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LINCOLNSHIRE. Llncoj..N DIRRCTORY.J LINCOLNSHIRE. LlNCOJ..N. 377 Wallis Thomas esq. Southfield, St.Catherine's rd.Lincoln Broclclebank Joseph, Carlton-le-MoGrland, Newark Wilson Thomas esq. Riseholme hall, Lincoln Brocklebank Wm. Edwa.rd, Carlton-le-Moorland, Newark Wray Cecil Henry esq. Ling moor, Swinderby, Lincoln Bo.rroughes Tbos. Hy. 30 Lincoln's Inn fields, London W 0 Wright Major Philip Chetwood D.L. Brattleby hall, Burton Emest Montague, 25 Eastgate, Lincoln Lincoln Calcraft N. Lucas, Gautby, Horncastle The Chairmen, for the time being, of t-he Welt~n & Campbell C. Stapleford, Newa-rk Oai&tor Rural Di~r~rict Oouncils, are ex-officio magis· Cockburn Natbaniel Clayton D.L., J.P. Harmston hall, trates Lincoln Clerk to the Magistrates, Edward Ernest Twt>t>d, 3-t Crofts E. N. Caythorpe, Grantham Silver street Ealand Robert Fawsitt, Aisthorpe house, Lincoln Petty Sessions are held at the Justices' room, Lincoln Ecclesiastical Commissioners, W. Bayles, Welt'On, agent castle, the ISt & grd friday in every month at u.30 Hutchinson James, Manthorpe lodge, Grantham a.m. The following places are included in the Petty Jarvis George Eden D.L., J.P. Doddington hall, Lincoln .Sessional Division :-Aisthorpe, Atterby, Barlings, Laverack John J.P. North Carlton ball, North Carlton, Brampton, Bransby, Brattleby, Broxholme, Burton-by­ Lincoln Lincoln, Caenby, Carlton (North), Carlton (&luth), :Mallinder Rev. Isaac Holmes, Marton, Lincoln Cammeringham, Cherry Willingham, Coates, Dun­ Marfleet Charles, Boothbv,• Lincoln bolme, Fenton, Firsby (East), Firsby (West), Filling­ :Marfleet Edward Henry, Bassin~ham, Lincoln ham, Fiskerton, Glent-ha.m, Glentworth, Grange de Monson Lord J.P. Burton hall, Lincoln Lings, Greetwell, Hackthorne, Hanworth Cold, Hard­ Sevile Ralph Henry Christopher, Wellingure hall, Lincoln wick, Ingham, Ingleby, Kettlethorpe, Nettleham, Paddison C. F. lnglebv.- . Lincoln Newton, Normanby-by-Spital, Norton-Bishop, Nor­ Pears John, Mere ball, Lincoln manby-by-Stow, Owmby, Reepham, Riseholme, Suxby, Pear11 Thomas, Dorrington, Lincoln Saxilby, Scampton, Scothern, Snarford, Spridlington, Pennell Charles Waldegrave, Eastfield lodge, Eastcliffe rd. Stow, Sturton, Sudbrooke, Thorpe-in-the-Fallows, Lincoln Torksey, Welton Pratt Edwin J.P. Clarence house, Lindum ter. Lincoln Sikes George William, The Hermitage, Brampton, Lincoln COUNTY )IA.GISTRATES FOR LIXCOLX SOrTH Sbuttleworth Alfred D.L., J.P. Eastgate house, Lincoln (PARTS OF KESTEVEN) PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISN Sibthorp C. C., D.L., J.P. Sudbrooke Holme, Lincoln Skelton J. H. Stow Park The senior magistrate pre>:ent takes the chair. Stovin George, Boothby, Lincoln Bergne-Coupland Alexander Hugh e8q. Skellingthorpe Waldo-Sibthorp :Montagu Richard D.L., J.P. Canwick hall, T.inooln ball, Lincoln Oockburn Nathaniel Clayton esq. B.A., D.L. Harmston Warrent>r J. )1. Lincoln hall, Lincoln Wright Major Philip Chetwood D.L., J.P. Brattleby ball, Curtis Chas. Constable t>sq. D.L. Langford hall, Newark Lincoln Ellison Oapt. Richard Todd, Elm house, Grantham Wright G. Gate Burton Gilpin-Brown William Dundas t>sq. F.S.I. Lt>ek Wootton, The Mavor, Sheriff, Aldermen & Town Clerl• of Lincoln Warwick • Joint ClPrks, Danby & Epton, 2 Bank street Harding Col. Thomas Waiter, Madingley hall.Cambridge Joint Surveyors, Thropp & Harding,29 Broadgate,Lincln Button Rev. Canon ~I.A. 2 Vicar's court, Lincoln Bailiff & Collector, John Lumlev Rayner, 13 Bank street Jackson Hugh esq. The Rosary, Cromer Jarvis George Eden esq. D.L. Doddington hall, Lincoln Leslie-Melrille Alexander Brodrick esq. Branston hall DISTRICT REGISTRY OF THE HIGH COl~T OF Lincoln JL'STICE. Le~>lie-~felville _-\.lexander esq. D.L. 51 Hans road, Bel- Io Bank street. gravia, London S W Rt>gistrar, Reginald Arthur Stephen Leslie-Melville Arthur Henry esq. D'Isney place, Lincoln :Ma~on Col. Edward Snow D.L. 10 Lindum tt>r. Lincoln Nevile Edward Horatio esq. Skeollingthorpe, Lincoln DISTRICT REGISTRY OF THE HIGH COURT OF Pears John esq. Mere, Lincoln JUSTICE, PROBATE DIVISIOX. Penne.Jl Charles Waldegrave, Eastfield lodge, East Cliffe Comprising Lincoln City & County. road, Lincoln 12 Guildhall street. Shuttleworth Alfred esq. D.L. Eastgate house, Lincoln District Rt>gistrar, Gordon L. Simpson Sibt•horp Coningsby Charles t>sq. M . .-\.., D.L. Sudbrooke Holme, Lincoln Smith Eustace Abel esq. Long hills, Branston, Lincoln LIXCOLX CITY & COUXTY BOROGGH LOCAL Tempest 'Major Arthur Cecil, Coleby ball, Lincoln PENSIOX SUB-CO::\I:MITTEE. Tt>mpest Capt. Roger StephE'n, Colt>by hall, Lincoln :Meets at the Guildhall on 1st tut>sdaY• of each month. Waldo-Sibthorp Montagu Richard esq. D.L. Canwick Chairman, Councillor J obn Mills hall, Lincoln Clerk, William Bagshaw, Guildhall Wray Cecil Henry esq. Ling moor, Swinderby, Lincoln Pension Offict>rs, HPnr~· Brumby, J. Kilpatrick & F. W. The Chairmen, for the time being, of the Bracebridgt> Corde,·. 12 Guildhall street Urban & Branston Rural District Councils are ex-officio • magistrates C~rks to the Ma~istra.tes, Reginald .-\.rthur Sh•pht>n & PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Thomas Edmund Maynard-Page, Saltergate, Lincoln Arboretum, :Monks road, Gentle Smith, superintendent Butter Market, High street Petty Sessions are held at the Justice's room, Lincoln Cattle :Markets, :\looks road, Henry Hilton, collector of Castle, the ISt & 3rd friday in every month at n.3o tolls a.m. The following places are included in tht> Petty Central Hall, Theo. P. Starke, manager; Harry 0. Coles, Sessional Division :-Auborn, Bassingham, Bodhby, caretaker Boultham, Bracebridge, Bracehridge Heath, Bran~ton. Church House & Institute (with Library & English & Canwick, Carlton-le-Moorland, Coleby, Dunston. Dod­ Fr.. nch reading circles), Christ's Hospital terrace, Steep din~ton, Eagle. Eagle Hall. Haddington, Harm!'lton, hill, Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, president; Heighington, Hykeham (North), Hykeham (South). Rev. E. Giles M ..\. trt>asurer; Rev. Canon E. T. '){el'e, Metberingham, Morton, Navenby, North Scarle. Leeke ~I.A. & R. .\. MacBrair esq. hon. secs.; Thos. Norton Disney, Nocton, Potter Hanworth. Skinnand. M. Wheat B.A. bon. organizing sec. ; A. W. Farrar, Skellingthorpe, Stapleford, Swinderby, Swinl'thorpe. assistant sec Thorpe-on-the-Hill. Thurlby, Wbisby, Waddin~ton k City Burial Ground. Canwick road, J. H. Burgt>ss, regis­ W ashingborough trar; John Thurlby, 11upt FIRE BRIGADE. City Fire Brigade Engine HousE.', :Monks road, Fredk. J. Crawlt>Y, City Police office, supt. ; Sergt. Alfred The City Police Force form the Fire Brigade. consistin!l Vessey, chit>f engineer; the whole of the police force of FrPderick J. Crawle¥, chief officer, Lindum road; are firemPn St>.rgt. Alfred Vessey, chief enginePr & Constable A. S. City Police Office, Lindum road, Frederick J. Crawlt>y, q Lilbmn, assistant; engines .t firemt>n chief constable ; the f~rce consists of chief constable.. 4 in<~pt>ctors, 2 dt>tecti¥t'll, 9 ser!!eants & 48 constables CO~OIISSIONERS OF SEWF:Rs. Corn Exchange & New Market. Cornhill, High 1treet ; U;~ually meeting at the Guildhall. Ht>nry Doudnt>y Thompson, st>c.; John Thomas Drury, Billiat Jm1eph <l P. Ai!.ltborpe hall, Lincoln manager & collector Brickwell _\. J. King's Cro<;s station. Londo:t Corn Rt>turn Offioe, Corn Market ball .
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