No. 3 April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 Rok MMVII

Honorary Members of Polish Women’s Alliance PWA’s 35th National Convention

was as beloved in America as she Is Headed for was in Europe—one could call her Cleveland, Ohio one of the very first international super stars. She spent her early life in Poland, immigrating later to the United States which became her sec- ond home. She was born on October Every four years, PWA delegates from 12, 1840, in Cracow, Poland, and she across the nation come together to delib- died on April 8, 1909, in Newport erate on the future of the organization, to Beach, California. amend its Constitution, and to elect new Helena started acting as a young officers. This year, the Convention will girl at a school run by the Presenta- be held in Cleveland, Ohio, hosted by tion Sisters in Russian-occupied District VII’s State President Irena Honc-Jadlos and the Pre-Convention Poland. Her acting career began on Committee. Two National Conventions were held in Cleveland in the past, Helena Modrzejewska provincial stages and by age 21 the first one exactly one hundred years ago in 1907, and again in 1967. reviews of her talents were reaching Cleveland, one of the oldest cities on the Great The third Honorary Member of the bigger cities in Poland as well. Lakes, was founded in 1796 by General Moses Polish Women’s Alliance, after writ- She was tall and graceful and she Cleaveland, the head surveyor of the Connecti- ers Maria Konopnicka and Eliza had a beautiful voice. She soon cut Land Company. The city was named after its Orzeszkowa, was world-famous earned a contract in Lwow and after founder and the spelling was shortened to Polish actress Helena Modrzejewska. two years there, went on to perform Cleveland. The city was incorporated in 1836. She was a legend in her time, known and tour in other Polish cities on the Photos from top: City skyline, Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame, city in 1855. Continued on and respected on two continents. She Russian border Continued on page 2 page 2

Resolution Bestowing Honorary U.S. Citizenship In this issue: on Casimir Pulaski Passes in Senate Convention News and Deadlines page 3 How to submit Applications for Washington, DC—On March 20, House of Representatives.This honor National Office page 3 2007, a joint resolution “Proclaiming has been given only to six other per- PWA Annuities can earn up to 5 % page 4 Casimir Pulaski to be an honorary sons in the past, Winston Churchill 35th Convention Special! pages 5-6 citizen of the United States posthu- and Mother Teresa. among them. Calendar of Events page 7 mously” was passed in the U.S. Casimir Pulaski, who had come to Youth Section page 9 Senate by unanimous consent, with- fight in the American War of National Cash Raffle is here ! page 10 out amendment. The resolution was Independence as a volunteer in Scholarship Reminders page 10 sponsored by Illinois Senator Richard George Washington’s army, lost his PWA Receives Heritage Grant page 11 Durbin, Democrat, with nine cospon- life in the Battle for Savannah on sors, in alphabetical order: Senators October 11, 1779. The Continental Join the four Polish Fraternals for the Second Annual White Sox Night, Ben Cardin, Thomas Carpe, Robert Congress decreed in 1779 that a Great America Outing, and Junior Bowling. See pages 9 and 10. Casey Jr., Hillary Clinton, John monument be erected in Pulaski’s Kerry, Barbara Mikulski, Lisa honor in Savannah. More than two Murkowski, Barack Obama, and hundred years later, the U.S. 35th Convention Special Mark Pryor. An identical resolution Congress now bestows another honor Get a Special Gift if you apply by April 30th. had been introduced by Rep. Denis on the Polish American hero—the See pages 5 and 6 for details. Kucinich on March 5, 2007, in the honor of U.S. citizenship. PAGE 2 April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 G£OS POLEK

G£OS POLEK Honorary Members of PWA Continued from page 1 STATE PRESIDENTS Urzêdowy Organ as well as in Russia. Her career real- She then appeared to great ZWI¥ZKU POLEK W AMERYCE *District I - Illinois, Florida, Missouri ly took off when she finally moved acclaim on the stages of New York, Wychodzi osiem razy w roku Delphine Lytell, 7918 W. 100th St., back to Cracow in October 1865. Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, and Palos Hills, IL 60465 The theater scene in Cracow was a Washington, DC. Her excellent act- THE POLISH WOMEN'S VOICE Email: [email protected] special place, brimming with new ing technique was often commented PUBLISHED BY District II - Western Pennsylvania Anthylene M. Blasic, 227 Blasic St., ideas and energy. The repertories on as was her magnetic personality. THE POLISH WOMEN'S Parkhill, PA 15945 embraced both Polish and foreign Three years later, in 1880, she ALLIANCE OF AMERICA classics, as well as ambitious con- sailed to England for a number of District III - Indiana 6643 N. Northwest Hwy., 2nd Fl. temporary dramas, and with a group guest performances and she would Chicago, IL 60631 Delphine Huneycutt, 4909 Baring Ave., East Chicago, IN 46312 of other talented Polish actors go back many times, both to England www.pwaa.org District IV - New York & Erie, PA. - Modrzejewska soon became part of and to Poland. She especially loved Virginia Sikora - Managing Editor Christine Wozniak, 2538 East 42nd St., the “Cracow School,” known for a to perform for her countrymen, in Erie, PA 16510 modern, psychological approach to her mother tongue. She became a Email: [email protected] EDITORIAL OFFICE - REDAKCJA dramatic interpretation. U.S. citizen in 1883 and continued 6643 N. Northwest Hwy., 2nd Fl. District V - Michigan After four successful years in acting until her retirement from the Chicago, Illinois, 60631 Mary Ann Nowak, 17397 Millar Rd., Cracow, Modrzejewska finally made stage in 1907. Her home and gar- PHONE (847) 384-1200 Clinton Township, MI 48036 her Warsaw debut. The capital city dens, called Arden, in Lake Forest, FAX (847) 384-1494 District VI - Wisconsin fell in with the young actress California, have been designated a Mary Mirecki Piergies, English Editor Diane M. Reeve, 1223 S. 10th St., Milwaukee, WI 53204 from the provinces, whom they had National Historic Landmark. Gra¿yna Zajaczkowska, Polish Editor heard so much about. For the next After her retirement, she devoted District VII - Ohio ten years, she appeared in countless herself to writing her memoirs, in Polish Women’s Voice (Glos Polek) Irena Honc-Jadlos, 12500 Edgewater Dr., (ISSN 0199-0462) (USPS 220-480) Apt. 207 Lakewood, OH 44107 plays in Warsaw to rave reviews. She English, Memories and Impressions. is published eight times a year by the District VIII - Massachusetts loved playing Shakespearean roles She died in 1909 and was buried in Polish Women’s Alliance of America. Sylvia Morytko, 24 Bear Hole Rd., West and it seemed like they had been Los Angeles. In accordance with her Postmaster: Send address changes to: Springfield, MA 01089 written especially for her! Her acting last will, her remains were later put Glos Polek, 6643 N. Northwest Hwy., District IX - Connecticut skills got even better as she matured to rest next to her mother’s grave at 2nd Fl., Chicago, Illinois, 60631. Stephanie T. Marcaccio, 196 Hickory Hill She became one of the most talked the Rakowicki Cemetery in Cracow Ln., Newington, CT 06111 about women in Europe. in a funeral ceremony which turned PRINTED IN DES PLAINES, IL District X - New Jersey, Eastern New In 1876 Modrzejewska, her sec- into a patriotic demonstration. PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID at York and Philadelphia ond husband Karol Chlapowski, and PWAmembers were very proud of Josephine Kuklasinski, 371 Armstrong CHICAGO, IL and additional mailing offices. her son left Poland for the United Modrzejewska and the good will and Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07305 Officers Email: [email protected] States. They bought a farm near good name that she brought to Anaheim, California, along with Poland and to Polish people every- VIRGINIA SIKORA President District XI -Nebraska SHARON ZAGO Vice President Bernadette Vlock, 13586 Cedar St., Henryk Sienkiewicz, the future where. She was clearly the most GRAZYNA MIGALA National Secretary Omaha, NE 68144 Nobel Prize-winning writer, and a famous Polish woman, not only in BARBARA MILLER Treasurer District XII - Maryland and few other artists. They wanted to the U.S., but in the world. They con- HELEN V. WOJCIK Hon. President Washington, DC establish a community where cre- tacted her soon after the organization HELEN ZIELINSKI Hon. President Theresa E. Violanti, 9401 Orbitan Crt., ativity and art would thrive, but they was founded. She was interested in Carney, MD 21234 Directors were not successful at this endeavor, women’s causes, had attended a Helen Simmons District XIII - California so Helena took a crash course in Women’s Conference in Chicago in Jennie Starzyk Benton Alicia Van Laar, 2624 Citronella Crt., English, simplified her last name to 1893, and was very supportive of Antoinette Trela-Vander Noot Simi Valley, CA 93063 Modjeska, and appeared in San PWA and its mission. After her Email: [email protected] Felicia Perlick Francisco in her first English lan- death, her daughter-in-law donated Marcia Mackiewicz-Duffy District XIV - Eastern Pennsylvania guage role in 1877. She was an some of Modrzejewska’s personal , Helen Lopez, 22 Vista Drive, Nanticoke instant hit and her American career mementos to PWA, many of which Medical Examiner PA 18634 Maria Wieczorek, MD Email: [email protected] was launched. can be viewed at the Home Office.

You can also contact us by e-mail or visit www.pwaa.org Cleveland Continued from page 1 If you have access to the Internet you can contact Polish Women’s Alliance of Cleveland’s growth was stimulat- The city’s cultural attractions America at the following e-mail addresses or call our toll-free number at 888-522-1898. ed by the opening of the Ohio and include the Cleveland Museum of President Virginia Sikora - [email protected] Erie canals in 1832 and, later, by the Art and the Cleveland Orchestra, one Vice President Sharon Zago - [email protected] National Secretary Grazyna Migala - [email protected] advent of the Civil War, with the of the country’s most highly Treasurer Barbara Miller - [email protected] increasing demand for machinery, acclaimed symphony orchestras. G³os Polek Editors - [email protected] railroad equipment, ships, and other Jacobs Field, a major league ball- PWAA’s general e-mail address is [email protected] items. The fast growth of this vibrant park, and the Rock and Roll Hall of city on the lake attracted thousands Fame also draw thousands of visitors Next Deadlines for Glos Polek of immigrants at the turn of the cen- to the city. The population in 2005 tury, including many Poles. Cleve- was 452,000. For a few days this May issue: Deadline for articles is April 20th land is home to many Polish church- summer, that number will increase as June issue: Deadline for articles is May 20th es and organizations and it has a PWA delegates come to visit and July issue: Deadline for articles is June 20th number of old Polish neighborhoods. explore the city! G£OS POLEK April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 PAGE 3

35th Convention News and Notices CALLING ALL CANDIDATES!

A reminder to ALL members! Application Deadline is April 20th for Candidates for Office in the APRIL 15th is the Deadline General Administration of PWA for Amendments to the Constitution!! The Committee on Nominations will start its work on May 1, 2007. The members of the Committee are listed below. According to the Constitution Let’s do it!! and Bylaws of Polish Women’s Alliance of America, the Nominations You do not have to be a Delegate to the Convention to send in an amendment Committee is to be called by the National President at least 90 days to the Constitution! All members have a voice in the future of the PWA. This before the Convention. is your opportunity to suggest changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of the The Committee on Nominations will review applications for the following PWA, the governing document of our organization. offices in the General Administration: President, Vice President, Secretary, The proposals must be in writing and must include your full name and Group Treasurer, and Directors (five positions of Director need to be filled). number, as well as your signature. Councils or Groups submitting amend- Members of Polish Women’s Alliance who are seeking office should mail ments must include the names and signatures of all members proposing the their statements of candidacy to: amendment. The revised Constitution was printed in the Glos Polek in 2004. Nominations Committee If you did not save that issue of the Glos Polek, you can download a copy of Polish Women’s Alliance of America the Constitution as a Word file from the PWA website at www.pwaa.org. 6643 N. Northwest Hwy, 2nd Floor The deadline for submitting proposals to the Committee is April 15, 2007. Chicago, IL 60631 All letters must be sent to the following address, postmarked no later than April 15, 2007: Letters must be postmarked no later than midnight, April 20, 2007. Committee on Constitutional Amendments Candidates are asked to include a recent photograph with their statement Polish Women’s Alliance of America of candidacy. 6643 N. Northwest Hwy, 2nd Floor Members of Nominations Committee Chicago, IL 60631 Members of the Nominations Committee have been announced by Chair: Delphine Lytell, District I President President Virginia Sikora. They are: Members Rita Giersch, Gr. 211; Teresa Makowski, Gr. 114; Andrea Torok Gr. 128 District III Chair Dawn Nelson, Gr. 743; and Monica Serafin, Gr. 440. Evelyn Lisek Gr. 562 District III Diane Svitko Gr. 132 District III Registration Forms and Fees Are Due in the Home Office by May 31, 2007 Members of Pre-Convention Committee Make your travel arrangements now! The Chair of the Pre-Convention Committee is now the newly elected State President Irena Honc Jadlos. Committee members are: The 35th National Convention of PWA will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, Chair: Irena Honc-Jadlos, District VII President from Saturday, August 25th, through Tuesday, August 28th, 2007. Co-Chair: Grazyna Buczek, Gr. 754 Secretary: Kate Thomas, Gr. 49 Forms: Delegates, Alternates, and Guests have received Registration Treasurer: Jadwiga Kopij, Gr. 544 Forms (green) and Emergency Contact Forms (pink) in the mail. These Advisory: Mary Rostafinski, Gr. 55 must be returned, along with the Registration Fee, no later than May 31st. Members: Beata Telesz, Gr 55., Jadwiga Jablonski, Gr. 87 Fees: The Registration Fee of $225 per Delegate, Alternate, and Guest is the responsibility of the Delegate and/or her Group or Council. The Registration Fee is also due by May 31st. Included in the fee is a Convention Program Book ticket to the Convention Banquet in the amount of $100. Deadline for Ads is May 31st Travel: Travel Expenses for Delegates will be covered by the Home Office. Please contact Dee or Melody at The Travel Gallery by calling Polish Women’s Alliance is 109 years old and thousands of members 773-763-6161 to make your travel arrangements. This is the only strong. We are looking forward to the next 109 years and hope to meet approved travel agent for air transportation to the Convention. head-on the challenges of the 21st century. The 35th National Convention will be setting the agenda for the future. Be a part of the Convention! Be a Hotel: Accommodations for Delegates will be covered by the Home part of our future! Send in your greetings and photos to appear in the 35th Office, based on double occupancy. Do not contact the hotel directly; the Convention Commemorative Program Book by May 31st, 2007. Home Office will make all arrangements with the hotel. If you wish single Letters have been mailed to all members and Groups. Ads range from accommodation (at extra cost to you) or to let us know your roommate $15 for a one-line Patron ad; $25 for a two-line Sponsor ad; $50 for a preference, please include a note to that effect when you mail in your quarter page ad; $100 for half a page; and $200 for a full-page ad. Photos Forms and Fees. are $10 extra. Questions? If you have questions, please contact the Office of the For more information, please call Mary Rostafinski, Program Book National Secretary by calling 1-800-522-1898, ext 1211. Committee Chair, at 440-333-0092 or 216-226-5496. PAGE 4 April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2006 G£OS POLEK

EARN 5% ON PWAA ANNUITIES including Traditional and Roth IRAs

To take advantage of this promotion you must respond

on or before APRIL 15, 2007


MINIMUM INITIAL DEPOSIT $500 1.888.522.1898 ext. 228 or 206

A minimum of $500 must be submitted with the application. If you accept the offer, Polish Women's Alliance of America will

- Issue a contract, Form Number FPDA-2006. - The issue date of the contract will be the date we receive your signed application and the initial premium. - Bonus interest credit ends after one year from the contract issue date. - After the initial one-year period, interest credits will continue at an attractive rate, which we will declare from time to time. We guarantee that the rate will never be less than 3 percent. - You may make additional premium payments at any time in any amount not less than $100. - Withdrawal charges will be deducted from the amounts withdrawn in the first five (5) contract years. The withdrawal charges are cal- culated as a percentage of the amount withdrawn as follows: year one - 7%, year two - 6%, year three - 5%, year four - 4 %, year five - 3%, year six and on - 0%. The Annual Limits for Contributions - The bonus rate also applies to any additional contributions made during the first year. to Traditional IRAs (TIRAs) and Roth IRAs (RIRAs) - Amounts withdrawn before age 59 ½ may be subject to a 10% FOR TAX YEARS 2006 AND 2007 federal penalty for each withdrawal. TIRA under age 50 $ 4,000 RIRA under age 50 $ 4,000 Enrollment is easy. Just complete the application on this page, TIRA age 50 to 70 ½ $ 5,000 RIRA age 50 to 70 ½ $ 5,000 sign, date, and return with your check to: You can contribute the allowed limits for tax year 2006 until Polish Women's Alliance of America, April 15th, 2007; and you can also contribute for tax year 2007. 6643 N. Northwest Hwy., 2nd Floor YOU CAN ALSO ROLLOVER MONEY FROM YOUR IRAs TO PWAA. Chicago, IL 60631- 1360 Call 1.888.522.1898 for the proper forms. Questions? Call 1.888.522.1898 ext 228 or 206 There is NO LIMIT on Regular, Flexible, Premium-Deferred Annuities. G£OS POLEK April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 PAGE 5

35th CONVENTION Insurance Corner SPECIAL with Bo Padowski

During our 35th Convention Special Can you please give me some tips on you can apply for Q. purchasing Life Insurance for chil- $2,000 dren? I have 3 children ages 2, 4 and 7 and I want to know if should I buy life Single Payment Whole Life Insurance. insurance for them or not? This is a ONE-TIME OFFER ONLY!! Susan G., Wisconsin In addition, if you are a PWAA member in good standing (that is, if you have an I believe that buying life insurance for children is a great, active life insurance or annuity policy), low-cost way to set money aside for the future and to make sure they’ll have the premium will be reduced by $35 insurance as adults, in case an illness later in life should make them uninsurable, if you use the especially if there’s a history of health problems in your family, such as diabetes or heart disease. XXXV PWAA CONVENTION If you buy a policy for a child, I would recommend you consider the SPECIAL COUPON whole life policy with a single premium or limited premium payments. Why? on page 6. Because you want to be sure that the policy is paid up before the child becomes a young adult and before you give the policy to the child. Many experts suggest Don’t miss this great one-time opportunity that children will have trouble buying insurance on their own for the first time to increase your life insurance coverage when they are right out of college, or starting their first job. And if you pass on to without going through a medical examination!! them a policy which is not paid up, the child may be not able to continue sending in the payments and the policy may lapse. If you apply on or before The next factor for you to consider is that accidents do happen. This is April 30th, 2007, another reason to insure children—to cover final expenses after an unexpected you will receive death, such as funeral arrangements, which today can range from $10,000 to a special gift, a $20,000. The average family may not have the funds for such an expense, and the POLISH HANDPAINTED life insurance will help. EASTER EGG In addition to the above, buying a whole life policy from Polish Women’s “PISANKA” Alliance automatically makes the child a member of our organization and, in the future, the child may be eligible for a scholarship. Each year we award approxi- mately $50,000 in college scholarships to members. RULES: PWA offers two very popular plans for children. One is the Single Promotion starts now and ends August 15, 2007. Payment Whole Life and the second is the 10-Year Payment Whole Life Plan. The minimum issue is $3,000. However, currently we have a 35th Convention Any person between the ages 16 days and 85 years Special that you can take advantage of and apply for $2,000 in a Single Payment (nearest birthday) can participate. Whole Life policy as a starter. See page 6 of this issue of Glos Polek for rates. For existing PWAA members in good standing (those For children to age 10 we also offer an Education Life Builder Plan. This plan who have an active PWAA life insurance or annuity poli- is a combination whole life insurance and annuity rider, which saves money on cy) we are offering a special $35 - XXXV Convention the deferred bases. The child at age 19, on the anniversary of the issue date of Coupon (see page 6). policy, will receive a check from the maturity of the annuity rider and will still have a paid-up whole life policy. This plan is very popular with grandparents or Each active PWAA member can use one coupon. The parents as a gift for a child’s first communion or baptism. $35 - XXXV Convention Coupon is transferable. For information about any insurance plan offered by PWA or for rates, please send in the coupon below or call me at 888-522-1898 ext.228 or send me TO APPLY: an email to [email protected]. Fill in the application on page7. Request for Life Insurance Quote - April 2007 Look up the rates in the table on page 6. Your Name: ______Find your age (to the nearest birthday); then look for the corresponding single premium. If you will be using Your Address: ______the 35th Convention Coupon on page 6, you must fill it Your Age (nearest birthday) ______Sex ___ Smoker / Non-Smoker out and send it along with the completed application (on Spouse’s Age (nearest birthday) ______Sex ___ Smoker / Non-Smoker page 7) and with the premium payment to: Daytime Phone Number: ______Polish Women’s Alliance of America 6643 N Northwest Hwy.; 2nd Floor; Chicago, IL 60631 Comments: ______

Questions? Please call Bo Padowski at 888-522-1898, ext. 228 ______PAGE 6 April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 G£OS POLEK

35th CONVENTION SPECIAL Single Premium Rates for $2,000 Face Amount Whole Life Insurance FEMALE MALE Age* Without With Age* Without With Age* Without With Age* Without With Coupon Coupon Coupon Coupon Coupon Coupon Coupon Coupon

0 169.96 134.96 43 651.34 616.34 0 191.26 156.26 43 704.40 669.40 1 173.28 138.28 44 670.54 635.54 1 194.02 159.02 44 723.62 688.62 2 177.00 142.00 45 690.14 655.14 2 198.06 163.06 45 743.66 708.66 3 181.02 146.02 46 709.72 674.72 3 202.64 167.64 46 763.82 728.82 4 185.42 150.42 47 729.46 694.46 4 207.80 172.80 47 784.58 749.58 5 189.94 154.94 48 749.18 714.18 5 213.20 178.20 48 805.52 770.52 6 194.74 159.74 49 768.56 733.56 6 218.80 183.80 49 826.72 791.72 7 199.70 164.70 50 787.78 752.78 7 224.64 189.64 50 848.26 813.26 8 204.80 169.80 51 807.24 772.24 8 230.70 195.70 51 870.36 835.36 9 210.12 175.12 52 826.54 791.54 9 237.04 202.04 52 892.96 857.96 10 215.62 180.62 53 845.90 810.90 10 243.66 208.66 53 916.04 881.04 11 221.38 186.38 54 865.64 830.64 11 250.48 215.48 54 939.54 904.54 12 227.34 192.34 55 885.98 850.98 12 257.60 222.60 55 962.92 927.92 13 233.52 198.52 56 905.84 870.84 13 264.96 229.96 56 986.48 951.48 14 239.90 204.90 57 926.00 891.00 14 272.58 237.58 57 1,011.46 976.46 15 246.46 211.46 58 946.48 911.48 15 280.36 245.36 58 1,035.82 1,000.82 16 253.16 218.16 59 967.42 932.42 16 288.30 253.30 59 1,059.98 1,024.98 17 260.12 225.12 60 988.28 953.28 17 296.00 261.00 60 1,083.70 1,048.70 18 267.24 232.24 61 1,009.22 974.22 18 303.56 268.56 61 1,106.70 1,071.70 19 274.70 239.70 62 1,030.10 995.10 19 311.04 276.04 62 1,129.58 1,094.58 20 282.36 247.36 63 1,050.62 1,015.62 20 318.68 283.68 63 1,153.54 1,118.54 21 342.14 307.14 64 1,071.86 1,036.86 21 378.88 343.88 64 1,178.26 1,143.26 22 352.18 317.18 65 1,092.08 1,057.08 22 388.26 353.26 65 1,203.30 1,168.30 23 362.40 327.40 66 1,110.96 1,075.96 23 398.40 363.40 66 1,226.22 1,191.22 24 372.98 337.98 67 1,130.16 1,095.16 24 409.08 374.08 67 1,249.12 1,214.12 25 383.88 348.88 68 1,150.08 1,115.08 25 420.36 385.36 68 1,273.78 1,238.78 26 395.10 360.10 69 1,169.96 1,134.96 26 432.44 397.44 69 1,294.52 1,259.52 27 406.74 371.74 70 1,189.94 1,154.94 27 445.20 410.20 70 1,319.14 1,284.14 28 418.72 383.72 71 1,210.16 1,175.16 28 458.48 423.48 71 1,341.78 1,306.78 29 431.18 396.18 72 1,232.22 1,197.22 29 472.20 437.20 72 1,358.98 1,323.98 30 443.98 408.98 73 1,251.94 1,216.94 30 485.98 450.98 73 1,377.68 1,342.68 31 457.38 422.38 74 1,272.84 1,237.84 31 499.92 464.92 74 1,399.58 1,364.58 32 471.26 436.26 75 1,293.86 1,258.86 32 513.96 478.96 75 1,427.40 1,392.40 33 485.62 450.62 76 1,320.38 1,285.38 33 528.76 493.76 76 1,454.42 1,419.42 34 500.42 465.42 77 1,348.12 1,313.12 34 544.24 509.24 77 1,480.84 1,445.84 35 515.78 480.78 78 1,376.50 1,341.50 35 560.16 525.16 78 1,507.48 1,472.48 36 531.30 496.30 79 1,404.78 1,369.78 36 576.42 541.42 79 1,535.18 1,500.18 37 547.18 512.18 80 1,433.60 1,398.60 37 593.00 558.00 80 1,562.82 1,527.82 38 563.24 528.24 81 1,463.34 1,428.34 38 610.44 575.44 81 1,589.48 1,554.48 39 579.86 544.86 82 1,493.22 1,458.22 39 628.34 593.34 82 1,616.38 1,581.38 40 596.90 561.90 83 1,522.16 1,487.16 40 646.76 611.76 83 1,643.10 1,608.10 41 614.50 579.50 84 1,552.22 1,517.22 41 665.92 630.92 84 1,671.58 1,636.58 42 632.64 597.64 85 1,582.06 1,547.06 42 685.46 650.46 85 1,699.80 1,664.80 * Age to the nearest birthday. If you are a member of Polish Women’s Alliance of America you can use the coupon below (one coupon per PWAA member). Please fill out the information in the coupon below and send it together with the application on page 7 and with the premium payment to PWAA. 35th Convention Coupon $35 For Existing PWAA Members OFF! This coupon can be used with the 35th Convention Special only. This coupon cannot be redeemed for cash. Please return with application and payment to: Polish Women’s Alliance, 6643 N. Northwest Hwy, 2nd Fl., Chicago, IL 60631.

1. Information about you: (if you are an existing PWAA member; if you are not a PWAA member, you cannot use this coupon): Name: ______Date of Birth: ______Address: ______Phone Number: ______PWA Certificate Number: ______For Home Office Use Only: 2. Below please write the name of the person for whom you wish to use this coupon: Number of New Certificate: ______Name of Proposed Insured: ______Group Number: ______Issue Date: ______Insured Name: ______Your Signature: ______Date: ______For: ______G£OS POLEK April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 PAGE 7

SUNDAY APRIL 15 Group 585 Easter Social at 12 noon in the cafeteria of St. Bartholomew’s parish, Outer Drive and Wexford, in Detroit. Dinner, Bingo, and prizes. See page 8 for details. Contact: Kathryn Modelski, President. Group 819 Divine Mercy Sunday at 3 p.m., St. John Brebeuf Church, Niles IL. Penny Social follows at 4 p.m. Contact: Sylvia Kania at 773-685-7807. THURSDAY, APRIL 19 Second Annual Polish Night at White Sox Park U.S. Cellular Field, Chicago, Illinois, For details, please see page 10 or call the Vice President’s Office at 1-888-522-1898, ext. 208. SUNDAY, APRIL 22 Council 21 Indiana celebrates its 75th Anniversary. Mass at 10 a.m. with St. Cecilia Choir at St. Stanislaus Church in East Chicago. Dinner follows in Social Hall. Contact: Bernice Olszowska at 219-663-8746. SUNDAY, APRIL 29 Group 341 Krakowianki will meet at the Panera Bread Company, 3401 Blvd of the Allies, Pittsburgh, after the 9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Hyacinth’s Church, 3201 Croft Place. Contact: Vicki Niemiec at 412-422-5754. WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 Group 211 Mother’s Day Luncheon at 1 p.m. Zia’s Restaurant, 6699 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago. All PWA members and guests are invited. See article on page 8 for details. SATURDAY, MAY 12 Council 9 Mother-Daughter Luncheon at l p.m. in Flannigan Hall, St. John Brebeuf School, Niles, IL. See ad on this page. SATURDAY, MAY 19 Council 27 Mother’s Day Celebration. Please save the date! Details to follow. Contact: Council President Czeslawa Kolak or Bo Padowski at 847-384-1200, ext 228. SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Polish American Day at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Illinois. Bring the family for a day of fun! Doors open at 9 a.m. See page 10 for details or call the Vice President’s Office at 1- 888-522-1898, ext. 208. SATURDAY , JUNE 30 10th Annual Mother-Daughter Luncheon District XIV Annual Scholarship Breakfast will be held on Saturday, June 30, 2007, at Convention Hall, Pittston PA. For Hosted by Council 9 information/reservations please call District XIV State President Helen Lopez at 570-735-1066. Join us in Honoring Our Council 9 May Queen Delphine Lytell News from Group 530 Saturday, May 12, 2007, at l p.m. in Flannigan Hall Group 530 of Nanticoke, PA, is holding a “Support Our Troops” St. John Brebeuf School, Lower Hall project. A member of our group is currently serving in Iraq. 8307 N. Harlem Ave, Niles, IL Items or donations can be made to Hedy Rominski or Helen Lopez. We are encouraging notes of support for our servicemen Catering by Kasia's as well. There is a correction to the newsletter as the project will Tickets: $15 per person; $5 for children under 12 end on May 12, 2007, not March 12th, as written. Deadline for reservations is May 8, 2007. The next Group 530 meeting will be on Sunday, May 6, at 1 A Raffle is planned and prizes would be appreciated. p.m. at the home of Hedy Rominski. Plans for our fundraising project at Sam’s Club on August 19 will be finalized. For infor- RSVP to Adeline Holda at 1-773-736-5861 mation please contact Helen Lopez at 570-735-1066 or Hedy or Regina Solms at 1-847-647-1855 Rominski at 570-735-6517. PAGE 8 April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 G£OS POLEK

PWA Charitable and Educational Foundation Makes Donations Group 211 Your contributions at work! Mother’s Day Luncheon

The next meeting of PWA Group 211 Madame Sklodowska-Curie Society will be held on Wednesday, May 9th at 1 p.m. This is our annual Mother’s Day celebration and the meeting luncheon will be held at

Zia’s Restaurant 6699 N. Northwest Highway Chicago, Illinois

In photo above, PWA President Virginia Sikora presents a check to at the corner of Northwest Highway and Oliphant Ave. Complimentary valet Sister Rafaela and Sister Agnieszka from Poland. The Franciscan parking is available. After our regular business meeting, we will enjoy a deli- Sisters operate the Laski Hospital for Blind Children in Poland as well cious luncheon prepared especially for our group. We encourage all group as hospitals for the blind in other countries. The donation came from members to attend, as important information about the upcoming PWA the “Dziecko Polskie” Fund. National Convention will be discussed. Photo at left shows PWA Treasurer Guests and members of our fellow PWA groups are welcome at the cost Barbara Miller presenting a donation of $19.50 per person. Group 211 members will be complimentary; however, to Dr. Elizabeth Myers of the a $10 voluntary donation from members will be appreciated. A Split-The-Pot Gannon Center for Women and Cash Raffle will be held and your generosity will also be appreciated to assist Leadership Archives at Loyola in our charitable endeavors. University in Chicago for the upkeep Reservations are a must; the deadline is May 1st. Please contact Antoinette of the PWA leadership archives that Trela Vander Noot at 847-808-0336 or Rita Giersch at 847-647-0311 to make were donated to the Center in your reservation or for further information November of 2006. PWA records Fraternally, will now be available to researchers Antoinette Trela Vander Noot and scholars from around the world. Financial Secretary

Groups 388 and 693 Host ‘Swieconka’ News from Group 585 Chicago, IL—This year Groups 388 and 693 joined mazurki. After luncheon, Mary Steinert of Group 819 “Easter Social” together to celebrate the traditional Polish Easter Brunch, demonstrated how to make a butter lamb and the children Elections of Officers Swieconka, on Saturday, March 24, at St. Juliana’s Parish of the Marie Curie Sklodowska School of the PWA, who Social Hall. All members from District I had been invit- attend Saturday classes at St. Juliana, came to greet the Detroit, MI—On Sunday, April 15, ed to attend. The event opened with the painting of Easter guests and held a presentation about Polish Easter cus- 2007, Group 585 will hold its annual eggs in the old-fashioned Polish way by using hot wax to toms. The principal of the Polish School, Malgorzata Easter Social at 12 noon in the cafe- make designs on the eggs before dipping them in colored Wasilewska, thanked PWA members for their support of teria of St. Bartholomew’s Parish, dye. Group Presidents Marta Klus and Grazyna Migala the school and presented each guest with a gift of a beau- Outer Drive and Wexford Street in then welcomed the guests and exchanged wishes with tiful Easter egg “pisanka” she had made herself. Father Detroit. Dinner will be served, fol- everyone present by sharing with them a piece of an egg. Steve, pastor of St. Juliana and the nephew of past PWA lowed by Bingo and prizes. Zurek, ham, Polish sausage, salads, eggs, and beets with Treasurer Olga Kaszewicz, who was also present, Everyone is cordially invited. horseradish were served, as were babas and homemade blessed everyone and said a prayer in closing. Group 585 officers for the year 2007 are as follows: Kathryn Modelski, President; Virginia Kuznia, Recording Secretary; Josephine Wujcikowski, Treasurer; Jessie Lipinski, Auditor; and Regina Wieczorek, Auditor and delegate to Council 20. Elections for Financial Secretary will be held in April. G£OS POLEK April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 PAGE 9

Garland Youth Section

Group 114 member is crowned Komitet Oswiaty Announces Queen of White and Red Ball The 2007 POLONIA YOUTH BOWLING TOURNAMENT Women. She was crowned Queen of the Ball in recognition of her funds- April to June ** raising for charities supported by the Attention PWA youth members Legion. She is a senior at Resurrec- ages 3-18 years old! tion High School, where she is on the Information about the Youth Bowling Honor Roll, a member of the Polish Tournament has been mailed to you. If Club, as well as a varsity tennis play- you did not receive your packet in the er. She was voted MVP all four mail, please call the Office of the Vice years! Diana attended St. Maximilian President at 1-88-522-1898 ext. 208 if Kolbe Polish Language School and is you’d like to to participate. Read the rules a member of the Polish Scouting below so you know how many games you need to bowl for your age group Organization. She is also a dancer and how to send in your scores.Your parents will need to fill out your appli- with the Lechici Dancers. Diana has cation and vouch for the scores. Good Luck!! not yet decided where she will be attending college in the fall. We wish RULES FOR JUNIOR BOWLING TOURNAMENT her luck in all her future endeavors, FOR PWA YOUTH Chicago, IL—Diana Ciepiela of where ever they may take her! Diana 1. All Bowlers must be PWA members as of December 31, 2006, Group 114 was presented as a debu- is the granddaughter of Barbara and in good standing. tante at the White and Red Ball held Ciepiela who is an active PWA mem- 2. Separate events will be held for boys and girls in 5 age groups: on February 17, 2007, and sponsored ber and officer of Group 114 and Peewee ages 3 to 5 years by the Legion of Young Polish Council 27. Congratulations Diana! Bantams ages 6 to 8 years Preps ages 9 to 11 years News from Lowicz Dancers Juniors ages 12-14 years Szopka Competition Winners Majors ages 15 to 18 years 3. Individual’s age as of December 31, 2006, determines the age classification. 4. All bowlers must bowl in their age division. 5. All participants may participate only once in this tournament. Parent or adult must complete application for each participant. 6. Peewee and Bantam bowlers may use bumpers and scores for two games. 7. Preps, Juniors, and Majors scores are based on three games bowled. 8. Average rules: Use the current league average as of December 31, 2006, for at least seven league sessions. Bowlers with less than twenty-one games or seven league sessions will be classi- fied as scratch bowlers. The tournament manager will add the handicap to raw scores of the scratch bowlers using YABA guidelines. 9. Individuals will bowl on one weekend of their choice from April through June. The first annual Detroit Area Friends of Polish Art Szopka Competition had 10. All scores and printouts from the bowling alley of the scores five entrants and three winners—and very many fans of all ages. The Polish should be mailed in with the bowling applications. Art Center in Hamtramck displayed the entries. 11. Peewee division: The child must be able to pick up the bowl- The winner in the Adult category was nig ball with two hands off the rack and carry it to the foul line. Johanna and her mom Linda Hughes, whose No parental or adult assistance is allowed to help the child to the entry was based on St. Josaphat Church in foul line. Please follow this rule! Detroit (see top left photo). The Youth cate- 12. Proper attire must be worn (bowling shoes). gory winning entry was made by Rebekah 13. Foul lights must be in operation. Hughes and Molly Piskar, based on the 14. Score sheets and bowling score printouts must be mailed to the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Detroit (top PWA Youth Committee c/o Sharon Zago, Vice President, and post- right photo). The Children’s category was marked no later than June 15, 2007 ** to be eligible for prizes. won by Clara Hughes whose entry was also Awards will be given out for first, second, and third place in modeled on St. Josaphat Church (see photo at each division based on a national level. right). Sisters Johanna and Rebekah Hughes Komitet Oswiaty are members of the PWA Lowicz Dancers Sharon Zago, Vice President and Chairman; Directors: Helen Simmons, (PWA Group 786). Congratulations to the Jennie Starzyk Benton. Antoinette Trela-Vander Noot, Marcia Mackiewicz Duffy, Hughes family! and Felicia Perlick; Ex-Officio: Virginia Sikora, National President. PAGE 10 April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 G£OS POLEK

Garland Youth Section It’s Here!! Your chance to WIN BIG with POLISH WOMEN’S ALLIANCE Win $4500 in Prize Money in PWA’S NATIONAL CASH RAFFLE Return your lucky tickets as soon as possible! The deadline is June 10, 2007. Entries must be postmarked June 10, 2007, to be eligible.

GRAND PRIZE $ 2000 Second Prize $ 1000 Third Prize $ 500 Fourth Prize $ 250 Fifth Prize $ 250 Sixth thru Tenth Prizes $ 100

Drawing will be held on June 21, 2007, during the State Presidents’ Conference in Illinois.

Proceeds to benefit Komitet Oswiaty, the PWA Education Committee, promoting Polish culture and heritage. Please support our 2007 National Raffle. You could be one of the lucky winners!

Committee: Sharon Zago, Vice President and Chair Directors: Helen Simmons, Jennie Starzyk Benton, Antoinette Trela Vander Noot, Marcia Mackiewicz Duffy, Felicia Perlick

Fun for the Whole Family!! Have Fun with PWA this Spring ! Polish Night at White Sox Park, April 19th (see ad on this page) Polish Night Polonia Day at Six Flags Great America, June 2nd (see ad on this page) at Junior Bowling Tournament - April to June (see page 9)

Call the Office of the Vice President at 1-888-522-1898 ext. 208 White Sox Park! for more information about these events. Thursday, April 19th SCHOLARSHIP REMINDERS

Check the Deadlines! Chicago, IL—If you missed the first annual White Sox Polish Night at U.S. Please check our website www.pwwa.org for scholarship forms and dead- Cellular Field Sox Park, you are in luck. The second annual White Sox lines or you may call Vice President Sharon Zago at 1-888-522-1898 Polish Night is now confirmed! Come see the Chicago White Sox play the ext. 208 for more information. Texas Rangers on Thursday, April 19, 2007, at 7:11 p.m.. The regular PWA Scholarship period is now closed. Tickets are limited, available on a first-come first-served basis. Due to the The deadline was February 15, 2007. responses of last year’s participants, only lower deck seats will be available Application period for the two high school scholarships this year. Tickets are $17.50 per person. Don’t miss the fun and excitement is now closed. The deadline was March 15, 2007. of a live baseball game! Call the Office of the Vice President at 1-888-522- 1898 ext. 208 today to reserve your tickets for Polish Night at U.S. Cellular The application period for the Junior and Senior Year Field - White Sox Park. Undergraduate College Academic Scholarships is open from March 1st to May 15, 2007. Coming June 1st ! 35th Convention Special - see pages 5-6 Polish Studies Program Scholarship in Krakow, Poland G£OS POLEK April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 PAGE 11

FROM THE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER PWA Awarded Heritage Grant PWA has been allocated $3,260 original letter to PWA from Marie through the Heritage Preservation Curie. Vice President Sharon Zago Year Operating Surplus CAP Program in Washington, D.C., and Treasurer Barbara Miller will be Expenses to hire a professional conservator to working on this project to ensure its 2003 $1,981,851 $2,229,000 assess our art and library collections. successful completion. 2004 $1,769,654 $1,118,000 The assessment will become a Our acceptance of the 2007 2005 $1,652,224 $2,836,761 “blueprint” for conserving these col- Heritage Grant from the Conserva- 2006 $1,388,423 $2,587,258 lections which include film and tion Assessment Program is the first PWA is on a strong financial foot- sound recordings, wood objects, fur- step in obtaining additional funding ing and more than able to meet all niture, metalwork and metal sculp- to begin the actual preservation Treasurer Barbara Miller its obligations, as we have since tures, historic objects, library and work. It is a privilege to continue the 1898. archival materials, photographic work started by our PWA forebears. A Preview of the 2006 Third, the safety of our invest- materials, stone artifacts and sculp- Let’s strive to leave our PWA legacy Financial Statements ment portfolio makes PWA a strong ture, textiles and costumes, and other to our children, the PWA leaders of of PWA of A and safe place for your insurance treasures and documents, such as the tomorrow. and annuity investments. Today, the I plan to publish the full financial PWA investment portfolio is appro- A Radio Interview with PWA report for the year 2006 in a future ximately 65% invested in U.S. issue of the Glos Polek, after the Government obligations and U.S. Chicago, IL—Polish Women’s tant role that PWA played in preserv- PWA auditors complete their work. Agency bonds. PWA has no bor- Alliance was invited to participate in ing and donating one of the muse- However from the reports which we rowings, no derivatives, and no a radio interview program called um’s most famous pieces of art , the filed as our annual report with the futures contracts. “Our Village on the Air” on WJJG- “Battle of Savannah,” a 10 by 20 State of Illinois Department of Women tend to be risk adverse 1530 AM radio on Friday, February foot oil painting, depicting Pulaski’s Insurance, I can tell you that the and this has certainly been the case 28, 2007. Vice President Sharon last stand in that battle with the earnings of the PWA have improved for PWA over its long history. Zago was delegated to represent British where he was mortally from last year and PWA is moving However, PWA has had excess PWA in the interview which was wounded. Also mentioned was the in the right direction. demand for expenditures for frater- conducted by hosts Fred and Chris role that First Lady Eleanor I have three important trends to nal funding. Such items as scholar- Gillman. Roosevelt played in the story of discuss with you. First, many of us ships to members and other frater- Vice President Zago informed the behind this painting. If you missed have the idea that PWA and our nal expenses are costly. New public about our organization, its the live interview, you can go to insurance policies are weighted approaches have been taken and, many products, and its rich history. www.ourvillagechicago.com and toward older individuals. The fol- for example, now the PWA raffle With Pulaski Day coming up, she click on “Podcast on the Village,” lowing is a breakdown of the ages covers much of the cost of the also spoke about the observance at then choose Episode 9. PWA was the of our policy holders. As you will scholarships, thanks to our mem- the Polish Museum which is held third interview of this episode. You see, over 50% of our policy holders bers. Together we have made a dif- every year in honor of Casimir can also go to our website www. are under 50 years of age. This is a ference! Pulaski. She spoke about the impor- pwaa.org to hear the podcast. good indication for the long term Did you know that when you viability of our organization. The invest in an annuity through a bank PWA BOOK CLUB following are the actual numbers: that your investment does not carry Age No of % the FDIC insurance of accounts? We are currently reading the second Range Policy of Most people think that their annuity book of the year: Karski: How One Holders Total at a bank is insured but that is not Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust by Under 18 4,543 12.5% the case. I invite you to ask the rep- E. Thomas Wood and Stanislaw M. 18-30 5,420 15.1% resentative at your bank about Jankowski, published by John Wiley & 31-40 4,198 11.7% insurance of accounts as it relates Sons, Inc. in 1994. The ISBN is 0-471- 41-50 5,088 14.1% to annuities offered by the bank. 01856-2. There will be no discussion 51-60 4,963 13.8% PWA is going strong after 109 meeting on Monday, April 9th. The last meeting for this book will be on 61-70 3,088 8.6% years and you, the members, have Tuesday, April 10. We will be discussing pages 181 to 259. Please join us! 71-80 3.343 9.3% made it so. Your faith in the value Questions? Call Vice President’s office at 888-522-1898, ext. 208. Over 80 5,365 14.9% of a Polish American organization serving its members is powerful Come and Visit the PWA Library! Second, the PWA surplus has and is the future strength of PWA. improved over the last four years We don’t say “gracias,” we don’t Looking for something different and interesting to do? Why not come and our operating expenses have say “merci,” we say “dziekuje!” and visit our newly reorganized Library and Reading Room? declined, as follows: loud and clear. We have many books, both Polish and English, about the Polish experi- ence, just waiting for you to browse and read. Give yourself a special treat by visiting the PWA Library to enrich your mind and discover this quiet The 35th National Convention of place of history and exploration. Polish Women’s Alliance of America For a list of catalogued books, visit www.pwaa.org and click on the will be held from August 25 to 28, 2007, Library link. The catalog is a work-in-progress and will be updated fur- ther during 2007. For further information contact Vice President Sharon in Cleveland, Ohio. See page 3 for details. Zago 1-847-384-1208 or Treasurer Barbara Miller 1-847-384-1206. PAGE 12 April 2007 Kwiecieñ 2007 G£OS POLEK

IN MEMORIAM We note with sadness the passing of the following PWA members. May they rest in peace.

Gr.No. Name City/State Gr.No. Name City/State

0006 Evelyn Kikulska Chicago, IL 0434 Zita Zapotocka Wilkes Barre, PA 0061 Bernard S Klebeck Niles, IL 0440 Eleanore Ryczek Algonquin, IL 0073 Helen Parus Homer Glen, IL 0447 Helena Gogola Kenosha, WI 0128 Cecelia Fabiyanic Munster, IN 0464 Christine M Racicot Westland, MI 0128 Helen Kowalczyk Hammond, IN 0469 Anna Wasielewski Apache Junction, AZ 0128 Carole S Heredia Hammond, IN 0481 Wanda M Krul Saint Clair Shores, MI 0141 Cecelia Grip Holyoke, MA 0482 Stephie P Lamonski Johnson City, NY 0141 Genevieve W Mamulski 0502 Antonina Makowski Woddridge, IL 0170 Wanda Galuszka Dearborn, MI 0536 Mary Osinski South Milwaukee, WI 0193 Winifreda M Gaps Pueblo, CO 0536 John P Zbikowski South Milwaukee, WI 0196 Frances Konopka Southampton, MA 0570 Adela M Obrizok Canton, MI 0221 Helen McClelland Pittsburgh, PA 0579 Phyllis H Kapella Bellevue, NE 0225 Dorothy Zebracki Sterling Heights, MI 0586 Frances Wojcik Milwaukee, WI 0254 Anna Dassel Pittsburgh, PA 0601 Janet Phillips Dayton, NJ 0264 Helen L Lisewski Wyoming, PA 0612 Tobin J Paysor Tucson, AZ 0267 Susan Boyer Dupont, PA 0635 Eleanor Poplawska Avoca, PA 0269 Elizabeth Bonetti Danville, PA 0693 Regina S Matczak Glen Ellyn, IL 0301 Lois M Powell Philadelphia, PA 0715 Irena Gajda Palatine, IL 0305 Esther V Niedbalski North Liberty, IN 0720 Mary J Guzy Cooper City, FL 0317 Mary M Kapinos Ludlow, MA 0721 Eva M Vrobel South Fork, PA 0327 Teresa Roth Pilesgrove, NJ 0737 Anne Obarowski Bayonne, NJ 0339 Helena Czerwinska Denison, TX 0754 Helen C Szarek Lorain, OH 0379 Alice Wolos Williamsville, NY 0776 Emilie Czelusniak Adams, MA 0386 Melania Wieck Dearborn, MI 0776 Cecelia Lepak Adams, MA 0408 Mary Grudzien Hammond, IN 0778 Evelyn Slonina Hobart, IN 0418 Frances Kutsick Warren, MI 0779 Helene Zeleniak Roselle Park, NJ 0418 Genevieve Grabowski Sterling Heights, MI 0787 Janina Krauze Bayonne, NJ 0418 Virginia Blaske St Cloud, MN 0787 Helen V Drake Port , FL 0423 Alicya Zonca Bolingbrook, IL 0805 Eleanor Kroen Dundalk, MD 0425 Zofia Salerno Garfield, NJ

Recipes from Busia’s Kitchen

Polish Wild Mushroom Soup skillet, add the onion, saute until casserole. Add potatoes and season very fine, no larger than a green golden brown then add to the with salt and pepper. Mix together pea. In a salad bowl combine the 1/4 lb dried wild mushrooms soup.Use the rest of the butter to eggs and sour cream and pour over apples, pickles, potatoes, carrots, 1/4 lb fresh mushrooms saute the fresh mushrooms, coarsely potatoes. Top with chives, cover, peas, celery, and diced onion. Mix 9 cups beef or chicken stock sliced. Add to the soup. Whisk the and bake for 1 hour. well, add salt and pepper to taste. 1/2 cup butter cornstarch with the remaining cup Just before serving add the hard 1 cup finely chopped onion of stock, add to the soup, stir and Polish Vegetable Salad boiled eggs, fresh cucumber, and 1 tablespoon cornstarch simmer until slightly thickened. dill. Toss ingredients gently to mix. salt, white pepper to taste Season to taste with salt and 1 cup peeled diced apples For the dressing: In a small bowl, sour cream pepper, ladle into bowls, top each 1/2 cup diced dill pickles mix the mayonnaise and sour cream fresh parsley or dill with sour cream, and sprinkle with 1 cup diced cooked potatoes until well blended. Fold gently into chopped parsley or dill. 1 cup diced cooked carrots the salad. Transfer to lettuce-lined Cover dried mushrooms with cold 1 cup cooked or canned platter and serve. Decorate with water and soak overnight. Drain the Polish Baked Potatoes drained green peas hard- boiled egg wedges, tomato mushrooms, reserving the soaking with Eggs and Cream 1/2 cup diced celery wedges, or radish roses or slices. liquid, then strain the liquid through 1/2 cup diced onion Smacznego! a fine cloth. Rinse the mushrooms 2 tablespoons butter, melted 3 diced hard-boiled eggs in cold water to remove any 3 cups diced cooked potatoes 1 cucumber, thinly sliced remaining sand then slice into salt and pepper 1/2 cup fresh dill, chopped strips. Add the mushrooms, 8 cups 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup mayonnaise of of the beef stock, and the soaking 1 cup sour cream 1/2 cup sour cream liquid to a 3-quart saucepan, bring 2 tablespoons chopped chives salt and pepper to a boil, reduce heat and simmer over low heat 4 hours. Preheat oven to 350°F. Pour butter The secret of a good Polish salad is Melt half the butter in a heavy into the bottom of an oven proof to have all the ingredients diced PAGE 13 Kwiecien 2007 - April 2007 G£OS POLEK

Rok 2007 og³oszony rokiem W 1917 roku, na skutek bolszewickiej Tradycje Wielkanocne i Dzieñ otwarty w szkole Im. Marii Curie-Sk³odowskiej œwiatowej s³awy polskiego rewolucji paŸdziernikowej, kompozytor kompozytora na zawsze opuœci³ Tymoszówkê. Przeprowadzi³ siê do Elizawetgradu, a w Karola Szymanowskiego 1919 osiedli³ siê w Warszawie. W 1921 wraz z Paw³em Kochañskim i Arturem Rubinsteinem odby³ podró¿ do Stanów Zjednoczonych. W maju 1922 odby³ siê jego koncert kompozytorski w Pary¿u, zakoñczony wielkim sukcesem. W sierpniu 1922 przyjecha³ po raz pierwszy po I wojnie œwiatowej do Zakopanego, które odt¹d zacz¹³ regularnie odwiedzaæ. Jego artystyczne zainteresowania skupiaj¹ siê coraz bardziej na polskiej muzyce ludowej, szczególnie podhalañskiej i kurpiowskiej. W 1926 odrzuci³ propozycjê objêcia stanowiska dyrektora W roku 2007 przypadaj¹ dwie wa¿ne Konserwatorium Kairskiego. Od 22 rocznice zwi¹zane z Karolem lutego 1927 do 31 sierpnia 1929 by³ Szymanowskim: rektorem Konserwatorium Warszaw- 125-rocznica urodzin kompozytora skiego. W 1929 odby³ kuracjê w i 70-rocznica jego œmierci. W zwi¹zku z sanatorium Edlach w Austrii, a póŸniej w 24 marca b.r. Polska Szko³a przy jemnoœci¹, a ka¿de z rodziców z tym Sejm RP na posiedzeniu w dniu Davos w Szwajcarii. Od 1 wrzeœnia 1930 Zwi¹zku Polek w Ameryce im. radoœci¹ wita sobotni poranek. 16 listopada 2006 podj¹³ uchwa³ê w do 30 kwietnia 1932 pe³ni³ funkcjê Marii Curie-Sk³odowskiej zaprosi³a Zawdziêczamy ten fakt przede rektora Wy¿szej Szko³y Muzycznej w sprawie og³oszenia roku 2007 Rokiem Poloniê na doroczny Kiermasz wszystkim œwietnie przy- Karola Szymanowskiego. Warszawie (obecnie Akademia Muzyczna gotowanym do pracy z m³odzie¿¹ Kompozytor, Karol Szymanowski urodzi³ im. Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie). Od Wielkanocny po³aczone z pokazem siê 3 paŸdziernika 1882 w Tymoszówce 1930 zamieszka³ na sta³e w Zakopanem, malowania pisanek. Atrakcj¹ dwujêzyczn¹ pedagogom, którzy s¹ na Ukrainie. W 1889 rozpocz¹³ naukê gry w willi “Atma”. W latach 1933-36 imprezy by³y warsztaty zdobienia pasjonatami swego zawodu. Szko³a na fortepianie najpierw pod kierunkiem koncertowa³ jako wykonawca w³asnych tradycyjnych pisanek prowadzone pracuje w niewielkich zespo³ach utworów we Francji, Belgii, Holandii, ojca, potem w szkole muzycznej u przez artystkê w tej dziedzinie i klasowych, co sprzyja formowaniu Gustawa Neuhausa w Elizawetgradzie. W Anglii, W³oszech, Jugos³awii, Bu³garii, latach 1901-05 studiowa³ u Marka Niemczech, Szwecji, Danii, Norwegii i Dyrektora szko³y Pani¹ Ma³gorzatê siê przyjaŸni miêdzy uczniami, Zawirskiego (harmonia) i Zygmunta Zwi¹zku Radzieckim. W 1935 dosz³o do Wasilewsk¹ która równie¿ buduje atmosferê bliskoœci i u³atwia Noskowskiego (kontrapunkt i jedynego spotkania dwóch najwiêkszych przygotowa³a kilkaset pisanek na nauczycielom wprowadzanie polskich kompozytorów XX wieku - kompozycja) w Warszawie. W tym czasie sprzeda¿ z której dochód elementów do zajêæ lekcyjnych. Karola Szymanowskiego i Witolda pozna³ Paw³a Kochañskiego, Artura przeznaczy³a na pomoce naukowe. Rodzice, cz³onkowie Komitetu Rubinsteina, Grzegorza Fitelberga, Lutos³awskiego. W listopadzie 1935 Stanis³awa Ignacego Witkiewicza Szymanowski na zawsze opuœci³ “Atmê”. Ta forma spotkañ z kultur¹ i Rodzicielskiego, dbaj¹ o to aby “Witkacego” i Stefana ¯eromskiego. W W 1936 przebywa³ kilkakrotnie w tradycj¹ polsk¹ cieszy siê wszelkie decyzje dotycz¹ce szko³y 1905 odby³, wspólnie z Witkacym, sanatorium w Grasse we Francji. W nies³abn¹cym powodzeniem tak¿e mia³y na celu dobro naszej marcu 1937 przyjecha³ do sanatorium w pierwsz¹ podró¿ do W³och. W tym wœród doros³ych. Wykonane przez m³odzie¿y. Wszystko to gwarantuje samym roku wraz z Grzegorzem Lozannie, gdzie zmar³. uczniów, rodziców i gosci pisanki sukces naszego przedsiêwziêcia, Fitelbergiem, Ludomirem Ró¿yckim i Apolinarym Szeluto za³o¿y³ Spó³kê Karol Szymanowski otrzyma³ nastêpuj¹ce sta³y siê mile widzianym upo- którego dowodem s¹ zwiêkszaj¹ce Nak³adow¹ M³odych Kompozytorów odznaczenia: Krzy¿ Oficerski Orderu minkiem œwi¹tecznym lub siê z roku na rok zapisy do naszej Polskich, dzia³aj¹c¹ pod mecenatem Odrodzenia Polski, Order Oficerski niezapomnian¹ dekoracj¹ wielka- placówki. Mamy nadziejê, ¿e po Korony W³oskiej, Order Komandorski W³adys³awa Lubomirskiego i promuj¹c¹ nocnego sto³u. wizycie w naszej szkole wszyscy twórczoœæ polskich kompozytorów Korony W³oskiej, Odznakê honorow¹ Kiermasz po³¹czono z dniem zainteresowani, którzy szukali wspó³czesnych. Grupa ta zyska³a Regia Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Krzy¿ niebawem miano “M³odej Polski”. W Komandorski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski, otwartym szko³y, nauczyciele i szko³y sobotniej swoich marzeñ 1906 odby³y siê koncerty kompozytorskie Z³oty Wawrzyn Akademicki Polskiej grono rodzicielskie i sami zaufaj¹ nam i powierz¹ nam swoje cz³onków Spó³ki w Warszawie i Berlinie. Akademii Literatury. Ponadto otrzyma³ uczniowie udzielali wszelkich pociechy w nowym roku szkolnym. doktorat honoris causa Uniwersytetu W latach 1906-07 Karol Szymanowski informacji zwi¹zanych z dzia³al- Serdecznie zapraszamy rodziców i wyje¿d¿a³ kilkakrotnie do Berlina i Jagielloñskiego oraz cz³onkowstwa noœci¹ naszej placówki. dzieci, gdy¿ jest to wspania³a Lipska, a w 1908 odby³ kolejn¹ podró¿ do honorowe Ceske Akademie Ved a Umeni, W³och. W 1912 osiedli³ siê w Wiedniu. W £otewskiego Konserwatorium By³a to znakomita okazja do okazja do wspólnej zabawy. tym czasie nawi¹za³ kontakt z firm¹ Muzycznego w Rydze, Królewskiej bezpoœredniego kontaktu z Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia naszej Universal-Edition, z któr¹ podpisa³ Akademii Œw. Cecylii w Rzymie, dyrekcj¹, kadr¹ pedagogiczn¹ i strony internetowej Królewskiej Akademii Muzycznej w kontrakt na 10 lat. W 1914 odby³ kolejn¹ nasz¹ m³odzie¿¹. www.mojaszkola.com podró¿ do W³och oraz na Sycyliê, do Belgradzie, Miêdzynarodowego Zainteresowani przekonali siê, ¿e kontakt telefoniczny z Dyre- Afryki Pó³nocnej, Pary¿a i Londynu, zaœ Towarzystwa Muzyki Wspó³czesnej. W w latach 1915-16 wyje¿d¿a³ do Kijowa, 1935 odznaczony zosta³ Pañstwow¹ Polska Szko³a im. Marii Curie- ktorem Szko³y Pani¹ Ma³gorzat¹ Moskwy i Petersburga. Nagrod¹ Muzyczn¹. Sk³odowskiej jest szko³¹, do której Wasilewsk¹ 773 - 557-9336. m³odzie¿ przychodzi z przy- PAGE 14 Kwiecien 2007 - April 2007 G£OS POLEK

Grupa 211 Po zebraniu odbêdzie siê pyszny lunch specjalnie przygotowany przez cz³onkinie Specjalna Oferta Towarzystwo im. Marii grupy. Serdecznie zachêcamy wszystkich Specjalna Oferta Sklodowskiej-Curie cz³onków do przyjœcia na to wa¿ne z okazji Serdecznie zaprasza na zebranie na którym omawiany bêdzie z okazji 3355--ggoo zbli¿aj¹cy siê Sejm Zwi¹zku Polek w Uroczysty lunch z okazji Ameryce Goœcie i cz³onkowie innych WWaallnneeggoo SSeejjmmuu Dnia Matki grup ZPwA mile widziani. Koszt $19.50 od osoby. ZZwwii¹¹zzkkuu PPoolleekk ww AAmmeerryyccee Cz³onkowie grupy 211 bezp³atnie, $10 donacja mile widziana. W czasie spotkania odbêdzie siê Loterria pieniê¿na typu Split-The-Pot Cash Raffle donacje na dzia³alnoœæ charytatywn¹ mile widziane.

Rezerwacja musi byæ zrobiona do:1 maja 07. W celu zrobienia rezerwacji lub po wiêcej informacji proszê dzwoniæ do: Antoinette Vander Noot Spotkanie odbêdzie siê 847 808-0336 albo w œrodê 9, maja o 1:00 pm Rity Giersch at 847 647-0311 w Zia’s Restaurant Ciesz¹c siê na spotkanie 6699 N. Northwest Z siostrzanym pozdrowieniem. Highway, Chicago, IL Antoinette Trela-Vander Noot (róg ulic Northwest Highway i Oliphant Ave.) Sekretarka Finansowa Gr. 211 Valet Parking - bezp³atny Zwi¹zek Polek w Ameryce oferuje specjaln¹ promocjê na Norman Davies Promotor doktoratu profesor Henryk Duch Œwiêty spóŸnia siê przez lustracjê Samsonowicz podkreœli³, ¿e Norman 3355--tt¹¹ KKoonnwweennccjjêê -- SSeejjmm ZZPPwwAA Brytyjski historyk Profesor Norman Davies jest znakomitym ambasadorem Detale w sekcji angielskiej G³osu Polek naszego kraju. Jest przecie¿ przybyszem i Davies otrzyma³ doktorat honoris causa Po wiêcej informacji prosimy dzwoniæ do Bogumi³y Padowski Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Podczas pisze niejako z zewn¹trz Polski, co swojego wyst¹pienia dotycz¹cego historii pozwala za granic¹ na bardziej uwa¿ne na numer 1888-522-1898, wewn. 228; e-mailem: [email protected] Polski, przytaczaj¹c s³owa Jana Paw³a II œledzenie jego wywodów. Kraj nasz dziêki “niech Duch Œwiêty zst¹pi na tê ziemiê”, twórczoœci profesora uzyskuje wiary- odniós³ siê do obecnej sytuacji w kraju: godne œwiadectwo za granic¹. APEL Cz³onkiñ Grupy 114 nania zabiegu operacyjnego. Duch Œwiêty spóŸnia siê przez lustracjê. Profesor Samsonowicz podkreœla³ o pomoc finansow¹ na przeszczep Koszt operacji wraz z konie- wartoœci literackie dzie³ Normana Profesor Norman Davies w swoim cznym okresem pobytu w klinice Daviesa. Promotor zwróci³ uwagê, ¿e w¹troby dla 6-letniej Ewy wyst¹pieniu omówi³ ostatnich 200 lat wynosi oko³o $100.000. historii Polski i Uniwersytetu ksi¹¿ki te chêtnie czytaj¹ nie tylko W imieniu Ewy i Jej Rodziców Warszawskiego. Podkreœli³ znaczenie naukowcy. Nie stanowi¹ one suchego demokracji i liberalizmu. Jego zdaniem w zestawu faktów, nie staraj¹ siê epatowaæ jesteœmy wdziêczne za ka¿d¹ sferze miêdzynarodowej liberalizm naukow¹ frazeologi¹, lecz pisane s¹ donacje daj¹ca Jej szanse ¿ycia. hamuje dzia³anie mocarstw. Ka¿demu jêzykiem ¿ywym, zrozumia³ym tak¿e dla Czek proszê wystawiæ na: mi³oœników historii. Dlatego maj¹ tak krajowi wolno promowaæ swoje interesy PWA-Group 114 “Ewa” do chwili gdy nie zaczyna niszczyæ szeroki oddŸwiêk, mówi³ Henryk i wys³aæ do: swoich s¹siadów, stwierdzi³ Norman Samsonowicz. Norman Davies znany jest Davies. Profesor uwa¿a, ¿e ka¿dy Polak Polakom, bo nale¿y do nielicznych PWA Groupa 114, c/o patriota, który kocha niepodleg³oœæ zagranicznych historyków zajmuj¹cych Teresa Makowski ojczyzny powinien byæ libera³em. siê dziejami naszego kraju. Jest autorem 4941 W. Cullom Ave miêdzy innymi bestsellerowej ksi¹¿ki Norman Davies odwo³a³ siê tak¿e do dzie³ Chicago IL 60641 “Powstanie ’44", poœwiêconej Powstaniu Cz³onkinie Grupy 114 bardzo Jana Paw³a II. Zdaniem historyka papie¿ W sprawie dodatkowych uczyni³ wiêcej ni¿ ktokolwiek inny, aby Warszawskiemu, historii Polski “Bo¿e prosz¹ o pomoc finansowa na informacji i donacji proszê po³o¿yæ kres sowieckiej hegemonii, a jego igrzysko” oraz ksi¹¿ki “Europa”. przeszczep w¹troby dla 6-letniej Brytyjski historyk ma ju¿ tytu³ doktora myœlenie i kultura mówienia powinny byæ Ewy. Dziewczynka urodzi³a siê z dzwoniæ do przedstawicielki honoris causa uniwersytetów: Gdañ- wzorem. Profesor Davies przypomnia³, ¿e niedoborem alfa 1 antytrypsyny, Grupy 114, Zwi¹zku Polek w papie¿ nie nazwa³ nigdy ani Edwarda skiego, Marii Curie Sk³odowskiej w Ameryce na numer Lublinie i Jagielloñskiego. Jest tak¿e cholestazy wewn¹trz w¹trobowej, Gierka ani genera³a Jaruzelskiego “³¿e- 1-847-384-1200 ext.218 honorowym obywatelem Krakowa, wskutek czego nastêpuje mar- elit¹”. W jego encyklikach nie ma takich lub 773 202-0605 s³ów jak “lumpen-libera³” czy “szambo” Lublina i Wroc³awia. W 2001 roku dosta³ skoœæ w¹troby. tylko proste i pozytywne: Przykro nagrodê imienia Andrzeja Drawicza, Skomplikowana choroba Ewy Z góry gor¹co dziêkujemy bêd¹c¹ wyrazem uznania i podziêkowania stwierdziæ, ¿e Duch Œwiêty trochê siê wymaga jak najszybszego wyko- Grupom oraz wszystkim Ludziom spóŸnia, bo On tak¿e czeka na lustracjê” - za promowanie osi¹gniêæ Polski. Wielkiego Serca. powiedzia³ Norman Davis. PAGE 15 Luty 2007 - February 2007 G£OS POLEK

Bo Padowski odpowiada jest nastêpny powód dla którego powinniœmy zakupiæ polisê ssppeeccjjaallyy zz PPoollsskkiieejj kkuucchhnnii umo¿liwiaj¹c¹ nam pokrycie kosztów zwi¹zanych z pogrzebem, którego koszt przeciêtnie wnosi od 10,000 do 20,000 dolarów. Rodzina mo¿e w danym momencie nie mieæ wystarczaj¹cych œrodków na pokrycie tych kosztów, które pokryje w³aœnie polisa ubezpieczeniowa.

Oprócz zakupu w Zwi¹zku Polek w Ameryce dla dziecka planu na ¿ycie Mam dzieci w wieku 2, 4 i 7 lat. dziecko staje siê cz³onkiem tej KIE³BASA BIA³A PIECZONA WIOSENNY SPECJAL Myœlê o wykupieniu im ubezpieczenia wspania³ej organizacji i w przysz³oœci Sk³adniki: 2 lbs surowej, bia³ej Dla 4 osób: na ¿ycie, chcê równie¿ wiedzieæ czy to ma prawo do ubiegania siê o stypendia kie³basy, 2 œrednie cebule, g³ówka 1 pêczek szparagów ma sens. Czy mo¿esz daæ mi jakieœ na studia. Ka¿dego roku na stypendia czosnku, 2 - 3 ³y¿ki smalcu. ½ lb zielonego groszku (mo¿e byæ wskazówki. szkolne organizacja przeznacza oko³o Rondel wysmarowaæ smalcem i mro¿ony) 1 œrednia cebula cienko Susan, WI 50,000 dolarów na te cele. œciœle u³o¿yæ w nim kie³basê. pokrojona 1 z¹bek czosnku cienko Ponak³uwaæ dosyæ gêsto- posiekany 1 pêczek zielonej Wedlug mnie, wykupienie ubezpie- Zwi¹zek Polek w Ameryce oferuje dwa nalezyjednak uwa¿aæ, ¿eby dziury pietruszki ½ lb ry¿u 1 litr roso³u czenia dla dzieci jest bardzo bardzo popularne plany dla dzieci: nie by³y zbyt du¿e. Kie³basa w 1 kieliszek bia³ego wytrawnego korzystnym sposobem zapoczatko- pierwszy to polisa na ¿ycie op³acana czasie pieczenia przez nak³ucia wina, 4 ³y¿ki oliwy z oliwek extra wania oszczedzania na ich przysz³oœæ i jednorazowo t.z. Single Payment odda nadmiar wody i zachowa vergine, 2 ³y¿ki tartego parmezanu równoczeœnie zapewnienie im Whole Life i drugi to polisa na ¿ycie ³adny kszta³t. Cebulê obraæ, sól, pieprz. Dobrze oskrobaæ posiadania ubezpieczenia na ¿ycie op³acana w okresie 10-letnim. pokroiæ. Obraæ 6 z¹bków czosnku, szparagi i podzieliæ na trzy czêœci: kiedy osi¹gn¹ stan doj¿a³oœci. Jest to Minimalna wartoœæ polisy musi resztê ³adnie oczyœciæ i u³o¿yæ w czubek ugotowaæ do miêkkoœci we szczegolnie wa¿ne o ile w rodzinie wynosiæ nie mniej ni¿ 3,000 dolarów. œrodku pêta. Kie³basê ob³o¿yæ wrz¹cej wodzie, czêœæ œrodkow¹ istnieje historia problemów zdro- Obecnie z okazji zbli¿aj¹cego siê 35 kr¹¿kami cebuli i plasterkami pokroiæ na ma³e kawa³ki, a czêœæ wotnych takich jak np. cukrzyca czy Sejmu ZPwA aby zapocz¹-tkowaæ plan czosnku. Wstawiæ do mocno koñcow¹ wyrzuciæ. Zielony choroby serca, wykluczajace zatwier- mo¿na równie¿ wykupiæ dziecku polisê nagrzanego piekarnika. Piec ok. groszek ugotowaæ do miêkkoœci. dzenie do planu ubezpieczeniowego w ubezpieczeniow¹ na 2,000 dolarów. godziny najpierw pod przykryciem, Podsma¿yæ cebulê, czosnek i przyszlosci. Dla dzieci w wieku 10 lat lub potem na chwilê odkryæ- kialbasa pokrojone na kawa³ki szparagi na ³adnie siê zrumieni. Podawaæ na oliwie przez oko³o 5 minut, w Z planów dla dziecka sugerowa³abym m³odszych oferujemy równie¿ plan zimno lub na gor¹co, najlepiej z garnku o grubym dnie. Pod koniec polisê ubezpieczeniow¹ na ¿ycie edukacyjny t.z. Education Life Builder æwik³¹ lub chrzanem. dodawaæ posiekan¹ natkê. Dodaæ op³acon¹ jednorazow¹ lub splacana w Plan. Ten plan jest kombinacj¹ polisy ZUPA WIOSENNA suchy ry¿ i sma¿yæ jeszcze przez kilku latach. Dlaczego? Poniewa¿ na ¿ycie i planu oszczêdnoœciowego Sk³adniki: 1/2 lb miêsa kilka minut. Wlaæ wino i stale polisa bêdzie sp³acona zanim dziecko tzwn. Annuity rider. Po ukoñczeniu 19 wieprzowego bez koœci, 1/2 lb mieszaj¹c, poczekaæ, a¿ ca³e wejdzie w wiek doj¿a³y i polisa bêdzie lat w rocznicê wydania polisy, dziecko w³oszczyzny, 2 quart lwody, 1 q wyparuje. Zmniejszyæ ogieñ i znów mu przekazana. Wielu expertów otrzyma czek na kwotê równ¹ ¿uru, 5 jajek, 1/2 lb bia³ej kie³basy, mieszaj¹c, dodawaæ powoli twierdzi, ¿e osoby w m³odym wieku, po wysokoœci wykupionego ubezpieczenia 1/2 lb bia³ego sera, 4 oz t³ustej gor¹cy rosó³. Ca³a operacja ukoñczeniu szko³y czy te, ktore w³aœnie i w dalszym ci¹gu bêdzie posiada³o œmietany, z¹bek czosnku, sól i powinna trwaæ tak d³ugo, jak rozpoczê³y pracê zawodow¹ nie s¹ w sp³acon¹ polisê na ¿ycie. Ten plan jest pieprz do smaku. d³ugo gotuje siê ry¿, a wiêc nie stanie wykupiæ ubezpieczenia ze bardzo popularny jako prezent od Z miêsa, kie³basy i w³oszczyzny d³u¿ej ni¿ oko³o 20 minut. Pod wzglêdow finansowych. Dotyczy to Dziadków albo rodziców na pierwsz¹ ugotowaæ wywar a nastêpnie go koniec gotowania dodaæ równie¿ kontynuacji waszelkich innych komuniê albo chrzest. przecedziæ. Do wywaru dodaæ parmezanu, czubki szparagów, op³at. Miedzy innymi je¿eli pokrojone w kostki: ugotowane zielony groszek. Wymieszaæ, przeka¿emy dziecku polisê, która nie Po wiêcej informacji w sprawach miêso, warzywa, bia³¹ kie³basê i posoliæ do smaku i dodaæ nieco jast sp³acona m³ody cz³owiek mo¿e nie ubezpieczeñ ZPwA i ich op³at proszê jajka na twardo. Wlaæ ¿ur, dodaæ œwie¿ego pieprzu. Podawaæ byæ w stanie kontynuowaæ sp³acania dzwoniæ do mnie na numer ser i roztarty czosnek doprawiæ natychmiast. jej i polisa mo¿e wygasnoæ. 1-888-522-1898 ext.228 albo wys³aæ e-mail na adres: sol¹ i pieprzem, wlaæ œmietanê i zagotowaæ. Serwowaæ natychmiast Nastêpn¹ spraw¹ do rozwa¿enia jest [email protected]. po zagotowaniu. fakt, ¿e wypadki niestety siê zda¿aj¹, to PAGE 16 Kwiecieñ 2007 - April 2007 G£OS POLEK

Zrobili to, aby upamiêtniæ drug¹ rocznicê 1997 r., w przeddzieñ wizyty papie¿a w Ca³y œwiat czci 2-g¹ rocznicê œmierci œmierci papie¿a Jana Paw³a II, ale te¿ w Zakopanem, radni zmienili herb tego Papie¿a Jana Paw³a II. intencji jego rych³ej kanonizacji. miasta, umieszczaj¹c w jego tarczy ¯ó³to-bia³e flagi oraz flagê Zakopanego wizerunek krzy¿a na Giewoncie nad dorasta³y w szkó³ce zawiesili na ramionach piêtnasto- skrzy¿owanymi kluczami œw. Piotra z kontenerowej w Rudach metrowego krzy¿a trzej przewodnicy herbu watykañskiego. Grupa górali z Raciborskich. Wszystkie tatrzañscy - Pawe³ Murzyn, Tomasz Koœcieliska i Zakopanego zanios³a na drzewa zosta³y Wojciechowski i Józef Michalec. Giewont sprzêt oœwietleniowy. O godz. posadzone w miejscach Poprzednio wieszaliœmy flagi papieskie z 21.37 podœwietlono piêtnastometrowy wa¿nych dla polskiego god³em Jana Paw³a II, teraz zawiesiliœmy stalowy krzy¿, aby w ciemnoœciach by³ on narodu i kultury flagi Benedykta XVI. Zrobiliœmy to widoczny z Zakopanego. Wieczorem chrzeœcijañskiej. specjalnie, bo przecie¿ to od Benedykta górale z Koœcieliska wyruszyli z procesj¹ D¹b Chrobry jest XVI zale¿y, jak szybko Jan Pawe³ II do Sanktuarium Matki Boskiej Fatimskiej trzecim pod wzglêdem zostanie og³oszony œwiêtym - powiedzia³ na Krzeptówkach w Zakopanem, gdzie wieku drzewem w Pawe³ Murzyn. Giewont poprzez herb odby³a siê uroczysta msza w oprawie Europie, jego data Zakopanego jest zwi¹zany nie tylko z góralskiej. Tam przy p³on¹cej watrze miastem, ale i z osob¹ Jana Paw³a II. W odby³ siê apel jasnogórski. narodzin szacowana jest na rok 1265. Jego wysokoœæ wynosi 29 metrów, a obwód 992 centymetrów. 2 kwietnia minê³a druga rocznica aparatowi. Powinien byæ ma³y, ale Beatyfikacja Jana Paw³a II” œmierci papie¿a Jana Paw³a II. w fotografii wystarczaj¹co wysoki, by wygodnie Pomyœlne zakoñczenie procesu beaty- W Polsce na Jasnej Górze w czasie robiæ z niego zdjêcia. Powinien byæ fikacyjnego Jana Paw³a II wymaga dwudniowych obchodów wszystkie msze Trudno o bardziej malownicz¹ porê roku. wykonany z porz¹dnych materia³ów, ale uznania jednego cudu; w tym przypadku œwiête i specjalne modlitwy celebrowano W przyrodzie dos³ownie codziennie dobrze by by³o, gdyby by³ tani. chodzi o uzdrowienie, którego medycyna w intencji jego szybkiej beatyfikacji. dzieje siê coœ nowego. Nie mo¿na Wszystkich postulatów nie uda siê nie jest w stanie wyt³umaczyæ inaczej, ni¿ Zorganizowano równie¿ koncerty i przepuœciæ takiej okazji do zrobienia zrealizowaæ... wystawê papieskich portretów. Wieczorny jako wynik wstawiennictwa zmar³ego wspania³ych zdjêæ. papie¿a. Francuska zakonnica, siostra uroczysty Apel Jasnogórski poprowadzi³, Choæ za oknem dominuj¹cym kolorem Marie-Simon-Pierre, której uzdrowienie z jak przed dwoma laty, metropolita s¹ ró¿ne odcienie szaroœci, warto ju¿ dziœ choroby Parkinsona jest rozpatrywane przygotowaæ siê do najbardziej czêstochowski abp Stanis³aw Nowak. jako jeden z cudów Jana Paw³a II, kolorowej pory roku. Coraz wiêcej O godz. 21.37 wierni modlili siê pod oœwiadczy³a, ¿e jej uzdrowienie jest œwiat³a s³onecznego z ka¿dym dniem pomnikiem Jana Paw³a II na jasno- dzie³em Boga i nast¹pi³o za mówi, ¿e wiosna za pasem. Póki czas, górskich wa³ach. Dla uczczenia pamiêci wstawiennictwem Jana Paw³a II. dobrze zrobiæ szybki przegl¹d naszego polskiego papie¿a - czêstochowskie Do Koœcio³a nale¿y wypowiedzenie siê w sprzêtu fotograficznego i przygotowaæ sanktuarium, które podczas pielgrzymek tej sprawie i uznanie tego za cud - siê do nowego sezonu. Czas odkurzyæ do kraju odwiedza³ szeœciokrotnie - powiedzia³a siostra Marie, która aparat i sprawdziæ, czy czegoœ mu nie zosta³o specjalnie udekorowane. Na uczestniczy³a w uroczystym zamkniêciu brak. W koñcu wiosna mo¿e byæ te¿ murach klasztoru zawieszono du¿y pierwszej fazy procesu beatyfikacyjnego znakomitym pretekstem do zakupów wizerunek Jana Paw³a II. Pod nim zmar³ego papie¿a w bazylice Œw. Jana na fotograficznych - czemu nie zrobiæ sobie umieszczono proœbê, któr¹ wyrazi³ 22 Lateranie, wraz z delegacj¹ diecezji Aix- prezentu? en-Provence w po³udniowo-wschodniej paŸdziernika 1978 r.: “Proszê Was! Gdy fotografujemy kwiaty, postarajmy Francji. W grê wchodzi cud, który B¹dŸcie ze mn¹! Na Jasnej Górze i siê uchwyciæ moment, kiedy pojawia siê dokona³ siê ju¿ po œmierci Jana Paw³a II. wszêdzie!”. na nich jakiœ owad zapylaj¹cy roœliny, Tak w³aœnie by³o w przypadku siostry W Wilnie w poniedzia³ek godzinê œmierci pszczo³a, trzmiel czy motyl. Zdjêcie Marie, której uzdrowienie nast¹pi³o w papie¿a Jana Paw³a II uhonorowa³o 26 nabierze wtedy du¿o uroku. dwa miesi¹ce po œmierci papie¿a. Do uderzeñ dzwonu koœcio³a œw. Teresy, Wiêksze kwiaty mo¿emy próbowaæ kanonizacji Jana Paw³a II wymagane przy którym znajduje siê Kaplica Matki fotografowaæ na tle nieba. Musimy bêdzie uznanie jeszcze jednego cudu. Cud Boskiej Ostro-bramskiej. po³o¿yæ aparat nisko Zakup statywu uzdrowienia francuskiej zakonnicy zosta³ Wieczorem o 21 w Kaplicy Ostro- proponujemy rozpocz¹æ od wizyty w wybrany z dziesi¹tków rozwa¿anych bramskiej odby³a siê msza ró¿añcowa, dobrym sklepie fotograficznym, czyli przypadków. Jak wyjaœni³ prefekt takim gdzie oprócz amatorskiego mo¿na odprawiana po polsku i litewsku. watykañskiej kongregacji do spraw kupiæ równie¿ sprzêt profesjonalny. Polscy leœnicy dla uczczenia pontyfikatu œwiêtych, portugalski kardyna³ Jose WeŸmy ze sob¹ aparat i przymocujmy go Jana Paw³a II posadzili 517 dêbów. Saraiva Martins, w celu zanalizowania Niezbêdny statyw. Jeœli jeszcze nie do statywu firmy Gitzo, Slik czy Akcja rozpoczê³a siê w zesz³ym roku i cudu “wy³oniona zostanie komisja mamy statywu, warto bardzo powa¿nie Manfrotto. Nie przejmujmy siê cen¹ zaanga¿owane w ni¹ by³o tysi¹ce ekspertów, naukowców i wierz¹cych oraz rozwa¿yæ zakup tego dodatku. W oscyluj¹c¹ w okolicach po³owy ceny wiernych. ¯o³êdzie, z których wyhodo- niewierz¹cych lekarzy, którzy orzekn¹, fotografii krajobrazowej bardzo siê aparatu cyfrowego - æwiczenie ma wano sadzonki pochodz¹ce z najstarszego czy mamy do czynienia z niewyt³u- przyda. W makrofotografii, której na charakter pogl¹dowy. Rozstawmy statyw maczalnym uzdrowieniem”. wiosnê te¿ warto spróbowaæ, jest dêbu w Polsce o nazwie „Chrobry”, który i zobaczmy jak sztywno i pewnie trzyma Krzy¿ na Giewoncie przystrojony narzêdziem niezbêdnym. Niestety ze roœnie na terenie rezerwatu przyrody siê na nim aparat. Jak ³atwo jest zmieniæ flagami papieskimi statywem jest jak ze zbyt krótk¹ ko³dr¹. Buczyna Szprotawska poœwiêcone zosta³y kadr. Gdy ju¿ dok³adnie obejrzymy, Tatrzañscy przewodnicy przystroili Powinien byæ lekki, ¿eby ³atwo go by³o w 2004 roku podczas prywatnej audiencji czego potrzebujemy, czas ruszyæ na papieskimi flagami krzy¿ na Giewoncie. nosiæ, ale ciê¿ki, by zapewnia³ stabilnoœæ leœników u Ojca Œwiêtego. Sadzonki fotograficzne ³owy.