527 Commissioned as SAF Officers

12 Jan 2013

President Tony Tan Keng Yam inspecting the Officer Cadet contingents at the 87th Officer Cadet Course commissioning parade held at SAFTI Military Institute.

President Tony Tan Keng Yam reviewed a commissioning parade at the SAFTI Military Institute this evening, where 435 Army, 37 Air Force and 55 Navy officer cadets were commissioned as officers of the Armed Forces (SAF). The parade marked the completion of 38 weeks of rigorous training at the Officer Cadet School. The challenging and realistic training conducted during the course tested and honed the officer cadets' combat, planning and leadership skills. These newly commissioned officers will go on to assume command, instructional or staff appointments in the SAF.

Speaking at the parade, President Tan congratulated the graduands for successfully completing the Officer Cadet Course and reminded them that SAF is a National Service force and the challenges of commanding better educated and vocal soldiers. He said "As their commander, you must imbue in them a sense of purpose, and mould them into a cohesive fighting unit. Help them to understand the importance of their contributions to the defence of Singapore. They must feel that they have something precious worth defending and be united by the common goal of defending our home and our way of life." During his speech, President Tan also spoke to the graduands on leadership. "As leaders, you will be responsible for the readiness, welfare, morale and discipline of the men and women under your command. Train them well and push them to do their best, but always have their well-being and safety at heart," he added.

Also present at the parade were Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen, Members of Parliament, senior Ministry of Defence officials and SAF officers, as well as families and friends of the newly commissioned officers.

President Tony Tan Keng Yam presenting the Sword of Honour to Officer Cadet Scott Ang Yiqiang from the Infantry Officer Cadet Course. Graduands of the 87th Officer Cadet Course celebrating after graduating as officers of the .


 Speech by President of the Republic of Singapore, Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, at the 87/12 Officer Cadet Course Commissioning Parade (Document No: MINDEF_20130112002)