Movember Edition, Volume 2 The Oakridge Talon

The Oakridge Talon: Behind the Scenes Written for the students “Written for the students by the students.” by the students! By: Madeline C. and Jade T. In this issue: have to our main office, the li- • Silly for sillybandz! Have you ever won- a voice and keep others in- brary, where they begin to • Check out our new dered what goes on in the formed. Mme Lapointe de- write. The reporters send off International Language making of our school newspa- cided the idea of a newspa- their articles to their editors Section! per? Well, we’re going to per would be a cool way to who then send it to the main • Comics by Connie give you the inside scoop on inform the staff and stu- editor in chief, Mme La- dents about coming events pointe. She has a team of • The Dissection Table how our newspaper is cre- ated. and issues in our school, techies who then help ar- • Pillow Pets?! The first issue of the our community, and around range the articles on our • Halloween Dance Pic- Oakridge Talon was released the world. school website. tures on November 1st 2010. Since we have Not only do we have • Movember?! Mme Lapointe, the started The Oakridge the latest news, but we have • Top 10 Music Hits! editor in chief, came up with Talon , we have accumu- a fantastic comics and a lated approximately 34 re- sports • Got problems? Ask the idea to start a school Sarin! newspaper when a student porters and 6 editors. In the section. In our comics sec- brought it to her attention. paper, we cover a variety of tion we showcase the in- subjects varying from credible art and hilarious Primary News 2 She soon realized that by starting a school news to interna- comics by Connie L, and a Junior News 3 school tional news. sports section otherwise The first stage in known as the “Dissection Intermediate 4 newspa- the process of creating a Table,” by Ross H. News per, she could give newspaper is to tell the re- If you have the next Local News 5-7 students a porters to find their story. breaking story, please report Then, they go around inter- to one of our many reporters. National News 8-9 chance to viewing and questioning Keep reading The Oakridge International 10 people to further under- Talon because you never News s?! stand what they will be know what you’ll find or t idea writing about. Once the what you’ll learn. Go C. Sports 11-12 ssica story is found, they return By: Je Survey: Are you a 13 good citizen? Have you about endangered animals then tell someone that you want to hear Arts & 14-18 ever said to yourself “I will read the about endangered animals. There Entertainment news paper today”? Then you go to read the news paper and there is are a lot of people who are in the International 19-22 nothing interesting?! Well now newspaper group. If you’re not Languages there is going to be something inter- sure, check out the last page Video Games 23-24 esting because you’re going to give of the newspaper and you’ll us the topics. So if you want to hear find a list of reporters for The Talon . ary Prim An inside story on Mrs Armstrong s By: Casey O. and Lindsey G. New We interviewed and special. I have taught show attentive listening. Mrs Armstrong and this is every grade from 3-8. what she had to say. Q: Would you ever like Q: What's your favourite to teach your own kids? Q: What made you want part of the day? A: No I would never like to become a teacher? A: My favourite part is to teach my own kids be- A: Since I was a little girl I read aloud, math and daily cause it would be too hard wanted to become a 5, which is something I do for them to call me by my teacher. I would always with my class. last name and marking pretend to play teacher their work would be chal- with my friends! Q: What is your favour- lenging. ite unit in each subject? Q: Why do you like A: My favourite units are Q: What do you do in teaching? habitats in science, An- your spare time? A: Seeing the kids learn cient Civilizations, and A: In my spare time I go to new things is my favourite fractions in math. the gym, run, go to my part of teaching. kids’ hockey games and Q: What is the most sports activities because I enjoy watching them. Q: What is your favour- stressful part of the day? ite grade to teach? A: The most stressful time A: I like to teach grade 4, of the day is marking work Now you know a bit more but every class is different and when students do not about Mrs Armstrong.

A Prime Minister at Oakridge? BY KATELYN B. AND KAITLYN P.

Mrs. Gula's class held an election on November Congratulations Chase , for your hard 3, 2010 to be the prime minister of their class. The work and success and welcome to your new job votes were counted and the results are in. Every one of as prime minister. I hope you are ready for the the candidates spoke their minds and did their best to challenge. In real life, if you become the new gr. 4/5 prime minister but only one were the prime minister, you came out on top. We interviewed many people from would have to perform a cer- that class and they all said that the candidates were tain number of duties. You are hard to chose from because they all had good reasons responsible for the day to day why they wanted to be the prime minister. Before we operations of your country. reveal who the new prime minister for Mrs. Gula's Chase, you are in charge of class is, here were the candidates: Sophia, Chase, Han- your day to day schedule at nah, Justin, and Ava. school and your class.

Page 2 The Oakridge Talon

J Progress reports hits Oakridge! unior By: Julia L. News

Progress reports are will be a early release day on No- coming to school. This year there will vember 19 th so that your teacher only be 2 report cards, and one pro- and your parents can talk about gress report. This is a small change for your progress. Have fun while Oakridge. Don't be afraid the progress you still can. The interviews will reports don't have grades they are just be November 18 th 3:00- 7:00 and to tell your parents how you are doing November 19 th 1:00 – 4:00. See in school. The progress reports are you at the interviews. coming out November 15 th , and there

Sillybandz- What's the Deal? By: Alyson M. and Madison P.

What Are Silly Bandz? What's The Best Feature Of What Are The Different Types They are perfectly elastic bands Silly Bandz? Available? which are made up of Silicone (non- Silly Bands are highly elastic, toxic) and die. They are available in which means that these elastic They are available in a variety of a variety of shapes and colors. bands can retain their shape shapes. The most popular shapes at What Can Silly Bandz Be Used even if they were holding an the moment are Rock Bandz shapes. For? item for a long time. This Others include Princess Shapes, Zoo They can be used as makes it an ideal accessory if Animals Shapes, Junk Food Shapes, 1. Anklets you're into dressing up your Fantasy Shapes and many more. 2. Bracelets dolls. You can use them as There are even some seasonal ones. 3. Necklaces necklaces, bracelets or ankles Like christmas. 4. Accessories for dressing your on your dolls and just leave How Popular Are They? dolls and stuffed toys them there, only to find out later They are very popular and were one Trading game parts on when you remove them that of the best and most popular stock- Are Silly Bandz Only For Kids? their original shape has been ing stuffers last Christmas (2009) Not really! Parents and Grandparents retained. and are still in the bestselling list of have taken a liking to these cute little Why Are Silly Bandz Used As popular games, toys and accessories! elastic bands as well. And why not? Trading Games Items? They are being liked by adults and They are funky, trendy and you can Because they're available in a kids alike. Due to their high demand, make your own style statement using variety of shapes! They are so these bands are being sold out fast them. many shapes available that kids from stores and people are preferring How Do I Use Them? would want to collect and trade to buy them online at great deals and I use Silly Bandz mainly as anklets. them with their friends. Some prices. Take a couple of different shaped like 'Hedgehog' shapes are con- and colored Silly Bands and adorn sidered highly valuable in such For more information on Sillybands them on your ankles. You will look trading games because they are check out this website: all set to rock a party! not easily available.

Oakridge Talon Page 3 Random Acts of Kindness Day By: Madison P.

Remember even if it is not anything in return. You Random Acts of Kindness On November 12, could buy someone a pop- 2010 it is Random Acts of Day you can still show it. corn for a surprise. Be Kindness Day. Mrs. Arm- nice, polite and show at- strong, with the help of For more informa- tentive listening to your tion on Random Acts of Mrs.Fabiano, are organiz- friends and teachers. ing the event. They are Kindness day, check out Show respect and be kind. this website: planning many activities Also you need to remem- with their class. ber no bullying and hands I asked some students in off. There are many more their classes what kindness ngle/randomacto ways to show random acts means and how they can of kindness. This is just show it. Here are some of what some students in the answers they told me: grade 2,3, and 4 told what you do something for they thought it meant. Intermediate someone and not want News Students Showing Integrity By Serena B.

This month at Oakridge integrity. You can accept a cer- we are focusing on the character tain job in and around the trait of integrity . Integrity to classroom. You can also show some people means never back- integrity at home by sticking to ing down from a certain task and weekly chores or beginning keeping consistent in your efforts new chores, even when you are throughout the duration of a cer- not asked. Completing home- tain task. To others it means work and other such tasks on dedicating huge amounts of ef- time is also an excellent way to forts to a certain task no matter show integrity to both your what the consequences. teachers and your students. We need to show integ- Remember, integrity is rity because it will be of great use this month’s character trait so INTEGRITY in the future. When you are being you need to begin to show it. If Forget about peer pressure interviewed by a possible em- you’re lucky, showing integrity just be true to yourself! ployer, they will be searching for will become a good habit for an employee who shows integ- you and it will continue rity. There are many was to show throughout the year!

Page 4 The Oakridge Talon Recognizing 200 years of Wine making in Ontario The history of wine goes By: Janyn Z. back thousands of years back in the Roman ages. Niagara is a great area for wine growing because we have first winery in Onatario was in Cooks- rich soil and perfect weather of rain ville in 1811 founded by Johann Schiller. and sun for making the perfect We sure have earned this award! Con- wine! Just imagine how many rows gratulations Ontario! of vines and grapes there are in On- tario. In Niagara alone, there are LOCAL over 70 vineyards. We are called NEWS tourist town because people from all St Catharines over Ontario, Canada, and the world and surrounding visit the region for it’s natural beauty and for its vineyards. After 200 years, the Oxford MPP wants to recognize Ontario for our amazing wine making achievements. The

The Pet Smart Dog Rescue! By: Erin M.

ple of months to check to see The pet smart dog res- how you are doing! The pets cue is coming soon to Niag- need you because many of ara. On November 12 to the them have been abused or th 14 you can adopt a dog or a never had a home and they cat! THERE ARE 18,200 are in need now so please PETS IN NEED LETS TRY help these poor animals! AND HELP THEM PLEASE! If you adopt a cat Here are all the dates you will receive a free bag of you can adopt a dog or cat in cat food to help you get your 2011: February the 11 th -13 th cat off a to a healthy start. 2011, April 22 nd -24 th . You The thing is if you can’t han- can go and adopt a pet and dle your pet you can go and show them how it is to be return your pet if you want, loved so lets help out these and get a new pet. Also they pets in need! will call you for the first cou-

Oakridge Talon Page 5

lery Gal hoto ce P Dan een llow Ha

Mrs. Anderson before and after the school dance.

Did someone say they had to go to the bathroom??

g us... amon s walk mpire Va This is what happened when I forgot to brush my teeth!

Some kids were as mad as hatters!

Page 6 The Oakridge Talon The New Toy- My Pillow Pet By: Madison P.

What is a pillow pet? Is it a pillow Oprah Winfrey names My Pillow or a stuffed animal? Well it’s both! Pets are the top 10 toy of the year! Pillow pets even come as backpacks. LOCAL They also come in blankets, hats, neck NEWS pillows and slippers. You can also pur- chase books about My Pillow Pets . Pillow St Catharines and surrounding pets have been around since 2003. Origi- areas nally they only had 6 different animals. Now there are over 20 different animals, like: Icy Polar Bear, Buzzy Bumble Bee, Cuddly Bunny, Squeaky Dolphin, Nutty Elephant, Jolly Giraffe, T-Rex, Magical Unicorn and many more.

Oakridge Cares! Eagle of the Month~ Logan I. By: Dania S. What inspires you to help out in the Humane Society?

I love animals and I want to help them get a home.

What kind of animals do you like helping out?

I like all animals but cats are my favourite and I like helping them out.

Do you go every week?

Yes I do, My Mom takes me once a week

When did you start helping the Humane Society animals?

I have been involved with animals since I was six, but I have started with the Humane Society for about three years now.

Oakridge Talon Page 7 The Canadian Spotlight: P.E.I . By: Rosie Eckmire

In every issue of example, the The Oakridge Talon , Haunted there will be an article Woods and about outstanding places Lover’s National News in Canada. This feature Lane. These O’ Canada….. is supposed to show you are both other cities and sites that wonderful are interesting in our places of home country. natural beauty. However, these are just the tip of the Canada is a big iceberg! traordinary and out- P.E.I is the place, full of bustling cit- Prince Edward Island standing, for example home to ies and outstanding also has a lot of historical the beaches, the golf Green beauty spread out over value and is often called ‘the courses, and the food, Gables, the ten provinces and three Birthplace of Confedera- and these are just a few! famous territories. The smallest, tion’. Why? Well, in Char- This weeks Canadian home of but perhaps most famous, lottetown, the main city, Spotlight was Prince Anne province is the beautiful there is a building called the Edward Island, and Shirley, the Prince Edward Island. Province House. This is these were just a few star of Anne This tiny island has many where the provincial govern- reasons why it is de- of Green features that makes it ment meets and where all the serving of it. Gables . worthy of the Canadian major provincial decisions Spotlight. For one thing, are made. This is also the You can find the French version on page 20 it is home to Green Ga- place where the idea for Ca-

bles, the famous home of nadian confederation was Anne Shirley, the star of born, and where the treaty Anne of Green Gables. was signed, so people from This world-famous site is all across Canada located in Cavendish. come to see this Many travel from all over historical site. the world to see Green Ga- There are bles and all the other many other things places Lucy Maud Mont- on Prince Edward gomery wrote about, for Island that are ex-

Page 8 The Oakridge Talon Remembrance day in Canada by: Caitlynn R

Remembrance day, ders field. After the war the also known as poppy day, ar- In Flanders Fields field was completely devas- mistice day, or veterans day tated and it was a giant mud In Flanders Fields the poppies blow occurs all over the world and pit where no life grew. It was Between the crosses, row on row, is a day to commemorate the only years later though that That mark our place; and in the sky sacrifices due to war. Re- poppies started to “pop” up. The larks, still bravely singing, fly membrance day started in With it came grass and soon Scarce heard amid the guns below. 1918 when World War one animals started to make their formally ended at the elev- We are the Dead. Short days ago homes in the field. Some be- enth hour on the eleventh day We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, lieve this miracle is to sym- on the eleventh month. People Loved, and were loved, and now we lie bolize new life after the war. In Flanders fields. from around the world, more Others however believe it is specifically Canada, gathered to symbolize the bright red Take up our quarrel with the foe: at memorials and graves to blood (similar to the colour To you from failing hands we throw lay poppies to show their re- of a poppy ) that was shed on The torch, be yours to hold it high. spects. these fields. This was also If ye break faith with us who die

where soldiers were buried, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow The poppy was con- and where this poem was In Flanders fields. sidered a symbol of respect written: ~ Colonel John McCrae after the first world war, when some of the deadliest F battles were fought at Flan- or mor http e in ://ca form .mo ati vem on c ber. hec com k ou /?ho t: Movember me By: Mme Lapointe the US, the UK, New Have you noticed a new ber challenges men to Zealand, Ireland, Spain, trend here at Oakridge, grow out their facial hair South Africa, the Nether- around your community, to help create awareness lands, and Finland. In and even on TV? Men for men’s health, espe- 2009, over $47 mil- have done away with their cially prostate cancer. The lion dollars was raised razors and have been moustache becomes the globally. Last year, growing moustaches, and ribbon men wear to pro- Canada came in sec- for a good cause! mote awareness for men’s ond generating 7.8 million dollars for the “The Mo, slang for health. cause. moustache, and November Movember origi- Keep growing come together each year nated in Australia, and has those moustaches! for Movember.” Movem- since spread to Canada,

Oakridge Talon Page 9 Aboriginal Education Day By: Sarah K. On November songs and skits based on 26th, all students in the make their own mystery traditional stories. Stu- junior Division are going bracelets and receive a kit dents will also learn how on an exciting field trip to too. to play lacrosse, and watch the Canadian Aboriginal Students will also and learn how to dance the Festival for Education get to participate in a lot of Pow Wow. Day. The students are trav- traditional games. That Education Day was International elling to Hamilton and will teach valuable skills. Stu- added to the Aboriginal News be learning about aborigi- dents will have the oppor- Festival due to the numer- nal peoples and their cul- tunity to watch performing ous suggestions and re- tures. They will be doing arts demonstrations of tra- quests from educators to some hands-on crafts ditional arts, hoop danc- give an opportunity for where they will get to ing, hand drumming, students to learn more about aboriginal peoples. Stop Child Labour! By: Sarah K. Article continued on page 11 What is child labour? Why 218 MILLION kids work To learn more about child should we help? What is the big in a really horrible conditions. labour and what you can do deal? Many people could not an- These children are in vulnerable to help, check out this web- swer these questions, but you positions and are not given the site: should know that child labour is a wages the adults would get if they very big deal! Child labour is were doing the same job in the http://www.freethechildren. when an infant is forced to work same harsh conditions. Us kids com/getinvolved/geteducate at a job and not go to school. Most should not get picked on because d/childlabour.htm of the time it is because they need we are small. to support their family. You may think “Why does Many kids in different this affect me”? Well it doesn’t countries get put through harsh affect you, directly. What if one of days under the sun in terrible con- the kids working in a factory had ditions. We get to go to school gone to school and developed a and get to get a good education cure for cancer? You might want and play sports like soccer swim- that because since 1 in 10 people ming and baseball. These other will suffer from some sort of can- kids have to pull their own weight cer in their lifetime. I care because in the family, and pay bills. These I should, you should too! children normally come from the poorer sections of the worlds soci- ety.

Page 10 The Oakridge Talon Lost tomb of Cleopatra and Marc Antony By: Caitlynn R

less granite statue of Cleopatra whether or not Egyptologist near the temple of Taposiris Zahi Hawass and his team Cleopatra was not only Magna (the temple of Isis). have been able to continue. the last Egyptian queen to ever rule Egypt, but she was also the Most Egyptologists as- last pharaoh. Cleopatra and her sumed this was where the tomb family ruled during the Ptolemaic was located due to the fact that Dynasty and was a direct dece- Cleopatra represents herself as dent of Alexander the great’s gen- Isis. But due to the lack of evi- eral. She bore four children but dence no digs were permitted. only one lived past 15. During the months of Recently, Zahi Hawass, August and September a sum- head of Egypt’s Supreme Council mer home overlooking the tem- of Antiquities, has found 22 coins ple did not permit the dig to con- bearing Cleopatra and Marc An- tinue and it is still unknown tony. He has also found a head-

Education Day continuted…. fantastic day learning, par- the ticipating in activities, such with There are many sup- News as games, storytelling, and n the gs porters of The Aboriginal Fes- I Ice Do more at the Canadian Abo- iagara ong tival as an Education Day, and N Armstr riginal Festival. To learn eagan will be held at Copps Coli- By: M more go to: seum. Students will have a

On Friday, November ing over 70 regular season 19 th , 2010 your Niagara Ice games plus play-offs . To check Dogs will be facing off more action on your Niagara against the Mississauga Ma- IceDogs visit jors at Garden City Arena at 7:30 pm !!!! If you miss this game be sure to checkout one of the other many games. Your Niagara Ice Dogs will be playing week nights and SPORTS weekends at Garden City Arena !! The Niagara Ice Dogs are an OHL team play-

Oakridge Talon Page 11 A View from the Sidelines By: Ross H 3 Ups / 3 Downs

UP DOWN 1. San Fran wins World Se- 1. Bills lose...again and ries…..told you so :P again! 2. Ice Dogs beat my beloved 2. Cowboys lose again….and Peterborough Petes – and off to coach is fired. Too little a great start this season. too late…wait scratch SPORTS 3. Leafs coach Ron Wilson gets that….he didn’t do any- vote of confidence from GM thing! Good call. tion Burke despite the recent terri- 3. There’s just so much losing, I sec ble play. Guess who else got an can’t decide…. What are your e Dis Th le X—Cowboys coach Wade ups and downs? Tab Philips!

Welcome back to The Dis- good glove hand, the defense will every time, or cause an offside be- section Table . This week the To- try and channel their shots so they cause the guy needs to tangle ronto Maple Leafs are on the table. come in on the glove side. through the entire D. Again, what I chose this team because of their Speaking of defense…the is this, minor hockey?? strong start off the gun and now defense on the Leafs need to stop Not all is bad. When the their latest losing streak. The trying to destroy people by slam- Leafs do get a shot on net they are Leafs started well by winning their ming them into the boards. They very good at keeping it low and first few games and since have lost need to start positional and if the crashing the net for the rebound. almost all their games, falling to big hit comes take it but don’t go They also use Dion Phanneuf’s 28 th place in the league. This is looking for it. They need to cover canon shot from the point very ef- happening for a number of rea- the man in front of the net instead fectively on the power play. sons. of going down in the corners. First, it’s their inconsistent The Leafs need to make Prediction: Now this prediction goal tending and I don’t mean some changes quickly as they are won’t be as specific as last week’s shaky goals. Toronto needs to de- playing Tampa soon and Tampa prediction but my predictions are: cide on a definite number one has the leading scorer in the league If the Leafs make the play-offs this starter instead of rotating between – Steven Stamkos and guess where year they could be a contender in Gustafson and Giguere. What is most of his goals come from?! The the first round depending on which this minor hockey??? And if front of the net. The Leafs need to they play and if they make 2 nd you’re wondering why this makes stop leaving the guy in front of the round don’t expect anything. If a difference…it makes a differ- net with it completely open. they don’t make the playoffs they ence because on each team the de- The forwards also need to will in 2012! fense plays to the goalie’s stop trying to carry the puck strengths and weaknesses. For through the neutral zone because example if a goaltender has a very they get stripped at the blue line

Page 12 The Oakridge Talon Are you a good citizen in your community? By: Kaitlyn W.

Being a good citizen in your community is very important. But first, let's define what a good citizen is. A good citizen is an individual who obeys the rules and routines of their community. They have a lot of respect for themselves, for others and the environment. They have a positive attitude towards helping others and volunteering. They are often getting in- volved in fund-raisers and awareness programs. They have helpful leadership skills and en- courage others to get involved too. Think about these characteristics. Do they apply to you? Are you a good citizen in your community? Take the quiz below to find out.

1. At school and at home, I use the three R’s 4. When our school hosts a fund-raiser, I... (reuse, reduce and recycle) and compost. A) Do my best to raise funds and take some of my A) Yes. It is our responsibility to take care of the envi- own time to participate even more. ronment. B) I ask my parents to support the cause and forget B)Usually, but sometimes I’m lazy or forget. about it. I have a very busy social life.

C) No. I’m not really an “Eco-Freak” C) Leave the notes and forms in my backpack and say I didn’t have time. 2. On weekends I... 5. When I sign up for volunteering, I ... A) Go to the mall with a large group of friends. A) Get mad at my mom for making me sign up. B) Volunteer with friends.(At the humane society, community care, or just go talk with some seniors at B) Invite my friends to get involved too. We should all the nursing home) help out sometimes.

C) I finish my chores and play video games all after- C) Go and help out, but don’t usually tell my friends noon. because they might tease me.

3. When I see someone getting teased by 6. When new neighbours move in on our others, I... block, our family usually...

A) Stand back and don’t get involved. It’s not my A) watches when the moving truck pulls in, but then problem. keeps going on with what their doing.

B) Stand up for the person being bullied and offer to B) goes over to introduce ourselves and maybe even hang out with them. Someone’s got to do something. bring baked goods.

C) Join in with the teasing. Words can’t hurt that C) does nothing. much right? Answers are on page 19

Oakridge Talon Page 13 Arts & Entertainment Poetry Remember the ones who died

Little poppy Even if its not Remembrance Day Given to me, Help me keep Canada any thousands died Safe and free. M

I'll wear a little poppy Every day thousands more As red as red can be, To show that I remember Those who fight for me. Many people lost ~ Chelsea M. Brutal battles Jour de Souvenir Par: Andrew S. dans la classe de Every one remember Mme Lalonde

emember all who fall Tous les soldats qui ont battuent, R Tous les soldats qui ont mouruent, ~ By: Chelsea M. Tous les soldats qui nous defends, Souviens-tu de ce jour? BIRTHDAYS! Whose getting older at Oakridge?! By: Alexa A. Happy Birthdays to out to: In Mme Lapointe’s class:Aser E. In Ms.Fabiano’s class: Kit K. In Mr Beaman’s class: Jarrod P.C. Joshua K. In Mme Cornelious' class: Christo- In Mme. Lallonde’s class: Lucan G. pher C. In Mr Game’s class: Natalie C. In Ms. Anderson’s class: Nigel F. Brock B. Yianna P.

In Ms. Kennedey’s class: Benjamin B In Ms Gula’s class: Cole B. Jack A. . In Mr. Dennomé’s class: Mack S.

Page 14 The Oakridge Talon rt Sho ries World of Happiness Sto by: Logan I.

Flora was an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life, but had an extraordinary imagination. Even though she didn’t have many friends, she was forever making up stories in her head. Stories about fairies, unicorns, and other mythical creatures that had ever wafted through the minds of those who believed. Don’t you get this wrong, but Flora was a strong believer in a lot of things. Especially in things that have not be seen by the human eye, yet when Flora described them, she made them seem as if these creatures walked down the street every day. And one of the best creatures that Flora had ever described, was a fairy.

For the girls: Long hair in every colour that you could imagine. Red, green, blue, black, auburn . . . And dresses made of leaves, flowers, or any other natural material. Lilacs, bird feathers, willow boughs . . . Personalities varying from sweet and kind, to mean and nasty, or tom-boyish and adventurous, to gentle and thoughtful. Living in the sky, water, earth, clouds, and anywhere else where they can find their homes.

For the boys: Short hair in not as many colours but still too many to count. Outfits made out of more masculine objects such as leaves, bark, grass . . . Personalities varying from chivalrous, to spiteful, and even cunning and wise. Living in all the same places, but tend to be more daring and sometimes even live in the presence of humans.

Whenever Flora would start to describe fairies, everyone around her would instantly become frozen in place, more by awe than anything else, listening intently as Flora told them about the lives of the “wee folk”. As Flora would talk, her eyes would suddenly become filled with enchantment, and she would to ap- pear to be floating on air. Inside of her, Flora’s soul would automatically be transferred into the fairy world, and as she went along in the fairy world, whatever she would be doing would come out of her mouth. Danc- ing with the fairy prince, playing tricks on the humans, swimming in the pond of tranquility with her other fairy friends.

None of the people whom Flora ever came in contact with ever knew her little secret, and it would probably be best to keep it that way. So all who are reading this, should know to follow your dreams wher- ever they may take you, and even if nothing in your life seems to be going right, just think about Flora in her fairy world, and then join her in her world of happiness.

Oakridge Talon Page 15 Top 10 Music Hits By: Alanna W.

1. Whoa is Me ~ Down with Webster

2. Like a G-6 ~ Far East Movement featuring The Cataracts & Dev

3. Mine ~ Taylor Swift

4. Just a Dream ~ Nelly

5. Fire in your New Shoes ~ featuring

6. Just the Way You Are ~ Bruno Mars

7. Stereo Love ~ Edward Maya & Mia Martina

8. A Year Without Rain ~ Selena Gomez & The Scene

9. U Smile ~ Justin Bieber

10. No Love ~ Eminem featuring Lil’ Wayne

Page 16 The Oakridge Talon Comics by Connie L. The Oakridge Talon Page 17 Page 17 es Jok les & Ridd es, ito Gam y: T B 1. An insect with the name Of a famous band And the name of another insect In its first half

2. What did one autumn leaf say to another?

3. How does an elephant get out of a tree?

Answers are on page 22

Oakridge Talon Page 18 L e ch Éc at rit p de g Alex le chat de gouttière n'avait pas de maison. ar: M out cKin tièr Il a été laissé errer dans les rues. ley e Personne n'a jamais semblé à des soins

comment le froid pauvre Alex était là.

Parfois, il n'avait rien à manger;

même pas de poisson ou de viande jetés. Elle a donné à manger et gardé au chaud,

et fait en sorte qu'il a été l'abri du danger. Il semblait si grincheux de tous les jours. Elle le berçait dans un grand fauteuil brun, Il ne souriait jamais, aimé à jouer, et l'a traité avec soin et amour. Quand d'autres sont venus, il s'enfuit

la vie n'était pas facile comme un perdu. Une amitié lui fait genre, pas sauvage.

Lenguajeinternacional Il a souvent ronronnait et toujours souriant! /

Pauvre Alex dormi sur le sol. Un peu de gentillesse de changement des C'est peut-être pourquoi il a toujours mal vu. choses. Il souhaitait que sa vie serait demi-tour, Quel bonheur et la joie qu'il apporte. mais la solitude a été tout ce qu'il trouve. Quand quelqu'un est triste et bleu

fait quelque chose pour aider à traverse.

대한민국 주간 신문 By: Jihyun R. Langues internationaux

/ 한국 은 아주 특별한 나라 이제, 한국 의 음식을 대해서 15,477,145 명 더 많아요. 입니다. 전통부터 시작해서, 하지만, 캐나다의 면적 은 얘기 할게요. 한국의 독특한 문화까지 한국은 (km ²) 9,984,670 입니다. , 전형적인 음식은 밥 하고 한국의 면적 은 크겠죠? 참신기한나라입니다. PC 방의 반찬입니다. 하지만, 그게 한국의 면적 은 (km ²) 무엇인지 얘기 할게요. 끝이 아닙니다. 국 또 여러 100,210. 그렇다면, 한국 의 PC 방은 공용 컴퓨터 실습실 가지 종류 있고요, 맛있는 인구는 캐나다 보다 입니다. PC 방은 한국에서 것도 아주 많아요. 한국 크지만, 캐나다 는 많이 볼 수 있는 건물 신기해요? 그렇다면, 잘 한국보다 100 배 더 커 요. 입니다. PC 방은 참 특별한 곳 생각해요. 한국의 대한민국은 유일한 인구가49,773,145 명입니다. 입니다. PC 방은 컴퓨터를 나라지만, 아주 재미있는 캐나다의 인구가 하면서 시간을 보낼 수 있는 나라입니다. 34,296,000 명입니다. 한국의 English translation of this 곳입니다! 인구 캐나다의 인구 보다 articles is on page 21

International Languages Page 19 The Oakridge Talon Une Lieu Extraordinaire: L’Ile du Anne Shirley, l’héroïne d’ Anne of Green du Prince Édward Gables, le livre infâme par l’auteur Lucy Maud par Rosie E. – 7EF2 Montgomery. Beaucoup de personnes aiment le livre et visitent Green Gables et la places que Lucy Maud Montgomery décrit dans ses livres. J’aime le livre aussi parce que c’est très bon.

Aussi, l’Ile du Prince Édward a beaucoup de valeur historique. En Charlottetown, la capitale, les plans pour la confédération Canadienne étaitent écrit là. C’est au Province House ou les Pères du Confédérations ont signés Je pense l’Ile du Prince Édward est un lieu le traité – la première étape pour la confédération. extraordinaire. C’est une place construit par les Charlottetown est souvent appeller le Berceau de humaines, il y a de la beauté naturelle et une la Confédération. Pour nous Canadiens, c’est une maison célèbre. L’Ile du Prince Edward est une place signifiante dans notre histoire. Oui, je pense place avec une beauté extrême. Le sol est rouge l’Ile du Prince Édward est un lieu extraordinaire – du brique, les herbes sont très verts et l’océan est très, très extraordinaire! très, très bleu. Les plages sont le plus beau sur la terre! Les couleurs sont intense partout tu vas! Les personnes voyagent de partout du monde pour voir l’Ile du Prince Édward pour voir sa beauté naturelle.

Beaucoup de personnes voyagent à l’Ile du Prince Edward pour voir Green Gables, la maison

The Road to the Rankin Run Rankin Run, and we are hoping to raise even more this By: Emily O. year. Mrs. Armstrong is our Rankin Run Representa- tive, and she will be running the fundraiser here at Oak- As many of you know, Oakridge School has ridge. This year, since we only did Toonies for Terry participated, and will be participating once again, in the (Fox) to raise money, and last year we did pledge Rankin Cancer Run. It is a great event, and is very help- forms, we will be trying to focus on the Rankin Run, ful for many people in the Niagara region. because all of the money stays local. The Rankin Run is a run or walk to raise money Most people in the world know someone who for cancer. The great thing about it is that all of the has suffered from cancer, and I’m sure that you proba- money that they raise stays in the Niagara Region, so bly do to, so please support this great cause. Oakridge when people in Niagara have cancer, they don’t have to will have t-shirts and if you and your family want to move far from home while they get treated. The race th join, please sign up with the school to get more partici- will be held Saturday May 28 , 2011. We will keep you pation. up to date with that when we get more information. Hope to see you there! Last year, Oakridge raised a lot of money for the

Oakridge Talon Page 20 Video games/ Juegos de video/ Jeux de vidéo : Kirby’s Epic Yarn By: Diego V

El nuevo juego lana azul. Entonces se da también pueden participar l gno “KIRBY`S cuenta de que el está dos jugadores para mayor espa EPIC YARN” completamente hecho de diversión. Kirby y el acaba de salir para el hilo. Sus poderes no príncipe Fluff pueden hacer Wii y la sorprendente y funcionan y justo en ese más que transformar. Ellos adorable bola rosa ha caido momento Kirby ve a un también tienen un látigo en un nuevo mundo de niño siendo atacado por un con el que pueden agarrarse problemas y ahora se monstruo, Kirby empieza a de muchas cosas como convertirá en una bola de sentirse extraño, empieza a botones, puertas y los peluche. Así fue como crecer y sus manos y pies enemigos. También cuando empezo, Kirby fue se convierten en ruedas y el agarran a un enemigo, se lo simplemente a dar un es ahora un coche por lo que puede lanzar a los otros agradable paseo, cuando que se apresura al rescate y enemigos. Este juego es tan vio su comida favorita...... salva al príncipe fluff que a divertido que tiene un un Max tomate. Se lo come cambio viene con ustedes perfecto 10 en de un solo trago y se ve en su viaje para salvar al y envuelta en una media mundo. En este juego Así que si te gusta la magia y acaba en un mundo existen hadas que le dan aventura y Kirby KIRBY donde el suelo está hecho muebles y las cosas para su `S EPIC YARN es el juego de pantalones y el cielo de casa. En el “Patch land” perfecto para ti.

çais fran Le monde où le planche est fait aussi tu peux jouer avec tes tout nouveau des pantalons et le ciel est amis pour un extra niveaux jeu KIRBY`S EPIC fait avec des chandailles. d’ amusement. Kirby et YARN a juste sorti pour la Kirby fait attention à ce prince Fluff peuvent utiliser Wii. Kirby est un balle qu’il fait de fil aussi ses un fouet et ils peuvent formidable, et aimable qui pouvoirs ne marche pas. changer en beaucoup d’ob- tombe dans une monde de Kirby vois un petit garçon jects. C’est un jeu est très problèmes et il se change de fil qui est attaqué par une amusent et il a eu un 10 sur dans une petite balle de fil monstre de fil. Kirby sent et courageux. Cette histoire bizarre et il se transforme et si tu aimse les autres jeux commence quand Kirby dans une automobile et il de Kirby tu vas aimer les marche et saute, après qu'il sauve le garson de fils. En adventures, KIRBY`S EPIC voit son nourriture favorit, retour le garçon (prince YARN. cest un tomate de Max. Il Fluff) rejoint Kirby dans mange le tomate et il tombe son adventure. Dans cet jeu English translation of this dans un chaussette tu peux arranger ta maison articles is on page 20 enchantée. Quand Kirby se avec les choses que vous réveille il est dans un trouverez dans les niveaux

Oakridge Talon Page 21 Video games/ Juegos de video/ Jeux de vidéo : Kirby’s Epic Yarn By: Diego V The brand new made of yarn. His powers also do more than trans- game KIRBY`S EPIC don't work. He spots a boy form. They also have a YARN has just came out being attacked by a mon- whip that can grab onto for the Wii. The amazing ster; talk about bad timing. many things like knobs, loveable pink ball of puff Kirby feels strange he doors and enemy's. Also has now fallen into a new starts growing, his hands when you grab onto an world of trouble and is and feet turn into wheels enemy you can throw them now an amazing ball of and he is now a car. He at other enemy's. This fluff. It all started when zooms to the rescue and game is so fun that it got a The amazing Kirby was just taking a saves prince “Fluff” who perfect 10 on Nin- nice walk, then he spots in return comes with you and loveable pink his favourite food...... a on your journey to save So if you like Kirby and ball of puff has Max Tomato. He eats it the world. In this game adventure “KIRBY`S now fallen into a with one big gulp and gets you can catch fairy like EPIC YARN” is the per- sucked up by a magic sock things who give you furni- fect game for you. new world of and ends up in a world ture for your house in trouble. where the ground is made “Patch Land” also you can of jeans and the sky of play with two players for blue fleece. Then he no- an added level of fun. tices that he is completely Kirby and prince Fluff can The Korea Times By: : Jihyun R. is, I will tell you right now it is just the name for side dishes, usually made with vegetables South Korea is a country that is differ- and spices. For example, Kimchi is one very ent than the typical Asian country. Starting famous Banchan in Korea, made with Napa from its traditions to its many strange places, lettuce and spices. Korea is an interesting place to experience. I Is Korea unique? Well, read this. South will start by talking about PC bang. Korea’s population is about 49,773,145. Let’s A PC bang is a type of place that others compare it with Canada. Canada’s population find bizarre, but it’s typical to find a PC bang is approximately 34,296,000. Korea’s popula- throughout the streets of Korea. (“bang 방” tion is bigger by 15,477,145. However, Can- means “room”) A PC bang is commonly ada’s area (in Km²) known as a public computer lab or a cyber is 9,984,670, and café, so people can enjoy time playing on the Korea’s area (in computer. Usually gamers use the PC bang, but Km²) is 100,210. it is a place where you can spend time and That means that Ko- loosen up. I have been to a PC bang, and it was rea could fit into a really interesting place to explore. Now, onto Canada almost 100 the food! times! South Korea Korea’s main food would be rice with is an astounding Banchan. If you don’t know what a Banchan country that has

Page 22 The Oakridge Talon Up-Coming Events @ Oakridge By: McKinley

Nov. 15 th - Progress Reports Nov. 19th – Parent teacher in- Go Home terviews (1-4pm)

Nov. 19 th - Early Release Nov. 26 th - M&M Fundraiser Day : Dismissal 12:15pm (Pendale Plaza)

Answers to Riddles and Jokes: 1. Beatles 2. I’m falling for you. 3. It sits on a leaf and waits till autumn.

Drawing CONTEST ~ You can WIN! By: Buzz B. and Kaitlyn P.

In every newspaper now, there will be a contest for all readers. Every issue will have a different contest with different prizes!

This month we will be asking you to draw a picture of what comes to mind when you think of snow, what you would do with it (still in drawing form) or you can write to us and explain why you like or dislike the snow. This months' prize will be 2 packs of 12 silly bands.

How to enter:

First you draw your picture and put your name grade and class on the back. Then you drop it off in the blue bin in Madame Lapointe's classroom (on the second floor by the in- termediate stairwell). It's as simple as that. You have one month to draw and send in your drawing or letter and the winner will be announced in the newspaper. Be sure to check next months paper to see if you have won! Every student is eligible to enter. After you have won, you can go to Madame Lapointe's room during the eating portion of the break and claim your prize. You must submit your entries by November 26th!

Oakridge Talon Page 23 ? Ask Sarin Got problems

Ask Sarin is a column in the school newspaper A: Dear Friendless, to answer your problems, questions or personal If you are going to get bullied, tell a needs, ASK SARIN !!!! teacher or a principal. If you want to make friends, make approaches and subtle hints that Send a letter to Mr. White’s or Mme. Corne- you want to be their friend. Start with com- lius’s room anytime and tell our teachers to menting on their or their appearance, say hand them to Sarin. “WOW, I realllly like your hair, it looks nice! When they say Thank you, try to make a con- Q: Dear Sarin, versation starting with, You’re Welcome my I’ve been having troubles with making name is ______and even invite them over to friends, I tried to talk to a girl, but I don’t think your house. Results may vary. Hope this helps! she likes me and I even think she wants to :) bully me. What do I do? Pleaseeee help!!!! From Sarin From, Friendless

Game of the Week: Super Smash Bros. Brawl By: Cole S.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a fight- characters, items, stages ing game in which you can be many of the and songs by completing original Nintendo characters. You can ei- achievements and finding ther play Brawl or Classic mode. them on the map. Brawl Mode Solo Mode

Brawl mode is all about fighting There are several things to do in computers or other players. You can ei- Classic mode. You can do Events, All ther go Wi-Fi or play with friends using Star mode, Subspace Emissary mode or the same TV. You can choose your char- Practice mode. In Events you try to ac- acter and you can also choose which set complish specific goals. In Subspace Em- of rules (between time, survival and issary mode an evil being is kidnapping stock). If you feel like teaming up there's characters and destroying everything. In also team brawl mode. You can change Practice mode you can practice your the name from “Player 1” to, for example, brawling skills. In All Star mode you try “Cole”. Then you pick your stage. to get the best record at three different (Spoiler Alert!) You can unlock different events.

Page 24 The Oakridge Talon Mario Kart Wii By: Cole S. Mario Kart Wii is a fun racing game There are many for the whole family. It is the 8 th instalment types of matches, from of the Mario Kart series. It includes new Grand Prix and Time features such as tracks, items and characters Trial in one player, Ver- and the option of riding a dirt bike instead sus or Battle (Balloon of the normal kart. You can also do some- Battle or Coin Run- thing completely unique to Mario Kart Wii, ners) in Multiplayer (2- the ability to drive as your Mii character. 4) or play online with Wi-Fi. (Mii's are characters you can create on the Wii main screen.)

Are you a good citizen in your community? By: Kaitlyn W. Answers and Scoring Key

1. a) 5 pts b) 3 pts c) 1 pt 2. a) 1 pt b) 5 pts c) 3 pts 3. a) 3 pts b) 5 pts c) 1 pt 4. a) 5 pts b) 3 pts c) 1 pt 5. a) 1 pt b) 5 pts c) 3 pts 6. a) 3 pts b) 5 pts c) 1 pt

6-13pts : Slacker ☹

You tend not to get involved in anything you don’t have to. When your parents try to encourage you, you get annoyed. You have what it takes to change the world but you’re lacking in motivation. Try to find something that interests you and go from there.

14-20 pts : Average ☺

You do your best to get involved in your community. You have basic respect and that’s impor- tant. You enjoy helping others but you don’t always show it. Try inviting your friend to come and help out with you. That way you will still be hanging out with them, but together, you can make a difference.

21-30 pts: Over and Above! ☺+☺+☺+

You love helping others and you are constantly getting involved. You have a lot of respect for others. You are a good citizen in your community! Just be careful to save some time to do other things that you enjoy.

Oakridge Talon Page 25 The Oakridge Talon Staff

McKinley Connie L. Diego V Sarah K. Logan I. Natalie C. Alexa A. Madison P. Chelsea M. Sarah K. Ethan G. Ross H. Liiban N. Emily O. Dania S. Caitlynn R. Kaitlyn W. Jessica C. Julia L. Cole S. Rosie E. Janyn Z. Kaitlyn P. Casey O. Gracyn Buzz Lyndsey G. Alice H. Maryn Alyson Madelaine C. Serena Jade T. Jihyun Sarah K. Alanna W. Clare W. Emily C.

Page 26 The Oakridge Talon