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nflbtfn itaf~ n~pl'CfSentin~ the InteJ't-"l!'lb!!l of ~c8tc..n ~n8hjngton. YOLI')IE II. SNOllO)IISlI (TIT, WASHI N(;TOr-; TERR, SATURlJA Y, FEIlR AU Y 3, 18ii. WHOLE NO. 56. .... ,. ,'It.. h~r"llr.r .... C;I...O'"~......I·-"I""·,,-,I,,.",'". • ..."h knuwn llurin~ 80 IIt i! In o\l:lIIl,ry IIf nne II( t110fC grnnll ·.·III~Y __•..rrled II tu. ...... Imlde her bally .It'k to In..~ rmll iDdlA- 1II,1ll)' ('t-llturltllllli. the P'llrill111lly 01 !"-, Pont,ilfA .1111. ei!:ltt htlndrtll Jell~ ago, -- robbel! CI ky. ",uc't it1 Bul tbat'• F....... /,.,. C.,,",.Jir ,.." ../lwI, I'l't~r, The ~re.ll I'lllltifl ~'hont )lMlild" I wllhl!.too1 rind rt'1~lIed lhe IUlIle or )lr. lllltter'l'l'ick caned In to see me the her '1'1'8)'. • he don" mind It MJ mote. 011 III 2ilh in~l.. Illu C,IIIIOI\C IleOltle 01 ('IlI,nUM hll! 111~ ;lrU~c o( imuJiin;: drslJOtifUl. '1I~'tlin.: it IIlI,It, n.~ all;lHIe41 other dl)', ad in the course of the con· I. "·~r. r"f1 kr.'),", b. 10 uk. 01' nur in IIIIUIY 1"lrti'HI' 01 EuroJle will Jilin in in 1017 u ber gUI l in 111'1 )llhlenl-"'tI 110 furiller, /JI#II,., HHd 'HeM, Irtll..,., tllat vtlllMUOU lIe ",hI: ';oll~DJ'. pall~ ~~.. beet. pla,lag: Idd'nlinp- " Ilmll hislurirlll 1101111111 C -til' III whicb th. .:I11I....or. CllhullCJ, nahlrall1 ,,"t'ugh. In tblt "I'm ~OIDlJ to mo..,. T call't dud ther "'ith lb' (:'~jdrn. ud attld him 1l111-'\l with uI.:ntune. u(tlle pllN hili r, Ueo'1IV" Ct\ID. tu t»,ke hll public IfIh. thlrt1.lIrat )'eor of die IlO,nl6c"tl! 01 tho lb068 '1 bomllson. 0 t dOGr to me aD1 bonlc I)ln! ltggM tu tell bit mother ,,(the Churcll. "In r'lllowing Inll!rtlt nil .Ion lOll Ihu meltlul"llllo \,!Stn nr JAn. gmndttlt lOr 1111 thll aUCCCMUra of tht! lunger. Tbey're the a.full t I>oople to ,hat .hll horru1f~ thtlO 'nr a 1)lnero. irlll altJ Ie frilnl lIlt: Lnlldun S/llHdllftl ullry, IlIll Il (lj"l' Yl-'IU" lstt'r on hlld hitl Or~ltt J1~hlebmnll, ftel their healla burrow tbings tbat I eYer 1&'1'1'. Coffee And nn TbonlJlMln', birthda, ,lIe .,id will 1\111)' l'xllllloin Iht! lHuure uf lhu fI nlUntl emolli'll Imollg the inl!l nl tllrlllL>t1 wnh It kn e of grateful hom'K" Iud IJutter, tugar antl !lour 111011'1. mInd her hOIllM! ."10 .m.1I rolf. plrty tbat ti"ulll' Wllicll wClIllmlo: lll,.tv,'n, Gltnonl,.. ,1 Ly tile Church tJf luthe P.p,U', on tilts approach tlf Iho 50 lilliCh, fllrhougll when a ~'omln bor· If wt'!·t1lcud hd uurl we might come late I'tt'l)umll,u: arc lIdllJ,;' 1lI1l,le III Illtly I(ltltl, 8, Grt'J.,POrr VII, l\nlllor lonl{. how- f'lglllh cenlt:tuuJ nf the great <Ill)' of ro ...." high Ilticl'tl lugar and J \'a Coffee in the evening Illd d.ace with the com. IIII1Un).( ClIthnli('lj fWIII ull pltr~ of tim tlHr, \'cry diff"rl'nlly lll'llit with. il ill ClmO!!.,1 : _ anti lend' IJllck lAud ,,:ul chlckory, a pADy, If we "'uulllQ't let lin tbat we lIyC\.1 lIlan m~urllll)' leel. hilio'i. anll mild, there, l('lIIl1111 pelllllilulll. 10 cdchllllC, 'Ill Iho true, uy mllrc tillill (JDt! nnll,Clltholic hi ' '''by "'III c.a..I.... :!:'il II 01 .Iauullty, In Inme 111,n'llng mUIl'IIM'lltl, )O;\"'n 11011 <'"tIlIlUe Ili6tory. ho". But thlly'I'e lJorrowCfI pretty noltr ev~r)'. "Yel,lir; I'm going to mo ...e, I'd Iltt~ tllillg in the hOlllC, Fil'lt h'll 0110 tblng ",ther nve nell tloor to" IIIDltlic Bsylum Ilct,tllllgltlritHlalmnivcl'lluryorCllllUI t, C\'er. riJ;lllcd It.iClfltl hlatlnl'lItl· AncxcllllnUr 11)8: "Why will girls I:i;lht hlllulfl11 yl'ltril will IIIlH dlll',~CtI nliltin,!{ hill chllmctcr, When .f'rellrrick TIln IIWIIY 10 ~l't llI11rritd 1" "We J.:ivo then n'll anothrr, Irum worniug till 11111 1111\'11 the mlllliac. pourinj' n:cl bot "II th~t. dlly 1I111Ctl Ihe ~reltt hl~torl~.1 \-on ~d,lcg:d CIIIIlIiIO ,'ule IIII lIlliiner· ill'!)," unlwer. thtl (.ouilville (.·Ollrk,. uight, right. ,trllight ..Iollg, Ihot I,ver tho lcnce nery bour 01 tLo Jlltl~ll t "('lIl which It ill t~n IlHt'mh'd 10 ellll,l- pi~'e lin tlla l'hilOlo+Opby of iii-tory, ./<lIIn",f, "nll~ wo know a lilt hero 1\'ku "Now there'll the pohr. A poker is dl!. t would," a plt.'C6 of mlchlnery that '0" woulll 1111'1II11mte, 1'lIa\ C'Vcnt Wll! tl14~ IIltLh..: whllt \\,,1 it Ihlll h., nlll ~iOlpl, a non "oulll he III III enlHl,l:h 10 nay at 110010 think anylJ.ol:ly might gu ,round aoJ I 'IIi lliun l'ld..: Ly 11m till'" rllthll'oO.!t Calholic. hUl" tllthtl'i1D hi torillll, wrOlr or j lll1llhu rll',nee to ""!Ilk olf Illd Ultl bu,. or, if the)' couhln'L Iffurd it, they I" rH"lulur III the IIl1ly 'I'. ourl of lh~ nl Ibe gn-Itt Ililtlt'Lr Illl, uf the ~lorinl1 sr 11IAfrietl Tile IJoYIl alD't Itround t might Ulle a fenee paling to hike UI) Chri trllfill .ho7t'tred pairs 11,,1) Clillreb ofOod, thll F:11I1H.'Nr IIl'lIrr Pontill' ~alllt On:g:nrJ VII. t "Ill our ""killg tlrrID nnw like tlu'J,liil, It tl\Iu5 thl.l fire. HUl MI'I. TbflmplOD Rtllll to ot Ilil)llt'rll on I &Itoo pretcher, 1\'. (If tll:nll ny. 'fhe IIIII'~Y at thlll IiIllIS." ""Nlle 'hlclotel, "JlI~li~ haw betn Oll1rl' IlIfllle\" to rUIl one o( IhCIII nnw.I hanker ,ncr our poker. he wrrowl it Swalill" Ing Ihe briltleofa tootb.1.Jrtub lil16 "'u. rull:\I, II it ill 1I0W. LI one 01 at lu_t rvnllen..'tI III thl' IZrv I qllltlitit et lIll,l tilltn it tines II IteanlWal, '1ll1 tbl'r llneeo or twent]' tirnl a d.y. aod la t 11", bef'1I known to Callie dtllll. th' Ion'llc-1 orJllllhti I,creign Pontiff: thi I~unlirf, lOll it ha hetn ftllo"'ed he Cltn Ite 1lI0re fun with II lctlmho.t, undlY abe tent fur it tblrl,·fuur tiD.l8. In Mithiga~ 1\ tract of 1,040 cern "'.. The 11,11, I·'lttll", ... 11 tillm. a' Ill' lit ntHil. ... u l"crfl'Ctly (Il!t ftntn Iilll klfi..h ,iewi. AII! ).,oirl., it't your own faulll SWtlil he pl." a boy .~ a w k In run ov~r tbe olucr do} sold (or ttll cent. an .c~. lu..ul.'nlly cOllfrolllul It IIIiC linul. reID anll thnt tho IU!lllrc 'n,1 d~i he encn:y off \flur Iilkl nt! IIttin", for Ia.wn, ",nIl Inll borrow puker, anrl Ibo'a used It I ltd)' ,"rrolltllleint "IIOlber,ll)' tll1~lce of his chulrll'r '(Ifl1n)( frolll no olhu CltlicOftl: hut tip Ihe l'illllO IUlt! dlvo tu.t lIr, Pickett or Akron. Ohio, ,iQlulta· 10 much tlull Iu Gil beo," uv like I eork- llHiUlly Qliac't bit wife, Inl putor, and 111111 furlllilillble p~l'It('Cuti{\Il, Iwndku moth'e thlln II burDill~ ,..ul for the rl! inlo the wOlh IU~I; throw aWllY your ICn'w, , of Ihe Church wue 'fill ~i1l101l1IlClloII)', form ullhe Church IIl1rl mllnkin,!. Tho taney needle work lind tackltlll retl hot 'ZOO,. "No,,', tl1.:o chili tl (or Inltalloe, 8bo The prctcnllal rillill ut ~1,il1g thll Invt, Ocrmall histnrlan'lln psrticuhtr." IllY' 'lM'O in thu kilr.llcn, In'lead 01 recti,. Tho nltY, Wm, Y.ndemark. the cler· aaks us to Icnll Ilcr our chalra thr~ tillire. of bil'lhlllJrlCI w/u ulllrpetl. Tile 8c1Ilc~t!I, "Illlfl In truth thow on the Inl{ IJrflwn, tho oooker', IOn, in tho i)'lII11U who played "Oull! Gurick" in time. Il day at eVllrJ UICIII, lind .htl bor· JoIIll''CIIlU l'(,',,'II-'Ill8llclll MUlhorily oftlltl .JNltCltlllll 'ide, hlL\'t1 bl'tll the first. til (Ill lor, keel) your ryel ltkinned fnr 11m a BaD }o'l'lUlcllClJ theatre, lillled to .bow UlWIi the rocking cnllir ..'benCYtr lue Uluob drslUlIllo ability. l'lIlltifl' Will UI)t:III,lCt Ht r1efl'lllce, 1m· IH~rrorUi thi. Icl ..f ju'tlce Kilt! the Ollllle Uurn., tho blllcksDli\h', ann. "II illS gtJe. wantJi to pUt the ba1.Jyto .1Cl!II, II1ttllHltll1 IIlmll tIll: denth fit POllil Alex· nf Offgory VI I.. who lived III tim~ In hOUlO from "'nrk; klu hll JlrtJ fllCtl A Julnt ttIIOlUUOll i8 lrelng tlebllted In ".-\. couplc or timet aho M,lnl oYer for. tinder II, tlill P~r ;.ellt'lr III the lIuly ~e r1itfcr~1l1 (rom our U\\'II, 11M long ct'asetl Ihrough a hruken pltne (I( ghw In Iho tbe \tlrglolll Lqlalature wblcu pmpoatl IOf"l alU' when the ho1 CIJllA back with bhulII;U' lIlado thu lIckuowh,'tlgelllent of to he with Ihll Oern\llllia watch-word kitchlm wlodow, lind Bltera whilt, wheo the f!ll!Ctlun of a SuprtttMl Court bI lhe It b...i~l Mrs. ThowJ*ln .a. mad ... IlIthi.ln II Idler 1l,ldl't'Aed to Lhe wrt!llt for puty'trife," Whlll, ", M]" "n- ho Itllrn. bis tndo uti )'0\1 know your petlplt, tbe ""dlel to mutQ dQriQI lb_ad,r_ ud kept .rpwn..,oaDd tb,!t JlllilolJralid tbto IIllwlt elltllmned In tbe (Jlber artat Proleawt arm,Utlt, me.nlug bu.lotlt, III tGUl"-<I, go l.O huulltkee» pod belMylor.