Rep. Candidate Visits Newark
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In Section 2 In Sports Scrounging Hens go to An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper for food 2-0 with and fun on. whipping Friday of 'Nova night page B 12 page B I Non-profit Org. FREE U.S. Postage Paid TUESDAY ewark, DE Volume 122, Number 5 Student Center B-1, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 Penni! No. 26 September 19, 1995 Rep. candidate visits Newark During hi s two-day stay in Drew Kabakoff ( BE SR), who Presidential candidate Bob Dornan hits Delaware, Dornan attended a attended th e speech with other private fundraiser for his members. said he won't endorse El Sombrero to raise money for Newark campaign in Newark as well as a ny c andidate until the the 35th anniversary celebration R epublican Party does. and campaign for family values of the univers ity 's Young Although Dornan h as been Americans for Freedom at a pro c harac terized as a staunch BY JENNIFER TALLMAN I zenberg saying, " You can life dinner held in D over. conservative, his speech seemed Swfl' Reporter celebrate the values of a society " It d oesn't happen very ofte n to appeal to a b road r a nge of by its music , art a nd elected R e publican presidential that a po litical figure comes to political enthusiasts. candida te R obert K . Dornan ( R politicians, so it i s with each a D e l aware," said Scott Tester, " I came to he a r a real Calif.) spoke at a fundrai er generation's selecti on o f heroes." chairman of the 23rd District R epublican speak,'' said Mike Dornan said h e feels hi s Sunday nigh t at El Sombrero R epresentatives Committee. Chastain , a Democrat who R estaurant on Elkton Road to election would be the s t arti n g Although Delaware carries few traveled from Maryland to see raise mo ney for the 23rd District point in reestabli s hin g th ose electoral votes, Tester said , Dornan and said he believes that values in America, which h e Representatives Committee of Dornan still made Delaware a Democrat s have strayed from c laimed were lacking. W estern Newark. significant sLOp on his campaign their roots of the 19 th century. Dornan' campaign logan a nd With companies that name trai I. Prior to Dornan' s election to motto focu on faith. family and perfume Opium and use c hild While Dornan recogni zed that the U.S. House of freedom whi c h have been pornography in thei r ads , he his c h ances of getting elected are R epresentatives in 1976, he was stressed throughout Ameri c an explained, Ame ri ca is a country slim, the candidate was quick to active as a Vietnam war quickly losing its morals. history. quip, " I s Bill Clinton president? correspondent , radio talk show " If you don 't have family , " W e s h o ul d be a g lowing Anyo ne can get elected if Clinton h os t , broadcas t journa list and example to the world," said THE REVIEW I Barry Bush what do you have?'' D o rnan can ." television producer for whic h he asked. Dornan, " because we are a mix of Republican presidential candidate Bob Dornan meets College R epublicans President won two Emmys. Dornan quoted journalis t Jerry the w o rld.'' with El Sombrero owner Jim Lacey and a group of university College Republicans. Engineering dept. ranked 8th nationally BY KIM WALKER research support. Associate News Eda or Hrivnak said he was satisfied with his experience The unive rsity ' s c hemical engineering graduate in the program , especially because of the program was ranked e ighth in a s urvey published interaction with people in the ind ustry. Overall, he last week by the National R esearc h Co unc il. said that his first year in graduate sch ool was dro pping from a s ix th place ranking in 1982 , intense and challenging. according to James Voy tuk, the council's senior M att Oberholz cr, another g rad u ate s tudent, project officer. agreed, saying his first year stood o ut in his mind Out of 41 fie l ds stu died , the c hemical because of all of the required work. engineering g raduate departme nt is the only When Oberholzer was looking into graduate department at the university tha t was ranked in the school . three of his advisers at John Hopkins top I 0 in the survey, Voytuk said. University recom mended Delaware to him becau!.e Pro fessor Mic hae l T . Kle in , t he c ha ir o f the the chemical engtneering program at Delaware was c he mical e n g ineering department said, "Being strong in the two fields that he was interested in ranked in the top 10 is exactl y where the thermodynamics and ca tal ysis. The d epartme nt wants to be, but there is no s ignificant recomme nda tions a nd the university's location differen ce be tw een b e ing ranked seve nth o r c lose to his home caused him to choose Delaware, eighth." he said. Ho wever, graduate student Jeff Hrivnak said the When c hoosing a graduate school, tudents can program s ho uld have received a hi ghe r ranking look at many studies. Voytuk compared this study because he said he feels that Dela w are is better to others, such as the one published by U.S. News than some of the o ther schools that were ranked and World Report. He said he fe lt that th i study higher. had a larger amount o f da ta and was a more Professor Antho n y B e ris, a gradua te adviser, comprehensive examination of the fields. said one possible reason for the lower ranking is For example , wom en looking into graduate because the program has lost som e of its senior programs can find out what percentage of women staff members and now the program consists of a g radua tes are in each p rogram by reading the new and younger staff. He said the new staff could national survey. also be an asset, becau e it gives the program a lot At the university, about 25 percent are enrolled of potential. in the c hemical engineeri ng graduate p rogram, The counci l , an independe nt org ani zati o n B eris said . He s aid the reason for the low chartere d b y Congress. sent q uestio nnaires to percentage could be that until recently only one professors across the country to evaluate competing woman has been on the program's staff. graduate programs in their disciplines, he said. However, he said two more women will be on The q uesti onnaire wa divided on subjective and staff in the next year. Assistant professor M arylin THE REVIEW I A lisa Colley Delaware forward Steve Meldrom works around University of Maryland-Baltimore objective c riteria, Voytuk said. The subjective part Huff j o ined the staf f Sept. I a nd assistant looke d at qu a l i t y of the facu l ty , research professor Nilly Dan will join the s taff Jan. l. County's Reggie Adubofour during the Hen's 3-2 overtime triumph Saturday night. The capabilities. effectiveness of the program a nd B eris said he hopes the addition of Huff and Dan to win, the Hen's third, tripled last season's victory total. See story page B12. significant c hanges made in the last five years, he the staff will encourage more women to enroll in said. The o bjective section looked at award and the program. VD profs receive a $1 million grant to study drug qddiction Research aids heavy drug users Writers BY HEATHER L. LYNCH said. has been successful, with more and Assiswm Entfnainment Etluur The new therapy focuses on group more treated hi gh-ri sk drug users honored T hanks to the second installment of interaction, with clients who are on staying away from drugs. a five-year grant, research on past their way out of prison to talking about Assessments are made at six -month substance abusers and the benefits of past problems with drugs and what it intervals, whil e follow-ups are made by 1920s community therapy will continue to takes to stay away from them, he said. 18 months after the com pletio n of make progress. according to a The daily the rapy sessions are therapy. university profc sor. supervised by a professional staff of Socio logy and c rimina l justice T he National Ins titute on Drug therapists and group members are graduate students have been and wi ll alumni Abuse gave the second portion of a housed in a state housing community continue to be assisting the research. grant this month to the director of the facility . Since notice of the gram last year, university' s Center for Drug and Scarpitti said the therapy's success the researchers must send a annual Editor from 1925 Alcohol Studies, James A. Inciardi, a is measured by how many individuals progress report to the National Institute sets up a $500 criminal ju tice professor. and Steven with therapy return to drugs versus on Drug Abuse in order to receive the S. Martin, an associate sciemist for the how many individuals without therapy funds for the following year.