Common Name Species Name

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Common Name Species Name Species Recorded at Wentworth Garden Centre By Members of South Yorkshire British Naturalists Association January 2014 to December 2017 Species Common Name Species Name Birds Birds (Drop-ins) Black Headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus Birds (Regular) Blackbird Turdus merula Birds (Drop-ins) Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Birds (Regular) Blue Tit Parus caerulrus Birds (Drop-ins) Brambling Fringilla montifringilla Birds (Drop-ins) Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Birds (Occassional) Buzzard Buteo buteo Birds (Drop-ins) Canada Goose Branta canadensis Birds (Occassional) Carrion Crow Corvus corone Birds (Occassional) Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Birds (Drop-ins) Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Birds (Occassional) Coal Tit Parus ater Birds (Drop-ins) Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto Birds (Drop-ins) Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Birds (Occassional) Dunnock Prunella modularis Birds (Drop-ins) Fieldfare Turdus pilaris Birds (Drop-ins) Garden Warbler Sylvia borin Birds (Occassional) Goldcrest Regulus regulus Birds (Drop-ins) Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria Birds (Regular) Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Birds (Drop-ins) Goosander Megus merganser Birds (Drop-ins) Great Black Backed Gull Larus marinus Birds (Drop-ins) Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major Birds (Occassional) Great Tit Parus major Birds (Drop-ins) Green Woodpecker Picus viridis Birds (Occassional) Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Birds (Drop-ins) Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Birds (Drop-ins) Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea Birds (Drop-ins) Greylag goose Anser anser Birds (Drop-ins) Herring Gull Larus argentatus Birds (Drop-ins) Hobby Falco subbuteo Birds (Drop-ins) House Martin Delichon urbica Birds (Drop-ins) House Sparrow Passer domesticus Birds (Occassional) Jackdaw Corvus monedula Birds (Drop-ins) Jay Garrulus glandarius Birds (Drop-ins) Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Birds (Drop-ins) Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Birds (Drop-ins) Lesser Black Backed Gull Larus fuscus Birds (Drop-ins) Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor Birds (Drop-ins) Linnet Carduelis cannabina Birds (Occassional) Long Tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus Birds (Occassional) Magpie Pica pica Birds (Drop-ins) Mallard Anas Platyrhynchos Birds (Drop-ins) Merlin Falco columbarius Birds (Occassional) Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus Birds (Drop-ins) Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Birds (Regular) Nuthatch Sitta europaea Birds (Drop-ins) Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus Birds (Drop-ins) Osprey Pandion haliaetus Birds (Drop-ins) Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus Birds (Occassional) Pheasant Phasianus colchicus Birds (Regular) Pied Wagtail Montacilla yarrellii Birds (Drop-ins) Raven Corvus corax Birds (Drop-ins) Red Legged Partridge Alectoris rufa Birds (Drop-ins) Red Kite Milvus milvus Birds (Occassional) Redwing Turdus iliacus Birds (Regular) Robin Erithcus rubecula Birds (Occassional) Rook Corvus frugilegus Birds (Drop-ins) Rough Legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus Birds (Drop-ins) Skylark Alauda arvensis Birds (Occassional) Song Thrush Turdus philomelos Birds (Drop-ins) Sparrowhawk Accipter nisus Birds (Drop-ins) Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata Birds (Drop-ins) Starling Stumus vulgaris Birds (Drop-ins) Stock Dove Columbba oenas Birds (Drop-ins) Swallow Hirundo rustica Birds (Drop-ins) Swift Apus apus Birds (Drop-ins) Tawny Owl Strix aluco Birds (Drop-ins) Tree Creeper Certhia familiaris Birds (Drop-ins) Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus Birds (Drop-ins) Willow Warbler Phylloooscopus trochilus Birds (Occassional) Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus Birds (Occassional) Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Birds (Drop-ins) Yellowhammer Emneriza citrinella Macro Moths Macro Moths 6 spotted burnet Zygaena filipendulae Macro Moths Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa Macro Moths Barred Sallow Tiliacea aurago Macro Moths Beautiful Brocade Lacanobia contigua Macro Moths Beautiful Golden Y Autographa pulchrina Macro Moths Black Rustic Aporophyla nigra Macro Moths Blood Vein Timandra comae Macro Moths Bordered Pug Eupithecia succenturiata Macro Moths Bright eye Brown Line Mythimna conigera Macro Moths Bright Line Brown Eye Lacanobia oleracea Macro Moths Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni Macro Moths Broad Bordered Yelllow Underwing Noctua fimbriata Macro Moths Broken Barred Carpet Electrophaes corylata Macro Moths Buff Arches Habrosyne pyritoides Macro Moths Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum Macro Moths Buff Tip Phalera bucephala Macro Moths Burnished Brass Diachrysia chrysitis Macro Moths Centre Barred Sallow Atethmia centrago Macro Moths Chestnut Conistra vaccinii Macro Moths Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae Macro Moths Clay Mythimna ferrago Macro Moths Clouded Border Lomaspilis marginata Macro Moths Clouded drab Orthosia incerta Macro Moths Clouded Silver Lomographa temerata Macro Moths Common Carpet Epirrhoe alternata Macro Moths Common Footman Eilema lurideola Macro Moths Common Marbled carpet Chloroclysta truncata Macro Moths Common Pug Eupithecia vulgata Macro Moths Common Quaker Orthosia cerasi Macro Moths Common Rustic Mesapamea secalis Macro Moths Common Swift Korscheltellus lupulina Macro Moths Common Wainscot Mythimna pallens Macro Moths Copper Underwing Amphipyra pyramidea Macro Moths Dark Arches Apamea monoglypha Macro Moths December Moth Poecilocampa populi Macro Moths Dotted Border Agriopos marginaria Macro Moths Double Square Spot Xestia triangulum Macro Moths Dun-Bar Cosmia trapezina Macro Moths Dusky Thorn Ennomos fuscantaria Macro Moths Early Grey Xylocampa areola Macro Moths Early Thorn Selenia dentaria Macro Moths Early Tooth-Striped Trichopteryx carpinata Macro Moths Elephant Hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor Macro Moths Fan-foot Zanclognatha tarsipennalis Macro Moths Flame Carpet Xanthorhoe designata Macro Moths Flame Shoulder Ochropleura plecta Macro Moths Flounced Rustic Luperina testacea Macro Moths Foxglove Pug Eupithecia pulchellata Macro Moths Garden Carpet Xanthorhoe fluctuata Macro Moths Gold Spot Plusia festucae Macro Moths Golden Rod Pug Eupithecia virgaureata Macro Moths Green Silver lines Pseudoips prasinana Macro Moths Grey Arches Polia nebulosa Macro Moths Grey Pug Eupithecia subfuscata Macro Moths Heart and Dart Agrotis exclamationis Macro Moths Hebrew Character Orthosia gothica Macro Moths Herald Moth Scoliopteryx libatrix Macro Moths Humming-bird Hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum Macro Moths Ingrailed Clay Diarsia mendica mendica Macro Moths Iron Prominent Notodonta dromedarius Macro Moths Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba Macro Moths Lead Coloured drab Orthosia populeti Macro Moths Least Yellow Underwing Noctua interjecta Macro Moths Lesser Broad-boarded Yellow Underwing Noctua janthe Macro Moths Lesser common rustic Mesapamea didyma Macro Moths Lesser Yellow Underwing Noctua comes Macro Moths Lesser Swallow Prominent Pheosia gnoma Macro Moths Light Arches Apamea lithoxylaea Macro Moths Light Emerald Campaea margaritata Macro Moths Lime Hawkmoth Mimas tiliae Macro Moths Lime Speck Pug Eupithecia centaureata Macro Moths Lunar Underwing Omphaloscelis lunosa Macro Moths Lychnis Hadena bicruris Macro Moths Magpie Moth Abraxas grossulariata Macro Moths Marbled Beauty Cryphia domestica Macro Moths March Moth Alsophilia aescularia Macro Moths Middle-Barred Minor Oligia fasciuncula Macro Moths Mottled Beauty Alcis repandata Macro Moths Mottled Pug Eupithecia exiguata Macro Moths Mouse Moth Amphipyra tragopoginis Macro Moths Oak Beauty Biston strataria Macro Moths Oak Tree Pug Eupithrcia dodoneata Macro Moths Old Lady Mormo maura Macro Moths Orange Sallow Xanthia citrago Macro Moths Pale Mottled Willow Paradrina clavipalpis Macro Moths Pale Pinion Lithophane hepatica Macro Moths Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda Macro Moths Peppered Moth Biston betularia Macro Moths Plain Wave Idaea straminata Macro Moths Poplar Hawkmoth Laothoe populi Macro Moths Purple Thorn Selenia tetralunaria Macro Moths Red Chestnut Cerastis rubricosa Macro Moths Red-necked Footman Atolmis rubricollis Macro Moths Riband Wave Idaea aversata Macro Moths Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea Macro Moths Ruby Tiger Phragmatobia fuliginosa Macro Moths Sallow Kitten Furcula furcula Macro Moths Sandy Carpet Perizoma flavofasciata Macro Moths Satellite Euppsillia transversa Macro Moths Scalloped hazel Odontopera bidentata Macro Moths Scarce footman Eilema complana Macro Moths Setaceous Hebrew Character Xestia c-nigrum Macro Moths Shoulder-striped Wainscot Leucania comma Macro Moths Shuttle Shaped Dart Agrotis puta Macro Moths Silver Y Autographa gamma Macro Moths Six Striped Rustic Xestia sexstrigata Macro Moths Small Angle Shades Euplexia lucipara Macro Moths Small Clouded Brindle Apamea unanimis Macro Moths Small Pheonix Ecliptopera silaceata Macro Moths Small Quaker Orthosia cruda Macro Moths Spectacle Abrostola tripartita Macro Moths Snout Hypena proboscidalis Macro Moths Straw Dot Rivula sericealis Macro Moths Streamer Anticlea derivata Macro Moths Swallow prominent Pheosia tremula Macro Moths Tawny Marbled Minor Oligia latruncula Macro Moths Tawny Pinion Lithophane semibrunnea Macro Moths Triple Spotted Pug Eupithecia trisignaria Macro Moths Twin Spotted Quaker Orthosia munda Macro Moths Uncertain Hoplodrina alsines Macro Moths Vapourer (moth) Orgyia antiqua Macro Moths Water carpet Lampropteryx suffumata Macro Moths White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda Macro Moths White Spotted Pinion Cosmia diffinis Macro Moths Willow Beauty Peribatodes rhomboidaria Micro Moths Micro Moths Agriphila geniculea Agriphila geniculea Micro Moths Agriphila latistria Agriphila latistria Micro Moths Common Grass Veneer Agriphila tristella Micro Moths Banded Grass-veneer Pediasia fascelinella
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