Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Neath County Borough

Archaeological Watching Brief

for Environmental Scientifics Group (ESG) on behalf of Tata (UK) Ltd.

CA Project: 5078 CA Report: 14580

December 2014

Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Neath Port Talbot County Borough

Archaeological Watching Brief

CA Project: 5078 CA Report: 14580

prepared by Jay Wood, Supervisor Designate

date 11 December 2014

checked by Cliff Bateman, Principal Fieldwork Manager

date 15 December 2014

approved by Simon Cox, Head of Fieldwork


date 15 December 2014

issue 02

This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission.

© Cotswold Archaeology

Cirencester Milton Keynes Andover Building 11 41 Burners Lane South Stanley House Kemble Enterprise Park Kiln Farm Walworth Road Kemble, Cirencester Milton Keynes Andover, Hampshire Gloucestershire, GL7 6BQ MK11 3HA SP10 5LH t. 01285 771022 t. 01908 564660 t. 01264 347630 f. 01285 771033 e. [email protected] © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief


SUMMARY ...... 2

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 3

2. RESULTS (FIGS 2-9) ...... 6

Possible Copper Works ...... 7 Margam Iron and Steel Works ...... 7 Railway tracks ...... 8

3. DISCUSSION ...... 8

4. CA PROJECT TEAM ...... 9

5. REFERENCES ...... 9




Fig. 1 Site location plan (1:25000) Fig. 2 Trench location plan (1:1500) Fig. 3 Trenches 101 and 204: Photographs Fig. 4 Trenches 13 and 302: Photographs Fig. 5 Trench 205: Photographs Fig. 6 Trenches 103 and 204: Photographs Fig. 7 Trenches 201 and 401: Photographs Fig. 8 Ordnance Survey County Series, map of Glamorganshire, 1877 Fig. 9 Ordnance Survey County Series, map of Glamorganshire, 1940

1 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief


Project Name: Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Location: Neath Port Talbot County Borough NGR: SS 7731 8842 Type: Watching Brief Date: 29 September-31 October 2014 Location of Archive: Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Site Code: TATA 14

An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology in September and October 2014 during ground investigation works at Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough. Four trenches (excavated as 26 separate units) and 18 test pits were excavated.

The watching brief identified modern structural features and extensive made ground deposits associated with the construction and demolition of the coke ovens and rail infrastructure of the former Margam Iron and Steel Works. An undated wall, possibly associated with the former Margam Copper Works, was identified in Trench 205. No archaeological features pre- dating the later post-medieval/modern period were identified during the watching brief.

2 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief


1.1 In September and October 2014 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological watching brief for Environmental Scientifics Group (ESG), on behalf of Tata Steel (UK) Ltd, at Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order site, Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough (NPTCB) (centred on NGR: SS 7731 8842; Fig. 1). The watching brief was undertaken to fulfil a request by Judith Doyle, Acting Archaeological Planning Officer, Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT), the archaeological advisor to NPTCB, that an archaeological watching brief be undertaken during all intrusive groundworks associated with ground investigations for a proposed power plant. A separate report will be compiled detailing the results of an archaeological watching brief undertaken during preliminary groundworks associated with a proposed cable run at the site.

1.2 The watching brief was carried out in accordance with a detailed Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2014) and approved by NPTCB acting on the advice of Judith Doyle. The fieldwork also followed the Standard and guidance for an archaeological watching brief (IfA 2009), the Management of Archaeological Projects 2 (English Heritage 1991), and the Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment (MORPHE): Project Manager’s Guide (EH 2006). It was monitored by Judith Doyle.

The site 1.3 The proposed development area is approximately 7ha in extent and is located in the north of the Port Talbot steelworks site, adjacent to existing steelworks infrastructure. Land use previously comprised the on-site coke works but currently is open scrub land with a car park and hardstanding in the north and east. The site is characterised by low-lying industrial land.

1.4 The underlying bedrock geology of the area is mapped as South Wales Middle Coal Measures Formation - Mudstone, Siltstone and Sandstone of the Carboniferous overlain by Quaternary Tidal Flat Deposits (BGS 2014). The natural substrate identified during the watching brief comprised mid blue grey clay overlain by deposits of dark yellow brown sand and gravel.

3 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

Archaeological background 1.5 A Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Assessment, previously undertaken for the site, has been incorporated into the associated Environmental Statement (Aecom 2014). The assessment noted that there are no World Heritage, Scheduled Monuments or Battlefield sites within the proposed application area, although five scheduled monuments are located in the immediate vicinity (ibid.).

1.6 No evidence for prehistoric or Roman activity has previously been identified within the current application area (ibid.). Mesolithic artefacts, presumably lithics, and peat deposits were however identified during groundworks to extend the docks north- west of the current site in 1972 (ibid.). Evidence for later prehistoric activity currently appears to be sited on the higher ground to the east of the site (ibid.). Roman road markers, most probably associated with the Roman road from the fort at Neath to Cardiff, have been identified in the immediate area as have Roman artefacts, the latter when the docks were extended in 1886 (ibid.).

1.7 Early medieval activity in the area is currently restricted to the identification of four decorated stone monuments in close proximity to the River Afan north of the current site (ibid.). Further, unsubstantiated, evidence for early medieval activity was recorded during the late 19th-century extension to the docks (ibid.). Medieval activity predominately comprises domestic buildings, but also includes further evidence of stone slabs close to the River Afan (ibid.).

1.8 The former Margam Copper Works lies within the proposed development area. It was opened in 1772, ceased production in 1898 and was largely demolished by 1917. However, the extent of these clearance works, particular below the contemporary ground level, remains undetermined (ibid.). In 1926 the Margam Iron and Steel Works was built on the site of the Margam Copper Works (ibid.). Abbey Works, opened in 1951, is the site of the current (Port Talbot) steelworks and was constructed to integrate with the Margam Iron and Steel Works. During groundworks immediately prior to its construction, a layer of peat, up to 5m in thickness, was identified under the majority of the Abbey Works site (ibid.).

Archaeological objectives 1.9 The objectives of the archaeological works were:

4 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

 to monitor groundworks, and to identify, investigate and record all significant buried archaeological deposits revealed on the site during the course of the development groundworks;

 at the conclusion of the project, to produce an integrated archive for the project work and a report setting out the results of the project and the archaeological conclusions that can be drawn from the recorded data.

Methodology 1.10 The fieldwork comprised the excavation of four trenches (excavated as 26 separate units) and 18 test pits in the locations shown on the attached plan (Fig. 2). The dimensions and phasing of the trenches and test pits are given in Appendix B. Although an archaeologist was present during intrusive groundworks, no direct access to any of the trenches was permitted due to the depth of the trenches and the risk of collapse. Consequently all archaeological observations and recording was made from the top of the observed groundworks.

1.11 The fieldwork broadly followed the methodology set out within the WSI (CA 2014) but was altered to comply with on-site constraints and health and safety considerations. The initial intention to excavate fifteen test pits, eight boreholes, and four trenches traversing the site, had to be altered to avoid services and other on- site obstructions. Instead, limited trenching was carried out along the lines of the planned trenches except in those locations in which exclusion zones had been established to avoid services or obstructions. The test pitting was unaffected by the changes to the initial trenching programme but three additional test pits, Trenches 16, 17, and 18 were excavated. The boreholes were undertaken using the light cable percussive technique and consequently could not be monitored effectively. The changes to the trenching strategy resulted in a substantially smaller percentage of trench length being excavated than had been initially intended. This was further compromised by the presence of structural remains, demolition debris and contaminated ground water in many of the trenches rendering it impossible to attain the depth required by the programme of ground investigation (Figs. 3 and 4). This led to a second phase of trenching comprising the excavation of small trenches at 50m intervals on a line parallel to, but 1.5m from, the line of the first phase trenches. This phase of trenching was only partially completed when the ground investigation works were suspended due to the presence of asbestos.

5 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

1.12 Where archaeological deposits were encountered written and photographic records were compiled in accordance with CA Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork Recording Manual (2013).

1.13 The archive from the watching brief is currently held by CA at their offices in Kemble. Subject to the agreement of the legal landowner it will be deposited with the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales.


2.1 This section provides an overview of the watching brief results; detailed summaries of the recorded contexts are to be found in Appendix A.

2.2 The natural geological substrate, consisting of a blue-grey clay or yellow-brown sand, was revealed in Trenches 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 203, 205, 206, 302, 304, 401, 403, 405 and 408. In the southern part of the site it was identified in Trenches 10, 13, and 14 at an average depth of 0.9m below present ground level (bpgl) and throughout the central area of the site it was revealed in Trenches 12, 16 and 203 at an average depth of 2.1m. In the northern extent of the site it was typically observed at an average depth of between 3m and 4m bpgl within Trenches 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 205, 206, 302, 304, 401, 403, 405 and 408.

2.3 A broadly similar sequence of deposits was observed in the majority of the observed groundworks. The natural substrate, where visible, was overlain by multiple and varied layers of made ground, typically comprising demolition debris, slag, sand, furnace waste and coke waste (Fig. 4), together with extensive modern structural remains. These deposits and structural features ranged from 0.4m in thickness in Trench 14 to 3.5m in thickness within Trench 205. In all trenches (except for Trenches 10, 13 and 14 in the southern part of the site) these deposits were sealed by a layer of compact mid grey slag, averaging 0.25m in thickness, which was in turn overlain by between 0.3m and 1.1m of made ground deposits consisting of sandy gravels, silty clay deposits or crushed and compacted slag and furnace waste materials. These deposits were in turn sealed by the current ground level deposits comprising an average of 0.15m of dark grey brown silty clay topsoil or mid to dark grey brown compacted slag and gravel hardstanding.

6 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

2.4 In Trenches 13 and 14 the natural substrate was overlain by between 0.3m and 0.44m of made ground comprising sandy gravels or crushed and compacted slag and furnace waste materials. These deposits were sealed by an average of 0.15m thickness of mid to dark grey brown compacted slag and gravel hardstanding. In Trench 10 the natural substrate was directly overlain by a 0.5m thick layer of mid grey compacted slag which was similar to that observed as a sealing layer in all trenches except for Trenches 13 and 14 but lay directly beneath the current ground surface, a 60mm thick layer of dark grey brown sandy gravel. No peat deposits were encountered during the current works.

Possible Margam Copper Works 2.5 At a depth of 4m bpgl in the centre of Trench 205, close to the northern limit of the site, the heavily truncated remains of a brick wall, 20513, east/west orientated and surviving to just two courses, was identified. which may represent structural remains from the former Margam Copper Works. The wall was overlain by substantial concrete foundation block 20507, 1.65m deep and 2.7m long, and other structural remains believed to be associated with the former Margam Iron and Steel Works (see Fig. 5). The relationship between the wall and the natural substrate, 20512, could not be clearly established due to the presence of contaminated groundwater.

Margam Iron and Steel Works 2.6 Structural elements associated with the former Margam Iron and Steel Works were identified in all trenches except for Trenches 6, 9, 10, 13, and 14. They typically comprised heavily truncated or damaged concrete and brick supports, surfaces, beams, walls and service runs, the majority of which were found at, or below 1.1m, bpgl to a maximum depth of 3.9m bpgl. These features were sealed and backfilled with made ground deposits largely consisting of demolition material including brick, concrete, structural stones and substantial quantities of steel reinforcing bar.

2.7 In general it was not possible to recover sufficient evidence to accurately assess the function of many of the structural remains due largely to access limitations and the limited view afforded by the size of the area excavated. The majority of identifiable features were walls, such as the service run walls 20109, 20111 and 20122 in Trench 201, or the possible oven chamber walls 30107, 30108, 30119 and 30127 in Trench 301, identified as such by their use of yellow thermal bricks. The orientation of the majority of features seemed to correlate with historic mapping of the Margam Iron and Steel Works. The structural dating evidence found was limited to bricks, the

7 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

majority of which appear to have been locally sourced and could be identified as coming from 20th century brickworks such as the Little Mill brickworks in Pontypool or the ABC brickworks in Aberdare (http://www.penmorfa.com/bricks/wales1. html#w).

Railway tracks 2.8 The remains of railway tracks were identified within Trenches 1, 101, 102, 103 and 204 at an average of 1.1m bpgl. The tracks, with the exception of 10216 and 10309, relatively modern steel tracks and sleepers in Trenches 102 and 103, were mounted onto wooden sleepers set between concrete supports (Fig. 6). Their locations appeared to be consistent with historical mapping showing the location of the railway tracks associated with the Margam Iron and Steel Works.


3.1 The watching brief identified substantial depths of made ground and modern structural remains throughout the central and northern part of the site. These deposits are interpreted as demolition debris and clearance of the former Margam Copper Works, the subsequent construction and demolition of the coke ovens associated with the former Margam Iron and Steel Works, and modern landscaping. No archaeological deposits or features predating the later post-medieval/modern period were identified during the watching brief.

3.2 The watching brief identified no clear evidence of structures or deposits associated with the former Margam Copper Works. The earliest feature identified during the current observations was a small section of brick wall, 20513, within Trench 205 that was sealed by later concrete foundations and landscaping. The wall’s location close to the northern limit of the current site certainly places it within the footprint of the former copper works, however its east/west orientation is contrary to the predominately north-east/south-west alignment of the copper works as depicted on historic mapping (see Fig. 8). Indeed, the east/west alignment is more suggestive of the latter iron works. No further deposits or structures that may possibly be associated with the copper works were observed within adjacent interventions (TP 1 and 2, T101, 104, 105, 201 and 206) although this may be due to the comparatively shallow depth of the trenching within the area adjacent to Trench 205. Similarly, no

8 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

evidence for the former brick works was identified immediately to the south within Trenches 202, 402 and 407.

3.3 The watching brief identified substantial deposits and modern structural remains associated with the former Margam Iron and Steel Works. These remains were concentrated in the northern and western part of the site and comprised coke oven chambers and walls, ancillary and support structures, and elements of the railway infrastructure that supported the works. The majority of the structures were heavily truncated or damaged, almost certainly as a result of their subsequent demolition. Within these channels and structures the associated backfill deposits comprised materials which appeared to derive from those former structures. Such material was also observed forming a levelling horizon throughout the majority of the site, approximately 1m bpgl, which was subsequently sealed with additional layers of made ground.

3.4 The site conditions during and limited scope of the intrusive groundworks, in addition to the limitation of access produced by health and safety constraints, have limited the overall quality of the results. However it is considered that the structures identified during the watching brief are broadly consistent with the historic mapping of the Margam Iron and Steel Works site.


Fieldwork was undertaken by Jay Wood. The report was written by Jay Wood. The illustrations were prepared by Leo Heatley. The archive has been compiled by Jay Wood, and prepared for deposition by Hazel O’Neill. The project was managed for CA by Cliff Bateman.


Aecom 2014 The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order. Environmental Statement, Volume 2, Chapter 11 Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

BGS (British Geological Survey) 2014 http://mapapps.bgs.ac.uk/geologyofbritain/home. html?location=&gobBtn=go (accessed 8 December 2014)

9 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2014 Proposed Internal Power Generation Enhancement, Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Watching Brief http://www.penmorfa.com/bricks/wales1.html#w ‘Old Bricks-history at your feet-Wales’ http://www.penmorfa.com/bricks/wales1.html#w (accessed 10 December 2014)

10 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief


Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth No. No. interpretation /thick ness (m) 1 100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay, friable >5.5 >1.8 0.2 1 101 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown silt sand with >5.5 >1.8 0.6 occasional CBM fragments, friable 1 102 Layer Made Ground Light grey brown silt sand, friable >5.5 >1.8 0.5 1 103 Layer Made Ground Mid grey vesicular slag, compact >5.5 >1.8 0.25 1 104 Structure Railway Mid grey concrete >1.8 1.0 0.20 Sleepers 1 105 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete, base of (104) >1.8 1.2 1.0 surface 1 106 Layer Concrete floor Mid grey concrete >1.8 0.6 0.2 1 107 Wall Brick wall N/S wall, mid pinkish-red brick, 2 >1.8 0.3 0.6 courses wide 1 108 Wall Concrete wall N/S wall, mid grey concrete >1.8 0.2 1.0 1 109 Wall Brick wall N/S wall, mid yellow brick, 2 >1.8 0.3 1.0 courses wide 1 110 Layer Concrete Light grey concrete, support for >1.8 0.3 0.3 surface 107 1 111 Layer Made Ground Dark blackish-grey sandy gravel >1.8 1.8 >1.8 and crushed slag 1 112 Layer Backfill/ Dark grey brown sandy silt with >3.5 >1.8 0.8 demolition abundant brick and concrete dump fragments. 1 113 Wall Brick Wall N/S mid yellow brick, 2 >1.8 0.8 >0.22 courses wide 1 114 Layer Backfill/ Dark grey brown sandy silt with >1.8 >1.8 0.2 demolition abundant brick and concrete dump fragments. 2 200 Layer Hardstanding Mid grey gravel and compacted >6.4 >1.8 0.1 slag, compact 2 201 Layer Made Ground Dark grey blackish grey slag, >6.4 >1.8 0.2 crushed and compact 2 202 Layer Made Ground Light grey stone, compact >6.4 >1.8 0.2 2 203 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown clay sand and >6.4 >1.8 0.45 gravel, loose 2 204 Layer Made Ground Dark blackish grey crushed slag, >6.4 >1.8 0.08 compact 2 205 Layer Made Ground Mid grey vesicular slag, compact >6.4 >1.8 0.3 2 206 Layer Concrete Light grey concrete slab >2.5 >1.3 0.15 surface 2 207 Wall Brick Wall NW/SE wall, 2 courses wide, 8 .>1.8 0.23 0.8 courses high 2 208 Wall Brick Wall NW/SE wall, 2 courses wide, 8 >1.8 0.2 0.8 courses high 2 209 Layer Backfill/ Dark greyish-yellow clayey-silty >1.0 0.45 0.8 demolition gravel, abundant brick and dump concrete 2 210 Layer Concrete Light grey concrete slab >3.1 1.3 0.3 surface 2 211 Structure Brick structure Brick structure, 6 courses wide, 8 >0.4 0.85 0.8 courses high 2 212 Layer Bedding layer Light grey brown sandy gravel, >2.5 >1.3 0.15 bedding layer for (206) 2 213 Layer Backfill/ Dark blackish grey crushed and >2.2 >1.8 0.9 demolition compact slag dump 2 214 Layer Backfill/ Dark blackish grey crushed and >2.2 >1.8 0.7 demolition compact slag dump 2 215 Layer Brick Floor Mid pinkish red brick, single 0.4 >1.6 0.07 course thick

11 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

2 216 Wall Brick Wall SW/NE, mid red brick, only partly >0.6 >0.2 >0.6 seen 3 300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silt clay, friable >4.7 >1.8 0.15 3 301 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown silt sand with >4.7 >1.8 0.75 occasional CBM fragments, friable 3 302 Layer Made Ground Light grey brown silt sand, friable >4.7 >1.8 0.3 3 303 Layer Made Ground Dark brown grey silty clay, >4.7 >1.8 1.0 abundant CBM fragments 3 304 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete >4.7 >1.8 0.2 surface 3 305 Layer Made Ground Dark blackish grey crushed slag, >4.7 >1.8 >1.7 large stone and gravel, compact 4 400 Layer Hardstanding Mid grey gravel and compacted >3.9 >1.8 0.35 slag, compact 4 401 Layer Made Ground Mid grey crushed slag, loose >3.9 >1.8 0.35 4 402 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, occasional CBM, >3.9 >1.8 0.2 loose 4 403 Fill 409 Bedding Light grey small stone and gravel, >1.5 >0.4 0.25 deposit ballast 4 404 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty gravel, >3.9 1.8 0.75 common stone 4 405 Layer Made Ground Light orange brown large and >2.3 >1.6 >0.75 medium slag, loose 4 406 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey sandy gravel, >3.7 >1.6 >1.15 abundant medium and large slag 4 407 Fill 408 Fill Single fill of service trench, dark >0.7 >1.1 1.0 black grey sandy gravel 4 408 Cut Service SW/NE service trench >0.7 >1.1 1.0 Trench 4 409 Cut Railway track SW/NE trench for railway track >1.5 >0.4 0.25 trench 5 500 Layer Hardstanding Mid grey gravel and compacted >4.7 >1.8 0.5 slag, compact 5 501 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel with >4.7 >1.8 0.45 abundant brick and concrete 5 502 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete plinth/pier >4.7 >1.8 0.95 platform 5 503 Layer Made Ground Dark grey sandy gravel, loose >4.7 >1.8 0.7 5 504 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab >4.7 >1.8 0.2 surface 5 505 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed slag and 2.0 >1.8 0.9 gravel 6 600 Layer Hardstanding Mid grey gravel and compacted >5.6 >1.8 0.06 slag, compact 6 601 Layer Made Ground Dark grey sandy gravel, compact >5.6 >1.8 0.23 6 602 Layer Made Ground Black coke waste, crushed and >5.6 >1.8 0.08 compact 6 603 Layer Made Ground Mid grey vesicular slag, compact >5.6 >1.8 0.3 6 604 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey slag and coke >5.6 >1.8 0.3 waste, crushed, compact 6 605 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey slag, gravel, and >5.6 >1.8 0.6 coke waste, crushed, loose 6 606 Layer Made Ground Mid yellow-grey sand >5.6 >1.8 0.2 6 607 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey slag and coke >5.6 >1.8 0.45 Waste, medium and large, loose 7 700 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >7 >1.8 0.2 compact 7 701 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >7 >1.8 0.3 7 702 Layer Brick surface Single course of mid yellow bricks >7 >1.8 0.22 over a course of dark red brick, possible furnace floor 7 703 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab >7 >1.8 >0.15 surface 8 800 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >5.58 >1.8 0.1 compact 8 801 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey slag and coke >5.58 >1.8 0.3 waste, compact 8 802 Layer Made Ground Mid grey compact slag, occasional >5.58 >1.8 0.5 brick

12 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

8 803 Layer Concrete floor Mid grey concrete, appeared >5.58 >1.8 0.2 surface burnt 8 804 Layer Made Ground Dark blackish grey, occasional >5.58 >1.8 0.7 brick and concrete 8 805 Layer Natural Dark blue grey slightly sandy clay, >5.58 >1.8 1.4 occasional peat, soft 9 900 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >3.5 >1.8 0.16 compact 9 901 Layer Made Ground Mid grey gravel, compact >3.5 >1.8 0.2 9 902 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black slag and crushed >3.5 >1.8 0.6 coke waste, compact 9 903 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown gritty sand and >3.5 >1.8 0.7 gravel, compact 9 904 Layer Made Ground Mid blue grey clay, occasional >3.5 >1.8 1.9 medium and large stone, soft 9 905 Layer Natural Dark yellow-brown gravel and >3.5 >1.8 0.4 sandstone, not seen clearly due to groundwater 10 1000 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >5.2 >1.8 0.2 compact 10 1001 Layer Made Ground Mid grey vesicular slag, compact >5.2 >1.8 0.5 10 1002 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey slag, gravel, and >5.2 >1.8 0.2 coke waste, crushed, loose 10 1003 Layer Natural Mid yellow brown sand >5.2 >1.8 1.3 11 1100 Layer Hardstanding Mid grey gravel and compacted >7 >1.9 0.2 slag, compact 11 1101 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black slag and crushed >7 >1.9 0.2 coke waste, compact 11 1102 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >7 >1.9 0.45 11 1103 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact, with >7 >1.9 1.45 abundant demolition debris 11 1104 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete >1.9 2 0.8 foundation 11 1105 Layer Concrete floor Mid grey concrete >1.9 >1.5 0.2 surface 12 1200 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >3.5 >1.8 0.16 compact 12 1201 Layer Made Ground Mid grey gravel, compact >3.5 >1.8 0.2 12 1202 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black slag and crushed >3.5 >1.8 0.6 coke waste, compact 12 1203 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown gritty sand and >3.5 >1.8 0.7 gravel, compact 12 1204 Layer Made Ground Mid blue grey clay, occasional >3.5 >1.8 1.9 medium and large stone, soft 12 1205 Layer Natural Dark yellow-brown gravel and >3.5 >1.8 >0.4 sandstone 13 1300 Layer Hardstanding Mid grey gravel and compacted >5.2 >1.8 0.15 slag, compact 13 1301 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown gritty gravel, >5.2 >1.8 0.1 compact 13 1302 Layer Made Ground Light grey brown gravel, compact >5.2 >1.8 0.12 13 1303 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black crushed >5.2 >1.8 0.22 coke waste, compact 13 1304 Layer Made Ground Dark yellow sand with vertical >5.2 >1.8 0.6 bands of dark orange sand, loose 13 1305 Layer Natural Dark grey gritty sand, loose >5.2 >1.8 0.14 13 1306 Layer Natural Dark yellow sand, firm >5.2 >1.8 >1 14 1400 Layer Hardstanding Mid grey gravel and compacted >5.7 >4.4 0.1 slag, compact 14 1401 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black crushed >5.7 >4.4 0.4 coke waste, compact 14 1402 Layer Natural Mid grey yellow sand, firm >5.7 >4.4 >2 14 1403 Cut Modern E/W pipe trench >5.7 1.5 2 service trench 14 1404 Fill 1403 Fill Single fill of service trench >5.7 1.5 2 15 1500 Layer Dump Tarmacadam, irregular in depth >5 >2.1 0.08 and shape 15 1501 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silty clay >5 >2.1 0.1

13 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

15 1502 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel >5 >2.1 0.15 15 1503 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black crushed coke >5 >2.1 0.15 waste, compact 15 1504 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black coke waste, loose >5 >2.1 0.15 15 1505 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel >5 >2.1 0.4 15 1506 Layer Made Ground Mid brown yellow sand, loose >5 >1.4 >1.4 15 1507 Cut Modern NE/SW cable trench >3.5 1 0.8 service trench 15 1508 Fill 1507 Fill Single fill of service trench, mid >3.5 1 0.8 yellow grey sand, loose 15 1509 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete with corrugated >3 >1.1 0.95 service access iron shuttering point 15 1510 Layer Natural Mid green grey clay, soft >2 >1.4 >0.7 16 1600 Layer Hardstanding Mid grey gravel and compacted >5 >1.8 0.25 slag, compact 16 1601 Layer Made ground Light grey slag, compact >5 >1.8 0.35 16 1602 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete >5 >1.8 0.2 surface 16 1603 Layer Backfill Dark black grey sandy gravel, >3.5 >1.8 0.9 abundant demolition brick and concrete, loose 16 1604 Structure Concrete wall / N/S, Mid grey concrete, not fully 3.5 >0.2 0.9 foundation seen 16 1605 Structure Concrete wall / N/S, Mid grey concrete, not fully 3.5 >0.2 0.9 foundation seen 16 1606 Structure Concrete wall / E/W, Mid grey concrete, not fully 1.4 Not 0.9 foundation seen seen 16 1607 Layer Bedding layer Light grey gravel, bedding layer for >3.5 >1.8 0.2 1604, 1605, and 1606 16 1608 Layer Natural Mid blue grey clay, soft, rare >3.5 >1.8 0.5 gravel patches 16 1609 Layer Natural Mid blue grey clay, firm >3.5 >1.8 >1.8 17 1700 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >3.7 >2.4 0.15 compact 17 1701 Layer Made ground Mid grey sandy gravel, compact >3.7 >2.4 0.15 17 1702 Layer Made ground Dark grey brown gravel and slag, >3.7 >2.4 0.2 loose 17 1703 Layer Made ground Dark grey black coke waste, >3.7 >2.4 0.1 compact 17 1704 Layer Made ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel with >3.7 >2.4 0.5 abundant stone and common brick 17 1705 Layer Made ground Mixed dark yellow and mid yellow >3.7 >2.4 0.3 brown sand with rare gravel patches 17 1706 Layer Natural Dark blue grey clay, soft, rare >3.7 >2.4 >3.4 patches green grey sand 17 1707 Structure Concrete Mid grey white concrete >3.5 >0.75 0.9 foundation Foundation structure 18 1800 Layer Hardstanding Mid grey gravel and compacted >4.5 >3.2 0.2 slag, compact 18 1801 Layer Made ground Dark grey crushed coke >4.5 >3.2 0.08 waste, compact 18 1802 Layer Made ground Mid grey slag, compact >4.5 >3.2 0.55 18 1803 Cut Modern N/S cable trench >4.5 >1.7 0.57 service trench 18 1804 Fill 1803 Fill Dark black grey slag and stone, >4.5 >1.7 0.35 compact 18 1805 Fill 1803 Fill Light grey white slag, large, 4.5 >1.7 0.22 compact 18 1806 Wall Concrete wall N/S, mid grey concrete, wall of >3.8 Not 0.8 cable run, not seen fully seen 18 1807 Wall Concrete wall N/S, mid grey concrete, wall of >3.8 Not 0.8 cable run, not seen fully seen 18 1808 Layer Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete, base of >4.5 >3.2 0.5 surface cable run, not seen fully 18 1809 Layer Bedding layer Mid grey gravel, bedding layer for >4.5 >3.2 0.15 1808

14 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

18 1810 Layer Natural Mid green grey clay, occasional >4.5 >3.2 0.5 mid grey brown sand, soft 18 1811 Layer Natural Mid brown medium and large >4.5 >3.2 >1.2 stone, not seen clearly due to contamination 101 10100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >50 >1.6 0.2 101 10101 Layer Bank Mid grey brown silty clay, >2 >0.5 0.46 material friable, formed bank adjacent to road adjacent to trench 101 101 10102 Layer Bedding layer Mid grey hardcore, bedding layer >3 >0.7 >0.35 for road adjacent to trench 101, compact 101 10103 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >50 >1.6 0.65 101 10104 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >50 >1.6 0.32 101 10105 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, abundant >50 >1.6 0.5 thermal brick, common red brick and concrete, rare metal fittings, dark grey sandy gravel matrix, loose 101 10106 Structure Concrete E/W mid grey concrete beam, >1.6 0.25 >0.15 beam probably support beam for railway track 101 10107 Structure Concrete E/W mid grey concrete beam, >1.6 0.25 >0.15 beam probably support beam for railway track 101 10108 Structure Concrete E/W mid grey concrete beam, >1.6 0.25 >0.15 beam probably support beam for railway track 101 10109 Structure Concrete E/W mid grey concrete beam, >1.6 0.25 >0.15 beam probably support beam for railway track 101 10110 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 1.8 >1.6 0.3 surface 101 10111 Layer Backfill Demolition dump, abundant >29 >1.6 0.45 thermal and red brick, common concrete and metal fittings, dark grey sandy gravel matrix, loose 101 10112 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete foundation >1.6 2 0.3 structure or support structure 101 10113 Structure Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete foundation 2.8 Not >0.5 structure or support structure, only seen in seen section 101 10114 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab, only seen 2.8 Not 0.2 surface in section, directly above 10113 seen 101 10115 Structure Wall NE/SW, oven wall, mid grey >18.4 0.25 >1.3 concrete, wall with a single course thick wall of yellow thermal bricks butted up against it, parallel to 10116 and formed a chamber with it, thermal bricks on inside 101 10116 Structure Wall NE/SW, oven wall, mid grey >8.6 Not >1.4 concrete, wall with a single course seen thick wall of yellow thermal bricks butted up against it, parallel to 10115 and formed a chamber with it, thermal bricks on inside 102 10200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >51 >1.6 0.1 102 10201 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >51 >1.6 0.65 102 10202 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty clay with, >51 >1.6 0.3 abundant small and medium Stone, friable 102 10203 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >51 >1.6 0.25 102 10204 Layer Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete beams, >14.3 >1.4 0.15 beams railway track support structures 102 10205 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab, base for >14.3 >1.4 0.2 foundation 10204 pad 102 10206 Layer Ballast Dark black grey crushed and .14 >1.4 0.15 compact slag, between beams of 10204

15 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

102 10207 Structure Wall NE/SW mid grey concrete wall 14.4 0.2 0.75 102 10208 Structure Wall NE/SW mid grey concrete wall >9.6 0.2 0.75 102 10209 Structure Wall E/W mid grey concrete 1 0.7 0.75 support/wall 102 10210 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black slag, compact, >34.4 >1.6 0.25 Consolidation above 10212 102 10211 Layer Backfill Mid grey brown sandy gravel with >14.4 1.4 >0.75 common red brick and concrete, backfill between 10207-10209 102 10212 Layer Made Ground Mid yellow sand with occasional >34.4 >1.6 >1.3 patches mid grey brown sand 102 10213 Structure Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete structure 6.4 >1.6 >0.8 structure incorporating a shallow ramp, not seen fully 102 10214 Structure Manhole Mid red brick, square, only seen in 0.6 0.6 Not Plan seen 102 10215 Structure Wall N/S, brick wall, stretcher bond >1.6 0.25 >0.7 102 10216 Layer Rail track Steel track and sleepers >5 Not 0.25 seen 102 10217 Structure Wall NE/SW concrete wall, parallel to >10.2 0.2 >1.2 10218 102 10218 Structure Wall NE/SW concrete wall, parallel to >7 0. >1.2 10217 102 10219 Layer Backfill Mid grey brown sandy gravel with 19.4 >1.6 >1.2 common red brick and concrete, backfill between 10217 and 10218 103 10300 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey crushed slag and sandy >55.2 >1.6 0.22 gravel, compact 103 10301 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel, >55.2 >1.6 0.41 compact 103 10302 Layer Made Ground Mid grey crushed vesicular slag, >55.2 >1.6 0.36 compact 103 10303 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey sandy gravel, >55.2 >1.6 0.32 compact 103 10304 Layer Concrete Light white grey concrete slab >35.5 >1.6 >0.15 surface 103 10305 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black crushed coke >13.5 >1.6 0.05 waste and gravel, compact 103 10306 Layer Made Ground Dark red brown sandy gravel, >55.2 >1.6 0.1 compact 103 10307 Layer Brick inset Mid red brick, 2 courses wide, set >4 0.24 0.21 between 10304 and 10308, not fully seen 103 10308 Layer Concrete Light white grey concrete slab >4 0.8 0.3 surface 103 10309 Layer Railway track NW/SE, Steel track and sleepers >18.7 1.5 0.15 103 10310 Layer Ballast Dark black grey sandy gravel, >18.7 1.6 0.15 compact, under 10309 103 10311 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete, only seen in >2.3 >1.6 0.15 surface section 103 10312 Layer Made Ground Dark yellow grey sand, loose >4 >1.6 0.9 103 10313 Layer Concrete floor Mid grey concrete surface >2.6 >1.6 Not s surface seen 103 10314 Layer Made Ground Dark yellow sand, loose >1 >1.4 Not seen 103 10315 Layer Ballast Light grey brown sandy gravel, >18.7 1.6 0.10 compact, under 10310 103 10316 Layer Made Ground Dark yellow sand, loose >3.4 >1.6 >1 103 10317 Layer Made Ground Dark brown grey gritty sand >4 >1.6 0.25 103 10318 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty gritty sand, >4.5 >1.6 0.3 rare CBM, loose 103 10319 Layer Made Ground Mid yellow sand, loose >4.5 >1.6 0.1 104 10400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >4.6 >1.7 0.1 104 10401 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown silty clay, common >4.6 >1.7 0.8 demolition debris, friable 104 10402 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >4.6 >1.7 0.2 104 10403 Layer Demolition Mix of red brick, yellow thermal >4.6 >1.7 >0.4 dump brick and concrete in a dark grey

16 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

gritty sand matrix 105 10500 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >6.6 >1.8 0.1 105 10501 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown silty clay, common >6.6 >1.8 1 demolition debris, friable 105 10502 Layer Made Ground Dark brownish red furnace waste, >6.6 >1.8 0.08 small, compact 105 10503 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >6.6 >1.8 0.25 105 10504 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab, covered >6.6 >1.8 0.1 surface 10506, 10507 and 10508, base for 10505 105 10505 Layer Railway track N/S, wooden sleepers set between >6.6 >0.8 0.2 concrete supports 105 10506 Structure Concrete wall E/W, smooth mid grey concrete, >4.5 Not >1.2 formed wall for cable run seen 105 10507 Structure Concrete wall N/S, smooth mid grey concrete, >4.5 Not 0.8 formed wall for cable run Seen 105 10508 Structure Concrete wall N/S, smooth mid grey concrete, >4.5 Not 0.8 formed wall for cable run seen 105 10509 Layer Made Ground Dark yellow sand with abundant >4.4 >1 0.5 small and medium coke waste, loose 105 10510 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey slag, loose >4.4 >1 0.5 106 10600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >5.2 >1.8 0.1 106 10601 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >5.2 >1.8 0.65 106 10602 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump of red brick, slag >5.2 >1.8 0.75 and concrete within a dark grey brown gritty sand matrix 106 10603 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab, not fully >5.2 >1.8 Not surface seen seen 201 20100 Layer Hardstanding Light grey gravel and slag, >100 >1.6 0.4 compact 201 20101 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel, >100 >1.6 0.7 compact 201 20102 Layer Made Ground Dark grey black sandy gravel and >100 >1.6 0.08 crushed coke waste, compact 201 20103 Layer Made Ground Mid grey crushed slag, compact 100 >1.6 0.35 201 20104 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, red brick, yellow >100 >1.6 0.25 furnace brick, slag, and metal fittings in a mid grey brown sandy gravel matrix 201 20105 Layer Concrete floor Mid grey concrete slab >33.4 >1.6 0.15 surface 201 20106 Layer Floor Surface Dark red tiles >1.6 1 Not seen 201 20107 Structure Concrete NE/SW, mid grey concrete 6.5 >1 >0.6 foundation Structure, support or bay structure 201 20108 Structure Concrete NE/SW, mid grey concrete 13.3 >1.6 >1.4 foundation Structure, support or bay structure 201 20109 Structure Concrete wall NE/SW, mid grey concrete pipe >10.3 0.25 >0.5 run wall 201 20110 Structure Concrete NE/SW, mid grey concrete 3.4 >0.4 >0.6 structure structure, support or bay structure 201 20111 Structure Concrete wall NE/SW, mid grey concrete pipe >8.35 0.25 >0.6 run wall 201 20112 Layer Concrete floor Mid grey concrete slab 3 >1.6 0.15 surface 201 20113 Structure Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete 3.6 >1 Not structure structure, support or bay structure seen 201 20114 Structure Concrete NW/SE, mid grey concrete 2 >0.3 1.1 structure structure, support or bay structure 201 20115 Structure Concrete NE/SW, mid grey concrete 2 >0.3 1.1 structure structure, support or bay structure 201 20116 Structure Concrete NE/SW, mid grey concrete 4 >0.5 1.1 structure structure, support or bay structure 201 20117 Structure Concrete NW/SE, mid grey concrete 2 >0.4 1.1 structure structure, support or bay structure 201 20118 Structure Concrete NE/SW, mid grey concrete 2 >0.4 1.1 structure structure, support or bay structure 201 20119 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel with 11.9 1.3 Not common brick, backfill between seen

17 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

20107 and 20108 201 20120 Layer Backfill Dark grey brown sandy gravel with 23 >1.4 >0.8 common brick and slag, backfill between 20109 and 20111 201 20121 Layer Made Ground Dark yellow sand with rare mid- >23.6 >1.6 0.9 purple furnace slag 201 20122 Structure Concrete wall NE/SW Mid grey concrete pipe run >4 0.25 >0.6 wall 201 20123 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel with >55 >1.6 >0.6 abundant slag inclusions 201 20124 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey sandy gravel and >23.6 >1.6 0.7 slag 201 20125 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel with 7.2 1 >0.6 common brick and coke waste, backfill between 20111 and 20112 202 20200 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >36.5 >1.6 0.15 compact 202 20201 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel and >36.5 >1.6 0.75 slag, compact 202 20202 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >36.5 >1.6 0.3 202 20203 Structure Concrete wall NE/SW, mid grey concrete wall, >4.5 0.1 >0.9 butts 20204 202 20204 Structure Concrete wall E/W, mid grey concrete wall, butts 1.2 0.15 >0.35 20203 202 20205 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sand, backfill >6 >1.6 >0.4 between 20203 and 20204 202 20206 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel with >6 >1.6 >0.9 common brick, stone and slag, loose 202 20207 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete structure, >20.4 >1.6 >0.25 structure support or bay structure 202 20208 Structure Brick services Mid red brick, manhole 0.7 0.7 >0.2 access 202 20209 Structure Brick services Mid red brick, manhole 0.7 0.7 >0.2 access 202 20210 Structure Concrete NE/SW, Mid grey concrete >22 >1.6 >0.15 structure structure, support or bay structure, parallel to 20207 202 20211 Structure Brick wall N/S, Internal wall, stretcher bond, >1.3 Not >0.93 at least nine courses high seen 203 20300 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >19.1 >1.6 0.15 compact 203 20301 Layer Made Ground Mid brown grey silty gravel, friable >19.1 >1.6 0.7 203 20302 Layer Made Ground Dark red grey crushed slag, >19.1 >1.6 0.05 compact 203 20303 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >19.1 >1.6 0.4 203 20304 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed coke 14 >1.6 0.15 waste and sand, compact 203 20305 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown gritty sand with >1.9 >1.6 0.3 common dark yellow sand with rare brick and slag 203 20306 Layer Made Ground Dark brown yellow sand, loose, >4.3 >1.6 >1.5 with rare brick and slag 203 20307 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete foundation or >1.3 >1.6 0.6 structure support structure 203 20308 Structure Brick walls Two E/W walls linked by a N/S 1.7 >0.6 0.95 wall, formed western end of a chamber, mid red brick, stretcher bond 203 20309 Layer Backfill Dark grey brown gritty sandy 1.7 >0.6 0.95 gravel, loose, used to backfill 20308 203 20310 Structure Concrete E/W mid grey concrete beam >1.6 0.3 0.45 beam 203 20311 Layer Concrete floor Mid grey concrete slab 5 >1.6 0.2 surface 203 20312 Structure Brick wall NE/SW, mid red brick, English >4 0.25 0.6 bond, 5 courses high and 2 courses thick, above 20313 203 20313 Structure Concrete NE/SW, mid grey concrete, >4 Not 0.6 structure Support for 20312 seen

18 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

203 20314 Structure Brick wall E/W, mid red brick, English bond, Not 0.23 0.5 5 courses high and 2 courses thick seen 203 20315 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete, seen only in Not 0.5 0.5 beam section seen 203 20316 Layer Natural Mid grey blue sandy clay, >7.7 >1.4 >2 occasional patches of mid brown peat 203 20317 Layer Backfill Dark grey gritty sand with rare >7.7 >1.4 >0.3 brick and ceramic pipe, backfill to west of 20312 203 20318 Structure Concrete NW/SE. mid grey concrete support >0.75 0.5 1 structure or bay structure 204 20400 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >70.3 >1.6 0.1 compact 204 20401 Layer Made Ground Dark brown-grey silty clay, friable >70.3 >1.6 0.7 204 20402 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >70.3 >1.6 0.35 204 20403 Layer Railway track Wooden sleepers set concrete >15.2 >0.6 0.4 supports 204 20404 Layer Made Ground Dark brown yellow sand, loose >29 >1.6 >0.9 204 20405 Cut Service trench NW/SE pipe trench >29.2 >1 >0.9 204 20406 Fill Fill Single fill of service trench, mid >29.2 >1 >0.9 grey gritty sand 204 20407 Structure Brick wall N/S, dark red brick, 2 courses 2.6 0.25 1.65 thick, 15 courses high 204 20408 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete support or >1 1.5 0.7 structure bay structure 204 20409 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete support or 0.65 0.5 >0.5 structure bay structure 204 20410 Structure Concrete wall NW/SE concrete slab wall >7.8 0.1 >1.1 204 20411 Structure Concrete E/W concrete support for 20414 >1.6 0.5 >0.7 structure 204 20412 Layer Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete beam >1.6 0.25 0.5 structure 204 20413 Structure Brick wall Mid red brick, 2 courses high, 13+ >1.2 >1.3 0.24 courses deep, English bond 204 20414 Layer Concrete floor Mid grey concrete slab 4.3 >1.6 0.2 surface 204 20415 Layer Made Ground Dark grey yellow sand 4.3 >1.7 >1.6 204 20416 Layer Backfill Demolition dump of red brick, 18 >1.6 >1.2 metal fittings and concrete within a dark grey gritty sandy gravel matrix 204 20417 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete support .2.2 0.25 0.5 structure beam, set into 20422 204 20418 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete support >2 0.25 0.5 structure beam, set into 20422 204 20419 Structure Concrete N/S mid grey concrete 2.5 >1.2 0.6 structure foundation/support 204 20420 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey slag in a matrix of 16.3 >1.6 0.5 dark yellow brown sand and gravel 204 20421 Layer Made Ground Dark yellow brown sand with 16.3 >1.6 >1.5 frequent patches of mid grey sand 204 20422 Structure Concrete N/S mid grey concrete support 8.2 Not 0.5 structure Beam, set on piles. seen 205 20500 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >6.6 >1.6 0.25 compact 205 20501 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >6.6 >1.6 0.9 205 20502 Layer Made Ground Mid grey crushed slag, compact >6.6 >1.6 0.3 205 20503 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, red brick, >6.6 >1.6 0.35 thermal brick, coke waste and concrete within a dark grey brown sandy gravel matrix 205 20504 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab >6.6 >1.6 0.2 surface 205 20505 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete structure, 2.25 0.5 1.6 structure only partially seen 205 20506 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey sandy gravel and >6.6 >1.6 1.6 coke slag 205 20507 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete support 2.7 >1.6 1.65

19 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

structure foundation 205 20508 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey coke waste, >2.1 >0.4 0.25 compact 205 20509 Layer Made Ground Mid grey yellow sand, loose, with >2.1 >0.4 1 occasional coke waste 205 20510 Layer Backfill Demolition dump, abundant coke >6.6 >1.5 0.3 waste and yellow thermal brick in a matrix of dark grey brown sandy gravel 205 20511 Layer Made Ground Dark red brown slag, compact >6.6 >0.5 0.4 205 20512 Layer Natural Dark grey yellow silty clay, soft >6.6 >1.6 >1.6 205 20513 Structure Brick wall Red brick, 3 course high and 2 0.5 >0.15 >0.3 courses wide, under 20507 206 20600 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >5.6 >2.4 0.3 compact 206 20601 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty clay with >5.6 >2.4 0.6 abundant stone and occasional demolition debris 206 20602 Layer Made Ground Mid grey crushed slag, compact >5.6 >2.4 0.4 206 20603 Layer Made Ground Demolition debris, red brick, yellow >5.6 >2.4 0.5 thermal brick, slag and metal fittings in a mid grey brown sandy gravel 206 20604 Structure Concrete wall NE/SW mid grey concrete wall >5.6 0.15 >1.3 206 20605 Layer Made Ground Demolition debris, redbrick and >5.6 >1.2 >0.6 yellow thermal brick, slag and coke waste in a mid grey brown sandy gravel 206 20606 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey sandy gravel and >5.6 >1.7 1.4 coke waste, loose 206 20607 Layer Made Ground Dark grey medium stone and >5.6 >1.7 0.4 gravel, loose 206 20608 Layer Natural Mid blue grey sandy clay, soft >5.6 >2.4 >0.5 207 20700 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey gravel and slag, >6 >3.6 0.2 compact 207 20701 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy clay, friable >6 >3.6 0.75 207 20702 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >6 >3.6 0.25 207 20703 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab >1.4 >0.4 0.15 surface 207 20704 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel 3.7 >1.6 0.2 207 20705 Layer Made Ground Mid orange yellow sand >3.6 2 0.25 207 20706 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete support/ >3.6 1.9 1.1 structure foundation 207 20707 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete support/ >3.6 1.9 1.1 structure foundation 207 20708 Structure Concrete NE/SW mid grey concrete beam 3.7 0.15 0.5 structure 207 20709 Layer Made Ground Dark yellow brown sand, loose 6 3.6 2 301 30100 Layer Topsoil Mid grey-brown silty clay, friable >45.6 >2.3 0.7 301 30101 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >45.6 >2.3 0.2 301 30102 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, red bricks and >45.6 >2.3 0.4 yellow thermal bricks in a dark grey brown silty sand matrix 301 30103 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab >13.1 >1.6 >0.25 surface 301 30104 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, red bricks, 1.6 2.75 >0.9 concrete, metal fittings and yellow thermal bricks in a dark grey brown silty sand matrix 301 30105 Structure Concrete NE/SW, mid grey concrete 2.6 >1.6 >0.5 support foundation or bay structure 301 30106 Structure Oven wall NE/SW yellow thermal brick wall, 2 >0.5 0.2 >0.3 courses thick, fire blackened bricks 301 30107 Structure Oven wall E/W yellow thermal brick and >1.6 0.3 0.6 concrete wall, fire blackened 301 30108 Structure Oven wall E/W yellow thermal bricks, fire >1.6 0.2 0.6

20 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

blackened 301 30109 Structure Concrete wall E/W mid grey concrete wall >1.6 0.5 >0.4 301 30110 Structure Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete bay 4.9 >1.6 0.45 structure structure 301 30111 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete bay 3 1.6 0.3 structure structure 301 30112 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 2.8 >1.6 >0.15 surface 301 30113 Structure Brick wall E/W red brick wall >1.6 0.3 0.14 301 30114 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 8 >1.6 0.12 surface 301 30115 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 1.6 >1.6 Not surface seen 301 30116 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed slag and >4.5 >0.8 Not gravel seen 301 30117 Layer Backfill Demolition dump, red bricks, 2.3 >1.6 Not concrete, metal fittings and yellow seen thermal bricks in a dark grey brown silty sand matrix 301 30118 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel and 4.9 >0.9 0.45 stone 301 30119 Structure Brick wall N/S, single course thick yellow >1.6 0.1 0.4 Thermal brick wall, parallel to 30127 301 30120 Layer Backfill Dark yellow brown sand, loose, >1.6 1.6 0.4 backfill between 30119 and 30127 301 30121 Layer Backfill Dark black grey crushed slag, >1.6 1.6 0.2 compact, backfill between 30119 and 30127 301 30122 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel with >1.6 0.8 0.2 abundant brick 301 30123 Layer Backfill Demolition dump, red bricks, >1.6 >1.6 0.35 concrete, metal fittings and yellow thermal bricks in a dark grey brown silty sand matrix 301 30124 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel, 45.6 2.3 >0.45 firm 301 30125 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel >16 >2.3 0.4 301 30126 Layer Brick surface Single course deep of largely 4.9 0.4 0.13 thermal bricks, possible oven or furnace floor 301 30127 Structure Oven wall N/S, parallel to 30119, single >1.6 0.12 >0.4 course thick yellow thermal brick wall 301 30128 Layer Tarmac Black tarmac road, pavement or 1.6 0.5 0.15 surface yard surface 302 30200 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >50 >2.7 0.3 compact 302 30201 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel, >50 >2.7 0.55 Compact 302 30202 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >50 >2.7 0.50 302 30203 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey sandy gravel and >50 >2.7 0.35 coke waste, loose 302 30204 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab >4.3 >2.7 Not surface seen 302 30205 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, dark grey black 1.5 1.5 Not sandy gravel, occasional brick seen 302 30206 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown silty sand, >2.6 >1.6 0.5 occasional purple-red slag 302 30207 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 1.9 1.2 0.15 surface 302 30208 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 4.4 1.2 Not surface seen 302 30209 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete foundation 4.4 >0.7 >0.2 structure or bay structure 302 30210 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 17.1 >1.6 0.15 surface 302 30211 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete foundation >1.9 Not >0.25 structure or bay structure seen 302 30212 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete cable housing >0.5 1 1.2 cable housing

21 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

302 30213 Layer Made Ground Light yellow gritty sand, loose 1.5 >1.6 Not seen 302 30214 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 1.8 Not 0.2 surface seen 302 30215 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel with 4.4 .1.2 0.2 occasional brick and slag 302 30216 Cut Service trench Pipe trench >2 >2.2 1.4 302 30217 Fill 30216 Service trench Tertiary fill, dark grey brown sandy >2 >2.2 0.74 fill gravel with occasional brick and coke waste loose 302 30218 Fill 30216 Service trench Secondary fill, mid yellow sand, >2 >0.8 0.5 fill compact 302 30219 Fill 30216 Service trench Primary fill, dark grey brown sandy >2 >0.7 0.22 fill gravel, loose 302 30220 Structure Brick wall E/W, dark orange red brick, >0.6 Not >0.95 stretcher bond seen 302 30221 Layer Made Ground Mid orange brown medium and >12 >1.6 >0.9 large furnace waste, loose 302 30222 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump dark grey brown 17.9 >1.6 >1.5 sandy gravel and furnace waste with occasional brick, concrete and metal fittings 302 30223 Cut Service trench N/S cable trench >1.6 3 1.1 302 30224 Fill 30223 Service trench Single fill of service trench, dark >1.6 3 1.1 fill grey brown sandy gravel and slag, loose 302 30225 Cut Service trench N/S pipe trench >1.6 >1 >0.54 302 30226 Fill 30225 Service trench Single fill of service trench, dark >1.6 >1 >0.54 fill grey brown sandy gravel and slag, loose 302 30227 Layer Natural Mid blue grey clay, soft >2 >1.6 >0.4 302 30228 Layer Natural Mid brown grey gravel >1.5 >1.6 >0.2 302 30229 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel and >1.3 >1.6 >0.2 slag, loose 302 30230 Layer Made Ground Mix of off-white and mid grey slag, 2.8 >0.5 0.5 loose, probably part of 30222 302 30231 Layer Made Ground Mid white grey slag, loose, 1.9 >0.2 0.1 probably part of 30222 303 30300 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >8.3 >2.1 0.1 compact 303 30301 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >8.3 >2.1 0.7 303 30302 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, abundant >8.3 >2.1 >1.6 thermal brick, stone, concrete, red bricks and crushed coke waste, loose 303 30303 Layer Made Ground Mid red brown sandy clay and > >2.1 0.1 gravel 304 30400 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >6 >1.6 0.2 compact 304 30401 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >6 >1.6 0.6 304 30402 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >6 >1.6 0.2 304 30403 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed coke >6 >1.6 0.2 waste, compact 304 30404 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab >6 >1.6 0.4 surface 304 30405 Structure Concrete NE/SW mid grey concrete wall, >1.4 0.15 >0.7 wall corrugated iron shuttering 304 30406 Layer Bedding layer Mid yellow sand bedding for 30404 >6 >1.6 0.2 304 30407 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey gritty sandy gravel >3.3 >1.6 1.1 with abundant slag, loose 304 30408 Layer Made Ground Dark grey furnace waste in a >3.3 >1.6 1.3 matrix of dark grey clay sand with rare demolition debris 304 30409 Layer Natural Mid blue grey clay, soft >2 >1.6 >0.4 305 30500 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >5.2 >1.6 0.2 compact 305 30501 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >5.2 >1.6 0.25 305 30502 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, abundant >5.2 >1.6 >0.85

22 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

thermal brick, stone, concrete, red brick and crushed coke waste, loose 401 40100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown silty clay, friable >30.5 >3.1 0.07 401 40101 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty clay with >30.5 >3.1 0.7 abundant stone, friable 401 40102 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >30.5 >3.1 0.4 401 40103 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed coke >23.3 >1.6 0.8 waste, compact 401 40104 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel, >5.4 >1.6 0.7 loose 401 40105 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel, >5.4 >1.6 0.8 loose 401 40106 Layer Natural Mid yellow brown gravel, loose >7 >1.6 0.3 401 40107 Layer Natural Dark grey blue clay, firm >3 >1.6 >0.9 401 40108 Layer Made Ground Mid yellow brown sandy gravel, >7 >1.6 0.25 loose 401 40109 Layer Made Ground Mix of dark purple-red and mid red >7 >1.6 0.5 furnace waste, loose 401 40110 Layer Backfill Demolition dump, red brick, >12.2 >1.6 1.6 concrete and slag in a matrix of dark grey brown sandy gravel 401 40111 Structure Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete wall for a 1.7 0.2 >1.3 wall chamber together with 40113 and 40114 401 40112 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete shelf between 1.72 0.7 0.1 surface 40112 and 40111 401 40113 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete wall for a 4 0.2 >1.3 wall Chamber together with 40111 and 40114 401 40114 Structure Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete wall for a >1.7 0.2 >1.25 wall chamber together with 40111 and 40113 401 40115 Structure Concrete E/W mid grey concrete wall, only >0.5 0.2 >0.6 Wall seen in section 401 40116 Layer Backfill Demolition dump, mid grey brown 5 >1.6 0.25 sandy gravel and red bricks, rare yellow thermal bricks 402 40200 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >25.6 >1.6 0.15 compact 402 40201 Layer Made Ground Light grey brown sandy gravel, >25.6 >1.6 0.1 loose 402 40202 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel, >25.6 >1.6 0.45 loose, with common brick and slag 402 40203 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >25.6 >1.6 0.4 402 40204 Layer Floor surface Light grey brown ceramic tiles >3.8 >1.6 Not Seen 402 40205 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 1.8 >1.6 >0.2 surface 402 40206 Cut Cut of service N/S drainage trench, backfilled >1.6 0.9 >0.35 trench 402 40207 Fill 40206 Fill of service Single fill of drainage trench, mid >1.6 0.9 >0.35 trench grey sandy gravel with abundant demolition debris 402 40208 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab >18.4 >1.6 0.15 surface 402 40209 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete support or 1 >0.1 0.2 structure Foundation, seen only in section 403 40300 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >14.1 >1.6 0.25 compact 403 40301 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >14.1 >1.6 0.5 403 40302 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, red bricks with >14.1 >1.6 0.3 abundant yellow thermal bricks in a matrix of mid brown grey gritty sand, loose 403 40303 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed coke >14.1 >1.6 0.35 Waste, compact 403 40304 Layer Concrete Light grey concrete slab >6.15 >1.6 >0.1 surface 403 40305 Cut Cut of service N/S, V-shaped, service trench >1.6 1.5 >1

23 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

trench 403 40306 Fill 40305 Fill of service Single fill of service trench, mid >1.6 1.5 >1 trench brown grey sandy gritty gravel, loose 403 40307 Cut Cut of service N/S, service trench, steep sides >1.6 >1.2 >1.2 trench 403 40308 Fill 40307 Fill of service Secondary fill of service trench, >1.6 >1.2 0.8 trench mid grey brown sandy gravel, loose, backfill derived from 40310 403 40309 Fill 40307 Fill of service Primary fill of service trench, mid >1.6 >1.2 0.2 trench yellow sand, loose 403 40310 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown sandy gravel, >2.25 >1.6 2 loose, with rare dark yellow brown slag 403 40311 Layer Natural Mid blue grey clay, soft >2.25 >1.6 >0.3 403 40312 Structure Concrete Mid grey concrete support >3.5 >1.6 1 structure 404 40400 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >3.9 >1.6 0.2 compact 404 40401 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown silty clay with >3.9 >1.6 0.8 abundant stone, friable 404 40402 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed coke >3.9 >1.6 0.1 waste, compact 404 40403 Layer Concrete slab Mid grey concrete slab >3.9 >1.6 Not seen 405 40500 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >20 >1.6 0.2 compact 405 40501 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >20 >1.6 0.75 405 40502 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed coke >20 >1.6 0.3 waste, compact, with rare brick fragments 405 40503 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel and >20 >1.6 0.6 slag with common concrete and occasional red brick 405 40504 Layer Natural Mid blue grey clay, soft >20 >1.6 >1.37 405 40505 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab 3 >1.6 0.2 surface 405 40506 Layer Made Ground Light yellow brown sand with 9 >1.6 0.15 abundant small stone, compact 405 40507 Cut Cut of service N/S, pipe trench >1.6 0.8 >1.5 trench 405 40508 Fill 40507 Fill of service Single fill of pipe trench, mid grey >1.6 0.8 >1.5 trench brown stone and gravel 405 40509 Layer Made Ground Dark grey large and medium stone 8.3 >1.6 >1.3 in a matrix of dark grey sandy silt 405 40510 Structure Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete support >1.6 0.3 0.25 structure beam 405 40511 Structure Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete support >1.6 0.3 0.25 structure beam 406 40600 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >15 >1.6 0.2 compact 406 40601 Layer Made Ground Dark grey brown sandy gravel, >15 >1.6 0.2 compact 406 40602 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >15 >1.6 0.25 406 40603 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed coke >15 >1.6 0.05 waste, compact 406 40604 Layer Concrete Light grey white concrete slab >7.5 >1.6 0.2 surface 406 40605 Layer Made Ground Dark grey large and medium slag >7 >1.6 0.5 within a dark grey brown gritty sand matrix 406 40606 Layer Made Ground Mid blue grey large and medium >1.7 >1.6 0.2 slag within a light grey brown gritty sand matrix 406 40607 Cut Cut of service SW/NE service trench >1.75 >1 1.1 trench 406 40608 Fill Fill of service Single fill of service trench, even >1.75 1 1.1 trench mix of mid yellow and dark grey brown sand with occasional medium and large stone

24 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief

406 40609 Structure Concrete pipe Mid grey concrete pipe duct >1.7 >0.5 >0.3 duct 407 40700 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >6.2 >1.6 0.15 compact 407 40701 Layer Made Ground Mid grey brown silty clay, friable, >6.2 >1.6 0.95 with occasional brick fragments 407 40702 Layer Made Ground Mid grey vesicular slag >6.2 >1.6 0.25 407 40703 Structure Concrete E/W, mid grey concrete support or >2.5 >0.4 >1.15 structure foundation 407 40704 Structure Concrete wall N/S, mid grey concrete wall >1.6 0.15 >1.15 407 40705 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, abundant brick >2.5 >1.6 >1.15 and concrete in a matrix of dark grey brown gritty sandy gravel 407 40706 Structure Concrete wall E/W, mid grey concrete wall >1.5 0.2 >1.15 408 40800 Layer Hardstanding Dark grey sandy gravel and slag, >5.1 >1.6 0.2 compact 408 40801 Layer Made Ground Mid grey slag, compact >5.1 >1.6 0.8 408 40802 Layer Made Ground Dark black grey crushed coke >5.1 >1.6 0.2 waste, compact 408 40803 Layer Made Ground Demolition dump, common brick, >5.1 >1.6 0.8 slag, and concrete in a matrix of mid grey brown gritty sandy gravel, loose 408 40804 Structure Concrete N/S, mid grey concrete foundation >1.6 >0.6 0.8 structure or bay structure 408 40805 Structure Wall N/S, oven wall, mid grey concrete, >1.6 0.4 1.2 wall with a single course thick wall of yellow thermal bricks butted up against it 408 40806 Layer Backfill Dark grey slag with common >1.6 >1.6 1.4 yellow thermal bricks within a dark grey gritty sandy gravel matrix, loose 408 40807 Structure Wall N/S, oven wall, mid grey concrete, >1.6 0.4 1.2 wall with a single course thick wall of yellow thermal bricks butted up against it 408 40808 Layer Concrete Mid grey concrete slab forming >2.3 >1.6 0.25 foundation base of 40805 and 40807 slab 408 40809 Layer Made Ground Dark grey medium and large slag >1.6 1.4 1.2 within a dark grey gritty sandy gravel matrix, loose 408 40810 Layer Natural Mid blue grey clay, soft >3 >1.6 >1

25 © Cotswold Archaeology Port Talbot Steelworks, Neath Port Talbot County Borough: Archaeological Watching Brief


Trench No. Phase of work Length (m) Width (m) Depth (m)

1 1 5.5 1.8 2.7 2 1 6.4 1.8 2.7 3 1 4.7 1.8 4 4 1 3.9 1.8 3.6 5 1 4.7 1.8 3.6 6 1 5.6 1.6 2 7 1 7 1.8 0.87 8 1 5.58 1.8 3.2 9 1 3.5 1.8 4 10 1 5.2 1.6 2.2 11 1 7 1.9 2.3 12 1 3.5 1.8 4 13 1 5.2 1.8 2 14 1 5.7 4.4 2.5 15 1 5 2.1 3 16 1 5 1.8 4.5 17 1 3.7 2.4 4.1 18 1 4.5 3.2 4 101 1 50 1.6 3.7 102 1 51 1.6 4 103 1 55.2 1.6 3 104 2 4.6 1.6 1.5 105 2 6.6 1.8 5 201 1 100 1.6 3.7 202 1 36.5 1.6 2.2 203 1 19.1 1.6 4 204 1 70.3 1.6 2.9 205 2 6.6 1.6 5.3 206 2 5.6 2.4 4 207 2 5.6 2.4 4 301 1 45.6 2.3 2.6 302 1 50 2.7 3.3 303 1 8.3 2.1 2.5 304 2 6 1.6 4.6 305 2 5.2 1.6 1.3 401 1 30.5 3.1 3.8 402 1 25.6 1.6 1.45 403 1 14.1 1.6 3.3 404 1 3.9 1.6 1.1 405 1 20 1.6 3.2 406 1 15 1.6 3 407 2 6.2 1.6 4 408 2 5.1 1.6 4

26 Fig.2

N Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk Neath e [email protected] Port Talbot PROJECT TITLE Proposed Internal Power Generation Enhancement, Port Talbot Steel Works Neath Port Talbot County Borough

FIGURE TITLE Site location plan 0 1km

FIGURE NO. Reproduced from the 2014 Ordnance Survey Explorer map with PROJECT NO. 5078 DATE 10/12/2014 the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller DRAWN BY LJH REVISION 00 of Her Majesty's Stationery Office c Crown copyright Cotswold Archaeology Ltd 100002109 APPROVED BY JB SCALE@A4 1:25,000 1 00000 00000 772 774 N





5.9m T104 T205 TP2 TP1


TP3 T206

TP4 TP5 T105

T201 Chy site boundary T102 observed groundworks T304 T303 EXPOSED CABLES

T301 T302 T305 T106 Tanks EXPOSED CABLES


Pipe Line T202 TP18 T407 T401 T403 T404 T405

T406 PIPE T402 T408 Pipe Line

TCB T207 TP7 TP8 TP17 TP9 y TP6

TANK TP16 T203 Tanks

ST Pipe Line Dismantled Railwa

MP .75m

DW Conveyors

7.0m Tanks TP12 DW

Pipe Line TP15 TP10 TANK TP11 DW T103 T204 7.3m DW 0 50m


Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Digital mapping with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office c Crown copyright Cotswold Archaeology Ltd 100002109 TP14 Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Chy TP13 Archaeology w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk DW e [email protected] 6.7m


DW PROJECT TITLE Proposed Internal Power Generation 00000882 7.0m DW Enhancement, Port Talbot Steelworks MP 0 Neath Port Talbot County Borough

SM Dismantled Railway DW FIGURE TITLE Sloping masonry Trench location plan

Sloping masonry FIGURE NO. Pipe Line PROJECT NO. 5078 DATE 11/12/2014 DRAWN BY LJH REVISION 00 CENTRAL ROAD APPROVED BY JB SCALE@A3 1:1500 SS Chy 2 a


Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 a Trench 101, looking south-east Archaeology w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk e [email protected] b Trench 204, looking north-east PROJECT TITLE Proposed Internal Power Generation Enhancement, Port Talbot Steelworks Neath, Port Talbot County Borough

FIGURE TITLE Trenches 101 and 204: photographs



Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 a Trench 13, looking north-east Archaeology w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk e [email protected] b Trench 302, looking north-west (1m scale) PROJECT TITLE Proposed Internal Power Generation Enhancement, Port Talbot Steelworks Neath, Port Talbot County Borough

FIGURE TITLE Trenches 13 and 302: photographs




wall 20513

Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 a Trench 205, looking north-east Archaeology w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk e [email protected] b Wall 20513, looking east PROJECT TITLE Proposed Internal Power Generation Enhancement, Port Talbot Steelworks Neath, Port Talbot County Borough

FIGURE TITLE Trench 205: photographs



Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 a Rail track 10309, looking south-west (1m scale) Archaeology w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk e [email protected] b Rail track 20403, looking north-east PROJECT TITLE Proposed Internal Power Generation Enhancement, Port Talbot Steelworks Neath, Port Talbot County Borough

FIGURE TITLE Trenches 103 and 204: photographs



wwallall 4011440114

wwallall 4401130113

wwallall 4401110111

Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 a Trench 201, looking south-east Archaeology w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk e [email protected] b Walls 40111, 40113 and 40114, looking south-east PROJECT TITLE Proposed Internal Power Generation Enhancement, Port Talbot Steelworks Neath, Port Talbot County Borough

FIGURE TITLE Trenches 201 and 401: photographs


site boundary observed groundworks

T104 T205 TP2 TP1


TP3 T206 TP4 T105 TP5


T102 T304 T303

T301 T302 T305 T106

T202 T407 T401 T404 TP18

T402 T403 T405 T406 T408

T207 TP9 TP6 TP7 TP8 TP16 TP17 T203 0 50m

TP10 Cirencester 01285 771022 T103 TP15 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 TP11 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 TP12 Archaeology w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk T204 e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Proposed Internal Power Generation TP13 TP14 Enhancement, Port Talbot Steelworks Neath Port Talbot County Borough

FIGURE TITLE Ordnance Survey County Series, map of Glamorganshire, 1877


site boundary observed groundworks

T104 T205 TP2 TP1


TP3 T206 T105 TP4 TP5


T102 T304 T303

T301 T302 T305 T106

T202 T407 T401 T403 T404 TP18

T402 T405 T406 T408

T207 TP7 TP8 TP9 TP6 TP16 TP17 T203 0 50m

TP11 TP10 Cirencester 01285 771022 T103 TP15 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 TP12 Archaeology w www.cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk T204 e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Proposed Internal Power Generation TP14 Enhancement, Port Talbot Steelworks Neath Port Talbot County Borough TP13 FIGURE TITLE Ordnance Survey County Series, map of Glamorganshire, 1940