Associated Canals
ECODYNAMICS AND FISHERY STATUS OF UPPER STRETCH OF RIVER YAMUNA AND ASSOCIATEDCANALS September ZOO3 Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Barrackpore, Kokata -700 120 West Bengal Ecodynamics and Fishery Status of Upper Stretch of River Yamuna and Associated Canals Material cor~tninedb~ dis B~rllerirrntap rlor he repmdrrced, in any foni~, without the perrnis~iorrofrlre publisher Produced at : The Pmjecl Monitoring & Documentation Section CIFRI, Barrackpore Assistance : Kishore Shaw hblishcd by : The Director, CIFRI, Barrackpore Printed at : MIS. Classic Printer, 93, D.D. Road, Kolkata-700048 PREFACE River Yamuna, also called Kalindi in some areas, is the largest tributary of Ganga having a run of 1376 km draining an area of 3,66,223 Its catchment area of 3,425,848 km2 is spread over 7 Northem States. Yamuna basin has been well developed from time Immemorial. Great civilizations from Mahabharat (Kurukshetra, lndraprastha (Delhi), Mathura) to Moghul (Agra) to Maratha times (Indore, Gwalior) all dwelt within its catchment area. Presence of all these civilizations show that Yamuna basin was well developed with regard to agriculture, industrialization and urbanization. Resources of upper Yamuna have been utilized from mid historical per~odsof Ferozshah Tughlak times. He was the first to utilize Yamuna water for irrigation. A 160 km long canal from Tajewallah to present Hissar district of Hatyana was calved in his regime. Mughal king Akbar extended the canal right up to Delhi. In 19Ih century Britishers rebuilt the irrigation system by constructing Tajewallah barrage in 1899 and calving 2 main irrigation canals, Westem and Eastern Yamuna Canal, the former irrigating present day Haryana and the latter Western U.P.
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