LUXOR Luminary THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF LUXOR SHRINERS Luxor Shriners Head Office, 14 McLaughlin Crescent, P.O. Box 2084, Saint John, NB E2L 3T5 Vol 76 • No. 1 • Spring 2016 2016 Potentate Ill. Sir Donald E. Demmings & Lady Julie Phone: 506 652 2832 • Fax: 506 658 9231 Website: • E–mail:
[email protected] Page 2 Luxor Luminary Spring 2016 Spring 2016 Luxor Luminary Page 3 A Message from our A Message from our IMPERIAL POTENTATE ILLUSTRIOUS POTENTATE forth by each one of us ev- Nobles, if you have not seen ery day - that will ultimately or participated in a Northeast make the difference in our Fall Field Days ,here is your membership and patient re- chance and we at Luxor need cruitment efforts. your support and Help. Donate Shriners International a few hours of your time and Awareness Day is June 6. your Lady can assist as well. This is the perfect opportu- Make plans to come to Freder- nity for every noble to reach icton for a few hours and join out in some way in their in the Fellowship. We will greet community and showcase you with a welcoming smile and our fraternity, and its impor- a hand shake. See you there! tance locally and globally. It All Nobles of Luxor must is also a perfect time for ev- make a trip to your Shrine Cen- ery temple to open the doors tre. I get excited every time I Ill. Sir Donald E. Demmings Imperial Sir Jerry G. Gantt and invite the community - visit the Shrine Centre.