Belated Decision in the Hilbert-Einstein Priority Dispute
(10). As described above, the severely opis- Dinosauria (Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, CA, However, the overall similarity of the pelvis of Archae- 1990). opteryx to those of the enantiornithine birds, espe- thopubic condition of their pelvis is consis- 10. L. Hou, L. D. Martin, Z. Zhou, A. Feduccia, Science cially the presence of the hypopubic cup, as well as tent with the notion that these birds roost- 274, 1164 (1996). the morphology of the London and Berlin Archae- ed in trees. In contrast, based primarily on 11. Q. Ji and S. Ji, Chin. Geol. 10, 30 (1996); see also V. opteryx specimens, offer support for our interpreta- disputed measurements of claw curvature, Morell, Audubon 99, 36 (1997). tion of the pelvic structure of these early birds [L. D. 12. Rather than representing primitive archosaurian Martin, in Origin of the Higher Groups of Tetrapods, Archaeopteryx has been interpreted as structures, it is probable that the hepatic-piston dia- H. P. Schultze and L. Trueb, Eds. (Cornell Univ. adapted primarily for a terrestrial rather phragm systems in crocodilians and theropods are Press, Ithaca, NY, 1991), pp. 485–540. than an arboreal existence (18). However, convergently derived. Pelvic anatomy in early “pro- 18. D. S. Peters and E. Go¨ rgner, in Proceedings of the II todinosaurs” such as Lagosuchus, as well as in all International Symposium of Avian Paleontology, K. as in the enantiornithines, the morphology ornithischian dinosaurs, shows no evidence of the Campbell, Ed. (Los Angeles Museum of Natural His- of Archaeopteryx’s pelvis is best interpreted pubis having served as a site of origin for similar tory Press, Los Angeles, CA, 1992), pp.
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