1910 the LONDON GAZETTE, 20Ra MARCH 1959
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1910 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 20ra MARCH 1959 COUNTY OF EAST SUSSEX The Order relates to land situate at Stoke, in the Battle Rural District Parish of Hartland, in the County of Devon. The effect of the Order will be to divert the public Notice is hereby given that the East Sussex County right of way .running through the garden of -the Council as the Local Planning Authority have, with the approval of the Minister of Housing and Local bungalow known as " Bella Vista" to the outside Government, made a Direction that the permission boundary hedges on the South, West and North sides granted by Article 3 of the above Order shall not of the said bungalow. apply to the development described below in the area A certified copy of the Order and of the map defined on a map attached to the Direction. contained in ihe Order has 'been deposited at the The Direction applies to land within the parishes of Council Offices at the Address given below and will Camber, Fairlight, Pett, Icklesham and Udimore in be open for inspection during the usual office hours. the Battle Rural District and the effect of the Any objection or 'representation with reference to Direction, which comes into force on the date on the Order may be made in writing to the Secretary, which this notice is published, is to require application Ministry of Housing and Local Government, White- to be made to the Battle -Rural District Council (acting hall, London S.W.I, before the 25th day of April on behalf of the Local Planning Authority) for per- 1959, and any such objection or representation should mission to carry out within the area referred to the state the grounds on which it is made. development described in the Schedule hereto. Dated this 17th day of March 1959. A copy of the Direction and of the map defining C. T. Braddick, Clerk of the Council. the area to which it relates may be seen at my office at Pelham House, Lewes, or at The Watch Oak, Grenville House, Battle, or at the Council Offices, Rye, during office The Quay, Bideford. hours. (561) THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO Any development within Paragraph 2 of Class IV URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL OF WOKING of Part I of the First Schedule to the Town and (Blackdown Close to Maybury Estate) Public Path Country Planning General Development Order, 1950, Order, 1959 . consisting of the use of land (other than a building or the curtilage of a building or the site or curtilage Notice is hereby given that the above Order was made of a building which has been demolished in con- on the 17th day of March 1959 and is about to be sequence of war damage) for the purpose of camping submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Gov- with caravans or tents on not more than 28 days in ernment for confirmation. total in any calendar year, and the erection or placing The Order relates to land situate in the West Byfleet of caravans, tents or other moveable structures on the and Pyrford Ward. land for the purpose of that use. The effect of the Order will, be to create a public right of way on foot .from Blackdown Close to Dated the 20th day of March 1959. Maybury Estate. H. S. Martin. Clerk of the East Sussex County A certified copy of the Order and of the map con- Council. tained in the Order has been deposited at Council Offices, Guildford Road, Woking, and will be open County Hall, for inspection free of charge between the hours of Lewes. 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays .to Fridays and from (234) 9 a.m. to 12 midday on Saturdays. Any objection or representation with reference .to the Order may be sent in writing to the Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE Whitehall, London S.W.I, before the 18th day of COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949 April 1959, and any such objection or representation should state the grounds on which it is made. BOROUGH OF GUILDFORD Dated this 20th day of March 1959. Borough of Guildford (Allen House) Diversion Order. M. Shawcross, Clerk of the Council. 1959 Council Offices, Notice is hereby given that the above Order was Woking, Surrey. made on the 20th day of March 1959, and is about (231) to be submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Government for confirmation. The Order relates to land situate in the Holy BOROUGH OF BECKIENHiAM Trinity Ward. The Beckenham (West Wickham Parish Church to The effect of the Order will be to divert the public Addington Road) Footpath Diversion Order, 1959 right of way running from Eastgate Gardens through Notice 'is (hereby given tfhait ifhe above Order was made the Allen House Playing Fields to Upper High Street on the Ititih day of March 19-59, and is alblouit to to a line running from Eastgate Gardens through the be submitted to ihe Minister of Housing and Local Upper High Street Car Park and the roadway giving Government for confirmation. access thereto from the Upper High Street. The Order 'relates to land slituaite whdHy £31- the A certified copy of the Order and of the map con- Borough of Beckenhaim. The effect of itihe Order will tained in the Order has been deposited at Municipal be ito create a new public might of way on foot com- Offices, Guildford, and will be open for inspection mencing ait *he point where *he existing (public foot- free of charge between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. path joins Addingfton iRoad continuing dm a north from Monday to Friday and between the hours of easterly direction along the frontage to AddBngfton 9 a.m. and 12 noon on Saturdays. Road, (for about 30 yards, rthence conibkiuung in- a Any objection or representation with reference to south easterly direction for alboult 20 yards to (the the Order may be sent in writing to the Secretary, point of initersectiioni witih the existing public toot- Ministry of Housing and Local Government, White- palth; and ito stop up itihe existing public fooitpaitih hall, London S.W.I, before the 20th day of April for a diisitanice of approximately 40 yards fnotm Addiing- 1959, and any such objection or representation should ton, Road to -the point of intersection' with itihe new state the grounds on which it is made. public footpath Mlfeiired to above. Dated this 20th day of March 1959. A certified copy of (the Order and lotf (the map aonitaiined in the Order has been 'deposited at the Herbert C. Wetter, Town Clerk. Town Hall, Beckenihaim, and will be open, for dnspec- Municipal Offices, tflon free of charge during normal office (hours. Guildford, Surrey. Any objection! or 'representation, with (reference (to (052) the Order may be senlt m wmlting to itihe Seoreitairy, Ministry of Bousing and Local Governimenit, White- hail, London iS-W.l, before ihe 25th day of Aprf! BIDEFORD RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL 1959, and any such objection or Tepresenitatilooi should state (the ground® on which ait is made. (Parish Footpath No. 10) "Bella Vista" Stoke, Hartland, Diversion Order, 1959 •Dated itihe 16th day of March 1959. Notice is hereby given that the above Order was made R. Webster Storr, Town Clerk. on the 17th day of March 1959, and is about to be Town' Hall, submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Beckenham. Government for confirmation. (570).