THE HARKNESS HENRY LECTURE CHIPPING AWAY AT THE JUDICIAL ARM? BY THE HON JUSTICE JOHN PRIESTLEY* PARTNERS ADDRESS Warren Scotter KPMG Centre Paul Middlemiss 85 Alexandra Street I applaud Harkness Henry and the University of Waikato School of Law for establishing and Simon Menzies Hamilton maintaining this annual lecture. Law is rightly seen as an academic discipline. The participants in that discipline are many and their roles diverse. Students, academics, barristers and solicitors, the Lynden Earl New Zealand judiciary, those in government, and parliamentarians, have different functions and foci. Christine Grice Any dialogue between diverse groups of lawyers has great intrinsic and practical value. Since Mark Thomson POSTAL ADDRESS I entered a legal system class at the University of Auckland 47 years ago, I have personally put Jake Casey Private Bag 3077 high value on interchanges of this type. The opportunity for students, academics, practitioners, Jarrod True Hamilton 3240 and judges to listen to one another, particularly on topics which lie somewhat to the side of their normal preoccupations, is valuable and invigorating. So, long may this annual lecture and others Dr Joan Forret New Zealand like it continue. CONSULTANTS COMMUNICATION I. MY THESIS Murray Branch Telephone (07) 838 2399 A broad description of my topic this evening is the judicial arm of government in New Zealand. I Simon Ellis Facsimile (07) 839 4043 make four statements which underpin my address. They are: DX GP 20015 • Although New Zealand is a highly developed and, in international terms, senior democracy, Senior Associates Email
[email protected] its citizens have little knowledge or appreciation of their constitutional arrangements.