AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By Fransisca Kusumastuti




AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By Fransisca Kusumastuti




The world Gives you So much pain And here you are Making gold out of it

There is nothing purer than that—Rupi Kaur




First and foremost, I would like to thank our savior Jesus Christ for giving me the strength and wellbeing in this whole process to complete and finish this undergraduate thesis. My sincere thanks and deepest gratitude go to my undergraduate thesis advisor Elisabeth Arti Wulandari, Ph.D. for providing me with all the advices, ideas, guidance and support. My gratitude also goes to my thesis co-advisor Dr. Tatang Iskarna for the corrections and the suggestions.

I take this opportunity to give thanks to my academic advisor Maria Ananta

Tri Suryandari, S.S., M.Ed for her sincere valuable guidance and encouragement. Also, to my late previous advisor, Dr. F. X. Siswadi, M.A. for his best advices at the beginning of writing this thesis. Thank you to all the lecturers and staffs of English Letters Department who have given me the priceless knowledge and lessons for the past four years.

I dedicate this thesis to my dad, my mom, my little brother, and my whole big family thank you for their unstoppable love, patience, support, encouragement, thank you for believing in me and for accepting me as I am.

All my gratitude to Franssisca X. and Chindy C., for their help to correct my grammar and gave me lot of suggestions. Also, to my other friends Reza, Wari,

Litany, Ajeng, Sari, Imas, Deasy, Windri, thank you for always be there for me through all these processes, the ups and downs, the laughs and tears we share.

I am so grateful to have all of you in my life.

Fransisca Kusumastuti




TITLE PAGE ...... ii APPROVAL PAGE ...... iii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ...... iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH ...... v STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ...... vi MOTTO PAGE ...... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... ix ABSTRACT ...... x ABSTRAK ...... xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 5 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 5 D. Definition of Terms ...... 6 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 8 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 8 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 13 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ...... 13 2. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ...... 15 3. Theory of ...... 16 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 19 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 21 A. Object of the Study...... 22 B. Approach of the Study ...... 22 C. Method of the Study ...... 23 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ...... 24 A. The Characteristics of Jesse Aarons ...... 24 1. Before Leslie’s Presence ...... 25 2. After Leslie’s Presence ...... 30 B. Jesse Aarons’ Grieving Process ...... 34 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ...... 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 49



Kusumastuti, Fransisca. THE GRIEVING PROCESS OF JESSE AARONS AS SEEN IN KATHERINE PATERSON’S BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2018. This study aims at examining the five stages of grief through Jesse Aarons’ characteristics in a novel titled Bridge to Terabithia. Bridge to Terabithia. This young-adult novel by Katherine Paterson, has a dark theme, such as death and grieving. One main character, Jesse Aarons, undergoes grief after his best friend Leslie Burke passes away. Leslie Burke is the person who brings changes into Jesse Aarons’ life through the friendship, and the imagination kingdom called Terabithia. When she passes away, Jesse Aarons goes through several processes of grief. This is his psychological experience when the loss is healed through the grieving process and when his characteristics are affected. This study has two problems. The first one focuses on the characteristics of Jesse Aarons before and after Leslie’s presence. The second problem focuses on how he deals with his grief. The method of this study is library research. The primary source of this study is the novel Bridge to Terabithia. The secondary sources are books of theory, e-books of theories, online articles and journals. Since the study analyzes human behavior based on how they live, particularly how they deal with grieving, this study applied psychological approach, especially theory of five stages of grief by Kubler Ross and David Kessler. The result of this study as follows: three characteristics of Jesse Aarons before Leslie comes to his life, are ambitious, introvert, and fearful. After Leslie comes to his life, five characteristics of Jesse Aarons appear: kind and generous, confident, stubborn, temperament, and insecure. However, there is one characteristic that Jesse Aarons has before Leslie’s presence which is creative. Creative characteristic remains with Leslie’s presence and continues to grow even after his grief. After Leslie’s death, Jesse Aarons faces five stages of grief. In the first stage of grief which is denial, Jesse Aarons tends to deny the reality, where his stubborn characteristic appears. In the second stage which is called bargaining when he wishes something different that can prevent him from losing Leslie, he shows his ambitious characteristic. The third stage is where he shows his temperament characteristic because he cannot control his emotion. The fourth stage, , is when he feels like there is nowhere to go. The uncertain situation here shows his insecure characteristic. The last stage, acceptance where he realizes the situation and accepts the reality. Along with the acceptance stage there are two new characteristics that grow within Jesse Aarons: new-found of courage and maturity which can be seen when Jesse builds the bridge to Terabithia.

Keywords: Five stages of grief, grieving process, psychological, characteristics.



Kusumastuti, Fransisca. THE GRIEVING PROCESS OF JESSE AARONS AS SEEN IN KATHERINE PATERSON’S BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2018. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengusut lima tahapan berduka, dialami oleh Jesse Aarons, yang dapat dilihat melalui karakteristiknya di sebuah novel berjudul Bridge to Terabithia. Novel karya Katherine Paterson ini memiliki sisi gelap dengan tema kematian dan kedukaan. Karakter utama bernama Jesse Aarons melalui proses kedukaan setelah sahabat satu-satunya bernama Leslie Burke meninggal dunia. Leslie Burke, seseorang yang mengubah hidup Jesse Aarons melalui pertemanan dan kerajaan imajinasi bernama Terabithia. Ketika Leslie Burke meninggal, Jesse mengalami yaitu lima tahap keduakaan. Merupakan pengalaman psikoligis dimana rasa kehilangan disembuhkan dengan proses kedukaan yang dipengaruhi oleh karakteristiknya. Studi ini menjawab dua rumusan masalah, yang pertama berfokus pada karakteristik Jesse sebelum dan sesudah kehadiran Leslie. Yang kedua berfokus pada cara Jesse Aarons melalui proses kedukaan. Metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah penilitian kepustakaan. Sumber utama pada penelitian ini adalah novel Bridge to Terabithia. Sumber pendukung diambil dari buku teori, buku teori elektronik, artikel, dan jurnal internet. Studi ini mengenai perilaku manusia sehari-hari terutama saat mengalami dukacita, dan menggunakan pendekatan psikologis dari teori lima tahap kedukaan oleh Kubler Ross dan David Kessler. Hasil studi: Jesse memiliki tiga karakteristik sebelum kehadiran Leslie Burke: ambisius, introvert dan penakut. Lalu lima karakteristik muncul setelah kehadiran Leslie: baik dan murah hati, percaya diri, keras kepala, pemarah dan insecure. Namun satu karakteristik, kreatif, sudah ada pada diri Jesse Aarons sebelum dan sesudah bertemu Leslie, bahkan setelah kematiannya. Setelah kematian Leslie, Jesse menghadapi kelima tahapan, yang pertama adalah penangkalan. Karakter keras kepalanya muncul saat Jesse menolak untuk mempercayai realita. Kedua, Karakter ambisiusnya membuktikan tahapan tawar-menawar. Jesse berharap dapat melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda sebelumnya, sehingga kejadian menyedihkan itu tidak terjadi. Ketiga kemarahan, saat ia menunjukan sifat temperamennya. Keempat, depresi terjadi saat Jesse merasa tidak memiliki tujuan, disinilah karakter insecure muncul. Tahap kelima adalah penerimaan. Jesse menyadari dan menerima kenyataan. Bersamaan dengan tahap penerimaan, dua temuan karakteristik baru yang tumbuh pada diri Jesse: keberanian yang baru dan kedewasaan, di lihat saat Jesse Aarons membangun jembatan ke Terabithia.

Kata kunci: Lima tahapan berduka, proses kedukaan, psikologi, karakteristik.




A. Background of the Study

This is a psychological study on the characteristic of Jesse Aarons in

Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. This study attempts to describe

Jesse Aarons’ grieving process portrayed through the characteristics of the character of Jesse Aarons. The grieving process of the main character is analyzed using Kubler Ross’ model theory of five stages of grief.

The process of grief in life always happens to everyone in every each coming and going. People, children and young-adult can experience any type of grief, grieving towards divorce, losing job, losing house, losing friends, losing family, losing pets and death. This study aims to analyze the grieving process of children that represent the real-life problem for those who experiences grief.

Death and grieving themes in young-adult novel are something considered inappropriate by some people, but this did not stop Katherine Paterson to write

Bridge to Terabithia. “Writing the book brought Paterson emotional understanding about terrible events, but over the years, critics have wondered whether its themes are too heavy for children” ( 2007. para


Moreover, the book was banned once and censored in some US states and schools such as in Connecticut and Pennsylvania. “In 2002, two residents of

Cromwell, Connecticut wanted the book banned from middle school classrooms because they claimed that it promoted witchcraft and violence”



( 2012, para 4). An online article in

2012 mentions that Bridge to Terabithia is one of banned books according to

Americans Library Association:

…coming in at number 8 on the American Library Association’s list of the 100-most-banned/challenged books for 1990-2000 and dropping only to number 28 for 2001-2009. At issue with censors are death being part of the plot …Jess’ use of the word “lord” outside of prayer, offensive language, and claims that the book promotes secular humanism, new age religions, the occult, and Satanism. Some critics also proclaim that Leslie is not a good role model simply because she doesn’t attend church. ( 2012, para3)

Some critiques raise problems such as with the theme ‘death’ in young-adult novel, its offensive language, and the novel carries issues that provoke some religious community. Death theme in young-adult novel is not something that have to be avoided, because it may help them to understand more how to face the aftermath of losing someone. Sudden death can lead the people who mourn to be traumatized or depressed. People are sometimes not taken care seriously about children or even their own psychological state because sudden death like what happen in Bridge to Terabithia is a real event that can happen to everyone.

However, despite the critique towards her novel, Paterson’s responds with a message for people who read her book, as seen in an interview with NPR’s interviewee Debbie Elliot:

Paterson says that the books we read in childhood are a rehearsal for experiences later in life. "It's been absolutely miraculous to me over the years that people have not only read the book but they have loved it," she says. "People bring their own lives to the book, their own images that creates it." ( 2007. para 5) Paterson believes that, by reading children books, people experience reality through imaginations they create from the story inside the book. Moreover, people relate the story with their life. That is what Paterson knows about how



people enjoy her book. Through reading her novel people are able to learn about live and how to deal with certain events in live especially death and grieving in

Bridge to Terabithia.

Katherine Womeldorf Paterson, was born on October 31, 1932, is an author of more than 30 books, including 16 novels for children and young people.

Bridge to Terabithia was first published on October 21st, 1977. she writes Bridge to Terabithia that is inspired by her son’s experience. Paterson’s inspirations are not coming from social/political/ideological backgrounds, but they come from her own life experiences. Katherine Paterson is inspired to write The Bridge to

Terabithia after her son's childhood friend was struck dead by a lightning. Her creativity to expand the inspiration she gets, such as Terabithia, represents an escape place with fantasy that children can understand, feel and see. Paterson believes that everyone has their own Terabithia because she does since she has moved so often. Paterson who was born in China to a missionary parent admits that she owns an imaginary place back at the time when she is a kid.

The idea of a sad tragedy that Paterson’s son David feels for the death of his best friend Lisa hill, is the inspiration when she creates for the climax part of the novel. An interview with Paterson by NPR staff sums up her experiences before she begins writing.

Before she began writing, Paterson was herself a missionary and traveled to Japan, a country that, as a child, she'd seen as the enemy. In her memoir, Stories of My Life, she writes about that decision, as well as her relationship with her parents and the traumatic event that led to the story in Bridge to Terabithia. ( 2014. para 3)

The fact that she creates the story based on her experience in life, such as

Terabithia and the death, make this novel is worth to be analyze.



Another inspiration Paterson’s raise is the name of Terabithia. The name of the imagination kingdom is inspired by C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia:

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. In Narnia there is an island called Terebinthia.

Paterson does extraordinary works in her characters, by showing their desire, traits, and ambitious side. She makes the reader feel connected with the characters inside her book by relating some topics or event from our daily life.

That is why this analysis mainly discuss about the characteristics of the main character and how the character deals with the loss of the loved one.

The novel revolves around the friendship between Jesse Aarons and Leslie

Burke. Jesse Aaron’s characteristics is influenced by the presence of Leslie

Burke, the person who helps Jesse Aarons to see the world in the different way so that he manages to step out from his comfort zones. Jesse goes through several different emotions while dealing with grief and after dealing with grief. By analyzing the grieving process, this study hope to increase the awareness of children or young-adult mental state.

To cope with death, people possibly face several responses to overcome the death. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a Swiss psychiatrist, identifies five general stages of grieving, a natural response of loss as an individual. In 2005 Kübler-Ross publishes a collaborative work with David Kessler, titled On Grief and Grieving explores the meaning of grief through the five stages of grief, in which she applies her models to describe the grieving process that a person undergoes upon the loss of a loved one. This undergraduate thesis uses anniversary edition of On

Grief and Grieving August 2014 edition.



Ross and Kessler state that, “The five stages denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are part of the framework that make up our learning to live with the one we lost” (Ross & Kessler, 2014: 7). Not all people experience the exact stages, and some people experience them differently. This undergraduate thesis aims to identify and describe the exact five stages of grief in Jesse Aarons and which the characteristics involve within the process.

This undergraduate thesis focuses on Jesse Aarons to see his characteristics before and after grieving process with five stages of grief. This analysis attempts to understand how the main character gains his life back, through grieving process as the aftermath of the death of the love one. The main character goes through several stages from denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

B. Problem Formulation

Two problems are formulated in order to achieve the goals of this


1. What are the characteristics of Jesse Aarons portrayed in the

novel, before and after Leslie’s presence, particularly as he deals

with the process of grief?

2. How does Jesse Aarons face the grief after the death of Leslie


C. Objectives of Study

This study has two objectives. The first one is to identify the

characteristics of Jesse Aarons’ portrayed before and after Leslie’s presence

particularly as he deals with grief. The second objective is to find out whether



and how Jesse’s characteristics manage his grieving process as the aftermath of losing his best friend Leslie Burke.

D. Definition of Term

In order to avoid misunderstanding, the key term used in this study is define as follows. Grieving process as defined by Kubler Ross and David

Kessler, are described as five stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Grieving in this undergraduate thesis focuses on children. Children can experience grief in their early age when they lose someone who played an important role in their life.

Children can experience many kinds of loss. They can lose their mother, father, sister or brother through death, or they can lose daily contact with one or several loved ones through divorce, being placed in a foster home or through adoption. But children can also experience loss when a friend becomes ill or dies, when they themselves or someone they care about moves far away, or when a pet dies. All these losses can trigger grief in children. (Dyregrov, 2008: 11)

In a book, titled Grief Counselling and Therapy, William Worden states grief as a normal grief which is common and includes several behaviors that occurs. “Normal grief, also referred to as uncomplicated grief, encompasses a broad range of feelings and behaviors that are common after a loss” (p. 17)

Atle Dyregrov writes in his handbook titled, Grief In Young Children that children reaction towards death is similar to adults.

The reaction described here are normal reactions to death. Many, but by no means all, children have one or several of these reactions, and there is great variation in their type, intensity and duration. As many children only gradually realize what has happened, through the absence of the person they have lost, it is perhaps the most normal for there to be an absence of reaction first of all. The youngest children



need repetition of the fact that the dead person has gone and will not come back again. (Dyregrov, 2008: 19)

Children’s reactions towards death is normal and natural, but their reactions may be different in certain ways. Some children take time and need repetition to realize the event.




A. Review of Related Studies

Katherine Paterson’s Bridge to Terabithia is a children literature book with friendship, family and society themes in it. It elucidates how a fifth grader Jesse Aarons goes through a grieving process after the death of his only one best friend. To analyze this study, several related studies are needed to enrich the perspectives which are important in this analysis.

The first related study is an undergraduate thesis titled “A Main

Characters Analysis on Anxiety and Defense Mechanism in Bridge to

Terabithia” by Nuraeni, which focuses on Anxiety and Defense Mechanism of a main character’s in Bridge to Terabithia. She identifies how Jesse and

Leslie reduce their anxiety by defense mechanism. As the background, she states that analysis on children’s literature nowadays applies several approaches such as psychoanalysis, feminism, and cultural studies, to prove that children’s literature also has that relation with critical approaches.

Then Nuhraeni aims her study on the psychological behaviors problems of two main characters in the novel of Bridge to Terabithia, Jesse

Aarons and Leslie Burke. Before Nuhraeni goes to her analysis, she identifies and describes the character of Jesse Aarons and Leslie Burke and she uses theory of character and characterization. Then Nuhraeni mentions about three major systems in structure of personality, which are id, ego, super ego by

Sigmund Freud to seek where the anxiety comes from.



These three major systems in structure of personality are related to each other which can bring up the anxiety.

The id will push the ego to fulfill the id needs. The ego, facing the reality and the superego, is overwhelmed by the intense tension. Therefore, anxiety arouses. (Nuhraeni, 2010: 11) When anxiety occurs, the ego will have wrapped the reality to reduce anxiety and the process called defense mechanisms. Nuhraeni, using the theory from Anna Freud then explains five types of mechanisms into her thesis needs. They are denial, displacement, sublimation, fantasy, behavior withdrawal. She provides data on description of characters’ characterization, list of characters’ anxieties, and characters’ defense mechanism. On the two main characters Jesse and Leslie, Nuhraeni identifies that their anxiety is indicated by their fear. Jesse Aarons has two kinds of anxiety, they are neurotic and moral anxiety by his bad thoughts and panic reaction and distort it with five mechanisms. Leslie Burke who is identified to have neurotic anxiety can be seen from needs that she can’t be fulfilled, and she uses fantasy as her defense mechanism.

From the explanation above, it is clear that Nuhraeni focuses on the psychological problems of the two main characters Jesse Aarons and Leslie

Burke. The difference between this thesis and Nuhraeni’s thesis is the focus of the analysis. This undergraduate thesis focuses on one main character only which tend to describe Jesse Aarons’ characteristics before and after the death of his best friend using psychological approach.



As the main theory, this undergraduate thesis uses five stages of grief model theory. However, Nuhraeni focuses on emphasize the depression of anxiety that happen and analyses them using psychoanalytic approach.

Nuhraeni uses mechanism of defense as the main theory on her thesis. Both thesis explain about depression and describe the character within the novel.

The second related study using Bridge to Terabithia is an article titled

“Sudden Death” by Emily Bazelon. Firstly, she compares the novel with a

Disney live movie adaptation of Bridge to Terabithia. She watches the movie and uses the eyes as a parent and concluded that the death of Leslie seems to be senseless. “But when I saw the new movie of Terabithia—co-written and produced by David Paterson—I watched it through the eyes of a parent. This time, Leslie's death seemed senseless, but not random.”

(Bazelon, 2007, para 02)

Bazelon aims her analysis to the values of the story, that is why she describes her feeling of the death. She sums up that the story carries meaning, and values. The value of the story which is not simply say “do not swung on an abandon rope to cross the creek”, but the story carries meaning and values of losing someone that comes in the end of taking risk (the death) and the beauty of things that happen in our life.

Rather, the story suggests how "death is always at the back of risk and beauty," as the friend I saw the movie with put it. That message, of life's indelible tragic contours, helps explain the power of Paterson's story 30 years after it was written and its relevance for our addled child-rearing times. (Bazelon, 2007, para 03) At the end of her article, she mentions about experts’ caution about shielding kids from dangers. Especially as parents, they tend to put their kids



in actual dangers by make certain boundaries that block the ability of their children to develop skills of self-reliant. It is still hard to let kids playing around freely even went into the woods without thinking about possibilities of child’s death or from any accidents.

In the novel and the movie, the fears aren’t directly pictured, but Jesse

Aarons went back to the creek and built a bridge to Terabithia and make her little sister as Terabhitia’s new queen. These moment shows that children will find out how to keep growing even without parents who twenty-four hours straight watch their children. “The point is that the kids know how to keep on growing. And the parents leave them to it. Paterson's proper ending is for all of us.” (Bazelon, 2007, para 12).

Unlike this undergraduate thesis which focuses on the novel to find the how the character reacts to the grief, Bazelon’s compares the novel with the movie. She focuses on how taking care children as parents by taking the values of both novel and movie, to help children grow. Both article and the thesis use the same object of study which is the novel, and because of this thesis deals with grief, automatically the thesis describes about death, in

Bazelon’s article found the values of the story because of the death and tragic event within the story.

Last related study is an undergraduate study by Taufiq Galih Utomo titled “The Meanings of the Broken Tree, River and Bridge in Katherine

Paterson’s Bridge to Terabithia”. He identified symbols and meaning in

Bridge to Terabithia, at beginning he explained what symbols is and the significance of symbols in literary work is he stated that understanding



symbols in literary work can help the reader follow the deeper meaning of the literary work. “understanding a literary work through its symbolical orders, a reader can comprehend the meaning of literary work better.”

(Utomo, 2013: 06)

Utomo uses symbol to define the meaning of broken tree, river and the bridge. He believes that how people understand symbol is different from the others “After all, a same symbol doesn’t always have the same meaning for everyone, because each person perceives symbols from different sides. By understanding that, the meaning of the broken tree, river and bridge in

Katherine Paterson’s Bridge to Terabithia…” (Utomo, 2013: 24)

In order to describe the meaning of the symbols inside the novel,

Utomo included some important events in order to describe the meaning of the symbol.

the tree that they used to use to swing across to Terabithia was broken and caused Leslie’s death. She was drowned in the river and died. The meaning of the broken tree in the narration contrasts the idea of tree as a source of life, so when the tree is broken, it can infer to something related to death. (Utomo, 2013: 16)

From the quotations above Utomo’s analysis is different from this undergraduate thesis. Utomo’s focuses on describing the symbols in the novel, however, this undergraduate thesis focuses on the characteristics of the main character’s grieving process. Despite of the difference, both analysis share same object of study and describe the main important event of the tragic death.



B. Review of Related Theories

To help in the analysis, some theories are employed. The first theory of this analysis theory of character and characterization by Murphy. Theory character and characterization is needed to define the characteristics throughout the story. Then there is sub theory of hierarchy of needs to enrich the analysis of the character. The second theory used in this analysis is Kubler

Ross’s model of five stages of grief to identify how Jesse Aarons went through his grieving process. Kubler Ross’s model of five stages of griefs, consists of several stages; anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

1. Character and Characterization

Character is an important element in a novel, Abrams defines character in his book of A Glossary to Literature Terms as

the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue—and from what they do—the action. The grounds in the characters’ temperament, desires, and moral nature for their speech and actions are called their motivation. (2009: 42) As stated above, characters’ personality, can be seen from how the character behave. Their moral, and their emotional state determine the characters’ personality. The reader determines the personalities through the dialogue, and from the characters’ action within the novel.

In order describe the character in the novel, a theory of character and characterization is needed. In Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to

English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students by M.J. Murphy,



there are nine aspects on how the author characterize the character in the

novel. a. Personal Description

The author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes (1972: 161). b. Character as Seen by Author

The author can describe him through the eyes and opinions of others

(1972: 162). c. Speech

The author can give us an insight into the character of one of persons speaks

in the book through what that person says (1972: 164). d. Past Life

By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life the author

can give us a clue to events that helped to shape a person’s character. This

can be done by direct comment by the author, through the person’s thoughts,

through his conversation or through the medium of another person (1972:

166) e. Conversation of Others

The author can also give us clue to a person’s character through the

conversations of other people and the things they say about him. People do

talk about other people and things they say often give us a clue to the

character of the person spoken about (1972: 167). f. Reactions

The author can also give us a clue to a person’s character by letting us know

how that person reacts to various situations and events (1972: 168)



g. Direct Comment

The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly

(1972: 170).

h. Thoughts

The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about

(1972: 171).

i. Mannerism

The author can describe a person’s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies

which may also tell us something about his character (1972: 173).

2. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

Since this study focuses on a main character of the novel Jesse Aarons,

understanding his characteristics, hierarchy is necessary to see what the

character’s basic needs are. Hierarchy needs, from psychological theory of

basic human needs, consist of five hierarchy in a pyramid. “…hierarchy of

needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of

human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.”

(Mcleod: 2007)

Model of hierarchy needs is a theory of motivation where human is

motivated to reach and get their needs.

people are motivated to achieve certain needs, and that some needs take precedence over others. Our most basic need is for physical survival, and this will be the first thing that motivates our behavior. Once that level is fulfilled the next level up is what motivates us. (Mcleod: 2007)



The lowest level of needs is needed in order to move and grow to another level. “One must satisfy lower level deficit needs before progressing on to meet higher level growth needs”. (Mcload, 2007) Mcload’s article states that Maslow hierarchy of needs consist of five level, from biological and psychological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization.

a. Biological and Physiological needs: air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep. b. Safety needs: protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, freedom from fear. c. Love and belongingness needs: friendship, intimacy, trust and acceptance, receiving and giving affection and love. Affiliating, being part of a group (family, friends, work). d. Esteem needs: achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, self-respect, respect from others. e. Self-Actualization needs: realizing personal potential, self- fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.

3. Theory of grief

After identifying all the characteristics of Jesse Aarons, the study aims to understand his grieving process to see which characteristics that being involve in the grieving processes. In the processes of grief, the person will face several stages which will guide them to acceptance.

This analysis used a Swiss psychiatrist’s model, Elisabeth Kubler-

Ross, M.D. and David Kessler. They identified five general stages of loss which dying people and people who face someone else’s death. In grieving, not all people exactly experience each of these stages and some aspects of the stages sometimes are not being faced in sequence. This model theory is used



to identify the five stages of grief in Jesse Aarons and to be able to see which characteristics of him that being involve through the process of grief.

a. In the first stage of grief which is Denial, Ross stated that “the person

who may be in denial is grieving the loss of a loved one …For a person

who has lost one, denial is more symbolic than literal”.(Ross &

Kessler, 2014: 8) When someone faces denial stage this person will

keep thinking that the death isn’t real. The first stage of grief helps

people to survive from the loss of the love one. Ross mentioned in her

book that in this first stage of grief the person’s thought is the fact of

the death wasn’t make any sense:

In this stage, the world becomes meaningless and overwhlemming. Life makes no sense. We are in a state of shock and denial ... We try to find a way to simply get through each day. … Denial helps us to cope and make survival possible. Denial helps us to pace our feelings of grief. (Ross & Kessler, 2014: 10)

b. The second stage is Anger. Anger in this stage could be expressed in

various ways. This stage presents itself in many ways: “…anger at

your love one. Anger does not have to be logical or valid. You may

be angry that you didn’t see this coming and when you did, nothing

could stop it. You may be angry that bad things could happen to

someone who meant so much to you”. (Ross & Kessler, 2014: 11)

c. The third stage is bargaining. In the stage of bargaining reader

possibly will identify the situation that the character’s face, from

typical choice of words that they said or felt.

Before a loss, it seems you will do anything if only your loved one may be spared. ‘Please, God’, you bargain, ‘I will never be



angry at my wife again if you’ll just let her live … Guilt is often bargaining’s companion. The ‘If only’ cause us to find fault with ourselves and what we “think” we could have done differently. (Ross & Kessler, 2014: 17) d. The fourth stage is Depression. In this stage people who will face

some situations or feeling when they don’t know what to do or how

to heal their pain. Right after it becomes clear that Anger and

Bargaining are not going to reverse the loss, people may then sink into

a depression stage where they confront reality of the loss and their

own helplessness to heal their pain. People may also blame

themselves for having caused or in some way contributed to their loss,

a person usually cried so hard. According to Ross and Kessler, “After

bargaining, our attention moves squarely into the present” (2014: 20).

Having a depression stage is not like having a mental illness, proven

as Ross mentioned that “This depressive stage feels as though it will

last forever. It is important to understand that this depression is not a

sign of mental illness. It is the appropriate response to a great loss.”

(Ross & Kessler, 2014: 20) e. The last stage is Acceptance, where a person has processed their final

grieving process. This person also possibly will decide what they want

to do for their futures and reconnected with their daily life. General

knowledge of acceptance after grieving isn’t like telling yourself to be

okay or feeling okay after losing someone but to accept the fact that it

already happened. “This stage is about accepting the reality that our

love one is physically gone and recognizing that this new reality is the

permanent reality” (Ross & Kessler 2014: 25). In this stage a person



will start to learn who they are and who our precious one was once in

our life together. A person will heal their selves by starting the new

relationship with their new life, processing reintegration, and stitched

what was ripped.

C. Theoretical Framework

In the attempt to answer several analysis questions stated in the previous chapter, several theories are needed. There are theories of character and characterization, sub theory hierarchy of needs, and model of five stage of grief.

To answer the first question, this study needs to describe the character of Jesse Aarons portrayed in the novel with theory of character and characterization by Murphy. To enrich the analysis of the character a theory of hierarchy of need is applied to see the reason behind some of his characters.

The theory by Maslow is chosen as the sub theory since it’s the basic theory to analyze human needs. This theory is used after described the character,

Jesse Aarons. From describing and identifying the character and hierarchy of needs, it shows what exactly Jesse Aarons needs from the reason behind of his character.

From these two theories, this thesis defines Jesse Aarons character through personal description, how the character is seen by others, the speech, thoughts, conversation with others, reactions, author’s comments, and manner. These theories provide guidance to help the analysis in the story.

The study main analysis is five stages of grief a model by Kubler-Ross and David Kessler, a model theory about a several stages of change in human



nature while they are grieving. The findings of the characteristics are used to see the stages of grief of the main character. First stage there is Denial, second

Anger, third Bargaining, fourth Depression, and fifth Acceptance. At the final stage of acceptance, this analysis will conclude with what kind of new individual that Jesse Aarons become as part of his characteristics in the novel.

This analysis aims to prove how a fifth grader with certain character missed some of his hierarchy of needs can manage his grieving process after the death of his only one best friend.




A. Object of Study

Bridge to Terabithia is a children literature novel by a bestselling author of 30 books, Katherine Paterson. The novel was published on 1977 and won a Newbery medal on 1978. Bridge to Terabithia was highly controversial due to some of the difficult themes and received so many critiques. Some of her other books also feature difficult themes such as problematic children and the death of a loved one, including Bridge to


In 2007 Walt Disney adapts Bridge to Terabithia into a film directed by

Gabor Csupo, produced and screen play by Katherine’s son David Paterson.

Jesse Aarons played by Josh Hatcherson and Leslie played by AnnaSophia

Robb. In 2008 the movie and the actors nominated and won several awards in Young Artist Awards. Best performance in a feature film; Leading young actor; Young ensemble cast; Leading young actress; Young actress ten and under; and the film got Best family feature film (Fantasy or musical).

Bridge to Terabithia is a story of two best friends, an introvert artistic boy Jesse Aarons and an outgoing tomboy girl Leslie Burke Jesse’s new neighbor and new classmate. Leslie helps Jesse to open his mind, to be brave, by teaching Jesse to create fantasies.

Later, both create an imaginary world called Terabithia in the woods, a place just for two of them. They’ll swing on a magical rope crossing the



creek, to enter Terabithia. In there, they can escape from troubles in school, from bullying and troubles at home every day.

One day, after Jesse is visiting the museum with his music teacher

Miss Edmunds, he finds out that Leslie is dead while trying to enter their imaginary world. Jesse faces several different emotions while coping to his grief. This study examines how Jesse Aarons’ characteristics involve before and after Leslie’s presence mainly as he deals with grieving process. Right after Leslie absence, Jesse faces the turning point of his life in grieving process and reaches the final stage of grieving stages to finally continue his life.

B. Approach of the Study

This undergraduate thesis uses the psychological approach to analyse the novel of Bridge to Terabithia. Guerin states, “… the psychological approach is an excellent tool for reading beneath the lines (2005 :153).

Psychological approach is used to understand human behaviours, activity or their act based on how they live, how they talk, and what in their mind is, because the mind conducts everything in human’s behaviours.

Psychological approaches assume that many disorders result from mental, behavioral, and social factors, such as personal experiences, traumas, conflicts, and environmental conditions. (WGBH Educational Foundation:2001)

Since this undergraduate thesis sees how a character deals with the process of grief, psychological approach is the appropriate approach to use.

Psychological approach helps this study to analyse deeper about human behaviours from important events such as death and grieving.



C. Method of the Study

This study is based on library research, since all the analysis was done by reading several related studies and theories to answer the problem formulations. This analysis used a primary data in the novel, Bridge to

Terabithia. Secondary data are online sources, book, e-books, articles, and journals. The information about the author, novel, theories and grieving in children are obtained from online sources, theory book and e-books.

To conduct this analysis, several steps are taken. Firstly, the researcher read the novel in order to understand and to identify important points in the novel. After that, the analysis focused on the finding Jesse

Aarons’ characteristics, to describe his character and identify hierarchy needs that Jesse Aarons misses. Third, is to understand the concept of grief to relate it with the character’s background of Jesse Aarons before and after Leslie’s presence. A model called five stages of grief by Kubler Ross from her book titled On Grief and Grieving was used to analyzed Jesse Aaron’s grief.

There are five stages of grief, used to analyze Jesse Aarons’ grief after the death of his best friend. First problem formulation was answered by two theories character and characterization and hierarchy of needs. The last problem formulation was answered with a model of five stages of grief. The last step in this analysis was to sum up the whole analysis process and the result of the analysis.




In order to make this analysis more systematic, this chapter is divided into two parts. The first part contains the analysis of character and characterization of Jesse Aarons before and after Leslie’s presence, and hierarchy of needs of Jesse Aarons. Leslie Burke plays important role in Jesse

Aarons life, because later when she dies, Jesse goes through several processes to overcome his pain. This first analysis intends to see who Jesse Aarons before Leslie’s presence is so that this study is able to describe the development of Jesse Aarons before after his grief. Afterwards this study continues to see the characteristics after Leslie’s presence to describe who

Jesse Aarons becomes during Leslie’s presence and after she dies. The first part of this analysis answers the first problem formulation of how Jesse

Aarons’ portrayed in the novel. The second part contains the analysis of the five stages of grief, where his characteristics are involved in the process, that answers the second problem formulation of how Jesse Aarons faces the grief after his best friend dies.

A. The Characteristics of Jesse Aarons

Jesse Aarons is portrayed as a fifth grader who has several characteristics that grow within the story. A 10-year-old boy who lives with his parents and four sisters. He has two older siblings; Ellie, Brenda, and two younger sisters;

May Belle, and Joyce Ann. The family is facing some difficulties and tired of living in poverty.



1. Before Leslie’s Presence a. Ambitious

Jesse Aarons shows his first personality as an ambitious boy. Jesse is

willing to get up in the early morning to run, he wants to be the best

runner in fifth grade.

…of course he was going to run. He had gotten up early every day all summer to run. He figured if he worked at it—and Lord, had he worked—he could be the fastest runner in the fifth grade when school opened up. He had to be the fastest—not one of the fastest or next to the fastest, but the fastest. (p.2) Jesse Aarons has an ambitious character from the statement above is

proven by the author direct comment. It is obvious there is a lack of esteem

needs from hierarchy of needs (lack of achievement). Before Leslie’s

presence Jesse Aarons’ ambition to be the fastest kid in school is already

there when he got to feel the taste of wining once and he eager to win again

and again. “Only once. But it had put into his mouth a taste for winning”


“This was the day he was going to be champion--the best runner of the fourth

and fifth grades” (p.40). The author shows her direct comment describing

Jesse ambition to keeps winning. b. Introvert

Jesse is an introvert. He is a loner before Leslie’s presence. He

sometimes feels lonely in home doing chores since he is the only boy in

the middle of four sisters. He faces a lot problem at home and kids at school

who bothering him. He doesn’t have any friends, he has trouble being



accepted by kids at school "that crazy little kid that draws all the time“(P.5).

The author describes Jesse character through other people comment or opinion by what other people see him. Jesse escapes his loneliness also by drawing, this is happens because the lack of love (friendship, trust, and acceptance) in his hierarchy of needs.

Besides being a runner, Jesse wants to be an artist, but he hides this


Jess drew the way some people drink whiskey. The peace would start at the top of his muddled brain and seep down through his tired and tensed-up body. Lord, he loved to draw. (p.14) It is clear from how the author describes Jesse Aarons through mannerism above. Jesse draws to clear up his mind, to escape from problems at school or home. Jesse’s favorite objects to draw mostly are irregular animals like crazy beasts with certain problems. Jesse did not show his talent to anyone but Miss Edmunds the music teacher, Jesse dared to show his drawings to is Miss Edmunds the music teacher “Except Miss Edmunds, the music teacher. She was the only one he dared show anything to..(p.17).

Because Jesse had a crush on her, the author describes how Miss Edmunds looks like in Jesse eyes by describing her physical appearance and her ability.

He was in love with her. Not the kind of silly stuff Ellie and Brenda giggled about on the telephone. This was too real and too deep to talk about, even to think about very much. Her long swishy black hair and blue, blue eyes. She could play the guitar like a regular recording star, and she had this soft floaty voice that made Jess squish inside. Lord, she was gorgeous. And she liked him, too. (p. 17) From the quotation above it is clear how Jesse Aarons sees Miss

Edmunds through author’s thoughts and character as seen by the author. Jesse took his courage to give Miss Edmunds his drawing and then run. Once he



ever shown his drawings to his dad but seems like he did not care. When Jesse

was little he ever told his dad that he wanted to be an artist, and instead of

giving his son blessing, he is turning him down.

When he was in first grade, he had told his dad that he wanted to be an artist when he grew up. He’d thought his dad would be pleased. He wasn’t. “What are they teaching in that damn school?” he had asked. “Bunch of old ladies turning my son into some kind of a – (p. 16) Nonetheless Miss Edmunds is different, she then encouraging Jess to

keep drawing and praises his talent.

The next Friday she had asked him to stay a minute after class. She said he was "unusually talented," and she hoped he wouldn't let anything discourage him, but would "keep it up." That meant, Jess believed, that she thought he was the best. It was not the kind of best that counted either at school or at home, but it was a genuine kind of best. From the quotation above shows that Jesse Aarons put his trust to Miss

Edmunds as Jesse describes her someone that different from anyone in the

school that cares for him.

Jesse’s another ambition which is drawing shows how Jesse Aarons

willing to show his drawings only to his teacher Miss Edmunds from the

previous analysis on ambitious characteristic, it is also a proof how

introvert Jesse Aarons is. Jesse then gets to know Leslie Burke as the new

girl who just moved in next door, she enters the same class with Jesse, and

later she joins the races with the boys every day and she keeps winning. c. Fearful

Jesse and Leslie’s friendship is growing, it begins after school on the

afternoon when Leslie plan to do something with Jesse. They have little race

over the empty field behind the old Perkins place and go down to cross the



dry creek by magic rope to the woods. Leslie wants to have a place only for

them. "Do you know what we need?" Leslie called to him. Intoxicated as he

was with the heavens, he couldn't imagine needing anything on earth. "We

need a place, "she said, "just for us…(p.58)

…it could be a magic country like Narnia, and the only way you can get in is by swinging across on this enchanted rope." …They build secret imaginary kingdom only for two of them where the rule as king and queen (p.59). Leslie starts to create the imaginary kingdom, and Jesse tried his best to catching up with Leslie but little worried in the middle of the dark woods.

Jesse describe his fears in the dark as being underwater “There were parts of the woods that Jess did not like. Dark places where it was almost like being underwater, but he didn't say so.” (p. 59).

After few yards from the creek Leslie stopped and found a perfect place for them, she named their secret kingdom Terabithia. From his hierarchy of needs Jesse’s fearful characteristic is happen because of the lack of safety needs he needs protection and the need of freedom from fear. Jesse’s fearful characteristic get influence from his introvert characteristic. Jesse was relieved for not getting to deep into the woods, in here Jesse shows his fear again "Sure," Jess agreed quickly, relieved that there was no need to plunge deeper into the woods.” (p. 59). Jesse fearful characteristic shows through his reaction in the middle of dark woods.

Before Leslie’s presence, Jesse was a fearful boy. Nevertheless, when

Jesse get to know Leslie better, Jesse gather all his courage and told Leslie that he was scared playing in the woods.



"I used to think this place was haunted," Jess had confessed to Leslie the first afternoon he had revved up his courage to bring her there. "Oh, but it is," she said. "But you don't have to be scared. It's not haunted with evil things." "How do you know?" "You can just feel it. Listen." (p. 70) From the conversation above, clearly Jesse confess his fear and then

Leslie never stop to be patient to encourage him. Later with the help of their

strong imagination they’re able to defeat the fear. Jesse’s creativity helps him

to accept the reality, moving on and makes him more mature after Jesse facing

the grief. d. Creative

Jesse Aarons is a creative boy. He owns this characteristic way before

Leslie comes into his life.

“he dug under his mattress and pulled out his pad and pencils. Then, stomach down on the bed, he began to draw…

Lord, he loved to draw. Animals, mostly. Not regular animals like Miss Bessie or the chickens, but crazy animals with problems--” (p. 14-16)

From a quotation above by author’s mannerism his habit proven his

creative characteristic. This characteristic remains with Leslie’s presence and

continues after her death. Their kingdom it’s not only made of imagination,

they have to build some parts of it. Jesse is creative “But he could make stuff.

They dragged boards and other materials down from the scrap heap by Miss

Bessie's pasture and built their castle stronghold in the place they had found

in the woods.” (p.60). From the quotation, the author make Jesse Aarons

character even clear which is creative through the author’s direct comment.

When Jesse starts to doubt his talent, Leslie keeps pushing and encouraging




how he yearned to reach out and capture the quivering life about him and how when he tried, its lipped past his fingertips, leaving a dry fossil upon the page? "I just can't get the poetry of the trees," he said. She nodded. "Don't worry," she said. "You will someday.” (p.61) The author describes how Leslie encourage Jesse through speech between Leslie and Jesse. Leslie patiently teach Jesse to open his mind wide open. Their friendship was too good, even Jesse finally realize that he has reason to wake up every morning. “For the first time in his life he got up every morning with something to look forward to. Leslie was more than his friend.

She was his other, more exciting self—his way to Terabithia and all the worlds beyond.” (p. 69). The author explain what Jesse think and feel about himself towards the presence of Leslie through the thoughts of the author’s direct knowledge of what Jesse Aarons thinking about.

From the findings above it can be conclude that Jesse Aarons has several characteristics they are ambitious, introvert, fearful, before Leslie comes to his life. However, Jesse Aarons has creative characteristic before and after Leslie’s presence.

2. After Leslie’s presence

After Leslie comes to Jesse Aarons’ life, he undergoes changes to learn about himself by the help of his the only one best friend, Leslie. a. Kind and Generous

When Christmas was a month away, and Jesse wanted to give Leslie something. In here Jesse learn to be more generous, he starts to think what he should buy or give for Leslie.

He was angry, too, because it would soon be Christmas and he had nothing to give Leslie. It was not that she would expect something



expensive; it was that he needed to give her something as much as he needed to eat when he was hungry. (p.87) Through author’s thoughts of direct knowledge above clearly about

what Jesse feel and think, that he feels confuse and because of that he becomes

little bit angry. Nonetheless Jesse thoughts about give Leslie a Christmas

present shows his generosity towards his only one friend. Later Jesse

generosity led him to learn to be grateful to have Leslie as his best friend.

There in their secret place, his feelings bubbled inside him like a stew on the back of the stove—some sad for her in her lonesomeness, but chunks of happiness, too. To be able to be Leslie's one whole friend in the world as she was his—he couldn't help being satisfied about that. (p.115) In this statement through author thoughts about what Jesse feels to

build friendship with Leslie, even though the loneliness might come between

the two of them, there are happiness and that’s all that matters for him. Later

Jesse got an idea to adopt a puppy for Leslie as a Christmas present, it was

for free. “Jesse couldn’t even be prouder of what he finally got for Leslie It

was a clever, lively little thing—a present Jess could be proud of.” (p. 91).

Leslie named the puppy P.T stands for Prince Terrien and make him as the

guardian of Terabithia. Jesse’s kindness and generosity happen because of his

needs of love belonging needs, and esteem needs are fulfilled. b. Confident

Jesse Aarons is lack of confident even in their own imaginary

kingdom of Terabithia, he’s afraid to go there alone. He’s not trust himself

to make the magic by his own and still depends on Leslie.

Jess tried going to Terabithia alone, but it was no good. It needed Leslie to make the magic. He was afraid he would destroy everything



by trying to force the magic on his own, when it was plain that the magic was reluctant to come for him. (p. 97-98) Through the author’s direct comment this analysis found out Jesse’s lack of confident from the statement above. That he’s afraid and his need towards Leslie to bring the magic of Terabithia.

As Jesse spends lot of time with Leslie, they are inseparable. Leslie teach Jesse to see the world in the different way, because the way they usually see the world are too difficult and they intend to keep the distance. They continue to hang there and rule their secret magical fantasy-land as king and queen with their imaginations. His lack of self-confident appears because there is a hierarchy of needs that has not yet fulfilled which is self- actualization needs, Jesse is not yet realizing his own potential proven from how he doubts himself.

Slowly Jesse imagination grows stronger, it shows how Jesse imagining things even when Leslie not around and when he’s not in

Terabithia. "Entering the gallery was like stepping inside the pine grove -- it was huge … so obviously a sacred place" (p.149). Jesse was invited to go to a museum with Miss Edmunds the music teacher. Through author’s thoughts about what Jesse feels to see a gallery for the first time, even he imagines the gallery as a sacred place as he stepped in. c.) Stubborn

When Leslie dies, Jesse went into several different emotions that affect and involve his characteristics. The first characteristic that appears after the death of Leslie Burke is stubbornness. His stubbornness happens



because lacks of love belongingness (friendship), after the death and he not ready for the fact that his best friend is gone forever.

“No!” Jess was yelling now. “I don’t believe you. You’re lying to me!” “It’s a lie. Leslie ain’t dead!” (p.156) “I don’t care, I don’t care.” He was crying now, crying so hard he could barely breath. (p. 173). These are the evidence of Jesse Aarons denies the event and doesn’t care about it, shows his stubborn characteristic from author’s speech in the novel. d.) Temperamental

Later after the death of Leslie, Jesse happen to have a temperament characteristic because the lack of love and belongingness (friendship, receiving and giving affection) because he is just losing his best friend.

May Belle was standing there, her brown eyes wide. “Did you see her?” she asked excitedly. “Did you see her laid out?” .. He hit her. In the face. As hard as he had ever hit anything in his life. (p.172)

His little sister seems so curious about Leslie’s funeral, and Jesse

unstable emotion which is still in anger stage is out of control. From the

evidence above, it is clear to see how Jesse Aarons react to a certain event

through the author reaction of Jesse Aarons. Jesse Aarons appears to be a

temperament boy as he cannot handle or control his emotions after the loss. e.) Insecure

In here Jesse Aarons felt that this situation seemed it will last forever.

He does not know what to do or where to go. Jesse Aarons is insecure. This characteristic also appears after the death of Leslie Burke.



There was nowhere to go. Nowhere. Ever again. He put his head down on his knee. (p.173) …

The words of “nowhere to go” shows uncertainty, confusion about how Jesse will possibility do after the death of his best friend. This uncertainty makes him insecure with the situation. His insecurity appears because the lack of esteem needs (self-respect) and self-actualization (personal potential). The evidence above proven from the author thoughts about what Jesse Aarons thinks towards the situation he faces.

After Leslie comes into Jesse Aarons’ life, he acknowledges his characteristics by learning to be kind and generous, to be confident. Because of those characteristics, Jesse Aarons lacks on hierarchy of needs are fulfilled such as lack of self-actualization, lack of love belonging needs, and esteem needs.

After Jesse visited the gallery with Miss Edmunds, Jesse facing terrible and unpredictable event in his life that Leslie his only one best friend was taken from him forever. She dies in creek while swinging on a broken rope. He then acknowledges another characteristic they are stubborn, temperamental, and insecurity, which are happen because lack of love belonging needs, esteem needs and self-actualization. Jesse went through several different phases before finally moving on.

B. Jesse Aarons’ Grieving Process

After Leslie’s presence marks important point in his life, Jesse then

goes through a grieving process when Leslie passes away. On Grief and

Grieving Finding The Meaning of Grief Through The five Stages of Grief, a



collaboration book by Kubler Ross and David Kessler on 2014, in which they applied their theory to describe grieving process for people who undergoes the loss of the a loved one. In grieving process, some of his characteristics are involve within the process.

1. Stubborness in Denial

First stage of grief is Denial. Ross stated that “the person who may be in denial is grieving the loss of a loved one”. Which mean, the focuses are not for someone who is dying but someone who lost a loved one. When someone is in denial stage, this person keeps thinking that the death is not real. In the previous chapter, this study mentions about Ross & Kessler stages in grieving. At first the person will have a thought about the reality that they face does not make any sense. The person life becomes overwhelms because the person is in a state of shock and tends to deny the reality.

Denial is proven as the first stage of grief in Jesse Aarons though his denial dialogue and his feelings. From this first stage of denial, Jesse’s stubborn characteristic get involve. Because of his stubborn characteristic, this analysis can see Jesse Aarons’ first stage of denial.

Another denial proven in his own mind from the author’s perspectives

“But he knew now that that had been part of the dreadful dream” (p.159).

Later he shows his denial when he run away after he hears the news about

Leslie, Jesse tries to escape from the words about the news in his head. Jesse seems to isolate himself, he creates barriers by escaping the voices in his head.



He ran down the gravel to the main road and then started running west away from Washington and Millsburg—and the old Perkins place. An approaching car beeped and swerved and beeped again, but he hardly noticed. Leslie—dead—girl friend—rope—broke—-fell—you—you— you. The words exploded in his head like corn against the sides of the popper. God—dead—you—Leslie—dead—you. (p.156) From the quotation above, Jesse does not want to believe what just

happens. The evidence proves that he cannot accept the reality, he wants to

forget what happens by running escaping from the people in his house and

from the voices in his head.

2. Ambitious in Bargaining

The second stage is bargaining. The stage of bargaining based on the

theory appears on the third stage, but in the novel, this analysis finds that

bargaining appears on the second stage after denial. Bargaining stage is seen

from the situation that the character faces, from typical choice of words that

he said or felt. In this stage Jesse Aarons’ ambitious characteristic appears

because he was hoping for Leslie’s presence, that is why he keeps thinking

for possibilities. He wishes to get his happiness back which is Leslie’s

presence. Jesse’s insecure characteristic also appears when there is a thought

about going back to Terabithia, but he is scared of something because he is

anxious when he thinks about Leslie.

I was scared to come to Terabithia this morning. The coldness threatened to spread up from his stomach. He turned over and lay on it. Perhaps it would be better not to think about Leslie right now. He would go to see her the first thing in the morning and explain everything. He could explain it better in the daytime when he had shaken off the effects of his unremembered nightmare (p. 160-161)

Jesse’s transition from denial to bergaining stage makes him completely forgets about what happened to his best friend. He still thinks that



she is alive from the quotation above “he would go see her…He could explain it better in the day time… of his unremembered nightmare”

It had been so dumb of him not to ask if Leslie could go, too. He and Leslie and Miss Edmunds could have had a wonderful day-different, of course, from the day he and Miss Edmunds had had, but still good, still perfect. ...I’m really sorry, Leslie…I was dumb not to think of asking. (p.159-160)

From the evidence above, proven that Jesse’s choice of word such as “If” in “It had been so dumb of him not to ask if Leslie could go, too.” shows expectation for better possibilities that could have happens if he did something differently. “It would have been fun to have Leslie along. I’m really sorry, Leslie.” These ways of thinking appear because of the sense of guilty in bargaining stage.

3. Temperament in Anger

The third stage is Anger, in this stage anger expresses in various ways.

Like how people experiences griefs in different ways. In anger stage, the

person can get angry at the love one, which is unpredictable. Ross and

Kessler mention that the anger appears because the person aware about the

fact that the love ones is gone, but this person does not like it and it was not

supposed to be happen “You know intellectually that your loved one didn’t

want to die. But emotionally, all you know is that he did die. It was not

supposed to happen, or at least not now.” (Ross & Kessler, 2014: 11)

Ross and Kessler also mention that anger in grief helps the person to cope with the event by letting the anger out.



Anger is strength and it can be an anchor, giving temporary structure to the nothingness of loss. At first grief feels like being lost at sea: no connection to anything. Then you get angry at someone, maybe a person who didn’t attend the funeral, maybe a person who isn’t around, maybe a person who is different now that your loved one has died. Suddenly you have a structure—your anger toward them. The anger becomes a bridge over the open sea, a connection from you to them. It is something to hold on to, and a connection made from the strength of anger feels better than nothing. (Ross & Kessler, 2014: 15- 16)

Ross and Kessler said that people experiences anger in various ways,

Jesse Aaron’s anger starts from blaming people who brought Leslie to move next door in that small town of Lark Creek. His temperament characteristic proves his anger stage.

If they’d cared at all for Leslie, they would have never brought her to this rotten place. She was probably somewhere right now laughing at him. She had tricked him. She had made him leave his old self behind and come into her world, and then before he was really at home in it but too late to go back, she had left him stranded there like an astronaut wandering about on the moon. Alone. (p.170-172)

Jesse anger grows stronger which Jesse himself cannot even control it. From blaming others, he then blaming Leslie for leaving him alone.

Jesse’s creativity in making imagination also appears here, as he describes his feeling of loneliness like stranded astronaut on the moon. From the quotation above it is clear to see that Jesse creativity in imagination has not gone and it helps him to express his feeling. After that Jesse’s anger grows tremendously as he hit his little sister. Another evidence of Jesse’s anger stage is when he screams and took papers and paints he got from Leslie then throw it away into the stream. “He screamed something without words and flung the papers and paints into the dirty brown water.” (p. 172) From this



quotation, Ross and Kessler theory about letting out the anger is proven too

from Jesse’ temperament characteristic.

4. Insecurity in Depression

The fourth stage is depression. In this stage Jesse Aarons facing blank

and mental breakdown situation. Do not know what to do to heal his pain.

People may also blame themselves for having caused or in some way

contributed to their loss, a person usually cried so hard. According to Ross

and Kessler from the previous chapter, depression stage is a natural response

to a great loss. People have to allow themselves to experience sadness but

still have put themselves to manage it.

From the evidence in the novel page 173, depression stage is proven

from his insecure characteristic “There was nowhere to go. Nowhere. Ever

again”. Moreover, Kubler and David mention that the person who is in

depression stage tends to isolate himself not to escape, but the person is

incapables to do anything “A mourner may be in the midst of life and yet

not a participant in all the activities considered living: unable to get out of

bed; tense, irritable, unable to concentrate; unable to care about anything.”

(Ross & Kessler, 2014: 24)

Later, Jesse’s temperament characteristic appears again when he said

that he hates Leslie, but he does not know why he said that because he does

not mean to say that, but his dad stays there to comfort Jesse. "I hate her,"

Jess said through his sobs. "I hate her. I wish I'd never seen her in my whole

life." His father stroked his hair without speaking. Jess grew quiet. They

both watched the water. (p.173)



They got up and began to walk up the hill. "I didn't mean that about hating her," he said. "I don't know what made me say that." His father nodded to show he understood. (p.174)

From the evidence above, this analysis in depression stage sees that

Jesse’s anger in depression stage is a transition for him, in order to accept

the fact, even though there is still a linger of anger from his temperament

characteristic, but he immediately realizes it and admits that he does not

mean what he says before for hating Leslie. It is Jesse’s insensible feeling

that he hates the situation.

5. Representative of Acceptance

The last stage is acceptance, when a person processes their final

grieving process. A person able to accept that the loss and cannot change

what has happened. This person able to decide what they want to do for their

futures and reconnected with their daily life. General knowledge of

acceptance after grieving is not like telling yourself to be okay or feeling

okay after losing someone but is to accepts the fact that it already happened.

Explained in Ross book that “This stage is about accepting the reality

that our love one is physically gone and recognizing that this new reality is

the permanent reality” (Ross & Kessler, 2014: 25). Relating to Bridge to

Terabithia, Ross’s statement, in this stage a person starts to learn who they

are and who our precious one was once in our life together. A person will

heal themselves by starting the new relationship with their new life,

processing reintegration, and stitched what was ripped. Readers can identify



Jesse final stage of grieving proven by Jesse’s feelings and what is in his

mind: before Leslie came, he had been a nothing a stupid, weird little kid who drew funny pictures and chased around a cow. It was Leslie who hand taken him from the cow pasture into Terabithia and turned him into a king. (p.187).

From the evidence above Jesse Aarons recalling old memories before

and after Leslie’s presence and realizes what Leslie had done to him.

Now it was time for him to move out. She wasn’t there, so he must go for both of them. It was up to him to pay back to the world in beauty and caring what Leslie had loaned him in vision and strength.

...that they were all behind him—well, you just have to stand up to your fear and not let it squeeze you white. Right, Leslie? Right. (p.188)

From the quotation above it is proven how Jesse is finally accept that she is gone, and it is the time to moving forward and not forgetting all what Leslie has taught him. In here Jesse Aarons shows his confident characteristic and starts to realize his potential.

The last chapter of Bridge to Terabithia titled “Building the Bridge”

Jesse wants to let little pieces of Leslie live in Terabithia. Then, Jesse gets an idea to build a bridge to Terabithia to cross the creek without swinging with a rope. Jesse knows that he had to do something, shows how he manage to reach acceptance stage when he is finally deciding what to do. The bridge which has Jesse builds from lumber that the Burkes had left it on their porch, shows his creative characteristic. Building the actual bridge is a representative of his acceptance as the result that he has been through the exact five stages of grief.



From acceptance stage, a new-found of courage characteristic appears. A journal titled First Steps to Mighty Hearts the Origins of Courage by Charles

Smith, stated the origin of courage:

Courage is persevering fear. It is gumption, grit, capacity to get up after a with one's heart on fire. The word comes from the French curage for "putting one's heart into action." Courage is an essential virtue a source of strength that contributes to all significant human endeavors. Every great accomplishment requires courage. (Charles Smith, 2005:80-81)

From the quotation above, it shows that courage appears in order to reach great achievements in life. Jesse Aarons new-found courage is a representative of his final stage of acceptance. Jesse’s courage appears because the lack self-actualization in his hierarchy needs is fulfilled. When he built the bridge, Jesse begins his relationship with Terabithia again.

Along with the stage of acceptance, Jesse Aarons new beginning of maturity characteristic appears when he wants his little sister to rule

Terabithia as their new queen, Jesse Aarons willing to share his secret kingdom to MayBelle where it used to be his and Leslie’s secret kingdom.

And when he finished, he put flowers in her hair and led her across the bridge—the great bridge into Terabithia—which might look to someone with no magic in him like a few planks across a nearly dry gully. "Shhh," he said. "Look." "Where?" "Can't you see 'um?" he whispered. "All the Terabithians standing on tiptoe to see you." "Me?" "Shhh, yes. There's a rumor going around that the beautiful girl arriving today might be the queen they've been waiting for." (p.191).

From the quotation above it shows how Jesse Aarons teaches

MayBelle like what Leslie has teach him by letting his little sister uses her imagination in Terabithia, this is also how he keeps Leslie’s spirit in him



beside building the bridge. Jesse wants to encourage his little sister to have great childhood experiences where children learn to be more imaginative and letting it grows.




This chapter concludes all the answers of two problem formulations from the previous chapters. The first problem formulation describes Jesse

Aarons’ characteristics. Jesse Aarons is a fifth grader who lives with his poor family with four sisters, got no friends, just his drawings and his running skills.

Jesse first characteristic before Leslie’s presence is ambitious. Jesse wants to be the fastest runner in his school. He wakes up in the early morning to run, because he loves the taste of winning and he eager to win more and more.

The second characteristic of Jesse Aarons before Leslie’s presence is introvert. Jesse doesn’t have any friends, some kids make fun of him at school, and being the only boy in the house is no fun. Jesse often draws to escape his loneliness and only dares to show his drawings to Miss Edmunds and Leslie. The third characteristic of Jesse Aarons before Leslie’s presence is fearful. Jesse shows his fearful characteristic when he just met Leslie, he is scared to play in the woods with Leslie. However, Jesse gathers all his guts to confess his fears when he gets to know Leslie better.

The fourth characteristic of Jesse Aarons is creative. Jesse Aarons is creative before and after Leslie’s presence, even it keeps growing after her death. Before meeting Leslie, Jesse is that crazy kid that loves to draw, and after meeting Leslie, she helps him to use his creativity to build Terabithia, an imaginary kingdom together as King and Queen.



After meeting Leslie, Jesse not only he grows his strong previous characteristics, but also acknowledges his new characteristics. Jesse’s first characteristic after Leslie’s presence is generous. Jesse Aarons grows his generosity when he wants to give Leslie a Christmas present though he doesn’t have anything to give her. Later, he gives Leslie a free puppy, Prince

Terrien guardian of Terabithia. Jesse Aarons’s second characteristic after

Leslie presence is confident. Before meeting Leslie, Jesse Aarons is lack of confident. Even after Leslie’s presence Jesse is not trusting himself yet and still depends on Leslie to make the magic. However, through times he spends with Leslie, his creativity in being imaginative helps him to be more confident.

Jesse Aarons then acknowledges more characteristics after Leslie’s death. After the death of his precious best friend Jesse owns a stubborn characteristic where he refuses and denies the heartbreaking news. His stubborness appears because the lack of love in friendship. Following the stubborn characteristic there is a temperament characteristic which shows how angry he is towards an event after the death of Leslie. This characteristic appears when he starts to blame others, physically hit his little sister, and throw away his presents from Leslie. This characteristics also happen because the lack of love in friendship. Jesse’s another characteristic is insecure, when he starts to be anxious about nowhere to go, it shows uncertainty about the choices or things he needs to do next. These anxious feelings appears because he keeps thinking about Leslie, he is lack of self-respect and self-actualization to realizes what he is capable of.



The second problem formulation is about the grieving process of Jesse

Aarons, after Leslie’s death. Going through grief help people to be more aware of how to overcome the pain as the aftermath of losing someone. When

Leslie dies, Jesse went through several different emotional changes.

The changes affect Jesse Aarons’ characteristics which help him to face the whole grieving process.

Jesse Aarons’ emotional changes is described by five stages of grief, proven by his characteristics. Through the found of his characteristics, this analysis is able to identify the exact five stages of grief of Jesse Aarons. The first stage of grief of Jesse Aarons is denial where Jesse Aarons is in shock and tends to deny the reality. A person who undergoes grief, mostly starts their stages with denial a sign to help them cope with the grief. He appears to show his stubborn characteristic because he keeps denying the reality.

The second stage is bargaining. Though from the theory, bargaining appears on the third stage after anger, but there is sense of guilty in Jesse

Aarons which makes bargaining appears on the second stage after denial. As the result he tends to wonder and use conditional word such as “If” to show better possibilities if he did something differently at the past event. In this stage there is his ambitious characteristic when he wishes to make a different so that Leslie would not die.

On the third stage of grief, which is anger, Jesse shows his temperament characteristic from blaming others, even hit his little sister, and throw away his paints and papers from Leslie because he cannot control his emotion because in anger stage the situation does not have to be logical, did



not see when it will come and even has nothing to do to stop it. However, despite his temperament characteristic, Jesse Aaron’s creativity in making imagination still growing and it helps him to express and to describe his feelings.

On his fourth grieving process, depression stage is proven from

Jesse’s insecure characteristic. In depression stage a person helplessly faces a situation that may last forever. Jesse begins to feel and think that there is nowhere to go and the situation he faces doesn’t seems going to stop any time sooner. He feels insecure of the uncertainty when he keeps thingking about

Leslie. Jesse also shows how his temperament characteristic in his depression stage by hating the situation.

On the last stages of grief which is acceptance. A person finally processed all their grieving process, by realizing the situation accepts the fact that already happen and starts to decide what to do next. Jesse starts to realize the situation that Leslie is physically gone and now is up to him to moving on. Jesse remembers what Leslie said, “to stand up to your fear” and she has lent him vision and strength. Jesse wants to repay her. At the end of the last chapter, Jesse wants to keep Leslie’s spirit in Terabithia by letting his little sister MayBelle to become the new queen of Terabithia. Jesse wants his little sister to also experience what a childhood seems like, full of expressions and imaginations. From here it shows Jesse’s maturnity take a place in his life.

Jesse Aarons is building an actual bridge across the creek to reach

Terabithia. The bridge itself is a representative of acceptance that Jesse finally reaches. Through Leslie, Jesse manages grow a new found of courage and



expand his creativity into unlimited imagination and begins to believe in himself. The courage he gains to enter Terabithia after the loss, shows the changes from a fearful boy into a courageous Jesse Aarons. The courage appears because his lack in confident of self-actualization is fulfilled. Jesse

Aarons’ characteristics show how he overcomes the process of grief even though the stages are not in a prescribed order, eventually he is able to deal with the exact five stages of grief. However, in grieving process, acceptance stage is not the end of the processes. Those stages might come again, because there is no some linear timeline in grief, if there is something that triggers the pain or the memories, and the stages may come again because it can always go back and front.



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