One Hundredth Regiment.

THE One Huudredth, or as it was more commonly known, tlie Eouud Head Eegiment, was recruited in tbe south-western counties of the State, origi- nally settled by tlie Eouud Heads of the English Eevolution, and by Scotch Irish Covenanters. Daniel Leasure, a citizen of New Castle, who had since 1832 been connected either as private or an officer with the State militia, and who, during the three months' campaign, had served as Captain and Adjutant of the Twelfth Eegiment, received authority from the Secretary of War, under date of August 6, 1861, to recruit a regiment of infantry from among the de- scendants of the Covenanters and of the men who had followed Cromwell, whose leading characteristics had been a devotion to the principles of liberty of person and of conscience. On the 2d of September the regiment, which had been recruited to the number of twelve companies, was ordered to Washington, whither it at once proceeded, and upon its arrival encamped on Kalorama Heights. A formal organization was soon after effected, and the following field officers were se- lected and commissioned : Daniel Leasure, ; Captain James Arm- strong, Lieutenant Colonel ; Captain David A. Leckey, Major. Just previous to the organization. General Casey, in command of provisional brigades at Washington, issued an order transferring companies L and M to the One Hun- dred and Fifth Eegiment. Company L was accordingly thus transferred, and

Captain Dick, its commander,^ecame Major of that regiment 5 butjipou the representation of Captain Leckey that his men had been specially recruited for the Eouud Head Eegiment, company M was permitted to remain. It was brigaded on the 7th of October with the Eighth Michigan, Colonel Fenton, and the Fiftieth , Colonel Christ. As the ranking officer. Colonel Leasm-e was placed in command of the brigade, and was ordered to proceed with it to Annapolis, there to join the command of General T. W. Sherman, destined to the coast of South Carolina. Soon after its arrival. Colonel Lea- sure sent a request to the Secretary of War, in behalf of the Eouud IJeads, that the Highlanders, Seventy -Muth New York, might be associated with them in the same brigade. This request was granted, and on the 12th General Isaac I. Stevens was assigned to its command. On the 19th the fleet sailed from Annapolis and rendezvoused at Fortress Monroe, whence on the 29th it set sail with sealed orders. The Eouud Head Eegiment and five companies of the Fiftieth Pennsyl- vania were embarked together on the Ocean Queen. On the second day out the fleet was overtaken by a violent storm, which raged with unabated fury for thirty-six hours. On the morning of the 3d of November, all the other vessels of the fleet being out of sight. Colonel Leasure opened his orders and read, " Sail for Port Eoyal Entrance," which was the first intimation to any 554 OKE irUNDKEDTH EEGIMENT. 1862 one on board of its destination. On the 5tb of November the fleet arrived off Port Eoyal Entrance, and the gun-boats proceeded to make soundings of the channel. On the morning of the 7th the transports stood in for the en- trance, and the gun-boats advanced to the attack of Forts Walker and Beau- regard, on the opposite points of Hilton Head and Lady's islands. The troops, meantime, were held in readiness to debark and attack by land ; but at three o'clock P. M. the enemy was driven from his works by the terrible broadsides of Dupont's powerful vessels, and fled to the main land or adjacent islands. On the same evening the troops landed and took possession of the forts and islands. Strong fortifications were at once begun, for whicli heavy details were made on the troops of General Stevens' Brigade, who soon experienced much sickness from fatigue, and the process of acclimation to the delightful but malarious climate of a southern coast. One month later General Sher- man resolved to occupy a point farther inland, upon the net work of islands which the capture of Port Eoyal Entrance, on the 7th of IsTovember, had made accessible to the CJnion gun-boats. General Stevens was detailed with his brigade for this purpose. The pleasant town of Beaufort was taken posses- sion of, and occupied as headquarters. The chief military duty of the troops, for the next five or six months, consisted in picketing Barnwell's and Port Eoyal islands, on the Coosa w, across which on the main land, upon the "Shell Eoad" leading to Charleston, a Eebel force was stationed, covering the ap- proaches to the railroad connecting Charleston and Savannah. The town of Beaufort, with Port Eoyal and all the adjacent islands, had been deserted by the white population since the battle of November 7th. To repress the boldness of the enemy in his hostile demonstrations at Port Eoyal Ferry, on the morning of the 1st of January, 1862, General Stevens, with a force of in- fantry and artillery, acting in conjunction with two gun boats, crossed the Coosaw, drove the enemy from his unfinished earthworks, and returned on the following day to the ferry without loss. During the occupancy of Beaufort and while at Hilton Head, many sickened, and some died, among them Lieu- tenant James L. Banks, of company F. General Hunter, who had now relieved General Sherman in command of the Department, undertook the reduction of Charleston. On the 1st of June General Stevens, with the Eound Heads, Highlanders, and the Eighth Michi- gan, proceeded through Stono Inlet to James Island, effecting a landing near Legareville. Five companies, A, F, D, I, and H, of the Eound Heads, were on the advance vessel with General Stevens, the six remaining companies, under Colonel Leasure, following immediately after. Companies D and H seized the villago, while the remaining forces moved up the island. The enemy was driven from his works and all his shore batteries captui-ed. Two heavj^ guns were subsequently taken in the interior of the island by companies A, F, and I, and brought in. The regiment lost in this engagement about twenty killed and wounded. Captain Cline, of company F, and fifteen men, were captured whil« skirmishing without j)roper supports. Until the 15th, the regiment was en- gaged in erecting forts and in performing guard duty, and was almost con- stantly under fire from the enemy's forts, lying in the meanwhile under shelter tents in a low marsh, barely above tide water, and in constant expectation of being attacked. At evening on the 15th of JunCj the troops upon the island were ordered to be in readiness early on the following morning to attack the enemy's works 18G2 OrERATIOlsS AGAl:'rST OnAELESTON. 555 at the Tower Fort, near Scccssiouville, a strong earthwork held by the Rebel Colonel Lnmar with a strong force, and commanding the approaches to Charles- ton, by tlie James Island causeway. General Stevens was to attack, and Gen- eral Wright to support on the left, and if need be, assault the work on the north. Colonel Leasm-e was placed in command of a brigade composed of his own, tho Seventy-ninth and Forty-sixth New York. At two o'clock on the morning of the ICth the troops moved out for the attack. An unaccountable delay occurred, and the attacking party was not formed until broad daylight. Colonel Fenton's Brigade, which led the assaulting column, was swepfc and broken by a destructive fire, and Colonel Leasui-e's, wliicli supported it, was soon in the forefront. After a severe contest, lasting nearly an hour, during which a mmiber of both the Highlander and the Eonud Head regiments forced their way into the fort. Colonel Beuham, in chief command, ordered a retreat. Tlie narrow neck of ground over which the troops must advance was barely sufijcieut to deploy one regiment, and this was swept by the guns of the fort and frora the rille-pits and defences in the rear. Of the four hundred and twenty-one officers and men of the regiment who went into the fight, one offi- cer. Lieutenant Samuel J. Morrow, and eight enlisted men were killed, two officers and thirty men wounded, and six missing. General Stevens, in his official report, says : " Colonel Fenton, In command of the First Brigade, used every exertion to throv/ the Eighth Michigan as far to the right as pos::ible, and to bring on, in support, the Seventh Connecticut, and the Twenty-eighth Massachusetts; but the terrible fire of grape and musketry from the enemy's works cut the two former regiments in tv/o, the right going to the right and the left to the leit, whither, finally, the whole of the Twenty-eighth Massa- chusetts took its position, and where they were joined, with scarcely an interval of time, by the One Hundredth Pennsylvania and the Forty-sixth ITew York, of Leasure's Brigade. These regiments had been brought up with great promptness and energy by Colonel Lcasure, and the right of the One Hundredth had pushed up to, and joined the Seventy-ninth in the charge. It was during this brief period, of less than one-half hour—from five to half- * past five o'clock—that the greater portion of the casualties occurred. * * I must express my profound sense of the intrepid bearing and soldierly con- duct of my brigade commanders, Colonels Leasure and Fenton, who did every- thing that commanders could do to lead their respective brigades to the at-

tack ; and it is mainly due to their exertions that their lines of battle were maintained throughout the action."* Lieutenant Jefierson Justice, serving upon the staff of General Stevens, and Lieutenant S. G. Leasure, Assistant Adjutant General to the brigade, vv^ere commended for their gallantry. After the battle, the hospitals, crowded with the wounded, stood in urgent need of immediate surgical aid. Colonel Leasure, whose profession was that of medi- cine and surgery, at once volunteered, and rendered most valuable assistance to the young surgeons m cnarge. Operations against Charleston having been suspended, an evacuation of the island was ordered, and on the 4th of July the brigade returned to Hil- ton Head, where, among the accumidated mails, were the commissions for the officers, from Governor Curtin, and an order declaring the Round Head Regi- ment the One Hundredth of the line. Lieutenant Colonel Armstrong, who

''' 3Ioores Rebellion Record, Vol. V, p. 2 '2, Docs. 556 ONE nUNDKEDTH EEGIMENT. 18G2

had been in a feeble state of healtb from disease contracted in the service in Mexico, aggravated by a semi-tropical climate, was forced to resign, and wa^ succeeded by Major Leckey, Captain Mattliew A. Dawson being promoted to Major. On tlie 13th, the brigade returned to Beaufort, and soon after its ar- rival there was ordered to Virginia, whither it proceeded on the ocean steamer Merrimac, then on her trial trip. It went into camp at Newport News, where it was visited by a messenger from Governor Curtin, bearing the State colors, which were presented to the rogiment by General Stevens, and were received- in a patriotic speech by Colonel Leasure. On the 4th of August, the regiment was moved by transport to Acquia Creek, and thence by rail to Fredericks- burg, where the troops imder General Stevens from South Carolina, and those from North Carolina, under General Burnside, were united, and were placed under the command of General Eeno, subsequently known as the Ninth Corps. Pope's army of Northern Virginia, consisting of the corps of Banks, Sigel, and M'Dowell, holding the left bank of the Eapidan, was threatened by the concentrated rebel army, and all available forces were being pushed on to his assistance. On the 13th, Stevens moved forward, and at Eaccoon Ford was brought to a stand to dispute the passage of the enemy. After holding the position for three days. General Eeno, who had now come up with the balance of his corps, having discovered that the enemy, in greatly superior numbers, was in his front, decided to withdraw, and at mid-night of the lOth, leaving the ford heavily picketed, retired to the line of the Eappahannock, crossing at Ely's Ford. Then commenced a series of marches and counter-marches, disputing the passage of the fords of the Eappahannock, which continued until Stonewall Jackson made his famous move to Manassas Junction, in the rear of the Union

' army, w^hen Eeno's Corps started in pursuit, being joined on the way by the division of Kearny. From Greenwich the command followed to the old Bull Eun battle gi^ound, where it encamped on the evening of the 28th. At four o'clock on the following morning it moved forward, and after passing through rocky and wooded by-ways, forded Bull Eun and debouched into the open ground to the south of Centreville. Here, about two hundred Union soldiers, captured and paroled by Jackson, were met, who gave information of the prox- imity of the rebel force. At eight o'clock, Stevens' Division was divided, one brigade, under Colonel Christ, being sent to the support of Kearny, one under Colonel Farnsworth, to support Miiroy, and the third, under Colonel Leasure, to the assistance of Sigel. General Stevens remained with Colonel Leasure, remarking that " it would be the fighting brigade that day." It was composed of the One Hundredth, under Colonel Leckey, and four companies of the For- ty-sixth New York, under Colonel Eosa, the remaining five companies of this regiment being detached for train guards. At half-past ten A. M., when Sigel, who had borne the brunt of battle since early morn, was nearly outflanked, and the enemy was preparing a new at- tack against his centre, Kearny's and Stevens' divisions came to his aid. By direction of General Stevens, Lieutenant Benjamin's Battery of twenty-pounder Parrott's relieved Captain Dilger's Battery, on the crest of a hill, immediately on the left of the Warrenton Turnpike, and simultaneously Colonel Leasure's two regiments were deployed in line of battle for its support. The enemy was checked, and companies A, F, D, I, and M, of the One Hundredth were sent forward as skirmishers, taking position in the valley a quarter of a mile in 18G2 BATTLE OF BULL BU17. 557

advaucc, and keeping up a galling fire, Benjamin's guns in Che meantime throwing shot and shell over their heads. The enemy seemed determined to carry that position, and at one time five batteries were concentrating their fire upon it. But Benjamin steadily held his ground until his ammunition hegan to fail him. In taking position, one of his caissons, well filled, had been accidentally overturned and abandoned, at a point about two hundred yards to the left and front of his present position, much exposed to the ene-

my's fire. Company G, Captain S. H. Brown, was ordered to bring it up. With intrepid daring it was led under the enemy's fire, and brought the heavily

laden caisson, now sorely needed, safely off. Benjamin now increased his fire, and soon silenced a number of tlie enemy's guns. But one of his own had been struck by a solid shot and rendered useless, and another, by the prema- ture explosion of a shell, had been disabled, and still another had lost nearly all its men. But until his ammunition was all spent, the remaining guns were kept in play. They were then withdrawn, and soon after the only remaining di- vision of Sigel, on the left, fell back. Stevens was then ordered to retire. In the face of a terrible fire, now re-doubled, it was with difficulty that the skir- mishers could be withdrawn, but was successfully accomplished under the di- rection of Lieutenant Gilleland. The enemy, now no longer deterred by the bat- tery's fire, moved heavy masses of infantry obliquely in front of its late position, across the Warrenton Turnpike, and gained a most important position in a piece of wood, where the heaviest fighting occuiTed in the after part of the day, in which, with other troops, the One Hundredth suffered fearful loss.

Leasure's Brigade had not retired a quarter of a mile, when it was ordered to the support of Eoemer's Battery, on the north side of the turnpike, in an or- chard somewhat to the rear of the former position. It was now nearly night, and the troops had suffered severely. They had scarcely reached their posi- tion, when an order came from Eeno directing Stevens to support Kearny, who was enveloped in the woods to the right, on the line of the abandoned track of the Gap Eailroad. Stevens had but this small brigade, the rest of his division having been ordered from him early in the day; but no time was to be lost, and moving off by the right flank at double quick. Colonel Lea- sure put his command in position for a charge. At that instant General Kearny came dashing up and demanded of Stevens where his troops were. Stevens pointed to the barely five hundred that stood about him. In his ab- rupt way, Kearny asked if they would fight. "Yes," said Stevens, with an oath, " these are my Bound Heads." Dropping his bridle rein, with an im- petuous gesture, in the direction of the enemy, with his only arm, he said to Colonel Leasure, " Sweep everything before you." Companies A and B of the One Hundredth were thrown forward as skirmishers, and the line quickly put in motion towards the low wooded ground where the enemy lay concealed. As they advanced, artillery and infantry were opened upon them, which told fearfully on their already shattered ranks. As the line approached, a well directed fire was poured upon the enemy, before which he recoiled. At this juncture an aid from General Kearny came up, and informed Colonel Leasure that the enemy was occupying a cut in the old Gap Eoad a short distance to the front, and to the left of the position he then held. Obliquing to the l%ft, the line charged, and as the enemy scrambled up the opposite bank of the cut, it pou;red in a destructive fire and seized the abandoned position. Soon the enemy opened a heavy fire. General Stevens' horse and that of his orderly 558 01\E HUNDPwEDTn KEGIMETnT. 18G2

were both killed. Seeing that it was useless to atteiipt to hold the position against the overwhelming force that was bearing do^'vn upon him, he ordered Colonel Leasure to fall back before the way was completely cut off. The order was accordingly given, and as he was moving, the Colonel had his horse shot under him, and himself received a painful wound. Of the four hundred aud fifty Avho had joined in this last charge, but one hundred and ninety-eight came back unhurt. Captains Yv^illiam F. Templeton, Simeon H. Brown, James S. Vau Gorden, and Lieutenants Phiio P. Eayen and E. J. E. Spencer were killed or mortally wounded, and Lieutenants John P. Blair and Thomas H. Curt were severely wounded. Taking up a new line, the command was soon after joined by the other bri- gades of the division, and rested on its arms during the night. Colonel Lea- sure and Major Dawson having both been wounded and .sent .to hospital, the command of the brigade devolved on Lieutenant Colonel Leckey, that of the regiment on Captain James E. Cornelius. Early on the morning of the 30th, the battle was renewed, and continued, with varying success, during the day; but the was finally forced to retire before the overwhelming num- bers of the enemy, and at night fell back to Centreville. The following day was the Sabbath. The fight was not renewed. Lee was too cautious to attack Pope on the heights of Centreville, but ordered Jack- son, with his corps, to pass around the Union army, and attempt to cut its com- munications with Washington. The objective point of the movement was Fairfax Court House, but Jackson's advance was met and hurled back at Ox Hill, near Chantilly, while yet several miles distant from that place. Pope, aware of Jackson's movement, had on Monday, September 1st, massed several corps in the vicinity of Fairfax Court House, and pushed Eeno northward, to- ward Chantilly, in the direction of Jackson's advance. The One Hundredth had been hastily marched out of bivouac, and now at five o'clock formed, advancing in column through a meadow, then a wood, the Forty-sixth jSTew York following, and the Seventy-ninth New York skirmishing in advance. Emerging from the wood into a field but partially cleared, the column encoun- tered a rapid fire of musketry from the enemy. General Stevens, dismount- ing, hastily formed his lines of battle in i^erson, and promptly drove the enemy back beyond the partially cleared ground, and into the edge of a field of corn. In these two fields the battle was fougbt. Jackson's entire corps was in line of battle in front, Eeno's Corps, now reduced to two slender divisions, being much inferior in numbers. General Kearny, however, with a part of his di- vision, was in the rear. Li fifteen minutes after the action began. General Stevens, while forming the Seventy-ninth ISTew York in line of battle, was instantly killed by a musket ball in the head. Shortly after, a furious rain began to fall, accompanied with thunder and lightning. By this time Gen- eral Birney, with four regiments of Kearny's Division, had been ordered in, and the enemy was driven back still farther through the corn. General Kear- ny, riding up to the One Hundredth, now without ammunition, asked sup- port for a battery. The men responded with a cheer. The battery (Ean- dolph's) was placed in position and brought to bear over the heads of Biiuey's men, though the darkness prevented any accuracy of aim. A few minutes later General Kearny, while reconnoitring, rode into the enemy's lines, and asking, " What troops are these," discovered his mistake, but received a fatal bullet after he had tmned his borsch's head and was galloping away. As he 18G2 A^^TIETAM AND FKEDEmCKSBURG. 550

did not return, General Birne}*, presuming he had been captiu-ed, assumed command and gallantly maintained the action, pusiiing forward two fresh regi- ments, the Thirty-eighth New York and Fiity-seventh Pennsylvania. Our troops remained in possession of the field and kindled fires, which the cold rain had rendered especially necessary. The action was now over. Before day the field was evacuated by our victorious regiments, which with the entire army fell back upon Washington. Captain Cornelius, in command of the regiment, was severely wounded, and after suffering for a long time was discharged on account thereof. Captain E. J. Eoss and Lieutenant Samuel E. Grace were wounded. The loss was two killed and thirty-four wounded. The invasion of Maryland followed close upon the defeat of Pope in Vir- ginia. In the battle of South Mountain, on the 14th of September, the regi- ment participat ed, and in the charge up the mountain suffered severely, losing eight killed and twenty-eight wounded. In the battle of Antietam, on the

1 7th, having lost nearly all its line officers, it was not actively engaged. Alter advancing as skirmishers until the battle had opened, it was relieved and held in reserve during the rest of the day. Its loss was one killed and four wounded. On the 18th, Morell's Division of Porter's Corps relieved Eeno's late command, the latter retiring, and on the 19th encamping near the mouth of Antietam Creek. On the 11th of October the brigade, which now consisted of the One Hundredth, the Forty -fifth Pennsylvania, and Thirty-sixth Massachusetts, was sent to Frederick City to intercept the rebel General Stuart on his raid to Chambersburg, but was unsuccessful. Soon afterwards Colonel Leasure, who had now returned from hospital, was sent to Washington, by General Burn- side, to bring up the absentees and convalescents of the Mnth Corps, assem- bled in camp near the city. About four thousand v/ere thus added to its strength, two hundred of whom belonged to the One Hundredth Eegiment. In November, soon after the return of the army to Virginia, General W. W* Burns was assigned to the command of the division, and Colonel Leasure, who had temporarily held command, returned to his brigade. On the 19th of November, the corps arrived opposite Fredericksburg and went into camp. On the following day the regiment was sent to construct a corduroy road upon the way leading to Belle Plain, the base of supply, returning on the 25th. The Ninth Corps now formed part of the right grand division of the army, commanded by General Sumner. On the 12th of De- cember the regiment crossed the river, and with the corps occupied the city of Fredericksburg. Burns' Division was assigned to the support of Hancock, and was afterwards sent to the assistance of Franklin, on the left. Duiing the progress Of the battle on the 13th, the division lay in reserve awaiting the order to advance, which was momentarily expected. At midnight, Colonel Leasure was directed to move his brigade to position on the left of General Stoneman, which was promptly done, but at daylight returned again to its former position. The battle was not renewed on fhe 14th. At dusk, on the 15th, Colonel Leasure was ordered to send his most reliable skirmish regi- ment to report to General Sumner. The One Hundredth was selected. It was pushed forward towards the enemy, and deploj'ed to cover the retreat. But so quietly and skilfully was the withdi'awal accomplished, that the suspicions of the enemy were not aroused, and the troops all crossed in safety without molestation. Near the cl ose of the year, LieutenflaLCfllonel Leckey resignedj 560 OXE HUNDREDTH EEGIMEXT. 18G3 and was succeeded by Major Dawson. Captain James H. Cline was subse- quently promoted to Major. Early in the year 1863, General Burnside was placed in command of the Department of the Ohio, and two divisions of his old corps were ordered to Kentucky to report to him. Eendezvousinj? at Fortress Monro(i, these divi- sions proceeded via Baltimore, Parkersburg. and Cincinnati to Lexington, Kentucky, where the One Hundredth arrived on the morning of the 28th of March. After remaining in camp a week, the regiment moved to Camp Dick Eobinson, and was subsequently at Middleburg and Columbia. While at the latter place Geneml Welsh was assigned to the command of the division, and the brigade was re-organized and made to comprise the One Hundredth Penn- sylvania, Seventy-ninth JS'ew York, Second, Eightb, and Twentieth Michigan. Early in June the corps was ordered to the support of Grant at Vicksburg, and embarking at Louisville upon transports proceeded to Young's Point, on the Mississippi, but shortly after returned to Snyder's Bluff, and debarking, marched to Milldale Church, in rear of the besieging army, and took position facing towards the Big Black, where the rebel General Johnston had collected a large force, v/ith the design of raising the siege and relieving the beleaguered garrison. As soon as the forces were settled in camp, details were made for fatigue duty in felling timber and intrenching the position. On the 29th the command moved some ten miles further out and took position at Flower Hill Church, to guard the fords of the Big Black, where it remained until the ever memorable 4th of July, when Vicksburg was surrendered. General Sherman immediately moved with a part of Grant's forces and the Ninth Corps to at- tack Johnston, who had fallen back to Jackson. Bridging the Big Black, the First Division crossed at four o'clock on the afternoon of the 4th. On the lOth, the advance entered the enemy's picket lines near the Insane Asylum, just cut of the city. Line of battle was formed, and advanced to within three hundred yards of the enemy's works. The brigade held the extreme left, its left resting on the Pearl Biver, where it was exposed to an enfilading fire fro^i the enemy's batteries. This position was held until the night of the 13th, when the brigade was relieved by the Fourth Brigade. The loss in the command during this time was considerable, the men being obliged to remain prostrate upon the ground, many a poor fellow being struck dead where he lay. On the morning of the 17th, it was discovered that the enemy had evacuated, when the city was quickly occupied by the Union troops. On the morning of the 18th, the brigade marched to Madison Station, where it was engaged in de- stroying the railroad. Upon its return, it moved with the corps back to its old camp at Milldale. The campaign, though short, had been sharp, the heat of the weather added to the fatigue and anxiety experienced, and worse than all, the abominable water of the Yazoo and the Big Black, telling fearfully upon the health and spirits of the men. From Vicksburg the corps, now under command of General Parke, was ordered to East Tennessee. Moving by boat to Cairo, the regiment proceeded by rail to Cincinnati, and thence to Camp Nelson, in Kentucky. While here, many of the men were attacked with a fever of a malarious congestive type? of which many died, among them Commissary Sergeant, James Henderson. When the division started on the 25th of September for East Tennessee, one fourth of the men in the regiment were left in hospital, and many of those who moved with the column were greatly enfeebled by disease. At Blue 1864 SIEGE OF KNOXVILLB. 5G1

Spring the enemy was met, and a brisk engagement ensued, in wbich bis iu- trenclied position was carried and his forces scattered. From Knoxville, to which place the troops soon after returned, the division marched to Lenoir Station, on the East Tennessee and Virginia Kailroad, where the regiment went into camp and erected comfortable quarters. It was hardly settled be- fore Leasure's Brigade was ordered, by telegram from General Burnside, at Knoxville, to proceed thither without delay, the enemy having attacked and captured some troops of the Twenty-third Corps, and further trouble being anticipated. It was evening when the order was received,- and at day-break on the following morning it had arrived and reported for duty to the com- manding general. Its services, however, were not needed, and for four days, from the Cth to the 10th of Ii^ovember, the troops were held in waiting, ex- posed to intense cold, without shelter tents. At the end of that time it re- turned to its camp at Lenoir, but on the morning of the 14th it was ordered to return, with all possible dispatch, to Knoxville, Longstreet having crossed the Tennessee at Kingston, and now threatening to cut ofl" the troops south of the city. Seven companies of the One Hundredth were detailed as escort to the division train, which w^as immediately put in motion, and the remain- ing three, A, F, and D, under Captain Hamilton, were detailed to remain and destroy government property at Lenoir. The Union troops reached Camp- bell's Station first, and a stand was made which enabled the trains to reach Knoxville in safety. Entrenchments were hastily thrown up for the defence of the city, and on the morning of the 17th, the troops had all arrived and were in position. Longstreet laid siege and closely invested the place. Fre- quent charges and assaults were delivered by the enemy, but without advan- tage, and on the morning of the 29th, a grand assault on Fort Saunders, the principal work, defended by the First Division. With determined bravery his troops advanced, some of them reaching the ditch in its front, but were finally repulsed with great slaughter. The siege was continued until the 4th of December, when, learning that General Sherman was coming up on his rear with a strong detachment from Grant's army at Chattanooga, Longstreet retreated towards Virginia, and the garrison, which was suffering for want of provision, was relieved. On the 9th of December, the command marched to near Eutledge, and on the 18th to Blaine's Cross Koads. On the 1st of January, 1864, while subsist- ing on less than two ears of corn a day per man, the entire regiment, with the exception of twenty-seven, re-enlisted to the numlier of three hundred and sixty six, for a second term of three years, and immediately started for home on a veteran furlough. The mid-winter march over the Cumberland Mountains vv^as very severe, many of the men being bare-foot and without adequate clothing, no supply trains having reached Knoxville during the continuance of the siege. At Cincinnati the regiment was paid, and on the 8th of February reached Pittsburg, where the men were dismissed to return to their homes. On the 8th of March the veterans rendezvoused at Camp Copeland, near Pittsburg, and with them a sufficient number of recruits, who had been gath- ered in during the brief furlough, to raise its combined strength to nine hun- dred and seventy-seven men. A few days later, the regiment proceeded to Annapolis, Maryland, the rendezvous of the Ninth Corps, where it was bri- gaded with the Twenty-first Massachusetts, and the Third Maryland, forming the Second Brigade of the First Division, and Colonel Leasure placed in com- 71~Y0L. in. ;

562 OXB HUNDREDTH EEGIMENT. 18G4 mand. Leaving Annapolis, the brigade readied Bealton Station on the 2d of May, and having moved with Grant's army to the Wilderness, on the night of the oth was placed on picket. At daylight on the following morning it was relieved and ordered to duty as guard to the corps artillery. The Ninth Corps was an independent command, and was regarded as a reserve to the army but the enemy attacking in great force^ it was ordered in, and the brigade, which was in rear of the artillery, was directed to pass it, and report to Gen- eral Hancock, of the Second Corps. It was posted by General Mott, of that corps, in breast-wOrks thrown up near the Brock Koad ; but soon afterwards, Colonel Leasure was directed to lead his brigade over the works, into the dense woods in front, find the enemy's position, and if possible, attack him in flank. The first onset of the day was now over, and each side seemed content to rest on its arms and re-adjust the shattered lines. As the brigade moved over the recently contested ground, the dead and wounded of both sides lay thickly strewn on every hand. The forest had been fired, the flames, consum- ing and devouring the dry leaves, was rapidly approaching them. The skir- mish line, whicli was a few paces in front of the line of battle, advancing at a trail arms, discovered the enemy approaching, but before the command could deliver its fire, his line about faced and moved rapidly out of sight. The bri- gade immediately changed front to the left, and marched to meet a flank move- ment of the enemy in that direction, but on discovering our troops advancing, he again fell back, and it moved on in the original direction. After push- ing a half mile through the dense underbrush, it was discovered that the enemy had retired to his earth-works, where he was awaiting an attack. The object of the reconnoissance having been accomplished, it returned and was warmly complimented by General Hancock for its efScient service. Much exhausted, it was led back a little in rear of the line of breast-works, where it rested. At four o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy suddenly opened a furious attack upon the line a little to the left of the point where the brigade was lying. In a short time the breast-work, which was made of dry logs and rails, was fired by the enemy's shells, and instantly blazed up, making the ground untenable, and the troops occupying them fell back. Seeing this, other troops further to the right were seized with a panic, and retreated in confusion, the enemy occupy- ing the abandoned works. At this juncture, Colonel Leasure ordered the One Hundredth, and the Twenty-first Massachusetts, to charge, and following up with the Third Maryland, routed the enemy and re-captured the lost works, securing many prisoners and several stands of colors. The losses in the One HuJidredth were fortunately light; Captain J. H. Pentecost was severely wounded in the final charge. The brigade remained in possession of the captured works until the following afternoon, when it was relieved and re-joined the di- vision. On the Oth, the corps crossed the Ny Elver, and took position in front of Spottsylvania Court House, where General Stevenson, in command of the di- vision, was killed. Colonel Leasure was directed to assume command and push the enemy back towards the Court House, which was accomplished with only small loss. On the 12th, the fighting was renewed, and continued during the entire day and far into the night, falling heavily upon the Ninth Corps, the One Hundredth Eegiment sustaining considerable loss. In the severe engage- ments at the North Anna, on the 28th of May, and at Cold Harbor, on the 2d of 1865 FOET STBADMAN. 5G3

June, tlie rcgimeut participated, and in the latter, Lieuteuant David J. GilCi- liiu was killed. After crossing the James, the regiment was warmly engaged in the series of battles in front of Petersburg, prelude to the siege, in which Captain Le- ander C. Morrow was killed, and Lieuteuant Colonel Mattljew M. Dawson was mortally wounded. The mine, wliich was exploded on the 30th of July, liad been excavated within the lines of the Ninth Corps, and in the movements which were immediately inaugurated the regiment participated, in which Cap- tain Walter C. Oliver, and Lieutenants Eichard P. Craven and Samuel G. Lea- sure were killed, and Major Thomas J. Hamilton, in command of the regiment, was mortally wounded and taken iirisoner. On the 19th of Augiist, the enemy attacked the Union forces while occu- pying a position ujjou the Weldon Eailroad, and pushing his way through be- tween the lines of the Fifth and Ninth Corps, achieved some success. In this encounter the One Hundredth was engaged, and again on the 21st, when the enemy made a determined efibrt to dislodge the Fifth Corps, but was finally foiled in his attempts. On the 30th of September the lines were again extended to the left, and at a point near Poplar Spring Church two strong forts, a mile and a half of rifle-pits, and two guns, were captured. The enemy finally fiankeci a division of the Ninth Corps, and a severe struggle ensued. The regiment fortunately sustained only small loss. In the movement upon Hatcher's Eun, on the 27th of October, it was again engaged, in v^'hich some prisoners were taken, but the enemy was found strongly posted. Diuing the winter, the regi- ment remained in quarters with the cori)s. At the moment when the Union forces were about to move on the spring campaign, the rebel leader massed his troops, and before light on the morning of the 25th of March, made a sud- den attack upon Fort Steadman, with the design of breaking the lines and de- stroying vast military stores at City Point. The fort was captured and consid- ocable advantage gained, but was promptly met by forces of the Ninth Corps, and the effect of the blow inllicted quickly repaired. In this encounter the One Hundredth was engaged, and Lieutenant Colonel Joseph H. Pentecost was killed. The final assault upon the city of Petersburg, on the 2d of April, closed the long list of engagements in which the regiment, during its four years of service, had participated. It soon after returned to City Point, and thence to Washington, where, on the 24th of July, it was mustered out of service.



Diiuiel Leasure .. Col

jSTor"!! J. Maxwell...

James Armstrong.. Lt. Col. —


David A. Leckey.... Lt. Col. Sept. 5, '61, Pr, from Capt. Co. M to Ma]., Oct. 9, 1861—to Lt. Col.. July 12, 1862—resisiied Dec. 30, 1862. Math. M. DawsoD...... do Aug. 31, '61, Pr. fr. Capt. Co. B to Maj.. July 12, 1862—to Lt. Col., Dec. 30, '62—died .June 30, of wds. rec. at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864—buried in Na- tional Cemeterv, Arlington.

Jo3. H. Pentecost... ... Aug. 27, '61, Pr. from Capt. Co. A, Oct. 16, 1864—to Bv. Col., March 25, I860— die(t March 26, of wounds re- ceived at Petersburg, Va., March 25. 1865. Charles Wilson., Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from Capt.' Co. H, April 18, '65— mus- tered oiit with regiment, July 24, 1865—Vet. James H. Cline., Major. Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from Captain company F, March 18. 1863—resisned Mav 3. 1864. Thos. J. Hamilton.. Aug. 13, '61, Pr. fr. Capt. Co. D, May 21, 1S64—died Aug. 14. of wounds rec. at Petersburg, Va., July 10, '64, James W. Bard., Aug. 27, '61, Promoted from Capt. Co. A, April 18, '65—mus- tered out with regiment, Jiily 24, 1865—Vet. William H. Powers Adj.... Aug. 28, '61, Resigned Julv 3. 1S62. Samuel G. Leasure Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from 2ri Lieut. Co. K, Julv 12, 1862— killed at Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. Henry M. Dongan.. Sept. 13, '61, Pr. from private Co. A, Nov. 26, '64— mustered out with regiment, July 24, 1865—Vet.

Alva H. Leslie....' i. M Aug. 28, '61, Discharged Januarv 25, 1862. Jefferson Justice. .do... Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from 1st Sergt. Cp. H, Feb. 1, 1862— discharged Jan. 31, 1865—expiration of term. Kichard D. Holmes- .do. Oct. 18, '61, Pr. from priv. Co. C to Q. M. Sgt., Nov. 13, '62— to Quartermaster, March 14, 1865 — mustered out with regiment, July 24. 1865—Vet. Ferdinand H. Gross Surg'.. Sept. 1, '61, Promoted to Surgeon U. S. Vols., Oct. 17, 1861. Horace Ludington Oci. SO, '61, Discharged Sept. 1, 1864—expiration of term. Abraham Maas Sept. 16, '62, Promoted from Asst. Surgeon, Oct. 30. '64—mus- tered out with regiment, Julv 24, 1865. Joseph P. Rossiter.. .Vs. Sur. Sent. 9, '61, Promoted to Surg."l29th reg. P. V., Sept. 15, '62. Wm. C. Shurlock.. Aug. 2, ^62, Promoted to Surg. 51st reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863,. Horace B. Durant... Aug. 27-, '61, Promoted from private Co. A, March 23, 1864 discharged by special order. Mar. 17, '65—Vet. James C. Card April 5, '65, Resisued June 19, 1865. R. Audley Browne Uhan'n Aug. 28, '61, Resigned December 28, 1863. Robert Dickson Mar. 11, '64, Resigned October 14, 1864. David Critchlow...., Sgt.Maj Au


William Gordon.. Aug. 28, '61, Promoted from company K, May 1, 1864—dis- charged by General Order, July 15, 1865—Vet. John B. Nicklin Aug. 28, '61, Transferred to Co. K—date unknown—Vet. Cublison, D. Milton Aug. 28, '61, Discharged by General Order, 1862. Campbell, David ... Aug. 28. '61, Discharged by General Order, 1862. Emory, John N Aug. 28, '61, Discharged by General Order, 18C2. THEEB YEAES' SEEVICB. 565


James P. Havs Aug. William H. Walke Action, Thomas Aberly. Charles Akiiis, James Aiken. Joseph M... Barr. James Beattie, Thomas.... Boon, Thomas F....

Biliuicrs, SrcDhen ... Eeli, MospsM Best, Benjamin M..

Blake. John Brown, James

Boynton, Daniel I... Brookins, ('astlo.... Barnett, Philips.... Bupp, Augustus Brice, John G

Barker, Cyrus I Jan. 17, "Go.

Blomberg, Peter A Burke, Martin Baker, ISelson

Cakiweil. John C .., Clarke, John Curran, Michael

Collins, Pill rick Conboy, Tnomas Clemens. John Chiise, Charles D.... Durant, Tenius A... Deck<-r, Samuel M.. Dyiton, .Tames Davidson, Andrew

Dongan, Henry M .. Donley, Thomas Degiiau. iMichael Danford, P;ttrick.... Darant, Williuni I Duggan, Guilford C

Eckies, James .. Ewing, Sanmel P. Fowler, Sylvester G Fowler, Samuel M.. Fowler, Leoninas A France, John D Fennerty, Wm. J.. Greer, William

Greer, Thomas Gordon, Rooer.t

Grey, William....

Garretson, Isaac.

Hall, Daniel

Haney, John ..


Howell, Alexander Private Sept. 13. '61, Heer, Charles do AUR. 27, '61, Hutobisan, Thomas Aug. 27, '01, Hart. James Aug. 27, '(>1. Jones, George O Feb. 2G, '64, Jeirrey, John S Feb. 2.3, '64, Jobesr Robert D Feb. 11, '64,

Johnston, John 3... Sept. 9, '61, Kerns, Alexander. Aug. 27, '61,

Kendall, John W... .do, Dee. 2, -61, Klieves, Ferdinand Aug. 27, '61, Klotzbaiker,' John.. Aug. 27. '61, Koontz. John W Aug. 27, '61, Langfitt, John W... Aug. 27, '61,

Liggett, Addison.... Mar. Leasure, George M Lindloy, Henrj'-H... Laverv, John W

Lowrie, James Lange, William linslej', Elijah Lewis, Simon W Lewis, William H.. Melvin, Samuel J... Mullen, Josiah Moon, Martin

Mincher, Samuel .. jSIiller. Thomas I... Magill, William T. ..(io Miller. Julius P Mountz, Euoch Mowrey, Daniel B., Marsh,' John

Moloney. John do. MGarvey, Wm. B. M"Keever, Alex'r C M'Gill. Joseph H...... do. M'Elroy, Eben'r B M'Causlin.Max'llK MTlure, Benj. P...

M'Farland, Geo. W M'Clelland. Geo. W M'CuUough, Jno. L M'Cullough, N. N.. M'Cullough, Sam'l

M'Keever, James..

M'Cullough, J. L...... do,

M'Cullough, Jos. E

M'Keever, John B .do.

M'Cann, Daniel. M'Collum. Chas. B M'Keever, Tliomas M'Peak, Andrew.. M'Clure, .lohn K...... do. Orr, Thomas Odenbaugh, H. C

Potter, Curtis R, Potter, Samuel, Pennall, John Phillips, Perry 568 ONE HUNDREDTH KEGIMENT,

yAMR. —



Willituii M. Gibson 2d Lt... Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to Cor., July 22, 1SG2— to Siit., S^.m-i. 1. isr,— '65 to 1st Sst., Dec. 1, '64— to 'Id Lt., March 14, wd.— prisoner from July 30, to Oct. 10. 1864— mustered out with Co., July 24, 1S65— Vet. Francis W. Holmes 1st Sgt Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from Sergeant, ^larch 14, 18fi5—mus- tered out with company, July 24, 1865 —Vet. George L. Preston.. Serg't., Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 186r>— Vet. James S. Moore Aug. 31, '61, Promoted fr. Corporal, Feb. 1, 1865—mustered out with company, Julv 24, 186.=) — Vet John H. Hunter, Aug. 31, '61, Promoted fr. Corporal, Mar. 14, 1865—mustered out with comnany, July 24, 1865—Vet. James W.Murdock Aug. 31, '61, Promoted fr. Corporal, June 1, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865-Vet. Edward T. Oliver...... do.... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration of term. David Strang Aug. 14, '62, Discharged by General Order, May 30, l^-:65. John Elliott Aug. 31, '61, Discharged December 11, 1863. Andrew J.Morrison Sept. 13, "61, Dischartred on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 8, 1863. '61, to Feb. 1, ls65 mustered Alexander Boyd.... Corp .. Aug. 31, Promoted Corooral. — out with company. July 24, 1865—Vet. Wm. H. Swager Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 1, 1865 — mustered out with companv, Ju]v,24. 1865—Vet. Thomas M. Neal...... do.... Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal. Feb. 1, 1S65 — mustered out with companv, Julv 24, 1805—Vet. Joseph L. Johnston Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 1, 1865— mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. 1S65 William J. Heard... do.... Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, Mar. 1. — mustered out with company, July 24, 1S65—Vet. Peter Stafford do.... Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, June 1. 1865— mustered out with company, J ul'V 24, 1SC5—Vet. Joseph Stafford Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 18G5— mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Hugh M. Jackson .. term. A. A. Montgomerv Sept. '01, Mustered out, Sept. 13, 1864—expiratio!) of 18)5—Vet. Michael F. Book Aug. '61, Disch. on Surg. certiflcate.jMar. 25, '62. John Love Aug. '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Mar. 26, Oct. 1861. Wm. S. Sample Aug. '61. Died at Annapolis, Md., 15, 1862. Josiah C. Golden...... do.... Aug. '61, Lost on steamer "West Point," Aug. 13, Alexander Heasley Aug. '61, Not on muster-out roll. JohnR.Churchlield Muc... Sept. '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. expiration of term. Samuel Donley Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864— 1S6.5—Vet. Armstrong, S. A.... Private Aug. '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, Allen, James R Mar. '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. 1864-expiration of term. Armstrong, Oliver.. Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, expiration of term. Arbaugh, Jacob P.. Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864- '63. Anderson, David...... do Aug. '(«, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Feb. 13, Angell, Aaron Aug. '61, Died at Beaufort, S. C, Dec. 16, 1861. 1862. Armstrong, Thos.^^ Aui. '61. Lost on steavner "West Point," Aug. 13, Anshutes, Fred'k...... do... Feb. 'C5, Deserted Juno 16, 1865. 1865. Andras, Charles Mar. '65, Substitute— deserted June 22, July 24. 1865. Barkhouse, Berj... Jan. '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., expiration ofterin. Byers, James P Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864— expiration of term. Burnes, Robert Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864— of term. Buchanan, James.. Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—exynration Mar. 25, "65. Bailejs William Mar. '64, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1864—Vet. Black, James W... Aug. '61, KiilcO It Petersburg, Va., July 30, Buckalew. Thomo.. Aug. '61, Deserted March 1, 1665—Vet. 61, July 24, 1865-Vet. Clark. William F... Aug. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Crill, Samuel P Feb. '64, Mustered out with company, •65, Substitute— mustered out with Co., July 24, '6.'i. Coulter, William ... Jan. with Co.. July 24, '65. Correl!, William Mar. '65. Substitute—nmstered out expiration of term. Clark, Wm. A., Sr. Aug. '61, Mustered out. Aug. 31. 1864— H., Va., May 12, '64. Clark, Wm. A., Jr. Feb. '64. Killed at Spottsvlvania C. at Cold Harbor, Va., Coyle, Manasah B. Aug. '61, Died June 8, of 'wds. rec. June 2, '64—bu. in Nat. Cemetery, Arlington. '64— Vet. Creighton, Joseph D Aug. '61, Killed at Weldon R. R., Va., Aug. 19, certificate, Dec. 17, '62. Coles, Joseph Aug. '61. Discharged on Surgeon's 1S61. Cunningham. Peter Aug. '61, Transferre(i to company G, Sept. 1, Sept. '63. Clark, John F Jan. '62. Discharged on Surgeons certificate, 1, Vet. Donaldson. Alex.. Aug. '61, Absent, sick, at muster out— '65. Drafted—absent, sick, at muster out. Dnnlap, Dialer ...... do Jan. '65, Drafted—ab., on detached service, at mus. out. Dumoiit, Peter ...... do Jan. out. Davis, Joseph Dec. '63, Absent, sick, at muster expiration of term. Janies Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864— Donley, '65. Feb. '64, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Jau_. 13, Detwiler, Christian, I •61. Died at Beaufort, S. C, .Feb. 12, 1862. Davidson, Janies ..„, Aug. I 1 —



Davis, Lemuel Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Espy, William N Mar. 17, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1S65. P'orsythe, George B Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 18()5— Vet. Forsytbe, Calvin B Feb. 25. '64, Mustered out with company. July 24, 1865. Freel, John Mar. 14, '6.5, Substitute—deserted June 12, 1865. Gibson. William W April 1, '65, Mustered out with conipanj^ July 24, 1865. Glenn, James A Feb. 27, '64, Mustered out with compan}-, July 24. 1S65. Gibson. Andrew W Mar. 1. '65, Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1S65. Graff, John Mar. 7, '65, Substitute—deserted July 10, 1SG,5. Gaily, David Aug. 31, '61, Burial record, David Greety, died Aug. 2S, 1SG3, at Cairo or Mound City, ill. Gossaline, E. W Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Grujidy, Calvin Feb. 26, '64, Not on muster-out roll. Guist, James H Feb. 26. '64, Not on muster-out roil. HuTiter. James.. Feb. 0, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1365. Hollsbun-h. Jno. R Mar. 9, '64, Mustered out witli company, July 24,. 1S65. Henry, Stephen Nov. 25, '64, Drafted— mustered oitt with Co.. July 24, 1865. Hand, Heury Mar. 4, '6.5, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Housiop. Cauiilus... Aug. 31. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration'of term. Hope, John C Aug. 31, -61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration of term. Hall. John Aug. 31, '61, Prisoner from .Tune 16. 1SG4. to April 9, '65 — dis- charged June 22, 18G5, to date May 17, 1S65. Harris, Samuel F... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 3], ISG4—expiration of term. Hutton, Samuel. Mar. 3, "65, Discharged by General Order, June 15, 1S65. HeavSley, Emanuel.. Feb. 26, '64, Died July 28, 1864.

Hutchison, David i'. Feb. 22, '64, Captured—died November 21, 1864. Hays, David Nov. 6, '62, Killed near Petersburg, Va., Feb. 5, 1865. Harper, William H Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 30, '62. Henry, James A Aug. 31, '61, Died at Hilton Head, S. C, July 9, 1862. Hutchison, Cyrus... Feb. 2S, '6.5, Substitute—deserted July 12, 1865. Harris, James... Feb. 29. '64, Not on muster-out roll. Johnston, Sylvester Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with companv, July 24, 1865—Vet. Jury, John F Jan. 11, '65, Drafted—discharged by G. O., June 24, 1865. Jones, David Jan. 11, '65, Drafted—killed at Petersburg, Va., M;ir. 25,'65 buried in Poplar (^rove National Cemeter\', division A, section C, grave, 251. Joseph, John Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 2, '61. Joseph, Caleb Aug. 31, '61, Discharged Sept. 10, 1S62, for wds. rec. in action. Jackson, Hugh Aug. 31, '61, Died at Newport News. Va., Julv 25. 1862.

Kauffman, Jonas ... Auy. 31, '61, Killed at Cold Harbor. Va., June 2, 1864. Kirk, .Joseph Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 14, '62. Keith, Dajiiel Jan. 19, '65, Substitute—deserted April 2, 1865. Love, Hugh C Feb. 27, '64, Mustered out with company, July 14, 1S65. Lindsey, John Mar. 5, "65, Substitute—absent, sick, at muster out. Lloyd. John Mar. 6, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '6'5. Losletler, James A Aug. 31, -61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration of term. Lee, Thomas Aug. 31, '61, Transferred to company I, Sept. 1, 1861. '63. Love, Robert ,. AU'JT. 31, '61, Discharged on Siirgeon's certificate, Feb. 27, Minich. William W Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Murdock, Jerome "V Feb. 23, '64, Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864—ab- sent at muster out. Martin, William C Mar. 8, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. INIignott, John B Jan. 11, '65. Drafted—mustered out with Co.. July 24, 1865. Mooney, Lackey Mar. 7, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. '35. Morris, Thomas'. Feb. 23, '66, 1 Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, Marquis, James Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1S64—expiration of term. Means, HusrbL H Dec. 31, '63, Discharged on Surgeon's cert., Mar. 23, '65—Vet, Martin. John Mar. 3, '65, Substitute—discharged by G. O., jNIay 29, 1865. Mars, James A Aug. 31, '61, Deserted March 14, 1862—returned Feb. 22, '6&— deserted again, June 12, 1865. Moore. Samuel F.... Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20, '62. Mtintiell, Wm. A... Aug. 81, '61, Not on muster-out roll. M'Birney. Joseph... Dec, 26, '63, Captured at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864. M'Laugiilin, Daniel Mar. 14, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. M'Call, Charles Mar. 7, '65. Sub.—captured—mus. out with Co., Jury24, '65. M'Rea. Reuben Feb. 21, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., Jttly 24, '6.5. M'Knabb, Robert L Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 29,'62. M'Clain, Robert B.. Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Q. M.^Sgt.. March 14, 1865—Vet. !M'Conkej', Joseph. Feb. 18, '64, Died Mav 14. of wds. received at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864. M'Connell, John H Feb. 29, 64, Died at Beverlv, N. J., Aug. 26, of wds. rec. at Petersburg, Va., July SO, 1864. M'Comb. Andrew... Aug. 31, '61, 3 Died at Beaufort, S. -63—buried in National Cemetery, circle 8, grave, 354. .


Nelson, Wm. H Private Jan. 30. '6.5, Substitute— niTistered out with Co.. July 24, '6.5, Newberry, Goorge. Feb. 29, 'G-i. Died May 31, of wounds received at North Aima River, Va., May 27, 1864. O'Neil, Daniel Mar. 4, -(3.5, Substitute—deserted June 8, 1865. Palmer, Eugene Mar. 1. 'D.'J. Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, "65. Palmer, James Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Proctor, Richard C Aug. 31. -61. Mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5—Vet. Pufenberger, Jaa... Feb. 22, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5—Vet. Phillips, Alex. M... Feb. 3, -64, Mustered out with company, July 24. 18G5. Pomeroy, James Aug. 3!, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Pedicord, John Jan. 2, 'G.-., Drafted — mustered out with Co., 'July 24. 1865. Parker, John ..uo. Jan. 31, '65, Substitute— mustereti out with Co.. July 2i. '6.5. Porter, Richard H.. Aug. 31, 'Gl, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration of term. Petezick, Henry Jan. 16, '65, Died April 8, of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., March 25. 1865. Pinkerton, E. F. S. Aug. 31, 'Gl, Lost on Steamer '• West Point," Aug. 13, 1862. Palmer, Andrew.... Aug. 31, "61, Died at Covington, Ky., Aug. 15, l>s63— buried in National Cemetery, section C, grave, 98. Queenan, John Mar. 7, '6.5, Substitute—mustered' out with Co.. July 24, "65. Rodgers, Andrew... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Reed, Robert E leb. 22, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Rowles, Joseph .Ian. 11. '6.5. Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 186.5, Redman, William.. Feb. 22. '64, Des.— ret. —paroled pris. —absent at mus. out. Root, Andrew K Feb. 21, 'Go, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Rice, Reuben Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration of term. Riblet, William W.. Aug. 31, '61. Mustered out, Aug. 31, 18G4—expiration of term. Reed. Myers Aug. 31, '61, Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Apr. 1, '65—Vet. Rowles, Andrew Jan. 11, '6.5, Drafted—died April 6, of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., March 9, 18G.5—buried in Na>- tional Cemetery, Arlington. Richie, Chrisfr C. .00 Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon'-s certificate, Apr. 3, '62. Ream, John .do ... Aug. 31, '61, Disch. Feb. 22. 1863, for wounds rec. in action. '61, PL.amsev, Wm. M . .do Aug. 31, Died at Hilton Head, S. C, Nov. 30, 1861. Reed, Robert E.... .do Aug. 31, '61, Disch. Mar. 18, 1863, for wounds rec. in action. Robisou, John H.. .do Jan. 6, '62, Not on inuster-out roll. Schmidi, Valeniine .do Jan. 3, '65, Mustered out with company. July 24, 1865. Statibrd. Reuben.... .do.... Feb. 29, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865.

Smith, Henry C .do .... Jan. .3, '64, Mustered out with company, Jixly 24, 1865—Vet.

Smith, Wesley H... .do .... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Smith, Henry D.... .do.... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with companj', July 24, 1865—Vet. Steward, Henry -do.... Feb. 29, '64. Mustered out with company, July 24, 18B5. Simpson. Joseph N -do.... Feb. lio. '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Sowash, Frank A... .do.... Feb. 8, '64, Prisoner from June 2, 1864, to Feb. 27, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 24. 1865—Vet. Smetsler, William.. Mar. 4, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, "65. SpoDsler, William.. Mar. 4, "65, Substitute — wounded, with loss of leg — mus- tered out with company, July 24, 1865. Shick, Charles... .do.... Mar. 3, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Staflbrd. Theodore! .do.... jNEar. 4, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24. '65. Sewall. Noah A .do.... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Stafford, William... .do.... Aug. 16, '64, Discharged by (ieneral Order, May 30, 1865. Stafford, John .do.... Aug. 16. '64, Discharged b}^ General Order, Jun3 7. 1855. Stafford, John .do.... A-Ug. 31. '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23, '61. Samm, Frank .do.... Feb. 28, '65, Substitvite—deserted June 22, 1865. Sattertield, James.. .do.... Feb. 29, '64, Not on muster-out roll. Titzler, Calvin W... .do.... Feb. 27, '64, Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 23, '64. Vanorsdel, Wm. E .do.... Aug. 31. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration of term. Vanhorn, William. .do.... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864-expiration of term. "Vanhorn, John .do.... Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16, '62. "Wiugard, John M.. .do.... Feb. 23. '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865.

Wonier, .Jacob D.... .do .... Feb. 24, -64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Wilson, James .do.... Mar. 10, '65, Sub.—captured—disch. by G. O., July 15, 1865. Willeis, Joseph .do.... Jan. 30, '6,5, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Womer, Enoch .do.,., Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration of terra.

Womer, Isaac , .do.... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration of term. White, James .do .Jan. 31, '65, Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865. Wilson, Samuel B., .do Feb. 22, '64, Killed at Spoftsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1SG4. Worthy, William.. Feb. 4, '65. Substitute—deserted March 23, 1865.

Ward, Donald do ; Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. I of term. "Young, James.. do Aug. 31, -61, i Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864—expiration . .


Company C. recruited in butler county.


James E. Cornelius Capt. Aug. 31, ^61, Wounded at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1, 1862—re- signed March 4, 1863. David Critchlow Aug. 31, '61, Pr. fr. Sgt. Maj. to 2d Lt., Nov. 1, '61—to 1st Lt., Oct. 5, 1862—to Capt., Mar. 4, 1863— com. Maj., Oct. 8, 1864—not mus.—discharged Oct. 15, '64. George W. Fisher... Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to 1st Sst., Nov. 1, 1862—to 2d Lt., June 28, 1864—to Captain, Nov. 26, 1864—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet.

PhiloS. Morton.. .. 1st Lt. Aus. 31. '61, Resigned October 4, 1862. Robert W. Weller Aug, 31, '61, Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Oct. 5, 1862—to 1st Lt., March 4, 1863—mustered out, Oct. 15, 1864. Matthew Stewart Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to Cor., Nov. 13, '62—to Sgt., April 15, '63— to 1st Sgt.. June 28, '64— to Isi Lt., Nov. 26, '64— mustered out with company, July 24, '65—Vet. Isaac W. Cornelius 2d Lt.. Aug. 31, '61, Pr. from Sgt. Maj., March 4, 1863— died June 6, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864—buried at New Kent C. H. William Smiley.. Aug. 31, '61, Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Fe«b. 15, 1863—to 1st Sst., Bee. 1, 1864—to 2d Lieut., May 12, 1865—mus- tered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Joseph A. Craig., IstSgt. Dec. 20, '61, Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 15, 1863—to Sgt to 1st Sergeant, May 12. 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Henry W. Watson.. Serg-t. Aug. 31, '61, Promotea to Corporal. May 1, 1864—to Sgt., Sept. 1. 1864—mus. out with Co., July 24, 1S65—Vet. Henry Ribb Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24. '65—Vet. Hiram Gill Dec. 7, '61, Promoted from Corporal, April 1, 1865—mus- tered out with company, July 24, 1865 —Vet. Oliver Tebav. Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from Corporal, May 12, 1865—mus- tered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Hiram N. Kelly .... .no... Aug. 31. '61. Mustered out, A tig. 30, 1864—expiration of term.

John P. Wilson .do ... Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, N^ov. 13, 1862 — to Ser- geant—discharged March 20, 1865—Vet. Phirieas Bird Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Elisba J. Bracken Au";. 31, "61, P.vimoted to Sergeant. Nov. 13, 1862—killed at Spottsvlvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1%4—Vet. Samuel L. Moore. Oct. .18, '61, Pr. to Sgt., May 12, 1864—killed at Petersburg, Va., .lune 22. 1864—buried in Poplar Grove Nat. Cem., div. A, sec. O, grave, 180—Vet. James M'Casky, Aug. 31. '61, Killed at James' Island, S. C., June 16, 1862. Hugh Morrison Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Sergeant, May 15, 1862—discharged Dec. 27, 1862, for wounds received in action. William F. Monroe Aug. 31, '61. Deserted August 10, 1862. Addison Cleland, Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Sgt., Nov. 13, '62—died Feb. 5, '63. William J. Redick.. (;orp., Dec. 7, "61. Mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5— Vet. Robert J. Brown..., Deo. 7. '61, Mustered out with company. July 24, I860—Vet. John C. Marshall .\ug. 31. '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Charles Schwing... July 9, "64, Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Andrew Leary.. Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, .April 1, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24. 1865—Vet. John Glenn Oct. 18, '61, Promoted to corporal, April 1, 1865— mustered out with comnany, July 24, 1865—Vet. Wm. W. M'Quiston Dec. 7, '61, Promoted to Corporal. April 1, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Samuel F.Miller...... do. Dec. 20, '61, Promoted to Corporal, May 12, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Samuel A. White... Dec. 28, '61, Transferred to V. R. C, January 15, 1865^—Vet. Loyal C. Greares...... do. Aug. 31, '61, Transferred to V. R. C, January 15. 1865—Vet. John C. Moore Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Sergeant Major. Sept., 1864—Vet. Frederick Pettit Aug. 19, '62, Killed near Petersburg. Va.. July 0, 1S64—buried in Poplar Grove National Cemetery, division A, section C, grave, 207. John J. Ilogue Dec. 16, '61, Died at Annapolis, Md., March 13, 1865—Vet. Jacob Ake Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. I, 1861. 18. '62. FindlRv Brandon ...... do Ang. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. John S.Watson Aug. 31, '61, Killed at James' Island, S, C, June 16,^1862. Akin, Alexander W Private Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. —


Auberry, William P 25, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Aikin, James W 27, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 18G5. Ashbauffb. James.. 1. '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Aikin, Erskine E... 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, "64— expiration of term. Aikin, David S. 28, '63, Disciiarged by General Order, May 17, 1865. Armstroug, Thos ... 27, '64, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May, 13, '64. Alexander, Jobn.... 28, '63, Died June 4, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Virginia. June 2. 1>S64. Anderson, Wm. A.. 2, '61, Killed at James" Island, S. C, June 16, 1862. Boyer, Edward 9, '65, Substitute—nmstered out with Co., July 24, '65. Burcner, Jobn E 31, '64, Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865. Baker, Ellis 6, '65, Substitute—oiscbarged by G. O.. June 20. 1865. Bauder, Frederick.. 9, '61, Transferred to Vet. Kes. (.Jorps, .Jan. 15, '6.5—Vet. Banes, Tbomas. 29, '64, Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15. 1865. Brown, William K.. Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Oct. 27, '62. Brown, James R Oct. 18. '61, Died Sept. 20, of wds. received at South Moun- tain, Md., Sept. 14. 1862—bu. in Nat. Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26. lot C, grave, 338. Braden, William L Aug. 31, '61, Deserted August 4, 18()2. Brandon, Jobn H... Feb. 27, '64, Not on muste'r-out roll. Coombs, Jobn W.... Jan. 10, '65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 24, '6.5. Cohenan, Isaiab INIar. 2, '65. Substitute—mustered out with Co.. July 24, '6.5. Curran, Eicbard Mar. 9, '65, Substitute— mi,«.-;tered out with Co., July 24. '65. Cbristman, Jobn.... Mar. 8, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '6.5. Campbell, James F Aug. 31. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30. "64—expiration of term. Cbristy, Marquis C Dec. 7, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11, '62. Campbell, James C Aug, 13, -61, Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps. June 5, 1864. Campbell, Josepb E Mar. 2, -64, Died Mav 20, of wounds received at Spottsvl- vania C' H., Va,, May 1.3, lSi>4. Cleeland, Samuel H .do... Feb. 20, '64, Died June 2. of wds. rec. at Spottsylvania C. H., Va.. Mav 12, "64— bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington. Campbell, Henry S Aug. 31, '61, Killed at Bull Run. Va., August 29, 1SG2. Devictor, JoelH"..... Mar. 4, -65, Substitute—mu.stered out with Co., July 24, '65. Daisey, Daniel....'.... Mar. 5, '65, Substitute— mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Deitrick Delorma... Mar. 6, '65. Substitute --discharged by G. O., June 2. 1865. Dalton, James Mar. 24, '64, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 18, 1864. Dunwoody, Kob"t C Oct. 18, '61, Died Aug. 19, of wds. rec. at Petersburg, July 30, 1864—buried in Nat. Cem., City Point, Va., division 1. section B, grave, 139—Vet. Doutt, Reuben.; 26, '64, Died at Washington, D. C, Aug. 18, 1854—bu- ried in Nat. Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Duncan, George W 28, '63, Killed at Petersburg, Va., December 6. 1864. Dillaman, Henry... 7, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23, '63. Durbam, Francis J 9, '64, Not on muster-out roll. Elder, Jobn N 29, '65, Abseot, sick, at muster out. Evans, John R 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Eckels, Ronert M... 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Evans, George. 21. '64, Not on muster-out roll. Evans, Russell.... 8. '64. Not on muster-out roll. Eakin, James M.. 27. '64, Not on muster-out roll. Fuller, Jacob 27, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Forquer, James... 24, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Freed, Ht^nry C... 31, '61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10, '63. Froncb, Stiles 14, '62, Not on muster-out roll. Fry, Jobn 19, '64, Not on muster-out roll. Franklin, Benjamin 19, '64, Not on muster-out roll. Gorman, Robert J.. ,29, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Gibson, James 5. '62, Mustered out, Jan. 4, 1865— expiration of term. Gibson. William W 31, '61, Discharged on .Surg, certificate, June 7, '65—Vet. Gray, Jacob 31, '61, Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 5, 1864. Guy, Henrj' S SI, '61, Wd. in action—discb. on Surg, cert.. Mar. 27, '63. Gibb, Alexander.... 30, '64, Not on muster-out roll. Hatch, Jobn P 29, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Hatch, David 29, '64. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. '65. Hudson. Orando.... 6, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, Holmes, Orans^e 6, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '6.5. Holmes, Richard D 18, '61, Promoted to Quartermaster Sgt., Nov. 13, 1862. Hastings, Tbomas. 31, '65, Substitute — died May 28, 18<^>5— buried in Na- tional Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Heliker, Elias R... Died July 17, "64— bu. in Cypress Hill Cem.,L. I. Hanagban, James.. Substitute— deserted May"l5, 1865.

Hoge, James Not on muster-out roll. , Irvin, James Substitute—mustered out \yith Co., July 24, 1865. Jamisoo» Evvell Mustered out, Jan. 4. 1865-expiration of term. Jones, Tbomas Substitute—aiscbarged by G. O., June 17, 1S65. o^;e hundredth eegiment, THREE YEARS' SERVICE. . . —


Thompson Baker.. 1st Sgt. Dec. 26, '61, Promoted to 1st Sgt., March 17, 186.5—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Ship'n N. Douthitt Aug. 28, '61, Mnstered out, Aug. SO, 1864—expiration of term. Wm. H. HufTman... Serg't.. Sept. 13, '61, Prisoner from Aug. 21, 1864 to Feb.. 1865—mus. tered out with company, July 24, 186.5—Vet. Robert D. Dawson.. Sept. 13, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5—Vet Parkhu't Shurlock Dec. 26, '61, Promoted from Cor., March 17, 18(35— mustered out with company, July 24. 186.5—Vet. William S. Dillon... Sept. 16, '61, Promoted from Cor., Feb. 1, 1865—mustered oul. with comp.any, Julv 24, 186.5—Vet. John S. Ileilman.... Sept. 16, '61, Killed at Boyd'ton Plank Road, Va., Oct. 27, "64— bu. in Poplar Grove National Cemeterjr. Peters- burg, division D, section D, grave, 2—Vet. Andrew Cole do.. 2^. '61, Not on muster-out roll. Samuel S. M'Clure 2«. '61, Not on muster-out roll. Joseph F. Herron... Corp. Dec. 2G, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865-Vet. Roberts. Foster Feb. 27, '6-!, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Joseph Wible Aug. 28, 'Gl, Mustered out with company. July 24, 1S65—Vet. Joseph A. Courtney Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, March 17, 1865— mustered out with compan3% July 24, 1865—Vet. John B. Rayl .do. Sept. 13, '61, Discharged—date unknown—re-enlisted Feb. 26, 18')4— pr. ta Corporal, March 17, '65—mustered out with company, Jvily 24, 1865. Francis Eaton do. Sept. 16, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet, Wm, J. Davidson...... do. Sept. 16, '61, Promoted to Cor., July 1, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. John Clarke Mar. SO, '64, Promoted "to Cor., .July 1, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. William H. Dunlap do. Aug. 28, '61, Miistered out, Aug. 30, 1861—expiration of term. John Harvey Aug. 2S, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. George S. Dunlap Aug. 28, '61, Captured at Weldon Railroad, Va., Aug. 19, "64 died at Salisburj% N. C, Jan. 27. 1865—burial record, John S. Dunlap, died at Salisbur3', N. C, Jan. 30, 1865-Vet. Samuel C. Stratton .do Dec. 26, '61, Captured at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, '64—died at Florence. S. C, Jan. 27, 1865—Vet.

John M. M'Connell Sept. 16, '61, Killed at Weldon Railroad, Va. , Aug. 19,'64—Vet. Henrj^ M'Elhany... do Aug. 28, '61, Not on muster-ont roll. Joseph F. Edgar do Aug, 28, '61, Not on unistei"-out roll. Georire S. Veon Aug. 28, '61, Not on muster-out roll. William P. Grant...... do Aug. 28, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Joseph Veon Aug. 28, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Julius L. Crans Aug. 28, '61, Not on muster-out roll. John T. Harvey Muc Sept. 13. '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Alonzo F. Thomas.. Sept. 13, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Bowers, Joseph M... Private Feb. 29, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Bracishaw, Marion.. Feb. "27, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Beer, Henry Feb. 18, '6.5. Substitute—mustered out Avith Co.. July 24, '65. Banfrhart, William Mar. 6, '65, Substitute—discharged by G. O., June"27, 1865. Bali; William Jan. 31, '65, Sub.—killed at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865. Boll, Frank Jan. 19, '65, Substitute—deserted June 30, 1865. Babel, .Joseph Aug. 21, '61, Not on nmster-out roll. Boyd, W^illiam D...... do Aug. 21, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Brown, William B.. Aug. 21, '61, Not on nui.stei--out roll. Cearfass. Adam L...... do Aug. 28, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Cozad, William J...... do Dec. 28, '63, Absent, sick, at muster'out—Vet. (y'ourtnev, John C...... do Feb. 27, '64, Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864—dis- charged April 1, 1865. Cearfass, Andrew Aug. '61, Died in Lawrence co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1865—Vet. Cearfass, George W Dec. 28, Died June 10. of wds. received at Snottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864 — buried in National Cemeterv, Arlington—Vet. Railroad, Va., 19, 1864— Crowel, John .... .do Feb. 12, '64, Killed at Weldon Aug. bu. in Poplar Grove National Cemetery, Peters- burg, division A, section A. grave, 9. Cox, Frederick .do Not on mus. out roll —bu. rec, Joseph F. Cox, died at Louisville, Ky., Aug. 17, 1^-63-bu. in Nat. Cemetery, section B, range 16, grave, 2. Cook. Thomas do.... Aug. 28, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Coddie, John do.... Sept. 5, '61, Not on muster-otit roll—Vet, muster-out roll. (Culberson, Robert do .... Sept. 13, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Cook, Jo.seph do .... Not on Dawson, George B do.... Feb. 20, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. 1865. Dilncan, John J Feb, 20, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, out with company, July 24, 18G5. Dillon, Daniel ' .... Feb. 22, '64, Mustered THEEB YEARS' SEllYICE. 577

Paiigherty. Joseph Private Feb. 1, '65 Substitute— | mustered out with Co.. July 24. 1865. Deviijiiey', Thomas j... do ... Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 24, LS65. Dawson, Samuel B Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Dawson, James M.. Missing in action at Spottsyivania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864. Dawson, Benjamin Feb. 22, '64, Died at Washington, D. C, June 6, of wounds received in action, Mav L'8, 1864. Daugherty, Frank.. Feb. 27, '64, Died at Washington, D. C, July 28, 1864—bu- ried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Dunlap, Thomas A Sept. 16, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Early, Theodore F. Feb. 27, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Early, James H, Feb. 20, '65, Mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5. Eakin, Nathaniel Feb. 26, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Earlj', Henry C .. Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865-Vet. '61, Elder, Robert B .. Sept. 13, Died at Beauf(.rt. S. C. —date unknown. Edward, James... Mar. 11, '65, Substitute— deserted May 5, 186.5. Foster, James F. Feb. 27, '64, Died October 6, of wounds received at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Oct. 2, 1864. Felger, Gottleib Substitute— deserted June 30, 1865. Finkhouser, Jos. G Not on muster-out roll. Grove, Richard A... Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Grant, John Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Goss, Abraham Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Garling, George W Drafted—discharged by G. O., June 7, 1865. Gallagher, James... Not on muster-out roll. Harvey, William F Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Hughey, Anna's C Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Heiiman, James L Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Hornbaker, Jno. H Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Hollinger, John, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Hall, John Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Helfenberger, John Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Hardimon, Joseph., Substitute—discharged by G. O., July 6, 186.5. Hannah, John B Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 4, '65. Herron, William.... Died at Washington, D. C, Apr. 19, 1865—bu. in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Henderson, James.. Feb. 15, '64, Capt'd at Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864—died Aug. 30, 1864— burial record, d'ied at Danville, Va., Aug. 23, 1864- buried in National Ceme- tery, division 1, section B, grave, 132. Howard, Smith. Jan. 30, '65, Sub.—killed at Petersburg, Va., Mar. 2.5, 186.5. Henry, David... Aug. 14, '62, Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864—bu. in Nat. Cemetery, Yorktown, sec. A, grave, 35. Hanna, Andrew Aug. 28, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Hamilton, Robert... Sept. 5, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Jackson, Ira R... Feb. 20, '64, Died March 24, 1864—buried in National Ceme- tery, Louisville, Ky., sec. B, row 8, grave, 58. Johnson, Robert J.. Sept. 5, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Kessicker, Wm Jail. 11, '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 186.5. Kaughman, Sam'l. Jan. 11. '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Kelly, William Aug. 28, '61, Absent, sick, at muster out—Vet.

Kenard, Daniel , Aug. 28, '61, Discharged by special order. Mar. 10, 1865—Vet. Kelly, John Mar. 10, '65, Substitute—deserted May 6, 1865.

King, James , Mar. 11, '65, Substitute—deserted May 5, 1865. Kennedy, Jos. P...., Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Knowles, Archib'd Aug. 28, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Keifer. John Sept. 16, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Lyon, Harrison Sept. 9, '61, Mustered out with company, Julv 24, 1865—Vet. Lyon, Jacob J Feb. 26, '64, Killed at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865. Lyon, James F Sept. 16, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Martin, James M... Aug. 31, '61, Discharged—date unknown — re-enlisted Feb. 24, 1864—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Minner, Robert Feb. 24, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24,*1865. Miller, John Mar. 8, '65, Substitute—mustered out w"ith Co., Jitlj' 24, 1865. Miller, William H.. Dec. 22, '64, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Miller, John A Julv 19, '64, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Mahew, James April 8, '64, Killed at North Anna River, Va., May 25, 1864. Martin, Patrick Mar. 9, '65, Deserted May 5, 1865. Maloney, Richard... Sept. 13, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Mortley, William... Sept. 5, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Mallon, Henry Sept. 5, '61, Not on muster-out roll. M'Cullongh, Jas. N Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24. 186.5—Vet. M'Cov, Joseph F.... Sept. 16, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. M'Kinley, Thos. J.. Feb. 26, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. M'Kean, James J...i Mar. 6, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co"^., July 24, 1-S65. 73—VOL III. 678 ONE HUNDREDTH EBGIMEI^T,

M'Lain, John M.... Private ^far. MCainic, Cicero...... do ]\r'Oeehan. John...... do ]MKinley, Win. H. INippert, Philip Nippert, Henry C. Parr, James

Powell, Elijah ,.do Peters, Chambers... .do Powell, Thomas J... .do Pennell, Walter .do Pearson, William... .do Polin, Pvobert .do Quirk, James .do Quinn, James .do Koe, Uriah .do Roberts, Jacob F.... .do Reed, Andrew .do Reece, Arthur .do Rowe, Hezekiah J.. .do Rogers, William B.. .do'. ... Reno, John B .do Reed, John D .do Reed, Cunningham .do Reed, Samuel .do Reed, William A,... .do Sweitzer, Charles... .do Shaffer, Lewis .do ShatTer, George .do Smith, Jacob .do Stevens, Jacob .do Stevens, Manford.... .do Stevens, James W.. .do Scott, Robert .do Shoff, JohnG .do Shurlock, Robert J .do Smith, William F. L .do Snyder, William M .do Stoops, John .do

Scott, John .do. Stephenson, Wm.... .do. Smith, Lewis B .do. Sampson, Harrison .do. Smith, William .do. Saver. Abraham.... .do. Toy, William *. .do.

Tidball, George P... .do.

Tolson. Joseph .do.... Torr, William... .do.... Taylor, John .do.... Trump, Isaiah .do....

Vankirk, George W .do ... Vankirk, William.. .do.... Witherite, Shannon .do.... Watt, George R .do....

Wilson, Alvin S .do ....

Wylie, Henry •do... Watt. Thomas .do... Welsh, Philip C .do... Wilson, Robert .do... West, Harry .do... White, William H., .do... Webb, Joseph .do...

West, James .do ...

Wail, Alfred , .do...

Young, Torrence F .do ... Young, James W .do... .


Company E.

recruited in lawrence county.

Samuel Bentley Capt. Aug. 81, '61, Noruian J. Maxwell Aug. 31, '61,

David P. Book., .do. Aug. 31, '61,

Andrew Nelson 1st Lt. Aug. 31, '61, Samuel J. Book. Aug. 31, '61,

James Offutt.. .do. Aug. 31, '61,

John Bentley ...... do Aug. 31, '61,

John W. Morrison.. 2d Lt.., Aug. 31, '61,

William H. Corbin Aug. 31, '61,

William Harlan ... 1st Sgt, Aug. 31, '61,

James D. M'Cune. Aug. 31, '61,

George Maxwell Serg't., Aug. 31, '61, John W. Reed...... do...., Aug. 31, '61, James C. Stevenson Aug. 31, '61,

Samuel B. George... Aug. 31, '61,

John W. Bentley ... Aug. 31, '61,

John D. Vogan Aug. 31, '61, Edward R. Miles Corp. Aug. 31, "SI, Charles B. Smith, , Aug. 31, '61. David M. Lock ...... do.. Aug. 31, '61,

Wm. E. Campbell ., Aug. 31, '61,

James C. Weakley. Aug. 31, '61,

William A. Kerr.... Aug. 31, '61,

Aaron Glenn Aug. 31, '61,

Cyrus B. Elliott Aug. 31, '61,

John A. Magee , Aug. 31, '61,

Samuel Moore .. Aug. 31, '61,

John H. M'Nees. Aug. 31, '61,

Henry Ralston.... Aug. 31, '61,

Harlin Book Aug. John W. Harvey.. Nathan Otfutt Wm. M'Laughlin, David H. Stevenson Muc. Anderson. John M Private Andrew, Elmer R 580 OJS^E HUXDKEDTH EEGIMEXT,

Armstrong, A. W .. Not on muster-out roll. Ault, Joseph R Not on muster-out roll. Book, James J Mustered out with companv, Julv24, 1865—Vet. Brinley, Thos. H ... Mustered out with companv, Julv 24. 1865. Bloke, Elias Substitute— mustered out with Co., Julv 24. '65. Bricker, Samuel.... Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 2^4, 1x65. Black, Henry Substitute—wounded at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865—absent at muster out. Breckenridge, D. ... Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surg, cert., Sept. 22, 1864—Vet. Breekenridge, J. C. Mar. 8, '64, Discharged by special order, Feb. 10, 1865. Bales, Thomas J Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Book, John G. W... Aug. 31, '61, Discharged by special order. Dec. 7, 1864— Vet. Breast, John P Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surg, cert.. May 6, 1865—Vet. Bates, Charles Sept. 23, '64, Drafted—discharged by G. O., May 30, 1865. Barber, John S Aug. 31, '61, Discharged—date unknown—re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864—transferred to V. R, C—date unknown. Brown, V/illiamH. Feb. 29, '64 Died June 14, of wounds received at Spo'ttsvl- vania C. H., May 12, 1864—buried at Alexan- dria, Va.—grave, 2,141. Bruce, William J... 23, '64, Died at Pittsburg, Pa. —date unknown. Book, Joseph E 18, '62, Died Jan. 3, 1863—bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Book, John (J 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Burton, Thomps'n 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Boozle, Henry 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Brown, Wash'n S... 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Boyles, Thomas C... 31, '61, Deserted January 16, 1863. Boyles, James A.... 7, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Barber. Samuel 19, '64, Not on muster-out roll. Cross, Thomas 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24,'l865—Vet. Cartright, Richard 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864— exp'i ration of term. Campbell, Milt'n C. 29, '64, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Virginia, May 12, 1864. Cordingby, Charles 9, '65, Substitute—deserted April 10, 1865. Coovert, John W... 31, '61, Transferred to company K—date unknown. Cooley, Edmund... 31, '61, Transferred to company K—date unknown. Dillinger, Hugh G. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 18(55-Vet. Drawson, Peter 3, "65 Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Dean, John C 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Dick, John J 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Dunbar. John 31, '61, Discharged August 31, 1861. Drury, Ignatius 25, '65, Drafted—deserted May 30, 1865. Ewing, William 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Everett, lOlmiron... 24, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1S65. Edings, James 11, '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Emery, David S 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Ewing, Martin 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Fridinger, Joseph... 1, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., Julv 24, '65.

Ferree, Francis P .. 29, '64, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864. Fox, Jacob 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Forrest, Muns'n W. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Graham. John 26, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865.

Gross, Charles E ... 30, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Gallager, Peter 10, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Glenn, John G 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration'^of term. Gill, James S 23, '63, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Virginia, May 12, 1864—Vet. Gailey, William R.. Not on muster-out roll. Glenn, Robert N.... Not on muster-out roll. Gill, Stewart Not on muster-out roll. Guist, William Not on muster-out roll. Hines, George Absent, sick, at muster out—Vet. Hindman, Jos. A... Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Heckathorn, G. W. Discharged by General Order, July 19, 1865. '6.5. Hungerford, I. W . Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24. '65. Hansen, Peter , Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, Eennon, Joslah M. Prisoner from Aug. 21, 1864, to March 10, 1865— mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865— Vet. Hanna, Abraham.. Discharged by General Order. May 30, 1865. Hanna, Alexander Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate. May 25, '65. Hanna, John Discharged by special order, Dec. 31, 1864. Hunt, Stewart Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Virginia, May 12, 1864—Vet. Hunt, Eli do 31, '61, Died of wounds received at Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19, 1864. Hindman, Rob't 31, '61, Killed on picket, December 13, 1804— Vet. —


Higgans, Edward .. Feb. 1, Substitute— deserted March 29, 1SC5. Heckatliorn, Jacob Feb. 2f), Deserted—date unknown. Hoover, John Aug. 31, Traiisferreii to company I—date unknown. Hanna, Thomas Auij. .31. Not on muster-out roll. Hamilton, Robert H Aug. .31, Transferred to company H— date unknown. Heunou, Joseph W Aug, 31, Died—date unknown—buried in National Ceme- tery, Antietam, Md., sec. 26, lot C, grave, 336. Jack, Samuel D Aug. 31, Mustered out with company, J uly 24, 1865— Vet. Junkin, Bingham F Mar. 8, Wounded—discharged "by G. O.," July 6. ISG."). Junkin, Joseph B.. Mar. 8, Died May 13, of wounds received at Spoti.svl- vania C. H., Va., May 12. 1864. Jamison, Robert R Aug. 31, '61, Wounded and captured at Petersburg, Virginia, July 30, 1864—died— date unknown—Vet. Johnson, Samuel.., Mar. 10, Substitute—deserted May 22, 1S65. Johnston, James... Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Kerr, Alexander R Feb. 26, Mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5. Kelly, Jonathan H Feb. 19, Mustered out with company, July 24. 1865— Vet. Keiser, Adolphus... Jan. 11, Drafted—nmstered out with ("o.. July 24, IS^.t. Kirling. Cyrus C... Feb. 1, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, <).=), Kline, Jolin C Mar. 8, Substitute—mustered out with Co,, July 24, '65. Kemp, James H.... Mar. 6, Substitute—deserted May 22, 1865. Lyons, Isaac Jan. 30, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, "65. Lock, John Aug. 31, Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps—date unknown—discharged by General Order, Aug. 2. 1865—Vet. Lowden, John M.. Aug. 31, Killed at Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864—Vet, Lock, William Aug. 31, Died at North Liberty, Pa., Feb., 1864—Vet. Lock, James Aug. 31. Not on muster-out roll. Miles, Wm. H. H.. Jan. 6, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Markley. Michael J Feb. 1, Substitute—musterecWut with Co., July 24, "65. Miller, David... Feb. 10, Substitute—musteredfcut with Co.. July 24, "Go. Mj^ers, Benjamin L Feb. 22, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, ISGo. jNIetcalf, Thomas C Feb. 22, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, ISGo. Moper, Frederick... Feb. 22, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, l»>^. Myers, Israel Mar. 1, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Montgomery, Geo Aug. 31, Mustered out, Aug 30. 1864-expiration'of term. Mayberry, Curtis.. Feb. 29, Discharged by special order. Jan. 29, 1865. Miller. Henry Feb. 22, Drafted— discharged bv G. O., June 20, 1835. Montgomery, Wm Feb. 29, Killed at Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. Martin, John H Feb. 23, Died May 27, of wounds received at Spottsyl- vania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864, Mires, Christian L Feb. 22, Drafted—deserted—date unknown. Magee, George April 22, Not on muster-out roll. M'Connell, Benoni Feb. 26, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. M'Connell, James A Aug. 26, Wounded at North Anna River, Va., May 28, 1864—absent at muster out. M'Common, James Feb. 22, '64, Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864 absent at muster out. M'Common, Eph'm Feb. 22, Absent, sick, at muster out. M'Devitt, James Jan. 17, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. M' Donald, William Mar. 7, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. M' Combs, Robert... Aue. 31, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. M'Creary. Joseph S Aug.. 31. Mustered out, Aug. .30, 1864—expiration of term. M'Cutcheon,Wm.P Feb. 29, Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. M"Cartney, Georgi Mar. 6, Substitute—deserted June 2, 1865. M'Caslin, John Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Neff, Valentine Jan. 31, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Nicewander, Isaac Feb. 22, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Nelson, Thomas D, Aug. 31, Captured—died—date unknown. Ottnat, Jacob Feb. 9, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Orr. Albert .... Mar. 8, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Offutt, Thomas P.. Dec. 26, Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps—date unknown. O'Neal, John Mar. 10, Substitute—deserted March 30. 1865. Pounds, John L.... Feb. 26, Mustered out with company, Julj^ 24, 1865—Vet.

Parker, James A .. Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Richardson. M. B... Aug. 31, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Rodgere. John B... Mar. 11, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Reed, Wilson E Mar. 8, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1SG5. Reed, George A Feb. 24, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. 18(')5. Roxbury. David.. . Feb. 26, Mustered out with company, July 24, Russell. Robert J.. Aug. 31, Mustered out with company, July 24, ]8'i5— Vet. Koth, John S Feb. 1, Substitute—mustered out with Co., .July 24. '65. Rippy, William ,1.. Mar. 8. Substitute—mastered out with Co., Julv 24. '-'o. 18 .5- Ralston, John W .., Aug. 6, Deserted Jan. 22, 1863—returned Feb. 13. mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. , —


Eodgers, Robert W Private Aug. 31, '61, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Virginia, Mav 12, 1864—Vet.

Eodgers, Wm. H ...... do. Aug, 31, '61, Died Sept. 15, 1862—bn. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Eeeci, Augustus do. Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Kiobel, Henry do. Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Sbauer, Jesse B do. Aug. 31, '61, Deserted Jan. 16, 18iJ3—ret. Sept. 20, 1864—mus- tered out witb company, July 24, 1865. Shultz, Frederick... Feb. 14, '65, Substitute—mustered out witb Co., July 24, '65. Seifurd, Micbael Feb. 10, '0.5, Substitute—mustered out witb Co., July 24, "65. Spear, Peter Feb. 22, '65, Drafted—mustered out witb Co., July 24, 1865. Siiaw, James N Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Shaner, Daniel Mar. 8, '64, Tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps—date unknown. Studebaker, David.. Aug. 31, '61, Drowned near City Point, Va., June 17, '64—Vet. Sbaw, Marquis Aug. 31, '61, Died at Pbiladelphia, Pa., Feb. 4. 1863. Sievens, William J Mar. 10, '65, Substitute—deserted May 11, 1865. Smltb, jasper B Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Tburinger, Solomon Feb. 13, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Vogan, Giles O Feb. 26, '64, Discharged by special order, Feb. 17, 1865. Winier, Henry Aug. 31, '61, iSIustered out witb company, July 24. 1865—Vet. Watson, Josepb S... Jan. 11, '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Wyant, James Nov. 22, '64, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Wlirl, Jobn Mar. 4, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Wood, Henry C Aug. 31, '61, Killed at Wilderness. May 6, 1864. Weakley, James H Aug, 31, '61, Died Aug. 12, '64—buried in Cypress Hill Ceme- tery, L. I., grave, 1,639—Vet. Wilson, Samuel F.. Mar. 8, '64, Killed March 6, 1865—buried in National Ceme- tery, Meade Station, Va. Walker, Samuel H Aug. 31, '61, Captured—died at Andersonville, Ga. —date un- known—Vet. Wood, James S Feb. 27, '64, Captured—died at Andersonville, Ga. —date un- known. Wood, Samuel R.... Aug. 19, '62, Died Aug. 17, '63—buried in National Cemetery, Cincinnati, O., section B, grave, 186. Wooley, Josepb... Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Watson, Jobn A.. Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. '61, roll. Wilson, William B . Aug. 31, Not on muster-out

Company F. recruited in lawrence county.

James H. Cline. Capt..., Aug. 31, '61, Captured at James' Island. S. C, June 3, 1802 promoted to Major, March 18, 1863. David Patton ... Aug. 31, '61, Pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 5, 1862—to 1st Lt., Oct. 1, 1862—to Capt., March IS, "63—discharged Oct. 25, 1864—expiration of term. Robert F. Moflfatt. Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to Sgt., May 5, 1862—to 1st Sgt., Nov. 7,'63— to 2d Lt., June 24, '64—to 1st Lt., Oct. 9, '64—to Captain, Nov. 25, '64—capt'd at James' Island, S. C, June 3, 1862—wounded at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865—mustered out with com- pany, July 24, 1865—Vet. David S. M'Creary.. 1st Lt. Aug. 31, '61, Died at Newport News, Va., Aug. 31, 1862. Robert Adler Aug. 31, '61, Pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 1, 1862—to 1st Lt., March 18, '63—disch. Oct. 9, '64—exp. of term. Edw'd H M'Millen Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 1, '62—to 1st Sgt., June 2.5, r)4— to 1st Lt., Nov. 26, 1864—capfd at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865—mustered out with corn- pan v, July 24, 1805—Vet.

James L. Banks ...., 2dLt. Aug, 31, '61, Died at Beaufort, S. C, May 3, 1862. David J. GilfiUan.., Sept. 19, '61, Pr. fr. Sgt. Major to 2d Lt., March 1S,'63—killed at Cold Harbor, Va.. June 1, 1864. Thomas Arow .do. Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1864—to 1st Sgt.—to 2d Lt., May 12, '65—mustered out with companj', July 24, 1865—Vet. Moses Crow. 1st Sgt. Aug. 31, '61, Captured—date unknown—pr. fr. Sgt., May 12, 1865—mus. out with Co., July 24, 1865—Vet. Wm. J. Randolph. Aug, 31, '61, Tr. to 1st reg. S. C. Vols.—date unknown. John Dodds Serg't. Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1S65—Vet. Thos. C. Randolph. Aug, 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. John C. Irvin Aug, 31, '61, Prisoner from June 3, to Oct. 12, 1862—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. . —


Nath'l M'Conaby... Serg't. Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from Corporal, May 12, '65—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Johu Graham 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, lb64—expiration of term. Joseph Means 3], '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1S64—expiration of icini. James M'Creary 31, '61, Mustered out. Aug. 30, 1864—expirati(mof term. Johu Thompson 31, '61, Died at Beaufort, S. C, April 18. 1862. John B. Hezlep Corp... 19, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Joseph IS elson 31, '61, Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1865 — prisoner from July 30, to Oct. 10, 1864— nmstered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. John J. MunnelL... Aug. 31, 61, Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1865 — prisoner from July 30, to Oct. 10, 1864 — mustered out with company, July 24, 1865-Vet. Conrad Shaffer. Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1865 — prisoner from July 30, to Oct. 12, 1S64 — mustered out with conipany, July 24. 1865—Vet. Thomas J. Martin. Sept. 9, '62, Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. George Morrow Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 24, 1865— Vet. John Smith Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Cor., May 1, 1865 — prisoner from June 3, to Oct. 12, 1862 — mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. John B. Carr Oct. 13, '62, Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Wm. E. Lockhart. Sept. 11, '61, Mustered out, Sept. 20, 1864—expiration of term. Thomas M'Oonahy.. AU'jT. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. James W. Aiken ...... do Aug. 31, '61, Killed at Petersburg, Va., July 30, lSiJ4—Vet. Wm. M. Reynolds.. Aug. 31, '61, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Virginia, May 12, 1864—Vet. Robert A. Forbes... Aug. Died at Annapolis, Md., January 23, 1863. Robert M. Gaston... Aug. Transferred to 1st reg. S. C. Vols—date unknown. Saumel C. Siickel Aug. Discharged November 5, 1862. Samuel Stunkard..., Aug. Discharged January 20, 1833. Stewart G. Altbrd... Muc. Aug. Mustered otit with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. David Baruett... Aug. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1805—Vet. Axe, Reuben .... Private Feb. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Allison, William M Aug. Discharged February 21, 1863. Alford, Silas W.. Oct. Killed at Petersburg. Va., March 25, 1865. Anthony, Phibp Feb. Substitute—killed at Petersburg, Va., March 2-5, 1865—buried in Nat. Cem., Meade Station, Va. Allen, Henry H. .do. Feb. 20, '64, Died June 14, 1864—burial record, June 4, 1864 of wds. received in action—buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Barham, Charles...... do. Jan. 30, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Baughman, John Jan. 11, '65, Drafted—nmstered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Burns, Ellas Jan. 17, '65, Drafted—nmstered out with Co.. July 24, 1865. Bush, John W ,.do. Feb. 15, '68, Prisoner from June 2, to Nov. 20, 1864—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Black, William Feb. 20, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. 186.5. Bear, George , Feb. 22, '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, Co., July "65. Buskirk, Levi , Mar. 8, '65, Substitute—mustered out with 24, Butler, William H. Feb. 27, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Banks, Samuel A.. Oct. 10, '61, Mustered out, Oct. 10, 1S64—expiration of term. Black, William G.. Mar. 26, '64, Discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865. Budd, Joseph M'D Aug. 31, '61, Discharged June 27, for wounds received at Pe- tersburg, Va., March 25, 1865—Vet. Beighley, Sidney P Aug. 31, '61, Discharged January 9, 1863. Boles, James M. Aug. 31, '61, Discharged November 3, 1862. Black, William G...... do. Aug. 31, '61, Discharged November 22, 1862. Boyer, Jacob Sept. 22, '61, Tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps, Julv 10, 1864—Vet. Budd, John C Feb. 20, '64, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864. Budsworth, Ralph Mar. 9, '65, Substitute—deserted May 15, 1865. Brady, John Mar. 9, '65, Substitute—deserted May 15, 1865. Cathcart, James...... do. Jan. 11, '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 18?35. Curley, John Jan. 30, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Cluise, George Aug. 31. '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1S65— Vet. Cluise, Joseph Feb. 20, '64, Wounded at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865— discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865. Crowl, Philip Feb. 12, '64, Wounded at Petersburg. Va., March 25, 1865 discharged by General Order, July 1, 1865. Crowl, James...... do. Feb. 20, '64, Discharged on Surgeon's certihcate, Feb. 27, '65. Chambers, Thos. H Aug. 31, '61, Wd. at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865-diseh. by G. O., to date Aug. 30, '64—exp. of term. Chambers, Jos. B. Feb. 20, '64, Wounded at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865 discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. 5S4 OXE HUXDKEDTH EEGIMEXT,

Carroll, Marion ....

Carr, .JarriPS A .ao .... Crowl, Matliias .... .do

Casey, John F .do

Daniels, William . .do Daniels, Amos .do Dillon, Albert F... .do Duiikle, David D. .do Drake, Robert S... .do Dick, Albert J .do Dougherty, P. W. .do Duke, Robert .do

Daiiej'^, Daniel .do Dolans, Peter .do Elim, Thomas .do Ebersole, Samuel... .do Eberlee, Edward F .do

Edmondson, Wm... .do.

Ewinsr, John K Elder, John Fisher, Lewis A

Fox, David Fox, John ...da Fieldgrove, Henry.. Forbes, Jaines H."...... do Forney, John W

Fisher, Solomon W Gallagher, James...... do Graham, Richard J Graham, Richard J Gates, John Gormley, Joseph C .uo. Harpst, Daniel Henry, Elias Hodire, James A Houk, James Humphries, Theo...... do.... Hanen, John Houk. James Irwin, John

Irvin. William B ...... do Irvine, Baxter Jamison, Arch. G...... do Johnson, Charles A Kephart, Elias Kennedy, John W.. King, George Kyser, Henry H Knox, John Kaley, Baptist Kennedy, James L

Kennedy, Henry ...... do Kerr, John O ....

Kelty, Jesse F Kemiedy, James F

Krouse.'John , Liudsey, John

Loyd, Martin ,

Eutton, Cornelius. Lanhtim, Benj. G. Linton, Robert

Lanham, Daniel...... do.

^lalarky, .John Mariin, Johu ..



Miller, An

Myers, Christian D Feb. 27, Malarky, George... Feb. 26,

Miller. David P Feb. Malarky, Henry F Mar. Myers, Christian... Feb. M'Creary, Hezek"h Feb. M'Corniic, Milton L Dec. M'Masters, John H Auk.

M'Cnrdy, Alex. M.. Feb. 29, M'Nickie, Cass's M Feb. 29, MCreary, Alex. M Dec. 13,

M'Creary, Thos. W Aug. 31, M'Crearv, Sam'l C. Aug. 3], McDowell. M. K...... do. Aug. 31, M'Kee, .John, Sept. 11, M'Creary, George S Feb. 26,

M'Lean, Jackson...... do Feb. 24. M'Knight, Win. S. Aug. 31, M'Clarren, George Dec. 7,

M'Kee, William J... Dec. M'Masters, H. P... M'Clarren, Charle Painter, Albert J. Patterson. Joseph Painter. William F Patterson, James S

Quest, James D ,

Ralston, William .., .do. Rankin, Joshua R..

Rea, Howard ,

Reed, Augustus ...... do. Ralston, SVilliam. ^.do. Rea, Howard Randolph, Alex. M Rutter, Jesse B.

Reynolds, Robert C .do.

Shay, Matthias , .do. Sharp, Hender'n G .do. Shuman, Levi ,do. Stepler, William .do. Smart, James W... Stickle, William J Stickle, William....

Sharp, Luther M...... do.

Shafner, John

Sampson, John C.

Shaffer, Jacob 8mith, James Sharp, John Shepherd, George.. Thompson, Siewart Thompson, Uriah Tate, William

Vance, James M.... do, "Wallace, John O...... do. Wigle, William do Walton, Milton

Watson, Wm. W. .. .do.., 74—VOL. III. 586 OXB HUNDREDTH EEGIMENT,



Wiley, John F... Private Jan. 11. '6.5, Drafted—mustered out with Co.. July 24, 186.5. Wonderlain, Morris Jan. 20, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. U'aliman, Benj Mar. 6, '65, Substitute—absent at muster out. Wagoner, Isaac W. Aug. 31. '61, Killed at Petersburg, Va., July 20, 1804—Yet. Waiioner. Win. S... Aug. 31, '61, Discharged November 13, 1862. Welsh, Calvin B...... do Aug. 31, '61, Discharged November 26, 1862. Witherow. Sani'l L. Aug; 31, '61, Drowned August 13, 1S62. Younk, Conrad Feb. 28, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co.. July 24, '65. Young, James R ... Aug. 31, '61, Killed at South Mouutain, Md., Sent. 14, 1862.

Company G. recruited in mercer county.

Simeon H. Brown ., Capt. Aug. 31, '61, Killed at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862. Thomas H. Curt Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., Dec. 17, 1861—to Capt., Oct. 1, 1862—wounded at Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, 1862—discharged Jan. 9, 1863. John P. Blair Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from 1st Lt. Co. I, Feb. 24, 1863—dis- charged October'4, 1864. Samuel R. Grace.... Aug. 31, '61, Wounded at ChantiJly, Sept. 1, 1862, and at Pe- tersburg. Va., Julv 6, 1864—promoted from Sgt. to 1st Lt., Nov". 26. 1864—to Capt., Dec. 2, 1864—mus. out with Co., July 24, 1865—Vet. Henrv L. Grace 1st Lt. Aug. 31, '61, Resigned December 16, 1861. Wm. G. Ashton. Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from 2d Lt. Co. I, Jan. 15, 1863—dis- charged March 17, 1864. William Taylor., .do. Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to Sgt.. Aoril, 186.3—to 2d Lt., May 2, 1864—to 1st Lt., July 2.3, 1864—com. Capt., Oct. 4, 1864— not mus.—disch. on Surg, cert., Nov. 13, 1864. Thos. W. Douglass Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Sgt., April 18, 1863—to 1st Lt., Dec. 2, 1864—mus. out with Co., Julv 24, 1865— Vet. John Cochran.... 2dLt. Aus. 31, '61, Pr. from 1st Sgt., Dec. 17, '61— res. June 27, 1862. Phiio P. Rayen., Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to Sgt., Dec. 17, 1861—to 2d Lt., July 1, '62— killed at Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29.. 1862. John F. Grace... Aug. 31, '61, Pr. from Cor., Oct. 20, 1862—disch Jan. 11, 1863. Lester K. Kirk. Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to 1st Sgt., Nov. 14, 1862-to 2d Lt., Mar. 18, 186.3—com. 1st Lt., Feb. 25, 1864-Capt., June 1, 1864—not mus. —wd. at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864—disch. on Surg, c^t., Oct. 4, 1864. Robert P. Douglass Aug. 31, '61, Pr. to Sgt., Dec. 5, '64—to 2d Lt., May 12, '65— mustered out with company, July 24, "65—Vet. Charles Clawson.... 1st Sgt.. Sept. 11, '61, Promoted from Sergeant, May 15, 1865—mus- tered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet.

Thomas Bestwick .. Serg't. Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with companj-, July 24, 186.5—Vet. William Eastlick...... do.... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Samuel Buckley...... do.... Aug. 31, 61, Mustered out with company, Jul^' 24, 1865—Vet. John Wood ~. Aug. 31, '61, Promoted from Corporal, May 15, 1865—mus- tered out with company. July 24, 1865—Vet. Jacob M. Ball Aug. 31, '61, Discharged on Surg, cert., Oct. 22, 1864—Vet. George B. Mathews Aug. 31, '61, Killed at Spottsylvauia C. H., Virginia, May 12, 1864—Vet. Wm. S. Kilgore Aug. 31, '61, Died at Newport News, Va., July 23, 1S62. James B. Page Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. William Clulow Corp. Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Robert Davis"... Aug, 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. William Runkle...... do... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Robert Shields Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, April 8, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Samuel C. Wood... .do. Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, April 8, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5—Vet. John Forquer Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, May 15, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Yet. Thomas Jones Dec. 29, '63, Promoted to Corporal, May 15, 1865— mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Jas. M. Hamilton... Feb. 27, '64, Promoted to Cor|,ioral, June 1, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865.

Burch. G. Perrine .. Sept. 13, '62, Discharged by tieneral Order, May 30, 1865. L. B. Williamson... Aug. 31, 61, Died April 20. of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., April 2. 1865—Yet. John D. Kirk Aug. 31, '61, Died at Beaufort, s. C—date unknown. James Gilliland Aug- 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. —


Andrew J. Jacobs.. Corp.... Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Jaaies F. .Johnson.. Aug. 31, Pr. to 1st, Lt, 33 Reg. U. S. C. T. Oct. 13, 62. Joiiatbun Carroll.... AIuc... Aug. 31, Mustered out witn tjompanj^, July 24, 1865—Vet. Jauies F. Carroll ...... do Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Asch, Oliver Private Feb. 23, Substitute—mustered out with Co., Julj- 24, 'Go. Archibald, Jas. A...... do.. Aug. 31, Mustered out, Aug. oO, 1864—expiratiou'of term. Allison, Joseph A.., Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Alcorn, John W, Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Brown, Louis Mar. 8, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65, Bohl, Frederick Feb. 22, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, lSt35. Beams, Samuel Feb. 22, Drafted—mustered out with Co.. July 24, 18(15. Buckley, Enoch Aug. 31, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Buckley, Daniel Sept. 13, Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865. Barker. Milton Feb. 29, Discharged by General Order, July 7, 1865. BentliflF, Jacob Mar. 4. Sub,— died Mar, 25, 1865, of wds. rec. in action buried in Poplar GroA'e National Cemetery, Petersburg, Va., div. A, section C, grave, 253, Earner, Adam Mar. 10, Substitute—deserted July 1, 1865. Buchanan, Wm. R. do. Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Bird, James.. Aug. 31, Not on nmster-out roll. Beadel, Conrad Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Bland, William Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Buckley, John P...... do. Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Buckley, Wm. P...... do. Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Cozad, Henry A Aug. 31, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet, Cunningham, Peter Aug. 31, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Cleary, Leonard A Feb. 29, Mustered out with company, Jul3^ 24, 1865. Corbin, W'escott..., Jan. 30, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65, Corsnitz, William. Feb. 22, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24. 1865, Cleary, Joseph Mar. 1, Transferred to Vet, Res. Corps— date unknown. Crawford, Robert S Aug. 29, Died at Washington, D. C, Sept. 25, '64— buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Curt, Samuel. .do. Feb. 20, '64, Died May 12, 1865, of wounds received at Spott- sylvania C. H., Va, Care, David .do Feb. 27, '65, Sub, —died near Petersburg, Va,, Mar. 20, 1865, Clark, George W. .do Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Connelly, John N .do Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Crooks, John W .do Auc '61, Not on muster-out roll.

Clark, Thomas , .do Aui '61, Not on muster-out roll. Campbell, Sam'l B .do Aug. 31, 61, Not on muster-out roll. Devall, Stephen .do Feb. 8, '65, Substitvtte—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65, Deardorfl', Peter H. Mar. 6, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co,, July 24, "65. Dobbins, John Mar. 11, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Dickey, William G .do. Aug. 31, '61, Captured—died at Salisbur}% N. C, Nov. 12, 1864— burial record, Nov, 2, 1864—Vet, Dilley, SibaC Feb. '64, Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864. Dunn, Ezra M. C Aug. '61, Not on muster-out roll. Fury, James M.... Aug. '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Ferree, Jacob Mar. '65, Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 24, 'lio. Fenstermacher, A F Feb. '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, "(15. Fry, Emanuel Feb, '66, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Frazier, Alexander Feb. '64, Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865. Fisher, Thomas Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of tenn. Forrest, Uriah Aug. '61, Not on muster-out roll. Gadsby, John Feb. '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Grace, Wilmot Feb. '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Good, Christian M.. .ao. Mar. '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Gilmore, Elias do Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Galloway, Geo. A...... do Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864 —exijiration of term. Graham, William J Aug. '61, Disch. on Surgeon's certificate. Mar. 29, '65— Vet, Gelatt, Sizer Mar. '62, Mustered out. Mar. 30, 18i55—expiration of term. George, Henderson Sept. '62, Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865. Godfrev, Peter .Sept. '61, Mustered out, Sept. 12, 1864—expiration of term. GolderJ William C. Feb. '65, Drafted—discharged by G. O., June 5, 1865. Godwin, Samuel Feb. '64, Tr. to Co. I, 12th reg. V. R. C, Jan. 14, 1865. Grace, William R... Aug. '61, Not on muster-out roll. Grace, Thomas J...... do Aug. '61, Not on muster-out roll, Griffith, Thomas...... do Aug. '61, N ot on muster-out roll. Hurlburt, Hend'n.. Aug. '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Hart, Abraham Feb. '64, Mustered out with companj^, Julj^ 24, 1865, Heise, Noah Feb, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Hufhan, George D. Feb, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Hoovler, Edw'd H. Aug. '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30. 1864—expiratiou'pf term. Henderson, W. R.. Aug, '61, Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps. Jan. 15, '64. Henderson, James. 1 Feb. '65, Substitute—deserted March 24, 18G5, 588 ONE HUNDKEDTH EEGIMEXT,

Johnson, John A... Feb. 20, '64, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Feb. 27, '65. -64, Johnson, Satn'l W. Feb. 20, Discharged by General Order, May 13, 1865. Jack, George T Feb. 20, '64, Died at Washington, D. C, Aug. '27, 1S64 bu- ried in National Cemeterv, Arlington, Va. Jacobs, Lester K. Feb. 20, '64, Died at City Point, Va., Aug. 2, 1S64. Johnson, Joseph Oct, 6, '62, Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864—burial record, died at Richmond, June 21, 1864. Jacobs. William J... Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Kain, Daniel Aug. .31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Kelso, Joseph .\ug. 31, -61, Mustered out with company. July 24. 1S65—Ver. Kunkle. John Feb. 1, -65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, "6.5. Ivugle, John O Mar. 4, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Kelso. George Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration"of term. Kesselring, Henry.. Mar. 6, 65, Substitute— discharged by G. O., June 16, 18'i5. Kicch, Ira C Feb. 20, '64, Died May 24, 1864, of wounds received in action. King, Henry O Aug. 31, '61, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Virginia. May 12, 1864—Vet. Kinney, William.... Substitute—deserted February 20, 1865. Lanigan, Daniel S,. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Landis, Samuel Mustered out with compan\% July 24, 1865. Lock, David W Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Low, James Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Linn, John Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 186.5. Lump, John Substitute— mustered out with Co., .July 24. '6.i. Lockhart, John Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Lark, John H Substitute—discharged by G. O., July 6, 1865, Lamoer, Bernard S Deserted March 18, ls64. Lyner, Richard H.. Not on muster-out roll. Limber, Francis M Not on muster-out roll. Mahue, Reuben Drafted—mustered out with Co.. July 24, 1865. Miller, David Substitute—nmstered out with Co., July 24, '6.5. Madden, Henry Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65, ^Messner, Frank Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Miller, Philip Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24. '65. Mover, George Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, "65. Mfjntgomery. Jas... Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Mogee, David H Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiratiou'of term. IMilier, William J... Discharged on Sui-geon's certificate, April 2, "65. Morrison, Wm. J... Discharged bv General Order, May 30, 1865. Mountain, Joseph... Died at Washington, D. C, July 11, 1864, of wounds received in action. Monck, James A.... Feb. 26, '64, Died Oct. 4, 1864—bu. in Cypress Hill Cem., L. L Marrion, Patrick... Jan. 30, '65, Substitute— deserted Maj' 9. 1865. Myer, Henry H Mar. 9, '65, Substitute—deserted May 19, 1865. flayer, Gottlieb Mar. S, '65, Substitute—deserted July 1, 1865. Miles, John Aug. 31, '61, Died Aug. 18, 1863 — buried in National Ceme- tery, Covington, Ky., section C. grave, 38. M'Cartney, Wm. L Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. M'Uurdy, Rob't W Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet, M'Clellun, John Feb. 29, "64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. M' Williams, L P. C Feb. 29, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24. 1865. M' Williams, George Jan. 1, '64. Mustered out with comiSany, July 24, 1865—Vet. M'C'ommons, M. K, Feb. 27, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, "65. M'Uiure, George Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. M"Lean, William A Feo. 13, '64, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. May 1, '65. M'Clellan,Jas. K. P Feb. 27, '64, Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps—discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 12, 1865. M'Cartney, .John H Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 1, 1865. M'Farland, John.... Substitute—deserted May 9, 1865. M'Kee, Alex'r M... Not on muster-out roll. Nicholson, Kob't G Not on muster-out roll. Osburn, Morgan C. Mustered out. Aug. .30. 1864—expiration of term. Osburn, Joseph Killed at Spottsylvania.C. H., Va.. May 12, 1864. 1865. Pauley, Jared A. ... Mustered out with company, Julj^ 24, Pitzer, Harrison W Mustered out with company, J uly 24, 1865-Vet. Patterson. James... Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '6.5. Palmer, George Substitute—mustered out with Co-., July 24, '65. 1865— Perriiie, Thomas J.. Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 21, discharged i)y General Order, Nov. 21, 1866. Perrine, .James Killed at Petersburg. Ya., July 30, 1864. Perrine, James W.. Not on muster-out roll. Prior, Thomas J Not on muster-out roll. Kirhards, Sam'l N.. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865— \ et. i;.).i-(n-s, Wm. M... Mustered out, Aug. .30, 1864—expiration of term. Kayen, Jared K Discharged ou Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16, '6a. . —


Rice, Emanuel T.... Private Feb. 29, '64, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 19. "•54. Kobinson, Wm. O...... do Feb. 16, '64, Died at Alexandria, Virginia, Aug. 11, lsG4 grave, 2,545. Smith, James E... Feb. 29, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Seunet, Francis... Mar. Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '6.5. '65. Spencer. Martin .. Mar. Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, Shott, Charles Mar. Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Steward, Stephen Feb. Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, "65. Snyder, Enoch Aug. Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1S64—expiration of term. Shields, John Feb. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 28, '65. Swam, Francis...... do. Sept. Drafted—discharged by G. O., May 30, 1865. Spence, Augustus T Jan. Substitute— discharged by G. O., June 27, 1865, Stroup, John L Nov. Drafted—dischargea by G. O., July 8, 1865. Squires, Harvey A Feb. Substitute—killed at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865- bu. in Poplar Grove National Cemetery, division A, section C, grave, 267. Smith, David Jan. 11, '65, Drafted—killed at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865-bu. in Poplar Grove National Cemetery, division A, section C, grave, 173. Sweeny. Leander.. .do Feb. 26, '64, Died at Washington, D. C, June 10, 186.5. Snarp, Charles do Mar. 9, '65, Substitute — dishonorably discnarged, Jan. 11, 1867, to date July 24, 1865. Slemmons, Jos. H...... do. Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Steinbach, Paul Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Tiffany, Willis W...... do. Mar. 3, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Tracy, James Mar. 6, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24. '65. Tomonev, Edward.. Mar. 6, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '6.5. Tidball, Thomas S.. Aug. 30, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Thompson, Wm Aug. 30, Not on muster-out roll. Vegan, George J Aug. 30, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Virginia, May 12, 1864—Vet. Westlake. George... Feb. 27 Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Wyland, John H...... do. Feb. 29 Mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5. Weaver, Louis Feb. 6 Substitute—discharged by G. O., July 27, 1865. Wilson, John Feb. 19 Deserted April 22, 1864. Washabaugh, G. W Aug. 31 Not on muster-out roll. Westlake, Henry... Aug. 31 Not on muster-out roll. Wheeler, James Aug. 31 Not on muster-out roll. Williamson, John... Aug. 31 Not on muster-out roll. Wallace, James P... Aug. 31 Not on muster-out roll.

Company H.

recruited in lawrence county.

Adam Moore, Aug. 31, Robert J. Ross..., Aug. 31,

Leander C. Morrow|

Charles Wilson

Isaac S. Pyle

Henry Applegate...

Robert G. Christy...

John S. Stanger John Jay

Hillery W. Bay . .



Elias Curtis. '61, 1st Sgt, Aug. 31, Promoted from Sergeant, ISIay 12, 1S65—mus- tered out with company., July 24, 1865—Vet. '61, JpfFerson Justice...... do Aug. 31, Promoted to Quartermaster, F'eb. 1. 1&62. William S. Delany. Serg't Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Sergeant, Aug. 31. 1864—mustered out with company, Julv 24, 1885—Vet. Christopher Yost... .do.... Jan. 1, '64, Promoted to Sergeant, Aug. 31, 1864—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Philip Wagner .do.... Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Sergeant, May 12, 186.5—mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5—Vet. Jacob Pflusr .do.... Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Sergeant, May 12, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. James Marshall Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Hezekiah Saukey... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Charles P. Watson., Aug. 31. '61, Not on muster-out roll. Cyrus H. Rea Aug. 3i; '61, Not on muster-out roll. William H. Watson Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. '64, George Smith.... Corp... Jan. 5, Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 9, 1864—mustered out with company. July 24, 1865-Vet. Philip Yeager Aug. 31, '61, Promoted to Corporal, 31. 1864—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Archibald Barnes.. Feb. 29, '64, Promoted to Corporal, Mar. 15, 1865-mustered out with company, July 24, 1865— Vet. H. J. Cunningham do.... April 11, '64, Promoted to Corporal, May 12, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. EwingM'C.Hosack do.... Feb. 25, '64, Promoted to Corporal, May 12, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Calvin B. Gault. do.... Feb. 22, '64, Promoted to Corporal, May 12, 1865—mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Alexander B.M'Cay .do. Feb. 27, '64, Promoted to Corporal, May 12. 1865-mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. John M'Fadden .do Dec. 8, '61, Mustered out, Dec. 7, 18'";4— expiration of term. Ana'w Highberger .do Sept. 9, '62, Discharged by General Order, INIay SO, 1865. Smith Semple .do Oct. 2, '62, Transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 25. 1865. S. L. M'Cormick Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Robert H. Hamilton Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Ackworth, John. Private Jan. 21, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Albright, Wm. C Feb. 28, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Armstrong, Lew. E Mar. 8, '64, Discharged by General Order, May 3, 1865. Alexander, Wm. C Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll.

Brubach, Philip do .... Sept. 14, '62, Wounded at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30, 1864 —absent, in hospital, at muster out. Boon, George Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Boon, William Feb. 19, '64, Mustered out with company, Julj^ 24, 1865. Bay, William Jan. 5, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Bott, William A Feb. 14, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Blinket, Silas Jan. 21, '66, Substitute—mustered out with Co., Jul}' 24, '65. Bleckney, Sam'l S., Feb. 6, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Bussler, Henry Mar. 6, '65, Substitute—ipustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Bell, Joseph W Nov. 7, '61, Mustered out, Nov. 7, 1864—expiration of term. Britch, Baltzer Mar. 1, '6.% Substitute— discharged by G. O., May 30, 1865. Bay, James E Jan. 5, '64, Captured—died October 1, 1864. Bohlander, Jacob ... Feb. 23, '64, Killed near Petersburg, Va., Dec. 25, 1864. Buckelew, Abra'm Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Burgess, John do Not on muster-out roll. Chapman, Wm. A Feb. 12, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Chapman, Andrew. .do Feb. 27, '64, Mustered out with companv, July 24, 1865. Caldwell, William.. .do Feb. 27, '64, Wounded at Petersburg, Va., Jixly 30, 1854— absent at muster out. Coyle, Hugh Mar. 31, '64, Absent, sick, at muster out. Cooney, John W.. Mar. 7, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Christy, James H Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Campbell, Geo. W.. Sept. 9, '62, Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865. Cannon, John M Aug. 31, '61, Disch. on Surgeon's certificate. May 18, '6.5—Vet. Chapins, Thomas... Feb. 19, '64, Transferred to V. R. C, January 25, 1865. Conner, John Mar. 9, '65, Substitute—deserted March 18, 1865. Conden, William... Mar. 9, '65, Substitute—deserted May 2, 1865. t Carmichael, Alfred Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Campbell, William Not on muster-out roll. Dickson, with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Wm., Sr .. Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out Dickson, Lafayette.. Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. '65. Deardorf, Abram D Mar. 6, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Dunn, John Feb. 3, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co.. July 24. Davis, James L Jan. 11, '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865. Day. Samuel Aug. 31, '61, Discharged by General Order, May 11, 1865. '64. Dickson, Wm., Jr. Feb. 25, '64, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23, —


Dunlap, Andrew... Not on muster-out roll. Elltou, Zebulon.... Mustered out with company, July 24. 1865—Vet. '65. Ellin

M'Williams. Geo ... Jan. 1, '64, Transferred to company G, Sept. 1, 1864—Vet. M'Cleary, Eben S... Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. M' Bride, Wm. C... Not on muster-out roll. "9',' '65. Neal, James A Mar. '6.5, Substitute—mustered out with Co.. July 24, ONeil, John Feb. 18, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. O'Mealia. James Feb. 23, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Powell, Elijah D.... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Pomeroy, James... Aug. 31, '61, Transferred to company B, Nov. 28, 1864— Vet. Purcell, John Mar. 8, '65, Substitute—deserted June 1, 1865. Patton. Andrew B. Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Riggels, Charles A Mar. 8, '64, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Root, Russel Jan. 18, '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 18fi5. Richards, Geo. W... Jan. 25, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24. '6.5. Rabuck, Emanuel Mar. 6, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co.. July 24. "6.5. Rhule, Philip Feb. 28, '65, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 186.5. Rodsers. John W., Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Ravr Daniel T Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. 693 ONE HUNDEEDTH EEGIiIE>s'T,


Ready, James... Private Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll. Reiser, William S .. Aug. 31, Not on muster-out roll.

Rader, James , Mar. 15, Not on muster-out roll. Rader, George, Jr Mar. 15, Not on muster-out roll.

Sharp, James , Feb. 2S, Mustered out with company, Julv 24, 1865. Smith, John ., Jan. 5 Mustered out with company, Julv 24, 1865. Shoafi", George S..., Jan. 15 Mustered out with company, Julv 24, 1865. Siford, William P Jan, 30, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Shambaugh, Alex Mar. 7, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Simpson, Wm. H.. Aug. 31 Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1864—expiration of term. Sly, Thomas Aug. 26, Discharged by General Order, May 30, 18(55, Sutherland, O. O ... Aug. 31, Promoted to Sergeant Major— date unknown. Sparks, John..,. Feb. 24, Died J uly 4, 1864— buried in Naticmal Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Spragg, Levi F Aug. Died Sept, 20, 1862-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem,, D. C. Spaan, Frank Mar. Substitute—deserted April 3, 1865. Somers, William R, Aug. Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Hiram Aug. Not on muster-out roll. Stansberry, C. T..., Nov. Not on muster-out roll. Trivetts, Augustus Mar. Substitute—mustered out with Co,, July 24, '65. Ten Broeck, Rioh'd Not on muster-out roll. Tallhammer, Peter Not on muster-out roll. Vaugn, Samuel P... Feb. Mustered out with company, July 24. 1865. Watson, Thomas ... Aug. Mustered out with company, July 24, '65—Vet. Watson, Lot Mar. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Wymer. William C. Feb. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Westhoven, James Feb. Wounded at Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19, 1864—absent at muster out. Whetstone, John... Jan. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. W^ornock, Wm. G .. Feb. Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865, Weiler, James Mar. Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Wagner, John Aug. Captured—died at Salisbury, North Carolina, December 13, 1864—Vet. ' Wales, David do.... Jan. Substitute— deserted March 1, 1865. Woodstock, John Mar. Substitute—deserted March 20, 1865. Whetstone, George Aug. Not on muster-out roll. Watson, Wm. M.... do.... Aug. Not on muster-out roll. Wilson, Wm. H do.... Aug. Not on muster-out roll. Wilson, Wm. C do.... Aug. Not on muster-out roll. Watson, Robert W. do.... Not on muster-out roll. Whiting, Horatio...... do.... Not on muster-out roll. Zenkey, Charles Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll.

Company I.*


Hillery W. Squier. Capt,.. Aug, John P. Blair 1st Lt.

Harvey J. Tidball.. !d Lt. John S, Pomeroy.. .do..., Samuel J, Morrow, .do....

Wm, G. Ashton. .do.

Jacob Shipp Serg't, Henry H. Robinson Geo, B. Matthews.. Samuel Richard...... do.... Andrew R. Read.. Jacob Wallace Thomas Nelson James Scroggs,,.. Henry Bohlman...... do..,, Lewis Eckstein John S, Trimble...... do.... George P, Tidball,.


Archibald, Jas. A Private An". Best, John.. Aug. Boon, George Aug. Bruce, James AUiT. Brown, John Aug. Bell, James Dec. Bell, Joseph W Nov. Cook, James Aug. Cross, Leonard Aug. Corben, Edward... Aug.

Grouser, Lewis .do.... Dec. Donovan, Daniel.... .do.... Davis, Robert Downs. Samuel Day, Robert, Douglass, Thos. W ..

Haskins, Alex Haskins, John R...... do. Hoover, .John Jones, Thomas Kelso, Joseph Kelso, George Kelly, Jonn Kelty, Thouaas Kusic, .John

Lockhart, John .... Linosey, Robert

Lindsey, Samuel ... Lusk. kobert Lee, Thomas Lutz, George Lewis, Isaac Martin, Ainos M'Curdy, Kobert W M'Williams, Geo... M'Williams, Isaac. Pitzer, Harrison VV Rodgers, Win. M... Rodgers, John W... Shields, Robert Taj^lor, Thomas

Tidball, Thomas S Turk, John Wagner, John Williamson, L. A. Yountr. .James. 594 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT,

Henry G. Rhodes.., Capt... Aug. 31, '61,

Richard P. Craven- 1st Lt. Aug. 31, '61,

John FuUerton Aug. 31, '61,

John H. Stevenson.. Sept. 16, '61,

Samuel G. Leasure 2d Lt... Aug. 31, '61, Edw"d J.R. Spencer Aug. 31, "61,

S. L. Montgomery.. .do Aug. 31, "ei,

Samuel M. Dickson Aug. 31, '61,

Edmund Cooley. 1st Sgt, Aug. 31, '61,

.T. Ferris M-Millen. Aug. 31, '61, George W. Boyles.. Serg't.. Aug. 31, '61,

William H. Floore. Aug. 31, '61,

John R. Haskins...... do Aug. 31, '61,

James L. Lindsey., Aug. 31, '61,

Thomas H. M'Bride Sept. 13, '61,

Robert H. Dungan, Aug. 31, '61, Joseph K. Scott .ao. Aug. 31, '61, James Henderson.. Aug. 31, ^61, Ephraim Bender... Aug. 31, '61, J. Smith DuShane.. Aug. 31, ^61, Edward C. Darley.. Feb. 27, '64,

Geo. W. Ackworth Corp... Feb. 3, '64,

Alfred T.Young...... do.... Feb. 24, '64,

John Stritmater Fel). 27, '64,

James M. Taylor...... do.... Feb. 27, '65,

John J. Schrack Mar. 7, '65,

Jerry Gorman Dec. 6, '63,

Alfred C. Bails Aug. 31, '62, John T. Cooper Sept. 13, '62, William S. Cline...... do. Aug, 31, '61, Thomas Kelty do. Aug. 31, '61,

David V. M'Calister Sept. 13, '61, George M'Kinley... Aug. 31, '61,

John W. Simmons, Sept.

Edwin E. Tidball... Muc. ., Feo. Andrews, Lemuel. Private Bower, Henry H...... do Burkins, John .do Bogttrt, Zachariah., .do Brown, John .do Bohlmen, Henry... .do Blair, John , .do THREE TEAKS' SERVICE.

NAME. . ...



Miller, James...., Pri vate Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Masonhiiner, J. F... Sept. 27, '61. Discharged— date unknown. Miller. Henry S ., Sept. 26, '64, Drafted—discharged by G. O.. May 30. 1865. Mitchell, Charles C, Feb. 27, -64, Died Aug. 21. of wound's received at Petersburg, July 30. 1864— buried at City Point, Va. Morehead, Ethan S Aug. 31, '61, Died Feb. 16, of wds. received at Petersburg, Va., Feb. 14, 1865 —Vet. Moore, George W... Mar. 11, '65, SuDstitute— deserted June 28. 1865. Mosbrook, John M.. Aug. 31, '61, Died Aug. 15,"6.3—buried in National Cemetery, Covington. Ky., section C, grave, 97. Morris, Evan Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Marsuher, Conrad... Mar. 4, '62. Not on muster-out roll. Montgomery. J. M.. Dec. 8, '63, Not on muster-out roll. M'Chesney, Rich'd Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24, 186.5—Vet. M'Millen, Lafayette Feb. 22, '65. Substitute— mustered out with Co.. July 24, '6,5. M'Cann, James S... Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company, July 24. 186.5—Vet. M'Cormick, Wni. R Aug. 31, '61. 3j Mustered out. Aug. .30, 1S64—expiration of term. Patrick... '65, 1 M'Clinty, Mar. 7, j Substitute—deserted Julv 13, 1865. M'Cauley, John'n G Sept., '61, 3 Died Sept. 11. 1862 -bu. in Mil. Asy. Gem., D. C. I

M'Cann,' Thomas ... Aug. 31. '61, 3 1 Not on muster-out roll. M'Cabe, Thomas.... Aug. 31, '61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Millen, James C Sept. 23, '61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Calister, Wm. M Sept. 23, '61. 3 Not on muster-out roll.


M-Curdy. David Mar. 31, '62, 3 I Not on muster-out roll. Nicklin, John '61. 3 B Aui;. 28, { Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865— et. Nuti, Charles A Aug. 31, '61, Died Dec. 30, of wds. rec. Dec. 3, 186.3— buried in Nat. Cem., Knoxville, Tenn., grave, 6. Neiswander, Willis .do. Feb. 22, '65, Drafted—deserted June 20, 1865. Korris, Samuel .do. Aug. 31, '61, Not on muster-out roll. Oliphant, William. .do. Feb. 4, '65, Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Owens, William .do. Mar. 10, '65, Substitute— deserted May 21, 1865. Parrott, Alexander .do. Feb. 22, '65. Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24, 1865.

Palmer. George , .do. Mar. 9, '65. Substitute—deserted March 22, lb65. Pervard, .\le.vander .do. Feb. 22, '65, Drafted—dest^rted June 20, 1865. Rhodes, Henry L... Feb. 24, -65, Must^-red out with company, July 24, 1865. Reifsnyder, George Mar. 8, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, 65. Rhoacis, John A Feb. 22, '6.5, Drafted —discharged bv G. O., May 5, 1865.

' Stephenson. Jas. A .do., Aug. 31, '61, Mustered out with company. July 24. 1865—Vet. '65. Snyder, Theodore.. .do ., Feb. 3, '65, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, Snyder, Charles B. .do., Feb. 3, '65. -Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Ste'wart, Georire W ,.do. Feb. 14. -65, Siinstitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Stultz, William .do. Sept. 21, '64. Drafted —absent, sick, at muster out. Steen, Joseph T Dec. 28, '63, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Stiles, James A Mar. 8, H4, Mustered out with company, July 24, 1865—Vet. Smith. Robert A...... do. Mar. 8, '64, Mustered out with company. July 24, 1865—Vet. Sankey, James P.. Feb. 29, -64, Mustered out with company. Jufy 24. 1865. Sullivan, James ...... do. :Mar. 1, '6.5, ij Substitute- mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Straton, Henry Feb. 27, '65. 1 Substitute— nmstered out with Co., July 24. '65.

Straley, David Feb. 22, '6o, Drafted—mustered out with Co , July 24, lS6.'i. Shallenberger, Jas Mar. 9, '6o, Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 24, '65. Spiker, James Auc. 31, '61, Discharged ou Surgeon's cert., June 1, '65 —Vet. Sheriff, Charles F.. Feb. 11, '64, Discharged bv General Order, Mav 27, 1865. Sanford, James B... Aug. 8, "64, Discharged by General Order, May 30, 186.5. 186.5. Stevenson, Silas . Feb. 15, '64, Discliarged by General Order, May 15. Shipp, Jacob Aug. 31, '61, Musteri-d out, Aug. 30, 18o4—expiration of term. Steen, Samuel P Oct. 17, '61, Died at Washington, O. C, May 30. of wds. rec. at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864—Vet.

Snyder, Henry. .no ., Mar. 8. '65, Substitute—deserted Jime 26, 1865. Singleton, Evans R .do., Feb. 2, '65, Substitute—deserted July 2, 1865.

Smith. James ., '61, on muster-out roil. M | .do Aug. 31, Not Stiles, Samuel .do. Feb. 22, '62, Not on muster-out roll. Swagger, Thomas.. .do. Mar. 4, '62, Not on muster-out roll. Taylor. Gilbert N.. .do. Feb. 27, '64, Clustered out with company, July 24, 1865. Thompson, James .do. Aug. 31, '61. Discharged on Surgeons cert., Jan. 9, '65 —Vet. Urey, Michael Feb. 26, '64, Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865. Vogan, Irester Feb. 28, '64, Died Julv 12, of wds. received at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864. Welker, Enoch .do Feb. 14, '65, Substitute— mustered out with Co., Jnly 24, "6.5. '65. out Co.. July 24, '65. Weis. Francis , .do Feb. 3. Substitute— mustered with Wanders, .Iacf)b.... .do June 4, '64, Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 24. 1865. 1865. Wisner, Sain^uel ... .do 24, '64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 24. Feb. j 186.5.

I 24, Williams, Samuel .. .do Feb. 27, '64. 3 Mustered out with company, July sick, at muster out. Walcott. Levin. . .do Mar. 1, '65, I Substitute—absent, White, Joseph R, .do...., Feb. 28. '64, 3! Discharged on Surgeons certitiote, .Ian. 9, '6.'>. Weir, Jame3 .do..... Feb. 24, '64, s! Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12, '64. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 597


Wilson. George W.. Private Ausr. 31, '61, Mustf-redout, Aug. 3 , 1864—e.xni ration <

West. Thomas do Mar. 10. '65. Siiustitute—deserted .J)uno 1, lbiJ5.

Wilson, James M... I SeDl. 27. 't>l, Not on muster-out roll, Williams, George... Aiig. 31, 'til, Not on muster-out roll,

I Wallace. William... Oct: 14, '61, 3 ( Not on muster-out roll

Company M.

recruited in westmoreland county.

David A. Leckey.. '6.1, AiTsoTrlt. -t;?tM»-t>bel4|^-; James L. M'Feeters

Joseph W. Allen.... Sept.

Jesse C. Taylor Lst Lt.. Sept. Joseph R. M'Quaid Sept.

Charles Oliver Sept.

John C. Dougherty 2d Lt... Sept.

William Oliver .do, Sept.

Joel Pancoast. Sept.

Clarence L. Powers Sept. John T. Kirkland... Serg't. Sept.

John W. Bradley.., Sept.

Alexander Hane3\. Sept.

Walter R. Collins.. Sept. John H. Merrick...... do.... Sept. C. C.Thompson Corp... Feb.

John M'Clure Sept.

James A. Abraham Mar.

George D. Bareley .. Mar.

David Ross Feb.

.Tackson Crouch Sept. Feter Culp Feb.

Chas. F. Anderson. Sept.

William Wigley...... do. Sept. Benjamin Taylor... Sept. James Mahatfey...... do. Sept. William F. Cline... Muc Sept. Wm. S. Abraham.. Sept. Thomas Eba Sept. Adams, William.... Private Nov. Applegate, Josiah... Sept. 593 OXE HUNDREDTH REGIMEXT,