GayMardiGras.COM • GayNewOrleans.COM • SouthernDecadence.COM • Oct. 9-22, 2012 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • 21 joint stumble. You must practice, prac- might not notice you, going shopping, reVIEW...books, movies, cds tice, practice. and a rooftop cocktail party. Again body Design elements in a zombie abode and breath odor vary according to the include a black and white television set situation. Places to avoid are beaches, tuned to static, a rusty, broken shop- military bases, hospitals, nursing by Blanche ping cart, crumbling bricks by the fire- homes, and the airport. Coming out as Email:
[email protected] place, a freestanding toilet, buckets a zombie to family and friends may be Photo by Larry Graham, GrahamStudioOne.COM filled with mysterious liquids, old metal risky. Tell your mother first and you will coat hangers, heavy chains, dead be home free with everyone else. Get hen I pulled up to my plants, a pile of mannequin body parts, friends really drunk; going on a long trip building one afternoon smashed vases and old, broken furni- is good. Try having children, puppies, Wlast week I noticed a ture. or old people around. large box from FedEx at my door. I was Last but not least are your zombie ZOMBIE EYE FOR THE LIVING curious as I hadn’t ordered anything. social skills. When hanging with a mixed GUY is a fun read. It could be a coffee- The last time I received a package this crowd you will not want to smell like a table book, a gift, a guide for your big, the Saints had won the Super Bowl zombie.