Minutes of Meeting of Westmeath Joint Policing Committee, held at 11.00am on Monday, 15 th January 2018 in Áras an Chontae, Mullingar Co Westmeath

Presiding : Cllr Frank McDermott, Chairman

Local Authority Members : Cllrs, Sorca Clarke, Andrew Duncan, Tom Farrell, Paddy Hill, Paul Hogan, Frankie Keena, Michael O’Brien and Emily Wallace.

Oireachtas Member : Deputy Gabrielle McFadden

Community Members : Pat Grimes, Marie Reddin, Des Sheridan, Dave Raftis and Kathleen Grennan.

Garda Officers: Chief Superintendent Peter Duff and Superintendent Alan Murray.

Officers Present: Pat Gallagher, Chief Executive, Billy Coughlan, Meetings Administrator, WCC, Colm Smith, Transportation, WCC, Declan Leonard, Mullingar Municipal District Manager, Breda Daly Corporate Services, WCC

Apologies: Superintendent Patrick Murray, Cllr’s. Ken Glynn, Aengus O’Rourke, John Shaw, Bill Collentine, Senator , Senator , Deputy Peter Burke, Deputy Robert Troy, Sheena Lawless and Pat Keating,

The Chairman, Cllr Frank McDermott opened the meeting and welcomed the Members, Press and Mr Conor O'Leary from Muintir na Tire who was sitting in as an Observer.

Cllr McDermott then welcomed our newly appointed Chief Superintendent Mr Peter Duff to County Westmeath and to the Westmeath Joint Policing Committee. Cllr McDermott on behalf of the Westmeath JPC Members thanked outgoing Chief Superintendent Mr Kevin Gralton for his constructive work and assistance during his term in office.

On behalf of the staff of Westmeath County Council, Chief Executive Mr Pat Gallagher also welcomed Chief Superintendent Mr Peter Duff to the Westmeath JPC and extended best wishes to outgoing Chief Superintendent Mr Kevin Gralton.

To approve the Minutes of the JPC Meeting held on 10 th April 2017:

On the proposal of Cllr. Tom Farrell and seconded by Cllr Paul Hogan the Members approved the Minutes of the JPC Meeting held on 17 th July 2017 in the Civic Offices, Athlone.

Report from Westmeath County Council:

• Schedule of JPC Meetings for 2018. Mr Billy Coughlan, Meetings Administrator informed the Members that 4 JPC Meetings are held annually (normally occurring on the third Monday of the month).

The following dates were agreed by the Members:

Meeting dates for 2018: Monday, 16 th April 2018 - Council Chambers, Mullingar at 11am. Monday, 16 th July 2018 - Athlone Civic Centre at 11am. Monday, 15 th October 2018 - Council Chambers, Mullingar at 11am.

Chief Executive Mr Pat Gallagher advised the Members that two number Public Meetings will be arranged for 2018. One will be held in the Mullingar District and one in the Athlone District. Dates to be finalised.

Cllr Paul Hogan suggested that some of our JPC Meetings for 2018 be held in a Community based building as per the An Garda Síochána Act 2005 Joint Policing Committees Guidelines August 2014 . In response, Mr Billy Coughlan agreed to check this matter once an adequate premises was sought.

• Road Safety Mr Pat Gallagher, Chief Executive introduced Mr Colm Smith, Road Safety Officer for Westmeath County Council to the JPC Members. Mr Smith presented his Presentation “Westmeath Road Safety Action Plan 2016-2020” to the Members.

Mr Smith informed the Members that The MISSION STATEMENT of the Road Safety Working Together Group (RSWTG) is to provide a focus on making the roads safer for all users and to reduce the numbers of collisions and casualties on the roads. The “Westmeath Road Safety Action Plan” is designed to ensure a co-ordinated, collaborative and consistent approach to improving road safety for all road users.

Mr Smith advised the Members that the Plan identifies 144 actions that will make Westmeath roads safer for all users, some of which have already been implemented within the County.

All Members welcomed and thanked Mr Smith for his detailed Presentation. The following questions were raised:

In response to Cllr Paul Hogan regarding a positive impact from the Special Speed Limit’s in Housing Estates Byelaws, Mr Smith informed the Members that while no statistics specifically relating to Westmeath are available it is proven that lower speed limits significantly improve the chances of survival in the event of a collision. He cautioned however that despite reduced speed limits and traffic calming measures ultimately road user behaviour is the key factor in Road safety.

In relation to accident black spots, Cllr Hogan asked if there is a mechanism in place to receive central funding or is it from Westmeath County Council fund. In response, Mr Smith

advised the Members that Westmeath County Council secures funding of same from the Department of Transport.

Cllr Hogan suggested that Westmeath County Council roll out more Safe Cycling Campaign initiatives for cyclists in rural areas. Mr Smith informed the Members that Cycling Ireland continues to develop training programmes for both children and adults at national level. He felt that in providing training to cyclists, many of whom are or will become car drivers, that it would have a beneficial effect in general road user behaviour. Cllr Hogan also complimented the great work carried out by Operation Taitneamh and stressed that we need to spread the word out more frequently regarding road safety in our schools and community based initiatives such as Operation Transformation.

Cllrs Emily Wallace and Tom Farrell raised concerns about driver behaviour at National Schools and suggested the possibility of appropriate road safety signage erected outside our National Schools. Cllr Farrell also asked who was responsible for informing schools of Road Safety Education, was it Westmeath County Council or the Road Safety Authority(RSA).

In response, Mr Smith advised the Members that it was the RSA who provides a nationwide Road Safety Education Service where road safety educators are available to call to schools, colleges and deliver road safety programmes to all. Mr Smith further informed the Members that all details are on the RSA website and bookings can be done on line.

Mr Smith did agree with Cllrs Wallace and Farrell regarding driver behaviour outside national schools and stated that enforcement is required. However, he stated that it is the hope that in providing road safety education to children that in turn parents will be influenced by their children.

In relation to road safety signage outside of schools, Mr Smith advised the Members to contact the relevant Municipal District Office.

Cllr Paddy Hill raised serious concerns about the misuse of social media in terms of people highlighting when and where Garda checkpoints are stationed.

Cllrs Paddy Hill and Frank McDermott asked if it was legal to inform your friends that a Garda checkpoint was in a particular location. In response, Chief Supt Peter Duff informed the Members that it was not illegal but that the appeal from An Garda Síochána is for people to refrain from doing so as this could impede the work of the Gardai and it defeats the purpose of the checkpoint.

Cllr Paddy Hill suggested that the Westmeath Members be made aware of this situation and asked if they could bring in legislation making it illegal to carry out such activity.

Cllr Michael O’Brien expressed concerns about cyclists cycling two-abreast and even more on our roads and questioned what was the legal position on this. In response, Chief Supt. Peter Duff informed the Members that motorists are advised to ensure they leave a gap of 1 ½ metres when overtaking cyclists and he stressed the onus is on the driver to do so in a safe fashion. Chief Supt. Peter Duff also encouraged Cycling Clubs to contact the Gardai in advance to cycling events so that they could seek help.

In response to Mr Dave Raftis question regarding the availability of toxicology data reports/ statistics following a road traffic fatality, Chief Supt Peter Duff informed the Members that he had no statistics available today, but he could get information for the Members.

Cllr Frankie Keena questioned statistics for road categories and was advised that all up-to- date road traffic data is available on both the Road Safety Authority and Garda website.

Cllr Frank McDermott thanked Chief Executive Pat Gallagher and Mr Colm Smith for their detailed Presentation.

Report from An Garda Síochána:

Chief Supt. Peter Duff gave a summary of the Garda Report for the Westmeath Division as circulated at today’s meeting.

This report was noted by the Members.

Chief Supt. Peter Duff highlighted the following:

• Crime Analysis 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2017 inclusive – as per Report circulated.

• Confronting Crime: Burglaries : There was a 17% detection rate in the year for burglaries in the Westmeath Division with 59 burglaries detected in 2017. There were 219 thefts from MVP’s in the Westmeath Division during 2017. There were 58 detections associated with this crime type which represents a detection rate of 26%. Chief Supt. Peter Duff further informed the Members that there was a significant increase in thefts from shops during the first 9 months of 2017. Additional town and retail patrols contributed to a negligible increase of 9 incidents year on year for this crime type.

• Roads Policing - Operation Taitneamh was a Crime and Road Policing Operation run over the June, August and October Bank Holiday weekends. This was hugely successful which led to significant detections. Chief Supt Peter Duff informed the Members that similar detections will be carried out during 2018 to mitigate against collisions and promote good driver behaviour on our roads.

• Community Engagement and Public Safety:

o Campus Watch 2017 – 4 Campus Watch Campaigns were identified to run during the academic year 2017/2018 o The Community Policing Unit at Mullingar hosted their 3 rd Annual Christmas party for older person in the Mullingar District with the assistance of the Community Development Section of Westmeath County Council. Over 260 attended. o Athlone Community Policing Unit will host their Annual Old Folks Party on 22 nd January 2018 in the Radisson Hotel.

• Allocation of newly attested Gardai: Mullingar Garda Station – benefitted from the allocation of five new Gardai following their attestation at the Garda College in December 2017.

All JPC Members welcomed and thanked Chief Supt. Duff for the comprehensive Garda Report.

All Members raised concerns regarding rural crime within Westmeath and how many people in particular, the elderly are living in constant fear and who are the victims of burglaries.

The Members stated that crime gangs are accessing rural Ireland via our improved motorways network and this has a huge impact on rural crime.

Cllr O’Brien informed the Members that he recently put forward a motion to the Athlone Municipal District calling on Westmeath County Council to write to the Minister for Justice asking for electronic monitoring to be a condition of bail for all repeat offenders. Cllrs Paddy Hill and Andrew Duncan also agreed with the views expressed by Cllr O’Brien and stated that the Judicial System is very poor and problematic.

Chief Supt. Peter Duff informed the Members that tagging of offenders is a matter for the Department of Justice and Equality. He also stated that he is fully aware of all the concerns raised by the Members of the JPC and that when gangs/offenders are on bail, there are procedures in place where Gardai monitor each situation.

Cllr Sorca Clarke raised concerns regarding drug driving tests where a particular person had a medical condition and took Solpadine, could this individual end up with receiving a positive result following a drug test? The Chief Supt advised Cllr Clarke that he would obtain this information and revert to her.

In response to Cllr Clarke’s query as to whether domestic cases included stalking offences, the Chief Supt. Peter Duff informed the Members that they were categorised as harassment cases and are prosecuted under the Non Fatal Offences Against the Person Act.

Cllr Clarke also raised concerns about members of the public abusing Disable Parking Bays and asked that the public respect these bays.

Cllr Emily Wallace stated that there was €1million grant aid given to Community Groups for installation of CCTV in order to prevent crime and asked was there any interest or progress made in this area.

Cllr Tom Farrell and Ms Marie Reddin (Community Member) also shared similar views expressed by Cllr Wallace and asked for a presentation to be made to the JPC Members on Community CCTV. Ms Reddin stated that the general feedback from a recent PPN meeting was that the public would like to apply for Community CCTV and would Westmeath County Council would support this endeavour.

Chief Executive, Pat Gallagher advised the Members that he had examined the revised CCTV scheme documentation received from the Department of Justice and that there were significant concerns regarding the community's responsibility for maintenance of the CCTV, and the continued requirement that the Local Authority's responsibility as Data Controller

(under Data protection legislation) for Community-based CCTV schemes. Mr Gallagher stressed that from a Local Authority point of view, Westmeath County Council would support and certify works but would have serious difficulty taking on the legal onus of Data Protection. Mr Gallagher informed the Members that it would involve huge responsibility, time and resources, as well as legal and financial risk. Mr Gallagher also advised the Members that Westmeath County Council received no formal application in respect of Community CCTV.

Cllr Frankie Keena expressed concerns and requested more Gardai on our streets especially at night when night clubs are closing.

In response to Senator McFadden and Cllr Keena, Chief Supt. Peter Duff advised the Members that the refurbishment project of Athlone Garda Station is at an advanced stage and it is hoped that it will be finalised by the end of 2018.

Cllr Paddy Hill asked for an update on Delvin Garda Station and asked that it be a priority. Cllr Hill also stated that more Garda personnel are needed for Castlepollard Garda Station and that it needs a serious re-vamp. Cllr Hill complimented Sergeant John Connolly on his excellent work and in particular to the “Text Alert System”. In response Chief Supt. Peter Duff agreed with Cllr Hill’s views and stated that he would like to see a 24 hour Garda Station in Delvin but it takes resources and like all Chief Superintendents throughout Ireland, he would like to get more Gardai appointed to Westmeath. Chief Supt Peter Duff informed the Members that he does maximise the availability of Garda on street patrol as much as he can to secure safety on our streets.

Senator McFadden thanked and welcomed the Garda Report and complimented the excellent work carried out by our Gardai on a daily basis. Senator McFadden stated that there was an increase in house burglaries on the new part of the Greenway in Athlone town. She asked if CCTV cameras could be installed? In response, both Chief Supt. Peter Duff and Chief Executive Pat Gallagher advised the Members that the Greenway is patrolled by an Garda Siochana on bicycles regularly like any other public roadway or footpath and that there is no further proposal to extend CCTV in this area.

Cllr Paul Hogan also welcomed and thanked the Chief Supt. Peter Duff for his detailed Garda Report and asked that Mr Billy Coughlan write a letter of gratitude on behalf of the JPC Members to our former Chief Supt Mr Kevin Gralton for his time and commitment to County Westmeath.

Cllr Hogan raised concerns about members of the public impersonating and claiming to be a member of An Garda Siochana and asked what should a person do if they are being followed by an unmarked car with flashing blue light. Cllr Hogan gave an example of a situation which recently occurred in Co Wicklow. In response, Chief Supt Peter Duff firstly stated that you are obliged to stop for a member of An Garda Siochanna, but, if in doubt, one should pull into a bright lit up area such as a 24-hr petrol station, ring the Gardai or call into the nearest Garda Station.

Mr Des Sheridan, Community Member stressed the importance of knowing your Eircode so that you can assist the Gardai and Emergency Services if required, as it can save lives.

In relation to Garda Checkpoints Chief Supt Peter Duff advised the Members that they are currently testing for alcohol and drugs with Gardai in-house training to use the new equipment in respect of drug testing.

Date of next meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, 16th April 2018 at 11.00a.m in the Athlone Civic Offices, Athlone, Co Westmeath.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

______Cllr Frank McDermott, Date Chairman, Westmeath Joint Policing Committee