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ious efforts to help people turn away from District of Columbia. A tape was not available for violence. I just want to mention two of them verification of the content of these remarks. to you. I met a woman named Clementine Barfield from Detroit, who had two sons, two Remarks at a St. Patrick’s Day of her teenage sons shot, and one killed in Ceremony With Prime Minister gang fighting. She is devoting her life to try Albert of Ireland and an to reach kids to make sure not only that they don’t become victims like her sons but they Exchange With Reporters don’t become killers like the people who March 17, 1994 killed her sons. The President. It’s a great honor for me I met a young man named Sherman Spears to be spending my second St. Patrick’s Day from Oakland, California, who is confined to in a row with the distinguished Prime Min- a wheelchair, has had one leg amputated, lost ister from Ireland. He has a presentation to the use of one of his eyes, often still in pain make and a few remarks, and then I’ll have because he was caught in the crossfire of a a word or two, and we’ll answer your ques- gun shooting. He is devoting his life to an tions. organization which reaches out to victims and Mr. Prime Minister. tries to tell them not to retaliate, not to seek Prime Minister Reynolds. Thank you. vengeance, not to seek revenge, that no one Thank you, again, and I’m really thrilled and ever gets even, and you have to go on with delighted and honored to be back again for your lives. a second visit to the , especially These are the kinds of people we want to on this traditional day for all support. We will send specific suggestions to around the world. anyone who responds to the 800 line. It’s 1– In this presentation of shamrock that I’ll 800–WE–PREVENT. It’s mentioned in the be making in a few moments, Mr. President, ad, and it’s very important because the peo- we symbolize the bonds of family, of history, ple who are going to air the ads can’t do the and of common values that our two countries grassroots one-on-one work after the air is share. Because of the generations of Irish quiet. people who have come to these shores, St. In closing, let me just say this, you prob- Patrick’s Day is perhaps even more honored ably heard Alicia Brown say this, I want to here than in Ireland. Rightly and most im- reemphasize it. In a few moments, she is portantly, today is a celebration not just for going to the funeral of her sixth friend to Irish America but for all in this great Nation die from gunshot wounds, a 14-year-old who share our common values of justice and child, not in a war zone in a far away country, democracy. not in Somalia, not in Sudan, not in Angola, We live in a time when ambitions for peace not in Burundi, not in Sarajevo, but in the are tempered by the realization that old ani- Capital of the greatest Nation on the face mosities and deep distrust often live long in of the Earth. the human heart. They can give rise to ter- That is what has become of childhood, my rible and prolonged violence. In this context fellow Americans, While the rest of us have it is both right and important that I should pursued our dreams in life, had our families, pay the warmest tribute to you, Mr. Presi- raised our children, enjoyed the fruits of dent, for your exceptional efforts to bring freedom, that is what has become of child- peace to the tragedies of Bosnia and the Mid- hood. It is indecent. It is unacceptable. We dle East. can do something about it. And we owe it We in Ireland know from direct experi- to them to do it. ence that conflicts over territory, identity, Thank you very much. and political destiny can only be resolved through peaceful negotiations. That pro- NOTE: The President spoke at 10:30 a.m. in Room found belief informs everything that my gov- 450 of the Old Executive Office Building. In his ernment and I are doing to resolve the prob- remarks, he referred to Alicia Brown, a 14-year- lem of . Twenty-five years old student at Eliot Junior High School in the of conflict, the loss of over 3,000 lives, and

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an immeasurable quota of human suffering sides is as thoughtful as it is generous. For have not and cannot advance the search for that you have our deepest thanks. a lasting and equitable settlement. Peace comes dropping slow, Yeats once As you and I discussed, Mr. President, pri- said. But let us hope, Mr. President, that vately this morning, there has been signifi- through our combined efforts, on a day in cant progress in our search for peace. Central the quite near future, the presentation of to this was the joint declaration signed last shamrock will be made to you in the White December by the British Prime Minister House from an island uniquely dear to you and myself. This defines the and to your people that has at last found common ground between our two countries peace. on the issue of Northern Ireland. Mile buichos leat agus go n’eiri an bothair At its heart, the declaration states that it duit. is for the people of Ireland as a whole and The President. Thank you so much, Mr. alone, by agreement between the two parts, Prime Minister, for the wonderful bowl of to exercise their right of self-determination shamrocks and for the sentiments and the of the basis of consent. That and the other convictions you have just expressed. principles of mutual respect, tolerance, and From the earliest days of our republic the reconciliation which underline the declara- American dream has often been the story of tion, do not have an expiring date. Rather, Irish-American achievement. I’m reminded in establishing them, we have sought to open of the words of the Irish poet, Thomas a door for all parties to embrace peace and Kinsella, who urged that we accept, and I enter the political process. quote, ‘‘no limit but the possible.’’ That is In our efforts to secure a lasting settle- the spirit that brought many Irish to our ment, we wish, as I said, to embrace all par- shores, and it enriches our lives still today. ties to the conflict. We do so in the firm Ireland has demonstrated its global com- knowledge that the political process can and mitment to peace time and time again. And will resolve fundamental issues and bridge I want to thank the Prime Minister publicly the impasse that presently blocks the road today for the work that has been done with to peace. the United Nations in Lebanon and with its It is our fervent wish, therefore, that vio- continuing peacekeeping role in Somalia. But lence will end and that everyone will em- nowhere is that commitment more evident brace the new and inclusive instruments of than in the efforts this Prime Minister has peace, dialog, and negotiation, that are avail- made in Northern Ireland. able. We need a positive decision from those We have seen historic progress since the concerned to enable a general move in the and the British Prime Minister next and much broader phase of the peace made their agreement, and historic progress process and to bring to an end the isolation since Prime Minister Reynolds was here last experienced by significant sections of the year. That progress is in great measure the community. responsibility of Prime Minister Reynolds Mr. President, we greatly value your per- and Prime Minister Major. They have dealt sonal commitment to help to resolve the with considerable challenges in their own issue of Northern Ireland. Your support for countries to pursue this course, and we ap- this has been really inspiring. You share our plaud them. understanding of the need to bring all com- The joint declaration they signed on De- munities fully into the political fold in a man- cember 15th remains the best chance for a ner consistent with upholding democratic future of tolerance and reconciliation in principles. Northern Ireland, especially in the wake of We take heart in particular from your the bomb threats against the air- readiness to contribute to the peace process ports. I call upon all those who practice vio- when and if needed. It is an enormous source lence for political aims to lay down their of encouragement to all of us devoted to arms. Once again, I urge those who have yet peace and reconciliation to know that your to do so to endorse the joint declaration as advice and your assistance as a friend to all the best, indeed, the only way forward.

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And once again, Mr. Prime Minister, I I hope they will. I still believe that the deci- pledge the support of the United States for sion I made on the visa was the correct one. your courageous peace initiative. We all have to take some chances for peace. Across our country today, in parades, in I think when he came here, he saw that the classrooms, in churches, Americans are re- Irish in America want peace. They want him joicing in the kinship and the unique friend- to be a part of the peace process, but they ship between our nations and our shared her- want peace. And I think that there was a itage and our shared values. Tonight the sense of what a political process can be and Prime Minister and I will join what promises how it can work. to be a lively celebration of Ireland here at And so I think we have served a good pur- the White House, with Irish-Americans from pose in doing that. And I’m very hopeful. all across America. I look forward to the cele- I’m more hopeful today as a result of the bration, and I look forward to working with report I’ve received about his comments. But the Prime Minister on St. Patrick’s Day and I think it would be premature for me to say every day in pursuit of peace and prosperity anything about any other issuance, because for both our peoples in the spirit of ‘‘no limit the one thing we don’t want to do in this but the possible.’’ country—not just in Northern Ireland but in Thank you very much. the Middle East as well or any other place where we’re working for peace where others Northern Ireland are at odds—is to do anything to disrupt the Q. Having been briefed now on the peace process. We’re trying to help make the peace, process today by the Irish Prime Minister, not to interrupt it. what would you say now is the role of the Q. Would you address Irish-Americans United States in helping the peace process today that may on St. Patrick’s Day especially along? And more specifically, do you think be listening to what is said here at the White that you should perhaps urge Britain, not just House, who feel incumbent to contribute Ireland, but Britain to go the extra mile, that money to the IRA and for Republican forces maybe the extra inch now, and perhaps talk in Ireland since a great amount of the money to Sinn Fein, which today has issued a very that goes into that is coming from the United conciliatory statement saying it doesn’t want States? to discuss constitutional issues but just simply The President. I would hope all Irish- wants to talk to see what the way forward Americans would embrace the declaration can be? and the peace process. That’s what I think The President. Let me say, first of all, I they ought to do. had a conversation with the Prime Minister Q. Given your role as President of the this morning that is not all that different from United States and given your relationship the conversation I had with Prime Minister with the Taoiseach, , and also Major. I believe both of them are committed your relationship with the British Prime Min- to keeping this process going. You know as ister, what active role do you think the well as I do what the obstacles for inclusion United States can play in trying to find peace are. I was encouraged by the report I have in Northern Ireland? received. I have not actually read the state- The President. Well, right now I think we ment, but I am quite encouraged by the re- ought to give Prime Minister Reynolds a port I have received of ’ state- chance to work with Prime Minister Major ment today. It comes at a good time, and to keep pushing it forward. I thought that I hope it will have a good effect. we had a role to play in the issuance of the Q. Under what circumstances would you visa because I thought it would make a state- envisage granting another visa to Mr. Adams ment that the United States is searching for to visit the United States? peace, wanted to give Mr. Adams a chance The President. I think it’s premature to to have his voice heard here, make his state- discuss that. I think now what the issue now ments here, articulate his concerns here, see is what is going to be the role of Sinn Fein the political process here, and hear from in the ongoing peace effort. Will they join? Irish-Americans that we support peace. I

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think that was the major thing that we could tality of the Irish themselves that they have do at this moment. I think now we’ve seen brought to our shores now through the ages. a very heartening statement, apparently by There was a grand party in this house a Mr. Adams today. I’ve had both the Prime long time ago, in 1829, when the first Irish- Minister of Great Britain and the Prime Min- American was inaugurated as President of ister of Ireland reaffirm their commitment the United States. Andrew Jackson was the to the process, and let’s see if we get a few only President in our Nation’s history whose breaks. parents were both immigrants to America. They came from Carrickfergus, a little town Whitewater Investigation near Belfast. And their son grew up to be Q. Mr. President, on the Hill today you a great Democrat and a man of the people. may hear from some Members, even Demo- When ‘‘Old Hickory’’, as he was called then, crats, that the prospect of hearings on White- opened this house to his people, so many water is inevitable. What will you tell them? came that the furniture was crushed in the The President. That it’s—the same thing excitement. That’s probably why so many of I’ve always said: It’s up to Congress. I read you have to stand tonight. [Laughter] The a book the other night that in the early part crowd squeezed so closely around the new of our century, one of our first four or five President in the Blue Room just down the Presidents, a $40 mirror was bought for the hall that he had to escape by jumping out White House that, was bought in another a window. country, and the Congress in the early 1800’s Mr. Prime Minister, we will try to control spent several thousand dollars on hearings ourselves better this evening. [Laughter] We looking into this $40 mirror. So I don’t know promise that neither you nor I will be jump- that—it’s up to the Congress. They’re an independent and coequal branch of Govern- ing out of any windows. ment, and they ought to do whatever it is I wish I could recognize everyone here this they think is the right thing to do. evening of Irish descent. But perhaps I would do better to recognize everyone here Bosnia who is not of Irish descent. [Laughter] I Q. Are you encouraged by Bosnia, sir? would like to say that the Administrator of The President. Yes, I am encouraged. the Environmental Protection Agency, Carol Thank you. Browner, is here tonight with her father, who is from Limerick. NOTE: The President spoke at 11:59 a.m. in the When people think of Irish strongholds in Roosevelt Room at the White House. In his re- America, they think of Boston or Chicago or marks, he referred to Gerry Adams, leader of the New York. But many people from all over Sinn Fein. Prime Minister Reynolds’ closing re- America, including my home region, come marks in Gaelic translate as, ‘‘A thousand thanks from Ireland. According to the 1980 census, for everything you have done, and I wish you every success.’’ Taylorsville, Mississippi, has a higher per- centage of Irish-Americans than Boston. Of course, the total—I know what you’re think- Remarks at the Celebration of ing—the total population is 24, but it still Ireland Dinner makes a great story. [Laughter] Actually March 17, 1994 that’s not true. It’s larger than that. My own mother, as , a Mem- We are in the grip of the day, aren’t we? ber of Parliament from Derry said today, was [Laughter] Thank you so much. Prime Min- a Cassidy. And he assured me today that the ister and Mrs. Reynolds and to all our guests Cassidys back in Ireland are a very nice fam- tonight, a warm welcome. Ceade mile failte. ily. I thank him for that courtesy inasmuch Tonight we sought to honor the Prime as I seem to have relatives turning up all over Minister, his wife, and his family and his fam- the place from time to time. [Laughter] To ily of fellow Irish men and women, in a way the Irish who are here, relax, the Americans inspired by the warm and convivial hospi- will explain it to you later.

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