CEU eTD Collection

In partialIn fulfillment ofthe requirements f REMEMBERING LIVES: AN ANALYSIS OF HUNGARIANOBITU Professors Vlad Naumescu and Jean Department ofSociology Social and Anthropology Central European University , Submitted to Zsofia Nagy Super 2014 B visors


ARIES or theor degree Masterof Arts of

- Louis Fabiani

(1961 - 2000)

CEU eTD Collection construction of ofthe biographies deceased. Hungary. a changed have values and norms these how see to is aim Its well. as values cultural general surface the to brings death of issue the that insights gives about texts us of these ar It century. 20th the of half second examines thesis The ABSTRACT

The paper The

also analyses how analyses also obituaries

appearing in the Hungarian daily, Hungarian the in appearing gues from a social constructionis social a from gues the prevailing no prevailing the obituaries

s the political and social structure changed in in changed structure social and political the s i

are activities of social memory through the through memory social of activities are rms and values related to death. It posits It related posits todeath. rms and values Népszabadság t stanc t e that the reading the that e

during the the during CEU eTD Collection LIST OF REFERENCES APPENDIX CONCLUSIONS CHAPTER RESULTS 4: & ANALYSIS CHAPTER 3: METHODS AND FRAMEWORK CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.3. Research ethics 3.2. Validity andreliability 3.1. Research design 4.4. Remembering lives in a political context: Social memory andthe Kádár 4.3. Identity, biography and membership social obituariesin 4.2. Death 4.1. Obituary agenre: as statistics and characteristics 3.4. Limitations

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...... related practicesrelated andvalues in obituaries









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...... - ...... regime ......


68 67 64 52 40 29 25 25 23 23 22 20 20 11

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CEU eTD Collection M the of structure constructionism, period. discussed the in Hungary of history social the regarding information background provides takes research the which in context the about insight gain to order In (Kastenbaum 1995). 78 2000: Corr and death particular a has society every sense, this In processes. cultural and also perspective. Luckmann constructionist social a takes study The affect natur totalitarian significance further gains memory social and between relationship the on emphasis This shaped. and mediated socially always biographi durable construct to 1984), well. to is grief as of purpose the present grief, of model the constructivist of researcher social the for and readership i past the of narratives and practices commemorative that argues It century. 20th the of half second the of course the over changed have bereavement N examines thesis The INTRODUCTION épszabadság

more than a biological reality; biological a than more

obituaries social memory fewrs review I Afterwards ’s v ’s iew

ewe 1961 between o the of e social memory, death and grief and death memory, social ersn atvte o sca mmr (Fowler memory social of activities represent

that - 79), Obituaries ethodology follows the steps of content analysis as discussed by by discussed as analysis content of steps the follows ethodology – –

distorts, manipulates, abuses distorts,

reality is socially constructed” (1966:1)constructed” socially is reality hog te nlss of analysis the through ntttos ht el ih h polm o dah n bereavement and death of problems the with deal that institutions former


can be regarded as components becan system. ofthis regarded as n 200 and rtr rltd o h suy I discuss I study. the to related erature omns regime communist

it is historically situated and constructed through social social through constructed and situated historically is it es. Thus es. 0 –

1 o prevai how obituaries

n h cnet f h ea analyz era the of context the in obituaries –

and how these topics are inte are topics these how and it ad oit’ ratos o h regime the to reactions society’s and , n a two a n , is also explored inthe, isalsoexplored paper.

recapitulate ind recapitulate “ ling norms related to death and and death to related norms ling

el h tr fapro” (Frankl person” a of story the tell n codne with accordance In a paig n h Hnain daily Hungarian the in ppearing - fold way: for the contemporary the for way: fold ,

the thesis argues that death is is death arguesthat thesis the

place, As As

2007: i

h ise of issues the vidual pasts that are that pasts vidual system (Corr system xlie b the by explained the Introduction the

5: hy are they 25): rrelated. The rrelated. ed: how the the how ed: Berger and and Berger

obituaries , Nabe, Nabe, , social

CEU eTD Collection by replaced been has and recently until used widely was telegram the notification, of forms Obituaries sample appliedgraphical these features my of proportion small a only Since obituary. the accompany today may menorah a or flower cr a candle, a chalice, a of figure a introduced: were choices graphical of set small a 1990s the of beginning the In advertisements. common other with page same the on appeared Visually the of content and price between relationship the why is which anyone, to affordable them made price low relatively their However, authors. The is goal primary their that sense notification. the in notices death to similar are and announcements press the of rules m by sent cards printed or spaces public in appearing by written necrologies from different are journalists they sense this in deceased, the surrounded deceased.” the of sketch biographical brief a comprising usually newspaper; a especiallyin deaths, or death a of announcement or record “a obituaryis f activities as them posit I why and genreof the of explanation an myresearch, of context social the Beforeintroducing literature review a research the of results the summarizes presented are research the of findings The (1980). Krippendorf rom Latinrom “obitus”, obituaries


Pbihd n newspapers, in Published . are only one of the many means to report the death of a p a of death the report to means many the of one only are


appea .

. Obituaries departure. EnglishOxford According Dictionary tothe 1992),(OED2 the ig in ring

int ae n sgiiat etrs uig oils ad they and socialism during features significant any have didn’t Népszabadság

r smlr o erlge i te es ta te ae public are they that sense the in necrologies to similar are

of social memory is necessary. is memory social of obituaries ,

I include notto theminthe decided analysis. d oncs hm o h tere epand in explained theories the to them connects nd

ae ak o 94 Te ae ad o b the by for paid are They 1944. to back date 2

are also different from death notices either either notices death from different also are obituaries ail ,

and they conform to general stylistic stylistic general to conform they and Obituaries

is not a factor that I analyze. analyze. I that factor a not is afterwards The word obituary co obituary word The

ar erson. Among the other other the Among erson. e written by those who those by written e . The Conclusion Conclusion The . obituaries

oss, a a oss, mes mes the

CEU eTD Collection state dictatorial a of building the through then framework, parliamentary a within necessary. is Hungary context the Regarding that of theoriginal audience. the thesis takes this in obituaries choices linguistic purpose. certain a serves but selected inte authors’ the that modern to is (...) Lives” students ofthe 17 “Brief Aubrey’s John as scholars future to valuable as history As future. Finally, context. social the and narratives political and cultural larger influences and by influenced heavily ca death obituaries obituaries Second authors. the by selected and recollected recalled, are remembering and mentioning process the During process. mourning the of steps memory the which Obituaries Kovács 2000:827 bells church of tolling the of practice the Hungary or fax mail, telephone, the r community. Thus, this communicative practice can be seen as one among the many many the among one as seen be can practice communicative this Thus, community. s o ueay ncitos A a et te btay s m a is obituary the text, a As inscriptions. funerary to ds

as archival sources has important implications for the research: the re the research: the for implications important has sources archival as are preserved texts that belong to the larger group of death writing: from last wills, last from writing: death of group larger the to belong that texts preserved are Eid remarks Eid mourners collect mourners are activities of social memory firstly as a form of communicative practice, during during practice, communicative of form a as firstly memory social of activities are r mmr ojcs etra frs f utiig n’ mmr. s objects, As memory. one’s sustaining of forms external objects: memory are

- th in the texts, their standardized and standardized their texts, the in 828) obituaries

century.” ntionality is central to my research: biographical data is not randomly randomly not is data biographical research: my to central is ntionality se texts out of their originalof their out texts se

of my research my of (2005:23) Following World War II the communist takeover of Hungary of takeover communist the II War World Following

private private r as acia ore frrsacesi tepeet and present the in researchers for sources archival also are The processual aspect of the obituary as social memoryas indicates obituarysocial aspect ofthe processual The –

ot recently most : “the daily “the : and public stories about stories public and , a background on background a , The death writing aspect of aspect writing death The obituary columns will provide a mosaic of social social of mosaic a provide will columns obituary 3 -

email. In rural areas in Europe and within within and Europe in areas rural In email.

context, my reading of them is distinct from distinct is them myof reading context,

[kiharangozás] is still common. (Paládi common. still is [kiharangozás] vns n achievements and events objectivized nature. Finally, positi Finally, nature. objectivized the second half of half second the the deceased the obituaries mr vhce hc is which vehicle emory

and share it with a a with it share and the 20 the

explains many explains that are worth worth are that - remembering th

century in in century – ng the the ng –

first first was was the the ly, ly, - CEU eTD Collection r ber values of mediation would that Church The return for political1988). loyalty(Szabó regime as far as goes measu different exercised reliability political and the totalitarian (pre totalitarian a between peak its at system structures power ideology, overvalue ideologythat othe in as Hungary, In Hungarian the abandoned Nations problem in1962,anationwide amnesty for poli United the regime, the of consolidation the of signs us” against is us with not 2002) 19 is research my of and Kádár the as known also years, 36 following The country. the of leader communist new the became Kádár János and troops finalize eligious socialization Hungary is still still is Hungary socialization eligious

eaveme state interfered in the private lives of individuals of lives private the in interfered state 1961 . This is the year when Kádár gave his famous speech de speech famous his gave Kádár when year the is This .

d in 1949. The 1956 revolution against the Stalinist regime was regime Stalinist the against revolution 1956 The 1949. in d in a sense, a in were characterized by retaliations against the enemies of the state. thestate. the enemiesof byagainst wereretaliations characterized nt state aimed to aimed state –

o li ta te Kádár the that claim to rdal lost gradually

it allowed more personal freedom and freedom personal more allowed it 61, Kra 1993) (Kornai –

d equality and rejected and equality d cutis f h Eastern the of countries r an approximate starting point of the consolidated Kádár consolidated the of point starting approximate an n nt eodrl wud ly n motn rl i daig with dealing in role important an play would secondarily not and the in and society the in role organizing important an have otherwise

control every sphere of life and h and life of sphere every control res, such as the so the as such res, , constra , (Valuch –

- that “he who is not against us is with us” with is us against not is who “he that 92 ad n uhrtra (1962 authoritarian an and 1962)

t sgiiac after significance its - era i . nt, prest nt, , 2005:

ih regard With are not homogenous not are a relatively secularized society even after the regime the after even society secularized relatively a - eie a te poie f h ttltra Rákosi totalitarian the of opposite the was regime

21 ige and ige - - 22)

called “de called 4 social differ social tical prisoners was granted bytical prisoners Kádár in1963. was


- o ideology to T

bloc privileges were the cohesive forces of the the of forces cohesive the were privileges , e post he

whose ol Wr II War World

- there existed an official communist communist official an existed there politicisation” . The first few years few first The .

ences based on wealth on based ences uman rights became formalities became rights uman a s a

- measure of value became loy became value of measure totalitarian, low accumulation of wealth of accumulation low , claring Bozóki - 97 rl o power. of rule 1987) ad eas o lc of lack of because and , –

(Rainer M. 2001) M. (Rainer ftesse. Szabó system. the of instead of “he who is who “he of instead suppressed by Soviet Soviet by suppressed (2009) (2009)

author The starting point point The starting

between - regime distinguishes distinguishes . itarian state state itarian Communist

(Ripp 195 . As As . T alty alty

he he as in 6

- CEU eTD Collection Utasi found descendants took transition their democratic the when and positions privileged in circumstances themselves changed the to adapted successfully later middle itself. in mobility of channel a became party perspective positi position political of basis the on inequalities new created rule communist the society following Wi though ( other each from far were reality and Expectations too. class ruling the as regarded be to had society its to corresponded structure social of image communist The verygrown have lowpoint significantly a from off starting differences income and social time same the at nationalism, and speech pu in values of number a of reappearance the l eventually regimethat the marked 1980s the of half second The the issueof povertyethnical and matters crisis, exces with being its legitimized power the change h regard th - on in the labo the in on

A. and the society agreed to keep silent about political taboos, such as the 1956 revolution,the1956 as such politicaltaboos, about silent keepsociety to agreedthe and -

(Tomka 1998 (Tomka ls gop ta to pae n h 15s lwd on n h 16s Tee groups These 1960s. the in down slowed 1950s the in place took that groups class was Haraszti 1989 Haraszti –

World War II War World Gergely

– becoming more and more homogenous, the majority of which are workers. They They workers. are which of majority the homogenous, more and more becoming

can be descr be can o mo to

- r force r iiy Hnain oit bcm rltvl oe i te w decades two the in open relatively became society Hungarian bility,

Becskeházi 1996). Becskeházi ) . The K The . ). ed to the regime change in regimein the change to ed

, but this mobility wasn’t organic wasn’t mobility this but ibed by the growing significance of po of significance growing the by ibed (Ferge 1969, Andorka 1995). Thus t Thus 1995). Andorka 1969, (Ferge ádár - regime at its maturity its at regime

(Ferge 2000) (

Muraközy 2008:154 double sive use of the welfare system, that later led to its its to led later that system, welfare the of use sive 5 blic discourse, such as religion, diversity, free diversity, religion, as such discourse, blic h datc agnlzto o b of marginalization drastic The

– 1990. The democratic transition democraticThetransition 1990.

fiscal then political then fiscal .

achieved relative so relative achieved . Instead of the homogenization of of homogenization the of Instead . - ideological bases, implying that that implying bases, ideological 158) l he 1960s he itical capital, itical .

crise lc. Uai 2000, (Utasi place. – cial peace, where where peace, cial

from a mobility a from

s of the Kádár the of s the communist the ugos and ourgeois broughtby and -

CEU eTD Collection channels mobility and place took elite the within professionalization slow a 70s the during However spheres. other in successful less and elite political the within complete was which t replace to was power communist the of aim The focus. our erain the in changes tremendous experience and nature their in urban are groups Both class. middle b Népszabadság of readership core The class”middle of age or career moral their to “obituarychances”the that note t whom Memory In argues Burke Peter As analysis. my in significance of questions are reachaudienceaim. a withaparticular particular inten are and people of group particular a by written are they notices: public general, the in mirrored are structure social the in changes These s capital symbolic skills qualifications, we society highly between gap the down: prestige preserved polit the Publi in decreased. those of prestige the widespread, became economy informal 1980s the of middle the By ame time, significant groups elong to either elite (political, administrative, military, academic, cultural) circles or to the the to or circles cultural) academic, military, administrative, (political, elite either to elong obituaries o remember, what and why and what remember, o

(1989:107) e ieig Floig h dmcai tasto te oe f education, of role the transition democratic the Following widening. re

is summarized by Gerbner by summarized is .

opini c – -

values from old ones ( ones old from values connections, creativity, innovation creativity, connections, : the aim of the study of collective memory is memory collective of study the of aim the : –

seily convert especially on split into formal and informal spheres: the informal sphere sphere informal the spheres: informal and formal into split on , but ,

experienced mobility downward h lnsae a vr dfeet rm ht f h 1960s the of that from different very was landscape the - qualified leaders and intellectuals and between other groups in groups other between and intellectuals and leaders qualified

(Fowler following th following ” . W –

and the primary authors of authors primary the and

ith regard ith

( 2007: 1980: Kulcsár 1985 Kulcsár i ble ones ones ble e rules of elite or class reproduction. This aspect This reproduction. class or elite of rules e 6 8) of different social groups vary not according not varygroups socialdifferent of 8) 66)

Who write Who

to the question of “who” of question the to : “ : Obituaries –

Kls 91 zlni 1990) Szelényi 1991, (Kolosi increased, so did the importance of of importance the did so increased, ). Channels of mobility were closing were mobility of Channels ). obituaries s

and read (Ferge 2000)

are the Social Register o Register Social the are he old elite with a new one new a with elite old he . These texts are more than more are texts These . obituaries

to s

these notices and why, these find out find . , it , itr a Social as History

, as we will see will we as ,

is important to important is ical apparatus apparatus ical : “ Who wants Who ded to a a to ded . At the At . the : f the the f – ,

CEU eTD Collection decades. past the in changes of readership the that noted be to has it but death in place took that describechanges to aims it longitudinal: is research The Hungary.rural from differentremarkably be might which of habits and values audience, urban an targeted newspaper The the because also values. limited is and research readership different with rivals had always it country, the in newspaper Népszabadság While letterhead1994 its bore re it Nép Szabad of issue first The are mirrored inthe important profitability or usefulness its occupation, an of power social the factors other and primarily knowledge of basis the on evaluated were opinion public owners). business small economists, trade, and industry (small it from independence of degree certain a enjoyed that state the and power the (politic to tied closely is that one spheres: intertwined two of existence middle a stayed physicians and economists of group the mobility, of channel a was and socialism during expanded rapidly th while trajectories: distinct con class middle The down. close to started mained the central daily newspaper of the party until the regime change in 1989. Until Until 1989. in change regime the until party the of newspaper daily central the mained - n y analysis my in al and middle leaders, cadres, administrative, public office middle leaders), and one one and leaders), middle office public administrative, cadres, leaders, middle and al class has been explored by Szelényi by explored been has class . These prestige patterns, especially the repu the especially patterns, prestige These .

(Free Folk) by the state the by Folk) (Free

is in no way representative of Hungarian society. Once the most read daily daily read most the Once society. Hungarian of representative way no in is Népszabadság obituaries

dsus neecs rw fo te ape i hs o e noted be to has it sample, the from drawn inferences discuss I the phrasethe Prestige research from 1985 (Kulcsár) 1985 from research Prestige eaiey xlsv oe Te double The one. exclusive relatively . According to data available the newspaper start newspaper the available data to According

e group of teachers, teachers, of group e

a pbihd n November 2 on published was “ socialist daily” to express this relationship. toexpressthis socialist daily” - party

Hun sisted of different occupational groups with very with groups occupational different of sisted ( 1992 7 garian Socialist Workers’ Party Workers’ Socialist garian

Népszabadság )

and Kolosi (2000) Kolosi and ehia ad giutrl intellectuals agricultural and technical tation of the cultural elite and teachers teachers and elite cultural the of tation

showed lo et hog significa through went also - - related rituals and behaviors,and rituals related structure of the Hungarian Hungarian the of structure

96 s cniuto of continuation a as 1956 –

as well. It refers to the to refers It well. as were regarded as less less as regarded were that occ that

the death the

ed off ed

upations in the the in upations ( MSZMP –

printing - such as such related related )

that and nt

CEU eTD Collection references movies, In minister. prime unburied the Nagy, Imre of story the recalled complex l a to led censorship of fluidity the and lines the between reading of practice The took place. As nation the where place the newspaper Hungarian val official the representing media then person, party communist loyal, the If market market tabloid shrank market mark newspaper twentie wa sold copies howe point copies; million half nug wt inmrbe infes n ulc icus. n tg, h soy f Antigone of story the stage, On discourse. public in signifiers innumerable with anguage . h f h cpe 4 year 40 copies the of th

ver the decreas the ver the lines. And it is public life public the lines.Anditis thati real s the decipher to way only the fact in is this lines: the between read to bifocals wear must subject self loyal most apply the Even too, censorship. they, lines: the between speak too, Bureaucrats, Th culture. directed our dominates already lines the between Communication tructure of our culture. Real communication takes place only between between place only takescommunication Real culture. our tructureof Népszabadság

Haraszti Haraszti ( – aon 30 huad ad today and thousand, 300 around s Gereben

et, and the unequivocal loser of these changes is the political the is changes these of loser unequivocal the and

news by 1971 by1971 s ehiu i nt h seily f h ats only. artist the of specialty the not is technique is – 2002) -

back in1988 consuming habits have also changed significantly. changed also have habits consuming e is significant; is e

was the archetypical socialist media in a two a in media socialist archetypical the was – - member decorated factory worker was the archetypical socialist archetypical the was worker factory decorated member at its peak its at and ago. s ues and ideologies o ideologies and ues

broke up into three sectors three into up broke –


– around the time of the regime ch regime the of time the around While

730 thousand copies were were copies thousand 730 s thespace between thelines. 8 :

- Népszabadság wide practice of “reading between the lines” the between “reading of practice wide t s rud 5 huad ls ta one than less thousand, 35 around is it f the state, the f (Haraszti 1988: (Haraszti –

the free, the political and the and political the free, the

ot t leading its lost and as the most widely most the as and in circulation in 144 - fold way: it was the the was it way: fold ange the number of of number the ange -

- public 145). The newspaper The

- oe n the in role

. From this this From . news o the to paper paper - read - -

CEU eTD Collection p create and power the of instead public the address dissidents where action of framework innovative an proposes The 1 refusa The down. facing tarpaper in covered coffin the Borbíró”, “Piroska name female false the from animals of remains secretly were they a which to transported after years, three for prison the within stayed remains Nagy’s executions The fears. and identity treated regime the and Kádár way The 1989. revolution 1956 death a with started era the Kádár at lookingWhen the truth holds analysi referential The speakexisting tabooswithout openly about the so the publicity, of institutions parallel establish to not was 1980s early the in itself organized opposition democratic the when Consequently, were they dissident, as are seen revolution 1848

arallel institutions where the power of truth will create an independent public opinion. opinion. public willanindependent create oftruth power thewhere institutions arallel This strategic choice of the Hungarian dissident movement was heavily heavily was movement dissident Hungarian the of choice strategic This

New Evolutionism New

l to provide any ritual honors ritual any provide to l s here as well: it is neither the manifest nor the latent message of the of message latent the nor manifest the neither is it well: as here s - va lue buttheir relationality.

quality of public discourse public of quality

remote, unused corner unused remote, – t retrospect in While 1956. about messages with filled were

tha reburial, a with ended and (1976). Michnik discards the „reform or revolution” dichotomy as dangerous and instead instead and dangerous as dichotomy revolution” or „reform the discards Michnik (1976). mass movements mass

the Budapest Zoo (Dornbach 1994:13 (Dornbach Zoo Budapest the - – regime’s relationship towards death relationship towards regime’s

the arrest and execution of Imre Nagy, the prime minister of the of minister prime the ImreNagy, of execution and arrest the

also representing also –

unlike those that took pla took that those unlike f or the deceased the or

or pave the w the pave or - , Section 301 Section ,

called samizdat that would break this compromise and compromise this break would that samizdat called

the corpse of Nagy is in close association with their with association close in is Nagy of corpse the

du 9 ring the use

t of t the tacit bargain between power and society. society. powerand between bargain tacit the

socialism has grave consequences for the for consequences grave has socialism ay towards a new revolution but to create to but revolution new a towards ay

of the N the of

Nagy and his fellow martyrs fellow his and Nagy signaled that the intention was to erase erase to was intention the that signaled

of doublespeak. ew Public Public ew ce in 1945 in ce influenced by Adam Michnik’s essay, essay, Michnik’s Adam by influenced ,

- it is es is it 14). Nagy was buried under under buried was Nagy 14). 1 sential to point out that out topoint sential

happened in secret. in happened hese references hese obituaries , , next to the the to next ,

their target their on 16 June 16


CEU eTD Collection society thro in reflected were processes these how show to is research this of aims the of One discourse. public in lines” the between “reading of practice national the of fall and rise the and order rule in transition communist democratic the to authoritarian leading an towards totalitarian a from shift a Hungary: in changes significa marked research my of focus the in era The researchthis as well. reburials and change regime between relationship complicated moral The universe. new a create to and truth historical determine to order in claims various legitimate to instrument good a him made that biography complex Nagy’s was it that suggests she it In book, Verdery’s Katherine in detail in discussed is republic. new the of moment foundational the and communism of burial 2 M. (Rainer possible” recalled regime Kádár’s o openly never which society Hungarian dismay. honest feel to people for possible it (...) up. broke compromise the when just that t describes he it In reburial. his of meaning the on chapter a later. weeks three death actual Kádár’s by buria symbolic “the it, of death markedthe was Nagy as just that surprise no is it Thus duringKádár the and them “brought to the surface the very basics of the compromise between the society and Kádár Kádár and society the between compromise the of basics very the surface the to “brought dispel ugh the readingugh the of - their roles and ideas from social memory (György 2007). While censorship While 2007). (György memory social from ideas and roles their regime was fluid, the mentioning of Imrewas of fluid,the mentioning regime Nagy

001). The symbolic ritual of Imre Nagy’s reburial thus became also the the also became thus reburial ImreNagy’s of ritual symbolic The 001). h eet i 18 ta md a ata o ptnil opposition potential or actual an made that 1989 in events the obituaries

1990, a politically induced restructuring of the social social the of restructuring induced politically a 1990, . The horroristic details horroristic The

l of the post the of l Rainer M. ends his mon his ends M. Rainer 10 t e yhcl ed f h rgm, i reburial his regime, the of dead mythical he

The Political Lives of Dead BodiesDead of Lives Political The - 1956 regime” ( regime” 1956 t dooia, oil n disc and social ideological, nt he cathartic ex cathartic he [of their original burial] burial] original their [of was a strict ta awas strict ograph on Imre Nagy with Nagy Imre on ograph Kis Imre Nagy’s reburial Nagy’s Imre perience 1999:28), followed 1999:28),

boo. is

examined in in examined of the the of

(1999). (1999). pposed pposed ursive made made day day CEU eTD Collection culture’sgiven are values coherent themetaphorical with prevailing structures init. read us helps theory metaphor of matters just language, not are Metaphors practices. and systems conceptual society’s to central Johnson and Lakoff of focus the in is analysis its and language reality,of construction the in role central a languagehas arguesthat constructionism social As death ofaisportrayed. person obituaries (Huntington revealed” are issues cultural and social fundamental and death, of background the against transparent m our death facing when but 2002), (Cicirelli meanings sociocultural numerous have to considered always is but itself random Death never meaningful. is reactions these of diversity the it, put (1979:3) Metcalf and it reactionsto be,might death factof the universal is aim the research this In instea applicability constructionism we ask, should he argues, what its test to order In perspective. constructionist 2001:7). (Willig and constructed is reality social how on focuses stance situated culturally and socially historically, is experience human every This CHAPTER 2: thesis


s to explore how norm how explore to s “ utilizes a social constructionist approach. Social constructionism emphasizes that emphasizes constructionism Social approach. constructionist social a utilizes ua togt pr thought human MEMORY, DEATH AND BEREAVEMENT Hacking (1980) - Metcalf 1979:3). Thus, the point of point the Thus, 1979:3). Metcalf

to examine the social aspects of death and mourning. However However mourning. and death of aspects social the examine to argue that argue (1999:5)

cse ae .. mtpoia. (1980:6). metaphorical.” (...) are ocesses obituaries s

and values influence values and ost important cultural values also appear: “life becomes becomes “life appear: also values cultural important ost – an aot h psil oeue f h social the of overuse possible the about warns

more than being mere poetic tools tools poetic mere being than more

n cran a, ic, s t agmn sae, a states, argument its as since, way, certain a in this research. this 11

is the point is

vary over cultures and ages. As Huntington ages.Huntington andAs vary cultures over on –

In their seminal work on metaphors on work seminal their In

and are influenced by influenced are and the implications of these of implications the

a in appl

social constructionist analysis of analysis constructionist social ying toourresearch it .

o dfnn social defining of d Research fro Research

– The conceptual conceptual The

metaphors are metaphors –

the way the the way the

constructs constructs m such a a such m .

CEU eTD Collection re ( fragile always is Memory of Frameworks as early as appeared power to vulnerable is memory social that observation The memorials memorial to days). ti same the at functional and symbolic why is that memory”, of environments “real longer no are there transformation, radical a through went memory lieux “les concept, seminal Nora’s Pierre accounts (Assmann 2006). individual the of end other ce are emotions and interactions human on builds It memory. individual of aspect social this describe to serves memory” “communicative term The is. language of use the like just social, individ between distinguish to impossible almost is it Assmann to According (2006). memory “cultural” and theory Halbwachs’ disputing also but on, Building and Memory of Frameworks Social br was breakthrough significant T the is This approach. methods frameworkanalysis inwhichdeath my of mixed a with analysis content are tools methodological const social a From he term term he - ntral to it. Thus, communicativefluid memoryThus, is it. to ntral evaluation of the past certainly exists, the past also imposes limitations certainly thepast ofthe limitations evaluation alsoimposes on thepresent. past exists,

Freud claim collective memor collective , ual and social memory. To a certain degree individual memory is always always is memory individual degree certain a To memory. social and ual

memory is a social phenomenon ( memory phenomenon is asocial 1925). ructionist approach towards texts, i texts, towards approach ructionist

ie o mmr apae ( appeared memory of sites

by Halbwachs. According to him the memory of subordinate group subordinate of memory the him to According Halbwachs. by

Criticizing Halbwachs Criticizing

- y was first used by Hugo van Ho van Hugo by used first was y public spectrum, which appears in traditions, myths, traditions, in appears which spectrum, public

in 1925 in o ught by the publishing of Maurice Halbwachs’ Maurice of publishing the by ught me and take many shapes (from archives to calendars, to archives (from shapes many take and me – - relatedvalues and norms in

in which he arg he which in e mémoire”, de 12


Schwartz notes Schwartz 1925) , –

Assman use Assman

1989:7). Sites of memory are material, material, are memory of Sites 1989:7). but there exists a culturalthe amemory on thereexists but t logically follows that the most fitting fitting most the that follows logically t .

ued that contrary to what B what to contrary that ued “ fmansthal in 1902 1902 in fmansthal ie o memory of sites s

the terms “communicative” terms the (1982: obituaries 395 - 96) ”


and and takes place. sue that assumes s that while a while that

The Social The wo historical historical ) but the but ) r ergson ergson k,

The The

s CEU eTD Collection why” and whatforget to f of organization social “the of examination the through As them. from missing of reading “inverse” an to points also memory social on Literature who rem stra narrative different necessitates two the of memory.relationship the harmonizing cultural official organized, hierarchical, more the with friction in individua the between place when useful particularly is approach above. Assmann by described as memory communicative of activities as them locate rela this conceptualize to way Another in social theimportance networks membership also throughthem. and is reinforced ofthese recalled.is it how and structured memoryis Second, of memory. because capac their exist of immo to things, of state the establish to forgetting, of work the block to time, stop to is memoire de lieu fundamentalpurposethe of most the acceptwethat “For if explicit: memorydeath and lo no what and accessible th from First, analysis these texts? of the through highlighted be can memory social of aspects which around: question the turn to understand us help memory social of concept the does How rtalize death, to materialize the immaterial ... it is also clear that lieu de memoire only only memoire de lieu that clear also is it ... immaterial the materialize to death, rtalize ember ember obituaries

e perspective of death death of perspective e (Kovács

hd ih on light shed

. 2010 uk explains Burke The fact that remembering is not randomly selective, but mirrors themirrors but randomlyselective, not is remembering that fact The gr s Nora is. nger ity for metamorphosis” for ity l and the community and that builds on first on builds that and community the and l ).

omnte ad ru i group and communities it is clear that memories are mediators between what is is what between mediators are memories that clear is it –

as in my case my in as tionship between tionship

(1989:107 (1989:19) (1989:19) The terms for describing memories are embeddedare memories describingfor terms The 13

. Thus, - 108) ae ti cneto bten ie of sites between connection this makes –

the communicative memory that takes takes that memory communicative the orgetting”, that is: is: that orgetting”, , social memory can be understood understood be can memory social , obituaries obituaries ette ta bt ifune how influence both that dentities obituaries obituaries

can be considered as sites considered as sites be can n oilmmr s to is memory social and

a nd their meanings? Or meanings? their nd - hand experiences is experiences hand “ who wants whom whom wants who tegies from those from tegies : namely what namely :

The task of of task The


is is CEU eTD Collection then. 1973 tha idea The theyconta field. political the in out played wars” “memory of escalation an to practices, memory collective of intensification an to led transformations regimes dictatorial of other from memory of question the regarding different radically are Europe Eastern perceive now they do themse who and now, they are who then, they were Who present. altered markedly the to regime old the from identities their in transition the make first must societies pasts their evaluating of task the face to had societies European Eastern transitions democratic the Following a complexities memory social Finally, lifebrought thetexts. achievements can tothe fore in back be “forgotten” place, takes change political a once But ones. improper omitting achievements, much disappear. as really that memories and recalled anal my in show I as Consequently, later and repressed are that memories h used interchangeably antagonisms avoid to group the Buckley by explained domina only not is that though emphasize to important is It (2003:30). Misztal by amnesia” “structural called is order social

( Ariès 1973) lves as having been then?” then?” been having as lves

in serve as they hide about someone’s life, selecting socially acceptable events and and events acceptable socially selecting life, someone’s about hide they as

(1983) . This claim has been revisited and detailed ina of has number revisiteddetailed been and . Thisclaim t Western society is in denial of death was made popular first by Ernest Becker in Becker Ernest byfirst popular made was death of denial in is society Western t iig rm uh tasto are transition a such from rising

, who undertook the work to wr to work the undertook who , as examples of as examples . -

Zistel ere, it is important to note however that there is difference between between difference is there that however note to important is it ere,

Hwvr a borpy rcds itr, h idvdas f these of individuals the history, precedes biography as “However, San Prua, Greece). Portugal, (Spain, has a special significance in societies in acute change. The The change. acute in societies in significance special a has , amnesia is a coping mechanism which helps the individual or individual the helps which mechanism coping a is amnesia , t rus isiuin o ceco ta sae ogtig as forgetting; shape that coercion or institutions groups, nt these processes.

Mark (2010) emphasizes that the democratic transitions in transitions democratic the that emphasizes (2010) Mark ysis, an inverse reading of of reading inverse an ysis, ( 2011: 76). 76). 14 h trs fretn” n “mei” are “amnesia” and “forgetting” terms The

The post The

ite the social history of deat of history social the ite

umrzd by summarized e rus ht atr Europ Eastern that argues He - 1990

obituaries obituaries

significant works since works since significant Andrews

is and the biographies biographies the and possible: they tell tell they possible: h,

(2000:192) argued that that argued collapses collapses ean ean re - . CEU eTD Collection from eliminated d be should they that poses she consequently disgraceful, look illness the disease workMetaphor seminal her In euphemisms. use often people illnesses terminal of name Death modern culture” ( of capable a approaches Instead issue. the of views simplistic are counterarguments uncodified. and individualistic subject. the ignoring are we that asserting print in now books 650 over are there that topic unmentionable an such secret; kept individu what Kellehear deathrepress to wants sphere private death that think ones. new establish to hard it makes society modern individualistic the and rituals, our lost we because death about confused are we that claims He public. the from removed been has dying and mour and death surrounding repression that claims also (1985) reasons: of number individualization. and secularization technologization, commodification, medicalization, a for discussion public from hidden become has modernity in death iscourse, a toturncancerinto biological instead ofa moral problem social one. or - Ariès related taboos also appear when we describe the cause of death: instead of using the the using of instead death: of cause the describe we when appear also taboos related

“socially as well as physically mortifying.” The use of cancer of use The mortifying.” physically as well as “socially al. Mocking the death the Mocking al. , Susan Sont Susan , (2007) deal N

ecie a a oatc et: xrsie orig a eerto o the of celebration a mourning, expressive death: romantic a as described t everyon ot . Baudrillard . ing - eae rtas iapae, e set ta te hv been have they that asserts he disappeared, rituals related 2005: collects arguments that confirm a contemporary culture of culture contemporary a confirm that arguments collects

with the “complex ways in which death is death which in ways “complex the with , ag

3). h are wt te sequest the with agrees e e thinks that it ultimately fails to do so and death keeps coming back. back. coming keepsdeath and so do to fails ultimately it that thinks e (1977)

(1993) -

taboo thesis taboo Noys argues that these euphemism these that argues ” has a different view: though he agree he though view: different a has e rw u te da tp o a postmodern a of type ideal the up draws He (2005) (2005) ,

Walter arg 15

ues that both the sequestration the both that ues ration (1991:294) - thesis. s

in the case of cancer render cancer of case the in invisible and highly visible in in visible highly and invisible writes: “Death is a very badly very a is “Death writes: ning increased in modernity modernity in increased ning iteod 19) does (1993) Littlewood - related metaphors make make metaphors related s re necessary that are that necessary re

that modern culture culture modern that

relocated in the the in relocated death - thesis and its its and thesis

Illness as as Illness similar to similar

death, Elias

no the the t CEU eTD Collection socially are meanings these patterned. how and meanings these on reflect place, taking is making 1990:214). (Dawkins achievedbewhe immortality “mimetic can ( story this in meaning a find to is grief of purpose the and person, a of story the is face we thing first the death with encounter an after lives their into him/her integrate create to is grief of somehow to mournersthe for possible it make deceased,which the of biographies task meaningful main the that claims grief of model constructivist The person. dea the facing when mediators as serve memories above, out pointed already I As changeHungary place istaking in cha attributi the in choices linguistic the of authorship an community First ways. th of analysis The which these originate. theories from context Western the from different background political and social a in shape takes it death what in Eur in research empirical an to arguments these translate to aims thesis My racterized by a loss of rituals, previously existing codes, codes, existing previously rituals, of loss a by racterized o pean historical context. Thus, in relation Thus,in thedeath to pean context. historical e. ial, h sequestration the Finally, ves.

ly te sequestration the , - relate d is becoming a private matter, is examined in examined is matter, private a becoming is d e findings put findings e d obituaries

practices and expressions the death the expressions and practices Obituaries obituaries Second .

- s

hss that thesis

s nesbetv sae wee hs rcs o meaning of process this where spaces intersubjective as Ksebu 2002:385 (Kastenbaum in funeral the above theories in an empirical context in a number of number a in context empirical an in theories above the te perne f eahr, euphe metaphors, of appearance the , ly, ly, - thesis also claims that modern death can be be can death modern that claims also thesis Frankl 1984 Frankl n one lives on through the memory of one’s deeds one’s memorythroughofthe on lives one n death - ugss that suggests practices 16

- taboo

is ). Dawkins goes as far as to claim that that claim to as far as goes Dawkins ).

also is - - taboo its aim is aimis its taboo ). Thus, as as Thus, ). taboo appears, and to examine how examine to and appears, taboo

death is being removed from the the from removed being is death nlzd rmrl truh the through primarily analyzed

examined inmy analysis. death n clichés and - related Vik a particular, Eastern Eastern particular, a two o Fak explains, Frankl tor . Whether such a a such Whether .

practices and the and practices - fold: to identifyfold: to im and misms th of a a of th

” -

CEU eTD Collection 19 Moses Kastenbaum1977, Paytnand (Kastenbaum,visible most and obtained of analysis The a person’s arises. biography (19 suggests career” d only the ex the where biographies. of construction the in part played also consistency history fragmented the very against place a take of life backdrop progressing linear, a of illusion” “biographical the towards attempts existing definitely these that note to is research present the for important is What age mature biographyjumping stages never ei moved, the into adolescence, through childhood, From (...) up. floor identity modernity from progressed society once gone it’s that claims project be must and can that whole oriented c He misleading. Illusion Biographical as m present, the Regarding of the deceased less pronounced became death and connectsChristianity biography a as “life of idea the to birth example For betw relationship The o call to

is “was something built and to be built level by level, storey by storey, from the ground ground the from storey, by storey level, by level built be to and built something “was mistaken riving forces of these attempts: these of forces riving

h present the Ariès obituaries laims that the assumption that that assumption the that laims

argues that it is the Christian judicial conception of the world that gave that world the of conception judicial Christian the is it that argues and illusory. Bauman illusory. and 61 Bourdieu , een mourning and memory is also historically and culturally situated. culturally and historically also is memory and mourning een ), it is the in the is it ),

odernity’s fascination with biographies led to Plummer going so going Plummer to led biographies with fascination odernity’s h “auto/biogr the

often focuses on the question of gender where findings are easily easily are findings where gender of question the on focuses often

- related memory processes memory related (1986) terplay between external and internal identities from where from identities internal and external between terplay understood ”

in the same period (LeGoff 199 in the same in the Middle Ages ( Ages Middle the in ie acut f h ti fcs n igahe is biographies on focus this why of account gives pia scey (lme 2001: (Plummer society” aphical ther.” ( as Goffman’s definition of the individual’s “moral “moral individual’s the of definition Goffman’s as (1992) (1992) 17

1992: as the unitary expression of expression unitary the as doesn’t argue with this illusion, instead he instead illusion, this with argue doesn’t ie osiue a oaiy a c a totality, a constitutes life 164 - – 165).

pectations about sameness and and sameness about pectations claims that biographical accounts biographical that claims

to postmodernity. In modernity, In postmodernity. to 1983: However,

103). 103). 2). 2). expectations are not are expectations Le Goff Goff Le

87) In 28,78). a – 94, Bytheway 94,

purpose of a of purpose hrn and oherent hs s how is this –

who also who The The far CEU eTD Collection “mundan journalists, by chosen significance social certain a of people about written were analyzed she texts the that noted, be to has it However, the about and dead the of chances obituary different i Fowler’s on builds also analysis My effects. possible of classification in present inequality gender the examine I research my In deceased in fi its and texts the in grow in appear structure of changes the how see to analysis content uses he aims: research my with similarities the and memory. death social of of concept mentalités structured the practice, of logic Bourdieu’s from drawn are book her in dimensions empirical and historical theoretical, memory Memory Bri that perspective The in decision (wh effect location years active the during wave conservative (a effect period existed the deceased); that those but present the of inequalities reflect Kastenbaum e of number a inequality, in represented death: less after are women inequality gender continuing a to point all papers These 1996). Johnson and obituaries

- making effect (obituary writers are men); and the social inequality effect (inequality effect inequality social the and men); are writers (obituary effect making adopts a similar perspective similar a adopts with the use of Halbwachs’ and Bourdieu’s work ( work Bourdieu’s and Halbwachs’ of use the with obituaries

reflects soc ( 2002: 312 obituaries r wmn unme mn ter obituary their men, outnumber women ere .

- ial inequality).ial 314 dget ndings show a growth in standardized, impersonal d impersonal standardized, in growth a show ndings xplanations list ) ial, research a Finally,

Fowler takes on takes Fowler is yohss s ht raiainly eae cnet would content related organizationally that is hypothesis its : obituaries s

ie osbe fet: h chr efc ( effect cohort the effects: possible five

to mine: she she mine: to ae en considered. been have

n nme o wy. s o te reasons the for As ways. of number a in 18 obituaries

oe y ay . Long L. Gary by done

in the 80s is 80s the in puts e” lives are not examined in her book. book. her in examined not are lives e” btais ucinn a “sociodicy as functioning obituaries

her in her book her in obituaries

analysis in analysis – Fowler 2007). Fowler

In reflected in the in reflected the driving concepts of which which of concepts driving the hi

s chances are better); the the better); are chances

nylpda n death, on encyclopedia utilizing Kastenbaum’s Kastenbaum’s utilizing Obituary as Collective as Obituary the context of social of context the (1987) (1987) sgt aot the about nsights obituaries Fowler connects connects Fowler epictions of the the of epictions obituaries show

s for o not do

of the the of social social many many ); the );

this this ”. ”.

CEU eTD Collection andhow isrelatedcontext it tomemory examinedindetail inthe thesis. is inthe obituaries political the Finally, narratives. individual and practice affects context social how connects construction the and death after inequalities continuing membership, social death the regarding resea the Second, necessary. is obituaries of genre the of examination an a thus themselves, in areworld obituaries that clear, it made it First, ways. of number a in research my of direction co historical the conclusion, In and todraw about explanationsbehind conclusions the possible the differences between them. his to findings my compare to work Long’s used I researches our of scope similar the Given rch focuses on death focuseson rch - ao ad rviig death prevailing and taboo - related linguistic choices and practices in order to draw conclusions draw to order in practices and choices linguistic related ntext and death and ntext 19 - related literature I discussed above shaped the shaped above discussed I literature related

- ocps n oit. hr, n nlss of analysis an Third, society. in concepts

of biographies biographies of

CEU eTD Collection an to leading water increase inthecremations). number of ground or frosts (e.g. differences seasonal by disturbed not are that Ju of month of number the compare to opportunity samplin quota to sub different compare to and text the from inferences non chose I period. studied obituaries to specific problems considerations andof up bearing aresearch number drawn these been has fo sampling probability and theory sampling statistical t prevent that problems consider to has one analysis content 2006: and sampling) cluster sampling of field the within make to order in population either on microfilm (1961 of issues Old Unitizing: (1) phenomenacontextual narrating and answerthe research the to q ( Krippendorf by explained as analysis content of steps the followed I design research the up drawing When 3 CHAPTER 3 (2) Sampling: (2) .1 . Research 0. rpedr warns Krippendorf 30).

in mind. I chose to analy to chose I mind. in ne 1980:


design One unit of analysis is one obituary taken from taken obituary one is analysis of unit One

in the sample so as to be able to draw conclusions regarding funerary rit funerary regarding conclusions draw to able be to as so sample the in Sampling : g the desired number of sample cases was not pre not was cases sample of number desired gthe

METHODS AND FRAMEWORK 83): unitizing; sampling; recording and coding; data reduction; inferring reduction; data coding; and recording sampling; unitizing; 83):

non -

1993) orintherea is generally defined as a method of selecting cases from a larger a from cases selecting of method a as defined generally is - are probability (simple random, stratified random, (simple probability are

- rbblt (.. quo (e.g. probability

can be accessed in the National Széchényi Library in Budapest Budapest in Library Széchényi National the in accessed be can rbblt smln i odr o e be o rw longitudinal draw to able be to order in sampling probability neecs o t (Axinn it to inferences (1980:112 ze each obituary appearing in the month of Ju of month the in appearing obituaryeach ze

obituaries - 113) ding hall (1993 ding 20 that when choosing sampling techniques for for techniques sampling choosing when that

appearing each year. I chose to include the include to chose I year. each appearing a opruiy sampling opportunity) ta, - ere 2006: Pearce - groups within the sample. As opposed As sample. the within groups r a research a r -


he indiscriminate application of of application indiscriminate he Népszabad uestion. ). - calculated: this this calculated: . The sample design of the the of design sample The . 4. w lre categorie large Two 74).

random, some forms of forms some random,

ság ’

s (Sapsf

obituary page obituary ne gave me a gaveme

within the the within ord - Jupp uals n s . CEU eTD Collection of context the in phenomena unobserved to points It (...) data. the outside analysis “an moves phenomena. contextual Inferring (5) s the obituary of variables Key 1: Table topics, together themselves with about statistics the texts into classified reduction Data (4) coding process. related topi constituent its text the modelsof the formal atframeworks”: looking “topic as identify (1983) Yule and Brown what to similar is templates narrative of notion the of facts templates”. two was coding (3) Recording/coding. (3) characters structure ob number Text dateof

ituary of latter gives us insights about the types of storylines applied in the given narrative. The The narrative. given the in applied storylines of types the about insights us gives latter


, while ,

ne hs oi faeok a mpe, h ietfe sub identified the mapped, was framework topic this Once Authorship According to Wertsch ( Wertsch to According a “narrativetemplates”: uthor a limited limited a -

fold: the exa the fold:

. uig h poes f aa euto the reduction data of process the During

The Informing ubr f v of number m messages t houghts, ourning obituaries mination of “specific narratives” and the analysis of “narrative of analysis the and narratives” “specific of mination


2002: are Traits ariables

from the sample were fully transcribed. transcribed. fullywere sample the from t raits

generalized sc

175) “specific narratives” “specific 175) codn t Kipnof ( Krippendorf to According

21 codn to according Identity occupation b n

irth name o ickname g name n riginal ender a ame ge

hematic structures

(see description Death wordfor ofdeath placeof dateof death death death previously identified identified previously

Table 1 Table

texts Achievements p give c give n oliticalachievement c umberof positions ). - p ivicachievement topics were driving the the driving were topics olitical position


p f the of timescapes 1980: ersonalrole b oliticaltitle iography a cs be can label . The examination of The of examination . wards oncrete information information oncrete 85)


The aim of the of aim The

hs process this

hms and themes Funeral funeralpaid references cremation invitation religious requests placeof funeral funeral funeral dateof related burial ed and and ed by



CEU eTD Collection website. KSH’s the on published tables (KSH) 2 dat and findings the of description detailed a give to was aim My University. European Central at consultations and workshops during reviewed observations to theories (Nagy 2001 and 1986 analyzing study pilot a on builds thesis present The audits. external bias, researcher clar advances, inquiry the as hypothesis refining review, peer triangulation, observation, are least (Weber 1990: made being often is interpretation) the of (validity validity external and scheme) the using When 3 thesis contains the findin both question. research the to answer the Narrating (6) HungarianLexiconBiographical biogra these consistency, of sake the of number cens death of causes statistics, statistics) occupational data, migration deceased, the of age (mean data demographical regarding statistics available either to reference a with presented are the findings In applicability. its about warrants with researcher, the of interest”

.2 Wherever such a statistical comparison is made is comparison statistical a such Wherever . Validity and reliability and . Validity orship and taboos, the memory of 1956, a background on political awards). Finally, a a Finally, awards). political on background a 1956, of memory the taboos, and orship 18). Cre 18).


eesr fr ulttv rsaces poogd naeet n persistent and engagement prolonged researchers: qualitative for necessary r u i a oiia cnet hr necessa where context political a in put or obituaries sswell (2007) draws up eight validity eight up draws (2007) sswell

t term validity, a distinction between internal (validity of the classification classification the of (validity internal between distinction a validity, term e eerhr oiis atcpns iw, ih n tik ecito and description thick and rich views, participants solicits researcher he

are contextualized with information availabl information with contextualized are

2012 –

is present in the Results the in present is

). A theoretical triangulation triangulation theoretical A ). gs and their interpretation.

, Magyar Életrajzi Lexikon 1900 Magyar Életrajzi

phical data are based on the online version of the the of version online the on based are data phical ,

data are taken from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s Office’s Statistical Central Hungarian the from taken are data 22

- a both in order to allow the readers draw draw readers the allow to order in both a strengthening strat strengthening & Analysis &

The Results & Analysis chapter of the the of chapter Analysis & Results The y te utrl oiis f h time, the of politics cultural (the ry

n attem an Chapter. The thesis has been has thesis The Chapter. - 1990 e about the deceased. For deceased. the about e egies egies

( obituaries Kenyeres pt to apply different different apply to pt – next chapter my my chapter next

two of which at which of two

1994 rm 1961, from ). ifying ifying

CEU eTD Collection Imaterial, the inHunga steps of toconduct theresearch chose different is the of language the that fact the from arises difficulty further A instead ofcausal my links attention todrawcontingencies.aim was soci Hungarian fromtaken Introduction,sample the in discussed As 3 raises nocopyright issues. of use The names. the keep to decided I phenomena research the in appear confidentiality of issue The necessary. was them from approval no respondents, of participation active involve doesn’t research archival Since 3 Microsoft were Excel) used. times. several reviewed were texts the mistakes coding and recording potential and inaccuracies (1980: analysis content conditions “ is Reliability historians – thei .4 . 3 oal a itriw bu te eerh n HVG in research the about interview an notably . Limitations . Research ethics r own conclusions. Finally, during the research a number of external audiences external of number a research the during Finally,conclusions. own r n re t ahee cuay uig h cdn pae cmue porm (SPSS, programs computer phase, coding the during accuracy achieve to order In

- ”

helped my me refine focus (Bell 1999: (Bell rm ht f the of that from the extent to which a test or procedure produces similar results under constant under results similar produces procedure or test a which to extent the t. h mto o cnet nlss oe a ubr f iiain a well: as limitations of number a poses analysis content of method The ety.

117). Krippendorf identifies three types of reliability in the context of context the in reliability of types three identifies Krippendorf 117). 130 –

a cniee. oee, o te ae f infe of sake the for However, considered. was - 5) saiiy reproducibility stability, 154):

hss Ised f translating of Instead thesis. .


whether the names of the deceased should should deceased the of names the whether Népszabadság Népszabadság Bd 2013) (Bedő


nd accuracy. accuracy. nd r h fl am full the ian and the findings translate ian to obituaries

o aaei purposes academic for is n dsusos with discussions and not , namely Hungarian, Hungarian, namely , o n o te source the of unt n re t avoid to order In

representative of rring contextual contextual rring

and review review and CEU eTD Collection thesis the of that and meaningful, the translationgiven verbatim is language source the between differences the When English. .


are CEU eTD Collection Figure shows thatnosuch connectionexists. stat these compares 2 Figure numbers, mortality actual in changes represent more becoming I position. change Appendix. the in given annua The 2000. and 1961 of number overall The 4 CHAPTER 4 .1. Obituary asagenre:.1. Obituary statistics characteristics and 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0

1961 1 : 1961 : 63 –

1963 t can be argued that this decline is in line with the trend that death that trend linethe in with declineis this that argued be can t oh n fet f h cagn raesi ad psil cag o te genre’s the of change possible a and readership changing the of effect an both 43

1965 - 51 2000 Number of Numberof 2000 70 1967

private (Littlewood 1993). In order to examine whether any of these changes changes these of any whether examine to order In 1993). (Littlewood private : 68


41 1971 31

51 1973 Figure 1 shows that the number of of number the that shows 1 Figure obituaries 47

31 1975 63

73 bekon f h sml ad h ana gne statis gender annual the and sample the of breakdown l obituaries 1977

1979 67


1981 in the sample is 1876. These were collected from between between from collected were These 1876. is sample the in 32



38 1985 27

44 1987 52

29 1989 40 25

54 1991


1993 30 37 1995

1997 31

1999 obituaries 41 31

Number of obituaries (year) obituaries of Number

declines after the regime the after declines - related rit related istics. It clearly It istics. uals are uals is are tics

CEU eTD Collection Figure women by withmorelives area emancipated of higher number notrepresented p one research, this to apply not Wh Hungary. in indifferences gender of explanations 312 described effects different the with in finding this Connecting representation more getting are women that suggest would that visible is change or trend no that clear is It numbers. these of breakdown annual male overall The Source: KSH Figure 100% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20% 40% 60% 80% 0 1950 0% - 1) t em te decision the seems it 314) 3 2 : 1961 : 1961 Gen :

der distribution in distribution der - 1963 1960 2000 Number of Numberof 2000 1965 - female ratio within the the within ratio female 1967

1969 1970 1971 obituaries obituaries 1973 1980 - aig e making

1975 cohort the explanation, ossible

/ 1961 1977 1990 obituaries

1979 inequality social the and ffect - 2000 National d 2000National

26 1981

1983 2000

1985 63.5 is ile the ile 1987 eaths per thousand per eaths %

1989 2010 period and the location the and period

to 36.5 to obituaries 1991 previously - 1993 effect %

1995 the contains 3 Figure .

Deaths per thousand per Deaths obituaries of Number ,

- than (Kastenbaum 2002: 2002: (Kastenbaum fet r plausible are effect

is clearly falsified: falsified: clearly is 1997

1999 they used to. to. used they obituaries - Men Women effect do effect .

CEU eTD Collection tends toappeareither as t which “authorship”, is obituary the within section “moving” only The expression. of freedom of genre the that suggests This sample. follow sections the which in order the structure: English 3 Table and ob variation structural two is study present the in frameworks topic identifying of aim The text. of structure described I As canThose an have publish obituary.whodie alone fewer thus chances. obituary obituary the with relation influences in possibly chances, age The that better. warn sample became the women and statistics for national those between differences while worse, became men for prospects place: life the between difference considerable is there Nationally decades. the throughout constant relatively and the in death of ages average the women, and men both For ligatoryof thetext. elements I oae svn ifrn scin wti the within sections different seven located I .

ie a eape f h iel typ ideal the of example an gives obituaries - rvosy t previously, expectancy of women and women of expectancy –

whether it increases or decreases over time, and identifying the optional the identifying and time, over decreases or increases it whether , the variatio the , he first or as the last part of the text. ofhe thetext. first oras thelastpart he use of a topic framework helps me get an overview of the the of overview an get me helps framework topic a of use he n of this structure and to locate an internal hierarchy of the the of hierarchy internal an locate to and structure this of n

presence of a surviving widow or family member who who member family or widow surviving a of presence obituaries men and over time a substantial change also took also change substantial a time over and men e of a Hungarian obituary obituary Hungarian a of e 27

is a static one which doesn’t allow for much much forallow doesn’t which one static a is

ah te dent ay uh ihn the within much vary doesn’t other each obituaries obituaries

with a relatively fixed fixed relatively a with

are between 66 and 68 68 and 66 between are –

in - od analyzing fold: Hungarian and and Hungarian

CEU eTD Collection 4 Table never inthem. appear almost thoughts requests, messages, quotes, essential: considered is what contain usually identi and death an traits are missing elements common most The rare. very is listed elements the all with obituary, “complete” a However, four variation: structural 4 Table Table authorship Authorship Theworkers of Vasas FactoryVasas AgyárVasas munkatársai 3 : Structural variation of of variation Structural : s Obituary :

shows the most common most the shows

közlikazokkal, whoknew him informing

Informing akikismerték, inform those fájdalommal regretfully y r cniee olgtr prs f h tx. e lo e that see also We text. the of parts obligatory considered are ty tructure hogy that


fifths tr Traits szeretett beloved obituaries our that aits d achievements d of them follow the order described in the example above. above. example the in described order the follow them of

obituary identity munkatársunk

Identity colleague, , Horváth , Horváth János János János



28 death –

suffering. a szenvedé

Death elhunyt. fterlong hosszú passed in other words, other in s után away

. We see that the texts show very little little very show texts the that see We .


Amunkásmozgalom workers’movement Achievements hűséges tagjavolt. He wasHeloyal a memberof the



related content related

funeral Temetése június Thefuneral will temetőbenlesz. Funeral takeplace 20 Farkasréti Farkasréti cemetery. 20 June, June, in - án, aán,



obituaries 82.5 10.3 16.8 24.1 1.8 2.9 3.5 3.6 4.7 5.7 8.9 – % % % % % % % % % % %

while while

CEU eTD Collection observed be could trend longitudinal such d indeed is death of place The previously. discussed already of function changing the mirroring 1960s, the from time in progress we as frequent less become would details these that expected I death of circumstances the to regard With event ofdea It of circumstances obituary. the regarding information the includes of center the is death of announcement the thematically and Structurally summarize funerary practice Sec authors. the of choices linguistic the from conclusions draw to death of descriptions analyze I Firstly, Death 4 seem be to a resource primary repair(Long work for 1987:988). dead the of biographies “the that claims, grief of model constructivist the what to similar v also is This 2002:386). (Kastenbaum void this fill to narratives and meaning create to as such space, intersubjective 1993), (Littlewood modernity of claims the literatur with relevant accordance in are changes These commemoration. text than a notification such of function changing the to related be may This obituary. the reaches it 2000, year, last year initial the In era. the 12 up takes it researched throughout text the within grows achievements life of ratio obituary the of structure the in changes regardto With .2. Death - eae vle, rcie ad their and practices values, related - related practices th itself. th itself. nl, lo a munn expre mourning at look I ondly, ta a death as that e



of the obituary’s text; in 1980, this ratio reaches 18.4 reaches ratio this 1980, in text; obituary’s the of s and their changes to gives anda their have view changes onhowthey to changed. % and values values and . The depiction of life becomes more and more central within central more and more becomes life of depiction The . - eae rtas ae en eoe fo te omnt in community the from removed been have rituals related in in changes can be captured in a number of ways. ways. of number a in captured be can changes obituaries 29

sos rm h sm prpcie Fnly I Finally, perspective. same the from ssions

n h cs o dt o death of date of case the in

death , the most significant of these is that the the that is these of significant most the ,

, the antecedents of death, and the the and death, of antecedents the , obituaries isappearing from from isappearing

, is used for interaction for used is , – obituaries

% es serving less Wt the With .

and in the in and obituaries .

ery N o ”

CEU eTD Collection life joyful a as death loss, a as death the end, only remaining and 5 inthe given su constructs conceptual The nature. taboo their with do to little very represented metaphorically often are death or memory love, life, as intangible same T necessary. is metaphorsthese of examination profound more a Iapproachesbelievethat these to Incontrast the sensitive n “of because century 20th early the in Europe in and US the in place common became dying of description euphemistic the that argues He responsible. are who those to point to as far as fro dying of pain the hiding for taboos privacy of and norm the blames Walter map it. about talking social when feelings of expression the the prohibit on (1985:28) area blank a become has dying explains, Elias death the death, of nature the in euphemisms taboo and metaphors the about literature extensive the by postulated is As one. third the in shown is distribution their column, second the in together grouped are synonyms 5 Table 1990. after appear refere religious few Very years. the during change not does wording puritan The cases. th with expressed is deceased the of death The no personalthe deceased meaningfamily for orthe of majority the death, of medicalization

time in the first column of 5 Table column first in the

the lack of them of the lack omenclature fostered(...) funeral by unctuous (246). directors” he prevalent use of metaphors metaphors of use prevalent he

deaththe express to phrasesused the shows does not m public view (Walter 1994:23 (Walter view public m obituaries . In 95 . % falsify it. it. falsify

do other constructs constructs do other modern deaths take place in place take deaths modern – %


of the cases death is simply seen and described as and described seen simply casesis death the of

pa. hs hw a ut sclr demystified secular, quite a shows This ppear. cou 30 As Lakoff and Johnson argue ( Lakoffand Johnson As e term “passed away”, or or away”, “passed term e does not does

ld be read as signs of such a death a such of signs as read be ld .

prove the sequestration the prove –

death as a rest, deatha journey, rest, as as death a - 24). Kastenbaum (2002) goes (2002) Kastenbaum 24). hospital of the deceased. Direct deceased.Direct the of “died” in 90 in “died” rudn dah are death rrounding

1980 s

– - which carries which thesis,

), n ), and this has has this and - taboo. As As taboo. otions as as otions %

of the the of at the the at nces nces -

CEU eTD Collection 45 for responsible were system Hungary in death of causes regarding available i.e. refe may suddenness” “tragic term the But murder. or suicide the behind death of meaning form violent a realto circumstances” “tragic connects the knowledge Conventional deduce to order in them compare to available deat of causes or diseases terminal for names coded are these that know used are euphemisms case other every In accidents. are which of 15 cases, 18 in given are death of causes Specific 5 Table ( literature related in mentioned often trend a is death of secularization The death. to approach Ariès Deathis journey a Deathis the end Deathis rest a

Deathis loss a Concept from cardiovascular diseases. These numbers are in correspondence with general statistics statistics general with correspondence in are numbers These diseases. cardiovascular from Total:

: Expressions of death of Expressions : 1983, Elias 1985, Feifel1983, Elias 1985,

Finishedhis life (finished hisEarthly life, finished his work,ceased Left us alone(left forever,us left me forever, left those who loved him forever, Funeralwill place take (will farewell, bid will bury him/her, will his/her put Departed(departed from among us,d

Becamevictim of (an accident, fatal a accident, a fatal car accident) o ecie h cue Tbe 6 Table cause. the describe to

Fellasleep (fell asleep forever, came to rest)

1959 %

of deaths i deaths of His/herheart ceasedbeating ) as a feature of) asfeature modern a death. Died(death, deceased) leftme, left me alone) Expre ended hisillness) Welost him/her Losthis/her life remains rest)to Ended hislife Passedaway epartedforever, followed our mother)

ssion n 1960 and 52 and 1960 n 31


it t lists


% ee descriptions hese

r to a number of of number a to r to be, ended,be,to . D ). of deaths in 1990. Neoplasms Neoplasms 1990. in deaths of

iseases of the circulatory circulatory the of iseases

h, there is no data data no is there h, Occurrence Wie e do we While . other causes, other 1535 1876 155 53 12 72 17 16 1 6 1 2 4 obituaries

either either

. CEU eTD Collection them describe to used euphemisms the and societyin stigmatized be to society from ill betw draws she that link the find I one. 20 the of disease master the as cancer on focuses work Sontag’s Though society.from areshunned sufferers contagiousandbe to felt“mysteries” are Metaphor as work, seminal Sontag’s euphemisms, of use the of significance and function the for As 6 Table diseasessystem ofthecommon, digestivecausing became 6 deaths all of 11 1960, in common 5 17 caused % Aftera long illness

of all deaths in 1960 and in 1990. While diseases of the respiratory system were more more were system respiratory the of diseases While 1990. in and 1960 in deaths all of

: Expressions of antecedents of death of antecedents of Expressions : In an accident illnessafter / grave suffering / after long suffering / afterlong and painfulsuffering %

of the deaths in 1960 and 21 and 1960 in deaths the of (1977) Aftera long illness born patience with Unexpectedly

(aftera grave illness after / a grave illness filledwithsuffering after / a long, grave (car accident,traffic accident, tragicaccident, sport accident,plane crash)

offers a possible explanation: diseases that are f are that diseases explanation: possible a offers powerful Aftera short illness Tragically (withunexpected suddenness with / tragicsu In an incurabledisease Silently( Description (among tragiccircumstances) In a heart Ina attack . At a young age Duringwork Yet, een euphemisms, stigma and the isolation of the terminally the of isolation the and stigma euphemisms, een


were caused by such illnesses, while starting in 1990, 1990, in starting while illnesses, such by caused were


there is no correlation between diseases that are more more are that diseases between correlation no is there

(self %


of all deaths in 1990. Violent deaths occurred in in occurred deaths Violent 1990. in deaths all of discipline, heroism etc.) suffering)


ddenness) th

century, the observation is a general a is observation the century, %

of all deaths. of

in my researchmy in

eared and thus treated as treated thus and eared

Occurrence : cancer has a a cancerhas : 256 311 806 34 35 43 96 15 2 3 4 7

Illness Illness

CEU eTD Collection gri individual of expressions These you”). informs family the that heart broken sad, a with is “it announce” to heartbroken are (“we mourners the by felt emotions to references contains that objective more a forms: the in phrasesInforming and bear dignity. itwith it accept to but disease the fight to expected longer no is person dying the here, concept, role “ sick the Regardi manner of death. a of concepts society’s how indicate might death of temporality the mention not do proportion small a only that fact the event: the of suddenness references the examined, be can death of a becomes ill antecedents ofthe theseanotheraspectfrom features temporal which gradual is There decline. terminally the of trajectory dying the societies, modern in death of causes emergen the with that namely death: modern of characteristic the on put emphasis The death of cause s to compared value additional an have euphemisms These experience. his/her of sense makes one that euphemisms and metaphors of use the through is it because desirable nor possible neither is meaning symbolic their from diseases strip to suggestion S (1999), remarks Hawkins Hunsaker Anne As diseases. terminal as such matters, problematic painful, about conversation facilitate actually that tools as euphemisms at look euphemistic humility”, f ae lc i te otx o a oit wih las otos n plcs mourning polices and controls always which society a of context the in place take ef ng the behavior of the terminally ill, a modified version of Parsons’ concept (1951) of of (1951) concept Parsons’ of version modified a ill, terminally the of behavior the ng - oe s aig hp: h trial il s xetd o eae with behave to expected is ill terminally the shape: taking is role

“ description just as cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. Instead, I propose that we we that propose I Instead, diabetes. or diseases cardiovascular as just description self – -

discipline” and discipline” they can contain information about the experience of the dying trajectory. dying the of experience the about information contain can they

one (“the family announces that”, “we inform you about”), and one one and about”), you inform “we that”, announces family (“the one obituaries “ egh o te lns/ufrn peeig et mrs a marks death preceding illness/suffering the of length” “ heroism”. As opposed to the original versio original the to opposed As heroism”.

appear in 79 in appear

made to the length of an illness or the tragic tragic the or illness an of length the to made 33 %

of all the cases. They may take two general general two take mayThey cases. the all of “ good death” are related to a timely timely a to related are death” good ce of chronic diseases as main main as diseases chronic of ce imply identifying the the identifying imply n of the sick the of n “ patience”, ontag’s ontag’s - CEU eTD Collection private emotions: Mann’s Thomas Joseph from quote a uses (2007:89) Peters (1983:578). great” too is languages the between distance “the as one, easy an not is feelings of world the to life everyday from the express to mourners by both argued is It Figure ofextremeexpressions emotions. T shaken. being 15 death, the announce they that pain” deep / pain with is “it that state form standardized relatively a take they that see We expressions. such 4 Figure reveals take emotions these information aboutnormsand rules related tomourning. form the at look a Consequently 2002:387). (Kastenbaum 4 : Expressions of mourning Expressions of : and HisBrothers and

contains the most common most the contains rmo ad wle, e ad hs oc trembling, voice his deep For weeping. said,countenance he swollen, and Crimson 7% 8%

6% e et r snnm wt tee em. ey e o tee hae contain phrases these of few Very terms. these with synonyms are rest he


3% Ariès ir emotions. ir

to give an example of why “mythic clichés” are crucial in expressing inexpressing are crucial clichés”why “mythic exampleof to give an

7% and Peters that clichés or a code of behavior is necessary for for necessary is behavior of code a or clichés that Peters and



expressions of mourning: 69 mourning: of expressions

claims that these are ne are these that claims - bowed in my affliction I sit down to to down sit I affliction my in bowed 34


eded %

of all all of it is with pain with it is pain deep with it is other heart aching an with heart broken sad a with shaken heart sad a with shocked deeply

because the transition the because % –

two is my my is express shock and and shock express obituaries - thirds of them of thirds

contain contain

CEU eTD Collection of his/herpain. mou modern with of Agreeing above. suppression shown certain phrases the a in reflected that is however mourning suggest to reasonable is It years. the over usage a be can it While analyzed. dur feelings of show expressive individualistic, byan characterized is death postmodern meaning, of emptied are w harmony people in is This them. from away turning therefore meaningless, and shallow become have they use, in still are clichés these while that states (1985:24) Elias claim. their for mourning of expressions contemporary a become has death modernity in that suggest that theories Many they were made for it... Certainly, Jacob could do his grief no greater greater no grief his do could Jacob Certainly, it... for made were they though as it fit then which own, our clothe to which in words suitable th consoling, and convenient is it good, is it indeed And own. his it made Jacob and thing, such Noah, some said have For to supposed was him. legend, the to according with original not were tell, could one as words, wi wet is face my and weep, half only or coined already words in dispair, his in much lamented and spoke he events, all At catastrophe. that for coined were which words flood great the with level a on it set to than honour rning is an “extension of modesty” (1983:578), where the mourner is in control control in is mourner the where (1983:578), modesty” of “extension an is rning -

n munn (atr 1996 (Walter mourning ing coined.

at from the suffering of our ancestors we inherit right and and right inherit we ancestors our of suffering the from at rgued that the clichés used are shallow, there is no change in their their in change no is there shallow, are used clichés the that rgued th the tears that flow down on it.” The The it.” on down flow that tears the th 14. oe f hs s elce i te aa I data the in reflected is this of None :194). 35 ith Walter’s claim that after old rituals became rituals old after that claim Walter’s ith

(quoted by Peters 2007:89)

and apply to it it to apply and taboo, find evidence in the in evidence find taboo, Ariès I lo on that found also I ,

CEU eTD Collection comple 25 Figure he seesconnected tothe general as of death. privatization support not does finding This privacy. in held is fifth every only Hungary, in events public still are post the after Even invitations. for funeral the and death the between technical the by explained (1985 again decreases slowly it finally, second the in 1965), (1961 increase an is there period, first the in linear: not is change the that see We time. over 5 Figure potentia norms: funerary and privacy”), in him/her buried we wishes last his/her with accordance (“in deceased the of wishes last be may others of number a by influenced are mourners the by made decisions fa narrow a is (“in death place the took already only funeral cases the times of often number mentioned, a In funeral. a to invitation an is obituary every Not 72% 74% 76% 78% 80% 82% 84% 86% 88% %

of the of

5 mentary, the casket burial is never indicated indicated never is burial casket the mentary, : 1961 : Ariès

shows how the proportion of proportion the how shows obituaries 77% - 2000 Ratio in funeral invitations in invitations in funeral Ratio 2000 ’s (1983:576) claim that funerals become more private more becomefunerals that claim (1983:576) ’s


specify that the funeral will take the form of cremation. Note that this isthis that Note cremation. of form the take will funeral the specifythat eid te ai o fnrl niain i rltvl hg (1965 high relatively is invitations funeral of ratio the period,

83% difficulties


obituaries 86% : in many cases there was simply not enough time time enough not simply was there cases many in : - 2000). The relatively low number in the early 60s is is 60s early the in number low relatively The 2000).

obituaries 82% 36

that contain funerary invitations has changed changed has invitations funerary contain that

l changes in the priva the in changes l 83%


as it is the mainstream funerary funerary mainstream the is it as

factors. One of these is time is these of One factors.

in the modern age, which which age, modern the in - 1985 decrease, funerals funerals decrease, 1985 Funeral invitations (%) invitations Funeral te nature of funerals. of nature te mily circle”). These These circle”). mily - 1985), 1985), - ,

CEU eTD Collection never were funerals casket as mentioned inthe just specified, longer no was it type funeral mainstream s diminishes but pattern described the in cremation of mentioning the that remarkable is It become particularly common. ur in placed often are urns years, 25 and so every in contract a of renewal a and gardening regular need usually graves While it. with duties term long less carries also It funerals. casket became private this non virtually was unemployment where communism of years the during while factor: central a became also costs Burial themselves. suff cemeteries Hungarian time, same (Davies 12 reached and quadrupled crematoriums of number 80 to rise to cremations of ratio the to led which 1990 between place took changes Tremendous 12.59 reached cremations of ratio the 1989 in change regime the by and 1985 in Szeged in opened 12.7 reached cremations second the and Debrecen, in opened crematorium 1951thatthefirst Hungarian However,plague until itwasn’t (Halasy 1987:327). year’s that by claimed victims of number large the by necessitated 1833, from dates Hungary ( in data the compare to useful is It practice. Davies % . - ae 2005 Mates

obituaries - called“scattering the ashes” of responsib (e Fgr 6 Figure (see ) %

. n 97ad rwt 16.53 to grew and 1977 in

ility after 1990. C 1990. ilityafter

. h frt eto o iiitvs oad c towards initiatives of mention first The ). giiaty fe 19. ne rmto bcm the became cremation Once 1990. after ignificantly rd rm ak f pc ad lo otrd cremations fostered also and space of lack from ered –

- h frt n Budapest in first the existent existent obituaries 37 remation was and continues to be cheaper than cheaperthan be to continues andwas remation

- – – 2000 caused by a combination of factors factors of combination a by caused 2000 %

the cheapestavailable burial form of the workplace often paid for the funeral, the for paid often workplace the . With the arrival of the free market, the the market, free the of arrival the With .

% with national historical data available data historical national with obituaries

until 1984. The third crematorium third The 1984. until - – ae 2005:251 Mates

n 98 Te rprin of proportion The 1968. in

does not follow the above above the follow not does - 5) A the At 256). eain in remation –

has has n –

CEU eTD Collection largest cemeteries two the of percentage cumulated The years. the throughout changed have locations funeral and position social religion, regulations, cemetery residence, in is cemetery the of choice The Davies Source: Figure death (1983). pattern the into fits cremations of number growing the choices, funeral behind motives exact the explore to unable is analysispresent the While informal. more and morebecoming is memorialization the that (2007:442) observation Kellehear’s is this to Connected cemetery. the of character public the and death of reality physical the of rejection a signifies cremation that suggests he mourners, the of side the from indifference 20 the in cemeteries of cult the of rejection changingmodernity. in death the of nature of evidence as consequently, informal, and private more becoming funeral death in interpreted is cremations of number growing The 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 0%

6 : 1970 : 23% Ariès 1970 - - Mates 2005 Mates 2000 Ratio of cremations mentioned in ofcremations Ratio 2000


has described has –

New Public C Public New

50% 1980 14%

Ariès as the technologization, secularization and individualization of individualization and secularization technologization, the as emetery Farkasréti and lecd by fluenced

50% (1983:577) argues that cremation as a choice means the means choice a as cremation that argues (1983:577) 1990 22%

th 38

century. Instead of interp of Instead century.


nme o fcos pae f it, death, birth, of place factors: of number a scattering of the ashes also shows how how shows also ashes the of scattering 27% 2000 80%

/ 1970 –

- is in decline. This is inaccordance is decline.This is in related literature as a sign of sign a as literature related - 2000 National ratio ofcremations ratio National 2000 National % of cremations of % National obituaries inof % mentioned Cremation price Fgr 7 Figure . reting it as a sign of sign a as it reting

hw how shows

the the

CEU eTD Collection place take will funeral the that explained often is it Second, cases. of number a in mentioned are deceased the of honor in held masses requiem First, groups. large three to belong They Religiousfunerals elements ar of of cemetery. choice the through meanings these communicate to tendency a location is there that ofindicates choices variation growing the that and meanings 195 carries the location that of show heroes examples for reserved is Cemetery Public New the in 301 and 300 Section cemetery. Jewish the called again once is cemetery street Kozma The status. social higher a indicate there burial of prices high the public, the to open now is Kerepesi urn modern a is Budapest near cemetery small a Csömör, values. or life deceased’s the of aspects express to prone more loc alternative of number growing The cheaper. are funerals where city, the of outskirts the to cemeteries central from move a with as well as cemetery, Kerepesi of opening” “public new the with Figure 7: 1961 7: Figure 100% 80% 90% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0% 21 3 20 6

1961 16 3 9 4

1963 - 16 13 tos lo niae ta atr h rgm cag, h coc o cmtr is cemetery of choice the change, regime the after that indicates also ations 2000 Cemetery distribution in distribution Cemetery 2000 1 8

1965 22 22 3 4

1967 19 19 2 6

1969 12 0 9 4

1971 - 13 16 12 4 cemetery where a number of alternative funerals take place. take funerals alternative of number a where cemetery

1973 24 21 2 5

1975 24 17 1 9 e in1988,there total. firstmentionsin mentioned are 37such

1977 12 18 4 9

1979 12 2 5 5

1981 10 16 13 7 obituaries

1983 3 7 6 6

39 1985 16 16 7 5

1987 11 10 4 9

1989 11 13 3 7

1991 12 2 6 5

1993 11 6 5 7

1995 10 5 3 9

1997 5 9 5 7

1999 Farkasrét Cemetery Public New in Budapest Not Other 6 revolution. These These revolution. 6

While While CEU eTD Collection The state. as States communist United the of politics cultural and ideologies the opposing his by marked were career his of features Many restaurants. Hungarian in play to allowed was he 1960s the 19 InBriggs’s Arthur band. (1905 Obendorfer Jenő Consider the followingexample: deceased. the called family and friends close the how know us letting than other elements sample. the in nicknames bear women 16 and men 9 ofthe diminishing marriages numberchanging and the name bearing habits. reasons: two for practice common a becoming is name birth the Keeping Katalin”. Tamásné nam first of woman’s the and form name husband’s One the of combination ages. a is the compromise with disappearing slowly been has it widespread, relatively was version this Although name. husband’s her learn only we Kovács) Tamás (Mrs. Tamásné” encountering when identification: the from disappears name first woman’s the even that means only name husband’s the Bearingyears. the over changed have types bearing status marital their about information additional contain also names Female general. in women of position social professional or personal the In 4 Third, the mentioningthe urn being ofa the1990s. placed within churchfirst appearsin accord .3. Identity, biography and socialmembership.3. Identity, biography and in ing to the rituals of a certain Church (Roman Catholic, Calvinistic, Lutheran, Jewish). Jewish). Lutheran, Calvinistic, Catholic, (Roman Church certain a of rituals the to ing obituarie h munn fml (.) s a t anuc ta Jn Obendorfer (Chappy)awayamong passed(...)circumstances. tragic1973) (19 June Jenő that announce to sad is (...) family mourning The s

the nemesis of the Soviet Union, was considered an unacceptable reference unacceptable an considered was Union, Soviet the of nemesis the two types of data constitute one’s core identity: one’s name and one’s one’s and name one’s identity: core one’s constitute data of types two –

while no such indication is present in men’s names. Female name name Female names. men’s in present is indication such no while - 1977) was a musician and a jazz drummer. In the 1920s he played in played he 1920s the In drummer. jazz a and musician a was 1977) –

role. The analysis of female names gives us insights about the the about insights us gives names female of analysis The role. 40s he led one of the most popular Hungarian big bands. In Hungarian the bands. big popular most ofthe ledone 40s he


obituaries These

a as cnan informativ contain also may

e: “Kovács e: a “Kovács “Kovács a

– e

CEU eTD Collection 3 non of representation The deceased. the among appear peasants or laborers agricultural no practice; obitu that see We drawn. be can conclusions obituaries data available nationally between comparison The groupschances” a whileother “obituary higher have prestige and status higher with groups to belong who People groups. or professions certain of positions relative the indicates also commemorated and remembered dece the groups particular insights the us give regarding roles professional These cases. 895 in network. mentioned social are one’s roles within Professional position primary the is membership family that illustrates ver mentioned are positions to belong roles One’s name’s bearer. The twice. origin appear only versions original these 1980 after while 1970s, the in mentioned these of half that note to interesting is It sample). the in proportion overall their men names Jewish original, their have people 17 all, in All II. War World after then and century the of turn the at first 20 the in waves in place took surnames ethnic certain of ‘Hungarianisation’ The of achievements Obendorfer’s life. in American the theobituary, details appearin biographical these of none Although 1953).(Maróthy music” “jazz decadent the was as point,

I dis I cuss political positions together with political titles and achievements in a later section. inlater a achievements and titles withpolitical together positions cusspolitical al name is not carried through generations and disappears with the death of the original original the of death the with disappears and generations through carried not is name al - agricultural independents (small trades and small industry) is approximately equal to equal approximately is industry) small and trades (small independents agricultural

is given in Table 7 Table in given is

two relatively distinct fields: fields: distinct relatively two

tioned in the the in tioned y rarely y . While comparable data is not available for 2000, a number of number a 2000, for available not is data comparable While .

re underrepresented inthe sample. re underrepresented . 3

Familial roles a roles Familial obituaries - ased belonged to. The identity of the person person the of identity The to. belonged ased sounding nickname is a clear reference to a g reference a clear a to is nickname sounding 41 r pbihn in publishing ary

, 5 of whom are women (a ratio which fits which ratio (a women are whom of 5 , family and profession and family re mentioned in 55 in mentioned re (KSH) (KSH) n te n apaig n the in appearing one the and

Népszabadság % . Political Political .

of the cases. This cases. the of

s n urban an is th – and civic civic and

century, 9 – roup roup

are CEU eTD Collection importance cultural ofsymbolicand grows. capital ( respect and popularity greatest the enjoy professions Prestige class. middle the of emergence re the with described be can 1980s The grow. to starts expertise her and skills of communist importance archetypical the as workers factory of elevation and capitalthe by centralityofpolitical the1960scanbe the the introduction. While described in described patterns prestige and mobility the with accordance in are general in findings The changing prestige ofdifferentprofessions. the with connection definite a shows This list. the from disappear virtually workers skilled intellectuals literate a We representation. their lose professions other while years, the over significant more become groups intellectual and elite the that see we groups different of 8 Table KSH Source: groups occupational 7 Table and higher socialchances better status have toappearin power social more with Those years. the throughout grows ratio this and group, intellectual and elite referred tothe tobelonged deceased the years.A large majorityof decreases the over proportion. national their 1990 1980 1970

Dsrbto o ocptoa gop in groups occupational of Distribution :

gives a detailed breakdown of the composition of the sample. As for the distribution the for As sample. the of composition the of breakdown detailed a gives

National Intellectuals 33.4 30.3 25.8 Elite &


– Sample

90.8 88.1 83.4 h aaei ad utrl lt, teachers elite, cultural and academic the

Skilled workers are underrepresented in the sample and their ratio their and sample the in underrepresented are workers Skilled

Skilled workersSkilled National 25.7 23.2 19.5



eerh rm h 1980s the from research Sample obituaries 2.3 5.6 8.8 42

independents (%) independents Non

( National 90 17, 1990 1970, 1960, 4.2 1.5 1.6 obituaries - agricultural

ucá 18) I te 90, the 1990s, the In 1985). Kulcsár

. Sample lso see that the number of number the that see lso

– 4.1 3.2 4.0 rw atr 90 while 1990, after grows e, n h 17s the 1970s, the in oes, )

shows /

National distribution of of distribution National Agricult. workers National Non

36.7 44.9 53.1 ht intellectual that

- (%) skilled / / skilled

Sample 0 0 0

- CEU eTD Collection “obituary best the with chan group social the names even (1980:66) Gerbner class”, middle that stating When others. than immortal more are puts Bauman As receives. she or he commemoration the fromand funeral the dies, individual the how and where starting death person’s a of aspects all in appears inequality social This death. after i that show clearly findings These 8 Table administrative administrative ces”. It has to be noted however that that however noted be to has It ces”. agricultural intellectuals political middle leaders military middle leaders technical intellectuals leading cadres (ceos) : 1961 : tourism financial experts skilled workers middle leaders academic elite small industry political elite military elite intellectuals cultural elite physicians - teachers lawyers 2000 Occupation distribution in in distribution Occupation 2000 leaders cadres other trade it (1992:53), with different commemoration chances some members of society of members some chances commemoration different with (1992:53), it elite -

- - catering

public officepublic officepublic

100.0% 29.7% 10.9% 59.3% 13.0% 10.8% 10.1% 0.6% 5.0% 3.4% 1.2% 1.3% 2.8% 0.9% 9.5% 4.4% 9.1% 5.3% 2.7% 1.0% 6.5% 3.6% 5.6% 3.5% nstead


f en “h get leveller” great “the being of

1961 61.4% 16.4% 12.9% 10.0% 15.7% 43 6.4% 6.0% 3.2% 0.8% 1.6% 4.0% 2.0% 4.8% 1.2% 0.0% 8.8% 4.0% 2.4% 1.2% 9.2% 4.8% 0.8% 22% obituaries

- 1970



63.3% 24.8% are not simply the constructs or or constructs the simply not are 11.6% 10.8% 10.0% 14.5% 10.8% 4.4% 5.2% 2.8% 0.4% 9.2% 4.8% 4.0% 4.0% 2.4% 0.4% 5.6% 3.2% 0.8% 2.0% 3.6% 0.8%


are the “Social Register of the the of Register “Social the are 1980

1981 57.6% 33.2% 10.6% 11.1% ieult continues inequality , 6.1% 6.5% 2.3% 9.2% 4.1% 1.4% 8.3% 5.5% 5.1% 7.4% 6.0% 0.9% 2.3% 4.1% 0.9% 1.8% 1.8% 9.7% 0.9% -


1991 52.8% 42.7% 10.0% 13.3% 13.3% 1 4.5% 6.7% 3.9% 3.3% 3.3% 0.6% 3.3% 6.7% 5.0% 1.1% 2.2% 1.7% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 5.6% 1.1% 8.3% -


CEU eTD Collection social the of aspect one signifies narrat larger own its has sphere Each deceased. them the of membership of each that posit to is spheres interconnected deceased the of 19 discernedthe fact that by work ac an workplace the sphere, private the of that shape: take domains interconnected three place, take achievements individual’s the to Connected archetypical age. heroesofthe structure social the in mobility upward an experience didn’t workers skilled claimed, ideology the what to contrary (2000), Belényi and (1972) Kemény prestige social growing their by caused not is it 1960s, the “sociodicy Fow As formation. their in part important an plays also order social existing the Finally, of justification shape. different very a takes commemoration of media rural because but system peasants and workers of readership the reflects it Third, professions. certain of by affected indeed is it Second, individual. the by lived reality the out created be not can roles social reality: social by formed is it First, factors. interconnected of number a by shaped is identities of representation The misconception. a be would society given a of values shape and reflect simply to refer ( values shaping forces present also they constructive: themselves are but order social a of representations hievements within these domains. Most life achievements mentioned in the in mentioned achievements life Most domains. these within hievements ler describes (2007:18), (2007:18), describes ler - eae, 18 related, ” (justifications of society). Thus, when skilled workers appear in the in appear workers skilled when Thus, society). of (justifications ” Geertz 1973: 94 1973: Geertz – %

opposed to only 8 only to opposed

oe ae n’ aheeet. hn xmnn te ra i wih an which in areas the examining When achievements. one’s are roles of them are personal. An illustration of gender differences may be be may differences gender of illustration An personal. are them of are missing from these these from missing are %

obituaries of female of

- d the political sphere. Figure 8 Figure sphere. political the d 8). 8). % However, to state that state to However,

of male male of obituaries o’ ofr hoiis (justif theodicies offer don’t 44 obituaries


contain information related to contain information of thin air, they have to somehow reflect somehow to have they air, thin of

not because they are outcasts of the of outcasts are they because not . One way to theorize about these these about theorize to way One . –

obituaries – in fact, a fact, in obituaries

but because they represent the represent they because but

describes the distribution of distribution the describes ive –

and affects and ccording to research by research to ccording –

and the ide the and

ications of God) but but God) of ications a family narrative, an an narrative, family a s el agricultural well: as obituaries – obituaries private roles roles private

the prestige the ntities they ntities

are are

in in CEU eTD Collection 1974, thesecond 1993: from (listi “length” its is it 1990s the during time), same the at held (workplace positions other positions, it political positions, influences that career a of “width” the is it 1980s, the until 1960s the from time over change significantly doesn’t number This 1.28. is mentioned and person the by held positions of number average the in mentioned aredeceased the of positions many how analyzed also have I Figure through thetexts. in reinforced and helpful repeated are they are biography, individual’s the narratives of frameworks the larger establishing these As narrative. political a narrative, organizational 8 : Distribution o Distribution : worker of forestry and agriculture died at the age of 43, 27 May, after after May, 27 43, of age the at died agriculture and forestry of worker Excellent and Merit Work the of degree silver the of owner sciences, professor college Tamás László dr. that announces sadly family grieving the with Industry together Wood and Forestry of University the of Committee The ng of previous workplaces). Consider the following examples, the first from from first the examples, following the Consider workplaces). previous of ng 18%

f achievements within domains within achievements f 5%


;h 3% owever, t owever,

, deputy rector, candidate of technical technical of candidate rector, deputy , he internal structure goes through changes. While While changes. through goes structure internal he 45 67%

political political & workplace private & workplace private workplace obituaries . The .

CEU eTD Collection years during communist a be to needed bravery the stress also 1945 preceded “movement” t that emphasize who Those well. as more something to point affiliation political the to references achievement, an that is relationships one’s direction, of endurance same the to point columns three all While references. these regarding part communist the with affiliation one’s of length the and workplace, the at spent one time of amount the marriage, a of length the fr the in depicted only not is time of passing The a snapshot taken than at career,theperson. theofone’s actual peak rather story of B (1979:205). inevitable” as well as acceptable is that death toward gently decline then and years, middle fruitful to youth brassy “through “arcs”: as to referred Metcalf and Huntington what to comply they motion in (1986) progress a as depicted is life a whether of question The life. individual’s an from periods important about informed one second the in biography, static a in person a of excellence the prove that achievements of gradation a see we example first the in While ames of reference, or timescapes (Adam 1990). Three such frames appear in the in appear frames such Three 1990). (Adam timescapes or reference, of ames –

or in a static form can only partially be an be partially only can form static a in or Angyalföld,away at passed 1993) the age (...)June of79.(20 Kálmán Könyves of player in soccer Újpest, in 1934 School Secondary in school high finished who MÁV, of pensioner Fodor, Károly that heart broken a with it announce We all ofus.(...) (91974) June academic teaching excellent his With illness. grave long, a

achievements and personal behavior he set an example for for example an set he behavior personal and achievements –

as proposed by Bourdieu’s notion of the “biographical illusion” illusion” “biographical the of notion Bourdieu’s by proposed as ut most often the depiction of life within the within life of depiction the often most ut

y . Table 9 Table . 46 – obituaries

even if not in a chronologi a in not if even

gives an impressionisti an gives swered. When biographies describe lives describe biographies When swered. heir relationship with the party or the the or party the with relationship heir

by the age of a person but by other other by but person a of age the by

Tripolisz - educating work, work, educating - uu T in TE Turul

obituaries cal order cal c list of examples of list c

obituaries resembles –

we are we : CEU eTD Collection voice passive a reflecting the bereaved feelfelt what about or the in described be to likely more is deceased the that shows clearly table listed are form passive in attributives Such 16 in appear person. a describe to attributives as used adjectives are Characteristics Tab Association”, “the founderofHungarianprivate thefirst medical practice.” Pioneer the of president first “the lawyer”, female Hungarian first “the field: a in pioneering references, temporal are these stability in and emphasized loyalty While undertaking. risky forbidden, a was it when regimes and in in the50 afterdecades ofbeing happily married in in l e 9 e the60 in in the20 : “Timescapes” in “Timescapes” : th Pr

yearof our happy marriage and th

yearof our happy marriage ivate sphere ivate th

familylife yearof our marriage %

of the the of



in the right column, active attributives are shown. A look at the at look A shown. are attributives active column, right the in . Table 10 Table .

employeeof ventilationthe departmentfor loyaldirector of our institute for decades loyalof servant book trade for years62 workedyears43 our at com oldloyal collegue Workplace

almostyears30 lists these adjectives. In the left c left the In adjectives. these lists a few examples also stress the importance of of importance the stress also examples few a 47

m –

insteadone. ofan active pany

fighterof the workers’ movement since oldwarrior of workers’the movement memberof partythe since 1926 memberof partythe since 1931 Political sphere the party’s oldwarrior veteranfrom 1919

olumn, attributives olumn, 1919

CEU eTD Collection 4 very and detailed evocative wife: byhis was obituarywidow who written lost a especially An sphere. public the in and private the in both appreciated (“ex workplace the by written are Some everything”). “my eye”, our of “apple gold”, of (“heart ones affective most the especially appreciation, private for reserved are characteristics Some 10 Table

eye, irreplaceable,apple ofour precious our everything my/our respected/ esteemed(honored) unforgettable (deeply loved much loved, loved, adored) PASSSIVE A golden diploma is an award given to teachers celebrating their 50th graduation anniversary. anniversary. graduation 50th their celebrating teachers given to award isan diploma golden A mlr” “usadn” “iees) Sm tat, s atfles o eape are example, for faithfulness as traits, Some “tireless”). “outstanding”, emplary”, : Adjectives used to describe the deceased describe the usedto Adjectives :

an old an warm loved, man With

- time kindergarten teacher with a golden diploma golden a with teacher kindergarten time - tears I sil I tears

- hearted wife, Mrs. Sándor Lénárd, born Etelka Müllner, Müllner, Etelka Lénárd,born Sándor Mrs. wife, hearted

ently cry and inform the relatives that my much much my that relatives the inform and cry ently

3 11 21 127 1 - -

3 1


kind, tireless, exemplary, kind, caring self loving faithful excellent(outstanding) (best) good dear ACTIVE and sport and humanist, sacrifice, to ready gold, of heart devoted, conscientious, -




pca, ml, nefs, life unselfish, small, special,


fell asleep fell

2 3 5 6 13 26 100 1 - - 2 1

CEU eTD Collection then approximately 10 every about expressed feelings or signific changes attributives of number The memory womenmore withthatof more menappears appears obje emotion and of with deceased the of characteristics than rather towards adjective the in attributives of numberThe also “man reflectsit: on d constraint more and emotions gender a from interesting also is the It of pain mourner. the depicting in honest very is it and deceased the of description affective an po is it ways: of number a in rare is example This s while only 12 only while s myIwell. lifeI Aslongas as (41974) live, (...) June mournher. of meaning the and purpose the but her in friend faithful a warrior, y 77 of age the at illness grave a after bed hospital her on ear of our marriage. I not only lost a loving spouse, a selfless co selfless a spouse, loving a lost only not I marriage. our of ear - tears”are from ones,they different ordinary are since “silent”. %

of men are. Given that most of these attributives describe feelings feelings describe attributives these of most that Given are. men of the loved one greatly diminish greatly one loved the th

obituarycontains sucha desc rn orig adwiecnrdcigti epcain it expectation, this contradicting while and mourning, uring obituaries

varies antly through time (see Figure 9 Figure (see time through antly 49 - esetv: e ae xetd o hw less show to expected are men perspective:

etic, it shows expressive mourning, it gives it mourning, expressive shows it etic, by gender:20 by ,

t s esnbe o ocue ht the that conclude to reasonable is it

ription oftheription deceased. at the end of the 1970s and since since and 1970s the of end the at %

of women are described by by aredescribedwomen of , in the 52 the in

): personal traits personal ): nd -


CEU eTD Collection sociodicy as successfully person. a of identities external the and internal the between interplay apply to to (1961) is career change moral the this of notion conceptualize Goffman’s to way Another impersonal. them call to results is the about information biographical deceased time, over decreases traits personal of description (1987:972). standardized and routinized becoming is death towards relation our that fact the evidence to considers he This increases. occupations professions, jobs, records”, in complied routinely pers characteristics, individual of description 1987:991 (Longemotions of objects passive as them portraying of pa a with characterized is deceased the of portrayal the how observed also he First, ways. two in research Long’s of results the with accordance in are findings These Figure 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

0% 5% indeed more objective than the use of attributives, it would be a misinterpretation of the the of misinterpretation a be would it attributives, of use the than objective more indeed 9 1962 1961 : –

23% as we will see see will weas 1964 M - 2000 Ratio of Ratio 2000 39%

y findi y 1966

1968 28%

1970 12% ngs can only be interpreted as ambivalent about these issues. While the While issues. these about ambivalent as interpreted be only can ngs

23% actively shaping, participating in participating shaping, actively 1972 obituaries

of the deceased when a number of external resources are put in use in put are resources external of number a when deceased the of – 1974

gains more space within the obituary. While this biographical data biographical data this While theobituary. gains within space more 1976 32%

1978 7%


1980 (%) attributives with 3% 1982

1984 2% 18%


- 1986 14%

onal traits diminishes, while information “that is “that information while diminishes, traits onal thetime, over that finds Longalso Second, 992).

50 1988 2% 10%


obituaries 1992

1994 14%

their own lives, they are depicted as depicted are they lives, own their 12%

1996 a oa cre aris career moral a : 3% 1998


attributives (%) attributives with obituaries of Ratio Obituaries ssive voice: instead voice: ssive es from the the from es

fun ction ction

CEU eTD Collection organizationally that hypothesis his test to tried also Long L. Gary research, his In observed. appeare and change samp the in decades past the in authors public of proportion sign change to authorship expect would One of one’s a health, withdrawal precedes biological death. disengagement step happens Soc lives. others’ in agent active an be to ceases deceased the when occurs death” “social that fact the to refers death one. biological the precede might death” cour life the throughout changes embededness 71 cases the of the In areconnected. authorship and deceased the of age the However, gender. by or throughtime in 71 mentionedAuthorship is a given s were deceasedsignificant the of memberships which 2002:620), (Kastenbaum society to connected the of authors the at looking by is membership social and identity between relationship the analyze to way One and connections institutional where networks details add validity. toits biographical of increase the with together decrease the that find I Thus biography. one’s validate to % obituaries

o toe h de rltvl od (60 old relatively died who those for ociety. –

– thus an analysis of authorship reveals the nature of social bonds and networks in in networks and bonds social of nature the reveals authorship of analysis an thus

of those who died at a young age (0 age young a at died who those of this number is 76 is number this

d in the beginning of the 1980s. After 1990, a slow increase can be be can increase slow a 1990, After 1980s. the of beginning the in d obituaries a dah ih peee ilgcl et (unw 97, where 1967), (Sudnow death biological precede might death ial

- – by

% . Who delivers the obituary reveals how the deceased was was deceased the how reveals obituary the delivers Who . that is organizationally related, non related, organizationally is that le. While there was a definite de definite a was there While le. -

step, starting % of the cases. This number does not show significant variation significant variation show cases. not Thisnumber does the of

for those who died in their middle ages (30 ages middle their in died who those for

The distinction between “biological” and “social” and “biological” between distinction The - ificantly through time. Figure 10 Figure time. through ificantly from retirement,acceleratedfrom by the deterioration 99 years). This result shows that one’s social social one’s that shows result This years). 99 51 se se

- – 29 years), 29

a disengagement from society, a “social “social a society, from disengagement a

authorship is mentioned in 84 in mentioned is authorship f ris hud e examined be should traits of crease, it preceded the regime the preceded it crease, - family ones family

shows how the how shows - – 59 years) and and years) 59

has changed has %

CEU eTD Collection Kádár the describe to 2005) (Rakowska used widely is that “depoliticization” term the of validity the question one makes finding This e College). Party (Socialist education (Antifascists), organizations civic in (comrades), friendships private in Militia), pseudo in zone), Party Socialist (local authorities local in present is it here: 11 Table state the of omnipresence death the announcing as matter private a such in interfered politics much how see to variables larger into authors different the Rákosi totalitarian the predecessor, its with contrast Kádár the Introduction, the in explained I As 4 Figure Sim within grow would content related .4. Remembering lives 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 0% 5% ilarly, a data prove hypothesis. falsify these neither nor such 10 : : 1961

shows the distribution of different authors. The octopus The authors. different of distribution the shows 61-62 18% 63-64

27% - 65-66 of Publicauthors 2000


in workplace related contents (“the party organization of Factory”), Factory”), Csepel of organization party (“the contents related workplace in 67-68

69-70 31%

in a political context apolitical in 71-72

39% - at rsss h ceto o sc mutua such of creation the resists party -

era. While the nature of political disc political of nature the While era. 73-74

28% 75-76


77-78 obituaries of someone. However, it needs to be noted that the the that noted be to needs it However, someone. of

79-80 obituaries 37% 81-82



16% 52 : SocialmemoryKádár the and


85-86 years the over eie s o is regime


Harmstone 1984, Körösényi 1999, Valuch 1999, Körösényi 1984, Harmstone 87-88 11% -

regime. During my analysis, I amassed amassed I analysis, my During regime. 89-90

91-92 17% - iiay raiain (Workers’ organizations military tn eitd s eoiiie in depoliticized as depicted ften 93-94


95-96 –


ourse certainly shifted certainly ourse - nucsfly (1987:964). unsuccessfully

nature of the party is clear is party the of nature 97-98

l 99-00 y xlsv variables. exclusive ly 25%

Public authors Public - regime ven in in ven

from from

CEU eTD Collection p often and limited, was abroad and country the within between communication obituaries w mourners Kádár the during handled was migration of Authorship 11 Table society. pragmatist to ideological rohibited by the state before before state the by rohibited : Authors of of Authors :

i 4 css. hs eoe priual itrsig i interesting particularly becomes This cases). 43 (in ho live ho obituaries obituaries d

abroad and Hungarians who passed away abroad are mentioned in the the in mentioned are abroad away passed who Hungarians and abroad workplacementioning the Communist party HungarianResistance Antifascistsand of spheres and levels most at present was party communist the , Authors of Authors of reveals information about how the politically charged issue of of issue charged politically the how about information reveals

local Communistlocal Party zone Socialist Party Budapest HungarianPartisans 1990. Approximately 300,000 Approximately 1990. comrades (political) civicorganization comrades (army) Workers’Militia partycommittee old old classmates PartyCollege workplace colleagues neighbors caregiver students friends family obituaries

- r. hogot h rsace tm pro, both period, time researched the Throughout era.


people migrated from Hungary Hungary from migrated people te ih o te at that fact the of light the n 1122 268 30 34 3 4 4 6 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3

CEU eTD Collection Figure achiev 11 Figure participation. affiliation political diminishes 111 in mentioned is achievement or position title, political A obituaries prohibi [támogat], Aczél György politician, the communist by proposed discourse public on position official the with line In exclusive. mutually public why explains also It authorship migrants. the with ties cut home at stayed who those make to trying in state communist the of rigor the explains This reasons. political for left migrants 200,000 of dur 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% ing Communism Communism ing 11 ements changesements time. over : : 1961

was neither publicly supported, nor prohibited buttolerated.was publicly supported, neither nor prohibited

– 3% 5% 7% fe 19. ny five Only 1990. after epe (zsi 93. hs nmes niae ht lre proportion large a that indicate numbers These 1993). (Szászi people.

ihr raiainl r political or organizational either -

2000 Political titles, positions and achievements and positions titles, Political 2000 ted [tilt] or tolarated [tűr] (Szabó 1997) (Szabó [tűr] tolarated or [tilt] ted 2% 3% 3% – –

only 70,000 only

three about their roles in communism, two mentioning their 1956 1956 their mentioning two communism, in roles their about three

shows how the mentioning of political titles, positions and and positions titles, political of mentioning the how shows 3% 2% 5%

of them legally. The 1956 revolution caus revolution 1956 The legally. them of 2% obituaries 1% 3%

h so the 2% 3% 54

3% after 1990 contain references to a person’s person’s a to references contain 1990 after –

- n te mention the and ald T 3 called 3% 3% 2%

- 1% 1% obituaries in ties these of mentioning the 0% : n c i ete supported either is act an s:

ing of relatives abroad are are abroad relatives of ing

0% 0% 1% . This number greatly number This .

ed the migration migration the ed achievement position title

f the of

CEU eTD Collection his not made manifest: to references the though Even away. revolution the in passed participation he that Budapest to visit his during af Hungary to back move to not decided and London to He migrated years. three after released was and imprisoned was he activities these For afterwards. movement underground the in and revolution 1956 the both in participated Lipták Tamás Obituaries terminologycommunist was downtheuprising: one thataimed toput “counter 1956 of events the termed regime Kádár the “revolution”, phrase the protect to attempt an in Furthermore, bravery. of proofs decades for member party a been has deceased the that prove they because an 1922 example, For meaning. further contain text the within references the of Some sentence. one in mentioned activities political awards, membership, union workers’ membership, party see we obituary following the In loyalty. political one’s ways of number a are There member. party a or secretary party a being Militia, position political common most The

otiig oiia aheeet ae ey different very are achievements political containing away in Budapest at the age of 68. His funeral will take place at 11 11 at place take will funeral His 68. of age the at Budapest in away passed suddenly medallion 1956 the of owner a and mathematician comrades his and daughter His honors for1980) activities.(3June hisrevolutionary (...) numerous received He 1911. since member Union Workers’ Vasas Soc the of Owner 86. of age the at May, 21 away passed Mérő Ignác that him, respected and knew who those all inform we that regret deep with is It

ialist Fatherland Order of Merit, party member since 1922, 1922, since member party Merit, of Order Fatherland ialist –

the honors and his burial place burial his and honors the t b mnind are mentioned be to s - 55 revol

nnounce that Tamás Lipták Lipták Tamás that nnounce to” tu a rvltoay ciiy in activity” “revolutionary a thus ution”,

d 1911 are not only mentioned mentioned only not are 1911 d membership in the Workers’ Workers’ the in membership

– fe 1990 after

are clear, his exact role is role exact his clear, are ter 1990. However it was it However 1990. ter

in style as well. well. as style in – to emphasize to

but also as as also but - CEU eTD Collection partycut withhim: ties the that fact the to points also are, veterans communist fellow his where cemetery Kerepesi non a in career his ended he and changed life direction his that sentence indicates the of part secondthe However regime. the of hero a him make should which parties, communist illegal the of leader a but co a was he that see We version. coded and condensed a in obituary his in present is this All museum. literary a of director the as served retirement his until and demoted was He afterwards. outcast an him made which Nagy, Imre towards drifted 1956 In party.the of Committee Political the of member Committee, Propaganda of editor regime: communist the in positions numerous Nép illeg then the in of editor lived the became he he 1941 From leaflets. prison communist propagating from release his After strikes. workers’ organizing for years Part special a provides 1987 (1906 HorváthMárton this. of example in appearing Horváth Márton of obituary The necessary. lines in discussed I As H set w yas n rsn gi bten 92 n 14. rm 95 e held he 1945 From 1944. and 1942 between again prison in years two spent He . y of Communists (KMP) in 1931, soon after this he was arrested and imprisoned for five for imprisoned and arrested was he this after soon 1931, in (KMP) Communists of y (5 June 1988) (5 June Lipták. ZsuzsannaCemetery. Public New 300, Section at June, 11 am, Cemetery. 1987) (27 June Farkasréti at July, 9 am, 9 at place take will cremation his following sendoff His away. passed Museum Literary Petőfi of director retired an MKP KMP, of leaders the of one Horváth, Márton 81 of age the at June, 7

the introduction, a number of political references made reading between the the between reading made references political of number a introduction, the - political, rela political, d MDP, editor of Szabad Nép already during the illegal years, illegal the during already Nép Szabad of editor MDP, d

tively insignificant position. The fact that he is not buried in buried not is he that fact The position. insignificant tively

- 1987) became a member of the then illegal Hungarian illegalHungarian then the of member a became 1987) 56

mmunist veteran, not just a member a just not veteran, mmunist zbd Nép Szabad , director of the Party Party the of director ,

however, hehowever, al Szabad Szabad hiding , CEU eTD Collection con this handle the in appears two these between memory cultural and communicative between A reframes the a thelife to deceased,higher nowinrelation causeachievement. of and also move This revolution. 1956 the of heroes the for appointed was which Cemetery Public body The and HisobituaryHe passedreads: wasaway in1961 in1984. released afterwards. prison in years 10 to sentenced was and 1956 in Snagov to interned was he Nagy, w journalist a was 1984) (1914 Fazekas György well. as study my to relevant reburials the to meaning gives claim a localizing in means important them makes bodies these of corporeality the that argument (1999) Although one. loved a of reburial the report In (Kastenbaum stories life personal of 2002:386). construction the for constraints set and materials provide both narratives political level higher how and 1987:988) (Long changes structure see exampleswe above In the s described in the literature review, Aleida and Jan Assmann proposed a differentiation differentiation a proposed Assmann Jan and Aleida review, literature the in described s addition to addition icse te oeet f ois ht eog o infcn per significant to belong that bodies of movement the discusses Section 300of Cemetery. theNewPublic 1996) (15 June in June 20 am 11 place take will cremation their following sendoff Their1996. June 6 spouse his 1984, in away passed Fazekas György Ká Éva dr. Fazekas, György Mrs. wife his and Fazekas György place We of Fazekas was moved from its original resting place to Section 300 in the New New the in 300 Section to place resting original its from moved was Fazekas of

obituaries lc, ofr a offer I flict, lmán –

according to their last wishes last their to according informing about the death of a person, a number of texts in the 1990s the in texts of number a person, a of death the informingabout ho worked with Imre Nagy Imre with worked ho

how the terms for describing biographies change as thepolitical as change biographies describing for theterms how ape f some of sample obituaries the aforementioned work of Verdery on reburials on Verdery of work aforementioned the 57

n wa psil srtge wr chose were strategies possible what and

obituaries (2006)

during the during – . In order to analyze how a conflict conflict a how analyze to order In .

in a common grave. common a in


56 .

The typology used here is is here used typology The - revolution. Together with with Together revolution.

sonalities, her her sonalities,

n to to n - CEU eTD Collection against the1956revolution. fight the in role active took who those honor to especially 1958 in founded was received he medal The 1950s. the of end the from officer security state a was Kórusz Gyula intelligence, military communist the at career his Starting remains. metanarrative the only and obituary the abo the of case special A his biography and successfullyadjust tothepower official discourse. its and Pártos institutions state of hierarchy organizational the in him fitting by obituary: the in Pártos well are that Attributes Company. Distribution Picture Motion the of CEO first the became he takeover communist the After theaters. film private of number a managed Wor of end the at career his started Pártos József biography thelarger metanarrative.within the foll Consider regime communist the to adjusted successfully have It who thatthose appears deceased. the on thebiographical of points turning oft success Its frame. biographical the in narrative common the repeat to attempt author’s the is memories cultural and communicative harmonizing in strategy common A 2010). background the from HungarianLexiconBiographical isdrawn (Kenyeres (Kovács strategies narrative biographical by influenced heavily –

his capitalist success, his te his success, capitalist his Gyula Kórusz, retired police lieutenant colonel, the owner of the the Worker of owner the colonel, lieutenant police retired Kórusz, Gyula survived family. byand (31966) (..). June hiswidow passedaway. PictureCompany Hethe Motion Distribution is (Mokép) department retired the Pártos, József - Peasant Power Medal passed away suddenly at the age of 58. 58. of age the at suddenly away passed Medal Power Peasant –

ve repetition is when the personal biography almost disappears from disappears almost biography personal the when is repetition ve but does not directly follow follow directly not does but

– chnician skills, his bourgeois career bourgeois his skills, chnician

eades f hi proa losses personal their of regardless 58

- head of the Filmarchive, CEO of of CEO Filmarchive, the of head d a I t tr im Factory Film Star at I War ld

s xlie earlier, explained As –

owing example: v Kvc’ lsig f different of listing Kovács’s Éva


– are not mentioned mentioned not are

can frame their their frame can - ). known about about known

biographical biographical en depends depends en

and later later and CEU eTD Collection t was Bethlen András mini prime former of widow the was Bethlen Margit communism precedingregimes is obituaries This gone. is life deceased’s the to reference any but missing, goes that biography person’s a of particularpart a not is it when is silence of case extreme An longer presen no is that affiliation an to refer they as obituary the from omitted are references Religious regime sheworked in communist the by forced convent her of dissolution the after 1919, in congregate the entered (1898 Nagyloznai Mercedes Emma time. the of memory cultural the ( forgetting” “passive is these of One remain. still strategies narrative of number a memory, collective the and communicative the harmonize successfully to chance no be to appears there When obitu this as such dissident, being from far references in appears revolution the modification, needs often the that shows also obituary This regarded. highly are terror state celeb publicly are achievements what on light a sheds biography whose officer state and party active and loyal a was Kórusz aryandnot totally is fromerased memory.

Training InstituteTraining (...)” diedon20June. 1976) (24 June Teacher Zsámbék the in teacher former a Nagyloznai, Mercedes Emma where the deceased had a p a had deceased the where 1979) Jun Hi Kovács t andpursued often by thestate.t fnrl acmaid y iiay h military by accompanied funeral, s , 3 pm in the Újpest Megyer cemetery. The bereaved. (8 June June (8 bereaved. The cemetery. Megyer Újpest the in pm 3 ,

2010), the omis the 2010),

Zsámbék ascaregiver. a er o. s ucss f h sse, hy ee tipd f their of stripped were they system, the of outcasts As son. heir – rated and recognized in the 1960s: the agencies serving the the serving agencies the 1960s: the in recognized and rated

a fact that can’t be successfully erased from the biographies.the from successfullyerasedcan’tbe factthat a sion of biographical events that are in open conflict with conflict open in are that events biographical of sion rominent political and intellectual role in the political the in role intellectual and political rominent


onors will take place on 12 12 on place take will onors tr (1921 ster

- 91 Itá Btln and Bethlen István 1931)

- - especially 1976) was a nun who who nun a was 1976) mentioned “56 mentioned

common in in common - taboo” taboo”

CEU eTD Collection theat time. prohibited – nevez letters capital in wrote letters the with end poem the of lines three last The grave. were poet the for consequences 1984, in published in Hotel Ritz the as such 5 guests, bourgeois and elite by visited restaurants and promi managing hotels career successful a had he Paris in studying After 1908. in catering (1893 Schnitta Sámuel others. emphasize while life, deceased’s the Th biography. the of alterations minor through achieved be can memories of harmonization the cases some In a be to proved often political act itselfduring in communism. memory official from erased is that publicly name a Pronouncing I mentioning of act simple the through era whole a recalls Bethlen Mrs. of obituary the information, latent further no contains one first the while sense: a in different s in are that life one’s from elements are missing is what random: not are amnesia collective a from omissions that show Bethlen and Nagyloznai of examples the Both even personal n the in life, real in As death. his until laborer country the to resettled and titles possessions,

ak otat ih h vle o te tt. oee, h two the However, state. the of values the with contrast tark ni marks the infinitive of a verb in Hungarian, it is also also is it Hungarian, in verb a of infinitive the marks ni When a coded poem about Imre Nagy by Gáspár Nagy accidentally sl accidentally Nagy Gáspár by Nagy Imre about poem coded a When obility. It is clear why as symbols of the antithesis of the communist system their public systemtheir communist the of antithesis the ofsymbols as why clear is It obility. N I” (one day he’ll have to be buried/ and we mustn’t forget/ and call the murderers by their names). While While names). their by murderers the call and forget/ mustn’t we and buried/ be to have he’ll day (one I” (...)” 1970) (28 June B András son, her and June 7 on 88, of age the at Bethlen Margit born Bethlen, István Mrs. –

recognition is not allowed not recognition is toappear inthe obituary: ese distortions are not actual falsifications: they downplay some features of of features some downplay they falsifications: actual not are distortions ese

NI: “egyszer majd el kell temetNI/ és nekünk nem szabad feledNI/ a gyilko a feledNI/ szabad nem nekünk és temetNI/ kell el majd “egyszer NI:

ethlen at the age of 68, on 13 June passed away. passed June 13 on 68, of age the at ethlen 5

60 side obituaries

in 1950 and András worked as a physical physical a as worked András and 1950 in the initials of of initials the

they are stripped of their titles of of titles their of stripped are they ipped the attention of authorities and was and authorities of attention the ipped Nagy - obituaries

1968) started his career in career his started 1968)

Imre stván Bethlen’s name. name. Bethlen’s stván obituaries

a reference strictly strictly reference a are remarkably remarkably are

sokat néven néven sokat driven by by driven nent nent –

or –

CEU eTD Collection political regime.the past, namely inaprevious placetook in it clearthat also is it though obituary referencedthe in career is Dénes’spolitical and was duringfrom released prison the1956revolution. b charges fabricated under arrested was He finalized. wastakeover communist the before parliament the of member became and Party Smallholders’ Independent the joined he II War World After 1941. in left he which Party Party Peasant his party reorganized 1920s.He inthe his career inpolitics (1889 Dénes István regime. communist the of values the with harmony in not is find cultural and communicative between biographies in conflict memories the with dealing of means a as nostalgia a idealization retrospective mentions Kovács typology aforementioned her in Although grandeur, café the the to References past. the from restauranteur bourgeois of instead department”) of (“head est new the of member a as reframed is he obituary, the in altered is life Schnitta’s grandeur, so.Hefailed retired in1958. todo but re to attempted he II War World After Budapest. –

often obscure obscure often Company sadly inform you that our beloved colleague Sámuel Sámuel colleague beloved retiredSchnitta, department ofaway.(...) head passed1968) (14 June our that you inform sadly Company ma and employees The parliament will take place on 20 July 20 1 pm at the Farkasréti Farkasréti the at pm cemetery.(19 J 1 20 July 20 on place take will parliament The funeral of Dr. IstvánThe Dénes, funeral ofDr. retired lawyer,former member the of –

numerous times in the 1930s before j before 1930s the in times numerous - house culture an thatepitomized era,house are omitted. –

references to achievements gained in previous eras o eras previous in gained achievements to references – une, 1963)

this strategy is mostly missing from the from missing mostly is strategy this nagement of Hungária Hotel Restaurant and and Restaurant Hotel Hungária of nagement

te omns tt Poeto Atoiy (ÁVH) Authority Protection State communist the y 61

- establish the New York Café to its original its to Café York New the establish oining he Hungarian National Socialist Socialist National Hungarian he oining

the Hungarian, later Independent later Hungarian, the

obituaries r characteristics characteristics r . What we do we What . -

1963) started 1963) ablishment ablishment nd CEU eTD Collection Kossuth Pri under was He life. literary the in marginalization his to led which takeover socialist 1945 the of opponent fierce a was He p His age. young a at shepherd (1897 Sinka István poverty, deep into Born known. publicly and widely is conflict already is casescommunicative in wherecultural this and memory.happens Thisonly strategy common least the Finally, outcast more themannerwhich ambiguous. but heposition in held makes it his an him made have might regime previous the in held Nagybaczoni position The Jerusalem. Righteou as recognized was he however was he time same the takeoverAt laborer. physical a communistas worked and salary pension the and home his of following deprived and II War World of end the After 1944. in He Jews. take eventual the HungarianFollowing 1943. in resigned of deportation the opposed staunchly laborers, forced of condition German a was him appointing mini defense became he which of top the at 1920s, the in starting career military upward an had Nagy Nagybaczoni Vilmos family, gentry a into Born narrative. go thecommunist against achievementsdeceased that openlyspeak ofthe valuesand freely of t the within uncommon very understandably is that strategy narrative A he discrepancies between official and unofficial memories. In these these In memories. unofficial and official between discrepancies he

ze in1990. ze away (241976) age(...) June at the of92. passed Vilmos colonel retired that minister, defense announce former Nagy, we Nagybaczoni that sorrow deep profound with is It

- ally conservative one, he took several measures to improve improve to measures several took he one, conservative ally oems started appearing in the 1920s, often in racialist journals. racialist in often 1920s, the in appearing started oems a ulcto bn ni 16. e eevd posthumous a received He 1961. until ban publication s Among the Nations by the Yad Vashem Institute in Institute Vashem Yad the by Nations the Among s o it t r eto te ofit between conflict the mention or at hint to 62 over of power by the Nazis he was imprisoned was he Nazis the by power of over

ster in 1942. Although the regime the Although 1942. in ster obituaries obituaries - 1969) himself was a was himself 1969)

is to ignore ignore to is h authors the t he he CEU eTD Collection that made a total rewriting oftheerasing past, junctu Hungarian (1982:395 limitations past’s the as to referred Schwartz what of opposite the is view, my in fluidity, This allowed. are readers the by decoded be can that references numerous taboo of verbalization open while ambiguous: the posit I When tocommunists andhis opposition publication ban which hiscareer. broke w suffering life Sinka’s of reading permissive more a possible, text the of interpretations alternative making discussed, openly not is it obituary, the in at hinted is conflict the While - 396). During the Kádár the During 396).

ith deep poverty, a dissident, knowing readership can attach a bitter meaning to it: it: to meaning bitter a attach can readership knowing dissident, a poverty, deep ith Magda Szín. (29 June 1969)Magda (29June Szín. ou share and suffering his grave life, during struggling him by stood who all, to Thanks the cemetery. in Farkasréti June 24 on family the by buried quietly was he wishes his with accordance In evening. the in June 17 on died Sinka István Poet town, the 200,000 the town, obituaries

as reflecting the memory politics of the era, the overall picture overall the era, the of politics memory the reflecting as

migrants who left the country, Kádár’s rise to power itself power to rise Kádár’s country, the left who migrants - era it was the present realities present the was it era


- issues is barred from public discussion, discussion, public from barred is issues res from impossible. it, r grief. Istvánné Sinka, Sinka, Istvánné grief. r –

the Soviet troops in every in troops Soviet the might equate might

n h present the on

his his

is is –

CEU eTD Collection obituaries in identity occupatio and status social gender, embeddedness, social one’s by influenced analyzed. also an how on context social of influence the Thirdly, there meanings isatendency tocommunicate choices. through these that indicates choices location funeral of variation growing The reasons. of web complex wh private, more getting not are funerals texts death. of manner timely the and death before two a in death”appears function. facilitating a but stigmatizing a not indicate causes death of expressions euphemistic exclusively almost the that argue also I death. towards rel tabooed not but demystified secular, a show death of expressions metaphorical 1990. after appear references religious dec past the death how indicate findings the Secondly, plausible forthechanging explanation thisis of thetext. function in change obituaries and pieces news other to is aim primary Their The T CONCLUSION he results he , obituaries

which indicates a suppression of mourning. of suppression a indicates which

the genre’s position. The ratio of life achievements within the obituary grows. A A grows. obituary the within achievements life of ratio The position. genre’s the decreased ades. ades. in my analysis analysis my in

are very st very are fud ht nqaiy otne atr death, after continues inequality that found I The puritan expression of death does not change during the years, very few very years, the during change not does death of expression puritan The S ,

consists consists hc mgt inf te hnig edrhp of readership changing the signify might which advertisements - fold manner: the way in which the dyithe whichway the in manner: fold contain essential information. This makes them a close relative of of relative close a them makes This information. essential contain atic, highly standardized texts standardized highly atic, show how the obituary as a genre evolved in the researched era. researched the in evolved genre a as obituary the how show of one’s name and role. While family roles are the primary primary the are roles family While role. and name one’s of . With regard to changes that took that changes to regard With . age ht th that argue I ile cremations are becoming the norm, caused by a a by caused norm, the becoming are cremations ile - related practices and expressions have changed in changed have expressions and practices related 64

Expressions of grief are standardized in the the in standardized are grief of Expressions

With regard to funeral habits I found that found I habits funeral to regard With identity is portrayed in the in portrayed is identity ised f infig death a signifying of instead e

that show little structural variation. variation. structural little show that ng person is expected to behave to is expected person ng I found that an idea of a “good a of idea an that found I


obituary chances are are chances obituary

place Népszabadság : the number of of number the : n. I found that that found I n. obituaries ationship ationship - taboo,

or was a -

CEU eTD Collection want disto the towards attempts political the successful, be never can society from death of repression at taboos political these through person. socialist creat to metaproject the with hand in hand went it of end the by failed ultimately the in place took that project communist The the changes the political structure. of sto life personal of construction the for claims. 1990. after memory. cultural and communicative obituaries texts the and levels most at present was party communist the communism, during Finally, voice thanhisactive Over ofpersonal time traits. thedepiction diminishes. traits passive in described be to likely more is deceased the that and static but longitudinal not is Ipolitical. Timescapesalso framedfound arethatthedepiction domains. by these and workplace private, domains: three in place take they achievements, one’s to regard With is positions different of in prestige mirrored The texts. the in emphasized rarely are roles civic and political about references roles, occupational by followed network, social one’s in positions ed rtion of social memory couldn’t achieve total amnesia total achievememory couldn’tsocial of rtion

to hide were constant throughoutto hide were constant the In general, high general,In I examined I . I also found that the politically charged issue of migration is tolerated in the the in tolerated is migration of issue charged politically the that found also I . . In the last ten years of the researched era, reburials were used to localize political localize to used were reburials era, researched the of years ten last the In nme o nraie strate narrative of number A obituaries obituaries How this project was reflected in society and how it how and society in reflected was project this How a higher level i level higher how the politics of memory are reflected are memory of politics the how : elite and intellectual groups become more significant over the years. the over significant more become groups intellectual and elite : er level political narratives both provided materials and set constraints set and materials provided both narratives political level er . xsig death Existing n Hungarian society. Just Just society. Hungarian n

ries, t ries, The mentioning of political achievements disappears disappears achievements political of mentioning The - taboos were played out against the backdrop of of backdrop the against out played were taboos is ee sd n the in used were gies he terms for describing biographies changed with with changed biographies describing for terms he obituaries 65

eod af f h 20 the of half second .

, references to a past that the power the that past a referencesto , as Baudrillard argues Baudrillard as

in the in obituaries

obituaries came to an end an to came spheres of society in in society of spheres th

etr ad that and century

o harmonize to .

I found that that found I of one’s life

(1993) e

the ideal ideal the

is seen seen is , the , CEU eTD Collection mourning thesociology to dimensions wouldadd novel ofdeath. complex a form activities these how on light process help d between it’s whether analysis, comparative Such reasons. of number a for analysis comparative from benefit would focused thesis this While a betterhowmemory affect understanding ofpolitics andare affectedby memory practices to lead might context this in change political and society biography, between connections the of memory the especially and Memory Communism Hungary. in past Communist the of memory theories. social related soci been haven’t contribute thesis The sals nw vdne eae t te hois ecie i ti tei. utemr, a Furthermore, thesis. this in described theories the to related evidence new establish - focused research that follows throughthe stagesdeath follows of that focusedresearch


of special importance in Eastern Europe. A systematic attempt to examine to attempt systematic A Europe. Eastern in importance special of ological attempts to use Hungarian use to attempts ological s

to the sociology of death in a number of ways. To my knowledge there knowledge my To ways. of number a in death of sociology the to ifferent media of commemoration, obituary genr obituary commemoration, of media ifferent n nte lvl i as cnrbts o h discussion the to contributes also it level, another On

on longitudinal trends to draw conclusions from it, future research research future it, from conclusions draw to trends longitudinal on 66 process. Finally, an analysis of new media of media new of analysis an Finally, process.


as sources to examine death examine to sources as

- related practices would shed would practicesrelated es or es countries about ,


. the

- CEU eTD Collection 2 Table APPENDIX TOTAL year 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 978 :


nnual number obituaries of

and gender b gender and 1876 31 41 40 33 31 33 37 30 30 42 54 40 29 52 44 27 38 53 50 32 51 52 67 67 73 63 32 47 52 31 41 59 68 62 70 51 53 43 64 63

reakdown of the s the of reakdown

number of male obituaries ample 67


43 20 28 29 18 16 43 39 41 32 36 34 31 48 44 21 25 28 23 14 21 23 17 22 20 33 28 20 29 28 15 29 33 28 20 33 31 42 41 38

number of female obituaries 685 20 12 19 23 13 25 16 29 21 38 15 19 12 16 19 10 16 12 10 17 12 14 13 22 21 12 23 16 12 20 20 12 18 21 25 26 35 8 9 9

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dtd y J Bra, . re n T Wnrf London: Wengraf. T. and Prue C. Bornat, J. by: edited - s vke. P. 161 Pp. években.” es

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, edited by ed. 2007 2nd ed Társadalmunk rétegződése. The Loneliness of Dying. Loneliness of The .

h Wrd f btais Gne Ars Clue ad vr Time. Over and Cultures Across Gender Obituaries: of World The 1994. 1994. The Meaning Death. of The a' Search Man's lzbdl eynőlnée. la, omno, civilek. kormányok, Állam, egyenlőtlenségek. Elszabaduló Obituary as CollectiveObituary Memory.

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ulttv Iqiy n Rsac Design Research and Inquiry Qualitative

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Secret Trial 2005

. o Meaning for Encyclo

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pedia of Cremation. of pedia

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ite o Qualitative of rieties

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Budapest: Belmont, Five g



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in 64 Mauzóleum The Social Construct The Social -

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“ Cambridge: University Press. Cambdrige

Death in Prime Time: Notes on the Symbolic Functions of Dying in Dying of Functions Symbolic the on Notes Time: Prime in Death Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Social and Political of Academy American the of Annals Darabbér

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New York:New Doubleday. , edited by L. Adamik, I. Jelenczki, M. Sükösd and B. Kelényi. Kelényi. B.and Sükösd M. I.Jelenczki, Adamik, L.by edited , 1979. .


Reconst ion of Whation of

g mná a munkásállamban. a munkás Egy :

Artists under Socialism. State Artists aux de laMémoire. 71 Celebrations of Death: The Anthropology of of Anthropology The Death: of Celebrations - utn Illness ructing ban Budapesten a Farkasréti temetőben.” Pp. Pp. temetőben.” Farkasréti a Budapesten ban

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