In the beginning … water covered the Earth. Out of the water emerged an island, a single giant mass of land; an ancient supercontinent called Pangaea. Over billions of years, tectonic forces broke Pangaea apart, dividing the supercontinent into ever distant land masses: Africa, Eurasia, Australasia, North and South America. As the land masses drifted farther apart, so too did the people who inhabited them. Huge bodies of water, time and space, separated people from their friends, family, loved ones and partners in trade. Until now… Igæa: (eye-jee-uh) n: “i” mod. (interconnected; internet; idea); “Gaea” Grk. (earth; land). 1) The new supercontinent; a virtual place created through light speed communications; 2) Interconnected Earth; everywhere at once, omnipresent; 3) A global Internet Protocol (IP) communications network carrying streaming digital voice, video and data, transcending physical barriers, to bring all the people of the world togeth- er in one virtual place at any time. Important Information Confidential This corporate plan and all of its contents were produced internally by Igæa. For more information contact: Kirk Rittenhouse Manz, CEO Igæa 119 Windsor Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37205 E-mail
[email protected] Telephone 615/353-9737 Facsimile 615/353-9521 2nd Quarter 2000 This business plan is provided for purposes of information and evaluation only. It does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of securities, offers to buy or any other interest in the business. Any such offering will be made only by appropriate documents and in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws. The information contained in this document is absolutely confidential and is intend- ed only for persons to whom it is transmitted by the Company and to their imme- diate business associates with whom they are required to confer in order to prop- erly evaluate this business opportunity.