Suggested reading list – union conference 15 October 2016

9:30- 11am Meet the Modern Australian Working Class ∙ Kate Jeffreys, “The condition of the working class today” , 28 April 2014, ∙ Louise O’Shea, “Why bosses and their Liberal mates hate unions” Red Flag, 17 January 2016, ∙ Tom Bramble, ‘The working class and trade unions” in Introducing , Socialist Alternative ∙

Recapturing the ALP? Salutary lessons of the West Australian Maritime Union and Labor ∙ Tom Bramble and Rick Kuhn, Labor's Conflict: Big Business, Workers and the Politics of Class, Cambridge University Press, 2010

When Women workers revolt: The Historic 1986 Nurses Strike ∙ Liz Ross, “Dedication doesn’t pay the rent: The 1986 Victorian nurses’ strike”,

11:30am- 12:30pm Know Thy enemy: The Australian Capitalist Class ∙ Sam Pietsch, “To have and to hold on to: wealth, power and the capitalism class”, Class and Struggle in , ed Rick Kuhn, Pearson Education, 2005 ∙ Ben Hillier, “Who Rules Australia?” Red Flag 17 June 2016,

Party, class and the unions – the US Socialist Workers Party in the 1930s ∙ Sharon Smith Subterranean Fire: A History of Working Class Radicalism in the United States, esp chapter four (The Depression Decade) ∙ Farrell Dobbs, Teamster power, Pathfinder Press, 1973 ∙ Farrell Dobbs, Teamster politics, Pathfinder Press, 1977

3:00-4:15pm Migrant Workers Fight Back: Ford Broad Meadows 1973 ∙ Constance Lever-Tracy & Michael Quinlan, A divided working class, pp237-305 ∙ “Learn from the Ford Strike” Pamphlet published by the Communist Party (M-L),

“The robots are coming”: automation and the working class ∙ Joe Allen, The Package King: a rank and file history of United Parcel Service. 2015. ∙ Kevin Doogan New capitalism? The transformation of work. 2009 Polity Press ∙ Ursula Huw, Labor in the global digital economy. The cybertariat comes of age. 2014 Monthly Review Press ∙ Paul Mason Postcapitalism, 2015 Allen and Unwin. Also a summary by Mason at: ∙ Michael Roberts – A three-part series on Artificial Intelligence and Robots. (There are a number of useful articles linked by Roberts in these posts). First part available here: also:

Radical Organising: Syndicalism Vs Revolutionary ∙ Ralph Darlington, Radical Unionism: The rise and fall of revolutionary syndicalism, Haymarket Books 2013 Reviews of Darlington: and and ∙ Doug Greene, “How anarchists, syndicalists, socialists and IWW militants were drawn to Bolshevism: four case studies”, Links,

4:45-6:00 White collar militants, 1970s to today ∙ Diane Fieldes, “Equal Pay: The Insurance Industry Struggle, 1973-75” in Rebel Women in Australian Working Class History, ∙ Eve Anderson, Gerard Griffin and Julian Teicher, The Changing Roles of Public Sector Unionism, working paper, National Key Centre in Monash University, 2002 ∙ Lisa Moon, “Boss tries cutting wages from $26 to $14 an hour”, Red Flag 1 August 2016,

Construction: the big disputes ∙ Pat Alves, “Deconstructing construction – A Marxist analysis of the modern Australian building industry”, Socialist Alternative Union Conference 2015, ∙ Humphrey McQueen, We Built This Country, Builders Labourers and their Unions, 1787 to the Future, Ginninderra Press

Scorched Earth: the Country Fire Authority vs the United Firefighters Union ∙ Coverage in Red Flag available online (

All books available at the SA centre, at university libraries and for purchase online.