs, Pittsburg,Da Silva, Bernardo Medeiros Ferreira KS 66762-5880 Researcher, Departm ent o f Political Science, Pontifical Catholic c/o Dr. Robert Ratzlaff U n ive rsity o f Rio de Janeiro, R io de Janeiro, Brazil Scholar-in-Residence Program Research: Liberalism and the Crisis o f Political Modernity: Carl December 1998 - June 1999 Schmitt’s Critique of the Liberal Tradition Stanford U niversity, Departm ent o f Comparative Literature, Bauboeck, Rainer Stanford, C A 94305-2031 Professor, Department of Political Science, Institute foc/o r Advanced Dr. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Studies, University o f Vienna, Vienna, Austria July 1998 - A p ril 1999 Research: Liberal Pluralism and Diversity: Assessing the Claims o f Migrants and Minorities Da Silva, Catia Aida Pereira Institute for Advanced Study, Department o f Social Researcher, Science, Department o f Internal Medicine, CEBRAP, University Princeton, NJ 08544 o f Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre, Brazil c/o Dr. Michael Walzer Research: The N e w Role o f Public Judicial M inistry in the September 1998 - December 1998 Childhood Area University of California-San Diego, Department of Anthropology, Caruso, Barbara La Jolla, C A 92093 Researcher, Faculty o f Political Science, U niversity o f Messina,c/o D r. James H olston Messina, Italy September 1997 - September 1998 Research: The Constitutional Thought in Carl Joachim Friedrich’s Lectures and Writings Daguerre, Anne Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, DepartmentLecturer, of Department of Politics, Institute of Political Studies, Government, Cambridge, M A 02138 Talence, France c/o D r. Samuel H . Beer Research: The Politics o f C hild Care in the United States, October 1998 - January 1999 1980-1993 University of Pittsburgh, Department of Political Science, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 c/o D r. B. G uy Peters September 1998 - M ay 1999


Delli, G iu lie tta Gopakumar, Gopala Senior Researcher, Public Policy Analysis Sector, InstituteProfessor, fo r Department of Politics, University of Kerala, Social Research, Bologna, Ita ly Trivandrum, India Research: Environmental Evaluation Practices in theLecturing: Field of A Comparative Study of Developed and Developing Regional Policy Interventions Countries University of Southern California, College o f Letters, Arts,Claremont and Graduate University, School for Politics and Sciences, Environmental Studies Program, Los Angeles,Economics, C A Program in Politics and Policy, Claremont, CA 90089 91711-6163 c/o Dr. Sheldon Kamieniecki c /o D r. Dean E. M cH enry, Jr. November 1998 - February 1999 August 1998 - December 1998

Fedotova, V a le n tin a G unugur, H aluk Chair of Laboratory, M ethodology o f Social SciencesHead, Department of International Relations, Gazi University, Department, Institute of Philosophy, Russian AcademyAnkara, of Turkey Sciences, Moscow, Russia Research: The Approach of the U.S. Concerning European Research: Social Sciences and Social T ransform ation Integration and Turkish-European Union Relations Columbia University, Harriman Institute, N ew Y ork, N Y Georgetown10027 University, Center for German and European c/o Dr. Alexander M o ty l Studies, Washington, D C 20057 November 1997 - July 1998 c /o D r. Samuel Barnes Ju ly 1998 - October 1998 Fernandez de Castro, Rafael Chair, Department o f International Studies, A utonomHeidar, ous Knut Technical Institute of Mexico, Mexico C ity, Mexico Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Research: Internationalization o f U.S.-Mexico Relations:Oslo, Norway Migration and Drug Trafficking Research: Political Participation in N orw ay and the U nited States Brookings Institution, Foreign Policy Studies Program,U n ive rsity o f Denver, Departm ent o f Political Science, Denver, Washington, D C 20036 C O 80208 c/o Dr. Richard N. Haass c /o D r. Spencer W ellhofer September 1998 - June 1999 J u ly 1998 - January 1999

Font, N u ria Hoffmann-Lange, Ursula Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Political Science andProfessor, Public Departm ent o f Political Science, U niversity o f Law, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany Bellaterra, Spain Lecturing and Research: German Studies Research: The Implementation of Instruments o f EnvironmentalVanderbilt U niversity, Departm ent o f Political Science, Nashville, Dispute Resolution T N 37240-1001 University of California-San Diego, Department of Politicalc/o Dr. Hugh Davis Science, La Jolla, C A 92093-0521 August 1997 - M ay 1998 c/o Dr. Harry N. Hirsch August 1998 - Novem ber 1998 Hu, Lizhong Professor and Director, Institute fo r International Studies, Shanghai Gissurarson, Hannes International Studies U niversity, Shanghai, People’s Republic of Professor, Faculty o f Social Science, U niversity o f Iceland,China Reykjavik, Iceland Research: U.S. Policy Tow ard China Since 1972 Research: Evolution of Property Rights in Fisheries University of Maryland-College Park, Center for International and Stanford University, Hoover Institution, Stanford, C A Security Studies, College Park, M D 20742-1811 94305-6010 c/o Dr. I.M. Destler c/o Dr. Robert Hessen September 1998 - June 1999 September 1998 - N ovem ber 1998 Jiang, Changjian Gomilko, Olga Lecturer, Department of International Politics, Fudan University, Department of Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko NationalShanghai, People’s Republic of China University, Kiev, Ukraine Research: The Political Logic of the U.S. Congressional Election Research: National Identity and Self-DeterminationYale of University, Department of Political Science, New Haven, CT Personality 06520-8301 Pennsylvania State U niversity-U niversity Park, Center foc /o r D r. Donald R. Mayhew Russian and East European Studies, U niversity Park,September PA 1998 - June 1999 16802-1503 c/o Dr. Michael Naydan September 1998 - A p ril 1999


Kubo, Fumiaki Maleska, Mirjana Professor, Department of Political Science, Keio University,Senior Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, Tokyo, Japan Institute fo r Sociological and Political Research, Skopje, Forme: Research: The Republican Revolution and U.S. ForeignYugoslav Policy Republic of Macedonia Georgetown University, Department of Government,Research: Preventing Deadly Ethnic Conflict in Macedonia and Washington, D C 20057 the Southern Balkans c/o D r. Clyde Wilcox Princeton University, W oodrow Wilson School of Public and August 1998 - A p ril 1999 International Affairs, Princeton, N J 08544-1019 c/o Dr. Elizabeth Prodromov Kukhianidze, Alexandre O ctober 1998 - June 1999 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, T bilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia Malova, Darina Research: Local Power and Citizens: Anatom y o f RelationsSenior Lecturer, Department o f Political Science, Komenskeho M ount H olyoke College, Department o f Russian andUniversity, Eurasian Bratislava, Slovak Republic Studies, South Hadley, M A 01075-1414 Lecturing: Czech-Slovak Politics c/o D r. Stephen Jones Illinois Wesleyan University, Andrew W. Mellon Center for September 1998 - May 1999 Faculty and Curriculum Development, Bloomington, IL 61702-2900 Lallana, Emmanuel c/o Ms. Mona Gardner Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, UScholar-in-Residence niversity Program of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, PhilippinesFebruary 1999 - June 1999 Research: Building a Pacific C om m unity: Regionalism in the Asia Pacific Region Mhina, Amos Columbia University, East Asian Institute, New York, N YSenior 10027 Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of c/o D r. Madeline Zelin D a r es Salaam, D ar es Salaam, Tanzania March 1999 - June 1999 Lecturing: Comparative Politics M o n tcla ir State U niversity, College o f Humanities and Social Lee, Kap Yun Sciences, Departm ent o f Political Science, Professor, Department of Political Science, Sogang University,Upper Montclair, NJ 07043-1624 Seoul, Korea c/o Dr. Opoku Agyeman Research: Electoral System and Regional Party AlignmScholar-in-Residence ent Program Claremont McKenna College, Keck Center for InternationalAugust 1998 and - April 1999 Strategic Studies, Claremont, C A 91711 c/o D r. C.J. Lee Mishra, Pramod June 1998 - December 1998 Reader and Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Ram Lal Anand College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India Lopez, Alexander Lecturing: International Politics of South Asian States Professor, Department of Political Science and Administration,University of West Florida, Department of Government, Central University o f Venezuela, Caracas, VenezuelaPensacola, F L 32514-5750 Lecturing: Latin American Studies c/o Dr. Alfred Cuzan University of Scranton, Department o f Spanish andJanuary Portuguese, 1999 - M arch 1999 Scranton, PA 18510-4622 c/o Dr. Linda Ledford-Miller M ok, Jin Scholar-in-Residence Program Associate Professor, Department o f Public Administration, August 1998 - May 1999 K o o km in University, Seoul, Korea Lecturing and Research: The Social Costs o f Administrative Makarov, Denis Valerievich Complexity in the Korean Bureaucracy Associate Professor, Department of Political and SocialIowa Studies, State U niversity of Science and Technology, College of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, RussiaLiberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Political Science, Lecturing: Political Problems in Russia Ames, IA 50011 Barry University, School of Arts and Sciences, Departmentc/o D of r. Yong S. Lee Interdisciplinary Studies, M iam i Shores, FL 33161-6695 August 1998 - M ay 1999 c/o D r. Jesus Mendez Scholar-in-Residence Program Nehme, Michel January 1999 - November 1999 Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Political Studies and Public Adm inistration, American U niversity of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon Research: Vibrating Identities in the Arab East: Nationalism vs. Confessionalism Rutgers, The State U niversity o f N e w Jersey-New Brunswick, Departm ent o f Political Science, N e w Brunswick, NJ 08903 c/o D r. Eric Davis September 1998 - April 1999 66 POLITICAL SCIENCE

Oueslati, Salah Shamir, Michal Senior Lecturer, Department of English Studies, U niversityAssociate of Professor, Department of Political Science, Tel A viv Poitiers, Poitiers, France University, Tel Aviv, Israel Research: Interest Groups and American Dem ocracyLecturing and Research: The Political Context of Tolerance: Israel Visits to various institutions in the 1980’s and 1990’s c/o Patty Garvin, CIES University of Texas-Austin, Department of Government, Austin, July 1998 - October 1998 T X 78712-1191 c/o Dr. Robert Luskin Ozdemir, H ik m e t August 1998 - July 1999 Dean, Social Sciences Institute, K irikkale U niversity, K irikkale, Turkey Shaw, Carl Research: U.S. Policy and Emerging Relations BetweenAssociate Turkey Research Fellow, Sun Yat-Sen Institute fo r Social and the Soviet U nion, 1959-1960 Sciences and Philosophy, Taipei, Taiwan Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, DepartmentResearch: Constructing a Political Community: N ation State in the of History, Washington, D C 20057 Thoughts of Machiavelli and Hegel c/o Dr. David S. Painter University of California-San Diego, Department of Political August 1998 - December 1998 Science, La Jolla, C A 92093-5003 c/o D r. Tracy B. Strong Panitch, Leo July 1998 - M ay 1999 Professor, Department o f Political Science, Y o rk University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Skaloud, Jan Lecturing and Research: The State and G lobalizationProfessor, Department of Political Science, University of CUNY-Graduate School and University Center, DepartmentEconomics, of Prague, Czech Republic Political Science, N ew Y o rk, N Y 10036-8099 Lecturing: The European Union in International Politics c/o Dr. Ofuete Kodjoe Hampden-Sydney College, Department of Political Science, September 1998 - June 1999 Hampden-Sydney, V A 23943 c/o D r. James F. Pontuso Pashayeva, G u ls h a n M a m m a d a li Scholar-in-Residence Program Assistant Professor, Department of Hum anities, U niversityJanuary o f 1999 - May 1999 Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan Research: The Role o f Preventive D iplom acy and CrisisTakamatsu, Motoyuki Management in Maintaining Stability Professor and Chair, Department of Social Sciences, American Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplom acy,Politics and Diplomacy, Toyo Eiwa Women’s University, Medford, M A 02155 Yokohama City, Kanogawa Prefecture, Japan c/o Dr. Eileen Babbitt Lecturing: Contemporary Asian International Relations October 1998 - A p ril 1999 McKendree College, D ivision of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, Lebanon, IL 62254-1299 Radicova, Iv e ta c/o Dr. David Ahola Department of Political Science, Faculty o f Arts, ComeniusScholar-in-Residence Program University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic August 1998 - December 1998 Research: Social Justice, Hum an Rights, Social Citizenship, and Social Policy Torreblanca, Jose New School for Social Research, Transregional CenterResearcher, fo r European University Institute, San Domenico di Democratic Studies, N ew Y ork, N Y 10011-8603 Fiesole, Italy c/o Dr. Elzbieta Matynia Lecturing: European Union-United States Economic Relations March 1999-July 1999 George Washington University, Elliott School of International Affairs, Department of Political Science and International Rodins, M ih a ils Affairs, Washington, D C 20052 Lecturer, Department o f Political Science, U niversity ofc/o Latvia, M r. Michael J. Sodaro Riga, Latvia European U nion Scholar-in-Residence Program Research: National Identity, Political Participation, andJanuary the 1998 - May 1998 Democratic Integration of Latvian Society Columbia University, Harriman Institute, N ew York, N YWu, 10027 Kuen-Huei c/o Dr. Alexander Motyl Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Fu Hsing August 1998 - A pril 1999 Kang College, Taipei, Taiwan Lecturing: International Political Economy and Political Change in Asia Virginia M ilita ry Institute, Department of International Studies and Political Science, Lexington, V A 24450 c/o Colonel Patrick M. Mayerchak Scholar-in-Residence Program August 1998 - May 1999


Abbas, Syed Sohail Khamis, Vivian Professor, Department o f Psychiatry, Quaid-i-Azam PostgraduateChair and Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Medical College, Islamabad, Pakistan Bethlehem University, Bethlehem, West Bank Research: Comparing Factors Responsible fo r the PoorResearch: Outcome C onflict Resolution Education Program in OC Patient’s Treatment Using Behavioral TechniquesHarvard University, Department of Psychology, Cambridge, MA Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, Center for02138 the Treatment and Study of Anxiety, Philadelphia, PA 19129c /o D r. H erb Kelman c /o D r. Edna Foa September 1998 - June 1999 September 1998 - M ay 1999 Kostron, Lubomir Adalbjamardottir, Sigrun Associate Professor, D epartm ent o f Psychology, School of Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, U niversity o f Iceland, Philosophy, Masaryk U niversity, Brno, Czech Republic Reykjavik, Iceland Lecturing: Advanced Social Judgment Theory and Dynamical Research: Adolescent’s Risk-Taking Behavior Systems M odeling Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, DepartmentU niversity at A lbany, State U niversity of New York, Graduate of Human Development and Psychology, Cambridge,School M A of Public Affairs, Center for Policy Research, Albany, NY 02138 12222-0001 c/o D r. Robert L. Selman c/o D r. John Rohrbaugh June 1999 - November 1999 August 1998 - January 1999

Bar-Haim, Yair Nelissen, Iris Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Psychology, HebrewResearcher, Departm ent o f Experimental Abnormal Psychology, University of Jerusalem, M ount Scopus, Israel University of Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands Research: Aspects of Children’s Bio-Socio-Emotional Research: Emotional Reasoning and Confirmation Bias in Development and Psychopathology Formation Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder University of Maryland-College Park, Institute for Child HStudy, arvard U niversity, Massachusetts General Hospital, Medical Department of Human Development, College Park, MSchool, D Department of Psychiatry, Charlestown, M A 02129 20742-1131 c/o Dr. Richard McNally c/o Dr. Nathan A. Fox November 1998 - May 1999 September 1998 - September 1999 Oryol, Valery D v ir, Taly Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Psychology, Yaroslavl State Instructor, Department of Management, Tel Aviv University,U niversity, Demidov, Russia Tel Aviv, Israel Research: A Psychological Investigation of the (Professional Research: Born or Made: A True Field Experiment on theDeformation) Impact Phenomenon of Burnout of Transformational Leadership Training on FollowerU niversity o f California-Berkeley, Department o f Psychology, Development and Performance Berkeley, CA 94720 University of California-Berkeley, Department of Psychology,c/o D r. Christina Maslach Berkeley, C A 94720-1650 August 1998 - Novem ber 1998 c/o Dr. Sheldon Zedeck August 1998 - August 1999 Rojas de Drummond, Sylvia Professor, Department of Psychology, National Autonomous Hassin, Ran University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Tel AvivResearch: Social Interaction, A rtifa ct Mediation, and the University, Tel Aviv, Israel Construction o f Knowledge in Prim ary Classrooms Research: Reading Traits from Faces: A Cognitive Account,U niversity o f California-San Diego, Laboratory of Comparative Sim ilarity, and Difference-Oriented Inform ation ProcessingH um an C ognition, La Jolla, C A 92093-5003 New York University, Department of Psychology, New York,c/o Dr. Michael Cole N Y 10003-6668 U niversity o f California-Fresno, Educational Research Center, c/o D r. Allison Pariag Fresno, C A 93710 September 1998 - August 1999 c/o Dr. Robert A. DeVillar September 1998 - June 1999 Ivanova, Elena Head, Department of Psychology, Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv, Ukraine Research: Human Rights: Psychological Aspects Washington University, Department of Education, St. Louis, M O 63130-4899 c/o D r. James Wertsch September 1998 - February 1999


Stacciarini,Jeanne Marie Rodrigues Thune-Larsen, Kari-Brith Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Federal U n ive rsity o f Goias,Assistant Goias, Professor, Department of Family Unit, University of Brazil Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: Nurse’s Occupational Stress Research: Family Therapy: Evaluating Training Programs; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Departm ent of Intensive Treatment Model for Anorexia Nervosa Psychology, Amherst, M A 01003-7710 U n ive rsity of San Diego, School o f Education, Marriage and c/o Dr. Seymour Epstein F am ily Therapy Program, San Diego, C A 92110-2492 February 1998 - December 1998 c /o D r. Jo Ellen Patterson January 1998 - July 1998


Andriadze, Teimuraz Dick, Peter Member of Parliament, Institute o f Public Adm inistration,Principal Tbilisi, Operational Research Analyst, National Health Service Georgia Executive, Department of Health, Leeds, United Kingdom Research: Restructuring M unicipal G overnment andLecturing Physical and Research: The Strategic Management of Development in Metropolitan Tbilisi: A n Analysis of RelevantDecentralized Public Sector Organizations U.S. Experience University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Hubert Humphrey Institute University of Baltimore, Yale Gordon College, Baltimore,of M Public D Affairs, Minneapolis, M N 55455-0213 21201-5779 c/o Patty Garvin, CIES c/o Dr. Carl Stenberg August 1998 - August 1999 November 1998 - June 1999 Lee, Cheng Bordas, M a ria Assistant Manager, Departm ent of Public Programs, Management Associate Professor, School o f Public A dm inistration, Budapest,Development U nit, Malaysian Institute of Management, Kuala Hungary Lumpur, Malaysia Lecturing and Research: Privatization: Public-Private Research:Partnership Experiential Learning as an Alternative Learning Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity, DepartmentMethodology of Urban Affairs and Planning, Blacksburg, V A 24061-0202Visits to various institutions c/o Dr. Richard Zody c/o Marguerite Hulbert, CIES September 1998 - February 1999 September 1998 - October 1998

Davey, A lan Royal Commission on Long-Term Care fo r the Elderly, Department of Health, London, United Kingdom Research: Comparison o f Long-Term Care in the U nited States and Europe University of Maryland-College Park, Center on Aging, College Park, MD 20742 c/o Patty Garvin, CIES February 1999 - January 2000


Berge, Rare Lombard, Christoffel Professor, School o f Religion and Education, NorwegianDirector, Ecumenical Institute for Namibia, University of Namibia, Teacher Academy, Bergen, N orw ay Windhoek, Namibia Research: A Literary-Historical Model fo r the Exodus NarrativeResearch: Secularity and Moral Education in the Bible Graduate Theological Union, San Francisco Theological Seminary, Vanderbilt University, D iv in ity School, Nashville, T N 37240-1001Faculty o f Bible, Berkeley, C A 94960 c/o D r. Douglas A. Knight c/o Dr. Herman C. Waetjen July 1998 - July 1999 August 1998 - A p ril 1999

Dormeyer, Detlev Lovas, Mette Professor, Department o f Catholic Theology, U niversityPart-Time o f Teacher, Department of English, Norwegian University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany o f Science and Technology, Trondheim , Norway Research: Reader-Oriented Interpretation o f the SynopticResearch: The Religious Life of Norwegian Americans in Gospels Minneapolis-St. Paul: A Study of Their Churches’ Impact on Furman University, Department of Religion, Greenville,Ethnicity SC 29613-0688 Luther Seminary, Department o f Church History, St. Paul, M N c/o Dr. Edgar McKnight 55108-1445 M ay 1998 - July 1998 c/o D r. Todd Nichol August 1998 - August 1999


Alvarez Scarpa, Carmen Cindoglu, Dilek Director, Department of Planning, Ministry of Health,Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Political Science and Public Montevideo, Uruguay Administration, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Research: The Reform of the Health System in U ruguayResearch: Forms o f Resistance: Sexual P urity and Artificial U niversity o f Texas-Dallas, School of Social Sciences, Virginities in Contemporary Turkey Richardson, T X 75083-0688 U niversity o f Wisconsin-Madison, W om en’s Studies Program, c/o Dr. Rita Mae Kelly Madison, W I 53706-1380 June 1998 - December 1998 c/o D r. Stanlie James August 1998 - December 1998 Barbieri, Magali Researcher, National Institute o f Demographic Studies,Degele, Paris, Martina France Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Ludwig Maximilians Research: Population Dynamics in Vietman Under theUniversity, French Munich, Germany Colonial Rule, 1884-1954 Lecturing: Sociological Theories of Technology University of California-Berkeley, Department of Demography,Research: Introduction to Sociology o f Technology Berkeley, C A 94720 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Kenneth W. Wachter 55455-0213 October 1998 - September 1999 c/o Dr. William Brustein M arch 1998 - June 1998 Bustamante, Fernando Professor, Department of Social Sciences, U niversity oGherras, f San Mohamed Francisco, Quito, Ecuador Lecturer and Vice-Director, Institute of Sociology, University of Lecturing: The Sociology o f Social Change: Social OrganizationsConstantine, Constantine, Algeria and Political Systems Research: Structural Adjustm ent and Agriculture: A Comparative Ohio University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology,Study of Maghreban Countries and Southern Europe Athens, O H 45701-2979 University of Texas-Austin, Department of Government, Austin, c/o D r. Stephen Rubenstein T X 78712 Scholar-in-Residence Program c/o Dr. Clement Moore Henry September 1998 - December 1998 September 1998 - March 1999


Harpviken, K ristian Mieres, Pablo Research Fellow, Departm ent o f Sociology, U n iv e rs ity oDirector, f Oslo, Department of Social Sciences, Catholic University of Oslo, Norway Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay Research: Flight and Social Decision-Making: Forced M igrationResearch: Public Policies Directed to Childhood and Young in Afghanistan Families University of Chicago, Department of Sociology, Chicago,Georgetown IL University, Department of Government, 60637-1586 W ashington, D C 20057 c/o Dr. Andrew Abbott c /o D r. Eusebio Mujal-Leon January 1998 - December 1998 December 1997 - February 1998

Iarskaia-Smirnova, Elena Mkangi, Katama Chair, Department o f Social W o rk, Saratov State Technical Professor, Department of Sociology, African Center for University, Saratov, Russia Indigenous Knowledge, Nairobi, Kenya Research: From Social Exclusion to Social Cohesion: Lecturing: Social Change and the Future of Society Antidiscriminatory Practice in Gender and D isa b ility Carroll College, Department of Chemistry, Waukesha, W I Dimensions 53186-5593 University of North Carolina-Chapel H ill, School o f Socialc/o W ork, Dr. Bud Hudson Chapel Hill, N C 27599 Scholar-in-Residence Program c/o Dr. Irene N. Zipper August 1998 - M ay 1999 November 1998 - M ay 1999 Mukanova, Rauza Kabbanji, Yaacoub Jacques Professor, Western Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Uralsk, Associate Professor, Institute o f Social Sciences, LebaneseKazakhstan University, Beirut, Lebanon Research: Socioeconomic Problems in the Agricultural Sector in Research: Globalization and W orking Women in the T hirdKazakhstan: W orld: Solutions Based on the U.S. Experience A Case Study Auburn University-Main Campus, Department of Agricultural SUNY-Binghamton, Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton,Economics N Y and Rural Sociology, Auburn University, A L 36849 13902-6000 c/o Dr. Joseph J. Molnar c/o Dr. Immanuel Wallerstein September 1998 - January 1999 August 1998 - A p ril 1999 Musselin, Christine Kurkchiyan, M arine Researcher, Sociology of Organizations Center, National Center Senior Lecturer, Department o f Sociology, Yerevan Statefo r Scientific Research, Paris, France University, Yerevan, Armenia Research: The Academic Marketplace at the Crossroads Between Research: The Sociology o f Changing Society in A rm eniaDisciplinary, Institutional, and Marketlike Logics University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Department o f Sociology,H arvard U niversity, Center fo r European Studies, Cambridge, M A Ann Arbor, M I 48109-1290 02138 c/o Dr. Barbara Anderson c /o D r. Peter H all September 1998 - M ay 1999 September 1998 - July 1999

Marche, G u illa u m e Orkeny, Antal Teaching Assistant, Department o f English and AmericanProfessor and Chair, Department of Minority Studies, Institute of Studies, University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France Sociology, Budapest, Hungary Research: Private and Political Identifications in ContemLecturing porary and Research: Changing Perceptions o f Justice in Lesbian and Gay Social Movement in the U n ite d StatesTransitional Societies CUNY-Graduate School and University Center, Center Universityfo r of Pennsylvania, Department of Sociology, Lesbian and Gay Studies, N ew Y o rk, N Y 10036-8099 Philadelphia, PA 19104 c/o Dr. Jill Dolan c/o D r. Douglas S. Massey July 1998 - September 1998 September 1998 - February 1999

Martins, Monica Dias Peretz, Henri Doctoral Researcher, Department o f Social Science andAssociate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Philosophy, Federal U niversity o f Ceara, Benfica, Fortaleza,Paris-Dauphine (Paris LX), Saint-Denis, France Ceara, Brazil Research: Photography and Sociology of Black Chicago in the Research: State and Ruling Classes in the Northeast: TheForties Trajectory of Joao Grangeiro, A Cearense EntrepreneurNorthwestern University, Department of Sociology, Evanston, EL University of California-Riverside, Department of Economics,60208-1330 Riverside, C A 92521-0102 c/o Dr. Albert Hunter c/oDr. Ronald H. Chilcote August 1998 - November 1998 May 1998 - A p ril 1999


Romanov, Pavel Tsai, Ming-Chang Senior Researcher, Sociology Laboratory, Samara StateAssociate Professor, Departm ent o f Sociology, National Chung Pedagogical University, Samara, Russia Hsing University, Taipei, Taiwan Research: A Reflective Analysis of Organizational CulturesResearch: in Impact o f Neoliberalism on Six Asian Countries Transition: Rhetoric and Practice of ModernizationU in niversity Russian o f California-Santa Barbara, Department of Sociology, Industry Santa Barbara, C A 93106 University of North Carolina-Chapel H ill, School of Education,c/o D r. Richard P. Appelbaum Department o f Sociology, Chapel H ill, N C 27599 August 1998 - M ay 1999 c/o D r. George N oblit September 1998 - March 1999 Vieira, Liszt Benjamin Professor, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Catholic Stewart, Danielle Mero University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Associate Professor, University of Paris III, Paris, France Research: C ivil Society and Globalization Research: Environmental Concerns and Recent ExperimentsColumbia inUniversity, Institute of Latin American and Iberian Shared Housing in the U nited States Studies, N ew Y o rk, N Y 10027 University of California-Santa Cruz, Department of Sociology,c/o D r. Douglas Chalmers Inter-Ethnic Cooperation Research Center, November 1997 - November 1998 Santa Cruz, C A 95064 c/o Dr. John Brown Childs Yang, Ok Kyung September 1998 - January 1999 Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Social Welfare, Ewha W om an’s University, Seoul, Korea Todorova, Elka Lecturing and Research: A Comparative Study of the Welfare Dean, Faculty o f Social W ork, Varna Free University, Varna,Concept in Change Bulgaria Washington University, School o f Social W ork, St. Louis, M O Research: Establishing Academic Criteria for Social W o rk63130-4899 Education in Bulgaria c/o Dr. Shanti K. Khinduka Salem State College, School o f Social W ork, Salem, M AAugust 1998 - June 1999 01970-5353 c/o Dr. Barbara Nicholson Zimmerlin, Donald September 1998 - March 1999 Professor, V icto r Louis College, Talence, France Research: N ew Borders o f Evangelicalism: Constants and Tovmasyan, Natalya Transformations of an American Subculture Senior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Law,Wheaton Armenian College, Department of History, Wheaton, IL National Academy of Science, Yerevan, Armenia 60187-5593 Research: Ethnicism in Armenia: Cultural Challenge toc/o Human Dr. Mark A. Noll Rights August 1998 - September 1998 Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Medford, M A 02155 c/o D r. Eileen F. Babbitt September 1998 - March 1999


Barabanova, Galina Chugu, Svitlana Chair, Department of Foreign Languages, SevastopolHead, Institute Department of Foreign Languages, Vinnytsia Pedagogical o f Nuclear Energy and Industry, Sevastopol, U kraineInstitute, Vinnytsia, Ukraine Research: English for Special Purposes Research: TESOL in Ukraine: Current Socioeconomic Constraints San Diego State University, College of Arts and Letters,vs. Perspectives o f Building Professional Bridges in the Region Department of Rhetoric and W riting Studies, San Diego,and WorldwideC A 92182 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Department of English c/o Dr. Ann M. Johns as an International Language, Champaign, IL 61820-5711 September 1998 - February 1999 c/o Dr. Lawrence Bouton August 1998 - December 1998


Dementeva, I r in a Negretti, Raffaella Associate Professor, Departm ent o f H um anities and ResearchApplied Collaborator, Linguistics Center, University of Verona, Sciences, Moscow Linguistic U niversity, M oscow, Russia Verona, Italy Research: The Principal o f C ultural R elativism and theResearch: Internet Technologies for Foreign Language Learning Development o f S o c io c u ltu ra l C om petence in T eachingand Distance Education American English as a Second Language U niversity of Hawaii-M anoa, Department of English as a Second University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Departm entLanguage, of H onolulu, H I 96822 English as an International Language, Champaign,c/o D r.IL David Ashworth 61820-5711 January 1998 - A p ril 1998 c/o Dr. Lawrence B o u to n September 1998 - F e b ru a ry 1999 Prochina, Zoia Associate Professor, Department of English Philology, Far Eastern El-Masri, N a th m i State U niversity, Vladivostok, Russia Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f English, Islam ic U niversity,Research: American, Asian, and Russian Languages and C ultural Gaza Strip, Gaza C ontacts Research: A Practical Guide fo r Academic W ritin g : EssaysM onterey and Institute of International Studies, Graduate School of Research Translation and Interpretation, Monterey, CA 93940-2691 University o f illin o is -U rb a n a -C h a m p a ig n , D e p a rtm ec/o n t o D f r. Alexandre Mikheev English as an International Language, Champaign,September IL 61820- 1998 - May 1999 5711 c/o Dr. Lawrence B o u to n Utesheva, Evgenia August 1998 - January 1999 Head, Department of English, Western Kazakhstan Humanitarian University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan Iepuri, Valentina B oris Research: Stylistic Use o f American English Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Linguistics, M oldovaUniversity State of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL University, C hisinau, M o ld o va 61820-5711 Research: Language C urriculum and Program Designc/o Dand r. Lawrence Bouton Development October 1998 - March 1999 University o f M ississippi, C ollege o f L ib e ra l A rts , D e p a rtm e n t o f Modern Languages, U n iv e rs ity , M S 38677 Wu, Cynthia Hsin-feng c/o Dr. Donald D y e r Associate Professor, Department of English, Foreign Language August 1998 - M a y 1999 Division, National Chung Hsing University-Taipei, Taipei, T aiw an Jolamanova, B alia Research: Children’s Acquisition of Conditionals Across Languages Assistant Professor and Chair, Departm ent o f TeachingU niversity English of California-Berkeley, Institute of Cognitive Studies, as a Foreign Language, Kazakh State U niversity, A lmBerkeley, aty, CA 94720 Kazakhstan c/o D r. Dan I. Slobin Research: Learner-Centered English as a Foreign SeptemberLanguage 1998and - June 1999 Teaching in the U n ite d States: L e a rn in g T yp e s and Preferences University of Iowa, Department of French and Italian, Iowa C ity, IA 52242 c/o Dr. Kathy H eilenm an August 1998 - A p r il 1999


Basiouny, Dalia Lusetic, Natasa Assistant Lecturer, Department of Drama, Faculty o f Arts,A ctor and Director, Teatar E xit, Zagreb, Croatia Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt Research: Theory and Practice o f American Experimental and Research: Merging Theater and Film : New RepresentationsM u ltim e dof ia T h e a te r fro m R o b e rt W ils o n to Reza A b d o h W om en New Y ork U niversity, Tisch School of the Arts, Experimental A ffiliation to be determined Theater Branch, New York, N Y 10012-1019 c/o Barbara Wollison, CIES c /o D r. K e v in K u lk e January 1999 - September 1999 February 1998 - May 1998

Chechel, Natalia Slavnic, Djordje Assistant Professor, Department of Drama, Karpenko-KarySenior Lecturer, Department o f Comparative Literature, Faculty Institute for the A rt of the Theater, Kiev, Ukraine o f Philosophy, Docent U niversity, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Research: 20th-Century Experimental American Theater:Hercegovina New Modes of Perception and Expression Research: H istory of American Drama Columbia University, H arriman Institute, New York, N YYale 10027 U niversity, Theater Studies Program, Undergraduate c/o D r. Alexander J. M otyl Theater Studies, New Haven, CT 06520-8296 September 1998 - February 1999 c/o D r. David Krasner August 1998 - May 1999 F etveit, A rild Research Fellow, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: Biographical Film : Style, Epistemology, and R eference University of California-Berkeley, Film Studies Department, Berkeley, CA 94720 c/o D r. Linda Williams August 1998 - July 1999

74 Seminar Programs SEMINAR PROGRAMS

U.S.-Germany International Education Administrators Program

Albrecht, Annem arie Gehmlich, Volker Foreign Student and Study Abroad Adviser, InternationalProfessor, Department o f Business Economics and English, Office, Furtwangen U niversity o f A pplied Sciences, Osnabrueck U niversity o f Applied Sciences, Osnabrueck, Furtwangen, G erm any G e rm a n y

Altenhoff, Andreas Gittel-Ngom, Susanne Counselor, Office o f Academic and International A ffairs,Deputy M ain Director, International Office, Frankfurt am Main Administration, C ologne A cadem y o f M edia A rts , C ologne,U niversity of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt, Germany Germany Held, Monika Amon, Susanne Deputy Director, Department of International Affairs, German Foreign Student Adviser, International O ffice, U niversityNational o f Student Affairs Association, Bonn, Germany Hamburg, Ham burg, G e rm a n y Homfeld-Gutenkunst, Renate Becker, Rudolf Head, Department of Student Housing, Heidelberg Student Professor, Department o f Electrical Engineering, DresdenAffairs Office, Heidelberg, Germany University o f A p p lie d Sciences, D resden, G e rm a n y Research: International Education

Billstein, Reinhold Koch, Lucia Director, International Office, Hamburg U niversity forDirector, Applied International Office, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Ham burg, G e rm a n y Sciences, Darmstadt, Germany

Brandenburg, U w e Neum, Regina Director, International Office, H um boldt U niversity o fD Berlin, irector, International Office, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Berlin, Germany G e rm a n y

Fieger, A n d re a Tornow, Maren Officer, International O ffice, Technical U niversity o f M unich,Deputy Director, International Office, University of Munich, Germany Halle-W ittenberg, Halle, Germany

Floether, L o th a r Director, Office of International Student Admissions, University o f Kassel, Kassel, G e rm a n y

U.S.-Japan International Education Administrators Program

Fujii, N obuharu Oyagi, Shigenori Specialist, Foreign Student O ffice, Tokyo Institute o fAdm Technology, inistrative Staff, Komaba International Students House, Tokyo, Japan Student Affairs D ivision, Association of International Education, T o k y o , Japan Matsui, Masako Head, International Student D ivision, Japan W om en’sSugaya, U niversity, Junko Tokyo, Japan Chief, Graduate School Subsection, Department o f School Affairs, Student Affairs Section, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan

77 Alphabetical Index ALPHABETICAL IN D E X

A B Breton, Stephane; Anthropology and Archaeology Abbas, Syed Sohail; Psychology Back, Jong Gook; Political Science Brinchi, Lucia; Chemistry Abd-el-Jawad, Hassan; Linguistics Badaker, Victor; Engineering Broekaert, Jose; Chemistry Abdullayev, Afgan A li; Education Bagchi, Arunabha; Engineering Brown, Rebecca; Chemistry Aberra, Getachew; Law Bahammam, Omar; Architecture and Urban Planning Budrikis, Stasys; Education Abrahams, Jeremy; Business B ugaric, B o ja n ; Law Administration Bahlous, Mejda; Business Adm inistration Banerjee, Laksmisree; Language andBulaila, Abdul; Language and Literature Abreu, Heber Dos Santos; Chemistry (non-U .S.) Abu-Eisheh, Sameer; Engineering Literature (non-U.S.) Banhegyi, Zsolt; Library Science Bustamante, Fernando; Sociology and Abul-Azm , Ahmed; Engineering Social W ork Adalbjamardottir, Sigrun; PsychologyBano, Asghari; Biological Sciences Adam, Askiah; Philosophy Baptiste, Fitzroy Andre; H istory (non-U.S.) Adamczyk-Garbowska, Monika; AmericanBar-Haim, Yair; Psychology Literature Barabanova, Galina; TEFL/Appliedc Linguistics Akerova, Anarkan; Law Caballero Suarez, Jose Antonio; Chemistry Barakat, Assem; Chemistry A kil, Mohammed; Engineering Calugareanu, Grigore; Mathematics Barbieri, Magali; Sociology and Social W ork A l Etreby, Am r; Business Administration Campos, Tarcisio P.R.; Engineering Barnes, Trevor; Geography Al-Anssi, Yahia; Economics Cameci, Magda; A rt History Basiouny, Dalia; Theater and Dance Al-Fares, A li; Engineering Carolus, Thomas Helmut; Engineering Bauboeck, Rainer; Political Science Al-Ghamdi, Abdullah; Agriculture Carrasco, Victoria; A rt Bauer, Andras; Business Adm inistration Al-G hul, Omar; Language and Literature Caruso, Barbara; Political Science Becker, Rudolf; U.S.-Germany (non-U.S.) Cavalcanti, Maria; Anthropology and International Education Administrators A l-H a il, A li; C om m unications and Archaeology Program Journalism Cent, Ayse; Business Administration Belghazi, Taieb; Area Studies Al-M utairi, Eiman; Chemistry Cesari, Jocelyne; Political Science Bellivier, Florence; Law Al-Naamany, Ahmed; Engineering Cetnarowska, Bozena; Linguistics Benes, V iktor; Mathematics A l-N a ja r, H am oud; Econom ics Chamonikolasova, Jana; Linguistics Benvenisti, Eyal; Law Al-Samahiji, Despina; Geology Chandran, K. Narayana; American Berge, Kare; Religious Studies Albrecht, Annemarie; U.S.-Germany L iterature Bergsson, Snorri; H istory (non-U.S.) International Education Administrators C h a rio t, A la in ; B iological Sciences Berkaliev, Zaur; Education Program Chechel, Natalia; Theater and Dance Berkat, Omar; Agriculture Alemdar, Korkmaz; Communications and Chen, FIsin-Ping; Economics Bernard, Claude Charles; Medical Sciences Journalism Cheng, Yu-yu; Language and Literature B illett, Stephen; Education Alieva, Cholpon; Philosophy (non-U.S.) Billstein, Reinhold; U.S.-Germany A llen, James John; Engineering Chiao, Chih-hua; Mathematics International Education Administrators Almouslem, Abdel Baset; Biological Chikho, Abdul; Engineering Program Sciences Choi, Jong-Chan; Language and Literature Blocki, Zbigniew; Mathematics Altenhoff, Andreas; U.S.-Germany (non-U.S.) Blondel, Cecile; Anthropology and International Education Administrators Choi, Jung-Sup; Economics Archaeology Program Chowsilpa, Songkram; Language and Blundy, Jonathan; Geology Alvarez Scarpa, Carmen; Sociology and Literature (non-U.S.) Bocek, Pavel; Medical Sciences Social W ork Chugu, Svitlana; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Boegl, Karl; Computer Science Am on, Susanne; U.S.-Germany Chumbow, Beban; Linguistics Bohadlo, Stanislav; Music International Education Administrators Cindoglu, D ilek; Sociology and Social Bonnet, Michele; American Literature Program W ork Bordas, Maria; Public Adm inistration Andreassen, Leif; Economics C itro, Roberto; Physics and Astronomy Borrman, Helene Inger Maria; Andriadze, Teimuraz; Public Administration Cohen, D oron; Physics and Astronomy Anthropology and Archaeology Andriouchtchenko, Sergei; Economics Cohen, Vadim; Anthropology and Bosch G iral, Carlos; Mathematics A ra b o v, Y u rij; Business A d m in is tra tio n Archaeology Bottom ley, M artyn; Medical Sciences A rh iliu c , V ic to ria ; P o litica l Science Coman, M ihai; Political Science Boughanmi, Houcine; Economics Arnason, Kristjan; Language and Literature Cordoneanu, Natalia Petru; Economics Bowal, Peter; Law (non-U.S.) C orne, Jonathan; M edical Sciences Boyko, Vladimir; History (non-U.S.) Arnon, Shlomi; Engineering Coronato, Rocco; Language and Braby, Michael Fergus; Biological Sciences Arshad, Mohammad; Biological Sciences Literature (non-U.S.) Brandenburg, Uwe; U.S.-Germany Asatryan, Mamikon; Philosophy Costa Lima, Paula Lenz; Linguistics International Education Administrators Astudillo Riz, Javier; Political Science Coussaert, Tamara; Physics and Program A stronom y


Craciunescu, C orneliu; E n g in e e rinDjanaeva, g Nurgul; Education Floether, Lothar; U.S.-Germany Craw, Susan; C om puter Science Djaparkulova, Zamira; Economics International Education Administrators Cruz, Duke Marcia; Com m unicationsDobronravine, and N ikolai; Language andP rogram Journalism Literature (non-U.S.) Fomina, Irina; Biological Sciences Cruz,Reynaldo D e Jesus; LanguageDogan, and Muammer; Business AdministrationFont, Nuria; Political Science Literature (non-U.S.) Dormeyer, Detlev; Religious StudiesFranqueza Garcia, Laura; B iological Sciences Csefalvay, Zsolt; E ducation Drummond, Hugh; Biological SciencesF ra n zo n i, L u ig i; Econom ics Csirik, Janos; C om puter Science Due, Reidar; Language and LiteratureFriedrich, Luis Fernando; Computer Science Cunningham, Francine; C o m m u n ica tio(non-U n s .S .) Frilingos, Efstathios; Biological Sciences and Journalism D vir, Taly; Psychology F ujii, Nobuharu; U.S.-Japan International Cyran, Eugeniusz; Lin g uistics Dzierzek, Slawomir; Engineering Education Administrators Program Fulemine, Agnes; Anthropology and Archaeology D E Fuster Soler, Maria Dolores; Biological Sciences Da Fonseca, D ilerm ando M ira n d a ;Egebak, Jorgen; Language and Literature Agriculture (non-U.S.) Da Silva, Bernardo M edeiros F erreira;Eilmansberger, Thomas; Law G Political Science Ekelund, U lf; Medical Sciences Gaber, Abdel-Fattah; Physics and Astronomy Da Silva, Catia Aida Pereira; P o litica l El Gemei, Dalai; Linguistics Gaemers, Sander; Chemistry Science El Mansour, Mohamed; H istory (non-U.S.) Galishnikov, Yuri; Economics Daguerre, Anne; P olitical Science El-Hadary, Amal; American Literature Gallego Garcia, Maria Angeles; Linguistics Dahl-Sandell, M aria; B io lo g ic a l SciencesEl-Hazm i, Mohsen; Biological Sciences Gang, Dan; Computer Science Dahlberg, Cecilia; B iological SciencesEl-Helow, Ehab; Biological Sciences Gangov, Alexander; Philosophy Dahlin, Christer; Medical Sciences El-Masri, Nathmi; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Garay, Barnabas; Mathematics Damasceno, Caetana M a ria ; El-Sharkawy, Mahmoud; Chemistry Garcia De Abajo, Francisco Javier; Physics Anthropology and A rc h a e o lo gElkjaer, y Bente; Business Adm inistration and Astronomy Dannan, Fozi; M athem atics En-Nehas, Jamal; Language and Literature Garcia Heras, Manuel; Anthropology and Dasgupta, Sanjukta; Am erican Literature(non-U.S.) Archaeology Davey, Alan; Public A d m in is tra tio n Eriksson, Mats; Linguistics Gavrilova, Tatiana; Education Davies, Martin; Language and LiteratureEspinosa Merina, Juan Felix; Chemistry Geerts, W alter; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Estrada Zamorano, Ricardo; Music (non-U.S.) De Almeida, K atia M a ria P ereira; Ethiraju, Thandapani; Mathematics Gehmlich, Volker; U.S.-Germany Anthropology and ArchaeologyEyal, Avishay; Engineering International Education Administrators De Moor, Piet; Physics and A s tro n o m y Program De Souza, Mario Duayer; Econom ics Georgescu, Marius; Geology De Souza, R aim undo O liv e ira ; F Georgiev, Mladenov; Physics and Astronomy Engineering Fahy, M artin; Business Adm inistrationGerber, Bernhard; Medical Sciences DeVroey, Michel; Economics Faraguna, Michele; H istory (non-U.S.)Gestblom, Carolina; Biological Sciences Declich, Francesca; Area Studies Fares, Nagui; Biological Sciences Ghafoor, Abdul; Engineering Dedej, Selim; A g ric u ltu re Farkas, Igor; Computer Science Gherras, Mohamed; Sociology and Social Degele, Martina; Sociology and Social Fassa, Anaclaudia Gastal; Medical SciencesW ork Work Fazan, Valeria Paula Sassoli; MedicalGillespie, Alexander; Law Degoev, Vladimir; H istory (non-U.S.) Sciences Ginat, Joseph; Anthropology and Delli, Giulietta; P olitical Science Fedotova, Valentina; Political ScienceArchaeology Demata, Massimiliano; Language and Feng, Ching; Economics Gioscia, Rossanna; Business Adm inistration Literature (non-U.S.) Ferhi, Salah; Geography Gissurarson, Hannes; Political Science Dembo, Aleksandrs; A rt H istory Fernandez Ramos, Juan Pablo; PhysicsGittel-Ngom and , Susanne; U.S.-Germany Dementeva, Irina; T E F L / Ap p lie d A stronom y International Education Administrators Linguistics Fernandez de Castro, Rafael; PoliticalProgram Demokan, Ordal; Physics and Astronom y Science Goh, Robbie Boon Hua; American Denkabe, Aloysius; Language and Fetveit, A rild; Theater and Dance Literature Literature (non-U.S.) Fieger, Andrea; U.S.-Germany InternationalGolding, Brian; H istory (non-U.S.) Dewanto, Nirw an; Language and Education Administrators ProgramG om ilko, Olga; Political Science Literature (non-U.S.) Figueiredo, Fatima Aparecida Ferreira;Gonzalez Jimenez, Jose Luis; Engineering Diaz, Reynol; Economics M edical Sciences Gonzalez Pedrajo, Bertha; Biological Diaz Castro, Sara; B io lo g ic a l Sciences Sciences Dick, Peter; P ublic A d m in is tra tio n


Gopakumar, Gopala; Political ScienceH o n g o , A k ira ; A m erican L ite ra tu re Kan’aan, M oien; Biological Sciences Gorbachenko, Tetiana; Library ScienceH u, Lizhong; Political Science Kaneko, Yoshihiro; Economics Gorodetskaya, Ludmila; CommunicationsHyun, On-Kang; Education Karadsheh, N aif; Chemistry and Journalism Karbowiak, Miroslaw; Chemistry Govaere, Inge; Law Karega-Munene; Anthropology and Grah Mel, Frederic; Language and Archaeology Literature (non-U.S.) I Karimov, Akmal; Agriculture Grenby, Matthew Orville; H istory (non-U.S.)Iarskaia-Smirnova, Elena; SociologyKaring, and Tiia; Education Guennadiev, Alexandre; AgricultureSocial W ork Karnik, A jit; Economics Gueye, Semou; Philosophy Iepuri, Valentina Boris; TEFL/AppliedKasomekera, Zachary; Engineering Gulluoglu, A rif; Engineering Linguistics Kaya, Sidika; Medical Sciences Gunugur, Haluk; Political Science Illidge, Tim othy; Medical Sciences Kazmi, Syed; Geography Imam-Muhni, Djuhertati; American Khabibullaev, Akram; History (non-U.S.) L ite ra tu re Khalifa, Amna; Education H Im ra n , M am douh; A m erican L ite ra tuKhamis, re Vivian; Psychology Inokuma, Ritsuko; CommunicationsKhan, and Asmatullah; Economics Habib, Leila; Agriculture Journalism Khan, M . Am eeruz; Business Adm inistration Habiballah, Ibrahim; Engineering Ishihata, Naoki; American LiteratureK han, M d . M a im u l; Law Habre, Samer; Mathematics Ivancovich, Antonio; Agriculture Khazova, Olga; Law Haddad, Asmaban; Medical Sciences Ivanov, N ikolai; Mathematics Kikuchi, Shigeo; Linguistics Haddad, Luciana Amaral; Biological Ivanova, Elena; Psychology Kirum ira, Rose; A rt Sciences Kishani, Bongasu; Philosophy Hadjiev, Valentin; Law Kiss, Levente; Agriculture Haje, Salomao A. M .; Education K itin y a , James; M edical Sciences Halenko, Oleksander; H istory (non-U.S.)J K iv a is i, A m e lia ; B io lo g ica l Sciences Hallouda, Mohab; Engineering Jacobsen, Eva; Medical Sciences Klapw ijk, Teunis; Physics and Astronomy Hamadeh, Shadi; Agriculture Jahnke, R obert; A r t Kleiven, Helga F.; Geology Hameed, Khalid; Biological Sciences Jakobsson, Sigurdur; Chemistry K lik , A ndreas; E nviro n m e n ta l Sciences Ham ilton, Andrew; Medical Sciences Jancar, Ivan; A rt H istory Knudsen, Are; Anthropology and Harnay, Sophie; Economics Janker, M inka; Mathematics Archaeology Harpviken, Kristian; Sociology and Social Jarrar, Ghaleb; Geology Koch, Lucia; U.S.-Germany International W ork Jeanpierre, Laurent; H istory (non-U.S.)Education Administrators Program Hashem, Abul; Business Adm inistration Jerad, Nabiha; Linguistics Koivisto, Tuija; Music Hasirci, Vasif; Engineering Jethwani, Thakurdas N.; Law Kolstad, Arne; Medical Sciences Hassin, Ran; Psychology Jiang, Changjian; Political Science K o lta i, H in a n it; B iological Sciences Hayashi, Hiroko; Law Johnson, Linda A.; Education Kong, L ily; Geography Hedling, E rik; Language and Literature Jolamanova, Balia; TEFL/Applied LinguisticsKongsted, Hans; Economics (non-U.S.) Jones, Robert; Economics Kononenko, Nina; Anthropology and Heidar, Knut; Political Science Jongen, Nathalie; Chemistry Archaeology Held, Monika; U.S.-Germany International Jordan Valles, Albert; Biological SciencesKonovalov, Vladim ir; Geography Education Administrators Program Juraev, Saifiddin; Communications Konovets,and Olexander; H istory (non-U.S.) Helguera, Marcelo; Biological Sciences Journalism Koreneva, Maya; American Literature Hempel, Rainer Rolf; Mathematics Kostron, Lubom ir; Psychology Henry de Frahan, Bruno; Economics Kotov, Igor; American History Hermans, Guy; Medical Sciences Kouropiatnik, Guennadi; American History Hernandez, Maria; CommunicationsK and Kover, Agnes; Law Journalism Kabbanji, Yaacoub Jacques; Sociology and Kozine, Igor; Engineering Hizhnyak, Vladimir; Education Social W ork Krasnoperova, Marina; Language and Hoffmann-Lange, Ursula; Political ScienceKabisov, Albert; Communications and Literature (non-U.S.) Holanda, Marcos Costa; Economics Journalism Krus, Patricia; Language and Literature Hollender, Elisabeth; Language Kadowaki,and Shunsuke; Philosophy (non-U.S.) Literature (non-U.S.) Kalkanova, Tatyana; Area Studies Kubo, Fum iaki; Political Science Holmes, Ian; Physics and AstronomKamalov, y Ablet; H istory (non-U.S.) K u k h ia n id z e , A lexandre; P o litic a l Science Homfeld-Gutenkunst, Renate; U.S.-Kambli, Hanuman; A rt Kulu, H ill; Geography Germany International EducationKamuntavicius, Gintautas; Physics and Kumar, N ita; Anthropology and Archaeology Administrators Program A stronom y Kume, Teruyuki; Communications and Hommeida, Abdul Kader; EngineeringKan, Steven Shei-Ping; Economics Journalism


Kurkchiyan, Marine; Sociology andMachiels, Social Jean-Pascal H enry; MedicalMohamed, A.R.; Medical Sciences Work Sciences Mohamed, Magdy; Chemistry Kvasz, Ladislav; M athem atics Magyari, Eniko; Anthropology andM o k , J in ; P o litic a l Science Kwesiga, Joy; E ducation Archaeology Monaci, Fabrizio; Environmental Sciences Mahhou, Ahmed; Agriculture M oon, Hee-Cheol; Business Adm inistration Mahoux-Pauzin, Philippe; A rt Moore, Rickie; Business Adm inistration L Maiorova, Olga; H istory (non-U.S.) Moraes Junior, Haroldo Vieira; Medical Majewska-Sawka, Anna; Agriculture Sciences Laczko, Tibor; Linguistics Makarov, Denis Valerievich; Political Morales, Helen; Language and Literature Lai, Tsung-chyan; Business A d m in is tra tio n S cience (non-U.S.) Lallana, Emmanuel; P o litica l Science Maleska, M irjana; P olitical Science Morales Munoz, Albert; Medical Sciences Lamarque Arilez, Lucia Guadalupe; Malova, Darina; Political Science Moran, Antonio; Communications and Business A d m in is tra tio n Mamedov, Bakhtiyar; Law Journalism Lamming, George; Language and Manhire, W illiam ; Language and LiteratureMorenets, Volodym yr; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) (non-U .S .) Literature (non-U.S.) Lee, Cheng; Public A d m in is tra tio n M anktelow, Mariette; Biological SciencesMounsif, Mohamed; Environmental Lee, Kap Yun; P olitical Science Manlapaz, Edna; Language and LiteratureSciences Leite, Romulo; Biological Sciences (non-U .S.) M uftuoglu, Sevda; Medical Sciences Levai, Csaba; A m erican H is to ry Marche, Guillaume; Sociology andMukanova, Social Rauza; Sociology and Social Levendorksi, Serguei; E co n o m ics W ork W ork Levko, Oxana; M usic M arin Vigueras, Jose M .; Economics M u ra vyo va , N atalya; L ib ra ry Science Leygraf, Christofer; Environm ental Sciences Markus, Dace; Linguistics Musselin, Christine; Sociology and Social Li, Xin-Chun; Economics Marshall, Francisco; H istory (non-U.S.) W ork Li, Yang; American L ite ra tu re Marshall-Alleyne, Hartley; A rt Mustafina, Raushan; Anthropology and Li, Yi; American Literature M artin Alvarez, Jose Miguel; ChemistryArchaeology Liang, Mao-xin; A m erican H is to ry Martinez De La Cruz, Luis Alfonso; Myung, Young-Soo; Business Administration Lindblad, Sverker; E d u ca tio n C hem istry Liu, S-Lain; A rt H is to ry M artins, Monica Dias; Sociology and Social Lo, Ven-Hwei; C o m m u n ica tio n s and W ork Journalism Matei Chesnoiu, M onica; LanguageN and Lo Piccolo, Francesco; A rc h ite c tu re and Literature (non-U.S.) Nagaraj, N .; Economics Urban Planning Matichenkov, Vladim ir; Agriculture Nagy, Andras; Philosophy Lodrup, Helge; L in g uistics Matsui, Masako; U.S.-Japan InternationalNain, Zaharom; Communications and Lombard, Christoffel; Religious Studies Education Administrators Program Journalism Longva, Pal; Econom ics Matsunami, Nobuharu; CommunicationsNakano, Kotaro; American History Looten,Christophe; M usic and Journalism Navarro, Alexei Fedorovish Licea; Lopez, Alexander; P o litica l Science Mazo Torres, Juan Jose; Physics and B io lo g ic a l Sciences Lopez, Oscar; E ngineering A stro n o m y Navarro Garcia, Federico; Biological Lopez Pelegrin, Jose A n g e l; C h e m is try Mbassa, Gabriel; Agriculture Sciences Lopez-Mariscal, Juan M a n u e l; Physics and Mbeche, Isaac; Agriculture Negretti, Raffaella; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Astronomy M cKinley, Sharon Maree; Medical SciencesNehme, Michel; Political Science Lovas, Mette; Religious Studies Mendonca, Antonio Sergio Ferreira;Nelissen, Iris; Psychology Lu, Ye; Communications and Journalism Engineering Nelwan, Grace; Language and Literature Lucero, Maria Rosario; Area Studies Mesner, Maria; H istory (non-U.S.) (non-U.S.) Luchuk, Olha; Language and Literature M hina, Amos; Political Science Nestares Garcia, Oscar; Com puter Science (non-U.S.) Mieres, Pablo; Sociology and SocialNeum, W ork Regina; U.S.-Germany International Lupulescu, M arian; G e o lo g y Mihaila, Rodica; American Literature Education Administrators Program Lusetic, Natasa; T E F L /A p p lie d L in g uisticsMikolajczyk, Antoni; CommunicationsNg, and Wai-Kong; Education Journalism Nicoara, Irina; Physics and Astronom y Miniaev, Serguei; Anthropology andN igro, Franco; Agriculture M Archaeology Njolstad, Pal; Biological Sciences Mishra, Pramod; Political Science N ovotny, Vojtech; Biological Sciences Mac Giolla Leith, Caoim hin; Language and M itra, Reshmi; Business Adm inistrationNyambe, Imasiku; Geology Literature (non-U.S.) M itrojorgji, Linda; Architecture and Urban Mac-Clure, Oscar; Architecture and U rban P lanning Planning Mkangi, Katama; Sociology and Social W ork Machado, Giovani V itoria; Economics Moctezuma-Velazquez, Edgar; Engineering


o Pozniakov, Vladimir; H istory (non-U.S.)Salo, M erja; Com m unications and Journalism Salukvadze, Ioseb; Architecture and Urbar O ’Mahony, Donal Edward; ComputerPradeep, Thalappil; Chemistry P lanning Science Prljaca, Naser; Engineering Santos, Ieda Machado Ribeiro dos; Odblom, Anders C.E.; Physics and Prochina, Zoia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics A n th ro p o lo g y and A rchaeology A stronom y Przylipiak, Miroslaw; Communications and Santos, Raquel Santana; Linguistics Okani, Rachel-Claire; Law Journalism Saraiva, Maria de Graca Amaral Neto; Omar, A riffin; Area Studies Puddhanon, Prawit; Agriculture Environmental Sciences Onac, Petroniu; Geology Punchihewa, Ranjith; Agriculture Sarie El D in, Hani; Law Opp, Gunther; Education Pupovac, M ilorad; Linguistics Sarinyan, Mane; Language and Literature Orkeny, Antal; Sociology and Social W ork (non-U.S.) Orosz, Gyorgy; Chemistry Savarirayan, Ravi; Medical Sciences O ryol, Valery; Psychology Savova, Joulieta; Education Oueslati, Salah; Political Science Q Saxena, Poonam; Law Oukhvanova, Irina; CommunicationsQuaye, and Eric; Environmental Sciences S eim iya, K atsuyoshi; C om m unications and Journalism Quinn, Justin; American Literature Journalism Oyagi, Shigenori; U.S.-Japan International Semenski, Dam ir; Engineering Education Administrators Program Senkoylu, Nizameddin; Agriculture Ozdemir, Hikm et; Political Science R Serdyukova, Ludmila; American Literature Ozenci, Hatice; Medical Sciences Radi, Rafael; Medical Sciences Shamir, Michal; Political Science Radicova, Iveta; Political Science Sharma, Pankaj; M edical Sciences Rajnavolgyi-Laczkovich, Eva; MedicalShaw, Carl; Political Science P Sciences Shehnaz, D arakhshanda; M edical Sciences Shepetukha, Y u riy ; Business Adm inistration Paemeleire, Koen Frank; Medical Reddy,Sciences Jairam; Education Shiah-Hou, Shin-rong; Business Pampanin, Stefano; EngineeringRedissi, Mohamed; Law Administration Panaite, Viorel; H istory (non-U.S.) Refstie, Stale; Agriculture Siengthai, Sununta; Business Adm inistration Paniouchkina, Irina; Environm entalRevauger, Sciences Marie-Cecile; American H istory Sikorski, Marek; Chemistry Panitch, Leo; Political Science Riehl, Roger Ribeiro; Engineering Silva, Janice Caiafa Pereira E.; Papagiannakos, Nikolaos; EngineeringRignanese, Gian-Marco; Physics and Communications and Journalism Paphaphanh, Bualy; Language andA stronom y Silva, Paulo; Engineering Literature (non-U.S.) Rikards, Rolands; Engineering Singh, Prakash; Education Pashayeva, Gulshan Mammadali; PoliticalRivadulla Fernandez, Juan Casto; Medical Sirola, Boris; Mathematics Science Sciences Skaloud, Jan; Political Science Patibandla, M urali; Economics Roberts, Anthony Peter; Engineering Slavnic, D jordje; Theater and Dance Pelipas, M ikhail; American History Rodine, Andrei; Philosophy Som, Somuny; Language and Literature Pepin, Nicholas; Geography Rodins, Mihails; Political Science (non-U.S.) Pereira, Jose Tomaz Vieira; EngineeringRodriguez Sarmiento, Rosa Maria; Chemistry Sorocoumova, Gulnara; Education Perekhvalskaya, Elena; Linguistics Rojas de Drummond, Sylvia; Psychology S o tiro p o u lo u , G eorgia; B iological Sciences Perera, Senath; Language and LiteratureR oljic, Lazo; Economics Sougou, Om ar; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Romanov, Pavel; Sociology and Social (non-U.S.) Peretz, Henri; Sociology and Social WW ork ork Souproun, M ikhail; American History Perica, Slavko; Agriculture Romero Morales, Juan; Linguistics Spring, David; Chemistry Pertl, Barbara; Medical Sciences Roos, Helene; H istory (non-U.S.) Stacciarini, Jeanne Marie Rodrigues; Petev, Todor; Communications andRossello Villalonga, Juan Carlos; Economics P sychology Journalism Ruddick, Susan M .; Geography Stadler, Friedrich; Philosophy Piestun, Rafael Iser; Engineering Rui, Wang; A rt Stary, M artin; Language and Literature P illar, Giora; Medical Sciences Russotto, Margherita; Language and (non-U.S.) Pinar Garcia, Susana; Biological SciencesLiterature (non-U.S.) S te in svo ll, Svein; M edical Sciences Piskina, Tatiana Vladimirovna; Economics Stewart, Danielle Mero; Sociology and Plaskota, Leszek; Mathematics Social W ork Pohar, Bojan; Medical Sciences s Stojanov, Dragoljub; Economics Polian, Pavel; Language and Literature Sakr, Hoda; Business Adm inistrationStojanovski, Trpe; Law (non-U.S.) Straede, Therkel; H istory (non-U.S.) Poplavskaia, Tatiana; CommunicationsSalama, and Atef; Communications and Streltsov, Evgeniy; Law Journalism Journalism Stromsheim, Jan Peter; Education Pospisil, Tomas; Communications andSaleem, Rubeena; Chemistry Salem, Hanaa; Geology Stuhlman-Laeisz, Rainer; Philosophy Journalism Salman, Hana; Engineering Subuh, Ahmad; Medical Sciences


Sugaya, Junko; U.S.-Japan In te rn atiou na l Y Education Administrators Program Umbach, Dieter; Law Yamamoto, Eriko; American History Sugaya, Minoru; Com m unications and Utesheva, Evgenia; TEFL/Applied LinguisticsYang, O k Kyung; Sociology and Social Journalism Uyo, Adidi U ’kebve; CommunicationsW and ork Suh, Chung-Wha; Education Journalism Yao, Changhui; Business A d m in istra tio n Suleiman, Sawsan; A g ricu ltu re Yassin, Samir; Physics and Astronomy Sumainah, Ghiath; M edical Sciences Yin, Zhi; Architecture and Urban Planning Sun, Xinqiang; Law Young, Stephen; Business Adm inistration Sunje, Aziz; Economics V Youssef, Diaa; Chemistry Sutojo; Language and L iteratu re Valera,(non-U.S.) Gabriella; H istory (non-U.S.) Yu, Guang-hong; Anthropology and Suvanto, Petro; Chem istry Van Der Duyn Schouten, Frank; Economics Archaeology Svensson, Jorgen; A rt Van D ijk , D ick; Economics Yunusov, Temur; Agriculture Svobodova, Milena; Biological SciencesVan Donselaar, Karel; Business Adm inistration Yuping, Zhang; Language and Literature Szopinski, Kazimierz; Medical SciencesVan Laar, Harm en; A griculture (non-U.S.) Szwagrzyk, Jerzy; Environm ental SciencesVarma, Rajiv; Engineering Y usof, Rohana; Biological Sciences Vaz De Silva, Francisco; Anthropology and Archaeology Vazquez A lb e rt, D aniel; Law T Vazquez Ramallo, Manuel; Physics zand Tahboub, Karim; Engineering Astronom y Zafeirakou, Aglaia; Education Takamatsu, M otoyuki; P olitical ScienceVedenskaya, Tatyana; Education Zahra, Abeer; Language and Literature Talieri, Maroulio; Medical Sciences Verstraete, Ginette; Language and (non-U.S.) Tantekin-Ersolmaz, Serife; EngineeringLiterature (non-U.S.) Zaimovic-Uzunovic, Nermina; Engineering Tassoni, Luigi; Language and L iteratuVicar, re Jan; Music Zaman, A zfar; Medical Sciences (non-U.S.) Vieira, Liszt Benjamin; Sociology and Social Zanamwe, Lazarus; Area Studies Tausz, Michael; Biological Sciences Work Zapata Olson-Lunde, Ivar; Physics and Tchernigovskaja, Tatiana; LinguisticsViljoen, Charles; Education A stronom y Teles, Shirley; Medical Sciences Visweswaraiah, Naveen K.; Medical Zarnic, Roko; Engineering Termignoni, Carlos; Biological SciencesSciences Zatusevski, Irina; Communications and Tessem, Bjornar; Com puter ScienceVolkogonova, Olga; Philosophy Journalism Thune-Larsen, K ari-B rith; PsychologyVoronchenko, Tatyana; American Literature Z efiro v, V ladim ir; Business A dm inistration Titilola, S. Oguntunji; Economics Voznessenskaia, Elena; B iological Sciences Zeng, Xiangquan; Economics Tocchini, Delia; Am erican Literature Zhang, Bin-xian; Education Todorova, Elka; Sociology and Social Zhaparbekova, Saule; Business Work Administration Toien, Oivind; Biological Sciences w Zhilinkova, Irina; Law Tomanbay, Mehmet; Economics Walaszczyk, Ireneusz; Geology Zhuk, Igor; A rt History Wang, Lim ing; Law Tong, Jia-Dong; Economics Ziegler, Volker; Architecture and Urban Tornow, Maren; U.S.-Germany Wang, Ming-Ke; H istory (non-U.S.) Planning International Education Adm inistratorsWashizu, Hiroko; American Literature Zim m erlin, Donald; Sociology and Social Wei, Chien-hung; Engineering Program Work Torreblanca, Jose; P o litica l ScienceWendt, Lars; Chemistry Tossa, Wajuppa; Am erican LiteratureW illiam s, Per; Language and Literature Tothne Litovkina, Anna; Area Studies(non-U.S.) Tovmasyan, Natalya; Sociology andWilliams Social Martinez, Eduardo; Anthropology Work and Archaeology Treppoz, Edouard; Law Wolde-Amanuel, Yalemshet Mengesha; Trlifaj, Jan; Mathematics Agriculture Troev, Kolio; Chemistry W olff, Jonathan; Philosophy Trushliakov, Eugeniy; EngineeringWong, Soak; Language and Literature Tsai, Ming-Chang; Sociology and Social(non-U.S.) Work Wu, Cynthia Hsin-feng; TEFL/Applied Tsuda, Yukio; Communications andLinguistics Journalism Wu, Jyh-Lin; Economics Tvrdik, Pavel; C om puter Science Wu, Kuen-Huei; Political Science Tysiachniouk, Maria; Environm ental Sciences

85 Host State Index HOST STATE INDEX

ALABAMA CALIFORNIA E l-H e lo w , Ehab; Biological Sciences; University of California—Berkeley Mukanova, Rauza; Sociology andArnason, Social Kristjan; Language and Literature Eriksson, Mats; Linguistics; University of Work; Auburn University—Main Campus(non-U.S.); Stanford University C alifo rn ia —Santa Barbara Radi, Rafael; Medical Sciences; U niversityArnon, Shlomi; Engineering; University of Fetveit, A rild; Theater and Dance; of Alabama—Birmingham California—Berkeley University of California—Berkeley Steinsvoll, Svein; Medical Sciences; Bagchi, Arunabha; Engineering; University F ont, N u ria ; P olitical Science; U niversity of University of Alabama—Birminghamo f C alifornia—Los Angeles C a lifo rn ia —San Diego Banhegyi, Zsolt; Library Science; Franzoni, Luigi; Economics; University of University of California—Los Angeles C a lifo rn ia —San Diego Barabanova, Galina; TE FL/ Applied ALASKA F riling os, Efstathios; Biological Sciences; Linguistics; San Diego State University U n iv e rs ity o f C alifornia—Los Angeles Toien, O ivind ; Biological Sciences; Barbieri, Magali; Sociology and Social Fuster Soler, Maria Dolores; Biological University of Alaska Fairbanks Work; University of California— Sciences; University of California—Davis Berkeley Gang, D an; C om puter Science; Stanford Bauer, Andras; Business A d m in istra tio n ; U niversity University of California—Berkeley ARIZONA Garay, Barnabas; Mathematics; University Bernard, Claude Charles; Medical Sciences; of California—Berkeley Al-Samahiji, Despina; Geology; ArizonaU nive rsity o f C alifornia—San Francisco Garcia De A bajo, Francisco Javier; Physics State U niversity Breton, Stephane; Anthropology and and Astronomy; University of Bahammam, Omar; Architecture andArchaeology; University of California— California—Berkeley Urban Planning; University of ArizonaSan Diego Georgiev, Mladenov; Physics and Bowal, Peter; Law; A rizona State Brinchi, Lucia; Chemistry; University of Astronomy; University of California— University C alifornia—Santa Barbara San D iego Csefalvay, Zsolt; Education; UniversityB row of n, Rebecca; C hem istry; Stanford Gissurarson, Hannes; P olitical Science; Arizona U niversity Stanford University D iaz Castro, Sara; Biological Sciences;Bugaric, Bojan; Law; University of G opakum ar, Gopala; P olitical Science; University of Arizona California—Los Angeles Claremont Graduate University Gonzalez Jimenez, Jose Luis; Engineering;Chandran, K. Narayana; American Habib, Leila; Agriculture; University of University of Arizona Literature; Stanford University California—Riverside Jakobsson, Sigurdur; Chemistry; ArizonaChoi, Jong-Chan; Language and Literature Helguera, M arcelo; Biological Sciences; State U niversity (non-U.S.); University of California— University of California—Davis Jancar, Ivan; A rt History; University of Berkeley Henry de Frahan, Bruno; Economics; Arizona Choi, Jung-Sup; Economics; University of University of California—Davis Kamuntavicius, Gintautas; Physics andCalifornia—Davis Herm ans, G uy; Medical Sciences; Stanford Astronomy; University of Arizona Coman, M ihai; P olitical Science; C alifornia U niversity M anktelow , M ariette; Biological Sciences;State U nive rsity—Chico Illid g e , T im o th y ; Medical Sciences; University of Arizona Costa Lima, Paula Lenz; Linguistics; Stanford University Paniouchkina, Irina; EnvironmentalUniversity of California—Santa Cruz Inokum a, R itsuko; Communications and Sciences; U niversity o f A rizona Coussaert, Tamara; Physics and Journalism; Stanford University Perekhvalskaya, Elena; Linguistics; Astronomy; Stanford University Johnson, Linda A.; Education; University of University of Arizona C raw , Susan; C om puter Science; California—Santa Barbara Quaye, Eric; Environm ental Sciences;University of California—Irvine Jordan Valles, A lbert; Biological Sciences; University of Arizona Cyran, Eugeniusz; Linguistics; University of U n ive rsity o f C alifornia—San Francisco Salem, Hanaa; Geology; University ofCalifornia—Los Angeles Kadowaki, Shunsuke; Philosophy; Arizona Da Silva, Catia Aida Pereira; Political University of California—Berkeley Science; U n ive rsity o f C a lifo rn ia —San Kan, Steven Shei-Ping; Economics; D iego Stanford University Degoev, Vladimir; H istory (non-U.S.); Karbowiak, Miroslaw; Chemistry; ARKANSAS University of California—Berkeley University of California—Berkeley Delli, Giulietta; Political Science; University Estrada Zamorano, Ricardo; Music; Karim ov, A km al; Agriculture; U.S. of Southern California University of Central Arkansas Department of Agriculture D rum m ond, H ugh; Biological Sciences; Ivancovich, Antonio; Agriculture; K arnik, A jit; Economics; U niversity o f University of California—Davis University of Arkansas California—Berkeley D vir, Taly; Psychology; University of Subuh, Ahm ad; Medical Sciences; K iru m ira , Rose; A rt; De Anza College California—Berkeley University of Arkansas Klapwijk, Teunis; Physics and Astronomy; Eilmansberger, Thomas; Law; U n ive rsity o f C alifornia—Santa Barbara Southwestern University School of Law


Kong, Lily; Geography; U niversity ofMoore, Rickie; Business Administration;Shehnaz, Darakhshanda; M edical Sciences; California—Berkeley University of Southern California University of California—San Diego Kongsted, Hans; Economics; U niversityNain, o fZaharom; Communications andSilva, Bernardo Medeiros Ferreira da; California—San Diego Journalism; University of California—SanP olitical Science; Stanford U nive rsity Kononenko, N ina; A n th ro p o lo g y Dand iego Stewart, Danielle Mero; Sociology and Archaeology; U n ive rsity o f C a lifo rnNavarro ia — Garcia, Federico; Biological Social Work; University of California— Santa Barbara Sciences; C a lifo rn ia In s titu te o f Santa Cruz Kvasz, Ladislav; M athem atics; U n iv e rs ityTechnology o f Suleiman, Sawsan; A griculture; U.S. California—Berkeley Navarro, Alexei Fedorovish Licea; Department of Agriculture Laczko, Tibor; Linguistics; Stanford Biological Sciences; Scripps ResearchSvensson, Jorgen; A rt; San Francisco A rt University In stitute Institute Lamarque Arilez, Lucia Guadalupe;Nestares Garcia, Oscar; Computer Science;Tausz, M ichael; Biological Sciences; U.S. Business A d m in istra tio n; San D iegoStanford State University Department of Agriculture University O ry o l, Valery; Psychology; U nive rsity Thune-Larsen,o f Kari-Brith; Psychology; Lee, Kap Yun; Political Science; ClaremCalifornia—Berkeley ont University of San Diego McKenna College Pampanin, Stefano; Engineering;Tothne Litovkina, Anna; Area Studies; Lo, Ven-Hwei; Com m unications and U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia —San DiegoUniversity of California—Berkeley Journalism; Stanford U n ive rsity Patibandla, Murali; Economics; UniversityTrlifaj, Jan; Mathematics; University of Lodrup, Helge; Linguistics; Stanford of California—Berkeley California—Irvine University Perica, Slavko; Agriculture; UniversityTsai, of Ming-Chang; Sociology and Social W ork; U niversity o f C alifornia—Santa Lombard, Christoffel; Religious Studies;California—Davis Barbara Graduate Theological U n io n Piestun, Rafael Iser; Engineering; Stanford Van Der Duyn Schouten, Frank; Longva, Pal; Economics; U n ive rsity o f U niversity Economics; University of California— California—Berkeley P inar Garcia, Susana; B iological Sciences; Berkeley Lopez Pelegrin, Jose Angel; C hem istry;University of California—Irvine Van Donselaar, Karel; Mathematics; Scripps Research In stitu te Pospisil, Tomas; Communications and Stanford University Lopez, Oscar; Engineering; U n iv e rs ityJournalism; o f University of Southern Vaz de Silva, Francisco; A n th ro p o lo g y and California—Berkeley California Archaeology; University of California— Lu, Ye; Communications and Journalism;Prochina, Zoia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Berkeley University o f Southern C alifornia Monterey Institute of International Verstraete, Ginette; Language and Lupulescu, Marian; Geology; C aliforniaStudies Literature (non-U.S.); University of Institute o f Technology Refstie, Stale; Agriculture; University of California—Berkeley Machado, Giovani V itoria; Economics; California—Davis Voronchenko, Tatyana; American University o f C alifo rn ia —Berkeley Rignanese, Gian-Marco; Physics andLiterature; University of California—San Magyari, Eniko; Anthropology and Astronomy; University of California—Diego Archaeology; U n ive rsity o f C alifo rn ia — Berkeley Wang, Ming-Ke; History (non-U.S.); Los Angeles Rodriguez Sarmiento, Rosa Maria; University of California—Los Angeles Mahhou, Ahmed; Agriculture; UniversityChemistry; of Scripps Research InstituteWendt, Lars; Chemistry; California Institute California—Davis Rojas de Drummond, Sylvia; Psychology;of Technology Majewska-Sawka, Anna; A griculture; University of California—San DiegoWilliams, Per; Language and Literature University of California—Riverside Roos, H elene; H istory (non-U.S.); Stanford(non-U.S.); University of California— Martinez de La C ruz, Luis Alfonso; U niversity Berkeley Chemistry; U nive rsity o f C alifornia—R uddick, Susan M .; Geography; U niveWong, rsity Soak; Language and Literature Berkeley of Southern California (non-U.S.); University of California— Martins, Monica Dias; Sociology andSalama, Social Atef; Communications and Santa Barbara Work; University of California— Journalism; California State University—Wu, Cynthia Hsin-feng; TEFL/Applied Riverside Fresno Linguistics; University of California— McKinley, Sharon Maree; Medical Sciences;Salo, Merja; Communications and Berkeley University of California—Los AngelesJournalism; University of California—Wu, Jyh-Lin; Economics; University of Miniaev, Serguei; A n th ro p o lo g y andSanta Barbara California—Berkeley Archaeology; U nive rsity o f C alifo rnSantos, ia — Raquel Santana; Linguistics;Yamamoto, Eriko; American H istory; Berkeley University of Southern California University of California—Los Angeles Moctezuma-Velazquez, Edgar; Savarirayan, Ravi; M edical Sciences;Yin, Zhi; Architecture and Urban Planning; Engineering; U n ive rsity o f C alifo rnUniversity ia — of California—Los AngelesUniversity of California—Berkeley Los Angeles Semenski, Damir; Engineering; CaliforniaYu, Guang-hong; Anthropology and Monad, Fabrizio; Environm ental Sciences;Institute of Technology Archaeology; Stanford University California Polytechnic State U n iveShaw, rsity— C arl; P o litica l Science; U n ive rsityZahra, o f Abeer; Language and Literature San Luis Obispo California—San Diego (non-U.S.); University of California— Riverside 89 HOST STATE INDEX

COLORADO Uyo, Adidi U ’kebve; CommunicationsSouproun, and Mikhail; American History; Journalism ; Central C onnecticut StateGeorge Washington University Al-Anssi, Yahia; Economics; University of U niversity Straede, Therkel; H istory (non-U.S.); Colorado—Boulder Vazquez Albert, Daniel; Law; Yale Georgetown University Al-Ghamdi, Abdullah; Agriculture; Colorado U niversity Torreblanca, Jose; P olitical Science; State U nive rsity Z hilinko va, Irina; Law; U nive rsity o f George W ashington U nive rsity Fauvel, John; Mathematics; Colorado Connecticut—Hartford Volkogonova, Olga; Philosophy; George College Washington University Gorodetskaya, Ludmila; Communications Young, Stephen; Business Adm inistration; and Journalism; University of Georgetown University Colorado—Denver DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Zafeirakou, Aglaia; Education; U.S. Hedling, Erik; Language and Literature Akerova, Anarkan; Law; American Department of Education (non-U.S.); University of Colorado— Z efirov, V la d im ir; Business Adm inistration; Boulder U niversity Alemdar, Korkmaz; Communications andGeorgetown University H eidar, K n ut; P olitical Science; U niversity o f Denver Journalism; American University Konovalov, Vladimir; Geography;A rh iliu c , V ictoria; P olitical Science; U nive rsity o f C olorado—Boulder Am erican U niversity FLORIDA Nagaraj, N .; Economics; Colorado StateBergsson, Snorri; H istory (non-U.S.); U n ite d States H olocaust M em orialA kil, Mohammed; Engineering; University U niversity Museum of West Florida O tegui, Marisa; Biological Sciences; Banerjee, Laksmisree; Language and University of Colorado—BoulderBorrman, Helene Inger Maria; Literature (non-U.S.); University of Pepin, Nicholas; Geography; UniversityAnthropology of and Archaeology; Smithsonian Institution Florida Colorado—Boulder Dinh, Do Due; Economics; Johns HopkinsDa Fonseca, Dilermando Miranda; Saraiva, M aria de Graca Am aral N eto; Agriculture; University of Florida E nvironm ental Sciences; C oloradoU nState iv e rs ity —School o f Advanced International Studies D a h lin , C hrister; Medical Sciences; U niversity University of Florida Silva, Paulo; Engineering; ColoradoFernandez School de Castro, Rafael; Political Science; Brookings Institution Dogan, M uam m er; Business o f Mines Garcia Heras, Manuel; AnthropologyAdministration; and University of Florida Walaszczyk, Ireneusz; Geology; U.S. Archaeology; Smithsonian InstitutionGhafoor, Abdul; Engineering; University of Geological Survey Grah Mel, Frederic; Language andFlorida Zarnic, Roko; Engineering; University of Literature (non-U.S.); Library of CongressGulluoglu, A rif; Engineering; Florida Colorado—Boulder Gueye, Semou; Philosophy; CatholicAtlantic University University of America K ivaisi, A m elia; Biological Sciences; Gunugur, Haluk; Political Science; University of Florida CONNECTICUT Georgetown University Kleiven, Helga F.; Geology; University of Juraev, Saifiddin; Communications andFlorida Bulaila, A b du l; Language and LiteratureJournalism; George WashingtonL i, Yang; Am erican Literature; U niversity o f (non-U.S.); Yale U nive rsity U niversity Florida C orne, Jonathan; Medical Sciences;Kubo, Yale Fumiaki; Political Science; Makarov, Denis Valerievich; Political U niversity Georgetown University Science; B arry U nive rsity Demata, Massimiliano; Language Levko,and Oxana; Music; American UniversityMarshall-Alleyne, Hartley; Art; University Literature (non-U.S.); Yale University Manhire, W illiam ; Language and Literatureof Central Florida En-Nehas, Jamal; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Georgetown UniversityMatichenkov, Vladimir; Agriculture; (non-U.S.); Yale University Mieres, Pablo; Sociology and Social WUniversity ork; of Florida Gonzalez Pedrajo, Bertha; BiologicalGeorgetown University M iko lajczyk, A n to n i; Communications and Sciences; Yale U n ive rsity M ihaila, Rodica; American Literature; Journalism; Florida Atlantic University Jiang, Changjian; Political Science; Yale Georgetown University M ishra, Pramod; P olitical Science; U niversity Morales, Helen; Language and LiteratureUniversity of West Florida Khazova, Olga; Law; Quinnipiac College (non-U.S.); Harvard University Okani, Rachel-Claire; Law; Florida Koreneva, Maya; American Literature; Yale Ozdemir, Hikm et; Political Science; Agricultural and Mechanical University U niversity Georgetown University Pereira, Jose Tomaz Vieira; Engineering; Kumar, Nita; Anthropology and Sarie E l D in , H ani; Law; InternationalUniversity Law of Florida Archaeology; Yale University Institute Sumainah, G hiath; Medical Sciences; Leygraf, Christofer; Environmental Seimiya, Katsuyoshi; CommunicationsUniversity and of Florida Sciences; Yale U n ive rsity Journalism; Johns Hopkins U niversity-Teles, S hirley; Medical Sciences; U niversity Slavnic, Djordje; Theater and Dance;School Yale of Advanced Internationalo f Florida U niversity Studies 90 HOST STATE INDEX

Visweswaraiah, Naveen K .; M edicalILLINOIS Utesheva, Evgenia; TEFL/ Applied Sciences; U niversity o f F lo rid a Linguistics; University of Illin o is- Arshad, Mohammad; Biological Sciences;Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois—Chicago Van D ijk, Dick; Economics; University of GEORGIA Bano, Asghari; Biological Sciences; Chicago University of Illinois—Urbana- Adam, Askiah; Philosophy; E m ory Vazquez Ramallo, Manuel; Physics and Champaign University Astronomy; University of Illinois— Chugu, Svitlana; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Benes, Viktor; Mathematics; Georgia Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois—Urbana- Institute of Technology Zapata Olson-Lunde, Ivar; Physics and Champaign Dedej, Selim; Agriculture; U niversity o f Astronomy; University of Illinois— Damasceno, Caetana Maria; Anthropology Georgia Urbana-Champaign and Archaeology; DePaul University Gallego Garcia, M aria Angeles; Linguistics; Zim m erlin, Donald; Sociology and Social De Almeida, Katia Maria Pereira; Emory University W ork; Wheaton College A n th ro p o lo g y and Archaeology; Gangov, Alexander; Philosophy; Em ory University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign University Declich, Francesca; Area Studies; Ishihata, Naoki; American Literature; Northwestern University INDIANA University o f Georgia Dementeva, Irina; TEFL/ Applied Kazmi, Syed; Geography; U niversity o f Berkaliev, Zaur; Education; Indiana Linguistics; University of Illin o is- University—Bloomington Georgia Urbana-Champaign Ng, Wai-Kong; Education; U n iv e rs ity o f Blocki, Zbigniew; Mathematics; Indiana Dobronravine, N ikolai; Language and Georgia University—Bloomington Literature (non-U.S.); Northwestern Rikards, Rolands; Engineering; Georgia Broekaert, Jose; Chemistry; Indiana U niversity University—Bloomington Institute of Technology El-Masri, Nathmi; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; K lik , Andreas; E nvironm ental Sciences; Roljic, Lazo; Economics; Georgia InstituteUniversity of Illinois—Urbana- Purdue University of Technology Champaign Mustafina, Raushan; Anthropology and Santos, Ieda Machado R ibe iro dos;Elkjaer, Bente; Business Adm inistration; Archaeology; Indiana University— Anthropology and Archaeology;University of Illinois—Urbana- Bloomington Savannah State College Champaign Ngo, Dai; Education; Indiana University— Senkoylu, Nizameddin; Agriculture;Fernandez Ramos, Juan Pablo; Physics and Bloomington University o f Georgia Astronomy; Fermi National Laboratory Pradeep, Thalappil; Chemistry; Purdue Gorbachenko, Tetiana; Library Science; U niversity University of Illinois—Urbana- Sikorski, Marek; Chemistry; University of Champaign HAWAII N o tre Dame Harpviken, Kristian; Sociology and Social Tassoni, Luigi; Language and Literature Jahnke, Robert; A rt; U n ive rsity o f W ork; University of Chicago (non-U.S.); University of Notre Dame Hawaii—Manoa Khan, Asmatullah; Economics; University Tocchini, Delia; American Literature; Knudsen, Are; Anthropology and of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign Indiana University—Bloomington Archaeology; U n ive rsity o f H aw aKhan, ii— M d. M aim ul; Law ; U n ive rsity o f Manoa Illinois—Urbana-Champaign Kume, Teruyuki; Communications andMalova, Darina; Political Science; Illinois Journalism; East-West Center Wesleyan U n ive rsity IOWA Lucero, Maria Rosario; Area Studies;M itrojorgji, Linda; Architecture and Urban University o f H aw a ii—Leeward Planning; University of Illinois—Urbana-Fazan, Valeria Paula Sassoli; Medical Community College Champaign Sciences; U n ive rsity o f Iowa Negretti, Raffaella; T E F L / Applied Nakano, K otaro; Am erican H isto ry; Jolamanova, Balia; T E F L / Applied Linguistics; U n ive rsity o f H aw a ii— Northwestern University Linguistics; University of Iowa Manoa Njolstad, Pal; Biological Sciences; Mamedov, Bakhtiyar; Law; University of Novotny, Vojtech; Biological Sciences;University of Chicago Iowa University of Hawaii—Manoa Peretz, Henri; Sociology and SocialM W o ork; k, Jin; P olitical Science; Iow a State Sugaya, Minoru; Communications andNorthwestern University University of Science and Technology Journalism; U n ive rsity o f H aw a ii— Shiah-Hou, Shin-rong; Business Yassin, Samir; Physics and Astronomy; Manoa Administration; University of Illinois—Iow a State U n ive rsity o f Science and Tsuda, Yukio; Communications andUrbana-Champaign Technology Journalism; East-West Center Streltsov, Evgeniy; Law; University of Youssef, Diaa; Chemistry; University ofIllin o is —Chicago Hawaii—Manoa Takamatsu, M o to y u k i; P o litica l Science; McKendree College


KANSAS Davey, Alan; Public Administration; Bonnet, Michele; American Literature; University of Maryland—College ParkWellesley College Back, Jong G ook; P o litica l Science; De Moor, Piet; Physics and Astronomy;Boyko, Vladimir; History (non-U.S.); Pittsburg State U nive rsity N A S A /G oddard Space F lig h t CenterHarvard University Li, Yi; American Literature; University ofEkelund, U lf; M edical Sciences; JohnsBraby, M ichael Fergus; B iological Sciences; Kansas H opkins U niversity H arvard U nive rsity Nyambe, Imasiku; Geology; UniversityEl-Hazmi, of Mohsen; Biological Sciences;Campos, Tarcisio P.R.; Engineering; Kansas National Institutes of Health Massachusetts Institute of Technology Orosz, Gyorgy; Chemistry; University ofGaemers, Sander; Chemistry; NationalCaruso, Barbara; Political Science; Harvard Kansas Institutes of Health U nive rsity Yusof, Rohana; B iological Sciences;Gerber, Bernhard; Medical Sciences;Cetnarowska, Johns Bozena; Linguistics; U n ive rsity o f Kansas M edical CenterH opkins U niversity U niversity of Massachusetts—Amherst Hu, Lizhong; Political Science; UniversityChamonikolasova, Jana; Linguistics; of Maryland—College Park Harvard University Khan, M. Ameeruz; Business Chen, Hsin-Ping; Economics; Harvard KENTUCKY Administration; University of Maryland—U nive rsity College Park Cohen, Doron; Physics and Astronomy; Badaker, Victor; Engineering; University of Kiss, Levente; Agriculture; U.S. Harvard University K entucky Department of Agriculture Coronato, Rocco; Language and Literature Pozniakov, Vladimir; History (non-U.S.); M achiels, Jean-Pascal H e n ry ; M edical(non-U.S.); Harvard University Spalding University Sciences; Johns H o p kin s U n iv e rs ityCunningham, Francine; Communications Puddhanon, Prawit; Agriculture; University Moraes Junior, Haroldo Vieira; Medicaland Journalism; Harvard University o f K entucky Sciences; N a tio n a l In stitu tes o f H ealthDenkabe, Aloysius; Language and Svobodova, M ilena; B iological Sciences; Petev, Todor; Communications andLiterature (non-U.S.); Harvard University University of Kentucky Journalism; University of Maryland—Diaz, Reynol; Economics; University of College Park Massachusetts—Lowell Rajnavolgyi-Laczkovich, Eva; MedicalEl Mansour, Mohamed; History (non-U.S.); LOUISIANA Sciences; N atio na l Institu tes o f H eaHarvard lth University Saxena, Poonam; Law ; U n iv e rs ity oFassa, f Anaclaudia Gastal; Medical Sciences; Calugareanu, Grigore; Mathematics;Baltim ore Harvard University Tulane University Szopinski, Kazimierz; Medical Sciences;Feng, Ching; Economics; Babson College Lo Piccolo, Francesco; A rchitecture andJohns Hopkins University Haddad, Luciana Amaral; Biological Urban Planning; University of NewTchernigovskaja, Tatiana; Linguistics;Sciences; Harvard University Orleans University of Maryland—College ParkHashem, Abul; Business Administration; O zenci, Hatice; Medical Sciences; Termignoni, Carlos; Biological Sciences;S uffolk U n ive rsity Louisiana State U n ive rsity Medical National Institutes of Health Hasirci, Vasif; Engineering; Northeastern Center—New Orleans Ziegler, Volker; Architecture and UrbanU nive rsity Punchihewa, Ranjith; Agriculture; U.S.Planning; University of Maryland—Jethwani, Thakurdas N .; Law; Harvard Department of Agriculture College Park U niversity Williams Martinez, Eduardo; Anthropology Kalkanova, Tatyana; Area Studies; Boston and Archaeology; Tulane University College Karing, Tiia; Education; Bentley College MASSACHUSETTS Kaya, Sidika; M edical Sciences; Boston U niversity MARYLAND Adalbjarnardottir, Sigrun; Psychology; Khamis, Vivian; Psychology; Harvard Harvard University U niversity Andriadze, Teimuraz; Public Adamczyk-Garbowska, Monika; American Kikuchi, Shigeo; Linguistics; Harvard Administration; University of BaltimoreLiterature; Brandeis University U niversity Bar-Haim, Yair; Psychology; UniversityAl-Mutairi, of Eiman; Chemistry; Harvard K itin y a , James; M edical Sciences; H arvard Maryland—College Park School of Public Health School of Public Health B ottom ley, M artyn; M edical Sciences;Andriouchtchenko, Sergei; Economics; Kukhianidze, Alexandre; Political Science; National Institutes of Health Tufts University Mount Holyoke College C hariot, A lain; Biological Sciences; NAstudillo ational Riz, Javier; Political Science; Lai, Tsung-chyan; Business Administration; Institutes of Health Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Craciunescu, Corneliu; Engineering;Bahlous, Mejda; Business Adm inistration; Li, Xin-Chun; Economics; Babson College University of Maryland—College ParkNortheastern University Lopez-Mariscal, Juan Manuel; Physics and D ahlberg, Cecilia; B iological Sciences;Benvenisti, Eyal; Law; Harvard University Astronomy; Woods Hole Oceanographic University of Maryland—College ParkBoegl, Karl; Computer Science; Harvard Institution U niversity 92 HOST STATE INDEX

Manlapaz, Edna; Language andStromsheim, L ite ra tu re Jan Peter; Education; BostonT a lie ri, M aroulio; M edical Sciences; Wayne (non-U.S.); Wellesley College C ollege State University Mazo Torres, Juan Jose; Physics andTahboub, Karim; Engineering; Titilola, S. Oguntunji; Economics; Astronomy; Massachusetts In s titu te oMassachusetts f Institute of TechnologyKalamazoo College Technology Todorova, Elka; Sociology and SocialTomanbay, Mehmet; Economics; Mitra, Reshmi; Business A d m in istra tio nW ; ork; Salem State College University of Michigan—Ann Arbor Babson College Tovmasyan, Natalya; Sociology andTrushliakov, Social Eugeniy; Engineering; Musselin, Christine; Sociology and SocialW ork; Tufts University University of Michigan—Ann Arbor Work; Harvard U niversity Wang, Liming; Law; Harvard University Myung, Young-Soo; Business Yuping, Zhang; Language and Literature Administration; Massachusetts In s titu te (non-U.S.); Bridgewater State CollegeMINNESOTA of Technology Zaimovic-Uzunovic, Nermina; Engineering; Nelissen, Iris; Psychology; H arvard U niversity of Massachusetts— Abdullayev, Afgan A li; Education; University D artm outh University of Minnesota—Twin Cities Odblom, Anders C.E.; Physics and Zhang, Bin-xian; Education; HarvardAl-Hail, A li; Communications and Astronomy; Massachusetts In s titu te oU niversity f Journalism; University of Minnesota- Technology Zhuk, Igor; A rt History; Harvard UniversityT w in Cities Paemeleire, Koen Frank; Medical Sciences; Alieva, Cholpon; Philosophy; University of University of Massachusetts Medical Minnesota—Twin Cities Center—Worcester Barnes, Trevor; Geography; University of Pashayeva, Gulshan Mammadali; PMICHIGAN o litica l Minnesota—Twin Cities Science; Tufts U n ive rsity Al-G hul, Omar; Language and LiteratureBocek, Pavel; Medical Sciences; University Pertl, Barbara; M edical Sciences; T u fts(non-U.S.); University of M ichigan-Annof Minnesota—Twin Cities University Arbor Degele, Martina; Sociology and Social Pillar, Giora; Medical Sciences; H arvardC e rit, Ayse; Business A d m in istra tio n ; W ork; University of Minnesota—Twin University U n ive rsity o f Michigan—A n n A rb o r Cities Plaskota, Leszek; M athem atics; BostonChiao, Chih-hua; Mathematics; UniversityDick, Peter; Public Administration; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor University of Minnesota—Twin Cities Przylipiak, Miroslaw; CommunicationsDjanaeva, and Nurgul; Education; UniversityFigueiredo, of Fatima Aparecida Ferreira; Journalism; Harvard U niversity Michigan-Ann Arbor M edical Sciences; M ayo C lin ic Quinn, Justin; American Literature; Jacobsen,Boston Eva; Medical Sciences; K halifa, Am na; Education; U nive rsity o f University University of M ichigan-Ann Arbor Minnesota—Twin Cities Rivadulla Fernandez, Juan Casto;Janker, M edical Minka; Mathematics; UniversityLovas, of Mette; Religious Studies; Luther Sciences; Massachusetts Institute o fMichigan—Ann Arbor Seminary Technology Kambli, Hanuman; A rt; Western MichiganMatsunami, Nobuharu; Communications Romero Morales, Juan; Linguistics; U niversity and Journalism; University of Massachusetts In stitu te o f TechnologyKoivisto, Tuija; Music; University of Minnesota—Twin Cities Rossello Villalonga, Juan Carlos; Michigan-Ann Arbor Nagy, Andras; Philosophy; St. Olaf College Economics; Harvard U nive rsity Kolstad, Arne; Medical Sciences; UniversityOukhvanova, Irina; Communications and Russotto, Margherita; Language andof Michigan-Ann Arbor Journalism; University of Minnesota- Literature (non-U.S.); U n ive rsity o f Kurkchiyan, Marine; Sociology and TwinSocial Cities Massachusetts—A m herst Work; University of Michigan-AnnStadler, Friedrich; Philosophy; University of Salukvadze, Ioseb; Architecture andArbor Urban Minnesota—Twin Cities Planning; Massachusetts In stitu teLeite, o f Romulo; Biological Sciences;Van Laar, Harmen; Agriculture; U.S. Technology University of Michigan—Ann Arbor Department of Agriculture Sharma, Pankaj; Medical Sciences; HL arvard iu , S-Lain; A rt H isto ry; U nive rsity o f Vicar, Jan; Music; St. C loud State U niversity University Michigan-Ann Arbor Sirola, Boris; Mathematics; MassachusettsMbeche, Isaac; A g ricu ltu re ; Western Institute of Technology M ichigan U niversity MISSISSIPPI Sotiropoulou, Georgia; B iologicalReddy, Sciences; Jairam; Education; Michigan State Harvard U niversity U niversity Ethiraju, Thandapani; Mathematics; Spring, David; C hem istry; H arvard Siengthai, Sununta; Business Mississippi State University University Administration; University of M ichigan-Iepuri, Valentina Boris; TEFL/Applied Stacciarini, Jeanne M arie Rodrigues; Ann Arbor Linguistics; University of Mississippi Psychology; U nive rsity o f Sun, Xinqiang; Law; Western Michigan Massachusetts—Am herst U niversity Stojanov, Dragoljub; Economics; BostonSunje, Aziz; Economics; Michigan State College U niversity 93 HOST STATE INDEX

MISSOURI Georgescu, Marius; Geology; Rutgers,De Souza, The Raimundo Oliveira; State University of New Jersey Engineering; Rensselaer Polytechnic Grenby, Matthew Orville; History (non- Golding, Brian; History (non-U.S.); InstituteIn stitu te U.S.); Westminster College for Advanced Study D em bo, Aleksandrs; A rt H istory; New Ivanova, Elena; Psychology; Washington Maleska, Mirjana; Political Science; York University University Princeton University Due, Reidar; Language and Literature Papagiannakos, Nikolaos; Engineering; Marshall, Francisco; H istory (non-U.S.); (non-U.S.); Columbia University Washington University Princeton University Fedotova, Valentina; P olitical Science; Singh, Prakash; Education; University of Mhina, Amos; Political Science; M ontclairColumbia University M issouri—Kansas C ity State U nive rsity Gillespie, Alexander; Law; Columbia Yang, O k Kyung; Sociology and Social Nehme, Michel; Political Science; Rutgers,U nive rsity W ork; Washington U niversity The State University of New Jersey-G ioscia, Rossanna; Business New Brunswick Administration; New York University Panaite, Viorel; History (non-U.S.); Govaere, Inge; Law; Cornell University MONTANA Princeton University Habre, Samer; Mathematics; Cornell Pelipas, M ikh a il; Am erican H isto ry; U nive rsity Haddad, Asmaban; Medical Sciences;Rutgers, The State University of NewHai, Truong; Environmental Sciences; Montana State U nive rsity Jersey—New Brunswick Vassar College Hamadeh, Shadi; Agriculture; MontanaPolian, Pavel; Language and LiteratureH am ilton, Andrew; Medical Sciences; State U niversity (non-U.S.); Princeton University D a vid A xe lro d Institute Roberts, Anthony Peter; Engineering;H arn ay, Sophie; Economics; SU N Y—Stony Princeton University B rook NEBRASKA Stary, M a rtin ; Language and L iteratureHassin, Ran; Psychology; New York (non-U.S.); Princeton University U nive rsity Bohadlo, Stanislav; Music; McCook Tysiachniouk, Maria; EnvironmentalHayashi, H iro ko ; Law; New Y ork C om m unity College Sciences; Ramapo College o f NewU nive rsity Cordoneanu, Natalia Petru; Economics;Jersey Hernandez, Maria; Communications and U nive rsity o f Nebraska—Omaha Wei, Chien-hung; Engineering; NewJournalism; Jersey New York University Djaparkulova, Zamira; Economics; Institute of Technology Hongo, Akira; American Literature; University of Nebraska—Omaha C U N Y —Graduate School and University Mohamed, A .R .; Medical Sciences; C enter University of Nebraska—Lincoln Ivanov, N ikolai; Mathematics; Columbia N E W M E X IC O Piskina, Tatiana Vladimirovna; Economics; U nive rsity University of Nebraska—Omaha Holmes, Ian; Physics and Astronomy;Jeanpierre, Los Laurent; History (non-U.S.); Alamos National Laboratory New York University Jones, Robert; Economics; Jamestown Community College N E W JERSEY K abbanji, Yaacoub Jacques; Sociology and N E W Y O R K Al-Fares, A li; Engineering; New Jersey Social W ork; SUNY—Binghamton Konovets, Olexander; History (non-U.S.); Institute of Technology Allen, James John; Engineering; Cornell Columbia University Bauboeck, Rainer; P olitical Science; U niversity Kostron, Lubomir; Psychology; University In stitu te fo r Advanced Study Andreassen, Leif; Economics; New York at Albany, State University of New York Chikho, Abdul; Engineering; New JerseyU niversity Kouropiatnik, Guennadi; American Institute of Technology Bellivier, Florence; Law; Fordham H istory; Syracuse University C itro , Roberto; Physics and AstronomU y; niversity Kover, Agnes; Law; New York University Rutgers, The State University of NewBlondel, Cecile; Anthropology and Kozine, Igor; Engineering; SUNY— Jersey—Piscataway Archaeology; New York Institute of Bingham ton C sirik, Janos; C om puter Science; Rutgers,Technology Lallana, Emmanuel; Political Science; The State U nive rsity o f N ew Jersey—Carn eci, Magda; A rt H isto ry; N ew Y o rk Columbia University Piscataway U niversity Lamming, George; Language and Eyal, Avishay; Engineering; PrincetonCavalcanti, Maria; Anthropology and Literature (non-U.S.); CUNY—City University Archaeology; Columbia University College Faraguna, Michele; H istory (non-U.S.);Cesari, Jocelyne; Political Science; New Lanuza Navarra, Enrique; Biological Institute for Advanced Study York University Sciences; N ew Y o rk U niversity Fulemine, Agnes; AnthropologyChechel, and Natalia; Theater and Dance; Lusetic, Natasa; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Archaeology; Rutgers, The State Columbia University New York University University of New Jersey—New Dahl-Sandell, M aria; B iological Sciences; Brunswick SUNY—Binghamton 94 HOST STATE INDEX

Mac-Clure, Oscar; Architecture and UW rban olff, Jonathan; Philosophy; ColumbiaDzierzek, Slawomir; Engineering; Ohio Planning; Pratt Institute U niversity State U nive rsity—Columbus Maiorova, Olga; H isto ry (non-U.S.); Zaman, A zfar; M edical Sciences; C U NHallouda, Y — Mohab; Engineering; University Columbia University M ount Sinai School of Medicine o f Akron Marche, Guillaume; Sociology andZhaparbekova, Social Saule; Business Hommeida, Abdul Kader; Engineering; Work; CUNY—Graduate School andAdministration; Syracuse University University of Dayton University Center Liang, Mao-xin; American History; Mendonca, Antonio Sergio Ferreira; University of Cincinnati Engineering; C ornell U nive rsity Markus, Dace; Linguistics; Ohio University Mesner, Maria; H isto ry (non-U.S.); N ewNORTH CAROLINA Moon, Hee-Cheol; Business School for Social Research A dm inistration; O h io State U niversity— Mohamed, Magdy; Chemistry; S U N YBelghazi, — Taieb; Area Studies; DukeColumbus Buffalo U niversity Salman, Hana; Engineering; Cleveland Morales Munoz, A lb e rt; M edical Sciences;B udrikis, Stasys; Education; N o rth CarolinaState U niversity Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CState enter U n ive rsity Savova, Joulieta; Education; O h io State Moran, Antonio; Communications Dasgupta,and Sanjukta; American Literature;University—Columbus Journalism; U niversity at A lb an y, StateUniversity of N orth Carolina—ChapelSerdyukova, Ludmila; American Literature; University o f New Y o rk H ill Kent State University Morenets, Volodym yr; LanguageDe and Souza, Mario Duayer; Economics;Sorocoumova, Gulnara; Education; Kent Literature (non-U.S.); C olum bia D uke U n ive rsity State U niversity University De Vroey, Michel; Economics; Duke Zeng, Xiangquan; Economics; Cleveland Muravyova, Natalya; L ib ra ry Science; U niversity State U niversity University at A lbany, State U n iv e rsIarskaia-Smirnova, ity o f Elena; Sociology and New York Social W ork; University of North Nicoara, Irina; Physics and Astronom y;C arolina—Chapel H ill Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Jerad, Nabiha; Linguistics; Duke UniversityOKLAHOMA K o lta i, H in a n it; B iological Sciences; N o rth Panitch, Leo; Political Science; C U N Y — Borgna, Armando; Engineering; University C arolina State U n ive rsity Graduate School and U niversity Center of Oklahoma Romanov, Pavel; Sociology and Social Prljaca, Naser; Engineering; Rochester Carrasco, Victoria; Art; Oklahoma City Work; University of N orth Carolina— Institute of Technology Community College Chapel H ill Pupovac, Milorad; Linguistics; C ornell Ginat, Joseph; Anthropology and Sarinyan, Mane; Language and Literature University Archaeology; University of Oklahoma (non-U.S.); University of N orth Radicova, Iveta; Political Science; N ew Imam-Muhni, Djuhertati; American Carolina—Chapel H ill School for Social Research Literature; Murray State College Tong, Jia-Dong; Economics; University of Redissi, Mohamed; Law; Fordham Viljoen, Charles; Education; University of N o rth Carolina—C harlotte University Oklahoma Revauger, Marie-Cecile; American HZatusevski, istory; Irina; Communications and New York Public Library Journalism; University of North Rodine, Andrei; Philosophy; ColumbiaC arolina—Chapel H ill University OREGON Rodins, Mihails; Political Science; Columbia Blundy, Jonathan; Geology; University of University NORTH DAKOTA Oregon Saleem, Rubeena; C hem istry; C orne ll Boughanmi, Houcine; Economics; Oregon University Almouslem, Abdel Baset; Biological State U niversity Silva, Janice Caiafa Pereira E.; Sciences; N o rth D akota State U n ive rsity Chowsilpa, Songkram; Language and Communications and JournalismKotov, ; Igor; American H istory; North Literature (non-U.S.); University of CUNY—Hunter College Dakota State University Oregon Suvanto, Petro; Chemistry; Columbia C ruz, Reynaldo de Jesus; Language and University Literature (non-U.S.); University of Treppoz, Edouard; Law; Columbia Oregon University OHIO Egebak, Jorgen; Language and Literature Valera, Gabriella; H istory (non-U.S.); Asatryan, Mamikon; Philosophy; Bowling(non-U.S.); University of Oregon CUNY—Hunter College Green State University Kasomekera, Zachary; Engineering; Vedenskaya, Tatyana; Education; Baptiste, Fitzroy Andre; H istory (non-U.S.);Oregon State University University at A lbany, State U n ive rsity o f Oberlin College Nelwan, Grace; Language and Literature New York Bustamante, Fernando; Sociology (non-U.S.);and University of Oregon Vieira, Liszt Benjamin; Sociology andSocial Social Work; Ohio University Work; Columbia U niversity


Paphaphanh, Bualy; LanguageM and arin Vigueras, Jose M .; Economics; Jarrar, Ghaleb; Geology; University of Literature (non-U.S.); University of University of Pennsylvania Texas—Dallas O regon Onac, Petroniu; Geology; PennsylvaniaLooten, Christophe; Music; Round Top Som, Somuny; Language and LiteratureState University—University Park International Festival Institute (non-U.S.); University of Oregon Orkeny, Antal; Sociology and SocialMatei W ork; Chesnoiu, Monica; Language and Szwagrzyk, Jerzy; Environmental Sciences;University of Pennsylvania Literature (non-U.S.); Texas A & M Oregon State University Stojanovski, Trpe; Law; Temple UniversityU n iv e rs ity Tossa, Wajuppa; American Literature;Stuhlman-Laeisz, Rainer; Philosophy;Mounsif, Mohamed; Environmental University of Oregon University of Pittsburgh Sciences; Texas Tech University Varma, Rajiv; Engineering; U.S. Yao, Changhui; Business Adm inistration;Shamir, M ichal; Political Science; University Department of Energy University of Pennsylvania of Texas—Austin Shepetukha, Y uriy; Business Administration; Texas A & M University Tantekin-Ersolmaz, Serife; Engineering; PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH CAROLINA U niversity of Texas—Austin Abbas, Syed Sohail; Psychology; Allegheny Y unusov, T e m u r; A g ric u ltu re ; Texas A & M Chumbow, Beban; Linguistics; University University of the Health Sciences U n iv e rs ity of South Carolina Abd-el-Jawad, Hassan; Linguistics; Dormeyer, Detlev; Religious Studies; University of Pennsylvania F urm an U n iv e rs ity Caballero Suarez, Jose A ntonio; Chemistry; Ferhi, Salah; Geography; ClemsonUIAH Carnegie Mellon University U n ive rsity Carolus, Thomas Helm ut; Engineering; Berkat, Omar; Agriculture; Utah State Riehl, Roger Ribeiro; Engineering; Pennsylvania State U niversity- U n iv e rs ity Clemson University University Park Franqueza Garcia, Laura; Biological C ohen, V adim ; A n th ro p o lo g y and Sciences; U niversity of Utah Archaeology; University of Pennsylvania Jongen, Nathalie; Chemistry; University of Daguerre, Anne; Political Science; TENNESSEE Utah University of Pittsburgh M artin Alvarez, Jose Miguel; Chemistry; Davies, M artin; Language and LiteratureBerge, Kare; Religious Studies; VanderbiltUniversity of Utah (non-U.S.); University of PennsylvaniaU n ive rsity Omar, A riffin ; Area Studies; University of G alishnikov, Y u ri; Economics; Hoffmann-Lange, Ursula; Political Science;Utah Pennsylvania State U niversity- Vanderbilt University Tessem, Bjornar; Computer Science; University Park Pohar, Bojan; Medical Sciences; VanderbiltB righam Y o u n g U n iv e rs ity Gavrilova, Tatiana; Education; U n ive rsity Pennsylvania State U niversity- Umbach, Dieter; Law; Vanderbilt University Park U n ive rsity G om ilko, Olga; Political Science; VERMONT Pennsylvania State U niversity- Arabov, Y urij; Business Administration; University Park TEXAS Johnson State College Hollender, Elisabeth; Language and Zanamwe, Lazarus; Area Studies; Literature (non-U.S.); University of Aberra, Getachew; Law; University of University of Vermont Pennsylvania Texas—Austin H yun, On-Kang; Education; PennsylvaniaAbul-Azm, Ahmed; Engineering; University State University—University Park o f H o u sto n Khabibullaev, Akram; H istory (non-U.S.); Alvarez Scarpa, Carmen; SociologyVIRGINIA and University of Pennsylvania Social W ork; University of Texas— Kishani, Bongasu; Philosophy; DickinsonDallas Abrahams, Jeremy; Business C ollege Cruz, Dulce Marcia; Communications andAdministration; Virginia Commonwealth Levendorksi, Serguei; Economics; Journalism; University of Texas—AustinU n iv e rs ity University of Pennsylvania Dannan, Fozi; Mathematics; T rin ity Bordas, Maria; Public Administration; Lopez, Alexander; Education; UniversityU n ive of rsity Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Scranton Farkas, Igor; Computer Science; U niversityU n iv e rs ity Luchuk, Olha; Language and Literatureof Texas—Austin Fares, Nagui; Biological Sciences; (non-U.S.); Pennsylvania State Geerts, W alter; Language and LiteratureUniversity of Virginia University—University Park (non-U.S.); University of Texas— Friedrich, Luis Fernando; Computer Mahoux-Pauzin, Philippe; A rt; UniversityA rlington Science; U niversity of Virginia of Pennsylvania Gherras, Mohamed; Sociology andGaber, Social Abdel-Fattah; Physics and W ork; University of Texas—Austin Astronomy; University ofVirginia 96 HOST STATE INDEX

Habiballah, Ibrahim; Engineering;WISCONSIN V irg in ia Am on, Susanne; U.S.-Germany Polytechnic In s titu te and State International Education Administrators University Cindoglu, D ilek; Sociology and SocialProgram Hadjiev, Valentin; Law; U niversity o f W ork; U niversity of Wisconsin—MadisonBarakat, Assem; Chemistry Virginia Demokan, Ordal; Physics and Astronomy;Basiouny, Dalia; Theater and Dance Hameed, Khalid; B iological Sciences;University of Wisconsin—Madison Becker, Rudolf; U.S.-Germany Virginia P olytechnic In s titu te andDewanto, State N irw an; Language and LiteratureInternational Education Administrators University (non-U.S.); U niversity of Wisconsin— Program Hizhnyak, Vladimir; Education; V irginiaM adison B illett, Stephen; Education Military Institute Espinosa Merina, Juan Felix; Chemistry;Billstein, Reinhold; U.S.-Germany Kabisov, Albert; Com m unications andUniversity of Wisconsin—Madison International Education Administrators Journalism; George M ason U n iv eGuennadiev, rs ity Alexandre; Agriculture;Program Karadsheh, Naif; C hem istry; V irg in ia University of Wisconsin—Madison Brandenburg, Uwe; U.S.-Germany Commonwealth U n iv e rs ity Haje, Salomao A. M .; Education; UniversityInternational Education Administrators Krus, Patricia; Language and Literatureof Wisconsin—Madison Program (non-U.S.); U n iv e rs ity o f V irg in ia Krasnoperova, Marina; LanguageEl Gemei, and Dalai; Linguistics Levai, Csaba; American H istory; U niversityLiterature (non-U.S.); University ofEl-Hadary, Amal; American Literature of Virginia Wisconsin—Madison El-Sharkawy, Mahmoud; Chemistry Opp, Gunther; Education; V irginiaKulu, H ill; Geography; University ofFahy, M artin; Business Adm inistration Commonwealth U niversity Wisconsin—Madison Fieger, Andrea; U.S.-Germany International Perera, Senath; Language and LiteratureKwesiga Joy; Education; University ofEducation Administrators Program (non-U.S.); V irg in ia P o ly te c h n ic In s tituW isco te n sin —M adison Floether, Lothar; U.S.-Germany and State U n iv e rs ity Lindblad, Sverker; Education; UniversityInternational of Education Administrators Skaloud, Jan; P olitical Science; Ham pden-Wisconsin—Madison Program Sydney College Mkangi, Katama; Sociology and SocialFujii, Nobuharu; U.S.-Japan International Wu,Kuen-Huei; P olitical Science; V irginiaW o rk ; C a rro ll C ollege Education Administrators Program Military Institute Nigro, Franco; Agriculture; UniversityGehmlich, of Volker; U.S.-Germany W isconsin—M adison International Education Administrators Sougou, Omar; Language and LiteratureProgram (non-U.S.); University of Wisconsin—Gittel-Ngom, Susanne; U.S.-Germany M adison International Education Administrators WASHINGTON Suh, Chung-Wha; Education; UniversityProgram of Abreu, Heber Dos Santos; C hem istry; Wisconsin—Madison Halenko, Oleksander; H istory (non-U.S.) Washington State U n iv e rs ity Troev, Kolio; Chemistry; Marquette Held, Monika; U.S.-Germany International Abu-Eisheh, Sameer; E n g ineering; U n iv e rs ity Education Administrators Program University of Washington Tvrdik, Pavel; Com puter Science; Holanda, Marcos Costa; Economics Al-Naamany, A hm ed; E ngineering; University of Wisconsin—Madison Homfeld-Gutenkunst, Renate; U.S.- University of W ashington Washizu, liiro ko ; American Literature;Germany International Education Bosch Giral, Carlos; Mathematics; University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Administrators Program Washington State U n iv e rs ity Wolde-Amanuel, Yalemshet Mengesha;Imran, Mamdouh; American Literature Cheng, Yu-yu; Language and LiteratureAgriculture; University o f Wisconsin—Kaneko, Yoshihiro; Economics (non-U.S.); U n iv e rs ity o f W ashingtonM adison Koch, Lucia; U.S.-Germany International Gestblom, C arolina; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Education Administrators Program University of Washington Lee, Cheng; Public Adm inistration Goh, Robbie Boon Hua; American Mac Giolla Leith, Caoimhin; Language and Literature; U niversity of WashingtonWYOMING Literature (non-U.S.) Kamalov, Ablet; H istory (non-U.S.); Matsui, Masako; U.S.-Japan International Fomina, Irina; Biological Sciences; University of Washington Education Administrators Program University of Wyoming Kan’aan, Moien; Biological Sciences; Neum, Regina; U.S.-Germany International University of Washington Education Administrators Program Mbassa, Gabriel; Agriculture; W ashington O ’Mahony, Donal Edward; Computer Science State U n ive rsity SEVERAL STATES AND/OR Oueslati, Salah; Political Science Muftuoglu, Sevda; Medical Sciences;AFFMAHON UNDETERMIND University of Washington Oyagi, Shigenori;U.S.-Japan International Poplavskaia, Tatiana; C om m unicationsA l-E tre and b y, A m r; Business A d m in is tra tio nEducation Administrators Program Journalism; University of WashingtonAlbrecht, Annemarie; U.S.-Germany Sakr, Hoda; Business Adm inistration Voznessenskaia, Elena; B io lo g ica l Sciences;International Education AdministratorsSugaya, Junko; U.S.-Japan International Washington State U n iv e rs ity Program Education Administrators Program Altenhoff, Andreas; U.S.-Germany Tomow, Maren; U.S.-Germany International Education AdministratorsInternational Education Administrators Program Program 97 Home Geographic Area Index HOME GEOGRAPHIC AREA INDEX


Dedej, Selim; Agriculture Al-Samahiji, Despina; Geology Prljaca, Naser; Engineering M itrojorgji, Linda; Architecture andBulaila, Urban Abdul; Language and LiteratureRoljic, Lazo; Economics Planning (non-U .S.) Slavnic, Djordje; Theater and Dance Stojanov, Dragoljub; Economics Sunje, Aziz; Economics ALGERIA BANGLADESH Zaimovic-Uzunovic, Nermina; Engineering

Ferhi, Salah; Geography Hashem, Abul; Business Adm inistration Gherras, Mohamed; Sociology andKhan, Social M . Ameeruz; Business BRAZIL W oik Administration Khan, M d. M aim ul; Law Abreu, Heber Dos Santos; Chemistry Campos, Tarcisio P.R.; Engineering ARGENTINA Cavalcanti, Maria; Anthropology and BARBADOS Archaeology Helguera, Marcelo; Biological Sciences Costa Lima, Paula Lenz; Linguistics Ivancovich, Antonio; Agriculture Lamming, George; Language andCruz, Dulce Marcia; Communications and Literature (non-U.S.) Jo u rn a lism Marshall-Alleyne, Hartley; A rt Da Fonseca, Dilermando Miranda; Agricul­ ARMENIA tu re BELARUS Da Silva, Bernardo Medeiros Ferreira; Asatryan, Mamikon; Philosophy Political Science Kurkchiyan, Marine; Sociology and Social Ivanov, N ikolai; Mathematics Da Silva, Catia Aida Pereira; Political W ork K o to v , Ig o r; A m erican H is to ry Science Sarinyan, Mane; Language and Literature Oukhvanova, Irina; CommunicationsDamasceno, and Caetana Maria; Anthropology (non-U.S.) Journalism and Archaeology Tovmasyan, Natalya; Sociology and Social Poplavskaia, Tatiana; CommunicationsDe Almeida, and Katia Maria Pereira; W oik Journalism Anthropology and Archaeology De Souza, M ario Duayer; Economics De Souza, Raimundo Oliveira; Engineering AUSTRALIA BELGIUM Fassa, Anaclaudia Gastal; Medical Sciences Fazan, Valeria Paula Sassoli; Medical Allen, James John; Engineering Broekaert, Jose; Chemistry Sciences Bernard, Claude Charles; Medical Sciences Chariot, Alain; Biological Sciences Figueiredo, Fatima Aparecida Ferreira; B illett, Stephen; Education Coussaert, Tamara; Physics and AstronomM e dy ica l Sciences Braby, Michael Fergus; Biological Sciences De M oor, Piet; Physics and AstronomFriedrich, y Luis Fernando; Computer M cKinley, Sharon Maree; Medical Sciences De Vroey, Michel; Economics Science Roberts, Anthony Peter; Engineering Eilmansberger, Thomas; Law Haddad, Luciana Amaral; Biological Savarirayan, Ravi; Medical Sciences Geerts, W alter; Language and LiteratureSciences (non-U.S.) Haje, Salomao A. M .; Education Gerber, Bernhard; Medical SciencesHolanda, Marcos Costa; Economics AUSTRIA Govaere, Inge; Law Leite, Rom ulo; Biological Sciences Henry de Frahan, Bruno; EconomicsMachado, Giovani Vitoria; Economics Bauboeck, Rainer; Political Science Hermans, Guy; Medical Sciences Marshall, Francisco; H istory (non-U.S.) Boegl, Karl; Computer Science Jongen, Nathalie; Chemistry Martins, Monica Dias; Sociology and Social K lik , Andreas; E n viro n m e n ta l Sciences Machiels, Jean-Pascal H enry; MedicalW ork Mesner, Maria; H istory (non-U.S.) Sciences Mendonca, Antonio Sergio Ferreira; Pertl, Barbara; Medical Sciences Paemeleire, Koen Frank; Medical SciencesEngineering Stadler, Friedrich; Philosophy Rignanese, Gian-Marco; Physics andMoraes Junior, Haroldo Vieira; Medical Tausz, Michael; Biological Sciences Astronoiriy Sciences Verstraete, Ginette; Language andPereira, Jose Tomaz Vieira; Engineering Literature (non-U.S.) Riehl, Roger Ribeiro; Engineering AZERBAIJAN Santos, Ieda Machado Ribeiro dos; Abdullayev, Afgan A li; Education A n th ro p o lo g y and A rchaeology Mamedov, Bakhtiyar; Law BOLIVIA Santos, Raquel Santana; Linguistics Pashayeva, Gulshan Mammadali; Political Silva, Janice Caiafa Pereira E.; Estrada Zamorano, Ricardo; Music Science Communications and Journalism


Silva, Paulo; E ngineering CROATIA Hallouda, Mohab; Engineering Stacciarini, Jeanne M a rie R odrigues; Mohamed, Magdy; Chemistry Lusetic, Natasa; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Psychology Sakr, Hoda; Business Adm inistration Perica, Slavko; Agriculture Termignoni, C arlos; B io lo g ic a l Sciences Salem, Hanaa; Geology Pupovac, M ilorad; Linguistics Vieira, Liszt Benjamin; Sociology and Social Sarie El Din, Hani; Law Semenski, Dam ir; Engineering Work Youssef, Diaa; Chemistry Sirola, Boris; Mathematics

BULGARIA ESTONIA Gangov, Alexander; Philosophy CZECH REPUBLIC Georgiev, Mladenov; Physics and Karing, Tiia; Education Benes, V iktor; Mathematics Astronomy Kulu, H ill; Geography Bocek, Pavel; Medical Sciences Hadjiev, V alentin; Law Bohadlo, Stanislav; Music Kalkanova, Tatyana; A re a Studies Chamonikolasova, Jana; Linguistics Petev, Todor; Communications and Kostron, Lubom ir; Psychology ETHIOPIA Journalism N ovotny, Vojtech; Biological Sciences Savovajoulieta; E d u ca tio n Aberra, Getachew; Law Pospisil, Tomas; Communications and Todorova, Elka; S o ciology and S ocial Wolde-Amanuel, Yalemshet Mengesha; Journalism Work Quinn, Justin; American Literature Agriculture Troev, Kolio; Chem istry Skaloud, Jan; P olitical Science Stary, M artin; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) HNLAND CAMBODIA Svobodova, M ilena; Biological Sciences T rlifaj, Jan; Mathematics Koivisto, Tuija; Music Som, Somuny; Language and Literature Tvrdik, Pavel; Computer Science Salo, M erja; C om m unications and Journalism (non-U.S.) Vicar, Jan; Music Suvanto, Petro; Chemistry

CAMEROON DENMARK FORMER YUGOSLAV Chumbow, Beban; L in g u istics REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Kishani, Bongasu; P h ilo s o p h y Egebak, Jorgen; Language and Literature Okani,Rachel-Claire; Law (non-U.S.) Maleska, Mirjana; Political Science Elkjaer, Bente; Business Adm inistrationStojanovski, Trpe; Law Kongsted, Hans; Economics CANADA Straede, Therkel; H istory (non-U.S.)

Barnes, Trevor; Geography FRANCE Bowal, Peter; Law Barbieri, Magali; Sociology and Social W ork Panitch, Leo; P olitical Science ECUADOR Bellivier, Florence; Law Ruddick, Susan M .; G eography Bustamante, Fernando; SociologyBlondel, and Cecile; Anthropology and Social W ork Archaeology Carrasco, Victoria; A rt Bonnet, Michele; American Literature CHILE Breton, Stephane; Anthropology and Mac-Clure, Oscar; A rc h ite c tu re and U rb a n Archaeology Planning EGYPT Cesari, Jocelyne; P olitical Science Daguerre, Anne; Political Science Abul-Azm, Ahmed; Engineering Harnay, Sophie; Economics A l Etreby, Am r; Business AdministrationJeanpierre, Laurent; H istory (non-U.S.) COTE D ’IVO IR E Barakat, Assem; Chemistry Looten, Christophe; Music Basiouny, Dalia; Theater and DanceMahoux-Pauzin, Philippe; A rt Grah Mel, Frederic; Language and El Gemei, Dalai; Linguistics Marche, Guillaume; Sociology and Social Literature (non-U.S.) El-Hadary, Amal; American Literature W ork El-Helow, Ehab; Biological SciencesMoore, Rickie; Business Adm inistration El-Sharkawy, Mahmoud; Chemistry Musselin, Christine; Sociology and Social Fares, Nagui; Biological Sciences W ork Gaber, Abdel-Fattah; Physics and AstronomOueslati, y Salah; P olitical Science


Peretz, Henri; Sociology and SocialGehmlich, W ork Volker; U.S.-Germany Orosz, Gyorgy; Chemistry Revauger, Marie-Cecile; American H istoryInternational Education AdministratorsRajnavolgyi-Laczkovich, Eva; Medical Roos, Helene; H istory (non-U.S.) Program Sciences Stewart, Danielle Mero; Sociology andGittel-Ngom , Susanne; U.S.-GermanyTothne Litovkina, Anna; Area Studies Social W o rk International Education Administrators Treppoz, Edouard; Law Program Ziegler, Volker; Architecture and UrbanHeld, Monika; U.S.-Germany International Planning Education Administrators ProgramICELAND Zim m erlin, Donald; Sociology andHoffmann-Lange, Social Ursula; Political ScienceAdalbjarnardottir, Sigrun; Psychology W ork Hollender, Elisabeth; Language andArnason, Kristjan; Language and Literature Literature (non-U.S.) (non-U .S.) Homfeld-Gutenkunst, Renate; Bergsson, Snorri; H istory (non-U.S.) U.S.-Germany International Education GAZA Gissurarson, Hannes; Political Science Administrators Program Jakobsson, Sigurdur; Chemistry El-Masri, Nathmi; TEFL/Applied LinguisticsKoch, Lucia; U.S.-Germany International Yassin, Samir; Physics and Astronomy Education Administrators Program Neum, Regina; U.S.-Germany International Education Administrators ProgramINDIA Opp, Gunther; Education Banerjee, Laksmisree; Language and GEORGIA Stuhlman-Laeisz, Rainer; Philosophy Literature (non-U.S.) T o m o w , M aren; U .S .-G erm any Andriadze, Teimuraz; Public Administration Chandran, K. Narayana; American Literature International Education Administrators Kabisov, Albert; Communications and Dasgupta, Sanjukta; American Literature Program Journalism Ethiraju, Thandapani; Mathematics Umbach, Dieter; Law Kukhianidze, Alexandre; Political Science Gopakumar, Gopala; Political Science Salukvadze, Ioseb; Architecture and Urban Kambli, Hanuman; A rt Planning Karnik, A jit; Economics GHANA Kumar, Nita; Anthropology and Archaeology Mishra, Pramod; Political Science Denkabe, Aloysius; Language andM itra, Reshmi; Business Adm inistration GERMANY Literature (non-U.S.) Nagaraj, N .; Economics Quaye, Eric; Environmental Sciences Albrecht, Annemarie; U.S.-Germany Patibandla, M urali; Economics International Education Administrators Pradeep, Thalappil; Chemistry Program Saxena, Poonam; Law Altenhoff, Andreas; U.S.-Germany GREECE Teles, Shirley; Medical Sciences International Education Administrators Varma, Rajiv; Engineering Program Frilingos, Efstathios; Biological SciencesVisweswaraiah, Naveen K.; Medical Am on, Susanne; U.S.-Germany Papagiannakos, Nikolaos; EngineeringSciences International Education AdministratorsSotiropoulou, Georgia; Biological Sciences Program Talieri, M aroulio; Medical Sciences Zafeirakou, Aglaia; Education Becker, Rudolf; U.S.-Germany INDONESIA International Education Administrators Program Dewanto, N irw an; Language and Literature Billstein, Reinhold; U.S.-Germany HUNGARY (non-U .S.) International Education Administrators Imam-Muhni, Djuhertati; American Program Banhegyi, Zsolt; Library Science L ite ra tu re Brandenburg, Uwe; U.S.-Germany Bauer, Andras; Business Adm inistrationNelwan, Grace; Language and Literature International Education AdministratorsBordas, Maria; Public Adm inistration (non-U .S.) Program C sirik, Janos; Computer Science Sutojo; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Carolus, Thomas Helm ut; EngineeringFulemine, Agnes; Anthropology and Degele, Martina; Sociology and SocialArchaeology W ork Garay, Barnabas; Mathematics Dormeyer, Detlev; Religious StudiesKiss, Levente; Agriculture IRELAND Fieger, Andrea; U.S.-Germany InternationalKover, Agnes; Law Fahy, M artin; Business Administration Education Administrators ProgramLaczko, Tibor; Linguistics Mac G iolla Leith, Caoimhin; Language and Floether, Lothar; U.S.-Germany Levai, Csaba; A m erican H is to ry Literature (non-U.S.) International Education AdministratorsNagy, Andras; Philosophy O ’Mahony, Donal Edward; Computer Program O rk e n y , A n ta l; S ociology and Social WScience o rk


ISRAEL Kume, Teruyuki; Communications andKOREA Journalism Back, Jong Gook; Political Science Arnon, Shlomi; Engineering Matsui, Masako; U.S.-Japan International Choi, Jong-Chan; Language and Literature Bar-Haim, Y air; P sychology Education Administrators Program (non-U.S.) Benvenisti, Eyal; Law Matsunami, Nobuharu; Communications Choi, Jung-Sup; Economics Cohen, D oron; Physics and A s tro n o mandjournalism y Hyun, On-Kang; Education Dvir, Taly; Psychology Nakano, Kotaro; American History Lee, Kap Yun; Political Science Eyal, Avishay; E ngineering Oyagi, Shigenori; U.S.-Japan International M o k , Jin ; P o litic a l Science Gang, Dan; Computer Science Education Administrators Program Moon, Hee-Cheol; Business Adm inistration Ginat, Joseph; A n th ro p o lo g y andSeimiya, Katsuyoshi; Communications and Myung, Young-Soo; Business Administration Archaeology Journalism Suh, Chung-Wha; Education Hassin, Ran; Psychology Sugaya, Junko; U.S.-Japan International Yang, O k Kyung; Sociology and Social Koltai, H inanit; B io lo g ica l Sciences Education Administrators Program W ork Piestun, Rafael Iser; Engineering Sugaya, M inoru; Communications and Pillar, Giora; M edical Sciences Journalism Shamir, Michal; P olitical Science Takamatsu, M otoyuki; Political Science Tsuda, Yukio; Communications andKYRGYZSTAN Journalism Akerova, Anarkan; Law ITALY Washizu, H iroko; American Literature Yamamoto, Eriko; American History Alieva, Cholpon; Philosophy Brinchi, Lucia; C hem istry Djanaeva, N urgul; Education Caruso, Barbara; P olitical Science Djaparkulova, Zamira; Economics Citro, Roberto; Physics and A stronomJORDAN y Coronato, Rocco; Language and L ite ra tu re (non-U.S.) Abd-el-Jawad, Hassan; Linguistics LAOS Declich, Francesca; Area Studies Al-Ghul, Omar; Language and Literature Delli, G iulietta; P o litic a l Science (non-U.S.) Paphaphanh, Bualy; Language and Demata, Massimiliano; Language Hameed,and Khalid; Biological SciencesLiterature (non-U.S.) Literature (non-U.S.) Jarrar, Ghaleb; Geology Faraguna, Michele; H isto ry (non-U.S.)Karadsheh, N aif; Chemistry Franzoni, Luigi; Econom ics Lo Piccolo, Francesco; A rchitecture and LATVIA Urban Planning KAZAKHSTAN Dembo, Aleksandrs; A rt History Monaci, Fabrizio; Environm ental Sciences Markus, Dace; Linguistics Negretti, Raffaella; T E F L /A p p lie d Linguistics Badaker, V ictor; Engineering Rikards, Rolands; Engineering Nigro, Franco; A g ricu ltu re Berkaliev, Zaur; Education Rodins, Mihails; Political Science Pampanin, Stefano; E n g ineering Jolamanova, Balia; TEFL/Applied Tassoni, Luigi; Language and Literature Linguistics (non-U.S.) Kamalov, Ablet; Flistory (non-U.S.) Tocchini, Delia; A m erican L ite ra tu re LEBANON Mukanova, Rauza; Sociology and Social Torreblanca, Jose; P o litic a l Science W ork Habre, Samer; Mathematics Valera, Gabriella; Flistory (non-U.S.) Mustafina, Raushan; AnthropologyHamadeh, and Shadi; Agriculture Archaeology Kabbanji, Yaacoub Jacques; Sociology and Utesheva, Evgenia; TEFL/Applied LinguisticsSocial W o rk JAPAN Zhaparbekova, Saule; Business Nehme, Michel; Political Science Administration Fujii, Nobuharu; U.S.-Japan International Education Administrators Program Hayashi, H iro k o ; Law LITHUANIA Hongo, A kira ; A m erican L ite ra tu re KENYA B u d rikis, Stasys; Education Inokuma, Ritsuko; Communications and Karega-Munene; Anthropology Kamuntavicius,and Gintautas; Physics and Journalism Archaeology Astronom y Ishihata, N a o ki; A m erican L ite ra tu re Mbeche, Isaac; Agriculture Kadowaki, Shunsuke; Philosophy Mkangi, Katama; Sociology and Social Kaneko, Y o sh ih iro ; Econom ics W ork Kikuchi, Shigeo; Linguistics MALAWI Kubo, Fumiaki; Political Science Kasomekera, Zachary; Engineering


MALAYSIA Mahhou, Ahmed; Agriculture N jolstad, Pal; Biological Sciences Mounsif, Mohamed; EnvironmentalRefstie, Stale; Agriculture Abrahams Jeremy; Business AdministrationSciences Steinsvoll, Svein; Medical Sciences Adam, Askiah; Philosophy Stromsheim, Jan Peter; Education Jethwani, ThakurdasN.; Law Tessem, Bjornar; Computer Science Lee, Cheng; Public Adm inistration NAMIBIA Thune-Larsen, Kari-Brith; Psychology Nain, Zaharom; Communications and Lombard, Christoffel; Religious StudiesToien, O ivind; Biological Sciences Journalism Ng, Wai-Kong; Education Omar, A riffin; Area Studies Wong, Soak; Language and LiteratureNETHERLANDS OMAN (non-U.S.) Al-Naamany, Ahmed; Engineering Yusof, Rohana; Biological SciencesBagchi, Arunabha; Engineering Gaemers, Sander; Chem istry Janker, Minka; Mathematics Klapwijk, Teunis; Physics and AstronomPAKISTAN y MEXICO Krus, Patricia; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Bosch Giral, Carlos; Mathematics Abbas, Syed So hail; Psychology Nelissen, Iris; Psychology Diaz, Reynol; Economics Arshad, Mohammad; Biological Sciences Van Der Duyn Schouten, Frank; Economics D ia z C astro, Sara; B io lo g ica l Sciences Bano, Asghari; Biological Sciences Van D ijk, Dick; Economics Drummond, Hugh; Biological Sciences Ghafoor, Abdul; Engineering Van Donselaar, Karel; Business Adm inistrationKazmi, Syed; Geography Fernandez de Castro, Rafael; Political Van Laar, Harmen; Agriculture Khan, Asmatullah; Economics Science Saleem, Rubeena; Chemistry Gonzalez Pedrajo, Bertha; Biological Sciences Shehnaz, Darakhshanda; Medical Sciences Lamarque Arilez, Lucia Guadalupe;NEW ZEALAND Business Adm inistration Lopez-Mariscal, Juan Manuel; PhysicsGillespie, and Alexander; Law PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF Astronom y Jahnke, R obert; A rt CHINA Moctezuma-Velazquez, Edgar; EngineeringManhire, W illiam ; Language and Literature Navarro, Alexei Fedorovish Licea; (non-U.S.) Feng, Ching; Economics B iological Sciences H u , L iz h o n g ; P o litic a l Science Rojas de Drummond, Sylvia; Psychology Jiang, Changjian; Political Science Williams Martinez, Eduardo; Anthropology NIGERIA Li, Xin-Chun; Economics and A rchaeology L i, Yang; A m erican L ite ra tu re Titilola, S. Oguntunji; Economics L i, Y i; A m e rica n L ite ra tu re Uyo, Adidi U ’kebve; CommunicationsLiang, and Mao-xin; American H istory Journalism Lu, Ye; Communications and Journalism MOLDOVA Rui, Wang; A rt Arhiliuc, Victoria; Political Science Sun, Xinqiang; Law Cordoneanu, Natalia Petru; Economics Tong, Jia-Dong; Economics Iepuri, Valentina Boris; TEFL/AppliedNORWAY W ang, L im in g ; Law Yao, Changhui; Business Adm inistration Linguistics Andreassen, Leif; Economics Yin, Zhi; Architecture and Urban Planning Piskina, Tatiana Vladimirovna; EconomicsBerge, Rare; Religious Studies Yuping, Zhang; Language and Literature Zatusevski, Irina; Communications andDue, Reidar; Language and Literature (non-U .S.) Journalism (non-U.S.) Zeng, Xiangquan; Economics Fetveit, A rild; Theater and Dance Zhang, Bin-xian; Education Harpviken, Kristian; Sociology and Social MOROCCO W ork Heidar, Knut; Political Science Belghazi, Taieb; Area Studies Jacobsen, Eva; Medical Sciences PHILIPPINES Berkat, Omar; Agriculture Johnson, Linda A.; Education El Mansour, Mohamed; H istory (non-U.S.)Kleiven, Helga F.; Geology Cruz, Reynaldo Dejesus; Language and En-Nehas, Jamal; Language and Knudsen,Literature Are; Anthropology and Literature (non-U.S.) (non-U.S.) Archaeology Lallana, Emmanuel; Political Science Haddad, Asmaban; Medical SciencesKolstad, Arne; Medical Sciences Lucero, Maria Rosario; Area Studies L o d ru p , H elge; L inguistics Manlapaz, Edna; Language and Literature Longva, Pal; Economics (non-U.S.) Lovas, Mette; Religious Studies Moran, Antonio; Communications and Journalism 104 HOME GEOGRAPHIC AREA INDEX

POLAND Degoev, Vladim ir; H istory (non-U.S.) SAUDI ARABIA Dementeva, Irina; TEFL/Applied Adamczyk-Garbowska, M onika; AmericanLinguistics Al-Ghamdi, Abdullah; Agriculture Literature Dobronravine, N ikolai; LanguageAl-M and utairi, Eiman; Chemistry Blocki, Zbigniew; M athem atics Literature (non-U.S.) Bahammam, Omar; Architecture and Cetnarowska, Bozena; L in g u is tic s Fedotova, Valentina; Political ScienceU rban P lanning Cyran, Eugeniusz; L in g uistics Fomina, Irina; Biological Sciences El-Hazmi, Mohsen; Biological Sciences Dzierzek, S law om ir; E n g in e e rin g Galishnikov, Y uri; Economics Habiballah, Ibrahim ; Engineering Karbowiak, M iroslaw ; C h e m is try Gavrilova, Tatiana; Education Majewska-Sawka, A n n a ; A g ric u ltu reGorodetskaya, Ludmila; Communications Mikolajczyk, Antoni; Communications andjournalismand Journalism Guennadiev, Alexandre; AgricultureSENEGAL H iz h n y a k , V la d im ir; E ducation Plaskota, Leszek; M a th e m a tics Gueye, Semou; Philosophy Przylipiak, M iroslaw ; C o m m u n ica tio n sIarskaia-Smirnova, and Elena; Sociology and Sougou, Omar; Language and Literature Social W ork Journalism (non-U.S.) Sikorski, Marek; C h e m istry Khazova, Olga; Law Szopinski, K azim ierz; M e d ica l SciencesKononenko, Nina; Anthropology and Szwagrzyk Je rz y ; E n v iro n m e n ta l SciencesArchaeology Walaszczyk, Ireneusz; G e o lo g y Koreneva, Maya; American LiteratureSINGAPORE Kouropiatnik, Guennadi; American H istory Kozine, Igor; Engineering Goh, Robbie Boon Hua; American Literature Krasnoperova, Marina; Language and Kong, Lily; Geography PORTUGAL Literature (non-U.S.) Saraiva, M aria de Graca A m a ra l N e toLevendorksi, ; Serguei; Economics Environmental Sciences Levko, Oxana; Music VazDe Silva, Francisco; A n th ro p o loMaiorova, g y and Olga; H istory (non-U.S.) SLOVAK REPUBLIC Archaeology Makarov, Denis Valerievich; Political Science Csefalvay, Zsolt; Education Matichenkov, Vladim ir; Agriculture Farkas, Igor; Computer Science Miniaev, Serguei; Anthropology andJancar, Ivan; A r t H is to ry QATAR Archaeology Kvasz, Ladislav; Mathematics Muravyova, Natalya; Library ScienceMalova, Darina; Political Science Al-Hail, A li; Comm unications and Journalism O ryol, Valery; Psychology Radicova, Iveta; Political Science Paniouchkina, Irina; Environmental Sciences ROMANIA Pelipas, M ikhail; American H istory SLOVENIA Perekhvalskaya, Elena; Linguistics Calugareanu, G rig o re ; M ath e m a ticsPolian, Pavel; Language and LiteratureBugaric, Bojan; Law Cameci, Magda; A r t H is to ry (non-U.S.) Pohar, Bojan; Medical Sciences Coman, M ih a i; P o litic a l Science Pozniakov, Vladim ir; H istory (non-U.S.)Zarnic, Roko; Engineering Craciunescu, C o rn e liu ; E ng in e e rinProchina, g Zoia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Georgescu, M arius; G e o lo g y Rodine, Andrei; Philosophy Lupulescu, M arian; G e ology Romanov, Pavel; Sociology and Social Magyari, E n iko ; A n th ro p o lo g y and W o ik SOUTH AFRICA Archaeology Sorocoumova, Gulnara; Education Reddy, Jairam; Education Matei Chesnoiu, Monica; Language and Souproun, M ikhail; American HistorySingh, Prakash; Education Literature (non-U.S.) Tchernigovskaja, Tatiana; LinguisticsViljoen, Charles; Education Mihaila, Rodica; A m erican L ite ra tu reTysiachniouk, Maria; Environmental Nicoara, L in a ; Physics and A s tro n o m y Sciences Onac, Petroniu; Geology Volkogonova, Olga; Philosophy Panaite, V io re l; H is to ry (non-U .S.) Voronchenko, Tatyana; American SPAIN L iterature Astudillo Riz, Javier; Political Science Voznessenskaia, Elena; Biological Sciences Caballero Suarez, Jose Antonio; Chemistry Zefirov, Vladim ir; Business Administration RUSSIA Espinosa Merina, Juan Felix; Chemistry Fernandez Ramos, Juan Pablo; Physics and Andriouchtchenko, Sergei; Economics A stronom y Arabov, Y u rij; Business A d m in is tra tio n Boyko, Vladimir; H istory (non-U.S.) Font, Nuria; Political Science


Franqueza Garcia, Laura; BiologicalLeygraf, Christofer; Environmental TANZANIA Sciences Sciences Fuster Soler, Maria Dolores; BiologicalLindblad, Sverker; Education K itin y a , James; M edical Sciences Sciences Manktelow, Mariette; Biological SciencesKivaisi, Am elia; Biological Sciences Gallego Garcia, Maria Angeles; LinguisticsOdblom, Anders C.E.; Physics and Mbassa, Gabriel; Agriculture Garcia De Abajo, Francisco Javier; PhysicsA stronom y M h in a , A m o s; P o litic a l Science and Astronomy Svensson, Jorgen; A rt Garcia Heras, Manuel; AnthropologyWendt, and Lars; Chemistry Archaeology W illiam s, Per; Language and LiteratureTHAILAND Gonzalez Jimenez, Jose Luis; Engineering(non-U.S.) Jordan Valles, Albert; Biological Sciences Chowsilpa, Songkram; Language and Lopez Pelegrin, Jose Angel; Chemistry Literature (non-U.S.) M arin Vigueras, JoseM.; Economics SYRIA Puddhanon, Prawit; Agriculture M artin Alvarez, Jose Miguel; Chemistry Siengthai, Sununta; Business Adm inistration Martinez De La Cruz, Luis Alfonso; A kil, Mohammed; Engineering Tossa, Wajuppa; American Literature C hem istry Al-Fares, A li; Engineering Mazo Torres, Juan Jose; Physics andAlmouslem, Abdel Baset; Biological A stronom y Sciences TRINIDAD/TOBAGO Morales Munoz, Albert; Medical SciencesChikho, Abdul; Engineering Navarro Garcia, Federico; BiologicalDannan, Fozi; Mathematics Baptiste, F itzroy Andre; History (non-U.S.) Sciences H a b ib , Leila; A g ricu ltu re Nestares Garcia, Oscar; Computer ScienceHommeida, Abdul Kader; Engineering Pinar Garcia, Susana; Biological SciencesIm ran, M am douh; A m erican L ite ra tu re Rivadulla Fernandez, Juan Casto;Salman, Medical Hana; Engineering TUNISIA Sciences Subuh, Ahmad; Medical Sciences Bahlous, Mejda; Business Administration Rodriguez Sarmiento, Rosa Maria; Suleiman, Sawsan; Agriculture Boughanmi, Houcine; Economics C hem istry Sumainah, Ghiath; Medical Sciences Jerad, Nabiha; Linguistics Romero Morales, Juan; Linguistics Zahra, Abeer; Language and Literature Redissi, Mohamed; Law Rossello Villalonga, Juan Carlos; Economics(non-U.S.) Vazquez Albert, Daniel; Law Vazquez Ramallo, Manuel; Physics and A stronom y TURKEY Zapata Olson-Lunde, Ivar; Physics andTAIWAN Alemdar, Korkmaz; Communications and A stronom y Chen, Hsin-Ping; Economics Journalism Cheng, Yu-yu; Language and Literature Cerit, Ayse; Business Administration (non-U.S.) Cindoglu, D ilek; Sociology and Social Chiao, Chih-hua; Mathematics SRI LA N K A W ork Kan, Steven Shei-Ping; Economics Demokan, Ordal; Physics and Astronomy Mohamed, A.R.; Medical Sciences Lai, Tsung-chyan; Business Adm inistration Dogan, M uam m er; Business Adm inistration Perera, Senath; Language and LiteratureLiu, S-Lain; A rt History Gulluoglu, A rif; Engineering (non-U.S.) Lo, Ven-Hwei; Communications and Gunugur, H aluk; Political Science Punchihewa, Ranjith; Agriculture Journalism Hasirci, Vasif; Engineering Shaw, Carl; Political Science Kaya, Sidika; Medical Sciences Shiah-Hou, Shin-rong; Business M u ftu o g lu , Sevda; M edical Sciences Administration SWEDEN Ozdemir, H ikm et; Political Science Tsai, Ming-Chang; Sociology and Social O ze n ci, H a tic e ; M edical Sciences W ork Borrman, Helene Inger Maria; Senkoylu, Nizameddin; Agriculture Wang, Ming-Ke; H istory (non-U.S.) Anthropology and Archaeology Tantekin-Ersolmaz, Serife; Engineering Wei, Chien-hung; Engineering Dahl-Sandell, Maria; Biological Sciences Tomanbay, Mehmet; Economics Dahlberg, Cecilia; Biological SciencesWu, Cynthia Hsin-feng; TEFL/Applied Dahlin, Christer; Medical Sciences Linguistics Ekelund, U lf; Medical Sciences Wu, Jyh-Lin; Economics Wu, Kuen-Huei; Political Science Eriksson, Mats; Linguistics UGANDA Gestblom, Carolina; Biological SciencesYu, Guang-hong; Anthropology and Hedling, E rik; Language and LiteratureArchaeology Kirumira, Rose; A rt (non-U.S.) Kwesiga, Joy; Education


UKRAINE Young, Stephen; Business Adm inistrationZAMBIA Zaman, Azfar; Medical Sciences Barabanova, G alina; T E F L / Ap p lie d Nyambe, Imasiku; Geology Linguistics Chechel, N a ta lia ; T h e a te r and D ance Chugu, Svitlana; T E F L /A p p lie d L inguistics URUGUAY Cohen, V adim ; A n th ro p o lo g y and ZIMBABWE Archaeology Alvarez Scarpa, Carmen; Sociology and Gomilko, Olga; Political Science Social W ork Zanamwe, Lazarus; Area Studies Gorbachenko, Tetiana; Library ScienceGioscia, Rossanna; Business Adm inistration Halenko, Oleksander; H istory (non-U.S.)Hernandez, Maria; Communications and Ivanova, Elena; P sych o lo g y Journalism Konovets, Olexander; H istory (non-U.S.)Mieres, Pablo; Sociology and Social W ork Luchuk, Olha; Language and LiteratureRadi, Rafael; Medical Sciences (non-U.S.) Morenets, Volodym yr; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Serdyukova, L u d m ila ; A m e rica n L iteUZBEKISTAN ra tu re Shepetukha, Y u riy ; Business A d m in is tra tio n Juraev, Saifiddin; Communications and Streltsov, E vg e n iy; L a w Journalism Trushliakov, Eugeniy; Engineering K a rim o v, A km a l; A g ric u ltu re Vedenskaya, T atyana; E d u ca tio n Khabibullaev, Akram; H istory (non-U.S.) Zhilinkova, Irin a ; L a w Konovalov, Vladim ir; Geography Zhuk, Igor; A r t H is to ry Yunusov, Temur; Agriculture

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES VENEZUELA Khalifa, A m na; E d u ca tio n Lopez, Alexander; P olitical Science Lopez, Oscar; Engineering Russotto, Margherita; Language and UNITED KINGDOM Literature (non-U.S.)

Blundy, Jonathan; G e o lo g y Bottomley, M artyn; Medical Sciences Brown, Rebecca; C h e m is try VIETNAM Corne Jo n a th a n ; M e d ica l Sciences Hai, Truong; Environmental Sciences Craw, Susan; C o m p u te r Science N g o , D a i; E ducation Cunningham, Francine; Communications andjournalism Davey, A lan; P u b lic A d m in is tra tio n Davies, M a rtin ; Language and L iteW ra ES tu T re B A N K (non-U.S.) Dick, Peter; Public Adm inistration Abu-Eisheh, Sameer; Engineering Golding, Brian; H istory (non-U.S.) Kan’aan, Moien; Biological Sciences Grenby, Matthew O rville; H istory Khamis, Vivian; Psychology (non-U.S.) Salama, Atef; Communications and Hamilton, Andrew; Medical Sciences Journalism Holmes, Ian; Physics and Astronom yTahboub, Karim; Engineering Illidge, Tim othy; Medical Sciences Jones, Robert; Economics Morales, Helen; Language and LiteratureYEMEN (non-U.S.) Pepin, N ich o la s; G eography Al-Anssi, Yahia; Economics Sharma, P ankaj; M edical Sciences A l-N a ja r, H am oud; Econom ics Spring, D a vid ; C h e m is try Wolff, Jonathan; Philosophy

107 SpecialPrograms Index SPECIAL PROGRAMS INDEX

EUROPEAN UN IO N AFFAIRS Marshall-Alleyne, Hartley; A rt RESEARCH PROGRAM Mhina, Amos; Political Science Mikolajczyk, Antoni; Communications and Cunningham, Francine; CommunicationsJournalism and Journalism Mkangi, Katama; Sociology and Social W ork Okani, Rachel-Claire; Law Omar, A riffin; Area Studies EUROPEAN UNIO N Pozniakov, Vladim ir; H istory (non-U.S.) SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE Rui, Wang; A rt PROGRAM Santos, Ieda Machado Ribeiro dos; Anthropology and Archaeology Eilmansberger, Thomas; Law Skaloud, Jan; P olitical Science Govaere, Inge; L a w Takamatsu, M otoyuki; Political Science Jones, Robert; Economics Titilola, S. Oguntunji; Economics Torreblanca, Jose; P olitical Science Uyo, Adidi U ’kebve; Communications and Young, Stephen; Business A dm inistrationJournalism Vicar, Jan; Music W u, Kuen-Huei; Political Science Yuping, Zhang; Language and Literature ORGANIZATION FOR (non-U.S.) SECURITY & COOPERATION Zanamwe, Lazarus; Area Studies IN EUROPE REGIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM

Arhiliuc, Victoria; Political Science SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES Coman, M ih a i; P o litic a l Science SUMMER INSTITUTE Juraev, Saifiddin; Communications and Journalism Chowsilpa, Songkram; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Cruz, Reynaldo de Jesus; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE Nelwan, Grace; Language and Literature PROGRAM (non-U.S.) Paphaphanh, Bualy; Language and Arabov, Y u rij; Business A d m in is tra tio nLiterature (non-U.S.) Back, Jong G ook; Political Science Som, Somuny; Language and Literature Baptiste, F itz ro y A n d re ; H is to ry (non-U(non-U.S.) .S.) Bohadlo, Stanislav; M usic Sutojo; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Bustamante, Fernando; S ociology and Social W o rk Carrasco, V icto ria ; A rt Damasceno, Caetana Maria; Anthropology and A rchaeology Estrada Zam orano, R icardo; M usic Imam-Muhni, Djuhertati; American Literature Jahnke, R obert; A rt Karega-Munene; Anthropology and Archaeology Kirumira, Rose; A rt Lamming, George; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Lopez, A lexander; E ducation Lucero, Maria Rosario; Area Studies Makarov, Denis Valerievich; Political Science Malova, Darina; Political Science

I l l Administration and Funding of the Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program is authorized by Public Law 87-256, the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended. The purpose of the program is “to enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people o f other countries . . . and thus to assist in the development of friendly, sympathetic, and peaceful relations between the United States and other countries of the w orld.” The prim ary source o f funding is an annual appropriation made by the Congress to the United States Inform ation Agency (USIA). Participating governments and host institutions in many countries and in the U nited States also contribute financially through cost-sharing, as well as by indirect support such as salary supplements, tu itio n waivers, university housing, and other benefits.

Grants are made to U.S. citizens and nationals o f other countries for a variety of educational activities, prim arily university teaching, advanced research, graduate study, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools. Grants fo r foreign nationals are available through the binational comm ission/foundation or U.S. embassy in the country of citizenship. The Fulbright Scholar-in- Residence Program also provides opportunities for U.S. host institutions to sponsor visiting lecturers.

The J. W illiam Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, composed of 12 educational and public leaders appointed by the President of the United States, has statutory responsibility under the M utual Educational and Cultural Exchange A ct o f 1961 (Fulbright-Hays Act), as amended, for the selection of all Fulbright grantees and the supervision of the Fulbright Program worldwide, including the form ulation of policy guidelines governing such exchanges.

The U nited States Inform ation Agency (USIA) develops policies to assure fulfillm ent of the purposes of the program and administers the program w ith the assistance of binational educational commissions and foundations in some 50 countries that have executive agreements w ith the United States fo r continuing exchange programs, United States embassies in approximately 90 other countries, and a number of cooperating agencies in the United States.

The binational Fulbright commissions and foundations establish the numbers and categories of grants, based on the annual comm ission/foundation program proposal and on their consultations w ith local universities; review applications of nominated Americans and arrange or confirm their academic affiliations; and provide orientations and facilitative services. In a country w ithout a commission or foundation, the U.S. embassy develops the program and supervises it lo ca lly.

The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), affiliated with the Institute of International Education, is a private organization that facilitates international exchange in higher education. Under a cooperative agreement w ith USIA, CIES assists in the administration of the Fulbright Scholar Program.

USIA FULBRIGHT SENIOR SCHOLAR PROGRAM Council for International Exchange of Scholars 3007 Tilden Street, NW , Suite 5L W ashington, DC 20008-3009 USIA FULBRIGHT SEMOR SCHOLAR PROGRAM Council for International Exchange of Scholars 3007 Tilden Street, NW , Suite 5L W ashington, D C 20008-3009

Affiliated with the Institute of International Education