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Synchronization of Dynamics and Division in

Martin Thanbichler1,2

1Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Karl-von-Frisch-Strabe, D-35043 Marburg, Germany 2Laboratory for Microbiology, Department of , Philipps University, Karl-von-Frisch-Strabe8, D-35043 Marburg, Germany Correspondence: [email protected]

Bacterial cells have evolved a variety of regulatory circuits that tightly synchronize their chromosome replication and cell division cycles, thereby ensuring faithful transmission of genetic information to their offspring. Complex multicomponent signaling cascades are used to monitor the progress of and couple replication initiation to the separation of the two daughter cells. Moreover, the cell-division apparatus actively participates in chromosome partitioning and, particularly, in the resolution of topological problems that impede the segregation process, thus coordinating chromosome dynamics with cell constric- tion. Finally, bacteria have developed mechanisms that harness the cell-cycle-dependent positioning of individual chromosomal loci or the nucleoid to define the cell-division site and control the timing of assembly. Each of these systems manages to integrate a complex set of spatial and temporal cues to regulate and execute critical steps in the bacterial .

n recent years, considerable progress has been regulatory circuits, premature formation of a Imade in understanding the of division septum can lead to dissection of the bacteria and, in particular, the organization nucleoid and generation of anucleate cells. Con- and dynamics of their (Shih and versely, untimely origin firing before the end Rothfield 2006; Graumann 2007; Morris and of cell division may result in the accumulation Jensen 2008; Reyes-Lamothe et al. 2008b; Than- of supernumerary chromosomes, thereby inter- bichler and Shapiro 2008). It has emerged fering with proper cell cycle and regu- that bacterial cells have evolved a variety of lation, and loading the cell with a substantial mechanisms to closely coordinate replication metabolic burden. This article first summarizes and segregation of chromosomal DNA with cell our current knowledge on checkpoints that division, thus ensuring that genetic information couple replication initiation and the last stages is passed on faithfully. In the absence of these of chromosome segregation to the progression

Editors: Lucy Shapiro and Richard Losick Additional Perspectives on Cell Biology of Bacteria available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000331 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a000331

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M. Thanbichler

of cell constriction. Subsequently, it discusses and segregation (Britton et al. 1998; Hirano effects of chromosome dynamics on the tem- 2006). In addition, every bacterium contains a poral and spatial control of divisome assembly. varying set of small nucleoid-associated , which bend or cross-link DNA, thereby adapting DNA topology to the needs of and ORGANIZATION AND DYNAMICS other cellular processes (Luijsterburg et al. 2006). OF CHROMOSOMAL DNA The conserved structure of bacterial chromo- Bacteria usually contain a single, circular chro- somes is a direct consequence of coreplicational mosome that floats freely in the . DNA segregation. Chromosome replication is Although not encased in a specific membrane usually initiated at a single origin and then pro- compartment, it frequently occupies a distinct ceeds bidirectionally until the two replication region within the cell, termed the nucleoid. forks meet in the terminus region (O’Donnell With an average size of approximately four 2006). Immediately after duplication of the megabases, the contour length of a chromo- origin region, its two copies are rapidly moved some measures approximately 1 mm and thus apart by an active mechanism (Gordon et al. exceeds the length of a typical bacterial cell 1997; Webb et al. 1998; Viollier et al. 2004), by more than 1000-fold. Apparently, this huge setting the corner stones for the incipient sister molecule needs to be compacted significantly nucleoids. As replication proceeds, newly syn- to fit into the confined space of the cell body. thesized sister duplexes are instantly separated Biochemical and electron microscopic analyses once they emerge from the replication apparatus on bacterial have failed to detect (replisome) and stacked on top of the preceding the distinct hierarchical organization seen in stretches of DNA that have already been depos- . As a consequence, the nucleoid ited in the growing nucleoids, thus maintaining has long been envisioned as a compact tangle the original ordering of loci (Niki et al. 2000; of DNA lacking higher-order structure. Viollier et al. 2004; Nielsen et al. 2006; Wang However, recent studies investigating the local- et al. 2006b). Other than in the case of the ization of individual chromosomal loci within origin regions, this process is likely to be driven cells from a variety of different species have by the pulling forces resulting from DNA revealed that the nucleoid in fact has a defined recondensation, rather than by a dedicated architecture. In all analyzed, chro- segregation machinery. During the course of mosomal DNA appears to be arranged in a cir- replication, the replisome migrates slowly along cular superstructure, in which the subcellular the two arms of the compacted chromosome, position of each locus is directly reflected by ending up near the cell-division plane when its position on the circular chromosomal it reaches the terminus region (Bates 2008; map (Teleman et al. 1998; Viollier et al. 2004; Reyes-Lamothe et al. 2008a). After removal Wang et al. 2006b). The underlying principles of DNA from the site of constriction, decatena- are still unclear, but current data suggest that tion of the two sister chromosomes, and res- the chromosome is organized into numerous olution of chromosome dimers, the cell compact, supercoiled loops that are lined up divides in between the two fully established like pearls on a necklace (Postow et al. 2004; nucleoids, giving rise to siblings that each carry Thanbichler et al. 2005). Proper temporal and the full complement of present in the spatial organization of bacterial chromatin is mother cell. critically dependent on the action of various topological regulators. Bacterial structural COORDINATION OF REPLICATION maintenance of chromosome (SMC) com- INITIATION WITH CELL DIVISION plexes, for instance, act as molecular clamps that interconnect different DNA regions, Although bacterial replication origins differ thereby maintaining the chromosome in a considerably with respect to their precise archi- state compatible with efficient DNA replication tecture, most of them share several common

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Coordination of DNA Replication and Cell Division

features (Zakrzewska-Czerwinska et al. 2007). an that divides asymmetrically into Importantly, all bacteria investigated require a sessile stalked cell and a motile, flagellated the AAAþ ATPase DnaA to initiate replisome swarmer cell. Whereas the stalked cell initiates assembly. On ATP binding, DnaA interacts chromosome replication immediately after with conserved motifs at the replication origin, birth, the swarmer cell rests in a replicationally forming an oligomeric nucleoprotein complex quiescent, G1-like state until it differentiates that modifies the topology of the origin such into a stalked cell and thus continues its cell as to promote local unwinding of the DNA cycle (Degnen and Newton 1972). C. crescentus duplex at a nearby AT-rich sequence (Mott has developed an elaborate mechanism to syn- and Berger 2007). Generation of single DNA chronize replication initiation with the physical strands then facilitates loading of the replicative separation of the two daughter cells (Fig. 1). DNA helicase, which in turn recruits the other One of the key players in the underlying control components of the replication apparatus. The circuit is the two-component response regula- activity of DnaA is controlled by a variety of tor CtrA, a central component of the regulatory mechanisms, affecting the nucleotide state, the network that drives the C. crescentus cell cycle free concentration, and the cellular abundance (Quon et al. 1996; Laub et al. 2007). On phos- of the , as well as the accessibility of phorylation, CtrA interacts with the promoters its binding sites (Kaguni 2006; Leonard and of about 50 operons, governing the expression Grimwade 2009). However, the exact contri- of more than 95 genes (Laub et al. 2002). In bution of these different pathways to the inac- addition, it binds to five sites in the replica- tivation of DnaA after replication initiation tion origin, which overlap with the DnaA- and and to its reactivation at the start of a new cell IHF-binding sites, and with a conspicuously cycle still remains to be elucidated. Apart from AT-rich region that includes a strong promoter DnaA-binding sites, replication origins usually implicated in replication control. contain additional functional elements, such in these sites indeed lead to increased ini- as promoters and recognition motifs for the tiation frequencies, indicating that CtrAP DNA-bending protein IHF (integration host acts as an inhibitor of chromosome replication factor), which support the action of DnaA (Quon et al. 1998; Siam and Marczynski 2000; by inducing changes in the superhelicity and Marczynski and Shapiro 2002; Siam et al. 2003; architecture of the origin region. Bastedo and Marczynski 2009). Consistently, Once the replisome is assembled, each of the levels of CtrA are high throughout most of the two replication forks proceeds at a speed of the cell cycle, whereas they fall sharply during a about 1000 base pairs/second, which means short interval around the onset of S-phase, that duplication of a four-megabase chromo- concomitant with a peak in the cellular abun- some takes about 33 minutes. The generation dance and activity of the replication initiator time of many bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, DnaA (Domian et al. 1997; Gorbatyuk and is considerably shorter than the duration of Marczynski 2005; Collier and Shapiro 2009). S-phase. In these cases, replication is initiated Aside from cell-cycle-regulated transcrip- more than once in a single cell, giving rise to tion of the ctrA gene, phosphorylation and siblings that inherit already partially duplicated targeted proteolysis are the key factors deter- chromosomes (Cooper and Helmstetter 1968; mining the abundance of active CtrA within Niki and Hiraga 1998; Nielsen et al. 2007). The the cell (Quon et al. 1996; Domian et al. 1997). regulatory pathways that ensure the proper Both processes are mediated by complex regu- number of initiation events in organisms with latory cascades, which converge at the single- such overlapping cell cycles are largely obscure. domain response regulator DivK (Hecht et al. The situation is different in slow-growing 1995) (Fig. 1A). The phosphorylation state bacteria that only perform a single round of of DivK is controlled by two proteins, the histi- replication in the mother cell. A representa- dine kinase DivJ and the bifunctional histidine tive of this group is Caulobacter crescentus, kinase/phosphatase PleC (Ohta et al. 1992;

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M. Thanbichler

A PleC B (kinase)

PleC Swarmer CtrA P P P cell (phosphatase) P Replication CtrA~P P P initiation P DivK Proteolysis P P Cytokinesis P P P DivK P P P DivK~P P P Stalked cell P P P P P P DivJ CpdR~P DivJ (kinase) (kinase) CpdR

Before After compartmentalization compartmentalization

Figure 1. Synchronization of replication initiation with cell division in C. crescentus.(A) Monitoring of cell division via the phosphorylation state of DivK. In dividing cells, the histidine kinase DivJ and the bifunctional histidine kinase/phosphatase PleC form complexes that are localized to the stalked and the flagellated pole, respectively. At this stage, both proteins function as kinases, ensuring a high concentration of DivKP within the cell. After cell division, PleC switches from the kinase to the phosphatase mode. The DivK molecules captured in the swarmer sibling are thus dephosphorylated, whereas those remaining in the stalked sibling are still retained in the phosphorylated state. (B) Role of DivK in the regulation of replication initiation. Dephosphorylated DivK activates a signaling cascade that leads to the phosphorylation of the response regulators CtrA and CpdR. CtrAP binds to five sites within the , thereby inhibiting replication initiation. Formation of CpdRP prevents proteolysis of CtrAP and thus reinforces the block of chromosome replication.

Hecht et al. 1995; Wu et al. 1998; Lam et al. et al. 2006) (Fig. 1B). The same pathway phos- 2003; Paul et al. 2008). In stalked cells, DivJ phorylates and thus inactivates the single- and PleC form complexes that are localized to domain response regulator CpdR, a key regula- the stalked and flagellated cell pole, respectively tor of targeted CtrA proteolysis (Biondi et al. (Wheeler and Shapiro 1999; Jacobs et al. 2001; 2006; Iniesta et al. 2006; Iniesta and Shapiro Viollier et al. 2002; Radhakrishnan et al. 2008). 2008). Consequently, two complementary path- At this stage, both proteins function as kinases, ways ensure accumulation of CtrAPinswarmer ensuring a high level of DivKP within the cells, allowing it to bind to the chromosomal cell (Paul et al. 2008). However, once cytokine- origin and prevent replication initiation. Once sis physically separates the incipient daughter the swarmer cell differentiates into a stalked cell compartments, PleC is switched to the phos- cell, DivJ replaces PleC at the newly formed phatase mode. As a consequence, the DivK stalked pole (Wheeler and Shapiro 1999). The molecules captured in the swarmer sibling are resulting increase in the level of DivKP rapidly dephosphorylated, whereas those segre- abolishes CtrA and CpdR phosphorylation, gated into the stalked offspring are still re- thereby inactivating CtrA and triggering its tained in the phosphorylated state (Jacobs et al. degradation by the ClpXP protease (Iniesta 2001; Lam et al. 2003; Matroule et al. 2004; et al. 2006; McGrath et al. 2006). Accordingly, Paul et al. 2008). CtrA is cleared from the replication origin, allow- Nonphosphorylated DivKactivates a phospho- ing DnaA to initiate replisome assembly. At the signaling cascade that results in phosphoryl same time, elimination of CtrAPinducestran- transfer to CtrA (Wu et al. 1998; Biondi scription of several essential cell-division genes,

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Coordination of DNA Replication and Cell Division

thereby marking the beginning of the next div- thereby coupling cell separation and the final steps ision cycle (Laub et al. 2002). of chromosome segregation. Later in the cell cycle, a new PleC cluster is FtsK is a hybrid protein, composed of var- formed at the pole opposite the stalk, again ious functional domains. Its membrane-inte- switched to kinase mode and thus stabilizing gral, amino-terminal region (FtsKN) is part of the DivKP pool (Wheeler and Shapiro 1999; the cell division apparatus and responsible Paul et al. 2008). Because, as a consequence, for localization of FtsK to the division site. In CtrAP levels remain low until the cell reaches E. coli and C. crescentus, FtsKN is essential for the predivisional stage, CtrA-independent mech- cytokinesis, probably serving a structural func- anisms must be in place to prevent super- tion in divisome assembly (Begg et al. 1995; Liu numerary initiation events later in S-phase. et al. 1998; Wang and Lutkenhaus 1998; Yu et al. Consistently, the replisome-associated protein 1998a; Wang et al. 2006a). The soluble, car- Hda was found to contribute to proper replica- boxy-terminal part of FtsK (FtsKC), by contrast, tion control in C. crescentus by inhibiting is generally dispensable for constriction. It is the activity of DnaA once the first round of connected to FtsKN via a variable linker and DNA synthesis has started (Collier and Shapiro constitutes a molecular motor, belonging to 2009). Given that the replication origins of the AAAþ ATPase family (Liu et al. 1998; Yu many a-proteobacteria contain CtrA binding et al. 1998b; Aussel et al. 2002). The motor sites that overlap elements critical for replication domains of different FtsK molecules assemble initiation, C. crescentus might not be the only into hexameric rings whose central opening is bacterium using CtrA to synchronize its replica- large enough to accommodate a DNA duplex tion and division cycles (Brassinga et al. 2002; (Massey et al. 2006). These complexes function Ioannidis et al. 2007; Shaheen et al. 2009). as pumps that actively move chromosomal DNA from the constriction site into the daughter cell compartments, reaching translocation rates of up to 7 kb/s (Saleh et al. 2004; Pease et al. ROLE OF THE CELL DIVISION PROTEIN 2005). To ensure proper sorting of the chro- FtsK IN CHROMOSOME SEGREGATION mosomes, the cell uses molecular signposts Sister chromosomes are moved apart in a multi- called KOPS (FtsK-orienting polar sequences) step process, involving active segregation of the (Fig. 2A). KOPS are short, conserved sequence newly synthesized origin regions, condensation- motifs that are highly overrepresented in the driven partitioning of the bulk of the chromo- , with their orientation being skewed somes, and, finally, separation of the terminus toward a defined site (dif ) in the terminus re- regions. The last step in this cascade can be gion (Bigot et al. 2005; Levy et al. 2005). They complicated by several problems. Toward the are specifically recognized by the g-subdomain end of the replication cycle, the terminus regions of FtsKC and thus serve as the preferred loading may become trapped in the closing septum, zones of the translocation complex (Massey leading to a block in cell division (Lau et al. et al. 2006; Ptacin et al. 2006; Sivanathan et al. 2003). Clearance of the division site is impeded 2006). Their orientation dictates the position- by catenation of the two sister chromosomes, an ing of FtsKC on the DNA molecule and, con- effect that is routinely observed during replica- sequently, the direction of the translocation tion of circular DNA molecules (Schvartzman process, ensuring net movement of FtsKC toward and Stasiak 2004). A similar obstacle is formed the terminus region (Bigot et al. 2006). Although by chromosome dimers, arising from an odd KOPS have initially been identified in E. coli, number of events polarized sequences also appear to guide DNA between two newly synthesized chromosomal translocation in other, related systems. The regions (Lesterlin et al. 2004). The cell-division chromosome, for instance, is apparatus, and in particular its constituent FtsK, interspersed with so-called SRS (SpoIIIE recog- play an important role in resolving these issues, nition sequences), which are required to direct

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M. Thanbichler

ABCKOPS Decatenation Dimer resolution


3’-CCCNTCCC-5’ dif dif

Topo IV Recombination FtsK c Translocation

Figure 2. Role of KOPS-regulated DNA translocation by FtsK in the final steps of chromosome segregation. (A) Effect of KOPS (FtsK-orienting polar sequences) on the direction of FtsK movement. The boxed sequence indicates the E. coli KOPS consensus motif. Hexameric rings, assembled from the carboxy-terminal portions of different FtsK molecules (FtsKC), load onto DNA in a KOPS-dependent manner, and then translocate in the direction determined by the polarity of the KOPS elements (green arrows). (B) Stimulation of chromosome decatenation by FtsK. Translocation of FtsKC toward the terminal dif site positions catenanes at the cell-division plane. Unlinking of the two chromosomes is catalyzed by IV, a tetrameric composed of the proteins ParC (red spheres) and ParE (blue spheres). FtsK directly interacts with ParC, thereby concentrating the activity of topoisomerase IV to the vicinity of the cell-division site. (C) Role of FtsK in chromosome dimer resolution. The translocase activity of FtsKC moves the two dif sites of a chromosome dimer to the cell-division plane, thereby promoting formation of a productive recombination synapse. In addition, FtsKC directly interacts with the recombinase XerD (green spheres) and thus induces the first pair of strand exchanges. The recombinase XerC (blue spheres) then completes the recombination reaction, restoring the two original chromosomes.

the SpoIIIE-driven import of chromosomal and Shapiro 2004). Formation of the active DNA into the nascent forespore at the onset of enzyme occurs mostly during the late stages of the sporulation process (Wu and Errington the cell cycle, in a short interval between replica- 1994; Wu and Errington 1997; Bath et al. tion termination and cell separation (Espeli 2000; Ptacin et al. 2008). et al. 2003b). FtsKC was shown to interact with The pumping activity of FtsK has several ParC and stimulate Topo IV activity in vitro implications forchromosome segregation. Sort- (Espeli et al. 2003a; Espeli et al. 2003b). It ing of the terminus regions not only clears the might, therefore, capture ParC after its release division site of DNA but also prevents exces- from the disassembling replisome and promote sive entanglement of the two sister chromo- interaction between the ParC and ParE subunits, somes, which may facilitate their distribution to thereby constituting a functional Topo IV the daughter compartments and their decatena- complex (Espeli et al. 2003b) (Fig. 2B). This tion by topoisomerase (Topo) IV (Adams et al. mechanism could allow close temporal and 1992; Peng and Marians 1993; Zechiedrich and spatial coordination of the processes involved in Cozzarelli 1995; Ullsperger and Cozzarelli 1996). the final steps of chromosome and cell separ- In addition to establishing a favorable DNA ation. However, given that decatenation can arrangement, FtsK also affects chromosome still occur, albeit inefficiently, in E. coli cells pro- decatenation in a direct manner. Topo IV is a ducing a carboxy-terminally truncated form of heterotetramer composed of two different FtsK, the stimulatory role of FtsKC does not subunits, named ParC and ParE (Kato et al. appear to be essential for Topo IV activity (Liu 1990). In E. coli and C. crescentus, ParC colo- et al. 1998; Yu et al. 1998b). calizes with the replisome, whereas ParE is dis- Aside from catenation, dimer formation persed within the cell (Espeli et al. 2003b; Wang is a severe impediment to the completion of

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Coordination of DNA Replication and Cell Division

chromosome segregation (Steiner and Kuempel the homolog FtsZ (Bi and Lutkenhaus 1998). Cells have evolved a specialized machin- 1991; Lowe and Amos 1998; Mukherjee and ery to cope with this problem, consisting of Lutkenhaus 1998; Li et al. 2007). The FtsZ ring the two tyrosine recombinases XerC and XerD. recruits, directly and indirectly, all other com- These proteins cooperate to catalyze a site- ponents of the divisome, and its constriction is specific recombination event between the two thought to provide a major driving force for the terminal dif sites, thereby restoring the original subsequent division process (Goehring and two chromosomes (Blakely et al. 1993). The Beckwith 2005; Osawa et al. 2008). Reorganiz- DNA translocase activity of FtsKC helps align ation of the FtsZ ring is facilitated by its rapid the two XerCD . dif complexes at the division turnover kinetics, with subunits being exchanged site and thus promotes the formation of a at a half-time of only a few seconds (Anderson productive recombination synapse (Fig. 2C). et al. 2004; Thanedar and Margolin 2004; Peters Moreover, it may induce topological changes et al. 2007). Owing to its central role in cytokin- in the vicinity of dif that are required for pro- esis, FtsZ is the primary target of pathways regu- per recombination (Perals et al. 2000; Aussel lating cell division in bacteria. et al. 2002; Capiaux et al. 2002; Ip et al. 2003; Many organisms use a dual mechanism to Massey et al. 2004). Apart from its role in syn- control divisome positioning and assembly, apse formation, FtsKC was shown to interact involving both the Min system and nucleoid directly with XerD and thereby stimulate XerD occlusion (Fig. 3). In E. coli, the Min system is to perform a first pair of strand exchanges, composed of three proteins, encoded by the resulting in the generation of a Holliday junc- minCDE operon (de Boer et al. 1989). It estab- tion. This intermediate is subsequently conver- lishes an autonomous oscillatory system that ted to a crossover by a second pair of strand confines the FtsZ polymerization inhibitor MinC exchanges, catalyzed by XerC in an FtsKC-inde- to the cell poles, thus limiting assembly of pendent manner (Grainge and Sherratt 1999; the divisome to the midcell region (Hu and Barre et al. 2000; Aussel et al. 2002; Massey Lutkenhaus 1999; Hu et al. 1999; Raskin and et al. 2004; Yates et al. 2006). Given that succes- de Boer 1999a; Raskin and de Boer 1999b; sive rounds of XerCD-mediated recombination Hale et al. 2001; Rothfield et al. 2005). B. subtilis can unlink catenated DNA molecules in vitro, and other Gram-positive bacteria, by contrast, FtsK may also have a direct role in chromosome use a different variant of the Min system, decatenation that is independent of its inter- which does not produce pole-to-pole oscilla- action with Topo IV (Ip et al. 2003; Grainge tions but stably tethers MinC at the late- et al. 2007). Interestingly, dif recombination re- division septum and the cell poles (Cha and quires a closing septum and only occurs shortly Stewart 1997; Edwards and Errington 1997; before cell division (Steiner and Kuempel 1998; Marston et al. 1998; Bramkamp et al. 2008; Kennedy et al. 2008). Thus, an increase in the Gregory et al. 2008; Patrick and Kearns 2008). local concentration of FtsK, resulting from con- In mutants lacking the Min system, division striction of the divisome, might be required for septa are formed randomly within the DNA- DNA translocation and efficient stimulation of free regions of the cell, but never on top of nu- XerCD activity. cleoids (Marston et al. 1998; Yu and Margolin 1999). This phenomenon, termed nucleoid occlu- sion, indicates a negative effect of chromosomal ROLE OF NUCLEOID OCCLUSION IN DNA on FtsZ ring assembly (Mulder and THE REGULATION OF CELL DIVISION Woldringh 1989; Woldringh et al. 1990; Mar- In most bacteria, the cell division apparatus com- golin 2001). Its mechanistic basis lies in the prises more than 15 different proteins, which activity of DNA-associated proteins, such as assemble into an annular structure at the future SlmA from E. coli and Noc from B. subtilis, division site. The fundament of this complex that act as inhibitors of FtsZ polymerization machinery is a ring-shaped polymer formed by (Wu and Errington 2004; Bernhardt and de

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M. Thanbichler

ABNucleoid occlusion Min system

Nucleoid MinD MinE


Replication initiation Release of MinCD

DNA segregation Assembly of a new patch

Replication termination Start of the next cycle

Cooperation of nucleoid occlusion and Min system C


Figure 3. Model for the positioning of the FtsZ ring by the nucleoid occlusion and Min systems in E. coli. (A) Temporal and spatial regulation of cell division by nucleoid occlusion. The nucleoid occlusion protein SlmA preferentially associates with the pole-proximal regions of the nucleoid. At the beginning of the division cycle, the longitudinal dimensions of the nucleoid are small, thereby placing SlmA close to midcell and blocking FtsZ ring assembly. In the course of chromosome replication and segregation, the two nascent daughter nucleoids move apart. As a consequence, the midcell region is cleared of SlmA, allowing FtsZ polymerization to occur. (B) Inhibition of polar cell-division events by the Min system. MinD, bound to the cell division inhibitor MinC, assembles on the cytoplasmic membrane, forming a cap-like polymeric layer that prevents FtsZ ring formation in the polar region of the cell. MinE is organized into a ring- shaped structure that gradually displaces MinCD from the membrane. Free MinC and MinD subunits reassemble at the opposite cell pole, thus establishing a new polar cap and restarting the cycle. (C) Cooperation of the nucleoid occlusion and Min systems. The combined action of SlmA and the Min system targets the FtsZ ring to midcell and ensures that divisome formation is delayed to the final phase of the replication cycle.

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Coordination of DNA Replication and Cell Division

Boer 2005). In the absence of these factors, Min- with and stabilize the FtsZ ring (Bernhardt and deficient cells accumulate clusters of FtsZ that de Boer 2005). overlap with the nucleoid and, under cer- tain conditions, initiate cell-division events that CONTROL OF DIVISION SITE PLACEMENT lead to bisection of the chromosome. Thus, BY THE SPATIAL REGULATOR MipZ nucleoid occlusion may have evolved as a safe- guard mechanism to protect DNA against guil- There are a number of bacteria that divide by lotining during cytokinesis. medial fission, even though they lack the Min Although evolutionarily unrelated, SlmA and nucleoid occlusion systems, suggesting the and Noc both contain a helix-turn-helix DNA- existence of alternative mechanisms for the con- binding domain. In addition, both proteins dis- trol of divisome assembly. Work in C. crescentus play similar localization patterns, as they concen- has indeed identified a novel cell-division reg- trate predominantly in the pole-proximal regions ulator, designated MipZ, which couples the of the nucleoid (Wu and Errington 2004; positioning and assembly of the FtsZ ring to Bernhardt and de Boer 2005). In B. subtilis, the initiation of chromosome replication and this uneven subcellular distribution could be the bipolar positioning of the two sister origin attributed to a skew in the distribution of Noc regions (Thanbichler and Shapiro 2006). MipZ binding sites. Noc interacts specifically with a is a member of the Walker A cytoskeletal ATPase conserved 14-base pair sequence, from which (WACA) family (Michie and Lowe 2006) and it spreads laterally into the flanking chro- highly conserved among a-proteobacteria. Its mosomal regions, thereby amplifying the function is critically dependent on the DNA- amount of protein associated with the nucleoid binding protein ParB, which acts as a central (Wu et al. 2009). About 70 copies of this recog- regulator of chromosome dynamics in bacteria nition motif are found in the genome, but none (Thanbichler 2009). In C. crescentus, ParB rec- of them are located in the terminal quarter of ognizes four conserved sites ( parS) in the vicin- the chromosome. Integration of ectopic binding ity of the chromosomal origin of replication sites in the terminus region causes a delay in cell (Mohl and Gober 1997; Figge et al. 2003). division, suggesting that the asymmetric posi- After initial site-specific binding, it spreads tioning of Noc is important for the timing laterally into the neighboring chromosomal re- of divisome formation (Wu et al. 2009). Noc gions and forms a centromer-like nucleoprotein might only be able to block the midcell region complex that cooperates with the DNA-parti- efficiently in early S-phase, when the nucleoid tioning protein ParA to actively separate the is small and its Noc-associated regions are in newly synthesized replication origins (Mohl and proximity to each other. However, once chro- Gober 1997; Figge et al. 2003; Thanbichler and mosome replication and segregation have Shapiro 2006; Toro et al. 2008). Once segre- started, expansion of the nucleoid likely dis- gation is finished, ParB additionally interacts places the majority of Noc from the cell center. with the scaffolding protein PopZ, thereby As a consequence, divisome assembly may be al- mediating attachment of the segregated origin lowed to initiate before the two daughter nu- regions at the cell poles (Bowman et al. 2008; cleoids are actually fully separated, facilitating Ebersbach et al. 2008). closure of the septum immediately after com- Newborn C. crescentus cells contain a single pletion of the replication cycle (Wu et al. 2009). chromosome, which extends throughout the The mechanism whereby SlmA and Noc affect whole cell, with its replication origin being divisome assembly is still unclear. SlmA can attached to the old cell pole (Jensen and Sha- recruit FtsZ to the nucleoid when overpro- piro 1999). On entry into S-phase, the parS- duced and promote bundling of FtsZ filaments containing segment is among the first chro- in vitro. It could, therefore, act by out-compet- mosomal regions to be duplicated. The two ing other cell-division proteins that associate copies immediately reassociate with ParB and

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M. Thanbichler

then move apart in a ParA-dependent manner MipZ (Thanbichler and Shapiro 2006; Toro et al. Origin 2008; Shebelut et al. 2009). During this parti- tioning process, one of the sister origin regions FtsZ remains at its original location, whereas the other one moves rapidly across the cell toward ParB

the opposite cell pole (Viollier et al. 2004). Origin segregation MipZ directly interacts with ParB and thus follows the movement of the origin regions (Thanbichler and Shapiro 2006) (Fig. 4). How- ever, it is not stably tethered to the cell poles but rather distributed in a gradient, with its concentration progressively increasing toward the polar ParB . parS nucleoprotein complexes. Displacement of FtsZ In vitro studies showed that MipZ acts as an inhibitor of FtsZ polymerization (Thanbichler and Shapiro 2006). Accordingly, FtsZ is consis- tently localized to the subcellular region that exhibits the lowest concentration of MipZ. Before the start of chromosome replication, Z-ring formation the MipZ . ParB complex resides at the old pole, resulting in the accumulation of FtsZ at the opposite end of the cell. However, on dupli- cation and segregation of the origin regions, this polar FtsZ cluster is disassembled and a new one is formed at the cell center (Thanbichler and Shapiro 2006). Synthesis of other cell- Figure 4. Division site placement by the MipZ . ParB division proteins, which occurs later in the system. The cell division regulator MipZ forms a C. crescentus cell cycle, may then lead to reor- complex with the DNA-binding protein ParB close ganization of these polymers into a septal to the chromosomal origin of replication, located at the stalked pole of the cell. FtsZ, by contrast, assem- ring that can establish a functional divisome bles into a polymer that is localized to the pole oppo- and initiate cytokinesis (Sackett et al. 1998; site the stalk. Chromosome replication generates Laub et al. 2000). MipZ thus serves as a mole- two copies of the origin region, which immediately cular ruler that uses the two segregated origin reassociate with the MipZ . ParB complex and then regions as landmarks to determine the cell move apart toward the cell poles. As a consequence, center, ensuring that the cell constricts in a gradient of MipZ is established, with its concen- between the two nascent daughter nucleoids. tration being highest in proximity of the two segre- gated origin regions and lowest at midcell. Owing It is unknown why most a-proteobacteria to the inhibitory effect of MipZ on FtsZ polymeri- use MipZ instead of the Min or nucleoid occlu- zation, the polar FtsZ complex disintegrates and a sion system to regulate division site placement. new polymer is formed at the cell center (adapted Conversely, however, a MipZ-based mechanism from Thanbichler and Shapiro 2006). is clearly not applicable to organisms such as E. coli and B. subtilis, which allow overlapping replication cycles and thus accumulate multiple FUTURE PERSPECTIVES origin regions within a single cell. Thus, bacteria may have evolved a variety of regulatory mech- Although considerable advances have been made anisms to control divisome assembly that are in understanding the mechanisms that interface specifically tailored to their distinct structural chromosome dynamics and cell division in bac- and physiological needs. teria, many questions remain to be answered.

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Coordination of DNA Replication and Cell Division

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Synchronization of Chromosome Dynamics and Cell Division in Bacteria

Martin Thanbichler

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000331 originally published online November 18, 2009

Subject Collection Cell Biology of Bacteria

Electron Cryotomography Cyanobacterial Elitza I. Tocheva, Zhuo Li and Grant J. Jensen Krithika Kumar, Rodrigo A. Mella-Herrera and James W. Golden Protein Subcellular Localization in Bacteria Synchronization of Chromosome Dynamics and David Z. Rudner and Richard Losick Cell Division in Bacteria Martin Thanbichler Poles Apart: Prokaryotic Polar and Automated Quantitative Live Cell Fluorescence Their Spatial Regulation Microscopy Clare L. Kirkpatrick and Patrick H. Viollier Michael Fero and Kit Pogliano Myxobacteria, Polarity, and Multicellular The Structure and Function of Bacterial Morphogenesis Homologs Dale Kaiser, Mark Robinson and Lee Kroos Joshua W. Shaevitz and Zemer Gitai Membrane-associated DNA Transport Machines Biofilms Briana Burton and David Dubnau Daniel López, Hera Vlamakis and Roberto Kolter The Bacterial Cell Envelope Bacterial Nanomachines: The Flagellum and Type Thomas J. Silhavy, Daniel Kahne and Suzanne III Injectisome Walker Marc Erhardt, Keiichi Namba and Kelly T. Hughes Cell Biology of Prokaryotic Organelles Single-Molecule and Superresolution Imaging in Dorothee Murat, Meghan Byrne and Arash Komeili Live Bacteria Cells Julie S. Biteen and W.E. Moerner Bacterial Chromosome Organization and Segregation Esteban Toro and Lucy Shapiro

For additional articles in this collection, see http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/cgi/collection/

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