Reference List 1. Binkowski, J. Erreurs En Microanalyse Organique

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Reference List 1. Binkowski, J. Erreurs En Microanalyse Organique Reference List 1. Binkowski, J. Erreurs en microanalyse organique elementaire. Effet de la presence du chlore ou du brome. Pure & Appl Chem. 1972; 29:1. 2. Binkowski, J. Skrócenie czasu oznaczania azotu w związkach organicznych metodą Dumasa. Chem Anal. 1972; 18:381. 3. Bodalski, R. and Pietrusiewicz, K. M. A new route to the phospholane ring-system. Tetrahedron Lett. 1972; 41:4209-4212. 4. Chojnowski, J.; Stańczyk, W. A., and Kowalski, J. The cleavage of α-halogen substituted alkyl from silicon. I. Kinetics and mechanism of base-catalysed solvolysis of dichloromethyltrimethylsilane in protic solvents. Bull Pol Acad Sci Chem . 1972; XX:765. 5. Kryszewski, M. Formation of supermolecular structures in thin polymers layers. Pure & Appl Chem. 1972; 31:21. 6. Kryszewski, M.; Jabłoński, W., and Sapieha, S. Structure of single hole breakdown. Polarisation and conductivity insulating polymers; Bratysława. 1972: 125. 7. Kryszewski, M. and Pakuła, T. A study of the elongation ration of deformed spherulites. Polymer Symp. 1972; 38:87. 8. Kryszewski, M.; Sapieha, S., and Cygler, M. On some electrical properties of thin polymer films. Polarisation and conductivity insulating polymers; Bratysława. 1972: 113. 9. Kubisa, P. and Słomkowski, S. Wpływ zasadowości monomerów na procesy polimeryzacji. Wiadomości Chemiczne. 1972; 26:427. 10. Michalski, J. and Mikołajczyk, M. Stereochemia nukleofilnogo zamieshchenija u tiofosforilnogo centra. Khimia i Primienienije Fosforoorganicheskihk Sojedinienij. 1972(181-188). 11. Michalski, J. and Stec, W. J. Chemie und Stereochemie schwefel- und selenhaltiger organischer Phosphorverbindungen. Chemiker-Zeitung. 1972; 96:499-502. 12. Mikołajczyk, M. and Drabowicz, J. Optically active O-alkyl alkylsulphinates. Tetrahedron Lett. 1972:2379. 13. Mikołajczyk, M. and Omelańczuk, J. 31P NMR nonequivalence of (-)α-phenylethylammonium salts of chiral phosphorus thioacids. 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Phosphorus and Sulfur. 1973; 3:177-178. 35. Kryszewski, M. Herstellung von dünnen Polymerschichten in Gästentlandungen und ihre Eigenschaften. Plaste Und Kautschuk. 1973; 20:885. 36. Kryszewski, M. Über die Diffusion von Komponenten in der Grenzflächenschichten von Polymermischungen. Plaste Und Kautschuk. 1973; 20:743. 37. ---. Zależność właściwości elektrycznych cienkich warstw wielkocząsteczkowych dielektryków organicznych od struktury. I Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum "Fizyka Cienkich Warstw"; Szczyrk. INTE; 1973. 38. Kryszewski, M.; Gałęski, A.; Pakuła, T., and Grębowicz, J. Transport phenomena on interfaces in blends of polypropylene and polyethylene. J Colloid and Interface Science. 1973; 44:85-94. 39. Kryszewski, M. and Nadolski, B. On the application of electron spectroscopy of photochromic substances to the determination of molecular interaction. Adv in Molecular Rel Proc. 1973; 6:111-116. 40. Kryszewski, M.; Sapieha, S., and Nadolski, B. Electrical conduction of photochromic substances in polymeric matrices. Perlman, M. M. Elect. charge storage and transport in dielectrics. Princenton: The Electrochem Soc; 1973; p. 370. 41. Kubisa, P. and Penczek, S. Reversible cationic copolymerization of heterocyclic monomers above the ceiling temperature. Part II. Tetrahydrofuran-oxetanes systems. Roczniki Chemii. 1973; 47:1875. 42. Mikołajczyk, M. and Drabowicz, J. Organosulfur compounds. I. Magnetic non-equivalence and optical activity in amidosulfites. Sulfur Chemistry Part A. 1973; 8:349. 43. Mikołajczyk, M. and Omelańczuk, J. Configuration of the optically active phosphorus thioacids-III. Synthesis and optical resolution of O-methyl isopropylphosphonothioic acid. Phosphorus. 1973; 3:47. 44. Mikołajczyk, M. and Zatorski, A. Organosulfur compounds. II. α-Phosphorylsulfoxides. I. Synthesis. Synthesis. 1973:669. 45. Mikołajczyk, M. and Zatorski, A. Part II. Organosulfur compounds. -Phosphorylsulphoxides I: Synthesis. 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Piechucki, C. and Michalski, J. 1,2-Cyclopropane ring cleavage in the reactions of 1-cyano-1-(2'-pyridyl)-2-alkyl(aryl)cyclopropanes with hydrochloric acid. Bull Pol Acad Sci Chem . 1973; 6:439-444. 52. Piechucki, C. and Michalski, J. Preparation of secondary and tertiary ß-(2-pyridyl)-alkanols. Synthesis. 1973:204-206. 53. Saenger, W. and Mikołajczyk, M. Kristall- und Molekulstruktur des 2-Hydrogen-2-Oxo-4-Methyl-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinanes. Eine P-H...O-wassersto. Chem Ber. 1973; 106:3519. 54. Skowrońska, A. Stereochemistry of oxidation of trivalent phosphorus compounds with ozone and m-chlorobenzoic acid. Bull Pol Acad Sci Chem . 1973; 6:459. 55. Skowrońska, A.; Mikołajczak, J., and Michalski, J. Diastereoizomeric 2-chlorothio-2-oxo-4-methyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinans. Bull Pol Acad Sci Chem . 1973; 6:451-453. 56. Stec, W. J. Organophosphorus compounds of sulfur and selenium. Stereochemistry of silver-ion
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