The stringent response regulates adaptation to darkness PNAS PLUS in the cyanobacterium elongatus

Rachel D. Hooda, Sean A. Higginsa, Avi Flamholza, Robert J. Nicholsa, and David F. Savagea,b,c,1

aDepartment of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; bDepartment of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; and cEnergy Biosciences Institute, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720

Edited by Robert Haselkorn, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved June 27, 2016 (received for review December 17, 2015) The cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus relies upon photosynthe- provided insight into regulatory strategies that persist in constant sis to drive metabolism and growth. During darkness, Synechococcus light, but few studies have addressed the mechanisms by which stops growing, derives energy from its glycogen stores, and greatly cells adapt to darkness, predictable or otherwise. decreases rates of macromolecular synthesis via unknown mechanisms. Nearly all aspects of cyanobacterial physiology are affected by Here, we show that the stringent response, a stress response path- a shift from light to dark: cells stop elongating and dividing, cease way whose genes are conserved across and plant plastids, DNA replication, and exhibit decreased rates of transcription and contributes to this dark adaptation. Levels of the stringent response translation (5–7). Proteins produced in the dark differ from those alarmone guanosine 3′-diphosphate 5′-diphosphate (ppGpp) rise produced in the light (8), and recent studies have identified genes after a shift from light to dark, indicating that darkness triggers the that are differentially expressed between light and dark (9, 10). same response in as starvation in heterotrophic bacte- How the cell coordinates these transcriptional and translational ria. High levels of ppGpp are sufficient to stop growth and dramati- changes remains largely unknown. cally alter many aspects of cellular physiology, including levels of Not only does Synechococcus physiology change a great deal photosynthetic pigments and polyphosphate, DNA content, and the between light and dark, but its metabolism also shifts dramati- rate of translation. Cells unable to synthesize ppGpp display pro- cally. Photosynthetically active cells reduce carbon dioxide into nounced growth defects after exposure to darkness. The stringent carbohydrates, which they accumulate as glycogen. When light is response regulates expression of a number of genes in Synechococcus, no longer available, cells catabolize their glycogen stores through including ribosomal hibernation promoting factor (hpf), which causes respiration. Metabolism must be tightly controlled in the dark MICROBIOLOGY ribosomes to dimerize in the dark and may contribute to decreased because total energy supply is finite and must be rationed (5), translation. Although the metabolism of Synechococcus differentiates which raises the question of whether dark periods are analogous it from other model bacterial systems, the logic of the stringent re- to starvation for Synechococcus and whether bacterial stress re- sponse remains remarkably conserved, while at the same time having adapted to the unique stresses of the photosynthetic lifestyle. sponse mechanisms mediate adaptation to darkness. Here, we show that the stringent response—a stress response cyanobacteria | Synechococcus | stringent response | (p)ppGpp | pathway whose enzymes are conserved in nearly all bacteria, as well — hibernation promoting factor as plant plastids is involved in dark adaptation in Synechococcus. We find that this pathway is active in Synechococcus and that it exerts dramatic effects on cellular physiology. Furthermore, this he conversion of solar light energy to chemical energy through response is required for cells to adapt properly to darkness, as cells photosynthesis ultimately supports the majority of life on Earth. T lacking the stringent response display pronounced growth defects Light harvesting by photosynthetic antenna complexes and pho- in diurnal light/dark cycles and loss of viability after prolonged tosystems is directly tied to light availability, which can fluctuate greatly over the course of a single day (1). The growth and re- exposure to darkness. We investigate which genes are regulated production of photosynthetic organisms therefore depend upon their ability to capture light efficiently, and they have evolved Significance several mechanisms that allow them to adapt to changing light conditions (2). Cyanobacteria are an important group of photosynthetic bac- Cyanobacteria comprise a diverse bacterial phylum that oxygen- teria that rely upon light energy for growth but frequently must ated the atmosphere, gave rise to the plant chloroplast, and that adapt to darkness. Cells stop growing and decrease overall rates performs 10 to 25% of global photosynthesis today. Synechococcus of gene expression and protein synthesis in the dark, but the elongatus PCC 7942 (hereafter, Synechococcus) is a model cyano- molecular mechanisms behind these observations remain un- bacterium that relies exclusively upon photosynthesis and carbon known. We find that a widespread bacterial stress response, the assimilation to grow. Its obligate photoautotrophic lifestyle stringent response, helps cells conserve resources during darkness. makes Synechococcus a useful system in which to investigate the In the dark, cells produce higher levels of the stringent response ′ ′ coordination and regulation of these inherently essential meta- signaling molecule guanosine 3 -diphosphate 5 -diphosphate bolic processes. (ppGpp), thereby altering gene expression patterns and affecting Cyanobacteria frequently encounter transitions between light the protein synthesis machinery. These results help explain pre- and dark in their environment, and these transitions fall into two vious observations in the cyanobacterial literature and extend our distinct categories. One is due to the rising and setting of the sun, knowledge of how the same signaling pathway has been adapted which yields predictable transitions from light to dark and back to different bacterial lifestyles and metabolisms. to light again. Synechococcus has a circadian rhythm that antic- Author contributions: R.D.H., S.A.H., and D.F.S. designed research; R.D.H., S.A.H., and ipates the timing of dawn and dusk and regulates the expression R.J.N. performed research; R.D.H., S.A.H., and R.J.N. contributed new reagents/analytic of a majority of its genes in a time-dependent manner (3, 4). The tools; R.D.H., S.A.H., A.F., and D.F.S. analyzed data; and R.D.H. and D.F.S. wrote the paper. second type of light/dark transition is unpredictable and can The authors declare no conflict of interest. occur due to transient cloud cover or shade cast by other or- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. ganisms or geological features, for example. These transitions 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected]. cannot be anticipated, and may require a rapid restructuring of This article contains supporting information online at metabolism. Studies of circadian rhythm in Synechococcus have 1073/pnas.1524915113/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS | Published online August 2, 2016 | E4867–E4876 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 AB∼150 μM. We find, therefore, that ppGpp levels increase rap- idly in Synechococcus in response to darkness. 10 To artificially increase (p)ppGpp levels, we constructed a 20 Synechococcus that inducibly expresses a small (p)ppGpp synthetase from Bacillus subtilis, yjbM/SAS1. This gene has been 5 heterologously expressed in E. coli and resulted in high levels of + 10 (p)ppGpp (15). We refer to this strain as “ppGpp .” As expected, + the ppGpp strain had significantly higher ppGpp levels in the light 0 not detected than a control harboring an empty plasmid, as measured by HPLC 32 ppGpp peak area (AU)

relative ppGpp peak area – 0 + -L and P-TLC (Fig. 1B and SI Appendix, Fig. S1 B D). Based on -D5 0 30 60 90 120 150 rel the crystal structure and mutational studies of the homologous control-L Time (minutes) ppGppcontrol-D5 Rel (p)ppGpp synthetase from Streptococcus equisimilus (16), we generated a point mutant, D72G, to abrogate the activity of the Fig. 1. ppGpp levels increase in the dark in Synechococcus and can be ge- B. subtilis synthetase. A recent crystal structure of yjbM/SAS1 netically manipulated. (A) Synechococcus cultures were shifted from the revealed that Asp72 coordinates a magnesium ion required for light (white background) to the dark (gray background) at 0 min and were catalytic activity (17). The D72G mutation did indeed inactivate harvested at the time points shown. Extracts were analyzed by anion ex- change HPLC (AU, arbitrary units). Peaks eluting at the same time as a ppGpp (p)ppGpp synthetic activity, restoring ppGpp levels to those of the empty plasmid control (SI Appendix, Fig. S1 C and D). We standard were integrated to determine relative ppGpp levels. (B) Analysis of + ppGpp levels from Synechococcus strains in the light (L) and the dark (D). refer to this strain as “ppGpp D72G.” Using these strains, we Cultures harvested in the light were induced with IPTG for 17 h (control, WT- can control (p)ppGpp synthesis in Synechococcus, allowing us to CmR). Cultures in the dark were harvested 5 min after the light-to-dark shift. investigate the cellular effects of manipulating (p)ppGpp levels. ppGpp levels in the Δrel mutant were below the limit of detection (∼1 μM). + When analyzed using a one-tailed t test, ppGpp -L vs. control-L, P = 0.0469; High (p)ppGpp Levels Stop Growth and Dramatically Alter Synechococcus control-D5 vs. control-L, P = 0.0669. Data are presented as mean ± SEM (n = 3). Physiology. We next studied the effects of high (p)ppGpp levels on + Synechococcus growth and physiology. When uninduced, the ppGpp + straingrowsaswellaseitheranemptyplasmidcontrolorppGpp by the stringent response in Synechococcus and find that one of D72G (Fig. 2A). Strikingly, upon addition of the inducer isopropyl them, ribosomal hibernation promoting factor, causes ribosomes β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), a dramatic decrease in colony- + to dimerize in the dark. Altogether, these results suggest that the forming units was observed in the ppGpp strain (Fig. 2A). When stringent response mediates a coordinated transcriptional and growth in liquid cultures was monitored by absorbance at 750 nm, a + translational reaction to periods of darkness. similar trend was apparent: ppGpp cultures stopped growing, + whereas ppGpp D72G cultures grew as well as the empty plasmid Results control (Fig. 2B). Therefore, high (p)ppGpp levels are sufficient to Darkness presents a major metabolic challenge for cyanobacteria, stop growth of Synechococcus. When these cells were imaged by depriving them of their primary energy source—photosynthetically microscopy at 26 h after induction, a number of physiological + active radiation. In model heterotrophic bacteria, like Escherichia coli, changes were visible (Fig. 2C). For one, ppGpp cells were elon- metabolic stress by starvation leads to precipitous increases in levels gated compared with control cells, indicating that cell growth and of the alarmones ppGpp (guanosine 3′-diphosphate 5′-diphosphate) division are misregulated when (p)ppGpp levels are high (Fig. 2D). + and pppGpp (guanosine 3′-diphosphate 5′-triphosphate) (11). We noted striking differences in pigmentation between ppGpp Hereafter, we use the notation “(p)ppGpp” to refer to both and control cultures after induction, indicating that cells with molecules simultaneously when appropriate. Increased concentrations high (p)ppGpp levels undergo chlorosis (bleaching) (Fig. 2E, of (p)ppGpp, the nucleotide second messengers of the stringent Inset). Microscopy revealed that natural fluorescence from + response, cause polyphosphate (polyP)—a linear polymer of photosynthetic pigments was much lower in ppGpp cells than orthophosphates—to accumulate in E. coli (12). We hypothe- in either control condition (Fig. 2 C and E, SI Appendix,Fig.S2, sized that increased levels of (p)ppGpp might also be responsible and Materials and Methods). Furthermore, absorbance scans indicated that levels of pigments in phycobilisomes, major light- for increased polyP levels recently observed in Synechococcus in + the dark (13). Although previous work has shown that (p)ppGpp harvesting complexes, were lower in ppGpp cells and that chlorophyll absorbance also decreased (SI Appendix, Fig. S3). is synthesized by Synechococcus (8, 14), mechanistic explanations + for targets of the stringent response and its physiological effects The lower levels of photosynthetic pigments in ppGpp cells could are lacking, which led us to investigate the role of this pathway be due to increased pigment degradation, decreased pigment pro- duction, or a combination of the two. Based on these results, it is more broadly in Synechococcus. + likely that ppGpp cells are less photosynthetically active than ppGpp Levels Increase in the Dark in Synechococcus and Can Be control cells (18, 19). We tested whether (p)ppGpp affects levels of polyP, by staining Genetically Manipulated. We hypothesized that the metabolic cells with DAPI and using an imaging method that distinguishes and physiological changes observed in Synechococcus cultures between DAPI-polyP and DAPI-DNA fluorescence (Fig. 2 C and between light and dark could be due to altered levels of (p)ppGpp. + F, SI Appendix,Fig.S4,andMaterials and Methods). In ppGpp We therefore shifted cells grown in the light into the dark, cells, the intensity of polyP granules greatly increased (Fig. 2F), and harvested cultures at defined time points, and analyzed cell numbers of polyP granules per cell were slightly higher than con- extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) trols (SI Appendix,Fig.S4). Overall, these data show that (p)ppGpp to determine ppGpp levels (Fig. 1A and SI Appendix,Fig.S1A). regulates polyP granule formation in Synechococcus. Considering Cells growing in the light had low intracellular levels of ppGpp, the finding that polyP granule size and number increase in the dark which we estimated at around 5 μM (see Materials and Methods in Synechococcus (13), it is likely that (p)ppGpp stimulates polyP for details). When cells were shifted into the dark, ppGpp levels granule formation in the dark. + increased rapidly, peaked after ∼30 min, and remained ele- In ppGpp cells, DNA content per cell decreased, as measured vated until cells were shifted back into the light. These results by DAPI-DNA fluorescence (Fig. 2 C and G). We confirmed these are consistent with those reported previously (8). Peak ppGpp results by staining cells with a different DNA-specific dye and levels in Synechococcus (30 min after onset of darkness) were analyzing cells by flow cytometry (Fig. 2G, Inset). These results

E4868 | Hood et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 PNAS PLUS A 10-fold B C phase polyP DNA control +50 µM IPTG ppGpp+ 0 µM IPTG 1 control ppGpp+ D72G control 750

+ OD 0.1 ppGpp 5 µM IPTG ppGpp+ ppGpp+ control D72G ppGpp+ control 0.01 ppGpp+ D72G + + ppGpp 50 µM IPTG ppGpp ppGpp+ 05 D72G D72G Time (days) + p=1.38x10-34 9000 D E F p=1.67x10-88 G p=8.63x10-32 H n= 463 cells 750 control 5 8 n= 506 cells ppGpp 15 n= 1071 spots 15 6000 10 -60

p=1.57x10 % of cells 6 n= 988 spots 0 10 10 3000 4 DNA fluor. 5 5 5 2 0 Percent of cells Percent of cells Percent of cells Percent of spots 0 0 0 0 -D + -L C-Leu incorp. / OD

246 0 0.2 050 0 0.2 0.4 14 WT-L WT Cell length (µm) fluor. (norm.) polyP granule intensity DNA fluor. (norm.) ppGpp

Fig. 2. High (p)ppGpp levels stop growth and dramatically alter Synechococcus physiology. (AandB) Inducing high (p)ppGpp levels stops growth of + Synechococcus.(A) When induced with IPTG, viability of the ppGpp strain decreases. Images are representative of three independent experiments. (B) Cultures of the indicated strains (control, WT-KanR) were grown in constant light, induced with IPTG where indicated, and monitored by absorbance

at 750 nm (OD750). Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 3). (C) At 26 h after IPTG induction, cultures were stained with DAPI and imaged by fluo- MICROBIOLOGY rescence microscopy. Representative images from three independent experiments are shown. (Scale bar: 5 μm.) (D–G) Microscopy images from two independent cultures at 26 h after induction were analyzed using MicrobeTracker and SpotFinder. Histogram colors match those in A, B,andC: purple, + + + + ppGpp ; light blue, ppGpp D72G. The same number of cells (ppGpp , n = 463 cells; ppGpp D72G, n = 506 cells) was used for each analysis shown. Data + were analyzed with the Mann–Whitney U test, and P values are indicated on the histograms. (D) ppGpp cells are longer than control cells. (E) Levels of + light-harvesting pigments are lower in ppGpp cells than in control cells. Natural fluorescence from thylakoid membranes was normalized to cell area. (Inset) Pigmentation differences between control and ppGpp+ strains are striking. Cultures were imaged ∼48 h after induction. (F) Intensities of pol- yphosphate (polyP) granules are higher in ppGpp+ cells than in control cells. (G) DNA content is lower in ppGpp+ cells than in control cells. Histograms of + + DAPI-DNA fluorescence (AU; normalized to cell area) in ppGpp and ppGpp D72G cultures. (Inset) Analysis of DNA content by flow cytometry confirms + that ppGpp cells contain less DNA per cell than control cells. Cultures were stained with Vybrant DyeCycle Green at 26 h after induction with IPTG. A + total of 10,000 events were analyzed by flow cytometry for each condition. Histogram colors match those in A, B,andE: green, control; purple, ppGpp . + (H) Translation rates decrease in the dark and in ppGpp cells. Incorporation of 14C-Leu into trichloroacetic acid-precipitated proteins was measured by 14 14 scintillation counting and is plotted as C counts per min/OD750. Labeling was performed for 1 h with 0.2 μCi C-Leu (for WT D, after a 2-h dark pulse; for ppGpp+, at 12 h after IPTG induction). Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 6).

suggest that (p)ppGpp decreases DNA replication in Synecho- using our HPLC method, which has a limit of detection of ∼1 μM coccus, which is consistent with the finding that (p)ppGpp regulates (Fig. 1B and SI Appendix, Fig. S1B). DNA replication in other bacteria. (p)ppGpp directly inhibits DNA We postulated that (p)ppGpp would be more important for primase from B. subtilis (20) and causes degradation of the repli- growth under changing environmental conditions than constant cation initiation protein DnaA in Caulobacter crescentus (21). conditions. When grown in constant light, the control strain (WT To investigate whether the stringent response decreases trans- harboring the same antibiotic resistance cassette as the mutant) lation rates, we measured incorporation of 14C-leucine into pro- and the Δrel mutant grew similarly until they approached sta- teins under (p)ppGpp-varying conditions. We first verified that tionary phase, when growth of the Δrel mutant became impaired translation rates decrease in the dark in WT cells, as has been (Fig. 3A). In 12-h light/12-h dark cycling conditions, however, the reported in the literature (22). After a 2-h incubation in the dark, growth of the Δrel mutant was severely impaired, and this phe- translation rates decreased approximately twofold (Fig. 2H). notype could be rescued by expressing the rel gene from a neutral + Triggering high (p)ppGpp production in the light (ppGpp ) site in the (Fig. 3B). reduced translation rates to a level comparable with that of These phenotypes became even more pronounced when cells WT cells in the dark (Fig. 2H). Thus, (p)ppGpp is sufficient to were maintained in darkness for an extended period of time. markedly reduce translation rates in Synechococcus. Taken to- After a week in constant darkness, the viability of the Δrel strain gether, these results demonstrate a dramatic reshaping of decreased several orders of magnitude relative to the control cellular physiology and growth mediated by (p)ppGpp in this strain, whereas a week in constant light did not affect viability of cyanobacterium. the Δrel strain (Fig. 3C). We find, therefore, that the stringent response is of limited import in constant light but helps Syn- (p)ppGpp Is Important for Maintaining Viability in Darkness. The + echococcus respond to periods of darkness, highlighting the rel- phenotypes exhibited by the ppGpp strain led us to investigate evance of this pathway in environmental adaptation. the endogenous stringent response pathway in Synechococcus. We deleted the rel gene, which encodes a bifunctional (p)ppGpp (p)ppGpp Regulates the Expression of Many Genes in Synechococcus. synthetase/hydrolase and is the only protein predicted to syn- To determine cellular targets downstream of (p)ppGpp in thesize (p)ppGpp in the Synechococcus genome. As expected, Synechococcus, we compared transcriptional profiles under this strain had very low ppGpp levels that were undetectable (p)ppGpp-varying conditions using RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq).

Hood et al. PNAS | Published online August 2, 2016 | E4869 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 B IF17, respectively, both of which are small proteins that bind di- A rectly to glutamine synthetase and down-regulate its activity (24). 1 1 When cultures of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 are shifted from one nitrogen source (nitrate) to another (ammo- +IPTG nium), gifA and gifB help tune glutamine synthetase activity and improve cellular growth as a result (25). An analogous balancing 750 750 could occur in the dark when metabolic changes necessitate tuning OD OD 0.1 of enzyme activities. A chaperone-encoding gene known to be highly expressed in 0.1 LD control the dark, hspA, required (p)ppGpp for its up-regulation (Fig. 4 LL control LD rel + LD rel + rel and ref. 10). However, high (p)ppGpp levels in ppGpp -L were LL rel not sufficient to induce high levels of the hspA transcript. It is likely that additional dark-induced but (p)ppGpp-independent 02468 02468 factors are required for induction of hspA and other genes with Time (days) Time (days) similar expression patterns. (p)ppGpp–down-regulated genes were C less consistent across comparisons, but one notable example enco- initial light (1 week) dark (1 week) ded the bicarbonate transporter sbtA. control We confirmed (p)ppGpp-dependent gene expression for several rel genes using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qPCR) and 10-fold observed trends similar to RNA-seq results (Fig. 5 A and B and SI Appendix,Fig.S6). Furthermore, these trends were consistent after Fig. 3. (p)ppGpp is important for maintaining viability during darkness. (A) Growth of the control (WT-CmR)andtheΔrel mutant is similar in using two or three different reference genes for qPCR normali- constant light (LL) until cells reach stationary phase. (B)GrowthoftheΔrel zation (Fig. 5B and SI Appendix,Fig.S6). Fig. 5 A and B shows mutant is impaired in 12-h light/12-h dark (LD) cycles, but complementa- expression of a highly (p)ppGpp–up-regulated gene, hpf,which tion of the Δrel mutant restores nearly WT growth (control, WT-CmR/KanR). encodes ribosomal hibernation promoting factor (see the following An IPTG-inducible copy of the rel gene was reintroduced into the Δrel section). SI Appendix,Fig.S6contains verification of expression mutant at a neutral site, and IPTG was added to all cultures when indicated patterns for gifA and sbtA. by the arrow. Data are presented as mean ± SD (A, n = 3; B, n = 4). In other bacteria, the stringent response dramatically decreases (C) Viability of the Δrel strain decreases greatly after incubation in con- production of ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) (26). We performed stant darkness. Tenfold serial dilutions of cultures were plated at the qPCR experiments to measure total levels of 16S rRNA as well as beginning of the experiment, after a week in constant light, or after a rRNA precursor transcripts from cultures grown in light and dark week in constant darkness. Images are representative of two independent + experiments. and after induction of ppGpp strains. During rRNA maturation in bacteria, the 5′ leader sequence upstream of the 16S rRNA tran- script is processed by RNase III, which continues even when rRNA The reference conditions for this experiment were control cells transcription slows or stops (27). By measuring amounts of the 16S (WT harboring an antibiotic resistance cassette) in the light or 5′ leader sequence (pre-16S rRNA transcripts), one can infer the in the dark. We chose a 2-h dark pulse to study the effects of rate of change of rRNA levels. Total levels of 16S rRNA did not (p)ppGpp on gene regulation because this length of time would change under any condition in our experiments (SI Appendix,Fig. give the cells sufficient time to both increase their (p)ppGpp levels S7 A and B). Levels of pre-16S transcripts relative to total 16S and to make resulting changes in gene expression. transcripts decreased ∼10-fold after cells had been in the dark for We found that expression of many genes changes between 12 h (SI Appendix,Fig.S7C), but inducing high (p)ppGpp levels in light and dark in WT cells (Fig. 4A), as has been seen previously the light did not affect pre-16S rRNA levels (SI Appendix,Fig.S7D). (9, 10), and that some of these gene expression changes are We conclude that rRNA production rate decreases in the dark but (p)ppGpp-dependent (SI Appendix,Fig.S5). A comparison of that this decrease requires other factors besides (p)ppGpp. gene expression between control-dark and Δrel-dark revealed In sum, (p)ppGpp regulates expression of a number of genes genes that are (p)ppGpp-regulated in the dark (Fig. 4B). At the in Synechococcus, some of which seem to be controlled solely + same time, comparing gene expression between ppGpp -light vs. through (p)ppGpp, and some of which require additional factors control-light uncovered genes for which high (p)ppGpp levels for their expression under light/dark conditions. Although the were sufficient to alter regulation (Fig. 4C). In Fig. 4, each functions of some (p)ppGpp-regulated genes are known, the majority of genes lack a predicted function. scatter plot is oriented such that the higher (p)ppGpp condition is on the y axis and the lower (p)ppGpp condition is on the x axis, (p)ppGpp Regulates Ribosomal Status Through Hibernation-Promoting to facilitate comparison. Points more than one SD above the Factor. One of the most strikingly (p)ppGpp–up-regulated genes regression line are considered up-regulated by (p)ppGpp, and encodes ribosomal hibernation promoting factor (hpf), a protein points more than one SD below the regression line are consid- that dimerizes ribosomes into a less active state (Fig. 4) (28, 29). In ered down-regulated by (p)ppGpp. This stringent cutoff resulted E. coli, HPF and ribosome modulation factor act together to di- in seven genes consistently up-regulated by (p)ppGpp across the merize ribosomes and block binding of mRNAs, tRNAs, and three comparisons presented in Fig. 4 (listed in SI Appendix,Table translation initiation factors to the ribosome (30). HPF is widely S1). SI Appendix, Tables S2 and S3 list genes up-regulated (75 conserved across bacterial phyla, including cyanobacteria, as well as genes) or down-regulated (37 genes) by (p)ppGpp, respectively, in in plant plastids, and a long form of HPF from several bacterial at least two comparisons. Expression data for all genes can be clades is sufficient to dimerize ribosomes on its own (28, 29). found in Dataset S1. To determine whether HPF acts in a similar manner in Syn- Several (p)ppGpp-up-regulated genes were of particular interest echococcus in the dark, we monitored ribosomal status using (Fig. 4 and SI Appendix,TableS1). Two genes strongly induced by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. In actively translating (p)ppGpp were gifA and gifB, both of which encode glutamine cells, ribosomes exist in multiple forms: small (30S) and large synthetase inactivating factors. As a key link between carbon and (50S) subunits, assembled 70S monosomes, and polysomes, nitrogen metabolism, glutamine synthetase is often a target of multiple ribosomes translating the same mRNA. Polysomes can complex regulation (23). The gifA and gifB genes encode IF7 and be resolved on sucrose gradients as distinct peaks corresponding

E4870 | Hood et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 ABC PNAS PLUS 6 10 106 106

hpf gifA hpf gifA gifB 4 4 hspA 4 gifA hpf 10 hspA gifB 10 10

-light gifB + sbtA sbtA sbtA

2 ppGpp hspA control-dark 2 2 control-dark 10 10 10 phycobilisome genes

1 1 1 2 4 6 11010 10 1102 104 106 1102 104 106 control-light Δrel-dark control-light

Fig. 4. (p)ppGpp regulates the expression of many genes in Synechococcus. RNA-seq was performed for four different conditions: control (WT-CmR)-light; + + ppGpp -light, ppGpp cultures in the light after 18 h of IPTG induction; control-dark, WT-CmR cultures after a 2-h dark pulse; Δrel-dark, Δrel cultures after a 2-h + + dark pulse. RNA-seq data were analyzed and normalized using Rockhopper. For all conditions except ppGpp , n = 4 biological replicates; for ppGpp , n = 3 biological replicates. All panels show scatter plots of expression values based on upper-quartile normalization. The regression line used to identify differentially expressed genes is shown (A, R2 = 0.81224; B, R2 = 0.77495; C, R2 = 0.7258). Genes with expression values at least one SD higher or lower than the values predicted by the regression line are colored according to the condition under which they are more highly expressed. Genes not considered differentially expressed are colored in gray. All plots are shown such that the higher (p)ppGpp condition is on the y axis and the lower (p)ppGpp condition is on the x axis: (p)ppGpp–up- regulated genes are above the regression line whereas (p)ppGpp–down-regulated genes are below the regression line. Selected differentially expressed genes discussed in (p)ppGpp Regulates the Expression of Many Genes in Synechococcus are colored in red, with the gene name indicated.

to two, three, four, etc. ribosomes bound to one mRNA. The The Stringent Response as a Coordinator of Light/Dark Physiology in MICROBIOLOGY presence of polysome peaks in cell lysates can be used to indicate Synechococcus. It has been known for many years that cyanobacteria translational status (31). respond and adapt to both high-light and low-light conditions. We determined polysome profiles from Synechococcus and Although there is greater understanding of the photoprotective found that hpf is necessary for ribosome dimerization in the dark. mechanisms that allow cells to adapt to high light (2), relatively little Because there have been no reports of polysome analyses in is known about how cells coordinate their response to darkness. Synechococcus in the literature, we confirmed peak identities by Our findings provide evidence that the stringent response helps comparison with E. coli lysates (31). Synechococcus ribosomes Synechococcus adapt to darkness and help explain previous obser- sedimented similarly to those of E. coli, with characteristic peaks vations about cyanobacterial physiology. In 1975, Singer and Doolittle corresponding to small and large ribosomal subunits, mono- reported that translation rates fall dramatically after a light/dark shift somes, and polysomes (SI Appendix, Fig. S8A). Treatment of cell in Synechococcus (22). It is also known that treating Synechococcus lysates with RNase A to cleave mRNA, which should remove with inhibitors of photosynthetic electron transport generally polysomes, verified the position of polysome peaks (SI Appendix, suppresses translation (32). We propose that loss of photosynthetic Fig. S8B). activity leads to increased (p)ppGpp levels, triggering increased We tested Synechococcus lysates from control (WT) cells in HPF production. Higher levels of HPF dimerize ribosomes and the light, and control and Δhpf cells after a 2-h dark pulse. In the likely work with additional cellular factors to decrease translation light, control cell lysates contained several polysome peaks, in- rates. High (p)ppGpp levels also suppress transcription of a subset dicating active translation (Fig. 5C). In control cells in the dark, of genes, slow or stop DNA replication, and prevent cell division in however, a significant fraction of ribosomes exist in a state that the dark (Fig. 2). sediments between monosomes and the first polysome peak, Circadian rhythm is an important global regulator in Synechococcus likely corresponding to dimerized ribosomes (asterisk in Fig. and is known to improve cellular fitness in oscillating light/dark 5D). Furthermore, few polysomes were observed, consistent with cycles (33). It is interesting, therefore, that the capacity to stimulate the observation that translation rates are lower after 2 h in the ppGpp production seems to be independent of circadian rhythm. dark in Synechococcus (Fig. 2H). In the Δhpf mutant, ribosomes The experiments presented in Fig. 1 were performed using repli- did not dimerize and instead could be found as polysomes (Fig. cate Synechococcus cultures harvested at different times during the 5E). We conclude from these results that ribosomal status is circadian cycle, yet the relative ppGpp levels and kinetics of pro- altered in the Δhpf mutant, so that the ribosomal pool of the duction are remarkably consistent across replicates. We have Δhpf mutant resembles that of WT cells in the light. Overall, shown that the stringent response is important for responding to these data suggest that hpf could be one mechanism by which (p) regular light/dark cycles (Fig. 3B), but it is also activated during ppGpp controls translation, tuning protein synthesis in response unexpected periods of darkness. It is likely that, in its native to environmental cues. freshwater environment, Synechococcus could experience intermit- tent shading, a situation in which an adaptive response to darkness Discussion would be of significant benefit. Here, we have shown that the stringent response is an important mechanism by which Synechococcus adapts to darkness. Levels of Conservation and Adaptation of Stringent Response Mechanisms in (p)ppGpp rise in response to a light-to-dark shift, causing dra- Diverse Bacteria. The stringent response was first identified in matic changes in gene expression and regulating ribosomal pop- E. coli (34), and more recent studies have uncovered targets and ulations through HPF. By inducing high (p)ppGpp levels, we find mechanisms of this pathway in B. subtilis, C. crescentus,and that (p)ppGpp can control many fundamental cellular processes in several bacterial pathogens (35–37). Although the stringent re- Synechococcus (Fig. 6). sponse works to restore metabolic homeostasis in both E. coli

Hood et al. PNAS | Published online August 2, 2016 | E4871 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 even though GTP is the initiating nucleotide for rRNA transcription A RNA-seq C control-light 1 in Synechococcus (43). 24 0 As a photoautotroph, Synechococcus lives a very different metabolic lifestyle than the bacterial model systems in which the 254nm 1 22 polysomes A 2 stringent response has been studied. Because photosynthesis forms the foundation of cyanobacterial growth, it is logical that hpf expression 20 3 2 (p)ppGpp would be synthesized in conditions that are unfavor-

log D control-dark able for photosynthesis, like darkness, and that this pathway -D + -L 1 rel 0 could feed back to regulate levels of light-harvesting pigments. A control-D control-LppGpp study in the facultative phototroph Rhodobacter capsulatus sug- 1 254nm * gested a link between the stringent response and regulation of B qPCR A 2 photosynthetic gene expression/genome structure by the nucle- p=0.0011 3 oid protein HvrA (44), but this α-proteobacterium is only dis-

secA tantly related to cyanobacteria and has greater metabolic flexibility. p=0.0148 E hpf-dark 4 1 It is likely that the strategies used by cyanobacteria to respond to 0 expression 2 darkness differ from those used by facultative phototrophs. We are 1 beginning to appreciate the mechanisms behind the stringent re- 254nm hpf A 2 0 2 sponse in Synechococcus, but much work remains to determine normalized to

log how (p)ppGpp levels can lead to altered physiology in phototrophic + -L 3 rel-D top bottom organisms. control-D control-LppGpp Position in gradient HPF and Translational Regulation by (p)ppGpp. Regulation of trans- Fig. 5. (p)ppGpp regulates translation through hibernation promoting lation is a classic mechanism of the stringent response that can be factor. (A) RNA-seq expression data reveal striking regulation of hpf by accomplished by immediate action of (p)ppGpp on the translation

(p)ppGpp. Rockhopper-normalized expression values plotted on a log2 apparatus, or by longer term changes in gene expression of rRNAs, scale. Data are presented as mean ± SEM (for all conditions except tRNAs, and ribosomal and ribosome-associated proteins. These + + ppGpp , n = 4; for ppGpp , n = 3). (B) Verification of hpf gene regulation adaptations are important during starvation, because production of by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qPCR). hpf expression was ribosomes can consume a significant fraction of the cell’senergy normalized to secA expression and plotted on a log2 scale relative to supply (45). Immediately after encountering a stress, the cell con- control-L. A two-tailed t test between the indicated conditions was per- tains its full complement of ribosomes and uses posttranslational formed, and P values are shown. Data are presented as mean ± SEM (n = 4 biological replicates). (C–E) Polysome profiles from Synechococcus lysates mechanisms to decrease the activity of these preexisting ribosomes. analyzed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Cultures were grown One way bacteria can decrease translation rate is through direct in- to midlog phase and shifted into the dark for 2 h where appropriate. Two hibition of ribosomal GTPases by (p)ppGpp, as has been shown for minutes before harvesting, all cultures were treated with chloramphen- the translation initiation factor IF2 (46), as well as for GTPases of icol to arrest translation elongation. Cell lysates were separated on 10 to Staphylococcus aureus (47). Alternatively, expression of factors such 40% sucrose gradients by ultracentrifugation. Abundance of RNA species as HPF can modulate ribosome activity over longer timescales (48). was monitored by absorbance at 254 nm (A254nm; arbitrary units). All HPF is known to dimerize ribosomes in Listeria monocytogenes, traces are representative of two independent biological replicates. R B. subtilis,andE. coli in response to conditions that increase (C) Control (WT-Kan ) cells in the light were actively translating, as (p)ppGpp levels, such as stationary phase (49, 50). We have revealed by their abundant polysomes. (D) After a 2-h dark pulse, control cells exhibited decreased translation and instead contained dimerized shown that hpf expression is (p)ppGpp-regulated and that hpf ribosomes, as indicated by the asterisk (*). (E) hpf is required for ribosome affects ribosomal status under conditions that decrease trans- dimerization and decreased translation in the dark. After a 2-h dark lation rates in Synechococcus, suggesting that it may contribute pulse, lysate from a Δhpf mutant contained abundant polysomes and to this phenotype. Twenty years ago, HPF was identified as a completely lacked dimerized ribosomes. protein made at high levels in the dark in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002, and a mutation in this gene seems to alter patterns of protein synthesis after dark adaptation (51). This result is an and B. subtilis, the specific targets of (p)ppGpp are distinct in intriguing one, but little is known about the extent to which HPF these organisms. Although (p)ppGpp binds directly to RNA affects translation rates in vivo in any organism or whether HPF polymerase and works with the transcription factor DksA in E. coli to control gene expression, (p)ppGpp regulates GTP biosynthesis in B. subtilis by directly inhibiting enzymes in this pathway, in- cluding guanylate kinase (GMK) (38). Altered GTP levels then low (p)ppGpp high (p)ppGpp affect gene expression in B. subtilis and other Firmicutes through the GTP-sensing transcription factor CodY (39). A recent phy- 6 logenetic analysis suggests that regulation of RNA polymerase by 5 (p)ppGpp is conserved throughout the Proteobacteria whereas 3 regulation of GTP biosynthesis is conserved throughout the Firmicutes (40). This analysis does not predict a mechanism for 1 the stringent response in cyanobacteria, but several observations 2 suggest that neither of these strategies fully accounts for the 4 global regulation enacted by (p)ppGpp in Synechococcus.Invitro assays with Synechococcus GMK have shown that it is insensitive to phycobilisome ribosome HPF polyP granule carboxysome (p)ppGpp (41), and its genome lacks CodY and DksA homologs as well as the (p)ppGpp-interacting motif on RNA polymerase Fig. 6. Model of (p)ppGpp regulation in Synechococcus. Our results in- dicate that many fundamental processes are regulated by (p)ppGpp in (42). Although it is likely that alteration of GTP pools as a result Synechococcus. These processes are schematized here and include (site 1) of (p)ppGpp synthesis could affect cell physiology and metabolic transcription, (site 2) translation, (site 3) DNA replication, (site 4) cell processes, we did not observe dramatic decreases in rRNA pre- growth and division, (site 5) polyP granule formation, and (site 6) pho- cursor levels when (p)ppGpp levels were high (SI Appendix,Fig.S7), tosynthesis.

E4872 | Hood et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 might alter translational specificity. Synechococcus synthesizes a with shaking (250 rpm), unless otherwise noted. When appropriate, PNAS PLUS distinct set of “dark-specific” polypeptides after a shift to dark- chloramphenicol was used at 25 μg/mL, and kanamycin was used at 60 μg/mL ness (8)—which is consistent with the transcriptional changes for E. coli. Measurements of culture optical density (OD600 or OD750, sub- seen under these conditions—but the identities of these proteins script indicating wavelength in nm) were performed using a Thermo Sci- entific Genesys 20 spectrophotometer. and how production of specific proteins is controlled remain unknown. Plasmid and Strain Construction. All plasmids were constructed using a Golden Gate cloning strategy (60) and were propagated in E. coli DH5α. Signals That Trigger the Stringent Response Are Different in Photo- Primers were designed to amplify genes such that a BsaI restriction en- synthetic Organisms. The range of stresses sensed by the strin- zyme site would be added onto both ends, and overhangs generated by gent response in other organisms encompasses carbon sources, digestion with BsaI would be complementary to those present in Golden nitrogen sources, and inorganic nutrients. Light represents an Gate destination plasmids. Golden Gate reactions (incorporating cycles of equally—if not more—important signal of nutritional status in restriction enzyme digestion and ligation) were incubated for 50 cycles of Synechococcus. A cyanobacterial cell experiences dramatic in- 45 °C for 5 min and 16 °C for 2 min, followed by incubations at 50 °C for tracellular changes in its redox state and pH, for example, 10 min and 80 °C for 10 min to inactivate the enzymes. Standard methods depending on whether it is actively photosynthesizing (52). Re- were used for PCR, gel purification of PCR products, E. coli transformation, dox state regulates centrally important metabolic enzymes in the and DNA sequencing to verify cloned constructs. SI Appendix,TableS4lists cyanobacterium Synechocystis through thioredoxins, which me- the plasmids and primers used in this study. Synechococcus was transformed by growing cultures to log phase diate reduction of disulfides (53). Similar signals could trigger (OD750 0.2–0.6), harvesting cells by centrifugation (16,000 × g,2min, (p)ppGpp synthesis once photosynthesis stops. Inhibition of pho- 25 °C), washing cells once in 0.5× volume of 10 mM NaCl, and resuspending tosynthesis is known to reduce translation in Synechococcus (32), cells in 0.1× volume of BG-11 media. Approximately 200 ng of the plasmid an effect we also observed after inducing high (p)ppGpp levels. It to be transformed was added, and cultures were wrapped in foil and in- would be interesting to determine whether inhibitors of photo- cubated overnight at 30 °C. The next day, transformations were plated synthesis mimic the effects of darkness and induce other physio- on BG-11 plates containing the appropriate selective antibiotic. All logical effects of the stringent response. Several observational deletion strains were verified by colony PCR, using primers to detect studies have shown that ppGpp levels in Synechococcus rise in both the native locus and the deletion construct, and were fully pene- response to stresses, such as elevated temperature (8) and nitro- trant. SI Appendix, Table S5 lists and describes the strains used in gen starvation (14, 54), but these studies did not investigate the this study.

mechanisms upstream of ppGpp synthesis or the physiological re- MICROBIOLOGY ppGpp Measurements by HPLC and Estimation of Intracellular Concentrations. sponses of the organism under these conditions. Synechococcus cultures grown under the conditions specified in the text were Plants also contain (p)ppGpp metabolic enzymes (55). In harvested by filtration. For the light/dark shift experiment shown in Fig. 1A,a Arabidopsis thaliana, all of these proteins localize to the chlo- WT culture was grown to log phase (OD750 ∼0.25) and split into seven flasks roplast (19, 56), and ppGpp levels rise in plants in response with 57 mL each (corresponding to ∼13 OD750 units), and each culture was to darkness and other stresses, including wounding (57). Two harvested at the appropriate time point. For the experiment shown in Fig. 1B, ∼ recent studies have also shown that ppGpp levels affect pho- cultures of the appropriate strains were grown to log phase (OD750 0.4), and + tosynthetic capacity and chloroplast development in Arabi- strains in the light (control and ppGpp ) were induced with IPTG for 17 h before dopsis (19, 58). Thus, it is likely that aspects of the stringent harvesting 20 OD750 units per culture. response pathway are conserved between cyanobacteria and Cells were isolated by filtration, resuspended, and lysed in 400 μLof13M chloroplasts. formic acid, subsequently flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at − Diverse bacterial taxa have different configurations of (p)ppGpp 80 °C until further processing. Lysates were thawed at room tempera- ture, were subjected to three freeze/thaw cycles alternating between a dry synthetases and hydrolases, but the fact that they are present in ice/ethanol bath and room temperature, and were clarified by centrifu- all but obligate pathogens suggests that they have been adapted gation (16,000 × g, 5 min, 4 °C). Extracts were filtered using PES syringe to incredibly diverse lifestyles. Cyanobacteria represent an under- filters and were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80 °C until studied group of organisms that could provide clues to the core HPLC analysis. principles and flexible components of this conserved bacterial Levels of ppGpp were measured using anion-exchange chromatogra-

stress response, while at the same time telling us about the unique phy and a Phenomenex Luna NH2 column, 50 × 4.60 mm. Using a protocol stresses faced by phototrophs. modified from ref. 61, an isocratic method was developed to isolate the ppGpp peak on an Agilent Technologies 1200 series HPLC. The buffer Materials and Methods consisted of 0.85 M ammonium phosphate, pH 2.1. Samples were thawed Bacterial Strains and Culture Conditions. S. elongatus PCC 7942 was grown on ice before transfer to a prechilled HPLC vial; all samples were kept on in BG-11 media (59) at 30 °C with shaking (185 rpm) under white fluo- ice until just before injection. Then, 25 μL was injected at time 0, and the rescentlightsat60–100 μE. Cultures grown in diurnal (12-h light/12-h method was run at 1 mL/min for 8–10 min. The column temperature was dark) cycles were incubated in a programmable photosynthetic in- maintained at 30 °C, and absorbance was monitored at 254 nm. A small cubator (Percival Scientific); otherwise, cultures grown in constant light ppGpp peak was found to elute at ∼3.5 min. Concentrations were esti- were incubated in an environmental (30 °C) room. All processing of mated by manually integrating peaks using Agilent Chemstation soft- samples under dark conditions was performed in a dark room with a ware and comparing with a ppGpp standard added to the sample. The minimal amount of light provided by a green LED. Unless otherwise ppGpp standard was obtained from TriLink Biotechnologies. Using this indicated, Synechococcus cultures were induced with 50 μM isopropyl method, the limit of detection for ppGpp was ∼1 μM. We did not mea- β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) when appropriate. Single antibiotics sure pppGpp by HPLC because we were unable to resolve any candidate (chloramphenicol, kanamycin) were used at 10 μg/mL, and double an- peaks eluting after ppGpp. tibiotics were used at 2 μg/mL each. E. coli wasgrowninLBmediaat37°C To estimate intracellular ppGpp concentrations, we used the equation

À Á ð · Þ mol ð Þð Þ mAU s mAU · s conversion fraction of total lysate measured efficiency of ppGpp extraction ½ppGppðMÞ = , ðnumber of cellsÞðestimated cell volume ðLÞÞ

Hood et al. PNAS | Published online August 2, 2016 | E4873 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 where each parameter was determined as follows: mAU·s, value determined EMD Millipore Guava EasyCyte HT flow cytometer; 10,000 events were an- for each sample by integrating ppGpp peaks from HPLC traces; moles/(mAU·s) alyzed for each condition. conversion, determined by running a standard curve with known molar amounts of the ppGpp standard vs. measured mAU·s and taking the slope of a 14C-Leu Protein Incorporation Measurements. Synechococcus cultures were 2 = = × −12 · + linear regression (R 0.998) [value 2.4 10 moles/(mAU s)]; fraction of grown in constant light to log phase (OD750 ∼0.4), and ppGpp cultures were total lysate measured, 25 μL was analyzed by HPLC from an original volume induced with 50 μM IPTG for 12 h. Aliquots (0.5 mL) of cultures were in- of 400 μL (value = 16); efficiency of ppGpp extraction, determined by spiking cubated in the dark for 2 h where appropriate, and all cultures were then a known amount of ppGpp into the 400 μL of formic acid used to lyse cells labeled with 0.2 μCi 14C-Leu (Perkin-Elmer) for 1 h. Cells were lysed by adding and measuring how much was recovered compared with that measured SDS to a final concentration of 1% and heating at 80 °C for 15 min, followed after spiking in ppGpp at the end of the extract preparation (∼37% effi- by cooling on ice. To precipitate proteins, ice-cold trichloroacetic acid (TCA) ciency; value = 2.69); number of cells, determined by plating dilutions from was added to cell lysates at a final concentration of 5%, and lysates were cultures harvested for ppGpp extraction and averaging the number of col- incubated on ice for 30 min. Lysates were centrifuged (21,000 × g,10min,25°C), ony-forming units across replicates (value = 4.69 × 109 cells); and estimated and pellets were washed once in ice-cold 5% TCA to remove unincorporated cell volume, determined by analyzing microscopy images of WT Synecho- 14C-Leu and pellets were centrifuged again. The entire protein pellet was coccus using MicrobeTracker software (62) and converting pixels3 into μm3 resuspended in 8 M urea, and 14C counts were determined using a Beckman − into L (value = 3fL= 3 × 10 15 L). LS6500 scintillation counter.

ppGpp Measurements by 32P-TLC. Synechococcus strains were grown in low- Absorbance Scans. Absorbance scans of Synechococcus cultures were per- phosphate BG-11 media (as in ref. 59, except containing 44 μM rather than formed using a Tecan Infinite M1000 Pro plate reader, measuring absor- μ ∼ 175 MK2HPO4) to log phase (OD750 0.5). E. coli strains were grown in low- bance between 350 and 800 nm at 5-nm intervals. An identical absorbance phosphate minimal media (50 mM KCl, 10 mM NH4Cl, 0.5 mM MgSO4, scan was performed using sterile media, and these values were subtracted 0.2 mM KH2PO4, 50 mM Hepes, pH 7.5, 100 μM FeCl3, 0.4% glucose, 0.2% from culture readings. 32 casamino acids) at 30 °C to midlog phase (OD600 ∼0.5). H3 PO4 (Perkin- Elmer) was added to the appropriate low-phosphate medium at 20 μCi/mL, RNA-seq: RNA Library Preparation, Sequencing, and Data Analysis. RNA was along with 50 μM IPTG for Synechococcus cultures where appropriate, and isolated from four different conditions as follows: control-L, WT cultures (WT- + + cell pellets (normalized to 0.5 OD units) were resuspended in low-phosphate CmR) in the light (+50 μM IPTG for 18 h); ppGpp -L, ppGpp cultures in the 32 R media containing H3 PO4. Cultures were incubated without shaking in a light (induced with 50 μM IPTG for 18 h); control-D, WT cultures (WT-Cm )at 30 °C incubator for at least one generation time (30 min for E. coli; 27 h for the end of a 2-h dark pulse; and Δrel-D, Δrel cultures at the end of a 2-h dark 32 Synechococcus) to allow for P uptake and incorporation. E. coli cultures pulse. All cultures were synchronized by two 12-h light/12-h dark cycles and were treated with serine hydroxamate (Sigma-Aldrich) at 1 mg/mL to mimic were harvested at the same time during the subjective day (L7) to minimize amino acid starvation for 10 min before harvesting. effects of circadian rhythm on gene expression. Cultures (100 mL; OD750 0.2– 32 Cells were harvested and excess H3 PO4 was removed by centrifugation 0.4) were harvested by filtration; cell material was scraped off filters and (10,000 × g, 2 min, 25 °C), and pellets were resuspended in the appropriate 32 resuspended in 400 μL of AE buffer (50 mM sodium acetate, pH 5.5, 10 mM P-free low-phosphate medium. An equal volume of 13 M formic acid was EDTA, pH 8.0). Cell suspensions were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and added to cell suspensions, which were then subjected to three freeze–thaw stored at −80 °C until further processing. cycles alternating between a dry ice/ethanol bath and room temperature. Ly- RNA was isolated using a method based on ref. 4 in which cells were lysed sates were clarified by centrifugation (10,000 × g,2min,25°C)andwere using hot acid phenol/SDS and phenol/chloroform extraction. Cell suspen- 32 spotted onto PEI-cellulose TLC plates (EMD Millipore) along with a [γ- P]-GTP sions were thawed at room temperature. Then, 0.1× volume (40 μL) of 10% standard (Perkin-Elmer). TLC plates were run in a chamber containing 1.5 M SDS was added to each tube, followed by an equal volume (440 μL) of ∼ KH2PO4, pH 3.4, for 30 min and exposed to a phosphorscreen for 24 h. Im- phenol (equilibrated with AE buffer). Tubes were incubated at 65 °C for aging and quantitation were performed using a GE Healthcare Typhoon 4 min, frozen in a dry ice/ethanol bath for ∼1 min, and centrifuged to sep- phosphorimager. Spot intensities were quantified using ImageQuant arate aqueous and phenol phases (16,000 × g, 5 min, 25 °C). The aqueous software. phase was transferred to a phase lock gel heavy tube (5 Prime), to which an equal volume (∼350 μL) of acid phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (125:24:1, Microscopy and Image Analysis. Synechococcus cultures were harvested at the pH 4.5) was added. These tubes were centrifuged to separate aqueous and appropriate time point (26 h after IPTG induction for the experiment shown phenol phases (16,000 × g, 5 min, 25 °C). Then, 200 μL of the aqueous phase in Fig. 2) and were stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) was further purified using a Qiagen RNeasy Mini kit according to the (Sigma-Aldrich) at 1 mg/mL for 15 min in the dark at room temperature. manufacturer’s protocol. RNA concentrations were determined using a Stained cells were washed two times in PBS and resuspended in BG-11 me- Thermo Scientific Nanodrop 2000 spectrophotometer. Total RNA (5 μg) was dium. Cells were immobilized by spotting cultures onto agarose pads (2% treated with 2 units of DNase I (Thermo Scientific) to remove genomic DNA agarose in BG-11 medium). Imaging was performed on a Zeiss AXIO Ob- contamination according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Twenty server.Z1 inverted microscope equipped with a 100× phase-contrast oil ob- units of RNase inhibitor (SUPERaseIn; Thermo Fisher) were added to reactions, jective (NA 1.4) and an Excelitas Technologies X-Cite 120Q fluorescent light which were incubated at 37 °C for 75 min. EDTA was added to reactions at a source. Images were acquired using a Hamamatsu Photonics ORCA-Flash 4.0 final concentration of 2.5 mM, and reactions were incubated at 65 °C for 10 min scientific complementary metal oxide semiconductor (sCMOS) camera and to stop DNase I activity. DNase-treated RNA was further purified using a Zymo Zeiss ZEN 2012 software. Research RNA Clean and Concentrator-5 kit according to the manufacturer’s Cyanobacteria naturally fluoresce in the red portion of the visible spectrum protocol. RNA integrity was verified at multiple steps using the Agilent Tech- due to both chlorophyll-containing photosystems and the light-harvesting nologies RNA 6000 Nano kit and an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer according to the pigments present in phycobilisomes, both of which are found in the thylakoid manufacturer’sprotocol. membranes (63). Pigment fluorescence was assayed using a standard red fluo- Total RNA (∼1.5 μg) was depleted of ribosomal RNA using an Illumina rescent protein (RFP) filter set (excitation 572 nm; emission 629 nm). Poly- RiboZero rRNA depletion kit (Bacteria), and RNA-seq libraries were con- phosphate (polyP) was imaged using a standard cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) structed using the BIOO Scientific, NEXTflex Rapid Illumina Directional RNA- filter set (excitation 436 nm; emission 480 nm). Upon binding to negatively Seq Library Prep Kit (cat no. 5138-08) using 15 cycles of PCR. Samples were charged polyP, the positively charged DAPI molecule exhibits a spectral Stokes barcoded, pooled in equimolar ratios, and sequenced in one lane on an shift that permits DAPI-polyP fluorescence to be distinguished from DAPI-DNA Illumina HiSeq2500, generating 50-bp single-end reads. Each condition sequenced + fluorescence using these wavelengths (64). At the same time, a standard DAPI had four biological replicates, except for ppGpp , which had three. filter set was used to assay DAPI-DNA fluorescence (excitation 365 nm; emission RNA-seq library adapter contamination was removed using Scythe 445 nm). Microscopy images were analyzed using MicrobeTracker and Spot- ( The resulting data Finder, bacterial image analysis programs written in Matlab (62). Segmentation were aligned to the Synechococcus genome, normalized, and analyzed using of cells was manually verified and corrected when necessary. Rockhopper, a bacterial RNA-seq analysis platform (65). Rockhopper performs upper-quartile normalization to generate RNA-seq expression values for each

Flow Cytometry. Synechococcus cultures were diluted to OD750 ∼0.03 and condition. RNA-seq expression values were plotted in DataGraph (Visual Data were stained with Vybrant DyeCycle Green (Thermo Fisher) at 26 h after Tools, Inc.), and a power regression analysis was performed. Genes with ex- IPTG induction. The final dilution of the stain was 1:5,000. Cultures were pression values at least one SD higher or lower than the values predicted by the stained for 45 min in the dark at 30 °C. Stained cells were analyzed on an regression line were considered differentially expressed.

E4874 | Hood et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Quantitative RT-PCR. For qPCR experiments to verify RNA-seq results, RNA cooling), and cells were harvested by centrifugation (10,000 × g, 10 min, PNAS PLUS isolation, DNase treatment, and RNA cleanup were performed as described 4 °C). Pellets were washed in 5 mL of ice-cold polysome lysis buffer (10 mM

for RNA-seq experiments. RNA concentrations were determined using a Tris·HCl, pH 8.0, 10 mM MgCl2) and centrifuged again (4,000 × g, 10 min, Thermo Scientific Nanodrop 2000 spectrophotometer and were standardized 4 °C), and pellets were resuspended in 1 mL of ice-cold polysome lysis buffer. to the same amount of input RNA (∼1 μg) for reverse transcription reactions, This cell material was transferred to 2-mL screw-cap tubes containing ∼0.5 mL which were performed using Clontech RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix with of 0.1-mm glass beads, which were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored random hexamers according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The resulting at −80 °C until further processing. cDNA was diluted 1:10 before amplification in qPCR reactions. Cell lysates were prepared on the same day as sucrose gradient analysis to For qPCR experiments to measure pre-16S and 16S rRNA levels, cultures were minimize the number of freeze–thaw cycles. Cell material was thawed at – synchronized by one 12-h light/12-h dark cycle, and 50 mL at an OD750 of 0.2 0.4 room temperature and lysed in a bead beater for 3 × 30-s cycles, with 1 min (maintained over the course of the experiment by manual back-dilution) was on ice in between each beating. Tubes were centrifuged quickly (16,000 × g, harvested at the appropriate time point by filtration. Cell material was scraped 30 s, 4 °C) to sediment beads, the supernatant was transferred to a new off filters, resuspended in 1 mL of TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen), flash-frozen in tube, and the lysate was clarified by centrifugation (16,000 × g, 10 min, 4 °C). liquid nitrogen, and stored at −80 °C until further processing. RNA isolation was This supernatant was transferred to a new tube, and absorbance at 260 nm performed according to the manufacturer’s protocol, with one additional in- was measured using a Nanodrop 2000 spectrophotometer. Samples in a

cubation at 90 °C for 5 min immediately after thawing frozen samples. DNase particular experiment were normalized to the same A260nm (∼20 A260 units) treatment and RNA cleanup were performed as described for RNA-seq exper- in a total volume of 300 μL (diluted with polysome lysis buffer where nec- iments. Reverse transcription reactions were performed with the same amount essary), to which 40 units of RNase inhibitor (SUPERaseIn; Thermo Fisher) was of input RNA (1 μg), using Invitrogen SuperScript III reverse transcriptase with added before loading lysates onto sucrose gradients. For RNase A-treated random primers according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The resulting cDNA samples (and negative controls), 33 μL of 3 M NaCl was added to the 300 μL was diluted 1:100,000 before amplification in qPCR reactions. of cell lysate, to which 3 mg of RNase A (Thermo Fisher) was added where All qPCR reactions were performed using the Thermo Fisher DyNAmo HS appropriate. Lysates were incubated at room temperature for 10 min and SYBR Green qPCR kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions with were then frozen in liquid nitrogen to stop the reaction (these samples were 0.5 μM of each primer (see SI Appendix, Table S4 for primer sequences). subjected to one additional freeze–thaw cycle.) Reactions were run on an Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus real-time PCR Sucrose gradients (10 to 40%, wt/vol) were prepared in ultracentrifuge machine, using fluorescence of the ROX reference dye for normalization. tubes by layering 6 mL of 40% sucrose buffer solution (20 mM Tris·HCl, pH 7.8, Cycling conditions were as follows: 95 °C for 15 min; 40 cycles of 95 °C for 10 mM MgCl2, 100 mM NH4Cl, 2 mM DTT, 40% sucrose) underneath 6 mL of 10 s, 60 °C for 30 s, and 72 °C for 30 s; and melt curve analysis from 60 °C to 10% sucrose buffer solution (20 mM Tris·HCl, pH 7.8, 10 mM MgCl2, 100 mM 95 °C. Amplicons ranged from 120 to 140 base pairs, and product specificity NH4Cl, 2 mM DTT, 10% sucrose). Linear gradients were created using a was verified by melt curve analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis. No Gradient Mate and allowed to equilibrate for at least 15 min at 4 °C before – template controls were performed and showed minimal primer dimer for- loading. Then, 300 μL of cell lysate was loaded on top of the sucrose gra- MICROBIOLOGY mation. Three candidate reference genes, secA (Synpcc7942_0289), rimM dient, and gradient tubes were centrifuged in a Beckman ultracentrifuge (Synpcc7942_2259), and rnpA (Synpcc7942_1615), were selected for normalization (40,000 × g, 105 min, 4 °C). Sucrose gradients were then analyzed by a UV-Vis based on a previous analysis performed with Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 (66) and detector, monitoring absorbance at 254 nm. after confirming similar expression levels across conditions from our RNA- seq data. C values for hpf (Synpcc7942_2352), gifA (Synpcc7942_0900), and T ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank A. Whiteley and the D. Portnoy laboratory sbtA (Synpcc7942_1475) were normalized to CT values for the appropriate refer- for providing E. coli strains and for assistance with ppGpp detection experiments; ence gene, and expression values were determined relative to the control-L con- K. Sogi and the S. Stanley laboratory for assistance with 14C incorporation ΔΔ dition (using the CT analysis method). experiments and use of equipment; the University of California, Davis sequenc- ing facility for constructing RNA-seq libraries, acquiring sequencing data, and Polysome Analysis by Sucrose Density Gradient Centrifugation. Synechococcus initial data analysis; and V. Yu and the J. Cate laboratory for assistance with cultures (500 mL) were synchronized by one 12-h dark period, were grown in polysome experiments and use of equipment. We are grateful to R. Yokoo for critical reading of the manuscript, and C. Cassidy-Amstutz for help with constant light to log phase (OD 0.2–0.5), and then shifted into the dark 750 statistical analysis. This work was supported by Department of Energy Office for 2 h where appropriate. E. coli cultures (50 mL) were grown to log phase of Science Early Career Research Program Grant DE-SC0006394 through the ∼ (OD600 0.5). All cultures were treated with chloramphenicol at a final Office of Basic Energy Sciences and by an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship concentration of 0.5 mg/mL for 2 min to arrest translation elongation. Cul- (to D.F.S.). R.D.H. and A.F. were supported by the National Science Foundation tures were poured over crushed ice in centrifuge bottles (to allow rapid Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

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