Gang Awareness Presentation

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Gang Awareness Presentation San Diego County Office of Education G G A GangG AAwareness G A A andPe PePreev e en ttt oion o Strategies Anthony Ceja Student Support Services Department 569 (858)(858)(858) 5442569--(858) 569 54425442 569 [email protected] Objectives zz Understanding of Current Gang Trends TrendsTrends zz Ability to Recognize Potential Gang Invo l vementtt an d Ri s k Si gns zz Understanding of Gang Prevention Strategies Strategies zz Ability y toy Hel p p Parentsp With Prevention Strategies at Home TheThe QQQ uiz (Continued)uiz •• 13, X3 , XIII Sur•• Sur Crab•• Crab Slob•• SlobSlob BK•• BK 187••• 187187 RIP•• RIP The QuizThe Quiz The Quiz Banging•• Banging Represent•• RepresentRepresent •• Mean Muggin SWP•• SWP 88•• 8888 •• Race Trader National Gang Statistics and TrendsTrends ((Continued) zz Gang Migration zz Influence of Prison Gangs on Street Gangs zz Invol vement i n N arco tic Tra ffic king by Traditional Gang –– Ties t o M a j or I n t erna ti ona l D rug T ra ffi c king Organizations zzz Increase in Gang Homicides in Smaller Communities zz Involvement at Younger Ages (11) zz Native American Involvement is Increasing 1 e~, ~lc··· National Gang Statistics and TrendsTrends Trends((Continued) zz U se o f M ore Sop hit sti it ca tte t d Weapons zz Formation of CopyCopy--catcat Type Gangs zz Use of the Internet zzz Increase in Hate Gangs zz Tagger Crews Becoming More Violent zz G angs Increase d I nvo l vementtt i n B us iness of Prostitution MS 13 – Gang Site Site ~SMOKEY~'s Interests General Music Video Code provided by VideoCodeZone.Com Movies Television "3L BIG SMOKEY" Male - 20 years old DA VELT, NEW YORK, United States Criminal Street Gang Definition zz Ongoing: –– Organization –– AssociationAssociation –– Or group of three or more persons zz Formal or Informal zzz Common Name zz Common Signs or Symbols zz Pattern o f C ri mi nal A cti vi ty GANGGANG GANGStructure Structure Gang Typologies zz Traditional Gangs zz Business/Profit Gangs zzz White Hate Gangs zz Copyyy--CatCat Gangggs zz Tagger Crews/Crews/TagbangersTagbangers Why Youth Join Gangs itinto Bornzz Born into it Born into it zz Neighborhood Norm, Peer Pressure zz Power, Protection, Prestige zz Cultural Identity, Friendship zz Sense of Belonging, Attention, Love Respectzzz Respect Respect zz Money, Drugs, Excitement Gang Involvement Indicators zz Verbal Indicators Self-–– -Admits SelfAdmits Membership Shout–– Shoutouts Shout-- outsouts Challenges–– Challenges zzz “Where You From?” –– Use of Gang Slang zz Slob, Crab , Scrap Gang Involvement Indicators ((Continued) zz NNN onon--VblIdiVbVerbal In di catttors –– Tattoos, Brands, Burning, Scarring Graffiti–– Graffiti Handsigns–– Handsigns Colors–– Colors Attire–– Attire Photos–– Photos Tattoos, Brands, Burning, Scarring ScarringScarring zz Name of the Gang (City, Neighborhood, Street,,) Area Code) Nicknamezzz NicknameNickname zz Slogans/Symbols Tattoos, Brands, Burning, ScarringScarringScarring ((Continued) •• Latino/Hispanic zz Smile Now Cry Later (Theatrical Masks) zz Mi Vida Loca (Three Dots) zz Surenos or Nortenos (13 or 14) zz Area Codes (619, 213, 310) zz Religious Symbols (Cross, Virgin Mary) zz Gang Name on Stomach, Back or Neck zz Tear DropTear Drop Tattoos, Brands, Burning, ScarringScarring Scarring((Continued) •• Crips, Bloods , Pirus, Folks , People CKzz CK BK/PKzz BK/PKBK/PK Pitchforkszz Pitchforks Pi U–– dPointekd FlU Pipp--Folk U k d Fl –– Pointed DownDown--PeoplePeople z Stars/Crowns –– Six Pointed-PointedFolk -Folk –– Five Pointed People-- PeoplePeople Tattoos, Brands, Burning, ScarringScarring Scarring((Continued) •• Hate GangGangHate zz Supreme White People/Power (SWP, WP) zz Peckerwood (Woody Woodpecker) zz Nazi Symbols (Swastika, SS, etc.) zz Nordic Symbols zz Racist Symbols (KKK, etc.) zz Celtic Cross 88/14zz 88/14 ZOGzz ZOG Tattoos, Brands, Burning, S ScarrS iing i ((Continued) •• Southeast Asian Gang TTTT(T)zz TTTT(T) Tinh–– TinhLove Tinh-- LoveLove Money–– TienTien- -Money –– TuTu--PrisonPrison –– ToiToi--CrimeCrime Revenge–– Revenge Cizz Ci ttgare Citt Be Burns tt B –– Five DotsFive Dots Scarringzzz ScarringScarring Gang Graffiti zz Denotes Territory zz Issued as a Challenge/Threat to Other Gangs GangsGangs zz May Include a Roster of Some Members Graffiti Graffiti El Cajon•• El Cajon Locos LocosLocos Joker•• Joker TaggersTaggers zz Continually Practicing Graffiti zz Graffiti Oftentimes Found in Their Notebooks, on Backpacks, Hats zz Baggy Clothing With Several Pockets and Backpack May Contain Paint , Markers , Etching Tool zz Paint or Ink May Be Found on Clothes,,, Shoes, and Under Fingernails zz Piecer Books are Often Carried in Backpack Tagger Crews zz Tends to Form and Disperse Quickly zz The More Time the Crew Exists, The More likely to Be in Conflict With a Local Gang zz Members Create the Crew’s Name, Oftentimes Using Three Words –– The Crew’s Tag Comes From The First Letters of The Crew’s Name. For Example: zz RTS = Running The Show zz DTK = Down To Kill zz EBK = East Bound Crew zz UIS = Up In Smoke Tagger Graffiti Handsigns zz Rapid Movement of Hands and Fingers zzz Letters, Numbers or Symbols Associated With the Gang zz Issued as a Greeting or Challenge Gang Attire and Paraphernalia zz Use of Colors zz Sports Team Logos zz G raffiti/Sffiti/Sy mb o l s on Cl othi ng zz Use of Clothing –– Slits on Pant Legs –– Rolled up Pant Legs zz Right SideSide--FolkFolk zz Left SideSide--PeoplePeople zz Bagging, Sagging and Dragging White Supremacy Gangs zz Will Not Refer To Themselves as A Ganggg zz Believe They Are A Political Movement zzz Believe They Are Protecting The Purity Of The Aryan Race zzz Targets Include All Groups of Color, Jews, Homosexuals, Race Traders zzz Internet and Music Heavily Used As Tool For Recruitment and Propaganda zzz Have Been Known to Recruit in Skate Parks and Schools White Supremacy Gangs (Cont) zz Can Have Connection to Other Organized White Supremacy Groups suc as:such as: suc as: –– Aryan Brotherhood (AB), Nazi Low Riders, Hells Angg,els, Skinheads ,,, White Aryan Resistance (WAR), Ku Klux Klan (KKK) zz Resistance Records is A Record Label Dedicated to Producing Music Promoting White Sup premacp y y andy Hate. HATE HATEHATERelated Symbols Gang Warning Signs zz BackBack--packpack or Notebooks have identifiers zz GraffitiGraffiti zz Inappropriate Language zz Inappropriate Drawings zz Pictures of “friends” you do not know zz Develops a Violent or Aggressive Attitude zz Lang uageageage Changes zz New Friends into Gang Culture zz Starts Using a Nickname zz Change in Dress –– Consistent use on one color, bandana zz Secrecyyy zz Unexplained Money, Jewelry, Other Items Gang Warning Signs zz Unexplained Cuts and Bruises zz Observed Practicing Behaviors zz HandHand--signssigns Tattooszz Tattoos Graffitizz Graffiti zz Hard stares zz Spray cans, Markers, Etching tools zz Graffiti or Symbols Found Around House zz Unusua l Paraph ernali a Drug Usezz Drug Use Weaponszzz WeaponsWeapons Gang Warning Signs zz Gang Paraphernalia zz MusicMusic –– Gangster Rap –– Hate MusicMusicHate –– Drugs an d Su ic ide zz Computer Use –– Gang web sites –– Hate web sites –– Drug web sites –– Violent webww eb sites zz Loss of Interest in Normal Areas zz School Attendance Problems zz Drop in Grades Establishing a Neutral Site zz Policies and Procedures –– RulesRules –– Dress Codes –– No tolerance for gang identifiers zz C ons i sten t E n forcement zz Remove Graffiti zz Peer Assistance Programs zz Gang Mediation –– Peace Treaties School & Community Based Prevention zz Staff Awareness zz Targggeted Prevention zz MentoringMentoring zz Positive Activities zz Enrichment zz After School Programs zz Youth Development/Resource zz Parent Awareness Prevention Strategies What Parents Can Do At Home To Help Prevent Their Children From Becominggg Involved In Gangs Gangggs and Youth What can Parents Do? zz Spend Time with your Child zz Promote Positive Communication zz Sh ow an d Spea k o f Y our Love zz Promote Positive Attitudes and Values zz Know Your Child’ s Friends zz Talk to Your Child About Gangs zz Maintain Discipppline in Your Home zz Guide Your Child Toward a Good EducationEducation zz Participate iin nn Community Activities zz Control the Amount of Violence Your Child is Exposed to Through the Media GanGangsgggs andand YouthYouth WhatWhat cancan ParentsParents Do? Do? 1. Spend Time With Your Child –– Plan activities that the whole family will enjoy –– Spen d time a lone w ith your c hild –– Show interest in the things that are important to your child childyour –– Take your children to different locations outside of the communityy( (museums ,p, parks , the beach , etc.)etc.) –– Remember to talk and listen to your child daily GanGangsgggs and and Youth Youth WhatWhat can can Parents Parents Do?Do? 2. Promote Positive Communication –– Listen with all your attention –– Don’t interrupt or give your opinion until your child asks for it –– Listen and value what your child tells you (small or big)or big) –– Don’t be sarcastic or accusatory –– Talk and listen to your child daily GanGangsgggs and and Youth Youth WhatWhat can can Parents Parents Do?Do? 333. Show an d Spea k o f Your Love –– Take time to show your child that they are specialspecial –– Teach them to feel good/proud of themselves –– Identify the positive in your child and recognize their attributes –– Be aware of the power of yyyour words (minimize negative comments) –– Give them hope of a bright future GanGangsgggs and and Youth Youth WhatWhat can can Parents Parents Do?Do? 4.4. Promote Positive Attitudes and Values –– Starting at a very young age, teach your child to care for an d respec t themse lves an d o thers –– Teach them the difference between bad and gooddd –– Teach them that by hard work they will achieve their goals goalstheir –– Be a good example for your child GangsGangs and and Youth Youth WhatWhat can can Parents Parents Do?Do? 5.
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