PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE KERA|.A- BASED SCHEDIHED COMMERCIAL BANKS Thesis Submitted to the Cochin University of Science and Technology for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management under the Faculty of Social Sciences Bv ANTONY K. .1. Under the Supervision of Dr. C. M. GEORGE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF ‘SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COCHIN - 682 022 COCHIN - 682 022 KERALA, INDIA PHO N E : 0 FFfCE - 85-5310 SCHOOL or MANAGEMENT swmrs ”°' SMS‘ COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE _ AND TECHNOLOGY
[email protected].. Dr; 0.1!. Professor CERTIFICATE Certified that the thesis ‘Personnel .Hanaganent.Pract1ces in tho xera1adbased.Schedu1ed commercial Banks‘ is the record of bonafide reseafich carried out by Shri. x.J3 Antony under my guidagbe. The thesis is worth submitting for the degree A} Doctor of Philosophy in Management. ' Dz‘.7/&¢( CJI. GEO ___,. Z‘ DECLARAIIOI I declare that the thesis ‘Personnel Ihnagcncnt Practices in the Kcrala-based Scheduled Commercial Banks‘ in the record of bonafide original research work carried out by me under the supervision of Dr.C.M.Goorgo, Professor, School of Management studies, Cochin University of §cienoe and Technology, Cochin-22. I further declare that this has not previously formed the basis of the award or any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or other similar title of recognition. Cochin-22. ®V“"—"—7"\"g 30~3*199. ANTGNY‘K.J. ONNELHANRGEHEHTPRACTICESIHTHKERALABASEDBEMEEULEHCOHIERCI M §2§ §EE "I! you are planning for One year, Plant Seds. It you are planning for Ten years, Plant Treeh{ It you are planning for Hundred yearn, Plant “.09 II you are planning for Thousand years, Piant Ides‘.