
Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 n hsbhvo r adt xii adrcreain”(1–7). governed correlations” is division “adder exhibit that postulate to models follow- these said cells Importantly, are and behavior model, this “adder” or ing “incremental” the as known constant the where cycle cell time constant a divide initiation. and after initiations constant between a origin add per cells volume which recently in our model, of “adder-per-origin” context the proposed phe- in key discussed are the initia- conclusions replication is These of volume tion. timing cell the and governing division, variable cell nomenological initia- of replication that of governs timing the tion which dimensions in cell replication models in to supports perturbations strongly division to cell robustness of its coupling Thus, tight initiation. interpreted a of quantitatively consequence be a can dimension as and law conditions growth growth The of perturbations. range a law growth over with the valid Moreover, increased remained cases. both division in cell dimension perturbed to the termination decreasing replication whereas from length, time cell in change the little with the width, decreasing cell that of levels found dimen- expression cell We the in varying perturbations by systematic achieved to sions law growth robust- the round the of corresponding test a ness to the sought of which we at Here, initiation segregate. division from cell sister time the to the replication to DNA with of equal rate, growth exponent with scaling exponentially a the scales that volume says law cell This average law. growth Schaechter’s as in control known of relation to events Growth and sizes. accurately various 2016) cell themselves 30, the their duplicate September to review coordinate for cycles (received cell and 2016 their 14, regulate November approved tightly and MD, Bethesda, Health, of Institutes National Mizuuchi, Kiyoshi by Edited and China; of Republic People’s 518055, Shenzhen Sciences, China; of Republic People’s 518055, 02138; MA Cambridge, University, Harvard China; of Republic a Amir Ariel Zheng Hai perturbations dimension the Interrogating www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1617932114 aver- size when birth that, given follows showed a approximately which of cells division, all at over size aged size cell cell and between birth correlations at measuring sup- are experiments models sur- by Such or (1–3). ported length, division and volume, birth (e.g., between size area) face constant a of accumulation the bacterium the in division coli. cell Escherichia of for control pro- manifested, for that models growth, studies is different recent pose understanding cell various among of discrepancies replication, lack of in instance, This DNA understanding division. incomplete coordinate cell an and that have processes still Despite the replication. under- we DNA are progress, of cells particular much rounds where a concurrent conditions is multiple growth This going fast sizes. cell under their challenge regulate homeostatically to B etrfrSnhtcBooyEgneigRsac,Seze ntttso dacdTcnlg,CieeAaeyo cecs hnhn585,People’s 518055, Shenzhen Sciences, of Academy Chinese Technology, Advanced of Institutes Shenzhen Research, Engineering Synthetic for Center n ls fmdl ugssta eldvso stigrdby triggered is division cell that suggests models of class One ftsZ ntercl ylst cuaeydpiaetergnmsand their duplicate accurately to cycles events cell various their the in coordinate and tightly regulate can acteria | ee eutdi nrae ellnt.Frhroe the Furthermore, length. cell increased in resulted level elgrowth cell c,1 a,b n hniLiu Chenli and , oY Ho Po-Yi , b nvriyo hns cdm fSine,Biig104,Pol’ eulco China; of Republic People’s 100049, Beijing Sciences, of Academy Chinese of University | v .coli E. 0 esteaeaecl iea it.Ti is This birth. at size cell average the sets c v eln Jiang Meiling , D npriua,flosa follows particular, in coli, Escherichia | N replication DNA = a,b,1 e v nttt fBoeiieadBoehooy hnhnIsiue fAvne ehooy hns cdm of Academy Chinese Technology, Advanced of Institutes Shenzhen Biotechnology, and Biomedicine of Institute mreB B + v d eateto aeil cec n niern,Suhr nvriyo cec n ehooy Shenzhen Technology, and Science of University Southern Engineering, and Science Materials of Department 0 ee eutdi increased in resulted level v , B elsz tdivision at size cell , a | i Tang Bin , shrci coli Escherichia eldimension cell mreB f eateto oeua n ellrBooy avr nvriy abig,M 02138 MA Cambridge, University, Harvard Biology, Cellular and Molecular of Department d ern Liu Weirong , and ftsZ. [1] v D 1073/pnas.1617932114/-/DCSupplemental at online information supporting contains article This option. access open 1 PNAS the through online available Freely Submission. Direct PNAS a is article This P.H., interest. of and conflict data; no declare analyzed authors C.L. The paper. and the A.A., wrote N.E.K., C.L. P.H., and A.A., research; N.E.K., performed C.L. and A.A., eefe h Hmdl eog otescn ls fmodels of class second division. the cell DNA of to of control belongs for round model, a CH formulation, of the (CH) hereafter Cooper–Helmstetter completion This the 10). after (8, time replication only a divide after cells division that initiation a an that triggers the proposed event of specifically definition Helmstetter and basic Cooper chro- the the great-granddaughters Extending to even or (12). rise simulta- granddaughters give their replication ultimately of of that mosomes origins round under multiple a is, at initiates That neously cell replication. occur- a the of conditions, by rounds these achieved ongoing is multiple situation of This rence growth. We fast at 11). experiments divisions All (10, conditions. fast. growth min fast that as such Note 60 under range out this carried and are within here min described rates 20 growth to between refer range times a supporting doubling media growth of various in grown cells for the tively, Both 9). (8, division the cell and to and replication the replication, of segregates termination of from termination that to division repli- initiation the into a cell from split replica- be from the can DNA time chromosomes to sister The of corresponding follows. event process as initiation the described cation by be can governed which is tion, division cell that to reference explicit replication. no DNA with variable, size phenomenological a by uhrcnrbtos ..dsge eerh ...... N.E.K., X.Y., D.L., W.L., B.T., M.J., P.H., H.Z., research; designed C.L. contributions: Author seas.harvard.edu. owo orsodnemyb drse.Eal llusa.cc rarielamir@ or [email protected] Email: addressed. be may correspondence whom To a,b aino vrg tacntn oueproii n divide and origin per thereafter. volume time constant constant repli-a a initiate at cell cells average which corresponding time on in the model cation the a to and support data replication rate Our DNA division. growth of the initiation of expo- scales from product volume the cell with average nentially cell that perturbed found and systematically dimensions we where experiments in regulation formed cycle cell compet- for several models exist ing there Currently, a home- question. is replication, size fundamental DNA cell of achieve coordination concomitant to with division ostasis, cell regulate bacteria How Significance eodcaso oesfrcnrlo eldvso postulates division cell of control for models of class second A egi Li Dengjin , D eid eancntn at constant remain periods C + D a ufn Yu Xuefeng , elcceb cell by cycle cell is 0mnadlre hntetm between time the than larger and min ∼60 c colo niern n ple Sciences, Applied and Engineering of School . e ac .Kleckner E. Nancy , 0mnad2 i,respec- min, 20 and min ∼40 www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. eper- We coli. Escherichia C + NSEryEdition Early PNAS D C hrb ensuring thereby , and f D , D C periods, period, period, | f6 of 1 C

BIOCHEMISTRY The CH model is supported by the phenomenon of rate main- A tenance (13): After a change from one growth medium to a richer one (a shift up), cells continue to divide at the rate associated with the poorer medium for a period of 60 min. According to the CH model, in which division is triggered by initiation, all cells that have already initiated replication before a shift up will have also already committed to their ensuing divisions, and thus the rate of division will remain unchanged for a time C + D follow- ing a shift up. The same value of 60 min also emerged in a seemingly different context a decade earlier, in the seminal study of B Schaechter et al. (14). In their work, cell volumes, averaged over an exponentially growing population, were measured for culture growing under dozens of different growth media supporting fast growth. It was found that average cell volume was well described by an exponential relation with growth rate V = ∆eλT , where V is the average cell volume, ∆ is a constant with dimensions of volume, λ is the growth rate, τ = log(2)/λ is the doubling time, and T ≈ 60 min. Donachie (15) showed that this exponential scaling of average cell volume with growth rate can also be explained by the CH model if it is further assumed that cells initiate replication on average at a constant volume ∆I per at ini- tiation. Because cells grow exponentially at the single-cell level (16), cells will then divide on average at a volume ∆I per origin times a scaling factor S = 2(C +D)/τ . The average cell volume then follows V = ∆2(C +D)/τ = S∆, [2]

with ∆ = log(2)∆I , because the cell volume averaged over an exponentially growing population is the average cell volume at birth times 2 log(2) (17). In Schaechter’s experiments, the C and D periods were approximately constant, giving rise to the 2 exponential scaling observed. However, the derivation for Eq. Fig. 1. (A) Schematic illustration of the experiment. MreB and FtsZ are holds regardless of the values of the C and D periods, and involved in cell wall synthesis and septum formation, respectively. Using in cases where they are not constant, average cell volume is mreB- or ftsZ-titratable strains, we are able to tune their expression levels not expected to scale exponentially with growth rate. Eq. 2 is continuously and perturb cell dimensions. In both experiments, the D period known as Schaechter’s growth law, but is referred to simply as increased with cell width and length. The C period and doubling time τ the growth law for the rest of this paper. remained constant. (B) Schematic illustration of our model. The perturbed Recent single-cell analyses found that cells indeed initiate D period sets the average number of origins per cell, which is equal to the replication on average at a constant volume per origin or per scaling factor S because replication initiation triggers cell division. The aver- some locus close to the origin (11). Although further experiments age number of origins per cell then sets the average cell volume, following the growth law. For titrated mreB levels, cell volume changes manifested are required, the fact that introduction of an origin onto a plas- mostly as cell width changes. For titrated ftsZ levels, cell length changed mid does not affect timings or cell size suggests that instead, because FtsZ did not affect cell width. the latter possibility is correct (11, 18, 19) (SI Text, Average Cell Volume at Initiation Is Constant per Some Locus Close to the Ori- gin). Below, for simplicity, we use the phrase “per origin,” while the formation of the division septum (20, 21). Our approach is keeping this complexity in mind. indicated schematically in Fig. 1A. It extends and complements Clearly, the two classes of models for control of cell division Schaechter’s experiments, in which growth rate was perturbed, differ fundamentally. In the first class, division depends only on and is reminiscent of the work of Harris et al. (3), in which cell the accumulation of size from birth, and DNA replication plays dimensions were perturbed, but with the important addition to no explicit role. In the second class, division is downstream of both studies that we also measured the cell cycle periods C and the preceding initiation of DNA replication. Importantly, also, D because they play an important role in the CH model. For this the experiments leading to the first class of models defined cell paper, we define division as completion of septation. size differences by measuring cell length. Because for a constant growth environment the widths of bacterial cells are very nar- Results rowly distributed with a coefficient of variation (CV) less than Decreased mreB Level Resulted in Increased Cell Width, with Little 0.05 (2), these analyses cannot distinguish whether cell size in a Change in Cell Length. Cell length and cell width are two major given environment is set by a constant volume, surface area, or characteristics of a rod-shaped cell. As a cell grows, cell length length. This ambiguity raises the question of what is the key phe- increases exponentially, whereas cell width remains constant. nomenological variable governing cell cycle progression. How cell width is determined and maintained is largely unknown. Here, we sought to test these models by perturbing cell dimen- However, several of mreB were reported to result sions in E. coli and assaying the effects of those perturbations on in altered cell dimensions (20, 23, 24), thus raising the pos- both replication events and cell division. In our study, shape per- sibility that alterations in mreB expression level would alter turbations were achieved by systematically varying expression lev- cell width. To continuously and systematically vary cell width, els of the MreB, an homologue involved in cell wall we constructed a strain in which the level of mreB could be synthesis, and the protein FtsZ, a homologue involved in experimentally controlled. We used a system in which a Ptet-tetR

2 of 6 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1617932114 Zheng et al. Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 raeaecl egh(C length cell average for or width (B) cell cell) mean a vs. of axis long the the along of images contrast phase Representative (A) decreasing with that found and 3A) (Fig. copy to need rates. no growth with differing characterizing manner to quantitative for due a complications suitable in consider is MreB results of system these functions titratable Together, the approxi- 3D). the remained (Fig. that strain 0.03) suggest titratable of the (CV of constant of mately S1), range (Fig. certain rates a within bling that found also mreB We 2B). (Fig. inducer the threshold, of minimum level mL this expression ng Above 1 glucose]. + below (RDM) concentration medium aTc an [at lysed low very at until, concentration of inducer of (aTc). appropriate anhydrotetracycline copy an tetR, of native concentration the the adjusting of as by expression construct, this the In in the mreB of of copy version modulated sole The Construction). Strain ods, triggered loop feedback con- various containing culture ng·mL bulk (3–50 in aTc strains of titratable centrations the Relative in (B) gene. level resistance mRNA kanamycin a with replaced lessly i.3. Fig. a of control or mreB- 2. Fig. hn tal. et Zheng AB EFGHA enx esrdcl iesosb hs otatmicros- contrast phase by dimensions cell measured next We inducer decreasing with increased size cell that found We xrsinlvl,tevlm rwhrts rOD or rates, growth volume the levels, expression al S1). (Table gene kanamycin-resistance a by replaced was Titratable Titratable ftsZ P ttaal tan.Teepeso of expression The strains. -titratable tet -tetR mreB mreB edaklo n h native the and loop feedback mreB ttaal el.(E–H cells. mreB-titratable or or ftsZ ftsZ aidlnal ihtecnetainof concentration the with linearly varied mreB − 1 ). xrsint ytmtclyprubcl it rcl egh epciey ihu fetn h ouegot rates. growth volume the affecting without respectively, length, cell or width cell perturb systematically to expression h eei ici fthe of circuit genetic The (A) expression. xrsin(i.2A (Fig. expression mreB mreB ol etgtycontrolled tightly be could ees h el eventually cells the levels, ttaal n idtp tan.(B strains. wild-type and mreB-titratable u o the for but (A–D) as same The ) mreB mreB −1 mreB or fteidvda idtp W)or (WT) wild-type individual the of ) or nrc defined rich in ftsZ mreB and ftsZ mreB B expression sudrthe under is a seam- was IMeth- SI 600 a the was and dou- P ftsZ tet - slnal orltdwt h elvlm ncbcmicrometers cubic in volume cell cell per the OD ( with the results, correlated that our showed linearly verify We is to method. dimen- wanted independent we cell an (25), bacterial using precision define subpixel to to designed sions is used processing software image the Although for Strains). mreB-Titratable changed 3C in length (Fig. Changes below cell discuss The we 3B). which (Fig. slightly, increased width cell the level, xetd h C infiatydcesda elwdhincreased width cell as ( decreased significantly ECS the (ECS) expected, elas- stiffness wall cellular the effective cell of the of measuring levels measured directly low instead in we expressing difficulty ticity, cells the cell in the to that Due softer possible MreB. become seemed have it might morphology Thus, 24). wall 23, dumpling-like (20, synthesis flattened, wall slightly wider a Here, ( the microscopy. showed electron of scanning cells properties using morphological cells, Stiffness. the titrated Wall detail Cell in by acterized Maintenance Width Cell above. defined as conditions growth study fast this concern sions, in tested rates, growth growth ( other fast all various in supporting obtained stud- media, were concentrations results inducer Similar effect of Measurement). any 3 ranges (Fig. has the here construct within ied circuit cells genetic WT the on of presence the nor efud nareetwt rvoswr 2) htcell that (21), work previous Construction). with decreased Strain with agreement increased Methods, length in (SI found, length an We cell above, of as perturbation method same Width. the Cell in Change Decreased wall. the cell and the pressure of turgor resistance between tensile balance force the reflects width ohcl it n rwhrt eandrltvl constant relatively remained rate growth and width cell both .I skonta rBi novdi atra cell bacterial in involved is MreB that known is It S3A). Fig. conclu- resultant the thus and experiments, our of All S2). Fig. inducer of presence the neither that verified also We S1). Fig. .Ti eutrie h osblt hticesdcell increased that possibility the raises result This S3B). Fig. ftsZ ttaal tan ro asrpeetteSMo he replicates. three of SEM the represent bars Error strain. -titratable and ttae el,uigaoi oc irsoy As microscopy. force atomic using cells, mreB-titrated C ftsZ C ouegot ae nbl culture bulk in rates growth Volume (D ) cells. mreB-titratable cte ltpeet h vrg,ma elwdh(averaged width cell mean average, the presents plot Scatter ) ee eutdi nrae elLnt n No and Length Cell Increased in Resulted Level B and ecntutdadcaatrzd using characterized, and constructed We C and IMtos oueDoubling-Rate Volume Methods, SI ftsZ ttaal tant allow to strain ftsZ-titratable D xrsinlvl,btthat but levels, expression and NSEryEdition Early PNAS ITx,Cl Length Cell Text, SI ial,w char- we Finally, | mreB- f6 of 3

BIOCHEMISTRY within the ranges of inducer concentration studied here (CV AB of 0.01 and 0.03, respectively, across different experiments, Fig. 3 E–H).

Correlations Between Perturbed Cell Dimensions and Cell Cycle Timings. We next investigated how the mreB and ftsZ expression levels affect the C and D periods. For a bulk culture in steady- state , the CH model predicts that the average number of origins per cell, hOi, scales exponentially with growth rate (22, 26). This is because in steady-state exponential growth, the number of cells and the total number of origins in the popu- lation must both grow exponentially at the same rate. However, because the CH model postulates that division occurs only after a time C + D following the corresponding initiation, the total Fig. 5. The growth law holds in the face of perturbation to cell dimen- number of origins will be larger than the number of cells by the sions. (A) The average cell volume is proportional to the scaling factor scaling factor S, defined above. Therefore, hOi = S. This rela- S = 2(C+D)/τ . The black line shows the growth law V = S∆ for the best-fit tion holds regardless of the value of C + D. proportionality constant ∆ = 0.55 ± 0.04 µm3. The plus-or-minus symbol An expression for the average number of copies X of a gene indicates the 95% confidence interval of the fit. The coefficient of deter- per cell as a function of the location m of the gene along the mination R2 of the fit is 0.81. (B) The average cell area is not proportional (m = 0 for oriC and m = 1 for terC) can be to the scaling factor. The black line shows the best fit with intercept forced 2 derived similarly. Under the assumption that replication forks to zero. The R of the fit is 0.40. The circle, triangle, and square indicate X = 2(C (1−m)+D)/τ mreB-titratable, ftsZ-titratable, and WT strains, respectively. Different col- travel at a constant speed, the expression is ors denote growth media: Red is RDM + glucose, and blue is RDM + glycerol. (26). We used this relation to extract the lengths of the C and The SEMs of three replicates were smaller than the size of the symbols. D periods from quantitative PCR (qPCR) data of the copy numbers of different chromosome loci (including oriC, terC, and a series of different loci between them; SI Methods, Char- using replication run-out experiments (SI Methods, Cellular oriC acterization of the C and D Periods by qPCR and Table S2). Characterization). The C period was also measured independently by the meth- These analyses revealed that, over the analyzed ranges in the ods in refs. 27 and 28, which gave values consistent with those levels of both mreB and ftsZ expression, the C period remained obtained by the qPCR method (SI Methods, Characterization unchanged (CV of 0.09 and 0.05 for mreB- and ftsZ-titratable of the C and D Periods by qPCR). We also measured hOi, strains, respectively), whereas the D period increased with increasing cell width or length, respectively (Fig. 4). Note that the relation between the D period and cell length predicted by our model below is not linear, but appears approximately linear ABgiven the particular values of the relevant parameters under the conditions of these experiments.

The Growth Law Holds in the Face of Perturbations to Cell Dimensions. We find that the growth law, Eq. 2, holds in our experiments, both across a range of growth media (Fig. 4) and across the two titratable perturbations that drastically affected cell width and cell length (Fig. 5A). The best-fit proportionality constant is ∆ = 0.55 ± 0.04 µm3. The plus-or-minus symbol indicates the 95% confidence interval of the fit. From the derivation of the growth law in the Introduction, we find the average cell size per origin at 3 C D initiation to be ∆I = 0.79 ± 0.06 µm . In contrast, the average cell area, cell length, and cell width are not proportional to the scaling factor S (Fig. 5B and Fig. S4). We further tested the validity of a constant ∆ by fixing ∆ to 3 −1 0.55 µm and calculating the ratio of log2(V /∆) and τ , which is equal to C + D according to Eq. 2 (Fig. 6A). We found that the values of C + D obtained in this way agree well with independent measurements in both the titratable and the WT strains (Fig. 6B). Discussion Here, we perturbed cell dimensions and then observed the ef- fects of these perturbations on the cell cycle to interrogate the Fig. 4. Changes in the cell cycle parameters as cell dimensions are per- mechanism of cell cycle regulation in E. coli. The most important turbed. (A) The D period increased monotonically with cell width in mreB- finding of this work is that the growth law, that average cell vol- titratable strains. The line is the best linear fit. (B) The C period remained ume is proportional to the scaling factor S = 2(C +D)/τ , remained approximately constant as cell width changed in response to titrated mreB valid across large perturbations in cell dimensions. As discussed expression levels. The line is the mean value of C averaged over mreB expres- in the Introduction, the growth law can be quantitatively derived sion levels. (C) The D period increased monotonically with cell length in ftsZ- under two assumptions: (i) the CH model, that replication ini- titratable strains. (D) The C period remained approximately constant as cell C + D length changed in response to titrated ftsZ expression levels. The circle, tri- tiation triggers cell division after a constant time , and angle, and square indicate mreB-titratable, ftsZ-titratable, and WT strains, (ii) that the average cell volume at initiation of DNA replica- respectively. Different colors denote growth media: Red is RDM + glucose, tion is proportional to the number of origins at initiation. The and blue is RDM + glycerol. The SEMs of three replicates were smaller than robustness of the growth law documented above suggests that the size of the symbols. both assumptions hold in face of the perturbations studied here.

4 of 6 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1617932114 Zheng et al. Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 ubtosmgteetterefcs noecs,reduced case, one In effects. their exert cell might in turbations changes as manifested are width. turn cell in and length which volume, cell in not the did the rate, width growth cell per- affected genetic and neither turbation length Rather—because directly. cell analysis volume our in cell width, affect changes cell these and length that cell implies altered in result that recently tions the to similar is initiation of at constant value origin a reported per at volume titrat- cell average the age on shape, replication cell initiated 0. in regulation still changes strains the drastic able underlying Despite mechanism initiation. media) of molecular growth various the and affected FtsZ, (MreB, studied perturbations of constancy law, The growth tiation. the of to derivation tional the factor In scaling here. the studied to (Eq. volume law average links the which by and, division. initiation of of timing timing the model, the CH initiation. governs at volume is invariant cell features, is hypothesis geometric Hence, that variable other the phenomenological than supports key rather then the origin, law per growth volume the that of factor area, robustness scaling surface the the not to and proportional volume, and is cell pro- width, only cycle or that cell length, find governs variable We phenomenological gression. key what of genera- possibility. this next investigate the to required in be event will studies division Further tion. the with event trig- the initiation consistent coordinate gered somehow be must To models (11). these growth finding, fast this with at level single-cell the on ∼0.1) (B (minutes). hn tal. et Zheng that chal- heavily finding are the divi- model, models by CH these lenged the However, to initiation. opposite which, triggers in sion models out findings rule presented not The replication. do DNA with the size to which cell reference of in explicit accumulation models no the cell by of governed class of is first division of control the timing governs oppose for initiation and of division, models of timing that the of which class in (Introduction), second division the support results replicates three of SEMs The symbols. glycerol. the + of size RDM is the is than Red blue smaller media: were and growth glucose, denote + colors Different RDM respectively. strains, WT and lines in the log of of slopes ratio respective the The log as examples. connect as computed lines type are Colored boldface (A) in dimensions. symbols cell to in perturbations of face 6. Fig. AB 79 h ice rage n qaeindicate square and triangle, circle, The A. i.1B Fig. condi- genetic altered examined study present the Although constant proportionality the that show also 6 and 5 Figs. question the about information provide also findings Our orsodnl,gvntefis supin h presented the assumption, first the given Correspondingly, D ± .Tgte ihtescn supin(above), assumption second the with Together S4). Fig. 0.06 eidaoewr epnil o h bevdchanges observed the for responsible were alone period h vrg elvlm e rgna ntaini osati the in constant is initiation at origin per volume cell average The ∆ Measured ) lutae ceaial o h w eei per- genetic two the how schematically illustrates I µm rteaeaevlm e rgnrqie o ini- for required origin per volume average the or 3 e rgnjs si T hsvlefrteaver- the for value This WT. in as just origin per ,rmie osatars h perturbations the across constant remained 2), 0.9−1 C + D 0 ausaepotdaantterto calculated ratios the against plotted are values ∆ µm C hrfr ugssta oeo the of none that suggests therefore 2 + (V 3 (11). vr1/τ over /∆) D sesnilycntn C of (CV constant essentially is C mreB-titratable, eid or period, n hw snumbers as shown and cagsin ∆—changes ∆ ftsZ spropor- is S -titratable, S Fg 5 (Fig. nthe in ftsZ 2 (∆) ∆ , hne r uta h ee fdtcino h urn td but study S5 current (Fig. the values of observed detection with predicted of consistent these level are the of at dictates magnitudes just also The are law length. changes growth cell the in by changes predicted small volume cell the width, pro- the for septation values longer determined prolonged experimentally a given a thus in the and scenario, results this cess then In might width width. cell MreB cell determining Alternatively, increased of implemented width. role is cell the only case in play this increase the in by volume mostly cell would in septation increase cell delayed responding determining levels, in MreB and the reduced increase (30) site at division septation Here, in the width. both at roles: effects direct local two via have would MreB possibility, eliminated even completely normally is maintained septation is where 29). width (21, cells cell with filamentous width, that alone, vs. in length, length fact in in the change asymmetric increase situa- matches This an width. this in as in change manifest which, no to volume, happens cell average tion, increased increased The a an process. from dictates septation directly result the could of effect prolongation this formation, septum of ator the increases expression in 3,3) eetwrsas ugse hta lwgrowth, slow at that condi- suggested such also coli in works E. constant Recent not 34). is (33, initiation tions at average origin that per suggested volume works cell previous instance, For there. ently that possibility also the have raise We 32). important discussed (22, are not correlations they that single-cell show understanding works to recent but the discussion, in our fluctuations in single-cell ignored have we main- law. rate growth explain the also and can initi- tenance at origin origin per per have adder volume cor- Furthermore, We cell adder ation. average 22). constant to a both (4, initiations, to leads and divisions of model relations of adder-per-origin rounds this rounds that two two shown between between a than added which rather in is model volume adder-per-origin constant phenomenological a 22). posed under 16, (2, correlations constant essentially divisions such is at rate no growth and where predicts births conditions it at because sizes not cell (Introduction) is between a proposal correlations reaches showing the adder cell measurements However, single-cell the experimental when (15). with cell his origin compatible a per of in volume and occurs interpretation constant initiation single-cell 10), which behaviors. a in (8, average idea proposed population Cooper–Helmstetter further consider (14), Donachie which al. (15), et Donachie Schaechter MreB of analysis, above in the regulators of secondary be context ∆ to the appear In high- FtsZ 31. as and ref. regulators, “secondary” in be can and lighted distinction “primary” important between an with size, Thus, the made cell initiation. of at determining value origin to the per respect volume determines cell that average core regulation invariant the size affecting not of any are mechanism perturbations that the imply if volume—even tenets cell underlying the its to and perturbations law growth the ments, of combinations width. diverse cell and as parameters length the manifested cell in be in change can changes a law to growth due the volume of result, cell a in As change morphology. rod-shape given the a of ratio aspect the to ence Reduced ecnld ydsusn eea novdqetos First, questions. unsolved several discussing by conclude We pro- recently have us of some conflict, this to resolution a As works classical the on build above considerations the of All measure- size-related analyzing in that, shown has analysis Our refer- without volume cell specifies law growth the general, In eandcntn costitrated across constant remained osntso de orltos(1.I ih fthese of light In (11). correlations adder show not does mreB D .coli E. eid u otescn oeo rB h cor- the MreB, of role second the to Due period. xrsinas nrae the increases also expression nso rwhcniin,btsvrlworks several but conditions, growth slow in C .coli E. or D D eid eas tZi ietmedi- direct a is FtsZ Because period. D eid nbt cnro,however, scenarios, both In period. eid rgot aewl affect will rate growth or periods ih eaeqaiaieydiffer- qualitatively behave might mreB NSEryEdition Early PNAS and ). ftsZ C D D .coli E. eidadcell and period and eid none In period. levels. D D because periods | period f6 of 5

BIOCHEMISTRY observations, it will be important to further study the single-cell Importantly, although our study here has suggested a coarse- of E. coli under cell dimension perturbations at slow grained, phenomenological model on the level of cell dimen- growth. sions, it has not alluded to the molecular players involved. There has recently been much interest in the question of Several hypothetical molecular mechanisms, such as the accu- cell size homeostasis across all domains of (35), and we mulation of a threshold amount of an initiator protein per note that adder per origin may be applicable to other organ- origin (36) or the dilution of an inhibitor protein (37), were pre- isms as well. For example, it is known that the bacterium Bacil- viously shown to implement molecularly the phenomenological lus subtilis also exhibits the growth law and adder correlations. model discussed here (6, 22). However, despite decades of work, Repeating the experiment here in B. subtilis may help probe the molecular mechanism for cell cycle regulation in bacteria the relations between cell dimensions and cell cycle timings in remains a fundamental unresolved question. a Gram-positive bacterium. Adder correlations in cell volume ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors acknowledge the reviewers, Terry Hwa were also found recently in budding diploid daughter cells and Arieh Zaritsky, for insightful discussions. This work was financially (6). Given the different morphology of these cells, which changes supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China Grant 31471270, dramatically throughout the cell cycle and particularly at bud- 973 Program Grant 2014CB745202, 863 Program Grant SS2015AA020936, the ding, it is plausible that cell volume, and not cell shape, is the key Guangdong Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar Grant S2013050016987, Shenzhen Peacock TeamPlan Grant KQTD2015033ll7210153 phenomenological variable governing cell cycle regulation also in (to C.L.), and National Institutes of Health Grant NIH R01 GM025326 (to this case. N.E.K.). A.A. acknowledges support from the A. P. Sloan Foundation.

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