A Spectacle of Maps: Cartographic Hopes and Anxieties in the Pamirs
A Spectacle of Maps: Cartographic Hopes and Anxieties in the Pamirs Martin Saxer, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Abstract Over the past 150 years, a great number of cartographic anxieties and hopes have shaped lives and relations in the Pamirs. The Great Game over imperial spheres of influence was followed by Soviet and Chinese anxieties regarding territorial integrity and the loyalty of their borderland populations; since the end of the Cold War, settling the remaining demarcated borders has become a primary concern in Central Asia; meanwhile, mining companies are anxious to claim territories for mineral extraction, and the maps of national parks and nature reserves aim at mitigating ecological anxieties and claim spaces for conservation. The result is a veritable spectacle of maps. Following Rob Kitchin and Martin Dodge (2007), this article argues that maps are “ontogenetic” rather than representational—they foster realities on the ground. Map- making projects derived from cartographic anxieties are embedded in particular visions of the future, and thus they can serve as a vantage point from which to explore the changing modes of outside engagement in the Pamirs. Keywords: Pamirs, Tajikistan, history, Moscow provisioning, Tajik National Park, mining, map making, cartographic anxiety The red line blazed upon the world map—the border of the Soviet soil sparkled like the verge of two epochs, like a border between the past and the future. —Nikolai Nikolaevich Mikhailov, On the Map of the Motherland, 1947 Introduction On November 2, 1907, Lord Curzon of Kedleston delivered a lecture at the Sheldonian Theater in Oxford. Looking back on his career as undersecretary of state and later as viceroy of India, he said, “I had had official cognizance of a period of great anxiety, when the main sources of diplomatic preoccupation, and sometimes of international danger, had been the determination of the Frontiers of the Empire in Central Asia” (Curzon 1907, A2).
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