Zadkiel's Legacy; Containing a ... Judgment of the Great Conjunction Of
| # , C / 2. ZADKIEL' S LEGACY ; CoNTA in ING A FULL AND PARTICULAR JUDGMENT oN THE GREAT CONJUNCTION or $aturn ant; 3)upiter, ON THE 26TH OF JANUARY, 1842, BE ING THE IR M0ST IMPORTANT CONJUNCTION | SINGE THE DAYS OF KING ALFRED THE GREAT: Foreshewing the History of the World for 200 Years to come!!! | AL80, Fss AYs on HINDU As TRology, A.N. p. THE NATIVITY of H. R. H. ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALEs &e, t HIS CHARACTER AND FUTURE DESTINY, &c, &c. LONDON: S HERWOOD AND CO., PATER NOSTER ROW. 1842. com PT on AND RITCHI E, PR1NTERs, Middl E - star Et, cloth - FAIR, LoN Don. - - - - - - - - . * … - - - - - - - * > z. *. -- - * • -- * * 2. - - -- - - - - - - - * - - - ~ : * - * - - - - - - - - * * * * * ***. *> - - - - - - , * * ~ : , , , * * * * * * : ... " - - -- - * * - */ " /~~ - £". * - - * - - - * 2. " - * PR EFACE. MANY generations shall pass by, many centuries roll away, and this book shall still remain a memento of the sublime powers of astral influence; for lo! I have commenced it at the moment of Mercury southing on this present first day of Sep tember, in the year of Grace one thousand eight hundred and forty, when fixed signs did occupy the angles of the heavenly scheme, the Moon and lord of the sign ascending being also in fixed signs, five planets angular, the lord of the ascendent in the ninth, or house of science, and the Moon, while ruling that house, being situate in the ascendant, in sextile to the glorious Sol, ruler of the 10th, or house of fame, and applying to a close conjunction of the bounteous and benefic Jupiter. Moreover, Mercury, on the cusp of the 10th, is in reception of the Sun, caput draconis is in the 4th, and the lord of the ascendant in trine aspect to the ruler of that house, which go verns the end of the matter.
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