Australian Bar Review Ten Years in the High Court
AUSTRALIAN BAR REVIEW TEN YEARS IN THE HIGH COURT - CONTINUITY & CHANGE* The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG** WHAT IS IT REALLY LIKE? It is almost ten years since my appointment as a Justice of the High Court of Australia. Not long after I had first taken my seat, I addressed a constitutional law class at the University of Sydney. My lecture was titled "What Is It Really Like to be a Justice of the High Court of Australia?". The lecture was later published1. Now, from the advantage of a decade's service, I will describe the changes I have witnessed. A barrister who keeps abreast of the case law necessarily enters the minds of the Justices of the High Court and lives, in a sense, with their values, attitudes and habits of reasoning. Inevitably, not a few speculate on what it would be like to live and work in the great * Text of a talk given to the Bar Readers course, NSW Bar Association, Sydney, 17 October 2005. ** Justice of the High Court of Australia. 1 (1997) 19 Sydney Law Review 514. 2. courthouse in Canberra, by Lake Burley Griffin. There is nothing wrong with aspiration. Some, more ambitious, imagine themselves, decades hence, occupying one of the chambers on the ninth level of that building. However, the numbers called are very few2. In the history of the Court, I was but the fortieth Justice. When Justice McHugh leaves the Court on 31 October 2005, Justice Susan Crennan, the forty-fifth Justice will be sworn3. Forty-five is not many in little more than a century.
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