Часть III

Уровень B2

Компетентностный подход









СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ ...... 69 * уровень2обозначен знаком сиональных компетенций бакалавра по указанным направлениям. Крометого, направлениям. компетенцийсиональных поуказанным бакалавра содержание самостоятельной работы студентов. Третья рассчитана часть наодин присетке семестр часов также закрепление навыка написаниякраткоготакже закреплениенавыка письменного сообщения (Paragraph). Первый текстов исистема заданийобеспечивают развитие общекультурных компетенций. торного работы временивнеделю.Важнойчастью является текстов написаниесобственных в аудитории (“paragraphs” иэссе). Вовсех бой связныетексты. ковой компетенции фундамента как речевой, т.е. наразвитие одной направлено изпрофес- качестве самостоятельногокачестве пособия. ков отрывки использовались изсовременных англоязычных произведенийразныхжанров: гионоведения имежкультурной имеющихисходный коммуникации, уровенькоммуникатив- шесть внеделю;наобучениешесть письменнойречи рекомендуется отводить ауди- 30–40минут ции студента. Одновременно, обязательной промежуточной цельюявляется развитие язы- ной компетенции Совета нениже Европы. В1поклассификации вузов» Е.Б. Ястребовой, Л.Г.вузов» Е.Б.Ястребовой, ВладыкинойиМ.В.Ермаковой, однако может использоваться ив ных студентов*. и страноведческого плана.Текстовой материал со- обоихразделоввосновномпредставляет интерес, профессиональный представляющие тексты втом лингвокульторологического числе вгазетах художественнаяпубликации инаучно-популярная литература, ижурналах, интернет на обучение текстов написаниюсобственных (разныетипы эссе, деловыеписьма.) в подготовке пособия. ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ для овладения «академической» овладения письменнойречью. Заданиявовторомдля разделенаправлены работы со студентами второго факультетов курса иотделений отношений, ре- международных ресурсы и образцы деловой переписки. В пособие включены иобразцыделовойпереписки.Впособие включены ресурсы interest“human stories” итексты, наиболееважным посвященбазовымязыковым явлениям урока 1)каждого раздел (Section развитие навыков написанияэссе инаписаниядокументов, а связанныхснаймомнаработу; Текстовой материал пособия является аутентичным исовременным; источни- вкачестве Структура исодержание пособия. Автор глубокую благодарность О.А.Кравцовойзанеоценимуюпомощь выражает доценту Методические рекомендации. Конечная Конечная Настоящее пособие является продолжением первойивторой ипредназначено части для Настоящее изданиедополняетучебник «Курс английского студентов для языковых языка Английский языкдлямеждународников ирегионоведов цель пособия – развитие компонента речи как речевой компетен-письменной

Работа способием предполагает сочетание аудиторной и Третья часть “From Paragraph to Essay” на направлена разделахпредусмотрены болеесиль- упражнениядля

Предисловие FOREWORD



• What is the author’s purpose — for example, to inform, persuade, or entertain?

• How well does the author succeed in this purpose?

• What audience does the author have in mind, and how does this help shape the content, organization, tone, and style of the writing?

• Does the author state his or her ideas clearly?

• Does the author organize these ideas in an effective manner?

• Does the author provide sufficient detail to support his or her points – examples, facts, statistics, reasons, quotations, anecdotes, and so on?

• Does the author clearly separate fact from opinion?

• Does the author rely primarily on logic to make his or her points? Does the author appeal to the reader’s emotions?

• Does the author take into account different points of view relating to the topic?

GOOD LUCK! UNIT 1 JOINING INDEPENDENT CLAUSES SECTION 1.SECTION UNIT 1 8 1 Ex.1. Jointhesentences usingsuitableconnectives. PRACTICE 1 PRACTICE LANGUAGE MATTERS: JOINING SENTENCES AND IDEAS 2 a. Connectives ofaddition a. b. b. Connectives (result) ofcause/effect Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи See also part 1unit2. alsopart See Aclauseisagroup ofwords ofit. andisasentence thatincludesaverb oramainpart andasubject Ann isafull-timestudent, AND, ALSO, ABOVEALL,BOTH …AND, BESIDES,INADDITIONTO, ASWELL SO, THEREFORE, ASARESULT, THUS, HENCE, CONSEQUENTLY, ACCORDINGLY She isafull-timestudent,she My mother often left meinhiscare; left motheroften My My brotherMy wasolder, e.g. e.g. e.g . Friendship isbasedonshared interests. Friendships are boundto change wheninterests 1. . Singleparents hangakeyaround theirkid’s neck. They leave numbers alistofemergency 1. . Families neededasecond income. hadto Mothers goto work. 2. 2. About three-quarters ofdivorced personsremarry. divorce Every Aboutthree-quarters involves onaverage one 2. . Many women have become breadwinners. They domostofthehousework. 4. . The developing capitalismdemandedthatwomen shouldjointhelabourmarket.Children 3. . Divorce entailsseriousemotionaland amongchildren. doublestheincidenceIt ofpoverty 5. . Many peoplehave areal desire to have more children. They are distressed becausethey 6. . social problems. had to work. change. can’t afford them. child. on therefrigerator. (see part 1,unit2) (see part Note onpunctuation or a In compound sentencesIn we use a Each piece ofwritingconsists ofsentences and/orparagraphs that are joined by connectives. There are three basicgroups ofconnectives: semicolon so ifthere isnoconnective oraconnective otherthan he often hadto heoften takecare ofme. 2 of and AND also studiestakemostofhertime. : type, of works part time. works part therefore BUT comma , Icameto takehimasafatherfigure.

1 type andof type BY CONNECTIVES OF before aconnective (of OR type. AND, BUT, OR AND, BUT, OR. AND type), type), TYPE A year later Johnsontheelderfell into debtSamuelhadto leave Pembroke for years hewent into where necessary; correct run-on sentences. correct run-on where necessary; Ex. 3.Add appropriate connectives marks andpunctuation Ex. 2.Fill inthegapswithanappropriate connective; marks. explainthepunctuation was hell, 4)____Icamehomeandannounced forfive“OK, thenext years, Idostories closer to home.” was my turnto goto Baghdad. Istillhave theletter Iwrote sotheinkrunsinplaces. then.Iwascrying, wrote except heturnedoutto beagenius. to forHehadanastonishing usethesim- ability money”) support my son;6)____,Iambackontheroad tosupport Afghanistan. successful freelance driedup; stan. Ididthisonlyonce whenmy sonwasfive monthsold. Iwaswithanewspaper then,1)____it survived untiltoday.survived to freeze agreat numberofwords andsay, “That’s it. That’s whattheyallmeananditbe- his mother was connected tohis motherwasconnected variousmembersofgentry. he grew upinpoverty. wasnotquite true. It Samuel’s fatherwas abooksellerandSheriffofLichfield his dictionary he personally wrote 40,000 entries it was an act of fantastic self-assertion. Hedared hepersonallywrote offantastic self-assertion. 40,000entriesitwasanact his dictionary cause Isay so.” depression. della Crusca twenty years to produce a dictionary of Italian. It took Johnsonnineyears to It produce ofItalian. yearsdella Cruscatwenty to produce adictionary mother who missed everything —hisfirststep,mother whomissedeverything hisfirst tooth—whileIwas away Being working. away rapher. plest words to mint(создавать/делать) thatwere bothfresh observations andtruewhichhave I would misshim. isabouthow muchIloveIt my son,how desperately Iwanted him;2)____,itisabouthow much magazine 3 stupidperson. The promise boy andattheageof19went showed to Pembroke extraordinary College, Oxford. Samuel JohnsonwasbornonSeptember18,1709,inLichfield, Staffordshire heliked to say that Now Iamdoingitagain.I’ve lostmostofmy savings intheeconomic crisis, ____thework ofa Dr JohnsonwasanEnglishpoet,essayist, moralist,liter I didn’t wantto putmyself situationwhilemy sonwassmall;3)____,Ididn’t inarisky wantto bea I amwritingaletter sonbefore to my five-year-old Ileave onadangerous assignment in Afghani- In 1737 poverty-stricken Johnsonwent to 1737 poverty-stricken LondonIn where hebeganto write for It took forty Frenchmen took forty ofIt fifty-five years It to tooktheproduceFrench. adictionary Accademia . We lived andtravelled inahousetrailermostofthewinters. Ilearnedto read andwrite from 4. 3. Departing from thetraditionalpattern ofmumashomemakeranddadprovider Departing isnever 3. . Working mothershadnotimeto theirchildren. of lookafter Day-carecentres becamepart 5. . Druguseamongunmarriedteenage mothershasbeengrowing steadily. The numberof 6. AS YOUWRITEIT infants born addicted to drugsincreasedinfants bornaddicted sharplyinthe1980s. children’s life. easy. Feelings ofmutualenvy are inevitable. my parents instead ofgoingto school. . There wasthesimpleneedfor money(ashepointed out, “No manbutablockhead /based on Samuel Johnson:thefatherSamuel oftheEnglishDictionary

Dr Johnson: The Angel of Death Row by of Death Johnson:TheAngel Dr Janine diGiovanni: awar correspondent 5) . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY ____, my personallife haschanged. Ihave to earnaliving, Ihave to ary critic, biographer,ary editor andlexicog- BorisJohnson,RDAugust 2009/ The Gentleman’s 3 ever 9

UNIT 1 UNIT 1 “Given hewould surpassEdison’s therightsupport, record ofathousandpatents.” Technological crea- . The maritalstatusofparents isaprivate matter. socialconsequences. hasimportant It 1. . Love imageinthelover’s stresses theuniqueperfect mind. Affection stresses theuniquenessof 7. 2. Stepfamilies look like intact nuclearfamilies. Stepfamilies looklikeintact They are different inatleast ten different ways. 2. JOINING CLAUSES BY CONNECTIVES OF 4. Marriage isnolongersoindispensableasitusedto Marriage be. We more thanever findpeoplemarrying 4. 10 connectiveEx. 6.Thewriterstucktothe“but” allthrough thestory. Ex. 5.Fill inthegapswithanappropriate connective marks. explainthepunctuation Ex. 4.Jointhesentences usingsuitableconnectives. Can you useafewdifferent ones?Rephrase sentences ifnecessary. . Educators, psychologists, andparent groups have allspokenontheissue. The children 3. first timeIlay awake allnight wondering whatIwasdoing with life.my mid-1999 Iwas In go to to PRACTICE 2 PRACTICE a local Mr Fixit.a localMr The word about Tony soonspread farbeyond Wales of —to nolessthantheMinistry Connectives ofconcession Michael Laughton, professorMichael engineering atLondon ofelectrical University says isunique. Cuthbert Defence, whohave sometimescalleduponhimfor advice. for years;Navy twenty 4)_____ tage inatiny villageinmid-Wales andsettledto becamefamousas aquietlife; 5)_____,hequickly tivity canmakeaninventortivity amillionaire; 1)____, Tony lives onthebreadline withjustthree dogsfor . Everyone inourfamilyworks different hours. We cansometimeshave dinner together. 5. is mostlyinterested onhisown inworking ideas. “I find my mind constantly bubblingwithideas for he had risen to chief electrical officer —at19,thehe hadrisento chiefelectrical youngestinthe fleet.He stayed withthe Merchant company, andastate pensionishisonlyincome. new inventions,” hesays, notsmallthingslikeanewcorkscrew.“but Ilikethebigstuff.” before; ofcontrast isindicated): akind 4 6. In thepastpeopledidn’t In thinklove wasindispensableandsufficient for marriage. Bothmenand 6. 8. In Americawhenchildren In become adults, mostofthemleave theirparents’ houseandsetup 8. Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи неспособный обучиться чтению. 2) At theageof65, Tony can’t remember how many brighttechnological ideashehashad, but WHILE /WHEREAS Despite BUT /YET, ALTHOUGH INSPITEOF/DESPITE(THAT), NEVERTHELESS, THOUGH,HOWEVER, /EVEN 6) e.g. I can’t whenIdecideddidn’t remember exactly wantto die for my job, butIdoremember the women hopedfor affection. and earlier. their own households. They are notmarried. themselves rarely have theopportunity. the actual person. the actual ______Trading traditionalroles shouldbesimple, being adyslexic Tony isalways ableto offer atleasta couple ofsolutions otherpeople’sto problems, he the fact thattradingtraditionalroles shouldbesimple,the fact mostcouples finditdifficult. ( fml ) Tony theUK’s Cuthbert: mostbrilliant inventor? 4 hemadeacareer intheMerchant Navy. 3)_____ (indicate thesurprisingnature ofwhatfollows inviewofwhatwassaid Tom Brady: aformer war correspondent , a severe arthritis forced asevere arthritis himto retire early. Heboughtanoldcot- but mostcouples finditdifficult. BUT TYPE

he hadnoqualifications,

. The young peoplehave ahighshare ofdivorces. 3. . Connectives usedto 1. 1. Eighty percent Eighty ofunmarriedfathersintheUSdonotlive withtheirchildren. 1. 4. A hundred years ago both sexes needed marriage far more than they do now – no drip-dry shirts, shirts, Ahundred years agobothsexes needed marriagefarmore thanthey donow –nodrip-dry 4. JOINING IDEAS . Connectives usedto express 2. 2. In theory, In aslongsomeone’s andbringing homethebacon working andsomeone’s after looking 2. Ex. 7.Choosetherightconnective . Connectives usedto express 3. when arocket flare almost took legoff.my Iwent upinflames;Iwasrushed tohospital for fourhour’s PRACTICE 3 PRACTICE God, itallseemedsoexciting, butitdidn’t takelongfor doubtsto setin.Sure, hotels thefive-star all struggledonasifthisdoubtwasatruthwe didn’t dare to accept. and thelocationswere glamorous andthestories always fascinating, butthehumansuffering was that nightIpaced thehouselikearestless animal. Iconvinced myselfon,butIcanseenow to carry to gothere, but the exotic island ofAmbon.Events ofthemoment,andwe were were inIndonesia thebigstory keen intensive surgery tointensive save surgery andIthought my intact leg. Isurvived “I’m invincible (неуязвим)!”, but it wasthebeginning oftheend. killing people in the street. It istoo dangerous.” peopleinthestreet. It killing unbearable and the danger unnerving. Italkedwithmyunbearable andthedangerunnerving. colleagues; alotofthemfelt likeme, butwe feeling did not last. I knew itwasover.feeling didnotlast.Iknew 5 As aresult ofthetransformation there are two independent sentences withaconnective between them. AT THESAMETIME, etc. AS ARESULT, SO, THEREFORE, THUS, HENCE, CONSEQUENTLY, etc. ALSO. ABOVEALL,FURTHERMORE, MOREOVER.SIMILARLY, WHAT ISMORE, BESIDES,etc. anelderlyrelative. HOWEVER, YET,HOWEVER, NONETHELESS, INCONTRAST, NEVERTHELESS, ONTHEOTHER HAND, CONVERSELY, But this approach came to an end for me in 2000 in Jakarta. Iwasoutsidetheparliamentbuilding But thisapproach cameto anendfor mein2000Jakarta. Perhaps thatthiswasmy warzone oftheyear fourth itwasthefact ormy wife’s pregnancy, but e.g. e.g. e.g. I hadwanted to beaforeign correspondent since Iwasateenager. Civilwar, riots, conflict… my wedlock islesspuzzlingthantheireagernessto rushinto it. cleaners, cannedfoods –andnotmuch hospital care, insurance, orsocialsecurity. thermore addition the kids, itshouldn’tthe kids, matter whodoesit. AS YOUWRITEIT Divorce isquite common. The majority of womenThe majority work. The majority ofRussianwomenThe majority work. Note onpunctuation We useacomma theconnective atthebeginning after ofanindependentclause. , thefamilywasallimportant. , a substantial majority ofchildren, asubstantialmajority bornoutofwedlock receive welfare.

our translator hadjustputthefear ofGodinto me. “Do notcome,” hesaid. are “They 5 add information . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY contrasting ideas result : Nevertheless : As aresult, : . On theotherhand In addition, , mostdivorced peopleremarry. : itisnotalways possiblefor themto takecare of However theydomostofthehousework. / / Incontrast But, theory doesn’t theory changenappies. , theirhaste to getoutof As aresult Therefore 11 /

Fur- this / In

UNIT 1 UNIT 1 ______, families often find it impossible to act ascaregivers finditimpossible ______, familiesoften to act for theiraging relatives. Since more 1 The children ofdivorced parents tend notto makesuccessful andhappy marriagesthemselves. 11. 12. When going on a blind date (свидание с незнакомым человеком) expect to make some sort of of Whengoingonablinddate to (свиданиеснезнакомым makesomesort человеком) expect 12. 5. The desirability ofmarriageisregarded The desirability unquestionable. Divorce, ontheotherhand, strikesusas 5. 10. It isimpossibleto getmarriedtoday It inthecomplete conviction thatthismarriagewilllast “until 10. . Onefeels lonelysurrounded by crowds andmachinesinlarge cities, andwe have somuchtime 7. American spiritofindependence, donotwantto live withtheirchildren. Add marks where punctuation necessary. message doestheauthor What 12 Ex. 9.Make complete andeasilyreadable thetext by adding connectives to joinclausesandideas(sentences). You tomake are expected 11additions. Ex. 8.Fill inthegapswithsuitableconnectives. spread from coast to coast. ______,althoughchildren mightwantto provide care for theirpar- their background, seemedto share thesevalues. They regarded themselves to fortunate belivinghere. meinthefirstplace.that attracted than 50percent ofwomen have jobsoutsidetheirhomes, theyare ______unableto takecare Forty yearsForty agoImoved to London from suburbanNew York, studentaboutto embark awide-eyed . First-born children accept theirparents’ valuesmore easily. 9. it whenIfirstexplored it,fullofexcitement. I feel sad that seem we haveto Britishness lostthe very on Life. Iarrived onmy 18 ents, theycannotalways fac doso. Anotherimportant of theirparents. orhousesthatare notlarge ______, mostpeoplelive enough inapartments part of certain traditionalBritishideals:tolerance, ofcertain equality,part In mostcountries familieshaveIn traditionallytakencare ofolderrelatives. Today, intheUnited States, have forthereader? for family. anextended mobilesociety, ______,becauseAmericansare avery familiesmay be . Divorce isquite common, andoneofthemostsignificant changesisthatmillionsofchildren 8. 6. In Britainpeopletend to In live innuclearfamilies. 6. Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи When Iarrived in1970,London wasalready fabulouslycosmopolitan. This multiculturalismwas a Forty yearsForty isalongtime perhapsto on reflect my adopted home. Ilove itasmuchIloved Above all you would never have come across onyour own, you can’t bedisappointed. vidually anddefinitely one’s own bodyandsoul. ship between husbandandwife breaks down, thechildren are andstate immediately atrisk, social problem andthestate needsto intervene. are notgoingto. are beingbrought upby onlyoneparent. a problem ofseriousattention. worthy and frequently causesit. to feel lonely. they themselves grow up. intervention may be necessary for may themtoo. benecessary intervention compromise. death usdopart”. relationships ofouryounger citizens. prepared to takeresponsibilities beyond theirage. riage. andmany oftheseremarriagespeople remarry includeatleastonechildfrom aformer mar- At thesametime / So Above all , thehigherdivorce rate, themore for unhappinessandinstability thefuture Besides Moreover Hence th / birthday itwasthemostthrillingpresent Icould have birthday hopedfor. / Thus Conversely / / Consequently However / But , onelongsmore acutely thaninthepastfor somebodyto beindi- , ifyou forward to are meeting someonenew, looking someone , many children experience thedivorce oftheirparents before , do not expect to meet thelove donotexpect ofyour life –chances are, you Yet , newpatterns offamilylife are emerging inthe US. / ln comparison On theotherhand What ismore As aresult tor isthatmany parents, ingrained withthe plurality. EveryoneImet,nomatter what Also , marriageprecedes divorce, asarule, / Moreover / / At thesametime At thesametime / Nevertheless , thecare oftheoldisa , mostdivorced , theyare more , iftherelation- . The mother ranthehouse, andthefatherwent outto work to bringbackenoughmoneyfor 1. собственное достоинство) humour, достоинство) собственное thestiffupperlip, and common sense. thesenseofduty . Working hourswere longfor mostfamilies, andchildren were poorlyfed often andbadly 2. SECTION 2.SECTION PARAGRAPH WRITING 3. One-parent families are common, many One-parent children are given more freedom whenyoung; when 3. Ex. 10.Usethefollowing key sentences tofillin the gapsinparagraphs below (there Lead-in. are thecharacteristic What features ofaparagraph? are thecommon What angrier thananything else, thatIamnotBritish.can’t despite thefact seethisculture criticized by . WhatisclearaboutBritaininthe1990sthatitmore sociallyacceptable to have alternative a. those whoare too stupidto appreciate it. We have orourcivi- noreason to ashamedofourhistory is oneextra sentenceofparagraphs whichyou type neednotuse).What are these? comers) show adisdainfor theBritishnessIhave always admired: (умаляющий theself-deprecating us are openlyhostileto themtoo many refuse to doanything aboutit.People usedto beproud to pride — except for Britishnessitselfwe are madeto feel itisasign ofracialelitism. That makesme be British.Now theyseemto beashamed. Today you canwear any with ethnicorculturalidentity lization! paragraph types? . Many peoplethinkthatthere wasonce agoldenageinwhichtheworld wasfilledwithhappy d. . For thepasttwenty-five years theneeds, values, anddemandsofthe styles young have beenthe b. c. It isdoubtfulwhethermany familiesever It lived suchalife, especiallyin Victorian times. c. Those qualitiescanstillbefound inindividualstheynolongermarkusasasociety. Too many of Over thepastdozenOver years orso, more andmore ofourinhabitants(indigenousaswell asnew- major concern ofnearlythewholeadultfemale population. lifestyles, relationships andways ofbringing upchildren thanithasever been. families. AS YOUWRITEIT should be. this idealfamilyto live itslife. The family—mother, fatherandthree orfour healthy, happy image is the kind offamilylife peoplemeanwhentheytalkabout image isthekind values”.“Victorian clothed. familylifeThe visionofagolden ageisbasedperhapsonhow we thinkperfect children. Disciplinewithinthefamilyunitwasstrong, andmoralstandards were high. This children — would gooutfor anoccasional treat. Roleswere clearfor theparents very and are menorwomen —nolongerseemto completely whatroles dictate we shouldtakeinlife. amples ofdifferent ways —whether ofliving.we Nowadays, sexualcharacteristics ourprimary acceptance ofhomosexualrelationships. Britain’s In there society are many multi-cultural ex- they move away from home, theymove earlier(usuallyataround 18),andgofurther. People experiment withrelationships before committing themselves to marriageandthere isgreater concerned withthethemecontained inthetopic/key sentence. is It usually thefirstsentence, which themainidea.contains The other A paragraph normallyconsists ofseveral sentences whichare all sentences support it by adding further information itby orexamples. addingfurther sentences support . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY /from Forty yearsForty on by Porter, Monica Reader’s DigestJuly2010/ 13

UNIT 1 UNIT 1 1. The first and most obvious effect of taking a certain positioninthefamilyis relationship a we The certain firstandmostobvious effectoftaking 1. . The firstchild, whobecomes theolderoroldestchild, doesnothave theunlimited time to view 4. . The asthefamily’s childbecomes known onlychild, oldestchild, middlechild, oryoungest child, 3. 1. One in seven families in Britain is a single-parent family. Oneinseven familiesinBritainisasingle-parent There family. are several ofone-parent types 1. 5. The first child serves asabarrierbetween later children The firstchildserves andtheparents. 5. . Abigproblem for mothersintheUKislow working standard facilitiesfor ofchild-care pre- 4. . The order. attitudeoftheothermembersfamilytoward eachchilddependsonhisbirth 6. c. They recommend that people make use of birth-order theory to themselves getto better know theory They recommend thatpeoplemake useofbirth-order c. . Many psychologists order believe thatbirth 2. . Fathers problems assingleparents. face particular may Men have to fight for theright look to 2. . Analternative centres ischild-care runby thelocalcouncil butitisnotalways easyto getaplace there. c. with the supporting sentences. with thesupporting 14 Ex. 12.Readthefollowing key sentences andmatchthem SUPPORTING SENTENCES: SUPPORTING Ex. 11. Use the following supporting sentences (a–d) tocomplete intheparagraphs sentences (a–d) Ex. 11.Usethefollowing supporting 3. In the majority of one-parent familiesitisthemotherwhosingleparent. Aloneparent ofone-parent themajority In 3. KEY SENTENCES: below (1–4).Find therightplace forthem. . Whenasiblingarrives, hetriesto suppress theviewofhimselfasachildandhestrugglesto be d. . Women are where clearlyatadisadvantageinsociety thestate assumesamanwillbethemain b. . Parents canbeontheirown becauseofthedeathapartner, divorce, thebreakdown oflive-in a. a. Both in his mind and in the minds of other people an important part of his identity ishisfamily ofhisidentity part Bothinhismindandtheminds ofotherpeopleanimportant a. 6 . Later children ontheparents inafamilydonotfeel for the samedependency sustenance and e. doesn’t Britishsociety men to have expect life theirworking disrupted by theneedto care for a d. b. If there are If onlyadults present, intense we close and often relationship are withthem,as in avery b. Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи birth order — последовательность рождения детей order рождения всемье —последовательность birth very expensive.very with awell-paid jobmay beableto pay for ananny, butthisisrare. Around 70%ofloneparents school children. Employing ananny orachild-minderto children lookafter duringtheday is sick child, for example. after theirchildrenafter —the mother, presumed isoften to have more rightsto them. and to oftheirhusbandorwife. better understandthepersonality himself as have to withrespect thepeoplealready there. continuing to theirchildren. lookafter companionship asdidthefirstchild, becausetheyhave a “peer” to turn to whentheparents are depending on his birth order.depending onhisbirth people you select as friends, and the kind ofmarriage you asfriends,people you have. andthekind select breadwinner, andthere for are few lonemothersto earnagoodincome opportunities while parental. rely onstate benefitsastheirmainsource ofincome. outsidemarriage torelationships, singlepeople. orbirths not available. position. anyone whohas hadachildorwhohaswatched knows first-timeparents hovering over theirinfants. the child intherelationship withhisparents. 6 cangreatly influence theway you are,type of the . Whatare thepossibleconsequences for thewoman? 1. . How could themanfeel inthisnewrole? 2. A. Ex. 15.Write aparagraph onthemostcommon causes ofconflict and Ex. 14. Develop thefollowingEx. 14.Develop key sentence intoanargumentative paragraph. Ex.13. Take thecombination of1andCasthetopicsentence, andwriteaparagraph friction between young between peopleand theirparents.friction hl . Afirst-borncan teach a to responsibility youngest. 2. while When traditional roles are reversed, couples face seriousproblems. C. although 4. Good birth-order matching may helpinamarriage. Goodbirth-order 4. Researchers say eachother. thatopposites attract 1. although and below, usingtheconnectives inthemargin.Which sentence isaconcluding one? B. B. o xml . People order whohave may findtheyencourage the thesamebirth worst 3. for example on “The effect of birth order onmarriage”, ofbirth effect on “The joiningthescrambled sentences andideas . Parents theiroldestchildto bemore usuallyexpect capableandmore responsible thanthe f. younger children. Write aparagraph Mumisthemainbreadwinner”. of120words “When Think ofsuitableconnectives to addinformation andexpress contrasting ideas. To sentences answer write thesequestionsfirst: supporting e. ______? e. ______? . having to domosthousework besidesbeingthebreadwinner a. a. enjoy taking care enjoy ofthechildren taking anddoingthehousework a. . enjoying financialindependence d. . depressed atbeingdependent onhiswife financially d. . resent doingawoman’s jobathome b. . feeling deprived ofwhatshouldbehers(thepleasure ofstaying athomewiththechildren, etc.) c. . feel emasculated by thelackof “real” work andcontinuing childcare ina woman’s world c. . feeling isolated from hernaturalrole ofmotherandwife b. AS YOUWRITEIT 5. Understanding and sensitivity toward Understandingandsensitivity your mate are alsoimportant. 5. . Two sohard middlechildren to avoid could try thattheymightend conflict a. . They suggestthatlife outside islesscomplicated for peoplewhomarry c. . Ayoungest canhelpafirst-born relax and bemore carefree. d. b. It isnotaguarantee ofhappiness. It b. their own birth order.their own birth characteristics oftheirgroupcharacteristics ineachother. up notcommunicating. . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY

UNIT 1 UNIT 2 SECTION SECTION 1. WRITING IN STYLE: ACADEMIC WRITING UNIT 2 with apartner. Share your conclusions withtheclass. 16 Lead-in. doyou What thinkare thefeatures thefollowing ofacademic Discuss style? Ex. 1. Read the text andfindouttheauthor’sEx. 1.Readthetext viewonimmigration. Point outallthe features of academic (words, style compound andcomplex sentences andstructures). COMPLEX SENTENCES & COMPLEX (1) GRAMMAR STRUCTURES PRACTICE 1.PRACTICE and Jamaicans, waves onBritishlife. ofmigration have animpact left and urbanbreakdown ratherthanrace itself. And MPs remarked thatimmigration hadbeen oneofthechiefissues. What makesitremarkable, though, tural spirit, the city fathersatthat timedidalltheycould totural spirit,thecity stop refugees (беженцы) coming to the the similaritiesbetween today’s debate andthatsurrounding thearrival oftheUgandanAsians, after to recognize there are otherissuesinvolved, andtheydirected theirfire atpoliticiansinpower. is how littlevoters’ fears have changed. Working onmy newbookontheearly1970s, Iwasstruckby wordsis fullofimported suchasbungalow andpyjamas, testifies ourethnicandculturalheteroge- to have mademanifold contributions to Britishlife. more thanafew After the2010election, Labour 7 east Midlands. estimate suggests that as early as 1800, the black community in our ports andcitieswas10,000strong.estimate inourports suggeststhatasearly1800,theblackcommunity open, itwillfester (become muchworse) foryears. anotherfifty never beenconvinced by thisexplanation.Even NationalFront neity. Andfarfrom beinganall-white nationBritainhaslonghadasignificant blackpopulation.One intheDarkAges Sea poured to thegenerationsofHuguenots, across Dutchmen, theNorth Indians Note: Idi Aminexpelledthemin1972.Andalthoughthe people ofLeicester boast today oftheirmulticul- Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи a far right whites-only politicalparty afarrightwhites-only Anti-immigration attitudesare alleged to beaform ofdisguised(замаскированный)racism.Ihave And yet, politicalforce, fears powerful ofimmigrants are stillavery thatmigrants despite thefact Doyou remember thedifferencetwo? between the Britain has long been a country ofimmigrants. FromBritain haslongbeenacountry andNorsemenwho theAnglo-Saxons Even thelanguagewe use, whichisablendofold West Germanic, NorseandNormanFrench and In myIn viewthecurrent concern aboutimmigration hasfarmore to dowithunemployment, crime compound andcomplex sentences are ofacademicwriting. typical (strong) personalexpressions colloquialisms use offillers( forms) use ofcontractions (short mixing styles impersonal tone Politicians have beenscared ofdiscussingimmigration for years well, you know . /after DominicSandbrook/after , etc.) immigration foryears , unless thenewleadersgetissueoutin objective approachobjective hedging (cautiouslanguage) use ofcomplex grammar structures use ofpassive voice punctuation personal bias Politicians have beenscared ofdiscussing 7 supporters backinthe1970s appeared supporters History magazine July2010/ History . There is strong socialpressure to marry. = There seemsto bestrong socialpressure to marry. 2. . AlanhasMS 7. 1. Some researchers Some callRussianfamilies 1. 2 We andwe madeafortune lostfortune. We’ve managedto pulltogether asafamily, move on, 12. We’ve intheOsmondfamily. hadconflicts wasbecausesomeone’sIt manageroragentlawyer 11. We hadprivate tutors andcorrespondence courses. ofschool, not Imissedoutthesocialaspect 10. 1. Russians marry andbearchildren young. andbearchildren Russiansmarry young. =Russianstend to marry 1. 1. I had a very unusualchildhoodastheyoungest memberoftheOsmondfamily. Ihadavery mumhadthe My 1. . Shetravelled withus. Shenever everywhere hadabreak. 2. . Women ofchildren. domestictasks, are includingthenurturing incharge ofday-in-and-day-out 4. . We never celebrated ourachievements. Daddidn’t wantusto getbig-headed. 4. . Husbandsandwives andhelpindecisionmaking. rely ononeanotherfor emotionalsupport 2. . Women domostofthehousework andchildcare. = Women are believed to domostofthe 3. the text inamore formalstyle. Makethe text useofcompound andcomplex sentences instead 3. My dadwasthedisciplinarianinfamily. My Hehadbeenanarmy how to sergeant. Heknew 3. Ex. 3. Rewrite the text inacademicEx. 3.Rewritethetext style. Make useof“cautious language” (infinitive family oftheOsmond Ex. 2.Thisisastory . Equaldistributionofhouseholdlabourisrising, especiallyamong young couples. themajority In 3. vision show, andto continued success as soloandgroup performers. 5. Most Russians respect andadmire Russians respect Most motherhood. Traditionally Russianssee 5. e.g. e.g. and infinitive structures)andof compound and complex sentences andpassive voice. . Ihadnoideawastheyoungest performer, agednine, ever to have UKnumberone. Ionlyfound 5. . Ididn’t goto school. Iwastwelve. Istayed for oneday only. 9. 6. On 50th Anniversary tour, OntheOsmonds50thAnniversary Iwasreally moved to see30,000peoplesinging along 6. from singing barbershop musicaschildren, to achievingsuccess asteen-music idols, to producing ahittele- of thesimpleones. Add markswhere necessary. punctuation 9 6. It is known thatduringtheSoviet period, isknown wives family andmotherscameto It bethedefacto 6. 8 . Iusedto bealittlescared by allthefans. We of hadto besmuggledoutofvenues inallsorts 8. m The Osmondsare anAmericanfamilymusicgroup witha long andvariedcareer—a career thattook them Adolescents feel muchcloserto theirmothers than to theirfathers. ultiple sclerosis. financial support only.financial support always ready to sacrifice for herchildren. to makeallnineofusfeelability special. Men, nonetheless,Men, have to higherstatus, bethemainbreadwinners. expect They leave most the education. to songs. brother My Alanwrote themallthoseyears ago. has gotinthemiddleandstirred uptrouble. heads. plusdomesticlabour—wereTheir contributions—financial support greater thanmen’s housework andchildcare to theirwives. housework andchildcare. keep order. of familiestraditional genderroles are maintained. out from my daughter theotherday thattherecord stillstands. different ways. girls would literally ripusapart. Those crazy “cautious language”: laugh andcry. life My feels likealife well lived. AS YOUWRITEIT 9 . It wasAlan’s. It lasttour. The fansmadehimfeel appreciated. . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY quasi-patriarchal 8 as Jimmy Osmond remembers asJimmy it.Rewrite Osmond . Mother asawoman 17

UNIT 2 UNIT 2 For example:I’d tricks, suddenly, learnedtwo newskating anidiotofmyself weeks after ofmaking — anddesign teacher, my For art Gilbert, example:Mrs took meto alessonandasked onesideafter — For example:MumgotridofSteve, herrubbishboyfriend. — . This pattern haspersisted into thepost-Soviet era. Today many young women prefer to stay 7. structures typical ofaninformalstyle. Write down possibleequivalents 18 advantage One of faces. andsaywhatproblem(s) Sam Ex. 4.Readthetext How different USE OF CONNECTIVES vorced, buttheywere stillfightinganyway, becausethey’dafter theygot carriedonfightinglong who didn’t wantto gooutwithme… stairs. something stupid, to andtheyspendtherest makeupfor oftheirlives themistaketheymade. trying butthisfeelingsixteen, thatlife wasOKnewto me. Idon’t meanto say thatI’d beenunhappy. solidly for aboutsixmonths. IN AN ESSAY CONNECTIVES ARE USED: asking mewhetherI’dasking anddesign atcollege … thoughtofdoingart That wasabigthing. at school, andthentheygoto college, maybe, andthenmakepotsofmoney. Butinstead theydo thatthey’re— my offthinking going mum,my do to dad, well again. Someone — starts my grandad But there hadalways beensomethingwrong before, somewhere about.For— somethingto worry to introduce points: to makecontrasting points: to indicate cause/effect: to addmore points: to conclude: in formalstyle. Compare your listwiththatofapartner. from theoneinex.1?Point ofthetext is thestyle outthewords and instance, my parents were gettingdivorced, andtheywere fighting. Orthey’d finishedgettingdi- divorced. Ormathswasn’t well goingvery — Ihate maths — orIwanted to gooutwithsomeone married justbefore herseventeenth birthday. I’d liketo betheoneto break Gilbert thepattern. Mrs andnotraining. mumreckons My no skills she could have goneto university, butinstead shewas In ourfamilypeoplealwaysIn slipuponthefirststep. mostofthetimetheydon’t fact, In even findthe Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи

This wasacouple ofyears ago — thistimewhenthingswere alongOK — soIwasnearly ticking All that,andI’d metAliciatoo. So thingswere alongquiteSo nicely. ticking I’d fact, In say goodstuffhadbeenhappeningpretty whether I’d atcollege. thoughtofdoingart My mum’sMy hewasgoingto beafootballer. dad madethemistakeofthinking Heendedupwith Here’s anotherthingIwantto say. ofmyThe familyisalways story thesamestory, over andover in public. (skating=skateboarding) home iftheycanafford it. To sumup Firstly Secondly Secondly / Inconclusion connectives or linking wordsconnectives orlinking andphrases indicate So /ThereforeSo /Asaresult /Thus/Hence /Consequently /Accordingly / To beginwith However / What ismore What logical relationship inthetext / / ... On balance On On theotherhand On is / / Inthefirstplace One disadvantage One of / Furthermore / Allthingsconsidered ; / One pointinfavour One of Although / A further advantage of Afurther ... is , etc / Inspiteof . /from / ( Slam against Conversely ... is by Nick Hornby/by Nick , etc ) … is , etc /

. ______, we all know and certainly feel thatAmerica–dream andcertainly ______, we andthatpromise, allknow thosemyths, leg- America, blurred orsharp. 4)______,mostreaders, likemosttourists, setoutinsearch ofAmerica Ex. 6.Add connectivestomake tothetext thelogicmore clear. 10 Ex. 7.Indicate logical relationship intheessayby fillinginthegapswith connectives. Ex. 5.Fill inthegapswithsuitableconnectives: Pay attentiontopunctuation. with thepeoplewhocare for them,ratherthanthenumber, sex, ormaritalstatusoftheircaregivers. wanting to findwhatthey’re for, looking andare displeasedwiththeirguidesiftheydon’t5) findit. while the kids are young)while thekids andabreadwinner fatherinalong-term marriagethatlasts “till deathdo selves for providing theiroffspring withaninferior version offamilylife. For theseparents,to con- trying PRACTICE 2 PRACTICE Our culturalmythology aboutparenting isthatthere as no other country does. approaching America,6) In as noothercountry ______, we firstneed takeato closerlookat politicsandproblems,and crafts, justlikeany othercountry. To takethisapproach, 2)______,would Most peoplebelieveMost thatthebestway to raisechildren iswithbothastay-at-home mother(atleast these problems ifwe hopeto getcloserto thecentral questionofwhatAmericaisanditmeans. ible andcreative infindingstrategies family. that work for theirparticular is just another country, and try toisasuperpower,is justanothercountry, approach itassuch.It andtry to besure; 1) ______, it it aimedatsimplyinforming thepublicordoesitencourage consumers to purchase they products has itspopulationcenters, highandlow temperatures, economic statistics, educationalsystems, arts have ofourlives. become hasbecome Advertising apart ahighlycreative industry. andpowerful Is one rightway. We thatchildren now canthrive know inmany different family forms. The scientificevi- ends, and hopes — issomehow different.ends, andhopes opinionsandjudgments ofAmericaattracts subject The very governments to pay suchaseducationandhealthcare. for essentialservices _____,thenumberof dence shows for oftherelationships conclusively themisthequality theyhave thatwhatisimportant do notreally need? us part.” Any familythatisdifferent from thisnormissaid shortchange to paid workforce; abouthalfofallmarriageswillendindivorce; andmany more peoplethanever be- mean ignoring two fundamentalproblems. around inourmindsimagesof 3)______,we allcarry In settingoutto describeAmericaandtheAmericans,In itwould beeasyto assumethattheUnited States however, atthesametime, therefore, firstly, secondly, asa result form oftheNormalFamily to theMyth generates often guilt,anxiety, power struggles, andotherstress. fore willchooseto have children withoutgettingmarried. Give lessthantheyneed. _____ Advertising generates_____ Advertising wealth for acountry. That isto say, taxes paidongoodssold, help offamiliesdonotfitthismodel.TheMost mothershave majority to, orwant to, ofthe bepart Whether itison щиты)TV, attheside oftheroad, radioorhoardings advertisements (рекламные Psychologists to findthe`onerightway,' suggestthatratherthantrying parents need beflex-to normalfamiliesthatdonotfitintoPerfectly thetraditionalpattern feel abnormalandblamethem- New scientificinformation thathasemerged inthelast10 theideathatthereyears is contradicts AS YOUWRITEIT connectives are setoff by a comma Note onpunctuation . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY : Advertising: goodorevil? is “one rightway” to raisechildren. 10 youngsters. 19

UNIT 2 UNIT 2 (FOR STRUCTURE: SECTION SECTION 2. WRITING ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAYS want more. Beingexposedagainandto whichonecannotafford products produces frustration advertised andwantto have.advertised This leadsto often feelings ofinadequacy, especiallyamongthelesswell-off. ______,notallparents areand dissatisfaction. inapositionto afford thegoodswhichtheirchildren see 20 Learning to write anacademicessay isnotanaiminitselfbutaway to learnwritingfor Without sponsorshipfrom theirproducts, companiestheseevents whoadvertise would never be 11 wealth ofasociety. _____,thedrawbacks ofagreedy, faroutweigh theadvan- materialistic society which isalsoagreat economy. advantagefor acountry's and competition, whichdoesnogoodto anyone, to theyounger generation. particularly Conclusion (Final paragraph) People are prepared to work longhoursattheexpenseoftheirhealthorfamilytimeeven turnto tages. isnotaboutinforming my In thepublicbutaboutpromoting opinion,advertising inequality the consumer andsociety. held. otherwords, In althoughconsumerism ispromoted through advertising, itisbeneficial to both jobs created for thesegoodshelpsto producing, reduce unemployment, marketing andservicing essay), magazineornewspaper. b)by anauthorto bepublishedinabook, crime inorder to whichcannotbenefitsociety. gainthegoodsadvertised, mentative essays Main body(Development) Introduction (ParagraphIntroduction 1) Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи These are alsodescribedasdiscursive. _____, itistruetodoesprovide say thatadvertising somebenefits, firstofall, it contributes tothe creates______, advertising materialism;onmaterial peopleplace goods. too muchimportance _____, advertising raises money for a great number of sporting events and artistic performances. performances. raisesmoneyfor events agreat_____, advertising andartistic numberofsporting _____, advertisements canmakepeopledissatisfiedwithwhattheyalready have,_____, advertisements andmakethem There are differenttypes ofacademicessays. In this book youwilllearn twotypes ofargu-to write The subject or topic: thesisstatement.The subject An essay is defined as a short piece of writing on a particular subject a) by astudent(academic subject piece ofwritingona particular An essay isdefinedasashort Arguments against(=disadvantages). withdetails, examples.The mainideassupported Arguments for (=advantages). withdetails, examples.The mainideas supported A summary ofthemainpoints. Optional: own views /opinions.A summary Comments ontheway itisto betreated. Paragraph 3. Paragraph 2. NB An argumentative (for andagainst)essay isaformal, impersonalpiece ofwriting and A position logically, coherently andconcisely whenspeaking. professional purposes;writingessays isalsoaway to learnhow to present your ideasand in whichyou are to expected consider atopic from opposingpointsofview. 11 (for andagainstbasedonopinion) anddescriptive essays. GAINST) . Fast food andmodernlifestyle 1. 1. Make alistofthepoints Make 1. . Changing familypatterns 7. 2. Living in an extended family Livinginanextended 2. 4. Women bosses . Never write anargument 2. 3. Raising bilingualchildren Raising 3. 3. Start eachparagraph withakeysentenc Start 3. with apartner. a paragraph and the next paragraph is started on the left margin. ontheleft paragraph aparagraph isstarted andthenext 5. Generation gap Ex. 8. Analyse the text in ex. 7 and say what type ofessayit inex.7andsaywhattype thetext Ex. 8.Analyse Ex. 9.Choosethethesisstatementwhichbestsuitseachtopicanddiscussyour choice POINTSREMEMBER: TO 6. Online dating itAListB List A Note: reasoning AS YOUWRITEIT paragraphs are eitherindented margin from attheendof theleft oralineofspace isleft . What isthethesisstatement?CanWhat you suggestadifferent one? To produce agood thesisstatement turnthetopic into aquestionandanswer it—you’ve gotit! for for . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY and or against against 1. a) Eating fastfood saves a) timebutisdangerous, though 1. . a) Family patterns in developed countries are becom- 7. 2. a) Three generationslivingtogether a) isasituationwhich 2. 4. a) Few a) women wantto beinthepositionofpower, but 4. . a) Providing children withacademicandcognitive3. ad- b) Changing familypatterns give more freedom to the b)Onlinedatinghasitspros andcons. b) Arguments between parents andchildren are anec- b)Women bosseshave theirstrengths andweaknesses. b) Being bilingualhasmany advantagesfor education b) There are advantagesanddisadvantagesto livingin b) Fast b) food fitsthepace ofmodernlife butputs you on many young peopleenjoy it. . a) “Generation gap” doesnotnecessarily5. causedisagree- . a) Online datinghasmany advantagesthoughitmay 6. without supporting itwithjustification. withoutsupporting before to write. you start e whichsummarizes whattheparagraph isabout. young to theold. andlesssecurity vantages of bilingualism takes a lot of effort on both onboth vantages ofbilingualismtakesaloteffort and employment, that’s to why provide parents try an extended family.an extended a fasttrack to premature death. those whodomakebetter managersthanmen. their children ofbothlanguag- withagoodknowledge ing more varied, affectingboththe young andtheold. es. essary, ofgrowing thoughpainful, up. part can bebothadvantageousanddifficult. be difficultandattimesdisappointing. ment . parents’ part.

is. Give your 21

UNIT 2 UNIT 2 . An onlychild 7. 1. Start withaninteresting orrefer orsurprisingfact Start to anunusualsituation. 1. . The trend towards asmallerfamily 4. 0 Children offamousparents 10. 1. Birth control: away to Birth fightglobalpoverty? 1. . Address thereader withaquestion. directly 2. 5. Teaching “digital natives” . expresses ONEidea; 1. . Siblings: friendsorrivals? 2. . The great ChinesephilosopherConfucius advised, “Have no friendnotequalto yourself.” Writing I. Apart from making astrong from thesisstatement should agoodintroduction making Apart “hook A . Aging populationandmigration 9. WRITING A GOOD INTRODUCTION Start withstatingtheboy’sStart problem(s) andgive reasons andexamples Topics: . Suggestadefinition. 4. . isclear and specific; 2. . Advantages anddisadvantagesofhomeschooling 6. USEFUL TIPS USEFUL TIPS: to support thestatement to support 22 Suggest thetopicsfortheseintroductions. Ex 5. Supply some important background information. Supplysomeimportant 5. thesis statement. Which paragraphthesis statement.Which do you findmore Discuss with effective? yourpartner. . Give aquotation. 3. Ex. 12.Readtheparagraphs anddecidewhatintroduction “technique” isused. Find the Ex.10. Readthetopicsandwritestrong thesisstatements. withapartner. Discuss . Effectsofmaritalstatusonmen’s health 3. 3. justifies discussion them wantto read whatyou’ve written. e.g. e.g. 8. Early retirement Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи strong . 11.Write aparagraph inex.4. basedonthetext inaformalstyle Thesis statement: Reducingpopulationgrowth control through cancombat globalpoverty. birth control helpreduce Question:How doesbirth poverty? in a very hierarchical heprobably society meantthatyouin avery should makefriendswithpeopleyour own socialclass. ButI’d liketo interpret more broadly hisdictum — meaningthatfriendship requires mutualrespect. Topic: control: away to Birth fightglobalpoverty thesisstatement . ” thereader, i.e. make “hook” thereader“hook” andproduce astrong thesisstatement. 1. 4. The characteristics resulting from birth order Theresulting are characteristics from imprinted birth between theagesthree andseven. 4. . Three adultscome together for afamilyreunion andtheeldestissoonrunningshow. 3. 1. Birth order affects our choice of partner andeven order ourcareers, affectsourchoice ofpartner butitisnever Birth more evidentthan 1. 2. 2. Siblings can be increasingly important inadultlife; thisrelationship, Siblingscanbeincreasingly important even ifitinvolves is rivalry 2. Which topicinex.10canWhich thisintroductionfit? A. Writing an outline of an essay: brainstorming Writing anoutlineofessay: A. 3. Ex. 13.Write usingsomeofthesescrambled anintroduction sentences: Ex. 14. Write an essay on “Marrying Young”.Ex. 14.Write anessayon“Marrying Follow thesteps. . Meanwhile, theyounger plays thecharmerandharassedmiddle onetriesto keepthe 5. . Siblingsare programmed to compete for parental attention, andto dothatwe have to be 6. I Amanandawoman were seated inacarthathadbeencircling thesamearea for halfanhour. II. III. Scientists tell usthatthehumangenomeinallofismadeupelementsare Scientists 99,97%the III. V It’s thatmore thanhalfthemarriagesinU.S. asadfact endupindivorce. Statisticsondivorce IV. 1. helps one mature early 1. interferes withone’s 1.interferes studies 1. helpsonemature early The woman wassaying, don’t“Why we just There file below whichmay isafact be useful. .... 2...... 2...... AGAINST Early marriage will inevitably interfere witheitherhusband’s Early marriagewillinevitablyinterfere orwife’s AGAINST .... 3...... 3...... we getmarriedwiththeidea, itdoesn’t“If Icanalways work, getadivorce.” Doesitmeanthat when we are withourfamily. successful. same. alike,While thatistruenotwo humansare whatreally exactly makesusuniqueand ask directions? ask directions? Why aren’t women? The explanationisthatmenandwomen uselanguagein there canbemany problems intheseinternational marriagerelationships, theycanalsobe very time, “I’m sure it’s around here thisstreet.” somewhere. I’lljusttry Why are to mensoreluctant too important to jettison(throwtoo away). important FOR FOR Marrying young makes one mature early because starting afamilyinvolves young makesonemature earlybecausestarting Marrying FOR in many otherdeveloped countries are almostasbad. We seemto belivinginaworld where groups withinalarger How context. doesthisdesign work inintercultural marriages?Although different ways. different isourculture. Culture isahumandesign for livingwithinsmall groups and for those different; so, because arewe rivals we continue quarrelto likefive-year-olds. marriage asaninstitutionwillbecome extinct? peace. List thepoints for andagainstdiscussthemwitha partner/team Write sentences andcompare supporting themwiththoseofapartner/team Make use of facts to support your ideas. tosupport Make Do your useof facts research. AS YOUWRITEIT studies (iftheyare bothstudents),assomeoneinthefamilyhasto bethe greater responsibilities. To begin with,... provider. Furthermore, ... . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY AGAINST ask someone?” The manwassaying, notfor thefirst 23

UNIT 2 UNIT 2 The probability offirstmarriage by age40is86% for women and81% for men. — The probability offirstmarriage by age30is74% for women and61% for men. — There isa50%probability thatwomen willhave marriedfor thefirsttime by theageof25.Notuntil — The probability offirstmarriage by age18islow for bothmenand women: 6% for women and2% — Women have higherprobabilities thanmenofexperiencingafirstmarriage by eachageshown, — 2. 3. Intercultural marriageю 1. . summarize thetopic, e.g. “To young sumup, seemsto have marrying fewer advantagesthandis- 1. . ofconvenience.Marriage 1. 2. 3. . endwitharhetorical question,e.g. “Would itbewiserto postponemarriagejustbecauseoneisyoung?” 2. 4. Until the 1990s marriage in Russia was still very earlycompared in Untilthe1990smarriageinRussiawasstillvery to whatwasobserved Western 4. 24 Ex. 15.Write any ofthefollowing essaysusing~250words Donotintroduce newideasintheconclusion! 12 . Write anintroduction B. . Write aconclusion C. . give thereader somethingto consider, e.g. “All young leadsto inall, many thoughmarrying prob- 3. FACT FILE Use any techniques(develop oftheintroduction thesentence you’ve chosen+writeathesisstatement): Use any ofthesetechniques12(develop achosensentence into aparagraph):

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More of these are discussed in unit 4, part 3. More oftheseare discussedinunit4,part NB NB “A studentwithawedding ringonhisfinger, rushing classesandfallingbehind to ajobafter “Are young?” there more advantagesordisadvantagesinmarrying “Have you ever wondered why fewer young nowadays?” peopletend to marry “Old-fashioned” marriageshave abetter chance ofsuccess. with hisstudies...” age 27isthere a50%probability thatmenwillhave marriedfor thefirsttime. advantages, butthere are andhave always beenpeopleeagerto getmarriedyoung despite allthe Europe. the2000sageatfirstmarriagehasbeenincreasing. In help theyoung couples to cope withtheirproblems.” except atage40(where thedifference isnotstatisticallysignificant). difficulties involved.” lems, (Ithink)itisfor ornot.Perhaps theyoung peopleto decidewhetherto marry thestate should for men. —spellingerrors synonyms, pronouns, —useofvocabulary: etc. —useofgrammar structures —presentation ofideas: —essay structure Proofreading. Checkyour essay for Make corrections allnecessary thesis statement key/topic sentences sentences developed andexamples by supporting relevant conclusion . . 'Life issacred, 4. . Aforum administrator hasto doalotofwork, 1. . The film“The Big Lebovsky” is for adultsonly, _____people over 18 years ofage. 2. 10. Some peoplesay Some thatifyou are goodatmusic, _____,ifyou have asensitive 10. . This brochure mainlyconcerns people, self-employed _____,peoplewhowork butare notem- 4. . Universities andColleges ofAdvanced Technology, ______,places ofhigherlearning, are fi- 1. . We cannottalk aboutany complex situation 7. THAT IS,I.E., NAMELY. . Are Africans inherently “lazy”, 2. . There are onlytwo universities inthisleague, ______,Oxford andCambridge. 6. . The school’s biggestproblem, 6. . Ibelieved thathometutoring produces brilliantbuteccentric children whosuffer from lackof 7. JOINING INDEPENDENT CLAUSES BY CONNECTIVES SECTION SECTION 1. LANGUAGE MATTERS: JOINING SENTENCES AND IDEAS (2) . We face seriousfinancialdifficulties, 3. UNIT 3 isthebesttimefor avisit. . Why doesnuclearradiation causevisible 5. Ex. 2. Make one sentence out of two parts usingsuitableconnectives.Ex. 2.Make onesentence parts outoftwo Ex. 1.Fill inthegapswithsuitableconnectives. OF IN OTHER WORDS,TO PUTIT(MORE)SIMPLY, TO SAY, ITWOULD BEBETTER ORRATHER, INTHAT CASE, PRACTICE 1 PRACTICE . Goodlanguageschools, ______, schoolswhere studentslearnquickly, charge highprices. 5. 9. GCSE examinations do not just test knowledge astheoldexamstended GCSEexaminations donotjusttest to knowledge do, andresults de- 9. 3. In August In there are few Parisians inParis, goesaway, aseveryone notcon- _____,everyone 3. e.g. e.g. . Concerned aboutourdaughter’s progress, ______,lackofit,we raisedthematter withtheteachers. 8. They smiledandsaid: “She isalovely girl, though”. ______,theythoughtshewaspretty butthick. without usingmetaphors; socialisation, andsoon:____notfor thelikesofus. done inlessonsthroughout thecourse. ployed by somebodyelse. nected withthetourist industry.nected outofprivate funds. by thestate andpartly nanced partly birth defects, birth oncontinuous assessment:______,onmarksawardedpend partly by theteacher for work Most oftheinteresting Most thingstakeplace onSaturday andSunday. otherwords, In aweekend languages easily. AS YOUWRITEIT OR TYPE Connectives of before to make theideaclearer, orto explain orto modifyit. . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY OR type introduce type areformulation ofwhat hascome a. metaphors matter. . how doesitwork? c. . thelackofgoodteachers istheresult of b. e. government subsidy and support government subsidyandsupport e. have “reduced work capacity”? d. . answer questions, keep theweb site up- f. to-date, delete spam,etc to-date, especially intimesofwant poor funding. “ ear,” you willlearn 25

UNIT 3 UNIT 3 . At Britishuniversities studentscannotusuallyrepeat ayear. otherwords, In 1. 2. Everybody can take part in the dancing, or rather everybody except inthedancing, orrathereverybody ...... cantakepart Everybody 2. 0 State schoolsprovide basictuitionfree ofcharge. otherwords, In ...... 10. 1. Some universities selective. Some are very The University ofCalifornia atBerkeley, _____,admitted 1. . The traditionalRussiansituationhas someuniquefeatures. _____,motherhoodisheldinspecial 4. . The OpenUniversity founded in1969isnon-residential andusescorrespondence courses. In 5. . Their opponentsargue thatpublicschoolsstillgive somechildren anunfairadvantage, namely…… 9. . Parents have alegalobligationto ensure thatthechildren receive anadequate educationbut 7. . Formulae thathadclearlybeenwritten ona 7. . This welfare system families, concerns i.e. single-parent ...... 6. . There inGreat isonlyonecity Britainwithmore than8millioninhabitants, ...... 8. 2. Some degrees Some focus ontechnological focus Some education,_____,onvocational instruction. 2. 4. Grammar schools used to be very selective, thatisto Grammarschoolsusedto say bevery ...... 4. 26 Ex 9. Socialism, … is a wonderful thing …isawonderful Socialism, 9. . Many schoolsoffer specialized master’s degrees inSpecialEducation._____,theUniversity of 3. Ex. 4.Fill inthegapswithsuitableconnectives. Inwhichsentence these are notusedto PRACTICE 2 PRACTICE 3. In 1976theLabourgovernment In madecomprehensive educationcompulsory. otherwords, In 3. EXEMPLIFICATION . They say I'mdifficult,so 8. e.g. It is often usefulto one’s give isoften examplestoIt support reasoning. There are different ways of exemplifying: connect? Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи . 3.Complete thefollowing by addingasuitableending. The AmericanDream isanideathatcanmeanmany different things manyto different people. All oftheseare used AS SHOWNBY FOR EXAMPLE Popular Americanmusic wasfirst resisted as “a danger to our(British)nation’s youth”. The BBC, instance instance

all schools…… about 65%ofallapplicantsin2004. Kansas offers SpecialEducationdegreesKansas insixareas. owner, other words, ..... on businessoragricultural education. pair of sports shoeswere therepair ofsports to ‘assist’ their none whatsoever to sendthemto school. To putitsimply, ...... reverence asisdemonstrated incenturies ofliterature, andfolklore. art, failing exams...... , theAmericanDream for my familymay beto live withoutfinancial Richford)worries. (Cory , bannedrock androll until1962. , , FORINSTANCE ACASEINPOINT within asentence , SUCHAS , , AN but two: ( A GOOD FOR EXAMPLE . We are broke k. . tell theworld Inever cared itwasagainstme.” j. . to helpthemcheat. m. . itisthesupreme value, to whichallother l. ) ILLUSTRATION values are subordinate.’ , FORINSTANCE / EXAMPLE (OF THIS) canbegin asentence ,

For for . 12 years agois4)_____.Aweatherproof computer wasplaced inthewallofoffices ofanIT 0 When you mean______usee.g. isanabbr It 10. 0 Web sites Twitter are becoming increasingly favored by hackers. 10. . The committee reviews developed countries anddeveloping countries, Switzerland and Timor 4. 3. This car crash on the Ring Roadisthedangersofwinter This driving. carcrash on theRing 3. . Greece, whichisinaseriousfinancialcrisis, pursuedunsustainable 1. 9. Japan is making arelatively itsschools, Japanismaking greater thepercentage support to ofits effort total public 9. There isagrowing schools. Many problem youngsters inUKprimary seemto bedisengagedfrom . There are anumber of problems concerning diplomats, thewife ofadiplomatcannothave a 5. . The phrase_____signals thatthelisttha 9. 7. Middle classprofessionals Middle doctors, dentists, lawyers are accused oftaxevasion. 7. . Many oftheworld languagesbelongto agroup ofrelated languageswhichwe calllanguage 7. 5. A typical writer’s Atypical blockisapsychological whenthewriter cannotbringhimselforherself block, 5. . More andmore diplomatswhoseoriginal languageisnotEnglishare learningitinpreference 2. . Agood______ofthisgrowing deadlanguagesisthesheernumberofLatin interest inso-called 8. Ex 13 Ex. 6. Read the text. What problem doesitraise? What Ex. 6.Readthetext. Make complete by thetext using connectives ofreformulation and exemplification a formal classroom education,1)_____theygetbored sittingintheclassroom andlistening to the teacher. in whichcase you can make onesentence orboth;addpunctuation ortwo isn’t arrogance. These children are “digital natives”, grown 3)_____they’ve using theweb onadaily children were fascinated. They formed groups andlearnt, 5) _____taughtthemselves — through company to test how itwould work outside. ofvandalisingitcomputer-illiterate Instead slum derstanding ofcore andexamresults. subjects Anexperimentheldontheedgeofa Dehli slum basis andhave developed different ways ofabsorbinginformation from oldergenerations. marks. listen whenIcanfindthemontheinternet to infive someonetelling melotsoffacts minutes?” This . BritishandAmericanschoolshave always stressed “social skills” activities, through extracurricular 6. . Pressure timecausemany andlackofquality relationships to failtherock star’s recent divorce is… 8. 6. In In Victorian Britainthere were somegoodschools, grammar schoolsandpublicschools. 6. impossibleto keepatthesamelevel. . 5.Make thesentences meaningfulby addingexemplifiers.Decide Schools should make use of this fact to keepchildren should makeuseofthisfact motivatedSchools andimprove boththeirun- When askedwhatpupilsthinkabouttheirlessons, aboy said, 2)______; shouldIsitand “Why ____ organized theatre anddramagroups sports, andvariousclubs. you mean_____use “i.e.” isanabbreviation for It theLatinphraseidest.Eithercanbeusedto spending. to others. to letthewords appearonthepaper. The is______. process ofgettingstarted Leste different are different two very countries with very economic situations. career travelling with thehusband. or expandinguponit. clarify apreceding statement, thefirst example,by thesecond by restating theideamore clearly courses offered. before age 60 with benefits at three-quarters salary. before age60withbenefitsatthree-quarters families. ____ofsuchafamilyistheLatingroup oflanguages. AS YOUWRITEIT . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY t follows isillustrative, notexhaustive. eviation for theLatinphraseexempli gratia. When . 13 policies;many Greeks retire 27

UNIT 3 UNIT 3 . It’s stillaman’s world. 1. What otherwordsWhat toexpress opinioncan you suggest? What isthedifferenceWhat them? between 4) ______, since women live longerthanmen,many widows would welcome alarger popula- . Competition among siblings 2. SECTION SECTION 2. PARAGRAPH WRITING: EXPRESSING 28 USE OF CONNECTIVES thesis statements?Write themdown addingwords usedtointroduce opinion. . Onlineeducation: pros andcons 3. Ex. 8.Look atthelistoftopicsandsaywhichsuggestaparagraph expressing opinion. Lead-in. are What thetypical features ofaparagraph expressing opinion? Usethetext Ex. 7.Readthefollowing paragraph anda)fillinthegapswith connectives from the OPINION; WRITING A GOOD CONCLUSION scoring anaverage of70percent inatest afew monthslater, learning 8)______thisself-organised some time, it is likely that a shortage ofwomen wouldsome time, eventually itislikelythatashortage leadto anincrease inthenumber Match thesewithappropriate topicsentences doyou (listB).Which thinkmake strong allowed to dosoeven thoughitmay leadto more malesthanfemales. 1) ______isthatpersons a hugesuccess, too, 6)_____inthereport Holeinthe “The Wall Gang”. tion ofavailable______, Idon’t males.5) believe theproblem ofmore would malesinoursociety — how totrial anderror operate thecomputer andfindinformation from it. This led placingother to in ex.7toillustrate your point. in remote areas withfew teachers turnedoutto beausefuladditionto formal education. is thatthere would befewer donebecauseparents wanted a deliberate abortions child ofadif- carrying an inherited diseasethataffects males would beable to choose carrying to have ______a girl. 2) children were askedto findoutmore. They uncoveredknowledge and hugeamountsof computers inoutdoor publiclocationsinpoorcommunities across muchofAsia andAfrica. This was of females bornsothatthere would bemore women After available atime, asmarriagepartners. the ratio ofmento women would probably settleinto afairlyeven balance. be apermanentsituation.6) ______thatthere probably would bemore malechildren bornfor List A Indian village,Indian 7)______,someinformation onthepublicPC,and onbiotechnology wasleft list below; b)findthe list below; words whichexpress opinion. moreover, inaddition,thefirst/second /third reason, despitethe fact. ferent sex.3) ______isthatwe stillhave wars, andmore menthanwomen inwars. are killed Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи Sometimes anadultmentor wouldSometimes onesouthern In askchildren to lookinto specificsubject. I feel thatwhenever itbecomes possiblefor parents to choosethesexoftheirchild, theyshouldbe /after /after Teaching MadeEasyPC Choosing Sons orDaughters Choosing Sons by Prof. Reader’s SugataMitra, DigestMarch 2011/ retained it– . You findoutalot about history, philosophy, architecture, literature, science, language and 1. . Jugglingcollege andwork 4. . You ofwords, cantrace allsorts ideas, forms ofexpression thatyou come across inyour own 4. 1. a) In modern society manrulestheworld. modernsociety In a) 1. . Onlysomeoneweird could enjoy studyingadeadanddifficultlanguage. 2. 2. a) It is common knowledge thatbrothers iscommon knowledge andsisters are It jealousofeachotherandhave often a) 2. . With adeadlanguagethere isnoembarrassmentabouttheaccent. 3. . ) Afulltimecareer andfulltimeeducationare impossibleto combine. a) 4. 14 . ) Onlinecourses give thefreedom andflexibility you can’t findintheclassroom butdeprive a) 3. Ex. 9. Analyse theparagraph.Ex. 9.Analyse istheauthor’s What arguments viewpoint? What does Ex. 10.Brainstorming. thefollowing viewpointwiththearguments/ reasons Support from the listbelow. Suggestyour own arguments. stand farmore ofwhattheyhave found thantheywould individually. The lastbutnottheleast soning, discussionandcooperation theycandiscover newways to findinformation and under- to We deadlanguage. canlearnalotfrom studyingaso-called GCSEs 5. Only doctors andlawyers canmakeany Onlydoctors useoftheLatinlanguage. 5. Computer intheclassroom 5. asked a question and left to doresearchasked aquestionandleft onlineinsmallgroups. areThe engagedwithoutreal- kids . ) Computers intheclassroom willnever replace theteacher. a) 5. Reasons: they know theywon’tthey know bemade to lookfoolish iftheygetsomethingwrong. Secondly, through rea- they feel more relaxed for information looking andanswering questionsinsmallgroups. Besides, if this method is adopted across the UK, allchildrenif thismethodisadopted across willbenefitandsomebeable to passtheir theUK, doingschoolwork. izing theyare actually Their results are impressive for anumberofreasons. Firstly, reason isthatSOLEimproves children’s attention spanandbehaviour, too. So, Ireally believe that, List B It ismy Learning beliefthatSelf-Organising EnvironmentIt method(SOLE)cankeepyoungsters stimu- lated inclass, improve andexamresults. boththeirknowledge Underthistechnique children are he use? What is the function oftheconcluding isthefunction sentence?he use?What general certificate of secondary education (examsare usuallytakenat16). ofsecondary generalcertificate you ofsocialcontacts. second fiddle. time andeffort. in theirchildren’s lives. culture backto muchearliertime. difficult relationships. politics. Computers canbeindispensibleinteaching “digital natives”. b) Combining college oruniversity andafulltimejobmeansyour educationwilltakemore b) road, at2:00A.M.or12noon–whatever works bestfor you. You canwork toward anonlineBachelor’s degree from ofyour thecomfort homeoronthe b) Relationshipsbetween siblingscanbedifficultthougha great dealdependsonparents’ role b) However modernwe appearto be, menstillholdmostpositionsofpower, whilewomen play b) AS YOUWRITEIT 14 muchearlier. /after /after Teaching MadeEasy PC . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY by Prof. Reader’s SugataMitra, DigestMarch 2011/ 29

UNIT 3 UNIT 3 The Romanlaw; — Well-known phrases:primusinter paris( — — Roman emperors Roman andpoliticians:JuliusCaesar, Tiberius, Gracchus; — philosophers, Roman poets, writers: Horatius, Vergilius, Cicero, Ovidius, Seneca, Appulejus, Ar- — . Team ofPE aspart sports 4. 1. Doing sport atschoolgives to children exercise. Doingsport anexcellent opportunity 1. . Restate thethesisstatement butdonotrepeat it! 1. The mainaimof theconclusion isto show thereader thatyou have fulfilledthetasksetin intro- WRITING A GOOD CONCLUSION you feelshouldbeincludedinyour curriculum. . PEclasseshelpchildren to getridof 2. . Donotintroduce newideas. 2. . Sumupthemainpointsmadeinbodyofessay. 3. USEFUL TIPS… USEFUL TIPS: 30 Ex . Do notpretend you have proven more thanyou have. 4. 15 Ex. 12.Write aparagraph abouttheadvantages ofphysical the education. Support Ex. 11.a)Write aparagraph onthistopicdeveloping thearguments andgiving following viewpointwithreasons ofyour own orfrom thelistbelow: 3. Doing sport at school interferes withchildren’s atschoolinterferes Doingsport studies. 3. 5. Children who are not good at sport candevelop Children aninferiority whoare complex. notgoodatsport 5. 5. Make itemphatic:useanappropriate Make quotationoryour own punchy 5. Reasons: thesis statement. have proved your otherwords, pointofview(inanopinionessay). In theconclusion linksbackto the b) What argumentsb) What againstcan you suggest?Write aparagraph expressing an duction: haveduction: considered different oftheproblem (ina objectively aspects e.g. as a compulsory subject atuniversities subject andcolleges; which orthesubject as acompulsory Physical education ofschoolcurriculum. shouldbean integral part opposing pointofview. examples. Usereformulation (inotherwords, etc.) andexemplification ifnecessary.

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having sstrong effectdueto theuseofclearsimplelanguageandnottoo many words.

. 13.Write aparagraph expressing your opinionabout physical education ( та a specific task, a specifictask, Do you know, chimedes; means? ofLatinunderstandthatitisacommitteeThose ofuswithsomeknowledge formed for росу надо ; заранее ); In vinoveritas); In (

заметить ); modusvivendi ( for example in otherwords ); Perpetuum mobile( истина

develop social skills andencourage childrendevelop to socialskills cooperate withothers. , what “ad hoccommittee”, thephraseyou come across enough, often

в , itistheopposite ofastandingcommittee. временное


excess energy. ); Veni, vidi,vici( вечный первый



среди пришел

по равных

). какому , увидел ); apriori( - либо 15 , победил comment. for andagainst

международному независимо ); Notabene(NB) essay) or


опы- воп- . Communicating ideaswhenwritinginaforeign to belearntstep by languageisaskill step. 1. 2. All in all, building writing skills Allinall, buildingwritingskills by‘brick brick’ istherightway to produce aconfident and 2. . Well-structured whichtakesstudentsstep by practice step from producing meaningfulsentences 3. Ex Ex. 16. Read the text in ex. 9 again. Develop theconcluding inex.9again.Develop sentenceEx. 16.Readthetext intothe Ex. 15.Restatethethesisstatementsinex.8tomake aconclusion. pairs‘introductionEx. 14.Readthetwo —conclusion’. usefultipsforwriting Which 4. It helpsstudentsto getbeyond theirfears It associated withacademic writing. 4. 6. Writing is a powerful mediuminany Writing language, isapowerful andcommunicating ideasintheircomplexities 6. e.g.statement: Thesis 5. It islessstressful for It studentsto firstlearnhow organiseto paragraphs andthenacquire different 5. conclusion (final paragraph) usingthetipsabove. conclusions have beenappliedappropriately?withapartner. Discuss II. Introduction: I. Introduction: . 17.Write aconclusion usingsomeofthesescrambled sentences. “A friendinneedisaindeed”. True asthiswell-known saying is, itdoesn’t cover allaspects Teaching to write inaforeign languageisfirstofallhelping to acquire askill The world haschanged, andwe have women ministers andeven primeministers, butby and The woman wassaying, don’t“Why we justasksomeone?” The manwassaying, notfor thefirst The great ChinesephilosopherConfucius advised, “Have nofriendnot equalto yourself.” Writ- A manandawoman were seated inacarthathadbeencircling thesamearea for halfanhour. Thesis statement: your own socialclass. ButI’d liketo interpret more broadly hisdictum –meaningthatfriendship Women andmentalkfor different reasons. Women uselanguage build to make to connection, which have nothingto dowithstatusormoney, cantheybecome real friends. Mutualadmira- standing genderdifferences isthefirst inwaysstepto improving oftalking the relationship. second fiddle. Conclusion: Conclusion ask directions? Why aren’t women? The explanationisthatmenandwomen uselanguagein Conclusion: time, “I’m sure it’s around here thisstreet.” somewhere. I’lljusttry Why are to mensoreluctant tion andhighopinionofeachothermakefriendsequal. However modernwe appearto be, menstillholdmostpositionsofpower, whilewomen play intimacy, whilemenare concerned withhierarchy anduselanguage to confirm status. Under- ing in a very hierarchical heprobably society meantthatyouing inavery shouldmakefriends withpeople on to writingeffective paragraphs usefulandefficient andessays tool. isa very competent writer. of overcoming afear of writing. of this most wonderful ofrelationships. eachotherforof thismostwonderful Onlyifpeoplerespect specialqualities, different ways; thisbreeds misunderstandingwhichcandestroy the relationship. requires patience andpractice. patterns ofacademic writing. requires mutualrespect. Restatement: large, inpoliticsandbusinessalikepower isconcentrated inthehandsofmen. AS YOUWRITEIT : . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY 31

UNIT 3 UNIT 4 SECTION SECTION 1. WRITING IN ACADEMIC STYLE UNIT 4 32 writing. Ex. 1. Read the text tofindtheanswer tothequestionintitle.Ex. 1.Readthetext Analyse complex sulted COMPLEX (2) GRAMMAR STRUCTURES PRACTICE 1 PRACTICE Government, from thePresident oftheUnited States alltheway down complete to thelowliest clerk, and healthcare, oftheinstitutionAmericanEducationisbelieved to thepoorperformance beone Most ofthetimetheydon’tMost even maketheeffort. they willgetafailing grade to learn,respectful, andtrembled didtheirhomework, atthethreat of4). thrown in,andeitherleave theprofession, orstay, longing for thedays whenstudentswere eager tivation, andperhapsmostofall, andintegrity. honesty traininghave be- Remedialandon-the-job incompetence istheruleofday. 8). judgment 7). concern varieswidely. of themostsevere problems facingthenation. Yet, dependingonthesource, thedefinitionofour come thenormratherthanexception intheprivate sector. 6). of 1). cine, and electronics during the last half century? cine, duringthelasthalf century? andelectronics The answer, 9) ers seekanincreasingly immigration-restricted poolofforeign technical andscientific workers. In no longerexistsaready poolofexceptional candidates for positionsrequiring and knowledge, skill, gerundial andinfinitive structuresinII. grammar structuresinPoint I.andparaphrase ofsentences initalicsusing parts empty-headed, drug-usingbrats Note a year college tuitiontogettheseresults which itoriginates. (students)tendThe to have victims theirown definition —schoolisboring, have noplace inatraditional American home. asking a kid whathelearnedinschooltoday, akid asking andyou willgetthe “thousand milestare,” which useless, itsonlyvaluebeingone ofmeetingfriendsand, for insports. some, participating Try quickly informs youquickly ofyour belonging withthosewhoare challenged. ancientandintellectually Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи The definitionofEducation’s failure comes inmany forms, largely basedonthesource from Teachers lookattheirunmotivated, cheating, noisyclasses, withoccasional deadlyviolence thisconditionThey results are from certain 2). Employers insiston5). If alloftheaboveIf istrue, how have we madethe enormousprogress intechnology, science, medi- II. I. Alongwithadeepeningrecession, andAfghanistan, thewarinIraq dealingwithimmigration

Parents have many complaints. theirchildren are If intheirteens orolder, parents complain : complex grammar (infinitive structures andgerundial complexes) are usedinacademic often they have changedfrom thecompliant, respectfulchildren sofondlyremembered, to defiant,lying, inspite of, rather thanbecauseoftheinstitutionEducation as itexistsinthiscountry. Today, Even thoughmany more graduates come from colleges anduniversities . employees are unable to perform theirjobs employees are unabletoperform . with American education? makesthesituationeven worse. It seemsthatnoneofthemcanIt What’s wrong 3). their kids’ heads are filled with all kinds ofideasthat their kids’headsare filledwithall if the parents are financially supporting a$25,000 if theparents are financiallysupporting One cannotOne deny thefact that it seems, isthatthisprogress hasre- getitright,even whentheytry. , theirlackofproductivity, mo- a parent willbeinformedor . Instead, employ- there . to express opinion: 1. structures instead of the underlined parts andwords from thelistbelowstructures insteadoftheunderlinedparts Ex USE OF CONNECTIVES 17 16 world’s leaderinbrainpower. will notbeableto applyto university. As asixth-form pupil, Iam4) school leavers university 6) solutions canbefound. Onepossible11) away from Call ofDuty ates thaniftheypaidafixed price for fees. This inturn would create anincentive a for studentsfrom than Prompts: affluent,to be convinced, a great many,to become anunaffordable option, wealthy, in tion ofhighfees, replaced by ofaheavier theintroduction income taxongraduates. This taxwould instead ofthoseinitalics. Labour Party and the National Union of Students. It 12)lookslikeagoodsolution,itallows andtheNationalUnionofStudents.Labour Party theaboli- It ignore theproblem 8)whichwe face whenonlypeople9) income graduates may enduppaying more— butthen,theycanafford underthesystem to. The grad- heavily subsidisedhighereducationinpastdecadessitbackanddraw theirpensions. higher educationbecauseBritain17) ernment thinkthattheywillachieve this1)iftheyincrease tuitionfees andcuttheteaching budget talkofafairer educationsystem, whyously wrong. doesthecoalition gov- After allthepre-election excess of, alternative, enjoy thebenefitof er educationfrom thegeneraltaxpayer. though,thatthetaxpayer Istillthink, shouldcontribute to despite 10) duces Britain’s workforce. to produce ability ahigh-quality 7)Isitpossiblethatthegovernment will uate taxalso15)prevents thesituationwhenstudentshave to choosetheiruniversity basedonprice. by 80percent? next generationofworkers willbetheonesdriving theeconomynext — while thosewhohave enjoyed of +gerundialconstruction a sixth-former. Make more formalby thetext usingcomplex grammar In anessay expressingIn opinionconnectives are used: low-income background to strive for highereducation,increasing socialmobility. course, 14)Of higher- last for roughly 20years andwould bepaidonlyifthegraduate wasemployed andearning13) emotionallycoloured. Apopularvideogame. . 2. Read the text abouttheeducation. 2.Readthetext reform intheUKasseenby 10) It’s fine to complain —andeven take to thestreetsto inprotest –butthatispointlessunless 16) Call meanidealist,butefficient graduate tax could completely remove theburden ofhigh- This would befairer thanthecurrent system, becauseit would beeasierfor lower-income gradu- 2) Make nomistake(use 2) Make /based onwww.newstatesman.com/blogs/the When hundreds ofthousands ofstudentstakeouttheiriPod headphonesandtear themselves to methat £15,000ayear. AS YOUWRITEIT we stillmaintainahugelyrichsource power ofintellectual , etc /based on . 16 I believe to rallyinthestreets, youthegovernment know hasdonesomethingseri- ) the fact that //www.scribd.com/doc/193920/Whats-wrong-with-American-Educa is nolongeranoption . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY , A graduate taxisthefairest solution Inmy opinion will benefit ), iffees risehugenumbersofbright,but3) solution , Ithink 18)ifwe have highlyeducated workers. After all, the -staggers/…/graduate-tax-higher-education/ . This isnotonlycompletely unfair, but,italsore- isagraduate tax. by the This ideaissupported , Inmy view who can afford it , Istrongly believe , we nolongerstandaloneasthe pretty surepretty can goto university? (use 17 thatfor 5) , Ifeelthat poorer students 33 , It seems It a lot more ti on/ of

UNIT 4 UNIT 4 . thanmaterial______, Iamconvinced values. isfarmore important thatjobsatisfaction 1. 10. Most girls Most think thatmodellingmeansglamour. ______,many are disappointed whenthey 10. . isonlyrelevant to______, jobsatisfaction industrialized societies. developing countries In 7. osmu To beginwith To sumup . ______, there isnothingworse for thanhearingthatthecandidate knows theinterviewer 2. . ______, peopleinsuchdemandingjobsasairtraffic shifts. controllers shouldwork inshort 4. . to present theothersideofargument: 2. . ______, Iamsurprisedthatsuchahighpercentage ofdentistsenjoy ______,star- theirwork. 3. hti oeInmy view ismore What . Astronauts have to bephysically andmentallyprepared for thestress andstrainofaspace mis- 8. 34 . ______, schoolteachers inRussia,especiallyruralareas are underpaid, ______,schools 5. 9. ______, Ex. 4.Fill withsuitablewords inthegapstext andexpressions from thelist. Ex. 3.Choosethemostappropriate word orphrase from thelistabove tofillinthe isl Inconclusion Firstly In my opinion Some criticsargue that... Some In my opinion . to joineachviewpointwiththeothers: 3. PRACTICE 2 PRACTICE attitude to whatwe are saying: . ______, nurses, whoalso have have onworking low incomes, astrong sense ofvocation. butcarry 6. gaps inthesentences. Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи When writinganessay expressing opinion,we usediff Besides work ismostlyameansofsurvival. sion. ______,beinganastronaut isoneofthemostchallenging jobsintheworld. find outitishard work as well. are understaffed. ing into otherpeople’s unattractive, mouthsisvery nothing aboutthecompany. above ideas , Apart from this Apart the majorproblem mother faces concerns aworking herchildren. , Some peopleargue that Some ob mr)peieточнее говоря To be(more) precise ditdyнадопризнать очевидно, несомненно Admittedly Apparently nobel Несомненно понятно Undoubtedly Understandably lal ясно,понятно вообщеговоря Generally speaking Clearly ut rpryбезусловно явно,безусловно Quite properly Obviously elyпоправдеговоря что меня касается ожидать иследовало как Really Personally Naturally vdnl очевидно Frankly откровенно Evidently (говоря) nfc насамомделе помоему мнению myIn opinion fact In , It isargued It that ... , etc In thefirstplaсe Contrary towhatmostpeoplebelieve . erent words andphrasesthatbringoutour , To with start , What ismore What , Asopposedtothe , Furthermore ,

1998. Schools now1998. Schools have two years to improve, orhave aFresh (withnewname, management Start which failto reach thenewbenchmark(точка отсчета, where necessary. action уровень),andtaking same complaints were targets. madewhenwe andnumeracy 4) setourchallenging literacy ______, 18 otayt htmn epebleeI feel Contrary towhatmany peoplebelieve Ex. 5. Read an extract from an article inTheTimes tofindouttheEducationSecretary’s from Ex. 5.Readanextract anarticle which iswhy suchschoolsare better resourced: we are pupilthanwas spending £200more onevery with fewer than20percent ofitspupilsachievingfive goodGCSEpasses. By2006thisshouldbe wider range of subjects inthefirst year (e.g.wider rangeofsubjects dramaormusicmassmedia).4) ______itisunfair nadto Allinall In addition first year putsmore stress onstudentsthanitused to. and staff), orbeclosed withpupilstransferred to otherschools. and staff), already paying hugedividends. At theendof1999,424schools were failing—91fewer thaninJuly as underperforming, 75percentas underperforming, oftheir pupilsormore face adultlife withouttheeducationalfoun- are well oncourse to reach ourtarget of50percent______, in530schoolsidentified by 2002.2) at theendoftwo years’ study. They say thisgenerationofschoolpupils isoverexamined andnever I am convinced thatwe canandmustmeetthischallenge — andwe will bemonitoring thoseschools turned pupilsinto guineapigsfor educationreform. Give themabreak! that many universities donotaccept whattheycall “soft” A-level subjects. to fullA-level inthesecond makesiteasierto passtheexamssuccessfully. your ASgrades If contrib- has fewer ofitspupilsachievingfive ormore thanaquarter goodGCSEpasses. est GCSEresults are found inleafysuburbsaswell asininnercities. education authorities giving schools the support theyneed. Allschoolsnow haveeducation authoritiesgiving schoolsthesupport GCSEtargets. This cate thatthenewsystem filters outpoorer A-level candidates inthefirst year. TheAS-level resultscan dation to goonto Advanced level study. ute to your fullA-level result you are notundersomuchpressure allthe way through, thoughthe previously thecase.______, newresearch 1) shows by my thatschoolswiththepoor- department new approach willstrengthen thetargets intheweakest schools. raised to 25percent ormore. relaxes. Their ideaisto abolishAS-levels andintroduce theInternationalBaccalaureate instead. be usedby pupilsto decidewhethertheygoonto takeafullA-level. many studentsandtheirparents askwhetherthenewsystem isanimprovement onthe old one. position onweak schools. Fill inthemissingconnectives. Introduced in2000. 1) ______, sittingfor four orfive1) AS-levels in threeyour first ofthesubjects yearandthentaking There remains apersistent problem schools. intoo many Around ofoursecondary oneinseven This year’s sixth-formers were thefirst to complete anew modularsystem The challengewillbedifficultandIcanalready hearthecries from thosewho say itcan’t bedone. Those 2) ______, theriseinpassrate andarecord numberofstudentswhoscore straightAs indi- 3) ______I am setting schools a new challenge — that by 2004 there should be no secondary 3) ______Iamsettingschoolsanewchallenge—thatby 2004there shouldbenosecondary 3) ______, thenewsystem broadens thecurriculumandgives studentsachance to takeupa 5) ______, Iwillmaintainthefirmapproach we take towards failingschools. is This policy Since 1997Ihave soughtto create aculture ofimprovement inschools, withGovernment and 5) ______there isnoneedfor theAS-level.5) They would prefer studentsto simplysittheirexams We have raisedthenumberofpupilsgainingfive goodGCSEsfrom 45per cent 48per to and cent, Many say this is simply the result of poverty and deprivation. Of course,Many matter, say anddeprivation.Of thesefactors thisissimplytheresult ofpoverty 6) ______, 7) ______thatwe shouldgive thenewsystem time. Constant changeshave AS YOUWRITEIT . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY 18 ofA-level exams. Now 35

UNIT 4 UNIT 4 young peoplework notonlyonSaturdays butonSundays, plusafew evenings intheweek. week intheholidays. At leasttwo weeks oftheschool holidays ayear shouldbework-free. Some STRUCTURE: a week inschoolholidays. may fifteens Over work for eighthoursonaSaturdaya and35hours SECTION SECTION 2. WRITING AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY EXPRESSING yet, however, thatiswhy, yet, secondly, thirdly, fourthly, finally, also. 36 Ex two hoursonaSunday. to make more logical. thetext they work. Lead-in. Look inex.4anddecideifitisanargumentative through thetext essayoran Compare theconnectives you addedwiththoseusedby theauthor: OPINION are tough onweak andfailingschools. Taken together, thesemeasures willhelpusto achieve these and helpto rescue issuesinvolved schoolsatriskoffailing. Iwillbediscussingtheimportant with unfair dismissalwhere justified, aslongtheyare legally. working be employed for two hoursonaschool-day, onlyone of whichmay beinthemorning, plus tough targets. schools.tional mentoring for pilotproject pupilsinpoorlyperforming The development ofthis head teachers andeducationauthorities. derachievement, particularly through ourtargetedderachievement,— Excellence programme particularly for inCities. innercities pupils. new network willhelpto improve to dissatisfied schooldisciplineandoffer newopportunities I willbeintroducing weak anewschemeto twin schoolswiththosethathave succeeded. Main body opinion essay. Compare your reasons withthoseofapartner. Introduction Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи . 6.Readthefollowing Fact File. There are connectives missing. Add them Thirteen- and fourteen-year-olds may work andfourteen-year-olds forThirteen- five hoursonaSaturday plusup 25hours to Young peopleneed to obtain anemployment card from before thelocalauthority 7) ______We are planningto pilotnew “super head“, experienced headswhowillwork with The subject ortopic.The subject Thesis: astatement ofyour opinion. Viewpoint 1 supported byViewpoint alogical reason. 1supported 9) ______, we mustspread ofexcellent thegoodpractice andimproving schoolsjustaswe Saturday girls andboys have thesamelegalrightsasadults. This meanstheycanclaim 6) ______,we needto buildon Paragraph 2 In GreatIn Britainchildren are allowed to work from theageofthirteen. They can 8) to expandthesuccessful______, Iwantto strengthen na- school-businesspartnerships (Paragraph 1) An essay expressing opinionisaformal piece ofwritinginwhich your own by opinionisclearlystated reasons. andsupported


successful approaches for targeting disadvantageandun- /The Times. March 1,2000/ ……… — — Latin canbeofinterest Latin to thefew studyingancienthistory, philosophy and theology. — ofelitisteducation. isadeadlanguagethatcould Latin onlybepart — — It isawaste oftimelearningalanguagenobodyspeakstoday. It — 1. When I tell people that I studied Latin until I was 23 they look at me as if I had a banana sticking WhenItell peoplethatIstudiedLatinuntilwas23theylookatmeasifhadabananasticking 1. viewpoints tobedealtwithintheparagraph givingtheopposingopinion. 2. Latin used to be an integral part of classical education. Every publicschoolinGreat ofclassicaleducation.Every Britainhadit Latinusedto beanintegral part 2. . Brilliant mindsusedLatininthemillenniumbefore would becriminalto last.It ignore theirheri- A. Each viewpoint should be presented in presented be should viewpoint Each thesis statement. Ex. 8. Develop yourEx. 8.Develop paragraph onlearningadeadlanguage(unit3ex.11)intoan essay(seeunit2ex.7).Note theEx. 7.Compare opinionessaywith “forandagainst” . Doyou thinkthatlearningLatinisawaste oftime, and onlysomeoneweird cantakeitupseri- 3. Conclusion Opposing points ofview: b) Chooseanendingwhichbestfits your introduction orsuggest your own. Give your Endings: a) Chooseabeginningyou like bestorsuggestyour own. Give your reasoning. Add a Beginnings: reasoning. How can you develop itintoacomplete finalparagraph? . Onbalance, themainadvantageoflearningLatinis C. c) Brainstorming. Look through theendingsBandC and work outthepossible essay expressing opinion. e) Write anessay onthetopic differences andlanguage. andsimilaritiesinstructure d) Write aparagraph expressing opposingviewpointsandreasons. . Learning Latinisenjoyable gi andhighlysatisfying. It B.

The opposingviewpointsandreasons You mightinclude alead-inopinionto your conclusion A summary ofyour viewpoints. A summary Viewpoint 2 supported byViewpoint alogical reason. 2supported Paragraph 4 Paragraph 3 NB tage justbecausepeopleconsider the languageelitist. is nolongercompulsory. on itscurriculum.For thepasttwo decadespublicschoolshave become lessclassicalandLatin out ofmy ear. ously? never discovered otherwise. language into perspective. AS YOUWRITEIT paragraphs inthemain body ifyou have more viewpoints. ? (Final paragraph) . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY “Why Iwould like“Why tostudyLatin.” a separate paragraph, soyou may includemore ves you aninsightinto thingsyou may have that itputsourown society, literature and 37

UNIT 4 UNIT 4 . Shouldwe keepentrance 1. . Traditional schoolingshouldnolongerbecompulsory. 2. viewpoints ononeofthetopics. Finally writeanessayexpressing your opinion. support them. support ofweakspeaks onthesubject schools(ex. 5).Isthispiece ofwritingargumentative ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY 38 your arguments asimilarway inanargumentative to you support In canmakeuseoffacts Ex. 9.Brainstorming. Readthefollowing topicsandgive theparagraph . Russianeducationsystem isoneofthebestinworld. 4. Ex. 11. Read the text andfindthemainpointsauthormakesEx. 11.Readthetext andthe usedtofacts Ex. 10.a)Look inwhichtheEducation Secretary through from anextract thearticle smoking, Dr.smoking, Ruhmfound thatduringthe1990srecession, for intheUSdeclined example, smoking finances, there isanupside to theeconomicIt may crisis. seemoddbutwhenanindustrialized coun- . Isschoolthebestpreparation for entering university? 3. EXPRESSING OPINION: A BLEND OF THE TWO they are no longer commuting or driving as part of their work. So not only do people walk and cycle notonlydopeople walkandcycle So oftheirwork. they are nolongercommuting ordriving aspart try goesthrough recessiontry andpeople losetheirjobs, theybecome healthier. is atwo percent declineinthedeathrate of20-to 44-year-olds. known to make us less healthy: smoking, failingto smoking, exercise to makeuslesshealthy: known andeatingbadly. Dr. Christopher Ruhm’s economy andtherisingprices to seethebrighter sideoftherecession. Badasitisfor thecounty’s b) Analyse thewayb) Analyse presents hisplansandargues theEducation withhis Secretary point increase to reduce injoblessness isexpected road fatalitiesby 4,6per100,000. more, butthere on effect isalsoa direct road-traffic accidents. According toRuhm’s study,one- a by fiveHis hugestudyalsoshows per per cent. that, increasecent inunemployment,for every there research shows risesanddietimproves thatphysical activity whentheeconomy weakens. As for outline for each, listing the viewpoints. Write supporting reasons forthe outline foreach,listingtheviewpoints. Write supporting opponents. Does hemakeopponents. Does useoffacts? Give examples. or opinion?Give your reasons. Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи Apart from this, inrecessionsApart peopletend to drive less, eitherasaneconomy measure, orbecause Since 2008we’ve seemsto betoo hadenoughdoomandgloom.Everybody worried aboutthe Firstly, joblessnessinevitablyleadsto achangeinlifestyle. People changethethingswhichare NB NB —clearlypresented opposing sentences andexamplesineachparagraph —supporting —oneideaperparagraph to present your opinion —thesisstatement expressing your opinion —opinionessay structure —spellingerrors synonyms, pronouns, —useofvocabulary: etc. —useofgrammar structures —relevant conclusion Proofreading. Checkyour essay for essay expressing opinion.

exams? VERSUS point ofviewinaseparate paragraph ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY . Aweekend jobhelpsto pay for anincreasingly expensive wardrobe andexpandingsociallife. 1. A weekend job:away to ensure employment oracademicfailure? 1. The following from extracts thecolumn “Children from atwork” TheExpress Parent 4. The fact thatachildhasbeenemployed (автобиография). The fact looksgoodonCV 4. . Aweekend jobcanprovide asenseofpurposeduringfree time. 2. A weekend job:more moneyandsense. 2. . Too muchwork canaffect one’s GCSE results. 6. . Ajobhelpschildren to develop asenseofresponsibility. 5. . Hairdressers, for example, takeonSaturday often staffwithaview to recruiting themfulltime A. some ofyour own according ofessay. tothechosentopicandtype your life: itmakesyou fitter andhealthier.So if you are temporarily outofjob, makethemostofit, which arguments theysupport: Decide what type ofessayyou are whattype goingtowrite.Decide Ex. 13.a)Readthefollowing arguments anddividetheminto” and“against”. for” Add Ex. 14.Write abeginningandconclusion ofyour essay. example An ofeachisgiven Ex. 15.Write anessayonthetopicusing~250words. topicsanddecide whichsuggestsa“forandagainst” Ex. 12.Readthetwo full paragraphs ofyour essay. dependingonthetype since therecession began,councils have noted anincreased useoflibrariesandafallinhousehold shops, supermarkets, garages, cafes withstudentskeento supplement — allare liberallysprinkled and do not forget this important lessononceand donotforget you are thisimportant backinemployment. 3. It interferes withone’s interferes It sociallife. 3. No minimumrate ofpay applies to Saturday staff, sosmallshopkeepers are happy usethissourceto you shopattheweekend,Practically everywhere there isaSaturday personatthecounter. Small . Significant amountof needs work bedoneoutsideschoolhours to for GCSEsandpost-16 B. their pocketmoneywithabitofearnedincome. However, spendingtimeonyourself, reducing stress andexercising more doesmakeadifference to of labouronthebusiestday oftheirweek. below. Theyare notcomplete, you though.If are goingtousethemdevelop theminto b) Write supporting sentences for eachofthearguments.b) Write supporting Two are given below. Decide rubbish. ple become more conscious oftheenvironment astheycutbackonexpensive pursuits. the UK, In between argumentative essayandwhich—opinion: magazine (March 2000) can be used to support yourmagazine (March viewpoints: 2000)can beused tosupport c) Find your facts you arguments. can useto support Make useofFact File inex.6. There are other, lessobvious, benefits, too. Families tend to spendmore time together, andpeo- A Saturday joboffers many advantagesaslongachildkeepssense ofproportion...... Obviously there isableaksideto losingyour jobandthe prestige andfinance it gives to your life. Many young people start theircareerMany withapaperround. young peoplestart Apapergirl to orboy earn canexpect when theyleave school. courses. AS YOUWRITEIT ₤ 10 and ₤ 15 aweek for delivering newspapers to around 20houseseachmorning. . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY 39

UNIT 4 UNIT 4 . Shouldafull-timestudentwork? 1. . University educationfor everyone? 2. 2007. С.190. Ex. 16.Write anessayononeofthetopics. 19 worked for two years atalocalpetshop: jobmadememore confident whendealingwith “The . Livingincollege rooms orhallsofresidence helpsstudentsmature early. 3. social skills. social skills. We are livinginaworld are where nottheonlythingsthatmatter –other academicskills to getmy GCSEs—butitdidgetintheway ofmy sociallife.” important. Butwhenyoung peopleovercommitimportant. themselves, theirschoolwork suffers.” half andthemoneyhelpedto pay for holidays andoutingswithfriends.” day andSunday morningsthere andtheypaidme25poundsamorning. Iwasthere for ayear anda me an insight into how a business was run. It didn’tme aninsightinto how abusinesswasrun.It withmy interfere schoolwork —Istillmanaged intheshopmostoftime. Ihelpedorderpeople becauseIserved theproducts, too, whichgave factors, such as the ability tofactors, dress suchastheability well, andwork withawiderangeofpeopleare bepunctual also Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи см.Курс английского студентов для языковых вузов языка Е. Л. Б. Ястребова, Г. Владыкина,М. В. Ермакова. М. Tom andDesign atcollege: Nelson,17,now studiesArt A Saturday pays jobtypically Steve Edgar, headteacher atAmershamSchool: withadultsbuildsupchildren’s interaction “The (you canusethetext isthemodernstudent?” “Who ₤ 20–30 aday. Under16spay noincome tax.Catherine Lomax, 17, 19 ) “My firstjobwasinagarage.“My IspentSatur- synonyms — similes(comparisons) — — adjectives andadverbs adjectives — complex grammar structures — compound andcomplex sentences — metaphors — participles — SECTION SECTION 1. LANGUAGE MATTERS: DESCRIPTIVE UNIT 5 Simile isanexpression describingsomethingby comparing itto somethingelseusingtheword ‘as’ Explain theadvice “You toawriterofdescriptive essay: become thereader’s eyes, Lead-in. ofthefollowing Which can bestcreate avividpictureofwhatyou describe? Ex. 1. Read the two texts andsaywhichmakes texts Ex. 1.Readthetwo astronger impression.“tools” What with red, maroon,cm) inlengthwhilejuveniles orbrown. may Adultsinches (43 cangrow aslarge as17 PRACTICE 1.PRACTICE and ‘like’. Metaphor isawordMetaphor orphrasedescribingsomethingby comparing itto somethingelsethathassimi- LANGUAGE tacular populationgrowth ofred lionfish,anon-native speciesnow eating itsway through the Carib- the Atlantic alongtheEastcoast oftheUnited States. Redlionfishare cladinwhite stripesalternated DESCRIPTIVE WORDS bean anduptheAtlantic coast. most potential enemies. Lionfish reproduce expandinto monthlyandare anew able region. quickly to protrude from thebodylikeamane, giving itthecommon nameofthelionfish. These spinesputoff than1 be shorter inch (2.5 cm). They canlive upto 10years. The fishhaslarge poisonousspines that natively found inIndo-Pacific region, butit has causedahugeproblem invading the Sea and Caribbean e.g. e.g. lar qualitieswithoutusingtheword ‘like’. ears, nose, andbody”. does theauthorusetoachieve thiseffect?

The red lionfish( 1 Text Text 2 Text a sea of calm; that book kindled my interesta seaofcalm;thatbookkindled inpolitics. Her smile is like sunshine. Her skin is as soft asvelvet. isassoft Her smileislikesunshine. Herskin I’ve come to for the Bahamaswiththemarinebiologists whoare ways looking to stop thespec- AS YOUWRITEIT Pterois volitans . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY ), isapoisonouscoral reef fishinthefamily Lionfish Scorpaenidae . P. volitans 41 is is

UNIT 5 UNIT 5 . usevividlanguage: 1. Adverbs: Adjectives: Warm-up. Can you continue thelistofsynonyms words forthetwo tobeavoided? . donotoverdo it: 2. Verbs: Slums USEFUL TIPS: 42 Good: Ex. 2.Make thedescriptionmore vividby filling inthegapsandsubstituting words Bad: what researchers mean when they say the lionfish is the perfect eatingmachine.what researchers meanwhentheysay thelionfishisperfect we soonspotan18-inch-longlionfish,itsmajesticfinsdisplayed likeapeacock’s feathers, which stares eerily at us. It is spectacularly beautiful,stares itsbodyglistening isspectacularly withred, eerilyatus. It white andgoldstripes, Make alistofwords thathave created avividimageofthelionfish fish in30minutes. Worst ofall, lionfish are devouring thespeciesthat prevent seaweed from chok- and itsdelicate wispy finsswaying andfluttering hypnoticallyinthegentlecurrent. anxious andjustalittlebitedgy, to seewhatsome called “Frankenfish” Once inthewater inaction. spinesamongtheirfeathery,arsenal ofvenomous, translucent needle-sharp finsare native the to Metaphoric language: Metaphoric in your mind Kibera Kibera — becauseit’s ontherailway land — andyou lookdown andthere are allthese5)_____ PacificIndian oceans. and “Suddenlythey were beingspotted inthe waslikeseeinga It Atlantic. Kibera inNairobi, Africa’sKibera largest slum,isonlyamilesquare butcontains more thanamillion people. Nouns: the sametime. You standonthismassive traintrackrightatthetop where these trains 4) the lionfishlungesatwrasseandsucksitinto itsmouth,swallowing itwhole. Now Iunderstand in italicswiththosefrom thelistbelow. Houses are 1)_____shackswithcorrugated iron roofs, roads are litter strewn pathsandraw sewage ize a small wrasse (губан). Slowly,ize asmallwrasse(губан). itbacksthefishagainst reef. Then inonelightning-faststrike, ing thereefs, many scientistsfear making for thewholeecosystem. “‘Explosive’ isagoodword to ished and3) is 2) describe thelionfish’s advance,”Hixon, saysMark oneofthe team. polar bearinHawaii,” says Hixon. Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи Ten years ago, lionfishin Atlantic waters were rare. These maroon-striped beautiesthathidean As ourboatbobsgentlyintheclearturquoise waters oftheBahamianislandGreat Exuma,Ifeel Samantha Womack, who spentaweek there whenthe documentary Suddenly, away and thefishdarts reveals itstruenature. asitspreads itsfins Imarvel to mesmer- One lionfish —sonamedbecause theirfins resemblealion’s mane —eatsmore than20small avoid usingtoo many metaphorsandsimiles — avoid usingtoo many andadverbs adjectives — avoid words like — — use sensory words(e.g. use sensory — everywhere appalling, dreadful, horrifying, … wasbeingshot,says, firsttime you seeit,it “The

fantastic, tremendous, spectacular… horribly thin . Sixinten residents have HIV/AIDSandaround 20%ofchildren, whoare undernour- . , diebefore birthday. theirfifth The average pay is35paday. good or glowing, whistling, musty, frosty, juicy, bad, use synonyms /after /after Red Alert by Robert Kiener Reader’s Kiener by Robert DigestJuly1010/ ’s breathtaking. It’s tragic andbeautifulat ) Famous, andinthe Rich pull into 11) _____ with their family and friends. That holding and cuddling they do — all the holding hands — _____ withtheirfamilyandfriends. — alltheholdinghands 11) That holdingandcuddlingtheydo Johnson agree to theforce to help?Contrary ofsomehison-liners, Ex. andanalysetheway 3.Readthe text theauthor the mostappropriate) toproduce asimilareffect. was buriedat Westminster Abbey, withacenotaph atStPaul’s andanother memorialatLichfield. we’ve lostthat. We’ve gotcappuccino makers, four but differentwe’vekinds ofmilk, fundamentally Herhuthadno orradio.was overwhelming! TV wasjustme, theroaches“It onthefloorandrats first impact willstay withme.”first impact Burble, affectionate, loving, stench, overpowering, hut,emaciated, pervasive, higgledy-piggledy, to exist. When helived off Fleet Street theplace was and tourists rechristened Johnson would Court to the king. And he knew there was only one man who had the 8) _____ , the literary gifts, theforce there wasonlyonemanwhohadthe8)_____,literary to Andheknew theking. then theirlittlegirl, Pamela, would come inandgive meacuddle. areThe peopleofKibera very together provided aconstant soundtrack. hard-hearted; in fact, hewasa10)_____softie. Sadly, infact, hard-hearted; were allhisexertions invain. come insearch ofaglimpse, like7)______fansamidthemansionsofBeverly Hills. When hedied, he chy-loving defender ofhumaninequality. free-market views onwomen His were 5)_____chauvinist. of argument andthesheermoralprestige to makethatappeal — andsave his9)_____. Why did andsentenced to hisagony, behangedto death.In ery thathisonlyhopewasto appeal Doddknew on theroof.” 10) The devastating, pummel(v),ascommon asstray run-down dogs, jerry-built, roofs andfurling 21 20 lost something they’ve got,whichishumanspirit.”lost somethingthey’ve description ofhisfamous namesake. InPoint IIaddmissingwords (choose I Heate with1)____concentration, veins bulging andasheenofsweat appearingonhisbrow; II. I. It is easyto forget It how Johnsonwas–andby hugeacelebrity thestandards of moderncelebrity I. ajoke that isdelivered inasingleline. Mayor ofLondonelected inMay, 2008. “Lying there door. Icould hearthefamilynext nowThey and Every had15children intheirshack. This 4)_____canseempuzzling. Onacasualreading heseemsto beasexist,xenophobic, monar- And yet Johnsonwasso6)_____inhislifetime thatGeorge IIIpaidhimastipendof£ 300 ayear just She lived in an eight-foot-by-eight-foot mud 8) _____ next to an open latrine (уборная). 9)_____ She lived to inaneight-foot-by-eight-foot anopenlatrine(уборная). mud8)_____next ясь) spasm,asthoughhewere anddribbledso andtwitched infetters Heblurted (вкандалах). On May 26,1777, William Dodd, oneofthemostpopularpreachers inLondon, wastriedfor forg- and yet hehadsuchcharismathatwomen soughttherightto sitnearhimattea andmenof his neck, hehadlosttheuseofoneeye andwhenhewalkeditwaswithalurchinghis neck, (пошатыва- had scarsfrom infantilescrofula (aform oftuberculosis) andanoperationonthelymphglandsin he lookedpretty peculiar. Hehadaproud prominent Romanconk, lipsandsmallill-fittingwig. He compulsively thathewasturneddown for several jobsonthe grounds thathewould scare the pearl would fallfrom those3)_____lips. power would attend мужчин) his2)______morninglevee inthehopethatsome (приемдля pupils. AS YOUWRITEIT

smoke andthis6)_____smell sounds of songsandrhythms from Kibera’s residents singing anddrumming . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY Samuel Johnson Samuel

of sewage, fat, smoke and dust. It was7)_____;that of sewage, fat,smokeanddust.It * /From Soap toSlum Soap 20 creates suchavivid by Benji Wilson RDMarch 2011/ 21 he was the very opposite of hewasthevery 43

UNIT 5 UNIT 5 Adjectival participles are participles derived from are verbs participles andusedlikeadjectives participles Adjectival are aneffective participles tool Adjectives andadjectival for descriptive writing. (to save) one’s bacon; life/ skin/ ADJECTIVES ANDADJECTIVES PARTICIPLES 44 venerated, respected, revered; Ex. 4.Studythelistofadjectives. Point words Which outadjectival can participles. wonderfully ,beautifully,wonderfully effectively Give synonyms andmake upadverbs where possible. shambolic, chaotic, disordered; speeches andthatJohnsonmusthave hadahandinit,Johnsoncameupwithoneofhismostfa- fierce, intensive;grim, PRACTICE 2 PRACTICE Compound participle adjectives = adjective /adverb =adjective adjectives +pastparticiple Compound participle admiration, adulation,servility; terrible, terrific, touching the mind12)_____.” influence, clout, connections joke, lie, gag outrageously, shockingly, inappropriately; driveling, dribbling, slobbery; rubbernecking, sightseeing,rubbernecking, gaping; mous 11)_____. e.g. Prompts: describe apersonandwhichjob/work? Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи “Depend uponit,sir,” hesaid, itconcentrates heisto“when amanknows behangedinafortnight, (over)confident (e.g. cold-blooded, deeply-rooted) (e.g. interesting, interested). When somebody suggested afterwards thatDoddcouldn’tWhen somebodysuggested afterwards have written allthoseletters and syn: overbearing, haughty, awkward arrogant ambitious arrogantly adv: arrogant (adj):anarrogant person; competitive clever challenging collocations: arrogant attitude, arrogantly confident bright

ideal high-pressure outgoing neat natural mundane menial manual / Dr Johnson: The Angel of Death Row by ofDeath Johnson:TheAngel Dr RD August 2009/ BorisJohnson, Write a short (~8–10sentences) descriptionandcompareWrite itwithapartner. ashort 2007. С.255. Ex. 7. Read the story of an “independent diplomat” andusethe factsEx. ofan“independent diplomat” 7.Readthestory to writeadescriptionofCarne Rossandhiscareer. very discouraged by everybody saying clever discouraged itwasincredibly by people everybody difficultandthatonlyvery very Ex. 6.Choosethewords from thelistsabove todescribeFleur andherwork a)as adjectives andchoosethosewhichcanEx. 5.Studythelistofcompound participle was fascinated by abroad. Idecidedquite earlyon Make more collocations withthefollowing adverbs: an engine driver. Hedreamed ofbeingadiplomat. “At quite ayoung age,” herecalls, “I realised thatI Brilliantly, completely, extremely, fiercely, highly, incredibly, perfectly, totally ing, labour-saving, low-paid, well-behaved, money-laundering, time-consuming, short-lived, well- exams, joinedtheForeign Office’s graduate fast-track balanced, well-bred, well-connected, well-grounded, well-paid, well-rounded, well-spoken. become an “independent diplomat”. bassadorship. Then, to inSeptember2004,thedream turnedto dust.Hequitthediplomaticservice mission to theUN,enjoyed agoodsalary, status, even asniffofpower, andwason course anam- to back-breaking, easy-going, far-reaching, ground-breaking, good-looking, high-powered became diplomats.” 23 22 a waitress atadiner, “Fleur’s (first read thetext agency b)attheadvertising career” describe anemployee/worker andajob/work Away thanusual. ofachievingsomething more quickly см.Курс английского студентов для языковых вузов языка Е. Л. Б. Ястребова, Г. Владыкина,М. В. Ермакова. М. At 22,fresh outofExeter University, Rossproved thedoubters wrong: hepassedthenecessary (in)experienced (un)demanding flexible firm Carne Rosswasanunusualschoolboy. Hedidn’t dream ofbeingafootballer, acricketer oreven high-profile generous exciting excellent exceptional efficient eager critical courageous cordial delicate decent formidable fair AS YOUWRITEIT . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY (ir)responsible (un)grateful white-collar steady slow skilled serious satisfying top tedious outstanding rude professional prestigious polite personable particular quick Independent diplomat that Iwasgoingto become adiplomat,andwas 23 , worked attheUKembassyinBonnandits , high-rank- 45 22 ).

UNIT 5 UNIT 5 “exciting”, “challenging”. Although diplomacy andtheForeignAlthough diplomacy wasadeeplysatisfyingandenjoyable career, Office itwasn't you can describe: SECTION SECTION 2. WRITING A DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY what is important in writing adescription? what isimportant 46 ……………? Lead-in. are What thetypical characteristics ofadescriptive paragraph? what Discuss Ex. 8.Make upafileof words todescribeajobof your dream. sion. Istillfeel sadaboutitwhenIwalkpasttheForeign Office. ButintheendI feltIhadnochoice. status, oftheForeign whathecallsthe«grandeur» goodcareer under Office. «Ihadaway and very an experience an event an idea an place an object a year to attempt to prove hisformer colleagues wrong andturnhisvisionofdiplomacy, whichis a justandpeaceful world». For five thenext years, thetrustwillpay himastipendofalmost£40,000 ofmyanswering soul.» to adeeperpart Balkans. His lack of faith in British policy in the Middle Eastmanifested intheMiddle itselffarmore quickly. lackoffaithinBritishpolicy His Balkans. tion. ofgivingThe evidence finallybrought act hiscareer asaBritishdiplomat to anend. inspectors. Hesays theNew York posting, whichoccupied himfor almostfive years, was “dramatic”, it wasahugesacrifice,» hesays. «I'd always painfuldeci- wanted beadiplomat,soitwas to very hated having to bendthetruthonbehalfofhiscountry. The gradual process ofdisillusionmentbe- compromise –asecondment to (командировка) theUNinKosovo. thesummerof2004,hesup- In gan inGermany inthemid-1990swhenrefugees from thewarin Yugoslavia floodedinto the country. delegation attheUN;hewaskeyBritishnegotiator government withtheIraqi andtheweapons use of facts, statistics use offacts, use ofscientificdata use ofmetaphoricallanguage use ofimagery plied asecret, written testimony to theButler putting rightbefore befor mightandmorality 25 24 It took Rossalmostadecadeto realise ofthemistakesForeignIt thefullextent madeinthe Office Lord Butler. focus ondetails mass destruction which played a key part intheGovernment’s which playedmass destruction akeypart decisionto invade Iraq. The committee washeadedby Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи The useofwords andphrasesinliterature to create animageofsomething. OnFebruary into 3,2004,theBritishGovernment theintelligence relating announced aninquiry to Iraq’s weapons of Ross, aconfident 38-year-old, spent15 years in From 1995-98heworked inLondon Eastpeace process, ontheMiddle before joiningtheBritish He hadlostfaithintheForeign buthadnoideawhatto dowithhislife, Office sohearrangeda It wasabold, somewouldIt say foolhardy (безрассудный), step. Rossgave income, upeverything: In June2005,theJosephRowntreeIn Charitable Trust choseRossasoneof its seven «visionariesfor 25 /based on Diplomat atLargeDiplomat 24 e nationalinterest, into reality. inquiry onintelligence andweapons ofmassdestruc- inquiry the Foreign Office. He loved thelife butultimately by Stephen Moss, the Guardian , 20June, 2005/ spiked withbourbon;hewrote fluid, beautiful, copy witty diMaggio was no money at all, eighth child of an Italian immigrant. Mick talked like an Italian ice-cream ice-cream talkedlikeanItalian immigrant. Mick wasnomoneyatall,diMaggio eighthchildof anItalian The greatest pleasure iswinningover arivalgroup onthecreative floor, oracriticaldifficultclient. . decideontheoverall impression you wantto makeonthereader (oneofbeauty, power, etc.) intellect, 1. Agency people get up every morningwithaclearmissioninlife: to peoplegetupevery createAgency better advertisements isreallyAdvertising justabranchofshow business. Alltheelementsare there: theshow, thestars, What doesthisgenreWhat have incommon withanopinionessay? WRITING AN ESSAY "WHAT IS AN IDEAL JOB?" STRUCTURE: . makealistofwords bestsuited to your purpose 2. USEFUL TIPS: Nonewdescriptionintroduced! . whenyou’ve getsomeoneto written read adraft, it — you’ll seewhetheryou‘ve produced the 3. 4. if not, make necessary alterations. ifnot,makenecessary 4. FitzPatrick was soeagertowork forit? agency. itexplainwhyEx. 9.Readthedescriptionofanadvertising Fleur Does three qualitiesto anexcessive degree. Silkwasoldmoney, Nigel charming,— deceptively languid, blond by outofBrooks Brother” “Harvard Conclusion tising industry moved into aneweraof brilliance,tising industry andself-obsession. originality man wasGod,than thenext the1960swhenlife— orwoman. andstyle theadver- In wassoshowy the critics, theaudience. The great are figures showmen: inadvertising fiercly professional, highly clear structure reliance onsenses polished, well rehearsed. manisonlytrulyhappy performing. Onthewhole, theborn-to-advertise 27 26 Main body Introduction (ParagraphIntroduction 1) Рекламный текст. Brooks Brothers istheoldestmen’s clothierchain in theUSA. Silk diMaggio, a medium-sized agency (which meant billings of sixty million dollars) possessed all the milliondollars)possessed allthe Silk diMaggio, (whichmeantbillings ofsixty amedium-sized agency NB …………………………………. A brief summary ofthemainpoints. A briefsummary Your feelings andthoughtsaboutthesubject. Paragraph 4 Paragraph 3. Paragraph 2. desired effect present andtell your thereader subject why you finditinteresting AS YOUWRITEIT (a detailed description of one characteristic perparagraph) (adetaileddescriptionofonecharacteristic (Final paragraph) A descriptive essay isaformal, personalpiece ofwritinginwhichyou are to expected create ofathing/personyou avividpicture present. . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY 26 withitsbusinessacumen,andMick — whoprovided theagency 27 thathaunted thepublicconsciousness. 47

UNIT 5 UNIT 5 wash thestudiowindows onemorningwhenthere hadbeennotimeto organized. getthecontractors tographic sessionsfor hours, shewould bookandcancel andrebook studiosandlocations;shewould organize sandwichesand coffee and winecigarettes for meetings.known Shehadevento been tion. Shewould come inatsixa.m.ifshewasasked, oreven ifshewasn’t, to tidyupthe studio orto sort out sheets of contacts andboxesout sheetsofcontacts oftransparencies. Shewould standin As well withformidable astyping speedandaccuracy, off to meetingswithall andgettingeverybody 48 the rightnotes, roughs andcopylines were bothmillionaires several timesover. itoccupied onMadison; thesec- wasactually The agency was inastate oftotal enchantmentfrom her. Fleur wasaworker. Shedidn’t mindhow late sheworked, orhow menialthejobshewasaskedto do. senior art directors did much the same in a very slightlyquieter, directors didmuchthesameinavery senior art more ordered diMaggio’s style. Mick and she knew shewaslucky,and sheknew coming asshewasfrom ayear’s temping and worried and produced very often superb work. It hadsideroomsand worried offitwhere It superbwork. andproduced the often copy headsand very and madeupsillyjokeycampaigns andgossipedgotexcited andbad-tempered andrejoiced ally gooddays whenthevolume wasturneduphigh,hewould appearonhisspiralstaircase witha and completing asecretarial course inanadmittedly excellent college andwiththehighestmarksin New York the prospect ofwhatlaythe prospect ahead;itseemed to herbetter thananything, better thangoingto themov- the creative department). the creative department). They won three majorcreative awards year, every andSilkdiMaggio to sell the new advertising campaign toto him. sellthe newadvertising the class. But she also knew that the creative department ingeneral, thatthecreative andPoppythe class. Butshealsoknew department Blakeinparticular, ies, shopping, going to parties, gossiping, to getthejob, itwasthatmuchfun.Shehadbeenlucky ing thefunny, charming, totally relevant words wasallabout.After a andlearningwhatadvertising had seenoffsixsecretaries dol- inasmany months, ofthefifty cent andthatshewasearningevery could see how andshefelt itworked andwhy; athome. Shehadasenseofbeingabsolutely inthe ers sataround avast drawing-board anddrew andwrote andshouted andthrew paperaeroplanes ond andthird hada It floors ofanewbuilding.reception thatwasallwhite andchrome, withwalls champagne to bottleinhishandinviting celebrate. everybody could beseenthere (andhecould seeallhisstafffrom earlyinthemorninguntil it)fromvery very office wasonagallery, approachedcentre by aspiralstaircase ofthe inthecreativevery he floor; throughcrawl thisdoor,’ ontheirhandsand knees saidPoppy Blake, administrative PA to thecreative department, to Fleur assheshoweddepartment, in herround onthefirstmorningofherjobasjuniorsecretary until she had to be dragged out of it at night. She sensed an instinct in herself about advertising: she inherselfaboutadvertising: until shehadto bedraggedoutofitatnight.Shesensedaninstinct right place, thatshehadbeen bornto dowhatshewasdoing. Shewoke upinthemorningthrilledat ment thatwasonehuge, buzzing, hyped-up directors andcopywrit- workshop where thejuniorart peppered withawards andhugeexamplesoftheagency’s certificates ithadacreative work; depart- brief and noisy party they would all go back to work, and Mick would go and find Nigel Silk and try theywould wouldNigel Silkandtry allgobackto goandfind andMick work, brief andnoisyparty 29 28 late atnight.Heplayed classicalmusicallday long;hismoodcould begaugedby thestyle. Onre- lars aweek theypaidher. shetold herselffirmly, fact, In they wereto gether. lucky 31 30 Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи подменять кого-либо. объявлений. черновикиитексты рекламных центр Нью-Йорка. работа. временная And theywould stand there, theyoung athisroughs, ones, sippingchampagne andlooking read- Silk diMaggio wereSilk diMaggio clever, confident andhighlyvisible(‘People want to herework sobadlythey By theendoffirstmonth, Poppywere andthe immenselyimpressedrest ofthedepartment by Fleur felt asifshehaddiedandgonestraightto heaven inherfirst few she weeks atSilkdiMaggio; 29 andwithnomore qualifications School hernamethan to High graduating from Brooklyn 30 , shewould dootherthingstoo thatwere notinherjobdescrip- the momentshewalkedthrough thedoorinmorning * / from An Outrageous An Affair 28 31 intedious jobsindowntown patientlyfor modelsonpho- by Penny Vincenzi / — Advertising as an attractive career asanattractive Advertising option — — Silk diMaggio advertising agency —anidealworkplace agency SilkdiMaggio advertising — Fleur FitzPatrick: cutoutfor advertising — Fleur’s day working typical — Fleur FitzPatrick’s dream job — 1. Advertising jobscanturninto Advertising lucrative, glamorous andchallenging careers. 1. . Work inteams. Chooseatopicfrom thelistabove anddecideonthethesis B. . Fleur’s day working wasfilledwithpressures andefficiently. shedealtwithquickly 2. A. Can the text in ex. 9 serve asabasisforwritingdescriptive essayonthefollowing inex.9serve Can thetext A.

Six years withSilkdiMaggioturnedFleur into oneofthehigh-profile copywriters, of totally confident 5. Silk DiMaggio is a wonderful combination ofcreative isawonderful SilkDiMaggio spiritandasolidfinancial foundation, 5. . Personality istheconcept behindsuccessful you advertising. If cangive thethingyou advertise 4. team. Discuss aproperteam. Discuss conclusion. topiccan Which theonebelow fit? Brainstorming. Getready towriteadescriptive essayaboutFleur and/orherdream job. . GlamourwasinFleur’s bones;shehadalways wanted aglamorous glamour lifestyle. Sheknew 3. Ex. 12.Write adraft oftheessayyou’ve worked on. Make useofex.6.andthetext Ex. 11.Write anoutlineoftheessayandcompare your version withtherest ofthe Ex. 10.Write anintroduction. Fleur wasahard worker: shewasableto work round shedidn’t theclock; mindmenialandmundanework. Fleur wasprepared to learnfrom anyone andputupwithanything to succeed. Fleur hadaflair for creating clever, beautifuland totally relevant copylines. her talentandabrilliantcareer ahead, well ontheway to lifestyle aglamorous,shehadcraved for. glitzy b) Discuss themainpointsyoub) Discuss plan toincludeinthemainbody. Have alookatthelist above. Remembertocheckitagainst a) Eachteammemberwritesaversion Compare oftheintroduction. and thetexts of itemsforpossibleinclusion(whichtopicdotheyfit?): decide whichisthebest. 6. Fleur was a most striking figure in the advertising agency: withnoqualifications tospeakofshe agency: Fleurfigure intheadvertising wasamoststriking 6.

NB statement. Can you make useofthefollowing suggestions? topics? which provides for professional development inacompetitive, yet friendlywork environment. when shesaw profession. it.Andshesaw itintheadvertising a personality, itwillholdpeople’s imaginations. Fleur hadthetalentandboldnessto create copylines whichpeoplewould remember. made asuccess dueto herdrive, energy andnaturaltalent. AS YOUWRITEIT —spellingerrors —grammar structure —useofDESCRIPTIVElanguage —relevant conclusion: sum-upofyour feelings andthoughts perparagraph described —onecharacteristic —thesisstatement clearlydefiningthe focus of your description —Descriptive essay structure Proofreading. Checkyour essay for . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY Useful tips. 49

UNIT 5 UNIT 5 . The career ofadiplomat. 1. “getting started”. jottingdown you your If experience ideas try anything ofthekind . An experience thatchangedmy life. 2. . The traditionalattitudetowards work makesafull-timeandwell-paid jobwithgoodcareer pros- 2. . With somany peopleoutofwork anduniversity graduates endinguponthedole, there doesn’t 1. 1. times: full-time / part-time job, times:full-time/part-time office hours/shifts, retirement age, businesstrips 1. 3. Are financial gain and material values more important than job satisfaction? Do we Are thanjobsatisfaction? work financialgainandmaterial liveto valuesmore important 3. Write thefinal corrections.version withall thenecessary All inall, Ibelieve thatanidealjob istheonewhichgives andmaterial gain. bothmoralsatisfaction views andaspirations forthefuture. Adraft conclusion isgiven below. Isanything A BLEND OF DESCRIPTIVE AND OPINION ESSAY . location:inner/outer city, nearhomeornot,etc. 2. worth considering (you don’tworth have toincludeallofthem). Ex. 18. 50 Ex. 13.Write adescriptive essay“Russia’s first woman diplomat”. Do your 4. type of work: skilled / unskilled, repetitive /unskilled, /creative, ofwork: skilled type clerical/managerial, challenging /routine, etc. 4. to adescriptive essay?Suggestyour own beginning. Brainstorming. elementsofadescriptive What andanopinion essayshouldbeusedto Brainstorming. are which aspects Istheoutlinesuitable foradescriptive essay?Decide Ex. 17.Write adescriptive dream job”. essay“My Ex. 16.Write theconclusion. Sumupwhatyou have considered; stateyour personal Ex. 15.Chooseabeginning. firstparagraph Which techniquedothefollowing Ex. 14.“A writer’s block”, thefeelingofbeingunabletowrite, aproblem of isoften . conditions: pay, facilities, work environment, jobsecurity, career prospects, etc. 3. Personally, Iamconvinced that onlycreative andchallenging work canbesatisfying. At thesametime, Has thewriter managedto create inthereader’s avividpicture mind? it mustbefinancially rewardingyour familyandenjoy sothat lifeyou cansupport outside work. 5. job satisfaction beginnings match? (see part 3 unit 2). Which doyou 3unit2).Which findmore appropriate beginnings match?(seepart PEER READING about anidealjobonpaper. Compare your noteswiththeoutlinesuggestedbelow. missing init? research first. Have a look at unit 4 part 1(tipsondescriptiveresearch paragraph). first.Have alookatunit4part produce an effective essay “Yourproduce aneffective essay dream job”? Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи seem to be much point in describing an ideal job. But in our heart of hearts we alldreamseem to ofit.I be muchpointindescribinganidealjob.ofhearts Butinourheart sider different aspects of a job and decide which are the most important sider different to ofajobanddecidewhichareyou. themostimportant aspects am goingto tell you aboutmy dream job. or live to work? pects theidealofanaveragepects adult.Isityour idealtoo? To answer thisquestionyou have to con-

Write adescriptive essay :

on oneofthetopics. SALUTATION AND COMPLIMENTARY ENDINGS: SECTION SECTION 1. LANGUAGE MATTERS: APPLICATIONS UNIT 6 APPLICATION LETTER: writing? How thechoice doesthisaffect ofthelanguage? Lead-in. Inwhatway doyou thinkwritingapplications isdifferent from academic INSIDE ADDRESS & ADDRESS ON THE ENVELOPE important detailsimportant e.g. P.S. There are variousways ofwritingthedate: theUSAsalutationisusually In ‘ NB inFrance: A similar way (certain variations)ofwritingaddress isusedintheEU A similarway (certain Country Company Post code, Town Number, Street Position Name AS YOUWRITEIT yours’ ; intheUK ‘ Town KUSA UK Country County Post code Number, Street, Avenue Position Name (ifknown) Firm 12 12 September 2011 th Dear Sirs Dear SirorMadam Dear Madam Dear Sir Dear DrKellermann Brown Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms September2011 My dear My 12.9.2011

. PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY KUSA UK …’ islessformal than ‘ My dear…My Town State, Zipcode Country Number, Street, Avenue Position Name (ifknown) Firm Dear Yours faithfully Yours faithfully Yours faithfully Yours faithfully (Yours) sincerely (Yours) sincerely ’ andtheending ‘ September 122011 …’ 9.12.2011 Yours truly’ or ‘ Very truly 51

UNIT 6 UNIT 6 2011, тридцать 2015,первоеянваря2012,одиннадцатое первоеавгуста 2011. декабря (Dear SirorMadam:’) Второе 2012,тринадцатое октября 2013,двадцать февраля 2012,седьмое июля первоемая Ex. 2.Make corrections inthefollowing insideaddresses. Ex.1. Write thedatesinallpossibleways common inwriting businessletters 52 PRACTICE 1 PRACTICE NOTE ON PUNCTUATION in English. In theUKsalutationisusuallysetoff by a In comma (‘DearSir,’), intheUSa colon isused Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи 1081HV Netherlands Thorpe Underwood Estate Thorpe Underwood The Netherlands York.9SS YO26 2500 CM The Hague Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University ofCanterbury UK Queen Ethelburga’s College Cold SpringHarborLaboratory Cold SpringHarbor, New York 11724 Chair ofPublications Committee 7NY CT2 Canterbury Managing Director P.O. Box 100,OneBungtown Road Kent P.O. Box 19519 Katja FisherKatja MSc De Boelelaan,1085 England Fatoumata DembeleDiarra FirstPresident Vice International CriminalCourt # 3 # 2 #4 #5 #1 Ex. 4.Make corrections inthefollowing from extract aletter Ex. 3.Chooseacceptable formsofsalutationandmatchthemwithanappropriate ending from thelistabove. To whomitmay concern Yours truly, My dearMs.My Baldwin Dear Mr. Prime Cameron Minister Dear Mr. President Dear Alison Hitchcock Dear Manager Dear Personnel Manager FionaDear Mrs Bullock Dear Prof. Fisher Hello, Mr. Joe auain Endings Salutations Orange Street 4-6 Canterbury Dear DrJ.F. Banks, Pilgrims Ltd Director ofStudies Dr J.F. Banks 2JA Kent CT1 England AS YOUWRITEIT 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington United States ofAmerica President BarakObama D.C. 20500 . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY 119454 MOSCOW 76 Prospect Vernadskogo Ministry ofForeignMinistry Affairs Moscow State Relations(University) ofInternational Institute RUSSIA 09. 22.2011 #6 ( UK style) 53

UNIT 6 UNIT 6 You canemailmeortelephone meatthenumbergiven inmy CV — With reference to on…website, your advertisement Iaminterested inapplyingfor — Please findattached (resume)CV my — ______. ______my applicationletter, resume andtwo references — I would I begrateful ifyou would consider my application — amavailable I for aninterview — appreciate I your timeandconsideration andIhopeto hearfrom you soon — believe I Iwould beasuitablecandidate for the position — have I asa attachedmy CV Word document — attachmy I asrequested CV — I’d liketo onyour applyfor website theposition…advertised — highlyinterested amvery/ I inthe….position — Science attheUniversityScience ofAmsterdam. Ihave completed my PhDinthesocialsciences attheFree Ex. 5.Fill inthegapsfollowing email. 54 worked for anumberofEUagenciesIhave Ihave oftheEUstructures; agoodknowledge alsogained University ofBerlin,andthemanuscripthas beenapproved by theassessment committee. Governance” number1.2011.0068). 2)______(vacancy Subject: Subject: in a project thatwillworkin aproject ofregional oncoding therulesandauthority regimes. good organizational skills. motivatedcial andpoliticalmodeling. to learnnewmodelingtechniques. Iamalsovery As Ihave

Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи

______if you consider my application. ______due to my experience andinterest intheproject. ______thePostdoc positionin Causes andConsequences ofMultilevel“The Yours sincerely, While doingmy PhDIgainedconsiderable exper Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to further pursue a career in regional studies and I am particularly interested in taking part pursuea career interested part inregionalI wishto further intaking studiesandIamparticularly I have international academicexperience asIdidmy BAinPPEatOxford inPolitical andMSc the post/position application vacancy number1.2011.006 application vacancy Emails have become themostcommon Below isalistofphrasesusedin form ofapplyingfor ajob. job applicationemails: ience inapplyingcomputational science to so- . ‘impersonal’ (withoutany pronoun, ‘clipped’) 3. THERE ARE OFTHREE STYLES WRITING A RESUME: THE CV/ RESUME & COVER LETTER 1. Stick to one style Stickto onestyle 1. 1. In thefirstperson( In 1. . Work onword choice: avoid repetition 4. . Donot overuse 1) ‘I’(in caseofstyle 2. USEFUL TIPS: 2. In thethird In person( 2. b) Rewritetomake iteasiertounderstandtheapplicant’s achievements. 3. Use action words Use action (‘managed’, ‘accomplished’, ‘improved’ etc) 3. Ex. 6. Improve the part ofaresumeEx. 6.Improve by following the thepart staffs atinternational levels. Ihave e PRACTICE 2 PRACTICE . Checkyour grammar andspelling 5. tight financialdisciplines imposed by ambitiousbudgetswhichIhave helped to plan;methodical a) Paraphrase thesentences soastoavoid toomany personalpronouns. Profile I have specialized andtheir projects increasingly inthemanagement ofcomplex multi-cultural (am) agoodcandidate/match for thejob (have) specialized in in (am) highlyskilled (extensive) experience (with) very interestedvery in pursuingacareer with /in a good working knowledge of knowledge a goodworking able to clearlyandbriefly present facts to developability relationships andnetworks to getalongwithpeople ability a good/soundunderstandingof My responsibilitiesMy include(d) excellent (communication/etc.) skills my …(three/ five/ten) years as/with my diverse/distinctive background I believe Icould contribute I wasresponsible for leadership abilities AS YOUWRITEIT A listofusefulphrases for resume andcover/ Your languageshouldbesimple, andclear. direct, Describeyour job history in terms of job skills. Make every word every count intermsMake ofjobskills. job history (e.g., instead of “in today,” society use “now”). motivation letter: I have… he/she has… . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY ) xperience in:strategic forward-planning; operatingwithinthe ) Useful tips. won supervised supervised achieved trained improved implemented coordinated opened generated restructured recommended proposed motivated managed

Action Action words 55

UNIT 6 UNIT 6 Typing documents andentering customer details onto databasesystems. additionIlearnthow to In Analysis. Admin Assistant April 2008—July April 2009—Present Suggest rephrasing sentences where appropriate. Worked atacreative design studiomy dutiesincludedcreating web content, editinggraphics and Ex. 7. Check the extracts fromEx. 7.Checktheextracts aresume forspellingandgrammar mistakes, 56 writing copy for client’s websites andpromotional materials. additionIlearntto editweb In pages sionally visitthegymto keepfitandswim ona regular basis. Czech Republic, Prague Graphic Design Intern and target-setting, incommunication, andeasypersonalinter-relations). clarity Icome from acos- administration to andtheapplication deadlines(notto speakofcrisismanagementwhere necessary); Modules includes software development, includessoftware databasesystems,Modules Intro to MultimediaandSystems My duties include organising and filing paperwork, settingupmailingsystems asandwhen dutiesinclude organisingrequired.My andfilingpaperwork, dutiesinvolveMy trainingendusershow to applicationssuchas useandoperate software Word, May 2003 University ofCentral London Dec 2006—2007 tently hitmy targets onadailybasis. Excel andPowerPoint. beginners intheuseoftools Onoccasions suchasoperatinga Ialsoinstruct HND keyboard andmouse. Responsiblefor maintenance ofhardware usedfor andsoftware trainingpur- ers onadailybasisusingCzech. of modernleadershipmethods(through staffmotivationandinvolvement inbothdecision-making using applicationssuchasDreamweaver. ofmy internship As Ihadto part takebasicCzech lessons manage my timeeffectively andprioritize andasa my result ofthisImanaged toworkload consis- poses andrecommending repairs to management. reconciliation ofdifferent common problems. nationalapproaches otherwise to mand ofseveral European languages, soIamconfident inhandlingnegotiationsthat require the mopolitan background andIhave always hadanalyticalinterests inothercultures, aswell asa com- entry into universities,entry andisconsidered equivalentto thefirst orsecond year ofauniversity degree course. IT Mentor IT Mentor Volunteer In my basisIhelptoIn leisure editandproofread timeandonvoluntary manuscriptsand documents punctuation. for approx two weeks, themostchallenging wasto usewhatIlearntandconverse withmy co-work- for anonprofit organization calling The Headless Way. Ienjoy reading booksasapastimeandocca- 32 Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи

A higher National Diploma is a higher education qualification in the UK. A higherNationalDiplomais ahighereducationqualificationintheUK. This qualificationcanbeusedto gain The Salvation Army EMPLOYMENT HISTORY EDUCATION HM Revenue &Customs European TrainingServices INTERESTS 32 inComputing workshop planningskills — — supervisory skills supervisory — strategic planningskills — — analytical and critical thinking skills analyticalandcriticalthinking — — training programme training development skills — technical skills — interpersonal skills — communication skills — — office management skills office management — promotional skills — development newproduct skills — managementororganization skills — leadershipskills — Ex. 10.Transform intoasuitabledraft (extract from thistext aninterview) Skills categories: Skills Sujeevan Satheesan,29,works for theForeign andCommonwealth ashead Office coming across different mindsetsandidea— your interestingcolleagues tend be to people,very too. valuable in this position. I 6) _____ a number of innovative projects and I have demonstrated 7) _____ valuable inthisposition.I6)_____anumberofinnovative andIhave projects demonstrated 7) Ex. 9. Read the text in ex 8. Match the skills andabilitiesoftheapplicant inex8.Matchtheskills withskillsEx. 9.Readthetext Ex. 8.Fill inthegapsusingwords from thelistsabove. Suggesthow you can with thePalestinians andEgypt; orcallingontheSudanese president between Gaza to accept blue- which helped to build organizations from start-up base.which helpedto buildorganizations from start-up Union’s common foreign policy, whichiswhere together ex- the27membercountries oftheEUact Oman. Then Iwasposted to Paris asapress attaché, where Iwascharged withexplainingtheUK’s ternally. That judgesandprosecutors; mightmeantheEUtrainingIraqi runningaborder checkpoint to your organization dueto my 2)_____described inmy resume. improve thetext. helmeted UNpeacekeepers inDarfur. is proposed,When anaction we lookatthelegal base for it,its how to create successful people-oriented programmeshow to create thathelppeoplesetgoalsandcope with successful people-oriented of theFrance andCommon Foreign Policy team. andSecurity change. budget and, more broadly, whattheUKthinks aboutit. rica; oratheme, likecounter-terrorism orhuman rights. I’m ontheEuropean headofateam working makes me4)_____.Ihave 5)_____inprogramme/project management,whichwillbeextremely of acover letter. categories below. Pairwork.

A particular strength situations. ofmineisto applysolid8)_____inconflict IalsohaveA particular 9) Why doyou love your job? What doesyour jobinvolve? Plus, it’s always varied. firstjobwasmanaging theUK’s My relationship with andwith Kuwait Policy jobsattheForeign orare eitherbased Office region, likearound a or country Af- Pakistan International affairsisafascinatingarea to work in. You get to work withpeoplefrom all over the world, I amexcited ofjoiningxxxUniversity asSenior atthepossibility Training Manager. 1)______I possessauniquecombination of3)____teaching, managementandmarketing____,which I 10)_____inacademicprogramme development atyour university. AS YOUWRITEIT . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY 57 _____

a lot

UNIT 6 UNIT 6 . State themainideainfirstorsecond sentence. 1. Treaty. . match your applicationto thejobdescriptiongiven inthead 1. . Avoid slang, jargon, elitistlanguage. 4. . Bepleasant,polite andencouraging. 7. Applying for jobs, internships, andgraduate/professional programs requires, often from filling apart 2. Be factual. Avoid Befactual. emotioninbusinessletters. 2. . Avoid overused words (very, basically, etc.). 6. . bebrief, descriptive anddynamic 2. SECTION SECTION 2. WRITING TO GET A JOB Useful tips: . emphasise your andadaptability flexibility 4. . address your application to aspecificpersoninthe company 3. Look attheguidelines below andsaywhetherall oftheseare relevant whenwriting a Lead-in. are the mainfeatures What ofaformalletter? 58 3. Be specific — give all the necessary details. Bespecific— give allthenecessary 3. . Use voice. theactive 5. find it can be difficult to co-ordinate find itcanbedifficult to overseaspostingswiththeirspouse’s jobandchildren’s school- FORMAL LETTER — GENERAL GUIDELINES:FORMAL LETTER attention to detail, butalsohave to lookatthebiggerpicture. thecapacity toThe learnlan- ability to ministers, soyou’ve дел)onyour (вкурсе area. gotto betotally up-to-speed You needto pay the jobcanbedifficultattimes. And youneed consistentlyto producework atahighlevel, because then switch to economic relations withChina. to outlinetheirstrengths confidently and concisely. ing, althoughthatisn’t anissuefor meyet. it’s your jobto represent andprotect your country’s interests –it’s abigresponsibility. Alotofpeople just aboutpersuadingcolleagues orotherdiplomats—you mightalsohave to give advice directly out anapplicationform guages, andthenbeconfident aboutusingthem,alsohelps. back to London billthatratifiedBulgariaandRomania’s to work ontheparliamentary Accession frompolicies, tradeissuesto oneverything Iraq, to French journalists. After two years there, Icame letter ofapplication. 34 33 Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи Look itupormakeacallto findoutthenameandmakesure to spellitright! These are usuallyfilledoutonline. You’ve gotto beableto thinkthingsthrough inaconsidered, way. well-organised The jobisn’t As you see, we move between jobsquite frequently, soyou onarmscontrol, mightbeworking What doyou skills needtobeagooddiplomat? What’s toughaboutit? It’s definitely challenging. You’re dealingwith often complex, sensitive issues, soit follows that 33 , writingaresume andacover orapplicationletter. Applicantsare expected /from an interview by Alex McRae, by AlexMcRae, /from an interview The Independent 34

, 15February 2007/ . Whatdoyou write inthetop right-handcorner? 1. . Whatdoyou write below it? 2. Ex. 11.Studythesampleletterofapplication payingattentiontoitsorganisation. Check your understanding. LETTER OF APPLICATIONLETTER ... next tothe ... next Yours sincerely, side below the side below the signature. date. the left-hand the left-hand address of the address ofthe writing to on writing toon comma. after your your after name and name and pany you are person orcom- gin, followed by acomma. name clearly name clearly letter Yours mar-left-hand followed by a faithfully, or Write your Write your Write Dear Write Dear Write the End your AS YOUWRITEIT The purposeofaletter ofapplication isto attractenoughpositive attention sothat theemployer willcallyou to setupaninterview. 5-star hotel. view atany time. with many Englishvisitors, andoccasionally someEnglishtrainees, hotels inBrighton, Eastbourne and Torquay. Since leaving Bailey’s ship at l’hotel Geneve, spending time in all departments ofthis Geneve,ship atl’hotel spending timeinalldepartments I have beenmanager attheBelleanHotel,I Swaby. Inow feel Ishould like thegreater challengeofmanaging agroup ofprestigious hotels. to usemy EnglishwhenIworkedlish hotels at andanopportunity the position. issue of The Caterer andHotelkeeper andshouldliketo applyfor hotel Ibecamealmostbilingual. Ihave always studiedEnglish,and I was able to practice myI wasableto practice spokenEnglish. Yours sincerely, 24 LakelandRoad, As requested, Ienclosemy CV. asix-year apprentice- Iserved Southern LeisureSouthern Hotels Ltd, signature German ismy mothertongue butasIworked at aFrench-owned My threeMy years atBailey’s Hotels alsogave meexperience inEng- Mr George Davies.Mr Director, Dear Mr Davies,Dear Mr Bedhampton, Mendleshire KR49UJ Hans Gunter If IamgivenIf two orthree days’ notice Icould attend aninter- I saw for your aGroup advertisement inthisweek’s Manager Write George to Davies. Mr withfull CV Director, Southern LeisureSouthern Hotels Ltd, 24LakelandRoad, . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY Bedhampton, Mendleshire KR59UJ Southern LeisureSouthern Hotels Group Manager 46 Chorleywood Road 46 Chorleywood Rickmansworth, Herts Herts WD3 4ES 25 th April2000 — — — separate lines your address. corner. Do date below address on graphs to: rate para- name. not writeyour right-hand in thetop

ti wri you are your le give say why details or extra conclude informa- Use sepa- Write the Write your on 59 ti ng tt er

UNIT 6 UNIT 6 . Whatinformation doyou give inseparate paragraphs? 7. . Iam20years old, andhave justcompleted ayear’s intensive studyofEnglishattheLanguage 1. . Whendoyou usethefollowing salutations? 4. . Where doyou write thenameandaddress ofthepersonorcompany you are writingto? 3. . Ihopethisistheinformation ofpersonyou for. you are needandIamthekind looking so If 2. writing are notobserved. Make corrections. 60 . Whendoyou usetheseendings? 5. Ex. 13.a)Readthefollowing letterofapplication andpointoutwhichrulesofletter Ex. 12.Put theparagraphs oftheletterinrightorder. . Ihave alsocompleted acourse for Englishsecretaries Secretarial College; attheMountain my 4. Certificate and the Certificate of inEnglish). andthe Certificate Certificate Proficiency . Iamwritinginreply to intheDailyNews your intheForeign for advertisement asecretary 3. is English,soIgrew upfluentinbothlanguages. Ipassedbothofthe Cambridge Examinations(First in office procedure. . How shouldyou sign your letter? 6. Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи 15 12 RueChantily Yours Yours truly Yours sincerely DearSirorMadam faithfully Dear Brown DearMr /MsSmith Dear Madam Sir My shorthand speedinEnglishis120wpmandmy speedis 150wpm.Iwasalsotrained typing shorthand My Dear Mr Green, Dear Mr Dear Mr Manager,Dear Mr Paris deFrance I am writing about your advertisement forI amwritingaboutyour abilingualsecretary. advertisement andmy mother fatherisItalian My Academy father isFrench atRouen. My andmy motherisAustrian, soIambilingualinFrench and German. Department. typing speed in English is 50 wpm, I am used to audio typing inEnglishandIcan use aword speedinEnglishis50wpm,Iamusedto audiotyping typing hearing from you. processor. I would begrateful for more detailsaboutthejobandanapplicationform. Ilookforward to th August 2008 Personnel Manager Wessex UV208DT Thrush Books Ltd Marthe Lachasse Marthe 15 Rowans Road Yours sincerely, Mr J.K.Green Mr Boundley . Whatpositionare you applyingfor? 1. . Whenandhow cantheemployer reach you to setupaninterview? 7. . Whatmakesyou speciallyqualified specialabilities,for theposition?(skills, background, 4. . How didyou findoutabouttheopening? 2. . Why are you interested inthispositionwith company? 3. Ex. 16.Find onhttp://www.jobfinder.com ajobadvertisement andwrite . Whatcanyou contribute to thecompany? 5. Ex. 14. Read the ad for a bilingual secretary againandanswer thefollowingEx. 14.Readtheadforabilingualsecretary questions Ex. 15.Compose your own letterofapplication forthepositionof about theposition. 6. When can you start work? Whencanyou start 6. the positionyou are advertising. in writingasifyou were goingtoapplyforthejob. information.Makeif thelettergives allthenecessary alistofthethingssuchletters b) Compare inex.14anddecide theletterwithcorresponding jobadvertisement a letterofapplication. a bilingualsecretary. must include. I lookforward to hearingfrom you. I enclosearecent photograph ofmyself andIshouldbegrateful to receive information further I amalsointerested ininternational communications, andtherefore interested Iamextremely in education, experience, motivation,etc.) AS YOUWRITEIT The Employer. Company isanEqualOpportunities Ave. de MontNoir, 6942Basel, Switzerland. Applications with achallengeto grow withinthisexpanding she must be bilingual in Italian andEnglish;oneor she mustbebilingualinItalian with photograph, addressed totheInternational Marketing Consultant, are welcome. an outgoing personality andhighethicalstandards.an outgoing personality more otherEuropean languageswould bewelcome. for Milan.He/ theirnewofficebilingual secretary in Competitive salary and good benefits package, andgoodbenefitspackage, Competitive salary international grinternational excellent to communicate, secretarial theability skills, A well-established AmericancompanyA well-established requires a Our agentisTheEuropeanOur Communications Group, . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY oup, are offered to 19–24 year oldswith Bilingual Secretary Yours sincerely, 61

UNIT 6 UNIT 6 62 Spain Ex. 17. Study the CV andtheresume givenEx. 17.StudytheCV below. Work outthemainrequirements for Phone: 34(3)2001437 Email [email protected] c/Calvet 546 08021 Barcelona a CV/ resume.a CV/ 35 CV (CURRICULUM VITAE) = RESUME Course aboutFutures andOptionsorganized by MEFFRentaFija. — — Member oftheuniversity magazineAULA Member 13. — 1998–2002 Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи 2002–2008 CV —BrE,resume —Am. CV Summer 2004 Summer 2005 Sept.07-present Oct.2005 optrSil F Computer Skills Oct.06–Apr.2007 Professional experience Extracurricular activities Extracurricular SpanishandCatalan (mothertongues) Languages Language andcomputer skills Education

o Tubcor, S.A. Viajes Eros. Control Department. Grifé &Escoda, Centros shopping, S.A. C.C.L. Private Institution C.D.E.S. ABAT OLIBA.University ofBarcelona. Manager Department. Manager French (basicnotions) English (fluent) elor’s Degree inBusiness Administration Management. Benkers, A.V., S.A. luent in Windows, Word, Excel, DbaseandMSAccess. DOLORES TERESA ARANA DOLORES TERESA Born on20 Spanish Citizen Barcelona. Travel Agency. Account Department. Vilafranca delPenedés. Metallurgy sector. Quality 35 S.L.Barcelona. SalesDepartment. = BRIEF PERSONAL HISTORY # 1 th Barcelona. Stock Trading Company. Account April, 1984 Barcelona SalesAuditory. Controller. . High School andCollege. School . High Barcelona Bach- Winner scholarshipin2001. ofRhodes — work experience — — special skills, activities, honours activities, specialskills, — Graduated intheupper95 — law review. ChiefEditor ofHarvard — — Moderating compensation packages for compensation employees packages Moderating intheclaimsdepartment. — Managingthebudgetfor claims. — Registered asanattorney by theUSgovernment passingtheprofessional after law examin2003. — 1997)from Bachelor'sDegree Brown (June inSociology university. — Bachelor'sLaw degree law from school(2001). Harvard — — Re-organized thelegalrecord keepingsystem Re-organized by computerization oftherecords whichreduced — Reduced fraudinclaimsby evaluationcriteria 25%asaresult before ofimplementingstrict — summonspapersfor clients. court Drafting — Keepingoflegalrecords proceedings. for court — Ensuringclientshave beenpaidincivilcases. — education — career objective — personalinformation — . Divideyour resume into sections: 1. To work inafairandtransparent firm justicecommitted onbehalfoftheclientsatall costs. seeking to Tel: 243536456 2001–2003: Legal services clerkatJameslaw2001–2003: Legal firm services &Stratton2004 to firm. date: ClaimsmanageratKaplan Address: P.O BOX 454646New Jersey . Use reverse chronological order for work experience 2. Academic Qualification: Achievements . Keeptheformat concise. clearand the text 3. RESUME — GENERAL GUIDELINES: Cell phone:234535468 information:Contact E-mail:[email protected] Career Objective: Name: Collins KentCarlos Responsibilities: Responsibilities LEGAL EXPERIENCE Educational Qualification: Professional Qualification 36

Info aboutageandmaritalstatusis considered optionalinthe USA.

the timefor searching for records. This eventually improvedby 25%. efficiency claims are handedout. AS YOUWRITEIT 36 th . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY percentile ofundergraduate classatBrown University. #2 63

UNIT 6 UNIT 6 Write Fleur’s resume. 64 Ex. 19.Write Allen’s Benedict below andtheguidelines. usingthetext CV Fleur’s resume. Look upthemissinginformationinReader, 1. Employment, text Ex. 18.Look “Fleur’s through thetext Career” Look foradditional informationintheinternetifnecessary. /e.g. strand; there followed same year, adangerous 1983,heandagroup 600milejourneythrough oflocalsundertook the scientific expeditionsand to travel alone, learningfrom thelocals. flunked thefinalexam;instead, hetried to work out how to cross perhapsthe remotest forest on М. 2007,c. 255. a “fearlessness gene.” theend, In adventure hasbecome my profession: althoughI’ve perhapsbeen Justlikeanyaccept otheryoungster thatIwasseriouslyatrisk. Ithoughtwasimmortal. that The fact New Guinea, Allen set off in search of the lost ape-men ofSumatra (1988);a year later hewroteNew Guinea,Allensetoffinsearch ofthelostape-men the through the Namib Desert (1995); through theNamibDesert third book by theendofthird, кпутешествиям); the catalyst for herecognised hiswanderlust(страсть the to become anadventurer? The answer inmy caseseemsto bethat,atleastintheearlydays, Ididn’t East Anglia,whichheentered in1978.Hejoinedthree scientificexpeditionsduringhislast year and gramme, eventually firstbook eaten hisdogto His survive. of theforestmalaria—having beenattackedby goldminers, aloneandwithtwo sorts fledand whichlay between themouthofOrinoco andthemouthofAmazon. earth, gained fullmarksfor histhesis. The firstoftheseexpeditions(to a volcano in Rica) was to be Costa relyingoperandi (образдействия): instead onlocal, ofmoderninventions. indigenousknowledge crossed thewholeofAmazon Basin,a3,500milejourneyofalmosteightmonths. To describethis level ofacceptance.gained anextraordinary Ten years hisfirstexpeditionintheAmazon after he golia, culminatinginasix-week (1997). lonewalkacross theentire GobiDesert perilous journeyhewrote abook anAborigine highlysuspicious ofall community In reached theGibsonDesert. “whitefellas,” he published in1985. ronment, getlotsof fresh air. Butattimesitisalsoundeniablydangerous. why So doesanyone choose I carried on taking risks, though,couldI carriedontaking bebecausemy fatherwasatest pilotandsoI’ve inherited local people as «the real experts». It was at this point that he decided not to participate in any further inany further wasatthispointthathedecidednotto participate It local peopleas«thereal experts». to getawaylucky becausethat’s withitattimes, Isurvive whatIamtrainedto do.’ ( http://www.benedictallen.com/about_Benedict_Allen.htm/ forest by foot feat wasaremarkable andcanoe. —anditalmost cost himhislife. It Hewalkedout 37 Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи см.Курс английского студентов для языковых вузов языка Е. Л. Б. Ястребова, Г. Владыкина,М. В. Ермакова ‘There isalotto recommend my‘There job. You meetinteresting people, have achallenging work envi- Allen waseducated atBradfield College, and read EnvironmentalScience attheUniversity of Benedict Colin Allen(bornMarchBenedict 1,1960)isaBritishtraveller, modus for bestknown hissurvival Having worked inabookwarehouse to getbasicfunds, hearrived Americaandthat inSouth Having written hissecond book It wasthenthattheBBCaskedAllento takeavideocameraonhisadventures.It firstpro- His In 1989,AllentravelledIn to Papua NewGuinea, crossed the Torres Straitto Australia andfinally 1981hewent ontoIn theUniversity ofAberdeen to read Ecology for and MSc, butwasdistracted Raiders oftheLost Lake Hunting theGugu The Skeleton Coast . , gained the highest viewing figures in the history ofthe, gainedthehighestviewingfigures inthehistory Video Diary Through JaguarEyes The EdgeofBlueHeaven, Into theCrocodile Nest series, the story ofhisarduous series, three thestory andahalfmonthwalk Mad White Giants Mad White 37 and find the facts necessary towrite andfindthe necessary facts . (1987),whichdescribesajourneyinside abouthisfive monthtrek throughMon- , anaccount ofthisjourney, was Benedict Allen Benedict ) “Living inharmony withNature”. — skills you’ve skills learnt — awards, honours, scholarships; — — extracurricular activities extracurricular — courses taken,degrees earned — educationalinstitutions — majorfieldsofstudies, — . Why you are writingtheletter, i.e. why you want theposition; 1. The career to objective: launchanew programme for teenagers TV . Additional information (anything you thinkis likely to LEADto an invitation for aninterview). 3. . Why theemployer/university should beinterested inyou; 2. USEFUL TIPS: Any smallthingcounts ifitisrelevant to thejobyou are applyingfor. Special qualities(dependability, to learnquickly, ability etc give examples) With concentrate nowork on history Ex. 20.Find ajobadonhttp://www.jobfinder.com andwrite your own resume. why you wantthispositionandpersonalqualities;statement ismore common whenap- GRADUATES’ CV/RESUME schools. PROMPT: and to HaiitiandMexico; healsowrote abook, Education section: into thedramaticandmysterious world around ofshamansandwitchdoctors theglobefrom Tuva ences, seminarsinBritainandaround theworld —buthealsogives talks, whentimepermits, at plying to auniversity. plorer —apersonpushing frontiers inany sphere ofhumanlife. mostrecent His book explorers ontheedgeofsurvival quest to understandwhatitisthatenablesany hardship. ofusto survive

COVER ~ LETTER MOTIVATION ~ LETTER PERSONAL STATEMENT The purposeisto tieallofthepieces ofyour application(applicationform, resume) together. NONE oftheseshouldREPEAT the information given inyour resume butDWELLon the Cover letter isthemostformal ofthese three, motivationasthenameimplies, focuses moston More recently, Allenhaspresented In 1999, Allen persuaded the BBC to undertake thebiggestever such series:aninvestigation 1999,AllenpersuadedtheBBCto undertake In TV In his next book hisnext In In 2009–2011 Benedict Allen is a much sought after speakeratcorporate Allenisamuchsoughtafter meetings, 2009–2011Benedict confer-In NB NB Travellers Century AS YOUWRITEIT most important pointswhichare: most important The Faber BookofExploration , aseriesonthegreat traditionofBritishtravel writing. . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY (2006) Adventure forBoys

tells the full story oftheIcedogs expeditionandBenedict’stells thefullstory Last oftheMedicineMen (2002), Benedict Allen (2002),Benedict , a documentary on Rider Haggard for onRider BBC4, , adocumentary (2000).

presents hisviewofanex- Into theAbyss: 65

UNIT 6 UNIT 6 whether theapplicants followed theadvice above. 66 Ex. 21.Readthefollowing academic cover letter(1)andmotivation letter(2)andsay writing. After into developing abookmanuscript,Iplanto my continue my dissertation work in students, advanced writing, andbusinesswriting. Ihave alsoworked asateaching mentor for new Composition Theory, since the1960sfrom examinestheshift expressive modelsofwritingtoward about theworld around them. at ***University working on a dissertation under the direction ofProfessor underthedirection onadissertation at ***University working ***.Currently revising the MLAJobInformation List.Iamagraduateand composition intheOctober thatyou student advertised tural texts of all kinds butalsoto helpthembecome more of allkinds tural texts discerning readers ofandforceful writers thinkers, andwriters; my goalisalways not onlyto promote engagementwithcul- theirintellectual third offive chapters, to complete Iexpect all work for thePh.D. May by of2009.Ibelieve that my teach- ing my graduate studies, includingfirst-year writing for bothnative speakersandsecond language ing andtutoring experience combined withmy course work andresearch background inrhetoric and convenience. Icanbereached at my homephonenumberoryou canreach meat(203)416–1890. of letters ofreference, writingsamples, teaching evaluations, andpastproposed course syllabi. current composition theory throughcurrent acriticalexaminationoftherhetoric oftechnological composition theory advance- experiences for studentsonanindividualbasisasatutor inour measateacher hasbeeninstructing opment ofcourse materials, andevaluationof graduate students, apositionthatinvolved inmethodsofcomposition teaching, instruction devel- makemeastrong candidate forcomposition theory thepositionoutlinedinyour notice. university Writing Lab.university Writing prestigious.edu/~name. allofmy In writingcourses Iencourage studentsto become criticalreaders, ment inthecomputer-mediated writing classroom. now-dominant postmodern conceptions of decentered subjectivity and self-construction through postmodernconceptionsnow-dominant andself-construction ofdecentered subjectivity I willbeavailable ateithertheMLAor for aninterview laboratory for my dissertation research. My project, Applications of Recent Models of Subjectivity in for research. ofSubjectivity ApplicationsofRecent project, my Models laboratory My dissertation Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи As my resume shows, Ihave to hadexcellentofwritingcourses teach dur- avariety opportunities Arcadia, WV 24803 Arcadia, WV Syllabi andothermaterials for my writingcourses can beviewed atmy website: http://machine. Sincerely Glen Smart Chair, EnglishDepartment My workMy inthecomposition classroom hasprovided of mewiththeinspirationaswell asakind Dear DrBright: CollegeDexter Box 58 Dr. Serena Bright November 21,2008 I thankyou for your consideration andlookforward to hearingfrom you. I have includedmy resume and would behappy to sendyou additionalmaterials suchasadossier I amwritingto applyfor thepositionofassistantprofessor ofEnglishwithanemphasisonrhetoric new graduate instructors. Amongthemostsatisfying #1 CCCC conven CCCC tion, orelsewhere atyour Lawrenceville, NJ08648 [email protected] 321 Willow Lane 321 Willow 609-555-1212 Glen Smart Scottish Sea Bird Sea Scottish centre andthenasanexpeditionguideinPeru’s threatened rainforests. Bythetime Ex. 22. Read the text andwriteyour versionEx. 22.Readthetext ofHelen’s motivation lettertoHaloin fitting. I am also very motivatedfitting. learnnewmodeling to Iamalso techniques.very Additionally, I come from the CV to Halo CV an earlystageresearcher Curie inaMarie training and theproposedto gainnewexperience would project inthisfield. give Iampar- meopportunity PhD research modelingcombined withexperimentation.Duringmy inthearea ofkinetic periodas tion andexperimentaldesign. the early 1970s, when the country wasfighting the early1970s,for itsindependence whenthecountry from Portugal. Learning to bea border ofMozambique, intheminefields laid training onthenorthern by the backin Portuguese ticularly interested whichallows inaproject inworking quantitative testing ofthemodelpredictions. Luxembourg. This allowed meto gainexperience invariousmodelingapproaches, datainterpreta- Helen Gray, 30,from isheadofall-women Scotland team inMozambique —andtheyhave one Helen returned to Britainshehaddecidedwanted to work inahumanitarian field. Shesenther of eukaryotic genetranscriptionincollaboration of eukaryotic of themostdangerous Helenwasbrought jobsintheworld uponanEastLothian —de-mining. experimental molecularbiologybackground, whichwould bebeneficial for thisposition. do thejobwell andto stay alive. work;thedrill theylearnissystematic andrepetitive, ispainstaking butitistheonlywayde-miner to position inyour group. more than100,000mines. project. a) 2004,b)2009. It deployed its first de-mining Mozambiqueteam in on deployed 20,1994,and by now hasexploded itsfirstde-mining February It 40 farm; after finishing her BSc inbiologyandanthropology finishingherBSc atDurhamUniversityfarm; after she worked for the 39 38 Hazardous Area Life-Support Organisation. Hazardous Area Life-Support eastScotland. South differential ordinary equation. Subject: Motivation letter Motivation Subject: Sincerely yours, Dear Sir/Madam, Date: 26 Katja FisherKatja From: Fisher K.N. Helen hasworked for Halosince 2004—whenshewasjust24doingherinitialsixmonth I have considerable experience withODE interestedI amvery inthePostdoc “Design anddynamicsofintracellular signalling algorithms” I have completed educationbothinmolecularandSystems biologyandproceeded to domy I believe Iwould beasuitablecandidate for thepositiondueto my experience andinterest inthe I appreciate your timeandconsideration andhopeto hearfrom you soon. to pursueacareer intheareaI wishfurther ofquantitative modelingofbiological phenomena AS YOUWRITEIT 40 th , non-profit non-governmental organization withitsheadoffice inDumfries, Scotland. ofMay 2010 . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY 38 andstochastic modelingframeworks andparameter #2 with experimentalgroups inKuopio (Finland) and network Ihave worked primarilyonthemodeling 67 39

UNIT 6 UNIT 6 The landmineproblem hasgone—forever. You don’t ofreward inmany getthatsort jobs.” Prepare anapplication “package” (letter/email+resume +cover PROJECT WORK PROJECT the afternoon. the afternoon. The day by working isdictated theneedto avoid theworst oftheheat.Even so, itis to anunsafe area to cleartheland. That landthengoesback to thelocalcommunity, andyou can the minefieldsandthenhave leave. aneight-day its 370staffandabudgetof£1.8million. hard to maintainphysical strength andconcentration Since —bothcrucialfor lapsesin de-miners. concentration could befatal, theytakeaten-minute hour. break every They work for three weeks in return inafew monthsandseemaize growing orthehousesschoolsthathave beenbuiltthere. or motivation letter)forapersonofyour choice. Usetheinternetsources. Учебное пособиедляразвитиянавыков письменнойречи “My jobgives“My metremendous satisfaction,” Helensays. isbrilliantto beableto sendde-miners “It De-miners are awake at6am,finishing1pmin sinceDe-miners 4.30am—work intheminefieldsstarts In February 2009,HelenGrayIn wasaskedto runthe country’s operations, withresponsibility for all . Jordan R.R.,Academic Writing Course. inEnglish.Longman, StudySkills 1999. 7. 4 Vince, Englishgrammar Macmillan Michael. inContext. Advanced. Oxford, Macmillan, 2008. 14. . Carter, Ronald, McCarthy, Cambridge Michael. GrammarofEnglish.AComprehensive Guide. 1. 11. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Oxford StudentsofEnglish.Oxford Collocations University Press, Dictionary 2003. 11. 0 Maggio Rosalie., How to Prentice Say It. Hall, 1990. 10. 3 Reader’s Digest.rdmag.co.uk. April, May 2011. 13. Ann.,Exploring Raimes Through Writing. Cambridge University Press, 1998. 12. СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ . Crews, Frederick, Schor, Sandra. The Handbookfor Borzoi Writers. Alfred A.Knopf, New York, 2. . Gardner Peter S.NewDirections. AnIntegrated Approach to Reading, Writing andCritical 4. . Fava-Verde Anthony, Amanda,Manning Paul Harvey., Essay Writing. Education,2007. Garnet 3. . Merriam-Webster’s Pocket Guideto Punctuation. Merriam-Webster9. Inc., Springfield, 5. Hewings, Martin. Advanced GrammarinUse. Hewings, Martin. Cambridge University Press, 1999. 5. 8. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. EnglishDictionary Macmillan 2006. Macmillan, 8. . Ingram Beverly, Carol., King From Writing to Composing. Cambridge University Press, 2004. 6. 1995. Thinking. Cambridge University Press, 1998. Spoken and Written English.GrammarandUsage. Cambridge University Press, 2006. Massachusetts, 2001. AS YOUWRITEIT . PART 3.FROMPARAGRAPH TOESSAY

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