Trophic Niche Differentiation, Sex Ratio and Phylogeography of European Collembola
Trophic niche differentiation, sex ratio and phylogeography of European Collembola Vom Fachbereich Biologie der Technischen Universität Darmstadt zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktor rerum naturalium genehmigte Dissertation von Masoumeh Chahartaghi-Abnieh (M.Sc.) aus Tehran, Iran Referent: Prof. Dr. Stefan Scheu Koreferent: Dr.-habil. Liliane Ruess Tag der Einreichung: 16.05.07 Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 19.06.07 Darmstadt 2007 D17 “You thought Collembola were not popular, didn't you?” Sminthurus pilleatus: lateral view Jewellery design by Sophia Chen, 2000 From: Checklist of the Collembola of the World by Bellinger, P.F., Christiansen, K.A. and Janssens, F. 1996-2007. II Publications resulting from this dissertation Chapter 2 Chahartaghi, M., Langel, R., Scheu, S., Ruess, L., 2005. Feeding guilds in Collembola based on nitrogen stable isotope ratios. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37, 1718-1725. Chapter 3 Chahartaghi, M., Scheu, S., Ruess, L., 2006. Sex ratio and mode of reproduction in Collembola of an oak-beech forest. Pedobiologia 50, 331-340. Chapter 4 Chahartaghi, M., Maraun, M., Scheu, S., Domes, K., 2007. Parthenogenetic Collembola species suffer to a similar extent from resource depletion than sexual species but are faster colonizers. Pedobiologia submitted. Further Publication Chapter 5 Chahartaghi, M., Schaefer, I., Scheu, S., 2007. Phylogeography of European Collembola. III Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Stefan Scheu, head of the Animal Ecology group (AG Scheu) for his supervision of my research work during my Ph.D. study in Technical University of Darmstadt. Clearly without his extensive help and guidance during my research period, I couldn’t have reached the goals of the present work.
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