Succession Planning Strategic Planning Policy Review Fundraising … be part of the future

LIFE*SPIN’s Mission is to provide information and support for individuals surviving on low- incomes. We strive to support the empowerment and self-development of these individuals in their efforts to attain self-sufficiency.

We are delighted to have this chance to reflect on the progress LIFE*SPIN has made over the past twenty-six years, as well as to consider the work which remains to be done.

LIFE*SPIN is one of the longest-established and most respected Community Economic Development (CED) organizations serving low-income citizens in . Its growth has been overseen by our dynamic Executive Director, Jacqueline Thompson, who was part of a group of single mothers who bonded over their shared experiences and passion to alleviate We give heartfelt thanks to Jacqueline Thompson, our poverty. This vision has been shared with countless Executive Director, for her dedication, passion, and volunteers over the years, and continues to grow and boundless energy. She is an amazing advocate, evolve in response to community need. highlighting issues that most leaders would rather ignore. This year, much of her attention has been LIFE*SPIN’s mission is to provide information and focused on the affordable housing crisis in our com- support for individuals surviving on low incomes and to munity. support their empowerment and self-development and aid them to attain self-sufficiency. In order to help to Along with Jacqueline we thank our Community achieve this, we organize back-to-school backpack Advocate, Patricia Runciman. She has played an drives, subsidized summer camps, a Free Store, free integral role in our organization for the past nineteen tax filings, legal education workshops, a Christmas years, and has changed the lives of countless people. program, and many other activities. You could always count on Patricia for a caring conversation, invaluable information, and a good LIFE*SPIN has proven itself to be sustainable. We have laugh! This is her final year as the Community survived without relying on government funding and, Advocate. Patricia is a fixture in the LIFE*SPIN in turn, we have been able to navigate the mandates of community, and we look forward to connecting with various governments, while being formidable her in a different capacity. As Patricia transitions into advocates for low-income people in our community. retirement, we welcome the future Community LIFE*SPIN has stood the test of time, and has always Advocate, Leia Beland. Leia has been involved with challenged the status quo. LIFE*SPIN for several years, and we know that she will be a great addition to the team. Since LIFE*SPIN is primarily funded by donations, we thank everyone who donates time, energy, and money This year has been full of hard work, passion, and to the organization. Without you, LIFE*SPIN would success. We look forward to continuing our work in cease to exist, and we are forever grateful to you. It is the coming year, and we deeply appreciate the sup- because of your contributions that events such as our port of the community. annual Harvest Dinner fundraiser is such a great success. The Board members, volunteers, donors and Kathryn Callahan and Frances Moore, Co-Chairs guests contributed to the success of this fantastic event.

The most recent reports from the city describe almost 5,000 families on the waiting list for affordable housing. Last year LIFE*SPIN surveyed 205 of our families, ask- Unfortunately, most “affordable housing projects” in ing them to tell us about their housing costs and safety London will not consider them for tenancy, because conditions. We found: they are too poor. Over the last five years, there has been little progress or implementation of inclusionary 33% live with a disability zoning, bonusing, London’s affordable home-ownership 21% have issues with their electrical service program, or innovative ways to house those who are 47% have issues with their plumbing services/fixtures hard to house. We continue to call upon our City to find 53% need flooring or walls repaired out what is happening and get a handle on the housing 56% need windows or doors replaced or repaired crises in our community. 11% missing or broken fire/carbon-monoxide detectors

LIFE*SPIN staff are increasingly called upon to intervene and advocate for affordable housing in The year ahead also offers some challenges for London. With the support of numerous practicum LIFE*SPIN. Succession Planning is not as difficult as teams, from Political Science, Law, Social Justice and succession activities that you know will end when one of Peace Studies, and Humanities, we reviewed the your dear colleagues retires. Patricia has given so much progress on Affordable Housing in London, which has of herself to LIFE*SPIN, her clients, and the people she allocated millions of dollars to invest in addressing works with. I am privileged to call my friend, so our affordable housing development. What we found was journey will not end. However, I will miss her walking a lot of unanswered questions and confusion about the road beside me daily. We are all looking forward to what the money was being used for. welcoming Leia.

I am grateful for the support and dedication of an amazing core team of staff, Board, and volunteers. We do wonderful things together and I thank

Drawings by Myrna Pronchuk each of you for helping where you can.

Jacqueline Thompson

not an end for me, but only another chapter in my life journey. As always, I will continue to advocate where needed, continue writing, doing art, and hope to travel. I Office of the Community Advocate have been blessed indeed to have met so many wonder- ful clients, be surrounded by co-workers whose tireless passion for change and compassion towards others is It is, and always will be, amazing to me that eighteen measureless. Thank you to the members of the Board of years have passed since I entered the door of Directors, who have been supportive and encouraging LIFE*SPIN. My first experience with advocacy was over the years. Thanks to the students who pass through getting help from Melanie Brown. She was not only our doors, and prove that our future holds hope in the compassionate, but also very passionate about her role in voices of our next generation. Leia Beland is not just serving clients who felt marginalized by the system. my replacement, but will add her own brand of advoca- Retiring this year, for me is obviously bittersweet! I have cy skills and compassion. I know you will support her been very blessed to be able to work along side caring in all her endeavours. She is an extremely kind and and devoted people who, like me, strive to empower and persevering human being, and I am so very grateful to encourage clients to step forward, which is no easy task her for allowing me to share with her my knowledge when they have been kicked around by a system that, at and the skills I have learned over the years. Welcome best, is not always kind or compassionate. and Congratulations Leia!

For me, assisting clients who need to apply for disability Thank you, Jacqueline Thompson, for seeing in me benefits, as well as benefits from Ontario Works, and confidence, as well as ability to raise my voice through Old Age Security has been, at times, challenging, but solidarity with others who care. You are truly amazing, also very rewarding. Due to our new government, many and have been such an inspiring mentor. We have changes will be taking place that will neither empower shared tears and laughter, sorrow, and continual nor encourage clients to move forward. Clients I have strength. Please know I carry all of you at LIFE*SPIN, seen are not only dealing with low income, but grief due forever in my heart. I will not forget you. You make me to loss as well. These new changes, deemed by a bureau- proud! cracy which looks more at cost, as opposed to need, endanger us all. When the powers that be create changes that will affect all of our lives, as well as the lives of our Yours in Solidarity, loved ones and neighbours, we need to raise our voices Patricia Runciman in solidarity for all.

Changes to eligibility for disability benefits from ODSP will be vastly different. The criterion which was once, “continual and prolonged”, will now be “severe” only. Imagine someone who has faced the challenges of physical and/ or mental health conditions, and who has struggled to be well, in any way they can be, now being told that, if there is an improvement, they may no longer qualify to remain on their disability benefits. In my way of thinking, this is a crime. Cuts to funding at the grass- roots level, to necessary and empowering resources, is such a shame. Cuts to health care and care for the elderly and abused is neglect in every sense of the word. Afford- able and safe housing does not mean just having a roof over one’s head, but is a basic need.

We all need to stand together to rail against these changes, to fight the good fight, and to give voice for those who feel they have none. I hope that everyone has seen, in my work, the Mission of LIFE*SPIN. Retiring is Community Volunteer Income Tax Program Money Smarts

For the past six years, Len Roozen has been helping low This year, we concluded our intensive educational income individuals and families file their current and initiative, Paths to Prosperity, which was made possible prior year returns, free of charge, ensuring that they by a generous donation from LIBRO Credit Union. The get any tax refund they are owed as quickly as possible, financial literacy program focused on the areas of and that they qualify for the Climate Action Incentives, Registered Education Savings Plan and the Registered HST Credits, Ontario Trillium Benefits, and Canada Disability Savings Plan. Child Benefits to which they are entitled. We developed and provided educational information Len, assisted by Debbie, Eliesha and Gerda, is often for clients who would benefit most from plain- able to help clients who are behind in filing to recover language information on how to build a more secure refunds and benefits they may have missed for up to financial future. Round-table sessions were held, as nine prior years, giving them access to badly needed well as the production of an easy-to-read publication funds. of both these plans. Representatives from LIBRO Credit Union, and Drew Gardner from The Cooperators , Last year (2018) alone, we helped our clients file 1006 contributed in these regular public educational events tax returns, securing over $3,394,800 for them. In at LIFE*SPIN. It is satisfying to inform the public about 2019, we had already assisted our clients in the prepa- both of these opportunities, and to assist our clients in ration of 520 returns by May 31. the process of opening an education savings account to consider their children’s future, well as having our In the London area, LIFE*SPIN offers the only free tax clients obtain a Disability Tax Credit Number to assist in preparation service available year-round for both opening a RDSP. current and prior years’ returns. Returns are prepared by appointment only, ensuring confidential and per- Knowledge of these programs is a game changer for sonalised service to our clients. people, especially for those living on low-income. Overall, this work generated tens of thousands of Len Roozen additional income for our clients, and the information will continue to improve the lives of more families in the future. We are extremely grateful to be able to provide both the education to our clients and others, and to assist in the process of participation.

In addition, we will be getting a new branch of LIBRO Credit Union, directly across the street from the Free Store. It will make banking so much easier and quicker for all! Myrna Pronchuk

LIFE*SPIN Free Store The Free Store is a great place for people to come The LIFE*SPIN Free Store is in constant change, as for free items, including clothes, linens, dishes, pots the management and staff are always coming up & pans, cutlery, toiletries, shoes, and appliances, with new and innovative ways to rework the store such as toasters, tea kettles, irons, blenders, and and assist the customers. Opening three days a the like. Recently, we have seen an increase in new week for the past two years has made it much immigrants, who are super to work with and easier for our customers to make their way down to express such gratitude for the help. Many come the store. Last year we had 4,040 shoppers and this back just to thank us and even bring the odd baked year our number increased to 6,037. Being open treats for our volunteers. three days helps to spread the shoppers out so we can handle the increase, though there are occasions Over the year, volunteers have come and gone, but when we must ask some shoppers to wait for space there are always enough helpers around for us to to open, usually in the first hour each day. We also open the store. We have also had many high have a constant number of new customers on a school students volunteering to get the hours they daily basis. need to graduate and we are looking forward to our annual students that come for the whole summer.

The store works with many churches and groups On April 17th we took a moment to celebrate the that collect donations for us, some on a monthly end of our second wonderful year with Odie basis. Recently, our store manager, Odie, along managing the store. She gives so much time and with her family, picked up numerous car loads of care to ensuring the store is welcoming pleasant clothes and household items from the Parish of Holy place to be. A special thanks is also due to Terry Trinity, following their annual yard sale. This is now Lynn, Linda, Weengush, Angie, and Leanne. This is the second year they have donated and are always an amazing group of volunteers and we are all excited to help. If you can make yourself available grateful for their dedication. occasionally to help with pick-ups, please let Odie know your availability and contact information. We Odie MacDonald have calls almost weekly for donors that would like a volunteer to pickup items. Stewards’ Committee Report

It was a busy year at LIFE*SPIN. The driveway at the rear of The committee is investigating the feasibility of having the building needed repair. There was a large depression in our building LEED Certified. LEED or Leadership in Ener- the driveway where the catch basin for the roof top drain- gy and Environmental Design is the most widely used age system was located. This caused a build up of water green building rating system in the world. It is available over the basin and sediment sand and clay was entering the for virtually all building, community and home project catch basin and causing it to clog. We found a local contrac- types. LEED provides a framework to create healthy, tor who supplied good quality gravel and placed and com- highly efficient and cost-saving green buildings. pacted it so the water would drain away from the building. After we repaired the driveway, we noticed that the fence Richard Nancarrow & Rose White was rotted out. Home Depot was contacted, and they Fundraising Committee Report agreed to repair the fence as part of their community out- reach and will be on-site this summer to build a new fence We have an ever-growing, dedicated team of volun- and three boulevard garden boxes. teers who work to assist LIFE*SPIN by raising money to fund specific programs for our clients. Our main under- Old East Common is again planted for the Pocket-Sized Farm taking each year is an annual harvest meal and silent Day Camp program. Seeds were planted at the March Break auction, held at Chef’s Table in . By Seed Planting Party and moved to the garden plots, pre- pared by volunteers at our Community Gardening Day in holding this event, we are able to make a sizeable May. Rose planted extra heirloom tomato plants to sell, to contribution to help with the Christmas sponsorship support the gardening program. The HRDC summer pro- program, ensuring that no family is left out. Last year, gram will provide four students over the summer months, almost 1400 families came to LIFE*SPIN for help with who will manage the day camp and work on environmental providing presents and other gifts for their children. restoration projects. Each year, these numbers continue to grow, and our efforts are expanded. Additionally, we hold an annual Jacquie, the Stewards Committee and volunteers were kept toy drive in December, together with London City busy on many projects related to upkeep of the housing Police, London Fire Department, London OPP, EMS, units. Most work was routine, or renovations related to and the RCMP. We are grateful for the involvement of move in/move out. all 5 divisions of first responders, in their efforts and

LIFE*SPIN has done a lot of work in the past seven years on enthusiasm for collecting these donations for children. upgrading the building to improve energy efficiency and In 2018 these events helped us to ensure 1380 families reduce impacts on the environment: had a merrier Christmas.

Solar panels We hope to continue to organize these events and to Rain collection system for garden expand our efforts, as we look forward to developing Replacement of all windows on the storefronts with low additional new ways to provide funding. We are look- e-glass high efficiency units to cut down heat loss ing forward to having many of our sponsors join us. We All new doors and windows on the apartments Pointing are a growing team and are always keen for new volun- New roof teers. So, if you have any interest or expertise please Insulation (our office/Living Room pantry) contact the LIFE*SPIN office, and consider joining our Living roof shed team.

Old East Common Pocket Sized Farms The March Break Seed Planting Party was a great Exciting work is underway in the Common. This Spring, success. Our practicum team of Nutrition Students Aaron Judge stopped by to assemble a second com- planned and prepared a delightful array of party poster. Home Depot has been on-site measuring for a snacks. The hustle and bustle of a lively party came to new fence along the south edge, new boulevard plant- a complete stand-still when story-teller Diane Halpin er boxes, and an arbor that can withstand the tempta- gathered us into a circle and held us, spellbound, with tion of children to climb. her craft.

Planning is underway for the 9th annual Garden This year’s registration for Pocket-Sized Farms is close Grooves mini-music festival. We are blessed by the to filled and we are blessed to have Aram and Nicole organizational skills of Karen McLaughlin of the Ukel- leading the team this summer. Our practicum team of lettes. CLC Tree Services will be sending in an arborist kinesiology students prepared all the activities, literacy to thin the canopy and fertilize the trees, so our chil- kits, art projects, and environmental excursions for the dren’s gardens can flourish with a bit more sunshine. whole summer. Easter Egg Hunt

The annual egg hunt was rained into the Living Room,

but thanks to many volunteers, the garden was ready to hide eggs. Numerous donations throughout the year from the Dollar Tree gave each child a choice of little toys for their baskets. One of our Christmas

sponsors, a local club, came in to donate 360 brightly

coloured plastic eggs and all the candy needed to fill them.

Food Security LIFE*SPIN has hosted nursing practicums for a number of years, focused on our nutritional programing. This year, the program leaders requested that LIFE*SPIN host two teams of students, based on the positive learning experi- ences we have delivered.

We host monthly community dinners where folks can learn hands-on how to prepare nutritious low-cost meals. Brescia students also offer simple healthy breakfasts dur- ing the colder months, so Free Store shoppers waiting for the store to open can come in for a light breakfast in a warm atmosphere.

London Review, January 16, 2019. On May 1st the pam- phlet, Leading Women, Leading Girls – April 25, 2019, was filed in the scrapbook along with a printout of the Web page, “Leading Women, Leading Girls – Published March 8, 2019.”

On October 24th, Myrna presented the document “2018 Workshops: Pro Bono Workshops,” which was placed in the pamphlet file “Neighbourhood Legal Services (London & Middlesex) Inc., Annual General Meetings, Reports.” On April 17th, 2019, the following items were placed in the City of London Research Reports pamphlet file (as advised by J. Thompson): A Guide to Family Housing: Households with Dependents, City of London and County of Middlesex; Guide to Senior Housing: City of London and County of Middlesex; [2019 (?)]. On May 15th, the follow- ing item was added to the City of London Research Re- ports pamphlet file: Planning & Environmental Law, Vol. 63, no. 7, July 2011 (Chicago IL: American Planning Asso- ciation). Library The Library is a place in which a range of information re- There were 7 books processed: “The President’s Choice sources can be accessed, which are relevant to the needs Garden Guide Series” series of 4 books, Design, Plantings, of LIFE*SPIN and the community it serves. Since our last Care and Containers (c1998); as well as, London Door- th report, on May 24 , 2019, the Library has continued to ways (2014); Exploring Old East (2015); and Social Deter- function as a community resource centre. minants of Health: The Canadian Facts (c2010); and one DVD, Your Best Shot = À vous de jouer [Videorecording th On June 27 , 2018, 2 copies of SpinCycle, Vol. XXVI, No. I, (DVD)] (c2003). th 2018, 25 Anniversary Edition, which included the Annual General Reports for 2018, were placed in the Archives The new ResourceMate Essential catalogue currently has newly created 2018 AGM file folder, along with 2 copies 440 entries, including 437 book entries (including 1 ana- of LIFE*SPIN Building Community Foundations for Self- lytical entry), 1 Video recording (DVD), 1 journal issue en- th Reliance [2018]. A new Archives folder, LIFE*SPIN 25 try, and 1 kit, Business Charts [Kit], Donna Creighton th Anniversary, was created on April 24 , with the Guest [2002]. Book and portfolio filed. Two copies of the “The Pocket Robert Duff, Librarian Sized Farms Camp Photo Book – 2008” were added to Pocket Sized Farms folder in the Archives.

Newspaper clippings were filed in the scrapbook through- out the year, including mention of Jacqueline Thompson being named on the Mayor’s Honour List for 2019, in , Wednesday, January 2, 2019, and The Our Board of Directors must have a minimum of 60% low-income representation from our membership. Any nominations from the floor will need to retain this balance or will need to be balanced by an election of the required balance of members. Nominees must read and agree to the Conflict of Interest Policy.

The Nomination Committee notes the Board Slate presented below adheres to the election requirements.

Current Board Members

Kathryn Callahan Kathryn Callahan is a social worker in the mental health sector. She has been involved with LIFE*SPIN since 2013. Kathryn first began volunteering at LIFE*SPIN as a class requirement for her Social Justice & Peace Studies degree at King's Col- lege. She was so impressed with the positive atmosphere and dedication to social justice that she stayed on to plan and implement Pocket Sized Farms, as well as the Just 4 Girls program (J4G). This was her third year on the Board of Directors and she is grateful for the opportunity to serve the community while developing new skills.

Laura Rosen Laura has served on a number of committees and organizational boards as a member of the Western University senate for two years. She is also an independent research consultant who focuses on working with not-for-profits in the sur- rounding area. Her experience as an addiction researcher has given her an understanding of the challenges faced by mar- ginalized and low-income individuals and families. She would like to do whatever she can to help alleviate some of the strain faced by this population. She believes that LIFE*SPIN’s approach to facilitating independence and maintaining dig- nity is a great way to empower people, and would love to be a part of a team that does such meaningful work.

Drew Gardiner Drew joined LIFE*SPIN's fundraising committee in May of 2015, after having participated in the Christmas campaign as a donor, in 2014. He became Vice Chair of the Board in June of 2016, and it was in this role that he realized how much MORE LIFE*SPIN really does. "Seeing the impact that LIFE*SPIN has on the community, the joy it brings, and the overall positive, often life-changing impact the organization brings to our clients never ceases to amaze me." Drew owns an In- surance and Financial Services Business as an Agent for the Co-operators and uses his experience in this field to serve on the Finance, Policy and Fundraising Committees.

Frances Elizabeth Moore Frances Moore is an Anishinaabe Kwe from Timiskaming First Nations who is passionate about Indigenous rights, issues, politics, and general social justice. Drawing on her legal background from Georgian College, Frances Elizabeth has over 7 years of experience in the non-profit sector advocating for diversity, equity and inclusion in employment through relation- ship building, and program management. Frances Elizabeth is currently the Operations & National Outreach Manager at We Matter which is an Indigenous youth-led and nationally registered non-profit organization committed to Indigenous youth support, hope and life promotion/suicide prevention. In addition to this, she is a dedicated community volunteer and currently serves as the President and Co-Chair of the Board of Directors for LIFE*SPIN; sits as an Advisory Committee Member for the London Safe Cities Initiative a partnership between the City of London and ANOVA, +Positive Voice Pro- ject out of NokeeKwe and the Indigenous Legacies Project at Museum London; the chair of the Pillar Community Innova- tion Awards Selection Committee; and is a Mentor for Women in Civic Leadership at Kings College University. Frances Eliz- abeth has facilitated several workshops and has been a guest lecturer with the Police Foundations program about urban Indigenous identity and intergenerational trauma at Fanshawe College. She is a member of London’s Indigenous Leader- ship Circle Member and Aboriginal Professional Association of Canada. Above all else, she is a mother to an amazing young Anishinaabe gwewinzenhs and Auntie to several Indigenous youths. the years as President, Co-Chair, Treasurer (currently) and chair of the Personnel Committee of the Board of Directors 2019 Nominees of LIFE*SPIN. I have seen the organization struggle with Kathy Eddington funding over the years, but due to the commitment and Kathy Eddington has been involved in several areas of vol- determination of the Executive Director, Jacqueline unteering at LIFE*SPIN. She started in the Free Store for 2 Thompson, and our many devoted staff and volunteers, years which gave her true insight into our clientele and the not to mention the countless donors, we are thriving! challenges they face. She has served on the Board of Directors for 3 years and is the co-chair of the fundraising I have been constantly amazed and moved by the never committee. Kathy is quite involved in the backpack drive, flagging efforts of the people of our Agency to build a com- Easter egg hunt, Christmas toy drive and the family spon- munity garden, supply affordable accommodation for the sorship program with much time devoted in the fall to the disadvantaged, and sustain our many programs serving the harvest dinner fundraiser. needy families and individuals of our community. Upon my retirement from working at Western University for forty Patricia Fyfe years, I have been afforded more time to volunteer at As a long-time supporter of organizations for social justice LIF*SPIN. In particular, this has given me the opportunity and humanitarian aid, it took only one visit to the offices to participate hands-on in the Christmas Program, which of LIFE*SPIN to convince Pat that this was a place which this year helped over 1,200 families have a wonderful holi- embodied all those ideals. Prior to retiring from her career day. I look forward to many more years of volunteering at as the Senior Academic Counsellor in the Dean's Office in LIFE*SPIN. Western's Faculty of Science, she contributed to the Christmas Sponsorship program, and provided personal Richard Nancarrow hygiene supplies for those on limited incomes. Her previ- Richard Nancarrow has been a volunteer with LIFE*SPIN ous responsibilities had included proofreading and editing for 6 years. He has worked on many projects, including the university calendar copy, skills which have been put to installation of the solar panels, upgrading the facade, re- great use with funding applications, website revision, and storing the stained glass windows, helping to renovate as Secretary to the Board. She is also a member of the apartments, and working on the grounds. He also has Executive Committee. Pat continues to champion and sup- helped the organization to source materials and labour at port LIFE*SPIN'S programs and goals, sponsoring individu- low or no cost, commonly known as scrounging. als and families at Christmas, providing supplies for Pocket -Sized Farms, the Backpack program, and hygiene supplies. Marie Rioux She regards her involvement in the organization as a great Marie Rioux is a Masters of Public Administration candi- privilege. date at the University or York as well as a non-profit pro- fessional specializing in community development, engage- David Murphy ment, fund development, strategic planning, communica- Sixteen years ago, I joined as a volunteer at LIFE*SPIN. I tions, and policy. Marie began her work as a student activ- was involved with the Green Market Basket campaign as ist and continues to be involved in community initiatives part of LIFE*SPIN’s Food Security Program. While this supporting refugees, affordability, mental health promo- effort was rewarding for many recipients, myself included, tion and violence prevention. there were too few subscribers to sustain the program. This program was ground-breaking at the time, and is now Rose White a popular way to help local farmers and growers to feed I have been a part of the LIFE*SPIN community since people and families. Rose White, who was employed by 2002, and it has been a critical part of my life for many the Agency, asked me to consider joining the Board of Di- years. As a sole-support mother, I relied on its services rectors of LIFE*SPIN. I have been a director on the Board and support, and I have remained a champion of the ever since, with the exception of a year’s leave of absence. It has been my great privilege and pleasure to serve over work of LIFE*SPIN. My daughter was given her first work Nominations Committee—Continued

experience in the Pocket- Sized Farms program, and now I am accessing your Financial Literacy program for young children in my life, who suffer from disabling conditions. I am proud of my Food Security work for LIFE*SPIN, and wish to continue to support its development through the garden and nutrition programs. I am currently employed in food services working with seniors and disadvantaged populations. Forest City London Music Awards is committed to sup- porting music in London, Ontario. This memorial music Antonio Zuniga Cuentas bursary encourages young musicians in high school to Antonio Zuniga began his career in Mexico, in 2008, as an pursue music education at a post-secondary level. Electrical Engineering graduate with a passion for buildings with sustainability and renewable energy. He received a The Ken Palmer Music Bursary was established in honour of Ken Palmer, who passed away on October 30, 2013. Diploma in Solar PV and Thermal Design from Censolar re- Ken was a talented musician, broadcaster, educator search in Spain in 2009, and obtained a Master’s degree in mentor, and arts administrator. Ken also worked on a Sustainable Energy from the Polytechnic University of Cata- research project with LIFE*SPIN . lonia, Spain, in 2011. The first music bursary of $1000 was presented in 2016. He achieved LEED certification in 2012, based on his Funds for the bursary are raised through silent and live knowledge of best green building practices, and in 2016 auctions at concerts that celebrate the music and musi- became a Project Management Professional(PMP) and a cians of Smales Pace & Change of Pace. We are grateful NABCEP certified solar PV installation professional, based for the dedication and leadership of our bursary team: upon his extensive knowledge in solar PV design practices. Ian Davies Mario Circelli

Jacqueline Thompson During his career, he has worked on electrical engineering Linda Wharton design of buildings and solar projects in Canada, the U.S.A., and Mexico. Antonio has been living in London since 2012, Ken Palmer Memorial Music Bursary and enjoys volunteering and interacting with people of 2016 different backgrounds. He volunteered at the London Pub- Keegan Marshall (Beal) lic Library in 2017-2018 as a ESL partner. He has also volun- teered to retrieve sea turtle eggs to hatching stations, safe 2017 from poachers and illegal trade in the south of Mexico. Hannah Couto (John Paul II)

2018 Antonio believes in buildings which provide comfort and Gillian Derer (Glendale) well-being for their occupants, while achieving sustainabil- Rebecca Myette (Oakridge) ity, and would like to be part of the LIFE*SPIN team. 2019 Emily Inch (Medway) Nicole Pitter (Glendale)

LIFE*SPIN staff and Board of Directors gratefully acknowledge these generous and heartfelt gifts.

Donations of time and expertise made to LIFE*SPIN are critical contributions that enable us to serve low-income individuals and families in London.

Aram Abu-Jazar Adriana Fernandez de Castro Emily O’Hara Arthur Tyndall Kathy Atkinson Rebekah Ferris Gladis Orozco Bravo Macario Wicker

Laura Tellez Avarez Patricia Fyfe Melissa Parrott Rose White Alexis Baba Braydon Hackeson Samantha Phillips Amanda Wilcox Claudia Baldizon Diane Halpin Weenguish Phillips Terri Lynn Wilcox Abrina Bandali Eliesha Hammond Myrna Pronchuk Jodi Willams Leia Beland Muhammed Hatib Deborah Ratz Ting Yan Blake Bellemare Matt Hendry Marie Rioux Nora Bicknell Natalia Hernandez Ashley Zimmerman Kyra Bone Oscar Hernandez Len Roozen Antonio Zuniga Cuentas Rick Booker Aaron Judge Laura Rosen

Alyssa Bossineau Alexander Judge Patricia Runciman Natu Broadbent Ungwa Kashindi Lianne St. Thomas Tashie Broadbent Yae Ram Kim Natalie Samuel Matt Brown Gerda Korthof Dianne Seabrook Maureen Caissie Theo Korthof Kathryn Callahan Jo-Ann Lawton Lewis Seale William Chapman Cindy Lee Rachna Sharma

Jordon Christensen Annie Li Shaun Sia Bruce MacDonald River Christie-White Dan Smoke Noah Clarke Kyle MacDonald Mary-Lou Smoke Victoria Cook Odilia (Odie) MacDonald Loay Soliman Rob Couto Trevor MacIntosh Kim Spriet Abigail Craine Thabo Mahono Hasslina Crane Diana McDougall Nicole Spriet Donna Creighton Karen McLaughlin Amanda Thompson

Aleksander Dalek Aled McNeile Andrew Thompson Niclole Davis Juliana Menard Jacquie Thompson Robert Dawdy Sandy Mikalachki Marisa Thorburn Linda Dittrich Sara Mills Rachel Thorburn Robert Duff Trista Montgomery James Timmins Bob Earhart Frances Moore Kathy Eddington David Murphy Kristen Tomen Shawn Edwards Richard Nancarrow Linda Torek

Donations can be made online on our web site

Janan Dean Miranda Fullerton Nancy Hind Alejandro Achillini Rheta Brule Lindsay Declercq Donelda Funk Peter Hockin AIM Drug Mart Pharmacy Robert Buchanan Ruth Aitchison Janet Bueckert Andrea Dekay Patricia Fyfe Genet Hodder Cathie Antonissen Jacquelyn Burkell Karen Delaney Violaine Gahigiro Baragwira Genet Hodder Mike Aquilina Barb Burns Dell Tech Laboratories A. J. Gdanski Christine Hodgekinson Yvonne Archibald Katie Burns Laura & Adam Densmore Ulyana George Judy Hodgekinson Lorena Armstrong Lynda Burns Vicki Denunzio Doug Gibbings Paul Hodgekinson Susan Armstrong Shanna Burns Sharon Desserud Kelly and Terry Gillis Darlene Howard Erin Arnett Jeff Cadotte Teri Dickinson Jenner April Girard-Brown Eileen Howay Arvin Sango Canada Inc Helene Cagiannos Dillon Consulting Giuliana Demarco DPC Eileen Howay Emily Assini Susan Carlsen Jennifer Dixon Jean Goddard John Howitt Pat Astles Michael Carnegie Tracy Dobbin Marla Goddard Olivia Hughes Nicole Atwell-Simard Steve Carswell Cecilia Doesborgh Ramesh Gohri Tineke Huiting Autus Capital Lori & Dave Carter Vanessa Dolishny Debbie Goll Amanda Humphrey Stephanie Ayres Michelle Carty Luis Domingues John Goudy Shannon Hunt B&B Trade Distrubution Amy Castio Mike Donachie Susan Gray Monica Hyatt Mike Bain Jan Challis Lauren Donahue Rebecca Graziotto INMedic Jonathon &Sarah Baker Marilyn Chant Leonard Donkers Patricia Ann Grindstaff Andrew Jackson John Balcarras Chapman's Pharmacy Doug Dow Allison Grundy Diane Jackson Mary Elizabeth Baldwin Paul Charlton Jennifer & Chris Dowsett Erin & Jeff Guilfoil Paul & Debbie Jackson Mary Jayne Bambury Sara Chelchowski Jessica & Rob Dowsett Heather Guizzetti Ron Jackson K.A Fares Bannon Dino Chiodo Matt Dumas Mary Gunn Kaitlin Jaikaran Kellie Barker Chippewa Public School Lynn Dunikowski A.E. Gustin Susan & William Jamieson Sharon Basic Lisa Chomos Cathy Dunmore Muriel Guthrie Kellee Janzen Lindsay Batt CIBC Wood Gundy Dr. Stanley Dunn Judy Hackett Daniel Jazey Ross Beatty Bob Clark Bruce Dust Stein Hagen Linda Jemmett Heather Beauregard Elizabeth Coelho Michael Dymarski Jennifer Hale Meghann Jemmett Peggy Beedie Connie Colizza Anneleis Eckert Erin Hall Wade Jemmett Alison Begly Lindsy Coll Kathy Eddington Susan Hall-Tigert Kara Jenner Tom Bender Jessie Collins Jennifer Elrick Laurie Hamilton Jennifer Jenney Jan Benoit Richard Comfort Amy Elston Hamilton Road Legal Centre Lana Jensen Karen Berger Cassidy Construction Dale & Perlita Elviss James & Amanda Hammond Anna Johnson Jordan Berk Steve Copp Emad K. Henein Medicine Harasym Homes Inc. Cassandra Johnson Lynn Bertile Terri Cordeiro Trina Emery Janette Harper Stephanie Johnson Lucy Bettridge Linda Cottell Mariana Estabrooks Sarah Harper Al & Cathy Johnston Stephen Bibbings Jason Coulter Jane Evans Leah Harrington Gary Johnston Ann Bigelow Rebecca Coulter Jennifer Evenden Mark Harris Terri Joosten Wayne Bird Mary Lou Cove Ann Ewing Harrison Pensa Diana Jordan Cathy Blokker Joanne Cowen John & Beverly Faber Rose Hart Alexander Judge Anneliese Bode Rita Craig Jill Fang Maura Haughain Bonnie Jung Simone Bonello Sheila Craig Ray & Ann Farrell Kathryn Havell Mallory Jutzi Albert Boniface Kim Crawford Sheri Faulkner Ashley Havers Alicia Kemp Michelle & Gary Bouck Jennifer Crinklan Eileen Fenerty Pat Hayhurst Lauren Keogh Linda Bourdeau Linda Crossley-Hauch Dara Ferguson Allan Hayman Ann King Cristin Bowie Lindsay Curtis Scott Ferguson David Heap Wes Kinghorn Marsha Bradley D'Alessandro Charles Fillmore Erick Heins Margaret Klue Bread & Roses Bookstore Ann Daso Allan Fowler Matthew Henary Jean Knight Ted Briggs Ian Davies Angela Franceschino Mary & Theo Hendriksen Barbara & Gerry Knightley James Robert Brown Jessica Dawson Alex & Lias-Ann Fraser Jean Herman Jennifer Knoll Raymond Brule Noreen De Shane Debra Fraser Julie Herron Marlene Koehler Theo & Gerda Korthof Leanne McInall Helene Peirard Kate Schumacher Sandra & Rodney Thornton Lisa Kostecki Becki McLaughlin Patricia Penny Sarah Schumacher Elliot Tiede Inese Kramins Elizabeth McMillan Elizabeth & Brian Picotte Barry Scott Shirley Todd Dr. M. M. Sujana Kumar Kathy McMillan Mark Plante Dianne Scott Angela Torchia Roy Kwee Don McMullin Roland Plante Jeff Scratch Megan Torchia Sybil Kyba Susan McNanee Jennifer Podonis Selectpath Benefits & Financial Catherine Trail Joanna Laba Aled McNeil Nancy Poole Norma Sharpe Karen Tuffin Martin Labonte Emily McWilliams Colleen Potts Robert Shaw Dale & George Lafond Mech Tech MKTg Inc Kathryn Turnbull Steven Poulin Bill & Bev Sheldon Shannon LaHay Tim & Pamm Turner Annette Megerdichian Azad Martha Powell Liisa Sheldrick Trinh Lai Unifor Local 27 Jenny Mellor Amanda Prelaz Pirkko Sheldrick Laurie Lashbrook Dave Vaclavek Frances & Donald Menard Monique Provencher Jackie Shorey Jean Van Dusen Tracy Lawrence Sandy Mikalaehki Brooke Psotka Diane Silva Richard Leavitt Willie Miller Debra Purser Rodrigo Silva Sharon Vanderweyst Ian Lee Jim Miller R.M. Donohue Holdings Ltd. Lauren Silvestro Diana VanDeuren Donna Legault Margaret Millson Tina Ranta Jane Sims Rick Vantfoort Jeanine LeRoy Vincent Mitchell Sarah Rayner Ruth Skinner Vjay Venkatesan Dawn Lesley James Keith Moffatt Peter Rehbein Joan Slater Verbrugghe. Paula Trevor Lewington Kerry Mogg Stephanie Reich John Slater Wayne Viau Wendy Lewis Ann and John Moore Caitlin Reid Bob Slivar Rose Vodekar Jade Li Elaine Moore Marc Reid Julia Thorley Smith Geoff Vogt Lorrie Libis Courtney Moore Robert Reid Phyllis Smith Kathryn Voisin Tim Little Jenna Moore Anne Reilly Susan Smith Ted Walker Sandra Lochead Karen Moroz Deborah Reitzel-Jaffe Mark Smith Sandra Walsh Marilyn Loeb Marilyn Morton Jean Richardson Scott Smith Jean Walters Marjorie Loghrin Thalia Morton-Harper Neville Rising Karl Soetemans Elaine Wastell Cremilde Loureiro Anne Murphy Chuck Robbins Linda Speers WD Gardiner & Associates John Lutes David Murphy Carol Robertson Kathy Spencer Kelly Webb Erin & Steven Macaluso Murphy Machinery Jill Robertson Patrick Spezowka Chantal Macartney Heather Nancekievill Melinda Robertson Nicole Spriet Lyndsey Webster Lorna Macaulay Kandice Nancekievill Leah Robinson Anna Springer Sidney Weiner Bruce MacDonald Erin Naylor Amanda Roesner John & Joe Stapleton Frances Whiston Glenn MacDonald Cheryl Neale Rogers Gives Audrey Stephen Evelyn White Richard MacDonald Aaron Neaves Ryan Rood Barb Stevens Jodi Wickham-Foxwell Jennifer MacNeil Beth Nelligan Linda & Len Roozen Maxine Stoddard Heidi Williams Elizabeth MacWilliam Sharron Newman Renay Ross Tammy Storring Ken Wilson Mandy Malone Craig Newton Michelle Rothwell Julie Strychowsky Nancy Wilton Megan Malone Philip Nguyen Brendan Ryan Devin Sturdy Ashley Winder Marlin Manka Erin Nicholls Wan-Peng Sun Darrin Rykse Janelle Wittig Teri Manley Christie Noels Erica Sacrafamilia Annette Swalwell Susan Wodlinger Danielle Martens Celine Norrington Kristi Sargeant-Kerr Helen and John Swan Kirsten Woodhouse Kim Martin Dusan Novak Peggy Sattler Natasha Swiderski Ian Wright Tegan Mastrandrea Kathleen Okruhlik Wanda Sawicki Peter Szuty Jean & Ken Wright Irene Mathyssen Teri Lynn Oliver Dr. Gordon Schacter Kathryn Tansley Rob Wrigley Carolyn May Lee Orphan Paulette Schiestel Kelsey Taylor Caroline Xu Carol McAvoy Andrea Pamula Elfriede Schmidt Mitch Taylor Jacquie McCaulley Pat Partridge Gail Schmidt Wendy Taylor Kim Yardy Denis McCully Brent Paul Mark Schmidt The Morrissey House Elizabeth Young Dan McDonald Ingrid Pawley Schmidt Physio Joyce Thompson Tommy Zaja Alexis McDowell Cheryl Payne Carine Schofield Amanda & Andrew Thompson Mahboubeh Zardosht Donna McGuffin Tara Pegg Diane Schumacher Marisa Thorburn Peter Zehr

100-Mile Harvest Dinner at Saffron’s Restaurant

Friday October 3rd, 2019 Saffron’s Restaurant, Fanshawe College, Downtown 6:00pm-8:30pm Tickets will be available at Eventbrite in August All proceeds are used to support the Christmas Sponsorship Program

Low Income Family Empowerment * Sole-Support Parents Information Network Located at 866 Dundas Street

P.O. Box 2801 London, ON N6A 4H4

Phone: 519-438-8676 Fax: 519-438-7983