Chemistry 130 Dr. John F. C. Turner 409 Buehler Hall
[email protected] Chemistry 130 Course coverage Ch. 12: Properties of Solutions Ch. 13: Chemical Equilibrium Ch. 15: Acid-base equilibria Ch. 16: Solution Equilibria Spring Break Ch. 17: Thermodynamics Ch. 18: Electrochemistry Ch. 19: Nuclear Chemistry Ch. 20 – 22: Descriptive Chemistry of the elements Ch. 23 – 24: Organic, biological, medicinal and materials chemistry Chemistry 130 Course mechanics Grading Scale Lecture course : 80% 6 quizzes: ~25% 3 exams: ~25% Final Examination: 30% Laboratory course : 20% Grade Cut-offs : A: 80%-100% B+: 78%-79.9% B: 70%-77.9% C+: 68%-69.9% C: 60%-67.9% D: 50%-59.9% F: 0%-49.9% There is no curve; grading is on an absolute scale. There are no dropped quizzes or examinations. Chemistry 130 Course mechanics Additional Help The tutorial center, in Buehler Hall, opposite the General Chemistry office on the 5th floor, is staffed from 9.00 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily during the semester. All Chem 130 students are invited to the three review sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Buehler 511. Office hours are held on Monday from 2 – 5 p.m. at Buehler 409. Chemistry 130 Course overview and context The first half of the course will cover: Properties of Solutions Solution Equilibria Chemical Equilibrium Thermodynamics Acid-base equilibria Electrochemistry The key to understanding all of these areas is the study of thermodynamics Chemistry 130 Course overview and context Properties of Solutions Solution Equilibria Chemical Equilibrium Thermodynamics Acid-base equilibria Electrochemistry All of these topics are very important: On a practical level: “Life takes place in solution” - the human body is ~70% water and fluids in the body are solutions Many technologically important materials are solution: Steel Palladium-hydrogen Chemistry 130 Steel Steel is a complicated system, the majority components of which are iron and carbon.