Edinburgh Research Explorer Genetically engineering milk Citation for published version: Whitelaw, CBA, Joshi, A, Kumar, S, Lillico, SG & Proudfoot, C 2016, 'Genetically engineering milk', Journal of Dairy Research, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 3-11. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022029916000017 Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1017/S0022029916000017 Link: Link to publication record in Edinburgh Research Explorer Document Version: Peer reviewed version Published In: Journal of Dairy Research General rights Copyright for the publications made accessible via the Edinburgh Research Explorer is retained by the author(s) and / or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Take down policy The University of Edinburgh has made every reasonable effort to ensure that Edinburgh Research Explorer content complies with UK legislation. If you believe that the public display of this file breaches copyright please contact
[email protected] providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 25. Sep. 2021 Short title: Genetically engineering milk Genetically engineering milk C. Bruce A. Whitelaw1,*, Akshay Joshi1, Satish Kumar2, Simon G. Lillico1 and Chris Proudfoot1. The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush CamPus, Midlothian EH25 9RG, UK1 Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India2 * For correspondence:
[email protected] Received 22nd December 2015 and accepted for Publication 1st January 2016 It has been thirty years since the first genetically engineered animal with altered milk composition was rePorted.