nflbtfn itaf~

n~pl'CfSentin~ the InteJ't-"l!'lb!!l of ~c8tc..n ~n8hjngton.


.... ,. ,'It.. h~r"llr.r .... C;I...O'"~...... I·-"I""·,,-,I,,.",'". • ..."h knuwn llurin~ 80 IIt i! In o\l:lIIl,ry IIf nne II( t110fC grnnll ·.·III~Y __•..rrled II tu...... Imlde her bally .It'k to In..~ rmll iDdlA- 1II,1ll)' ('t-llturltllllli. the P'llrill111lly 01 !"-, Pont,ilfA .1111. ei!:ltt htlndrtll Jell~ ago, -- robbel! CI ky. ",uc't it1 Bul tbat'• F...... /,.,. C.,,",.Jir ,.." ../lwI, I'l't~r, The ~re.ll I'lllltifl ~'hont )lMlild" I wllhl!.too1 rind rt'1~lIed lhe IUlIle or )lr. lllltter'l'l'ick caned In to see me the her '1'1'8)'. • he don" mind It MJ mote. 011 III 2ilh in~l.. Illu C,IIIIOI\C IleOltle 01 ('IlI,nUM hll! 111~ ;lrU~c o( imuJiin;: drslJOtifUl. '1I~'tlin.: it IIlI,It, n.~ all;lHIe41 other dl)', ad in the course of the con· I. "·~r. r"f1 kr.'),", b. 10 uk. 01' nur in IIIIUIY 1"lrti'HI' 01 EuroJle will Jilin in in 1017 u ber gUI l in 111'1 )llhlenl-"'tI 110 furiller, /JI#II,., HHd 'HeM, Irtll..,., tllat vtlllMUOU lIe ",hI: ';oll~DJ'. pall~ ~~.. beet. pla,lag: Idd'nlinp- " Ilmll hislurirlll 1101111111 C -til' III whicb th. .:I11I....or. CllhullCJ, nahlrall1 ,,"t'ugh. In tblt "I'm ~OIDlJ to mo..,. T call't dud ther "'ith lb' (:'~jdrn. ud attld him 1l111-'\l with uI.:ntune. u(tlle pllN hili r, Ueo'1IV" Ct\ID. tu t»,ke hll public IfIh. thlrt1.lIrat )'eor of die IlO,nl6c"tl! 01 tho lb068 '1 bomllson. 0 t dOGr to me aD1 bonlc I)ln! ltggM tu tell bit mother ,,(the Churcll. "In r'lllowing Inll!rtlt nil .Ion lOll Ihu meltlul"llllo \,!Stn nr JAn. gmndttlt lOr 1111 thll aUCCCMUra of tht! lunger. Tbey're the a.full t I>oople to , .hll horru1f~ thtlO 'nr a 1)lnero. irlll altJ Ie frilnl lIlt: Lnlldun S/llHdllftl ullry, IlIll Il (lj"l' Yl-'IU" lstt'r on hlld hitl Or~ltt J1~hlebmnll, ftel their healla burrow tbings tbat I eYer 1&'1'1'. Coffee And nn TbonlJlMln', birthda, ,lIe .,id will 1\111)' l'xllllloin Iht! lHuure uf lhu fI nlUntl emolli'll Imollg the inl!l nl tllrlllL>t1 wnh It kn e of grateful hom'K" Iud IJutter, tugar antl !lour 111011'1. mInd her hOIllM! ."10 .m.1I rolf. plrty tbat ti"ulll' Wllicll wClIllmlo: lll,.tv,'n, Gltnonl,.. ,1 Ly tile Church tJf luthe P.p,U', on tilts approach tlf Iho 50 lilliCh, fllrhougll when a ~'omln bor· If wt'!·t1lcud hd uurl we might come late I'tt'l)umll,u: arc lIdllJ,;' 1lI1l,le III Illtly I(ltltl, 8, Grt'J.,POrr VII, l\nlllor lonl{. how- f'lglllh cenlt:tuuJ nf the great

- ."

T 1I E X () H T H 1,: n K STA l{' 2 UtUXf&CJJL __

...... Indhln. form Hlltl' uf dC,llrntllition. I'Ilclolu8 and III'n' unlll1lor~ t'frl"(,Ill~lll\cl\Sunl nrc CIll" \\·~litl''l.. SU~~1 fl 8\1!l:':C~I~"Il.IiL\"):'~ l1l~ro 4~rl~:;111 of .Iu~ ·.·.·rlll Ilt"lldu;,,_ -- Ithe Kll\",j"il or )1L'xico. nnlJ the rtll1RII fllll~cd in tbelr 1,e1mll. ollwnllllll'nllllu"m tlmll III \\11i,ll1m. I'ur h,,,. 1'~,r/;'I'H ro. tV'''j', 1: 8. Ii. rt.!III1lII111 01' the J\IHllllulI~. in W\'(\1I1inX' On the other h~lIdt to tk'-Iroy tl11'ir, which 1I1t:LI'lI' wuuld tIC fho 111'11 1/1 tlu' We 11hs.'r\'c thnt I1l1l1ly III' nur rol<'lll. We prfOl'lI'I' in tlli~ IIrli/'ll",ill II Tnt,her I,.dld llOllllll\. IlIltlluiill'lure clnth.· tillilic Iril'al rc!f1t;\)llll nnll lIlil\.;tJ thelll illllh'iil' (' .. I'a lailt WIlIII t1j.:·nl, unll'<;jt J1t{lh~·It·11 ,Imln'h,'ll Rut Illu \\'1'1111 l'IlIlJr.7,"ll int" ,ICilultftr.\' IlmOIWr, lU ~1}f'lIk ul 'lie 1IIIItnll'!lillil Illld IIro.: cllllnlll..: of further illl,Jrll\'C' 1I1ih r""I'"n.iibl.: '" tilt. InWil. wnllld lie tu Iloy n lltrltnll l1lililllrs rnl·"l'. \\l'uhl liltre I '" 1 I :l1ld in ,helllll' II[I~', tu I!p('llk III Ihe III' tl"",'.'I, ,,"," I",.'" r"""lhlt'd lolll- ''', "'.,, ,IWIIl 10 lhu Illllll!!Ulll-lic Into'I'!l 01 lu 1H'lkt\ "lll.:h n 1'llIlI/!!\ili"U t,/ llU'lIl r t wlr I 1~IUlll' h'll IIlltl ctlil'.rilll" m;I ",ull fi "",,'t, ...' ,lllJ,:1!I',I." WI' gl\'ll 111,' l't~'llIn'''~y or oIitm'lllt'sliUlI, Thl' till1+'~ '4..'I!1ll 11\'llr· tinll!\ty lilr'Ilft) )'~llrll. nut Ihe !'=oinu\, .-OI'it'l~' \\hwh wU1I1,1 81'1'1'dily 1l1111ihillllt' Thl' ltlt:til.'t of \\'ill iu III Pl'llil \\,ulIltl IlIlL 11m W,ll'\I II 1~1\' 11In1llhi 111(11. It ill II "hIe to 11.1' 1!I'tfllrl1llll~ll' ()~' our, ll~lIJl,'s('(1 ArlIl'"hnl', C!l(')I'I111e". l\in\\It~Il. ('Olll' tllt'lll. 1\" th,'y l'III1IIUI. or lllun'I'lIrrl1'tly ll'I\'C' Idlll frolll "duJl II I.llrnt n:f,'ril,IE!' l.... ni"inflll Wllt,l. "I' IWJZrn I'lll.IlII1j.:I', tll~k. '.'lI lohc 1It11'nllull IH 11Irt't lCI~ 10 Jandt:", )l!l, tile elts IUlll '\l'llchl'lI nr,' ~lJl'tlkil1l!, \\'itillOt lk.'C.·.mll'f'i\'ill;"t'd,~olllc Tho Illm nf Pilch II IlWIl!lllrl' wnll~t1 lit: Ill· ',Ill!. lipdll!: ill tI,l' Illri-lh'~ 'If E"-I IIlId our 5uhJI·t't,~\1111 Illo~e Ih III ll~tllll carn- llC:lr('d~' "IMI\'1l tllll All~lrtllillll. Wit II Ill' thl' tol rull~e-t t'lemenlll uf (,j,'ili1.'llilll' Iltllllily jt.llo\\'l~IIJ)' III~ llW..t ll:ml'll~uS WI"l 1'\'1icilllll\, Hllll g I~t Ihtlon l:IIU~,', I,·tne~~. \\ Itlllhl' ~nnllj.!u,rnllon 01 l:lC Itll{'-c \IC IIrl: lll'lI1in~, Itre I!O 1ll,1Il}' UI-:"lIcit'li to. ,1cPlrny 111l'IIl, illililill \lIH Ih'll t'\\'t ,h-J;I'llt'~d uur IJl:>~ I btj.!I' IlIltlllll'rll til ,1.., I\,':~:r'l"" I" 'lUll I" penec 1'011l'y ot 1'1~',,'dCI11. (,nUll. uno! IIC 'fllllllurinll i~ Iluite prl'\'lIll'lIt thttt if (Jur illtlll~lriull8 thl'ifl. 1'lml1iI'ls wilh t"r,\', ~ur h tllil 1111. IJIII.ltlll th"1I) join till' I),'mrx'wtir I"nr. 1'1", H,'pulo. hnpp)' thtlught lit ll!lpr"tI~lll~ tho Il' IllS II RlI IlIliu~f, IfIlOt.I'"11ith'l'ly cruel. to rl,.1 Illl'it litoiCllI illlpro\'itll'IlI'I', uurt'ntl'rpri.I' tlml the~' 1It1' 1IIIu:c,1 :'It IIII' 11,1'I'r~ Oflhll~I'llir:lI1 ICMIl'rll !l'tl'rlllin"li 10 pnt II toll/II lI~eou who'"t! Illoral 1IIII'"mt~', c~ult lIe Ill/nc ~\'crlll trillcl frllm tlll'it orig:illlli wllh 11wit inllllll'ncc. tlllr 1'1,lltil1110UII cl: lI"IlI't'l nle whito 1lI1:1I II 1111 ilil'"'l· 1,\'I'r)' Ito il AII,I l'urlllclll'f'I'I,,'t cl\f'io.:th'll li.r Ih,' ~ollchctl f~lr hy rI~lij,lioll. ~1\('lt'lle\l, ,\ Ie hOIllCoIlo tlto W~5t. We shull hn\'u nc· li,rH In ill1l'rm'u om condil illn with CI'1Il1l111ll1t.I', NIIlI ntll p:Ol'li"ularly 1II.,!iI'l: I'lIq;"~(J lit' \1 hiPllitl" ill thl' hwhlidill): nntinn hO'JIltl Ihllt thc :ndi;ln t~rOllllc~ (,AlOion to rl'll'r to thiil mlltter lignin. bUI IllCit ('nnh'UledneS:l in tlto /llid.. l. of iJ.t'- 011 llu~ I'mntier, A wllUh'·mlll li'lll' uftlll: tll'l:t..:,oI AIHlm" n711-" Illl. t!t" fmllUI\>l O\'t'f, rt~de)' n~k, uilli Illl\'l'l·t~'. rc~ll' ill~ :" ~Illllnt I'lt''''~' wero ,Out \Ie ,fire I l-tut.ll!1 helo wcl1e:lre to Whut clllC CIIUIII nutllllee. tilth Ti,e nry lim".tl Indllill .. tlWllI, Ilil'urlll "Cnim;'W:.:lltil :-,71111 lit in onr lllclllIltll; ,",llllClpllll11n!\. ~hl'ro is he don01 The twO tIlce! ore 110 dlllllhn. rlvllI7.11tlon flf which we Iltl'l!'l IJrltu,1 ill 11m Ilhlil\I1~, lind lI\'llril'I', I'll ltlwil,\'. 1'111' lilli, till tlli' ril'cr, II hll II 1·:I1I~I.t1 IIll 1II11ch war hOln tho Brlll'lh IlIIc 10 MCX1C?, At i1nr thllllhc\' ('nn not H\'I' tOj.!l'thllr on th ir t11'11f1l~' ji,t., H lhl-'~' 11111 011 it. they clly Kilo! lUllt w,~uld hn\'!' n ctllllh'lIl ill ltllnhlt' utili \\'ll~ nlllilly IJmkl'll hp It" lI,c a timn whcn we Il'It~l, I'Xll~I('(1 dl5fur~I' Il!rlll'i of f'(IUlllit~', l-~t(lll\ Ihe \'l.:ry lin, ure bruken, 11' it t'lIl1l!1 un Ihcm it grinth C\·l·t)' IUllhlll {'lilliI', T1l1'Y mll:>t Itn~'e 1I111~rilr. Ilwlllll'ir tlll1hlJ. Lv 111\\ Ii A11I1' Itst lInr.c1 we hCltr 11111t trlhes., 1l\'11Ig' III 1111<11 lurl' flf Ihi"A'~ ono mllst in(,lc/1~C whi1u tlltll\ 1II1kJWlh'r, 1I1l11"'r 10 dcf"IItIIIH'lllldn.. Iktll'r lh~- ..f IlWIlIl'.'11I clll!llIrl',I. rcmnlo lli~tllll('l'~ ,I~u,m l'll~h OIher, ~~~ .. tho olher r1('('tt'Alit'1l, One rA~ is Ilt1..I'.! It is t,nl'n 'nitl. fllld llluhil1ll1('ll uttllcll blind Ih'l pulicllul' llll: cll~ktll Cilll''', In, 'l'hl'lr (llml fir 1I1'lion Wtlll til ~l'-ll l' I'reclUlltlllto JI/ls.lttlhl.\' III l~r~'f'~nCj ~~ltl tile ntlll'r indll.trillll~: onc hi imptn\'!. t"ull\'il1rill:.r fuI'CU to t.hc Illl~erliurl, Ilull elrc.!, I" 11i-"lrlll II.wm woullt t1'lldcr Illl'lll c'ol..n',1 lIanll \\1111 WlIll flU~llt.t'tl',1 "f I), m netioo, Iline cumuH'llI'l'Il llll;olllllttol, III dc'nt. the otlll'r 10nkinA' ronlinlllllly fU Ihe wllihil urI: ,lcllri\'ill:': Ihc Inilillll uf Ill'!JlII,t!!I, nll,1 tlldr ltclph ~':'Illll~ WtHlld tlcrnl if' pmt'lidtil'l'I, Ihell tn ,,1'rl'O II lUI, uSll,,1 horron. CXII~gl'tlltl~ I rCI'llrt•. I){'CP the fUllltl" (llle ill con\'Crl iUR I'I.~ utics i11l0 t Ilcir IIJllIl!, 'l'Ili!l nllq,(ell crimilhllity of ft'lldcr Ihem more RIojl'I'1 1111111 thc)' nrc ti 'I: I'll 11 1m tll ('1'1110 tn II c"'I'ln ill I",illt regrets nnd IWllV}' I'Xl'rnlllt It: Ihe Gm'· tIl'e". lIrl~, the utlll'r III conffllllcli Willi IIIll whitllllS llUlIII'lillll'l> used III ItCCIlUllt nuw, J'1I\'ll:;C rl'lilllll'IJ i~ IIloru IllJjllll"lll nml take thllllltlh of till' bn'llIr"1I 01' lite ernmcnt 11lIIIIrtll",tc1)' filllow, fhe toop the rUlll'sl kinll or JUl'. if it only llnti~nl'~ f,lt llil! prc..enl illHI !It(lwilllt ,tl'lI\t1rt11i1.U- t!lUIl ~llI\'i:.h dcpeIUh'llcc, {'nl'lII Higllt' Sllll), If hi' ,Bllnnt ('Ullli', lire in the lIell!' ".\ IlCtlCIl ,""ill 116 eUll- prel(lnt 111'IIirCll: onr hnll noblp lIint8, lind lion \If Ille 1,1111111111, nut tho illl"\l~"i- The J\uwriC'lIl pt'llplu lmrn Onl'n I,.'t'n tlll'r lil'rl'ell II ~I('OlIlIIU)I"'l'. tll,'11 1I Ihird querul1." We ,111111 lill\'e fl.llI~t~lI'lB for 1\ nnimntl'll hr lolty iIllJlul!ll's. the Oilier ill Iliht~' of Il'-,,'cnilll; thilll,\'j] (if it Itu ttllU r"!,l'nlll'hlllll,l' r.'milllit'd nl thll 1'I'III'llultlll wilil n Ihl'l'III. 11'111 if lie "Iill rl'l"I"I'II. II fcw ,curl, l\lld Ihen n IcretltlOll nf tlte COlltl'llt wit'h ldl i).lnOtAllf'e. llr\\'erl~' IIIHI 11lId i, 1111 C\'i1) IIrtl'lltli ollr lIt1l'lIliuo, rt'I:tliull'l which t'~I~1 hl'\I\'CI'!1 Ihu \I hill' Ih.'lllI'llIllt'lIt lIf thl: lm'fhnn 'I'll'" ,.l'nt present enlHlilioll of o(flllta., Clmsc· filth, AmI nur brllt Illl'n 8R\\' thnt Ihlll WI: IIlUSL IICl'el't 11m f1i"t 1111lt tl,u tidl' of illlllllJitllllliC of IIriti",l. Allll'ricn nnd Ihe IIlh'r hilll Itt niEthl. ItIHI lie Willi hroul!ln (Iucntly we 11"\'0 thlll-\'cr retllrrlnJ: Imt "Irrl'rrruihie (,flllllkt" wn8 de~trO\'hll! i :Ullli~r[liion ill l1u\tint( \"1'111 \\'tlrd, hHll, In,liunll. Hill tllu l'IHI!lt'oI IIrt' 1010 lJi,._imi, ill tiCl1 1I11tl htlndl'llll'cr6- Ill' \IIIS 1111'11 nover "nlwcred !jUl",lilln. "Wh~t, ~hRlI tile 11l1lhlllS, Tlll')' \'fere lIent we t, thl'l1 lrom cuwjlO IIliel tlto uhler 'I1IICI, \\'u Iur hllllliudju_t j.trtlnllll" flit tl·lltOlli'll. 1,1111 to Ili .. " Ihe ~tllP lt11l1 tl\\"o tl'l' lllllh, we (In witlltllllllllllun8r' l)ollfll'lIl11~, on lIne.tplOrCfI region. 'fhry Wl'reun, Illllstullflliccept tIle IUd tlmttllolnw llillnig,mti,tt1 i. nttt !lll1\'inl! illin 111111 U~lIl1llJt;rr'lflllnlll\lliml"'llIlllr. I'UI. if Itltellmen nnd Christian. oftI'll 1I.~k tltl. ", 1'" I ' i 'l" I 110 U ittd ~llt" ., , wiS4'ly l\~~un.'d tllra, l!try \I'ould lIe\'ct WIIlCIIl!u"crllllllnU~t11IIUnllrc.llI\ltl(\~t.! fl~llllll~1 III III 0 In, II. herl'l'ul.',llluWlllllllltdtlllll lInd wlill" IJn.~lIL·' 111IIll.~' "O"~('fllll'lltly i~ llt.~1 qUflltinll. but "ftt thil' \\'0 Iliwe natlin be Ilicturl\fld, Hilt the wllilo tart) wllich J(u\,ctn l'flmnH:rce IlIIcllIlll 111111 IIHl IIClIllllld I"r ltelld IIt,,1 with II hull wliip ulltil 1,(' ('1)1\8\ recei,e,lno practiclli "lJ8wer. AI, II 111t., tire IIl!llin IlIIrrotlnlllnff thcm. IlIhl vl'ry Irhal purl'niV, nlllHlIL 1II')'ou,1 tho rellch \'l'r~' limited. The whih''1 IHI' hilI fl'w til In Join lliu 1l'~W'lIc tlr 1('RI'll 1111' :-IIIIl'_ 111 tiun we buut ol'llur gCllcrlt1 Inlelilgence " ' ", I" II . ,'t I f' III ttl I . , • 81)(111 the qllcstl(lll uf their rflmo"lIl. which ofh'gI81fltl\'C nCIIOII; t lilt ... on/lrl'~~, 'ar· I'XI I tl II IIrlll, "1Ie tll'lll ~ I P I' Ul II- \'I'n" u!llIlhlllll' ell 1" thu Im'lhr"1I w,'rl! aoJ keell intcllectu;IIIIY. \\ IIltre. justly n lew yelHIIl~o WK8 dcbntl'd in Floridn, lilllllo.:nt fwd DiCt.liHly slightly inlhwnCil. tliltll is sou::ht Trom mefl'I'I1IIl')' II\nli\'l'; III 'thu hllhit or 1I11Illil1i"l('ril1~ II bull'" of our 1Ill1l1illfll hUI"IUllH', KS' , ., t 'I't 'k Proml • Ocorghl .nll ~flclllg'lII \'fIll he Ilcbllh'd hut I,ul III cfllllroIIIU 1 mO\'enlent~, It'HI onco ~ 1\ II n Olell IIII' I•1(11111'111) 11MCl of 1!C~'utlll hundn',l 11I-11'11I1l the Tl'xft~, II~'I 1lO~lhcrn rl'~ilJtI, !Jrov<.'lI h,. tl,,' filet tI'."L :t. thll e!oll() uf in Arku'nlll!, 1\'!\OlIn8. But When we full}' unllct!llllllli 1!l1'llO fllcl!'l tllflt lilt tlll'r ,I .. in tltu llolre Iltwk, Wilen t1Cllliull wilh thoau thu "relit wu IUlt un Inlh\'J(luul WIlIII'IC· ", IIU', 151 I" ,'11 ' " , the Indlllnll elill Rflno llll'tlll'r, Thoro III we BN lJ4.>lter prcJluree to llll( cr:-Ilillt IlIte( lItl'l!t 11111 I 10 Hrl'prUSI 10 rlln· who IIro h,ml tl) CIlII\'cl'l, Nelln 1Il1'1lI11C~ cutell for IreliC'1I while I11 llOy fli the, ',. I I" "1' I' ,'" ." II I tl' .' , , uo refllf.,."(f for thellllll our vnllt tertltnrv lhe quc'UOIII ut II&lHlIII t Ie 11111111 pru ,. u: JC \\,,'1'" t Ie Wu tllO'" \WU I 10 Ie \\oul'l rHIt 1II1t "Ol\'t' I1lU lilt' \\1111' IlIhl lelld(lf'l ill Ihe ruht!llinn !IUI! 1lI'1l111 III ," "I" 'I I f " II I ,.. " nnrl so the e\'et-rCCllrrrlll{fllleHtwn1 Whllt lcln, 1helt! nlllllij:tIlnU, )'"R' rom IIl'V ItI f e rellll t, Il'L 111<1 /-lll'/} hllll l~ hull dll-l', 'rom Coogretl ftnd llru alllong (JlIr t IIIllcIl, I' , '" k I' I l' I I " f • I, ,hilI! we 110 With thcm t oppresslun nllt pOVl'tl)\ lInXlVUI til JC- vo nflw I III III Ilin lll_ 1f'l'1l this it IK'l'lIll1l' ('UKl' In olW, "1 h'll dIu1\' eltu:enl! But Intdhgl'lIcl' iUlellcd lind ,, I '" I fl' " ,, , Mnny nnlWWI arc JZivfn to till! im- c"nm frro und ilHlellend\lIt Cltl7.end, UlU!lt wrl'lli/-lllr. tJ 1l1\'U nil t'XCllHC In 0 ..r 1Il1!:hl tn btl hl1lldfl~I'II," or hlllldfl'wl, ~nablcd humllne fccllnJ,ClJ, Illl\'e 1I0t UI to portl\nt" qlleltlOn, Rut tho dlnlr.ullull,. . Imvelllnli. 'fllC}'"o.:ellllllllIICCIlPIC(' I,Ilr- ".It IlltlII,IJnl-tclOtoIU~UtlOf','I'l't1I1Utl \\1111,I llnll flOlIl'ulll!tllc,hllll,lfl1.llI!!nn,1 1III 11_ lOIn the IndlJin•• 1 problem, ., II we encounter In IIny polICy..,we muy rllut)',m(Jree"teulll\'ClllIllI" 10 "tillrecllI" lC II I',llu IIl11n I,llllllwnlll'",I',I no",/,<.111 " dn7.cnl 1'.11114: \n bc~lllll~\\',.rfll,I\.ltl'r "A. It Wft. m tho ~Innlng l.t III now, ftdOIlL towudl thcm lire numerous, serio uriginlll coluul"8," IIUI\ Ihcre they IIlllkll Ill" Indiull!, We bclil'\'l' they lltl' I'XII~' tIm t'xlln,nronl Ihe ('ll!rlll Highl ~ fil"p, Siuce Octoll~r 12, 140~, the i:uropeftnl OUII, And \\'elcar InlnrmnUlltnble. If we tltClnlllllvl.'lllllJllIel_ Until their tICCUflA- I!,'rtltl'fl inlhe 1!OIIIIInr milul. I,ut. 11111 111ll H"I'III.Iic.:nllill1i'thilt 81/1ll' ",II/:ht tll and tbeir dl!lCt:lIllltnt. !l:lVO pur,.u~d II hut "lllnce aL them wo lJOO tbcir imprllc, tluu ot tho luncl it WftS 1I1Hl1~, TIll,! In- tlW1 Mil 1tIIIJllllillI:. Bllt the ,Ruilt I nllt turn tlilt l'urcu 01 tlte e"pmlllrl' 1,)' IIPIII)" Ilmilar .policy towArdl th8 abnrillmea. tic.bilil~'. ' tllI'"11 werc atril:tly curni~lIrtHI' 1l('lorll nil onl' side, "hc whitl'lI1l1n IJIlII lIinnl'r. in" 11m tl'rm to Jllllittrl 1,1 Illtitllitlntlon, Tho fetllliu I4,ro JlllIllrnful ,ftnil ,huml1la. W. IIro told, for. inltAllcr, Ihat we the nrrln\ o£tlJ. whhet. 1'hlu~eo£thtl alld the In(lilln h, nllt 1\ IiIlu!. Ilia lI:ncl" wlll'n tht'.V 1ft}' thnt fIW}'IlI"1I1l 10 ticg. Willi urganlzed cmplrcl, like n~x· mu~t tr('IIt Ihe rndlnnl like ml'lI. Thil Ilmu fot occlIr"nr}' ur Agricolturlll )mr· tN'llr!lrty nnll efUclty "rlt prnnrhlltl. ,""clude the "lIlIllrll»:"'11 1)lIrlhhcs." It ico lind Pcrul hanl been overthfowlI, may be good Idvico, but it iltoo inll"n. pOJl'I, l111\'U occurred to thcm. Willlilm Penn {jlllntl olin tnhe lincH,. tlllli lIilllltly mrllns pnrl hCII wht!Y'8 IntiUII,I.., Powerful trlbt'l like tilt! Pcquod.. lIu- nlte to ltnu IIny prllctlcnl VAlue. Dut AIUI in view ul thl'lltJ lI11tCnlCn18, we fllithfu!. but lithe tlmo he 1I11lfle hi8 fll' titlll ill uIlCJl:I..'t1 to hllvt! Hccurrell.-XI'" ruD~ 111111 C~r1hl. whit'h, but for the we will let that pith, ItIHllntJuire. Whot ask ifit lJe lnlo !llllt the Indinnlllre de· mous trcnt}'. the 1>t'111WIltI.'ll were onl\' Orlffllu Ti,ne-. t1lnl~l, illterferenco of the whitt! IIlAII, If they won't bu trcatell like m('D f Wbat IIrh'cd 01 their llllldll tOld Ilicy e\'cr lIl'Ckinj:l' IJrOlf'Ctlun lI,lllllnst the t('rtH,lI' _ might h"vo ruled the Ctlntillcnl, hUll if. wheD the Ol)vernmellt rnl\kC8 them n rCAlly uwn them' H thtl}' did. \\'Ilertl MuhllWks, lIls lmlJrfu'idl'lIcc IUlfllllth l'OI'nrr:ll" Jllltn !"i1'llIlmllCt'llli Cottin", r~I~1I 'lHn o.onilllinted_ ThOle dillt ,;cloomed prrscul. the, tho gil\ lilt II IrilJllte Arc tlli1 "mo.:lU Iml1 hOUll(ls" of their 1101. excito (lUrcDlltelll"I. Hi, "rtllill llCurn tllC fl

'.. "', II .lI. '1 Ill'; N 0 l{T ]I E 1t N S T AIt.

TIll' "ll"r ,Ir.y, 1,1."11 1111' \\LII.1 \\hi"t· E. 0. Fer.lJuson, 11'<1 .....1 l"lud jlj.:~ IH"u1lll till' 11'lh'r~.. " llllle· ..111 Will tilt, ft"1! II ,.;lllll.ri III lhllil Manufacturers of and Dealers In \ illllll~ ;,"d ,~k,'d Ill.., l"lf k{'. 11~r ii' he I t ,,111,1 I, otl" ~ II'" trill Ii Ill.'fe. ".\ 1111,,1(· "lIr llllld, if ~,.tll \l'ml t"," 1 (' Ii,\" I,III-t 1 \\\'M!l1I IIltupltllU..• ':Ilrb, \\1 11.'1" "urn "lilt 1.111',(11 I:nln', GENERAL MERCHANDISE, "'Il~ 11I"lIr''1I1I'1 rlpl:, lint the 111111' "]11 '1111' d'lhl,,,' r'IIo,' 111111 it"d,',J o.:lU" II ~\'I.I ~ III ,II pI 11"- I It Ilill'lolll~t 011 11 l.,,\ r 11.1.1". I .....1..11.1·_ 1"'1"""1 I,ll'" , IFurniture, Bcddina, II", (·JI .... ur 1111' .o.:ll"Wr ~"111.\· ~;tid I'url'h' Sn.9hott.l.1Sh C11;y, 'VV. T. "ud : , \\ 1IIllll"JIlh I \\.'1'1'- "!'lit ll:~ llClllllhlc·f j'llll"e 111111I Ihllt "I !\ "' K 1~I1I"T"hlll·ln.II1I·I1t'­ I J11,1~~ lilt" 1..111:4 I .., 111>'11,': th,' !111II1I. II. "c ,1'''111.11111 ""l11rll'"lt II HAS ON HAND ALARGE AND WELL ASSORTED l'lt' pll"\l'1I1n 1111' i.:hH'1,' ,'f ~ \I,IJu"oLtUllllI:hll', I"hl l.ftlHI' \\I'II"I~' \\lllllh 'mdl .. lui 11I1I1~' "I U 1I1·tIL~~lllll"\'., I Window Curtains, ,,111'01 tIl" n"'ll"l 1i~ht lll'rH~~ tIll' ~l' .,.:' .'n 1'1 Ill,' L,Jelll 1'111'" L"lI\':lllllllllu~,' STOCK OF GOODS, .\ I' ,ir ,,1' 1...,illl-C·;1.I,,\',s "'Uc 1l.. 1I1~' \\ Ilh 1,,".1 "lid, Iw, rill": • 111'.- I ,\11'\ U1l' 1I~,1I1 III"t hhth ,,11l1 1'1~~lfLLr\'\ Ill. II, .I. "lett're F."ante""", r"I,,,.. ill~ .111 11 tal,h'. IIlld Iht' lillie III.J I"r I (, n 111.1' n I" ""'<'Imh, d- lint II .." 11111"'11111 II 1~llllll'l .1','11, UIIlIl ,; II Ofl tll"11I 11I1'l 1\l·tH nn : '\'111 "1\ I'"UI'\'l'. I"uol I I", ,I, "It lllll.·~ ltll' ".11 t" lit'I' ,.url, "inflll I III Lrr!l-lill li"'IUllhll til lhl nr ~Oll;:. III 1l~1 1)'1l1:.! nrU:lIHI wlH'tl llill 1'''.\ 01 0111,' ull Il'lullLl 'I hl"lll.. plllllul, Windows, Doors, Dry Goods, Groceries & Provisions, ~1"1'1l ,h',.~n Ulll~ ,\111111.'" IH~etl 11.1' lrllu 11l'llI·t. tll'l'r 10\'1:_ • U1lll mil"lIt !I,Vu It in WJlll Il'lIt1, r l"lu, ... uII mlltl ! ,\frll'l." IInliti 11l/IIIIHI ""lr,lll,'!t',1 hlt.(b and blinds" 'flarn' "r r.l:lr or th~ '"I)''' hnd rlmplll'll 'rh' hl-Irl,mle hl1l,,1 .\rt- Wln't1 u Illlh' lloll.l'r ..r llll\: WIl. t..OMl- HARDWARE and CUTLERY, and , ill, I&11,t Ihl' ....11,,"11 kl.'e'l>cr \\iukt.'d u~ AlIll 1\ltI,rtl'd, UUII' II\:oIrt t I hl'ttI 1111 I "'pI1l-11: YANKE"~ XOTfO~~, 'Iv 11'11"-10'11111, lVt\rl1l 11':111' I1ItQlll! Seattle, W, T, , AND , CORllAOr, "I)ll ~"u \IMlt 10 cnrnlll'c dullllri fo.>f I t1lOllLtht Ill)' rlentl \\'I'~ eultl: lilt) IWIIlhu t" I "'ell'III'IL throb, I f..d the l'lI.lll, "1111' Il','IJlt', IInl,· IlItI,i1d- IIlN'Mt, "\I""rll\' I ,10." WI'I1, pile 1!IlHJI';'c.1 IIwl tll.,.1 "l1l1l)' 1t.1'~r,l· PHOSPECTUS Crockery d: Glassware, ,\11,1 I, rl 111'1,." _;Ill lIuo.Ilo1L<,_ {,Ircltr_ "[Out '1/1 It me knnl'k Paints & Oils, Iltl' io:l.IY.'!I wit lIud 'I'll,' pk\ l"uk,',1 duk 1I11l1 thl' worhl IIl1.j mo 110"'11, Blld 1'lllIlllc lilt {'mIll ,"1I11u:,:1I XU \\ui" nv dilltl, Ul! 11tlnlu! -O~' TUt:- Stationery, Wines, Lionors, &:e" tIl ('(in\', rl a \\ li"II' r,';;ilUClll.llt' .\lric:Ul ~"'r ItIr'I,\h~ 111,1 Jllol~'1tulI'c ~IIW mn 1I11t, pinlll r .... ~I)' UIII~ .IOrt,l ... "Ul Il..'Y I'ulilli I 1111 n_ I u~cd to net ~ J1LSV "rile 1',lU"tJ i't I1nhll', till' In,hwrm.. nl. 11I1IL-llr\' ',r plllr\'l"~ 1:1-1, UNITARIAN ADVOCATE. J.;l'I'II." mUoI,',lth ... liltlu nlll llllll, lIit Ilt' The l'un;{" m_,'. lInri I 11'11" rhCt'rcrl, j\utl I>rt,:ht I'••·.I"ul.p,lildlllhl- A Inr"e n."ortment of SIfIP KNEES constnntlyon IlIp,1 "illl IlltJrt:ll'\'I'~' ,\ \ll'lollily Pubikatilln dll\'OtrcJl(I \hl'lnll'r I ("'IlIl! 110,1 "'I" "k, I "",,101 ""~ """"­ t'ltrl~tIMLlit)' L'IIll~t. ISIIII' I\Nt:t:M tlilllCllSiOJIH 111~lllh:ht. e-1II of upon t!llB humJ. of nny furnished to order, 'rill' 11l'~~ U~I'lIl1l'1l1:l,'oI him til t!U ill, II,,· \\'dl, til'·)' hl....'.1 UUlUU .rltl! hll'olC him IOIOt;kl,1 l'L';lr", 'Hlil by 1111111 ~lflHn,:II'U ItnoJ, I\'rllll;.tlllil TEIDI8-0NI~ elve Me a Call ;\1) I..Uh,.: ..1I I' lilt Hlhl: nOl.l.AIt A YEAH. Ill', ..I,d 1", rlnnl1y ,.:ot out ..I' ltiol OI'l.'r. Il'''ultllll'\ \\1II\llu flllor 't'l nI BNOnO~1J II CI1'\\ w. T, JaDl1.rJ 1, 18i6 I'll It, Willi I.h' C\ plllllll;'lIl : llr 1111.'11"11111' hal'l< llC'llhl, 'Ihr) IUlLuh"11 lit ttl)' In,o:-ll'dr..rt. ,·It l'ml't hll II ",III t,1 L", fllr til" C,IU I' :'o'l''''r ~llIlh~11I1 ttl) f111ulc I'llrt, uf lluJ 11I':L;blu." 1111\ 1I1111' llt,'\ I.IICI\ Ilf till' ~ur"'"V TII,llll,L"l.illlllOlu,: til) IUlLIu.tlleart. Thu ,ol"I,,,'nl,lt LllI'lInt to lilt Ililll U\l"r D. N. UTTER, F.IlITon& Pnop'n. W,'II, 11,1\\ I'm III 1Ih1111l\1 k'l.'hlc tllllt1, IIllIl nf , hi' I II h'l lit 11\t' lI1'1n hlll\\', hIli ~h' ~'IIIt.1 III \Ii'll 1110:11 r'lIl: !hu 111 ..1\' \1 III II'tlt'dnl ufl' \(,ry 111111,1­ Il'ut IIl1l11 ..'Irt)' llo:uru ~il;III'II: 111'111., IU\' IMlll"'t h"IIL", "'(11Ilt'1.', 1111.1 IIlc liull' oldman I ,,1,1 {'Ulll lu he 'III,' CI "'JIll' J"II")"lI "lUII'll, tl...y .\ntl "'1)1111)'" rl,'IIIMIILl~ 1111'1'• ..tllnl!" In lillth. It lti.orOUlI'" )'our Imml' dllty to .1I!Jl:Clllll' I\lr LlII., LlI" llrtt jlUlJIlcallulll,/f Ihe "L'luk Hllt,II1'11\'!" ('Tit'c! the 5111'10ulil, In~IlInco A Illo,h'rn of thl) I,mellcy 01 ...11111 "'..... t uf tllu '\lllIIOL~ellllll, Ivr till: c~tl"l'l1lcJy SNOH01\4IS:H: CITY, 'VV. T. I~ 1\-' h.. !lilt illilldt hllnlll'r, I,re\'it.\' ill l\ f;lh.ltl CllLl~C 1U1Iy lie cit I'll, III'" IOlIlJocrlpllull I.nku Utili'" \\ huhl UII: of Ill, .... 11110: Il Ill!];" "VeTil)" I II ill, nnd I \\'111j.;h'll thee r\,'l:h uUlk.:. hl'o.:o.:L.."r)" )1 f)upnnllllllJ, thu c10Clucnt Uhlhnp ul' .llll.l:rtullullll.t In uNcr W luel:~ llSIK;UllIla, TrIlS T10TEL .,111,\ ill rtJlttrtl-fur the hellthcll," Orlelill , Iltclwlling' ill hclmlt of Ihe \llll· Ilollrm'k II tJl~~\',in!f lJIIIW, lind III" trl~81'1' workmcn of HllUCl1, eont~ntctl Is the Best In Snohomish County, In every ~Il l!l\lllouht didll't l\'eliluito tlllhu..lulIllc hilllndl wilh ~lI~'infr:, "Thill i"llo lillie lLlnll Illu~tllrt, lie lOlIk lltu Ih'lcn~il'c, fllr 1011g St.rlllllll', !Jm lor gOl){l wllrkl. respect. tinel hllatKlI1 hnt! 1111 tilt! \\mk hu C(johl \r'llllIrll1111 ItcquuiUlt'J with the ClIlllllli· TIIi'rll I. a IlOhlblllt,l' Iba\. )'ou mllY not full)' ,Ill. dt:S Il( Ihn§(! wllllle OtUIIU I hRve ClIIJUI uulh·...lJlnil our pr1lldlll~ lmt dlll.'lrlUlill, .ull "' talll tlllr\Mpllt fM II )'W" wblch WIlU! cullill "TheC, Inlllhtr fnr til. ignllnnt Illintl. thl~ 'ltly to pltl\d, Onc UIK)Il" tllllCIt .1I'0rll UU' {II 1I11'I'Ill"uriOilty let do, wuuld 1Iu. FIRS'!' CLASS BOARD. lin tile I"'" nlr .horel" ,llIltt:d lilt: 111110 Idll~, wtln_e OIUIlO I. Itill c!lcri.hl!\! hy ILltllllllltllOd or bl.ocolllimc fullr 11irOfIllCt!l'OLl' reruhl" our fuhb, oLir work" Inu our hOIItl• ..hi Illlm 1I!f hu knookl.'tI tho suloorlht lit>, ~lIiJ til hl'l cotlljl"niutl. ill aroll, no lI}.lulnat Ihe \\'!lII, Is "lwII)'s Furnished lit Moderate Rates, whom hl! thollght wilh rCdSlln be could U' YOU ARE Ol'!'tR5EO TO lJ~, 'fhl'rtl wn..m't ltlly ".dl"nrc" .hollt Ilim, rl'1y: ')Iy gnoll Irkud_, 1,lln }"ur killg, I,ut lie Illru('k til kill, lind IIi, "rlllll ""cre }'''II life 1"rl'lIt.!lIIlt'o. Yonder I" Ihollll­ ~ i;~~'~~~I~~,~~~~ 1~~~t~l::Ae J:'lif~: Wd~11II 1\)'lu/o{ II.ruutld like tht! IlpllkCl' of rl t!lll)': let UI mArch I' I will tlot IIlh.lf"ej9 d ...rlL11t nur pro!,,, , THE BAR whn~1, ~'ou l:lub)Crlhe :'\'ow I It lhe htulnulnlt or Ihe in olher w"r.l" t(Hllly Ihull tht'lK'. ntlw)'l'Ur, Will you IUIY !llt·u t1n11lJllCr(rllm "I)on't ('rew,lll fel[cr," ell lied OLlt the 1 lUll yuur ltillhop: you lIre Chri8thln', It. Ill'll uniuller. .send .Ih'er or l.:"uld ('tjln llioonl:!t. lUI he WIU being lirlYCIl IJllck, 1'\'(lel&'rt'l11ctll:r or IJO'tal ordor fur 'I \l."t, or \-outler llre, lIot ollr {'nemill'. hut vllr It ~fJ lu eUl'n.:nl'~. ,\tldn:8ll Is supplied with the bcst Wim dnd Liquors Nortk of San Francisc9 IUld hc Jotllt ill/iii "'1ll1 IJUt III hiM hurd\' t LrethreD who lIutrer, Let UII ltl'C 10 Iht!ir ~:ltt b.:S. UTn;It, Olympia, W, T, Iick!l, I Ir. mt"lIIt III Il111l·h tho olll IIIIL11" ~lll"l'/ll !., The re8UIt Will the collectIon Also a First-Class BILLIARD TABLE nOtilJ IIi! tlllt Ulli winllnw ghlll..!l; ltot Ite (II lIIure thRn six hunll,rt:d pOUlIlI~. C:f)ultl nnt 1I11 il. 'hlJ.-lut;n two or tlJuc To Accomodale the PatroDs or lhis douse_ lill, hit" IIml Willi ltt.·glllning to rt'galn It nml' tilll>l'101'8 that Ihe lhooklyn tile· hiJ.l.uurll~l", whcn tilt: rtgl.'(l tilrllllgcr .or­ IItrll' ill willi-II 10 1I111ny IOdt their 111''''1', ISAAC CATHCART, ~ritto". rem'fully kmnrkL'(I: wl\lIlJmlt UlkJlI the olll lito of 51. Juho', ".\Iy lriclId, Iho helltlll.!n tllll, lind 1 Cllurch tuul1Jur)'il1~·urounll, the pirmeer ellllnot tllrr)' lllllCh lunger, Tuke ,hi. Angllclln c1luTt'h Ill' tho city, 1':1CI c1,Utcll ~ une, 1111,1 i~ mllY llrn.t1cll )'our \'Ie",. (111 Wtlll loru rlown. IUld nil who lull1 friendl :s tllc hc"tbul qlll'~lion. Bt.:(:auliful "ylf', 111I11 U UlIIUy hOilie. w(rll lel\ in thtl Krolloll, Q lit IIowly r\'~nincd I,i. (l'tt he Mt iu hill Itnll tlltl Ille.lre Willi lJllilt over th~ll1, ~ Wit pnckd fur Ihu wager. A IlOft·helid ....s. the Cltillmit)' in the Iigllt 0 "If )'lIu'lI Cllll111 RTOun11 here to,"igbt Il( tllf'SO ftlcil \'cry fnrclllly Illggt'ill G. D. SllUIlII. hoplle 01. IInll do tltMtllJ.{lliu I'll douhle lbemuncl'," wheth~t llltl tbeRtre WMI not lleaectnting ~ he Krowll"ll, u Ito vuld tIJu wllj;cr. holy Ijl'ountl, '1lld the \'oice of lile in· ...t ".\Iy rUlld IIUilllll 10Wlifti DOItipg," 'Illted ilt!l'perll cr)'ing Ulllo belll' 11, 'Gj Til}) lfOUSH ~ND FUn~V1TURE E~vTIRln~Y NF:W "Oftl} rl'plil'd the old mllll, "ltlHI I CIUlIIot --_. ... Mr, I.Juring, ~I, I)" \fhnKIWC £1,000 10 ~ IlIrr),. I" t till pMt Iricnrlly, for I only the II11W St. AIIJIlIII IlIl1boprle, 11111 Kivell IlOwel Ihl'C lor lhu 11\'lIllum'lI 1I11ke, I THE BAR ROOM no Ic... " 'UIII llinll .1.'100,000 to founel _ 1;;,Ive t~ thcl', II,nll hllllt J;lyen eo till) , !lCh'II,,~hil.l" in J(l'rtfurd ('OIlI'gC, Ox. tJ helthen, lin.1 110"', frtrew"lI." ' U fotd, 1\lr, IbrinK II a Ii'ln nf the IIrt'tlCnt E is 1;he ~a.rges1;1n.1;l:1e COu.n.1;y, Ui~holl ,\, \'lltl toll\cnt il heing ltuillllt Ville (Or ))urholll i ami it uill It. com, ill t~ :-Of.rie, llr )lllllklonll, nCIH )IOlllfl'lll, pll.rlllil'cly JOll11K tI11UI, !>eing ollly fOlty. ('annIIA. fllC1I1K the th'rr. Tho mOlllltnln !lVI..', lie wOllnr \Kline )'CIU'!11 blUlkt:r in ... Furni.bctl with" BILLIARD Ti\BLE, 'lOd the best hrands of ...du lur th(' 11'1IJ.:th I)f 700x~OO fret ill be. New \'I'I~k, Ilml then Il plrtner In tho ~ in~ f1xclwall.!1 (nr the fnullllnlions. Thtlkl cclcl"rllt"11 hOll&

'I' II E X () 1{'J' J[ Ell X f; TAlL !"~ ~.-IWJ ______"'!'!"!! .._"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!__"!!"'!'!"'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!"'!'!_"'!'!..__.."'!'! "!!"!!"'!'!!"'..__ ..=...... -..,""==...... ,'"'==.._==...... i Ci!ii!M !'tit'IUlh' C'tu'rr"pOUdt'UI'l'_ nUl r'lhlill;.t.!ll!.. ,hl' ~hl't'll ur ~'-III". Itll'Y Step ~ Soldly, ~tllr. Old "null' 1.IUt. ~ht !\urthrl'll i'lIl1:':U'J,.::lI" 1I\1.~tl) ill I Ill' I\\in il1~lilll' I..."llll'll t',l\'I.IlI'lOlllh"'·nlr. lint' hUlldrlll y."u" II:!" uul (& p,mlll] '\11':'1'° l:>tlIJI':ST. liull" lin Ih•. ].1\11 fmd ~:l\\\111'1 11\~1., IlIld lin Ill" t"lt:hl' \t'-II"ItH 110.' lid,' ~1'I'llh 'J,r~n,'" "I' CIIIl] or n (ul,i!' lilll! Ill' illlllllill11lill!t Whih: tlht t'\·llllll,'Ii~I. llilt, 1\11' Ilnl,l. ,I"·lrI. ,11'111,11 h'u-L lIn ,t ...: 111111 lIlhl ,:.!11l·1,~,:.!.· III tll.I"C \\·ltlllll> Ill,lIl." -..,1'11111.; lulo·. ' ~ h III.d t~ 1.'11 hUlu.,J 1tI thi.. U'"l1tr.\. :'-0 Ill:! '"fill inn pr '~l'r 1Il1'1'111Ig' lhllt \\It. ElORIDCE MORSE. EdItor and Prop'f. irlll) _\,1\ I'" II I ro' 11"'-11 11111\ 110. IllIld' '11l~'d itl :"'l'nllil'. in 10110' "I' tht' dll1r, II, .., !wI"ldhr l'·I:.loli·]lllll.·nl.... 'I'll. to' ..lit"". 'fll!' ,1.'Jr"nt·, C"Ih' \1\' 1'1111'\ rn II, jll~'t;II,1 nll~·il11! ltl.:ulllrl.\· Maltl',) ill 1I11' ('I~":~':I::.ll.'\:~ W::~l;, li,t" 1::,IlU"', 'linn, I"r 11'IllIIl111i'ill;l hl"ll \\1 rt' 1111- lill" Ilu: 11111'1111'11 Ill' I,m.\in!! fur lTrt'nll'r IJtl'lfl,lir,llI~ "I Ut'l" lIt" .. I 11" '1111' lltl' ,. ,.. tlu' u'111l1 lillY, 111'1' Ic,llllIll ,\11(11;.. ,,", ""tliurn, It' 1],1\1.·,.... ~II I" ;Ilt· Ill'. 1'1lril~' I I· I 1 t,!l1 I I ,Ll:1I III I .. I ".Il ;. i·H r 1,1".1,,,1 IIntll FrnJlhlill :lIl"tu!l·l1tlw Ill' 111':I,t. l'I·/l11II'rl.\' 1I11"'lli"Il, !"~ III ~'II'II uW:II 1'1 11tl1l1ll1l 11'1111 IlIlll tlll~,lh',·lll·l. :1111 • II, Il \ 1,\ \llIlItl.\ ,'\1'\" t, h'm Irnl1lltl ~rtJllu('c lillith 't,lllltllt.. 1l1l1kill!.\' 1l1ll11\lil'lIl I 'U.,•. IJI"lhll' 11111. i1lld'! Ilrll~cr,r,oli:rrtd -- 1_, M'1.1I11,l "II C1,1' I., I::hl 'ulo' ~h,,,, , ­ 1:\I~'>oIIII' \p\I'I:rH .... r;. inl.! in II'WIl tllll! 1"Hlllll'y Wlretlllllc loy I" tilt' 'iunf 1'~I'"cri"y. :111,11" lie 1'1/1- I '·011,11·,,1. 1",,1 ,\111 k'\'l' u~ IhttUIl:;h l11t11. I• ,11111111 I:',r ~,If. In I :- \ '.'.111, il~:: ::: tht"lid ,.f ,it,· hind '01 flll It lirirk Illlrth l,,~',.i,d. 11t1'HIlIC tll"'e '11101 lIl"'C 11,'int:d. n"n BIlI!l'r "av, 1111' Ill'" 1.11'l'li'11111111',ht '1 urn ""I 1~1I11, 1,"1 It..,,," I" ""fl' I"u : \ ;~ III' 111~t ;,>, ,. Ith' \\'\1 r, 1lIrrr prOllil-:UIC ~"us III Rntl ItcllllK' of Ikpft'jll,'lllilti\'t's of the It 1ll1'l'tIlture \\M lit ll'N thlrillj.\' 1lI1111)' "u \loulJ H:ltle it willt hilll. men "fill)' flIel' IIl11killg" IrIWS Willi 0111::111 !WAttl'r ",llIIt he IUlfi hUlIflltcl, Thill IlIlly Unitell :illite! COlllllll'oCI',1 10 count. the ntJ:tht81t1 the \";nta. The men lItlll wo- "":,\TTI.•: OIll.:t1'ull\'. til hn\'ll 1Jc1.'1I Nll(,lIllillg !.'eltonl." 110 Ilell1ull~ltIIlcl11'y C'lllcullllinl-C illlufllit VOI(:~ ~'rllrll e1l'Ctl'l'Ill ot' Ihc FHI't111 Stlllt'S. ill men 01 II hllmlrlll lIgo tlllllrl:"cl1 Our enterpri:;iug fcllow Cill7.f'Il, Mr. EIllUltl Ahbott tlt"Clitlt'li tel "il1J: lhe III curn'llt I'I\II'~. CUIII11UUUlII·\I. Oll cxi~1 111l~lr hltl~ 11lIljtl~t order to detctlllinu whil'h of t!llj icleml und wellt to in II tclnpl'flltut"C Xorthup, IJtlulblH'11 II cit}' Iii· lIrinkinj.( 1I011£t in Tra\'illiltl. She tHIl-l-lll in~ cllpllnlillul the inl'fl'lllit· Illt'r"u1. Ii,!' lulrrl\~es cuntllil1~ Clllll1id,llc Ilrl'!lCnltt! fur tllc of colder thun th1lt of Ollr t11lJ1ll'r1l l).UI111 rcdory which 'Iuito 1111 11I1IOlmt to J.:ll S('\l11)'ll'r C'olfllx In \\ ritl' It ('Ilrilt. II hundn·t1 yl'nril. But I1lltllrc hUllulnt:1y Pr~i· wnol1·hcd~, ttlC lwople last Nll\'ctulJcr8hllll he alld Rnd they nel'cr COlll- of intcrerllling hi8l"ricIII ulul Itllli.,tit:ll tinn fllJCrtll'lIr hcrclltitl...d "(;relilt..' U~III!I tim hltrhlll'i~m or ,"ricIY~) l·\ll'l'itl;.( lien!. '1;1) 10 within II dlOrtlillle lILt: Jlluillcd. ._____ inrormnliull; llllllllC", the lItirrin;{ und Iil:r." the lIOn whit theltllht'r·8~ill~. lltlll liln. I",,,,~ qlleilion wnl urloundcol L}· difticllllll'@ Pror.. 'I' hol1l l"-"II...... I\t the [nl.'l!t. .11\11 il1dllllllll\l)lc Mr. ('hllir ill 1""IHtrillil'" The pnSllIlUlltLr tkclur complienti'ln miti,lllltclIllt" uvi1. 'tlt'it'ly rlt1l novel' Ileeme,t hy mnn)' nfnur mllllt !/I.~IIr.inus int!,. Ill' tlte nriti~h 1\~~ooilllinlJ, cxllillitctl ""'Ither ~IlCCI'iIOlJr lu IIIC onehe Illlhlishc\1 dl.,tllt~ 1:IlIllIJlllgl1. ouUh~ tn Ix: ofglellt tlPllto'lI'h onlcr Ill' Ih~(,l'llt civi\i'Miun, polilicianil nn,llIttlWilOll'll tll he il1lillllcr. """,,1,1 Tn illll~lrtlto Ille nOliun uf rh'crlt III~t )·cnr. IUIII ",hicll Ilromi8~1I 10 Lc \·rr.,' IIClll'11t 10 tllil flllmlc I'lIptllnlion. It will 1I1111l It ill rll-:arlhlllillt llllin IIltll" I'rlule fi ahle. hut "t len:;ll1 the \'llke nr thllile • in lIlOllifying the torlll! of their wind· illtcrLosting, ",ith lI\lI11~' origill~1 ami he 1Il'l't'~,:utr)' hcrc~ltl'l to 111I Ille IlOlt. li,r n llIliTI to duil1l or lIPllrullritlo.1 to ~lIi,1 Ii'"pie has limnll e:cprcssiflll. nnl! ConKt't'n III"'. 11, tllllt. I'''''' trflllti,...s nn lInolllltlullli lelltllre!l which will IIII\ko it nlll'l.'lI· Wit.II womll", w110 IItC nut likely hilllllClftlult w!liclll,,' di,lnlil )Ir"dul'e­ h~'llrutlliC.i 1111 PB'lACll tI "'fll'C /II ellllrtlllcnt fur the IIK!tlk of thi... llClioll fllIil' l'cry ntlrllCllve. 10 he nOllliJlllled all cleclon. Thill illhc II) rCIlI' wht're he 11i,1 .lol II"''. 'l'hI r.ollsl~wl IlnJllngin~ JJretlent el1lt:r;:lluty, whieh gee1ll8 to ClIVllr ",ulcr 01' ptlttlrlCS lIut Illy OlljL'Clllow ill t/'I glvc II few trUe idca flf rl\'l1 fl('rvi,'l' I'tJlilrm. l1\USI I~ IIllllt'rillolhl unci npl)lh·tIlitt'tllll}' i~lIuC" ~l)lIt the elltire grollud of the in con· ogllin!lt tho OUler 8ide 01 tile 1Jl>od, lIml 81atillics 011 .ilhet·l) 1\1111 lIu hlltl\lry. llIltl pml,tlclllI)' hI Ilil'. Thert't'lin Itt"ef trover, I}f'twCt'n fhe tll'O ~l'l'lIt Illtrhei, 80 wCRdll~ it III1'l/.V. Thia ill OI~l'Ctitll1' 1111 Ctlrded 011 in SI'Ktlh'. whicll I prj'mllle IJC 1l11Idll\l!I'nnCI'llIcnt lllllllng lite \Illrk­ 10 that ",hll C\'tf IIII\Y be Ill'Cllftd Preili· alile. lIiI wol('r doci \'lot itlll'ingb hilt IllJitller fit the othl!rdlrl'cturiCIl will touch in!: "lnl'3t'l u.. tilllll 1·111~llt·" 1",'clUne "'(Irk· dent II! Ihe "'sult,.,r Iheir dcliberulionll. Pl'Clill<.:S lll:tlin~t the oUlt:r h·Ulk. 1'llc "pon. illl( CIIII''tI'i',11ll11 tllllB rt'lle\'6 the \j\'t'l'­ Clln 1.I01l011lllly 1111111ll~ 11I1~ilioll fur Ihe III'tinu t8 Ilh1re properly n8 rollowll: Th~ There "rtl at Jlreil('nl kCllt here lIC\'cn work"ll, Illltl /lin: tllcm Icilltm: f..r I\II'n· Itlollilll~ next lour yeti",,' alld 11'111 rl'f'flh'e tile I;lreltlll IinCl Clf woter flow lells diflerl'llt nooks lit Shl'Cl', looked aller till cult un'. Ail It ill, Iho l!t1'~l\lI"li CIII. SlIllP0rl of the cntire l)lljly:lf 1110 Anll'r· rroll1 llit! oellter to the inner III Ie. In alld Il'uded by seven diffl'rcnt tllwphenil1 turl'lJ c1RlI"l'i "'tcllrrl it nit holh !tOllL"'t Icnn ptoplc. The following relllllfk.. ur cHlIsequcncc 01 lhis nnll !luill rriClioll, who lmin Rufl di..cipliD8 tlle[)! to CllIlle 11011 (lll'\\I'IIIII. IlJI \\1,11 It!! p-cnlt'cI. lu ri,le "on~l('rful Senator O>lIkllnH, cf Nllw York', mtlile there Is Il ftu" 01 wtlter Ilt the! "UrrrlCti Mlltl gu ul ul'Ck 01 rllll in II olllhe hnckll III tlw 110 clllh:t1 ullf'lI11Ured pl'tlscntin~ in 1\ petilion on tile 1)Iliiticni rrom the inner to Ihe outer side, "ml mMnnl.'r. Elich flock 1m!! a llf.'JllUllle fulrl cll\$8I,.~. whieh (10 tile world'lI wurk. crl,is., 'i.'lltcd by " nllmbcr of the pmmi. IHlIIIW froUi tlls Ollter lo the innt:r. whcn tllt'y lire n!Jl:llltu'ly pllt up; lmd It Pt~' ncnt lind 1ll0"t inlclJiKcnl cltin'lIl1 of Ills Tbia CllU8C8 the C\',th lit lhe outer 8hle ill vcry ~Itlolll tlillt Il sheep of one flild TIly. X. P.Il\ll.III1,m.-l'hc .•' ~1:lth Btate, 8imply reitf'rl\lel the lentlmt:llt of to he trtlnllrcrred tllollg the hottom to eYer !ltmyl ott IIncl gf'IS into Rnother of' Ike, O;Olllllhl8 Ihe rullowil1ll: en" pAtriotic eitizen in 'he counuy, tbe Inner blink. He Uhllluntetl th~ f••ld. 'I'h. "lOOp or eaach ruld .re dillin­ "'rhe mtlllllgt'1'1 uf the Norlhrrn PII"lno lind we douht not '11\11 nwrh to do In rl'llmrkl hy the hellRvlor of tllrelltlll Ilt gllllllfWI hy IJllCullllr IIlylcs of dllCkill,ll IhllIrn"rl, .ltllr IltIvlllg CIlD~11 II) b", bringing IIbolit tho prMICllt Bmicnhle . wlthtluwn lrOIll the Itlllrket tlUI l.mJl tuchetl to Jliniltuck III lit tliffcrent ()lIrIS ami clippiog. Tht:y h",v !.tul OIiC fuuk Ilate IIf IIft'1l11'1 in OOllgrl' : urn hlying or the 1Jend of the mwJcl rh·cr. The ill commnn which Ilidictlt~ thnt tach III WA5hll1A:lIIII Tl'rritor1 "lunR Ih~ ILno nri~11ll\1 tllill petition hel'o", tho SrnRte it mlly bottom tlmArh inclined lOlTlInls the noc", Is "vl\riety only 01 tI urt!ell dlllt 01 rllclr rulltt'. 111.·(1 nIle\\, 1111111 not be IImi" til IId,1 .n avowal 01 my Inner Illd~, while the UI)IK'r tlll'cnds In. dl~tl'l ill (\riJ.tin lJllck lIoout t \Vo thoulUlnll In Nu,emlll'r 1[",1, r1I1IUI:Ing tlll'ir llIutu IOmp/lthy 1\'ith i111 elllle,,1 rur onlerly. elinecl Jlighlly IOwnnls tho outer. Tho YIII\I1I; thl~ murk In common i8 II crou ftltout 100 milulOtlth nl lIlt: otl~inl\l IIl"ful, "'11ft patriotic lIetioli. In eleen· IIJ'tual Iltlte of lIulltCI"ll couhl nlljO be on the shollillers. It il lIiDgulllr, 1I1l11 linn. TheM) Itllld. werc .llllI )lY tht· 01'­ ling Ih,\ Coollitutlotl io lilly inllllnco, ICtn (rom the mud raised II)' tile flow IJf yet no lIloru alll~ular t~lIlllrIlU, lltllt !lot­ dllr of tho Bccrlllf\r)' IJf the Interior. Inri especially in lin iOlll"nce 10 f,Jrnve 118 ttlO Ilrelll1l in the tllOilel. '" i111Itllnllinj.; tho .htferenl 6ock8 CIlII fill I'o'itlllluwn lralll "1I1e or I)ro,clnlltillll. 'ho ooe reterred tn, pnrli8",n reeling III II. be traced 10 one COIDmon origin, thure In lhu Hottle COlUmhl('(l Oil Pahlic guide Ind rulti ofaction clln rlghlfully JUllgo l.ewl!!, lit. tIle roocllt tcrm (If hi exist lin 1Httilltlthy nllcl rr.pu!IlI't"lltllll" lJe· t.and~ Mr. LtllrtllI Ulllved to n'con,iller havo nn pIIlCl;l. Obet'lll'ncc tl) Iliw. 011· cOllrt at SteilacOOIll, dcclded tlUlt liquor lwcen the lIHfurtnt flotks, wInch drivo tl16 \'oto l.Iy which lhe Mil Will !'t'l'nnllli ICrvl101'1l of the Connitlltion, Bntl the Iicell8et1 ilillUl'll by the Auditor in VIICN· nnd kl'tl}J thcm aluml~r. TIII!IC shellp t'n:tl. elll'tIlHn1t lito lime or lite COlllinmy mllintenllnce of trnth III DOl I IJRrty qUell' tinn Bre vuid. He held tllllt. the Auditor hrlve tile rOlllltlttion or being very docile, ror cOll1plcling tlH:ir mlltl. '1'ho ,ufltion tion or procffilhlg; it III IKl}'ond 1)IUly wns merely 1\11 thc Olerk of tIm Hoard lor anl! their IIl.1cphelds Irllin thcm III I\. pe· """11 curricd. lIc tllell lI11hmlttetl an .nd ahove pnrty. Pllrlic.' m"y contenrl, lIuch llurpoiCll; ant! lhat the 8111ml, be· clilitll "nd lItercotYlllltl way, 10 a hiHh lllllcndmellt n!Alorin(t to hOllW'letHt 1111/1 .nd I beUcyo it II wholelomo In II. free rore they mllke aoy order gmnlillg II li­ degree of protlciency, but t.hcy I,C\'rr pro,clIlptinn lilt hmdillln Iho Iino norlh Ko't"ernment thu Jlnrlietl 1I110uld conlentl, cenllO, must in opell court he aatl.lIed lCI\r1l IInylhlllg beynnd IIIRt; nothing ofTncomllolll1 rugal 8oulI'l: untl "Iso o,er mr,ull",' lind cnndidatell, btlt ..... III'D Itt'm evidence thnt the 81)plieant h a nU11l original cln be cllllllletl for litem. All "" Illllcndllwnt to rcquiro 1110 ClHt1t>11Il1 the contelt hM bec!n lubmittt.'tI 10 the of gtlod moral char.cter, Rnd their rl,."­ tho IRmbi, nl .. certllin Rge, ore loldetl to lile II c1l1l1n!te locl\.lion ot their ronte. b,,:lol hnx. lht! flnlll nrhilr"m~nl or 11(1)' cortl.llould 10 IIll1te. The bont! mllst be logether l1ud Brll IlIhjl'Ctl.'d to tbe ululil "hc laD'!!1 Iflllih or TIICOII\II cnrcr All ulllr cuntestll known In our system, tilt) lutncient. to tile county in tbe lum orone <.locking, marking llnd clipping prucc~., arell ul t,OOO milel wide by '200 mllu ill It.~·rlll only dllty. tho only proceeding Ihouland dolhm, In casu Ihe pllrty H· 1\011 t:lllll§ClIllItion, which e.-Vt r altcr, .~ 11 1cnl!t1I," ceh~d connected with It, which rem"in'l II to Ihall kt:cp II diJOrderly hOlllle. rille, rcndcri thl!m iIllIJOICIlt. to tlit! cler· find the bODf8t lind true ruult, to de· The dlltie' ot tbe AUllhor IIro merely cite of /I rrte or orighud theuRht or inde· clare it, bow to it, !lntl ilnnd by It. 'fhnt clerici\1 .nd bOt tr.lIglsler[al. It Is there· pentlcnt /lnd IClf·reliu.nt IIcunn, IIntlllinkl 15 the llutJ ror tho IlOlir. It re,lS no the fore heM hy the cOllrl that.1l 1iceliSOll their intlividualily Into the comntoo Ditlon. It realM on every chilen or the IlIlled otherwiac thall hy the vott: or the 1111\58 or Ihe hOUlOgCllity of tl1(' flCK:k. Republlo. "hllt it 1\'iII 1Je tlono Rnd Commlulom:ril al'tl !lllll IIml void. lind TILt: Ilcpherds arc rcmullcrnlecJ, 01' contle, p~ceRhly, IInna dcceutly, and In liNer, thnt .n bouds upon Iluch IicenllCl Rre n· by flct'ClnJ,( Iho flook; but t'le flock hili tbese petitioners tlo nOC t I think, dhsbc· cated liy llI\HI nullity of IiCCIl8C. hef.'lI !o tmilled that allaro willing to he lien, They, In com moo with all Olen, fleeced. ')'11C iJualilv or fl\'t'c~ yielded il An old man walked throllgh Virglnl. m.J derhe con6dence from the tact that. about. tbe limo in all the lluckl, the only City, on hia WIl1 to "lOme Illace whero intef'Cllt "nd espedioncy. not I~u than dllTerence being in qUfllllilV. The lerDl folkl wouldn't lJe IRld th.t patrioUlm Ind bonor, point to one dlrt:e; Wll.ll. Wllt:D tho gOlllS werc comlJel[cd III fltly)'cara ago he went to live 00 thG tlon IIl1d teach 0015 IlllllOn. Wboover run ,,·itrf che Ibeep, and lubmlt to being The ColulIIuia rivr p f1lberiu aro KC~· 311I8OUli ri,er, in the wood!!, whercg[une . Itondl nn the riallt and truth will not flL't:ceu wiU.l them, Ilglllnst their 1'l'11I; tins n:lIdy for uutlluCl!8 ,,'hclI the (cUtIn "as ltbundant, fllUJ the 1011tllde lultl'tl filii. Wboever IItleWptll to ItliDel on uut they Onllll, 1Jecamc IlO olJ.trel)8.NlliI, I,jpenl. DuildinJ; hOlln hu bct:n good bim, Ci,ilizalion III illl weltward pro~ wrong ant! filitehood will be o\'er· frllctioUli .nll trouhlrsollltl luout beln" LUllneu Illoug tbt! river thil wInter, lind 1t gr~18 drou !tIm out 8.nall" 1lt1l1lut ml­ thrown. Ilrlppet.lofwhllt Iittlo wool they bad thu, tbey Itt! prRdually dl'Clllring their graled to PUh"et Sound, wllt!ro lie lUll­ t ---- thllt the .htI1herll. concludcd to tmll ItllJependc!Oce 01 Slilt Francisco, where A new esplOllve, !.nnwll hy tho lII\1ne (X11I,;'tlthat lie would ncvl'r 00 bothuClI no~' them Ollt or the roll! and let them go. of lhe IJmIh been purC'ilaM'l1 of woite, ill "clng Uled In\Curnll'h in that way. To hi, lurprlae. 11 few Jellrt mou !II\.VO l~ millet., Ind Rccorllinl: 10 the direct.ion. ago, he Dotict.'tl thll~ c1villtatlllll Wall Alld 110 il now with the Be,ttle in furmer yellrJ. When. PUllCt Sollnd gOlitl; Till:, are roalDiult at IDr~e wilh· f1sherietlllre e'ltaIJllslle

'Q ,;, - .. '1' H E l'\ 0 WI II ERN S TAR. ,)

~tllr. ,illt..1 In,t fn'lntl hi. ~'.;ilr. IIIll "lltlf !lliU.MUlnuol• lihr !Iorthrrn ,lilit'rlll ... ·rcll nOlhin~ (ulIllrr c"ullillt' YERDIC'l' l"OR TilE Terrill'\I\' of W11.hington. ('nunty or !'lilt)· !"ltllllliol WUtlt!. "lie s"-ilT lu.) prnlon. homi:h- ....\ rt IW.' Y . FEUUI.\IlY :1. 1'-;7. I~,. 11t't'1I cr,rril'll illlil till' l!lou~h lIy t'IC In tht. nililriet ('lIl1rt of .. itl COIInlt. ti,h' nfh;r it w.. Ill' ct, ""tl WHO_III mu~t ('"Ii, 'It ~lilll.:ll. pl.lirllilr. ,-'" XIII 511" DAVIS' VERTICAL FEED LU<"ul I t t·111~. hl1ll> '14"\'" dn.\\Ilt'11. lIi~ nlli~ III1lI n .\lIl1tl1.•leltllllllnt. ("hl1J1lllint lllt"ol in thl' tiftit'll ,I( 1I1l.' ('Ierk III ",... itl UJf!ouht Willi \h' Itt' 1 m~ \\' ....T!- '1'111' t',rlifor le"- .dullu·~ lIrtl 101 )Ir. YOllm,:'". \\I~o. i~ I ('um!. """~ • "I,·,·"r. 110., ,","m" ".-In" r.""I" """"o<\"t.l.c f'ill.... ·C10".of thl',I,,'II'Hlll'1""1"..,,'100'"''''I'The r.l"d or A",·,k. ",,,I \\"ll'lllnll1l~ rUIlII'" HI nf I dR". Ollllt'llj'" !-,"'~'l1nj.!: T(, ~lll .'1-.'1111\11, Ill{ltl.l- SEWING MACHINE \\hll t" ..inl! 1" ri,1 Illl'lI,""hl' Ht' IIII' 'l'1'~"IH\', tll.\tul:, u'dllrloi, 1111' -\C:lmrr lUll: • lIl\'l-l1ti"IlIII'·"ll.lI'lIinlrl illlllil..... 1 hy 1111' r"l;"," Ilrt"i\'l'lillt ",Irklanl ~"'- ,11lt'k"IUl'1l Yflll."n: lu· ... 1i,1' TI'IUi!,'il to APlwnr ill ~, .. I.lll'll~II1IIl" ..t' lIlt" ,.ltI,'r llud 111"1'" e Ill· wli"rf, 1111,1 Illtd l1i.dlllP,ill!.! In il1hl tlllll lltl 11I'11.'n "1· 1I 11j.,l111 1l'!IIlIl~1 ~'Ill hy Ih,' I .. ,-.. n!JIl\'t1 lllllll'd plililllill~ In Illl' J)1~llicl Ihllll·il IllIrliHnll III the l·lIlllltry. 'flit,",,' 1 11 "NIlIIl.Il'l'!. llropl'l'd lllmn IH "'cr).:u·tlll·~ (',,"rt j,t' ,'4uid rt"llll~, h"ldill,U II'rlll~ Itt "ll'lI. Ih,It Ih"y Illi).{ht l'lIJ"~' Ill!' IUI11'''' "~II'hllll~'. \IIII'!'C MIll' rl'lllllith~lllntil g t'tllll'Olllilih ("il)', ill llil' ('nUIlI}' nf ~1I0' ,,\11"111 I.l Irllll,,1U 1'1'.1111 :oUdll'tII1~llllilll, I ,,·I'IIl1.k. TIlt' 1I1)11t.t Wll~ 'I"ill' IllIrk. l.tll. hl1l1l1"h. lUll I I" nn_\\t I' tIll' lltltlplllint Th(' (','nt('llniul (;01,1 )ICi!tlll\llll I)iplolllll.... , I!~~O _tr!ll'k inlu till: t11'1111J","f Iltt' willlt-rll1'~' 11l1IWilhslrllltllnl: (·1I11t.Oln,')'. whu ill sel- llklllhC'r"in. ""1,111 tll'l'lll)' ,IR~'! 11·\:cJu· !>i\'l' nf the .111,\' uf "1.'1'\·1l-I'llllil·r lht l't r· " I III1'u~ Hld~ of mill"i I'rullI tlltl!Ol 1'l1c lit' IltlllIlIl'lail1l~II+~'" 111.1111' WCR111t't, Jlulll',1 \ ie,' 1111 pm ul Illi~ ~lIl11l1\UI1"', if M,'rtell The ..cott .:lIe, til. , .. ,. ." , ....•. ,,, .•.....•, .....•.• " .. IS: j II,drl.'Hlier lhl", tltinkilt,l! Ih.t thtl ru' IIUt IUl,1 tl.'lttr1lt'tl l!tlll.nlh,· tl\·,r. II'lW illihe ",lid rnllnl)' nt' ~lllllwl1li,lt. or if 1I~'IUIl" 1111t1 "ikll1t·~ .. 01 lin ir ncw II .. m!lIl~J:l'" nn Fill Ii niJ.!hl! to ~llPC the ","'n'I'I1 ,'HI oj lill rOIlI1I\. Ijm ill lhe ;ltl '1 he t'nmklin Im,thutc .UI,.'lIlIl...... ••.•..•. ,, ,., , .. lij~oI .Iml...i II Oi"'lrtf.t ..1' loolijl ;\-rrilun', lI.·illl .lltJill'j \lmll.1 ftJrl\'t'r IJr'\t'nt Ihe CII' ~11;1~'t lit the Illllllih uflhe livlr ham!!!· in Ihm!' ,la\'lI. OIhtrwisc \litlJlo Ii t)' Hlltlhull'lll Ill' Ilwir kintl in llll~ ".. lI~id- tcr~' nul y.t ~nhul. .II\J-, ur jlltl;::llllnt II)' dellluh will IIC I",hle numtJcnl. In thili, Ih~'~·. ~cr~ 1111~. W~: ollllttet1II1AI "l'tk to llIrntinn the tukul 1&:.!.lilll1ot )'IIll, nt'tohling to the 1 TIII'Rf'pnrt uf Ihe CC'nU'nnlal Cumml·,l;'11 !Dr~: "TIlt n.\\'IS I· .wttrJnl UIt' (,nASH tllktn.lnr Ihtl 1I1;lrch 01 CI\·lllll.lllt,n I ,1",11"0"th.. ellt in"hllll, or 11,. Wo,. I'M".'r,,1 Midr'lnlphtillL (tOLl) \IEn.\1. II.' HJStJlt I&ml (lIt.' UII'I.OIl.\ 01' )U:UII' fur l;udh:ut lUII'o.:rllll JJ I I~ I I I I.... Till' Nill Artm" IINtUghl tn uhtnin a lVll'UUl.OVU, .1"11t1.11 tf) tl,e K"teIlt.t:.t I'1Ul .."" \If Wilfk, l'tlt )' IUI(IIiUl~ n I 10 trllU It 1I '1'1 ~i'i.on, lin 0111 anti ""'11 known {'ill:r.CD of lll'C'rt'C lIt JM,itl ('Hurt 10 lli»oh'e the "un, whu'-C CtlUIW it 1'..,11111", IInll,lhl! S'lOllllml,,1I COUlIl... .:Itr. 8. Wid Illllllh,t! hon,l- of III triDlOn)' esllitin~ lJl:tWl.~D I'htlflr ",'110 '.0 lIlty Ct'nPfI1I111tl .... IIIlIl- of Ut*ltilllore, )Iu;yhlntl, lit "'hk:h IJlooo )'nu~lflln,1 lite IJhlitHilT. Alld )'on Ille ",If wilh Ill\Vlllg luunfl It.lI1Mll whcrl'OlI 1.,', -I.. tilln nul" rl,ld.'. lie ""8 a "I.'n. hert·"y Iltltiftl'fl, Ihnt it you (1Ii1 to 1I1~ I. r T 1 ,~ .. )lcu IIml An Wlr tIle SHid rlJllllJltlillt II V~rltF.CEDESTED. mo~t Wt: d.lm _I and &albfllcUon USI\'ERSA'.. In h. ff1nllru("tlou 11111111 hi" I H)'! In &II lliry IIIUIIUI 11)"1 tll'lIllln ol'the kin It t IInll t1111iHlJle illjl.lVI' TCllulrtd. tll( Rid phliutitf will It dlll~1't! from IlII 01"".., IItld'la l"jUaUa! II)' DOlle. A'.ll ellrutn of ,..ltilt If here c!limN, tilt: It"'llllrru" IhlllJ lIilll 'II l!urr'Hllnlh.. 1II)' I Ilihilitil'i while lh'inll, AIlII hil tll'nth ill IlIkl' judglllt'lJt nl.(&illlll. JO\l. ;\hlnUr. tu~1'!> l:1I~.,LkJo •.lI: _II Oilltrw lu • frlendl)' l"UlIlull, "lliler ftlr "DlIteDlt'n~ VI' for" ~1lT"" lIlure ::iub!;lllulial Cun·ldtlllllull. Tbc t'lIll1l1t lInl'hlne Ii !\;lllt nllUJln£!' llud {'II,.II,)' tt1nll,rto· of hill fl'lIow,," 1\1111 tthlif.!"I'111o IInh'cf&llll)' n' Witlll4li tho 11011. ,I. It Lcwili. JUflgtl hl'llil~d: 11 ... 1111 11llo;Clli0l1' dc.!rc "to IlIkl' UII' IUlilllllltiOll ur lI·c.r, which, to Hlll.chllll.1, I dill! I' lIl.'Ctjlt. thu illlnllllll or, with Iltln ot' 1I'lid ("nurt, 1'011 'lie Iit,..l tllcreo( tllill Iltia1tlw wwf Qf dutlllJlIltr. "'11. MlIcbhh' hn. rl't'('l\'~ll ilION ;\ll'lluh noll ~olUplhlll;lllarl nllil pili''', ~Irikc out I~Ir 111l!.'W InClitlou, ('1lI'lClII ~.:lIl'ln,~.-II...... 0, W. Mllclic \1" K 1 ~Otll dl\)' of ,1'llIulin', J\. D. 1$77, l'oI»thuOllllllii tll:.tll 1111)' uUll:r hI tllll l~n!otlh uf tIme. '11 I 1 1 I I _Ii:,ijw __II. J\_.OUEUOH\', (·Icr_'. II,hlllll'\'l'r,ll, Ih It the)' L. II. Tholllll!!. Ill.inliff, 'U. t, 'f. Ir('llInd, The aillien~ IIf tcll'gl'lll'hic 1011 Cl\hle UI·I~ndtlot. ('ollll'llIiot tUrd In the W. I, ,,"100IS, W)I, ,.OX. C. U. L..t.IIUIII:L 1.)1. lULL. "1'. K. ,,_.'HUla". I!IYC 1,~,.lnC a5 "illl 1I11t111ll'IPllflllil'hli II!!\I!, In our i·"ut' 011 \t.I.'ck, ill lInuoid· (Illite 01 the Clerk 01 Lilli Oiltriet Llc lt~ Ihe tll,r or II.lllr: tln'inj.: 111\lt) I\lul Ilhly dUll In II bretlk in tbe lint. It is ("ullrl. hi,linJlltt IIII! IIppllllU'" rtl III,n, Olll' nl' The l,;nilNI ~11Il~ of AlnericlI Fencl Occidental Hotel. Larrabee, Hall &Andrews, hfll)('d th'lt th~ IllIlllllgC \\'i11 he 1.K'('dilJ tltl....., l'bllr,lChN ItI\IIIl rillcu iUlhc neigh. gft'l'tilll:: To I•. T. Irtlllnd, dl'fct.dllll: COG~SEL .A~D h~n1JJ It .ATIOIlNEY· lItullltf\ll or l'lItIIlIUll B.y. l'llr t\\'l;III)­ ""II:liretl. wllt'n a rulllulll)ly will appcar \'nu Ire rt-'fluirl.'(lto 1l1'1Je1U' in all iloi"n l,rllllJ,lhl 1I.~lIin t )'IIU II~' the "I::ATTLE WASil. TERn AT-LAW, h~ 1)I)),t \\a:k a U~URI. the p'an bu not wK,'rl,1 lilt" tt\:a.1 al.ll)\'1: 11Ullll.'(l pl:tilltllr, in the Dh.trict Hr It ~hite III n or lIi\\lI-&illn Il"lhuc hi. "...... - Cuurl o( Ktlil1 l.'O\.lIIt)', hoMin" I.. nl~ lit SEATILE WASil. TEnR ICfl'4lltlil. Xow liml tltlll line trln In Xnt'ctuh('r Illllt, 'Iuile Mil I!.'tl'itl·UIC.'lIt !olIlOhOIllt.h CilYl in the COUllly of :;uo­ t,:,,..Thl... II tbe\rmt Hotel North ()( FNnd.t'O, and 16 • ",orr un,uril)' .. Ira~in;l lIlAr hiM line.. WM tII;setl ill Un'j.:on U\'cr tho tJi5Ctl\'l'r]' homidl, "ml to aniwer the colllpllllllt f1k'CI lhcrclu. witlJin tWl;nt)' elll)'1 (eleclu. nr ",Iult were cllolIl'4l tho SilTer !lull G. NATHAN, 1:11clu'll l\ ).:111111) Itr IliUl I »rllnd (V'p tI· .i"lot the ,III)" ot -'rvice) "lItr lhe lieI" III', IInll apjlttr(,lItly 011 ~:WHlI. lie IW"' :-iptilll;lI, in the l.'l,itern pllrt of tile Stlltl.', \ icc/Ill you or tili lummon!l, It 1eJ\'et.1 FlltST·l:LA8S IS EVEIlV RESPECT. (OF lIEYEIl'S .t CO., SEATTLE, 1m! th~lIl,,'nll1n." to Ihe :illuml 1m Ihill~ly rich dc­ 1Ii~ ~"I 111 ..1 cOIJ~i ..t 01 ix hUllllrel1 111111 TIl' 'I\(I Ileliull .5 lJrought. to ohtnin It l)j. Itl nrllil"'cr Will COllflrlllt..1 hy IInaly· NOTIONS, HOSIER\'- tlttly Itcrt of tht: c:II0icl·.t l!lnt! in III It tll'Crt."U III thu n!JoVe Court, l.'OlIlpelllnll Ilt' S,ln IIcll('41 !4:thlll, At ttmll lillie hi!lllllirillu neh:h· llltu:l" III fo'r IInll Yule ('ill· 1t'J{~. The hmer I\UlIJllllhled Ihe nllin. you tn n"lke nd delh'llr to Illid plaintitr hotl Clilltnred hito, dl1llZ!-,I"l1 him ~Itlre Il 8uod _lid deW, ~'itb conn· ilm IhR" till' Inull ~Ik 1(1.1 no otbl"r CLO'l'BING, tllil Cuunl)' JUiIK" of KhlJl ou""t,. and InlJ u 'eL forth 10 tbtl complaint on Ole PHANTOM EXPRESS hrlll bhnt'xllmhllJlI 'Ill c11'lt)C~ ol'lulIIlt:y. vlllue than thai 1tlllMrtNI by the ..Iting 11111 a buge 'WIU III uirl CIIUk, con..eJIDJ{ to iet plalntill' Hi .nu·cnI W the inh.'rtO)lawr! o( ,lie 0pcl'1lltlon, thUA '\liudle hi~ h~lrl fore"f~r, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S rllPllell iD ,illS bud. IIn,1 8lI.Iilgni all and .in· Jutl~. huwt1'cr, ~enJ IlO llIu('h (Ilore TIl­ ~ltlar dl'tlCl1~d the following rell eltlle BOOTS A..'W tioo tl thl'n tbOl4ll11 bb ClllltO,. tllat Ihll in ..III ('ounl" .hulltal to wit: The lut 1l111l,lJtr the Xl'W'llt"a/",. ('IIUrt" Itt II III lu ddt".. i..e "dlirh or 1.00lli nomber II,;: and eight (6 aDd ) TO WHIDBY ISLAND AND DliX­ 10 Iotntl 10 lhe '") IUlII, 1I1Iil tlffl, ....'\1 bim I.ulllhulfllln conllilu. AD ('ngruing lIIu. in .ctioD lIuttl!Jtr Ibirt/'.Ibree (JII), to­ GE~'ES~_ 10 dt'parL lie .1111 IiVt'l, U11inll..'I'rUpltll tnuing II purlAhle I:l"·mill. uwl nteo· gt;tbt:t wilh It Itrip eig 1tt'fl1 rod. wide h, Ihe lI11rroulltling ,,' al100.t." hollle aiycly in CanlUb, ami ~lhilllt at tile 01 Ihe CIlII. 'clt of tbt: fol1owin" de­ [ntll furtber DOUt'e the Slelnler P'luntom liltle lime "go II p:ttl), lUCt:lI.leti the ~1I(t· '11'111 l'e 1'..,rI TOfl'Otelld dlllIJ (Slutda)'8 6' rllt4!nnilll. It II tJliVell hI lWCllt]' llCrihefl tract. or p.rcelM of IlInd, to "It: tjullmlc rhcr in ee;udl of timllr.r, and l.nt, nlllllL~rtll IeYen lad nlnt: (7 Ind 0) ttp1«!;1lI follon: (Inc c1l1y eli o.,crlnglllJ ImtlqulItl..'C'I ca!Jln hone Ilower cnlllnt, lIml Cltlmlllfotl tc t 1I[(lllIe norlbwt (Itllrter 01' the IOUtb­ ~()TIt:I:. cOllr-Iu.led W lie Cllt rrom 6,000 tu 10,000 rl."t:t of lumber I on itA hllllk" ",hllt it Weft (IUluter ~'\. W ~ of , W. U ot tee· FOR WIIIORf ISI.AS'O II' I) ... )t, RetUrD' cool.lofd. Ul)On thdr 0111 dlly. At Ihe Clllli i':;rVO"itilln (In., of IIPllroftch, lin tion numbcn.d thltly-thh."'fJ (3S), In 1lllC,leue \\'bldb' I.lallli .tl1 ... )I, UPft'~ 1~lIu 1hcm wlill".rdcdll medltlan'" c1illlonlll. All ptrIOIIl Indetll«l to me are t41 nlln w•• ICC':II to hum Ihe ctilIln, IUWII 1lill No.lhirlY (30) DOrttt ofruge leul., b,l1UU or ..... b.1ll1lblcdloll.eIJ. gll~inu When our furt••• ,h.lI 00 IICIU'lrllteli h! .otl ul)OlI them for a ltmmcnt III fhtl {.r, ea!l. ' The ell!t balf 01 lot one ~ IMAC CATIICART, ~,Idcll~ wOlltlur IIlld fellr, IIcll,lrl..'Cll)i. WI\KOll nlluhl allli fllilw,,)'a lIueh mill. Pauenrc... 1"1\11 be lUAllr1!d of lnllklnl: StlOIHllll~1I .EXCbllll~. (I), .cetion thlrty·three, t10ll tho Clllt trll) fnlln COUIIC,IUu rort l'rollnetor 'A'lIt he hugely In dClIIllllflln (X'.rtlnns 01 tho to TOWDiCUllln t"wl)' lowArd Ill' "lljllcrnt lilieket or vine IUllf IIr the .outhwctt qUHrtflr of thu 0110 buur b1 tid. fOUW. Uliple. The Ilnrly Inluuetl. lind Htll'r II country relllot,. from "uyllllltilln. Mhlthweat. (plluter. lind tile IOllthClUlt "rlIlflZlr, ClllltUl'Cl1 him. Wh"11 IlOUle­ qUllrtcr of thelll)uth"'elt 9ullrter or lee­ FOR SALI OR RIIT. whllt rollevod of bl~ fright, lIe UlllCll thllt A CircUli rider rell in love with th~ tion twentJ,tight, townlillp No, thirty, E'er} Mll1ldftY anll Thunde11he 81etlmer 100 .eM of J:ood 1'lId 1]1111:' ntlt Ille moulb PIl.ntom "'111 lunC! Port TowlIstlld rur Dun· or the ~krkonllllh RI'er. with 1\ act6 cleared lie blld liyed In thutltK:.1ily Ilfll't'll yellrt, dlluf,lllter 01 the clown, "A)·c. dJlltlDiag north ot' rllllge No. thtll (I) cut., contllill­ llud j,~ lIdrhll( trult trl"', r\lr IIIle It a bIItJPln ~'uuld Kelle" at I:) o'dCX!k, OOOU. lind ellfl lli8 111I..\'1 lbut! unl..,. ... tno A7iltly," ho 8.'1', ',( will II k ,our haod lug (103) ooe hundred lind .ixly five fur rurtbu partJculara t:llqultl" of • mudl rtliturl~el hy t"ul\llvlIlICtl ur dv. It WALE.- • Ih~ IICf1!I, more IJr leu, according 10 the w. l1Iutlon. lie Ill,d 1Jee1l HI lung ilWlhucd of lIuthor II(,our bc.'lng. IIcbold! or lt W. P"CIi"..t.Im. - Uo\'crnment &tIne)'. ,10:34 (rom hit kind tbllt be Illd IIlnlOit 10 t bo ('Ollle':l "Nlll' lillY, not now Leo- According 10 the lpeciflc I(!rnll of a tile u~ or II~b it. "'" Nnle lillie lOhl. lie is wAlklll~ t11l(\0 hit bAndit, I' cer~ain contrar' entered Into by ]'Oll IIlld htroro lit oould Inlloku hllllJelf IInlkf'lllood. Isalway. lhl' C·\I(l wllell hi. mlntl 1, p~ ",id pl'lnlill', It Mid oouot1, on lht 9th JOliN D, PILKINGTON, M. D. The pilly l)url~IJ ,"journ~1 with him Ot'Cupit't1. \'ou IIlU t await a lIlore fll­ dllyof lIlIJ, 1 ~6, by whlcb. ia con.i(~r· levenl 1I111S. alld Ii, ~tentle.nd penu.· '\orllllle opporlunlt1'" alion of 1600 dullar.. t:nittd Slat.... gold Late Pro~ r of ~lf of lh. life IrUlmen~ hlld mllll" him tf'ellllC:!CL coin, yOIl tlll"n loll there .greed to con· 10 tbclr IllUeacc. On 1l1dr delJlrttl~ Dr. Uary Walkcr I•• liltle mom con­ \e1 10 ..i'i rl.lntiK. AI "rore.lll, the Eye ,and Ear lbe old 1111111 aetonlvanie<1 lhtm to t!lelr n.tiYe in Ibe nle of her dl"Cll iDee uld de-erlw prYmilCL Tbe poand. M. GLORE, hl,.nd hade them lttIieu witlt e.ident the dog bit her, . htl noW' weirs. I'('W or ,,!lith aclion are CullJ Itt forth in Iu UlIlltdka! DcJ-rtmentof Willlll!ltttfllil .-mlt)·, rtoCret, hut could lint be pcfl'lMJecl to fll' knire 1)Ie-ting IIlIllround the tllll. of .:tid complaint. Ilrr COU1, IIIIJ Ihe l\Distll.nd 11m) the I:ttPOBTER A.~D DEAu,:n IS MlCmllpa1l1 theln. We onlJ dtu t"'O o( And ]'ou are l.treby nOlift~I, IhAt if OFfiCE IS OEIWlfS DLOC'K, IIlln1 luch cl\at1lctcl'8 found in Ihe West, end. of the I('gl of ber lrOtlSCtA Ire JOu 1,,11 to Illp«'lIr ami anawer Ihu Wild but lUll)' Illf~r to lbi••ubJreL again. ttlmmed with btll frluge. COlllplllint •• aoove ruquirctl, Ihe lAid PORTLAND, - - - OREGON, Tho rtligiDut Il."Ct eallecl "Soul Sletp­ plllintUT will tol.cjudl;Plenl agllhllt you, .PURNITUI'l.E lll"-lSO ~IAN,-A mlln 1.1, tbe DlIme of en" Ire hll,ing • ru\'i..1 In YlIlllhlll Witncn tbe linn, J, It Lewi" Judge All Su'lk'ul D1HaJca of tbe I~Or>IJiDg county, Ore"lln. IL. Ll or 8\lfl Court, Anll tht leal "Ink Wuod.. wilo hl(l IlCell -AND- En:, un, KOSf: AKD THnOAT thereof, till. 20th II ... of ,llInlllr" "'lib Mr, \:oung 011 thu BUflhlllllhh river, 3 A, O. ]~77, H. A. Um:aOH\', Skillfully ('cr1urlOcd, Ibout two mil.... Il00Vtl the mouth, oor· NelV Jlrlvcl'liselnents. IU'IOw Clerk, I,;J)JlOI,ST~~HY tOwed Mr. Young', l!k!ff I\bout two OOODS. Cataract Extracted, IQOnth. ago lo go til Thornton &. L. HANSON, .\ndCrc.!t 1':1''1 "",,~hletled. Mtlddlll EJf"! )ttblo'li OD Stnnloollt Slough, 110 IA THE PACIFIC TRIBUNE! CO)I.MERCIAL 8T, SEATTLE. :.-.. l.~ rtlllt'lllUr tll\j '-t t'nmrtr mAUII· DAtJS AND WEEI\LY. Il&CluNollwlI)8UG Ilalllil. IJEI\I"~"'~, MDllJlI rtlH""ed to hue letl the latter place the BLACKSMITH. Ull!dlllJ)(\' eMU the .:'1'. ~lld ~~I (;Iwrtl Me dl1 or bil arrival thert'., Illto in the Sea't'tl.e, 'VV. T. UfRE:At.:S, ""rlkul"rl, Ul1&Il'd. ~tDOOD. 1a~t Diseases or Women Some two lit '" put, 1.0(1 TIlt 0.111'" Ulfl olden, lind bolt In t'E:STER T/\nU:S, )Ir. Young be nothing frOlu Woodl 8XOllOlIISII CIT", WASil. TERn. the Temto",. Set'\"O\lJCornll Ill"" .ud Lun.: OloMlnl ..,..t.t.o W kl,. OOW In III!, Iistetnlb 1(Sr of In)' pl'CIltIU", AU1 n. cl[.\m I ullllllArur d...klJu r. or bl, Ikiff, wen' out In -.:arch or MOl, publkatloo. t"OIIlalra more rtadlnil" I••lter f.:~Ul (11·.:11. :'IIr.f than &111 ofl14 TerrilOn.1 roatunpu,..,i bat could lIml out DotblftK UCflIIt. tbllt I. rad1 to dnal1 klntll of I.ope-'" .ud r.m· Tht tOtltnlll> of boll. wl1lllK'luthl the flllI""t ~4J·'·1':.; t Woodl bad left the plaeo lbo'fe nated e~' tlIllcluWIUl IrUfIt wltli boUle Ut.-•• editorial",r, we lA....t t, to. I lCl1"'D~ late In tile aittmooo, UDder tbe lolluenctl frvrn ebroll4, t'OlTCelltJudcllCt', lutel\!e" Davl 11. Ohamber Sets l"~·\11 "....".I.d,."'" w...,\I~lr..... ".Y' .... IIIK mbccllu" oi:C. rl 1 IIar Ui llt.t ulIl'''i t111'1 uk k'l.'Vuu· of Iiqu()r, One day lau week )Ir. :0;111· NEATNE AXD D1SPATCII. ftm!t1tel~tllf :Ol.ln:b tbe nclwIlIltrp" ,\I TP.RMS: IlAtl.l~ lor .e. out hunting ant.! (tlond Mr. '" t1I. uf _n ulll...:r r..r l'\IUttUW All Dt.111 ptr annum, flO: \\'f't"'kl)', f.,L 1)(:l'MIn, tw\lnc t' lIfClIln1t UII: II. III IfHu,t YOllng" .kilf m a blind louab, hot tom 1'7' SIIOP - IS TilE Url~En TOWS, Ad¥~t\Mblrde.lm:l, and Intt:rtt:d on r -on· th"111 fvr M:Ulrull:ul. uti or bdure tha~ 1 IIII.'. abh: wnu.. ,Ullrn, PI(;Tl:rn: "-'UA~n:~, W'l4. fo:O\' .... ROC. tip. Il, apprlllel"l Mr. Y. ,,'ho, ..... lth four T1I08. W, PIt08CII, J''ltJ"J~f. ,UOl:LI)I~OS, ETC. I .~lIol1olJllfb tit,. Dee. OO,loill 'II U or bl. Qelarhbora. Wlllt to the 1,11lCe de· Call and 1M my work. .. II 1. Ii TilE :\ () H'I' II E I~ X ~ 'I' .\ n. ~_...... "" ,,,,!!!", ..,~..~..n_~L.....~·n__"",~n,~.,._, ~u~__,••~_~~...."""""",,,,,,..,",."'::WiLt"C_'~~~~L-"~'''''''''==~,, ~ -~"", .. ~ ",~.~ __.. ,~ " ••.. _:a ••"'! ~11"''', :"I.. ".'llallt'IIU.. >1. \r JI.\t.:I\.\IW. n. II..l.\l'I\~O~ F.,,,,, /1, (I",,,t'/y ,... ,...... ""('dip the r',Hullin:! fM1I1 11m "",~~ !) 1Il1111,1 Illl'nl,\' ...,1 i. Ihowi,I,'II' who 1\"lII't lInr· IWIIlI' h Ih,' 111,,1,111, Ill!' willi"'1 l),Iir , ,;".... I1h,l tWilll,\ l!lllhe ]1('1":"1:. 1.1.\' in t 1')' u \\idlll\-,'I'-lll'iH'I,ling h,"" 'y"1l1' lr.lll· lIt' in-i""1'" iUlhu l'llill',j :;llllt''', f1I,nkm:.,: 111 11"(:11, Illlll 11111 I'" I ", e" " glllll'r, ." ,Yc I,ern for salo thc !Jcst Bl'IlIlIl of 01'0go II FlIlII!' ill the ll,llt<",ly Ihn'e "I' tnnr lWllrt, bUI lilt IJru· UI"~iCll ill Illd IlIlOr n.:ll1tillll-wllO 1111: )'Olllll.l' mall ullsllr,'d IIIIll thill Ilt' " 1\U!;n'1 ItlllL it WIlS 11t..:"llI1rI'lkut d ..,lr. 1,\1111,II ~'nil tl~llU.I It "'nll n"1'1 ~"'I1} tll nU\'"r lo"k. ~l'l Iu \'«Il-Colr moll"". I' " wllku hhn in 11111 Illorning 1'hi~ will 1~II~Cll i/ till; I)hl tlllli,l tll,;t Ilun'l The l)llller.i lit .\kwn, (Jhi", lire r,'· Mllrk, I. "x,'he nil nllinnishnll:llt If we 'l'I1I'rt II1Ilt \illtl' old 1}l~lIplt All,l c1liltlrt'Il, por.l~t1 un llimike, ll,cOl un." ..f UI'I~"11 in lit 1!I\'iltl 11m: u&CtI to, .n:WEI.H\", W,\l'CIlES IUI,I CII.\I:-.1S; Il'.IUU,IX1'IW }lCUI-: JJA1'lWf:II.,r, lli-PCII~"!oIc III theo\) ;.:r"llt Rtlion.., hut iloll't Wiiill I!lcy ",('tu "il1!!Io'. R,llmnll, " NI'\\' York l1ell' C ,lo'fllt'r, IUl~ III III fls llICIlI) Il~' 'un ue IIurl'lmilCd 1I1l}'\\' in tIle Tcrtiltlr)" I'ltll,'r h,'iC,1 is llitf IlU.hlllHI who nc\'rr 11IJll tlr...llililtUGn whu:h C\er gUl intu t\ Vh:kle ("lOdc ...·n· nn "X,'e1INlt Ilt('ll~r: 80 Illill 1Il1lther', pic» wcre IJcller tlllin Ills in jll8t Illnt \\'II.V, WtlS the nulic fli Wtlllin\Clllll: 10 \\,as' wili,'1t lire, One flf IIIll hl'lI.inch plah: JClullll t\'in, BUTTER, ECCS, HAY, HIDES, Pitt, liIllllilllCllhh IM'nlll1: lilllllly sImi· Ul,' lWd i¥ Ihe wili', ((nrm.'rl)' l\ wid· r!(IWS in the lOp nt tilt' SIUlI\! Ii~ht-hon~' tt'rc.l; nmllhlJ Ihlllcr or huhit i quiIe n\\), ",110 never elllt" 11)1 tim Virllll'lf OIl' nt O:lWI'gn, K.:w 'lurk, I\',HI ,lmlH.r,';1 in SIIINOLES.SlIIP Ii:NEES nnel LOG. ll-~ eU('lililil III 1'1\'i1 nsln IUililllry IlI£lIino, the "dl'ur IICpllrICd," fur Nt). :.JIll UUIU, II reecnt Kulu b.\' II pil'l-'U of icc ell~1 up f,IT without It IIOIh mind "lllIIAAI)'IlIUSl luII', It}' Ihu WU\','5, 'f!lll liJ::1II-110U~ i~ "i1.h Tukcn in I':xchllngc fur Mel'chundise. llrU"t1ll111~llllMI tn II 111m III, One strikIng III~tl i the lUllll who gh'c hiR ,\'ifI) (Cj,t higll. \'l11t ('xcepliun Will Nel'utI, who, whell e\'ery· len C(,llts ~ilhout lI.Joking \\htlt she ie The inl'I'('R8C in Ihecullll'lIlin" IIf hl.'tll tllin£[ WII! n~Kdy ''tlr the ntttick 011 Copell' ,."in" 10 do with it. O' .. e rool ill Eur"l'll 1m till: ll;lIl111flll'tllrc "t' 11"~rll, IUld ho WlUl only \\'flitinj.! lor II IIle cd is Ihe Wllllllm tlillt. dlln'l klll,l --_._--- lingo I' i~ lluid lo lIu c!lluinj;' ,'1'1'111 It,,;.. 10 \I llld, WIl! \\illl difficulty lJ('r1UDdcll til wllcn tile lllt)vt! 1';llC liilll dUII'1l on U,., .. tll~ Cline sugltr 1,lunterlf ill Culm, wIlli nttclilpt lilt hour or IWO or rllal, lflllll- liinnl'r tllllle-lind hle!SC'cl is thij "'an hnve heen tn un ,'normoull out IllY fill' Illll­ , lowed Ilii cnt to be. plnced on llie dc<'k. tllllt ellll fix it ",ithnlltlweurin1', a chillery Illid lauor to produce II line ClllSII HARDWARE l\11t11,ly,lu\\u on II, tml neyer c10flet1IIII llIeslCll i.ll tho fdencl who n8\'l!r ", • .I of IUgur, ~)'e~ II UIOUlt'fH, MId nt Lorlef IIltl:nn s quirt:.ll tht! loun of your louili hru~h. vvl:J.ol.esal.e c:" Re'tall. ,turing Inllle hOllrl, kf'Jlt llnxioully en· U1lf1&eli I. the flI,j)(lloor willi i~ 10 bus' :\IIIOIly hna tOllllll1l I:irlln Chicngo, 16 'Inlnng IIhout tile wind. XlIJ)olt'Oll or nlJl'lut hit own III1i:tlra tlmt he hllflll~' yellt. 0111, IIl1d ordiullril, intd1i.';"I'nl, willi IV III t III .1.1 I' If hod nt/vcr hClIrtl Ihe llMllltl til C:Ilri5t eX e IIg ,11\ wou t lllVC orucrell mn8C titllt: to IU)' III to yourlt, clllIl.oU to be wilen the Yolnll "'118 Inol'll. l'tlilt in Ilwlilllily, "nil wllo hilt! IUlld"11 MJI£U,HH(> , TOOl,1! l'UtCUUte SA" hIt', ulI,l J,."Onu quietly 10 Ilt~p, Yet A jcn lIlfty ('ut dCI'pur 1111111 II Cllr8C, of wh" Ilu WKt, Moorly lIliUllt "nYC Xl'lliOll W,lli A hero In tllO lJriglitcsf aCCt'I)' 80mll men lire fO Cllnlltitllted that thc)' fUUlul II glellt mnn)' of til{' l!lIl11U Inrt ill our Sry.<,I'\I,I'r\', aDd II,Iioli ofthfJ word: ClIlIllot t"ke II friendly joke in thu 8:'ll1e thut lown withollt IIlfuhling hillllklll: "ThCl tlcrv'!1 rlt lI'orklult olll III Wly, light COlli, IIMI will rcquite It wilh con, There IWf8 beCII hlllllChtd III the UlIlh FAIUtIlNG \IACUlNJo:RY or Yn:Ul.U lhullUUJ'lMll tv ute.,.," lumely aud IlIsu.ll. Never bunter ODtt nf 1IIlIIrict OrMtl!lw, Ihls )'c"r, thirlcI'I18hlps \II 10... p.,. Al WI"If1lnl thl:ru \\'l\S I timo whcn tllil ChlM I or h., will !,rood oycr 'OUt of 10,0801 tuntJ, ac\'CIi burk8 "rO,441 ton!!-, the l~reneb len was roucCll, lllill the llf, badinllgolong after ynu hllye (orgotten Bnd t~'fllty tchoonerll (If ~,Oi7 tOil II, lint! til1ery t\t Doudct tAken. hlttlligence 01 It, Ind it i, not pludeDt to Incur /III,. tbere ~ill be ll\unohed, thlll mouth, lhrec Lnllo&n~' TooLI tlii dilllliter 11Iid II' the thrtllilenl/18 lttl· ellmlty for t11e III\{0 or llthlrlng a Inllirt ahll)1 IIggrelllltlnq 3A87 111111. \'alice uf tllu AustrlliD right to 0ll6rllta dnuble entendre or Il t9rt fCl'llrtl.'C, nero iSR 1,Iellltillt lillic ~rlll) from II on the French rear being brought b)' Hidictlle lit hett, I, Ii terrible \lo'enlH'lIl, Vlrginlll I) Il'er: (lUU o( MllSleu,,'1 ulds de cRmp, tho EUI' Sutirc, 1l0wo'fr, when ll;Svl'!el! lit snt'illl - HunK the trllilnt ()hllmlJcrlnin i CUUlt· perot renlllincd liltmt, iUlII"hiwe, '" it roihll"8lnd polilical e,iI!, bu tlllllllllil l murtlill tllO illllllll~IUil Uuger; l!lI1.1rtcr lhe lit! luul !Ienrl1 notilltlg, with looks fixed down more alJu~, thllD were O\'er a1>o1­ !Jruco viII IIi II, Ohllndlcr; lI!llUioIlnllte the 011 tllCl opposite lide nil NelllicllI and isbed by foree of Illgic, b»urpIJr,OnUlt, lind clurlln tho Itllllical IlllVoust. It"'1\8 ntll till be 8IIW tho fire I>"rty to the tlllrkUllt rC:llml of d"llIlin' of DluouSt, lind bia victorious right Impnrtllot evidence, Cllllltialing or. lIun! hi our hUlllllla pnlycr, lor hUII,'tty's ,,'lng plilaed tlle IIlgh tower of tbll vi], Icucr writteB 10, antt pllLlithed In, It. lake. AllIen, , Iltgc, th"t ho turned 10 the Ititl de tllmp: t1CWlplllJcr In 18M, In which the \Vriwr , d~lItlribea Iho 1051 of tiltl !kIln, the r~ue =----~fll GREAT CUT DOWN IN PRICES I "Dolidet'll ltrlillcf)' tllKt:n, Wfl\ it WI' Whcn Cincinnati tn the fhll AT of lit bo.t'. 10Dd 01 lu,.,ivors lIy tho 0,· there tu bo lak"lI, 00 lind ttll Mld.enll. tnj/l,ment ul her l»nrcluc triUjlpb, 1\11' ]treV, lOll IhtllUelenCc IlnlOlIg llie num. that the bllule is won." It \\'11.1 tll(!n fllr \'iOd£cltl06 Ipuko ufhcr derisivel" lind Jamieson's Jewelry Emporium 1.....1' 01 "toml "'rtncb or Englie!J OOUDt frOIn won; " dcs(larllte effort Will I'll, l duhLot.'d hcr at "BwinCtlinnnughl':' nUl who 'III'l1l ill in !111I berth," hnl recently qoired lu rtdeem it, 1I11t.! he ""IU oLligcd noW' Clliclgo IC'lll Ihe \'110 ... the city 01 Seattle, WT, to order lip his reltlryc~ 10 which lie been dillCoYettd in the Tlchoorne ell'", pork (l}urkoIXlIII), anll In Itllprnhriltll~ Dever rc.orteu uecllt ill the lalt emer­ ThOle who rud the o,itlcnoo in the case term i. IpokeD of .. "Chcekhogull 1" a: Jewe1l.'yatCcst. wlll prohably rcilleull>er tbat tho vcry lIt'lt Waltb.m Wlltch, !! 111., CIIISt', .~o, \lltyllltU prlctf ':10.) gency. The ne.. SUltllD bill fixed at the fnl· \' " "u" ,. 21M. .. II 3t'- exhtenee of Much a nNeI at til" 0'1Jr1y "U,n'iog gh'cn this order, conlldctlt of lowing figurel the monthly nllowllncl." "II " "'. 30, 40, "'AS denied, If Ibl, lolter I, (ouncl 10 II 6"" U5. "liO. Its fJ:l'cntloll by Llllrifiton, DlIVtJUlt, elld to bt Illtid to hi. Ilrollcccssor" The hll\'c IleCD Wlnl.,l. a I!trong link will be ll'ArIOllVIllf', aDd lure 01 hi ejJ'~t, utln­ (amily of the Inlo AWul Azlz 10 recdl'e furni.hed the el,.iruIlDt, /In.1 hl$ C~O IUllY Everything E18A4!lrln Prtlportlon ~luili'ted, 1J1lIrt..~ver b}' tllll prngrtlll of In tht! sggregllle an averllUt! o( 2[J~,OOO 1)llvOU!lt anll our Nupolcon COIllU before Ihl!l courll alliin. 'liWG1lL~l' right wlnl, pllllltrc8, IIl1d tlml of thtl t'J: Sulliln Mu· UlIJilGBOI!II'8 JlRftBI 1111 nllghte.l, 81111 Ibnt whieh will 18101l1Ih, SoUOt'l\ it Ilnt of the r1c1lut mining rad t,IOO,OOO plll~tm, A Turklill pllli' !JIlt is certain, i thut, ClIlIing RUlltlln. Sladt'S III Mtll;co, Ir Ih" mlnet Wtlr~l Ire II equal to (our anti uotl·thirrl cenls. {the Utllllcluke,) htl cauled bi, Ilfllrtkin IhotllughlJ 1le,clopcd, the)' 1I.'lluid cxcel WADDELL MILlS, to btl 'Ilreld OUl, '!rctched hlll1sl!lf upon Ihe honlnlll8 of Nev/ldll, )Uning in l\ , L. WILBUR, it IUIIII~1I lnlllil deep .I~I'! Thiull'tll' If wnOr.t-:SAI.. F. DEAI.Ens IN primitivo WilY II lJ4llng enrried tin by bill! !llready Illltt!tl tWClll)' minulell, Rnd &. the nntivt, nnd a few lnrcl~ncrllltre B. A. HILL CO. 8NOHOM18H CITY, W,T· \!tllS b~"innll1g tu crc~tc dl,;quiet, ,,'llcn wnrk;na IIIIPCl owned by Ihcm, C.pi­ ~L\NUFACTURERS he a,vuke, withnut AutJlrl~, wilh(lllt ell' OF tllllllh in BlI" Frlun:il!l.o havu Illtel] pur -OEALEII IN- tternelS tu know ~ hat had cnme to IIUII ChRAl."£\ one of the principal mln~ in tilt: C. V. B. Reeder's durinlt this lIiJiellCe of hill ('0I\C1UU5n('ll', SlIltu lor f220,ooo, SinlJlollo ill also It We cuullllllcn 8t~ IllllrlllJC .... Ire. Arothl! nncl mt'rlI, who blill been ll('ClI8!'d (I( nOI ,of'tui{,llllll.l elll4lle .UlJ ItroU.!tt:olL bctlln U.I!, 8U(;'TtOX ASD .'onCE l'UWPl I IIIWII)'11 lellin!( tht truth, l'tnl'8 rfmllllncd Chomlonl... ~\n Irl~h 11Il1l1'r t('Cl'llll)' pll lrlilllc11)' t" "Nil, Ill)' /Ion:' PURE WINE' nnd LIQUORS Iltlrcl1tl~l, ~dll) GAS ..\:; STEAM PIPI; FITTING' Trtlfl Will' rlln I10wII It),; Inlln lUll klllell Slth! tlie did IIl1t rccIIII l"h'",t Premium mil ~IEDlClNAL PUllPOSt: no "'l'dnl"',hly murnint!. lie "'It' InJurc,' the Iltist with lolly llillin(.'tne~". "Xor I-'~lr OISIlIII~a, III II ~iCllillir ""n}' ltlJnUll\ YI'l\r ll)JU." mOlh,'r, 1'\lller?" I)er~illied tile )oung Awanh'il tncm III tho lit Ot·L. PERFUMERY, BRASS GOODS. Ism, lIud lit t\'e'1' ol1.11'r .·1111' wI/ere exilllJltcd ('n]1l. C', .::111111, /lged ,j~ ,','arlO llitl,l "t Illw)'cr, "!'lo: hut \\ h)' 1" "Oh, m'CllU;c un t1llft l.'UlIJ;L. l,;ullnty Itt"ht, for ~lIle hi Ore· Iron Illtl \\'""lJllIlrlnll Tl'rritor1'. Ucd.ttc.tJ~ lin Fancy Toilet Articles, Cigars, AII work PC\'lllitlitlg to II. YllkllUll Cit~'. W, T .• on tl1~ !lHh II. Itbt II dou't ~'t how twu I" oplc who newor ltQutl, III be IIUlil cllelll' fill' l.";II, &c. &c. Un)' !I'lt!J U0l10 It l'lhol't IIlvnth, D('C('...'tl',1 "'1111 lin l'llrl! Ili"m:cr. lillll II lie I'lluid II u'c II rhilt lIS 'I E S I. En' ti n' II :\ It F, bUt'li nCi>lfoJ t notice 1..1 Illi!" cnfl't, IlIu'in; cOllie htre ill I H, I lImll)' III I tin." Pre,cl'il'lionK cnrefully COIU­ 51-:.\111..:, W, T. u.nd in tL worlmlllJllikc nUllIner, H(' i;,81ud tl he the t1l'8t Amcrlcnn ~I-I Thurslo1l cnunt)' hili 1,011 Il'!lf)olchll· poullded lit nil hours. lktrh\ltc~ ~1 ACht'ltlIIIf}UlH'i1, III!! it~ Orl~~'I~ tl,'r U('IJth or the Jivllr, lilWilig IIren: nnd pnld ,101l~ !'IKE, Agent for i:lurolJoml.h. AI.I, !lIU: !SvqtD,T9 CALI.. t".?a1J. lit,ttlcd till CIIll;u11JCr's Pwirlc ill 1840. I'lChool tellclll'r.i <.llirinl: 1870, 45,f>6:1,

-.... '~'-

'0 , 'l'III~ N0 j{ '( JI ER STAR. 7 = 4. ·ltll'~lh·n In UIIII.. r n",t IllI' uf \II 'WI WH Pum h e CUSTOM MADE Ill'-.. "t1lrr~J:" "ill. Io~' llul lIew CI,n..tilll· •• pry, l!()J;LY 1i,'11 .,f (',.I"m,I,.. I,,· lillh'Ulttt'ti 10 II ]"]ootf>l nod t!olhocs. ~".I'TT,.", FRONT STREET, NEAE. THE PAV:IL:ION 1,l,pulur \'nte. )lrll. )llf1!IHI'1 \\". ('urllJl W. T. • '/-;. 'I T1'LH. II '. 1'. 1.. 11 h(\j the ~'f(~lit.. oj' ,~nit,,; Ihl' IIw-t BOOKSELLER & lIin n"fRdupednndSold , ''''\llnl, .... '('urJn~ thlt 1...II"n. I A~~heDOLLY VA~DE~ Iklm P,',hll lUI 11I\'It,-,1 h}' 111l' KIll" STATIONER. wholesale and Retail WINES, LIQUORS, BEER AND CIGARS, .Iin,"1 E~)IH III rAlh:':.· "r Iii· hu~ri. BY . "" lhe IIIl't'~lrit' 1"II1111'rnr -nlll· Always keep alaree .tock of e ... erythlng IY. t"IY·I ' . or Ihl' nfw""T QrAJ.IT\", \llIl II.-'I)'i be fH"lIIO our (,U~lA"Ill'N. in1.fl." .I,l"1in.-,I. Ilntl II.'lIl·,IIIIt'l,.·1 Iii .. URXJ. YIXCEX'1' p"r. ,Ill("- j", II 1IIII'!;l' inu. 1\l1l rl' IH'I ,~lllhl P,I~' t~Jr \\ Imt hIS /,l"t lllld fel-I main st., OIympia,W, T, 110011 STOll1:. i••k'lll'llllo Ill. T.lltc~t :o:t."lc:-: I3110tl'l :111(( ~\~I) TilE m::'T Clll.\Il:-' IX SJ:.\"TLI~:. ilU·~~ .... re the ~I~l'lulltlt II Ihl.. !lUll"', If y.11I nfi' li"',1 Hf ..iTS IoIl .. Itnlll - :0:_ hOl\:! lIIail til onlcl'. ..\lIwllrk S~JI'J'IIk .JJ~WE'l"I'. .P it- III III pr"lil"•.\'0111 lIlidll ~tl 10 I.,l.; P' & 0 WUI'I'llllttCI I1ml :-atir:ractiun vi 4 PIIII,nct.ll... ;:,Ill! ill )IIUlil IItl, \Ibue hlll "'I'nlll'lIth, nIh' \\'111 I....• News Papers I.aO (j'lt ill 11'111:111, 1:.1 h:l't til'" 1', Il.wl ~e Shone Brothers "\11 Why lI\t'r :Ill in lJte ItII h. ""f (rllllllo"un' Ull is it Best? :~/Il1ll.1.:, HllVilw recently ICllSCc.l this convenient :HIt! well knowll Jr. leI !Imllhc l:fl'llicr Illift 01 Ill'r I'lllllkiu;.: Magazl es n' IS Till-: .110.... 7' J)I'U.[IJI.I~', /'/I'IWf:CT, IIulil', t'llruhl!lI',1 l\l Pultli"lll'r!I IJricl'lJ in coin. It rllIt••'.1_' 1I1111 .tukt. Uuilllillg, for n 'J"'flll of "(,flN Inu! rellUe,1 it in b'flll(1 /'1)11', heg 1"B"e to inl'orm Ihe II i~ fllll,\' It~· IIlhor Ihllt IhOl!!,:111 rnn itl ("..,), ,lrkt/y adClmit. J/ .. II" 'olIil- r"r ..IJlllllr 1I1011f'I1, cUllllllunit, 11"ll tIJI') lUi' no'" prelmrrll to If,rlllllllUOlI"tll tlte !It 1II,,!t. ill ulth~. IIn.1 llllt}' Ily Ihllll.itltl \'lnl 11.1. n'l "1'"0.[" III a:d II.1l ..r "nlt'f. 1'1.·I\.,~hl· t•. , t ,~.rl"l'tllr ",../1.."" ..,.,~ pulJlic, 1'11I.'Y IJrol>O ') \.;l1:J1int: II Irlcotly Ihsl I,ll Of Cltll hI' Illl111 ... II 'Ill''''. 111111 till' ,1.,,,,, I f 1."'\ ..flln)' "!lllJ. t\fIlC.lIInullJ\'_ IJarull...1 "jill illlllllnily. III III I... ('hJIl,-,1 "r Ill!('t\ "Iithflul Ilfthtl; r""1ll Ill,' LII.I"; " ..till... t ... ·IIMfI,: It! .11, \\'lt~h;n:':lUlI Cily i~ filII til pid'I)iKk. Ill.~ II <:'0"\ I) .1''.1".01,,1;, 1; "I..",... ("II ~1111 l',"~lulnt Ihl. )lul'lJ!nll hdvN l~n tll·n~p'I'I Non THERN STAR Fit~st dli. III C'"nl.:r.i1-,) IIl,IIN!' d·lllllo;rt:. Class Hotel. ,In,".llm, lII~:\J. \'I:'\('E~T, C~"II"I'lIl 111'11111, JOlt OJ1.£lCE.. !ttl/Ie J'11,,{rt!(f ,ItlittJt tit lIIadd (f4~nlJ' II i~ IUlllt'I"II.,,1 tJI'lt th"I"lpul~tinn Snohomish Cily, W, T. ..r H'l-'ll III I J"ill UIlI"I,"t III !tH,­ I"pll.'"~t. .\t III\' 111"1 I'll .." .. lit, f,' \\ !Lft' f'J1"T QCU.ITI· Of' 11'/.1'£'. l.lQl·ORS ,1.1'0 CIO.I/I .d J. I":'" )',l ..j,(}ll '.111)0.111'1,,1'11'1'" I 1'11,11110.: I'I' ~.. o~v JI.I-ND ". lull...... j\l,tllhl.lmll l.rllk ('lIlmh. "(l()II,HIH n""lill ('lllll,Ij,·•• ",hn·Hllllt NORTH PACIFIO JII'IIIt~t ml ... :J,\IUll,tlUU .k_&, ~tOOO.U\lU Every attention will be shown for )lilt, 1II1I1U dal1!l, In IIII' lh'lIrJ.:i', lind '1',.,," .... t' rn'llllll' l\IUTUAL LIFE the conveniencc ofthc patrons'f rM.'lltl~, t \. n hUII-,' ill Hutl".Il('-'\:1., II ,illl~l' flI 3110 il1l11I,il;II"~, \\,1'" 1,1>,\1 'I till II. Itll' r,lilw;,,1 11'11111 Ill.'inJ.! hll '1'hl" IIon"c. lillln.llo;: "hille, • 6 The .I,'ukt.\, ;n PJndllll.lIi \\~H _lIi,)_ II Ill.' li"II' ~ II"" 1"'1'l1 ('1,,1 1Illt' lhl ~ortlund, (l)rtgon, .. h~"(' loy n ..clulrrd .'hit"1i killl'lI II ulIII' f>nllh, III 111111 cit" tIle "till' tlll)',llltl:rtl :INOORPORATED 1874. COSMOPOLITAN lit jltrllllll,ru1-Mlc. ,CAPITAL $100,000 00 Gold STOVEf, sALOON! TIll'I'\' I. II IlInnll~h'ry III Turkl'" int/lh " ifttl 1,.'1' "'1I'1I111Im'1' 1I111nk ,"·'Id hlt"I' Co1D. Bas1s...... t _II " WIlIll"" "In"" Inli,ntf. ltTul (tIW AND ur tiM III II-n. 1111 'n tc,.l"l' ror III II lw ~un DIRECTORS. (111m 1111 ill, ,I II h l. "Hnlolll i Irkll. :n~ ~fj' ~ ~ nohoulish City, Wasb. Ter. ('r'lflk It'_ tillI I'ldl m~ IIlnk~ tilt· A. GOOD ASBORTMEN"T rp E G," P. WA SEnMJ\.S'. p",,'L; E. Ql:ACK .... The bIIr ,upplled wltb Iht~laM "ht cJ"nlrYtlwlI·itllhu \l'I,r1l1. OF 18. P. 4:.NDRRWSJ " 00. I~VES, A ItIJl _llnw h,ulk 1Illtl1lllUul, \'C'r0101ll, UIJ L1, Vice Pru't; W. S. J.ADI), W Buslne s and Legal Blanks on DE.A.LERS:IN 'us mrrl.,d inrr, the boilt'r rllOlll lit' n LIQUORS, r,u~lnr~' 1111.1 lI1dl~.I. in IlrFl~f to lind II nJulIhlc 1111';: Ih t" wnmnll 1,,1.11 10'1, lUND. Trf'll : D. W. WAK£FIELD. 'y; Q)ook .! Ula.~RS. A Ihou 1111 dullan h. bt....·n 'lll'I,t in ~drlor .uo litilo:alion .,llOut th, rmnl'r.hil' Ull\ Cin· 1~ Jl b'PFD'r;£'R. Att'y, JI. P. I tlnnllii lhtll, nil: fltlJl wOlllhc C k,lInO ~ox Mllur 11:111;1 un1ono\\l1. :IN THE JlOItsE, Gtlt'l A?t'lIl; nnd NOBLE' WHISKY' Try It. Tbtre arc lllit Itllfl Ihl\n nnt' hUlltlrl'd Ilb'ST Sn"t.I·:.-t T R/·:ASO.V.-tOLE "1o'lt$ rcll~iotl. 11".11. II'.WIl.I.IlS, J. IV, Bl/.~7.&f;, lind f'ty ,hirer. nt llclIQmiuli­ ,.'. II. 81~,.e.'" lion, in Ihe Unilrd Slntt'il. t"Op,wo:or PRICES. J, f" A TA7N$OS. A "'om!!n tlr~d llrr1l"III\J. 00, in Pnmps iron and Lead Pipe, llichmtlllll, fllf the \IIIIII=:lllc IIf 1't'Jl~ini: aadle..' VtlUlng Cald. LIVE ACTV:tE AGENTS JIll job work pertaining to _hh... ul l!finK tt'tOK" U-l , 'U1d .helllAtie "pr~lt, lOeh tl'llo,",' lhat her ptlCuniliry ~an.~ed 3 Ibloni!Jlin~. ASPECIALTY. . the busillc:os done in work· National Bnsiness Gollc[e, • 11 ,",'1111 Ille I"tllt ,",'Ii nlnu·like manner, The C'hlrl\go J(llIlOl NUilU'I. jU11 Cllm­ Apply too EDUCATES THOIOUGHll 101 1U111ESS. plell~I, ilHliciltn UII"t the P0l'ulllliHn o( ORDER FROM ABROAD 1111t city i. "bout 401,0:11. •T. I-J. :l\:lunson, ReeelfN tUldcplJ .D, wwk·., orlb.,ur. Receive Prompt Attention. SUlta of at!\'lllccweut Dot mllterlal. Dr, Dill I,owl, Ill"" heen 1ll'1&1'(1 (rolll New England Supl'l Asencles, Olympia, "Kliin. He 111'_ tlll\t nr"UlIn Ihould ellt Store on Commercial Street. mOf\l thau two MId minct! plujult be Day and Evening sessions t W.lhlnrton Territory. Sl:...·l'1'LE.w. T. (tire gnlnK 10 l.lC(I, \'1 n2~ "Ill, The ,.ear lbrollp. HOUSE &taJllucko1O af~"uktl! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! Wm, H. WARD, 80ned lu Ull! 11101' dtllcloul mllnlltr at College" ,IOUI"Q,t" leat free upoa appllt&o Sonnd Slone Yard! tlol'. Addrei., C C C BLACKSMITH. O,France • Wlllt.! "V. T. Foot of Second street 'I:n..... Lod' Dos tOl, PorllaDd. Op.~ .... \V. PIPEROlil. l!. T. YOUNG -- Proprietor. SEATTLE, W. T On. DoorW••t ofSnolloml'h (,ellanee' PUG!T SOUND B:l J"'o& I· r- JIE~1D Grape, Uoo-cbt'rry, Camol, B\lIck· ftc, l1.. bett Ind (''bot'Qla'e; aJ-u nu~ 1iouIO I. oven aUaighl. STONE, TI» ktpL Improved horse Hay ber", RupbuT)'. S:nwbt-lTJ', 'SIIl-BtlltIUlt Tr • "EAU! . 8EK"EO AT ALL 1I0UM' Monumcnts, &C., HAl\1 AND EGGS Ilc. .te,. 1111111 Chal'J!e,--o~ ErtruWl j" "t/lrll" anll otMr .toM', /til" Fork~ Ilnd other_ 0__}:Il~,bleR. I very moderale. Groat Varlet;)'! _ 'Willi'" nltd di#patLA, The,. mu-t Ita\'e Ibeir order! In time. :/llll1,d". 2bom/LJI!J. pW"I. Send t.r Catalogue aall Price Lit' to Fresh Made CANDIEli, I h, :<,w Eogl..J coach willl>e a' ,h. Allo 1.11 kind, or All tool8 wlCd in Loggiog Whl&f9"j on the urI' I ul STEAM ~;n.liJ ~tu~ollll And U'I AlIOrtml:llt of building tnuttriut CalnpR made to order, and ,'" lSCliiKl AlllP DAllO"OIt TO AN"D 'ROM KH1'1' PUll Til" M~RH&r. ail cheap t\H eRn he u. I). MOMAS it my a.;enc at ·uob.. All Ord,,.. Add,.lud To FINE CAKES Til'; UOUU I'IlElt or CIIARoa, got 011 the ml.1l Chy, W. T. 'N. J_ OARKEEK.. ('nn8t1nll, on hand, II'l'ddlult ' m!ul:1 PHOPHIEl'OU, Sound. -,0,- '" order un Ihll .~ort"d 1I011ce. if.1I ~UII 'UIlage! lene the door. ,101 John .If. SW(l1t, Ollllllpia. pt'r, aed l'lniCII J,PIIU"d. ,Inl .1 ~O. TilE ~OI(THEH:'i ST.\R. • CUSTOM MADE I ~~oIlO'IISIi lITY 'I \!lKET nrl'oHT./ vv. A.. JENNINGS, S."(')IIO.1~ISI. Dllt.:t...·OR'·. SrlXll:. ::!Jrll.ll:llI\illhll ATlII:".lilllJl-orru.. tu 1 Cc»o1,.. u nd ~hOL·~. \111, Ii r'n""., II hll ,U'tI'IO/" ',(lw 10: c.•·"".IUoou. J~/. \\"rk 11\.-11. l" 'ltl.e...... ••...•I.·I\J t!' ~·..I. II..\. " .... :,ur)·, I W II. \\ .. 1\1. r l""'/~wkl.", II .. r'-,ll". "" ••n. V ""11'11.0 Jt TER ro 0 1~11l1l' CIIll"..rl. {nnutnetu~ d nndhlll :"::-:-;::',)',."',' :::::::::::.::::::'~~~::~~~ .. .tH. J B BEn, t.lllild!o:l' 'III~. J.lbnllW.. :\1. W. I'''lk~r,l. I.... , wholesale and Retail IIll,,,," o;;,:~;~:',~i;;,;~,;;,;;;:';:·· ,.... Ilr. A. C. Ful..ulll. •. Cor, ''''''''''11'/1 ~ " .,.. II • "HI>'. ,VIt)"lJ1r !J"A' BY HOl'llO, jI n...... 141~('t comlEllCIAL STREET. SEATTLE. W.II. Wllrll, • •~'~I" 7·/,"'10'1....1/•••1l1lJ01"1l'; 1',,11. du...... , 'ill. 7hlAkf'~ U"EXJ. VIYCEX'r .:~~.~'.u~. ~h:~'ll,.:::::::::::::::::~~I{;~~.t~ • ~h'"",,,,. Y~r"1I81111, fit'f,ur,., Wutl, (,;1I111tlt\ • ..Iulle. hldl.rtlilltli tv "'i,lll. ' l.fa,·u sl Olymn]'a WT I~;I';~:'i.l'Vh::;;,; ··,:.··:." .. ,:.::.,W'I.\"~:t!. -u- in 0' !',.. Ihllll:u. I t:ldrltkll )101"1''-, l'~fJnl t: t ••·IlI'\l:U-tJIl. \ • l.OC:l IlHulc to on.ler. ~~ II \',:ol'k I ~~;Ill tb·t~;·:· y' w~·::::::::::::::.~~f~i'OO A. C••·"I:olJIIt. I"J~"",u,t .. .1 • l' • 111, l.l tun I:!.W~ I~ OIJ [kill. ~Irell'll. warmntC(I lUlu Imll:!-lllcllUII l·"ndk., l' 1b .•••.•.••....•••••.•.....:t'Ictfi W. U. WlIord •. f'I I ,rn\llt eel . Ik Ill. do...... 0 ct.!. T,'IOtl.H& ell C. ~upn, do 1tJ@16cu" GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, )Iot~· FI.'l:~V1I, Also nllent for the cclcbmted l' -", .".., HARDWARE, lit ,.. Foliom, 811'tkb. ;,W"lined "'Wi • " III I:J ,toetL Ind \\anl S,\I~, 11 lb 1 cLIo. ~- II lb :I t"L&. NEWW.EED UlllOlil l'UjllfTlllIA:f Collnlr:lIATIO" or Tobkro. do. : j~@ tI.~ FINE TEAS, Etc. IhuUl,uu",.. l.'lTr, W. T. CClIIOII. ~ rue tt1.00 II ;IUUh KOtIl!. •• /,,.../111111., Family Favorite" (.'."lJllI:e. 1'1 tb .•.•...••.••.•.•••••.. II ttl K. C. ""'l"I.lIOCl, •. ~'f'(\'rl"". Tun111l6, dG. p. C,I;: dOral Uaw.kd. •• •• T.fl"" Al'I,Ib. ~ wah...... I.W TrlJlollltf, SEWIIG MACBINE. "',,00, ~ coni. drll\"d f:!.!IC. IMI'OIlTED A:'\O rOnEWS Wf:oiE~ A~I) UQl:OItS. ~IChI't. Wllhur II11P"'t'lI, MaittnlOu Dar. ohlnll"leoo. 'II ;\1 r.: 00 rodl. l-·fIIrx~lI.1l J llue.. ' gllll! 1\11_, 1l1ll, .w~l'1Oct.t ~ 1"1I{ti. 11 )f no ,M A~D Why is it !be Best CIOAHS TOIJACCOS. a=ir Solo Al;'cni fnr ELnll.lL~ or Till ClIllllf l·ItUUTIIIl.... " U\llftCAP.ITAL $100,000 00 Gold irohn. P1k.e'•• CIGARS, TOOACOO and SXOUIUl MAnHwA Lawyer; 001D. Sa.ta. 8NOUOllIsn. ono DocM' ltMt of E, 0. JlWpIOD'. leore, 811blcrlptionIIOUcit.ed. (or all 8u:rruteUco aDd Eu&em IlIld J'etkKIlcali D IR B 0"1" ORS. Dr. A, C. FOLSOM. All orders will receive prompt allenlion. • 1:41. SNOHOlillSU CITY. "!. T. Phyalclan and 8urgeon• P. WA8SEJUlANI Pret't j :Eo QUAOX .1 DI o laNon.u.&t... k1kUa.r.v.p~ BUSn. Vice PNI',; W.8. LADD, W.•. TIBTLOT, L.~el", Treu.j D. W. WA..XEFIELD, Sec', j SALOON. . PR~lic It D. /J'lUNOBR, .llfr, J£. P. Hltary and Cumyaacer. , SnohomIsh City, W. T. JlORBB, 0.11..4ft11f,· Pinkham -t Saxe, ,,1;» T. F.lIARKS,...... PROPRIlrrOR WlI. W.lD1LUI8, J. w: BMZBIr. DENTISTRY. J. L. .lT1llN80N. D•. J, Co OIIA8!\E, D&NTIBT. LrVm A01vJ:E AGEM'TB DEALERS IN S~OBO.IIH CITY, W. T. ~an.~. IOTlU••. T Apply to CLOTHING ill GUT FIJRNISHIHG GOODS, otflce In Slone" DUfftett'. neW' build· Tbe bot, or WID", L1QOOII ..d Ci.... ing on Co