







ரகதி மகாவைவ சயனேகாலதி தசித ப னவ, மாகேடய மகஷி இவ தக இபட ேநாகி இவழிேய ெசறன. அவக ெபமாள சயனேகால ககைள வ அகலேவ இைல. ம ஒைற அத தசன கிைடக ேவெமன வபன. எனேவ, இதலதி தக அத திேகாலைத காட ேவ என உகமாக ெபமாைள ேவன. அேபா வாமி "ேபாக சயனதி' ரகநாதராக இள மைலய காசி 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

இவேர இ மைலேகாய தியாக அகிறா. அகி ப, மாகேடய இவ இகிறன. இவ அபேஷக கிைடயா. வடதி ஒைற காதிைக மாததி ைதலகா ம ெசயபகிற.


ராமாயண எதிய வாமகி மகஷி, ராமபராைன, திமணேகாலதி தசிக ேவ எ ஆைச எத. அவ இதல வ வாமிைய ேவ தவமிதா. ெபமா அவ சீதா, லமண, பரத, சகன ஆகிேயாட திமணேகாலதி காசி ததா. அேபா வாமகி, தன காய தசனபேய நிரதரமாக தப ேவனா. வாமி அவாேற அளனா. இவ மைலயவாரதி தனேகாயலி இகிறா. ந த மைலய மதிய இததா இவ, நவணெபமா எ, தலதி திநமைல எ ெபய ஏபட. நல நிற ேமன உைடயவ எபதா இவ "நலவணெபமா' எற ெபய உ. ராமபரா சனதி இகிற. இவர சனதிய, வாமிைய வணகியப யவாக ேதாறிய வாமகி காசி தகிறா.

இதல ெபமாைள தசிக திமைகயாவா வதேபா, மைலைய றி ந நிைறதித. அவரா நைர கட ெச வாமிைய தசிக யவைல. ஆனா, அவ காதி வாமிைய தசிவ ெசவெதன ெவதா. ேகாய எதிேரள மெறா மைலய தகினா. நாக நகதேத தவர, தண ைறதபாைல. ஆனா ெபமாைள தசிக ேவெமபதி தகமாக இத திமைகயாவா, தண வ வைர காதி, வாமிைய தசிக ெசறா. த ம பாச ெகாட பதகாக ெபமா நிற ேகாலதி 61. THIRUNEERMALAI


நவணெபமா, இத ேகாலதி நரசிம, சயன ேகாலதி ரகநாத, நடத ேகாலதி உலகலத ெபமா என நா ேகாலக காயளனா. இத நாவைர இதலதி தசிகலா. நவணெபமா மைலயவாரதிள ேகாயலி, ரகநாத, நரசிம, உலகளத ெபமா ஆகிேயா மைலேகாயலி அகிறன.

நரசிமைர உகிரமான ேகாலதி தசிதிபக . அவைர சாதமாக, பால பதி இதலதி தசிகலா. இரணயைன சஹார ெசய நரசிம அவதார எத மகாவ, உகிரமாக இதா. இத வவ க பரகலாத பயதா. எனேவ, வாமி த பதகாக உகிர ேகாலைத மாறி, அவைனேபாலேவ பால பதி தசன ததா. இவைர "பால நரசிம' எகிறன. மைலேகாயலி இவ சனதி இகிற. இவ பற நரசிம, யபட இர கரகட காசி தகிறா. இடைக ஆகா வரைல உயதி காகிறா. இவட ச, சகர இைல. இவா இ பால வவ ம யப என இர வவகள நரசிமைர தசிகலா.

ேகார ராம... ெகாமர நவண...: ேகாயகள வாமி சனதி எதி ராஜேகார, பலிபட , ெகாமர ஆகியன ஒேர வைசய இ. ஆனா, இ பலிபட , ெகாமர இர ராஜேகாரதிலி வலகி தனேய உள. வாமகிகாக ராமராக, நவணெபமாளாக மகாவ காசி தததா, இவ திக இதலதி பரதான 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

ெபகிறன. எனேவ, இவக கியவ தவதமாக ராம சனதி எதி ராஜேகார, நவண எதி ெகாமர அைமகபளன.


இதலைத மகளாசாசன ெசத திமைகயாவா தாயாைர, "அணமாமலமைக' என றிப பார பாளா. ெபாவாக ெபமா ேகாயகள உசவ சிைலைய லவ ைவப வழக. இேகாயலி லவ ரகநாத மைலேகாயலி, உசவ அழகியமணவாள அவாரதிள ேகாயலி காசி தகிறன. சிதிைர பரேமாஸவ ெகாேயற ம ெகா இறக, பன உதிரதி நட திகயாண ஆகிய நாக ம அழகிய மணவாள மைலேகாய எதவா. அ மேம லவைர, உசவைர ஒறாக தசிக .

மைலேகாயலி உள ரகநாத சிதிைரய, அவாரதிள நவணெபமா பனய பரேமாஸவ நடகிற. ைவட ஏகாதசியேபா அழகிய மணவாள ெசாகவாச கடகிறா. இவேர மாசி மகத கடேசைவ சாதிகிறா. நரசிம ஆனய, உலகளத ெபமா ஆய ஒநா வழா நடகிற. அேபா இவவ அவார ேகாய எதள கடேசைவ சாதிகிறன. சிதிைர உதிரதி நவண, அணமாமலமைக திகயாண, பன உதிரதி ரகநாத, ரகநாயகி திகயாண நடகிற.ேகாயகள வழாகாலகள வாமி ஒெவாநா ஒெவா வாகனதி எதவா. ஆனா, இேகாயலி ரகநாத, ஒேர நாள ஏ வாகனகள பவன வவா. 61. THIRUNEERMALAI


ைத மாத ரதசதமிய இத அத தசனைத காணலா. அ காைல ய உதயதி ரகநாத யபரைப வாகனதி எதள மாடவதி றி ததகைர எதகிறா. ய உதய ேவைளய, ெபமாள பாததிலி க வைரய பபயாக தபாராதைன ெசவ. இதைன ெபமா யேன ெச ைஜயாக கவ. பன, அமத வாகன, கட, ேசஷ, திைர, சிம, சதிரபரைப ஆகிய வாகனகள வாமி உலா வவா.

ள ஒ; தத நா: பேகாணதிள மகாமக ளதி 19 ததக சகமிதிபதாக ஐதக. அேபா, இத ேகாயலி எதிள கணய (ள) சித தத, ெசாண தத, காய தத, ர தத என நா ததக சகமிளன. சிதிைர ம பனய நட பரேமாஸவதி 9 நா, ைவட ஏகாதசி மநா ஆகிய நாகள இ ததவா வழா நட. வாதசி திதி நாகள ததவா நடபதா இத நிகசிைய, "ேகா வாதசி' எ அைழகிறாக.

ெபமா ேகாய கிவல: தானாக ேதாறிய எ ெபமா தலக சிறபானதாக கதபகிற. இைவ, "வய யத ேரக' எனப. இதி திநமைல ஒ. ரக, ண (கட), திபதி, வட மாநில ேகாயகளான சாளகிராம, ைநமிசாரய, கர, நாராயணர ஆகிய ஏ பற தலக ஆ. மைலய அைமத ேகாய எபதா இ பணமி ேதா கிவல ைவபவ வேசஷமாக நடகிற.இமைல "ேதாயாமைல' எற ெபய உ. ேதாய எறா "பா' எனெபா. வாமி ேதாயகி வமானதி கீ காசி 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

தகிறா. சனகிழைமகள ரகநாத வேசஷ ைஜ நடகிற. அேபா இவ பாகி அலகார ெசகிறன


இ ஒ மைலேகாய ஆ. மைலய, கீேழ இர ெபய ேகாயக அைமளன. ெபமா நா நிைலகள, அவதார ேகாலதி காசி தகிறா. இதலதி 3 ஏக பரபளவ நவ நராழி மடபட அழகிய ெதபள உ. இள த கரண, ஷர கரண, காய கரண, வண கரண என அைழகபகிற. ைவகானச ஆகம வதிப இ ேவைள ைஜ நடகிற. ராம தனசனதிய வறிகிரா .

இதலதி ளதி நரா ெபமாைள வழிபடா ேநா வலகி நல உடா. அட சித ெதள சகல சபாகியக கிைட. ழைத பாகிய இலாதவக இள மரதி ெதா க, திமணதைட நக ெபக கிபரதசண ெச வழிபகிறன.


î¤õ¢ò«îêñ¢ 061 ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô (ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô) ñ颬èò£ö¢ 1078-1087,1115,1521,1554,1660,1765,1848,2069,2673(73),2674(130) õ£ó¢ Ìîî¢î£ö¢õ£ó¢ 2227 ªñ£î¢î 20 ð£²óé¢è÷¢

ñ颬èò£ö¢õ£ó¢ ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô 1078 Üù¢Á Ýòó¢ °ôè¢ ªè£®«ò£´ Üí¤ ñ£ ñôó¢ ñ颬èªò£´ Üù¢¹ Ü÷õ¤ ܾíó¢è¢° âù¢ø£Âñ¢ Þóè¢èñ¢ Þô£îõÂ袰 à¬ø»ñ¢ Þìñ¢ Ýõ¶-Þ¼ñ¢ ªð£ö¤ô¢ Åö¢ ïù¢Á Ýò ¹ùô¢ ï¬øÎó¢ õ£ô¤ °ìî îìñ¢ î¤èö¢ «è£õô¢ïèó¢ ï¤ù¢ø£ù¢ Þ¼ï¢î£ù¢ è¤ìï¢î£ù¢ ïìï¢î£ø¢° Þìñ¢ ñ£ ñ¬ô Ýõ¶-ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ò (1)

anRAyar kulak koDiyODu aNimA malar ma'ngaiyoDu anbaLavi avuNarkku enrAnum irakkam ilAdavanukku uRaiyum iDamAvadu irumpozhil sUzh nanRAya punal naRaiyUr tiruvAli kuDandai taDam tigazh kOval nagar ninRAn irundAn kiDandAn naDandARku mAmalai Avadu nIrmalaiyE.


AzhvAr enjoyed sarvESvaran sitting in SingavEL kunRam, His standing tirukkOlam in tirumalai, His reclining darSanam in tiru-evvuLLUr. He then relished perumAL in tiruvallikkAENi. Next, he enjoyed His swift walking from SrIvaikUNTham to remove the animosity between the and the crocodile.

AzhvAr wondered where he can get to see these darSanams again. He remembered the divya desams like tirnaRaiyUr, tiruvAli, tirukkuDandai, tirukkOvalUr etc,. He realized that emperumAn is following up with all the pastimes He enjoyed doing in those , in tirunIrmalai itself. Immediately, AzhvAr starts praising tirunIrmalai.

emperumAn takes His avatAram with His pirATTi-s. He vanquishes our 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

enemies. He dissolves our sins. He is living in tirunIrmalai with great felicity. AzhvAr advises us not to listen to the words of undesirable people, but fall at His feet for salvation.

PerumAL had once enjoyed the intimate associations of SrI nappinnai pirATTi and SrI mahAlakshmi. During those times and other times also, He had no sympathy for the -s. He is in a standing pose in naRaiyUr; He is seated in tiruvAli; He is reclining in tirukkuDandai; He is in walking pose in tirukkOvalUr. He is living very pleased in tirunIrmalai. Make a point of worshiping Him there.

1079 è£í¢ì£õùñ¢ âù¢ð¶ æó¢ 裴 Üñóó¢è¢° ܬóòù¢ù¶ èí¢´ Üõù¢ ï¤ø¢è º«ù Íí¢´ Ýó¢ Üöô¢ àí¢í ºù¤ï¢î¶¾ñ¢ ܶ Üù¢ø¤»ñ¢ ºù¢ àôèñ¢ ªð£¬ø î¦ó¢î¢¶ Ýí¢ì£ù¢ ܾíù¢-Üõù¢ ñ£ó¢¾-Üèôñ¢ àè¤ó£ô¢ õè¤ó¢ Ýè ºù¤ï¢¶ Üó¤ò£ò¢ ï¦í¢ì£ù¢ °ø÷¢ Ýè¤ ï¤ñ¤ó¢ï¢îõÂ袰 Þìñ¢ ñ£ ñ¬ô Ýõ¶-ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ò (2)

kANDAvanam enbadOr kADu amararku 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

araiyan adu kaNDu avan niRka munE mUNDu Ar azhal uNNa munindaduvum aduvanRiyum mun ulagam poRai tIrttu ANDAn avuNan avan mArvu agalam ugirAl vagirAga munindu ariyAi nINDAn kuRalAgi nimirndavanukku iDam mAmalaiyAvadu nIrmalaiyE.


kANDavanam is a famous forest that belonged to devendran. There were several trees and herbs. His friend, dakshan, the king of serpents, was living there too. It was an indestructible forest. One time, and his friend kRshNa were playing ball near that forest. At that time, came and requested kRshNa to provide him food. Thinking of killing the asura-s hiding in the forest, bhagavAn ordained agni to consume kANDavanam. He also said that if anyone obstructs agni in the process of consuming, arjuna will fight and protect him. When was watching, agni jumped into the forest and burned it all. AzhvAr is saying that the emperumAn who helped burn the kANDavanam is living in tirunIrmalai.

Next, he says that sarvEsvaran, same as kRshNa who killed the foes of -s in war and rid the earth of a huge burden, same as nRsimha who tore open hiraNyan's broad chest with His nails, and same as , who entered 's yAga grounds, requested for three feet of land and grew into trivikrama as soon as the ablution waters fell on His hands and measured the three worlds, is giving His darSanam in tirunIrmalai.

1080 Üôñ¢ ñù¢Âñ¢ Üìô¢ ²ó¤ êé¢èñ¢ â´î¢¶ Üìô¢ Ýö¤ò¤ù£ô¢ Üí¤ Ýó¢ à¼õ¤ô¢ ¹ôñ¢ ñù¢Âñ¢ õìñ¢ ¹¬ù ªè£é¢¬èò¤ù£÷¢ ªð£¬ø î¦ó ºù¢ Ý÷¢ Ü´ õ£÷¢ Üñó¤ô¢ ðô ñù¢ùó¢ ðì ²ìó¢ Ýö¤ò¤¬ùð¢ ðè«ô£ù¢ ñ¬øòð¢ ðí¤ªè£í¢´ Üí¤«êó¢ ï¤ô ñù¢ùÂñ¢ Ýò¢ àô° Ýí¢ìõÂ袰 Þìñ¢ ñ£ ñ¬ô Ýõ¶-ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ò (3)

alam mannum aDal suri sangam eDuttu aDal AzhiyinAl aNiyAr uruvil pulamannu vaDampunai kongaiyinAL poRai tIra mun AL aDuvAL amaril pala mannar paDac cudar Azhiyinaip pagalOn maRaiyap paNi koNDu aNi sEr mannanumAi ulagANDavanukku 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

iDam mAmalaiyAvadu nIrmalaiyE.


In the mahAbhArata war, emperumAn was wearing on His beautiful tirumEni, the discus that was every ready to do battle, the plough, and the . He came dressed that way for removing the misery of pirATTi, whose chest is decorated with ornaments in order to entice the attention of emperumAn. The battle was a grave one; one that would finish off a lot of people. He conducted this battle and made ten thousand kings die each day. In order to kill the sindhu king, jayadratha, He hid the Sun with His brilliant discus to make night out of day. That sarveSvaran is living with happiness in this tirunIrmalai.

1081 î£é¢è£î¶ æó¢ Ý÷¢ Üó¤ Ýò¢ ܾíù¢- î¬ù õ¦ì ºù¤ï¢¶ Üõù£ô¢ Üñ¼ñ¢ Ìé¢ «è£¬îòó¢ ªð£é¢° âó¤ Íö¢è õ¤¬÷ ܶ Üù¢ø¤»ñ¢ ªõù¢ø¤ ªè£÷¢ õ£÷¢ Üñó¤ô¢ ð£é¢° Ýè ºù¢ äõªó£´ Üù¢¹ Ü÷õ¤ ðî¤ø¢¬ø Þó좮ð¢ ð¬ì «õï¢îó¢ ðì ï¦é¢è£ê¢ ªê¼õ¤ô¢ 郎ø è£î¢îõÂ袰 Þìñ¢ ñ£ ñ¬ô Ýõ¶-ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ò (4)

tAngAdadOr ALariyAi avuNan tanai vIDa munindu avanAl amarum pUnkOdaiyar pongeri mUzhga viLaittu aduvanRiyum venRi koLvAL amaril pAngAga mun aivaroDu anbaLavi padiRRu aindu iraTTip paDai vEndar paDa nIngAc ceruvil niRai kAttavanuku iDam mAmalai Avadu nIrmalaiyE


emperumAn came as the invincible, matchless nRsimha and furiously destroyed hiraNyAsuran. He made the ladies who were being patronized by hiraNyan and were wearing flower to fall into the funeral pyre. He was friendly with the panca pANDava-s and He vanquished the hundred -s including the egoistic and protected draupadI's honor. That sarveSvaran is living merrily in tirunIrmalai.

1082 ñ£½ñ¢ èìô¢ Ýó ñ¬ôè¢ °õ´ Þ좴 ܬí è좮 õóñ¢¹ à¼õ ñî¤ «êó¢ «è£ô ñî¤÷¢ Ýò Þôé¢¬è ªèì ð¬ì ªî£ì¢´ å¼è£ô¢ Üñó¤ô¢ Üî¤ó 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

è£ôñ¢ Þ¶ âù¢Á Üòù¢ õ£÷¤ò¤ù£ô¢ èî¤ó¢ ï¦÷¢ º® ðñ¢ ÜÁ Üñ¼ñ¢ ï¦ô ºè¤ô¢ õí¢íù¢ âñ袰 Þ¬øõø¢° Þìñ¢ ñ£ ñ¬ô Ýõ¶-ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ò (5)

mAlum kaDal Ara malaik kuvaDu iTTu aNai kaTTi varambu uruva madi sEr kOla madiLAya ' keDap paDai toTTu orukAl amaril adira kAlam idu enRu ayan vALiyinAl kadir nIN muDi pattum aRuttu amarum nIla mugil vaNNan emakku iRaivaRku iDam mAmalai Avadu nIrmalaiyE


Once during treta yugam, the mighty rakshasan, irAvaNan, who was backed up by boons from his , was torturing -s and -s. PerumAL took avatAram as cakravarti tirumagan in order to vanquish him. He built a bridge over the ocean, by throwing mountains into the same. This bridge reached all the way to lankai, rAvaNan's place. reached lankai that was surrounded by forts that touched the moon. He destroyed the city and used His brahmAstram to sever rAvaNan's heads that were wearing gem-studded crowns. He then went back to tiruayoddhi and had His coronation. That bluehued perumAL is sitting in tirunIrmalai. 1083 ð£ó¢ Ýó¢ àô°ñ¢ ðù¤ ñ£ô¢ õ¬ó»ñ¢ èì½ñ¢ ²ì¼ñ¢ Þ¬õ àí¢´ñ¢ âù袰 Ýó£¶ âù ï¤ù¢øõù¢ âñ¢ ªð¼ñ£ù¢ ܬô ï¦ó¢ àô°è¢° Üó² Ýè¤ò Ü𢠫ðó£¬ù ºù¤ï¢î ºù¤è¢° ܬóòù¢ ð¤øó¢ Þô¢¬ô ¸ù袰 âÂñ¢ âô¢¬ôò¤ù£ù¢ ï¦ó¢ Ýó¢ ªðòó£ù¢ ªï´ñ£ô¢-ÜõÂ袰 Þìñ¢ ñ£ ñ¬ô Ýõ¶-ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ò (6)

pAr Ar ulagum panimAl varaiyum kaDalum suDarum ivai uNDum enakku ArAdu ena ninRavan emperumAn alainIr ulagukku arasAgiya appErAnai munida munikkaraiyan piRar illai nunakku enum ellaiyinAn nIr Ar pErAn neDumAl avanukku iDam mAmalai Avadu nIrmalaiyE



During the praLaya [flood], emperumAn is offering protection to the whole wide world, the cloud-clad mountains, the oceans, the Moon and the Sun, by preserving them in His stomach. “ellA ulagum Or tuRRARRA” (tiruvAi.2.8.8 all the worlds form His food; it is not enough for His one mouth) - He is One who thinks that is not enough for His stomach. It is like His feeling that whatever He has to protect is not sufficient; His Feeling to Protect is foremost for Him. He always thinks that however much He has done for His devotees, He could do more.

As pasarurAman, He eradicated twenty one generations of kings who were ruling over the world surrounded by ocean; the very name 'king' was made to disappear from usage. He is the , of all that exists and there is no one equal to Him; Everything is included in Him; He is the soul of everything; yet, He stands out distinctly. Since He sleeps on the water, He has a special name, nArAyaNan. He represents everything except Him also; hence named nArAyaNan. That sarveSvaran is having tirunIrmalai as His place.

1084 ¹èó¢ Ýó¢ ༠Ýè¤ ºù¤ï¢îõ¬ù𢠹èö¢ õ¦ì ºù¤ï¢¶ àò¤ó¢ àí¢´ ܲóù¢ ïèó¢ Ýò¤ù ð£ö¢ðì ï£ññ¢ âø¤ï¢¶ ܶ Üù¢ø¤»ñ¢ ªõù¢ø¤ ªè£÷¢ õ£÷¢ ܾíù¢ ðèó£îõù¢ Ýò¤óñ¢ ï£ññ¢ Ü®ð¢ ðí¤ò£îõ¬ù ðí¤ò£ô¢ Üñó¤ô¢ ï¤èó¢ Ýòõù¢ ªï뢲 Þìï¢î£ù¢-ÜõÂ袰 Þìñ¢ ñ£ ñ¬ô Ýõ¶-ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ò (7)

pugar Ar uruvAgi munindavanaip pugazh vIDa munindu uyir uNDu asuran nagar Ayina pAzh paDa nAmam eRindu aduvanRiyum venRi koL vAL avuNan pagarAdavan Ayiram nAmam aDip paNiyAdavanaip paNiyAl amaril nigar Ayavan nenjiDandAn avanuk kiDam mAmalai Avadu nIrmalaiyE.


Long time back, there was an asura called hiraNyAkshan, who was very radiant. He was priding himself saying there was no one equal to him. emperumAn killed him and his fame and destroyed the cities established by the asuran. Even the asura's name disappeared from the earth. That hiraNyAshan had a brother, hiraNyan/hiraNyakaSipu. He had kept a sword that could defeat even the deva-s. He could not stand the mention of 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

even one of the thousand nAmA-s of the Lord. He never worshiped emperumAn's tiruvaDi even a single day. If someone mentions VishNu's name, he will get angry and say. “ko ayam vishNu” (who is this vishNu – VishNu purANam 1.17.21). emperumAn killed him for the sake of . Then, prahlAda himself prayed to Him to excuse his father's sins –

1085 ð¤ê¢êê¢ ê¤Á ð¦ô¤ ð¤®î¢¶ àôè¤ô¢ ð¤íñ¢ î¤ù¢ ñìõ£ó¢-Üõó¢ «ð£ô¢ Üé¢é«ù Üê¢êñ¢ Þôó¢ ï£í¢ Þôó¢ Ýîù¢¬ñò£ô¢ Üõó¢ ªêò¢¬è ªõÁ Üí¤ ñ£ ñôó¢ Éò¢ ïê¢ê¤ ïñù£ó¢ ܬìò£¬ñ ïñ袰 ܼ÷¢ªêò¢ âù à÷¢ °¬ö Ýó¢õªñ£´ ï¤ê¢êñ¢ 郎ùõ£ó¢è¢° ܼ÷¢ªêò¢»ñ¢- Üõø¢° Þìñ¢ ñ£ ñ¬ô Ýõ¶- ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ò (8)

piccac ciru pIli piDittu ulagil piNam tin maDavAr avar pOl angnganE accam ilar nAN ilar A tanmaiyAl avar seigai veRuttu aNimAmalar tUy nacci namanAr aDaiyAmai namakku aruL sei ena uL kuzhaindu ArvamoDu niccam ninaivArkku aruL seyyum avaRku iDam mAmalai Avadu nIrmalaiyE


AzhvAr is advising other people not to indulge in unwanted religions. The jains wander around like corpse-eating, naked ghostly women. Saying that one should not kill other lives, they will sweep the floor they walk with peacock feathers. They have no fear, no shame. They are not afraid that they are like this. They do not feel ashamed of what others would think of them, when they see them. Developing a hatred for them for not having any respect for religious practices, for not praying to bhagavAn, for not following any SAstric rules and for wandering around as they want, pray to sarveSvaran, the Lord of SrImahAlakshmi. SriyaH pati, nArAyaNan is One who blesses those who worship Him with good flowers and pray to Him every day, with all their hearts to protect them from dUta-s. The place where He lives in tirunIrmalai.

1086 «ð²ñ¢ Ü÷¾ Üù¢Á Þ¶ õñ¢ñ¤ù¢ ïñó¢ ð¤øó¢ «èì¢ðîù¢ ºù¢ ðí¤õ£ó¢ õ¤¬ùè÷¢ ï£êñ¢ ܶ ªêò¢î¤´ñ¢ Ýîù¢¬ñò£ô¢ ܶ«õ ïñ¶ àò¢õ¤ìñ¢ ï£÷¢ñôó¢«ñô¢ õ£êñ¢ Üí¤ õí¢´ ܬø ¬ðñ¢ ¹øõ¤ù¢- ñùñ¢ ä ¬ï àöô¢õ£ó¢ ñî¤Þô¢ ï¦êó¢-Üõó¢ ªêù¢Á ܬìò£îõÂ袰 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

Þìñ¢ ñ£ ñ¬ô Ýõ¶-ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ò (9)

pEsum aLavanRu idu vammin namar! piRar kETpadan mun paNivAr vinaigaL nAsam adu seidiDum AtanmaiyAl aduvE namadu uyviDam nAN malar mEl vAsam aNivaNDu aRai paimpuRavil manam aindoDu nainduzhalvAr madi il nIsar avar senRu aDaiyAdavanukku iDam mAmalaiyAvadu nIrmalaiyE.


There are a lot of undesirable matter in the world. So, there is nothing to talk about them. How long can one talk about unwanted matter? If you take bhagavad vishayam, time will not be enough to complete it. That is immeasurable. Even vedam is not able to complete talking about it saying, “yato vAco nivartante”, 'iti na', 'iti na' ('neti, neti' - it is not so, it is not so) and stands back (He cannot be described through speech, and cannot be reached by mind - taittirIya 2.9.1)

All those belonging to our satsangam, come here. Come before the atheists listen to them. Imparting this knowledge should not be denied to those who are good souls. It should not be imparted to those souls that are devoid of goodness.

1087 ªï´ñ£ô¢-Üõù¢ «ñõ¤ò ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô«ñô¢ ï¤ô¾ñ¢ ¹èö¢ ñ颬èòó¢-«è£ù¢ Üñó¤ô¢ èì ñ£ è÷¤ ò£¬ù õô¢ô£ù¢ èô¤òù¢ åô¤ ªêò¢ îñ¤ö¢ ñ£¬ô õô¢ô£ó¢è¢° àì«ù õ¤´ñ¢ ñ£ô¢ õ¤¬ù «õí¢®®ô¢ «ñô¢ àô°ñ¢ â÷¤¶ Ýò¤´ñ¢ Üù¢ø¤ Þô颰 åô¤ «êó¢ ªè£´ ñ£ èìô¢ ¬õòèñ¢ Ýí¢´ ñî¤è¢ °¬ì ñù¢ùõó¢ Ýò¢ Ü® ôõ«ó (10)

neDumAl avan mEviya nIrmalaimEl nilavum pugazh mangaiyarkOn amaril kaDamAkaLiyAnai vallAn oli sei tamizh mAlai vallArkku uDanE viDumAl vinai, vENDiDil mEl ulagum eLidAyiDum anRi ilangoli sEr koDumAkaDal vaiyagam ANDu madik kuDai mannavarAi aDi kUDuvarE. 61. THIRUNEERMALAI


This is a great musical tirumozhi sung by tirumangai AzhvAr about tirunIrmalai. AzhvAr is famous always, in all places. He is a valiant knight who can control even mad, war . He is known by the name 'kaliyan'. Those who learn this padikam will get absolved of their severe -s. If they so desire, they will even attain the higher realms like . If they wish material wealth in this world, they will get to rule the ocean-surrounded earth under white umbrella. Not only that, they will attain emperumAn's tiruvaDi.

PARAKALA NAYAGI 1115 Üôñ¢ ªè¿ îì袬è Ýòù¢ õ£ò¢ Ýñ¢ðø¢° Üö¤»ñ£ô¢ âù¢ à÷¢÷ñ¢ âù¢Âñ¢ ¹ôñ¢ ªè¿ ªð£¼ ï¦ó¢ð¢ ¹ì¢°ö¤ ð£´ñ¢ «ð£¶«ñ£ ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô袰 âù¢Âñ¢ 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

°ôñ¢ ªè¿ ªè£ô¢ô¤è¢ «è£ñ÷ õô¢ô¤ ªè£® Þ¬ì ªï´ ñ¬öè¢ èí¢í¤ Þô颰 âö¤ô¢ «î£÷¤è¢° âù¢ 郎ù Þ¼ï¢î£ò¢? -Þìªõî âî ð¤ó£«ù (8)

alam kezhu taDakkai Ayan vAy AmbaRkku azhiyum Al en uLLam! ennum, pulam kezhu porunIp puTkuzhi pADum pOdumO nIrmalaikku ennum, kulam kezhu kolli kOmaLa vallik koDi iDai neDu mazhaik kaNNi, ilangu ezhil tOLikken ninaitiruntAi iDavendai entai pirAnE!


tirumangai AzhvAr's desire to see the Lord keeps on increasing and here he gets into the nAyikA bhAvam. AzhvAr’s (ParakAla nAyaki's) mother requests the Lord for His mercy on her darling daughter.

My girl always says "My heart melts at the lovely, divine music from the flute held by the cowherd boy KaNNan, the One who holds the plough (alam-halam) in His strong Hands"; She also sings in praise of only t i r u p p u T k u z h i S r i VijayarAghavan. She says "Let us go to "; She looks so cute like the doll of Kolli malai. She appear like beautiful creeper; She has got a narrow waist; Her large beautiful dark eyes always shed tears rolling down the smooth cheeks, like the stream of water flow; She has got lovely slender bamboo like shoulders; Oh Lord of tiruviDavendai! What is Your plan for her? AzhvAr who had entered into tirunaRaiyUr, fearing and running away from women, e n j o y s the Lord of tirunaRaiyUr, showing Himself so beautifully and gracefully at this charming , along with his Divine Consort permanently in this yet another excellent ten.

1521 æì£ Üó¤ Ýò¢ Þóí¤ò¬ù áù¢ Þìï¢î «ê´ Ýó¢ ªð£ö¤ô¢ Åö¢ ï¦ó¢ñ¬ôò£¬ù õ£ì£ ñôó¢î¢ ¶ö£ò¢ ñ£¬ô º®ò£¬ù ï£÷¢«î£Áñ¢  ï¬øÎó¤ô¢ èí¢«ì«ù (4)

ODA ariAy iraNiyanai Un iDanta sEDu Ar pozhil sUzh tirunIr malaiyAnai vADA malart tuzhAy mAlai muDiyAnai nAL tOrum nADi naRaiyUril kaNDEnE.



In this ten (Peria tirumozhi 6-8) tirumangai mannan enjoys the Lord of tirunaRaiyUr divya desam and blissfully reminisces the good deeds that he had done to the world.

In the fourth pAsuram, AzhvAr refers to tirunIrmalai as well.

The One who appeared as huge ferocious narasingan, and tore the body of hiraNyan; the One who is at tirunIrmalai; the One who has on His tirumuDi (Head), the tiruttuzhAy (tuLasI); - I have been searching of Him everyday- and now I have seen Him at tirunaRaiyUr.

1554 èòô¢ Þô¢¬ô ï¤ù¢ ܼ÷¢ Üô¢ô¶ âù袰 ï¤î¤«ò ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô ï¤î¢î¤ôî¢ ªî£î¢«î ðò ðóõ¤î¢ ªî£¿ñ¢ ªî£í¢ìó¢-îñè¢°è¢ èò àù¢¬ùè¢ èí¢´ªè£í¢´ àò¢ï¢ªî£ö¤ï¢«î«ù (7)

gatiyEl illai nin aruLalladu enakku nidiyE! tirunIrmalai nittialattottE! patiyE! paravitt tozhum toNDar tamakkuk 61. THIRUNEERMALAI gatiyE! unaik kaNDu koNDu uindu ozhindEnE!


EmperumAn consoles the AzhvAr saying "For you alone, I show Myself at divya desams!". AzhvAr gets excited and requests for removal of further births.

There is no other means or ways for me OTHER than your krupai.... Oh (my) wealth! Oh (my) most valuable of tirunIrmalai!

Oh patiyE! (like the the place where devotees find themselves conducive for 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

enjoyment and living)! (like tiruppati.) (adiyEn's interpretation: my dearest hubby!- from ParakAla nAyaki!) Oh Gati (the only shelter and refuge) for Your servants (devotees), who surrender at Your Feet and pay their obeisance! Such Greatest You- I am blessed to have seen and be saved!

1660 ܼõ¤ «ê£ó¢ «õé¢èìñ¢ ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô âù¢Á õ£ò¢- ªõ¼õ¤ù£÷¢ ªñò¢òñ¢ õ¤ùõ¤ Þ¼è¢è¤ù¢ø£÷¢ ªð¼° ê¦ó¢è¢ èí¢í¹óñ¢ âù¢Á «ðê¤ù£÷¢ à¼è¤ù£÷¢ à÷¢ªñô¤ï¢î£÷¢ Þ¶ âù¢ªè£«ô£? (3)

aruvi cOr vEngaDam nIrmalai enRu vAy veruviNAL, meyyam vinavi irukinRAL perugu sIr kaNNapuram enRu pesinAL uruginAl, un melintAL idu venkolO !


The mother of ParakAla nAyaki goes on to lament about her daughter's falling crazy after tirukkaNNapuram PerumAL.

My girl babbles saying "tirunIrmalai, tiruvEngaDam et al, without knowing what she is speaking. tirumeyyam - when she hears she gets exasperated. She exclaims, "The most wealthiest tirukkaNNapuram", she melts at that statement, she gets thinner and thinner; she suffers languishing. What a pitiable sight to see my daughter suffering like this!

1765 ñ뢲 àòó¢ ñ£ ñî¤ î¦í¢ì ï¦í¢ì ñ£ô¤¼ë¢«ê£¬ô ñí£÷ó¢ õ âù¢ ªï뢲÷¢Àñ¢ èí¢μ÷¢Àñ¢ ï¤ù¢Á ï¦é¢è£ó¢ ï¦ó¢ñ¬ôò£ó¢ªè£ô¢? 郎ùè¢èñ£ì¢«ìù¢ ñ뢲 àòó¢ ªð£ù¢ñ¬ô«ñô¢ â¿ï¢î ñ£ ºè¤ô¢ «ð£ù¢Á à÷ó¢ õ è£í¦ó¢ Üñ¢ ꤬ø𢠹÷¢Àñ¢ åù¢Á ãø¤ õï¢î£ó¢-Üê¢«ê£ å¼õó¢ Üöè¤òõ£ (8)

mancu uyar mAmati tINDA nINDa mAlirum cOlai maNavALar vandu, en nencuLLum kaNuLLum ninRu nIngAr nIrmalai Ar kol? ninaikka mATTEn mancu uyar ponmalai mEl ezhunta mAmugil pOnRu uLar vandu kANIr am ciRai puL onRu ERi vandAr accO oruvar azhagiyavA!

tirumangai AzhvAr described the soulabhyam and vAtsalya guNA of EmperumAn who gave Himself to , in the last ten. Now AzhvAr enjoys tirunAgai EmperumAn. Sundhara vaDivan (The Most beautiful EmperumAn) and immerses Himself in it. AzhvAr enters into nAyikA bhAvam. She describes her suffering here to her friends.

This Lord, who lives on his own, happily at tirumAliruncOlai, and now he has come on His own into my eyes and my mind and will never ever leave me. He lives here as if he is there at tirunIrmalai. I am not able to tell as to who He is. He 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

shines like huge dark clouds on the golden hued mountain. Look at Him by yourself. What an unparalleled beauty of His! ati AScaryam.

1848 å¼ ïô¢ ²ø¢øñ¢ âù袰 àò¤ó¢ åí¢ ªð£¼÷¢ õ¼ñ¢ ïô¢ ªî£ô¢ èî¤ Ýè¤ò ¬ñï¢î¬ù ªï¼ïô¢ èí¢ì¶ ï¦ó¢ñ¬ô Þù¢Á «ð£ò¢ è¼ ªïô¢ Åö¢ èí¢íñ颬è»÷¢ è£í¢´«ñ (1)

oru nal suRRam enakku uyir oN poruL varu nal tol gati Agiya maintanai nerunal kANDadu nIrmalai inRu pOy karunel suzk kaNNa mangai uL kANDume.



In this Peria tirumozhi pAsurams - 10.1 set of ten pAsurams (oru nal suRRam), Kaliyan performs MangaLASAsanam for the perumALs of 18 divya desams (tirunirmalai, tirukkaNNamangai, tiruvEngaDam, tiruttaNkA, tiruvAli, tirunAngUr, tiruppEr, tiruveLLaRai, tirunaRaiyUr, tirumeyyam, tiruccERai, tirukkuDantai, tiruvazhuntur, tiruvehhA, tirumAlirumcOlai, tiruviNNagar, tirukkOTTiyUr and tirunAvAi). 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

In the last ten AzhvAr enjoyed the soulabhyam of EmperumAn showing Himself at tirukkOTTiyUr. Now here AzhvAr pays his obeisance to various divya desams PerumAL in one ten - inRu pOy karunel sUzh kaNNa mangaiyuL kaaNDumE… –

He, who helps us, on His own in moments of distress, who is an unparalleled “bandhu” (relative to us), who is my AtmA; who grants the parama purushArtham; who grants the SrivaikuNTha prApti after this sarIram perishes, who has an ever youthful divya tirumEni; - (we) paid our obeisance to Him at tirunIrmalai; Today, (let us) go and pay our praNAmams (obeisance) to Him at tirukkaNNamangai, surrounded by fully grown paddy fields.

2069 è£ó¢ õí¢íñ¢ «ñù¤ èí¢μñ¢ õ£»ñ¢ ¬èî¢îôºñ¢ Ü®-Þ¬í»ñ¢ èñô õí¢íñ¢ ð£ó¢ õí¢í ñì ñ颬è ðî¢îó¢ ð¤î¢îó¢ ðù¤ ñôó¢«ñô¢ ð£¬õ袰 ð£õñ¢ ªêò¢«îù¢ ãó¢ õí¢í âù¢ «ð¬î âù¢ ªê£ô¢ «è÷£÷¢ âñ¢ ªð¼ñ£ù¢ õóé¢èñ¢ â颫è? âù¢Âñ¢ ï¦ó¢õí¢íù¢ ï¦ó¢ñ¬ôè¢«è «ð£«õù¢ âù¢Âñ¢ Þ¶ Üù¢«ø£ 郎ø Üö¤ï¢î£ó¢ ï¤ø¢°ñ£«ø (18)

kArvaNNam tirumEni kaNNum vAyum kaittalamum aDi iNaiyum kamala vaNNam, pArvaNNa maDamangai pattar pittar panimalarmEl pAvaikkup pAvam seydEn, Er vaNNa enpEtai ensol kELAL emperumAn tiruvarangam engE? ennum, nIrvaNNan nIrmalaikkE pOvEn ennum idu anRO niRaiyazhindAr niRkum ARE?


Oh youthful lady! Why are you madly in love with that grey haired purANa (oldest primordial Chief) of tirunaRaiyUr (naRai Lord)? She utters loudly of His most exquisite Beauty, His lAvaNya, soundaryam as well as His love for the divine consorts and says that she would certainly visit all His divya desams where He resides on His own accord in pristinely purest form.

most beautiful colored my small darling daughter; will (or does) not listen to my words Thus, I have committed so many pApams (for me to see my daughter suffer like this and listen to her these words) [and what she says is this:]

His divine body (divya mangaLa vigraham) is kAr vaNNam is hued dark 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

most beautiful one; “kaNNum vAyum kaittalamum aDi iNaiyum” the most beautiful large eyes, the mouth, the limbs, and the pair of His Feet kamalam vaNNam are like freshly bloomed red lotus flowers the color and the feminity are aplenty in BhUmi PirATTi (and on Her)

He is fond of; or is under control (of Her) on cool red lotus flower seated is the most divinely beautiful Sri MahAlakshmi and on Her. He is madly in love with emperumAn such greatest and wonderful Lord- Sarva Swami- My Lord Where is His divine place?- asks she nIrvaNNan the blue hued colored Lord’s nIr malaikku pOvEn - I will only go to His divine place tirunIrmalai divya desam; - she is firm on.

Isn’t the right way the women folk (who are insistent upon damaging themselves) need to abide and stand firm on? (I now understand..) Look at His divine form; Look at His divya mangaLa vigraham. What a color!

What a beauty! What a lAvaNyam! And soundaryam! See that alluring attraction and charm of His divine form? How can one stay away from Him? My Lord is so beautiful. Matching His youthful form and beauty are His divine consorts Sri MahAlakshmi and ’s priya sakhi SrI BhUmi PirATTi (madhavim madhavapriyAm). She (BhUmi PirATTi) is His beloved. It can be also read that the Mother (of ParakAla nAyaki) mentions this beauty and then tells that her daughter is now asking where is His divya desam. It could mean that the mother in law is admiring the son-in-law’s majestic beauty. (Er vaNNam- my beautiful colored girl). When she starts off describing her daughter’s beauty, it may mean that she can compete with her would-be son-in-law’s.

Also pattar, pittar- The Lord is madly in love with divine consorts. Here there is vacanam (plural). Hence it is uttered by mother in law and is mentioned with respect. While the ParakAla nAyaki mentions nIr vaNNan (in singular) implies the love (nAyaki) can address Him in singular form with love or if it is uttered only by ParakAla nAyaki (for the whole verse), then when praising Him, plural; and when scolding Him or blaming Him (for saving her), singularly. She (mother) claims that she is a pApi for being blessed with such a daughter. She in fact is proud of such a girl. She implies her pride in such words- say pUrvAcAryAs. Indeed, the mother of ParakAla nAyaki is blessed.

Ìîî¢î£ö¢õ£ó¢ 2227 ðò¤ù¢ø¶ Üóé¢èñ¢ 被è£ì¢® ðô¢ ï£÷¢ ðò¤ù¢ø¶¾ñ¢ «õé¢èì«ñ ðô¢ï£÷¢ ðò¤ù¢ø¶ Üí¤ î¤è¿ñ¢ «ê£¬ô Üí¤ ï¦ó¢ ñ¬ô«ò ñí¤ î¤è¿ñ¢ õí¢ îì袬è ñ£ô¢ (46)

payinRatu arangam tirukkOTTi, pannAL 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

payinRatuvum vEngadamE pannAL, - payinRadu aNitikazuhm cOlai aNinIrmalaiyE maNitikazhum vaN taDakkai mAl.


Let us continue to enjoy the next AzhvAr’s, bhUtattAzhwAr’s wonderful anubhavams on tiruvEngaDam wherein AzhvwAr also refers to tirunIrmalai.

In last verse- AzhvAr had mentioned about the state of mind of a Prapannan [one who has surrendered to the Lord]. The Lord Himself due to His dayA, vAtsalyam on His child, takes so many births; and be residing in so many divya desams – says AzhvAr here.

He learnt [to wait] here at ; He learnt [to wait] at tirukkOTTiyUr; He has been waiting at tiruvEngaDam for very many ages; and also been at tirunIrmalai for thousands of years. Why? Because the Lord, mAl- the one who is desirous [of me] wishes to give Himself His most wonderful soundarya tirumEni [divya mangaLa vigraham] to me. He is such an audAryan; vaLLal; benefactor; AzhvAr starts off saying the Lord has been learning to wait for at Srirangam and tirukkOTTiyUr for so many ages; How? By reclining and having nidrA? PirATTi appears to be asking the Lord: is that the way one will wait for the child? Get up and stand; eagerly wait for him; then only he will come towards you. The Lord thus stands at tiruvEngaDam; PirATTi again appears to have asked: What is the use in just standing? Walk, sit, recline and stand. ninRAn; irundAn; kiDantAn- at tirunIrmalai;

It does not mean that only these four temples are to be referred to. The Lord takes such arcA avatArams at 108 divya desams and other abhimAna sthalams 61. THIRUNEERMALAI

as well. All for our sake.

AzhvAr says: He has been waiting at tiruvEngaDam many ages; pannAl. Why? Because AzhvAr has not turned towards Him for very many births. NammAzhvAr also echoes the same sentiment: annAL nI tanda Akkai vazhi uzhalvEn.

mARi mARi pala piRappum piRandu; I have taken very many births in the past due to my karma; and had taken the bodies granted by you; now I have become devoted to You due to Your grace on me.

Hence AzhvAr says: so long, you have been waiting for me – patiently - now I have been blessed by Yourself.

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kArAr kuDandai kaDikai kaDan mallai, ErAr pozhil sUzh iDavendai nIrmalai


The most auspicious divine places, tiruvEngaDam, tirukkOvilUr, the tall rampart surrounded KAncipuram, the majestic Lord (who had measured the universe) in Uragam, tiruppEr divya desam in the banks of the river;

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Festivals : Chithrai Brahmothsavam,Vaikasi Vasanthothsavam, Purattasi Pavithrothsavam, Aani Kodai Uthsavam

Temple Timings : 8.00 am to 12.00 am 4.00 pm to 08.00 pm

Address : Arulmigu Neervanna Perumal Thirukkoil, Thiruneermalai Chennai – 600044, Kancheepuram District .

Phone : +91- 44 – 22385484 / 98405 95374 / 94440 20820


Location : 5 kms from Pallavaram

Nearest Railway Station : Pallavaram

Nearest Airport : Chennai

Hotels at Chennai :

Taj Coramandal +91 – 44 – 5500 2827

Le Royal Meredian +91 – 44 – 2231 4343

Chola Sheraton +91 – 44 – 2811 0101

The Park +91 – 44 – 4214 4000

Cannimara +91 – 44 – 5500 0000

Rain Tree +91 – 44 – 4225 2525

Asoka +91 – 44 – 2855 3413

Guru +91 – 44 – 2855 4060

Kanchi +91 – 44 – 2827 1100

Shermani +91 – 44 – 2860 4401

Abirami +91 – 44 – 2819 4547

Kings +91 – 44 – 2819 1471

Courtesy : Dinamalar Sri Seshadri Swamy Dr.V.Satagopan Swamy www.pbase.com/svami