The Advantage Year Book

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The Advantage Year Book /E䜓SUVBSFOLBTQ䜓S+V 1FSGFLTJPOJTU䜓U ,VBMJUFUJTUBOEBSUJUU䜓,PNVOJUFUJU&VSPQJBO &VSP ,. ("3"/$* ,*".05034"-#"/*""SUJOFM4IQL1ÎSGBRTVFT[ZSUBSEIFFLTLMVT[JWOÎ4IRJQÎSJ"ESFTB7PSÎ 5JSBOÎ$FM &NBJMJOGP!LJBNPUPSTBM Content À .GVVGTHTQOVJG75#ODCUUCFQTVQ#NDCPKC À .GVVGTHTQOVJG/KPKUVGTQH'EQPQOKE&GXGNQROGPV6QWTKUO6TCFGCPF'PVTGRTGPGWTUJKR À .GVVGTHTQOVJG2TGUKFGPVQH#O%JCO À .GVVGTHTQOVJG'ZGEWVKXG&KTGEVQTQH#O%JCO À %QFGQH'VJKEU À ;GCTKP4GXKGY À *KIJNKIJVU À #PPWCN#EVKXKVKGU À #O%JCO2WDNKECVKQPU À (KPCPEGU 45 À +ORQTVCPV+PHQTOCVKQPUCPF#FFTGUUGU À /GODGTUJKR&KTGEVQT[ Year Book 2017 5 (TPL, KARTON JESHIL, KUFITARE KASKO, MINIKASKO, Sistemi GPS) U.S. Ambassador to Albania Dear American Chamber of Commerce Members, Albania is going through a period of tremendous change. The business community, and in particular the American Chamber of Commerce, has an opportunity to be a vital part of that process of change. It requires that the AmCham look for places to add value, to criticize constructively with positive alternative suggestions, and to support good government policies when they are announced. I am pleased to introduce AmCham Albania’s 2017 Yearbook. The strong working relationship between the (PEDVV\DQG$P&KDPUHÀHFWVWKHSDUWQHUVKLSEHWZHHQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDQG$OEDQLDDQGWKHSURVSHFWRI continued cooperation in the future. $V\RXNQRZZHEHOLHYHWKDWNH\UHIRUPVZLOOKHOS$OEDQLDLQFUHDVHRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRULQYHVWRUV6XFKFKDQJHV include the implementation of judicial reform, increased transparency in public procurement, and greater openness to foreign investment. $MXGLFLDOV\VWHPWRXJKRQFRUUXSWLRQZLOOSURYLGHFRQ¿GHQFHWRLQYHVWRUVWKDWWKHLUFRPPHUFLDOLQWHUHVWVZLOO be protected. A reformed judicial system will help shield intellectual property rights, defend real property rights, ensure contract sanctity, and improve tax and customs administration. The Embassy will continue to urge the implementation of these reforms in a transparent and fair manner, but we QHHG\RXUKHOS$P&KDPPHPEHUVDVWKHPRVWLQÀXHQWLDOEXVLQHVVFRQVWLWXHQF\LQ$OEDQLDVKRXOGFRQWLQXH to demand these reforms. ,ORRNIRUZDUGWRFRQWLQXLQJWKHSDUWQHUVKLSEHWZHHQWKH86(PEDVV\DQG$P&KDPDVZHZRUNWRJHWKHUWR LPSURYH$OEDQLD¶VEXVLQHVVFOLPDWHDQGDGYDQFH86DQG$OEDQLDQFRPPHUFLDOJRDOV 6LQFHUHO\ Donald Lu Year Book 2017 7 WE FIND&GROW YOUR LEADERS Your trusted partner in Executive Recruitment & Coaching Talent Acquisition & Cross Border Search Ŏ Talent Mapping Talent Management in Interim Managers Ŏ SHL Assessments Albania and Kosovo Customized Trainings Ŏ HR Consulting 90% referred business 70% repeated clients 15 Years an Ally in Your Success 98% retention rate AIMS International Albania & Kosovo ETC, Tower A , 13/3, 50 90 Blv. Bajram Curri, Tirana, Albania Year Book 2017 8 | +355 4 45 09 261 | [email protected] | &$! " " | | Minister of Economic, Development, Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship Dear reader, Allow me to congratulate you on the The government is executing a program publication of the “Year Book 2017.” of reforms that aim international This publication has become a tradition integration and the increase of for the American Chamber, presenting economic productivity. the achievements and the contribution Trade and investment are an integral of this chamber not only for its part of the regional connectivity members, but also for the improvement agenda and the Berlin process. Real will guide the economy towards of the business climate in our country. infrastructure investment projects investment in the private sector and From the time of its creation, The will be implemented, to lower trade increased employment. American Chamber of Commerce and transportation costs and aiming has built up and strengthened its role, to make Albania part of the regional The relationship of the private sector becoming a promoter of many initiatives economic market. with the government are the foundation and programs on a national level, - The Albanian economy needs that ensures a suitable environment serving to improve the legal framework investment. Improving the quality for the development of businesses, for and the business environment and of public services from education meeting their needs, and for serving cooperating closely with the Albanian to healthcare and infrastructure, them. Through the work of the National government. not only in the cities, but also in Economic Council, the Investment In the last 3 years, working towards rural areas where the problems Council, and the National Trade HFRQRPLF VXVWDLQDELOLW\ DQG ¿VFDO of unemployment and poverty are Facilitation Committee, these platforms consolidation has shaped the economic acute needs more investment. for dialogue and cooperation with model of the reforms undertakes by That is why the government has investors and business associations the government. In 2016, Albania saw undertaken the new initiative “one will serve to address various issues marked improvements in international billion euro for reconstruction,” DQG FRQFHUQV ¿QGLQJ WKH PHDQV DQG rankings regarding doing business. inviting business to become a part alternatives for their resolution. Albania has improved the business of this ambitious project through the The active role and engagement of environment mainly in the areas of implementation of a framework of enterprise in public dialogue and policy building permits, electrical energy public private partnership. consultations are valuable assets for supply, paying taxes, et cetera. - The government will reform the decision-making institutions in drafting The government platform for the years framework for investments, drafting the right reforms and strategies, with a 2017-2021 will focus in deepening the an all-inclusive investment law, for direct positive impact for sustainable structural reforms which will have as domestic and foreign investors, economic and social development of their primary objective the application of creating a system of dispute the country. SURJUDPVDQG¿QDQFLDOWRROVDLPLQJWR resolution for investors and to Thank you, help business move forward at the pace protect investments. of the European enterprise, innovation ,QDGGLWLRQWKHIXUWKHUVLPSOL¿FDWLRQ <RXUV6LQFHUHO\ and technological development, adding of procedures for permits and Milva Ekonomi incentives for better cooperation licenses, as well as the completion EHWZHHQ )', DQG 60(V DV ZHOO DV of what is lacking in the national more concrete investment projects. infrastructure, are reforms that Year Book 2017 9 FABRIKA MË E MADHE E PRODHIMIT TË PROFILEVE TË ALUMINIT NË SHQIPËRI. Alumil-Albania, Adresa: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, km7 Tel: +355 48 240 230/1/2 Fax: +355 48 240 234/5/6 Mob: +355 68 20 70 901 e-mail:[email protected] Alumil eshte zgjedhja me e mire per shtepine dhe biznesin tuaj. Alumil I jep zgjidhje cdo kerkese tuaj, me nje shumellojshmeri sistemesh te certifikuar nga institucionet me te njohur europiane per nje komfort sa me te mire termik. President of AmCham Dear AmCham Members and Friends, It is with great pleasure that the American have a positive and constructively critical Chamber of Commerce celebrates its relationship with Albanian leadership to achievements and results for the 2016 take steps to formalize the economy, attract FDOHQGDU \HDU , ZRXOG OLNH WR VSHFL¿FDOO\ foreign investors and protect investor rights. thank to the Board of Directors and the Working with the existing administration, members who have participated in our WKH&KDPEHUZRXOGOLNHWRVSHFL¿FDOO\WKDQN 6XE&RPPLWWHHV IRU WKHLU ZRUN WR PDNH 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU 5DPD )LQDQFH 0LQLVWHU Albanian-American business relations $KPHWDM (FRQRPLF 0LQLVWHU (NRQRPL stronger. I would also like to thank the Customs Directors Ikonomi and Tax with our common position. Additionally, the AmCham Executive Director Lorenc Gjoni Director Vjero for their constant dialogue Chamber was very vocal advocating for an and rest of the staff for their dedication with the Chamber, including participation improved business climate in the trade and to continue to meet member needs and in both public forums and closed door natural resources sector. The AmCham achieve our objectives in 2016. We meetings to discuss member positive and would like to thank the other Chambers look forward to continue to invest in our critical feedback on current policy and who have been very open and constructive members, the business community and procedures. The Chamber was pleased to identify common issues where we can Albania in 2017. to continue its role within the Council collaborate. of Investments. As in previous years, the Chamber’s interaction with bilateral The Chamber’s continued close ties with Today, the American Chamber of Commerce institutions, such as the World Bank and WKH8QLWHG6WDWHV(PEDVV\KDVEHHQFULWLFDO represents the largest foreign chamber ,0)DOVRUHPDLQVDQLPSRUWDQWHOHPHQWRI to our success. For their valuable input in Albania. I’m pleased to have served receiving and providing feedback on the and support in 2016 I would like to thank WKLV &KDPEHU GXULQJ WKLV ¿VFDO \HDU economy. Ambassador Lu and Dr. Ariel Ahart, Deputy and work with our friends and partners in &KLHIRI0LVVLRQ'DYLG0XQL]3ROLWLFDODQG business in Albania. Together we are raising Recognizing that it is easier to attract (FRQRPLF6HFWLRQ&KLHI3HWHU'¶$PLFRDQG GLI¿FXOW VRPHWLPHV FRQWURYHUVLDO LVVXHV investment from the region than from (FRQRPLF2I¿FHU-HIIUH\%RZDQ to the surface for debate and discussion far away, AmCham Albania continues its to increase transparency, stability, and initiative of bringing together AmChams The Chamber’s subcommittees provide
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