Gressenhall Collections Corner

Volume 4 Issue 1 May 2013 Down on the ...

Over the winter the museum was closed to the public, but we were still very busy working on the displays in St. Nicholas Barn and the Dairy. One of the key items in the displays is the Combine Harvester (it is certainly the biggest anyway!)

This combine was owned by Roland Sherar at Burnham Hall Farm in Burnham Market. An American company, Combines, made this model (number 8) between 1926 and 1935. Combine Harvesters made harvesting large fields much easier. It combined three different processes and machines; threshing, reaping and binding. The whole machine moved through the field and would have been towed by a . Combine harvesters meant less work for farm labourers and made harvesting much cheaper and quicker. The quicker the could be gathered in, the less risk of rain damaging the crops.

This is one of the first Combine Harvesters to be used in Norfolk. At this time, combine harvesters were new to England, having been developed and used in America.

GRSRM : 1981.170.2 Page 2 Gressenhall Collections Corner

In our collection we also have the instruction manual for the Combine Harvester. It is the actual manual that Mr Sherar used with the combine — you can see that he has written his name and address on the front cover. Inside it gives lots of detail on how to assemble your combine harvester and details of extras and spare parts. Mr Sherar has written a note of which parts are available! GRSRM : 1981.170.5.26

Sherar was influential in bringing combine harvesters to Norfolk and was very passionate about this type of machinery. He had four combine harvesters!

International Combine and Field Marshall Tractor working at Burnham Hall Farm, Burnham Market, in the 1930s. GRSRM : CP.CP895

Printed ephemera and photos are available to view in the library, by appointment.

Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse 01362 869393 Lauren Brumby Gressenhall [email protected] CCCuCuuurrrraaaattttoooorrrriiiiaaaallll AAAsAsssssiiiissssttttaaaannnntttt Dereham Norfolk, NR20 4DR