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Blak Regular Slanted Blak Ultra Slanted

Blak Íñigo Jerez

Blak Regular Slanted Blak Ultra Slanted

WWW.TYPE-O-TONES.COM Blak 1 Íñigo Jerez

Author Íñigo Jerez Blak belongs to the type series designed by

Creation 2008 Íñigo Jerez for the defunct magazine Suite.

Version 2 (2010) This chubby typeface now has a second life in

4 styles Regular our collection. Use it with confidence for big Slanted Ultra statements. Ultra Slanted

Character Basic Latin Sets Latin-1 Supplement

License Types Desktop, Webfont, ePub, App, Server

WWW.TYPE-O-TONES.COM Waterfall Blak 2 Upper & Lowercase Íñigo Jerez


Blak Regular 60pt The Mask

Blak Slanted 60pt Dr. Strange

Blak Ultra 60pt Sky High

Blak Ultra Slanted 60pt

WWW.TYPE-O-TONES.COM Waterfall Blak 3 Uppercase Íñigo Jerez


Blak Regular 60pt PLANET HULK

Blak Slanted 60pt SUPERGIRL

Blak Ultra 60pt THE FLASH

Blak Ultra Slanted 60pt

WWW.TYPE-O-TONES.COM Waterfall Blak 4 Text Íñigo Jerez

Blak Regular 18/18

A film, , or super- hero motion picture is a film that is focused on the actions of one or more superheroes: individ- uals who usually possess superhuman abilities relative to a normal person and are dedicated to protecting the public. These films typically feature action, fantasy and/or elements, with the first film of a particular character often including a focus on the origin of the special powers and the first fight against

Blak Slanted 18/18

A superhero film, superhero movie, or super- hero motion picture is a film that is focused on the actions of one or more superheroes: individ- uals who usually possess superhuman abilities relative to a normal person and are dedicated to protecting the public. These films typically feature action, fantasy and/or science fiction elements, with the first film of a particular character often including a focus on the origin of the special powers and the first fight against

WWW.TYPE-O-TONES.COM Waterfall Blak 5 Text Íñigo Jerez

Blak Ultra 18/18

A superhero film, superhero movie, or su- perhero motion picture is a film that is fo- cused on the actions of one or more super- heroes: individuals who usually possess superhuman abilities relative to a normal person and are dedicated to protecting the public. These films typically feature action, fantasy and/or science fiction elements, with the first film of a particular character often including a focus on the origin of the

Blak Ultra Slanted 18/18

A superhero film, superhero movie, or su- perhero motion picture is a film that is fo- cused on the actions of one or more super- heroes: individuals who usually possess superhuman abilities relative to a normal person and are dedicated to protecting the public. These films typically feature action, fantasy and/or science fiction elements, with the first film of a particular character often including a focus on the origin of the

WWW.TYPE-O-TONES.COM Complete character set Blak 6 Regular Íñigo Jerez

Uppercase Lowercase

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU abcdefghijklmnopqrstu VWXYZÆŒÐÞ vwxyzæœßðþ

Uppercase with accents Lowercase with accents

ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇĐÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏŁÑÒÓÔ àáâãäåçèéêëìíîïıłñòóô ÕÖØŠÙÚÛÜÝŸŽ õöøšùúûüýÿž

Punctuation, marks, currency and maths Figures

@©π®™&¡!¿?*†‡§¶ 0123456789 ()[]{}/\|¦⁄ ¹²³¼½¾%‰ ‹›«» -–—_'"°‘’“”‚„.,:;…·• €$¢£ƒ¥ +−±×÷=≠≈~^<>≤≥¬#µ

Lowercase ordinals (Superiors) and Ligatures Accents

ºª fifl `´ˆˇ˜¨¯˘˚˝˙¸˛

WWW.TYPE-O-TONES.COM Font Sample Blak 7 Íñigo Jerez HEROES Villains&Martians Riding a wave of a new interest in fan- tasy and science fiction films with the success of and .

2001A Space Odyssey dirigida por Stanley Kubrick SUPERS NON-HOLLYWOOD

WWW.TYPE-O-TONES.COM [email protected] [email protected]