New Mascot Elections This Week Seniors Replace Entrance Sign It's
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New Mascot Elections It's Apple Season! This Week Julia Arouchon Even if lbe new name given to Native Americans, several other Archway StaJ/Wrilu Bryant's alhlelic Ie8DlS is cboosen teams in the area are changing mea to be Breakers or Hwricanes,lbere respected nicknames and the alb are stiU plans to have a pbysica1 letes for themost part don' t identify TbeBcyantCooununitywillmakc mascot to represt:nI: the reams. themselves as "Indians". a hiswric decision for the College "'The mascot will inlCraCt with Given all these changes the com Dell week. wbeo ir cbooses a new the community and the crowds at aUttee coocluded the time was rigbt mascol for its atbletic teams. various eveDIS." said FK:beta. to change the masrot.. Tbe mascot cb<rices were nar· The vOltS will be: tabulated like "I thinku' sagrealidealO dlaDgetbe rowed down to eigbt including: any 04bet election, with the mascot ma!OJl It gives the atI:tletes sanetbing Badgen. Bengals. Breakers, Hurri rec:civiDg lbe highest number of 10 identifY wUb In! be proud of. I. caoes. -.Bobcats, BuUdog. votes as me winner. sbouIdaisoinaeascsdloolspirit." said and """then. "We oecd everyooe's input from IGm --. _ ""'" Our of the 5S initial oominations au areas oftbe campus. It is a deci· from the OOIIlInunil)'. the athletic MOO which the community will be -According. to Student Senate staff. the captains counsel, the ath Living with for a t008 time. Presidenl Rob Fomanella. the mas· letic advisayammittt.e, cbeerlead 11 is impoItant to piCk a mascot COl should help (0 unify the campus ers and iDtc:rested faculty submitted which best exemplifies the spirit of and give more meaning toslu<ients, a list of top five mascou. The eight Bryant College," added fiChera. "AU swdentssbruld lake thisORO' m.a..scou wbich wUJ be. vct.ed on In March. lbe Alhlc:tic Advisory .-...ra8rya1t.tmily IJ \UII:: and beJp-__ makt a lasting Members of Red App~ (clockwise from top left): Brian amc: fum tbo&e rnavn(s n:a:i v&n, Comouuee dI:cidcd 10 drop the~· Apple, Jason Puccio, JeH Gelda, and Randy Leete . The ...uing will take pIac::e owxJc mo5I. VOICl. ren t nameot "1ndi.an5" for lbe alb· * mMeOlS run the gamut or letic teams. There were many rea Snlrnon:ma\ May1:R13 fn:In 9 am. Amy Bu ker and "band"s lOne bass player. images. but most of them can be sons wby the emuniuoe wanled 10 I) 2 pm.. The DeW rtI3SCOl will be Btth~al)' Their maj ors; range reom embodied into a pbysicaJ imaJe." cbaDJe the UWCDL IDODCCd • Ib!:: AIbIebc B3IlqI£l 00 Journo.lum StwUttlS Marketmg to Communications to aaid AsSLSlant Athle tic Director For inSla.DCe, USinlibe p.ame - In May 3. A II.\lk)t ISIoI:Zd 00 ptge 1S of Accounting to Finance, CCDlie Ficbc:ra. dians" is considered degrading to this wcebAtc~ 'tl)'. Have you been bearing sUllins of Red Apple began when Jeff and Clorifi~d G and Mr. Jo"~s in the Jason, whO mel through friends lasl suite village, in the mkf..aftemoon? year, began toplay together fer fun. Scxneonc playing Pearl Jam perhaps. They played nearly every day after Seniors Replace Entrance Sign or maybe The Counting Crows? in Donn 10, Guess Again. What you are bearing Fiest Randy. and then Brian. who is live music by Bryant's very own did not Jcnow each olbec at the time, Red Apple! beard them practicing and Red Apple has been together for approacbed them about organizing only six months and bas already a band. made a name (or themselves on Jeff revealed that once they campus, learned that ~y could Sing, they They have been playing at the felt relieved since the band Jacked a Comfort almost once a week for the leadsingee. HealsoexpJained they past couple of months and are were pleased to welcome Brian, gearing up for a perfonnanceduring too, since a good bass playeris haed Spring Weekend. to find . Band memben bebind the name The name Red Applecameeasily arejunicn Jason Puccio and Randy enough once Brianjoilled the band. Leete. sophomore Jeff GeK1a. and "Brian would never teU his last freshman Brian Apple. name, and when be fmally did, we Jason Poccio. belter Icnown as laughed, lben we decided to call Pooch. is the drummer for Red ourselves Apple anyway," Randy Apple. Randy is the lead singee and recalled. He added. "I thought the rhythm guitarist. leff plays the name needed more and one day, electric guitar, while Brian is the lied Ii"",.. contfnwd pog. J INSIDE THIS ISSUE ••• ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT ........................ 6,11 CAMPUS SCENE . ............................. 13, 14, 15 • P UBUC SAFETY B EAT .................................... 3 J OPINION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• 2 & ROVING REPORTER ...................................... 10 I TENNIS WINS NE-1Os ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 Senior Class Gift Chaipef>on Caroyln Crouch and President TRI-STATES: A DAY IN THE SUN ................... 8,9 Truohoart ...-groood tor the senior class gift. ~2 ~TH==E~AR~CHW~A~y~----------------- <=>J>I1'fI<=>1'f--------------~TH=U~R~S~DA~Y~, ~AP=ru=L~2~8~,1~~4 Wild Graduate's Be Bought To the Editor: from several differtntcoUeges and universities and not WeekendAhe ad oncoflbem bave to pay for bonor cords. This is just yet I recently received a letter from the Office of Under another instance of Bryant College nOI thinking about graduate Programs congra tu lating me on my accom the students when it makes decisions. The controversy has died down and now Spring plishments for grad uati ng wi t.b bonors and infonning To those of you not graduating this year who don't me that I can purcMsl an honor cord al the bookstCtt. think this effects you, J would like to remind you that in Weekend is upon us, Contrary to what some 1 was appalled al reading thal; I have never heard of a few years you will be in my position and you will people may believe, SPB has worked hard to an academic institu tion req uiring graduates to purchase understand how frustraling it is 10 be nickel and dimcd honor cords for commencement. I was also appa1led to death by Bryant College,just so you can enjoy your provide us with a "Wet' N Wild" Weekend. Bryant College would reward us for our hard work by last memories of your li fe here. It's time for us to kick back, relax and enjoy a giving uS yet another item to buy before we grad uate. I doo' t bave a oegativeattitudc towards Bryanl I bave I feel thai Bryan t is lJ)'ing to squeeze every penny it can learned a lot in my four years bere and I bad alotoffun. last opportunity at some fun before we hit the out of us before we leave. I just feel that it is unfoo unate my last memories art books to study for finals. Although the cost of an bonor cord is nominaJ, Ihls going to be clouded bytbeangerl fee l because I bave to has really irri tated me. It may seem senseless to make buy my honor cord for graduation. But wait, there are all these rules we must a big deal out of the few dollars It will cost to purchase One last thiog, I would like to remind the adminisoa follow! Why so man y rules? One, but I really feel that this is il slap in the face toe very tion thatcunent students art future alumni who will be person who has worked bard for the past four years in in a position to make dooations to Bryant College. The Not only are rules established to ensure order to gradualC with bonors. way I feel right now, it will be a cold day in beUbefore everyone's safety, but they are deri ved from Bryam is giving us the message that our achieve Bryant gets any more of my money, ments arc incidental and don't deserve proper recogni Rhode Island State law. Remember rules are tion. Public high scbools don't charge students for Michelle Blamble there to protect everyone, they are not meant to bonor cords. J have also talked to people graduating Class of 1994 dampen anyone's fun. You have all seen the flyer sent out by SPB and should have already read the student handbook, so we don't need to list all the policies refemng AFi nal Note To Spring to alcohol use. However, what the handbook does not say is how to avoid doing something Weekend stupid. Stupid acts can be as simple as having one too To the Editor. sman and responsible. When we do Ihings outside oftbe nonns of "having a good time" we loose the whole idea many and having to hug the toilet bowl all ni ght Well folks irs Spri ng Weekend again. This is the ofSpringWeekeod.Figbts,vandalism,excessivedrink or they can be as serious as driving drunk and time of the year that we. Bryant students can unwind and ing, OWl, theft, arson, eating out of the garbage, conflict bave a good time . By the time that you read thi s some and all the ather things your mother would not like, has killing someone. of the festivities will already be underway. However, no place du ring Spring weekend. It takes away from the When drinking is done to an excess, the out wit.b many people baving tests, papcts and prescnta- good time and relaxaLion that we have all been looking lions due, the weekend starts on Friday. Even with forward to. Be responsible, be smart, and most of all come can be an undesirable act such as a fi ght, some unfortunate circumstances, SPB has a full plate Mve a gOOd time.