Chapter 8 Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures
Chapter 8 Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures 2012/3/29 1 Abstract The thermodynamic description of mixtures, extended from pure fluids. The equations of change, i.e., energy and entropy balance, for mixtures are developed. The criteria for phase and chemical equilibrium in mixtures 2012/3/29 2 8.1 THE THERMODYNAMIC DESCRIPTION OF MIXTURES Thermodynamic property for pure fluids, θθ=()TPN , , where N is the number of moles. θθ=()TP , where the number of mole equals to 1. Thermodynamic property for mixtures, θθ=()TPN , ,12 , N ,L , Nc where Ni is the number of moles of the ith component. θθ=()TPx , ,12 , x ,L , xci where x is the mole fraction of the ith component. For example UUTPNN=() , ,12 , ,LL , Ncc or UUTPxx=() , , 12 , , , x VVTPNN=() , ,12 , ,L , Nc or VVTPxx=() , ,12 , ,L , xc 2012/3/29 3 Summation of the properties of pure fluids (before mixing at TP and ) C UTPxx(), ,12 , ,L , xci− 1= ∑ xUTPi () , (8.1-1) i=1 where UU is the molar internal energy, i is the internal energy of the pure i-th component at TP and . C ˆˆ UTPww()(), ,12 , ,L , wcii− 1= ∑ wUTP , (8.1-2) i=1 where wi is the mass fraction of component i. 2012/3/29 4 At the same T and P 50 cc 25 cc + 25 cc H2O H2O or 52 cc 25 cc + 25 cc 48 cc + 2 cc A B -2 cc Attractive Repulsive 2012/3/29 5 Property change upon mixing (at constantTP and ) C Δ=mixθθ()TPx,,ii −∑ x θi () TP , i=1 Volume change upon mixing C Δ=mixVTP(),,,, VTPx()ii −∑ xVTPi () i=1 Enthalpy change upon mixing C Δ=mix HTP(),,,, HTPx()ii −∑ xHTPi () i=1 2012/3/29 6 Experimental data : properties changes upon mixing (H and V) Figure 8.1-1 Enthalpy-concentration diagram for aqueous sulfuric acid at 0.1 MPa.
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